CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University

Page created by Gordon Schneider
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
2018                 1
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University

    1. Executive Summary | 3

    1.   Mission of the University | 9
    2.   The Shippensburg University Vision Statement | 9
    3.   Goals of the Master Plan | 9
    4.   Master Plan Assumptions | 9

    1.   The Master Plan Team | 10
    2.   The Master Plan Process | 10
    3.   The 2008 Campus Master Plan | 10
    4.   History of the Development of Campus | 12

    1.   Shippensburg University’s Location and Significance | 21
    2.   Regional Transportation | 21
    3.   Topography and Geography | 21
    4.   Existing Facilities | 22
    5.   The Outdoor Campus | 24
    6.   Campus Circulation | 27
    7.   Parking | 28
    8.   Utilities | 31

    1. Master Plan Concepts | 34
    2. Master Plan Phases | 41
    3. Pedestrian Circulation, Roadways and Parking | 46
    4. University Identity/Branding | 46
    5. Accessibility and Equity | 49
    6. Athletics and Recreation | 49
    7. Academic Space Planning | 51
    8. Student Housing Master Planning | 57
    9. Outdoor Campus Recommendations | 58
    10. Infrastructure Recommendations | 59
    11. Sustainability |59
    12. Master Recommendations Listing |63
    13. Stewardship and Capital Planning|80
    14. Master Projects Listing and Space Utilization Opportunities|86

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                         •   Strengthen Shippensburg University’s Position    Annual Capital Budget Submission (as submitted to         Main was the Normal School’s only building. In the
                                                                 Locally and Regionally                           PASSHE on March 30, 2018), and the initial classroom      last decade of the 19th century and first decade of
Shippensburg University continues to evolve and              •   Unified Action with Decentralized Execution      and laboratory study (finalized April 11, 2018 and        the 20th the remaining buildings of the campus on
develop to meet long-term goals defined in its Four                                                               later republished September 13, 2018).                    the hill were constructed. The mall between
Pillars, the SU Strategic Plan 2016-2021, the SU         Planning would be based on the following                                                                           Henderson and Memorial Hall was established in the
Academic Master Plan 2013-2018, and the SU               assumptions (as approved by the President on             Task 3: Program Development April 12 – October 4,         1930s. The 1950s and ‘60s saw the build-out of the
Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. This               January 22, 2018):                                       2018                                                      two residential quads and the Lehman Library
Campus Master Plan will assist the campus                                                                         Staffing, planning, and coordination continued for        academic quad. After another hiatus, construction
community in accomplishing well-defined objectives       •   The master plan should show the development                                                                    activity re-commenced in the late ‘90s with new
                                                             of the Shippensburg University campus over           the development of a Mini-Master Plan Update.
which are steps toward meeting these goals. The                                                                   Continual discussion between stakeholders and the         academic buildings, a conference center, a
                                                             three phases: 0 to 5 years, 5 to 15 years, and 15
concepts and recommendations of this Campus                                                                       development of numerous tools that led to the             performing arts center and a recreation center.
                                                             to 25 years.
Master Plan are fully nested with those                                                                           completion of the Mini- Master Plan Update. At the        Since the 2008 Master Plan, Shippensburg University
                                                         •   The master plan should assume incremental
aforementioned documents and will be seen later in           growth in student population.                        direction of the President, the scope of the update       has built six new suite-style dormitories, demolished
matrix form.                                             •   The master planning process should engage all                                                                  six legacy dormitories, decommissioned a Steam
                                                                                                                  was broadened to encompass a new Master Plan as
                                                             parts of the campus community, and key               briefed on October 4, 2018.                               Plant, and constructed a new Chilled Water Plant.
                                                             stakeholders from Shippensburg, Cumberland,
                                                             and Franklin counties.                                                                                         The campus has expanded northward from its
The University appreciates the value of planning. This
                                                         •   The master plan should illustrate optimal                                                                      original hilltop with spurts of growth in the 1930s, in
Campus Master Plan is an update of the 2008                                                                       Task 4: Deliberate Staffing October 5, 2018—January
                                                             development within the University’s boundaries.                                                                the post-war era, and in recent years—each time
Facilities Master Plan. The process of planning has                                                               23, 2019
                                                         •   Programmatic and curricular changes may be                                                                     with a logical plan that reflected the needs of the
been collaborative. Students, faculty, staff, and
                                                             minimal over the life of the plan. There is the                                                                institution and the values of its time.
community representatives worked with the Facilities                                                              A Campus Master Plan Committee was formed
                                                             potential for the expansion of programs for
team in a process guided by the Council of Trustees          engineering.                                         under the direction of the Senior Vice President of
and University administration.                                                                                    Administration and Finance, met for their first session
                                                                                                                  on November 27, 2018, and were presented a DRAFT          A.2     ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS
                                                         Shippensburg University organized the Campus
                                                         Master Plan process into five Tasks:                     Campus Master Plan. The next two month period
A.1       BACKGROUND FOR PLANNING                                                                                 was characterized by feedback, integration, and
                                                                                                                  adjudication for the final DRAFT. The DRAFT was also      Shippensburg University is located in the heart of the
                                                                                                                  presented at a Town Hall Meeting on January 23,           Cumberland Valley on high land just outside the
                                                         Task 1: Planning
                                                                                                                  2019 for the campus at large.                             town of Shippensburg.
Goals for the Master Plan were agreed upon early in
the process:                                             November 1, 2017 – January 22, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                            The town is advantageously located between
                                                         Initial planning and scoping involving the                                                                         Interstates 81 and 76. Route 696 connects the two
                                                                                                                  Task 5: Final Report January 24 – January 29, 2019        interstates and forms the west boundary of the
                                                         determination of the goals and objectives of the
•         Campus Master Plan                             master plan. Initial planning phase included             Once all final edits were made as feedback from           University. Route 81 runs the length of the Great
                                                         meeting with all affected stakeholders regarding         the Town Hall was incorporated, the final report was      Valley and connects the important commercial and
      •   Update 2008 Facilities Master Plan                                                                                                                                government centers of Hagerstown and Harrisburg.
                                                         project priorities and requirements. The initial         presented to the President, the Executive
      •   Integrate with the SU Strategic Plan
                                                         planning phase ended with the approval of the            Management Team, and the Council of Trustees
      •   Flexible Plans for an Evolving Future
                                                         Goals, Objectives, and Methodology for the Master        (January 30, 2019).
      •   Show the Development of the Campus in
                                                         Plan on January 22, 2018 by the President and the                                                                  The Hagerstown to Harrisburg corridor is
          Ways That Are Consistent With and Support      Executive Management Team.                                                                                         experiencing considerable economic expansion.
          the University’s Values
                                                                                                                  Historical Background                                     Shippensburg University is poised to be a key player
      •   Setting Conditions for Student (and
                                                                                                                                                                            in providing intellectual capital, and in workforce
          Institutional) Success                                                                                  Shippensburg University was established in 1871 as
                                                         Task 2: Inventory Existing Conditions January 23 -                                                                 and business development. This Master Plan can
      •   Attract and Retain Students                                                                             the Cumberland Valley State Normal School. Like
                                                         April 11, 2018                                                                                                     serve as a tool to inform regional leaders in business
      •   Support Shippensburg University’s Marketing                                                             many of the early land grant colleges, the                and government about the University’s plans. The
          and Branding Initiatives                       This phase was characterized by further stakeholder      Cumberland Valley State Normal School was                 Master Plan should also encourage continuing
      •   Improve Residential Life and Enhance           discussions, including the integration of the Franklin   originally built as a single large structure which        dialogue about the University’s evolving role in
          Community                                      Science Center renovation, the development of a          included all functions for the new institution from       regional development.
      •   Assess Use of Academic and Non-Academic        School of Engineering, the development of the            classrooms to living quarters. For twenty years Old

