2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included

Page created by Melvin Hoffman
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included

                                 2023 USC TOURS
                  Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited
        Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
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2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Welcome to the Beauty of Small Group


     Dear USC Alumni and Friends,
                                                                                                        Odysseys Unlimited is
     I’m delighted to introduce our 2023 USC-sponsored Odysseys Unlimited tours. For                    a seven-time honoree
     close to 20 years, USC alumni and friends have experienced the world through exciting                Travel + Leisure’s
     and high-quality travel opportunities carefully crafted by Odysseys Unlimited.                       World’s Best Tour
                                                                                                           Operators award
     From alluring locations to new experiences to longtime favorites, you’re sure to
     discover a trip that will intrigue you! Our travelers have come to rely on Odysseys
     Unlimited for consistent quality on tours around the world. Space on each of these
     USC Trojan Travel programs is limited to just 24 guests in total, or fewer, and our
     programs often fill very quickly

     International travel is on the rebound and we are so excited to explore the world with
     you, just like we’ve been able to with many alumni this year. Since travel regulations
     continue to change with time, we are excited to announce that the risk-free booking
     policy from 2022 has been extended! This cancellation policy offers travelers a full
     refund of your deposit up to 95 days before the tour’s departure. Be assured that
     travel safety and peace of mind remain the highest priorities for both the USC Alumni
     Association and Odysseys Unlimited.

     More details about these itineraries and our entire travel program are available at
     TrojanTravel.usc.edu. If you would like to make a reservation on one of these exciting
     tours, or would like more information, please call Odysseys Unlimited toll-free at
     (888) 370-6765.

     We hope you will join us soon and rediscover the joys of travel!

     Flight on and Travel on!

     Linda J. Ball ’83
     Associate Director, USC Trojan Travel

     Cover: We visit India’s awe-inspiring Taj Mahal on Mystical India (pages 10-11). Above: The
     beautiful landscape of Tuscany, which we see on Portrait of Italy (pages 12-13).

                                                                                                   We may enjoy free time at Plaza Major in Madrid Paradores & Pousadas (pages 16-17).


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2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Travel ... Just 12-24 Guests – Guaranteed

                                                                                               2023 USC Trojan Travel
                                                                                                 Table of Contents
                                                               About USC Trojan Travel                           Europe
                                                                  USC Alumni Small Group Tours              4      Portrait of Italy                         12
                                                                                                                    May 23-June 7, 2023
                                                               Central America
                                                                                                                   Ancient Greece                            14
                                                                  Costa Rica’s Natural Heritage             6
                                                                                                                    June 1-14, 2023
                                                                   January 26-February 5, 2023
                                                                                                                   Paradores & Pousadas                      16
                                                               Africa                                               October 21-November 4, 2023
                                                                  Moroccan Discovery                        8      Legendary Turkey                          18
                                                                   February 19-March 4, 2023                        November 3-17, 2023
                                                                  Mystical India                           10
     We explore Ephesus on Legendary Turkey (pages 18-19).         February 23-March 11, 2023

                                              For reservations, call Odysseys Unlimited, Inc. toll-free (888) 370-6765 m-f, 9:00am-7:00pm, eastern time       3

USC_Front_2-5_2023_#1.indd 3                                                                                                                              7/6/22 2:23 PM
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Trojan Travel Small Group Tours
     Designed for People Accustomed to Independent Travel

     We climb to the ancient theater of Delphi on Ancient Greece (pages 14-15).                  We traverse the High Atlas in Morocco (Moroccan Discovery, pages 8-9).

     USC Trojan Travel and                                              we set aside time for you to explore on your own or                              THIS WAS OUR THIRD TOUR
     Odysseys Unlimited                                                 simply to relax. With USC Trojan Travel and
                                                                                                                                                       WITH O DYSSEYS AND WE LOOK
                                                                        Odysseys Unlimited, you’re assured of seeing the
     USC Trojan Travel is committed to educating                        highlights – and also the unexpected. And because                                 FORWARD TO MANY MORE .”
     and delighting alumni, family and friends through                  we generally spend at least two nights in most places
     quality, worldwide travel opportunities. Our pro-                                                                                                                    – NANCY & IRA BAUMEL
                                                                        and in some cases as many as four, you won’t be run                                                     NEW YORK, NY
     gram offers travelers many exciting and enriching                  ragged by changing hotels every day. In addition
     ways to stay connected to USC and to each other,                   to the freedom, flexibility, and camaraderie that
     and our small group tour collection with Odysseys                  our small groups engender, you’ll enjoy more per-            These small group tours include a great deal of
     Unlimited offers particular advantages. Here are                   sonal, authentic encounters while traveling. Rather          thoughtful and engaging sightseeing and activities,
     some of the many reasons to travel with USC and                    than descending en masse upon an ancient ruin or             such as museum tours, river cruises, and UNESCO
     Odysseys Unlimited.                                                provincial village, we make a minimum of impact –            site visits. As you’ll see on the following pages, we
                                                                        so we have maximum opportunity for enjoyment,                include all the highlights, and much more.
     Tours Designed Specifically                                        and for responsible travel. Many of our tours include
     for Small Groups                                                   visits with local families in their homes or villages,       High Quality and Outstanding Value
     Each of these tours is custom-designed specifically                and excursions to schools and marketplaces. Simply           Traveling is an investment, and we make sure you
     for small groups, with a balanced mix of traveling,                because of our small size, we can move around faster         get the best value for your money. Our trips allow
     sightseeing, and cultural encounters. We make sure                 and easier – leaving more time for seeing and doing.         you to stretch your travel dollar so that you can
                                                                                                                                     experience a wide variety of cultural, educational and
                                                                                                                                     recreational activities without any surprise charges.
                                                                                                                                     For USC Trojan Travel and Odysseys Unlimited,
                               What Our Tours are Like ... a note on physical activities
                                                                                                                                     “value” doesn’t mean the lowest price around. We
         Odysseys Unlimited does not offer “adventure” or “walking” tours; however, walking is an essential element                  believe it’s a ratio of quality and service to price; of
         of most of our trips. The amount of walking varies, but you should be in relatively good health to enjoy our                expectations met or exceeded based on what was
                                                                                                                                     promised – and what is delivered. We strive to
         tours to the fullest. If you need assistance in getting around, our tours may not be appropriate for you. Tours
                                                                                                                                     provide excellent value by securing the best
         with visits to ancient sites and archaeological ruins typically include considerable walking, and the use of stairs         possible rates and including many meals, compre-
         without handrails. In many places, motorcoaches are prohibited from entering historical city centers, which                 hensive sightseeing, and most gratuities, while always
         means walks to and from the coach. In addition, some of our small hotels do not have elevators. If you have                 being mindful of quality and service. Of course, the
         any concerns about your ability to participate in a tour, please discuss them with one of our Travel Counselors.            best value of all is indeed priceless: the privilege of
                                                                                                                                     traveling in a small group of just 12 to 24 guests.


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2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Knowledgeable Tour Directors                                      contribute to a memorable trip. Our hotels in major
                                                                       cities are usually centrally located so guests can get
     We are dedicated to educational travel. Odysseys
                                                                       around easier. Our other “unique lodgings” are often
     Unlimited tour directors rank among the best in the
                                                                       out of the way, offering our small groups a local
     business; their love of travel is equaled only by their
                                                                       ambiance that larger groups never experience.
     desire to share their enthusiasm and knowledge with
     others. Most trips also feature lectures given by local           Assisted Hearing Devices
                                                                       We’re continually seeking new ways to enhance our
     Distinctive Hotels Enhance Your Small                             tours, and many of our tours include the use of hearing
     Group Travel Experience                                           devices that enable you to hear the tour guide from
                                                                       up to 30 feet away. No more crowding around the
     Hotels aren’t the main reason for traveling. But it               tour guide.
     happens that good accommodations can enhance your
     overall experience – and great accommodations can                 About USC Trojan Travel
                                                                       You don’t have to be a University of Southern
                     THE       HOTELS WERE EXCEPTIONAL                 California graduate to join one of our tours. We invite
                                IN EVERY WAY , ESPECIALLY
                                                                       the entire Trojan Family - alumni, family, parents, and
                                                                       friends - to Travel with USC. For more information
                   LOCATION , LOCATION , LOCATION .”                   on USC Alumni Association travel opportunities, visit
                                         – RICHARD & KAREN ALEXANDER   TrojanTravel.usc.edu or contact the Trojan Travel
                                                       ROCHESTER, IL   office at 213-821-6005. We look forward to exploring
                                                                       the world with you!

