Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

Page created by Andre Meyer
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

         News and Views from HEART Academies Trust

Bedford Academy                                             Shackleton Primary

Cauldwell School                                           Shortstown Primary

         Bedford Academy     Shackleton Primary            Issue 04 | Summer 2021
         Cauldwell Primary   Shortstown Primary
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary
                                             Virtual Parent Careers Evenings
                                             After trialling a virtual Careers Information Evening via teams this year we have
                                             taken on board feedback and suggestions and plan to run a number of Key Stage-
                                             specific, shorter careers information events across the year rather than one longer
                                             event with multiple speakers. Information on these events will be shared nearer
                                             their planned times.

                                             Bedford Academy Students’ Room
                                             Reminder for students to regularly check this live feed of the latest career events, part
                                             time jobs and apprenticeships, and opportunities such as virtual careers talks, virtual
                                             taster days, college and university open days and virtual work experience.
Bedford Academy                        3-5
Priti Patel visits Bedford Academy
Tennis Club
The Brilliant Club
Edget Feleg Secondary School
Year 7 and 8 Art Projects
Year 7 ‘Cultural Poetry’
Year 7 Art Project
Year 11 Impress in the Food Room!            Quality in Careers Renewal
Ernie Els Golf Program                       Plans are now underway for the re-
                                             assessment of our Quality in Careers
                                             Award in December 21.
Shackleton Primary                     6-7
                                             The Quality in Careers Standard is
Daily Mile – Footprints                      the national quality award for careers
Getting to know Mr Klopper                   education, information, advice and
Year 6 Science Experiment                    guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges
                                             and work-based learning.
Egg Competition
                                             This will be our third assessment after
                                             first achieving the award in 2015.
Cauldwell School                       8-9
Creative Curriculum
Health & Safety Week                         Medical Mavericks Online Academy
Music at Cauldwell                           We have subscribed to an online
Thoughts from our                            platform called The Medical Mavericks
Year 6 Leaders                               Academy. In the Academy you can
School Street                                watch interviews with a huge range of
                                             medical professionals to find out what
                                             they do and what actually goes on in
Shortstown Primary                   10-11   a hospital. There are lots of activities
Reception Dress Up Day                       for you to try as well. To watch
                                             the videos and access The Medical
Spring Planting
                                             Mavericks Academy you need to
R101 Project                                 create an account.
Class Transitions                            Here are the instructions on how to
                                             do this:                                      You can then watch a short video on
                                                                                           how to use The Academy and access all
                                                                                           of your courses through your Dashboard.
                                             Create your own account. You must use         You can access The Academy at home
                                             your school email address.                    or at school any time over the next year.
                                             When you have created your account            New content is being added each half
                                             you will automatically be taken to a page     term too, so there are plenty of reasons
                                             where you must click the enrol button.        to come back!

2                                            HEART Academies Trust | | Summer 2021
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

