May/June 2022 - Independence, OH

Page created by Annette Campbell
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
May/June 2022
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
                                                           CIVIC CENTER PASS
Community Services Department   216-524-7373
Recreation Department           216-524-3262                  INFORMATION
Indy Fieldhouse                 216-524-0088
                                                   Family Pass                              $65
Outdoor Pool                    216-524-3711
                                                   Individual Pass*                         $30
                                                   Senior Pass                              $20
      EMAIL ADDRESSES &                            Disabled Pass                            $20
      WEBSITE DIRECTORY                            ID Photo                                 $5
                                                   Resident Day Pass                        $2
Email us at the following addresses        with
questions, comments, or inquiries.                 Guest 13 & Older                         $5
                                                   Guest 4-12                               $3
Community Services Department Email:
                                                   Children 3 & Under                       Free
                                                  *Resident children 26 & older must purchase
Recreation Department Email:                       an individual pass. Proof of residency is required.
Fieldhouse Email:
                                                  l   Must be a permanent resident of the City of                       Independence to purchase a Civic Center Pass.
                                                  l   Two proofs of residency are required - a current
City Website:
                                                      driver’s license and current pay stub or current utility
To view the Spotlight online, go to                   bill.
l “I Want To”
                                                  l   Civic Center pass is not proof of residency.
l “Read / Download / View”                        l   All Children Ages 9 & Under MUST be
l “City Publications”                                 accompanied by an Adult while in the Civic Center
                                                  l   Indoor Pool Swimmers are advised to reserve time &
                                                      lane in advance by calling Recreation Department at
                                                  l   Call 216-524-3262 for more information.

                                                         REGISTER AT:



  2                May/June 2022         A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
Hello Neighbors,

Let me begin by congratulating all the Independence students who will be
graduating from high school or college. Graduation marks the start of a new
chapter in people’s lives. Considering the past two years and the
unprecedented upheaval caused by the pandemic, your graduation is an
accomplishment that deserves special recognition.

Get ready for the City’s first Recycling Day (formerly known as Shred Day) on Saturday, May 7.
Residents will be able to drive up and drop off everything from furniture, electronics, aluminum cans,
old flags, and books, to eyeglasses, household hazardous waste, and more. You can find more
information on page 8.

I am pleased to announce that the City’s Memorial Day Services and Procession from Public Square to
Maple Shade Cemetery will be held on Monday, May 30. Drug Mart will again host a Hot Dog Cookout
to benefit the Independence High School Marching Band, which will be performing on-site.

Community Services is switching things up this summer. They are moving the Summer Concert Series
and the Farmer’s Market to Friday nights on Public Square. Check out the schedule on page 9.

I wish everyone a healthy and happy summer filled with sunny skies, reasons to celebrate, and peace.

Mayor Gregory Kurtz and the Civic Center Team

                        CIVIC CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION
   Days of the Week        Community Services               Recreation                Fieldhouse
 Monday-Thursday               7 AM - 9 PM                 6 AM - 9 PM           9 AM - NOON/6 - 8 PM
 Friday                        7 AM - 5 PM                 6 AM - 9 PM           9 AM - NOON/6 - 8 PM
 Saturday                  Private Rentals Only            8 AM - 4 PM              10 AM - 6 PM
 Sunday                    Private Rentals Only            9 AM - 3 PM              12 PM - 5 PM
 Memorial Day, May 30th          CLOSED                   11 AM - 3 PM                 CLOSED

                                     Table of Contents
        Adult Programs                     24-32         General Information               2-3
        Around Town                        39-45         Pool Programs                     36-38
        City Bus Trips                     12-17         Room Rentals                      46-47
        City Services                      4-5           Seasonal Events                   6-11
        Fitness Programs                   33-35         Youth Programs                    18-23

                           Register Online at                               3
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
FOOD DONATIONS                                                     SPA SERVICE TO THE
l   As a community, we collect non-perishable food
    items at all of the City’s special events
                                                                   RELAXATION PLACE
    throughout the year.
                                                            l   Service provided to residents who qualify for City
l   Food items are also accepted at the                         Transportation
    Civic Center year-round.
                                                            l   Last Thursday of Each Month
l   Donations help stock our local food pantry.
                                                            l   June 23rd
    Expired items are not accepted.
                                                            l   Pick up beginning at 9:30 AM
                                                            l   Timeframe at the Spa is 10 - 11 AM
                                                            l   Pay for services on your own
LOAN SERVICE                                                     FREE
l   Based on availability. Reserve TODAY!                             WELCOME WAGON
    Residential Only. Not available for Business Rentals.
                                                                       New Residents

l   FREE Delivery Service
l   Tables & Chairs are FREE - 10 tables, 60 chairs max.    We would like to welcome all new residents to
l   Tent Fees: 20x20 Tent - $150, 40x20 Tent - $250         the City of Independence with a bag of goodies.
l   Call Recreation Department at 216-524-3262              If you know of someone who has moved to
                                                            Independence in the last 6 months, please share
                                                            that information with us so we can officially
INDEPENDENCE BUILDING DEPT.                                 welcome them to town! (Entire household must be
l   FREE Garage Sale and Vehicle Sale Permits               new residents to qualify.)
l   Call the Building Department 216-524-1019
                                                                             New Babies
                                                            We also extend a friendly welcome to new stork
INDEPENDENCE POLICE DEPT.                                   arrivals! If you know a resident who had a baby
l   FREE Security checks
                                                            within the last 6 months, please let us know so
l   FREE Vacation Watch
                                                            that we can present the proud parents with our bag
l   Solicitation Permits
                                                            of baby goodies!
l   Fingerprinting - by appointment only
l   Call 216-524-1234 for more information                  If you are new to town, have just
l   Tip Line: 216-524-9699                                  welcomed a new baby, or you know someone
                                                            who has, please call the Community Services
                                                            Department at 216-524-7373 to sign up for the
INDEPENDENCE FIRE DEPT.                                     program by phone or request a program form
l   FREE Home Safety Evaluation                             by emailing
l   FREE Blood Pressure Checks
l   FREE Smoke Detector Program                                    MONTHLY BLOOD
    FREE Fire Prevention Education and Tours
                                                                 PRESSURE SCREENING

l   FREE “Emergency Beacon” Light Bulb Program
l   FREE Fire Extinguisher Classes for Groups                                       Atrium
l   FREE Fire Drill & Escape Plan Development               l   Fridays
l   CPR/First Aid & AED Classes                             l   May 13th & 27th
l   Lifeline Partnership Program                            l   June 10th & 24th
l   Residential Lock Box Program                            l   10:30 AM – NOON
l   Citizen Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.)              l   Administered by: University Hospitals or
l   Call the Fire Department at 216-524-4001                    Resident Kathleen Jurcago, R.N.

