A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org

Page created by Connie Adams
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Summer 2022

A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning
         WaconiaCommunityEd.org | 952.442.0610

          www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Waconia Community Education & Recreation
                                                      Advisory Councils
Waconia Community Education & Recreation              Waconia Community Education Advisory Council
       Phone                  952.442.0610            Paul Ericsson, Barb Kalthoff, Alycia Myers, Tiffany
       Fax                    952.442.0619            Nelson, Brian Rothstein & Lindsay Schmidt
       Activities Hotline      952.442.0675
Director                                              ECFE Advisory Council
       Tiffany Nelson           952.442.0615           Kara Anderson, Brianna Ballard, Erin Foss-Beerling,
       tnelson@isd110.org                             Lynn Irrgang, Taylor Muhlenbruch, Tiffany Nelson,
                                                      Rachelle Schaust, Stephanie Schnedler & Amanda
Kids’ Company Program Supervisor                      Vesta
       Jennifer Merritt        952.442.0618
       jmerritt@isd110.org                            Baseball Advisory Board
                                                      Chris Baso, Brian Crane, Jon Deming, Joe Duffy, Steve
Youth & Adult Program Coordinator                     Fleck, Jeremy Graves, Mark Grundhofer, Mike Herman,
       Holly Wortz              952.442.0612          Wade Marsh, Ryan Naughton, Tiffany Nelson, Chris
       hwortz@isd110.org                              Ohm, Erik Olson & Troy Simonson

Recreation Coordinators                               Softball Advisory Board
      Ivan Woyno                 952.442.0616         Joe Duffy, Garren Hamby, Ashley Johnson, Jake
      iwoyno@isd110.org                               Saulsbury, Audra Lehrke, Tiffany Nelson, Maria
                                                      Saulsbury, Kurt Schutte, Jason Smith, Todd Stejskal &
       Joe Duffy                  952.856.4520         Holly Wortz
                                                      Soccer Advisory Board
Administrative Assistant                              Anthony Bell, Brian Elliot, Kevin Keegan, Tiffany
      Shar Husfeldt              952.442.0608         Nelson, Trevor Paulson, Justin Pozega, Cary Sommer
      shusfeldt@isd110.org                            & Ivan Woyno

Main Phone Line                  952.442.0610         Lacrosse Advisory Board
                                                      Jared DeWolf, Elisabeth Doran, Chris Marten, Nicole
Early Childhood Supervisor                            Meyer, Tiffany Nelson, Crystal Roberts, Christy Willis &
       Amanda Vesta              952.442.0664         Ivan Woyno

Early Childhood Administrative Assistant               ISD #110 Waconia Community Education
       Brenda Buesgens           952.442.0613              & Recreation Mission Statement
       bbuesgens@isd110.org                           The purpose of this program shall be to bring
                                                      together community residents of St. Bonifacious,
Waconia Wildcat Preschool -      952.442.0613         New Germany, and Waconia along with District
                                                      #110 Community Education staff to plan and direct
School Age Child Care                                 programs that meet the needs of residents of all
       Southview Kids’ Co Site   952.442.0627         ages. These programs offer: enrichment, recreational,
       Bayview Kids’ Co Site     952.442.0614         academic, family support and service activities. The
       WMS Kids’ Co Site         952.442.0617         program utilizes school district community and private
       Laketown Kids’ Co Site    952.442.0690         resources and facilities to promote lifelong learning.

2                                Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Table of Contents                                  2022 Summer
For Your Information                              ECFE
                                                  • 3-5 Year Preschool
                                                  • 2-5 Year Old Classes
                                                  • 1-5 Pop-in and Play
       Early Childhood Family Education
                                                  • One on One Parent Coaching
Preschool                                         • Special Events
       Waconia Wildcat Preschool                  • Early Childhood Screening
School Age Child Care
       Kids’ Company & The Verge                  Youth Enrichment
Youth Activities                                  • KidCreate Studio
       Youth Enrichment                           • Youth Enrichment League
       Youth Recreation                           • Abrakadoodle Art
                                                  • Sewing Basics for Kids
Adult Classes
                                                  • Tech Tac Toe
       Adult Enrichment
                                                  • Chess Club
Registration Information                          • Babysitters Training /Safe Kids
       Registration Information                   • Kids’ Fun Night Out (Parents Night Out!)
       Community Education Registration Form      • Tech Adademy
                                                  ... Plus much more!

                                                  Youth Recreation
                                                  • Tennis
                                                  • Baseball
                                                  • Soccer
                                                  • Lacrosse
                                                  • Sports Unlimited
                                                  • Skyhawks Sports
                                                  • Tball
                                                  • Softball
Waconia District #110 School Locations            • Volleyball
       WEC    Waconia Community Education /       ... Plus much more!
              Waconia Enrichment Center
              516 Industrial Blvd., Waconia
       BV     Bayview Elementary School
                                                  Adult Enrichment Classes
                                                  • Adult Trips
              24 South Walnut Street, Waconia
                                                  • First Aid / AED / CPR Training
       SV     Southview Elementary School
                                                  • Defensive Driving
              225 4th Street West, Waconia
                                                  ... Plus more!
       WMS    Waconia Middle School
              1400 Community Drive, Waconia
       WHS    Waconia High School                    Community Education Office Hours
              1650 Community Drive, Waconia                      Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:00pm
       LT     Laketown Elementary School                       Summer Office Hours
              960 Airport Road, Waconia               Mon-Thur 7:30am-4:00pm | Fri 7:30am-1:00pm

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A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Kids Company Childcare & The Verge
2022 Summer Kids’ Company                                The Verge | 2022 Summer Program
Do your kids ever complain they get bored in the sum-    Calling all students that no longer need childcare but
mer? If so, Kids’ Company may be your summer so-         staying at home all day gets long and boring. The
lution! The summer program is designed around the        Verge is a program designed to support children’s inde-
kids having fun through experiments, outside games,      pendence and choice. During the first week we get to
and cooking up all kinds of concoctions while not for-   know the students and what they would like their sum-
getting about reading. Each activity is geared to make   mer to look like. Once we know that we plan our activi-
sure each child no matter what age is having fun. Our    ties based on this information. This is for students who
summer site is at Laketown Elementary. Some of the       have just completed 5th grade through students just
summer activities the kids will enjoy include fishing,    completing 6th grade. This is a drop in program where
tennis, local parks, nature walks and outdoor games.     families do not hold contracts. There is a registration
Koch bus Company have graciously collaborated with       fee and a supply fee. The daily rate is $37.00. Kids need
us to provide transportation to other Community          to sign up before the deadline of May 27th.
Education camps that happen during the summer at
no cost to the families. The summer program hours
are 6:00 am to 6:15 pm. Care will be offered from June    The Verge 2022-2023 SchoolYear Program
13th --August 17th. The Summer virtual parent meet-      The Verge for 6th-8th Grade 2022-2023 School Year
ing will be June 9th at 6:30 pm. Children who are eli-   Program at Waconia Middle School
gible are 3 years olds who are toilet trained through
children that finished 4th grade. We will be having       Who: 6th - 8th grade students to hang out after school
the Summer Verge student hangout for students who        or if they need a place to go before or after an activity.
have finished 5th -6th grade for all day fun!
                                                         When & Cost: 3:00pm - 6:30pm on regular school days.
                                                         Students are welcome to drop in any time during the
2022-2023 School Year Kids’ Company                      open time frame and use their punch card (15 times for
School age child care offers a unique choice for par-     $120.00) or pay a daily rate of $10.
ents/guardians who would like extended interactions
and socialization for their children.                    How to get signed up: Fill out Verge Contact form.
Who: Kindergarten - 5th grade
Location options: Southview, Bayview & Laketown          Punch cards are available for purchase at Waconia
Schools                                                  Community Education and The Verge Student Hang
Hours: 6:00am - 8:00am & 2:30pm - 6:15pm                 Out. Students may also attend by paying a daily rate in
Contract options: 3, 4, or 5 day a week                  cash or check. Punch cards may be kept by the students
                                                         or at The Verge.