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
Shippensburg University covers approximately 200        Pedestrian movement is primarily focused in the          also see an upgrade in telephony to Voice over IP            •   Address the lack of sidewalk between the
acres of gently rolling land. The campus slopes from    Lehman Library quad district. Many of the most           (VoIP).                                                          Heiges lot and Seth Grove stadium by adding
the high point at Old Main northward towards the        heavily used daily destinations for pedestrians are in                                                                    sidewalk.
remaining portions of campus.                           or around the quad. Based on distances alone, the                                                                     •   Investigate the feasibility and requirements for a
                                                        campus is walkable. It is approximately a half mile      A.3       THE CAMPUS MASTER PLAN                                 pedestrian/small vehicle pathway between the
                                                        from the west edge of the west residential quad to                                                                        Horton lot and the back side of Henderson
Shippensburg University owns and operates nearly        the east edge of east residential quad, and a half                                                                        Gymnasium.
2.4 million square feet of buildings on approximately   mile from Seth Grove Stadium to the Spiritual Center                                                                  •   Investigate adding a node along the diagonal
                                                                                                                 Concepts for the development of the campus grew
200 acres of land outside the town of Shippensburg.     across the Rails to Trails path.                                                                                          walk across the academic quad in front of the
                                                                                                                 out of analysis of existing conditions and program
Distribution of building uses across the campus is                                                                                                                                library to accommodate the high pedestrian use
                                                        University faculty, staff, and commuter students         needs, consideration of population growth over
coherent and logical.                                                                                                                                                             in this area.
                                                        travel to Shippensburg by vehicle using the greater      time, and an understanding of the unique culture
                                                                                                                                                                              •   Continue replacement and improvements to
                                                        Shippensburg transportation network. The University      and qualities of Shippensburg University.
                                                                                                                                                                                  pedestrian curb cuts. As areas are renovated,
                                                        Campus is essentially bounded by Newburg Road                                                                             included replacement of these curb cuts to be
Academic life in the nineteenth century was             (Route 696) on the west/ northwest, Adams Drive on                                                                        ADA compliant.
centered in the vicinity of Old Main. Today’s           the south, and Fogelsonger Road on the east.             •     Coherence                                              •   Develop a project to eliminate the gap in the
academic quad revolves around the Lehman                Access points are: Lancaster Drive (near tennis          •     Branding                                                   sidewalk system between Seavers Hall and
Library. Buildings around the library contain all the   courts and at Foundation) and Old Main Drive off of      •     Renewal                                                    Mowrey Hall.
primary classrooms, laboratories, and associated        Newburg Road; North Prince Street to Adams Drive,        •     The Learning Environment                               •   Continue survey and correction of tripping
teaching spaces. Some academic spaces remain in         with Dauphin Drive and Cumberland Drive off              •     Energy                                                     hazards on campus thru pumping, cutting or
the historic district.                                  Adams Drive; and Burd Run Road off Fogelsonger           •     Athletics and Recreation                                   replacement of damaged sections.
                                                        Road.                                                    •     Technology                                             •   Add pedestrian striping at the Lancaster/York
                                                                                                                 •     Accessibility and Equity                                   intersection.
                                                        Transit of daily delivery and service vehicles can
The two residential quads lie to the east and west of                                                            •     Sustainability                                         •   The Physical Plant Department, as a member of
                                                        continue to pose a concern for pedestrians and
the Lehman quad. Each cluster of residence halls                                                                 •     Internal Circulation                                       the ADA 504 Committee, is continually looking
                                                        continued enforcement of existing traffic rules is
are supported by a dining hall.                                                                                  •     The Residential and Campus Experience                      for opportunities for improvement for access
                                                        critical to maintaining the campus sense of safety.
                                                                                                                 •     Recapitalization                                           across the campus at large. Numerous projects
                                                        Parking on campus is located both inside and             •     Community Interaction                                      are evaluated based on ground slope, curb
Three athletic zones support varsity and recreational   outside the perimeter vehicular loop road around                                                                          cuts, and other impediments to mobility for
activities. North of the Lehman quad is Heiges Field    the campus core. In general there is an adequate                                                                          solution.
House and the Recreation Center. Further north are      quantity of parking spaces on campus—3,683               3.1 The primary changes to Pedestrian Circulation,
Seth Grove Stadium and varsity practice fields and      spaces—but there is a perceived inconvenience in         Roadways, and Parking recommended by the
                                                        some instances where the parking space location in       Campus Master Plan are:                                      3.1.2 ROADWAYS
Fairchild baseball field. To the east are recreation
fields. In the southwest portion of the campus are      relation to the user’s desired point of designation                                                                   The previous Master Plan recommended a future
                                                                                                                 3.1.1 PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION
fields and tennis courts supported by Henderson         requires walking.
                                                                                                                                                                              project to connect Queen Street to Adams Drive in
Gymnasium.                                                                                                       A number of changes are proposed to improve                  alignment with Dauphin Drive. This would allow a
                                                                                                                 pedestrian circulation:                                      secondary entrance/exit from the campus loop
Campus green space is the defining feature of the
                                                        The utility infrastructure was greatly enhanced as a                                                                  road to/from the town. This connection crosses the
Shippensburg University campus. The lawns, trees,                                                                •     To address the issue with crossing York Drive at
                                                        result of the 2008 Campus Master Plan. The                                                                            Cumberland Valley Rail Trail and would require a
and other landscape features provide a peaceful,                                                                       Lancaster from the academic quad, provide a
                                                        decommissioning of the Steam Plant (2014), the                                                                        bridging of the trail and to meet existing grades on
scholarly sense of place. Distant views beyond the                                                                     continuous pedestrian path from the sidewalk at
                                                        establishment of centrally-noded boilers, and the                                                                     Adams Drive and Queen Street. This will be studied
lawns and between the buildings are of the Central                                                                     Harley Hall in the vicinity of the area in the
                                                        construction of a Chilled Water Plant (2016) have                                                                     further as safety concerns have manifested on the
Pennsylvania agricultural landscape and the Blue                                                                       parking lot hatched out to the sidewalk at ROC.
                                                        made Shippensburg University the lowest energy                                                                        current steps connecting the two roads, either as a
Ridge Mountains. The University has a well                                                                       •     To address the issue of continuing past ROC to
                                                        consumer in PASSHE. Department of General                                                                             roadway, or potentially a walking path.
maintained campus landscape made up of large                                                                           Robb Field, investigate the feasibility of adding a
                                                        Services (DGS) contract 412-55 (Electrical and
mature deciduous trees, small deciduous/flowering                                                                      designated walkway in this area.
                                                        Telecommunications Infrastructure) will be
trees, evergreen trees, shrubs, ground covers and                                                                •     Formalize the “goat path” in the vicinity of the
                                                        completed in the summer of 2019. This is the final
accent plantings comprised of both annuals and                                                                         tennis courts. Look at routes and lighting.
                                                        phase of infrastructural improvements from the 2008
perennials.                                                                                                      •     Address the gap in the sidewalk along Adams
                                                        Campus Master Plan. This will allow for redundancy
                                                                                                                       Drive in the vicinity of Memorial Hall by installing
                                                        between four electrical feeders, greatly increase
                                                        bandwidth to support interconnectedness, and will