                                                                                                                                 Jai Mahal Palace, Jaipur, India

                                                                                                                                             The Odysseys Unlimited
                                                                                                                                             Small Group Difference
                                                                                                                                       What You Receive on Every Tour
                                                                                                                                     • Travel in a small group of just 12 to 24 guests
                                                                                                                                        – guaranteed

                                                                                                                                     • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities;
                                                                                                                                        plus all flights within your tour

                                                                                                                                     • Accommodations in distinctive lodgings –
                                                                                                                                        those that offer the best combination of quality,
     Hotel Sahrai, Fez, Morocco                                                                                                         atmosphere, and value for a particular location
                                                                       Lomas del Volcan, Arenal Region, Costa Rica                   • Most meals: all breakfasts, many lunches and
                                                                                                                                        dinners – and you’ll also have the opportunity
                                                                                                                                        to dine on your own, without the group

                                                                                                                                     • Extensive sightseeing (plus all entrance fees
                                                                                                                                        and admissions) – you don’t have to spend
                                                                                                                                        extra money to visit the sights you traveled
                                                                                                                                        so far to see

                                                                                                                                     • Singular activities and more intimate cultural
                                                                                                                                        encounters possible only with a small group

                                                                                                                                     • The services of an experienced, professional
                                                                                                                                        Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director

                                                                                                                                     • Gratuities for local guides, dining room servers,
                                                                                                                                        airport and hotel porters, and all drivers

                                                                                                                                     • Luggage handling for one bag per person
     Villa San Filippo, Tuscany, Italy                                 Parador de Ronda, Ronda, Spain

                                                   FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                5

USC_Front_2-5_2023_#1.indd 5                                                                                                                                                           7/6/22 2:26 PM
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Exclusive USC Trojan Travel departure – January 26-February 5, 2023

     Costa Rica’s Natural Heritage
     11 days for $4,281 total price
     from Los Angeles
     ($4,095 air & land inclusive plus $186
     airline taxes and fees)
     In this small Central American democracy
     kissed by nature, our small group discovers
     a nation’s wealth in four distinct regions,
     from cloud forest to rainforest, Central Valley
     to Pacific Coast. As Costa Rica presents its
     staggering display of biodiversity – pristine
     landscapes, unique microclimates, exotic flora
     and fauna – we enjoy a relaxed yet comprehensive
     exploration that celebrates Costa Rica’s wide-
     ranging natural resources.

                        Arenal Region
              Liberia                                      National Park
          Tamarindo                                                Caribbean Sea
         (Guanacaste                        San Jose

                                        Pacific Ocean                              We see Arenal, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, from a safe distance.
              Pre-Tour Option
              (van and boat)                                                       Day 1: Depart for San Jose, Costa Rica We arrive                   Day 4: Arenal Region This morning we visit a
              Entry/Departure                                                      in the Costa Rican capital and transfer to our hotel               local elementary school to enjoy a cultural exchange
                                                                                   located in the Escazu area outside the city. This                  with the children and learn about Costa Rica’s vaunted
         Avg. High (°F)                     Jan              Feb
         San Jose                           75               76                    afternoon and evening are at leisure.                              educational s­ ystem – the country boasts a literacy rate
         Guanacaste                         88               89                                                                                       of more than 95%. We continue on to Ecocentro
                                                                                   Day 2: San Jose After meeting our Odysseys                         Danaus, a biological reserve focused on conservation,
                                                                                   Unlimited Tour Director and fellow travelers at this               environmental education, and sustainability. A series
                                                                                   morning’s breakfast briefing, we embark on an excur-               of trails winds through the secondary forest, where we
             Your Small Group Tour Highlights                                      sion to Irazú National Park, whose active volcano                  see diverse flora, including orchids, bromelia, and
                                                                                   last erupted in 1994. At 11,260 feet, Irazú stands                 heliconia, along with some of the preserve’s 150 species
         Irazú Volcano excursion • Doka Coffee Estate • Carrizal’s
                                                                                   as Costa Rica’s tallest volcano, as well as its largest;           of birds, sloths, and bats, among other fauna. High-
         Botanical Orchid Garden • Visit with schoolchildren • Eco-
         centro Danaus Biological Reserve • Arenal hanging bridges
                                                                                   and presents a spectacle of nature, as it rises from               lights include a butterfly farm with 30 different species
         Sky Walk • Night viewing of Arenal Volcano • Monteverde                   a flat, bare landscape coated in ash. We return                    and a natural water spring that attracts waterfowl, al-
         Cloud Forest biological reserve • Tempisque River float safari            to our hotel late this afternoon; tonight we enjoy a               ligators, and iguana. Later today there’s time for more
         • Three-night Guanacaste stay at a beachfront resort                      welcome dinner there. B,L,D                                        volcano viewing before and after dinner (at a local rest-
                                                                                                                                                      aurant) from a comfortable perch at our hotel. B,L,D
         Day Itinerary             Hotel                            Rating         Day 3: San Jose/Arenal Region We leave this
                Depart U.S.InterContinental                         Sup. First
                                                                                   morning for the Arenal region, passing picturesque                 Day 5: Arenal Region On this morning’s visit to
         1                                                                         villages along the way. We stop at the Doka Coffee                 Arenal’s hanging bridges Sky Walk, we have the special
                for San Jose
                           Costa Rica                               Class
                           InterContinental                         Sup. First     Estate, located on the fertile slopes of Poas Volcano,             opportunity to experience the rainforest from the
         2    San Jose
         		                Costa Rica                               Class          where we learn about coffee-making and Costa Rica’s                canopy level as we traverse a series of five suspension
         3-5 Arenal Region Lomas del Volcan                         First Class    coffee crop, one of the country’s largest exports.                 bridges high above the forest floor. While we observe
         6-7 Monteverde    El Establo                                              Continuing on, we stop in Carrizal at the family-                  the rainforest from a unique perspective, our naturalist
                                                                    First Class
              Cloud Forest Mountain Hotel
                                                                                   owned Botanical Orchid Garden, with tropical                       guide will point out some of the flora and fauna that
                           JW Marriott Guanacaste                   Sup. First
         8-10 Guanacaste
         		                Resort & Spa                             Class          trails, exhibits, nurseries, and gardens all dedicated             thrive here. Then we return to our hotel, where the
         11   Depart Guanacaste for U.S.                                           to the wondrous orchid plant. After time to explore                remainder of the day is at leisure to relax amidst the
                                                                                   here, we travel on to Arenal and our hotel, which                  beautiful grounds and thermal waters. Lunch and
         Ratings are based on the Hotel & Travel Index, the travel
         industry standard reference.                                              offers magnificent views of Arenal Volcano and                     dinner today are on our own. B
                                                                                   where we dine tonight. B,L,D

     6             Visit us at trojantravel.usc.edu                                                                            B – Breakfast; L – Lunch; D – Dinner

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2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Tour membership limited to 18 alumni and friends

    Day 6: Arenal Region/Monteverde Cloud Forest                                           HE    WHO GOES THE WRONG ROAD
    We travel today to the “green cathedral” of Monte-
                                                                                                           MUST GO THE JOURNEY
    verde. En route we stop to visit a non-profit handicrafts
    cooperative dedicated to enhancing the economic                                                                     TWICE OVER .”
    and social well-being of local women artists. After                                                              – COSTA RICAN PROVERB
    lunch on our own in Santa Elena, we continue on to
    our hotel, arriving late afternoon. We dine tonight at
    a local restaurant in Monteverde. B,D                                    Day 9: Guanacaste A float safari on the Tempisque
                                                                             River highlights this morning’s excursion to the Palo
    Day 7: Monteverde This morning we embark on                              Verde region, which is both an extraordinary wetland
    a guided walk through Monteverde’s biological                            and also one of the world’s last tropical dry forests.
    reserve, learning about the amazing biodiversity in                      In this unique ecosystem, we can expect to see abun-
    this relatively small area. After lunch together we                      dant bird- and wildlife, including monkeys, iguanas,
    visit the Monteverde Bat Jungle to learn about Costa                     and crocodiles. After lunch together we return to our
    Rica’s diverse – and important – bat population. Late                    hotel mid-afternoon, with the remainder of the day
    this afternoon we return to our hotel for time at                        at leisure along one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful
    leisure before we dine together this evening. B,L,D                      Pacific Coast settings. B,L

