Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato

Page created by Jose Cummings
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
  U N I V E R S I T Y PA P E R S F O R

                                UNISTART 2022   1
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato

Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
4        Welcome to Unistart
5        What does a Unistart paper involve?
5        Entry Requirements
5        Unistart Scholarship
5        Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
5        Fees-Free Eligibility
6        Applying in 3 easy steps

8        Papers Taught Online
    9     Arts and Social Sciences
    9     Climate Change
    9     Computer Science
    10    Digital Learning
    10    Economics
    10    Education and Society
    11    Engineering
    12    Geography
    12    Health, Sport and Human Performance
    13    Human Development
    13    International Languages and Cultures
    13    Language and Literacy Education
    14    Law
    14    Māori and Indigenous Studies
    15    Māori Language/Te Reo Māori
    15    Mathematics
    17    Music
    17    Philosophy
    18    Political Science
    18    Screen and Media
    19    Security and Crime Science
    19    Writing Studies

20 2021 Unistart Papers Taught on Campus
 21 Arts and Social Sciences
 22 Computer Science
 22 English
 24 International Languages and Cultures
 24 Music
 26 Science
 26 Biology
 27 Chemistry
 27 Earth Sciences
 28 Environmental Science

29 Paper Summary
32 Enrolment and Study Information
34 Important Dates

                                                 UNISTART 2022   3
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
 To Unistart
     NAU MAI

                            GET IN TOUCH

                            If you have any questions about Unistart or want
                            more information about your study options,
                            we’re happy to help.

                            Visit waikato.ac.nz/study/unistart

                            Unistart Programme Coordinator

                            Future Student Advisors
                            0800 WAIKATO
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
If you’re a secondary school student, the Unistart programme gives you a
head-start in tertiary education by letting you complete university papers
while you’re still at school.
Not only does the programme offer a stimulating        UNISTART SCHOLARSHIP
challenge, it boosts confidence and gives insight
                                                       The University of Waikato Unistart Scholarship
into what it takes to study at University level.
                                                       covers the cost of up to two Unistart papers.
There are more than 60 papers to choose from,
                                                       Students will automatically be considered for
many of which are taught online, and completed
                                                       this scholarship when accepted into the Unistart
Unistart papers can be credited towards an
                                                       Programme – no additional application is
undergraduate (bachelors) degree at the
University of Waikato.

                                                       SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY
                                                       As well as meeting the above entry requirements
Unistart papers are generally run over one
                                                       for Unistart, you will also need:
trimester and are worth 15 points. The workload
is around 10 hours per week, which can                  • NCEA Level 2 Certificate or above endorsed
include time watching online lectures, reading            with merit or excellence; and
online course materials, lab work, working on           • New Zealand citizenship or permanent
assignments or preparing for and sitting tests and        residency.

                                                       FEES-FREE ELIGIBILITY
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                     See feesfree.govt.nz for more information.
Unistart is open to all year 12 and 13 secondary
school students who:

 • Have met the criteria for discretionary
   entrance to the University;

 • Are between 16 and 20 years old at the start
   of the Unistart paper, and;

 • Have approval from their school.

Note: If you are an international student, your
current visa needs to cover tertiary level study. If
it does not, you will need to apply for a Variation
of Conditions on your visa (VOC) and have this
approved by Immigration NZ before you apply
for Unistart.

                                                                                       UNISTART 2022   5
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
in 3 Easy Steps
            Your school career advisor and our Unistart Coordinator can help you select the papers
            that are best for you. For study advice, email unistart@waikato.ac.nz

            Note: Before you can apply for Unistart, your school needs to enter into a Unistart
            Agreement with us. We’ll organise this directly with your school so be sure to inform your
            school of your plans before you start this process.

            APPLY TO ENROL
            Once you know what papers you want to study and you have received your school’s
            approval to do Unistart, visit waikato.ac.nz/study/unistart to complete your school
            approval form and submit an online application to enrol.

            If you meet the Unistart Scholarship eligibility criteria, as well as the programme entry
            requirements, you will need to select your paper/s. Then you will receive an enrolment
            agreement. Accepting this agreement will give you access to your paper. If you are
            unsuccessful in meeting the Unistart Scholarship eligibility criteria, but have met the
            programme entry requirements, your offer will include paper fees. If this is the case,
            we will get in contact with you to get confirmation that you want to proceed with the
            enrolment, before we finalise the application.

Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
“Unistart was a huge
 influence on my decision to
 study at Waikato University”

Rototuna Senior High
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), major Mechanical Engineering

After sitting NCEA Level 3 Mathematics in Year   In 2019, I was able to complete two math
12, I thought I had to go through my last year   papers - freeing up my timetable in my first
in high school without my favourite subject.     year and making the transition from secondary
Then I heard about the Unistart program          to tertiary much easier. My lecturer even
at Waikato and I knew I had to enrol. Being      remembered me when I came back as a first-
the first student to do Unistart at my school    year student!
definitely had its challenges, but I liked the
                                                 My positive Unistart experience was a huge
balance between uni and school work. Getting
                                                 influence on my decision to study at Waikato
my grades back at the end of each semester
                                                 University. I’m currently in my second year of
was always a nice reminder of how much I
                                                 Mechanical Engineering (Hons) and enjoying it
could accomplish when I put my mind to it.
                                                                               UNISTART 2022   7
Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
2022 unistart
Papers Taught
Online Unistart papers allow students to experience studying at the University
of Waikato without needing to attend on-campus classes.
Moodle is the primary online learning environment at the University of Waikato. On Moodle, students
can watch uploaded lectures, interact with their tutors and access paper specific resources that have
been made available by the lecturer. Moodle is accessed at elearn.waikato.ac.nz

If you have questions about a specific online paper, please get in touch with the listed contact person.