                                                         Behavior Expectations: See website for policy.

Preschool option: We provide care as a wrap around       Registration Information for 2022 summer and 2022-
program to Wildcat Preschool and for families that are   23 school year: All registration is done online. Current
not attending Wildcat Preschool.                         families that hold a contract will receive a link to regis-
Who: 3-5 year olds that are toilet trained               ter starting February 28th - March 11th
Location options: Waconia Enrichment Center
Hours: 6:00 am - 6:15 pm                                 Registration will open for everyone on March 22nd
Contract options: 2,3,4,5 day a week either non          For more information about the Kids’ Company pro-
school/school day.                                       gram please contact: Jenny Merritt at 952-442-0618

4                                 Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Youth Enrichment
12th Annual Father-Daughter Dance!
Show her how special she really is! Anyone with a special girl is invited to spend a semi-formal evening full of
dancing! This event is for girls age 3 to 8th grade. Complimentary formal photos will be taken by Taylor Hubbard
Studio of Photography and available to take home the night of the dance. This event has become so popular in
Waconia that we have had to split it into two time slots! Each wave is limited to a certain amount of participants
so please register early. The dance will be held in the Bayview Elementary School Gym. Please park in the North
parking lot and enter the North doors near the castle playground.

Saturday, April 23, 2022 -   W-120: Dance Wave 1 5:00pm-6:30pm (Arrive 4:30pm-5:00pm for photo)
                             W-121: Dance Wave 2 6:45pm-8:15pm (Arrive 6:15pm-6:45pm for photo)

Registration for the Dance is $25 per couple ($5 for each additional daughter per family for the evening.)
Register with Waconia Community Education on or before April 6th to attend the Father-Daughter Dance.
At the conclusion of the dance each person will recieve cake!
Pre-registration for this event is required.

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A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Early Childhood Programs
    Our mission is to strengthen families through education, and support all parents toward healthy
    growth and development of their children. Early Childhood Family Education offers classes,
    events and other programs designed by highly qualified teachers, specifically for families with
    young children.
    A sliding fee scale is provided to make classes affordable for all families. No one will be denied participation for inability to pay.

Nature Summer Preschool                                                     Nature Summer ECFE
                                  This 4-week child-only                    2-5 years
                                  program is designed for 3-5               We will explore, investigate, and unearth nature’s secrets
                                  year old children. Children               that lie beyond the classroom doors! Children will learn
                                  will explore a variety of learn-          about Minnesota’s great outdoors through sensory
                                  ing centers and activities                exploration, books, building and more. During parent
                                  in our outdoor classroom,                 ed, parents will discuss their child’s learning and develop-
                                  Wildcat Discovery Park. This              ment as it relates to exploring our natural world. Most of
                                  preschool class will focus on             this class will be held outside in our outdoor classroom
                                  literacy and school readiness             (weather permitting). Ages as of June 1, 2022
skills along with nature topics in an outdoor learning envi-                No sibling care provided.
ronment. Children will spend the majority of the school day
outdoors so dress accordingly. Incase of inclement weather                  EC30 Wednesdays, June 8 - August 17 (no class July 6)
we will move indoors. Ages as of June 1, 2022                                    9:00-10:30 am
                                                                                 Instructors: Vanessa/Christine/Karen
June 7 - 30 (12 days)  Instructor: Laura/Trisha                                  Registration required
EC20 Tue/Wed/Thur 8:30-11:00 am
EC 21 Tue/Wed/Thur 12:00-2:30 pm
                                                                                       Fee Based on Annual Income:
Cost $150
                                                                                       Under $35,000         waive
Registration required
                                                                                       $35,000 - $49,999     $45.00
                                                                                       $50,000 - $74,999     $70.00
                                                                                       $75,000-$99,999       $95.00
                                                                                       $100,000 - above      $120.00

                                      Waconia Wildcat Preschool 2022-2023

 District 110 provides a quality integrated preschool program for 3-5 year old children. Go to www.waconiacommunityed.org
 to register or call 952-442-0613 for more information. Koch Bus transportation is available for a fee to District 110 residents
 only. Space is limited. You must register separately for this option. There is a limited amount of tuition assistance available
 to those who financially qualify. If you are in need of tuition assistance, please contact Amanda Vesta for more information at
     Session 1 & 2              Session 3 & 4             Session 5 & 6              Session 7 & 8               Session 9
     Tue/Thur                   Mon/Wed/Fri               M/T/W/Th                   M/T/W/Th/F                  M/T/W/Th
     8:30-11:00 am              8:30-11:00 am             12:00-2:30 pm              8:30-11:00 am               8:30-1:30 pm
 					                                                                               12:00-2:30 pm               extended day
 					                                                                               4-5 year olds               4-5 year olds

6     Early Childhood Family Education 952-442-0613
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Early Childhood Programs
Summer Adventures (Vanessa & Karen)                                Pop-in and Play             (Vanessa & Karen)
1-5 years                                                          1-5 years
Join us for adventurous summer fun! These one time classes         This will be self-guided exploration and play with an ECFE
are sure to be a blast. These will be themed classes incorporat-   teacher present for conversation and answering questions.
ing play, art, sensory and more. Register for one, a few or all!   Come at the beginning and stay until the end or pop-in and
ECFE Room 108 (unless otherwise noted)                             out when it’s convenient for you. Sensory and art experi-
Ages as of June 1, 2022 Siblings welcome, but no sibling care.     ences will vary each week. We will also be enjoying gym
Older siblings need to be registered.                              time! Parents and children can make social connections in
                                                                   a casual, fun setting. ECFE Room 108. No pre-registration
Wednesdays 11:00-12:30 pm
                                                                   is necessary.
$5 per child, per class (children under 1 year are free)
Registration required                                              EC60 Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00-11:00 am
                                                                   June 7-August 18 (skip July 5 & 7)
EC40   June 8 - Truck Adventures
EC41   June 15 - Carnival Adventures                               $2 per child, per time (children under 1 year are free)
EC42   June 22 - Park Adventures (held at Brook Peterson Park)
EC43   June 29 - Ocean Adventures
EC44   July 13 - Magical Adventures
                                                                   Power of Play Packs
                                                                   (18 months-5 years)
EC45   July 20 - STEAM Adventures
                                                                   Create a special play-based ECFE experience at home.
EC46   July 27 - Park Adventures (held at Oakpointe Park)
                                                                   Connect with your child and encourage their development
EC47   August 3 - Water Adventures
                                                                   with fun themed activity bags. Included in the bags will
EC48   August 10 - Art Adventures
                                                                   be tools and strategies to support early learning from a
EC49   August 17 - Park Adventures (held at City Square Park)
                                                                   licensed Parent Educator. Bags can be picked up at ECFE.
                                                                   EC70    June 13 - Science at Home
Field Trips (Vanessa & Karen)                                      EC71    July 11 - Storytime at Home
Let’s go explore! Come with us as we visit a few local spots.
                                                                   EC72    August 15 - Exploring Nature at Home
Bus transportation is included in the cost and will leave from
the front of the ECFE building. Registration required.             $10.00/pack Registration Required
EC50 Friday, June 24 - Chapter One Bookstore
Have you visited this new bookstore in Victoria, yet? Come
check it out with us! They will provide an Elephant & Piggie
themed storytime, craft and time to shop! The bus will leave
the ECFE building at 9:45 am and return at 11:45 am.
$10 per child (children under 1 year are free)
EC51 Friday, July 29 - Gale Woods Farm
Join your ECFE friends for a field trip on the farm! We will
take the bus out to Gale Woods Farm in Minnetrista. A farm
educator will provide a fun and educational experience for
the kids (and parents, too!). Bring a lunch to enjoy on the
picnic tables after the class. The bus will leave the ECFE
building at 9:30 am and return at 12:30 pm.
$10 per person (suggested for ages 3+)
EC52 Friday, August 19 - Cologne Splash Pad
                                                                            Call ECFE at 952-442-0613
Come play in the water with us at the Cologne Splash Pad.                 with questions or register online
Bring a lunch to have a picnic! Meet us (no bus provided for              at www.waconiacommunityed.org
this field trip) at the splash pad at 10:00 am. ECFE staff will
be present until 12:00 pm. Registration not required.
FREE (all ages welcome!)                                                               www.waconiacommunityed.org            7
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Youth Enrichment
Power Company Show Choir Camp                            Waconia Junior Marching Band Camp
Calling all boys & girls who love to perform, sing and   Waconia Junior Marching Band & Color Guard Camp
dance! Come and spend the week with the mem-             Do you love to play music and entertain audiences?
bers and directors of Power Company! You will spend      Would you like to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be
this exciting and fun week learning the basic ele-       in the champion caliber WHS Marching Band? If your
ments of proper vocal and dance techniques by pre-       answer is “yes”, then this is the camp for you! Come to
paring an actual show choir show. You will then get      Junior Marching Band Camp - you will Spend 4 days in
to perform this show for your friends, family and        the sun with Waconia Marching Band members and staff.
adoring fans under the lights and on stage in the        Prepare and perform an actual marching band show for
Waconia High School PAC Auditorium. We will also         family and friends. Learn musical and marching tech-
learn about stage presence, poise, teamwork and          niques, teamwork and the awesome benefits of working
the benefi ts of hard work. Everyone is welcome re-       together! Students interested in Colorguard (think of
gardless of ability. Some solo opportunities may be      the students in bright, colorful costumes spinning flags
available. To be guaranteed a camp T-shirt you must      in a marching band!) are also able to participate!
register by the deadline. Select a T-shirt size upon
registering! YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL.