Priti Patel visits Bedford Academy                                                    Tennis Club
On Thursday 22nd April, Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, visited Bedford              Tennis began prior to the half
Academy along with Fetus Akinbusoye, the Conservative Police and Crime                term with steady numbers in
Commissioner candidate for Bedfordshire. They met with a number of staff              Years 7/8/9 attending, brushing
and students to discuss the impact of Covid-19 and the recovery plans to              up on their skills in hope of being
support students with their education. (Photo above)                                  the next Novak Djokovic or Iga
Mr Chris Deller, Headteacher of Bedford   Both guests were introduced to the          Swiatek.
Academy; Mr Peter Roberts, Deputy         Academy’s student voice, made up of a       The attitude, manner and high level
Headteacher and Mr David Morris, CEO      range of students from all year groups,     of skills on show has been fantastic
of HEART Academies Trust, greeted         who were able to discuss their return to    and Mr Llewellyn has really enjoyed
both visitors, inviting them in to share  school following the national lockdown.     coaching, so thank you to all of those
the Academy’s vision and values. Mr       Some students shared their experiences      who have participated. Tennis will
Deller explained how ‘The BA Way’ is      through the lockdown and what the           continue next year.
an integral part of daily life at Bedford school did to support student wellbeing
Academy and provides all stakeholders     and to ensure that they didn’t miss out     Also, if you’re interested in out of
with clarity and purpose about what       on their learning. Both Priti Patel and     school coaching, Riverside Tennis
we expect from everyone in our school     Fetus Akinbusoye were very interested       Club, based on Goldington Road, is
community.                                in the Academy’s recovery and how           a fantastic club. If you are interested,
                                          the Academy intends to ensure student       then please see Mr Llewellyn.
Mr Chris Deller and Mr David Morris
shared the relationships the school       learning is back on track for the future.
has with external agencies and the        Both visitors shared their own
local police provision as well as the     professional experiences with the           The Brilliant Club
positive reduction in exclusions and      students and staff and highlighted          Bedford Academy have been
encouraging positive behaviour in the     how important it is to be focused           delighted to work with the University
wider community. Being a community        and determined in order to succeed;         of Bedfordshire and The Brilliant Club
minded school, Bedford Academy is         attributes that many Bedford Academy        over the past term to provide some
always encouraging their students to be   students are having to adopt to support     excellent opportunities for a group
responsible, thoughtful and independent   with their learning and progression         of students who have shown the
whilst taking ownership of their own      during these challenging times.             potential to work above and beyond
actions and decisions.                                                                their current stage of learning. As
                                                                                      part of this, 12 representatives from
Ms Patel stated “…it’s hard work, nothing in life is easy and it’s all about          Years 9 and 10 worked with a PhD
being focused, determined and wanting to do a good job for the people and             student from Cambridge University,
communities and ultimately our country if we want to make a difference”.              to learn about mental health,
                                                                                      intervention planning and evaluation
                                                                                      and the processes used within the UK.
  #raisingtheprofile                                                                  From this, each student was tasked
  Bedford Academy Sixth Form has now interviewed over 130 applicants                  with producing a 2000-word first
  hoping to join us in September 2021.                                                year university-style essay based on
                                                                                      their research and their seminars with
  The Sixth Form team are extremely excited to see our prospective students again
                                                                                      their tutor. These essays are graded
  on GCSE results day and welcome our new cohort of students in September.
                                                                                      using university grading, from 1st
  We have received our highest number of external applications this year, which is
                                                                                      Class with Honours down, and we
  testament to our improving results and reputation across the community.
                                                                                      are eagerly awaiting their results. The
  Our Sport Academy has attracted external students from a number of different        students will also attend a graduation
  schools across Bedfordshire including Lincroft, Mark Rutherford, Biddenham,         ceremony in July; a wonderful
  Cardinal Newnham, St Thomas More, Samuel Ryder and Harlington.                      and exciting opportunity to raise
  Any students still wishing to apply or enquire about Bedford Academy Sixth Form     aspirations for a group of very driven
  should email Mrs Harrop on                             students.