Unistart Programme U N IVERSITY PAPERS FOR SECON DARY SCHOOL STU DENTS - University of Waikato
Language in Context                                  Introduction to Climate Change Science
ARTSC105-22B (NET)                                   CLIMT101-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                            15 POINTS
Language in Context is an essential paper for        An overview of the scientific basis of climate
students of a broad range of disciplines where       change with emphasis on understanding climate
language and communication are a focus.              change mitigation and adaptation.
Students are given the tools to examine how
human language reflects our histories, our social    Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
selves, and our immediate physical contexts.         Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
We observe how language is used to reinvent          Unistart
and to reinforce social positioning, to create and   Online applications close: 25 February 2022
to replicate both real and virtual identities. A     Contact Person: Jo Lane,
heightened awareness of the multifunctionality       joseph.lane@waikato.ac.nz
of language, whether spoken, sung, written or
texted, enhances our understanding of self and
allows us to be more effective communicators.        COMPUTER SCIENCE
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                     Introduction to Programming
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of       COMPX101-22A (NET)
Unistart                                             15 POINTS
Online applications close: 8 July 2022               This paper introduces computer programming in
                                                     C# - the exciting challenge of creating software
Contact Person: Julie Barbour,
                                                     and designing artificial worlds within the
                                                     computer. It also covers concepts such as the
                                                     internals of the home computer, the history and
Critical Social Science Research:
                                                     future of computers, cyber security, computer
The Crisis of Climate Change
                                                     gaming, databases, mobile computing and
ARTSC106-22B (NET)                                   current research and challenges in computer
15 POINTS                                            science. No prior programming knowledge is
Human disruption of the climate is perhaps the       assumed.
single most important crisis confronting the
planet. This paper is an introduction to critical    Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
social science research, organised around the        Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
case study of climate change.                        Unistart
                                                     Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                     Contact Person: Nilesh Kanji,
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close: 8 July 2021
Contact Person: Patrick Barrett or Priya Kurian

                                                                                     UNISTART 2022    9
DIGITAL LEARNING                                      EDUCATION AND SOCIETY
Developing Digital Fluency                            The New Zealand Educational Context
DLRNG100-22A (NET)                                    EDSOC101-22B (NET)
15 POINTS                                             15 POINTS
This paper offers a foundation for students           The paper addresses the educational policies,
learning to navigate and communicate effectively      ideas and processes shaping the educational
through digital learning environments.                contexts within which New Zealanders learn and
It incorporates purposeful selection of
technologies for learning, and digital literacy       Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
which includes being able to research, create,        Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
evaluate and apply technical skills while doing so.   Unistart
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)          Online applications close: 8 July 2022
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of        Contact Person: Pablo Del Monte,
Unistart                                              pablo.delmonte@waikato.ac.nz
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Dianne Forbes,
dianne.forbes@waikato.ac.nz                           An Introduction to Children’s Literature
                                                      LLTED101-22A (NET)
                                                      15 POINTS
                                                      In this paper we examine children’s literature
Business Economics and the New                        from picturebook to novel; from author to
Zealand Economy                                       illustrator; from history to modern times. The
ECONS101-22A (SEC)                                    link between children’s literature and education
15 POINTS                                             is a thread running through the course. Class
                                                      members will develop a familiarity with a
This paper offers insights into the behaviour of
                                                      range of genres and concepts linking children’s
consumers, firms and the government within
                                                      literature and society.
the economy, giving students skills in analysing
and predicting the actions of individuals and         Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
                                                      Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)          Unistart
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of        Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Unistart                                              Contact Person: Nicola Daly,
Online applications close: 25 February 2022           nicola.daly@waikato.ac.nz
Contact Person: Michael Cameron,

Huarahi Matauranga Māori: Historical                  Engineering Maths and Modelling 1B
and Contemporary Approaches to Māori                  ENGEN102-22B (NET)
Education                                             15 POINTS
MAOED100-22A (NET)                                    A further study of the fundamental techniques
15 POINTS                                             of algebra and calculus with engineering
This paper examines historical and contemporary       applications. Includes an introduction to relevant
approaches in Māori education provision in            statistical methods. This is the second of two
Aotearoa New Zealand. It explores policies,           engineering mathematics papers at first year
practices and developments that have impacted         level. These papers cover similar content to
on the educational development of Māori.              MATHS101 and MATHS102 but may be more
                                                      suitable for students with engineering intentions.
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
                                                      Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                              Entry: Yoou must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close: 25 February 2022           Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
Contact Person: Katarina Edmonds,                     following prerequisite:
katarina.edmonds@waikato.ac.nz                        Online applications close: 8 July 2022
                                                      Contact Person: Ian Hawthorn,
ENGINEERING                                           ian.hawthorn@waikato.ac.nz
Engineering Maths and Modelling 1A
ENGEN101-22A (NET)
A study of the fundamental techniques of algebra
and calculus with engineering applications. This is
the first of two engineering mathematics papers
at first year level.

Note: these papers cover similar content to
MATHS101 and MATHS102 but may be more
suitable for students with engineering intentions.

Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
following prerequisite: 16 credits at Level 3 in
NCEA Calculus; or equivalent.
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Ian Hawthorn,

                                                                                       UNISTART 2022   11
GEOGRAPHY                                            HEALTH, SPORT AND HUMAN
People and Place                                     PERFORMANCE
GEOGY101-22B (NET)                                   Sport, Culture and Development: Trends
15 POINTS                                            and Issues
An introduction to the rich field of social and      SDCOA101-22B (NET)
cultural geography with links to the UNDP            15 POINTS
Sustainable Development Goals. A foundation
                                                     In this paper students will gain an introduction
paper for second year papers on contemporary
                                                     to sociological understandings of sport and
cultural geographies, health geographies, and
                                                     movement cultures. They will develop new
Māori geographies.
                                                     ways of critically thinking about the important
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)        role sport plays in contemporary society,
                                                     including the economy, politics, tourism, the
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                             media, and our sense of identity, belonging and
                                                     community. Students will be introduced to a
Online applications close: 8 July 2022
                                                     range of sociological concepts - including history,
Contact Person: Colin McLeay,                        sociology, social psychology, philosophy - from
colin.mcleay@waikato.ac.nz                           a sport development perspective, and learn how
                                                     to apply these to local, national and international
                                                     sporting contexts.

