Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today

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Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Inside...      Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Police Chief
honored with
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Vol. 12 No. 38
                   sports    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

                   Cedar Reds
 4   Opinion         open up
10   Showcase        football
14   Life            season
22   Sports             with
26   Classifieds
29   Comics
                   20T win

                                page 22                                    corey baumgartner
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
2   Wednesday, August 19, 2020                  NEWS                                                   Iron County Today

 Parowan Police Chief honored with award

     by Shay Baruffi               [Chief Berg] believes in transparency, building
                                             understanding and helpful policing.”
      Iron Count y Today

    Surrounded by loving
family and friends,                              » Val Shupe, Executive Director, Utah Chiefs of Police Association
Chief Mike Berg with
the Parowan Police
Department was presented
with the Small Agency
Chief of Police Award at
Parowan’s City Council
meeting on August 13th,
    Val Shupe, Executive
Director of The Utah Chiefs
of Police Association,
presented Chief Berg
with the respected award
applauding him for his
outstanding leadership and
efforts taken while serving
with the Parowan Police
Department. “Chief Berg
is dedicated to his officers                                                        Parowan
                                                                                   Poilce Chief
and the city of Parowan. He                                                     Mike Berg proudly
believes in transparency,                                                        accepts the Small
building understanding                                                         Agency Chief of Police
and helpful policing. He is                                                       Award while the
available to the citizens of                                                    newest member of
                                                                                 Parowan's K9 unit
Parowan,” Shupe expressed.                                                           looks on.
                                                                                                            photos by shay baruffi
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                      News                                            Wednesday, August 19, 2020      3

  Local property management company offers free
     month of online mental health counseling
             from Becki Bronson                                                        out to several different counseling services
                                                               Southern Utah
               For Iron Count y Today                             University           and BetterHelp was thankfully a very willing
                                                                   student             partner."
     In what is believed to be a first of its kind               Kylee Field               Morton says he feels that by providing this
partnership, a property management company                      demonstrates           free month it will reduce some of the many
                                                                  the ease of
in Cedar City, Utah has partnered with an                      using betterhelp.
                                                                                       barriers that are in place that stop people
online mental health counseling service to                       com from her          from accessing mental health services." I know
provide all their tenants with one free month                    smartphone.           that mental health is every bit as important as
access to mental counseling. NetGain Property                                          any other healthcare we receive and, in many
Management Services in Cedar City has teamed                                           ways, more so," he shared. "I wish more people
with online mental health counseling service,                                          understood how difficult it is for a person to
BetterHelp, to offer a free month online coun-                                         tackle important issues in their life, such as
seling services to their tenants.                                                      when they can't get out of bed in the morning
     NetGain owner Derek Morton, who has                                               because of depression. How does one hold a
served on boards for local poverty organi-                                             good job when their anxiety is so high that they
zations, says more than ever, it's critical to                                         can't focus or function? When I first started
address mental health and remove the stigma                                            Netgain Property Management Services four
of getting treatment for it. “Mental health                                            years ago I was amazed at how different the
issues plague every age group in Utah," says                                           responses my tenants would have when the
Morton. "And now with the many impacts                                                 stresses of life would hit. The difference in
being felt by COVID, it's even more essential to                                       responses to the stresses of life can mean the
make sure that my tenants are connected to                                             difference between finding solutions that will
these services, in a way they can most easily                                          allow them to maintain stability in their life,
access them. Providing a free month allows our                                         or lose that much needed stability. My hope is
tenants to try it out, and see if it's a good fit for                                  that through this partnership my tenants will
them, without any out of pocket expense."                                              be better equipped to handle the stresses that
     The free month is being donated, with no                                          inevitably come."
increase in rent or other fees. Morton says                                                Kfir Eyal, Sr. Director, Sales & Partnerships of
that in the over 10 years he has lived in Cedar                                        BetterHelp says, “We are excited and proud to
City, he has seen firsthand the need for better                                        launch this partnership with NetGain Property
access to mental health services. "In my role                                          Management Services to provide the benefit
as a board member for different community                                              of online counseling during these uncertain
organizations, it was troubling to see the high                                        and unprecedented times. It’s more important
rates of depression and anxiety," says Morton.                                         than ever to take care of our health – both
"It’s something that became important to me                                            mental and physical. Connecting tenants with
to find possible solutions, and is what pushed                                         our licensed counselors for convenient and
me to try something new that would help my                                             confidential counseling will provide them with
tenants and address this problem. So, I reached                       courtesy photo   the opportunity to do just that."
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
4       Wednesday, August 19, 2020                                                              NEWS                                                          Iron County Today

         R. Gail Stahle
                                               of the Week           from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher
     Deborah Martineau
        Office Manager                   “If you want a
                                     rainbow, you have to
                                      deal with the rain.”
                                                      » Augustus
          Scott Stahle
     Sales Representative
                                              Submit your letter on our website
                             , or by emailing them to
                             or bring/mail them
                                     to 389 N 100 W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters
          Patti Bostick
                                       must be signed, be brief (generally under 300
     Sales Representative
                                      words in length), list the author’s city and give         the writer’s telephone number (phone number
            435.592.1030                will not be printed). We reserve the right to
                                      edit all letters for length or content. For letters
         Editorial                    arriving electronically, we will use the author’s
                                            e-mail address in lieu of a signature.
     Corey Baumgartner
       Managing Editor

                                                   A rose by any other name

          Shay Baruffi

         Tom Zulewski
         Sports Writer                   The opinions stated in this article are            on sports teams. This is murky territory   games reflects a war-like stereotype,
                                       solely those of the author and not of Iron           since, as a non-Native American, I         the name “Braves” is, to me, a simple
     Layout/Design                                   County Today.                          hesitate to judge what is offensive to a   reference to young members of a tribe.

                                                                                            harshly treated ethnic group. But here     It doesn’t contain a negative reference;
          Devin Christ                 appreciate your comments and                         are a few thoughts…                        if anything, bravery is a positive trait. If
      Creative Director                questions regarding past columns                         The derogatory “Redskin” name          “Braves” is removed, should atheists or         and events. Here are answers                         needed to be removed since it              secular-hating evangelicals ask the Los
                                   to some of you contacting me this                        reflected a presumed violent nature        Angeles Angels to change their name?
       Circulation                 summer.                                                  of our original settlers. Similar is any   And to take it to a ridiculous but logical
                                                                                            sports-oriented reference to the “trail    conclusion, should the Knights of
       Stephanie Millett
          S. Cedar City
                                       THE ELECTION – A reader tele-                        of tears” (one of the most horrific        Columbus organization balk at the Las
                                   phoned me to say I wasn’t considering                    episodes in American history) and the      Vegas Golden Knights hockey team?
                                   all the dangers in the coming                                                                           There are more important
                                   Trump-Biden presidential                                                                            challenges in the Native American
      Stormee Anderson             election. He agreed that Trump                                                                      community than stressing about
     N. Cedar City/Enoch           was generally unpopular, but                                                                        vanilla-flavored mascots, and those still

