Page created by Darrell Perez
                           TO SECONDARY

                           COURSE GUIDE 2021/2022

Overview Of VETDSS                  3    Early Childhood Education & Care      17    Outdoor Recreation                        28
VETDSS Fees 2022                    6    Electrotechnology Studies             18    Plumbing                                  29
Allied Health Assistance            7    Engineering Studies                   19    Retail Cosmetics                          30
Animal Studies                      8    Equine Studies                        20    Salon Assistant                           31
Applied Fashion Design & Technology 10   Furniture Making Pathways             21    Screen & Media                            32
Automotive Vocational Preparation   11   Information, Digital Media & Technology22   Sport & Recreation33
Beauty Services                     12   Interior Decoration Retail Services   23    Student Life Support Services             34
Building & Construction             13   Laboratory Skills                     24    Join the conversation                     36
Community Services                  14   Make-up                               25
Design Fundamentals                 15   Music Industry                        26

                                                                                         Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /2
Overview of VETDSS
VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) has become an increasingly
important component of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). Offering students nationally
recognised qualifications that contribute to the VCE or VCAL. These programs
are industry relevant, practical and delivered by trainers who are recognised
as experts in their field.

Offering students pathways to further study         School-based apprenticeship and
and employment outcomes, VETDSS is designed         traineeship (SBAT)
to provide modern and responsive programs           VCE or VCAL students are also able to select
delivered within a supportive environment.          a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship
In partnership with over 200 secondary schools,     (SBAT). These qualifications combine regular
Box Hill Institute is proud to offer the broad      school attendance with at least one timetabled
selection of courses contained within this guide.   day per week spent on the job or in training.
                                                    Not only does this provide practical experience
Program Options                                     in the workplace supported by structured
VETDSS can be used in many ways to suit the         training, but also provides a wage while still
needs of secondary students.                        at school.

VCE VET programs                                    Block credit recognition
Qualifications approved by the Victorian            Students who undertake Vocational Education
Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)          and Training (VET) or further education
are designated as VCE VET programs and are          qualifications not included in approved VCE
integrated into both VCE and VCAL curriculums       VET programs or school-based apprenticeships
so that upon completion of Year 12 a student        and traineeships may be eligible for credit
will receive a VET qualification and their Senior   towards their VCE or VCAL through block
Secondary certificate.                              credit recognition. Credit may be available
Some VCE VET programs offer scored assessment       for full or partial completion of a nationally
and most provide structured workplace learning      recognised qualification.
and recognition. This is clearly stated on each
program page.

                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /3
Overview of VETDSS
How to Apply                                              Intake
School representatives must complete the initial          All courses commence on the week beginning
application for all students. Further details regarding   Monday January 31, 2022
applications for 2022 will be provided to schools.        › Standard delivery – Wednesday mornings or
Please note: students wishing to apply for the              afternoons over two years
second year of their course, must have successfully       › Alternative – select programs can be completed
completed their first year. If you need any                 in one year on alternative timetables.
assistance please email or          VETDSS Portal
for further information call 1300 269 445.                Box Hill Institute VETDSS Portal is an online
                                                          student management system, allowing secondary
                                                          schools to access live student information
An invoice(s) for 2022 will be sent to the student’s
                                                          including attendance reporting, mid–year and end
named secondary school to cover all program
                                                          of year student progress reports, and up to date
associated costs, including tuition and materials.
                                                          commentary from teaching staff.
Subject to Change 2022
Please refer to for current course
                                                          Issuance of Vocational Qualification
information. Students and schools will be notified        Certificate
of any training package updates that occur in             Students undertaking these courses will be
2022 as soon as they are made available. Proposed         enrolled at Box Hill Institute (BHI) RTO: 4687.
course/s and delivery location/s are subject to           Upon completion you will receive a certificate
minimum student numbers and may change.                   and/or statement of results/attainment for partial
                                                          completion programs from Box Hill Institute.
Course Exit
Students have up to four weeks from the                   Educational support
commencement date of the program to withdraw.             Under section 32 of the Disability Discrimination
In 2022 this will be week ending Friday March 4,          Act 1992 (Cth), education providers must comply
2022. Students who withdraw after January 1, 2022         with the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
and prior to the cutoff date of March 4, 2022 will be     The Disability Standards for Education 2005 set
charged a $50.00 administrative fee. Students who         standards for education and training providers,
are withdrawn prior to March 4, 2022 will not incur       Victorian government schools. To comply with
tuition and materials fees. Students who withdraw         the Standards education providers must make
after March 4, 2022 will be charged full tuition          ‘reasonable adjustments’ to accommodate a student
and materials fees. All fees are invoiced to the          with a disability. RTOs must comply with the
secondary school. Withdrawals must be advised in          Disability Standards for Education 2005.
writing via email to

                                                                               Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /4
Overview of VETDSS
                                                School Based Apprenticeships                          Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
                                                and Traineeships                                      Structured workplace learning is on the job training
                                                School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships         during which a student is expected to master a
                                                (SBATs) are available and enable students to          set of skills or competencies, related to a course
                                                combine a senior secondary school certificate         accredited by the Victorian Registration and
                                                with part time employment and training.               Qualifications Authority (VRQA).
                                                For further information and program options,          These courses are VET programs undertaken by VCE
                                                please contact the Schools Relationship Unit          or VCAL students. The VCAA has determined that
                                                at                             structured workplace learning is an appropriate and
                                                                                                      valuable component of all VET undertaken by VCE
                                                Skills and Jobs Centres
                                                                                                      and VCAL students. Structured workplace learning
                                                Skills and Jobs Centres are the first port-of- call
                                                                                                      complements the training undertaken at school or
                                                for students looking to start training, and offer
                                                                                                      at an RTO and should be spread across the duration
                                                a range of support services for individuals
                                                                                                      of the training program.
                                                and businesses.
                                                                                                      It provides the context for enhanced skill
                                                Skills and Jobs Centres offer advice and a range
                                                                                                      development, practical application of industry
                                                of services including:
                                                                                                      knowledge, assessment of units of competence/
                                                › apprenticeship and traineeship advice               modules, as determined by the RTO and increased
                                                › referral to additional service providers offering   employment opportunities.
                                                  welfare support and financial advice
                                                                                                      Public portal for parent/guardian and students
                                                › job search skills and resume preparation
                                                  assistance                                          for potential placements www.workplacements.
                                                › assistance to identify existing skills with
                                                  the opportunity to formalise these through
                                                  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
                                                › access to information on employment trends,
                                                  industry areas with skills shortages and
                                                  employment opportunities
                                                › assistance with career and training plans,
                                                  identifying training qualifications that could
                                                  be undertaken to make a successful career
For the most up–to–date information visit our
website or call 1300 BOX HILL
To make a VETDSS application

