MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

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MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone
             Official Magazine of the Master Builders Association of NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018

All the Winners Revealed Inside
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

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MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

                                                                               MASTER BUILDER
                                                                                            Official Magazine of the Master Builders Association of NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018

In this issue

 4   Contact List

 7   President’s Viewpoint

 9   Executive Director’s Viewpoint

58   Regional Roundup

86   Looking Back
                                                                               2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING
87   Dates for Your Diary                                                      AND POOL AWARDS
                                                                               All the Winners Revealed Inside

                                                                                       About the cover:
11   Excellence in Housing & Pool Awards                                               This edition’s cover is from the 2018 Excellence
                                                                                       in Housing & Pool Awards - Master Builder of
     Showcasing the best of NSW                                                        the Year - EJ Constructions
                                                                                       Project: Gyllenpalm

56   Training
                                                                                       Published by
     Study tips
     Training course list
     Develop the best Site Supervisor for your business
                                                                                       News Corp Australia is the exclusive Publishing Partner
67   Workplace Health & Safety                                                         of the Master Builder magazine.

                                                                                       ABN: 63 009 820 035
     Fire hazards & containment netting
                                                                                       Phone: (07) 4690 9422 | Fax: (07) 3220 6447
     SafeWork NSW launches building & construction WHS sector plan                     Website:
                                                                                       Custom Publishing Manager: Brooke Gardner
     The evolution of the hard hat                                                     07 4690 9309 | M 0407 406 518
82   Aboriginal Participation Policy                                                   Senior Editorial Liasion: Josie Adams
                                                                                       07 4690 9454 | M 0437 819 696
     NSW State Government announces Aboriginal Participation in Construction 
                                                                                       Media Sales Consultant: Maddysen Sears
     Policy                                                                            07 4690 9349 | M 0417 382 101
84   Industrial Relations                                                              Graphic Designer: Jeff Brown, Angela Carroll
                                                                                       Printed by: APN Warwick Print Press
     NSW State Government Passes Modern Slavery Act 2018
     SafeWork NSW responds to infrastructure boom                                      This publication is copyright. No part of it may be
                                                                                       reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted

87   Finance
                                                                                       in any form or by any means including electronic,
                                                                                       mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording
                                                                                       or otherwise without the permission of Master Builders
     Notice of Annual General Meeting                                                  Association of NSW or News Corp Australia.

                                                                                       Disclaimer: Readers are advised that the Master
                                                                                       Builders Association of NSW and the publisher cannot
                                                                                       be held responsible for the accuracy of statements
                                                                                       made in advertising and editorial; nor the quality of
                                                                                       goods and services advertised.

                                                                                    Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW                                                               3
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone
                                                                         MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES

                                                                         52 Parramatta Road, Forest Lodge NSW 2037 | Private Bag 9, Broadway NSW 2007
                                                                         Tel: 02 8586 3555 | Fax: 02 9660 3700 | Email:
                                                                         Website: | ABN 96 550 042 906

            HEAD OFFICE                                                                             CAREERS ADVISORY SERVICE
                                                                                                    Careers Advisor                             Steve Magner             0412 499 754
           EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                                          Careers Advisor                             Daniel Edwards           0429 576 417
           Martin Patience                               President                                  Manager                                      Karen Kellock           0458 234 735
           Simon Pilcher                                 Deputy President
           Ross Mitchell                                 Immediate Past President                   EVENTS & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
           Chris Calderbank Park                         Vice President                             Awards Coordinator                          Susan Manning               8586 3506
           Mick Banks                                    Vice President                             Awards Coordinator Assistant                Linda Morris                8586 3564
           Mike O’Donnell                                Vice President                             Special Projects Officer                    Amanda Kelly                8586 3504
           Bob Black                                     Vice President                             OPERATIONS
           EXECUTIVE                                                                                Director Operations                         Craig Donovan                8586 3537
           Executive Director                            Brian Seidler                8586 3503     Government Projects & Programs Manager      Omesh Jethwani               8586 3539
           Executive Assistant                           Amanda de Vries              8586 3507     ICT Manager                                 Amanda Kernaghan             8586 3580
                                                                                                    Communications                              Steven Swan                   8586 3562
           MBA INSURANCE SERVICES                                                                   IT Support/Webmaster                        Alexander Ashley-Carrington 8586 3525
           FOREST LODGE OFFICE                                                                      Sponsorship Relations Manager               Haley Tibbetts             0412 980 829
           NSW State Manager                              Mark Barnes                  8586 3519
           		                                                                       0466 431 218    FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION
           Senior Account Manager (General)               Edwina Lyall                 8586 3570    Manager Finance & Administration   Strebre Delovski                     8586 3508
           		                                                                       0412 806 700    Credit Control Manager             Frank Chevell                        8586 3509
           Account Executive (Corporate)                  Diane Craven                 8586 3594    Credit Officer                     Daniela Fraumeni                     8586 3567
           SME Team Leader (General)                      Jess Walsh                   8586 3556    Inventory & Administration Officer Georgia Hunt                         8586 3527
           		                                                                       0478 401 931    Accounts Payable Officer           Bridget Delmore                      8586 3510
           Snr Account Executive                          Hilda Marfo                  8586 3501    Assistant Accountant               Sebastian Aguilera                   8586 3511
           Account Executive                              Harry Rankin                 9296 6609    Reception #2 		                                                         8586 3526
           Account Executive                              Linda Thompson               8586 3568    Charles Martin Room 		                                                  8586 3546
           Account Executive                              Diego Califato               9296 6605
           Business Development Manager (General) Dele Omisore                         8586 3583    REGIONAL OFFICES
           		                                                                       0410 234 605
           		                                                                       0466 770 910    NEWCASTLE OFFICE
           Business Development Executive                 Patrick Rafferty             8586 3565    Level 1, 165 Lambton Road, Broadmeadow NSW 2292                   4953 9400
           		                                                                       0481 906 275    Hunter Region Manager                        Len Blakeney         4979 0101
           Business Development Assistant                 Shaian Carmona               9296 6604    Member Services Representative               Ashleigh O’Brien     4979 0103
           Team Leader – Warranty                         Peter Usher                  8586 3512    Receptionist                                 Jenaya McNaught      4953 9400
           Senior Account Executive – Warranty            Daniel Vine                  8586 3566    Industrial Relations 0fficer                 Ben Ziolkowski       4979 0107
           Assistant Account Executive – Warranty         Maria Karamalis              8586 3528    Membership Officer                           Kevin Sullivan     0439 157 141
           National Business Development Manager (Surety) Bill Korakis                8586 3541     Safety Officer                               John McGhee          4979 0112
           		                                                                       0431 658 067    NSW Regional Office & Divisional Coordinator Luke Reeves          4979 0109
           NEWCASTLE OFFICE                                                                         Events and Training Coodinator               Kerri Richards       4979 0105
           Business Development Manager                   Leanne Farmer               4979 0115		   Trade Events Coordinator                     Rebeccah Kilmurray 0499 022 677
           		                                                                       0466 777057     Business Development Manager                 Leeanne Farmer       4979 0115
           Account Executive – Warranty                   Kirra Parr                  4979 0108     		                                                              0466 777 057
                                                                                                    Account Executive – Warranty                 Kirra Parr           4979 0108
           Business Development Manager                   Alan Fraser                  6681 4266
           Account Executive – Ballina		                                            0410 234 605    NORTHERN REGIONS
                                                                                                    2 Boeing Ave, Ballina NSW 2478		                                       6681 4266
           MASTER BUILDERS FINANCIAL SERVICES                                                       Regional Coordinator            Matthew Meury                        0428 412 784
           Leasing and Car Search                        Ogarit Kelley              0414 919 194    Member Services Representative  Marlee Rudgley
           MEMBER SERVICES                                                                          MBA Insurance Services          Alan Fraser                            9296 6717
           Manager Member Services          Graham McGuiggan                           8586 3554    		                                                                   0410 234 605
           Membership Coordinator           Paul Love                                  8586 3540    GOSFORD
           		                                                                       0413 306 556    Unit 7/4 Stockyard Place, West Gosford NSW 2250                         4323 4588
           Membership Sales Support         James Stevenson                            8586 3581    Member Services Representative
           Member Engagement Representative Josephine Lee                              8586 3569
           Marketing and Website Support    Samantha Harris                            8586 3572    SOUTHERN REGIONS
           Administration Assistant         Sarah Gunn                                 8586 3545    Unit 1, 171 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539                        4454 1955
                                                                                                    Regional Coordinator                        Lynn Smith               0418 633 297
           NORWEST EDUCATION CENTRE & TRAINING                                                      Member Services Representative              Teresa Townsend            4454 1955
           5 Burbank Place, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
           Tel		                                                                       8586 3588    ALBURY/WODONGA
           MBA Skill Recognition Centre		                                           1300 884 315    35 Hovell Street, Wodonga VIC 3690		                                 02 6058 2000
           APPRENTICESHIP SERVICES                                                                  Regional Manager                    Steve Donaghey                   0402 044 075
           Tel		                                                                      8586 3533     Administration Assistant            Ashlee Lempa                     02 6058 2000
           Apprenticeship Services Manager Karen Kellock                              8586 3538     Administration Assistant            Vanessa Hollis                   02 6058 2000