                                                                                                       Cyclops        thought Trump could pull out                                                                        uncomfortable should take note of how
            435.592.5724           a victory due to “Kanye West’s                                                                      the University of Utah “Running Utes”
        Wendy Hanson               siphoning off minority voters                                                                       handled the concerns.
     Parowan/Paragonah             in swing states.” Republican      operatives, he said, were                                                                               CONFEDERATE STATUES – While I
                                   helping Kanye get on the ballot                                           by Bryan GRAY             wouldn’t personally have a stroke while
                                   as a way of preventing a Biden                                                Columnist             passing a Stonewall Jackson or Robert
         Iron County Today is      tsunami of young, black voters.                                                                     E. Lee statue, let’s be honest: These men
     distributed free of charge,       I agree that any votes for                           recently-changed “Redmen” mascot in        were not mere historical figures, but also
     thanks to our advertisers.
    It is hand-delivered to over   the bipolar West would dilute the Biden                  Cedar City.                                traitors to the United States of America.
    14,000 households in Cedar
      City, Enoch and Parowan
                                   total, but I question how many Kanye                         While I don’t find the “Cleveland      (Remember the “united” in the United
     and is available in several   supporters are actually included in                      Indian” disrespectful to indigenous        States.) We wouldn’t allow statues of
     rack locations in Iron and
           Beaver Counties.
                                   the pro-Biden polls. Still the reader                    people, I acknowledge that no sports       Adolph Hitler in neighborhoods with
                                   has a point; without the small Green                     team would identify themselves as the      large German populations, and we made
     389 N 100 W, Suite 12
                                   Party vote in 2016, Hillary would be our                 “Cleveland Negroes.” To me, the jury is    sure Germany tore down such markers.
    Cedar City, Utah 84721         president today.                                         still out on the Indians name.             It hasn’t been that long ago since
        Ph: 435-867-1865                                                                        Changing the “Braves” name,            Americans cheered the Iraqis toppling
       Fax: 435-867-1866               TEAM MASCOTS – Numerous read-                        however, is less reasonable. While the     statues of Saddam Hussein, so it is
                                   ers have asked my opinion on the move                    “Tomahawk Chop” at the Florida State       hypocritical of us to complain about the
                                   to replace Native American references                    football or Atlanta Braves baseball        demolition of Confederate beacons.
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                 News                                              Wednesday, August 19, 2020     5

       From the Editor                                                   To the Editor                             set on May 6th and still have yet to figure out
                                                                                                                   what address to send the package back to as the
                                                                                                                   address provided was written in Chinese and I
                                                                China packages
What matters most
                                                                                                                   still haven’t received a refund.
                                                                potential scams                                        It’s been one heck of an experience for both
                                                                                                                   me and my daughter as she bought it with her

                                                                    I ordered a LEGO set from an online store      own money and I’m making her go through the
        uring the week,                                         and ended up receiving a mask in the mail 2        experience with me so she learns a valuable
        people from our local                                   months later. I didn’t immediately put two and     lesson but at $79.99, it’s killing her!
        community (and even                                     two together and threw the mask away worrying          So, just an interesting thing to experience as
from out of town) stop by                                       about what it potentially was laced with, etc.     I’m reading about other people receiving random
our offices to drop off news,                                   Then after having disputed the purchase with       things from China and I wonder if they might
chat about the news and                                         Paypal and receiving the tracking number from      be waiting for something else that they ordered
offer ideas and gratitude                                       the seller that confirmed the package was sent     that might never be coming. Had I not retrieved
for our local newspaper.                                        and received, I realized that the mask was actu-   the mask from the trash and didn’t have it to
This past week, one of our                                      ally my purchase and I had just been scammed.      send back to the seller, I wouldn’t be eligible for
valued visitors came in with                                        The seller, by sending me a package and        a refund.
a homemade T-shirt bearing                 Corey                having a tracking number that confirmed I had          Thanks,
the message; “All Lives Matter.       Baumgartner
                                                                received it, would have been an ordeal to prove
All are the Children of God.”          Managing Editor          I didn’t get the LEGO set I ordered. Luckily,      Jenny Welch
    To some this mantra is                                      I realized that this might be the case and I
a belittling battle cry. To others it’s a biting dog            retrieved the package from the trash, confirmed    Other news of strange packages of seeds from China
whistle, or righteous rhetoric. Regardless, with                the tracking number on the package and now         can be found here.
all the messages, causes and ensuing chaos en                   I will send the package back to China. It’s not    residents-report-mysterious-packages-from-chi-
masse; can we each at least agree that—whether                  been that simple though as I ordered the LEGO      na-beyond-just-seeds/
we are religious, political, apathetic, atheistic,
fence-sitting or feces-flinging—we need more
compassion in this world, especially right now?
Fighting amongst ourselves will only lead to more
fighting. As a friend of mine shared, “What we
feed, we breed.”
    We don’t all have to agree all the time, but can
we at least agree that fighting back and back-bit-
ing will only cause more backlash? I also hope
we can agree that when we’re always en garde, it
creates barriers which will keep us from regard-
ing, appreciating and protecting what matters
most—each other.

                                        courtesy of Bonnie B.
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
6   Wednesday, August 19, 2020                                                 NEWS                                   Iron County Today

                                                Public Announcements
Flu shots may reduce                        show that flu shots may reduce
                                            the risk of the disease. She cites
                                                                                                      location as a group of 350 to 400
                                                                                                      people as they did in 2019 at SUU;
Alzheimer’s risk                            an Alzheimer’s Association news                           this year individuals will walk in
                                            release that describes several                            small groups and teams on side-
    WASHINGTON, DC – The                    separate studies.                                         walks, tracks and trails across Iron
Centers for Disease Control [CDC]               One of the studies was con-                           County and beyond. This includes
says it is particularly important           ducted by a team led by researcher                        people’s favorite trails, neighbor-
this year that we get our flu shots         Albert Amran at the University of                         hoods where they live, parks, and
because the coronavirus has put an          Texas Health Science Center at                            business locations.
unprecedented strain on America’s           Houston. They used a nationwide                               During the pep rally guests
healthcare resources. As CDC epi-           database 9,000 individuals 60                             will learn details about the newly
demiologist Mark Thompson put it            years of age and older and found                          formatted September 19 Cedar City
in a recent article published by NPR:       that those who had a flu shot                             Walk, including how to use the
"No year is a good year to get the          had at least a 17% lower risk of                          new mobile phone app, allowing
                                            Alzheimer’s.                                              walk participants to hear keynote
                                                Another study carried out at                          speakers, access resources, track
                                            Duke University in Durham, North                          their walk steps and more. They will
                                            Carolina by Dr. Svetlana Ukraintseva                      also learn about fundraising tools
                                            found the Alzheimer’s risk for                            that can help their efforts to raise
                                            people between the ages of 65 and                         money to provide care and support
                                            75 who had been vaccinated against                        to families during these difficult
                                            pneumonia was reduced by as much                          times, while also advancing critical
                                            as 40%. That study was conducted                          research toward methods of treat-
                                            among 5,146 participants.                                 ment and prevention.
                                                The Alzheimer’s Association                               Those wishing to register for the
                                            chief science officer, Dr. Maria                          September 19 walk now may click
                                            Carrillo, noted that the research                         on or text AlzWalk
                                            presented at the Association’s                            to 51555.
                                            conference “calls for further studies
                                            in large, diverse clinical trials to                      Mike Miller
                                            inform whether vaccinations as a           getty images

                                            public health strategy decrease our
                                            risk for developing dementia as we