June 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

S-100: Shooting Stars Camp Grades 3-6 (2022-2023)
9:00am-12:00pm - Performance on Friday @ 11:30am

S-101: Bright Stars Camp Grades 7-9 (2022-2023)
1:00pm-4:00pm - Performance on Friday at 3:30pm

Waconia HS Performing Arts Center & Choir Room
Aaron Olson & Staff
Min: 20 / Max: 45
Fee: $120 (Includes T-shirt)
Register By: May 27

                                                         Students should plan to bring their own instrument
                                                         (Percussion instruments and Colorguard Equipment will
                                                         be provided). When registering, list the instrument you
                                                         play and your T-shirt size! Make sure you provide a cur-
                                                         rent email address. To receive a camp T-shirt, you must
                                                         register on time. The final performance will be on the
                                                         Friday of camp at 12:30pm at WHS.

                                                         S-102: June 20, 21, 22 (skip 23) 24
                                                         Band Students ENTERING grades 6th- 8th (2022-2023)
                                                         10:00am-1:00pm            WHS Band Room / Turf Field
                                                         Fee: $120 (Includes T-shirt) Min: 20 / Maximum: 100
                                                         Register by: June 6

8                                Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
Prairie Fire Children s Theatre
PFCT has thrilled local youth with drama offerings for 24 summers here in Waconia! This summer we
will once again be off ering 2 different theatre productions! Registration is on a first come first serve ba-
sis. These plays are for boys and girls grades 2-8 (2022-2023 school year). The registration fee is $60 per
play. Admission for the shows are: Adults; $6, Seniors 65+ $3 , Students K-12 $2, 5 and under are FREE.
We will sell tickets prior to the show each date on site. We are also looking for two volunteers age 12-Adult
to help with lights and sound Wed-Saturday for the rehearsals and both shows. Please call us in the spring/
prior to the show week if you are able to volunteer at 952-442-0612. PLEASE NOTE: Once you regis-
ter for PFCT we cannot offer a refund/transfer/cancellation without 3 weeks notice to the start date.

                     Check them out HERE: www.prairiefirechildrenstheatre.com
                            Register at: www.waconiacommunityed.org
S-103: The Wizard of OZ                               S-104: Peter Pan
Waconia MS Auditorium | June 6-11                     Waconia MS Auditorium | August 1-6
A beloved classic, with some of the most memo-        Trip the light fantastic to Neverland, with a twist!
rable music PFCT has produced. Directors roles        Directors roles: Captain Hook/Mr. Darling & Tiger
include The Scarecrow & the Wicked Witch. The         Lil/Mrs. Darling (dual role) Cast Includes: Peter Pan,
cast Includes,Dorothy, the Tinman, the Lion, Toto,    Wendy, John, Michael, Nana the Dog, the Lost Kids, the
the Munchkins, Glinda, the Yellow Brick Road, the     Crocodile, the Beasts, the Pirates, and the Indians.
Monkeys, the Winkies, the Green Guard, the Traders
of the Emerald City, the Wizard of Oz, Aunt Em &      Auditions will begin on Monday, August 1 at 12:15pm in
Uncle Henry.                                          the Middle School Auditorium. Everyone registered is
                                                      guaranteed a part! Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday-
Auditions will begin on Monday, June 6 at 12:15pm     Thursday from 12:15pm-4:30pm. Rehearsal times vary
in the Middle School Auditorium. Everyone reg-        depending on roles. Friday is the dress rehearsal begin-
istered is guaranteed a part! Rehearsals will be      ning at 3:30pm. There will be two performances, one on
held on Tuesday-Thursday from 12:15pm-4:30pm.         Friday, August 5 at 7:00pm and Saturday, August 6 at
Rehearsal times vary depending on roles. Friday       1:00pm. There are 83 spots available for this play.
is the dress rehearsal beginning at 3:30pm.
There will be two performances, one on Friday,        We are also looking for two people age 12+ to help
June 10 at 7:00pm and Saturday, June 11 at            with lights and sound Wed-Saturday for the rehearsals
1:00pm. There are 80 spots available for this play.   and show. Please call 952-442-0612 if you are willing to
We are also looking for two people age 12+ to help
with lights and sound Wed-Saturday for the rehears-   Registration OPENS
als and show. Please call 952-442-0612 if you are     on April 12th
willing to volunteer.
                                                      Register By: July 18
Registration OPENS on                                 (Expected to fill prior!)
April 12th
Register By: May 20
(Expected to fill prior!)

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A Commitment to Community and Lifelong Learning - Summer 2022 - WaconiaCommunityEd.org
More Than Pink
More Than Pink is back for it’s 12th year! More Than Pink is a program to inspire third through sixth grade
girls to stay true to themselves and live from societal stereotypes. This 8 week program curriculum in-
novatively weaves training for a 5K run with lessons that empower girls to celebrate their bodies, hon-
or their voices and embrace their gifts. All athletic types are welcome. Space is limited, so please regis-
ter early. For returning students there will be new lessons and activities done each day. The More Than
Pink 5K run will take place on Thursday, August 4 at 6:30 pm. More Than Pink works around summer sched-
ules, camps and vacations. Even if participants are going to miss a day or a week they are still able to par-
ticipate in the program. Information that is missed on certain topics will be handed out to the girls.