HEALTH                                               Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                     Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Understanding Hauora, Health                         Unistart
and Wellbeing                                        Online applications close 8 July 2022
CMYHE101-22A (NET)                                   Contact Person: Courtney Kelly,
15 POINTS                                            courtney.kelly@waikato.ac.nz
This paper examines a social determinants
approach to Health. It includes exploration of a
range of interactions that influence the health of
populations and determinants of health in New
Zealand and global contexts.

Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Courtney Kelly,

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT                                  Intermediate Spanish 2
Lifespan Development                               SPNSH232-22B (NET)
                                                   15 POINTS
HMDEV100-22B (NET)
                                                   This paper is a continuation of SPNSH231.
                                                   Students further develop skills in reading,
This paper focuses on understanding and
                                                   writing, speaking and understanding Spanish.
enhancing human development through an
                                                   There is a focus on practical work, as well as
exploration of biological, psychological, social
                                                   written and spoken Spanish. This course aims to
and cultural factors that influence patterns of
                                                   improve students’ proficiency in both written and
development and learning over the lifespan.
                                                   spoken Spanish and takes students to level B2 of
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)      the Common European Framework of References
                                                   for Languages.
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                           Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Online applications close: 8 July 2022             Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Contact Person: Sonja Ellis,                       Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
sonja.ellis@waikato.ac.nz                          following prerequisite: SPNSH231, or equivalent.
                                                   Online applications close: 8 July 2022
                                                   Contact Person: Maria Ble-Herrero,
Intermediate Spanish 1                             International Languages and Cultures
SPNSH231-22A (NET)                                 INTLC101-22G (NET)
15 POINTS                                          15 POINTS
This intermediate language acquisition paper       A cultural perspectives paper with a thematic focus
enables students to gain competence in grammar     on China, France, Japan, Spain and Latin America.
and conversation as well as in Spanish and Latin
                                                   Teaching dates: G teaching period (16 Nov – 20
American cultures and conversation. This course
aims to improve students’ proficiency in both
                                                   Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
written and spoken Spanish and it takes students
to level B1 of the Common European Framework
                                                   Online applications close: 4 November 2022
of References for Languages.
                                                   Contact Person: Laura Lopez-Fernandez
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)       laura.lopez-fernandez@waikato.ac.nz
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
following prerequisite:
14 credits at Level 3 in NCEA Spanish, or
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Maria Ble-Herrero,

                                                                                     UNISTART 2022   13
European and Latin American Cultures:               MĀORI AND INDIGENOUS
Tradition and Modernity                             STUDIES
INTLC222-22A (NET)
                                                    He Hinātore ki te Ao Māori: Introducing
                                                    the Māori World
This paper explores aspects of European and
Latin American cultures, history and society.       MĀORI102-22A (NET)
This paper is taught in English and is open to      MĀORI102-22B (NET)
all students, including those who have no prior     15 POINTS
knowledge of French and Spanish.                    An introduction to the Māori world view, social
                                                    organisation, cultural concepts, including
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)        Maori astronomy, and their relevance in a
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of      contemporary society.
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
following prerequisite: INTLC101                    Teaching dates: MĀORI102-22A (NET):
Online applications close: 25 February 2022         A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)

Contact Person: Laura Lopez-Fernandez,              Online applications close: 25 February 2022

                                                    Teaching dates: MĀORI102-22B (NET):
                                                    B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
LAW                                                 Online applications close: 8 July 2022
Introduction to New Zealand Law
and Society                                         Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
LEGAL105-22A (NET)
LEGAL105-22B (NET)                                  Contact Person: Nikki Kennedy,
15 POINTS                                           nikki.kennedy@waikato.ac.nz
An introduction for non-lawyers to the nature
and functions of law and the processes of
lawmaking. The relationship between law and
society will be illustrated by relevant examples.

Teaching dates: LEGAL105-22A (NET):
A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Online applications close: 25 February 2022

Teaching dates: LEGAL105-22B (NET):
B Trimester (18 Jul - 23 Oct)
Online applications close: 8 July 2022

Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Contact Person: Marie Were,

TE REO MĀORI                                          Introduction to Algebra
Te Reo Māori: Intermediate 1                          MATHS102-22B (NET)
                                                      15 POINTS
MĀORI211-22A (SEC)
                                                      A study of the fundamental techniques and
                                                      applications of algebra including Gaussian
This paper builds on the skills acquired in
                                                      elimination, vector and matrix algebra, complex
MAORI112 (or equivalent), developing a
                                                      numbers, induction and recursion.
complexity in language skills required in the
communication of detailed travel directions,          Note: students with engineering intentions may
describing internal and external characteristics of   find the two engineering mathematics papers
a person and describing objects.                      ENGEN101 and ENGEN102 more suitable.
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
                                                      Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                      Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
                                                      Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
following prerequisite: MĀORI112, or equivalent.
                                                      following prerequisite:
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
                                                      16 credits of NCEA Level 3 Calculus; or
Contact Person: Hōri Manuirirangi,                    equivalent.
hori.manuirirangi@waikato.ac.nz                       Online applications close: 8 July 2022
                                                      Contact Person: Ian Hawthorn,
MATHEMATICS                                           ian.hawthorn@waikato.ac.nz

Introduction to Calculus
MATHS101-22A (NET)
A study of the fundamental techniques of
calculus, including differentiation and integration
for functions of one real variable, with
applications to rate problems, graph sketching,
areas and volumes.

Note: students with engineering intentions may
find the two engineering mathematics papers
ENGEN101 and ENGEN102 more suitable.

Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
following prerequisite:
16 credits of NCEA Level 3 Calculus including
at least 11 credits from AS91577, AS91578 and
AS91579; or equivalent.
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Ian Hawthorn,

                                                                                       UNISTART 2022   15
Discrete Structures                                   Introduction to Statistical Methods
MATHS135-22B (NET)                                    STATS121-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                             15 POINTS
An introduction to a number of the structures         An introduction to statistical data collection
of discrete mathematics with wide applicability       and analysis. Topics include general principles
in areas such as: computer logic, analysis of         for statistical problem solving; some practical
algorithms, telecommunications, networks and          examples of statistical inference; and the
public key cryptography. In addition, it introduces   study of relationships between variables using
a number of fundamental concepts which are            regression analysis
useful in Statistics, Computer Science and further
studies in Mathematics. Topics covered are:           Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
sets, binary relations, directed and undirected       Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
graphs; propositional and some predicate logic;       Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
permutations, combinations, and elementary            following prerequisite:
probability theory; modular arithmetic.               18 credits in NCEA Level 2 Mathematics or 14
                                                      credits in NCEA Level 3 Statistics, Calculus or
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)         Mathematics.
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of        Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the       Contact Person: Paul Brown
following prerequisite:
16 credits in NCEA Level 3 Mathematics.
Online applications close: 8 July 2022
Contact Person: Ian Hawthorn,

MUSIC                                             PHILOSOPHY
Composition 1                                     Critical Thinking
MUSIC115-22B (NET)                                PHILO103-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                         PHILO103-22G (NET)
The development of creative musical skills        15 POINTS
and techniques based on classical and popular     This paper helps students to engage critically
idioms; song writing; melody writing; thematic    with the sorts of arguments encountered both
development; harmonic understanding; two-part     inside and outside the University.
counterpoint. Computer technology will be used
as a composition and publishing tool.             Teaching dates: PHILO103-22A (NET):
                                                  A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)     Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                          Teaching dates: PHILO103-22G (NET):
Online applications close: 8 July 2022            G teaching period (16 Nov – 20 Dec)
Contact Person: Michael Williams,                 Online applications close: 4 November 2022
                                                  Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Audio Tech: Communication and                     Unistart
Creativity                                        Contact Person: Justine Kingsbury,
MUSIC140-22A (NET)                                justine.kingsbury@waikato.ac.nz
This paper is an introduction to DAWs (Digital    Social and Moral Philosophy
Audio Workstations); the creation of original     PHILO106-22A (NET)
musical works based on computer technology;       15 POINTS
basic recording and editing techniques;
                                                  An investigation of contemporary moral and
fundamental music studio knowledge; historical,
                                                  social issues from a practical ethics perspective.
aesthetic and theoretical elements.
                                                  Issues may include abortion, animal welfare,
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)      discrimination, euthanasia, freedom of speech,
                                                  genetic enhancement, privacy, punishment, and
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                  your online life.
Online applications close: 25 February 2022       Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Contact Person: Michael Williams or Martin        Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Lodge                                             Unistart
michael.williams@waikato.ac.nz                    Online applications close: 25 February 2022
martin.lodge@waikato.ac.nz                        Contact Person: Liezl van Zyl,

                                                                                    UNISTART 2022   17
POLITICAL SCIENCE                                     SCREEN AND MEDIA
Introduction to International Relations               Understanding Visual Culture
IRSST103-22A (NET)                                    MEDIA100-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                             15 POINTS
This paper provides an introduction to the            Our lives are dominated by still and moving
study of international relations in an era of         images and visual technologies. This paper will
globalisation. It covers the historical background,   constitute an important first step in learning
key concepts and theories, case studies, and          to understand how images variously work to
contemporary developments in the study of             convey ideas, their impact and influence on
world politics.                                       our behaviour, thinking and culture. It draws on
                                                      a broad theoretical platform from aesthetics,
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)          art history, psychology of perception, social
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of        semiotics and more to provide skills in analysis,
Unistart                                              interpretation, and construction.
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
                                                      Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Contact Person: Reuben Steff,
                                                      Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Let’s Get Political                                   Online applications close: 25 February 2022
                                                      Contact Person: Gareth Schott,
POLSC103-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                             gareth.schott@waikato.ac.nz
Politics affects every aspect of our lives. This
paper is an introduction to understanding
political issues, helping you make your voice
heard in debates about our future as a society.

Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close: 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Justin Phillips or Olli Hellmann,

SECURITY AND CRIME                                WRITING STUDIES
SCIENCE                                           Writing for Academic Success
Introduction to Security and Crime                WRITE100-22A (NET)
Science                                           WRITE100-22B (NET)
                                                  15 POINTS
CRSCI101-22A (NET)
15 POINTS                                         The paper gives opportunities for undergraduate
                                                  students to develop their academic literacy skills.
This paper is an introduction to topics,
                                                  It begins with general academic communication
approaches and disciplines that help to
                                                  and research skills and then embeds academic
define Security and Crime Science’s approach
                                                  literacy practice within disciplines of study.
to reducing and preventing crimes before
they happen, thus helping to create safer         Teaching dates WRITE100-22A (NET): A
communities.                                      Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)

Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)      Online applications close 25 February 2022

Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of    Teaching dates WRITE100-22B (NET): B
Unistart                                          Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)

Online applications close 25 February 2022        Online applications close 8 July 2022

Contact Person: Devon Polaschek,                  Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                  Contact Person: Laura Gurney,
Introduction to Forensic and                      laura.gurney@waikato.ac.nz
Criminological Psychology
FPSYC101-22B (NET)
This paper introduces students to forensic
psychology and encompasses a wide range
of topics derived from the intersection of
psychology with the crime, the legal system and
the criminal justice system.

Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Contact Person: Devon Polaschek,

                                                                                    UNISTART 2022   19
2022 Unistart
Papers Taught
on Campus
For most of our on-campus papers, Unistart students attend lectures, tutorials
or labs and complete the same assessments as other University of Waikato
students enrolled in the paper.
In the case of our on-campus mathematics              or our Unistart Programme Coordinator on
and science papers, elements may be taught            unistart@waikato.ac.nz
in conjunction with a secondary school where
                                                      Please Note: all papers listed below are taught
suitable staff and facilities are available. If you
                                                      at the University of Waikato Hamilton campus
have questions about a specific on-campus paper,
                                                      unless otherwise stated.
please get in touch with the listed contact person

ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES                               Rights and Reason
Arts Activism in a Changing                            ARTSC103-22A (HAM)
Environment                                            ARTSC103-22A (TGA)
                                                       ARTSC103-22B (HAM)
CLIMT103-22A (HAM)                                     15 POINTS
15 POINTS                                              Students will develop critical thinking skills by
This paper introduces the role of arts in              reasoning about human rights. Issues include
environmental, climate change and social               rights-protection in difficult circumstances, who
activism, critically discussing performances,          bears responsibility for protecting human rights,
events and art objects, and the complexities           and armed intervention and torture in the name
of affective communication and media                   of human rights.
                                                       Teaching dates ARTSC103-22A (HAM): A
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)           Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of         Online applications close 25 February 2022
                                                       Teaching dates ARTSC103-22A (TGA): A
Online applications close 25 February 2022             Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Contact Person: Karen Barbour,                         Delivered: University of Waikato Tauranga
karenb@waikato.ac.nz                                   campus
                                                       Online applications close 25 February 2022
Music, Sound and Human                                 Teaching dates ARTSC103-22B (HAM): B
Communication                                          Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
ARTSC112-22B (HAM)                                     Online applications close 8 July 2022
15 POINTS                                              Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Every day we communicate using complex                 Unistart.
linguistic and musical systems. This paper             Contact Person: Stephanie Gibbons or Nick
will explore the role of sound and music in            Munn,
human communication and the cognitive,                 stephanie.gibbons@waikato.ac.nz
social, and cultural processes, which underlie
such communication. The paper takes a broad,
interdisciplinary look at all aspects of sound
and musical communication, from the semiotic
function of music to its application in a variety of
communication contexts.

Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Contact Person: Mike Williams,

                                                                                        UNISTART 2022   21
COMPUTER SCIENCE                                   ENGLISH
Introduction to Programming                        Adapting Stories
COMPX101-22B (HAM)                                 ENGLI101-22A (HAM)
15 POINTS                                          15 POINTS
This paper introduces computer programming in      This paper explores the art of adaptation,
C# - the exciting challenge of creating software   examining the process of transformation that
and designing artificial worlds within the         occurs when creative artists reimagine and retell
computer. It also covers concepts such as the      stories in new ways and new media.
internals of the home computer, the history and
future of computers, cyber security, computer
                                                   Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
gaming, databases, mobile computing and
current research and challenges in computer        Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
science. No prior programming knowledge is         Unistart
assumed.                                           Online applications close 25 February 2022
                                                   Contact Person: Kristine Moffat,
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)      kristine.moffat@waikato.ac.nz
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                           Telling the Story
Online applications close 8 July 2022              ENGLI100-22B (HAM)
Contact Person: Nilesh Kanji,                      15 POINTS
nilesh.kanji@waikato.ac.nz                         This paper examines the deep stories which are at
                                                   the core of the English literary tradition and the
Object-Oriented Programming                        wider Western canon, with examples from the
                                                   epic of Gilgamesh to Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
COMPX102-22B (HAM)
                                                   Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
This paper continues from COMPX101, expanding
upon data organisation and algorithms,             Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
and introducing code contracts, computer           Unistart
architecture, Boolean algebra, assembly            Online applications close 8 July 2022
language, program analysis and object-oriented
                                                   Contact Person: Mark Houlahan,

Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart. In addition, students should normally
have completed the following prerequisite paper:
COMP103/COMPX101, or have relevant
computing experience subject to Chairperson’s
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Contact Person: David Bainbridge,

“Having this experience
                                                                       helped make the
                                                                       transition easier”

Tauranga Boys College
Bachelor of Business, major Accounting

Doing the Unistart papers helped to keep me       and have to balance this with my study. Having
engaged in Year 13 and I found that it gave me    an early experience with university through
an edge in my end of year exams, particularly     Unistart has helped to make this transition
for NZQA scholarships. Now that I have left       easier, and has sped along my degree by a
college, I work full time at an accounting firm   whole semester.
                                                                               UNISTART 2022   23
INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES                            Intermediate Spanish 2
AND CULTURES                                       SPNSH232-22B (HAM)
                                                   15 POINTS
Intermediate Spanish 1
                                                   This paper is a continuation of SPNSH231.
SPNSH231-22A (HAM)                                 Students further develop skills in reading, writing,
15 POINTS                                          speaking and understanding Spanish. There is a
This intermediate language acquisition paper       focus on practical work, as well as written and
enables students to gain competence in grammar     spoken Spanish. This course aims to improve
and conversation as well as in Spanish and Latin   students’ proficiency in both written and spoken
American cultures and conversation. This course    Spanish and takes students to level B2 of the
aims to improve students’ proficiency in both      Common European Framework of References for
written and spoken Spanish and it takes students   Languages
to level B1 of the Common European Framework of
References for Languages.                          Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                   Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)       Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of     following prerequisite:
Unistart. In addition, students should meet the    SPNSH231, or equivalent.
following prerequisite:                            Online applications close 8 July 2022
14 credits at Level 3 in NCEA Spanish, or          Contact Person: Maria Ble-Herrero,
Online applications close 25 February 2022
Contact Person: Maria Ble-Herrero,                 International Languages and Cultures
maria.ble-herrero@waikato.ac.nz                    INTLC101-22B (HAM)
                                                   15 POINTS
                                                   This paper introduces students to major world
                                                   cultures and their languages in a comparative
                                                   context. Students will gain a critical understanding
                                                   of culture and diversity through examining the
                                                   languages and cultures of China, France, Japan,
                                                   Spain and Latin America