Summer 2021 | | HEART Academies Trust                                                                   3
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary
                    Edget Feleg Secondary School
                    Bedford Academy participated in a               the local language of the Gondar area
                    challenge entitled ‘Can we lap the globe as     and the official language of the Ethiopian
                    a Bedford Academy collective? How far can       government. Students study many of
                    we get? Which country will we end up in?’       the same subjects as in Western schools,
                    Staff managed to travel from Bedford to         such as mathematics, science, chemistry,
                    Ethiopia in the virtual exercise challenge.     physics, history and geography. However,
                    This has transformed into something             their history lessons focus much more
                    wonderful – we now have a partner               on African and, in particular, Ethiopian
                    school in Ethiopia – to build a global          history. Every morning, students take part
                    community link.                                 in a flag ceremony, where the Ethiopian
                    Bedford Academy’s partner school in             flag is raised and students line up to sing
                    Africa is called Edget Feleg Secondary          the national anthem. Students take it in        encourages sport activities by having a
                    School, situated in Gondar at the back          turns to be responsible for raising the flag.   sports field and a football team. Balls for
                    of a bus station and Arada (main market         Lessons generally last for an hour and          football are their only sports equipment.
                    area). The school is 1.5 km away from           there is a short break midway through           Bedford Academy are working on sending
                    the bus station. Pupils usually come from       the day. Some students are able to buy          a school profile and video to Edget
                    the nearby village and a few of them            snacks such as ice lollies, donuts known as     Feleg Secondary School. We will also
                    from the nearby rural area. The school          bombelinos and lentil-filled pastries called    be exploring the development of our
                    teaches grades 9 to 11 on a shift-based         sambusas, which are the Ethiopian version       teaching practice across both schools.
                    system. Students often walk for up to 30        of the Indian samosa, from the school tea       Bedford Academy students will shortly
                    minutes from outlying villages in order         room!                                           be given the opportunity to develop
                    to attend. Students attend for half a day,      After school most of them help their            their leadership skills via being part of a
                    in the morning or in the afternoon, and         family by carrying drinking water home,         Together we Learn Ethiopia committee.
                    study a variety of subjects. Lessons are        doing home chores (cooking, washing             We will also be using Together We Learn
                    taught in English at this level but students    clothes, etc.). They also like playing          curriculum materials to build on global
                    will also study Amharic, which is both          football in their free time as the school       knowledge and fundraising skills.

                  Year 7 and 8 Art Projects                                                                           Differences at a glance:
                  Years 7 and 8 have been studying printing after understanding perspective,                          Pupils                   2223 pupils
                  composition and colour.                                                                                                      (52% male and
                                                                                                                                               48% female)
                  The students were shown photographs         number of colours. The monoprint is a form
                  from our partnership school in Ethiopia,    of printmaking where the image can only be              Teachers                 72 teachers
                  Edget Feleg Secondary School, to discover   made once, unlike most printmaking which
                                                                                                                      Classrooms               16 classrooms
                  the differences between the schools and     allows for multiple originals.
                  gain understanding of how students learn in This topic has shown students how                       Library facility         Yes
                  different environments.                     important it is to be resilient when working
                                                                                                                      Clean Water supply       10 taps
                  The students created some en plein air      and how often the first piece might not
                  artwork. This means they went outside and   always be the best. Monoprinting gives the              Toilets                  Yes
                  drew Bedford Academy in pencils or water    students a chance to create a new print
                                                                                                                      Staff Toilets            Yes
                  colours.                                    every time.
                  They used their drawings to create          The artwork will be made into a banner                  Electricity              Yes
                  monoprints. Some students used just one     and sent to Edget Feleg Secondary School.               Computers                Yes
                  colour whilst others experimented with a

     4                                                             HEART Academies Trust | | Summer 2021
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