                                                                                                                           Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /5
VETDSS Fees 2022
Box Hill Institute Cost Schedule

SERVICE       DESCRIPTION                                                       COST
Full          Students attending Box Hill Institute for delivery of course      Refer to fees listed with each
Delivery      hours/units/modules or workshops. Schools will be invoiced        individual course.
              annually for the total charge regardless of the timing of the     Tuition and Materials fees
              delivery hours.                                                   will be charged directly to the
              Materials, including required tools of trade, books and cost of   school by invoice.
              licensed qualifications (e.g. Construction Induction Training -
              White Card).
External      Box Hill Institute’s Victorian Institute of Teaching registered   Refer to fees listed with each
Delivery      and qualified staff deliver externally at secondary schools.      individual course.
              Schools will be invoiced annually for the total charge            Tuition and Materials fees
              regardless of the timing of the delivery hours.                   will be charged directly to the
              Materials, including required tools of trade, books and cost of   school by invoice.
              licensed qualifications (e.g. Construction Induction Training -
              White Card).
Auspicing/ Secondary school delivers and assesses the whole program.            $3000 per program per year of
Total School All schools will need to provide evidence of compliance with       delivery (e.g. year 1 and year 2)
Delivery     Standards for RTOs 2015 for a program to be fully or partially     per annum.
             auspiced by Box Hill Institute.                                    Plus $100 Administrative/
             A once–off set up fee of $1000.00 per program will be charged      Certification fee per student
             for new auspicing arrangements with new schools.
             Learning and assessment resources can also be supplied for
             auspiced programs, additional charges apply, approx $10 per
             unit, per student.

                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /6
ALLIED HEALTH ASSISTANCE                                                                                                       PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                               YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                Code            Title
                                                                                                                                CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or
                                                                                                                                          community services
                                                                                                                                HLTINF001       Comply with infection prevention
                                                                                                                                                and control policies and procedures

CERTIFICATE III IN ALLIED HEALTH ASSISTANCE^                 Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                   HLTWHS001       Participate in workplace health and
(HLT33015)                                                                                                                                      safety
                                                             On successful completion of this program, you will be
                                                             eligible for:                                                      BSBWOR301       Organise personal work priorities
Location Box Hill                                            › recognition of one unit at Units 1 and 2 level, and                              and development
Course Length Part time: 2 years                               a minimum of three units at Units 3 and 4 level.                 CHCCCS002       Assist with movement
Class Days and Times Wednesday 9:00am-12:30pm                › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence may be
                                                               eligible for an increment towards their ATAR (10% of the         CHCCCS010       Maintain a high standard of service
Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm
                                                               fourth study score in the primary four scaled studies).          CHCCCS020       Respond effectively to behaviours of
                                                             › ATAR: Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution                           concern
What Does This Course Involve?                                 for the Units 3 and 4 sequence of VCE VET Health
                                                               must undertake scored assessment for the purpose of              YEAR 2
This course will teach you the skills and knowledge            achieving a study score. This study score can contribute         Code            Title
required to provide assistance to health professionals         directly to the ATAR, either as one of the student’s best
involved in the care of clients and involves direct client     four studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or sixth study.    BSBMED301       Interpret and apply medical
contact under supervision. Within this program you will                                                                                         terminology appropriately
                                                             › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary
also develop a range of factual, technical and procedural
                                                               Admissions Centre (VTAC).                                        HLTAAP001       Recognise healthy body systems
knowledge relating to infection prevention and control,
workplace health and safety, client movement, cultural       › Further information can be found on the VTAC website
                                                                                                                                CHCCCS026       Transport individuals
diversity, workplace organisation and communication.
                                                             Structured Workplace Learning                                      CHCPRP005       Engage with health professionals
Entry Requirements                                           The VCAA mandates a minimum of 80 hours of structured                              and the health system
                                                             workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of
This program can only be completed as part of your VCE or
                                                             the program.
VCAL program in Year 11 and 12.                                                                                                ^Partial completion

                                                             Tuition and Materials                                             Internal code: HC340
Study Pathways
                                                             All fees will be made available in the second release of this
You may wish to apply for entry into other health programs
                                                             guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
such as the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
(HLT43015) or Diploma of Nursing (HLT54115).
                                                             Uniform Requirements
Career Outcomes                                              You will receive a Box Hill Institute polo which is to be worn
                                                             during practical sessions and your structured workplace
After successful completion you may wish to apply for
                                                             learning requirements.
a range of employment opportunities including:
›   patient care assistant
›   patient services assistant
›   ward assistant
›   allied health assistant

                                                                                                                                       Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /7
ANIMAL STUDIES                                                                                                                   PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                 YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                  Code              Title
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS201         Work in the animal care industry
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS202         Participate in workplace
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS203         Complete animal care hygiene
CERTIFICATE II IN ANIMAL STUDIES (ACM20117)                    Study Pathways                                                                       routines
                                                               You may wish to apply for entry into courses such as:              ACMGAS204         Feed and water animals
Location City, Box Hill, Lilydale, School                      › Certificate III in Animals Studies (ACM30117)                    ACMGAS205         Assist in health care of animals
Course Length Part time: 2 years                               › Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (ACM40418)
                                                               › Diploma of Animal Technology (ACM50119)                          ACMWHS201 Participate in workplace health and
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm – Box Hill,                                                                                    safety processes
City^ or Lilydale, Mt Eliza SC*
                                                               Career Outcomes                                                    ACMSUS201         Participate in environmentally
                                                               This course may provide you with entry level employment                              sustainable work practices
What Does This Course Involve?                                 in animal rescue centres, pet retail shops, welfare
                                                               organisations and veterinary clinics, etc.                         YEAR 2
This program provides you with the basic skills and
                                                                                                                                  Code              Title
knowledge in order to become an animal carer. You will         Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR
learn how to care for a variety of animals and provide                                                                            ACMSPE310         Provide basic care of mammals
                                                               On successful completion you will be eligible for:
information on companion animals, products and services.
                                                               › recognition of up to two units at Units 1 and 2 level and a      ACMGAS209         Provide information on companion
You will gain the practical skills and basic knowledge you                                                                                          animals, products and services
                                                                 Units 3 and 4 sequence.
need for entry-level work in the animal care industry. You
will learn how to assist with general animal care, provide     › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for                ACMGAS206         Provide basic first aid for animals
food and water for animals and follow occupational health        Certificate II in Animal Studies (ACM20117) will be
                                                                 eligible for an increment towards their ATAR. (10% of the        ACMGAS208         Source information for animal care
and safety procedures in the workplace.                                                                                                             needs
                                                                 lowest study score of the primary four).
You will undertake work in our animal facility throughout
                                                               › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary               ACMGAS302         Provide enrichment for animals
the year giving you the opportunity to work with mice, rats,
                                                                 Admissions Centre (VTAC).
guinea pigs, rabbits, fish and reptiles. You will also have
dogs and cats regularly attend class for practical training.   › Further information on the ATAR can be found on the
                                                                                                                                 * Please confirm days and hours with Mt Eliza SC.
                                                                 VTAC website
Entry Requirements                                                                                                               ^ City campus students will be required to attend Box Hill
                                                               Structured Workplace Learning                                      campus 6 times over the year to complete practical classes.
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary
                                                               The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured               All students will attend 2 full day practical sessions off site.
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12. A tetanus vaccination
                                                               workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of
is required for entry into the course. This course involves                                                                      Internal code: AS200
                                                               the program.
both practical and written assessments and students will
be required to complete work at home between classes.
                                                               Tuition and Materials
Students must have the physical ability to be able to safely
handle small and larger animals, clean animal enclosures       All fees will be made available in the second release of this
and prepare food. A suitable laptop or tablet device is        guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
required as many written assessments will be completed
in class.                                                      Uniform Requirements
                                                               Closed toe shoes must be worn when working with animals.