                                            Assoc. Mature American Citizens

                                            Pep rally Set for
                                            2020 Walk to End
                             getty images
                                                A virtual pep rally for the 2020
flu, but this year — with COVID-19          Cedar City Walk to End Alzheimer’s
also raging — it's especially bad."         is scheduled for 4 p.m. on August
    Recalling the deadly outbreak           20. The pep rally will be hosted
of the Spanish Flu in 1918, the             using an online platform and guests
same article described the need to          need to RSVP for the meeting link.
promote the flu vaccine this year as        They may do so by contacting
“arguably the most important U.S.           Mike Miller, regional manager for
effort to prevent influenza's spread        the Alzheimer’s Association, at
among Americans in a century.”     or (435) 238-4998
    “Indeed, there is an extensive          x8773.
list of the benefits of flu shots,              “We have not canceled our
the newest of which is research             Walk this year, in fact, we are
that shows the flu vaccine and              walking everywhere,” said Miller.
the pneumonia vaccine are linked            “Our resolve is stronger than ever,
to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s            because the need is greater than
Disease,” reports Rebecca Weber,            ever!” he continued. “The isolation
CEO of the Association of Mature            that caregivers for people with
American Citizens [AMAC].                   Alzheimer’s and other dementias
    Weber explains that                     face is fierce right now, and families
research reports presented at               desperately need the resources we
the Alzheimer’s Association                 offer. That’s why we walk.”
International Conference recently               But instead of gathering in one
Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                         News   Wednesday, August 19, 2020   7

     Legislative Update
 Dear Friends and Neighbors,         efforts and continue to wear
                                     masks and practice beneficial
 Next week, the Legislature          hygiene measures.
 will hold monthly interim
 committee meetings and              During Gov. Herbert’s
 appropriations subcommittee         weekly COVID-19 briefing,
 meetings and is planning to         Nathan Checketts from
 convene for a special session       the Utah Department of
 on August 20 to address             Health answered a series of
 issues related to COVID-19.         questions about COVID-19
 The Utah State Capitol is           testing. You can watch here,
 still closed to the public due      (https://www.facebook.
 to health concerns, but the         com/GovGaryHerbert/
 proceedings will be live-           videos/2702319093421710/)
 streamed on as          starting at minute seven and
 well as broadcast on televi-        ending at minute 25.
 sion – Senate floor time will
 be on KUEN channel 9.2 and          In partnership with the
 Comcast channel 388 House           Utah Veterans and Military
 floor time KUEN channel 9.3         Employment Coalition, the
 and Comcast channel 387.            Utah Department of Work-
 The bill files will be available    force Services is hosting a
 for public review at le.utah.       series of virtual employment
 gov. I would love to hear your      workshops for Veterans,
 thoughts after                      military members and their
 reviewing the                                     spouses. Find
 bills.                                            more information
                                                   at veterans.utah.
 On Friday, August                                 gov.
 14, the Utah
 Department of                                       Our hospitals are
 Health reported                                     noticing a decline
 716,883 total                                       in the number
 COVID-19 tests                                      of non-COVID
 administered,                                       patients coming
 45,976 total                                        in for care.
 positive cases,                                     Utahns need not
 36,679 estimated                                    avoid receiving
 recovered cases,                                    preventative care
 2,744 total                                         because of their
 hospitalizations,          Sen. Evan                fear of COVID-19.
 171 current                 VICKERS                 Utah hospitals
 hospitalizations                                    are taking every
                         Utah Senate District 28     precaution to
 and 360 total
 fatalities. The                                     make sure their
 Southwest Utah Public               facilities  are  safe, including
 Health Department reported          having healthcare workers
 3,288 total positive cases          wear PPE, restricting visitors
 including 24 new cases, 2,764       and implementing enhanced
 total recovered cases, 5            cleaning measures.
 currently hospitalized and 26       I will be providing these
 total fatalities. Iron county       COVID-19 updates from a
 currently has 577 case; Beaver      legislative perspective weekly.
 with 31 and Washington with         I want to hear from you and
 2,570 cases.                        get your feedback, thoughts
 While daily case counts are         and ideas on what's happen-
 not the most useful indicator       ing in our local communities.
 of risk to the state, they          Please contact me anytime at
 can provide perspectives on Thank
 trends. Data from last week         you.
 shows that cases are begin-         Sincerely,
 ning to decline. However, this
 does not mean we should             Evan Vickers
 ease up but maintain our            Utah State Senate

Inside... Parowan Police chief honored with award - Iron County Today
8    Wednesday, August 19, 2020                                                   NEWS                                                              Iron County Today

Free online mental health support for Spanish speakers
          from Sue Weaver                                                                                                           others.” Ms. Marquez discovered NAMI
     Development Director - NAMI Utah                                                                                               Utah in 2008 when her daughter was
                                                                                                                                    struggling with mental health symp-
   In recognition of National                                                                                                       toms. So moved by her experiences
Minority Mental Health Month, NAMI                                                                                                  in NAMI classes and support groups,
Utah and Latino Behavioral Health                                                                                                   she became a certified teacher and
(LBHS) are launching new online                                                                                                     support group facilitator.
programs in Spanish, highlighting                                                                                                       This fall, NAMI Utah and LBHS
online resources offered by Latino                                                                                                  will launch En Nuestra Propio Voz (In
Behavioral Health Services (LBHS).                                                                                                  Our Own Voice), an online one-hour
“Access to culturally relevant                                                                                                      seminar about mental well-being,
behavioral health services is                                                                                                       presented by two people who share
extremely limited in Utah, but the                                                                                                  stories of their mental health jour-
need is tremendous,” says Javier                                                                                                    neys. For further information and to
Alegre, Executive Director of Latino                                                                                                register for these free online support
Behavioral Health Services.                                                                                                         groups or seminars, contact Leticia
   In partnership with LBHS, NAMI                                                                                                   Frias at or
Utah will launch its online family                                                                                                  call LBHS at (801) 935-4447.
support group for family members                                                                                                        Additionally, Latino Behavioral
supporting loved ones with mental                                                                                                   Health Services has several online
health conditions in August.                                                                                                        services including therapy and
Facilitated by Latinos who have                                                                                                     peer mentoring. Executive Director
family members with mental health                                                                                                   Javier Alegre reports that offering
                                                                                                                    courtesy nami
conditions, NAMI’s Grupos de Apoyo                                                                                                  these services online is providing
                                            Gabriela and Estela hope that the launch of the online family support
para Familias can be life changing.          group will help family members and loved ones with mental health conditions.
                                                                                                                                    new opportunities, allowing LBHS to
These support groups provide a safe,                                                                                                reach people who otherwise wouldn’t
confidential space for talking about a   tor, said, “When I found NAMI Utah,         was mental illness in my family. I had         be able to receive the support they
subject that is often stigmatized.       I finally realized I was not alone, and     a safe place to talk about very difficult      need. For more information go to
   Estela Marquez, an online facilita-   I wouldn’t be judged because there          things that I couldn’t talk about with
Iron County Today                                                                     News                           Wednesday, August 19, 2020                   9

                            The Utah Women's History Memorial is a sculpture
                           located near Utah's capitol building that honors women with                                     Bookings
                            unique quotes, including four doorways, two chairs, a table.                                  Below are bookings as reported by
                                                                                                                         the Iron County Sheriff’s Department
                                                                                                                          and Cedar City Police Department.
                                                                                                                           Those arrested are innocent until
                                                                                                                            proven guilty. For a juvenile the
                                                                                                                           name is “(Male/Female) Juvenile
                                                                                                                         Offender” and juvenile is of age less
                                                                                                                                    than 18 years.