                                                                                                                                        BEDFORD ACADEMY
Bedford Academy continues to
raise the profile of STEM across
the Trust despite the challenges we
have had this year. Unfortunately,
due to multiple school closures, we
had to cancel several external trips.
However, we continued to highlight
                                                                                           Year 11 Impress in
STEM in various ways across the                                                            the Food Room!
                                                                                           This year’s practical theme for GCSE
School visits                                                                              Food was International Street Food.
In April we invited Medical Mavericks to                                                   Students in Year 11 had to create up
teach about the senses and the human                                                       to two dishes each, including a range
body in an engaging and interactive          • Six lesson plans, written to work with
                                                                                           of technical practical skills. This year
way. Year 7 students were excited and           the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime
                                                                                           the students really pushed themselves
learnt a lot. We also received books and        kits
                                                                                           to attempt the most challenging of
equipment that will make science lessons     • Full support from Authorised LEGO®
                                                                                           techniques which included filleting a
more interesting.                               Education Partner, Raising Robots
                                                                                           whole chicken, making choux and filo
                                             • Access to a whole host of resources
Curriculum                                                                                 pastry as well as their own mayonnaise.
                                                and videos through our online
This year we delivered a PCD lesson on                                                     The student’s final outcomes were a
                                                resource bank
STEM careers and placed posters around                                                     credit to their hard work across the year.
our school highlighting the benefits of      We were also very fortunate in securing
STEM careers and the various career          £700 from Engineering UK (EUK)
routes.                                      Equality, Diversity and Inclusion bursary
                                             scheme which will go toward getting           Ernie Els Golf Program
                                             more girls involved in STEM subjects.         In February 2021 the Access department
Our Academy was selected to
                                             Clubs                                         successfully applied for a grant from
participate in the Coding Success
                                             Seven of our high attaining Year 10           the Alderman Newton’s Educational
programme, fully funded by BAE Systems,
                                             students are on their way to achieving        Foundation to run the Ernie Els Golf
the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.
                                             their Silver CREST Awards this year.          Program with The Golf Trust. The
The programme aims to fuel the passion
                                             They have worked on projects ranging          programme consists of 10 weekly 1 hour
of young people in the classroom and is
                                             from which toothpaste cleans teeth the        group lessons with each session having
all linked to the national curriculum
                                             best to the amount of acid in fruit drinks.   a specially designed lesson plan that
We received:
                                                                                           delivers golf instruction incorporated
• Two LEGO® Education SPIKE™                 Upcoming events:
                                                                                           with targeted autism / SEND learning
   Prime kits                                In March 2022 we are hoping to host
                                                                                           projects. The program is designed to
• An online training session for one         our first ever joint science event, which
                                                                                           build self-esteem and confidence in a fun,
   teacher, covering the use of the sets     will include all the schools in HEART
                                                                                           welcoming and supportive environment.
   and the delivery of lessons               Academies Trust.
                                                                                           Golf is used as a tool so students can
                                                                                           increase self-worth and confidence while
                                                                                           providing new opportunities to develop
Year 7 ‘Cultural Poetry’                                                                   and build friendships and relationships.
                                                                                           16 students have taken part since the
What do Bedfordshire Clangers and Firfir have to do with poetry?                           Easter holidays and have been a credit to
Year 7 have explored life beyond Bedford   Academy over the past nine months.              the Academy. They have all engaged with
Academy this term in their new unit        This poetry will then travel over 5,000         the programme and have experienced
‘Cultural Poetry’. English classrooms will miles to our partner school in Ethiopia         a new activity, made new friends whilst
spend the coming weeks exploring big       as part of a poetry exchange. Focused           promoting the value, acceptance, health
questions such as ‘What is culture?’.      on the diversity of language and shared         and inclusion of all students involved.
Students are preparing their own           experiences, students examine their own         We would like to thank both the
poetry inspired by ‘Life at BA’, which     perceptions of community and culture            Alderman Newton’s Educational
brings together their experiences at the   through the poetic lens.                        Foundation and The Golf Trust for
                                                                                           allowing us to run the program so
BA Radio                                                                                   We hope to run more sessions in the
We have added another innovative             Communications, Careers and Community
teaching strategy to our Core offer at       mindedness we are launching our new BA
Bedford Academy. Over the past few years     Radio.
we have worked to make our curriculum        Our official launch date will be Monday
flexible, fit for purpose and forward        13th September at 9am. In attendance will
thinking to ensure we give our students      be the Mayor of Bedford Dave Hodgson,
the best foundation to achieve their goals   CEO of HEART Academies Trust David
and aspirations.                             Morris and Headteacher Chris Deller
We want our students engaged and             of Bedford Academy. We will also be
excited about learning. To improve the       supported by local community members.