                                                                                                                                         Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /8
ANIMAL STUDIES                                                                                                                   PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                 Code               Title
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS201         Work in the animal care industry
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS202         Participate in workplace
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS203         Complete animal care hygiene
CERTIFICATE II IN ANIMAL STUDIES^ (ACM20117)                   Study Pathways                                                                       routines
                                                               You may wish to apply for entry into courses such as:              ACMGAS204         Feed and water animals
Location Box Hill                                              › Certificate III in Animals Studies (ACM30117)                    ACMGAS205         Assist in health care of animals
Course Length Part time: ^1 year program                       › Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (ACM40418)
                                                               › Diploma of Animal Technology (ACM50119)                          ACMWHS201 Participate in workplace health and
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-7:30pm –                                                                                              safety processes
Box Hill only
                                                               Career Outcomes                                                    ACMSUS201         Participate in environmentally
                                                               This course may provide you with entry level employment                              sustainable work practices
What Does This Course Involve?                                 in animal rescue centres, pet retail shops, welfare
                                                               organisations and veterinary clinics, etc.                         ACMSPE310         Provide basic care of mammals
This program provides you with the basic skills and
                                                                                                                                  ACMGAS209         Provide information on companion
knowledge in order to become an animal carer. You will         Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                                     animals, products and services
learn how to care for a variety of animals and provide
                                                               (1-4 unit sequence)
information on companion animals, products and services.                                                                          ACMGAS206         Provide basic first aid for animals
                                                               On successful completion of this program, you will be
You will gain the practical skills and basic knowledge you                                                                        ACMGAS208         Source information for animal care
                                                               eligible for:
need for entry–level work in the animal care industry. You                                                                                          needs
will learn how to assist with general animal care, provide     › recognition of up to two units at Units 1 and 2 level and
food and water for animals and follow occupational health        a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                        ACMGAS302         Provide enrichment for animals
and safety procedures in the workplace.                        › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for the
                                                                 Certificate II in Animal Studies (ACM20117) will be
You will undertake work in our animal facility throughout                                                                        All students will attend 2 full day practical sessions off site
                                                                 eligible for an increment towards their ATAR. (10% of the
the year giving you the opportunity to work with mice, rats,
                                                                 lowest study score of the primary four).                        Internal code: AS201
guinea pigs, rabbits, fish and reptiles. You will also have
dogs and cats regularly attend class for practical training.   › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary
                                                                 Admissions Centre (VTAC).
Entry Requirements                                             › Further information on the ATAR can be found on the
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary      VTAC website
school studies in year 11 or 12. A tetanus vaccination is
                                                               Structured Workplace Learning
required for entry into the course. This course involves
both practical and written assessments and students will       The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured
be required to complete work at home between classes.          workplace learning placement over the duration of the program.
Students must have the physical ability to be able to safely
handle small and larger animals, clean animal enclosures       Tuition and Materials
and prepare food. A suitable laptop or tablet device is        All fees will be made available in the second release of this
required as many written assessments will be completed         guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
in class.
                                                               Uniform Requirements
                                                               Closed toe shoes must be worn when working with animals.
                                                                                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /9
APPLIED FASHION DESIGN                                                                                                           PROGRAM OUTLINE

AND TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                                   YEAR 1

—                                                                                                                                Code            Title
                                                                                                                                 MSMWHS200 Work safely
                                                                                                                                 MSS402051        Apply quality standards
                                                                                                                                 MSTCL1001        Produce a simple garment
                                                                                                                                 MSTCL2011        Draw and interpret a basic sketch
CERTIFICATE II IN APPLIED FASHION DESIGN                       Career Outcomes
AND TECHNOLOGY (MST20616)                                      On satisfactory completion of this qualification you can          MSTCL2010        Modify patterns to create basic
                                                               pathway into an undergraduate course in fashion design or                          styles
Location Box Hill Nelson campus, City                          merchandising which can lead to a variety of career paths         MSTFD2006        Use a sewing machine for fashion
                                                               in the fashion industry including fashion designer, design                         design
Course Length Part time: 2 years
                                                               assistant, pattern maker, production assistant stylist or
Class Days and Times                                           fashion buyer.                                                    MSTCL2019        Sew components, complex tasks
Wednesday 1:30pm-6:00pm Box Hill Nelson campus
                                                                                                                                 MSTFD2005        Identify design process for fashion
Wednesday 1:00pm-5:30pm City campus                            Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                                   designs
                                                               On successful completion of this program, you will be
                                                               eligible for:                                                     YEAR 2
What Does This Course Involve?                                 › recognition of four units at Units 1 and 2 level, and a         Code            Title
This course focuses on foundation skills in the fashion          Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                         MSMENV272        Participate in environmentally
design process and is highly suitable for those who have a     › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for VCE                            sustainable work practices
creative flair and interested in fashion.                        VET Applied Fashion Design and Technology will be
The course will help you make informed decisions for             eligible for an increment towards their ATAR (10% of the        MSTFD2001        Design and produce a simple
a career path in the fashion industry. The subjects will         lowest study score of the primary four)                                          garment
include design, pattern making, garment construction,          › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary              MSTGN2020        Perform test or inspection to check
fashion illustration and textiles. Over the two year course      Admissions Centre (VTAC).                                                        product quality
you will produce a design folio and several garments of your   › Further information can be found on the VTAC website
choice using industry standard equipment in our creative                                                                         MSTGN2014        Operate computing technology in a
                                                               › The VCE VET Applied Fashion Design and Technology                                TCF workplace
design hub.                                                      program does not offer scored assessment.
                                                                                                                                 MSTGN2013        Identify fibres, fabrics and textiles
Entry Requirements                                             Structured Workplace Learning                                                      used in the TCF industry
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary    The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.                         workplace learning placement over the duration of the program.
                                                                                                                                 Internal code: MT266
Study Pathways                                                 Tuition and Materials
You may wish to apply for the Certificate IV in Design         All fees will be made available in the second release of this
(CUA40715), Diploma of Visual Merchandising (SIR50217),        guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
Diploma of Social Media Marketing (10904NAT),
Bachelor of Fashion (BAF02) and Bachelor of Fashion            Uniform Requirements
Merchandising (BFM01).
                                                               There is no specific uniform requirement. It is expected
                                                               you wear comfortable and suitable clothing for classes and
                                                               comfortable closed shoes for all practical activities.