                                                   Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                   Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                   Online applications close 8 July 2022
                                                   Contact Person: Laura Lopez-Fernandez

“The Unistart programme helped
      me prepare for the future”

Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
Bachelor of Laws, double major Te Reo Māori and Law

I grew up attending Kura Kaupapa and            Unistart provided me with an advantage and
then Wharekura. I chose to do the Unistart      a chance to learn more about the degree I
Programme to test the waters in mainstream      wanted to pursue, making sure it was the right
education. While participating in Unistart, I   choice for me. I have just completed my first
learned about time management, which was        year in the Bachelor of Laws Degree, majoring
essential as juggling the Unistart papers and   in Law and Te Reo Māori.
my school work wasn’t easy. But using Moodle,
                                                Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu. By gaining
having access to resources, and having online
                                                knowledge and new skills, the Unistart
support was a huge help.
                                                Programme helped me prepare for the future.
                                                                              UNISTART 2022   25
MUSIC                                                 Chamber Music 1
Secondary Performance Studies 1                       MUSIC121-22D (HAM)
                                                      15 POINTS
MUSIC101-22D (HAM)                                    This paper provides practical experience and
15 POINTS                                             development in a variety of chamber music
Students develop musical interpretation and           formations, sonata duo, piano duet, piano
technical skills in their chosen instrument/voice     trio, string quartet, vocal ensemble, as well as
through weekly individual lessons and broaden         orchestral and choral practice, and, for keyboard
their repertoire knowledge and performance            players, continuo and accompanying skills.
opportunities at Friday performance hour
                                                      Teaching dates: D Trimester (7 Mar – 23 Oct)
                                                      Entry: You must meet the entry requirements
Teaching dates: D Trimester (7 Mar – 23 Oct)
                                                      of Unistart. In addition, students must meet the
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements           following:
of Unistart. In addition, students must meet the
                                                      Entry is subject to a successful audition and is at
                                                      the discretion of the Chamber Music Coordinator.
Entry is subject to a successful audition and is at
                                                      Online applications close 25 February 2022
the discretion of the Chamber Music Coordinator.
                                                      Contact Person: James Tennant,
Online applications close 25 February 2022
Contact Person: James Tennant,
                                                      Note: This paper can be completed outside of
                                                      school hours.
Note: This paper can be completed outside of
school hours.

                                                      Concepts of Biology
                                                      BIOEB101-22A (HAM)
                                                      15 POINTS
                                                      An introduction to the foundations of biology,
                                                      including the structure and functioning of cells,
                                                      evolution, the origins and diversity of life, and a
                                                      tour of the major forms of life and their defining

                                                      Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
                                                      Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                      Online applications close 25 February 2022
                                                      Contact Person: Ian McDonald,

Introduction to Ecology and Biodiversity
BIOEB102-22B (HAM)
BIOEB102-22B (TGA)                               Chemistry
                                                 Structure and Spectroscopy
An introduction to the principles of ecology
and biodiversity. Topics include population,     CHEMY101-22A (HAM)
community and ecosystem ecology, conservation    15 POINTS
biology, and the structure, functioning and      A theoretical and practical course covering
environmental responses of animals and plants.   aspects of analytical and inorganic chemistry.
Examples will include New Zealand ecosystems     This course is required for the chemistry major.
and biota.

                                                 Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
Teaching dates BIOEB102-22B (HAM) B
                                                 Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                 Unistart. In addition, students should meet the
Online applications close 8 July 2022            following prerequisite:
Teaching dates BIOEB102-22B (TGA) B Trimester    University entry and 16 credits in NCEA
(18 Jul – 23 Oct)                                chemistry at level 3
Delivered: University of Waikato Tauranga        Online applications close 25 February 2022
                                                 Contact Person: Bill Henderson,
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Unistart                                         Chemical Reactivity
Contact Person: Mike Clearwater,
                                                 CHEMY102-22B (HAM)
mike.clearwater@waikato.ac.nz                    15 POINTS
                                                 A theoretical and practical course covering
Introduction to Cellular and Molecular           aspects of physical and organic chemistry. This
Biology                                          course is required for the chemistry major.
BIOMO101-22B (HAM)
15 POINTS                                        Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
An introduction to the central concepts of       Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Molecular and Cellular Biology, including        Unistart. In addition, students should normally
the ultrastructure and function of cells, the    meet the following prerequisite:
biochemical processes involved, and the role
                                                 University entry and 16 credits in NCEA
of DNA in cellular function, inheritance and
                                                 chemistry at level 3
                                                 Online applications close 8 July 2022
                                                 Contact Person: Merilyn Manley-Harris,
Teaching dates: B Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Contact Person: Vic Arcus,