                                                                                                                         AUGUST 10             DAVID A
                                                                                                                         RICKY L
                                                                                                                         DEGEORGE              Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                         Cedar City, UT        DUI – BAC at/
                                                                                                                         Theft                 over .08

                                                                                                                         WILLIAM J
                                                                                                                         MANGUM                AUGUST 12
                                                                                                                         Cedar City, UT        WILLIAM P
                                                                                                                         HALEY SWANY           Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                         Cedar City, UT        Lewdness
                                                                                                                         Retail Theft
                                                                                                                                               CHRISTOPHER T
                                                                                                                         AUGUST 11             SENN
                                                                                                                                               Taylorsville, UT
                                                                                                                         SHAUNA A RAY
                                                                                                                         Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                         Forgery, Fraud
                                                                                                                         Use of CC, Identity
                                                                                                                         Theft, DRUG – Poss
                                                                                                                                               AUGUST 13
                                                                                                                         C/S Sched I/          MICHAEL J
                                                                                                                         II, Poss Drug
                                                                                                                                               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                         MICHAEL C             Mail Theft – Less
                                                                                                                                               than $1000, Poss
                                                                                                                                               Stolen Credit
                                                                                                                         Reckless Driving,     Cards
                                                                                                                         DUI w/BAC at/         STEPHANIE L
                                                                                                                         over .08, Resist/     MCCOOK
                                                                                                                         Interfere w/Arrest
                                                                                                                                               Summit, UT
                                                                                                                         RONALD H TAIT         Protective Order
                                                                                                                         Orderville, UT        Violation
                                                                                                                         DRUG – Poss C/S
                                                                                                                         Sched I/II. Threats   JOSE SALAS IV
                                                                                                                         Against Life          Hurricane, UT
                                                                                                                         Property              Burglary

courtesy photo

     Open house celebrates
    100th anniversary of 19th
     Amendment ratification
           from Lee Rech                Women’s History Memorial                  the Utah State Capitol), 300 N.
         For Iron Count y Today         that commemorates Utah                    State Street, Salt Lake City. The
                                        women’s contributions to                  open house event will start at
   In honor of the upcoming             expansions of voting rights for           10 AM on Friday, August 21 and
100th anniversary of the 19th           women and people of color in              end Saturday August 22nd at 8
Amendment ratification,                 the U.S.                                  PM and is by registration only
Better Days 2020 is hosting                The open house will take               (free to the public). To register
an unveiling event and public           place on the grounds of his-              for the open house, visit:
open house for the Utah                 toric Council Hall (across from 
10                                                                                                                                      Wednesday, August 19, 2020

                                                                                                                The Arts &
                                                                                                              in Iron County

        Orchestra of Southern Utah
          announces plans for safe, adaptive concert season
        by Tanisa Crosby              musicians, the Orchestra         is also why the Orchestra     small groups got together      music.” Exploring online
         For Iron Count y Today       plans to continue providing      is looking to the commu-      to perform select pieces of    platforms and technology,
                                      ways that those who enjoy        nity for support as OSU       music. OSU plans to further    the Orchestra has found
         During hard times,           the music OSU provides           navigates through a unique    these endeavors by stream-     ways to still perform and
     music has the power to           can still enjoy. This            concert season.               ing and providing online       the Orchestra of Southern
     uplift and unite us; to calm     flexibility is largely in part       The Orchestra of          concerts as we navigate        Utah is excited to provide
     our troubled lives and bring     due to the repertoire that       Southern Utah plans to        and wade through the           concerts to a wide range
     moments of peace and             has been chosen for this         have a full and interactive   pandemic. Rebecca Hughes,      of audiences that will
     tranquility. Members of the      season. Themes for this          2020-2021 season. At the      OSU Manager stated, “[It is]   allow people to enjoy the
     Orchestra of Southern Utah       concert season will include      start of the pandemic, the    our commitment to provide      Orchestra concerts that
     (OSU) put together several       Beethoven, a musical “visit”     Orchestra utilized their      and uplift our community       they love from the comfort
     performances on Facebook         to Spain, a superhero            YouTube and Facebook          with music during these        and safety of their homes.
     with musicians performing        themed Jubilee, and a            pages performing              times.” Hughes went on              A huge question that
     in their homes or in small       young soloists concert. It       mini-concerts, in which       to really hit home the         has been asked by many is,
     ensembles throughout the                                                                        YouTube and Facebook           “What will the Orchestra
     Covid-19 Pandemic.                                                                              platforms, stating that they   do about Messiah”? With
         Looking forward, the                                                                        have been “providing a feed    the generosity of local
     Orchestra of Southern Utah                                                                      of wonderful soul enriching    business support, the
     board of directors has been                                                                                                    Messiah performances are
     talking about how to move                                                                                                      free concerts put on by
     forward with music and                                                                                                         the Orchestra of Southern
     announce the plans for the                                                                                                     Utah every December. The
     2020-2021 concert season.                                                                                                      music highlights the birth,
     They have talked at length                                                                                                     life, death, and resurrection
     about the best ways to still                                                                                                   of Christ. The Orchestra
     provide music while also                                                                                                       is joined by a large scale
     keeping the community,
     patrons, and musicians                                                                                                                        see OSU   » 12
     safe. It’s with great pleasure
     that they look forward to
     being able to perform once
     again and to bring music to
     the community of Southern                                                                                                                          Dr. Xun
     Utah. This concert season                                                                                                                       Sun conducts
     will be unique and adap-                                                                                                                        the OSU during
                                                                                                                                                     their masterful
     tive; if things should prove                                                                                                                    performance of
     to be unsafe for patrons or                                                                                                                    Handel's Messiah.

                                                                                                                                                          Courtesy OSU
Iron County Today                                                 showcase   Wednesday, August 19, 2020        11

     Cedar City Arts
      Council holds
     Summer Social
                       by Shay Baruffi
                         Iron Count y Today

       The Cedar City Arts Council held their annual Summer
   Social in the great outdoors on SUMA’s Sam and Diane
   Stewart Family Plaza. The event featured outstanding musical
   performances by The Un4gettable String Quartet, recent
   mini-grant grant winners. Cyanotype artist, Hanna Dawson,
   displayed some of her beautiful creations and gave a
   humorous speech peppered with science jokes sure to
   make anyone chuckle. “Why did the mushroom get
   invited to the party? Because he was a fungi!”
       Amalia Wells, a baker from Geneva, Switzerland,
   catered the event. She brought delicious cookies and
   quiches for visitors. Wells is also a very talented tra-
   ditional Tole painter; many of her lovely pieces were
   on display. For more information about the Cedar City
   Arts Council visit:

                                                                                              photos by shay baruffi
12   Wednesday, August 19, 2020                                            showcase                                                            Iron County Today