           LEGAL                                                                                    PORT MACQUARIE
           Head Solicitor                                Robert Collings              8586 3517     Unit 3, 12 Jindalee Road, Port Macquarie NSW 2444                       6581 4033
                                                                                                    Member Services Representative              Kerrie Clark                6581 4033
           Director Construction                         Peter Glover                 8586 3535     WOLLONGONG
           Executive Officer Safety & Risk               David Solomon                8586 3552     Unit 3, 29-35 Princes Highway, Unanderra NSW 2526                      4272 9409
           Industrial Relations Officers                 Iain Jarman                  8586 3502     Member Services Representative             Ruth Billington             4272 9409
                                                         Matthew Gissane              8586 3573     Regional Coordinator                       Lee Tanks                 0419 140 126
                                                         Alex Gohari                  8586 3529     ORANGE
           Safety Officers                               Chris Schultz                8586 3522     Level 1, 296-298 Summer St, Orange NSW 2800                          02 6362 6895
                                                         Nicholas Ruston              8586 3607     Regional Coordinator                    Chris Dunn                   0458 243 976
           Secretary – IR & Safety                       Beverly Glover               8586 3523
           IR Administration Officer                     Annette Gee                  8586 3531     MATES IN CONSTRUCTION
           Industry Sector Co-ordinator                  Tracey Van Breugel           9296 6666     Hotline		                                                               8586 3575
           4   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

         Are your showers

         ticking time bombs?
         Despite builders best efforts, leaking
         showers are consistently listed in the
         BSA’s top ten defects.
         Sadly, sometimes this is due to sub-
         standard workmanship, but most of the
         time it is the design of the shower itself
         which is creating the potential for disaster.
         Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed
         testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and
         contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape
         the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed.
         The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen
         directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles.
         Waterstop Streamline provides:
         •   Positive connection between screen and membrane
         •   Maximises floor area
         •   Provides a template for following trades               My business
                                                                                  has expanded
                                                                    since we star                rapidly
         •   Ensures correct fall to waste                                        ted using the
                                                                    Streamline ho                Waterstop
                                                                                 b and I now
         •   Complies with and exceeds AS3740                      recommending                ha  ve tilers                               By using Waterstop Streamline
                                                                                  the Waterstop                                                                           I know
         •   Modern, cost effective, one-piece design              system – and                     Streamline                            the shower will be perfect every
                                                                                 me – to othe                                                                               time.
                                                                   Everyone that              r builders.                                 It has to be, because this prod
         •   20 different shapes and sizes                                       uses it loves                                                                             uct
                                                                                                it.                                       is designed to dictate placemen
         •   Minimum change for maximum benefits                    Mr Fred Medd                                                                                          t of
                                                                                 ings, Managin
                                                                                                                                         all of the other components to
                                                                   Watertight Austr             g Director
                                                                                   alia (Water-proo
                                                                                                                                         up a complete shower. It’s virtu
                                                                                                                                         impossible to stuff it up.
              Remove the doubt. Fit Waterstop Streamline
                                                                                                                                        Mr Glen Whitehead, Managing Direct
              ... and forget about leaking showers.                                                                                     BJM Developments

             Rebated or flow-through shower                                    Hobbed shower                                               Waterstop Streamline

                                                                                                                   Screen             Streamline

                                                                                                                   ‘sealed’                                          Screen sealed
                                                                                                                   to tiles                                          to membrane

                                                                                          Tile                     with                                              with silicone
                                           Screen ‘sealed’
                                                                                                                   silicon        Keyway
             Water escapes                 to tiles with silicon                                                                  to trap                                  Tile
             shower enclosure                                      Water                                                          liquid
                                                    Tile                                                           Water path
                                                                   escapes                                                        membrane
                                                    Water path     shower                                                                                                      Tile
                                                                   enclosure                                              Tile                                                 height
                                                                                                                                  Bathroom                                     gauge
                                                                                                                                  floor tile
                     Bed                 Bed                                               Hob                                    height                       Bed
                                                                     Membrane                                Bed                  optional


         For more information, visit
         Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email
                                                                                                                                 Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW                  5

WATE12057 MB FP_AD_DEC11.indd 1                                                                                                                                                           4/01/12 1:23 PM
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

                   Which brand of window deserves
                   to be in your next Master Build ?