                                                                                                                                      Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /10
AUTOMOTIVE                                                                                                                        PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                  YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                   Code             Title
                                                                                                                                   AURETR015         Inspect, test and service batteries
                                                                                                                                   AURASA002        Follow safe working practices in an
                                                                                                                                                    automotive workplace
                                                                                                                                   AURTTK002        Use and maintain tools and
CERTIFICATE II IN AUTOMOTIVE VOCATIONAL                         Career Outcomes                                                                     equipment in an automotive
PREPARATION* (AUR20716)                                         This course will give you employment opportunities to start
                                                                your career as an automotive apprentice.                           AURETR003        Identify automotive electrical
                                                                This qualification may also give you the skills to enter the                        systems and components
Location Box Hill, Lilydale (Year 1 only at the Lilydale
campus in 2022)                                                 workforce in the bicycle, marine, motorcycle, heavy vehicle        AURLTA001        Identify automotive mechanical
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                and outdoor power equipment areas.                                                  systems and components
Class Days and Times                                            Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                   AURAFA004        Resolve routine problems in an
Wednesday 8:30am-12:30pm – Year 1 only                                                                                                              automotive workplace
Wednesday 1:30pm-5:30pm                                         On successful completion of this program, you will be
                                                                eligible for:                                                      AURTTA027        Carry out basic vehicle servicing
                                                                › recognition of two units at Units 1 and 2, and a Units 3                          operations

What Does This Course Involve?                                    and 4 sequence                                                   AURAEA002        Follow environmental and
                                                                › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for                                 sustainability best practice in an
The VCE VET Automotive program is the industry endorsed                                                                                             automotive workplace
                                                                  AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational
program for secondary school students aiming to enter
                                                                  Preparation will be eligible for an increment towards their
a career in the automotive industry. This training covers
                                                                  ATAR (10% of the lowest study score of the primary four)         YEAR 2
the skills and knowledge required to perform minor
                                                                › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary               Code             Title
maintenance and repair of an automotive vehicle.
                                                                  Admissions Centre (VTAC)                                         AURAFA003        Communicate effectively in an
Topics covered will include the use of workplace tools
                                                                › Further information can be found on the VTAC website                              automotive workplace
and equipment, servicing and inspection of engines,
transmissions, cooling, fuel, steering, suspension and          › The VCE VET Automotive program does not offer scored
                                                                  assessment                                                       AURETK003        Operate electrical test equipment
braking systems, identifying automotive faults, effective
workplace communication and customer relation skills.                                                                              AURETR006        Solder electrical wiring and circuits
                                                                Structured Workplace Learning
                                                                The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured                AURETR048        Construct and test basic electronic
Entry Requirements                                                                                                                                  circuits
                                                                workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary
                                                                the program.                                                       AURTTE007        Dismantle and assemble single
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.
                                                                                                                                                    cylinder four-stroke petrol engines
                                                                Tuition and Materials
Study Pathways                                                                                                                     AURTTE008        Dismantle and assemble multi-
                                                                All fees will be made available in the second release of this                       cylinder four-stroke petrol engines
After successful completion, you may wish to continue
                                                                guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
your studies in an apprenticeship in Certificate III in Light
Vehicle Mechanical Technology (AUR30616).
                                                                Uniform Requirements                                              * Please refer to page 4 regarding training package updates

                                                                Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is required. Students         Internal code: NAU42
                                                                will be advised of the details of PPE requirements in a
                                                                welcome letter.

                                                                                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /11
BEAUTY SERVICES                                                                                                                    PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                  YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                   Code              Title
                                                                                                                                    SHBXWHS001       Apply safe hygiene, health and
                                                                                                                                                     work practices
                                                                                                                                    SHBBMUP002       Design and apply make-up
                                                                                                                                    SHBBMUP003       Design and apply make-up for
CERTIFICATE III IN BEAUTY SERVICES (SHB30115)                    Career Outcomes                                                                     photography
                                                                 This course may lead to work in beauty salons and                  SHBBNLS001       Provide manicure and pedicare
Location Box Hill, Lilydale                                      hairdressing salons that provide beauty services.                                   services
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                                                                                    SHBXCCS002       Provide salon services to clients
                                                                 Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR
Class Days and Times
                                                                 On successful completion of this program, you will be              SHBBBOS001       Apply cosmetic tanning products
Wednesday 8:30am-1:00pm
                                                                 eligible for:
Wednesday 1:30pm-6:00pm                                                                                                             SHBBNLS004       Apply nail art
                                                                 › recognition of up to four units at Units 1 and 2 level and
                                                                   a Units 3 and 4 sequence                                         SHBBMUP004       Design and apply remedial
                                                                                                                                                     camouflage make-up
What Does This Course Involve?                                   › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for
                                                                   Certificate III in Beauty Services (SHB30115) or                YEAR 2
If you’re interested in a career in beauty, this VCE VET
                                                                   Certificate III in Make–Up (SHB30215) from the VCE
beauty program is designed to give you the skills and                                                                              Code              Title
                                                                   VET Hair and Beauty program will be eligible for an
knowledge required as a beautician to provide a range of
                                                                   increment towards their ATAR (10% of the lowest study            SHBXCCS001       Conduct salon financial
beauty services including nail, waxing, lash and brow and
                                                                   score of the primary four).                                                       transactions
basic make–up services.
                                                                 › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary
You will develop beauty techniques such as waxing,                                                                                  SHBBFAS001       Provide lash and brow services
                                                                   Admissions Centre (VTAC).
manicure and pedicures, make-up application, cosmetic                                                                               SHBBRES001       Research and apply beauty
                                                                 › Further information on the ATAR can be found on the
tanning, lash and brow services.                                                                                                                     industry information
                                                                   VTAC website
You will also learn the communication and retail techniques      › The VCE VET Hair and Beauty program does not offer
necessary for a career in beauty, all while putting your                                                                            SHBXIND001       Comply with organisational
                                                                   scored assessment.                                                                requirements within a personal
practical skills to work in a real simulated work environment.
                                                                                                                                                     services environment
After successful completion you will possess a range of          Structured Workplace Learning
well-developed technical and customer service skills where       The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured                SHBBCCS001       Advise on beauty products and
discretion and judgement is required. This includes client       workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of                             services
consultation on beauty products and services.                    the program.                                                       SHBBHRS001       Provide waxing services
Entry Requirements                                               Tuition and Materials                                              SHBBMUP001       Apply eyelash extensions
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary      All fees will be made available in the second release of this
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.                           guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.   Internal code: SHB20

Study Pathways                                                   Uniform Requirements
On successful completion of this course, you may be given        You will be required to wear a black Box Hill Institute t-shirt
credits when applying for the Certificate IV in Beauty           to all classes, along with black pants and black closed toe
Therapy (SHB40115) or the Diploma of Beauty Therapy              rubber soled shoes.
(SHB50115) that specialises in spa treatment.