 It’s mini-grant                                            The work of local
   time again!                                             artist Karen Russell
                                                            currently on sale
           by Mary Anne ANDERSEN
                Cedar Cit y Arts Council

       uppose you are a painter who has been
       working at home for lo these six months. Your         The artwork of Karen Russell is currently on sale at
       work has been shown on the Arts Council’s          the Cedar City Library (303 N. 100 E) throughout the
Final Friday Art Walks and you had some pieces            month of August. Come view and purchase her creative
hang in The Grind for a while. But there is a decided     crafts which include greeting cards and other eye-catch-
lack of motivation to sit down and produce more of        ing works of art. To order your favorite designs or to
the same old stuff—no improvement, no learning            commission your ideas, call Karen at 435-867-5395 or
going on. So, you go online and find a teacher who        email:
is giving virtual lessons in a medium that is new
to you. You feel some excitement returning but
haven’t the money to buy the new materials that
would be required. What could you do? You could           osu                                  funding, and business support
                                                                                               and is a beloved part of the
                                                                                                                                   any donations,” Hughes stated.
                                                                                                                                   “A purchase of season tickets
apply for a Cedar City Arts Council Artists’ Mini-        « Continued from page 10
                                                                                               Southern Utah area. In the          really helps support our com-
Grant to purchase those new materials.                                                         past, the Orchestra has hosted      munity organization. We need
     Suppose you are a new graduate of SUU’s music        choir, featuring many soloists,      additional funding events, such     the community's help now more
department. Your primary instrument, a clarinet,          as they perform Handel’s most        as the Gold and Silver Soiree to    than ever to continue providing
has been adequate for five years, but your sec-           performed and well beloved           help raise money to purchase        the quality performances
ondary instrument, the saxophone, is in bad need          piece. “It might not look like it    new music and to help fund          patrons and audiences have
of some refurbishing. Knowing that being able to          has in previous years,” Hughes       promotional materials for           come to expect and love.”
play two instruments is a great advantage on a job        mentioned when asked about           concerts. Many members are              While this music season is
application, how can you afford to bring your sax         Messiah. “We are adapting            local musicians from within         sure to be one filled with a high
up to a more professional level? You could apply for      and rolling with the times and       Southern Utah and are often         learning and adapting curve, the
an Arts Council Artists’ Mini-Grant.                      needs of our community, and          volunteer members who come          Orchestra of Southern Utah is
                                Suppose you are a         while it won't be our traditional    to perform and impart their         excited for a music filled season.
                             dancer who has just          Messiah experience, we are still     love of playing music. This         Season tickets can be purchased
                             been recently hired as an    planning on making it amazing        year, the Soiree was canceled       from the OSU website at www.
                             assistant coach by a local   and uplifting.” Further details of   due to the pandemic, and   and also at the Final
                             dance school. All those      how Handel’s Messiah will work       government funding and grants       Friday Art Walks. For more
                             years of classes every       this year will be announced as       are uncertain. OSU is turning       information on the Orchestra
                             week are finally going to    we get closer to performance         to their community during           of Southern Utah, please visit
                             pay off, but your dance      dates.                               this time. While attending live     the website and
togs and several pairs of shoes have seen better              The Orchestra of Southern        concerts are still on hold due      follow the Orchestra of Southern
days, to say the least. How can you upgrade your          Utah is a community run              to COVID-19, it is important for    Utah’s Facebook and YouTube
wardrobe to be appropriate to your new status as          Orchestra that is a nonprofit        the community to help donate        platforms. For any additional
a teacher in the community? You could apply for an        organization. It is primarily        to the orchestra in any way         questions, please contact OSU
Arts Council Artists’ Mini-Grant.                         funded through ticket sales,         that they can. The Orchestra of     Manager Rebekah Hughes at
     Suppose you are an aspiring young actor who          state and private foundation         Southern Utah “appreciate[s]
was hired by the Utah Shakespeare Festival. A
dream of a lifetime was fulfilled, but then the
Festival was cancelled for the season and you find
yourself delivering pizza. However, there will be
a next year and you would like to show up on the
first day with a make-up kit that doesn’t look quite
as shabby as your old one. How can you go online
to order a real actor’s make-up kit when people are
chintzy with their tips for the pizza guy? You could
apply for a you-know-what.
     Or, what if you can’t draw a sunflower, don’t like
the sax, haven’t tap-danced in years, and would be
terrified on stage? But you might have a book to
self-publish, or a poetry workshop to attend to bet-
ter teach your students to not be afraid of poetry.
These and so many other artistic goals need just a
little help to get off the ground. And that is where
we come in. Apply for one of our Artist Mini-Grants.
Who knows? We might see your idea to create and
share with the community in the same light as you
do: brilliant and worthy of financial support.                                                                                                              courtesy osu
     Visit our website for an application. Deadline is     The Orchestra of Southern Utah returns to the stage to the delight of fans seeking notes of hope in these
August 31st.                                                          troubled times.
 14                                                                                Wednesday, August 19, 2020
                                                  & Personal
                                                 Interest in
                                                Iron County

                                         Mandarin serves up
      An experience for your taste buds
         by Tom Watson                                                    alongside his father and mother
         For Iron Count y Today                                           and the numerous restaurants
                                                                          they still own today. Ling said he
    Across the town square area of                                        wanted to make Mandarin like the
Cedar City and across the street                                          old Asian 5000-year-old tradition
from the city’s main library and                                          of sword making (Tang Dynasty).
wonderful park, is one of the best                                        Which means, making it strong
dining experiences this city has                                          and efficient and everlasting, and
to offer, Mandarin. Located inside                                        keeping the food excellent.
one of Utah Historic sites, the old                                           Mandarin has a great advantage
Railroad depot; it is the perfect spot                                    from many other Chinese type
to have lunch or dinner.                                                  restaurants. They have a secret
    Mandarin Chinese restau-                                              weapon in their Head Chef Pan. Pan
rant is an outstanding                                                    is a renown Chinese master chef
                                     Chef Pan and
blend of traditional              Kong Ling strive                        from New York City and he knows
Chinese with a slight            to make Mandarin                         everything about each and every
flair of Cantonese that           patterned after the                     dish at Mandarin. Have I made you
makes all these amazing         5000-year-old tradition                   hungry yet? Come in and relax. Look
                               of sword making; Strong,
dishes stand out and the       Efficient and Everlasting,
                                                                          around at what is probably the
prices are all reasonable.      while keeping the food                    best-looking (and tasting) Chinese
    The menu is filled                  exellent.                         restaurant in Utah. The entire
with everything from a                                                    experience will make you happy.
mouthwatering Peking Duck,                                                    Mandarin is located at 241 North
to the super delicious Sizzling Beef                                      Main Street in Cedar City. Call for
and Scallop. There’s the wonderful                                        your reservation 435-708-1435,
Egg Drop Soup, Egg Rolls, not to                                          or go online and check out their
mention the best Steamed Pork                                             menu,
Potstickers I have ever eaten
anywhere. Their best dish, in my
opinion, is the Seven Star with
Moon. This is a dish perfect for two
or even three persons at one sitting.
It is filled with Krab meat, Scallops,
chicken, beef and roast pork
sautéed with Chinese vegetables in
a rich brown sauce, and surrounded
with 4 fried wontons and their
delicious Fantail Shrimp. Mandarin
even has a special dish called, “I
Don’t Know.” And no, I do not know
what it is.
    Top off your choices with hot
tea, iced tea, or beverage of your
liking and you have a meal fit for an
emperor. Per family tradition, all the photos by tom watson
dishes are made fresh and comes             Ninja Japanese Cuisine in
from an old family recipe only three Cedar City. Kong Ling and
people know what the ingredients            his family have been in the
are therein. Of course, each diner          food service business for               The Mandarin
receives a fortune cookie.                  many years. Ling hails from             menu includes
    The Owner/Manager Kong Ling,            Orlando, Florida. He is the            everything from
and Co-Owner Raymond Lou are                second generation to own a            Peking Duck, Steamed
                                                                                   Pork Potstickers to
both experienced restaurateurs.             restaurant and was brought              Sizzling Beef and
Raymond also owns and operates              up learning the business                    Scallops.
Iron County Today                                                                        life                                              Wednesday, August 19, 2020     15