    4                    May/June 2022            A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
Register for “No Place Like Home” services below
by calling Community Services 216-524-7373                                 CITY SERVICES
              INDY ASSISTS                                              MEALS ON WHEELS
              (Formerly Chore Helpers)
Indy Assists is a program that provides referrals for
                                                              l   Meals on Wheels is a home meal delivery
service providers to residents. If you are a service              service for Independence residents who are
                                                                  homebound or unable to prepare meals for
provider (home maintenance, lawn care, childcare,
                                                                  themselves on a temporary or permanent basis.
tutoring, pet care, etc.), please add yourself to our list.   l   Available Mondays through Fridays (excluding
Applications       are       available     online       at
                                                                  Holidays) and at the Civic Center.             l   $5.50 per day (one meal - lunch)
For more information, please contact Community                l   Participants have the option of selecting their
Resource Manager Jennifer Zisk-Vitron at                          weekly meal schedule based on individual or 216-524-3035.                needs.
                                                                  Call Community Resource Manager Jennifer

                                                                  Zisk-Vitron at 216-524-3035 for more
DAILY WELFARE CHECK                                               information and to sign up.
l   For Independence residents.
l   Each day the resident calls the Civic Center to
    let us know that they are okay.
l   If we don’t hear from the resident by 10 AM,
    a welfare check will be made.

l   Available to eligible residents, this program
    provides a phone emergency response system
    at a minimal fee.
l   Application available at
l   Questions? Call the Fire Department at
l   Please update emergency contact names and
                                                                  TRANSPORTATION SERVICE
    numbers when they change!                                 Transportation Service is provided to residents 60
                                                              years of age and older who do not drive and do
     FREE                                                     not live with anyone who drives.
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT                                             Primary Transportation (Medical):
l   Assistive medical equipment temporary loan                Available weekdays. There is NO CHARGE for this
    service available to residents in need.                   Service if eligible.
l   Contact Community Services at 216-524-7373
                                                              Secondary Transportation (Non-Medical):
    for information on equipment available for loan.
                                                              Available weekdays. For eligible residents to run local
    FREE                                                      errands such as banking, hair salon or picking up
                                                              prescriptions. There is a nominal fee for this Service.
PRESCRIPTION DISPOSAL                                         To schedule a ride call 216-524-7373 weekdays
l   Located in the lobby of City Hall.                        between 9 AM and 5 PM to see if we can
l   Available for Residents to discard unwanted               accommodate you. Please schedule your
    prescription drugs and medications.                       appointment no earlier than 8:30 AM and no
                                                              later than NOON.

                                Register Online at                                    5
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH

               WE’RE HIRING FOR SUMMER 2022!
                 Job listings @ starting March 1st

                                          We are lookin
                                                        g                                   Ser vice
                                          for ENERGETIC                                     Departm
                       Par                 and RELIABLE                Concessions
                   Main k                                                                    Staff
                                ce         candidates fo
                                            our Summer
                                             Staff Teams!             Scorers
  Summ                                                                                      Summ
         er                                                            and                         er
Playgr                                                                                      Camp
       ound                                                          Umpires
Couns                                                                                     Couns
      elors                                                                                     elors

     Home Beautification Award
    This is a friendly and spirited annual competition among Independence residents who share a love
    for landscape, plants, gardening, and general home upkeep.
    This award was established to encourage, promote, and recognize individuals who invest in their
    homes and properties through proper upkeep to keep the Independence community a desirable
    place in which to live.
 Judging will be based on the following aspects: curb appeal, visible maintenance of the property,
 combination of live plant material, originality, and friendliness to the environment.
w Any Independence resident is eligible to enter the competition.
w    Applications are available on the City website: Paper copies
     are available at the Civic Center.
w    A minimum of three photos must be included with the application. Applications and photos
     can be emailed to or mailed to: Community Services Department,
     Independence Civic Center, 6363 Selig Drive, Independence, OH 44131
w    Awards will be presented at Home Days. Winners will be notified in advance.

                        Questions? Call 216-524-7373.
Past winners are encouraged to volunteer as judges. Please contact Councilman
         Dale Veverka at 216-407-8657 if you are willing to help judge.

6                   May/June 2022         A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH

            MEMORIAL DAY
             SERVICES &
                                                         NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER
                                                         l   Thursday, May 5th
                                                         In 1952, Congress established the National Day of
                                                         Prayer as an annual event celebrated on the first
                                                         Thursday of May. On May 5th, there will be events
                                                         throughout the day at various locations around the
                                                         City of Independence. Residents, students, and
          Monday, May 30th                               business people are encouraged to participate and
                                                         pray for our nation and region at one or more of the
9 AM: Assemble on the Square                             events listed below:
9:30 AM: Service Begins at the War Memorial on
         the Square                                      7 AM:
                                                         l Independence High School/Middle School Flag Pole
                                                         l Leader: Jim Eller, Campus Life Director
Procession to Maple Shade Cemetery and a                 l 6001 Archwood Rd., Independence, OH 44131

graveside service will follow.                           l 440-840-0499

After the services, join your friends and neighbors at   10 AM:
Drug Mart to enjoy the sounds of the Independence
                                                         l Cornerstone of Hope Center
                                                         l Leader: Susan Siley
High School Marching Band and a Hot Dog
                                                         l 5905 Brecksville Rd., Independence, OH 44131
Cookout. All cookout donations will benefit the I.H.S.   l 216-524-3787
Marching Band.
                                                         11 AM:
                                                         l Independence Civic Center
                                                         l Theme: Prayer for the City, Residents and

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER                                     Business Community
      LUNCHEON                                           l Leaders: Clergy of Independence Churches

                                                         l 6363 Selig Drive, Independence, OH 44131

                    Civic Center                         l RSVP for Luncheon 216-524-7373 by April 30th

l   Thursday, May 5th                                    NOON:
l   Service Begins: 11:30 AM                             lChurch Bells will ring, reminding all to stop and
l   Blessing and Meal at Noon                             pray.
l   Residents: FREE
l   Residents’ Guests: $5                                5:30 PM:
                                                         l Memorial on Public Square (next to Old Town Hall)
l   Registration Begins: NOW!
                                                         l Theme: Prayer for Essential Workers, Health
l   Registration Deadline: April 30th
l   Call 216-524-7373 to Register for Luncheon             Care Workers, First Responders, and Military
                                                         l 6652 Brecksville Rd., Independence, OH 44131
    or sign up online
                                                         7 PM:
                                                         l Please check local churches for services

                             Register Online at                                7
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH

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8                       May/June 2022                   A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH
      Bring your            2022 Summer Concert Series
      own chair                       All Concerts held at the Town Hall Bandstand
      or blanket!
                              FRIDAYS, June 10th - July 29th
                                                      No Concert on July 1st

In case of inclement weather, concerts will be held
                                                           7 - 9 PM
                                                           Friday, June 10th
at the Independence Civic Center, 6363 Selig               Band: “Cheeseburgers in Paradise”
Drive. Call 216-524-7373 to confirm or visit our           Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band
Facebook page for the latest updates:                      Food Trucks: Twisted Grill + Grind and                             Kona Ice
                                                           Friday, June 17th
                                                           Band: “The Nick Puin Band”
                 Wednesday Concerts!                       Music from The Great American
                  7 – 8:30 PM                              Songbook: Sinatra, Bennett, Fitzgerald…
                                                           Food Trucks: Off the GRIDdle and CLE
Wednesday, June 22nd                                       Cookie Dough Co.
Band: Community Band                                       Friday, June 24th
Refreshments: Independence Music Boosters                  Band: “The Wayne Tomsic Band”
                                                           Polka Favorites
Wednesday, June 29th                                       Food Trucks: Barrio and Sweet! The
Band: Community Band                                       Mobile Cupcakery
Refreshments: I.H.S. Music Department                      Friday, July 8th
                                                           Band: “Sumrada”
                                                           Best of the 80s, 90s, and Today
                                                           Food Trucks: Wrap It Up and Kona Ice
                                                           Friday, July 15th
                                                           Band: “The PopTarts”
                                                           Tribute to 60s Girl Groups
          NEW THIS YEAR!                                   Food Trucks: Boss ChickN Beer and
                FRIDAY NIGHT                               Sweet! The Mobile Cupcakery
       FARMERS MARKETS                                     Friday, July 22nd
        ON THE SQUARE                                      Band: “Blue Evolution”
                                                           Cleveland’s British Invasion Era Rock
       Fridays, June 10th - July 29th                      Food Trucks: Barrio and Event Novelty
           No Market on July 1st                           Truck
                  5 - 8 PM                                 Friday, July 29th
   Shop local! Choose from a selection of fresh            Band: “The Alley Katz”
   produce, local honey, homemade bakery, fair             Mix of Dance Favorites: Oldies to Top 40
   trade coffee, and more!                                 Food Trucks: Southern Thangs and
                                                           CLE Cookie Dough Co.