June 13 - August 4 (No class on July 4) | 8:30 am - 10:30 am
S-105: 3rd & 4th Girls (2021-2022) Mon & Wed                 S-107: 3rd & 4th Girls (2021-2022) Tues & Thurs
S-106: 5th & 6th Girls (2021-2022) Mon & Wed                 S-108: 5th & 6th Girls (2021-2022) Tues & Thurs

Bayview Elementary School Art Room (Enter the bus land doors)
Fee: $120, includes binder, supplies, MTP Shirt, 5K entry fee and run T-shirt
Minimum: 12 per age group / Maximum 25 per age group
Registration OPENS on March 23 | Registration deadline is May 23. May fill prior

More Than Pink Mentors
Would you like to share your More Than Pink skills and join in the fun? Here is the opportunity to empower
young girls and help them succeed through the program. This is a great opportunity for you to mentor and be
a leader and help inspire girls to celebrate their bodies, honor their voices and embrace their gifts. The registra-
tion deadline to be considered is May 6.
Who: Girls in 7th grade (2021-2022) and up who have been through the More Than Pink program.
When: Mon/Wed or Tue/Thursday 8:30am - 10:30am
Where: Bayview Elementary School Art Room (Enter the bus lane door.)
Fee: Free, spots are limited. If interested please contact either Jenny Merritt at jmerritt@isd110.org or Tiffany
Nelson at tnelson@isd110.org to set up an interview to be a mentor.

10                                 Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
5th Grade Beginning Band Startup Camp Kids’ Fun Night Out (Parents’ Night Out!)
Bands will have their annual beginning start up camp.        Do your kids ages 3-12 want a fun place to go when
This 3-day camp is the beginning of instruction for 5th      you are out for a Friday evening? Drop your kids off at
Grade Band Students - ALL first year Band Students            Laketown Elementary School gym on Friday night! We’ll
should attend this camp. Students will receive a one         have free time in the gym(or on the playground April-
hour class in like-instrument groups each day for 3 days.    Aug) to begin, then break for a snack and finish with a
District 110 Band Directors will teach each class, assist-   projected movie. Please pack a snack and labeled wa-
ed by WHS Band Students. 5th Graders will learn how          ter bottle. You may also want to bring a pillow, sleeping
to assemble and care for their instruments, correctly        bag and pajamas for the movie. Children must be toilet
hold the instrument, produce a characteristic sound &        trained to attend. Please note that once you register
play several notes. At the end of the camp, students         we are not able to transfer/refund/credit from that date
will be able to take their instruments home and prac-        without six business days’ notice. This program is su-
tice to be ready for Band when School starts. If your        pervised by Community Education Staff, Holly Wortz.
student does not already have an instrument lined up,        Please enter and exit door #5 at Laketown each night.
please contact Mr. Esterberg so he can help you do that!
                                                             Friday Nights:
*PLEASE NOTE: The class number will depend                   6:00pm-9:30pm
on the instrument chosen, so please wait to regis-           W-115: March 25
ter until after 4th graders have tried instruments           W-116: April 1
and made their choices (in May). If you have ques-           W-117: April 22
tions about the Beginning Band Startup Camp,                 W-118: May 6
please email Mr. Esterberg: jesterberg@isd110.org
                                                             Minimum: 10 / Maximum: 40
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - August 22, 23 and 25            Fee: $14 per child per night and $8 for each additional
S-109: 3:00 - 3:50pm Alto Sax, Oboe, Trumpet                 child per family per night. For staffing purposes please
S-110: 4:00 - 4:50pm Clarinet, Trombone, Percussion          complete your registration at least one week before
S-111: 5:00 - 5:50pm French Horn, Baritone/Tuba,             each date. May fill prior.
                                                             Robotics 2.4 Summer Camp {YEL!}
Laketown Music Rooms, lunch room & gym                       Build a rescue helicopter, a dragster, and a moon
5th grade (2022-2023)                                        rover. Then program the ‘copter to fly, the drag-
Fee: $30                                                     ster to race, and the rover to roam. {YEL!}’s Teach It!
Ms. Wilmes, Mr. Snyder, Mr. Hansberry, Mr. Esterberg         Practice It! Play It!® classroom method emphasizes
Minimum: open / Maximum: open                                21st Century Learning skills like STEM, teamwork,
Register By: July 29                                         and problem solving. Sign up today! Visit YELKids.
                                                             com for more information.LEGO® is a trademark
                                                             of the LEGO Group of companies which does not
                                                             sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.

                                                     S-118: June 20, 21, 22 & 23
                                                     Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)
                                                     Bayview B-126
                                                     Min: 6 / Max: 20
                                                     Fee: $135
                                                     Register By: June 6
                         www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                                 11
Youth Enrichment
Chess Summer Camp {YEL!}                                   PreSchool Music Class Session 1
All levels welcome. The {YEL!} Teach It!…Practice It!...   Learn songs and play games to jumpstart your child's
Play It! method keeps chess students progressing with      love of music! In this class we will learn several nursery
60+ chess lessons and thousands of puzzles as well as      rhymes, poems, lullabies and songs for children that you
guided games and an end-of-week in-class tourna-           can do with them. Children will be invited to play differ-
ment. Class fee includes ChessKid.com membership           ent instruments and explore musical sounds. Parents
for the session ($49 annual value). Battle summer brain    will be expected to participate with their children.
drain...sign up today. Visit YELKids.com for more info.
                                                           S-112: June 21, 23, 28 & 30    9:00am-9:45am
S-116: July 11, 12, 13 & 14   9:00am-12:00pm               S-113: July 19, 21, 26 & 28    10:00am-10:45am
Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)        Bayview D-109
Min: 6 / Max: 20              Fee: $141                    Ages 4 & 5                    Bayview Music Room
Register By: July 5                                        Min 6/ Max: 10                Fee: $48
                                                           Bayvies Garrett Aalfs         Register By: June 7 / July 5

                                                           PreSchool Music Class Session 2
                                                           This session is a continuation of Session 1 with more
                                                           songs for children and parents to learn and love. Learn
                                                           songs and play games to jumpstart your child's love of
                                                           music! In this class we will learn several nursery rhymes,
                                                           poems, lullabies and songs for children that you can
                                                           do with them. Children will be invited to play differ-
Project Runway Camp {YEL!}                                 ent instruments and explore musical sounds. Parents
Sweet summer projects! A tres-chic skirt, tie-top          will be expected to participate with their children. It is
blouse, headband and more. No experience neces-            highly encouraged to take session 1 prior to session 2.
sary. Students will make, showcase, and take home all
their projects. Hand and machine sewing techniques         S-114: July 19, 21, 26 & 28   9:00am-9:45am
are taught with SAFETY FIRST always in mind. The           Ages 4 & 5                    Bayview Music Room
final day is a showcase where friends and family are        Min 6/ Max: 10                Fee: $48
invited to see the projects in action. Sign up today to    Bayview’s Mr. Garrett Aalfs   Register By: July 5

SPACE: We request use of a room with outlets and
sturdy (science room/art room) tables. The machines
will shake too much if we use regular classroom tables
or plastic tables.