        Canyon 2 Canyon                                                                                Slogan’s Heroes (Part 2)
         bike ride returns
                                                                                                               hey say that M&Ms melt in    cials from AT&T. You may not
                                                                                                               your mouth, not in your      think you can make a difference
                                                                                                               hands. Well, that depends    in someone’s life, but you can,
             by Natasha Lye                        at Inspiration Point inside of Bryce                on how quickly you consume           just by being yourself and
            For Iron Count y Today
                                                   Canyon National Park. They will also be             them, right? While they may not      reaching out. If you’re the one
                                                   ready to offer rides back to Ruby’s Inn             have time to melt in your hands,     who needs someone to reach
    BRYCE CANYON — Families and                    at the end of the course. For anyone                they will definitely melt if left    out and remind you that you’re
avid bikers alike are tuning up their              who is concerned or uncomfortable                   in a hot car. My candy-coated        a good person, and are worth
bicycles as the annual Canyon 2 Canyon             riding in the shuttles, they are welcome            counsel to you is that when you      loving and waiting for, reach
Bike Ride draws near. The fourth annual            to use their own vehicles to shuttle.               have something good in your          out to me and tell me about it.
bike ride, sponsored by Ruby’s Inn near                The annual Canyon 2 Canyon Bike                 life, enjoy it. Don’t wait until     I’ll remind you.
the entrance of Bryce Canyon National              Ride was created in tandem by Ruby’s                it melts away in the heat of              Finally, like a good neighbor,
Park, is needed now more than ever,                Inn, Bryce Canyon City, Bryce Canyon                indifference or ignorance. Don’t     you should strive to do the best
as people are looking for a sense of               National Park, Garfield County Office of            wait until birthdays, holidays,      you can to make a difference for
normalcy, freedom and an excuse to get             Tourism and the Bryce Canyon Natural                or special occasions, to make        others while also seeking hap-
outdoors.                                          History Association (NHA), a non-profit             special memories and to tell         piness for yourself. While Coke
    The Canyon 2 Canyon Bike Ride                  organization partnered with Bryce                   and show someone, including          will tell you that you can open
came to fruition as a 17-mile, ADA-                Canyon National Park.                               yourself, how much they mean         happiness, I believe happiness
approved, paved bike trail was built,                  About Ruby’s Inn:                               to you.                              must first be created within, then
connecting two iconic landmarks in                     Since 1916, Ruby’s Inn has been                      Also, just because someone      opened and poured out amongst

Utah. Starting at                                                                                      says, Betcha
Inspiration Point                                                                                      can’t eat just
in Bryce Canyon
National Park, this
                                                                                                       one, doesn’t
                                                                                                       mean you
                                                                                                                                  No matter how
scenic trail winds
its way through
                                                                                                       need to prove
                                                                                                       them wrong
                                                                                                                                  good a parent
beautiful, rich red
rock with fragrant
                                                                                                       and eat the
                                                                                                       whole bag
                                                                                                                                or child you are,
Ponderosa pines
outlining the
                                                                                                       of chips. It’s
                                                                                                       like making
                                                                                                                                you can’t always
pathway as users
make their way to
                                                                                                       We’ve all made
                                                                                                                                have it your way.
Red Canyon.                                                                                            them and
    “The Canyon                                                                                        we’re going to
2 Canyon Bike                                                                                          make more;
Ride is a fami-
ly-favorite,” said
Lance Syrett, hotel
                                                                                                       hopefully not
                                                                                                       too many.
                                                                                                                                                  the Rut
general manager                                                                                        once is                               less traveled
of Ruby’s Inn. “My                                                                                     enough. You
daughter has been                                                                                      live and you                             by Corey Baumgartner
doing it since she                                                                                     learn. That’s                                  Iron Count y Today
was seven and                                                                    courtesy ruby's inn   the key to a
loves it. It’s a great    The Canyon to Canyon Bike Ride is a great way to explore and                 happy life;
family-friendly                       enjoy the beauty of Utah's great outdoors.                       learning from your mistakes.         family, friends and anyone else
ride that people of                                                                                    And the mistakes of your             who needs a reminder that there
all ages can enjoy.”                           making it easy for visitors from around                 parents don’t have to be yours.      is more joy to life than constantly
    The annual bike ride is on August          the world to experience the epic                        You can still be a chip off the      relying on the relief from a plop,
22, 2020, guests can register online at        scenery of Bryce Canyon National Park.                  old block, even if sometimes         plop, fizz, fizz.             Ruby’s Inn is located at the entrance to                you need to break the mold and           Also, just because America
ride/. Registration opens at 6:50 am on        the park and offers the closest lodging                 re-sculpt the patterns of the        runs to Dunkin, doesn’t mean
the grass by the Bryce Canyon Shuttle          with everything from luxury hotel                       past to live and leave a better      America runs on Dunkin. No
Station in Bryce Canyon City. The              rooms to RV parks and campgrounds.                      legacy for your children.            offense, but America is better
bike ride is free, but space is limited.       Ruby’s Inn is open year-round and has                        Ultimately, no matter how       than that. We run on freedom,
Participants are encouraged to sign up         exclusive access to canyon overlooks                    good a parent or child you are,      family and faith. The proof is
online to reserve their spot as soon as        for horseback riding, ATV riding,                       you can’t always have it your        found in the at least twenty
possible. Registration includes a t-shirt, horse-drawn sleigh rides and snow-                          way. No matter how careful you       military mottos and the over a
shuttle rides, snacks along the way            shoeing. The Ebenezer’s Barn and Grill                  are, you will still get in trouble   million brave men and women
and each registered rider is entered           entertains crowds nightly from April                    for squeezing the Charmin.           who defend each one of them,
into a prize drawing. For those who do         through October with a western dinner                   However, there are times             and each of us, every day.
not own a bike or are unable to bring          show and cowboy grub. The General                       when you may need to share               So, no matter what your
their own, bikes can be rented from the Store provides fuel, groceries, camping                        the Charmin with someone             slogan, catchphrase, tagline,
Sinclair Station.                              gear, clothing and souvenirs. To plan                   whose tears need a friend. This      mantra, or mottos are in life
    The shuttles will chauffeur riders         your vacation, visit or call               reminds me of the reach out          that describe and inspire you,
and their bikes to the starting location       1-866-866-6616.                                         and touch someone commer-            live life well.
16   Wednesday, August 19, 2020                                                             life                                                                   Iron County Today