                           Register Online at                           9
May/June 2022 - Independence, OH

                   GARAGE SALE!
              Join your neighbors and participate in our annual
        city-wide garage sale! We’ll take care of all the advertising –
               just sign up and start cleaning out your closets!

           June 23, 24, and 25
                Thursday & Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM
                    Saturday: 9 AM - 2 PM
                                          To participate, sign up through our
          GARAGE SALE                     website, call 216-524-7373, or email
         PERMITS WILL BE           
           WAIVED THIS
          WEEKEND ONLY                 Provide your address, what day(s) you will
            FOR ALL                    participate, and a brief list of items for sale (100
          PARTICIPANTS                 characters or less including spaces). A map and
                                       list of addresses will be provided to the public on
                                       our website and at the Civic Center on Monday,
                                       June 20. You must register by the deadline to be
                                       included on the map and list.

          Registration Begins: Monday, April 18th
        Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 15th
          Call 216-524-7373 for more information.
        Advertisements will appear on the City website, social media, and various local
         publications. Participants are responsible for the signage at their own home.

     Charity pick up will be available the week after the event for a limited amount of homes
      on a first come, first served basis. You must register separately for charity pick up!
                                 Please call for more information.

10                 May/June 2022        A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
        Mark your calendar for this year’s Home Days celebration!

                               Home Days
                               Friday, August 5th:
                                  6 p m - 11 pm
                              Saturday, August 6th:
                                 12 pm - 11 pm
                                 Elmwood Par k

•    Carnival Rides                                                     •   Dancing
                                    Bring the whole family              •   Parade
•    Family Fun Zone
•    Live Entertainment         for a weekend of great food,            •   Contests
•    Car Show                   entertainment, camaraderie,             •   Competitions
•    Beer/Wine Garden           and the return of the parade!           •   Fundraising

    For more information about Home Days, visit our website:

                          Register Online at                11
CITY BUS TRIPS                                               Please Note: You must wear a mask on the bus
                                                                        at all times per bus company rules.

                               BUS TRIP REGISTRATION
Wheelchair/Scooter & Caregiver Registration (online not available): Tuesday, May 10th - 9 AM
Resident & Non-Resident Guest Registration (online available): Wednesday, May 11th - 9 AM

Registration Policy:
l   All Residents who come in person on the first day of Trip Registration will receive PRIORITY over any
    Registration Forms dropped off or called in. If you bring in another resident’s Registration Form from a
    different household, it will be processed after everyone in line has been taken care of.
General Info:
l   All passengers must be registered and have a signed waiver on file before boarding the bus.
l   Passengers 17 & younger must be accompanied by an adult.
l   All non-resident Guests must accompany a resident on any bus trips.
l   All trips depart from and return to the Civic Center.
l   Everyone registered for a City sponsored trip must use the transportation provided by the City.
l   Return time is estimated, therefore, please plan accordingly.
l   Bus Trip participants should avoid parking in the first few rows of parking spots near the building entrance.
ADA Accessibility:
l   There is a maximum of 2 wheelchair/scooter spaces available on certain trips.
l   For personal assistance and safety, passengers who have a regular caregiver and passengers using a
    wheelchair or scooter must be accompanied by a caregiver/attendant on all bus trips.
l   Please register one day earlier than the resident registration date so we can better accommodate you on
    the trip.
Refund/Cancellation Policy:
l   No Refunds on Trips after registration deadline. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to find a
    replacement if there is no one on the Community Services Wait List.
l   Any changes MUST go through the Community Services front desk prior to the day of the trip.

                    For More Information, Call Community Services at 216-524-7373

                       & EQUINE THERAPY
                                                           The community-wide need for a refocus on better
                                                           mental health and wellness is more important than
                                                           ever. As we navigate through these challenging
                                                           times, we’ll be taking a bus trip to Hope Medows to
                                                           hug a horse or a donkey! In your 1½ hour
    l   Wednesday, June 8th                                experience you will have the opportunity to connect
    l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $45                 with others, enjoy nature, and interact with horses
    l   Bus Departs: 1 PM                                  and miniature donkeys in a safe environment.
    l   Approximate Return: 4 PM                           Please dress for the weather and be sure to wear
    l   Registration Begins: May 11th                      closed-toes shoes. There is no riding involved and
    l   Registration Deadline: June 1st                    no special horsemanship skills are needed.

12                     May/June 2022            A PUBLICATION    OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
Please Note: You must wear a mask on the
bus at all times per bus company rules.                                CITY BUS TRIPS
         OUR LADY OF
                  Garfield Heights
l   Wednesday, May 18th
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $27
l   Price includes Lunch at The Oak Barrel
l   Bus Departs: 10:30 AM
l   Approximate Return: 2:30 PM
l   Registration Began: March 9th
l   Registration Deadline: May 9th
We will visit Our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine,
                                                                   GIDEON OWEN WINE
which shares a campus with Trinity High School and                     COMPANY
the focal point is a beautiful icon of the shrine. It was                      Port Clinton
dedicated October 1st, 1939 and it is an exact
replica of the original one in Poland. After the tour       l   Thursday, May 26th
we will enjoy lunch at The Oak Barrel. Lunch
                                                            l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $36
includes entrée, one soft drink, tax, and gratuity.
                                                            l   Price includes: Lunch, Soda or Coffee, Tax,
                                                                Gratuity, and Tour of the Wine Cellar
Choose one of the following Entrées:                        l   Bus Departs: 10 AM
l   Herb Crusted Chicken Salad – chicken, white
                                                            l   Approximate Return: 6 PM
    cheddar, pickled red onion, cherry tomato,
                                                            l   Registration Began: March 9th
    greens, and apple cider vinaigrette.
                                                            l   Registration Deadline: April 26th
l   The Clubhouse – Chicken, applewood bacon,               Gideon Owen Wine Company has combined the
    Bavarian ham, cheddar & Swiss cheese, lettuce,          rich, historic tradition of Catawba Island, with an
    tomato. Served with a pickle and kettle chips.          elevated experience to create a special gathering
l   Ahi Tuna Taco – with guacamole, white                   place. The former Mon Ami Winery, underwent a
    cheddar, spicy mayo, lettuce, and cilantro.             major renovation and was rebranded as the Gideon
           ST. ANN SHRINE                                   Owen Wine Company.              We will enjoy a
                                                            luncheon in the Vineyard Room which overlooks
       NEW            Mayfield                              Lime Kiln Falls and beautiful landscaped gardens.
l   Thursday, June 9th                                      After lunch, a tour of the wine cellars is also
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: Free                     included. After that we will have the opportunity to
l   Pay for Lunch on Your Own at Goodfella’s BBQ            sit on their beautiful patio where they have wine
l   Bus Departs: 9:45 AM                                    tasting machines with different varieties of wines;
l   Approximate Return: 3:30 PM                             this is an additional cost (pay for on your own).
l   Registration Begins: May 11th                           Before heading home we visit the Marblehead
l   Registration Deadline: June 2nd                         Lighthouse State Park to enjoy some wonderful
The Catholic Diocese of Clevland is fortunate to
have a variety of shrines and you are invited to visit      Choice of Entrée:
                                                            l Lake Erie Walleye Sandwich served with fries
St Ann’s Shrine. You will have the opportunity to
participate in the group rosery and mass. We will be        l   Grilled Chicken Sandwich served with fries
eating lunch at Goodfella’s BBQ (pay on your own)
before returning home.                                      l   Build Your Own Burger with three toppings and
                                                                served with fries

                               Register Online at                               13
CITY BUS TRIPS                                      Please Note: You must wear a mask on the bus
                                                               at all times per bus company rules.