S-117: August 8, 9, 10 & 11
Grades 4-8 (2022-2023)
Bayview Art Room A-113
Min: 6 / Max: 12
Fee: $166
Register By: July 25

                                  Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com
Youth Enrichment
Kidcreate Studio’s            award-winning art classes       Let’s Draw, Paint & Sculpt Kidcreate
allow kids to explore art in an environment full of giggles   Studio You asked for it, so here it is—a camp with
and grins. Kids create fridge worthy masterpieces while       all that art has to offer and more! Your child will love
learning art concepts and experimenting with different         experimenting with many different materials while
art materials. The curriculum is age appropriate              learning lots of new techniques. We’ll learn to draw
and designed to inspire. Classes provide a fun, self-         a wacky llama, and we’ll sculpt and paint a box full
esteem building atmosphere full of “I did it” moments.        of delicious-looking donuts. We’ll even create one of
Making a mess is the best with Kidcreate Studio! For          our most popular projects—a snow globe! Parents,
more information about Kidcreate Studio visit www.            you’ll need to make space on the fridge and the
kidcreatestudio.com.                                          mantle for these amazing works of art! Please pack
Awesome Art Kidcreate Studio                                  a nut free snack and drink for your child each day.
If you think art is awesome, this is the class for you!
We’ll explore all the coolest art materials as we learn       S-129: July 18, 19 & 20
drawing techniques, create with clay, and paint on real       9:00am-12:00pm
canvas boards. We’ll even create a beach scene out of         Ages 5-12
real candy! Art really is awesome! Please pack a nut          Bayview A-101
free snack and drink for your child each day.                 Min: 7 / Max: 20
                                                              Fee: $104
S-126: June 13, 14 & 15       9:00am-12:00pm                  Register By: July 5
S-127: June 27, 28 & 29       1:00pm-4:00pm
Ages 5-12                                                     Masters in Clay Kidcreate Studio
Bayview A-101                                                 Be inspired by art created by Vincent Van Gogh, Claude
Min: 7 / Max: 20                                              Monet, Edward Munch and Claes Oldenburg. We will
Fee: $104                                                     recreate famous works of art like Monet’s Water Lilies,
Register By: May 27 / June 13                                 Munch’s The Scream, Oldenburg’s Spoonbridge and
                                                              Cherry and many others, all in clay. Make room to dis-
                                                              play these masterpieces! The projects your child cre-
Gem-Tastic Kidcreate Studio                                   ates in this camp are going to be amazing! Please pack
We’re bringing out our best bling for these sparkling         a nut free snack and drink for your child each day.
masterpieces! In this popular camp, you’ll create daz-
zling works of art, all covered in glittery GEMS! We’ll       S-130: July 18, 19 & 20
make clay cakes that sparkle and shine, along with a          1:00am-4:00pm
collage that glimmers and gleams. We’ll even make our         Ages 5-12
very own gem-covered crown out of clay. Come get              Bayview A-101
Gem-Tastic with us! Please pack a nut free snack and          Min: 7 / Max: 15
drink for your child each day.                                Fee: $104
                                                              Register By: July 5
S-128: June 27, 28 & 29
Ages 4-9
Bayview A-101
Min: 7 / Max: 15
Fee: $104
Register By: June 13

14                                  Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
Claylicious Kidcreate Studio                                   Sparkle Love Kidcreate Studio
Sculpt, slab, coil, and carve… roll up your sleeves, be-       Kids LOVE sparkles. They just can’t get enough of
cause this class is all clay, all the time! We’ll sculpt       them! In this camp, the kids will go sparkle crazy!
silly puppies, fuzzy hedgehogs, a chocolate layer cake         They’ll create multiple projects all covered with spar-
that looks good enough to eat, and more. This is your          kles galore! They’ll “tie dye,” play with clay, create sun
chance to use tons of air-dry clay, Model Magic®, and          catchers and more as they work with different types of
so much more as you have a totally claylicious time!           clay, paint and other spectacularly, sparkly art supplies.
Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child          Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child
each day.                                                      each day.

S-131: August 1, 2 & 3                                         S-135: August 1, 2 & 3
9:00am-12:00pm                                                 1:00pm-4:00pm
Ages 4-9                                                       Ages 5-12
Bayview A-101                                                  Bayview A-101
Min: 7 / Max: 15                                               Min: 7 / Max: 15
Fee: $104                                                      Fee: $104
Register By: July 18                                           Register By: July 18

Canvas & Clay Camp with Kidcreate Studio
Creating with clay and painting on canvas- it just doesn’t get any better than that! In this camp, your child will get
to experiment with many different types of art while learning simple step-by-step painting and clay techniques.
They will make 3D bears, owls that glow-in-the-dark, a scratchboard painting of a cat and so much more! What
a great way for your child to explore the incredible world of art! Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your
child each day.

S-132: June 13, 14 & 15         1:00pm-4:00pm           Ages 5-12           Bayview A-101
Min: 7 / Max: 15                Fee: $104               Register By: May 27

Super-Duper Messy Art Class! Kidcreate Slime Time Kidcreate Studio
Studio Hey kids, do you love to get messy? Then Back by Popular Demand! Can’t get enough slime???
this is the art class for you! We’ll use tissue paper to pa-   Well, we can’t either! We’ll be making two different
pier maché an adorable puppy dog onto a real canvas            kinds of slime so we can spend all class long with the
board. Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your         stretchy, silly stuff! Since we guarantee a good and
child.                                                         messy time at this class, we ask that you dress your
                                                               child appropriately. Please pack a nut free snack and a
S-133 Monday, August 8          9:00am-12:00pm                 drink for your child.
S-134: Tuesday, August 9        1:00pm-4:00pm
                                                               S-136: Monday, August 8        1:00pm-4:00pm
Ages 5-12                                                      S-137: Tuesday, August 9       9:00am-12:00pm
Bayview A-101                                                  Ages 4-9
Min: 7 / Max: 15                                               Bayview A-101
Fee: $39                                                       Min: 7 / Max: 15
Register By: July 25                                           Fee: $39
                                                               Register By: July 25
                          www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                                 15
Youth Enrichment
Abrakadoodle art education offers creative and fun art classes, camps and
parties for children ages 2 - 12 years. Students are introduced to a wide variety
of mediums from watercolor to sculpture, paint, clay, collage, drawing, pastels,
paper mâché, mosaics and more in a fun and supportive environment where kids
are encouraged to make the art their own. Lessons are colorful, engaging, fun
and exceed the state standards. Best of all, you get to leave the mess with us!
Voted best art program in the Twin Cities by GoCityKids.com. 12+ years of pro-
viding you the best kids art programs in the Twin Cities. www.abrakadoodle.com

Art Explosion Camp Abrakadoodle                                 Summer Sculpt art camp Abrakadoodle
Detonate your imagination this summer. This camp is             If you love clay this is the camp for you. Learn all about
exploding with fun and creative art projects. Sculpt cute       sculpting, color-mixing, and decorative design. In this
chameleons and sassy sea turtles, create colorful fire-          fun camp we’ll make clay sea creatures , funny frogs,
works in a night sky, make a paper mache mouse, paint           beautiful birds, coil pots and more. We’ll use air dry and
a colorful canvas and more. Bring a beverage and a nut          model magic clay, unique materials and clay tools to cre-
free snack. Register early, this camp is sure to fill quickly.   ate our sculptures. Bring a beverage and a nut free snack.