    Day 8: Monteverde/Guanacaste We depart by                                Day 10: Guanacaste Today is at leisure to enjoy the
    coach this morning for Guanacaste, Costa Rica’s                          beautiful beach and other amenities of our hotel, includ-
                                   stunning north-                           ing an outdoor infinity pool. Optional activities
                                   west Pacific coastal                      include kayaking, hiking, or visiting the lively town
                                   region. Along the                         of Tamarindo. This evening we gather at a farewell
                                   way we visit Mon-                         dinner to celebrate our Costa Rican adventure. B,D
                                   teverde’s delightful
                                   Butterfly Garden,                         Day 11: Depart for U.S. We transfer to the airport
                                   with a variety of                         this morning for our return flights to the U.S. B
                                   species including
                                   the stunning blue
                                   morpho and the
                                   virtually trans-
                                   parent glasswing.
                                   After a stop for
                                   lunch, we reach
                                   our resort hotel                                                                                              Local birdlife includes the Great Green Macaw.
                                   overlooking the
                                   Pacific mid-
    Arenal’s Sky Walk              afternoon. B,L,D                                                                                                   Tour Departs: January 26, 2023
                                                                                                                                                  Prices include international airfare and all taxes, surcharges, and fees

                                                                                                                                                  Miami                                                       $3,981
                             Pre-Tour Option                                                                                                      Boston, New York,
                                                                                                                                                  Tampa, Washington, DC
                          January 23-26, 2023                                                                                                     Atlanta, Charlotte,
                           Tortuguero                                                                                                             Chicago, Cleveland,
                          National Park                                                                                                           Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles,
                                                                                                                                                  Orlando, San Francisco
                4 days/3 nights for $795 total price
                           Single Supplement: $145                                                                                                Baltimore, Cincinnati,
                                                                                                                                                  Denver, Detroit, Minneapolis,
           Encounter exceptional biodiversity, from rainforest to                                                                                                                                             $4,381
                                                                                                                                                  Philadelphia, Phoenix,
          marsh, where fresh water meets the sea to form canals,
                                                                             We explore Tortuguero’s canals on the pre-tour option.               Portland (OR), Seattle
         lagoons, and wetlands; and also to provide an important
                                                                                                                                                  Land Only (transfers not included)                          $3,495
            turtle nesting reserve. An ecological tour de force!
                                                                                          Your Tour Price Includes                                Please call if your city is not listed. Prices are per person
                                                                                                                                                  based on double occupancy and include airline taxes,
                       Your Tour Price Includes                              • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities
                                                                                                                                                  surcharges, and fees of $186, which are subject to change
                                                                             • 10 nights’ accommodations in Superior First Class and First
        • Round-trip transfers San Jose/Tortuguero by van and boat                                                                                until final payment is made.
                                                                               Class hotels
        • 3 nights’ accommodations: 1 night in San Jose at InterConti-
                                                                             • 23 meals: 10 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 7 dinners                      Single travelers please add $1,195. Your $500 deposit is
          nental Costa Rica (Superior First Class); 2 nights in Tortuguero
          National Park at Mawamba Lodge (First Class)                       • Extensive sightseeing as described, including all entrance fees    fully refundable up to 95 days prior to departure. All 2023
        • 8 meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners                        • Services of an expert Costa Rica naturalist as your Odysseys       tour prices above (excluding airline taxes, surcharges, and
        • Included sightseeing: Tortuguero town and Caribbean Con-             Unlimited Tour Director                                            fees) are guaranteed.
          servation Center; two boat safaris along the Tortuguero canals
                                                                             • Private motorcoach transportation throughout your trip             Please note: This trip includes nature walks and lengthy
        • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director
                                                                             • Luggage handling for one bag per person                            coach rides over bumpy dirt roads. You should be in
        • Gratuities for dining room servers, airport and hotel porters,
          and all drivers                                                    • Gratuities for dining room servers, airport and hotel porters,     good physical condition to enjoy the tour to its fullest.
                                                                               and all drivers

                                                       FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                                             7

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 7                                                                                                                                                                                           7/6/22 2:34 PM
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Special USC Trojan Travel departure – February 19-March 4, 2023

     Moroccan Discovery                                                                                       from the Imperial Cities to the Sahara
     14 days for $5,779 total price
     from Los Angeles
     ($4,995 air & land inclusive plus $784
     airline taxes and fees)
     This land of dramatic contrasts invites us
     to encounter its ancient ruins and sacred
     mosques, endless desert and storied mountains,
     imposing kasbahs and spirited souks. As we
     travel from the imperial cities of Rabat, Fez,
     and Marrakech to the High Atlas and vast
     Sahara, we open our eyes, and hearts, to a truly
     foreign land, an age-old culture, and genuinely
     hospitable people.

            Destination                             Mediterranean Sea

                                  Rabat       Fez

     Atlantic Ocean

                                                     Erfoud/Sahara Desert
                                                                            We encounter many of Morocco's age-old kasbahs on our journey.

                                                                            Day 1: Depart U.S. for Casablanca, Morocco                       and colorful mosaics. Late afternoon we reach Fez
         Avg. High (°F)                Feb              Mar                                                                                  and our elegant hotel overlooking the medina. B,L,D
         Rabat                         65               68
         Marrakech                     68               74                  Day 2: Arrive Casablanca/Rabat Upon arrival this
                                                                            afternoon in Casablanca, the commercial center of                Day 5: Fez Today we explore Morocco’s oldest im-
                                                                            Morocco, we transfer by coach to Rabat and our hotel             perial city, considered the “Athens of Africa” for its
                                                                            located near famed Hassan Tower. We have time to                 wealth of cultural, educational, and religious institutions.
               Your Small Group Tour Highlights                             relax and refresh before dinner tonight at the hotel. D          We begin with a comfortable walk through the Fez
                                                                                                                                             medina, where we see some hidden treasures, including
         Private Sahara sunset excursion and camel ride on the dunes
                                                                            Day 3: Rabat One of Morocco’s four ancient capitals,             the Blue Gate, the most picturesque of the Old City’s
         • Visits to five UNESCO World Heritage sites • Ancient
         ruins of Volubilis • Scenic “Route of a Thousand Kasbahs”
                                                                            or imperial cities, Rabat is again the ­country’s capital,       historic gates; the medieval school of Bouanania; the
         • Dramatic Todra Gorge and Atlas Mountain scenery •                at once historic and contemporary, as we discover on             12th-century home of Jewish scholar Maimonides; and
         Kasbah of Ait ben-Haddou • Fez touring • Marrakech’s               today’s tour. We visit the necropolis of Chellah, built          the authentic food market. We also visit the traditional
         medina and Djemaa el Fna Square • Storied Casablanca               on ancient Roman ruins, and the Mohammed VI                      quarter where we watch artisans craft the acclaimed
         and Hassan II mosque • Outstanding accommodations                  contemporary art museum then have lunch in a private             Fez pottery and ceramics. After lunch together in the
                                                                            home. On tap this afternoon: the 12th-century Kasbah             medina, we tour the old Mellah (Jewish quarter) and its
         Day Itinerary            Hotel                  Rating             of the Oudaias, the peaceful Andalusian Gardens, and             17th-century synagogue and the royal gates. B,L,D
         1     Depart U.S. for Casablanca                                   Rabat's medina, a UNESCO site. Tonight we enjoy
         2-3   Rabat         La Tour Hassan              Sup. First Class   a welcome dinner of traditional Moroccan fare at                 Day 6: Fez We begin today with a visit to the Al-
         4-6   Fez           Hotel Sahrai                Deluxe             acclaimed Dinarjat in Rabat’s Old Town. B,L,D                    Attarine Madrasa, whose highlight is a small courtyard
                             Le Palais                                                                                                       showcasing intricately detailed tilework and carving
         7-8   Erfoud                                    First Class        Day 4: Rabat/Meknes/Volubilis/Fez This morning                   decorations dating to the early 1300s. We then con-
         		                  du Désert
         9     Ouarzazate Le Berbere Palace              Sup. First Class   we depart Rabat for Fez, stopping along the way                  tinue our discovery on a walking tour of the medina
         10-12 Marrakech     Sofitel Marrakech           Deluxe             in Meknes, Morocco’s youngest imperial city (and                 focusing on the artisans’ quarters, the 14th-century
                                                                            UNESCO World Heritage site). We visit the Bab                    Koranic schools, and Al Karaouine, the medieval
         13    Casablanca Hyatt Regency                  Deluxe
         		                  Casablanca                                     el Mansour gateway and the ruins of the imperial                 theological university. The remainder of the after-
         14    Depart Casablanca for U.S.                                   stables before lunch in a local restaurant. Then                 noon is free for independent exploration and lunch
         Ratings are based on the Hotel & Travel Index, the travel          we continue on to the ancient Roman ruins at the                 on our own. Tonight, we enjoy a private dinner at an
         industry standard reference.                                       UNESCO site of Volubilis, known for its intricate                intimate family-run riad in Fez. B,D