                                                            GUARDIANS GAMES
                                                                       Progressive Field
                                                     Enjoy a game at Progressive Field and cheer
                                                     on your Cleveland Guardians. Get your tickets
                                                     early - they will go fast!

                                                     CLEVELAND GUARDIANS
                                                     VS BOSTON RED SOCKS
                                                     l    Sunday, June 26th
                                                     l    Residents & Residents’ Guests: $39
                                                     l    Seats are in Section 130
                                                     l    Game begins at 1:10 PM
                                                     l    Bus Departs: 12 PM
                                                     l    Approximate Return: 6 PM

                                                     l    Registration Began: March 9th
                                                     l    Registration Deadline: May 26th
Fee includes beverage, dessert, tax and gratuity.
                                                     CLEVELAND GUARDIANS
                                                     VS BOSTON RED SOCKS
     CORKSCREW SALOON                                l    Saturday, July 16th
                    Medina                           l    Residents & Residents’ Guests: $57
l   Tuesday, June 21st                               l    Seats are in Section 130
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $30               l    Game begins at 4:10 PM
l   Bus Departs: 12:15 PM                            l    Bus Departs: 3 PM
l   Approximate Return: 3:30 PM                      l    Approximate Return: 9 PM
l   Registration Begins: May 11th                    l    Registration Begins: May 11th
l   Registration Deadline: June 7th                  l    Registration Deadline: June 16th

Enjoy lunch at a beautiful restored Victorian        CLEVELAND GUARDIANS
mansion that was built in the mid 1800’s. It was
originally called the Burham Mansion and was           VS CHICAGO WHITE
located on a five-hundred-acre estate.                      SOCKS
Choice of Entrée:
                                                     l    Saturday, August 20th
l House-made Lasagna served with salad and
                                                     l    Residents & Residents’ Guests: $59
  garlic toast
                                                     l    Seats are in Section 130
l Herb Crusted Salmon with bruschetta
                                                     l    Game begins at 7:10 PM
  tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, baby spinach,
                                                     l    Bus Departs: 6 PM
  and a rich garlic cream sauce served with
                                                     l    Approximate Return: 12:30 AM
  potato, vegetable, and salad
                                                     l    Registration Begins: May 11th
l Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad with baby
                                                     l    Registration Deadline: July 20th
  spinach, asiago cheese, dried cranberries,         After the game we will be staying to watch
  and balsamic vinaigrette dressing                  fireworks!

14                  May/June 2022         A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
Please Note: You must wear a mask on the
bus at all times per bus company rules.                           CITY BUS TRIPS
        PORTAGE LAKE CRUISE                                 PARADE OF TALL SHIPS
                        Akron                                 VIEWED FROM THE
l   Wednesday, June 15th                                     GOODTIME III CRUISE
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $30
l   Pay for lunch on your own at Picks at PLX                              Cleveland
l   Bus Departs: 8:45 AM
l   Approximate Return: 4:30 PM                        l   Thursday, July 7th
l   Registration Began: March 9th                      l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $30
l   Registration Deadline: May 15th                    l   Bus Departs: 12:45 PM
                                                       l   Approximate Return: 6:30 PM
Portage Lake Cruises is a pontoon charter service,     l   Registration Began: March 9th
designed to give people access to “The Lakes”.         l   Registration Deadline: June 7th
Come see the Portage Lakes and enjoy the               l   Board the ship at 2:30 PM
beautiful homes, landscaping, golf course property,    l   Return time may be delayed due to
and wildlife. After the cruise we will have lunch at       unforeseen circumstances with the Tall Ships
the Picks at PLX. Pay on your own for lunch.           l   Open air decks are not wheelchair accessible
                                                       We will board the Goodtime III for a narrated view of
                                                       the Tall Ships as they enter Cleveland’s harbor for
                                                       what can only be described as one of the most
                                                       spectacular events of the summer! The ships will
                                                       assemble at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River and
                                                       begin the Parade of Sail. There is a concession
                                                       stand on site (pay on your own).

                          NEW       FLOAT THE RIVER
                                             Cuyahoga Falls

                                                       Looking for a fantastic outdoor river experience?
                                                       Join us to Float Down the River, where we will float
                                                       in a tube down the Cuyahoga River for 2.5 to 3
                                                       hours depending how fast the river is running. There
    l   Saturday, July 9th                             will not be a formal guide or lifeguard to accompany
    l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $27             us down the river. Everyone will need to fill out a
    l   Fee is for tube rental                         Float the River Waiver prior to arrival. Visit
    l   Pay for lunch on your own at Workz    for all rules. After the tubing
        Restaurant                                     experience we head to Workz on the Riverfront,
    l   Bus Departs: 9:15 AM                           which features a full restaurant and bar, arcade
    l   Approximate Return: 4 PM                       floor, duckpin bowling lanes, and a virtual reality
    l   Registration Begins: May 11th                  gaming system. Pay on your own at the Workz
    l   Registration Deadline: July 1st                Restaurant.

                              Register Online at                            15
CITY BUS TRIPS                                              Please Note: You must wear a mask on the bus
                                                                       at all times per bus company rules.

         NEW                                                      NEW

      VISIT CHAGRIN FALLS                                          EXPLORING NORTON
                    Chagrin Falls
                                                            l   Thursday, July 28th
l   Saturday, July 23rd                                     l   Trip is not ADA accessible
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $28                      l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $33
l   Price includes lunch, coffee or soda, tax,              l   Price includes all-inclusive lunch at Wolf
    and gratuity                                                Creek Tavern
l   Bus Departs: 12:15 PM                                   l   Bus Departs: 9 AM
l   Approximate Return: 5 PM                                l   Approximate Return: 5:30 PM
l   Registration Begins: May 11th                           l   Registration Begins: May 11th
l   Registration Deadline: July 15th                        l   Registration Deadline: July 18th
Set in downtown Chagrin Falls, M Italian was                Dayton Nursery sits on a 40-acre site with over 800
created to celebrate the true Italian farmhouse             varieties of perennials, as well as a 17,000 ft.
atmosphere; it’s graced by its wide-open spaces             greenhouse that is lush with flowers. The owner at
and open kitchen. Lunch will include a self-serve           Dayton Nursery will give us a presentation, after
buffet: House Salad, Parmesan Crusted Chicken,              which the group can explore what they have to offer.
Salmon served with Penne Pomodora, and Zoodles              The Owl Barn Market has locally grown, seasonal
Pepperonata. After lunch, there will be time to             and fresh produce and the Wolf Creek Botanical
browse the charming shops or relax by the falls.            Garden has 10 acres of various gardens including a
Enjoy dessert (pay on your own) at one of the local         prominent 70-foot waterfall. We will then head to the
dessert/ice cream shops.                                    Wolf Creek Tavern for an all-inclusive luncheon.
                                                            During Prohibition, for those 13 years, the basement
                                                            of the Wolf Creek Tavern served as a Speakeasy.
                                                            We will have the opportunity to hear some of those
         NEW                                                stories about underground railroads, secret tunnels,
                PUT-IN-BAY                                  and ghostly spirits. After lunch we are visiting the
                     Port Clinton                           Winery at Wolf Creek and the Best of Grandpa’s
                                                            Cheesebarn, (pay on your own), before returning
l   Monday, August 8th
                                                            home. The Wolf Creek Winery has outdoor games
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $44
                                                            and a beautiful view of the reservoir. They also have
l   Pay for Lunch on your own at Upper Deck
                                                            4-H goats who are quite the celebrities! They are
                                                            very friendly and you can meet, feed, and take your
l   Bus Departs: 8:15 AM
                                                            picture with them.
l   Approximate Return: 6 PM
l   Registration Begins: May 11th                           Choice of Entrée:
l   Registration Deadline: July 25th                        lTavern Burger: served with bacon jam, freedom
                                                             cheese, and a fried egg
We will start off with a ferry ride on the Jet Express
departing from Port Clinton. Lunch will be pay-on-          l   Chipotle Chicken Club: fried or grilled chicken
your-own at the Upper Deck Restaurant, which                    with chipotle sauce, cheddar cheese, bacon,
offers sweeping views of Lake Erie. Also included is            pickled red onion, lettuce, and tomato
a historical tour of 80% of the island. If there is time,
we may do some shopping in downtown Put-In-Bay.
                                                            l   Wedge Salad: iceberg lettuce, bacon, scallions,
                                                                tomatoes, egg, avocado, blue cheese, and white
                                                                French dressing