                                                                                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /12
BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                         PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                 YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                  Code              Title
                                                                                                                                  CPCCWHS1001       Prepare to work safely in the
                                                                                                                                                    construction industry
                                                                                                                                  CPCCCM1014A       Conduct workplace communication
                                                                                                                                  CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies
                                                                                                                                               and procedures in the construction
CERTIFICATE II IN BUILDING AND                                  Study Pathways                                                                 industry
CONSTRUCTION PRE-APPRENTICESHIP                                 Successful completion will enable you to progress to an           CPCCCM2006        Apply basic levelling procedures
(SPECIALISING IN CARPENTRY) (22338VIC)                          apprenticeship Certificate III in Carpentry (CPC30211) or
                                                                Certificate IV in Building and Construction (CPC40110)            VU22022           Identify and handle carpentry tools
                                                                (Building).                                                                         and equipment
Location Box Hill, Lilydale                                                                                                       VU22023           Perform basic setting out
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                Career Outcomes
                                                                                                                                  VU22024           Construct basic sub floor
Class Days and Times                                            This certificate provides an understanding of the building
Wednesday 8:00am-1:00pm                                         and construction industry, and provides the necessary             VU22029           Install interior fixings
Wednesday 1:30pm-6:30pm                                         skills and knowledge to seek employment as an apprentice          VU22031           Construct basic formwork for
                                                                carpenter, or work within similar roles in the building and                         concreting
Year 1 students will be required to attend 5 full days during
                                                                construction industry.
the Term 2 and Term 3 school holidays.                                                                                            YEAR 2
Year 2 students will be required to attend 5 full days in       Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                  Code              Title
the last week of January and 5 full days in the Term 1          Students undertaking 22338VIC Certificate II in Building
school holidays.                                                                                                                  VU22015           Interpret and apply basic plans and
                                                                and Construction Pre-Apprenticeship in the VCE VET
Full day – Friday 9:00am-4:30pm (Box Hill – Year 1              Building and Construction program are eligible for up to six
students only)                                                  VCE VET units on their VCE or VCAL statement of results:          VU22028           Install basic window and door frames
Full day – Tuesday or Thursday 9:00am-4.30pm (Lilydale –        › four VCE VET Units at Units 1 and 2 level                       VU22014           Prepare for work in the building and
Year 1 students only)                                           › a VCE VET Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                                 construction industry
Students who undertake the full day delivery from 9:00am-
                                                                VCE VET credit will accrue in the following order: Units 1, 2,    CPCCCM1015A       Carry out measurements and
4:30pm are not required to attend during the school holidays.
                                                                3, 4, 1 and 2. These units of credit may be accumulated over                        calculations
                                                                more than one year.                                               VU22027           Install basic external cladding
What Does This Course Involve?                                  Structured Workplace Learning                                     CPCCCM1012A       Work effectively and sustainably in
This VCE VET program will prepare you for a career in the       The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured                                 the construction industry
building and construction industry. Topics include industry     workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of           VU22026           Construct a basic roof frame
and workplace safety, the use of hand and power carpentry       the program.
                                                                                                                                  HLTAID002         Provide basic emergency life support
tools, sub floor construction, wall and roof framing,
installation of window frames and doorframes, formwork          Tuition and Materials                                             VU22025           Construct basic wall frames
for concreting, workplace documents and plans.                  All fees will be made available in the second release of this     VU22030           Carry out basic demolition for timber
                                                                guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.                     structures
Entry Requirements
                                                                Uniform Requirements                                              VU22016           Erect and safely use working platforms
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.                          Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is required. Students         Internal code: BVS41
                                                                will be advised of the details of PPE requirements in a
                                                                welcome letter.
                                                                                                                                       Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /13
COMMUNITY SERVICES                                                                                                                 PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                  YEAR 2
                                                                                                                                   Code            Title
                                                                                                                                    CHCCCS016       Respond to client needs
                                                                                                                                    CHCCDE003      Work within a community
                                                                                                                                                   development framework
                                                                                                                                    CHCCDE004      Implement participation and
CERTIFICATE III IN COMMUNITY SERVICES –                          Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                                  engagement strategies
YEAR 2 ONLY (CHC32015) (PARTIAL COMPLETION)                      Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution for the           HLTWHS002      Follow safe work practices for direct
(INCORPORATING CERTIFICATE II IN COMMUNITY                       scored Units 3 and 4 sequence of VCE VET Community                                client care
SERVICES)                                                        Services must undertake scored assessment for the
                                                                 purpose of achieving a study score. This study score              Internal code: HCCS3
Location Box Hill                                                can contribute directly to the ATAR, either as one of the
                                                                 student’s best four studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or
Course Length Part time: 2 years
                                                                 sixth study.
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm                     Where a student elects not to receive a study score for this
                                                                 Units 3 and 4 sequence, no contribution to the ATAR will be
What Does This Course Involve?                                   This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills
This VCE VET Community Services program aims to provide          Strand of VCAL and may contribute to the Work Related
you with the knowledge and skills to achieve competencies        Skills Strand of VCAL.
that will enhance your employment prospects within a
broad range of Community Services related industries.            Structured Workplace Learning
                                                                 The VCAA strongly recommends a minimum of 60 hours of
Entry Requirements                                               placement per year for this VCE VET Community Services
Please Note: This course is only being offered to Year 2         program. Schools and providers should note that the new
students who have successfully completed Year 1 in 2021.         CHC training package mandates specified hours of work for
                                                                 some units of competency and qualifications. Placement
Study Pathways                                                   duration and/or conditions may be stipulated to gain
This is a partial completion program. Students must              competency for the unit or to complete the qualification.
complete the Certificate III in Community Services               Where placement is not undertaken, and is required as part
(CHC32015) if they wish to apply for entry into another          of the assessment requirements, competency cannot be
Community Services program such as Certificate IV in Youth       deemed. Where the training package requires placement,
Work (CHC40413) or Certificate IV in Disability (CHC43115).      this can be used to satisfy the VCAA SWL placement
                                                                 requirements for the program.
Career Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, you may apply        Tuition and Materials
for roles as a community services worker who provides the        All fees will be made available in the second release of this
first point of contact and assists individuals in meeting        guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
their immediate needs. At this level, work takes place under
direct, regular supervision within clearly defined guidelines.   Uniform Requirements
                                                                 There is no specific uniform requirement. It is expected you
                                                                 wear comfortable and suitable clothing for classes.

