Page created by Hazel Vaughn
Mary, Seat of Wisdom

920 Granville Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068   847-825-3153
Rectory                                        Rectory Office Hours
                                                 920 W. Granville Ave.                          Sunday 9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
                                                 Park Ridge, IL 60068                           Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
                                                 847-825-3153 Fax: 847-825-3484                 Saturday 9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                Religious Enrichment Center
                                                 School                                         1352 S. Cumberland Ave.
                                                 1352 S. Cumberland Ave.                        Park Ridge, IL 60068
                                                 Park Ridge, IL 60068                           847-825-8763 Fax: 847-825-8658
                                                 847-825-2500 Fax: 847-825-1943
                                                                     Clark Ministry Center
                                                                                                1335 S. Clifton Ave.
                                                 Extended Day Program                           Park Ridge, IL 60068
Mary, Seat of Wisdom                             1335 S. Clifton Ave.
                                                 Park Ridge, IL 60068                               847-692-2826

Schedule of Masses                               Pastoral Staff
Saturday    5:00 p.m. Vigil                      Rev. Derek Ho, Pastor                          Director of Parish Operations
                                                                     Brenda Hickey 847-825-3153
Sunday      9:00 a.m.                                                                 
                                                 Rev. Gerald Gunderson, Pastor Emeritus
            11:00 a.m.
            7:00 p.m.                                                                           Director of Liturgy
                                                 Rev. Ronald Kalas, Pastor Emeritus             Carol Knoerzer 847-825-3153
                                                 Rev. Tim Anastos, Associate Pastor
        8:00 a.m.                      
                                                                                                Director of Development
Saturday 9:00 a.m.                               Rev. Mr. Kevin Blindauer, Deacon               Jamie A. Chabura 847-825-3153
                                                 Mary, Seat of Wisdom School Principal
                                                 Julie Due                                      Parish Pastoral Council
Holy Day Masses                                                                                 Rev. Derek Ho, Pastor
Time will be announced prior to Holy Day         Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization   Rev. Tim Anastos, Associate Pastor
                                                 Dolly Pointner                                 Deacon Kevin Blindauer
                                                                                                Council Chair: Joe Raphael
                                                 Director of Youth Ministry                     Council Secretary: Katie Lisowski
                                                 Helen Megally
                                                                Cohort Chairs
                                                                                                Call to Holiness: Geri Balazs, Joe Cavanaugh, Kyra
                                                 Director of Music Ministries                   Cavanaugh, Erin Doubleday
                                                 Lindsey Adams                                  Lifelong Faith Formation: Kathleen Jacobs, Leo
                                                                  Plaza, Judy Bacon
                                                 Young Adult Faith Formation                    Building Community Cohort: Angela McCormick,
                                                 Peg Barry                                      Carol Krak-Ventrella
                                                                                                Deanery Council Delegates
                                                                                                Brian Clark, Maureen Lynch

Baptisms                                         Reconciliation                                 Weddings
Second and Fourth Sundays of the month           Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.              Please call the Rectory six months
at 12:30 p.m. Contact the Rectory to schedule.   Saturdays 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.               in advance.
                                                 or upon request.
“Welcoming Your Child”                                                                          Prayers
Parent and Expectant Parent                                                                     To request that a name be added to our Pray for the
Preparation Sessions for Baptism                                                                Sick list, please contact the rectory office.
Contact the Rectory to register.

 The Archdiocese of Chicago is committed to protecting children, healing victims, and accountability:
Reflections from Father Derek
As we continue to reflect on living out the New Evangelization, we remember that
the content of the evangelization is not new. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday,
today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). Rather, its priority is how we can renew sharing Him;
new in ardor, new in method and new in expression.

   •   Our ardor regards our passion or energy for the Catholic faith. Aristotle said
       that people only really listen to an excited speaker. Think of Father Tim
       when he preaches… does it look like he just got out of bed? Where is your
       energy for the Catholic faith? What needs to be done that you might attract
       those who need God today but don’t know where to find Him?

   •   Our method regards how we go about living out our relationship with God
       and with each other. As previously mentioned, Catholicism was at one
       point so embedded into particular cultures that people participated in
       processions, novenas, and even attending Mass without so much as
       reflecting on their import. “That’s just what we do” was the mindset of
       most. Today, our method must first develop relationships of trust, then
       must consider the particularities of the person’s background (their personal
       philosophy of life, their openness to religious dialogue), and finally must
       focus on the universal human need for love and on Christ as the answer to
       this need.

   •   Our expression regards the ways we share the faith. Historically, the faith was
       transmitted through attending talks or reading books. Today, the internet
       and phones have revolutionized the way evangelization is done. There are
       prayer apps on the phone and authors and speakers use YouTube, Twitter,
       and Facebook to bring people the message of Jesus Christ near and far.
       Modern day evangelization needs renewal in order to be effective.