                                      The interesting exert from the report relates to
                                      the “responsibility of builders”.
                                      The responsibility of builders
                                      “The quality of buildings depends heavily on
                                      the competency and integrity of builders. There
                                      are many builders that have high standards of
                                      competency and integrity. However, the rates
                                      of disputes, alleged defects and reports of high
                                      levels of illegal phoenix activity are evidence that
                                      there are shortcomings in the performance of
                                      some builders. These need to be addressed.
                                      Independent inspections of building work are
                                      required in most jurisdictions as a mechanism
                                      for overseeing the work of builders. However,
                                      the majority of building work is constructed
                                      without oversight. Mandatory inspections are
                                      limited in their ability to detect non-compliance.
                                      Some of the most important safety elements are
                                      hidden from view and a point-in-time inspection
                                      cannot properly assess essential construction
                                      processes. Whilst inspections during building
                                      work have merit, the competency of builders
                                                       More than 30 years delivering World Class                          will always be a critical factor in the effective
                                      implementation of the  light,
                                                                 NCC.views, lifestyle & energy efficiency
                                                                  into quality
                                      The [report’s] recommendations                Australian
                                                                          are intended               homes
                                      to strengthen the competency of builders by
                                      requiring consistent requirements not only for
   Artarmon    | Showroom (by appointment)
                                      the registration of all builders but also for

   9425 0100     11/76 Reserve Road

  Kingsgrove | NEW Factory & Showroom
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                                                                                     Photo courtesy Sheridan Building Services
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

From the
Statistics indicate building and construction
is going from strength to strength in NSW.
Our industry is a major pillar of the Australian
economy, accounting for more than a 20%
of the national value of work on its own, and
has the Nation’s strongest economy. NSW is
experiencing high net inflow of people, some
60,000 last year, which will support strong
building and construction prospects over the
next 5 years.
NSW, in the year up to the end of the March
quarter 2018, has seen well over 50,000               contribute to a long lasting supply of skilled       a Mathematics in Trades for years 11 and 12,
dwelling starts, and with housing finance             trades people, the MBA is now involved in,           which should be ready for the start of the 2019
commitments in proportion to this number, this        and committed to a number of unique building         school year.
has contributed to making NSW the nation’s            industry focused pilot programs.                     We are very proud to have been associated
number one economy.                                   The Master Builders Association has                  with the development of the Mathematics
Nationally the building and construction              commenced a program in partnership with the          in Trades pathway as it will assist students
industry is now the second largest sector in          NSW Government’s Department of Education             develop the maths skills they will require for their
Australia employing some 1.15 million workers,        and four Universities, to establish a pathway        future careers in the construction industry.
representing nearly 10% of Australia’s workforce      from a trade apprenticeship to a bachelor            This edition of the Master Builder Magazine
and contributes some 9% of the national gross         degree.                                              showcases the winner of each category for this
domestic product.                                     The pilot program includes:                          year’s Excellence in Housing & Pool Awards.
MBA estimates that the work to be carried out,            »» A pre-apprenticeship program;                 These awards celebrate and acknowledge
over the next 4 years across Australia is some                                                             excellence in building and construction in NSW.
                                                          »» The trade apprenticeship;
$900 billion – across all sectors, with NSW’s                                                              This year the industry has again produced
                                                          »» A Diploma of Project Management; and          magnificent quality and exceptional levels of
share being some 30% of that amount.
                                                          »» A Bachelor Degree in Construction             construction. Ten judges commenced judging
Master Builders calculates that some 300,000                                                               in April this year – and concluded in July, some
new skilled workers will be required nationally in                                                         four months of full time judging across NSW.
the industry by the end of this decade to meet        Participants who complete their apprenticeship
                                                      and the diploma will be eligible for exemptions      Each building project entered was visited and
the demand for future new building projects.                                                               a site inspection conducted. The construction
However, in addition, some 30,000 workers will        to time off the bachelor degree of their choice,
                                                      through one of the universities the MBA has an       value for all of the entries received this year
leave the industry annually due to retirement or                                                           equated to some $870M.
career change.                                        agreement with.
                                                      This pilot program addresses the increase            I am told that the judges literally agonised over
You may be aware that historically our main                                                                their decisions due to the high quality of building
feeder to replenis-h these tradespeople               in calls from industry to have trade-based
                                                      project managers, as well as introducing             work and ever increasing challenges to the
leaving the industry is through the traditional                                                            construction process.
apprenticeship system, and even though the            the opportunity for those who wish to go to
number of apprentices in our industry is rising,      university - can do so via a trade.                  A special mention goes to the 2018 Master
the current intake will not meet the future           Another, and most important initiative the           Builder of the Year, EJ Constructions, and Mark
demand of retiring trades people.                     Association has become involved in is through        Newman of Newmark Constructions, awarded
                                                      the Apprenticeship Engagement Forum, in              Young Builder of the Year.
It is therefore critical, that we as builders
encourage our contractors and tradespeople,           the development of Mathematics in Trades             On behalf of the Master Builders Association
to embrace the engagement of apprentices and          pathway.                                             of NSW, I congratulate all of the entrants and
we push to make our industry the first choice         The MBA believes it is vital that high school        winners of the 2018 MBA/NSW Excellence in
career move and enhance the concept that a            students in years 9 to 12 be made aware of           Housing and Pool Awards. I would also like
trade skill is a most worthwhile profession.          the importance of mathematics as a subject           to thank the judges, and the sponsors for
                                                      for undertaking apprenticeships in the building      supporting the industry and such an important
The trend to buy in the skill, rather than training                                                        event.
our future needs is now certainly becoming            and construction industry. The Mathematics in
entrenched – a trend which we must resist, for        Trades course is now being trialled in a number
the sake of the future of the industry.               of Western Sydney Schools for years 9 and            Martin Patience
                                                      10, and the forum is currently putting together
To address this shortage of trades and                                                                     MBA NSW PRESIDENT

                                                                                                         Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW        7
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