     8              Visit us at trojantravel.usc.edu                                                                  B – Breakfast; L – Lunch; D – Dinner

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 8                                                                                                                                                                         7/6/22 2:34 PM
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Tour membership limited to 24 alumni and friends

     Day 7: Fez/Midelt/Erfoud Traveling inland today,                                             IF LIFE GETS TIGHT,
     we cross the fertile plains beyond Fez and continue
                                                                                                LOOSEN IT BY TRAVEL.”
     through the Middle Atlas mountain range. We stop
     in the small town of Midelt for lunch. Continuing                                                       – BEDOUIN PROVERB
     on we cross the Ziz River, passing rows of sky-scraping
     palm trees and fortified villages before reaching our
     kasbah-style hotel in Erfoud late in the day. Dinner        Day 11: Marrakech Once the capital of southern
     tonight is at our hotel. B,L,D                              Morocco, the imperial city of Marrakech is an alluring
                                                                 oasis with a temperate climate, distinct charm, and
     Day 8: Erfoud/Rissani/Merzouga This morning                 fascinating sights. Our day-long tour includes the
     we visit the city of Rissani, with its 18th-century ksar,   beautifully proportioned Koutoubia Mosque with
     a virtually impenetrable warren of alleys. We enjoy a       its distinctive 282-foot minaret visible from miles
     tour highlight this afternoon as we set out on a sunset     away; the lovely Andalusian-style El Bahia Palace
     excursion to the breathtakingly beautiful sand dunes        (part of which is still used by the royal family);
     at Merzouga on the edge of the Sahara. In the enor-         and the ruins of 16th-century Palais El Badii. After
     mous silence we watch the sun set over the desert as        lunch at our hotel, mid-afternoon we embark on a
     we take a camel ride along the erg. Following this          walking tour of the medina, ending at Djemaa el Fna
     experience, we’ll have dinner together in this desert       Square, a UNESCO site and the heart of Marrakech,
     setting before returning to our hotel tonight. B,L,D        crowded with snake charmers, entertainers, story-
                                                                 tellers, musicians, barbers, and sellers of fruit, water,
                                           Day 9:                and spices. Dinner tonight is on our own in this
                                           Erfoud/Tinehir/       exotic city. B,L
                                           Todra Gorge/
                                           Ouarzazate            Day 12: Marrakech This morning we travel by
                                           Our destination       horse-drawn carriage from Menara Park to Major-
                                           today is in the       elle Gardens, a private botanical garden with some
                                           snow-topped           15 species of birds native to North Africa and known
                                           High Atlas. The       for its cobalt blue accents. Following a tour of the
                                           day features one      gardens we visit the nearby Yves St. Laurent Museum,
                                           beautiful scene       housing a vast collection of the designer's haute cou-
                                           after another,        ture and design works. The afternoon is at leisure
                                           including the vil-    before dinner tonight at a local restaurant in the
                                           lage of Tinehir, a    city’s Old Town. B,D
                                           stunning moun-                                                                            We ride camels in the Sahara on Day 8.
                                           tain oasis rising     Day 13: Marrakech/Casablanca We leave Marra-
                                           on a series of        kech this morning by coach for storied Casablanca,
                                           riverside terraces    Morocco’s largest and most cosmopolitan city. After                      Tour Departs: February 19, 2023
                                           lush with palm        a brief orientation tour of the city, we visit the magnif-           Prices include international airfare and all taxes, surcharges, and fees
     Rabat's Kasbah des Oudaias
                                           trees; and the        icent Hassan II Mosque, Morocco’s only functioning                   Boston, New York,
     spectacular 984-foot Todra Gorge, home to a variety         mosque open to non-Muslims. Sitting on the Atlantic                  Washington, DC
     of rare bird and plant species. Following lunch here        shoreline, the mosque boasts a prayer hall the size of               Atlanta, Chicago                                            $5,679
     we visit El Kelaa des Mgouna, known for its roses,          London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral. Tonight we celebrate
                                                                                                                                      Baltimore, Charlotte,
     then set out on the fabled “Route of a Thousand             our Moroccan adventure at a farewell dinner at a
                                                                                                                                      Detroit, Los Angeles,                                       $5,779
     Kasbahs” ancient caravan route, a region of fortresses      local restaurant. B,D
                                                                                                                                      Miami, Philadelphia
     with elaborately decorated façades. Late afternoon
     we reach the town of Ouarzazate (the “door of the           Day 14: Depart for U.S. After breakfast this morn-                   Cincinnati, Cleveland,
     desert”) where we spend the night. B,L,D                    ing we transfer to the airport for our return flight to              Dallas, Denver, Houston,
                                                                 the U.S. B                                                           Minneapolis, Orlando,                                       $5,879
     Day 10: Ouarzazate/Ait ben-Haddou/Marrakech                                                                                      Phoenix, Portland (OR),
     En route to Marrakech today, we stop first at unin-                                                                              San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa
     habited Ait ben-Haddou, a UNESCO World Heritage                                                                                  Land Only (transfers not included)                          $4,595
     site and one of southern Morocco’s most scenic villages
     that is often used as a location for fashion and film
                                                                              Your Tour Price Includes                                Please call if your city is not listed. Prices are per person
                                                                                                                                      based on double occupancy and include airline taxes,
     shoots. Its old section consists of deep red kasbahs        • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities
                                                                                                                                      surcharges, and fees of $784, which are subject to change
     packed together so tightly they appear to be a single       • 12 nights’ accommodations in Deluxe, Superior First Class,
                                                                                                                                      until final payment is made.
     unit. Then as we begin our descent from the High              and First Class hotels
     Atlas, we pass through typical villages with fortified      • 31 meals: 12 breakfasts, 8 lunches, 11 dinners                     Single travelers please add $1,495. Your $500 deposit is
     walls and stone houses with earthen roofs. In Tizi          • Extensive sightseeing as described, including all entrance fees    fully refundable up to 95 days prior to departure. All 2023
     N’Tichka, we traverse the Pass of the Pastures (alt.        • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director                    tour prices above (excluding airline taxes, surcharges, and
     7,415 feet), where life is much as it was centuries ago:    • Private motorcoach transportation throughout your trip             fees) are guaranteed.
     shepherds bring their flocks to the high pastures every     • Luggage handling for one bag per person                            Airline upgrades on round-trip Trans-Atlantic flight:
     summer, then return with them to their villages in          • Gratuities for local guides, dining room servers, airport and      Business Class – $3,795 per person; Premium Economy –
     autumn. We arrive in Marrakech late this afternoon            hotel porters, and all drivers                                     $1,195 per person (upgrade is subject to availability and
     and dine tonight at our hotel. B,L,D                        • We are pleased to share this departure with alumni from            pricing is subject to change).
                                                                   the University of Alabama

                                             FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                                           9

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 9                                                                                                                                                                               7/6/22 2:34 PM
2023 USC TOURS Small Group Journeys with Odysseys Unlimited Just 12 to 24 Guests - Guaranteed | International Airfare Included
Special USC Trojan Travel departure – February 23-March 11, 2023

     Mystical India                                                                    with Ranthambore Tiger Preserve
     17 days for $5,087 total price
     from Los Angeles
     ($4,295 air & land inclusive plus $792
     airline taxes and fees)
     Mystical and spiritual, chaotic and confounding,
     India overflows with riches. While staying at
     excellent hotels, we travel the classic Golden
     Triangle: bustling Delhi; Agra, home of the
     sublime Taj Mahal; and Jaipur, great city of
     the Rajput. We also search for elusive Bengals
     at Ranthambore Tiger Preserve, and absorb the
     holiness of Varanasi.