The New Evangelization’s focus on ardor, method, and expression gets to the core of
how we as Catholics must adapt to the changing world. We seek to be set on fire so
that we might spread the fire of God’s love to those around us. God needs us to be
His witnesses in our families, among our friends, and online now more than ever.

                                                               Sincerely yours in Christ,
                                                                           Fr. Derek Ho
Pondering Priesthood
                              Thank you for all of your prayers and support these past few weeks leading up to my
                              ordination, and even over the past number of years. My ordination was a truly memorable
                              event and very renewing spiritually. As I begin my diaconate ministry, I look to these notable
                              deacon saints in our Catholic Tradition:
                              St. Stephen (1st Century AD): Hailed as the “proto-martyr” in our tradition, the Feast of St.
                              Stephen is celebrated on December 26. Stephen was one of the original seven deacons, along
                              with Philip. These seven men were ordained to serve at table while the apostles dedicated
                              themselves to prayer and the Word (cf. Acts 6:2-5). Stephen was ultimately stoned to death
                              outside Jerusalem, at the direction of Saul, who would eventually become Paul and write a
                              majority of the New Testament letters. Before Stephen died, he called out, “Lord, do not hold
                              this sin against them” (Acts 7:60). By celebrating the feast of St. Stephen the day after the birth
                              of Jesus, we see that Christ came so we may have life, and share in eternity with him.
                              St. Philip (1st Century AD): One of the seven original deacons ordained in Acts 6, he is
                              known for preaching to the Ethiopian eunuch and opening the scriptures to this person and
                              baptizing their whole family (cf. Acts 8:26-40). Little else is known about Philip, other than his
                              preaching in Samaria and settling in Caesarea. We see the role of the deacon as one who opens
                              the scriptures so others may encounter Christ as was done for the Ethiopian.
                              St. Lawrence (225-258): Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Rome; and in 258, the
                              Emperor Valerian sought to persecute Christians in Rome. Being a deacon, a public witness of
                              the gospel through charitable works, it was difficult to hide when being sought out. After
                              being brought in front of Valerian, who asked for all of the treasures of the Church, Lawrence
                              was put to death on a gridiron for bringing the poor and outcast to the emperor, saying that
                              the poor are the treasures of the Church. As he was being burned alive, Lawrence wittingly
                              said, “I'm well done on this side. Turn me over!” We see in St. Lawrence that ministry is care
                              for the person, not material goods.
                              St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226): One of the biggest unknown truths about St. Francis is that
                              he was not an ordained priest; most scholars agree he was a deacon. Francis is known for the
                              renewal of the Church in Europe after hearing Christ on a crucifix in San Damiano say to him,
                              “Rebuild my Church.” Francis renounced his family wealth and dedicated himself to serving
                              the poor and embracing poverty himself. Francis imitated Christ so intensely that he was given
                              the stigmata, the wounds of the crucifixion, and we see the diaconate as a configuring to
                              Christ the servant.
                              These four deacons of the Church acted out of love for God, for the Church, and for their
                              people. Though they have different stories, in being compelled by the love of Christ (cf. 2 Cor.
                              5:14), they each received their eternal reward of life in heaven with the One they served here
                              on earth. I pray that I may be compelled by that same love, to invite others into an encounter
                              with the Lord in this life, so we may all be with Him in the next.

                                                                                                    On the journey of holiness,
                                                                                                          Deacon Andy Matijevic

Do You Require a Low Gluten Host ?                                           All Children Ages 3 and Up...
Mary, Seat of Wisdom keeps a supply of low gluten hosts in                                Join us for
the Sacristy for those who are gluten intolerant.                Virtual Children’s Liturgy of the Word via Zoom!
    If possible, please note your need in the comments
section when you register for Mass. Please notify the usher                  Sundays from 9:30-10:00 am.
or sacristan as soon as you arrive at church and be seated in      A weekly invitation and link is sent via the parish,
a pew served by the Priest Celebrant (on “Joseph’s side” of                school, and Religious Enrichment
the church). Alert the priest when you approach for                                     e-blasts.
Communion. If you have any questions, please see an usher
                                                                               Not on one of those lists?
before Mass begins.                                                   Email your request to:
Daily Mass and Sunday Mass Schedule Changes Beginning August 24
Dear Parishioners,
Following the advice of some holy and wise parishioners, I created a survey regarding our daily Mass schedule. Thank you for
your input! Father Tim and I want to serve you as best we can so we really hope that you can join us for Mass, not just on
Sundays but during the week too. If you want your life to change, the best thing you can do is connect yourself to Jesus truly
present in the Eucharist.                                                                                        Fr. Derek
                                           There is nothing so great as the Eucharist.
                                If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us.
                                                      -St. John Vianney

                              Beginning August 24, the Mass schedule is as follows:
              Daily Mass Schedule                                              Sunday Mass Schedule
      Mondays-Wednesdays: 7 a.m., 8:40 a.m.                                  Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 p.m.
         Thursdays-Fridays: 8:40 a.m.                                  Sundays: 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m.
               Saturdays: 9 a.m.