S-138: August 1, 2, 3 & 4                                       S-140: July 18, 19, 20 & 21
10:00am-12:00pm                                                 12:30pm-2:30pm
Grades K-5 (2022-2023)                                          Grades K-5 (2022-2023)
Bayview D-109                                                   Bayview D-109
Min: 6 / Max: 22                                                Min: 6 / Max: 22
Fee: $120                                                       Fee: $120
Register By: July 18                                            Register By: July 5

Colorful Kids Art Camp Abrakadoodle Art Madness (Steam camp) Abrakadoodle
For kids that love to create colorful art. Create su-           Art is everywhere! So many wacky and wonderful
per cool and colorful creations from Paper mâché                things can be created when you set your imagina-
puppies to remarkable racoons on canvas. We’ll                  tion free. You can find art while digging in the dirt,
sculpt , paint on canvas, weave, play with Paper                looking up at the sky, watching storms and while
mâché and more. This camp is filled with fabulous                relaxing at the beach! Everything we make is fun:
creations. Bring a beverage and a nut free snack.               sunset silhouettes, Aboriginal dot art, beach draw-
                                                                ings, sculptures and 3D art. Join us and explore a va-
S-139: July 18, 19, 20 & 21                                     riety of art techniques while we make connections
10:00am-12:00pm                                                 with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Grades K-5 (2022-2023)                                          concepts. Bring a beverage and a nut free snack.
Bayview D-109
Min: 6 / Max: 22                                                S-141: Aug 3 & 4
Fee: $120                                                       12:30pm-3:00pm
Register By: July 18                                            Grades K-5 (2022-2023)
                                                                Bayview D-109
                                                                Min: 6 / Max: 22
                                                                Fee: $78
                                                                Register By: July 20

16                                   Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
Dynamic Drawing Abrakadoodle                             Beyond the Queens Gambit
Join us for this drawing camp and move your draw-        Half Day Chess Camp with Pat LaVone
ing skills to the next level. In this camp you will      Did you know that playing chess can help strengthen
develop drawing skills and become a more confi-           a student’s memory, increase a child’s decision mak-
dent drawer. This is a short version of our popular      ing skills, and help instill an understanding of actions
4 day drawing camp. Make drawing easier by us-           and consequences? Kids who play chess regularly see
ing shapes and other drawing techniques that bring       increases in math skills as well as reading comprehen-
your art to life. We’ll draw cartoons, 3D shapes, ani-   sion. Plus – it’s fun – kids love it! Pat has been teaching
mals and more Bring a nut-free snack and beverage.       chess for over 20 years, including more than a dozen
                                                         years in Waconia. Chess camp will consist of lectures/
S-142 August 1 & 2            12:30pm-3:00pm             lessons, chess puzzles, practice games, tournament
Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)        Bayview D-109              games, blitz chess (speed chess), chess variations and
Min: 6 / Max: 22              Fee: $78                   a look at chess history. Campers will learn basic tactics,
Register By: July 18                                     strategies and concepts. Chess sets and other materi-
                                                         als will be provided. There will also be time for some
                                                         physical activity as well. Camp will conclude with a
                                                         tournament and the awarding of trophies and medals.

                                                         July 18, 19, 20 & 21
                                                         S-144: Gr. 1-5 (2022-2023)
                                                         S-145: Gr. 6-12 (2022-2023)
                                                         1:00pm – 4:30 pm
                                                         Bayview Cafeteria
                                                         Pat LaVone
                                                         Fee: $135
                                                         Register By: July 5

Ultimate Sharks and Sea Creatures Day
Did you love last summer’s camp? Then you will love
the new lessons we came up with for this year’s Shark
camp. Learn about Sharks and other creatures who
live under the sea. We’ll learn to draw some of our
favorite sharks, create a colorful octopus using oil
pastels and sculpt sharks. Join us for a fun and messy

S-143: Friday, July 22
Grades K-5 (2022-2023)
Bayview D-109
Min: 6 / Max: 22
Fee: $47
Register By: July 20

                         www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                             17
Youth Enrichment
Babysitters Training                                          SafeKids 101
When your student is certified with Babysitting 101,           Preparing Kids to Stay Safe at Home and in the
you’ll know they’ve been trained by the best! Training        Community! Does your child ages 8 - 12 want to
designed to engage and inform the aspiring babysitter.        stay home alone after school? Get your children
It gives 11 year olds and older everything they need          trained with SafeKids 101 and both of you will feel
to know, from getting started, to dealing with                more confident about their safety at home and in
parents and children, to key safety, caregiving, and          the community. This program is full of important
first aid tips. Course highlights include: Fundamental         safety principles. This program teaches what all
information about Babysitting and creating your               parents want their children to know about safety!
business, Leadership: You’re in charge, but not the           Topics include: Staying home alone, Answering
parent and conflict resolution, Basic Caregiving Skills:       the door or the telephone, Basic First Aid; burns,
Feeding, Diapering, Holding, Safe sleep practices,            wounds & bandaging, poisonings, and choking
Play Time: Keeping children entertained and active            emergencies, Storm and fire emergency training, Dog
safely, Safety and Injury Prevention: Telephone               emergencies… Four steps to staying safe, Stranger
safety, SIDs awareness, Environmental, weather and            danger…straight talk with honest answers, Fun, safe
preventable hazards, First Aid and CPR: Recognizing           activities to do while home alone, Create fun, healthy
an emergency, Caring for an ill or injured victim,            – safe snacks! (Please indicate any food allergies!)
Wounds and Burn care, Choking and CPR Please
pack pen, paper and snack/meal. Guide book                    S-148: Monday, June 6
included! Must be 11 years of age at start of class.          S-149: Wednesday, July 27

S-146: Monday, June 6                                         11:45am-2:00pm
S-147: Wednesday, July 27                                     Bayview Media Center
                                                              Fee: $30
8:00am-11:30am                                                Shelly Nahan
Bayview Media Center                                          Min: 6 / Max: 20
Fee: $52                                                      Register By: May 27 / July 13
Shelly Nahan
Min: 6 / Max: 20
Register By: May 27 / July 13

MEA MIDDLE SCHOOL TRIP Washington DC October 20 - 23
S-150: If you areinterested in ourcountry’s history,this isthe tripforyou! Join us ona fabulous tour ofourNation’sCapital.
Some of the sights we will visit are: The Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson Memorials, Mount Vernon, The National
Archives, Ford’s Theater/Peterson House, a tour of the US Capitol Building, The White House, Arlington National
Cemetery and a few of theSmithsonian Museums. We will also have dinner and see a show at the KennedyCenter! This
opportunity is open to all middle and high school students within District 110 (parents may also sign up as participants).

There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, March 22nd at 5:15pm in Ms. Melius’s room,
Waconia Middle School Room G207 and registration will open at this time. If you can’t make the meet-
ing and would still like to go on the trip you can register in the Community Education office on Wednesday,
March 23rd. There is a $50 non-refundable fee due at the time of registration to secure your spot.

18                                  Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
Eureka Engineering Camp COR Robotics Drone Photography Camp COR Robotics
Eureka Engineering introduces students to the core         Students will start off Drone Photography by learn-
skills of robotics and STEM through engaging, hands-       ing how to fly an entry level photography drone. Once
on learning opportunities. Student groups will work        they’ve mastered the basics, they’ll be taught more
with Lego Mindstorm kits, which include both electri-      advanced techniques that will help them take higher
cal and mechanical components. The small groups will       quality photos and videos with their drones. Photo and
be mentored by experienced and passionate instruc-         video editing software tutorials will enable students to
tors. Parents are welcome to watch their child’s robotic   create awesome media content that they can down-
creations come to life in exciting and competitive chal-   load and keep after the camp. Students are encouraged
lenges including drag racing, fighting robots and more!     to bring a flash drive to save and share their creations!