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
3.1.3 PARKING                                                     files/images/information geospatially referenced     Reconfigure the jogging path around the recreation                   time. Consideration should be given to the
                                                                  enabling easy locatability in a single venue)        fields to accommodate an additional softball field.                  construction of a more permanent pavilion that
There are a couple of locations that should be              •     Continue to explore possibilities of upgrades to     A report by TETHYS Consultants Inc. dated February                   could serve the practice field.
studied for additional parking:                                   all campus gateways.                                 28, 1995 delineated a wetland in the area of the
                                                                                                                       proposed softball field home plate. An updated                 o     The practice field at the rear of Seth Grove
•   C-1 Lot at the old Steam Plant                                                                                                                                                          Stadium is actually three separate fields, with
•   CUB parking at the east end of Grove Hall                                                                          wetland delineation study would need to be
                                                            5. ATHLETICS AND RECREATION                                                                                                     separate grades. The field in total should be
•   Seth Grove Stadium lot                                                                                             conducted to clearly determine the potential
                                                                                                                                                                                            renovated to a single paying surface and should
•   ADA accessible parking will continue to be              Master Plan recommendations:                               impacts.
                                                                                                                                                                                            be considered for a perimeter fence once
    monitored for shortfalls and develop solutions as                                                                                                                                       completed (to avoid the annual establishment
                                                            5.1      CAMPUS
    part of the ADA 504 Committee process                                                                                                                                                   of a near perimeter fence to support activities at
                                                            •  Any upgrades to facilities need to be                   5.2       SETH GROVE STADIUM                                         Seth Grove Stadium).
                                                               accomplished equitably between male and
4. BRANDING                                                                                                            •     Field Lighting: Install night lighting for 24-hour use
                                                               female ensuring a consistent level of service.                                                                         d. Commission a study to determine the feasibility of
                                                                                                                             and television capability.
Moving forward the 2018 Campus Master Plan                  • Field Lighting: Provide night lighting at Fairchild
                                                                                                                       •     Grandstand Structure Improvements: Renovate              a new Field House. The scope would include
recommends the following expansion projects:                   baseball field and Robb softball field.
                                                                                                                             the grandstand structures on the west side of the        potential construction of a new two-story 36,000 sf
                                                            • Develop an Athletics Branding Master Plan that
                                                                                                                             field to provide space within the structure for:         Field House at the south end of Seth Grove Stadium
•   Continue a deliberate process of interior                  denotes a single standard for branding
                                                                                                                                  o Improved and enlarged home team                   to accommodate multiple sports and potentially link
    branding painting as building painting renewal is          (banners, wind screens to include environmental
                                                                                                                                      facilities. This may be included in the         back to Heiges Field House.
    planned for the future on a programmatic basis.            branding) and their maintenance, times for
                                                                                                                                      Locker Room study using a pre-
    Include environmental branding into branding               erection and demounting. Additionally prioritize
                                                                                                                                      fabricated structure under the
    considerations specific to the occupancy.                  painting of all surfaces (interior and exterior) in a
                                                                                                                                      grandstand area.
                                                               common color scheme consistent with Ship                                                                               5.3       HEIGES FIELD HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS
•   Pursue the replacement of the green (and                                                                                      o Football Storage as well as Track, and
                                                               branding colors and painting scheme. The
    rapidly deteriorating) terrazzo flooring on the first                                                                             potentially Band and Camps and
                                                               painting project for Seth Grove Stadium                                                                                o     As part of the locker room study, determine the
    floor of Old Main and replace with an epoxy-                                                                                      Conferences.
                                                               (Summer 2019) will be reflective of that                                                                                     feasibility of the relocation of Administrative
    based product supporting the current Ship                                                                                     o Renovate and expand press box to
                                                               methodology.                                                                                                                 Offices, Football Coaches Suite to a 2d floor
    branding color palette.                                                                                                           provide ADA accessibility, media
                                                            • Commission a locker room study that                                                                                           office suite (with potential film room) and
                                                                                                                                      hookups, and more/safer space for
•   Continue to update all exterior building signage           encompasses all campus Athletics facilities. The                                                                             analysis of both visitor’s restrooms and expansion
    eventually to the new darker “Ship Blue” to                scope of the study will include the potential                                                                                of locker room facilities can be
                                                                                                                                  o Provide SU identity on highway side of
    include potentially the legacy brick signage in            “manufacturing” of space at both Seth Grove                                                                                  accommodated.
                                                                                                                                      grandstand structure using photographic
    front of Heiges Field House and Memorial                   Stadium as well as in the area behind Henderson
    Auditorium.                                                Gymnasium, and the potential for a connector
                                                                                                                                  o Paint Seth Grove Stadium on all exterior          o     Also as part of the locker room study, determine
•   Continue to determine best locations for                   between the Heiges Field House and the
                                                                                                                                      surfaces for the Summer of 2019.                      if a connector between Heiges Field House and
    building banners and the message they convey               ShipREC, and the complete renovation of the
                                                               Henderson Gym locker room space. The                                                                                         ShipREC is feasible to manufacture more locker
•   Expand interior branding painting to the
                                                               potential of a new Field House (potentially in the      c. Seth Grove Stadium and Environs:                                  room space.
    Athletics enterprise. Numerous instances of
                                                               vicinity of Seth Grove Stadium) will also be
    legacy coloring for outside structures need to be                                                                                                                                 o     Determine the viability of establishing some form
                                                               explored and weighed against potential gains in         o     The interior chainlink fence between the running
    programmed and executed.                                   existing buildings and spaces.                                track and the playing field at Seth Grove                      of food venue that affords practicing athletes
•   Explore the use of photographic imagery at Seth         • Replace (as part of lifecycle management) turf                 Stadium is worn, has lost its aesthetic appeal,                (and others users of Heiges Field House) an
    Grove Stadium Rear to turn a visual liability into a       fields at both Seth Grove Stadium and the Multi-              and may require replacement.                                   alternative venue when time is critical. This will
    quality first impression.                                  Purpose Field.                                                                                                               be considered for incorporation into the Study
•   Piloting of web-based wayfinding kiosks for             • Determine feasibility of changing both Baseball          o     The median strip of grass in between the running               on Retail and Dining Venues.
    interior wayfinding in high visitor traffic areas          (Fairchild Field) and Softball (Robb Field) from              track and the playing field perimeter fence at
    (based on pilot project at Grove Hall College of           grass to turf.                                                Seth Grove Stadium should be considered for
    Business) and potentially utilizing students in         • Determine best location to construct a new                     replacement with a less maintenance intensive
                                                               Astroturf field to generate needed capacity.                                                                           5.4       HENDERSON GYMNASIUM IMPROVEMENTS
    development of virtual reality prototypes.                                                                               covering to include poured rubber.
•   Removal and upgrade of all legacy masonry-              • Coaches’ offices will be studied after the                                                                              a.       As part of the locker room study, determine if
                                                               completion of the campus-wide office census             o     Additional storage requirements at Seth Grove
    based signage (Memorial Hall/Heiges Field                                                                                                                                         entire locker room space can be renovated, giving
                                                               and attempt to consolidate for functionality                  Stadium should be included in the Locker Room
    House)                                                                                                                                                                            exclusivity at the team level, and the potential use
                                                               where possible.                                               Study.
•   Exploration of a GIS-based wayfinding system            Recreation Fields Improvements                                                                                            of pre-fabricated buildings behind Henderson
    that is mobile app-based that can extend to                                                                        o     A tent is habitually erected at the rear of Seth         Gymnasium.
    knowledge management (accessibility of                                                                                   Grove Stadium annually for extended periods of