                               Delhi                    Kathmandu/

                   Jaipur                                Varanasi

                         National Park          INDIA
     Arabian Sea

          Indian Ocean                                           Motorcoach
                                                                 Extension (air)
                                                                                   On Day 12 we visit the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO site considered one of the world’s most beautiful buildings.
      Avg. High (°F)                      Feb              Mar
      Delhi                               75               83                      Day 1: Depart U.S. for Delhi, India                                Day 5: Delhi/Jaipur Today we travel by coach to
      Agra                                77               88
                                                                                                                                                      the “pink city” of Jaipur, one of the great cities of the
                                                                                   Day 2: Arrive Delhi We arrive in India’s hyperactive               Rajput, with historic forts, palaces, and gardens. We
                                                                                   capital late evening and transfer to our hotel.                    reach our hotel late afternoon. B,L,D
             Your Small Group Tour Highlights
                                                                                   Day 3: Delhi After a morning at leisure followed by                Day 6: Jaipur Our first stop is the stunning Hawa
       Tours of Old and New Delhi • Home-hosted dinner with
       Jaipur family • Magnificent Taj Mahal • Two-night stay at
                                                                                   a briefing about the journey ahead, we set out to dis-             Mahal, the elaborately carved pink sandstone “Palace
       Ranthambore Tiger Preserve • Meena tribal home visit •                      cover Old Delhi. Our first stop is Qutb Minar, the                 of the Winds.” We continue on to Amber Fort, built
       “Pink City” of Jaipur • Holy city of Varanasi • Pilgrimage                  379-step tower dating to 1192. We continue on to                   by the Kachhawah Rajputs as their capital from 1037
       site of Sarnath temple and museum                                           Gandhi Smriti, a museum dedicated to the Indian icon;              to 1728; Jantar Mantar, the open-air observatory;
                                                                                   and pass by India Gate, the majestic arch honoring                 and City Palace Museum, housing the magnificent
       Day Itinerary                   Hotel                        Rating         the 90,000 Indian soldiers who died fighting along-                art collections of the Maharajahs of Jaipur. B,L
       1     Depart U.S. for Delhi
                                                                                   side the British in World War I. Late this afternoon
       2-4   Delhi           Taj Palace, New Delhi                  Deluxe
                                                                                   we return to our hotel, where tonight we enjoy a                   Day 7: Jaipur/Sanganer This morning we visit
       5-7   Jaipur          Jai Mahal Palace                       Deluxe
                                                                                   welcome dinner together. B,D                                       the village of Sanganer to see traditional block print-
                             Taj Sawai
                                                                                                                                                      ing and handmade paper industries. Later we see
       8-9   Ranthambore                                            First Class    Day 4: Delhi We encounter more of this pulsating                   local life up close as we explore an outdoor market.
                             Madhopur Lodge
                             The Clement                                           city today, beginning at Raj Ghat, the simple black                Tonight we are dinner guests in the home of a multi-
       10    Kalakho                                                Not rated
                             Village Retreat                                       marble slab honoring Mahatma Gandhi. After stop-                   generational Rajasthan family. B,D
       11-12 Agra            Courtyard                              Sup. First     ping for photos at Lal Qila, the Red Fort complex of
                             Marriott Agra                          Class
                                                                                   palaces, we visit a Sikh temple followed by lunch at a             Day 8: Jaipur/Ranthambore We travel today to
                                                                    Sup. First
       13-15 Varanasi                  Taj Gateway Ganges
                                                                    Class          local restaurant. This afternoon’s sights include the              Ranthambore National Park, the former hunt-
                                 Hotel Pullman                                     red sandstone and marble Jama Masjid, India’s largest              ing ground of the Maharajah of Jaipur and now a
       16        Delhi                                              Deluxe         mosque; and the colorful Chandni Chowk market,                     512-square-mile natural preserve that is home to
                                 New Delhi Aerocity
       17        Depart Delhi for U.S.                                             where we ride rickshaws. Then the remainder of the                 hundreds of species of birds, reptiles, mammals,
       Ratings are based on the Hotel & Travel Index, the travel                   day is free for further exploration and dinner on our              and of course, Bengal tigers. This afternoon we
       industry standard reference. Unrated hotels may be too                      own. B,L                                                           take our first game drive through the park. B,L,D
       small, too new, or too remote to be listed.

     10            VISIT US AT TROJANTRAVEL.USC.EDU                                                                            B – Breakfast; L – Lunch; D – Dinner

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 10                                                                                                                                                                              7/6/22 2:35 PM
Tour membership limited to 24 alumni and friends

     Day 9: Ranthambore We take both morning and                                                       T HE    BUTTERFLY COUNTS
     afternoon game drives today to see not only game
                                                                                                 NOT MONTHS BUT MOMENTS ,
     (though tiger and leopard sightings are not guaranteed),
     but also picturesque ruins of forts and palaces. B,L,D                                            AND HAS TIME ENOUGH .”

                                                                                                                   – RABINDRANATH TAGORE
     Day 10: Ranthambore/Kalakho We depart early for
     Kalakho, where we set out on a village walk to meet
     local Meena tribespeople in their homes. Tonight we                    Day 14: Varanasi/Sarnath Before breakfast today,
     enjoy a traditional folk dance performance. B,L,D                      those who wish can join in a private yoga session. Then
                                                                            we visit nearby Sarnath, where the Buddha first taught
     Day 11: Kalakho/Agra En route to Agra, we stop                         after achieving enlightenment. One of Buddhism’s
     in the ancient village of Abhaneri to see the fortified                four holiest sites, Sarnath draws pilgrims from the
     Chand Baori step well (c. 800 CE), whose 3,500 steps                   world over. We see some of the temples and stupas
     descend some 13 stories into the ground. Continuing                    then tour Sarnath Museum, housing a superb col-
     on, we reach the ancient Mughal stronghold of Agra,                    lection of Buddhist artifacts from excavations here.
                                    where this afternoon                    Late afternoon we attend a traditional aarti ceremony:
                                    we visit Itimad-ud-                     as we cruise along the Ganges, we watch as devout
                                    Daulah, the two-story                   Hindus offer their lit lamps to the deities. B,D
                                    marble “Baby Taj”
                                    that inspired the Taj                   Day 15: Varanasi Early this morning we return to
                                    Mahal. B,D                              the Ganges where Hindu pilgrims perform their rituals
                                                                            along the ghats (steps) leading to the river. We visit
                                       Day 12: Agra This
                                                                            several ghats by boat as we experience for ourselves
                                       morning we visit the                                                                                     We explore Jaipur’s Amber Fort on Day 6.
                                                                            the spiritual aura of the hallowed Ganges waters.
                                       Taj Mahal, the mag-
                                                                            Then we return to our hotel with time to rest before
                                       nificent tomb built by
                                                                            this afternoon’s walking tour and private performance               Day 16: Varanasi/Delhi We fly this afternoon to
                                       Emperor Shah Jahan
                                                                            of classical sitar. Tonight we celebrate our journey at             Delhi, where the evening is at leisure. B
                                       in memory of his be-
                                                                            a farewell dinner at our hotel. B,D
                                       loved wife Mumtaz.
                                                                                                                                                Day 17: Return to U.S. Very early this morning we
                                       Then we take an
    Bengal tiger rests in Ranthambore. Indian cuisine cooking                                                                                   transfer to the airport for our return flight to the U.S.
    lesson and enjoy the results for lunch. Later: imposing
    Agra Fort. B,L
                                                                                                                                                     Tour Departs: February 23, 2023
                                                                                                                                                 Prices include international airfare and all taxes, surcharges, and fees
     Day 13: Agra/Delhi/Varanasi We depart by coach
     this morning for Delhi, where we board a late after-                                                                                        Boston, New York                                            $4,887
     noon flight to Varanasi, Hinduism’s holiest city. B,L,D                                                                                     Chicago, Dallas,
                                                                                                                                                 Houston, Los Angeles,
                        Post-Tour Extension                                                                                                      San Francisco, Seattle,
                                                                                                                                                 Washington, DC
                            March 11-16, 2023                                                                                                    Atlanta, Baltimore,
                                  Nepal                                                                                                          Charlotte, Cincinnati,
                                                                                                                                                 Cleveland, Miami,                                           $5,287
               6 days/4 nights for $1,395 total price
                                                                                                                                                 Minneapolis, Orlando,
                          Single Supplement: $375
                    Absorb the beauty of the Himalayan
                                                                                                                                                 Denver, Detroit,
            kingdom – and the warmth of its people – on this                                                                                                                                                 $5,387
                                                                                                                                                 Phoenix, Portland (OR)
         special journey featuring sacred shrines, royal cities, and
                            indigenous lifestyles.                          We see the “Palace of the Winds” in Jaipur on Day 6.                 Land Only (transfers not included)                          $3,895
                                                                                                                                                 Please call if your city is not listed. Prices are per person