                                                                                                                                        Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /14
DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS                                                                                                              PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                 YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                  Code               Title
                                                                                                                                   BSBWHS201         Contribute to health and safety of
                                                                                                                                                     self and others
                                                                                                                                   BSBDES201         Follow a design process
                                                                                                                                   BSBDES301         Explore the use of colour
CERTIFICATE III IN DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS*                        Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                    BSBDES302         Explore and apply the creative
(CUA30715) (DESIGN FOCUS)                                      On successful completion of this program, you will be                                 design process to 2D forms
                                                               eligible for block credit. The following guidelines apply:
                                                                                                                                  CUAACD301          Produce drawings to communicate
Location Box Hill Nelson campus, Lilydale                      › Attainment of Units of competency/modules at AQF level                              ideas
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                 III or above provides credit at Units 3 and 4 level.
                                                               › 90 nominal hours of training is required for each VCE            YEAR 2
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm
                                                                 Unit.                                                            Code               Title
                                                               › The award of credit will take into account issues of
                                                                 duplication with other VCE studies or VCE VET programs            BSBDES303         Explore and apply the creative
What Does This Course Involve?                                   and other VET undertaken by the student.
                                                                                                                                                     design process to 3D forms
Build a strong foundation in design skills and get a head      › Where available, a Units 3 and 4 sequence will be                 BSBDES304         Source and apply design industry
start in your tertiary design studies with credit into your      awarded on satisfactory completion of 180 nominal                                   knowledge
Certificate IV pathway program.                                  hours at AQF level III, according to the guidelines above.
                                                                                                                                  CUADIG303          Produce and prepare photo images
This course covers the basics of design that can be applied    › VTAC may award VCE students who receive a Units 3 and
to any design area including graphic design, interior design     4 sequence through block credit recognition a fifth or           CUAPHI302          Capture photographic images
and visual merchandising.                                        sixth study increment (10% of the lowest study score of
                                                                                                                                  CUAPPR301          Produce creative work
                                                                 the primary four) towards their ATAR. This is subject to
Entry Requirements                                               VTAC rules regarding the calculation of the ATAR.                 ICPPRP221         Select and apply type
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary
                                                               Structured Workplace Learning                                       ICPPRP325         Create graphics using a graphics
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.
                                                               There is no requirement for structured workplace learning.
Study Pathways
After successful completion of this program, you may           Tuition and Materials                                             * Please refer to page 4 regarding training package updates
wish to continue your studies in Diploma of Graphic            All fees will be made available in the second release of this     Internal code: CA375
Design (CUA50715), Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design          guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
(CUA60315), Diploma of Photography and Photo Imaging
(CUA50915), Diploma of Interior Design (MSF50218) or           Uniform Requirements
Diploma of Visual Merchandising (SIR50217).                    There is no specific uniform requirement. It is expected you
                                                               wear comfortable and suitable clothing for classes.
Career Outcomes
This entry level qualification provides the skills and
knowledge to apply for employment as a junior at a graphic
design, marketing or media business.

                                                                                                                                       Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /15
DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS                                                                                                             PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                 Code               Title
                                                                                                                                  BSBWHS201         Contribute to health and safety of
                                                                                                                                                    self and others
                                                                                                                                 CUAACD301          Produce drawings to communicate

CERTIFICATE III IN DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS*                       Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                    BSBDES302         Explore and apply the creative
(CUA30715) (VISUAL ARTS FOCUS)                                                                                                                      design process to 2D forms
                                                              On successful completion of this program, you will be
                                                              eligible for block credit. The following guidelines apply:          BSBDES201         Follow a design process
Location City                                                 › Attainment of Units of competency/modules at AQF level            BSBDES301         Explore the use of colour
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                III or above provides credit at Units 3 and 4 level.
                                                              › 90 nominal hours of training is required for each VCE            YEAR 2
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm
                                                                Unit.                                                            Code               Title
                                                              › The award of credit will take into account issues of
                                                                duplication with other VCE studies or VCE VET programs            BSBDES303         Explore and apply the creative
What Does This Course Involve?                                  and other VET undertaken by the student.
                                                                                                                                                    design process to 3D forms
Build a strong foundation in design skills and get a head     › Where available, a Units 3 and 4 sequence will be                 BSBDES304         Source and apply design industry
start in your tertiary design studies with credit into your     awarded on satisfactory completion of 180 nominal                                   knowledge
Certificate IV pathway program.                                 hours at AQF level III, according to the guidelines above.
                                                                                                                                 CUADIG303          Produce and prepare photo images
This course has a visual arts focus and covers the basics     › VTAC may award VCE students who receive a Units 3 and
of design that can be applied to any design area including      4 sequence through block credit recognition a fifth or           CUAPHI302          Capture photographic images
graphic design, interior design and visual merchandising.       sixth study increment (10% of the lowest study score of
                                                                                                                                 CUAPPR301          Produce creative work
                                                                the primary four) towards their ATAR. This is subject to
Entry Requirements                                              VTAC rules regarding the calculation of the ATAR.                CUAIND304          Plan a career in the creative arts
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary                                                                                         industry
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.                        Structured Workplace Learning
                                                                                                                                 CUADIG305          Produce digital images
                                                              There is no requirement for structured workplace learning.
Study Pathways
After successful completion of this program, you may          Tuition and Materials                                             * Please refer to page 4 regarding training package updates
wish to continue your studies in Diploma of Graphic           All fees will be made available in the second release of this     Internal code: CA37V
Design (CUA50715), Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design         guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
(CUA60315), Diploma of Photography and Photo Imaging
(CUA50915), Diploma of Interior Design (MSF50218) or          Uniform Requirements
Diploma of Visual Merchandising (SIR50217).                   There is no specific uniform requirement. It is expected you
                                                              wear comfortable and suitable clothing for classes.
Career Outcomes
This entry level qualification provides the skills and
knowledge to apply for employment as a junior at a graphic
design, marketing or media business.