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
6. ACADEMIC SPACE PLANNING                              •   Reorganized space for the Office of Equity,                                                                         iconic entrance. Additionally consider
                                                            Inclusion, and Compliance                                                                                           additional environmental branding in this area.
There are current requirements (based on either new     •   Assessment of the current Lehman Library               8. OUTDOOR CAMPUS
space or inadequate space at current location) to           Archives and Special Collections Study and the
support the following functions as part of the                                                                     A few locations on campus could benefit from
                                                            impacts of a potential requirement for 24/7            significant projects:
academic mission and will be further analyzed by            access to the ground floor enabling
the Campus Master Plan:                                                                                                                                                     9. SUSTAINABILITY
                                                            study/collaboration during off-peak hours,             •   CUB Amphitheatre: This expansive concrete
•   Exploration of the changing demographics of             especially for commuter students                           area with the concrete seating areas is not          The following are a list of concrete actions and it is
    the population of student learners that we serve                                                                   particularly inviting. The function is divided       recommended that these be strongly considered to
    (to include adult learners). The PASSHE                                                                            between table seating for dining and hanging         help set and achieve realistic goals over the short-
                                                        7. STUDENT HOUSING MASTER PLANNING                             out, and the other side for flexibility for large    term, mid-term, and longer-term relative to this
    Chancellor’s Vision, together with recent
    documents (NCHEMS/RAND Reports) set                                                                                group activities. No shade is available for          current Campus Master Plan.
    conditions (for future) discussions of what                                                                        students using this area. One design concept
                                                        •   At Mowrey Hall, final projects are underway that           would integrate in ground planters especially in     •   Near Term: It is critical to define a clear
    physical infrastructure and space is required to                                                                                                                            aspirational vision for where the University would
    attract and retain those new populations                support both the new University Student Success            the table seating side and could incorporate
                                                            Center as well as future residential needs                 low walls for sitting and defining the space.            like to be with regard to sustainability, and this
•   Conduct a campus-wide office space census to                                                                                                                                includes establishing commitments to meet a
                                                            include:                                                   Shade sails could be incorporated for
    ensure optimal utilization and key control                                                                                                                                  goal of footprint neutrality within the context of
•   Exploration of space requirements for the                    o The construction of an interior ADA                 environmental branding to add color and
                                                                     access lift joining the lobby with the half       provide shade in the tiered seating areas.               internationally-recognized timelines to limit
    establishment of the new School of Engineering                                                                                                                              worsening climate change impacts, and reduce
    using Kriner Hall and the Old Steam Plant, and                   floor on the left of the Mowrey lobby             Artwork or differing textures could be
                                                                 o The construction of a male ADA                      incorporated in the walls of the seating area to         per-capita water demand.
    the immediate need for swing space to                                                                                                                                             o Many universities and colleges are
    accommodate classes in Fall semester 2019                        accessible bathroom on the half floor             provide visual relief. A design effort would be
                                                                 o The construction of a third floor kitchen           advantageous in development of this space.                         implementing strategies to participate in
•   Exploration of space requirements to support                                                                                                                                          bulk purchasing, and carbon trading
    development of allied health programs                            servicing residents on floors 3-5             •   Reisner Entrance at Cumberland and Lebanon
                                                        •   McLean Hall cosmetic and system upgrades                   Drives: This expansive corner would be                             and carbon-offset programs and
•   Establishment of office space for the Doctorate                                                                                                                                       Shippensburg should consider ways to
    of Business Administration program under the            (carpet, paint, furniture, AC, electrical/ lighting,       enhanced from grade alterations and
                                                            cameras), common spaces & multi-purpose                    retaining/sitting walls.                                           decrease footprints in all sectors and
    College of Business                                                                                                                                                                   participate in development of PASSHE-
•   A deeper discussion is required regarding               room, second elevator, open lounge space.              •   PAC at Adams and Lancaster Drives: The iconic
                                                            Assess office usage spaces and create outside              entrance to the Performing Arts Center could be                    wide energy reduction challenges.
    growth, requirements, proximity for all academic                                                                                                                        •   Near-Term: Initiate a marketing and PR
    areas to ensure coherence is sustainable. The           space options                                              enhanced with development of the grass area
                                                        •   McLean Hall & Mowrey Hall and Phase I and II               along the roadway at Adams and Lancaster                 campaign to celebrate our successes (utilize
    proximity of classrooms, faculty offices,                                                                                                                                   existing Sightlines Audits and awards) and
    faculty/student work areas and the location of          Housing – staff apartments for future growth               Drives. This area could be graded and a wall
                                                        •   Mowrey Hall Graduate Student Housing top                   providing additional color and environmental             market our green campus facilities and
    the department are integral to the quality of the                                                                                                                           initiatives, proximity to the restored Burd Run
    academic experience, and for collaboration.             floors, examine electrical updates, AC, paint,             branding appropriate to set off the front of the
                                                            kitchen construction to support remaining                  PAC.                                                     Watershed, Michaux State Forest, and the
•   Establishment of a Maker Space to support the                                                                                                                               Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, and the Foreman
    Charles H. Diller Center for Entrepreneurial            residents, laundry, cameras, upgrades to               •   Kriner Entrance: The patio at the entrance to
                                                            elevator                                                   the Kriner Dining Hall is a plain slab with picnic       Triangle to external organizations (in PA and
    Leadership and Innovation                                                                                                                                                   beyond). Put Shippensburg on the map as a
•   Office Space for Ship Votes                         •   Phase I and II - Upgrades for the Suites: Laundry,         tables. The addition of a low wall, and a shade
                                                            Computer Labs, outdoor upgrades, media                     structure could significantly enhance the visual         green campus, and establish Shippensburg
•   Establishment of an HCS Speech lab in Dauphin                                                                                                                               University as a destination campus for students of
    Humanities Center                                       rooms, room/suites/common space furniture                  appeal and function of this space.
                                                            and carpet replacement                                 •   Old Main Front: The concrete in the vicinity of          all majors interested in attending a
•   Space for the Center for Educational Leadership                                                                                                                             green/sustainability-oriented campus.
•   Space for the Center for Early Childhood            •   Continue to assess LLCs, physical changes that             the flagpole and fountain along with the curb
                                                                                                                       line on the circle could all be renewed to           •   Near Term: Feedback from the student intern at
    Education                                               may need to come
                                                                                                                       enhance the appearance of this well visited              Volvo said that it was important to be able to
•   Space for Shippensburg Community Resource           •   Multi-purpose Rooms usage will be evaluated for
                                                                                                                                                                                acquire technology to implement
    Coalition                                               possible future usage in providing collaborations          portion of campus. The grass portion around the
                                                                                                                       fountain should be regraded to better                    hardware/software/data management systems
•   Reorganized and contiguous space for the                with academic affairs to assist with student
                                                                                                                       accommodate weddings and social activities.              where the entire university grid (i.e. building
    Institute of Public Service                             success.
                                                                                                                       The brick walkway on this side of Old Main               energy use, air quality, water use, waste streams,
•   Establishment of seasonal manufacturing space       •   Continue to assess usage of study lounges/ tv
                                                                                                                       should also be widened and improved for ADA              etc.) over specific time periods can be
    for the Robotics Competition                            lounges
                                                                                                                       accessibility allowing full access to this grand         measured and openly shared. Many of these
•   Relocation of the Small Business Development        •   Examine parking for on-campus students
                                                                                                                                                                                technologies are currently in use with
    Center (SBDC)                                       •   Cycling repainting program for dedicated halls