                  Sacraments of Initiation Rescheduled                      PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUESTED
                 for RCIA Participants                                            FOR SUNDAY MASS

                 On August 22 and 29, at the 9 a.m.                                   HOW TO REGISTER
                 morning Mass, our parish will celebrate              •   Visit
                 Sacraments of Initiation for nine                    •   Click on the “Register to attend Mass” icon
 individuals who have been eagerly anticipating this
                                                                      •   Click on “Click here to register for…”
 joyous event since Lent. Prior to the pandemic’s arrival,
                                                                      •   Find the Mass you’d like to attend and check the box
 MSW and parishes around the world would have                             next to it that says “Sign Up”
 welcomed RCIA catechumens and candidates into their                  •   Click “Submit and Sign Up” at the bottom
 faith communities at the Easter Vigil.
                                                                      The next screen shows the Mass date/time you selected.
 Six teens have spent months preparing for the                        •   Choose the quantity of people who will attend from
 sacraments with Youth Minister Helen Megally, Fr. Tim,                   the pull down menu or leave it at 1
 and Fr. Derek. Erin Fabian will be baptized, receive the             •   Type in your name and email
 Eucharist for the first time, and be confirmed in the                •   Type the names of those attending with you or type
 Catholic faith as a brand new Christian. Erin has visited                “N/A” if you are registering only yourself
 MSW often as a guest and desires to express her love for             •   Click “Sign Up Now”
 Jesus and strengthen her relationship with Him by being
                                                                         A Thank You for Signing Up screen will appear and
 baptized. Michael Cwiertniak, Alex Eng, and siblings                 you will receive an email confirmation.
 James, JP, and Marguerite Giese will each be confirmed,                 If you don’t receive an email, please try to register
 having already been baptized Catholic.                               again or call the rectory for assistance.

 Hanna Peterson, a rising high school freshman, prepared
 for Confirmation with the parish Catechesis of the Good
 Shepherd Level III students. Hanna will also make a                                                Congratulations
 Profession of Faith and enter into Full Communion with
 the Catholic Church.                                                                             Deacon
                                                                                               Andy Matijevic
 Adults Trulie Simpson and Racy Peterson prepared for
 entry into the Church with our RCIA team. Having been                                             from your
 baptized and confirmed in another Christian faith, they                                  Mary, Seat of Wisdom Family!
 will both make a formal Profession of Faith and enter
 into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
                                                                       ANDY’S FIRST MASS AS A DEACON IS
 Please pray for all who will be receiving the sacraments                SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 AT 7 PM.
 at MSW and around the world. May their joyful                           A LINK TO THE LIVESTREAM
                                                                          IS ON THE PARISH WEBSITE.
 anticipation amplify their happiness.
                                                                                                 The “foreigners” as Isaiah calls them,
                                                                                           the “Gentiles” as Paul calls them, or the
                                                                                           “Canaanites” as Matthew calls them are
                                                                                           called to worship the one true God in
                                                                                           prayer. As we listen to today’s readings,
                                                                                           perhaps we are tempted to ask: Why
                                                                                           pray? The question is rhetorical; it is
                                                                                           tantamount to asking why should friends
                                                                                           talk to one another or people in love kiss
                                                                                           one another. Prayer is a way of relating to
                                                                                           God, a way of talking to God. The
                                                                                           apostles had the opportunity to talk to
SAINT PIUS X (1835-1914)                                                                   Jesus in the flesh. We have the
Feast Day: August 21                                                                       opportunity to talk to Jesus Christ in
     Presidential vetoes we understand. But imagine                                        prayer. Our relationship with him must be
vetoing a papal election! Yet in the conclave of 1903,                                     enthusiastic; it cannot be faint-hearted.
the Archbishop of Cracow (ironically, a predecessor in                                     John Donne, a fifteenth-century poet,
that office of Karol Wojtyla, the future John Paul II)                                     knew what the qualities of good prayer
vetoed the leading candidate on the order of the Austro                                    were. Donne asks God to treat him
-Hungarian emperor. Instead, the cardinals elected                                         differently from most Christians. The poet
Giuseppe Sarto of Venice as Pius X, the first pope,                                        does not want God to merely “knock,
after a succession of nobles and diplomats, to hail from                                   breathe, shine, and seek to mend,” but
humble origins. Nor did the papacy alter his endearing                                     also to “break, blow, burn, and make me
simplicity. Tailors eventually made his cassock cuffs                                      new” (Holy Sonnets, XIV).
detachable because he absentmindedly wiped his                                                   It takes a dynamic faith on our part to
fountain pen on them, forgetting that his old black cassock had been replaced by           come to God in prayer. As Jesus once
papal white! Taking as his motto “To restore all things in Christ” (Ephesians              said, “Knock and the door will be opened
1:10), Pius condemned the theological innovations called “modernism,” yet                  to you” (Matthew 7:7). It may take
dramatically altered the then-common practice whereby people rarely received               pounding the door down, but if we are as
Communion for fear of unworthiness, mandating early First Communion and                    persistent as the woman in today’s
urging everyone to frequent reception. Refusing to bless troops assembled in               Gospel, the results will follow.
Saint Peter’s Square—“I bless peace, not war!”—he died brokenhearted as World                                                   Copyright © J.
                                                                                                                                S. Paluch Co.
War I engulfed Christian Europe despite his peacemaking efforts.
                                          —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                                              Rite of           RCIA is the Catholic
             Ministry of Hope                                   Church’s way of
             Turning people affected by
             Domestic Violence towards
                                              Christian         introducing herself to                              Feeling a
             rescue, hope, and peace.         Initiation        those interested in
                                                                learning more about
                                              for               Catholicism and its                               for Renewal?
If you are a victim of domestic
violence, or know of someone                  Adults            teachings. If you have
                                                                questions about this
who is, please contact the                                                                         Reconciliation is Available
                                                                process please call the
WINGS Hotline and                                               rectory at 847-825-                          Wednesdays
Counseling Service.                                             3153 or speak to one                        6:00-7:00 p.m.
                                                                of our priests.                               Saturdays
     24 Hours: 847-221-5680
                                                                                                            4:00-4:45 p.m.
The Joy of Giving