From the
   Executive Director

I thought I would expand a little on some of
the observations made by our President in his
Our President refers to the importance of
mathematics for high schools students,
particularly in years 9 to 12. In early September
this year, the MBA was asked to present and
contribute to what I believe is an extremely
important initiative of educators working with
industry – to produce better outcomes for
young people who are seeking a trade pathway.        However, one barrier surveys continually identify      • Ensure students can achieve workplace
                                                     is the inability of those seeking apprenticeships        numeracy requirements as required in
The initiative originates from the Apprenticeship
                                                     in the building and construction industry, to            Australian Core Skills Framework;
Engagement Forum, which brings together
                                                     deal with the required level of mathematics,           • Ensure students achieve all outcomes in the
high school principals, various building
                                                     that is – a large percentage of students seeking         current mathematics syllabus;
and construction industry bodies and
                                                     an apprenticeship were unsuccessful due to
representatives of a number of NSW                                                                          • Ensure students meet all industry numeracy
                                                     their inability to deal with the required level of
government agencies. The MBA is the chair of                                                                  requirements to undertake an apprenticeship.
the AEF.                                                                                                    During 2018, Mathematics in Trades has been
                                                     There has been an increasing trend over the
The Forum is a NSW industry training body                                                                   trialled in years 9 and 10 at 3 western Sydney
                                                     past 10 years for high school students to avoid
formed in 2015 to increase the uptake of                                                                    high schools. All indicators are pointing to a
                                                     choosing maths as a subject. They are much
apprenticeships to meet the future needs of the                                                             successful conclusion of the trial.
                                                     more inclined to choose subjects they perceive
building and construction industry. It aims to                                                              Furthermore, since the trials commenced the
                                                     as ‘easier’ and ‘more interesting’.
meet this objective by engaging with a range                                                                response from students has been very positive.
of stakeholders, including students, parents,        Consequently, among the barriers to
                                                                                                            Outcomes from maths classes made up of
career advisors and teachers. The organisation       apprenticeship growth in the construction and
                                                                                                            uninterested students have now been turned
helps promote jobs and careers in the                plumbing industries, two in particular stand out:
                                                                                                            around. They are finding that the maths they
construction industries by encouraging quality       • A low level of maths and English are reasons         are being taught now truly relates to their world.
training and highlighting career pathways, and         for unsuccessful apprenticeship applications;        The Maths in Trades pathway is inspiring them
works with industry to identify training needs       • A lack of pathway programs that                      to continue on with mathematics in years 11
and priorities.                                        engage students sufficiently to consider             and 12.
What is clear from studies and statistics, is that     apprenticeships.                                     The AEF is currently putting together a website
the building and construction industry needs         The MBA believes that it is vital that students        and teacher resources so that the Maths in
more tradespeople – particularly in NSW.             in Years 9 to 12 be made aware of the                  Trades pathway can be introduced to the other
Industry surveys also indicate that we cannot        importance of maths as a base for undertaking          high schools in 2019.
get the young people we need for a whole             apprenticeships. Following on from that belief,        We are also putting together a Maths in Trades
host of reasons – what we call “barriers to          the Australian Apprenticeship Forum (which             pathway for years 11 and 12 that will be ready
entry”. We actually identified 11 barriers. These    the MBA is a member of), a forum which                 for the start of the school year in 2019.
include:                                             brings together NSW high school principals,
                                                                                                            The MBA strongly believes that high school
• Parents expectation that their children should     industry and Government representatives
                                                                                                            students should be choosing a maths course
  go to University;                                  and in conjunction with the Mathematical
                                                                                                            because it ensures future job skills. We are
                                                     Association of NSW fully funded the creation of
• Students expectation they would like to go to                                                             very proud to have been associated with the
                                                     a ‘Mathematics in Trades’ pathway.
  University;                                                                                               development of the Mathematics in Trades
                                                     The pathway aims to:                                   pathway.
• Candidate quality;
                                                     • Engage students uninterested in maths to
• Cost to prospective employers;
                                                       undertake the Mathematics in Trades pathway
• Exposure to WHS & WC. Risks and cost and                                                                  Brian Seidler
                                                       in years 9-12;
  so the list goes on.                                                                                      MBA NSW Executive Director

                                                                                                          Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW       9
MASTER BUILDER - 2018 EXCELLENCE IN HOUSING AND POOL AWARDS All the Winners Revealed Inside - Greenzone

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10    MBA NSW | Issue Three | June/July 2018


                                                                         Feature Article
                 HOUSING AWARDS 2018


                     Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   11
Contents   AWARDS

            NIGHT OF NIGHTS
                                                                           Master Builder of the Year – EJ Constructions.

                  he Master Builders Association of NSW Excellence
                  in Housing and Pool Awards is the state’s most
                  prestigious residential building awards. It celebrates
            excellence in construction, innovation and quality in the
            building and construction industry in NSW.
            The Housing Awards showcase the very best in
            residential construction and attract a broad cross-
            section of the residential building sector, including
            project home builders, contract builders, apartment
            constructors and builders specialising in additions,
            alterations and renovations.
            This year saw a record number of projects entered with
            the judges astounded by the quality of construction, the
            many building obstacles successfully overcome during
            the building process, as well as maintaining excellent
            relationships with clients, sub-contractors and design
            The winners were announced at a gala presentation at
            The Star - Sydney on September 1, with the black tie
            event hosted by television personalities Johanna Griggs
            and Andrew Daddo, and entertainment provided by
            comedian Nick Cody and the After Party Band.
            The MBA congratulates all winners and acknowledges
            the Master Builder of the Year, EJ Constructions and
            the Young Builder of the Year, Mark Newman from
            Newmark Constructions.
            The MBA would also like to thank its dedicated panel of
            judges and generous sponsors.

           12   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018

Young Builder of the Year, Mark Newman from Newmark

                                                      MBA NSW President, Martin Patience.

                                                                       Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   13

                                          ROSS FINNIE

                                          Ross Finnie has worked in the construction indus-      NSW Construction Industry Working Party and
                                          try for more than 40 years, managing numerous          Standard Australia’s Construction Advisory Group.
                                          projects of various types, sizes and complexity and    In addition, he is a member of Resolution Institute
                                          specialises in health, safety, environmental and       Australia and the NSCA – National Safety Council
                                          quality issues. He is a member of various organ-       of Australia and has been secretary of the Asbes-
                                          isations including MBA NSW, where he is a Gold         tos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA).
                                          member and a divisional ex-president of the North-     Ross established his own business, TREW
                                          ern Suburbs Division. He is also a Certified Build-    Enterprises in 2012, which specialises in the fields
                                          ing Consultant and involved in Legal and Con-          of building, project management, restoration and
                                          tracts plus Council of Management at MBA NSW,          heritage building works and as an expert witness
                                          and the MBA representative on the WorkCover            and HSEQ and training consultant.