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
Automated Logic ® by the Physical Plant                            establish resource consumption                            increase biodiversity, and reduce the                       spots/stations to encourage/incentivize
    Department as building systems are monitored                       thresholds and footprint reduction                        cost of grounds maintenance.                                car-pooling.
    on a 24/7 basis using a web-based (and mobile)                     strategies for all divisions (academic,                o Use permaculture practices to redesign                 o Redirect two-way campus traffic to one-
    application.                                                       residential, recreational, athletics, etc.),               campus greenspaces to produce food                         way only during academic day or
•   Near Term: Once a data management/data                             etc.                                                       and ornamental plantings that are                          provide bike-only lanes.
    sharing system is implemented, this information      •   Mid-Term: Add and modify parking and campus                          lower-maintenance. This will create                  o Facilitate car-pooling using apps and
    should be made regularly available to all                outdoor lighting with solar PV-charged units                         wildlife habitat on campus, and make                       public-private partnerships for quality-of-
    stakeholders (including students, faculty, staff,             o This will save campus money in the long-                      for a more dynamic, beautiful, and                         service solutions.
    administrators, facilities managers, and visitors)                 term, and provide a visible commitment                     welcoming campus environment.                •   Long-Term: Celebrate successes, and
    and within each building so the entire campus                      to sustainability on campus. This transition           o Better incorporate opportunities/spaces            evaluate/establish new benchmarks and
    community can be informed.                                         will also allow us to provide                              for community engagement with                    facilities improvements to exceed prior
        o Development and inclusion of annual                          more/brighter lighting on campus at                        campus green spaces (beyond the blue             successes and continue innovation using new
            “stewardSHIP/Sustainability”                               night, greatly improving campus safety                     and red Adirondack chairs). This will            technologies. Explore the possibility of net 100%
            training/orientation programs and other                    and improve the campus experience –                        improve the student experience, and              energy-independence from off-site energy
            informational programs in all divisions to                 especially for commuters that have                         invite student engagement and                    production and 100% on-site energy production.
            improve awareness and role of active,                      expressed concerns.                                        investment in the campus ecosystem.
            informed, decision-making is also            •   Mid-Term: Commit to converting at least 50% of                   o Install innovative PV-outfitted
            necessary.                                       suitable roof infrastructure to green roofing by                     hammock/seating areas in academic
•   Near-Term: Expand recycling and waste                    2028.                                                                quads with charging stations, outdoor        10. CAPITAL PROJECTS
    management program to move toward Zero                        o This will provide significant benefits to                     digital signage, Wi-Fi repeaters, etc.
    Waste by 2028.                                                     sustainable water management,                  •   Mid-Term: Create/repurpose campus spaces to          Shippensburg University provides an Annual Capital
        o There is significant interest among                          building heating and cooling, and                  provide viable and welcoming ‘third space’ for       Budget Submission to PASSHE every spring
            student groups for this work, and it                       reduce the University’s carbon footprint.          students on campus – especially commuter             (APPENDIX 4) that is comprised of the top five (5)
            provides significant opportunities for                     Green roofing will also provide social-            students.                                            capital projects, and is usually informed by the
            student involvement in facilities,                         ecological connectivity between                        o Commuter students have reported                Campus Master Plan.
            including on-going course projects to                      building infrastructure and campus                         feeling out of place on campus since
                                                                                                                                                                               The Franklin Science Center Renovation remains the
            monitor waste streams. This work can                       grounds by providing habitat corridors,                   they do not have access to spaces that
                                                                                                                                                                               number 1 priority for the University for capital
            also facilitate campus-wide systems, with                  pollinator spaces, etc., and could                        are not just ‘study spaces.’ Some even
                                                                                                                                                                               budgeting purposes as it is already approved, and
            green waste supporting compost                             potentially be used as productive                         report that academic spaces are
                                                                                                                                                                               will go into the design phase in late 2019, with
            generation for the farm and natural                        spaces for food services.                                 restrictive and difficult to access,
                                                                                                                                                                               construction anticipated in the late 2022-2024 time
            areas, and the farm and natural areas                 o By including instrumentation and                             especially on nights/weekends.
                                                                                                                                                                               period. The Franklin Science Center renovation
            supporting food service and the campus                     ongoing assessments with these projects,               o Creating social spaces on campus will
                                                                                                                                                                               project is discussed extensively throughout this
            experience.                                                there is significant potential to include                 build a more sustainable and welcoming
        o Example initiatives:                                         student involvement and classroom                         community for ALL students.
            https://zerowaste2020.universityofcaliforn                 exercises across multiple units on                     o CUB amphitheater should be re-                 Old Main, the main administrative building for the
                                                      campus.                                                   envisioned to be an architectural center      University, remains a leader in deferred
•   Mid-Term: Data should be used to inform                       o Green roofs are highly visible symbols of                    of outdoor, all-weather campus                maintenance backlog ($13M as provided by
    development of benchmark goals and establish                       the University’s commitment to                            activities. Should include a high-tech        SIGHTLINES ®). Replacement of the existing HVAC
    development of KPI’s (Key Performance                              sustainability, and can help shape the                    red/blue/white sail and shade structure       (replacing an outdated bladder system based on a
    Indicators) that can be assessed and modified                      university brand and attract students to                  outfitted with PV and artistically-           feasibility study conducted by Century Engineering
    as necessary to realize aspirational goals in the                  campus.                                                   designed wind turbines and moveable           on December 31, 2011) remains one of the main
    longer-term.                                         •   Mid-Term: Redevelop green spaces to create a                        planters that can be used to create           concerns. The existing windows all require
        o KPI’s should be established for all waste          multifunctional campus landscape that                               outdoor living spaces.                        replacement (double single pane glass with failing
            streams, purchasing contracts to                 manages water, stores carbon (to qualify for             •   Mid-Term: Redevelop campus transportation            frames), the interior finishes have been partially
            improve supply chains, reduce the                carbon-trading programs), produces food, and                 and parking infrastructure to improve bike and       renovated; however, a major repainting of the
            number of high-footprint products,               invites student engagement.                                  pedestrian access around campus and build            entire structure should be planned for. The fourth
            reduction of single-use plastics and                  o Restore/re-wild select campus areas with              connectivity corridors with the community.           floor of the building remains in original condition
            packaging, reduce                                          proper signage to create a ‘Great                      o Walkability of campus and ADA                  from mid 1960s vintage and could serve as swing
            transportation/commuter costs, reduce                      Valley Walking Tour” of native                             considerations are important.                space for a time-phased renovation. The challenge
            imported energy demands while                              ecosystems on campus. This can attract                 o Install charging stations for electric cars,   is to be able to accomplish this while also assessing
            increasing onsite energy production,                       student and community members,                             and assign carpool-only parking              other academic needs across the campus.