                                                                                   UNISTART 2022    27
Earth Sciences                                      EARTH102-22A (HAM)
                                                    15 POINTS
Introduction to Earth System Sciences               This paper explores the Earth’s interior and its
EARTH101-22B (HAM)                                  dynamic interaction with the crust, including:
EARTH101-22B (TGA)                                  the major rocks and minerals; interpreting the
15 POINTS                                           rock record and geologic maps; the geological
                                                    time scale and fossils; plate tectonics; volcanism;
A lecture and laboratory paper that explores the
interacting processes that affect the surface of
the Earth, producing landforms and resources,
with a focus on physical processes. Topics          Teaching dates: A Trimester (7 Mar – 12 Jun)
covered include coastal processes and hazards;
                                                    Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
climate change; weathering; erosion and mass
movement; soil formation; the hydrological
cycle; rivers and groundwater; and glaciers. This   Online applications close 25 February 2022
paper includes a weekend field trip.                Contact Person: Adrian Pittari,
Teaching dates EARTH101-22B (HAM) B
Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                    Environmental Science
Online applications close 8 July 2022
Teaching dates EARTH101-22B (TGA) B                 Environmental Science
Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)                         ENVSC101-22B (HAM)
Delivered: University of Waikato Tauranga           ENVSC101-22B (TGA)
Campus                                              15 POINTS
Online applications close 8 July 2022               A scientific study of the interaction between
                                                    humans and the environment including climate
Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                    change, utilisation and exploitation of natural
                                                    resources and the effects of human activities on
Contact Person: Hazel Needham (Hamilton) or         biological, chemical and physical processes that
Shari Gallop (Tauranga)                             form resources and control ecosystems.
shari.gallop@waikato.ac.nz                          Teaching dates: ENVSC101-22B (HAM) B
                                                    Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                    Online applications close 8 July 2022
                                                    Teaching dates: ENVSC101-22B (TGA) B
                                                    Trimester (18 Jul – 23 Oct)
                                                    Delivered: University of Waikato Tauranga
                                                    Online applications close 8 July 2022
                                                    Entry: You must meet the entry requirements of
                                                    Contact Person: Ian Hawes,

Discovering Planet Earth
Subject                       Paper Title                                      A     B    G   C     D
Arts and Social Sciences      ARTSC105-22B (NET) Language in Context                  •
                              ARTSC106-22B (NET) Critical Social Science
                              Research: The Crisis of Climate Change
Climate Change                CLIMT101-22A (NET) Introduction to Climate
                              Change Science
Computer Science              COMPX101-22A (NET) Introduction to
Digital Learning              DLRNG100-22A (NET) Developing Digital Fluency •
Economics                     ECONS101-22A (SEC) Business Economics and
                              the New Zealand Economy
Education and Society         EDSOC101-22B (NET) The New Zealand
                              Educational Context
                              LLTED101-22A (NET) an Introduction to Children’s
                              MAOED100-22A (NET) Huarahi Matauranga
                              Māori: Historical and Contemporary Approaches     •
                              to Māori Education
Engineering                   ENGEN101-22A (NET) Engineering Maths and
                              Modelling 1A
                              ENGEN102-22B (NET) Engineering Maths and
                              Modelling 1B
Geography                     GEOGY101-22B (NET) People and Place                     •
Health                        CMYHE101-22A (HAM) Understanding Hauora,
                              Health and Wellbeing
Health, Sport and Human       SDCOA101-22B (NET) Sport, Culture and
Performance                   Development: Trends and Issues
Human Development             HMDEV100-22B (NET) Lifespan Development                 •
International Languages and   SPNSH231-22A (NET) Intermediate Spanish 1

                                                                                    UNISTART 2022   29
Subject                      Paper Title                                        A   B   G   C   D
                             SPNSH232-22B (NET) Intermediate Spanish 2              •
                             INTLC101-22G (NET) International Languages and
                             INTLC222-22A (NET) European and Latin
                             American Cultures: Tradition and Modernity
Law                          LEGAL105-22 (NET) Introduction to New Zealand
                                                                                •   •
                             Law and Society
Māori and Indigenous Studies MĀORI102-22 (NET) He Hinātore kit e Ao Māori:
                                                                                •   •
                             Introducing the Māori World
                             MĀORI211-22A (SEC) Te Reo Māori: Intermediate 1    •
Mathematics                  MATHS101-22A (NET) Introduction to Calculus        •
                             MATHS102-22B (NET) Introduction to Algebra             •
                             MATHS135-22B (NET) Discrete Structures                 •
                             STATS121-22A (NET) Introduction to Statistical
Music                        MUSIC115-22B (NET) Composition 1                       •
                             MUSIC140-22A (NET) Audio Tech:
                             Communication and Creativity
Philosophy                   PHILO103-22 (NET) Critical Thinking                •       •
                             PHILO106-22A (NET) Social and Moral Philosophy     •
Political Science            IRSST103-22A (NET) Introduction to International
                             POLSC103-22A (NET) Let’s Get Political             •
Screen and Media             MEDIA100-22A (NET) Understanding Visual
Security and Crime Science   CRSCI101-22A (NET) Introduction to Security and
                             Crime Science
                             FPSYC101-22B (NET) Introduction to Forensic and
                             Criminological Psychology
Writing Studies              WRITE100-22 (NET) Writing for Academic Success     •   •

Subject                       Paper Title                                      A    B    G   C D
Arts and Social Sciences      CLIMT103-22A (HAM) Arts Activism in a Changing
                              ARTSC112-22B (HAM) Music, Sound and Human
                              ARTSC103-22A (HAM) Rights and Reason             •     •
Computer Science              COMPX101-22B (HAM) Introduction to
                              COMPX102-22B (HAM) Object-Oriented
English                       ENGLI101-22A (HAM)Adapting Stories               •
                              ENGLI100-22B (HAM) Telling the Story                   •
International Languages and   SPNSH231-22A (HAM) Intermediate Spanish 1
                              SPNSH232-22B (HAM) Intermediate Spanish 2              •
                              INTLC101-22B (HAM) International Languages and
Music                         MUSIC101-22D (HAM) Secondary Performance
                              Studies 1
                              MUSIC121-22D (HAM) Chamber Music 1                                   •
Science                       BIOEB101-22A (HAM) Concepts of Biology           •
                              BIOEB102-22B (HAM) Introduction to Ecology and
                              BIOMO101-22B (HAM) Introduction to Cellular
                              and Molecular Biology
                              CHEMY101-22A (HAM) Structure and
                              CHEMY102-22B (HAM) Chemical Reactivity                 •
                              EARTH101-22B (HAM) Introduction to Earth
                              System Sciences
                              EARTH102-22A (HAM) Discovering Planet Earth      •
                              ENVSC101-22B (HAM) Environmental Science               •