S-151: June 6, 7 & 8          9:00am-12:00pm               S-153: June 27, 28 & 29
Grades 3-8 (2022-2023)        Bayview B-127                9:00am-12:00pm
COR Robotics                  Min: 8 / Max: 16             Grades 3-8 (2022-2023)
Fee: $88                      Register By: May 23          Bayview B-127
                                                           COR Robotics
                                                           Min: 8 / Max: 16
                                                           Fee: $88
                                                           Register By: June 13

                                                           Intro to Esports Camp COR Robotics
                                                         Eureka Engineering introduces students to the core
                                                         skills of robotics and STEM through engaging, hands-
                                                         on learning opportunities. Student groups will work
                                                         with Lego Mindstorm kits, which include both electri-
                                                         cal and mechanical components. The small groups will
RC Wars Camp COR Robotics                                be mentored by experienced and passionate instruc-
Eureka Engineering introduces students to the core tors. Parents are welcome to watch their child’s robotic
skills of robotics and STEM through engaging, hands- creations come to life in exciting and competitive chal-
on learning opportunities. Student groups will work lenges including drag racing, fighting robots and more!
with Lego Mindstorm kits, which include both electri-
cal and mechanical components. The small groups will S-154: June 27, 28 & 29          1:00pm-4:00pm
be mentored by experienced and passionate instruc- Grades 3-8 (2022-2023)             Bayview B-127
tors. Parents are welcome to watch their child’s robotic COR Robotics                 Min: 8 / Max: 16
creations come to life in exciting and competitive chal- Fee: $88                     Register By: June 13
lenges including drag racing, fighting robots and more!

S-152: June 6, 7 & 8
Grades 4-8 (2022-2023)
Bayview B-127
COR Robotics
Min: 8 / Max: 16
Fee: $88
Register By: May 23

                         www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                              19
Youth Enrichment
Tech Tac Toe Technological literacy is becoming as important as knowing how to
read and write. At Tech Tac Toe it is our mission to spread this knowledge through high-
quality, kid-friendly classes that motivate and get young minds excited about tech-
nology, computers and science. Our classes are designed to engage children multiple
ways: from conceptualization to design, ultimately building life-skills such as problem
solving, logic, and creativity. Programs are presented in a kid-friendly way and tailored
to their abilities. We make great use of video game programming and other fun com-
puter-based programs,as this allows children to learn the way they learn best: playing!

Ultimate YouTube Super Star TTT                             Drone Racing and Rocket Launching TTT
Are you ready to share your talents with the world on       Get your adrenaline running this summer with this su-
YouTube and spend an unforgettable summer? Then             per exciting camp. Are you intrigued by Drones? Would
this camp is for YOU and your BFFs! Learn the ins &         you like to learn more about this amazing technology?
outs of producing your very own YouTube video, with         What about learn to fly them and participate in areal
invaluable tips on how to take your production to the       races? Learn the science behind flight? Then is camp
next level. In small teams, create distinguishing art for   is for you! Not only will you race drones against your
your channel, learn about fair use and copyright, and       friends, you’ll also learn about model rocketry and pick
of course how to masterfully record, edit and upload        up how to shoot rockets up to 300 feet and more up
videos. Ready? 3-2-1... !                                   into “space”! The camp also includes a “swarm” of fun
                                                            STEAM projects. Please bring a peanut-free snack and
S-155: July 25, 26, 27 & 28                                 beverage.
Grades 3-7 (2022-2023)                                      S-157: June 20, 21, 22 & 23
Bayview B-127                                               1:00pm-4:00pm
Fee: $163                                                   Grades 2-5 (2022-2023)
Min: 8 / Max: 20                                            Bayview B-127
Register By: July 11                                        Fee: $154
                                                            Min: 8 / Max: 20
                                                            Register By: June 6

Escape Room: Space-X Galactic Mission TTT
If you are looking for the most thrilling, out of this world adventure this summer, then this camp is totally for you!
Imagine - your mission is stuck on a newly explored planet and you now need to figure out how to return to
Earth! Your path back leads you to solve fun clues and STEAM challenges. Build a rower, design an extension
arm, create a light up constellation map, and ultimately, once you collected all clues, launch your own rocket!
Explore space like never before in this action packed camp! Please bring a peanut-free snack and beverage.

S-156: June 20, 21, 22 & 23
Grades 1-4 (2022-2023)
Bayview B-127
Fee: $154
Min: 8 / Max: 24
Register By: June 6

20                                Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
Candy Lab TTT                                               Beginner Coder Pokémon AdventuresTTT
Create the sweetest memories this Summer in this            New to coding? Then this camp is for you! Create an
exhilarating STEAM camp! It’s time to have delicious        amazing Pokemon adventure in a video game of your
fun as you discover the amazing science behind your         own creation! Specially designed for beginner coders,
favorite sweets as we mix up totally awesome experi-        we make it extra fun for kids to pick up coding skills
ments and design packing for your creations. Have a         in a themed camp they love. Create your own universe
blast as we create tasty Gummy Bears, mix up yummy          of magical pokemon creatures to escape an adventure
edible slime, and so much more! As you do, learn about      map, code a catch-pokemons-game, design your own
the science and chemistry of food as well as super in-      pokemon team, and create a game to duel against
teresting STEAM concepts. We’ll make it even sweeter        friends. Please bring a USB Flash drive to save your proj-
with other exciting activities. Not for kids with food      ects. Please bring a peanut-free snack and beverage.
allergies. Please bring a peanut-free snack and bever-
age. Use clothes that can get messy.                        S-160: July 11, 12, 13 & 14
S-158: June 13, 14, 15 & 16                                 Grades 1-4 (2022-2023)
9:00am-11:55am                                              Bayview B-127
Grades K-4 (2022-2023)                                      Fee: $163
Bayview B-126                                               Min: 8 / Max: 16
Fee: $119                                                   Register By: June 27
Min: 8 / Max: 20
Register By: May 27

Kids vs. Wild TTT
Do you have what it takes to survive in the Wild? In this
cool camp you and your team will get challenged to          Epic Robo Lab: Build your own RobotsTTT
create cool gadgets to “survive” in the Wild! From engi-    Robots are sooo much fun, and this camp is full of
neering a cool periscope, harness the power of the sun      them! Do you like your Robot cute and fuzzy, or per-
to cook (marshmallows! - yummy), engineer a device          haps more hawkish and intriguing? YOU are the cre-
for drinkable water, engineer a shelter, and so much        ator of your own robots. Using motors, batteries, and
more, you’ll return transformed from this cool adven-       other supplies from your “inventors shack” have a
ture! Please bring a peanut-free snack and beverage.        blast as you engineer a different Robot each day, from
                                                            fast moving, wiggly, shaky, spinning, shaking and so
S-159: June 13, 14, 15 & 16                                 much more. We’ll top it off with other mindboggling
1:00pm-4:00pm                                               engaging activities. Please bring a peanut-free snack
Grades 1-4 (2022-2023)                                      and beverage.
Bayview B-126
Fee: $119                                                   S-161: July 11, 12, 13 & 14
Min: 8 / Max: 24                                            1:00pm-4:00pm
Register By: May 27                                         Grades 1-4 (2022-2023)
                                                            Bayview B-127
                                                            Fee: $154
                                                            Min: 8 / Max: 24
                                                            Register By: June 27

                        www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                                21
Youth Enrichment
Tech Academy of Minnesota provides research-proven technology and summer STEM day camps
for kids and teens ages 4-15. We believe learning should be fun, innovative, challenging and hands-on. We
host over 300 camps annually throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. We offer 30 different classes/camps
in Minecraft, Video Game Design, Programming, Engineering, Robotics, Computers and Film Making.