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
Heiges Field House has a modeled deferred               has limited classroom space (a single Class “C”          (serving a dual purpose of swing space for a              state road 696. ROC still is listed by PASSHE for
maintenance backlog in excess of $10M (based on         classroom) and is primarily used for administrative      potential renovation) as well as retaining them for       demolition, without a suitable (and occupiable)
SIGHTLINES ®). Although the arena floor has been        offices. A campus-wide office census in nearing          expansion of space for underserved sports teams.          alternative identified. A further consideration that
renovated, as well as the environmental unit in the     completion and that will further determine future use                                                              might simplify the tripartite of Police/Facilities and
indoor pool area, the building (and the arena)          of Horton Hall. As this analysis continues, a coherent   One specific recommendation of the 2008 Campus            Printing Shop would be to potentially move the print
remain largely without air conditioning, lack public    usage plan for Horton Hall will be developed that        Master Plan called for the demolition of the Reed         shop to another area on campus. Exploration of the
restrooms on the first floor, and materially lack in    follows the principles of this Campus Master Plan.       Operations Center (ROC), which houses the Printing        Old Mail Room at Old Main should be further studied
available (and equitable) locker room space for                                                                  Shop, the SU Campus Police, and the Physical Plant        for feasibility and long term sustainability among
student athletes, as well as officials. A Locker Room   Henderson Gym has a $6.64M backlog in deferred           Department. The ROC, constructed in 1937, has             other options. The Campus Master Plan
study will be commissioned to determine the best        maintenance (as modeled by SIGHTLINES ®) and             been renovated numerous times. The 24/7 nature of         recommends the exploration of other space for new
way forward given existing locker room space, and       has outdated facilities that dually serves as the        Police and Facilities makes it a hard building to         construction on the campus proper, while exploring
potential options for expansion of capacity, and        home of the Exercise Science Department.                 simply replace (while still maintaining 24/7 service to   the potential for grant funding for a Public Safety
simultaneously addressing numerous Title IX             Windows have been recently replaced, but a full          the University). The move of Alumni to Stewart Hall       Center.
concerns.                                               third of the usable square footage lies in the           was not conducted due to the de-scoping of the
                                                        abandoned natatorium (indoor pool). The Locker           Stewart Hall renovation Project, which also then
Horton Hall is equal in deferred maintenance            Room Study will further analyze potential potions        precluded the Police from moving into the Rife
backlog (as modeled by SIGHTLINES ®) at $10M to         both within the Henderson Gym building as well as        House, and the movement of Facilities to Hoffman
Heiges Field House. The challenge is that Horton Hall   potential for pre-fabricated structures to the rear      Mills would have required using smaller vehicles on

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
B. MISSION, VISION, GOALS, AND       1.    Mission of the University (from the Shippensburg   Shippensburg is reflective of the strong sense of             •   Attract and retain students
ASSUMPTIONS                               University Strategic Plan 2016-2021 and the         community that exists on campus and the centrality            •   Support Shippensburg University’s marketing and
                                          Shippensburg University website)                    of students within it. The university encourages and              branding initiatives
                                                                                              supports activities which give students many                  •   Improve Residential Life and Enhance Community
                                                                                              opportunities to apply the theories and methods               •   Assess use of academic and non-academic
                                     Student learning and personal development                                                                                  spaces
                                                                                              learned in the classroom to real or practical
                                     through highly effective and innovative teaching,                                                                      •   Strengthen Shippensburg University’s position locally
                                                                                              situations, such as faculty-student research and
                                     complemented by a wide variety of out-of-class                                                                             and regionally
                                                                                              student internships. Student life programs and
                                     experiences, continue to serve as the hallmarks of a                                                                   •   Unified Action with Decentralized Execution
                                                                                              activities complement the academic mission and
                                     Shippensburg University education.
                                                                                              further assist students in their personal, social, and
                                                                                              ethical development.                                          4. Master Plan Assumptions (as approved by the
                                                                                                                                                            President on January 22, 2018)
                                     Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania is a regional
                                     state-supported institution. It is part of the State                                                                   •   The master plan should show the development
                                                                                              Committed to public service and community-                        of the Shippensburg University campus over
                                     System of Higher Education of Pennsylvania, which is
                                                                                              centered in its relationships to the region, the                  three phases: 0 to 5 years, 5 to 15 years, and 15
                                     made up of 14 universities located in various
                                                                                              university works closely and collaboratively with                 to 25 years.
                                     geographic regions throughout the Commonwealth.
                                                                                              other organizations at institutional, programmatic            •   The master plan should assume incremental
Lehman Library                       Founded in 1871, Shippensburg University serves the
                                                                                              and individual levels to develop common goals,                    growth in student population.
                                     educational, social, and cultural needs of students
                                                                                              share resources and invest cooperatively in the               •   The master planning process should engage all
                                     primarily from southcentral Pennsylvania. The
                                                                                              future of the region.                                             parts of the campus community, and key
                                     university enrolls students from throughout the                                                                            stakeholders from the community of
                                     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Mid-Atlantic                                                                             Shippensburg, Cumberland, and Franklin
                                     region, the United States, and various foreign                                                                             counties.
                                     countries as well.                                       2. The Shippensburg University Vision Statement               •   The master plan should illustrate optimal
                                                                                              (from the Shippensburg University Strategic Plan                  development within the University’s boundaries.
                                                                                              2016-2021)                                                    •   Programmatic and curricular changes may be
                                     Shippensburg is a comprehensive university offering                                                                        minimal over the life of the plan. There is the
                                                                                                                                                                potential for the expansion of programs for
                                     bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the
                                                                                              To be recognized as the premier public                            engineering.
                                     colleges of arts and sciences, business, and
                                     education and human services. The curricula are          (comprehensive) university in providing high quality
                                     organized to enable students both to develop their       education for students and a wide array of
                                     intellectual abilities and to obtain professional        programs and services to meet the needs of South
                                     training in a variety of fields. The foundation of the   Central Pennsylvania and beyond.
Old Main Fountain                    undergraduate curriculum is a required core of
                                                                                              Overall, our purpose is to help build a better,
                                     courses in the arts and sciences. These courses
                                                                                              stronger South Central Pennsylvania and beyond,
                                     prepare students to think logically, read critically,
                                                                                              economically and culturally, through recruiting,
                                     write clearly, and verbalize ideas in a succinct and
                                                                                              retaining, and developing students, faculty, and
                                     articulate manner; they also broaden students’
                                                                                              staff who have the abilities, skills, and values to
                                     knowledge of the world, past and present.
                                                                                              compete and contribute to their community in an
                                                                                              evolving world.