Summer 2021 | | HEART Academies Trust                                                                          5
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

                     Daily Mile – Footprints                                                          NEW STAFF MEMBERS
                     The Daily Mile was founded by                                                    Getting to know
                     Elaine Wyllie and is about improving
                     the health and well-being of children.                                           Mr Klopper
                     The benefits they gain are physical,
                     emotional, social and mental, all from                                           Some facts about Mr Klopper, our
                     running or jogging at their own pace, for                                        new Learning Support Assistant.
                     15 minutes daily.                                                                Hobbies:
                     On behalf of Shackleton, I would like to                                         Gym and too many video games for
                     introduce our new Daily Mile Path. This                                          a grown man.
                     is a new alternative to our wood chip,                                           Favourite Colour: Purple.
                     which we use on the field when the
                     weather allows us to. The footprints are                                         Favourite Food:
                     multi-coloured and can be found on the                                           BBQ Jackfruit Pizza.
                     front large playground with a key by                                             Do you have any pets?
                     Mr George’s office window, telling you                                           Not yet! I am setting up a tank for
                     how many laps equals 1 Mile.                                                     my own pet octopus.
                     Miss Caley – PE Achievement Lead
                                                                                                      What do you think of
                                                                                                      Shackleton so far?
                                                                                                      I absolutely love it and have so
                                                                                                      much fun both learning and playing
                                                                                                      with the children. I think the ethos
                                                                                                      and inclusivity around the school is
                                                                                                      one of my favourite features.

                     Year 6 Science Experiment
                     Some pictures of Spurgeon class, completing a science experiment showing how our food is digested.

      6                                                          HEART Academies Trust | | Summer 2021
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary
Egg Competition

                                                                                                                                 SHACKLETON PRIMARY
Well done and thank you to all those who entered the decorated egg competition.
It was such a tricky competition for         The winners were:                       certificate and prize.
Mr George to judge as they were all          Bach – Matas      Matisse – Angela      Thank you for getting involved, it was
so great! Everyone who entered has
received 10 Dojo points. A really big well   Farah – Ashley    Hawkiing – Fabiha     egg-stastic to see all your amazing eggs!
done to the 4 competition winners.           They were very happy to receive their   Miss Mason.

Summer 2021 | | HEART Academies Trust                                                                    7
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

                   Creative Curriculum                                                              Years 4 and 5
                   At Cauldwell we deliver a Creative
                   Curriculum that is exciting,                                                     ... have been learning all about
                   irresistible and memorable. We do                                                the Ancient Egyptians.
                   this through a rolling programme of                                              We created our own ‘museum’
                   topics building strong connections                                               linked to literacy/history work,
                   between subjects and using quality                                               which included lots of different
                   texts.                                                                           artefacts for us to explore and learn
                   This term our topics have been Splish,                                           from. We have designed and made
                   Splash, Splosh; Wild and Wonderful;                                              death masks in our art lessons.
                   Egyptians and the Stone Age.

                   Reception and Year 1
                   ... have been learning all about ponds, rivers and the sea.
                   We loved pond dipping in our school pond. If only we could go to the seaside!

                                                                                                    Year 6
                                                                                                    ... we have learnt about Stone
                                                                                                    Age life.
                                                                                                    It has been exciting for children to
                                                                                                    learn how Stone Age man lived and
                                                                                                    survived. To help the children to do
                                                                                                    this they have written: diary entries,
                                                                                                    an adventure story, researched
                                                                                                    tools, fire, shelter and food. We also
                                                                                                    compared life then to now.

                   Years 2 and 3
                   ... have been learning all about the
                   great outdoors in our topic, Wild
                   and Wonderful.
                   The children have learnt about different
                   plants, trees and mini beasts. We visited
                   Northill Woods to immerse ourselves in
                   our topic.

     8                                                         HEART Academies Trust | | Summer 2021
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary
Health & Safety Week                                                                    Thoughts from our

                                                                                                                                    CAULDWELL SCHOOL
7th – 11th June. All of the Cauldwell Community engaged in Health and
Safety learning.
                                                                                        Year 6 Leaders
It was an incredibly active and immersive week, which included Sports Days for all      HEAD GIRL – Bella
year groups, Daily Mile challenges, healthy eating and safety awareness.                Although I still haven’t mastered my
                                                                                        ‘perfect self ’ (perhaps I never will), I
                                                                                        have mastered who I am at Cauldwell.
                                                                                        Cauldwell doesn’t just mean friends
                                                                                        and teachers – it’s a whole family.
                                                                                        Cauldwell has enabled us to come out
                                                                                        of our shells and we are now ready to
                                                                                        spread our wings.