Jr Engineering & Building Camp                             Multiplayer Minecraft: Theme Park
If you have a learner who likes building things and fig-    Builder Camp Work as a team to create a custom
uring out how things work, he/she will love this class.    theme park in Minecraft. Use creativity and Redstone
Join us as we explore, investigate, and solve problems     to create this world! Possible projects include roller
while learning about simple machines’ engineering          coasters, water rides, a trampoline park, an obstacle
building blocks. Students working in pairs will enjoy      course, a boat race, bumper boats, a dunk tank, and
hands-on activities using LEGO® Gears and special          many more rides and attractions! Students will get a
LEGO® Technic® engineering components that in-             copy of the world map to take home and expand on.
corporate math, science, and creativity. Students will     We will be using the PC/Java Edition of Minecraft.
work through building models that demonstrate me-          Bring a USB drive to save your game on the last day.
chanical and physical engineering. They will then use
what they learned to solve challenges. Learning proj-      S-164: June 27, 28, 29 & 30   9:00am-12:00pm
ects may include mini mechanical concept models, a         Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)
moving dragon, scale, clown, crane, car, fan, merry-       Bayview B-126
go-round, and more. Students will be working in pairs.     Fee: $150
                                                           Tech Academy
S-162 June 6, 7, 8 & 9        9:00am-12:00pm               Min: 6 / Max: 18
Grades K-3 (2022-2023)        Bayview B-126                Register By: June 13
Fee: $136
Tech Academy
Min: 6 / Max: 18                                           Intro to Video Game Design with
Register By: May 23                                        Nintendo Characters Camp
                                                           Create YOUR OWN VIDEO GAME! Love video games?
Extreme EV3: Olympics Camp                                 Students as young as five years old can create their
Students will work in small teams using the EV3            own platform video games in this cool class! Choose
Mindstorms Robotic Systems and specialized LEGO®           your storyline with popular Nintendo characters as
Technic engineering components to build extreme ro-        your stars. Add challenges and levels of difficulty, then
bots and use programs to experiment with and over-         share your game by email or post it on the web to chal-
come Olympic-style challenges. Students will then be       lenge family and friends. Now 5-8-year-olds can prac-
challenged to morph their projects into better, stron-     tice math, logic, and programming and put their video
ger, or faster robots. Possible robotic projects include   game talents to work! Bring a USB drive to save your
Shot Put Launcher, Flipping Gymnast, Sumobot, and          games on the last day.
more. Students will be working in small teams of 2-3.
                                                           S-165: June 27, 28, 29 & 30   1:00pm-4:00pm
S-163: June 6, 7, 8 & 9       1:00pm-4:00pm                Grades 1-3 (2022-2023)
Grades 3-7 (2022-2023)        Bayview B-126                Bayview B-126
Fee: $150                                                  Fee: $150
Tech Academy                                               Tech Academy
Min: 6 / Max: 18                                           Min: 6 / Max: 18
Register By: May 23                                        Register By: June 13
22                                Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
Youth Enrichment
Video Production for YouTube Camp                          Robotic Builders: Mighty Machines Camp
Learn how to create YouTube content! Shoot vid-            Yes, We CAN learn about Robotics! With the LEGO™
eos, edit sound, and create an online presence with        WeDo Robotics System, young children can build
YouTube. In the first half of camp, learn the tricks that   and program their robotic creations. Young imagina-
pro filmmakers use for better shots, lighting, sounds       tions soar! The LEGO® Education WeDo™ Robotics
and learn to use our film editing software. Then in the     Builder allows students to explore different Robotic
second half of camp, students will work on a group un-     Themes. Students working in teams will work
boxing or product review video. Edit your video, add       with simple machines, program models they de-
transitions, special effects, and insert a soundtrack.      sign and create, measure time and distance, write,
Then share your finished video with the world. Bring a      and much more! Students will be working in pairs.
USB drive (at least 8GB) to save your video on the last
day.                                                       S-168: August 1, 2, 3 & 4
S-166: July 18, 19, 20 & 21   9:00am-12:00pm               Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)
Grades 5-9 (2022-2023)        Bayview B-126                Bayview B-126
Fee: $165                     Tech Academy                 Fee: $150
Min: 6 / Max: 18              Register By: July 5          Tech Academy
                                                           Min: 6 / Max: 18
                                                           Register By: July 18

                                                           Jr Engineering: Crazy Gears & Wheels
                                                           Camp If you love LEGOs, making things move, build-
                                                           ing, and experimenting – this class is for you. Learn
                                                           about engineering and the physical science principles
                                                           behind different action machines. Working in teams,
                                                           students will build crazy-wheeled and geared contrap-
Multiplayer Minecraft: City Builder Camp                   tions that spring into action. Have fun while you learn
Minecraft is a sandbox-building game dominat-              the principles of mechanical engineering and simple
ing the world of video gaming for the past several         machines. Make tops, spinners, zip lines, rubber band-
years. Collaborate with fellow students to construct       powered cars, crimping cars, and other crazy contrap-
a city! Students will take home their completed world      tions. Students will be working in pairs.
files at the end of class. Beginners and experienced
Minecrafters alike will love this action-packed camp!      S-169: August 1, 2, 3 & 4
We will be using the PC/Java Edition of Minecraft.         1:00pm-4:00pm
Bring a USB drive to save your games on the last day.      Grades K-3 (2022-2023)
                                                           Bayview B-126
S-167: July 18, 19, 20 & 21                                Fee: $135
1:00pm-4:00pm                                              Tech Academy
Grades 1-5 (2022-2023)                                     Min: 6 / Max: 18
Bayview B-126                                              Register By: July 18
Fee: $150
Tech Academy
Min: 6 / Max: 18
Register By: July 5

                        www.waconiacommunityed.org / www.waconiaareaathletics.com                             23
Youth Enrichment
Drivers Education: Classroom Instruction
Participants who have successfully completed classroom training sessions are eligible for 6 hours of behind
the wheel training. This is an opportunity for students to receive additional driving experience with a certified
driving instructor. To register for Behind the Wheel Training, the registration form should be submitted, in per-
son, along with payment, parent signature and the letter verifying completion of the 30 hours of classroom in-
struction at the Community Ed office. The blue card will then be issued. Students will need this card in order
to complete a computerized permit test at the DMV. The date of their 16th birthday, along with the date of
registration, will determine their priority on the waiting list. We encourage students to register early. Please
do not schedule your driver’s test before you start your 6 hours of Behind the Wheel. If you are participating
in an after school activity, please be aware that this limits your scheduling availability with the instructors.

At this time, Community Education is extremely behind in our Behind the Wheel lessons. Please note that if you
sign up with us. There will be no guarantee that we will get your 6 hours of driving done before your 16th birthday.
If you choose to sign up with us and you decide to cancel there will be a fee of $25 that will be non-refundable.

Fee: $348
Payment Options:
1. The entire fee paid at the time of registration.
2. $174 at the time of registration and $174 prior to your last Behind the Wheel lesson.

Drivers Education Behind the Wheel VIRTUAL
Participants need to complete 30 hours of classroom train-
ing before being issued a permit. Students must be 14 years
of age to take the classroom instruction. Upon successful
completion of the required 30 hours of classroom training a
“Purple Completion Slip” is issued. This Purple Completion
Slip must be presented in order to receive a “Blue Card”. The
“Blue Card” allows the student to take the Minnesota State
Permit test. There is no course credit given to students who
take this class during the summer thru Community Education.
Online registration for classroom only. Participants that take
the classroom portion through Community Education do not
need to take the Behind the Wheel portion with us.

S-170: June 6-10 & 13-17
Virtual | Zoom
Derek Myhre                                                               Summer Office Hours:
Register by: May 28                                                   Monday - Thursday 7:30am-4:00pm
Min: 12 / Max: 40
                                                                          Friday - 7:30am-1:00pm
Classroom Instruction Fee: $110
(paid in full at time of registration)
                                                                            Online Registration:

24                                   Waconia Community Education & Recreation 952.442.0610
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