Subject                       Paper Title                                     A     B    G   C D
Arts and Social Sciences      ARTSC103-22A (TGA) Rights and Reason             •
Science                       BIOEB102-22B (TGA) Introduction to Ecology and
                              EARTH101-22B (TGA) Introduction to Earth System
                              ENVSC101-22B (TGA) Environmental Science               •

                                                                                   UNISTART 2022   31
  and study
PAPER COSTS                                           Student Centre on the Hamilton campus. Your
                                                      ID card gives you access to campus printers and
To find out which each Unistart paper costs, click
                                                      computer labs and you also need it to collect
on the individual paper codes online at waikato.
                                                      assignments and sit exams.
ac.nz/study/unistart. Remember if you receive
the Unistart Scholarship, these costs will be fully
covered. For information on how to pay, visit
                                                      GET IN TOUCH

PAPER DELIVERY                                        If you have any questions about Unistart or
                                                      want more information about your study
Unistart papers are taught either online or
                                                      options, we’re happy to help.
on-campus. Before you apply for an on-campus
paper, make sure you can attend classes in person     Visit waikato.ac.nz/study/unistart
at the scheduled times.
                                                      Unistart Programme Coordinator
ACCESS TO RESOURCES AND                               Future Student Advisors
STUDENT ID CARDS                                      info@waikato.ac.nz
Once your enrolment is complete, you’ll get           0800 WAIKATO
an email with your student login details and
instructions to access our online learning

To get your student ID card, you can either
send a passport-sized colour photo to idcards@
waikato.ac.nz (include your student ID number
in the email) or have your photo taken at the

ASSESSMENTS                                         LIBRARY
Unistart papers often combine internal and          Get your studies off to a great start. Learn
external assessments. Check the assessment          how to find quality academic material for
details in the paper outline.                       your assignments, how to reference correctly,
                                                    navigate your library account and more, visit
Final exams are held at the University of
Waikato Hamilton and Tauranga campuses. If
you don’t live near either of these locations,
you can arrange to sit your exam at your            WITHDRAWING FROM
school or at a local tertiary education provider.
Contact the Unistart Coordinator at unistart@       PAPERS
waikato.ac.nz to make alternative exam              If you need to withdraw from a Unistart paper,
arrangements.                                       the best time to do this is in the first two
                                                    weeks of trimester. During this time, you’ll
                                                    get a refund of fees (if you didn’t receive the
STUDENT SERVICES                                    Unistart scholarship) and nothing will appear
We’re here to help you get the advice and           on your academic transcript. After two weeks,
support you need to make sure your Unistart         you won’t receive a full refund and you’ll get a
experience is successful. Our student services      ‘withdrawn’ (WD) or ‘incomplete’ (IC) notice
include tutoring, mentoring, IT support and         on your academic transcript. To withdraw,
health services. For a full rundown of what we      please submit a request to the Unistart
offer, visit waikato.ac.nz/go/student-services      Coordinator at unistart@waikato.ac.nz
                                                    explaining why you wish to do so.

                                                    GRADES & RESULTS
                                                    You can access your final grades and results
                                                    at my.waikato.ac.nz four weeks after the end
                                                    of trimester. You’ll also receive a notification
                                                    of your results via email. Visit waikato.ac.nz/
                                                    go/grades to see our grading scale. For other
                                                    grading rules and regulations visit calendar.
                                                    waikato.ac.nz. To request an academic
                                                    transcript, visit waikato.ac.nz/go/transcript

                                                                                    UNISTART 2022   33
EVENT                                                                               DATE
Final deadline for schools to return signed Unistart Agreement to the University    7 February 2022
Last date for Enrolment Applications for A Trimester                                25 February 2022
A and D Trimesters start                                                            7 March 2022
Last date for fee-paying students to withdraw from papers for A Trimester and get   20 March 2022
a full refund of fees
Last date for fee-paying students to withdraw from papers for D Trimester and get   3 April 2022
a full refund of fees
Last date to withdraw from papers for A and D Trimester (no refund for fee-paying   17 April 2022
A Trimester ends                                                                    12 June 2022
Last date for Enrolments Applications for B Trimester                               8 July 2022
B Trimester starts                                                                  18 July 2022
Last date for fee-paying students to withdraw from papers for B Trimester and get   31 July 2022
a full refund of fess
Last date to withdraw from papers for B Trimester (no refund for fee-paying         28 August 2022
Last date for Enrolment Applications for G teaching period                          4 November 2022
Last date for Enrolment Applications for C Trimester                                4 November 2022
B and D Trimesters end                                                              23 October 2022
C Trimester and G papers starts                                                     16 November 2022
Last date for fee-paying students to withdraw from papers for G teaching period     20 November 2022
and get a full refund of fees
Last date for fee-paying students to withdraw from papers for C Trimester and get   27 November 2022
a full refund of fees
Last date to withdraw from G teaching period papers and C Trimester papers (no      4 December 2022
refund for fee-paying students)
G papers end                                                                        20 December 2022
C Trimester ends                                                                    12 February 2023

“I am super glad I took
   the Unistart course”

Cambridge High School
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), major Mechatronics Engineering

I am grateful that the Unistart Programme           I can’t imagine what my first year would
exists, as it gave me a solid introduction to       have been like without the addition of my
the contents of my university study as well as      Unistart paper, as I would have really struggled
university life as a whole. It allowed me to have   during one of my first papers in my Bachelor
a general heads-up as to how things worked at       of Engineering (Hons), especially in my
university and also gave me the opportunity to      electronics and mechanics paper. I am super
make some mates.                                    glad that I took the Unistart course.
                                                                                   UNISTART 2022   35
The University of Waikato      0800 WAIKATO 
                             Private Bag 3105                0800 924 528
                             Hamilton 3240               info@waikato.ac.nz 
                             New Zealand                       waikato.ac.nz 

36   UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO      © The University of Waikato, October 2021
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