Support Groups                                  Service Clubs                                         Government                            Due to the community’s responsibility
                                                                                                                                            to help prevent the potential spread of
                                                                                                                                            COVID-19, please check with the event and
Alcoholics Anonymous                           LION’S CLUB                                         IRON COUNTY COMMISSION                   activity sponsors to make sure that the event
(435) 635-3603 • •                                                                                                           is still taking place. Everyone’s patience is
                                               Tues, 12 pm • Call Shanda for location and          2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am
Helpline: John (702) 802-1332,                 activity. Everyone welcome! (702) 480-3238          Commission Chambers                      greatly appreciated during this time.
Kara (702) 232-6829                                                                                68 S 100 E, Parowan.
Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek      ROTARY CLUB
Dr, Cedar City) unless otherwise listed
Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am
                                               Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech
                                               757 W 800 S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244
                                                                                                   CEDAR CITY COUNCIL
                                                                                                   Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall
                                                                                                                                               Wednesday, August 19
Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa, Noon                                                             10 N. Main St (435) 586-2950
                                               MARINE CORPS LEAGUE                                                                                          Aviation Day
Misfits • M – F, 6 pm
                                               Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm                      ENOCH PLANNING COMMISSION
Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                       Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.                2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall      FRONTIER HOMESTEAD: SPECIAL EXHIBIT –
Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun, 11 am                                                       900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119      Featuring the Southern Utah Watercolor
My Story • Sat, 8 pm                           AMERICAN LEGION AUX                                                                          Society – Open daily from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm at
Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am                3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar City Library                   ENOCH CITY COUNCIL                       the Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
What a Way to Start the Day • Su, M, W,        303 N 100 E, American Legion Conf.                  1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall          (635 N Main St, Cedar City), admission is $4. For
F, 7-8 am, Th 7 pm • Fellowship Building, 70   Room • (435) 704-6654                               900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119      information call (435) 586-9290. *For your safety
N 200 W, Cedar City (behind St. Jude’s)        BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE                          PAROWAN CITY COUNCIL                     and the safety of the staff face masks or face
Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm Paiute        B.A.C.A. Color Country Chapter Meeting                                                       covering are required inside the museum.
Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute (435)                                                           2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall
                                               1st Thurs 7 pm • 593 N 1450 W, Cedar                35 E 100 N • (435) 477-3331
586-1112 Ext. 307                              City. Helpline: 435-559-4505
The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • Call for
location • (702) 802-1332 or (702) 533-7856                                                                                                      Thursday, August 20
Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • Canyon
Park, Lions Pavilion • (435) 477-8925
The Great Fact • T, Fri, Noon.
                                                                     Classes/Activities                                                                       Radio Day
Call (435) 559-7777 for location.                                                                                                           GET REALLY HEALTHY WORKSHOP SERIES –
                                               ADULT BARRE/MODERN DANCE                        Pickleball Group                             “Belly Dancing” 6 pm, Spirit Wellness, (1615 N.
Al-Anon                                        Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club,                                                       Main Street, Cedar City). Open to all. Come and
                                                                                               Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts.
Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek      1615 N Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to   Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors)       participate or observe at no cost. Belly dancing
Dr, Cedar City) unless otherwise listed        members, or $8 drop-in fee.                                                                  is a playful form of cardio exercise that
                                                                                               and free (outdoors)
Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm
Community Presbyterian Church, 2279 N.         ARTHRITIS FOUNDATIONS EXERCISE                  ROCK CLUB
                                                                                                                                            strengthens the core, improves coordination,
Wedgewood, Cedar City. (435) 559-3333          Wed, 1 pm, Cedar City Senior Center                                                          and uplifts the spirits. Info: (435)867-5582.
                                               489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained       1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201
Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm, Parowan
Senior Center, 685 N 300 E (435) 477-8925      instructors. Range-of-motion exercises,         W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about
Hope for Today (Family Groups)                 endurance-building activities, relaxation       geology, find gems, fossils and minerals.
Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333                   techniques, and health education topics.        Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS                            AWANA BIBLE CLUB • (435) 635-9603        7th-12th grade, Mon, 6:30 pm                    SOUTHERN UTAH WOODTURNERS
Most classes meet at 203 E Cobblecreek Dr,     Preschool-6th grade, Wed, 6:30 pm               2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood
unless otherwise listed                        Valley Bible Church, 4780 N Hwy 91,             shop, 703 W 600 S.
Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm                   Cedar City • (435) 586-0253 or (435) 990-1638
Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                                                                     TAE KWON DO CLASS
                                               BOOK CLUB
Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm                                                                Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic
Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                  2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                               303 N 100 E. This month we will discuss         Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm            "The Secret Wisdom of Nature" by Peter          mo., ages 5+, any experience level (435)
(Small room)                                   Wohlleben                                       865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon Creek
Women Only • Sun, 11 am                                                                        Crisis Center.
Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm               CEDAR CHEST QUILTERS’ GUILD                                                                  COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY – A Precept
The Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar        Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center         TOP BAR HIVE BEE KEEPING                     Upon Precept Bible Study will be at Cedar
(877) 865-5890.                                489 E 200 S • (435) 586-0832                    1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library          City Public Library, 303 N 100 East. There
ALZHEIMER'S CAREGIVER                          CEDAR CITY RADIO CONTROL CLUB                   303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661                  will be two classes, one beginning August
Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm                                                                                                           20, 1-3pm and a second on August 26, 6:30-
4th Tues, 5:30 pm • RSVP to
                                               4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library            TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly              8:45pm. They will include a 3-week study of
or (435) 238-4998 x8773
                                               303 N 100 E.                                    Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.            Amos and a 4-week study of Hosea. Please
PARKINSON’S                                    CEDAR CITY TOASTMASTERS                         Evening weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm         register early. Call 435-267-2234 or 435-238-
                                               Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub                    Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose        3078 for information or to register. The cost of
2nd Thurs, 3 pm • Cedar City Library (West
Room), 303 N 100 E                             86 W University Blvd. Find your voice           weight without buying special foods.         the workbook for Amos is $6.75 and Hosea is
                                               & shape your future. Be the leader and          586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or 867-4784 (p.m. mtg)   $9.00 (available at a later date). Books will be
CAREGIVERS                                     speaker you want to be. (603) 731-0116
                                                                                               WATER AEROBICS CLASS                         available that first week, and an orientation
1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging
Offices, 585 N Main St, Ste. 1, Cedar City     CEDAR PROFESSIONALS                             Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600
                                                                                                                                            is planned. Lesson 1 will be discussed the
                                               Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477 S                                                    following week.
ARP—ADDICTION RECOVERY                                                                         W., Fun, up-tempo workout to music.
                                               Highway 91, Cedar City. An organization         Intensive cardio, full body muscle toning.
1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary
                                               of business people. Stimulate business
building, Main & 300 N, Parowan
                                               for members through exchange of ideas,
                                               information and business referrals.
                                                                                               Any fitness level. All ages. $3/class,
                                                                                               including pool admission. (435) 327-2091             Friday, August 21
3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library 303                      (no text)
N 100 E                                                                                                                                                Senior Citizens Day
                                               COLOR COUNTRY WINDS                             WEIGHTWATCHERS REIMAGINED!
NAMI BRIDGES & Family to Family                Wed • Come brush up on your band skills         Wed, 9:30 am • Cedar City Aquatic Center     SWEET PEA: DINNER ON THE FARM – (every
Thurs, 7 pm • Southwest Behavioral             to share with the community. Call Debbie        2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. Guidance,             3rd Friday) 6 pm at Sweet Pea Farm and
Health Center, 245 E 680 S, Cedar City         at (435) 559-9609 for time and location.        in-person motivation from members,           Orchard (136 S 600 W, Parowan). Spend a
Free • (435) 590-7749 or (435) 590-0880                                                        trained guides and wellness coaches.         warm summer night in the orchard, watch the
                                               COLOR COUNTRY PICKLEBALL                                                                     sunset, and eat some delicious food! We make
PREGNANCY, INFANT LOSS                                                                         (702) 832-0555. Evening workshops now
1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So.       M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake         available. More info at weightwatchers.      everything on the menu from scratch using local
Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar City   Center). Paddles & balls supplied.                                                           and/or organic ingredients. Tonight is Pizza night!
                                               (435) 586-6345                                  com/us/find-a-meeting)                                                                                                                   Pizza made to order with the farm-grown sauce
                                               HEY CEDARS SQUARE DANCE                         WELLNESS PLACE                               and the freshest ingredients, picked that day!
Multiple sclerosis
3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar City Visitor’s       Wed • Beginner’s, 6 pm, Mainstream              583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)       Ticket cost/info: www.sweetpeafarmandorchard.
Center (581 N Main) For both caregivers and    Dancers, 7-9 pm • Cedar City Senior Center      592-5308. Classes: thewellnessplacecc.       com or call (435) 531-6461.
those with MS. No age limit.                   489 E 200 S. (435) 531-6811 or (435) 669-4867   com/upcoming-classes
Iron County Today                                                                                     life                                                                Wednesday, August 19, 2020              17