                                                                                        HEAD BOY – Semilore
                                                                                        I am extraordinarily thankful for
                                                                                        the endless patience, kindness and
                                                                                        support all the teachers have shown
                                                                                        me; I am now a confident and resilient
                                                                                        individual. My special memories
                                                                                        include the annual performance by the
                                                                                        teachers on World Book Day; a trip to
                                                                                        Woburn Safari Park and taking part in
                                                                                        the Beds Speech and Drama Festival
                                                                                        every year since Year 1! I am looking
Music at Cauldwell                                                                      forward to starting my new adventure
                                                                                        at secondary school.
Although it’s been a tricky year, we’ve been busy keeping our music alive at
Cauldwell and have been re-awarded the Music Mark.
In April and May, 30 pupils participated  to break its own Guinness World Record
in a virtual choir led by Tim Burns. This for the Largest Simultaneous Sing. We
led to a recorded performance with a      had lots of fun singing and signing to ‘A
worldwide virtual choir of ‘Sansa Kroma’, Lovely Day’.
a traditional Ghanaian children’s song.
In school we now have a class set of
glockenspiels to support whole class
instrumental teaching and pupils have
enjoyed some new composition projects.
On Tuesday 15th June 2021, Cauldwell
School took part in The Young Voices
Biggest Sing. Young Voices are attempting
                                                                                      School Street
                                                                                      We have become the first school in
                                                                                      Bedford to run a School Street.
                                                                                      The result is a safer, healthier
                                                                                      environment which encourages active
                                                                                      travel to and from school.

Summer 2021 | | HEART Academies Trust                                                                      9
Matters Bedford Academy Shackleton Primary

                     Dress Up Day
                     The Reception class had a

                     day, when they dressed up as characters from
                     Mary Poppins.
                     This was a fabulous finish to their topic. The focus was
                     on how different environments change over time and
                     relationships in families and with friends.

                                                                                   Spring Planting
                                                                                   The children have been busy with their spring planting; growing
                                                                                   flowers and vegetables. A tree was kindly donated by Frosts
                                                                                   garden centre and the children worked with Mr McFarlane to
                                                                                   plant it in the wildlife garden.

    10                                                            HEART Academies Trust | | Summer 2021
R101 Project
Shortstown Primary has been working closely with
Bedford Creative Arts to produce an educational project
pack for schools to learn about the history and impact of
the R101 airship.
The school has had visitors from the STEM community, artists
and story tellers, working with the children. The children were
asked to design their own modern day airship, then an artist
took the winning entries and created 3D models.
All of the work and ongoing activities will be displayed in the
Higgins Museum from July 2021. We are hoping to take some
of our children to visit, in the new academic year.

Class Transitions
The children have all transitioned to their new                   During this time the staff work on the child’s emotional
classrooms for the last half term of the year. This gives         response to change. Here are some of the Reception classes’
them and their families a chance to build relationships           thoughts about moving to Year 1.
with the new staff, learn about the changes in learning           Having spoken with them and other children, through the
and expectations and so enjoy their summer, knowing               school, they have settled well and are enjoying their new classes.
what will be expected of them in September.