                                          PAUL GIRDLER
                                          Paul Girdler is a licensed builder with 48 years of    designing and teaching Basic Home Maintenance
                                          experience in the industry and a long-term mem-        for Petersham TAFE and teaching in the School of
                                          ber of industry associations.                          Building at Sydney TAFE.
                                          Initially working as a contractor, he obtained his
                                          Building Certificate in 1988, established his own
                                          business and continues undertaking projects
                                          across inner Sydney, specialising in residential
                                          renovations, extensions and restorations.
                                          During his career he has been a part-time teacher

                                          PETER MASIA
                                          Peter Masia is a building consultant and building      It Yourself Handbook” published by ABC Books;
                                          designer, and former licensed building contractor,     and Chief Consultant to “Trade Secrets”, “Save
                                          with over 45 years’ experience in the design and       $20,000.00 With A Nail”, and “Fix It Yourself”
                                          construction of mainly residential projects ranging    published by the Readers Digest. Peter is a long-
                                          from alterations/additions/houses to multi-dwell-      term member of the Master Builders Association,
                                          ing/multi-level structures. Peter spent 17 years       a former MBA Accredited Consultant, and holds a
                                          appearing weekly on ABC Radio 702 answering            BA from Macquarie University.
                                          listener’s questions on building matters including
                                          11 years on a Saturday morning program called
                                          “The Woodies”. He is co-author of “The Don’t Do

                                          MAX MOSHER
                                          Max Mosher is an energy consultant and has             He has been on the judging panels for the Building
                                          worked in the energy industry for more than 40         Designers Association Annual Design Awards, the
                                          years. He has a wealth of knowledge and experi-        Master Builders Association Excellence in Housing
                                          ence in relation to solar and energy-efficient house   and Construction Awards, the Master Builders
                                          design, including energy utilisation in the domestic   Australia National Excellence in Building and
                                          sector and thermal performance assessments.            Construction Awards, and the Local Government
                                          Max has been a committee member on a Stand-            Association Environment Awards. Max is a found-
                                          ards Australia Review Committee BD/058 titled          ing member and former director of the Association
                                          “Materials for the Thermal Insulation of Buildings”.   of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA).

                                          MICHAEL O’DONNELL
                                          Michael O’Donnell is a licensed builder, accredited    Building Division. Michael left Huxley Homes in
                                          building consultant and is currently vice president    1995 and established his own business, MKO
                                          of MBA NSW and chairman of the MBA NSW                 Constructions, which specialises in the design and
                                          Housing Committee. He is the NSW representative        construction of residential extensions, renovations
                                          on MBA Australia’s Residential Builders Council        and first-floor additions. Michael has his Diploma
                                          and is one of four industry representatives on the     in Building and Construction and Diploma in Work-
                                          NSW government’s Home Building Compensation            place Training and Assessment.
                                          Fund Underwriting Committee. Michael joined
                                          NSW homebuilder Huxley Homes in 1976 and
                                          in 1979 took over Huxley Homes’ new Regional
           14   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018


Simon Pilcher commenced work in the building           on the MBA of NSW Council of Management since
industry in 1986, joining his family construction      1994. Simon is currently deputy president of MBA
company. He completed his Building Certificate         NSW.
course in 1990. Simon is now managing director
of C E Pilcher & Son Pty Ltd, a building company
with more than 60 years of membership of MBA
NSW and which undertakes residential, commer-
cial and industrial construction work. Simon is a
past president of the Northern Suburbs division, a
recipient of the divisional gold medal and has sat

Stephen Rayner has been a member of the Master         at Hornsby TAFE, teaching the building compo-
Builders Association for 39 years. He is a past        nent of the Real Estate Certificate. He received the
president of the MBA Northern Suburbs Division         MBA Divisional Gold Member Award in 2012.
and has been treasurer since 2008.
Stephen holds a Carpenter and Joiner Trade
Certificate along with a Clerk of Works Certificate.
He is the director of Stream Constructions Pty Ltd,
which specialises in architect-designed projects,
domestic and commercial renovations. During his
building career, Stephen was a part-time teacher

Danielle Townsend is a freelance editor at Universal   Design. This is Danielle’s 15th year as editor of the
Media Co, a well-known publisher of niche titles       Master Builders Association Excellence in Housing
for the Australian and international markets. She      Awards Annual. She was previously features editor
has worked on numerous home titles including           at a country newspaper, where one of her main
Grand Designs Australia, Pool + Spa, Australian        roles was as real estate editor.
Period Home Style, BuildHome, Poolside, Kit
Homes Yearbook, Master Builders Association
Excellence in Housing Awards Annual, Renovate,
Kitchens and Bathrooms Quarterly and Home

Len Tully completed a Bachelor of Architecture         2012, he retired from his position as director of
in 1975 and has more than 35 years’ experience         T+E Architects but remains involved with the judg-
in the building and construction industry, work-       ing of the Masters Builders Association of NSW
ing mainly on projects in aged care, schools and       Excellence in Construction and Housing Awards.
He has worked with several architectural firms in
Sydney, including holding directorship positions.
As part of his work, he managed designs through
documentation to completed built projects. In

John Worthington has been a member of the              University of Technology Sydney in 2004, and was
Master Builders Association of NSW since 1976.         nationally accredited by the Institute of Arbitrators
He graduated from Sydney Technical College in          and Mediators 2008. He was chairman of the
1971 and holds a building certificate and build-       Building Consultants Council for nine years and
ing diploma. He also received a Timber Pest            a member of the Council of Management of the
Certificate from TAFE in 1989, Master of Dispute       MBA for six years. John is currently engaged as a
Resolution from the University of Technology in        building consultant, acting as an expert witness in
1998, Professional Certificate in Arbitration and      the Consumer Trader & Tenancy Tribunal and the
Mediation from the University of Adelaide in 1999,     court system in Australia.
Accredited Certifier Program (BSAP) from the
                                                          Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   15