                      Your Tour Price Includes                                           Your Tour Price Includes                                based on double occupancy and include airline taxes,
                                                                                                                                                 surcharges, and fees of $792, which are subject to change
                                                                            • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities; all flights
        • Round-trip air transportation Delhi/Kathmandu, inclusive of                                                                            until final payment is made.
          airline taxes and fees                                              within India
                                                                                                                                                 Single travelers please add $1,495. Your $500 deposit is
        • 4 nights’ accommodations: 2 nights in Nagarkot at Club Himalaya   • 15 nights’ accommodations in Deluxe, Superior First Class,
          Nagarkot (Superior First Class); 2 nights in Kathmandu at                                                                              fully refundable up to 95 days prior to departure. All 2023
                                                                              First Class, and unrated hotels
          Soaltee Kathmandu (Superior First Class); day room in Delhi                                                                            tour prices above (excluding airline taxes, surcharges, and
                                                                            • 32 meals: 14 breakfasts, 8 lunches, 10 dinners
        • 8 meals: 4 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners                                                                                              fees) are guaranteed.
                                                                            • Extensive sightseeing as described, including all entrance fees
        • Extensive sightseeing, including Pashupatinath shrine
                                                                            • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director                    Business Class upgrade on round-trip Trans-Atlantic flight:
          (UNESCO site); Boudhanath monument; colorful Bhaktapur,
          “City of Devotees;” Swayambhunath Temple; royal city of           • Private motorcoach transportation throughout your trip             $4,195 per person in addition to the above costs (upgrades
          Patan; and Kathmandu and environs                                 • Luggage handling for one bag per person                            are subject to availability and pricing is subject to change).
        • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director
                                                                            • Gratuities for local guides, dining room servers, airport and      Please note: This trip involves considerable walking,
        • Private motorcoach transportation
                                                                              hotel porters, and all drivers                                     as well as some lengthy coach rides. You should be in
        • Gratuities for dining room servers, airport and hotel porters,
          and all drivers                                                   • We are pleased to share this departure with alumni from            good physical condition to enjoy the tour to its fullest.
                                                                              the University of Minnesota

                                                      FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                                         11

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 11                                                                                                                                                                                         7/6/22 2:35 PM
Special USC Trojan Travel departure – May 23-June 7, 2023

     Portrait of Italy                                                                    from the Amalfi Coast to Venice
     16 days for $5,774 total price
     from Los Angeles
     ($5,195 air & land inclusive plus $579
     airline taxes and fees)
     From the breathtaking Amalfi Coast to eternal
     Rome, through the gentle Umbrian and Tuscan
     countryside to timeless Venice, this wide-ranging
     tour showcases ancient sites, contemporary life,
     priceless art, and beautiful natural scenery.
     You’ll especially appreciate the small size of your
     group as you stay in unique accommodations in
     the Tuscan countryside and in a medieval village.

                                      Barberino         ria
                                      Val d’Elsa           tic

                                                                               We spend three nights on the stunning Amalfi Coast, with its sheer cliffs, turquoise seas, and classic Mediterranean landscape.
       Avg. High (°F)              May                  Jun
       Amalfi Coast                72                   79                     Day 1: Depart U.S. for Naples, Italy                                order and a center of medieval art. A German strong-
       Rome                        74                   82
       Venice                      70                   76                                                                                         hold during World War II, the hilltop Abbey was
                                                                               Day 2: Arrive Naples/Amalfi Coast After arriving                    de­stroyed by Allied bombing then rebuilt as a replica
                                                                               in Naples this morning, we travel to the storied Amalfi             of the 17th-century original. We tour the Abbey, then
                                                                               Coast, a popular resort and our base for exploring                  continue on to the Eternal City. We arrive at our
             Your Small Group Tour Highlights
                                                                               Italy’s Campania region. We dine at our hotel                       well-located hotel mid-afternoon; our tour director
       Stunning Amalfi Coast • Ruins at Pompeii • Amalfi Coast                 tonight, as we will throughout our stay here. D                     will lead an informal walk of the nearby area. B
       cruise • Rome sightseeing, including St. Peter’s Square,
       Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, Forum • Pastoral Umbria, the                 Day 3: Ravello This morning we experience this                      Day 6: Rome This morning we tour the heart of
       “green heart” of Italy • Italian cooking demonstration •                breathtaking coast by sea as we cruise from our hotel               ancient Rome: the 55,000-seat Colosseum, built in
       Visit to the walled city of Assisi • Comprehensive Tuscany              to Amalfi Center (weather permitting). Here we                      72 ce to stage gladiator spectacles; and the temples of
       sightseeing: San Gimignano, Siena, Florence • Local wine                enjoy a brief tour of the region’s largest town then                the Forum, ancient Rome’s political and legal center.
       tasting • Timeless Venice • Three-night stays in intimate               have lunch on our own. Next we ascend to moun-                      The afternoon is free to explore on our own; the
       small hotels in Amalfi, Tuscany, and Umbria
                                                                               taintop Ravello, with its spectacular gardens and                   possibilities endless: shopping along the fashionable
                                                                               coastal views. B,D                                                  Via Ven­eto; sipping espresso in beautiful Piazza Navona;
       Day Itinerary          Hotel                              Rating                                                                            seeing the Pantheon, the city’s best preserved ancient
       1      Depart U.S. for Naples                                           Day 4: Pompeii/Amalfi Coast/Sorrento Our full-­                     building; tossing a coin into Trevi Fountain; or visiting
       2-4    Amalfi          Hotel San Francesco                First Class   day excursion begins in Pompeii, the city frozen in                 any number of renowned museums and churches. B
       5-7 Rome               Monti Palace Hotel                 Sup. First    time by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 ce but not
                                                                               excavated until 1748. After a tour and lunch on our                 Day 7: Rome Another morning of touring follow­ed
       8-10 Orvieto           Grand Hotel Italia                 First Class   own here we embark on a breathtaking drive along the                by a free afternoon. Today we visit the Vatican for
                                                                               winding Amalfi Coast road high above the azure Medi-                a tour of St. Peter’s Square and Basilica, and the
       11-13 Barberino Val Villa San Filippo                     First Class
             d’Elsa (Tuscany)                                                  terranean – with stops for photos and in Sorrento along             Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museums. Highlights
       14-15 Venice           Carnival Palace                    Sup. First    the way. We return to our hotel late afternoon. B,D                 include Michelangelo’s Pieta in St. Peter’s, considered
       		                     Hotel                              Class                                                                             one of the greatest sculptures of all time; his frescoed
       16    Depart Venice for U.S.                                            Day 5: Amalfi Coast/Montecassino/Rome En                            ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, now restored to its
       Ratings are based on the Hotel & Travel Index, the travel               route to Rome today we visit the town of Montecassino,              original glory; and art-filled St. Peter’s itself, the
       industry standard reference.                                            whose Abbey is the mother church of the ­Benedictine                most important church in all Chris­tendom. B

     12         Visit us at trojantravel.usc.edu                                                                            B – Breakfast; L – Lunch; D – Dinner

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 12                                                                                                                                                                                 7/6/22 2:35 PM
Tour membership limited to 24 alumni and friends