Summer 2021 | | HEART Academies Trust                                                                        11
Careers at Bedford Academy                                                                           Year 11 Next steps,
                                                                                                     Intended Destinations
                   Unifrog – The Complete Careers and                                                and Offers of Learning
                   Destinations Platform, launching to                                               The pandemic and the lockdowns
                   students & staff week beginning 28/06/21                                          throughout the last year have made
                                                                                                     providing one-to-one careers advice a
In keeping with our commitment to provide          you can use Unifrog as if you were a student      bit of a challenge!
Bedford Academy students with outstanding          yourself, allowing you to truly support           Despite this, all of Year 11 have been
careers guidance and tailored support, we          your child. The form code you need is:            offered an initial careers appointment
are introducing Unifrog; an award-winning,         BDFRParents and you can sign up here:             (either in person, phone call or via Teams)
online careers platform. From 28th June, all                              and those that have needed it have
students will have access to this excellent        We are really looking forward to introducing      also received a follow up appointment
website.                                           Unifrog and plan to incorporate it into PCD       in school. We have already completed
Unifrog brings into one place information          lessons, subject lessons, careers appointments    236 Year 11 careers appointments since
about all post-school opportunities, including     and tutor time. Students in all year groups       September 2020.
every UK university course, apprenticeships        will be set one Unifrog task per term to          All students have been supported with
including degree apprenticeships and               complete as homework. These tasks will be         deciding, applying for and securing places
college courses in the UK, as well as other        set via Unifrog and students will receive an      ready for September and, for those that
opportunities, such as School Leaver               automated email reminder as well.                 need it, making back-up plans, completing
Programmes. This makes it easy for students                                                          college applications and being introduced
to compare and choose the best opportunity         The homework tasks for Summer                     to Post-16 Supported Learning providers
for them. The Careers Library contains up-         2021 will be:                                     (for those requiring extra support).
to-date labour market information for over         Year 7 – What are skills and why do they          Students seeking an apprenticeship have
1300 different careers, with details about the     matter?                                           received additional bespoke support
required skills and qualifications for each one.   Unifrog interests quiz – Students complete        including application guidance from
The Subjects Library gives advice about what       the Interests quiz on Unifrog and find out        Nadia De Michelle of Bedford College
qualifications your child will need to study a     which jobs might be of interest to them.          Apprenticeships Team; a CV Masterclass
subject at university.                                                                               webinar and individual CV feedback
                                                   Year 8 – Career terminology
Additionally, the platform helps students                                                            from Bryanna Harding, HR officer at
                                                   Students complete the ‘Career terminology’
successfully apply for these opportunities by                                                        Aston Martin F1 Team; mock interviews
                                                   session to learn more about common
using Unifrog to write their applications and                                                        from employers; and apprenticeship job
                                                   phrases and words associated with careers.        matching from Mr Dawe. One of these
CVs and guiding them through the process,
                                                   Year 9 – Identifying interests                    students has already been offered an
allowing teachers to give live feedback. They
                                                   Students discover the skills and interests that   apprenticeship!
can record their key skills and achievements
                                                   make them unique before linking these to          All credit to our class of 2021, who have
and build up an impressive portfolio over
                                                   potential careers.                                done themselves proud, with only 9
                                                   Year 10 – Careers library treasure hunt           students left to finalise their plans !
Students access the platform by clicking a link
in their welcome email, where they create a        Students learn how to navigate their way
password and can begin using the resources.        around the Careers library, answering a series
They login to Unifrog using their school email     of questions.
address and password and they can do so            Year 12 – Geeking out
from any computer, tablet or smartphone.           Students use the Subjects library to identify
We would encourage you to use the                  wider and deeper reading to undertake in
platform with your child so you can support        preparation for future applications.
them through the process of deciding their         If students would like support completing this
next step.                                         they can come to careers club which runs
We have also set up a parent login so that         Monday after school in the ILC.

                  OUR ACADEMIES
Bedford Academy                     Cauldwell Primary                    Shackleton Primary                      Shortstown Primary
Mile Road                           Edward Road                          Pearcey Road                            Beauvais Square
Bedford                             Bedford                              Bedford                                 Shortstown, Bedford
MK42 9TR                            MK42 9DR                             MK42 9LZ                                MK42 0GS

01234 301500                        01234 301400                         01234 352912                            01234 740881                      
You can also read