                                                                                                                                      Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /16
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE                                                                                                  PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                    YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                     Code               Title
                                                                                                                                      HLTWHS001         Participate in workplace health
                                                                                                                                                        and safety
                                                                                                                                     CHCECE002          Ensure the health and safety of

CERTIFICATE III IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION                      Career Outcomes                                                    CHCECE004          Promote and provide healthy food
                                                                                                                                                        and drinks
AND CARE* (CHC30113) (PARTIAL COMPLETION)                         To obtain employment opportunities as a Certificate III
                                                                  level educator you must be enrolled and working towards            CHCLEG001          Work legally and ethically
                                                                  completion of the Certificate III in Early Childhood
Location Box Hill, Lilydale                                                                                                           BSBWOR301         Organise personal work priorities
                                                                  Education and Care (CHC30113) qualification.
                                                                                                                                                        and development
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                  Work settings may include preschools/kindergartens, long
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm                      day care, out of hours school care, recreation and mobile          YEAR 2
                                                                  care services.                                                     Code               Title
                                                                  Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                   CHCECE009          Use an approved learning
What Does This Course Involve?                                                                                                                          framework to guide practice
This VCE VET program is ideal for people who want to make         On successful completion of this program, students will be
a difference in the lives of young children and families.         eligible for:                                                      CHCECE011          Provide experiences to support
During this partial completion program, you will learn from       › a statement of attainment towards completion of                                     children’s play and learning
experienced and supportive trainers and participate in industry     Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care            CHCECE013          Use information about children to
work placement. You will gain the skills and knowledge to:          (CHC30113).                                                                         inform practice
› maintain a safe, clean and appealing environment                › recognition of up to two units of credit at Units 1 and 2
                                                                    and two Unit 3 and 4 sequences.                                  CHCECE012          Support children to connect with
› promote healthy eating and ensure that food and drinks                                                                                                their world
  provided are nutritious, appropriate for each child and         › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence will be
  prepared in a safe and hygienic manner                            eligible for an increment towards their ATAR (10% of the
                                                                    average of the primary four scaled studies).                    * Please refer to page 4 regarding training package updates
› apply strategies to guide responsible behaviour of children
  and young people in a safe and supportive environment           › Further information on the ATAR can be found on the             Internal code: VEC3V
› provide children with opportunities to maximise their             VTAC website
  potential and develop a foundation for future success
                                                                  Structured Workplace Learning
Entry Requirements                                                The VCAA mandates a minimum of 120 hours (60 hours per
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary       year) of structured workplace learning (SWL) placement
school studies in year 11 and 12.                                 over the duration of the program.

Study Pathways                                                    Tuition and Materials
After completion of this program, you may wish to complete        All fees will be made available in the second release of this
the remaining units in the Certificate III in Early Childhood     guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
Education and Care (CHC30113) to complete your
qualification or apply for entry into the Diploma of Early        Uniform Requirements
Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113).                          You will receive a Box Hill Institute polo which is to be
                                                                  worn while completing your structured workplace learning
                                                                                                                                          Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /17
ELECTROTECHNOLOGY STUDIES                                                                                                           PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                   YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                    Code              Title
                                                                                                                                     CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the
                                                                                                                                                 construction industry
                                                                                                                                     HLTAID003        Provide first aid
                                                                                                                                     UEENEEE101A Apply occupational health and safety
                                                                                                                                                 regulations, codes and practices in
CERTIFICATE II IN ELECTROTECHNOLOGY                               Our aim for this course is to get you work ready. This is
                                                                                                                                                 the workplace
(PRE-VOCATIONAL) (22499VIC)                                       exactly how we will deliver this course, both with practical
                                                                  skills and theoretical knowledge.                                  UEENEEE102A      Fabricate, assemble and dismantle
                                                                                                                                                      utilities industry components
Location Box Hill, Lilydale                                       Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR
                                                                                                                                     UEENEEE103A      Solve problems in ELV single path circuits
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                  On successful completion of this program, you will be
                                                                  eligible for:                                                      UEENEEE105A      Fix and secure electrotechnology
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm                                                                                                          equipment
                                                                  › recognition of three units at Units 1 and 2 level and a
                                                                    Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                          VU22333          Perform intermediate engineering
                                                                  › Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence for VCE                             computations
What Does This Course Involve?
                                                                    VET Electrical Industry will be eligible for an increment
A state accredited curriculum that will offer you the                                                                               YEAR 2
                                                                    towards their ATAR (10% of the lowest study score of the
opportunity to develop your skills and knowledge across a           primary four).                                                  Code              Title
range of electrical sectors, including electrical, electronics,
                                                                  › The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary               VU21544          Install a sustainable extra low voltage
refrigeration and mechanical engineering.
                                                                    Admissions Centre (VTAC).                                                         energy power system
This hands on course will give you a broad Science,               › Further information on the ATAR can be found on the
Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) based                                                                                       VU22670          Provide an overview of the
                                                                    VTAC website                                                                      electrotechnology industry
understanding of the electrical industry, learning how to
                                                                  › The VCE VET Electrical Industry program does not offer
use tools, electrical wiring and equipment of the trade.                                                                             VU22671          Use test instruments in the
                                                                    scored assessment.
                                                                                                                                                      electrotechnology industry
Entry Requirements                                                Structured Workplace Learning                                      VU22672          Carry out basic electrotechnology
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary       The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured                                 project
school studies in Year 11 and 12.                                 workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of
                                                                                                                                     VU22673          Carry out basic network cabling for extra
                                                                  the program.
Study Pathways                                                                                                                                        low voltage (ELV) equipment and devices
On successful completion, you may wish to apply to a              Tuition and Materials                                              UEENEEP024A      Attach cords and plugs to electrical
Certificate III (apprenticeship) in your chosen field.            All fees will be made available in the second release of this                       equipment for connection to a single
This course will provide some credits toward the Certificate                                                                                          phase 230 volt supply
                                                                  guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
III in Electrotechnology Electrician (UEE30811).                                                                                     UEENEEP026A      Conduct in-service safety testing of
                                                                  Uniform Requirements                                                                electrical cord connected equipment
Career Outcomes                                                   Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is required. Students                           and cord assemblies
This course prepares you for employment as an apprentice          will be advised of the details of PPE requirements in a            UEENEEJ104A      Establish the basic operating conditions
electrician. Box Hill Institute has numerous affiliations         welcome letter.                                                                     of air conditioning systems
with industry. Part of our role is not only to educate
and train you but also to assist you finding employment                                                                             Internal code: ETE17
opportunities through real industry contacts.