     Day 8: Rome/Orvieto Leaving Rome, we travel                                                              OUR     HOMELAND
     north through a pastoral landscape of gentle agri-
                                                                                                   IS THE WHOLE WORLD .”
     cultural land bounded by mountain wilderness and
     dotted with traditional villages and medieval hill                                                                    – DARIO FO
     towns. Mid-afternoon we reach Orvieto, perched
     high on a plateau above a vineyard-clad plain. After
     we check in at our hotel in the heart of the city’s              colored buildings and ancient ramparts evoke the city’s
     medieval quarter, our tour director leads us on an               medieval past. Fan-shaped Piazza del Campo is one
     informal walking tour. Tonight we attend a simple                of Europe’s greatest public squares; its Duomo, one
     cooking demonstration followed by dinner at Zep-                 of Italy’s finest. We set out on a guided walking tour
     pelin Restaurant. B,D                                            that includes an inside visit to the Duomo, housing
                                                                      masterpieces by Michelangelo and Donatello, then
     Day 9: Orvieto This morning we embark on a                       have free time for lunch on our own and to explore
     guided walking tour of this dramatically set city. We            as we wish. B,D
     visit the medieval Duomo featuring a frescoed chapel
     by Fra Angelico and Luca Signorelli’s masterpiece,               Day 12: Florence A living monument to the Renais-
     The Last Judgment. Next we explore the formerly                  sance, Florence is the crown jewel of Tuscany. We
     secret passages of Parco delle Grotte, a labyrinth of            discover this splendid city on a full-day excursion
     underground caves used since Etruscan times. The                 that includes a morning walking tour. Then we visit
     remainder of the day is at leisure. B                            the Galleria dell’Accademia to view Michelangelo’s
                                                                      sublime David, as well as his pieces for the papal
     Day 10: Orvieto/Assisi Today’s excursion is to                   tombs; and the revered Duomo, with its stupendous
     Assisi, considered a gem of an Umbrian town with                 dome by Brunelleschi. This afternoon is free to enjoy
     inviting plazas, abundant flowers, buildings of white            Florence as we wish. Tonight we enjoy dinner to-
     marble, and a pervasive medieval air. We visit St.               gether at our hotel. B,D
                                          Clare Church
                                          and the renowned            Day 13: San Gimignano We encounter classic
                                          Basilica di San             Tuscany today as we visit the hill town of San Gimi-
                                          Francesco, the              gnano, known for the 13 watchtowers that have left
                                          burial place of             its skyline virtually unchanged since medieval times.               The Roman Forum dates to the 7th century BCE.
                                          St. Francis and a           Later we visit a local winery and enjoy a tasting before
                                          sacred pilgrimage           returning mid-afternoon to our lodgings, where we
                                          site. Inside are            have time to relax before tonight’s dinner at a local                        Tour Departs: May 23, 2023
                                                                                                                                           Prices include international airfare and all taxes, surcharges, and fees
                                          Giotto’s priceless          restaurant. B,D
                                          frescoes, The Life                                                                               New York                                                    $5,374
                                          of St. Francis.             Day 14: Tuscany/Venice Leaving Tuscany today,                        Boston, Philadelphia,
                                                                      we travel through the Veneto region to Venice, which,                                                                            $5,574
                                          There’s time on                                                                                  Washington, DC
                                          our own to stroll           along with its lagoon, is a UNESCO site. We arrive                   Atlanta, Charlotte,
                                          the fountain-               early this afternoon; the remainder of the day is free               Chicago, Cincinnati,
                                          splashed piazzas            to explore this wondrous city on our own. B                          Cleveland, Detroit,
                                          and to enjoy                                                                                     Miami, Orlando, Tampa
     Timeless Venice
                                          local specialties           Day 15: Venice This morning we take a guided
                                                                                                                                           Dallas, Denver, Houston,
     for lunch. We also visit Deruta, known for its prized            walk through vast St. Mark’s Square and surround-
                                                                                                                                           Los Angeles, Minneapolis,
     hand-painted Majolica ceramics. B                                ings. Our afternoon is free to explore Venice                                                                                    $5,774
                                                                                                                                           Phoenix, Portland (OR),
                                                                      independently; tonight we bid “arrivederci” to Italy
                                                                      and our fellow travelers at a farewell dinner. B,D                   San Francisco, Seattle
     Day 11: Orvieto/Siena/Tuscany Continuing our
     journey, today we visit walled Siena, whose ochre-                                                                                    Land Only (transfers not included)                          $4,595
                                                                      Day 16: Depart for U.S. We depart early this                         Please call if your city is not listed. Prices are per person
                                                                      morning for our connecting flights to the U.S. B                     based on double occupancy and include airline taxes,
                        Post-Tour Extension
                                                                                                                                           surcharges, and fees of $579, which are subject to change
                                                                                                                                           until final payment is made.
                              June 7-9, 2023
                                                                                   Your Tour Price Includes                                Single travelers please add $1,095. Your $500 deposit is
               Venice – On Your Own                                                                                                        fully refundable up to 95 days prior to departure. All 2023
                                                                      • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities
               3 days/2 nights for $395 total price                                                                                        tour prices above (excluding airline taxes, surcharges, and
                                                                      • 14 nights’ accommodations in Superior First Class and First
                          Single Supplement: $325                                                                                          fees) are guaranteed.
                                                                        Class hotels
                         Enjoy time on your own                       • 22 meals: 14 breakfasts, 8 dinners                                 Airline upgrades on round-trip Trans-Atlantic flight:
                       in this most timeless of cities.               • Extensive sightseeing as described, including all entrance fees    Business Class – $3,795 per person; Premium Economy –
                                                                      • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director                    $1,595 per person (upgrade is subject to availability and
                      Your Tour Price Includes                        • Private motorcoach transportation throughout your trip             pricing is subject to change).
                                                                      • Luggage handling for one bag per person                            Please note: This trip involves considerable walking up
        • 2 nights’ accommodations at Carnival Palace Hotel
                                                                      • Gratuities for local guides, dining room servers, airport and      hills or stairs, and on uneven or cobblestone streets.
          (Superior First Class)
                                                                        hotel porters, and all drivers                                     You should be in good physical condition to enjoy the
        • 2 meals: 2 breakfasts
        • Transfer to airport                                         • We are pleased to share this departure with alumni from            tour to its fullest.
                                                                        the University of Kentucky

                                                     FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                                    13

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 13                                                                                                                                                                                   7/6/22 2:36 PM
Special USC Trojan Travel departure – June 1-14, 2023

     Ancient Greece                                                                  with Santorini and Crete
     14 days for $6,692 total price
     from Los Angeles
     ($6,095 air & land inclusive plus $597
     airline taxes and fees)
     Unearth the grandeur of the ancient world
     on this singular journey combining premier
     archaeological sites with the beauty and lore of
     the Aegean and her isles. As the ancient world
     comes alive in Athens and the Peloponnese, Crete
     and Santorini, we celebrate the glory that was
     Greece – and still is today.

                                                         Aegean Sea


           High Speed Ferry                Crete

       Avg. High (°F)              May                Jun                 On Day 4, we tour the ruins of Delphi, believed by the ancients to be the “navel [center] of the world.”
       Athens                      77                 86
       Santorini                   73                 81
       Heraklion                   74                 81                  Day 1: Depart U.S. for Athens, Greece                                 Day 5: Athens/Corinth/Nafplion This morning we
                                                                                                                                                visit the National Archaeological Museum, home to
                                                                          Day 2: Athens After our arrival in the Greek capital,                 the world’s most significant collections of Greek
                                                                          there’s time to relax at our hotel. As guests’ arrival                artifacts. We then depart by coach to the Peloponnesian
           Your Small Group Tour Highlights                               times may vary greatly, we have no group activities                   Peninsula, Greece’s southernmost region separated
       Athens sightseeing, including Acropolis and Parthenon •
                                                                          or meals planned for today.                                           from the mainland by the Corinth Canal. En route
       Excursion to ancient Delphi • Tour of National Archaeological
                                                                                                                                                we visit the ruins and museum of Ancient Corinth,
       Museum, Athens • Visits to archaeological sites of Corinth,        Day 3: Athens On this morning’s tour we visit the                     one of the country’s largest cities in antiquity that was
       Mycenae, and Epidaurus • Half-day excursion to Hydra •             city’s most important sites, including the 5th-century                demolished by the Romans (146 bce), who then rebuilt
       Heraklion’s Minoan Palace of Knossos and Archaeological            Acropolis and Parthenon, and the renowned Acropolis                   it a century later. Today, only low stone walls, foun-
       Museum • Private cruise to Spinalonga • Tour and tasting           Museum. We also take a walking tour of Hadrian                        dations, and several Corinthian columns remain as
       at olive oil farm • Two-night stay on island of Santorini •        Street and the Plaka district. Then the afternoon is                  testimony to the mighty city that once flourished here.
       Winery tour and tasting • Archaeological site of Akrotiri          at leisure for independent exploration; ancient sights,               The site boasts a strong connection to Christianity:
                                                                          monuments, and museums abound. Tonight we                             Paul wrote his two letters, First and Second Corin-
       Day Itinerary           Hotel                        Rating        enjoy a welcome dinner at a local restaurant. B,D                     thians, here; and we see the altar where he preached.
       1     Depart U.S. for Athens                                                                                                             This afternoon we reach our hotel in Nafplion and
                            Athens Capital Center                         Day 4: Delphi Today’s excursion takes us to central                   dine there tonight. B,L,D
       2-4   Athens                                         Deluxe
       		                   Hotel-MGallery                                Greece to explore Delphi, one of the most beautiful
       5-7   Nafplion       Amphitryon Hotel                Sup. First    and celebrated ancient sites. Nestled between twin                    Day 6: Epidaurus/Mycenae Among the highlights
             (Peloponnese)		                                Class
                                                                          cliffs on a slope of Mount Parnassus and spilling out                 of this morning’s visit to the vast archaeological site
       8-10 Heraklion       Aquila Atlantis Hotel           First Class   onto the Sacred Plain, Delphi is where the oracle                     and museum of Epidaurus: the 2,300-year-old the-
                                                                          representing the revered god Apollo presided over the                 ater, a masterpiece of Greek architecture known for
       11-12 Thira          Santorini Palace Hotel          First Class
             (Santorini)                                                  ancient world. We see the ruins of the Sanctuary of                   its perfect acoustics and still in use today. Long
       13    Athens         Athens Capital Center           Deluxe
                                                                          Apollo; walk the marble Sacred Way; and climb to the                  associated with healing and medicine, Epidaurus
       		                   Hotel-MGallery                                4th-century bce theater still in use today. We also visit             comprises one of the most complete sanctuaries
       14    Depart Athens for U.S.                                       Delphi’s museum that houses the bronze “Charioteer,”                  remaining from antiquity. This afternoon we tour
       Ratings are based on the Hotel & Travel Index, the travel          one of antiquity’s greatest statues. After lunch in a local           the imposing ruins at Mycenae, a UNESCO site
       industry standard reference.                                       restaurant, we return to Athens late afternoon. B,L                   that represented the pinnacle of civilization from