                                                                                                                   Monday, August 24
                                                                                                                             Waffle Day
                                                                                                            SUMA: SPECIAL EXHIBIT – “Find the Distance:
                                                                                                            Jimmie F. Jones Retrospective.” Opening Monday
                                                                                                            – Saturday from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm in Southern
                                                                                                            Utah Museum of Art – SUMA (13 South 300 West,
                                                                                                            Cedar City). Admission is FREE. For information
                                                                                                            visit The exhibition will
                                                     SATURDAY FARMER’S MARKET, 9 AM - 1 PM,                 showcase works of art that span the length of
CEDAR BREAKS NATIONAL MONUMENT                       Saturdays @ IFA, 905 S Main. Good weather              Jones’s life. Starting with grade school, his works     1910 – BIRTHDAY: MOTHER TERESA. Born –
HISTORY FESTIVAL (August 21-23), 1-2 pm. Come        outside, bad weather inside. Farmers with              of art will appear chronologically with pieces          Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Republic
and celebrate the history of Cedar Breaks            vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, baked goods &         from high school, college, his Mexico period            of Macedonia. She passed away on September
National Monument. Using the Antiquities Act,        breads, meats, tamales, food vendors, hand-            (1961-1975), and his landscape period (1976-2009).      5th, 1997 in Calcutta, India. She was best
Franklin D. Roosevelt designated Cedar Breaks        crafted items including soaps, lotions, jewelry,       It will also include an installation of his Rockville   known for founding and dedicating her life
a National Monument on August 22, 1933. Since        clothing, home décor and gifts for all ages. For       studio desk and two portraits of Jones painted by       to the Missionaries of Charity (Calcutta) in
then, this area and the plants and animals that      info call (435) 463-3735.                              friends Earl Jones and Richard Hardin.                  1950, where she ministered to the poor, sick,
call it home have flourished under the support       CEDAR BREAKS NATIONAL MONUMENT                                                                                 orphaned, and dying. During her lifetime she
and protection of numerous park employees            HISTORY FESTIVAL (August 21-23), 1-2 pm.                                                                       received the Nobel Peace Prize and during her
and volunteers. The visitor experience has
improved as well, with new programs, events
                                                     Come and celebrate the history of Cedar
                                                     Breaks National Monument. For info and
                                                                                                                   Tuesday, August 25                               time she expanded the charity to include 610
                                                                                                                                                                    missions in 123 countries. She also set up the
and park features added every year. For info         details of the festival call (435) 586-0787 or visit                                                           Kalighat Home for the Dying in Calcutta where
and details of the festival call (435) 586-0787 or                                                                    Kiss and Make Up Day
                                                                                                                                         she ensured all who entered regardless of faith
visit                                                                                                                                             received medical attention and were afforded
                                                                                                                                                                    the opportunity to die with dignity, according
                                                                                                                                                                    to the rituals of their faith; Muslims were read
     Saturday, August 22                                                                                                                                            the Quran, Hindus received water from the
                                                                                                                                                                    Ganges, and Catholics received the Last Rites.
             Be An Angel Day
Every Saturday 8 to Noon, Sweet Pea Farm &                                                                                                                              ]Thursday, August 27
Orchard (136 S 600 W, Parowan), pricing per
item ranges $2.50 – $7.50. We will have all of                                                                                                                                   Just Because Day
                                                                                                            CHILDREN’S STORY TIME, 10 am to 11 am,
our farm favorites and some new items on our                                                                Frontier Homestead State Park Museum (635 N             14 ANNUAL COOL AUGUST NITES: VIRTUAL CAR
menu. (Seasonal menu will change each week).                                                                Main St, Cedar City), admission is FREE. This is        SHOW, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm at Bradshaw Chevrolet
For info call (435) 531-6461.                        IRON COUNTY FAIR: “Mud Bog Races” – 5 to
                                                     5:30 pm (Mud Dash) and 6 pm (Mud Bog                   an opportunity for preschool children to learn          (360 N Main St, Cedar City). Due to COVID,
RED ACRE FARM: “Saturdays on the Farm”               Races), Iron County Fair Grand Stands (471 40          about the past through stories and history              everything will be digital and online. All the
– 8 am to 8 pm, Red Acre Farm (2322 W 4375 N,        S, Parowan). Tickets: $10 adults, $6 children/         related activities. Enjoy a new story and activity      pictures of the vehicles will be posted on
Cedar City). There is no entry fee to the farm.      seniors. Advanced tickets available at the             each week. For information call (435) 586-9290.         Bradshaw Chevy Facebook page so the public
Shop at the farm stand and enjoy different           Parowan & Cedar City Visitor Centers and                                                                       can like, share, comment to help determine
venues each week. We want to share with you          online at Gates will open                                                                  the winner. Bradshaw will also be holding a
how this small family farm does it and how we
got to where we are today. Check our website
                                                     at 4:30 pm for advance ticket holders and 5 pm
                                                     for general admission.
                                                                                                               Wednesday, August 26                                 LIVE event on their Facebook page for the raffle
                                                                                                                                                                    (Donors include: Infowest, Carquest, Front Porch
( or call 435-865-6792.                                                                                                                      Twang, Rolling Rubber and so many more) and
                                                                                                                                Dog Day
CEDAR CITY YEAR-ROUND DOWNTOWN                                                                                                                                      to share info about the vehicles that were
FARMERS MARKET, 9 am - Noon, Every
Saturday rain or shine, in the parking lot                  Sunday, August 23                               COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY – A Precept Upon
                                                                                                            Precept Bible Study will be at Cedar City
                                                                                                                                                                    entered. The entry fee for the car show as well
                                                                                                                                                                    as the raffle ticket purchases will all go to Aiden
behind the Stratford Hotel, (18 S Main Street)                                                              Public Library, 303 N 100 East. 6:30-8:45pm.            Weakly’s medical expenses. Aiden was recently
or inside the building behind the parking lot                Ride With the Wind Day                         This includes a 4-week study of Hosea. Please           involved in an accident that resulted in him being
in the cold weather months. Definitely worth                                                                register early. Call 435-267-2234 or 435-238-           life-flighted up to Primary Children’s Hospital and
                                                     CEDAR BREAKS NATIONAL MONUMENT
stopping by for art work, baked goods, crafts,                                                              3078 for information or to register. The cost of        he is currently in critical condition. If you have a
                                                     HISTORY FESTIVAL (August 21-23), 1-2 pm.
custom semi-precious stone and costume                                                                      the workbook for Amos is $6.75 and Hosea is             vehicle (it does not matter if it is a motorcycle,
                                                     Come and celebrate the history of Cedar
jewelry, farm fresh produce, homemade                                                                       $9.00 (available at a later date). Books will be        semi-truck, bus, new car, etc.) and would like
                                                     Breaks National Monument. For info and
brownies & candies, home style treats,                                                                      available that first week, and an orientation           to enter it into the event, please contact Seana
                                                     details of the festival call (435) 586-0787 or visit
homemade jams & jellies, homeopathic items                                                                  is planned. Lesson 1 will be discussed the              Bailey or Cortnie Warren on Facebook for more
and 100% real honey.                                                                                        following week.                        information and a registration form!
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