    16                 May/June 2022             A PUBLICATION    OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
Please Note: You must wear a mask on the
bus at all times per bus company rules.                            CITY BUS TRIPS
         State Theater - Playhouse Square
l   Tuesday, August 16th
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests:
        l Main Floor Seating: $77

        l Balcony Seating: $50

l   Bus Departs: 6:15 PM
l   Approximate Return: 11 PM
l   Registration Began: March 9th
l   Registration Deadline: July 25th
Critics are calling Frozen, “A can’t miss Broadway
event.” It features the songs you know and love
from the original film plus an expanded score with a
dozen new musical numbers. Frozen is an
unforgettable, magical adventure with amazing                 GENEVA-ON-THE-LAKE
special effects, eye popping costumes, and
incredible performances.
                                                        l   Wednesday, August 24th
                                                            Residents & Residents’ Guests: $25

                                                        l   Price includes All-Inclusive Lunch at Grand

             WINERY                                         River Cellars, beverage, tax, and gratuity
     N                                                  l   Bus Departs: 9 AM
                     Richfield                          l   Approximate Return: 6 PM
l   Tuesday, August 23rd                                l   Registration Begins: May 11th
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: $36                  l   Registration Deadline: August 10th
l   Gratuity is NOT included in the price
                                                        Enjoy a beautiful summer day strolling the town of
l   Bus Departs: 11 AM
                                                        Geneva and visiting the one-of-a-kind, quaint
l   Approximate Return: 3:30 PM
                                                        shops. You may want to start off at Madsen Donuts;
l   Registration Begins: May 11th
                                                        known to have the best donuts for the past 80 years
l   Registration Deadline: August 12th
                                                        (pay on your own). After shopping, we are going to
Michael Angelo’s Winery is a place to stop and          Grand Rivers Cellars for a Chicken & Rib lunch.
enjoy the simple things while relaxing with
                                                        Lunch includes:
spectacular wine and food. Included in the price is
                                                        ¼ slab of ribs and ¼ fall-off-the-bone marinated
salad, pizza, a glass of wine, assorted pastry tray,
                                                        chicken, served with Yukon Gold mashed
coffee, water, or soda, and sales tax. Gratuity is at
                                                        potatoes, Caribbean vegetables, and finished
your discretion. The 4 oz. glass of wine included is
                                                        with a tasty dessert.
an Estate Sparkling Rosé that displays aromas of
fresh picked strawberries, watermelon, and              Iced tea or coffee is included as well as a one ounce
grapefruit; it is made from Pinot Noir grapes grown     sample pour of wine. We will also be able to tour the
at their Richfield vineyard. We are going               wine cellar. Before going home, we will visit
during Harvest Season where everything will be in       Debonne Vineyards (pay on your own).
full bloom, and we’ll be given a tour of the outside.

                             Register Online at                              17
YOUTH PROGRAMS                                   Note: All Before and Afterschool Programs are
                                                  for permanent Independence Residents ONLY.

                                                                    DON’T DELAY -
                                                                   REGISTER TODAY!
                                                   REGISTRATION POLICY:
                                                   l Must register by deadline dates for each

                                                     program session.
                                                   l School Transportation form must be received

                                                     in order to complete initial registration process.
                                                   l A Registration and Waiver Form for Youth

                                                     under 18 must be completed to attend
                                                     Community Services Youth Programs.
                                                     Children who attended Summer Camp 2021
                                                     DO NOT need to complete a registration form
BEFORE SCHOOL PROGRAM                                unless information has changed.
          Independence Primary School              LATE REGISTRATION FEE:
                                                   lA Late Registration Fee of $5 per week will
l   Grades K-4 attending Independence Primary       be charged if child is not registered by the
    School                                          session deadline date.
l   Monday through Friday, when school is in
    session                                        CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY:
l   7 - 8:15 AM
                                                   lAll cancellations and changes must be made
l   Drop off from 7 - 7:30 AM ONLY                  by the Monday prior to cancellation week to
l   Program Fees: $25 per week                      get a full refund or credit on your account.
l   Max: 25                                         Changes must be made in writing on our
                                                    Change in Schedule form.
                                                   SESSIONS AND REGISTRATION
                                                   DEADLINES FOR ALL PROGRAMS:
                                                   Session 18: April 25th - May 6th
                                                     l Registration Deadline: April 22nd

                                                   Session 19: May 9th - May 20th
                                                     l Registration Deadline: May 6th

                                                   Session 20: May 23rd - June 7th
                                                     l Registration Deadline: May 20th

                                                   There is no Before School or Afterschool on
    AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM                            School Holidays. School Holiday Program
                                                   registration information is available in this
l   INDEPENDENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL:                   publication.
    Grades K -1 attending Independence Primary
l   FIELDHOUSE: Grades 2-8 attending
    Independence Primary School and
    Independence Middle School
l   Monday through Friday
l   2:30 PM - 6 PM
l   Program Fees: $30 per week
l   Max: 60

    18               May/June 2022      A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
                                                                           TOT ROOM
                                                          l    Children ages 6 months to 6 years
    ALICE & THE MAD HATTER’S                              l    Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
     WONDERLAND TEA PARTY                                      Open at 8 AM starting June 8th

                                                          l    Monday - Thursday: 4 - 7 PM
                   Banquet Rooms                          l    $1 per hour per child
l   Ages 6-12 with an Adult
                                                          l    Maximum stay: 2 hours per visit
l   Wednesday, May 18th
                                                          l    Call 216-524-7373 for more information
l   4:30 - 5:45 PM                                        Tot Room childcare service is available while
l   Residents: $10, Residents’ Guests: $15                parents/guardians work out or visit the Civic Center.
l   Registration Begins: April 25th                       Parents/guardians with children in the Tot Room
l   Registration Deadline: May 11th                       may not leave the Civic Center building while child
                                                          is in the Tot Room.
Dress to impress for this tea-riffic par-tea! Enjoy
finger foods, a tea tasting, and activities perfect for
Alice and Mad Hatter tea drinkers. Don’t be late for             NEW    TOT ROOM
this very important date!
                                                                     FREE OPEN PLAY
                                                          l    Weekdays
                                                          l    Noon - 3 PM
                                                          l    Call 216-524-7373 for more information
                                                          Parents/guardians/babysitters may bring children to
          Never Never                                     play in the Tot Room during open play. This is a
                                                          great opportunity for children to get acclimated with