                                     The university’s primary commitment is to student        3. Goals of the Master Plan (as approved by
                                     learning and personal development through                the President on January 22, 2018)
                                     effective and innovative teaching and a wide
                                                                                              •   Update 2008 Facilities Master Plan
                                     variety of high-quality out-of-class experiences. The
                                                                                              •   Integrate with the Shippensburg University Strategic
                                     ultimate goal is to have students develop to their           Plan
                                     utmost the intellectual, personal, and social            •   Flexible Plans for an Evolving Future
                                     capabilities they need to perform as competent           •   Show the development of the campus in ways that
                                     citizens prepared to embark on a career                      are consistent with and support the University’s values
View of Shippensburg from Old Main   immediately upon graduation or after advanced            •   Setting conditions for Student (and institutional)
                                     study. The personal attention given each student at          success

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1 - Shippensburg University
C. BACKGROUND                                        Kim Garris     Chief External Affairs Officer            Sue Mukherjee  Chief Strategy Officer                    Goals, Objectives, and Methodology for the Master
                                                     Sue Mukherjee Chief Strategy Officer                     Kim Garris     Chief External Affairs Officer            Plan on January 22, 2018 by the President.
                                                     Adam Roth      Director of Facilities Management         Daniel Velez   Interim Vice President, Student Affairs
                                                                    and Planning                              Amy Diehl      Associate Vice President & Chief          Task 2: Inventory Existing Conditions January 23- -
1. The Master Plan Team                                                                                                                                                April 11, 2018
                                                     Carolyn Callaghan      Dean, Professional,                              Information Technology Officer
The master planning process was highly interactive                  Continuing, and Distance Education        Mindy Fawks Associate Vice President,                    This phase was characterized by further stakeholder
with all parts of the campus community providing     Anne Detter Schaffner Shippensburg University                           Administration and Finance                discussions, including the integration of the Franklin
input and feedback. The President’s Cabinet                         Foundation                                Tracy Schoolcraft      Associate Provost and Dean        Science Center renovation, the development of a
provided regular review of the progress of master    Amy Diehl      Associate Vice President & Chief                         of Graduate Studies                       School of Engineering, the development of the
planning work. The President (as assisted by the                    Information Technology Officer            John Kooti     Dean, John L. Grove College of            Annual Capital Budget Submission (as submitted to
Executive Management Team) was the decision          Carlesha Halkias       Director of Social Equity                        Business                                  PASSHE on March 30, 2018), and the initial classroom
authority. The Council of Trustees provided          Mindy Fawks Associate Vice President,                    Nicole Hill,   Dean, College of Education &              and laboratory study (finalized April 11, 2018 and
invaluable insight and prompted long term vision                    Administration and Finance                               Human Services                            later republished September 13, 2018).
and approval for the direction of the plan.          Clair Jantz    Chair, University Forum                   Barry McClanahan       Executive Director of
                                                     Jennifer Haughie       Associate Vice President,                        Campus Life
Council of Trustees                                                 Enrollment Management                     Jeff Michaels Director of Athletics
                                                                                                                                                                       Task 3: Program Development April 12 – October 4,
                                                     Nicole Hill,   Dean, College of Education &              Kara Laskowski President, SU APSCUF
Andrew Alosi                                                                                                                                                           2018
                                                                    Human Services                            Allison Carey APSCUF
Charles Black                                        John Kooti     Dean, John L. Grove College of            Curt Miller    President, SU AFSCME                      Staffing, planning, and coordination continued for
                                                                    Business                                  Gabbie Johnson         Student-Athlete                   the development of a Mini-Master Plan Update.
William A. Gindlesperger                             Kara Laskowski President, SU APSCUF                      Dominic Stroh          Student-Athlete                   Continual discussion between stakeholders and the
Glenn Grell                                          David Lovett Senior Associate Vice President of          Lucas Everidge         Student Association               development of numerous tools that led to the
                                                                    Student Affairs                           Robert Giulian         Student Association               completion of the Mini- Master Plan Update. At the
Douglas Harbach                                      Barbara Lyman Provost and Executive Vice President       Aven Bittinger         Student Association               direction of the President, the scope of the update
                                                     James Mike     Dean, College of Arts and Sciences                                                                 will be broadened to encompass a new Master Plan
Bryan Lowe
                                                     Tracy Schoolcraft      Associate Provost and Dean                                                                 as briefed on October 4, 2018.
Antoinette Marchowsky                                               of Graduate Studies
                                                     Daniel Velez   Interim Vice President, Student Affairs   The staff of Facilities Management and Planning          Task 4: Deliberate Staffing October 5, 2018—January
Evan Redding Secretary/Student                       Denise Yarwood         Dean, Academic                    managed the Master Plan project.                         23, 2019
                                                                    Engagement and Student Support            Adam S. Roth       Director for Facilities
Andrew M. Paris       Vice Chair                                                                                                                                       A Campus Master Plan Committee was formed
                                                     David Topper Associate Vice President,
                                                                                                                                                                       under the direction of the Senior Vice President of
L. Michael Ross       Chairman                                      Administration and Finance                Bruce Herring      Assistant Director, Planning &
                                                                                                                                                                       Administration and Finance, and met for their first
                                                     Curt Miller    President, SU AFSCME                                         Engineering
Matthew Steck                                                                                                                                                          session on November 27, 2018, and were presented
                                                     Logan Wein     Designee from Student Government
                                                                                                                                                                       a DRAFT Campus Master Plan. The next two-month
                                                     Don Mayer      Designee from APSCUF
                                                                                                                                                                       period was characterized by feedback, integration,
                                                     Maya Mapp      Director of Admissions                    2. The Master Plan Process                               and adjudication for the final DRAFT. The DRAFT was
President’s Executive Management Team                Donta Truss    Vice President of Enrollment              Shippensburg University organized the Campus             also presented at a Town Hall Meeting on January
                                                                    Management and Student Success            Master Plan process into five Tasks:
Laurie Carter President                                                                                                                                                23, 2019 for the campus at large.
                                                     Mark Bodenhorn         Interim Director of
Scott Barton  Senior Vice President for                             Communication and Marketing                                                                        Task 5: Final Report January 24 – January 29, 2019
              Administration and Finance             Michelle Forman        Dean of Libraries
Donta Truss   Vice President for Enrollment                                                                   Task 1: Planning                                         Once all final edits were made as feedback from
                                                     Shannon Moran          President of the Graduate
              Management & Student Success                          Student Association Board                 November 1, 2017 – January 22, 2018                      the Town Hall was incorporated, the final report was
Sue Mukherjee Chief Strategy Officer                                                                                                                                   presented to the President and the Executive
Kim Garris    Chief External Affairs Officer         The Campus Master Plan Committee                         Initial planning and scoping involving the               Management Team, and the Council of Trustees
                                                                                                              determination of the goals and objectives of the         (January 30, 2019).
                                                     Jim Mike        Interim Provost                          master plan. Initial planning phase included
President’s Cabinet                                  Donta Truss     Vice President of Enrollment             meeting with all affected stakeholders regarding         3. The 2008 Campus Master Plan
                                                                     Management and Student Success           project priorities and requirements. The initial         The University Campus Master Plan is customarily
Laurie Carter     President                                                                                                                                            updated every 10 years. The 2008 Campus Master
Scott Barton      Senior Vice President for          Scott Barton    Senior Vice President for                planning phase ended with the approval of the
                                                                     Administration and Finance                                                                        Plan (prepared by WTW Architects) served as a
                  Administration and Finance                                                                                                                           guide that literally transformed the campus (and its