     14           Visit us at trojantravel.usc.edu                                                                      B – Breakfast; L – Lunch; D – Dinner

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 14                                                                                                                                                                        7/6/22 2:36 PM
Tour membership limited to 24 alumni and friends

     the 15th to the 12th centuries BCE. A key influence                                     GO    AS FAR AS YOU CAN .
     on the development of classic Greek culture (and
     hence Western civilization), Mycenae also is linked
                                                                                  GO    FURTHER THAN YOU CAN !”

     to Homer’s epics, Iliad and The Odyssey. We see the                                                 – NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS
     Tomb of Agamemnon, with what was the world’s
     highest and widest dome for more than a thousand
     years; and the Lion’s Gate, the only known Bronze         to Spinalonga, a former Venetian island fortress later
     Age monumental sculpture in Greece. Then we               occupied by the Ottomans then used as a leper colony
     return to Nafplion to explore this gem of a Venetian/     from 1903 to 1957. From here we travel to the colorful
     Byzantine town with picturesque narrow streets, for-      harborside town of Agios Nikolaos, with its galleries,
     tifications, and a bounty of waterfront cafés. We         shops, cafés, tavernas, and tiny Lake Voulismeni, where,
     enjoy an afternoon at leisure before we dine together     legend has it, the goddess Athena once bathed. Next:
     tonight at a local taverna. B,L,D                         a visit to a Cretan olive oil farm to learn about the
                                                               history of olive oil production – Greece consumes
     Day 7: Nafplion/Hydra This morning we travel to           more olive oil than any other country – and to enjoy
     the port of Ermioni, where we board a private boat for    a tour and tasting. B
     the ride to Hydra, the car-free Saronic island where
     donkeys provide the transportation. After lunch           Day 11: Crete/Santorini We depart this morning by
     together at a local taverna, we have free time to enjoy   high-speed ferry for Santorini, southernmost of the
     this picturesque island as we wish. Late afternoon we     Cycladic islands. Once believed to have been the leg-
     return to Nafplion for an evening at leisure. B,L         endary lost island of Atlantis, Santorini today attracts
                                                               both Greeks and visitors alike with its stupendous
                                        Day 8: Nafplion/       setting of cubiform whitewashed houses sitting atop
                                        Heraklion, Crete       the jagged cliffs of a crescent-shaped caldera. Upon
                                        En route to Ath-       arrival we visit a local winery for a tour and tasting
                                        ens this morning       then have free time in the town of Firostefani for
                                        we stop to see the     lunch and to explore on our own. B,D
                                        Corinth Canal,
                                        cutting at sea         Day 12: Santorini Today we tour Santorini’s archaeo-
                                        level through the      logical site of Akrotiri, a Bronze Age Minoan location
                                        narrow Isthmus         that was abandoned in the 17th century BCE following a              We spend two nights in idyllic Santorini.
                                        of Corinth to          volcanic eruption – whose ash also preserved the exca-
                                        the Saronic Gulf       vations that we now see. Late this afternoon we head
                                        in the Aegean. We      to the town of Oia, known for its iconic whitewashed                          Tour Departs: June 1, 2023
                                                                                                                                    Prices include international airfare and all taxes, surcharges, and fees
                                        continue on to         architecture and stunning views. B,D
                                        the Athens airport                                                                          New York                                                    $6,292
                                        for the 50-minute      Day 13: Santorini/Athens After a late morning                        Boston, Philadelphia                                        $6,492
                                        flight to Crete,       flight to Athens, we check in at our hotel then have                 Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago,
                                        arriving mid-          free time for lunch on our own and an afternoon                      Cincinnati, Cleveland,
     Old ways endure ...                afternoon in           at leisure, perhaps to visit the Plaka for last-minute                                                                           $6,592
                                                                                                                                    Detroit, Miami, Orlando,
     Heraklion, the Cretan capital. After checking in          shopping or to stroll the broad plaza of lively Syn-
                                                                                                                                    Tampa, Washington, DC
     at our hotel, we enjoy an afternoon at leisure; this      tagma Square. Tonight we enjoy a farewell dinner
                                                               at our hotel. B,D                                                    Dallas, Denver, Houston,
     evening we take a walking tour of the Venetian/
                                                                                                                                    Los Angeles, Minneapolis,
     Ottoman-influenced town center prior to dinner                                                                                                                                             $6,692
                                                               Day 14: Depart for U.S. We transfer to Athens’ inter-                Phoenix, Portland (OR),
     at a local restaurant. B,D
                                                               national airport this morning, where we connect with                 San Francisco, Seattle

     Day 9: Heraklion/Knossos This morning we tour             our return flight home. B                                            Land Only (transfers not included)                          $5,295
     the ruins of the palace of Knossos, once the political                                                                         Please call if your city is not listed. Prices are per person
     center of Minoan civilization and legendary home                                                                               based on double occupancy and include airline taxes,
     of King Minos, the Labyrinth, and the Minotaur.                                                                                surcharges, and fees of $597, which are subject to change
     Considered Europe’s “oldest city,” Knossos is the
     largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete.
                                                                            Your Tour Price Includes                                until final payment is made.
                                                                                                                                    Single travelers please add $1,395. Your $500 deposit is
     After lunch, we visit one of the greatest museums in      • Round-trip air transportation from listed cities; all flights
                                                                                                                                    fully refundable up to 95 days before departure. All 2023
     all of Greece: Heraklion’s Archaeological Museum            within itinerary
                                                                                                                                    tour prices above (excluding airlines taxes, surcharges,
     housing artifacts from 5,500 years of Cretan his-         • 12 nights’ accommodations in Deluxe, Superior First Class,
                                                                                                                                    and fees) are guaranteed.
     tory, from the Neolithic period to Roman times.             and First Class hotels
     The museum is especially renowned for its Minoan          • 24 meals: 12 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 7 dinners                      Airline upgrades on round-trip Trans-Atlantic flight:
     collection, much of which was excavated from the          • Extensive sightseeing as described, including all entrance fees    Business Class – $3,795 per person; Premium Economy –
     palace of Knossos. Then we return to our hotel,           • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director                    $1,495 per person (upgrade is subject to availability and
     where the rest of the day is at leisure, with dinner      • Private motorcoach transportation throughout your trip             pricing is subject to change).
     on our own. B,L                                           • Luggage handling for one bag per person                            Please note: This trip involves considerable walking on
                                                               • Gratuities for local guides, dining room servers, airport and      uneven or cobblestone streets and at sites of ancient
     Day 10: Heraklion/Spinalonga/Agios Nikolaos                 hotel porters, and all drivers                                     ruins. You should be in good physical condition to
     After an hour’s drive this morning, we board a pri-       • We are pleased to share this departure with alumni from            enjoy the tour to the fullest.
     vate boat for a cruise through the Bay of Elounda           North Carolina State University

                                           FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ODYSSEYS UNLIMITED, INC. TOLL-FREE (888) 370-6765 M-F, 9:00AM-7:00PM, EASTERN TIME                                                       15

USC_Spreads_2023_#1.indd 15                                                                                                                                                                            7/6/22 2:36 PM
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