         Land Tea Party                                   the Tot Room and introduced to different toys. All
                                                          participants must have a waiver on file. Children
                                                          must be supervised by parent/guardian/babysitter
                   Banquet Rooms                          during open play.
    l   Resident Children ages 3-5 with
        one Adult                                                  PERFECTLY POLITE
        Tuesday, May 17th: 6 - 7:30 PM OR
                                                                   DINING ETIQUETTE

    l   Wednesday, May 18th: 11 AM - 12:30 PM
    l   Resident Child Meal & Activity: $15                   Babe’s Café and Bakery - 6523 Brecksville Rd.
    l   Adult Meal Only: $8
    l   Registration Began: April 1st                     l    Grades 4th - 8th
    l   Registration Deadline: May 1st                    l    Friday, May 13th
    l   Max: 20 children                                  l    5 - 7 PM
    l   Come dressed as a Fairy, Mermaid, Lost            l    Residents & Residents’ Guests: $38
        Boy, Pirate or Peter Pan                          l    Registration Began: April 1st
    l   Have fun at Never Never Land!                     l    Registration Deadline: May 6th
                                                          l    Min: 10, Max: 20
    Participation Policy:
    The Tot Room is available for other siblings ages     A certified instructor from The Etiquette Factory will
    6 months to 6 years of age during this                teach you how to properly set a table and practice
    program. Reservations are required!                   dining etiquette, proper introductions, and more.
                                                          You will put your new skills to practice as we enjoy
                                                          a meal together at Babe’s Café and Bakery.

                              Register Online at                                19
YOUTH PROGRAMS                                                           REGISTER AT THE
                                                                        POLICE DEPARTMENT

    INDOOR TENNIS LESSONS                                     SUMMER SAFETY TOWN
                                                         The Independence Police Department will be taking
                     Fieldhouse                          registration for Safety Town! Registration is open
l   4 Classes                                            to Independence Residents and St. Michael
l   Wednesday Evenings                                   students ONLY. Children must be 5 years old and
l   Session 6: May 4th - May 25th                        attending kindergarten in the fall of 2022. Children
l   Ages 5-8: 6:45 - 7:15 PM                             will be instructed by a certified teacher and our
l   Ages 9-14: 7:15 - 8 PM                               school resource officers in a variety of topics
l   $75 Residents, $85 Non-Residents                     including stranger danger, pedestrian safety, school
l   Class size is limited to 12 participants             bus safety, emergency 911, bicycle safety, fire safe-
                                                         ty, pool safety, and animal safety. Safety Town will
This class will be held outdoors, weather permitting,    be primarily held at the Independence Primary
or inside the Fieldhouse. Students will learn tennis     School pavilion with a field trip to the outdoor pool
play while developing a foundation in stroke             and the safety town buildings. Schedules will be
fundamentals, court coverage, and the rules of the       given out during registration with topics and locations.
                                                                  Independence Police Department
          TENNIS LESSONS                                 l    Registration is on a first-come, first-served
          Outdoor Lighted Tennis Courts                       basis. Class size is limited.
                                                         l    Registration runs May 2nd - May 20th or
l   4 Classes                                                 until all sessions are filled
l   Tuesdays, June 14th - July 5th OR                    l    Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM
l   Wednesdays, June 15th - July 6th                     l    Parent or legal guardian MUST be present
l   Residents Only                                            for sign up
l   Limited to 12 participants per Class                 l    $20 Cash or Check only
                                                         l    St. Michael students need to bring proof
l   Ages 5-8                                                  of school enrollment
l   Tuesdays, 10 - 10:30 AM OR                           l    For more information or questions call
l   Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7 PM                                   Mary Cox at 216-524-0375
l   Fee: $50
l   Ages 9-14                                                   Safety Town Sessions
l   Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11:15 AM OR                                        Primary School Pavilion
l   Wednesdays, 7 - 7:45 PM                               l    2 - 2 Week Sessions held Monday - Friday
l   Fee: $75                                              l    Session 1: June 13th - June 24th
                                                                   l Morning Class: 9 - 11 AM
l   Ages 15-18
                                                                   l Graduation: Friday, June 24th: 9 AM OR
l   Tuesdays, 11:15 AM - 12 NOON
                                                                   l Afternoon Class: Noon - 2 PM
l   Fee: $75
                                                                   l Graduation: Friday, June 24th: 11 AM

Students will learn tennis play while developing          l    Session 2: June 27th - July 8th
a foundation in stroke fundamentals, court                         l Morning Class Only: 9 - 11 AM

coverage and the rules of the game.                                l Graduation: Friday, July 8th: 9 AM

                                                                   l No Class on July 4th

                                                             Further information on registration can be found
                                                               within the Kindergarten registration packet.

    20                 May/June 2022           A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
                         Summer Camp is now IDEA Camp!
                              Different name - same great program!
                                  IDEA CAMP 2022
                  Independence Discovery Exploration Adventure Camps
                               This program may be subject to change.
l   Independence Residents Only                        Registration Information
l   Discovery Camp: Indy Fieldhouse
    Entering Grades 1st and 2nd
                                                   l   Limited space available on a first-come,
l   Exploration Camp: Indy Fieldhouse                  first-served basis
    Entering Grades 3rd and 4th
                                                   l   Register online or in person at the Civic
l   Adventure Camp: Indep. High School                 Center Community
    Entering Grades 5th through 8th                    Services Department Front Desk ONLY
                                                   l   Program forms will be emailed to parents
Camp includes crafts, sports, presenters,              by Friday, May 6th and must be submitted
swimming, trips, and more!                             by Friday, May 13th to confirm registration
                                                       and complete enrollment

            Camp Schedule
         7 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday
l   No Camp Mon., June 13th and Tues., June 14th
l   Week 1: Wed., June 15th - Fri., June 17th
l   Week 2: Mon., June 20th - Fri., June 24th
l   Week 3: Mon., June 27th - Fri., July 1st
l   No Camp Mon., July 4th
l   Week 4: Tues., July 5th - Fri., July 8th
l   Week 5: Mon., July 11th - Fri., July 15th
l   Week 6: Mon., July 18th - Fri., July 22nd
l   Week 7: Mon., July 25th - Fri., July 29th
l   Week 8: Mon., August 1st - Fri., August 5th
l   Week 9: Mon., August 8th - Fri., August 12th

                                                           Information Packet
                Camp Fees                          l   Includes detailed information regarding
l   Week 1: $90                                        this program
l   Weeks 2 - 9: $150 per Week                     l   Packet can be picked up at the Fieldhouse,
l   Payment Plan Available                             Civic Center or downloaded from the City
                                                       website at

                             Register Online at                       21
         KICK START BOYS &                                     KIDS PICKLEBALL
            GIRLS T-BALL                                           CLASSES
            T-Ball Field Located behind                                Fieldhouse - Court #2
                Liberty Playground
                                                      l   Saturdays, May 7th - 28th
l   Boys and Girls, Ages 3 & 4                        l   Ages 8-13: 10 - 11 AM
l   Must be 3 years old by June 1st, 2022             l   Ages 14-17: 11 AM - 12 NOON
l   Birth Certificate must be presented at the        l   $45 Residents, $55 Non-Residents
    time of registration                              l   Limited to 16 participants per Class
l   June 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th                       l   Instructor: Claudia Fontana, AAU Coach
l   Girls: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
l   Boys :10 - 11 AM                                  Summer classes will be announced and will be held
l   Residents Only: $30                               outdoors. Bring your own paddle and water bottle!
l   Registration Deadline: May 20th                   Must be an AAU member - go to: for
l   Parents are Required to Help                      the membership application.