           16   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018



      yllenpalm, an exquisite American              and underground tank walls were changed
      Hamptons-style home of around 600m2,          to approximately 700m2 of Dincel structural
      sits on a Bronte site of approximately        formwork-reinforced concrete walls. This al-
1100m2 with a 10m fall and had significant          lowed for easier material handling on the soft,
landscaping works. There was a large amount         sandy, sloping site and quicker wall construc-
of additional works and changes during the          tion, which also set up level work areas faster.
construction period yet despite this, the           These walls were faced with sandstone block
owners moved in for Christmas, 13 months            or granite façade or render.
after construction commenced.                       The site has a 40,000-litre re-use water tank,
                                                    50,000-litre OSD tank and a 45,000-litre
There is extensive use of painted H3 LO-
                                                    pool. The excessive crossfall on the drive-
SP-treated timber with banding, columns,
                                                    way prevented delivery of the 500m3-plus of
beams, soffits and architraves externally; and
                                                    concrete supply by a standard concrete truck,
internally with decorative ceiling beams and
                                                    so instead, many mini truck deliveries were
wall panels to achieve the Hamptons look.
The floor finish throughout is an engineered
                                                    The airconditioning, plumbing and electrical
roasted blackbutt oiled timber.
                                                    services had to be designed and coordinated
The windows and doors were changed from
                                                    during the construction period. Later, a full ad-
aluminium to painted rosewood timber as a
                                                    vanced electronic system was added during
just-in-time selection decision. Considera-
                                                    the construction phase. Due to the timing of
ble design detail changes were developed
                                                    the decision, this needed to be fast tracked,
concurrent to the construction arising from
                                                    so the cabling was installed and sheeted over
this change.
                                                    before the design was completed and the ICT
The client had a significant amount of design
                                                    contractor was selected.
detail selection ideas and requests to be de-
                                                    To manage the many scope additions, design
termined during the construction period. The
                                                    changes, selection development and chang-
client and designer were on site every second
                                                    ing building details, additional resources, fast
day, using the work-in-progress space to de-
                                                    tracking construction before design comple-
velop design selections in collaboration with
                                                    tion and reliable contractors were required
the builder, who also worked on developing
                                                    in order to complete the works in a similar
the building detail with the trades and special-
                                                    time to the original timeframe. These resourc-
ist suppliers. There were numerous set-out
                                                    es included the two directors having more
options and samples to achieve the verbally
                                                    involvement than usual in the project, such as
instructed desired outcomes.
                                                    in design management and project manage-
Much of the civil engineering external works
scope and design was determined during
                                                    The joinery trade was resourced with three
the construction period with very low docu-
                                                    joinery contractors and the timber window
mentation. New or upgraded retaining walls
                                                    supplier was carefully selected for quality,
were built to the five neighbouring bounda-
                                                    delivery and detail development. The regular,
ries, existing retaining walls were removed
                                                    reliable EJ Constructions trade contractors
and replaced and underpinning required. The
                                                    were used to bring the project to successful
initially designed and additional core-filled
reinforced blockwork retaining, boundary

JUDGES’ COMMENTS: There were many entries this year, and the final selection for the
Master Builder of the Year award was a very difficult one due to the high calibre of entries. After
careful deliberation and discussion the judges all agreed on the winner based on many different
criteria, including design, craftsmanship and finishes. This home delivered in spades and is
an exceptional build despite difficult access and timeline constraints. The builder delivered a
home with supremely impressive attention to detail and quality control. The build also included
the demolition of the existing properties. The landscaping and pool at the front of the property
were also included. The builder’s project team demonstrated an overall desire to achieve
excellence in management skills and delivery of exquisite carpentry and joinery installations. The
level of quality to all finishes was faultless. It’s no surprise that all judges agreed to award EJ
Constructions the Master Builder of the Year award.
                                                   Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   17

           18   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018


     hirty-eight-year-old Mark Newman of             favourite architects. “My clients get the best
     Newmark Constructions always wanted             outcomes and we get the best clients as ar-
     to own his own building company.                chitects want the best builder for their clients,”
His father ran a small business and it was           says Mark.
always a matter of when, not if, Mark would          Quality workmanship underpins Newmark’s
open his own company. Knowing that, Mark             approach to every element of its projects
was selective in the roles and companies             and the way that Mark runs the business.
he worked for. Unless the role offered good          For Mark, quality of workmanship is not only
experience and had good people willing to            the way things look and feel at the end, but
teach best practice, Mark wasn’t interested.         also the quality of the unseen work, and the
                                                     approach taken to the work by all team mem-
After 20 years of industry experience, when
                                                     bers, contractors and consultants.
the opportunity came for Mark to form New-
                                                     Mark currently sits on the committee of the
mark Constructions, he did so on the back of
                                                     Master Builders Northern Suburbs division
two decades of investment in learning about
                                                     as the junior vice president, and has been on
the industry from within. During this time,
                                                     the committee for the past two years. He also
Mark completed his carpentry apprenticeship
                                                     regularly attends Master Builder meetings at
and worked as a carpenter for a number of
                                                     the Manly Warringah division where he is able
years before completing further study. Initially,
                                                     to discuss current issues with a wide range of
he completed a Certificate IV and a Diploma,
                                                     other builders.
before studying at university.
                                                     He enjoys the opportunity for industry and
After nine years in business, Newmark has
                                                     personal development that is offered by the
built a reputation as easy, professional and or-
                                                     MBA, such as the recent visit with 40 other
ganised builders, skilled in their craft, who pay
                                                     builders and industry professionals to the
attention to detail and know how to translate
                                                     Hyne Timber mill and XLam factory near the
unique designs into unforgettable homes.
                                                     NSW/Victoria border.
At the heart of Newmark is a deep passion
                                                     In 1996 Mark was awarded the Master Build-
for working with visionaries and Mark gets
                                                     ers First Year Apprentice of the Year and was
great satisfaction from the important role that
                                                     an MBA Group Training Scheme apprentice
the company plays in every project. “There
                                                     from 1996-2000. He has gone on to see this
is nothing more fulfilling than standing on a
                                                     Apprentice of the Year award given to one of
spot where there was once soil, and knowing
                                                     Newmark’s apprentices in 2010, a testament
we’ve played a significant role in bringing an
                                                     to the importance that Mark places on the
imaginary home to life,” says Mark.
                                                     association and training partnership with the
Newmark partners with elite architects
because the company believes building
                                                     He has always had a bond to the MBA
better homes will create better connections,
                                                     throughout his career - as an apprentice, a
build better communities and contribute to a
                                                     member, when employed by other builders
better world. Mark has developed a few key
                                                     in Sydney, and now running his own building
relationships with architects he works with on
                                                     business and growing the industry and sup-
an ongoing basis year after year and believes
                                                     porting its excellence.
in investing in long-term relationships with his

JUDGES’ COMMENTS: The exceptionally high standard of building work achieved by all
the candidates for the Young Builder of the Year award in 2018 presented the judges with the
unenviable task of choosing a winner from a formidable field of builders who are continually
raising the bar in terms of refinement and sophistication in building. The judges never cease to
be amazed by the high quality of the entries, including entries that have not managed to win
an award this year, but are nonetheless of a very high calibre. After careful consideration, the
judges decided unanimously that this young builder was the most deserving in view of the com-
plexity, refinement and beauty of his winning entry, and the flawless execution of the demanding
design which was delivered under a “lump sum” contract, on time and on budget. The project
involved the renovation of a stone-built worker’s cottage and the construction of a rear addition
of pre-dominantly off-form concrete, and was, in the opinion of the judges, a masterclass in
building by a talented young builder, Mark Newman.
                                                    Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   19
Contents   WINNERS

           WINNER                                                                         WINNER
           THRIVE HOMES                                                                   MASTERTON HOMES
           EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES                                                       EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES
           UP TO $250,000                                                                 $250,001 - $300,000
           SIENNA 22 WITH ASCOT FACADE, AIRDS                                             SYMPHONY EXECUTIVE, EMERALD HILLS
           The Sienna 22 with Ascot Facade is on display in the booming                   The layout of the Symphony Executive brings together all the best as-
           south-west Sydney growth area of Airds, and is a classic family home           pects of design and blends them into one remarkable floorplan featur-
           comprising of four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large feature-filled         ing shared areas and personalised trafficable spaces. The home caters
           family dining and living area. The home is being offered for a price of just   for all the new technology with a home theatre that can transport the
           under $250,000, which is very affordable in the “thriving” Sydney new          owner into a new world and relieve the stress of the working week.
           home market.