                                                                                                                                         Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /18
ENGINEERING STUDIES                                                                                                               PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                 YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                  Code              Title
                                                                                                                                   MEM13014A        Apply principles of occupational
                                                                                                                                                    health and safety in the work
                                                                                                                                   VU22329          Report on a range of sectors in the
                                                                                                                                                    manufacturing, engineering and
CERTIFICATE II IN ENGINEERING STUDIES (22470VIC)                entry into the wider engineering industry. Specifically,                            related industries
                                                                after completing this course you may:
                                                                                                                                   VU22330          Select and interpret drawings and
                                                                › Undertake a work-based apprenticeship, traineeship                                prepare three dimensional (3D)
Location Box Hill                                                 or cadetship leading into a range of careers as a                                 sketches and drawings
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                  tradesperson
Class Days and Times Wednesday 1:30pm-5:30pm                    › Gain level entry employment in engineering or related            MEM18001C        Use hand tools
                                                                  industries                                                       MEM18002B        Use power tools/hand held
                                                                Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR
What Does This Course Involve?                                                                                                     VU22331          Perform basic machining processes
                                                                After successful completion of this program you will
This VCE VET engineering program will provide you with the
                                                                achieve the following:                                             VU22339          Create engineering drawings using
knowledge and tools to start a career in engineering.
                                                                › VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific                           computer aided systems
Known as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
                                                                  Skills Strand and may also contribute to the Work
Maths), this program will allow you to continue studies                                                                            VU22332          Apply basic fabrication techniques
                                                                  Related Skills Strand of VCAL
towards an engineering diploma, degree or even a
fabrication, automotive or manufacturing trade.                 › VCE: On completion you will be eligible for four units.         YEAR 2
                                                                  Two units at the Unit 1 and 2 level and two units at the
                                                                                                                                  Code              Title
Entry Requirements                                                3 and 4 level.
                                                                › ATAR: Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution           MEMPE006A        Undertake a basic engineering
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary                                                                                         project
                                                                  for the Units 3 and 4 sequence must undertake scored
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.
                                                                  assessment for the purposes of gaining a study score.            VU22333          Perform intermediate engineering
                                                                  This study score can contribute directly to the primary
Study Pathways                                                                                                                                      computations
                                                                  four or as a fifth or sixth study.
This course may be used as a pathway into a range of                                                                               VU22338          Configure and program a basic
qualifications in manufacturing or related industries.          Structured Workplace Learning                                                       robotic system
Examples include:                                               The VCAA strongly recommends 80 hours of structured                VU22340          Use 3D printing to create products
› Certificate III in Engineering Production System              workplace learning (SWL) placement over the duration of
  (MEM30119) - at another RTO                                   the program.
                                                                                                                                  Internal code: ENG50
› Certificate III in Engineering (MEM30219) Mechanical Trade
› Certificate III in Engineering (MEM30319) Fabrication Trade
                                                                Tuition and Materials
› Diploma of Engineering Advanced Trade (MEM50119) - at         All fees will be made available in the second release of this
  another RTO                                                   guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.

Career Outcomes                                                 Uniform Requirements
The aim of this course is to provide you with pre-              Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is required. Students
employment training and pathways in the engineering,            will be advised of the details of PPE requirements in a
manufacturing or related industries and accommodate             welcome letter.

                                                                                                                                       Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /19
EQUINE STUDIES                                                                                                                              PROGRAM OUTLINE

—                                                                                                                                            YEAR 1
                                                                                                                                             Code                Title
                                                                                                                                              ACMEQU202          Handle horses safely
                                                                                                                                              ACMEQU205          Apply knowledge of horse
                                                                                                                                              VU22681            Work effectively in an equine
CERTIFICATE III IN EQUINE STUDIES (22513VIC)                          Study Pathways                                                                             organisation
                                                                      After successful completion, you may wish to further your               VU22685            Identify equine anatomy
                                                                      studies in the equine industry.
Location Box Hill, City, Lilydale, Online                                                                                                     VU22687            Demonstrate basic horse riding or
Course Length Part time: 2 years                                      Career Outcomes                                                                            driving skills
Class Days and Times Monday 4:00pm-7.30pm (Online - Year 1            After successful completion, you may wish to apply for                  VU22688            Assist in the preparation of a horse
only)*, Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm (All campuses)*                       employment opportunities as an animal attendant, stable or                                 for an event
                                                                      stud hand, horse breeder, veterinary nurse or riding coach. Other
                                                                      possible industries are horse racing and retail.                        ACMEQU201          Work safely in industries with
What Does This Course Involve?
This VCE VET program is designed as an introduction to the
                                                                      Contribution to VCE, VCAL & ATAR                                       YEAR 2
equine industry. In the first year of the course you will learn the   On successful completion of this program, you will be eligible for:
                                                                                                                                             Code                Title
skills and knowledge to work safely with horses including basic       › Year 1 - recognition of up to four units at units 1 to 4 level
horse husbandry and care, understanding equine behaviour,               (non-scored)                                                          VU22682            Implement horse health and
daily work routines and equine anatomy.                               › Year 2 - recognition of unit 3 and 4 sequence                                            welfare practices
In the second year you will learn how to identify and monitor         › Year 2 - students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution             VU22683            Implement and monitor horse
the signs of common illness and injury in horses; understand            for the Units 3 and 4 sequence of the VCE VET Equine                                     feeding programs
basic horse physiology and the impact of illness and injury on          Studies must undertake scored assessment for the purpose
horses; identify conformation in horses and develop the ability         of achieving a study score. This study score can contribute           VU22684            Relate equine form to function
to use appropriate conformation terminology to describe the             directly to the ATAR, either as one of the student’s best four
relationship between conformation, movement and function;                                                                                     VU22686            Identify and describe equine
                                                                        studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or sixth study.
and gain understanding of how to implement feeding programs,                                                                                                     physiology
monitor the quality of feed, feed supplements and individual          Structured Workplace Learning
feeding habits of horses.                                             There is no requirement for structured workplace learning (SWL).      * You will be required to attend full day practical training
                                                                                                                                             sessions (6 days in Year 1 and 3 days in Year 2)
Entry Requirements                                                    Tuition and Materials                                                 Online students will be required to attend practical classes.
This course can only be completed as part of your secondary           All fees will be made available in the second release of this
school studies in years 10, 11 and 12.                                                                                                      Internal code: EQ300
                                                                      guide in July 2021. All fees are invoiced to secondary schools.
Students must weigh less than 95kg to undertake horse riding
practical activities due to availability of horses. Students must     Uniform Requirements
have the physical ability to be able to safely handle horses
                                                                      Students will be required to provide their own helmets, boots
and complete tasks such as mucking out stables, moving
                                                                      and riding pants for practical days.
equipment and tacking up horses. Ambulance cover and tetanus
vaccination is also required when working with horses. Students
must have basic horse riding and handling skills or be willing
to undertake further instruction at their own cost outside of
course time. A suitable laptop or tablet device is required as
many written assessments will be completed in class.
                                                                                                                                                  Box Hill Institute VETDSS Guide 2021/2022 /20
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