This is a fun 4 week program, non-competitive
games where parents participate with their child.
Foam bats and balls are used for safety purposes.                FLAG FOOTBALL
                                                                  FOR THE FALL
                                                      l   Grades 3rd through 6th
                                                      l   Residents: $35
             2022/2023                                l   St. Michael’s Students: $45
                                                      l   Games held during the week
         BOYS/GIRLS SOCCER                            l   Registration Deadline: August 18th
l   $65 New Player                                    Coaches are needed. If interested, please call the
l   $40 if you have uniform from last year            Recreation Department at 216-524-3262.
l   $25 late fee charge
l   Final Registration Deadline: July 25th
                                                             TEEN WEIGHT ROOM

    AS PROOF OF AGE.                                            ORIENTATION
This is the only registration for the Fall/Spring     l   Ages: 13-15
soccer program. Independence belongs to the           l   Must have a Current Civic Center
Suburban Recreational Soccer League and all               Membership
teams will be traveling to various communities. Our   l   Call 216-524-3262 to Register
games will be played in Berea, Brooklyn, Brooklyn
Heights, Brookpark, Macedonia, Middleburg             All teens 13-15 must be certified in the proper use
Heights, Parma Heights, Seven Hills, Twinsburg,       of the weight room equipment before they will be
and Valley View. All players must register and new    permitted in the weight room. Please register at
teams will be formed for the 22/23 season!            least one week before the scheduled dates so that
COACHES ARE NEEDED!                                   enough certified trainers are available. All of our
                                                      trainers are certified by Nautilus and or Aerobics &
                                                      Fitness Association of America.

    22                May/June 2022         A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
                         2022 FALL/2023 SPRING REGISTRATION
                              Age Division       Eligibility
                              U-7                2016/2017
                              U-9                2014/2015
                              U-11               2012/2013
                              U-13               2010/2011
                              U-15               2008/2009
 (US Youth Soccer has implemented the calendar year age to be in line with 208 countries that
                        register youth players by their year of birth)

NAME: ______________________________________                    DATE OF BIRTH:

ADDRESS: _________________________________________                     MALE:            FEMALE:______

CITY: ____________________________________________ PHONE:

AGE: ________ SCHOOL ATTENDING: _______________________________GRADE:

HAVE YOU PLAYED SOCCER__________(YES)__________(NO)

IF YES WHERE                                             E-Mail Address:

Do you have any physical ailments, such as allergies, heart, etc. Yes _______No _______ If yes,
please explain:
Having been informed of the organization of Independence Recreation Department to provide
supervised soccer for youths--I/We the parents of the above-named candidate; do hereby give My/Our
approval of his/her participation in any and all of the activities during the current season. I/We do
assume all of the risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities, transportation to and from
the activities; and I/We do further hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the
Independence Recreation Department, Organizers, Sponsors, Leasers and the Supervisors appointed
by them of the Independence Recreation Department. I/We likewise release from responsibility any
person transporting my/our child to or from activities. The City of Independence does not provide
Medical Insurance. Do you have hospitalization and/or Medical Insurance? Yes _____No______

                                                (Parent and/or guardian)
Make check payable to: City of Independence

SHORTS & SHIRT SIZES                      NEW UNIFORM NEEDED $65.00:
Youth Small (6-8)                                                  (Check Box)
Youth Medium (10-12)                      SHIRT SIZE:    SHORT SIZE:
Youth Large (14)
Adult Small (34-36)                       NO UNIFORM NEEDED: $40.00
Adult Medium (38-40)
Adult Large (42-44)                                                            (Check Box)

                           Register Online at                                23
    POLISH FOR BEGINNERS                                     DRAWING & PAINTING
                   Willow Room
                                                               PORTRAITS FOR

    Adults 18 and over
    Wednesdays, Weekly
l   8 Week Course                                      Have fun learning a new skill with portrait drawing
l   June 15th - August 3rd                             and painting! You will learn portrait fundamentals
l   6 - 7:30 PM                                        such as likeness, proportions, contours, and
l   Residents: $110, Residents’ Guests: $115           shading.
l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373
    to register or sign up online                      Instructor Matt Benkner is a professional Graphic
l   Registration Deadline: June 8                      Designer and Illustrator specializing in portraits.
l   Max: 30 students
l   Instructor: Katarzyna Woźniak                            DRAWING PORTRAITS
Classes will guide you through the basics of Polish            FOR BEGINNERS
language fundamentals such as pronunciation,                              White Oak Room
vocabulary, and common phrases. A survey with
class goals will be emailed to each student upon       l   Ages 16 - Adult
enrollment.                                            l   Tuesdays, Weekly
                                                       l   4 Week Session
Instructor Katarzyna Woźniak is a native Polish        l   June 14th - July 5th
speaker and high school Spanish teacher with a         l   6:30 - 8 PM
Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction.         l   Residents: $80, Residents’ Guests: $85
Katarzyna is excited to share Polish language and      l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373
culture with her new students this summer!                 to register or sign up online
                                                       l   Registration Deadline: June 7th
                                                       l   Supply list will be provided to students
                                                           upon enrollment
                                                       l   Min: 5, Max: 10

                      SIP & PAINT                            PAINTING PORTRAITS
                        Banquet Rooms                          FOR BEGINNERS
l   Friday, May 13th                                                      White Oak Room
l   6:30 - 8:30 PM
l   Residents and Residents’ Guests 21+: $40
                                                       l   Ages 16 - Adult
l   Registration Required. Sign up online or call
                                                       l   Tuesdays, Weekly
                                                       l   4 Week Session
l   Registration Begins: April 25th
                                                       l   July 12th - August 2nd
l   Registration Deadline: May 6th
                                                       l   6:30 - 8 PM
                                                       l   Residents: $80, Residents’ Guests: $85
Price includes the supplies to create your             l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373
painting, a delicious glass of sangria, and                to register or sign up online
snacks!                                                l   Registration Deadline: July 5th
                                                       l   Supply list will be provided to students
Join us as the Little Birdie Wine Nest returns for a
                                                           upon enrollment
fun night of sipping sangria and creating a Bee        l   Min: 5, Max: 10
Happy canvas painting.