           WINNER                                                                         MERIT
           ADENBROOK HOMES NORTHERN RIVERS & TWEED                                        MCDONALD JONES HOMES
           EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES                                                       EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES
           $300,001 - $350,000                                                            $300,001 - $350,000
           THE ORION, BALLINA                                                             SAN MARINO EXECUTIVE 16, ORAN PARK
           The Orion is a stunning, single-level home with a design that tran-            The San Marino Executive 16 built by McDonald Jones Homes is spec-
           scends across a range of different demographics. The multigenera-              tacularly designed and offers excellent value for money. At the front of
           tional floorplan adapts to the growing and shifting needs of today’s           the home is the children’s wing, providing a very spacious activity room
           families. The street elevation is modern and attractive featuring a stone      that allows free access to the three minor bedrooms, convenient study
           panel infill which complements the façade, along with louvred windows          nook and family bathroom.
           which provide excellent ventilation.

           WINNER                                                                         WINNER
           RAWSON HOMES PTY LTD                                                           BURBANK HOMES
           EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES                                                       EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES
           $350,001 - $400,000                                                            $400,001 - $500,000
           DERWENT 27 WITH REGAL FACADE, AIRDS                                            DENMAN 257, GOOGONG
           The Derwent 27 with Regal Facade exhibits a highly intelligent use of          Judges, when rating display home entries, place significant importance
           space on a narrow footprint which is suitable for 10m-wide blocks. The         on how readily adaptable the home is to suit multiple orientations,
           two-storey design offers generous spaces throughout the home. This             shapes and slopes of blocks. The goal of this home was to create a
           culminates in a large open-plan family space at the heart of the design        striking design that would cater for sloping land and provide access to
           incorporating the large kitchen, living and dining rooms as well as            the coveted winter sun which is not dependent on the orientation of
           access to a sizeable alfresco area.                                            the owner’s individual block of land.
           20   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018
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                           Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   21
Contents    WINNERS

            WINNER                                                                         WINNER
            MOJO HOMES PTY LTD                                                             METRICON HOMES
            EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES                                                       EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES
            $500,001 - $600,000                                                            $600,001 - $800,000
            ENIGMA 46, TERALBA                                                             DESIGNER BY METRICON METRO 31, NORTH MACQUARIE
            With its impressive foyer and stunning staircases, the Enigma is a spe-        The Metro 31 home redefines present-day urban living, combining
            cial home. The ground floor features a home theatre, living and kitchen        stylish family living with a compact floorplan which is designed for nar-
            spaning the entire width of the design with an integrated outdoor room         row blocks. The facade features a Hamptons-inspired design with the
            to accommodate the biggest of parties. The Hamptons feel has been              feature roof tiles and cladding boards. The interior offers an impressive
            adopted for this home and begins with the Grand Hamptons facade                amount of space. At the rear, the open-plan living area emphasises a
            and continues with the spacious free-flowing interiors.                        mastery of free-flowing spaces.

            WINNER                                                                         WINNER
            MEADOWBANK HOMES PTY LTD                                                       GRANNY FLAT SOLUTIONS
            EXHIBITION/PROJECT HOMES                                                       GRANNY FLATS
            $800,001 & OVER                                                                UP TO $100,000
            HARRINGTON, KELLYVILLE                                                         CUSTOM DESIGN, NORMANHURST
            The builder’s relentless attention to detail in all aspects of the construc-   Through clever design and positioning on the block this self-contained
            tion and finish is obvious in this family home. The traditional methods        set of living spaces can accommodate family members, home office,
            employed by Meadowbank flow throughout the home, with all joinery              visitors or paying tenants enabling the homeowner to earn an extra
            works being to an exceptionally high quality. The kitchen features the         income. Its clever design features two well-sized bedrooms, a general
            most magnificent benchtop which is complemented by the layout of               bathroom with laundry space and a well-appointed kitchen.
            the kitchen cupboards.

            WINNER                                                                         WINNER
            ANSA HOMES                                                                     PRESCOM CONSTRUCTIONS
            GRANNY FLATS                                                                   GRANNY FLATS
            $100,001 - $150,000                                                            $150,001 - $200,000
            THE LELLAH, ORAN PARK                                                          AVALON TREE HOUSE
            This granny flat is part of a two-storey family residence that has been        The Avalon Tree House features two bedrooms, two balconies with
            so cleverly designed its fits in perfectly with the residence. It contains     ocean glimpses and a fully functional kitchen. The shape of the house
            a front bedroom with ensuite and laundry along with a well-appointed           is designed to utilise the surrounding trees and embrace the landscap-
            kitchen and dining area opening into the living room. A feature of the         ing and native gardens. The back of the house is at ground level and
            living area is the three-sided gas fire and the large sliding alumini-         the front about 6m above the ground level.
            um-framed glass doors opening to the rear patio area.
           22   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018
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                    Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW   23
Contents   WINNERS

            WINNER                                                                        WINNER
            CODE GREEN PTY LTD                                                            CODE GREEN PTY LTD
            GRANNY FLATS                                                                  DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
            $200,001 & OVER                                                               UP TO $500,000
            THE BARN, TERREY HILLS                                                        THE COTTAGE, TERREY HILLS
            The brief called for the construction of a Hamptons-style barn over-          The builder met the clients’ brief, he not only designed the home but
            looking the bushland and ocean. However, this lovely image was com-           delivered a stunning one-bedroom sandstone cottage of open plan.
            plicated by the imposing of bushfire-zone restrictions. The stylish and       Various building materials and techniques captured the surrounding
            practical solution to a specific design challenge, the barn appears to        environment with careful attention to detail, especially the re-use of
            be lined with timber boarding but is a magnesium oxide-based board            materials, many recycled from site
            which achieves a one-hour fire rating and adhered to all regulations.