infrastructure) for the challenges of the following ten       Steam Plant in the first order. But in the 2d order,       at the time of publishing of this document, all
years, and way beyond. The underpinnings and                  it greatly reduced our carbon emissions footprint          indications are that this project will set
research that comprised a great deal of the plan              (leading to more sustainable operations). But as           infrastructural conditions for the 22d century as it      SIGNAGE AND BRANDING
remain as relevant today as it did in 2008. The               we look at higher order effects, the steam plant           relates to electrical and telecommunications              The 2008 Campus Master Plan recommended a
change to the problem set for the 2018 Campus                 (and the miles of underground steam lines) were            infrastructure.                                           graphically unified system of signs for campus
Master Plan is attributable to two factors, a decline         no longer leaking with a frequency that caused                                                                       gateways, wayfinding/directional signs,
in student enrollment since the last master plan, and         an enormous expenditure of manpower to                                                                               roadway signs, traffic and parking signs, and
the fiscal realities caused by that decline in student        locate and eventually fix the leaks, coupled with      CIRCULATION                                                   building identification. Signs which incorporate
population.                                                   the decreased need to excavate, causing both                                                                         the Shippensburg University graphic standards
                                                              safety and aesthetic concerns. This project led        •   The 2008 Campus Master Plan called for the                emphasize the university’s brand and quality.
The original master plan cost in excess of $750,000,          to SU becoming the PASSHE leader in lowest                 construction of a roadway extension of
and it was originally anticipated that an update                                                                                                                                   The University implemented a comprehensive
                                                              energy consumption.                                        Cumberland Drive from Bucks Drive (Now
would cost roughly $200,000. Due to fiscal realities,                                                                                                                              campaign since the 2008 Campus Master Plan
                                                          •   The 18 chillers of various ages serving 13                 Baseball Access Road) to the Shippensburg
and a desire to both control cost (for other needed                                                                                                                                that established new signage at campus
                                                              buildings were highlighted as a deficiency in the          University Foundation Conference Center onto              gateways, building signage using the Ship logo,
areas) and to maximize usage of organic expertise,            2008 Campus Master Plan. SU executed DGS                   State Route 696 (North Earl Street/Newburg
the Physical Plant Department developed a                                                                                                                                          and updated all roadway and parking signs.
                                                              Project 412-54 which led to the construction of a          Road). The completion of the project known as
methodology for updating the 2008 Campus Master               central chilled water plant. This plant led to the         the “Loop Road Project” which involved a “tri-
Plan. A methodology for a master plan update was              decommissioning of all 18 chillers (and                    partite” agreement between Shippensburg
briefed and approved by the President of                      commensurate decreased maintenance costs)                  Township, The Shippensburg University
Shippensburg University (SU) on January 22, 2018              in favor of a single two million gallon cooling            Foundation, and Shippensburg University, was
                                                              tank, with a capacity of 3000 tons of year-round           completed. This new loop road assured
The 2008 Campus Master Plan set definitive goals for
capital projects, shaping and perceived reality               cooling. This too led to SU becoming the PASSHE            contiguous mobility across the northern portion
(2008-2033) of a campus atmosphere. With very few             leader in lowest energy consumption.                       of campus, linking commercial activities at the
                                                                                                                         Foundation with the main campus, and creating
exceptions, the University followed the Campus
                                                                                                                         a “single campus” without border distinctions.
Master Plan, and in those instances where actions
were not taken, frequently it was due to changing                                                                    •   The single lane bridge at Burd Run Creek,
conditions, showing the flexibility of the master plan.                                                                  offered one-way traffic onto the Northeastern
                                                                                                                         portion of campus off of Fogelsonger Road. SU
In short, the 2008 Campus Master Plan brought the
                                                                                                                         executed project SU 2007/8 which led to the
campus to a waypoint, that now forms the
                                                                                                                         demolition of the existing bridge, and replacing          Main Campus Entrance at Prince Street
benchmark for the 2018 Campus Master Plan, along
                                                                                                                         with a new bridge capable of two-way traffic
a journey of continuous improvement. The following
                                                                                                                         and making that entrance a true gateway to
delineates in detail what was PLANNED, versus what
                                                                                                                         the Northeastern portion of campus.
was REALIZED, and where possible, what
quantifiable results were achieved.

From the major recommendations of the original            Central Chilled Water Plant
Campus Master Plan:

                                                          •   The electrical and telecommunications
UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE                                        infrastructure of the campus as envisioned by
•   The 2008 Campus Master Plan highlighted the               the 2008 Campus Master Plan cited needed
    deficiencies of an aging steam plant, and the             upgrades. The planning and eventual execution
    need for renewal. SU executed Department of               of Department of General Services (DGS)
    General Services (DGS) Project 412-54 which               project 412-55 (commenced in January 2018)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Sample Campus Parking Sign
    developed a network of centrally-noded boilers            will ensure redundancy between the four main
    at Kriner Dining Hall, Ceddia Union Building              campus electrical feeders, while simultaneously                                                                   ATHLETICS
    (CUB), Luhrs Performing Arts Center, and the              expanding bandwidth for data transmission, and
                                                                                                                         Burd Run Bridge Today                                     The 2008 Campus Master Plan recommended
    Franklin Science Center, serving adjacent                 also setting conditions for upgraded telephony
                                                              using VoIP technology. Although not completed                                                                        the elimination of the grass field at Seth Grove
    buildings. This network led to the closure of the

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