    24                May/June 2022          A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE

                   Willow Room                             FREE    HUMOR AS A
                                                                  STRESS BUSTER
l   Monday, May 16th
l   12 - 1:30 PM                                                  HOW LIGHTENING UP CAN
l   Residents and Residents’ Guests: FREE!                        ENHANCE YOUR RECALL
l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373                         White Oak Room
    to register or sign up online                     l   Thursday, May 19th
l   Registration Begins: NOW!                         l   6:30-7:30 PM
l   Registration Deadline: May 9th                    l   Residents and Residents’ Guests: FREE
Attorney Dan A. Baron from Baron Law will discuss
                                                      l   Registration Required. Sign up online or call
how to properly design your advance directives and,       216-524-7373
                                                      l   Registration Begins: NOW!
moreover, how to practically use them. Free lunch     l   Registration Deadline: May 12th
following the program.                                l   Instructor: Kathryn Kilpatrick
                                                      Learn more about the many benefits of adding
                                                      humor to your daily routine. Not only is humor
                                                      effective in reducing the negative effects of stress, it
                                                      can help to boost your immune system! Lightening
      FREE                                            up can also help to increase your attention,
                                                      concentration, and memory skills.
         ESTATE PLANNING                              Kathryn’s career as a speech-language pathologist
            WORKSHOP                                  (1969 – 2019) includes experience primarily in Ohio
                                                      in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and for 35 years
                   Willow Room
                                                      in the area of home health care. Currently she is
l   Thursday, July 21st                               focusing on her geriatric life enhancement
l   6:30 - 7:30 PM                                    consulting practice and educational programs to
l   Residents and Residents’ Guests: FREE!            enhance the quality of life of older adults.
l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373
    to register or sign up online                     “The most wasted day is that in which we have
l   Registration Begins: NOW!                         not laughed.” - Chamfort
l   Registration Deadline: July 14th
Attorney Dan A. Baron from Baron Law will discuss
Foundational Estate Planning. Having a basic will
does not avoid probate. Moreover, relying on just a
basic will is only one element of the many estate
planning tools that every family should have in
place. A snack will be provided.

                            Register Online at                                25
                                                                       DINE IN LUNCH
                                                                           White Oak Room
    We live in a community full of amazing people
    who have a wide range of unique hobbies and          l Come and Join us for Lunch!
    skills! Our Community Services Department is         l Tuesdays and Fridays, Dates Listed
                                                         l Lunch Served at 12 PM
    looking to connect with individuals who are
                                                         l Friday Program 12:30 - 1:30 PM
    interested in showcasing their talents and
                                                         l Residents $5, Residents’ Guests $7
    teaching others the tricks of their trade right
                                                         l Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373
    here at the Civic Center!
                                                           to register or sign up online
                                                         l Registration Begins: NOW!
    Please contact Community Services Director
                                                         l Reservation & Cancellation Deadline:
    Emily Thomas at 216-524-7373 or via e-mail at to begin the              Week Before Lunch
                                                         l No Walk-ins or Take Out Meals
    “Teach Me To...” conversation!
                                                         Please register in advance by the Registration
                                                                       TUESDAY, MAY 3RD
                                                                Entrée: Pork Tenderloin

                                                                        FRIDAY, MAY 6TH
                                                                    Birthday Celebration for May!
                                                                Entrée: Salad Bar & Baked Potato
                                                                Program: Simple Steps to Boost your
                                                                Presented By: Barb Bandagski with
                                                                               My Medicare Network

                                                                   TUESDAY, MAY 10TH
                                                                Entrée: Taco Bar
            PIEROGI PARTY
                  Banquet Rooms                                    TUESDAY, MAY 17TH
l   Adults 18+                                                  Entrée: Cavatelli & Meatballs
l   Thursday, June 2nd
l   6 - 8 PM                                                           FRIDAY, MAY 20TH
l   Residents: $20, Resident’s Guests: $25                           Drawing for a FREE Lunch!
l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373 or
                                                                Entrée: Hawaiian Pulled Pork
    sign up online
                                                                Entertainment: Luau Party with Tom Todd
l   Registration Begins: April 25th
                                                                                Sing Along
l   Registration Deadline: May 26th
It’s time to party at the Civic Center…pierogi party,              TUESDAY, MAY 24TH
that is! Join us as our very own Kitchen Manager, Jill          Entrée: Tilapia
Zurawski, teaches us to handmake the perfect and
most delicious pierogi! Each participant will make a           Dine-in Lunch continued on next page
dozen pierogi to take home.

    26                 May/June 2022          A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
          NOW!!                   DINE IN LUNCH
                                       White Oak Room

         FRIDAY, MAY 27TH                               TUESDAY, JUNE 21ST
FREE Lunch for Residents 60+ Compliments of         Entrée: Kielbasa with Cabbage and
  Mayor Kurtz, Council, and Finance Director                Noodles
    Entrée: Grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
    Program: Fire Safety presented by                   FRIDAY, JUNE 24TH
             Fire Chief Steve Rega                       Drawing for a FREE Lunch!
                                                    Entrée: Breaded Chicken
        TUESDAY, MAY 31ST                           Program: Faith, Hope, and Love
    Entrée: Ham                                     Presented By: Resident Mike Guzi

         FRIDAY, JUNE 3RD                               TUESDAY, JUNE 28TH
                                                    Entrée: Swedish Meatballs
       Birthday Celebration for June!
    Entrée: Chicken Salad Croissant
                                                         FRIDAY, JULY 1ST
    Program: Benefits of Wellness from Spa
              Services                                  Birthday Celebration for July!
    Presented By: Sandra Sorbin from the            Entrée: Grilled Flatbread with Toppings
                   Relaxation Place                 Program: Relaxed and Ready: Proactive
                                                              Steps to Wellness
        TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH                           Presented By: Laura Hazen from Hanson
    Entrée: Hot Open-Faced Turkey Sandwich                          Services

       TUESDAY, JUNE 14TH                               TUESDAY, JULY 5TH
    Entrée: Beef Tips with Spaetzles                Entrée: Hot Dog with all the Fixings
                                                        Menus are subject to change.
        FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH
    Entrée: Salad Bar and Baked Potato
    Program: Simple Steps to Prevent Falls
    Presented By: Barb Bandagski with My
                   Medicare Network

                        Register Online at                     27

                                                             Wednesday, May 11th
                                                    l   Movie: Belfast
                                                    l   Drama: Rated PG-13
                                                    l   Starring: Jude Hill, Lewis McAskie,
                                                                  Caitriona Balfe
                                                    l   Runtime: 1 hr, 38 mins
                                                    A young boy and his working-class Belfast family
                                                    experience the tumultuous late 1960’s.

                                                             Wednesday, May 18th
                                                    l   Movie: Last Vegas
                                                    l   Comedy, Drama: Rated PG-13
       FREE                                         l   Starring: Robert DeNiro, Michael Douglas,
                                                                  Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline
     MOVIES AND MUNCHIES                            l   Runtime: 1 hr, 45 mins
                  Willow Room
                                                    Four friends take a break from their day-to-day
l   Wednesdays                                      lives to throw a bachelor party in Las Vegas for
l   May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th                      their last remaining single pal.
l   June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
l   Movie begins at 12:30 PM
l   Some movies are Rated R. Please view at                  Wednesday, May 25th
    your own discretion.                            l   Movie: The 355
l   Residents & Residents’ Guests: FREE             l   Action, Thriller: Rated PG-13
l   Registration Required! Call 216-524-7373        l   Starring: Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz,
    to register or sign up online                                Bingbing Fan
l   Registration Begins: NOW!                       l   Runtime: 2 hrs, 4 mins
l   Popcorn provided
                                                    When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary
                                                    hands, a wild card CIA agent joins forces with
         Wednesday, May 4th                         three international agents on a lethal mission to
l   Movie: Fatherhood                               retrieve it, while staying a step ahead of a
l   Comedy, Drama: Rated PG-13                      mysterious woman who’s tracking their every
l   Starring: Kevin Hart, Alfre Woodard,            move.
              Lil Rel Howery
l   Runtime: 1 hr, 49 mins
A father brings up his baby girl as a single dad
after the unexpected death of his wife who died a
day after their daughter’s birth.

28                  May/June 2022          A PUBLICATION   OF THE   CITY OF INDEPENDENCE
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