            MERIT                                                                         WINNER
            BLUETONGUE HOMES PTY LTD                                                      PENINSULA HOMES PTY LTD
            DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE                                                      DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
            UP TO $500,000                                                                $500,001 - $800,000
            SAPPHIRE 21 MKII, SPRING FARM                                                 DEE WHY
            BlueTongue Homes has designed and built a great entry-level home              Peninsula Homes has designed and built a quality home to a tight
            without compromise to quality and/or finishes, excellent value for            budget on a fixed-price contract. The home has been designed to
            money.                                                                        take into account the spectacular water views from many areas. Ex-
                                                                                          ceptional finishes both externally and internally. Carpentry works were
                                                                                          undertaken by in-house craftsmen with excellent execution. Great
                                                                                          value for money.

            WINNER                                                                        MERIT
            CONSTRUCTION BY DESIGN                                                        ELO SILO PTY LTD
            DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE                                                      DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
            $800,001 - $1 MILLION                                                         $800,001 - $1 MILLION
            KELLYVILLE                                                                    THE CONTAINER, CHURCH POINT
            Great value for money. The two-storey home is more than 500m2 with            This was a difficult sloping site; however, the builder was able to deliver
            exceptional interior finishes, plasterboard, ceilings, tiling and painting.   a fine example of engineering and building design with a difference.
            The exterior showed great attention to detail. A worthy winner for            The home is built by joining six shipping containers with a composite
            under $1 million.                                                             steel structure. The interior has no gyprock and is fully lined with lime-
                                                                                          washed plywood including the in-house joinery.

           24   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018

                                                            PALAZZO DESIGNER HOMES
                                                            DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                            $1 MILLION - $1.5 MILLION
                                                            ELIZABETH HILLS RESIDENCE
                                                            An excellent example of a quality project by a young builder of just 31. The
                                                            level of detail, design concepts and execution of finishes were faultless. The
                                                            builder also carried out much of the carpentry work himself. A very well-de-
                                                            served winner.

                                                            MILLBROOK HOMES
                                                            DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                            $1 MILLION - $1.5 MILLION
                                                            Another fine example of a quality build in a design and construct lump sum
                                                            project. The home included the pool and landscaping. The level of quality
                                                            was very well executed with attention to detail between different materials.

                                                            RE BUILDING PTY LTD
                                                            DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                            $1.5 MILLION - $2 MILLION
                                                            MONA VALE
                                                            Although a cost-plus project, budgets had to be met. A difficult build with
                                                            stringent boundary restraints and deep excavation requiring 800m3 of soil
                                                            removal. The structure has incorporated different building materials in the
                                                            design to achieve environmental elements and visual aspects. Interior finish-
                                                            es highlighted excellent quality control.


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                                                                                     Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW          25

                                                                     GREMMO HOMES PTY LTD
                                                                     DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                                     $2 MILLION - $2.5 MILLION
                                                                     Over the past years Gremmo Homes has built many homes of varying de-
                                                                     signs and costs. This year it has delivered a quality home with an excellent
                                                                     calibre of outstanding finishes. Both judges concurred a worthy winner.

                                                                     CPLUSC ARCHITECTURAL WORKSHOP
                                                                     DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                                     $2.5 MILLION - $3 MILLION
                                                                     IRON MAIDEN HOUSE, LONGUEVILLE
                                                                     An unique architectural design with some industrial tones. The building uses
                                                                     natural light, timber, glass, concrete, water features and steel. An excellent
                                                                     example of a melding of different materials and finishes. Although this design
                                                                     may not suit everyone, it met the clients’ brief and the quality of workman-
                                                                     ship was faultless. A worthy winner.

                                                                     UNIQ BUILDING GROUP PTY LTD
                                                                     DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                                     $3 MILLION - $6 MILLION
                                                                     KANGAROO POINT
                                                                     The street view presents as a simple build, however, difficult terrain required
                                                                     thoughtful design and structure to suit the landscape. The builder has deliv-
                                                                     ered an excellent home with a variance of building materials and well-exe-
                                                                     cuted finishes.

                                               UNIQ Building Group - Inspired by a passion for
                                               unique construction
                                               Whether it’s building a new home or making improvements to your
                                               existing home, Uniq Building Group has the expertise, knowledge and
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           26   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018

                                                               J GROUP PROJECTS
                                                               DESIGN & CONSTRUCT HOUSE
                                                               $6 MILLION & OVER
                                                               The site was challenged by a steep slope with restricted access. Materials
                                                               handling and the method of delivery required both excellent skills in project
                                                               management and construction. The design took into account surrounding
                                                               water views, landscape and the necessity for privacy due to its exposure of
                                                               the bay. The quality workmanship and materials used were exceptional.

                                                               AVANTI PROJECTS GROUP PTY LTD
                                                               CONTRACT HOUSES
                                                               UP TO $500,000
                                                               CASA MARONGIU, DENHAM COURT
                                                               Despite its seemingly basic design, this two-storey, four-bed construction
                                                               provides all the comforts and inclusions for relaxing family living. The build
                                                               has high ceilings and open-plan living complete with an outdoor alfresco
                                                               barbecue area. Great value for money.

                                                               PAH INNOVATIVE CONSTRUCTION
                                                               CONTRACT HOUSES
                                                               $500,001 - $650,000
                                                               WAGGA WAGGA
                                                               The house is built on different levels to fit in with the contours of the block
                                                               and to maximise the view. External materials are well blended, which
                                                               makes the house stand out. Large-format tiles throughout the house have
                                                               been well set out to minimise cut, with expansion joints well placed to not
                                                               be obvious. The project was well finished and great value for money.

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Unit 19/25 Childs Road, Chipping Norton NSW 2170 | 02 8915 6244 | 0412 315 725

                                                                                       Issue Four | August/September 2018 | MBA NSW          27

                                                                                               ANTARA HOMES
                                                                                               CONTRACT HOUSES
                                                                                               $500,001 - $650,000
                                                                                               BELLA 40, ORAN PARK
                                                                                               A great example in the use of a variety of materials to achieve a well-exe-
                                                                                               cuted build at a budget price. The brickwork and plaster work are of a high

                                                                                               VIVA LIVING HOMES
                                                                                               CONTRACT HOUSES
                                                                                               $650,001 - $800,000
                                                                                               First-rate design of an environmentally and energy-efficient dwelling. The
                                                                                               basic construction of this home is made up of straw bales finished in lime
                                                                                               render. The internal finishes have been excellently executed with exposed
                                                                                               timber construction using timber dowels rather than nails.

                                                                                               CONTEMPORARY HOMES
                                                                                               CONTRACT HOUSES
                                                                                               $650,001 - $800,000
                                                                                               Great attention to detail is seen in this house. The joinery work in the kitchen
                                                                                               and cabinetry is excellent, as is the timber flooring used extensively through-

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           28   MBA NSW | Issue Four | August/September 2018
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