                    Stewardship Report
                     August 9 Giving               Fiscal Year: July, 2020—June, 2021

                                    Week-to-Date       Month-to-Date    Year-to- Date

                     Envelopes      $ 20,213           $ 32,844          $ 66,193

                     Electronic          6,544            12,067             39,144

                     Total Giving   $ 26,757           $ 44,911          $ 105,337

                    Budget              21,443            42,886            128,654

                    Variance        $   5,314         $    2,026         $ (23,316)

                     Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Registration is Being Accepted                      TODAY’S READINGS
                                                                               First Reading — Thus says the LORD: “Stand firm in justice; do
                                       for the                                 what is right” (Isaiah 56:1, 6-7).
                               Current School Year                             Psalm — O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67).
                                                                               Second Reading — The gifts and the calling of God are unable
                                                                               to be revoked (Romans 11:13-15, 29-32).
                                School Begins August 25                        Gospel — Recognizing the Canaanite woman’s great faith,
                                                                               Jesus told her, “It shall be done as you wish” (MT15:21-28).
                                                                               READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                                               Monday:    Ez 24:15-24; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 19:16-22
                                                                               Tuesday:   Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab;
                                                                                          Mt 19:23-30
                                                                               Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16
                                                                               Thursday:  Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14
                                                                               Friday:    Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40
                                                                               Saturday:  Ez 43:1-7ab; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12
                                                                               Sunday:    Is 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8;
                                                                                          Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20
                                                                               SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
                                                                               Sunday:    Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                               Wednesday: St. John Eudes
                                                                               Thursday:  St. Bernard
                                                                               Friday:    St. Pius X
                                                                               Saturday:  Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                                               School Supply
           Buy gift cards through MSW School!                                  Please select Mary Seat of Wisdom as your charity of choice
           Cards available for all major retailers.
                                                                               Community News
     Also a great send-off gift for college students!                          Knights of Columbus Hosting Blood Drive Maria Council is
                                                                               hosting a Summer Blood Drive at Our Lady of Ransom Parish,
      The parish earns a rebate from all purchases.                            Paluch Hall, 8300 N. Greenwood in Niles, Friday, August 28 from
         For available certificates or more info,                              1-5 p.m. Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome.
               call Joan at 630-209-2208.                                      Sign up online at

                                                                               The Freedom of Missing Out Young Adult Retreat October 16
                                                                               -17 by Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, IL. Retreat
                                                                               Master Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ. Call 847-381-1261 or
                                                                               visit for more info.
Compliance Training
The Archdiocese of Chicago requires its parishes and schools to provide
training in sexual abuse prevention to children and youth in schools and
                                                                               WorldWide Marriage Encounter (WWME) will host Virtual
programs annually. This important training is designed to educate children     Weekends starting in October, 2020. For more info or to apply,
and youth on how to recognize and report abuse, and is age-appropriate,        visit or call 630-577-0778.
research-based and straightforward. It’s important to note that the below
programs are not sex education courses, rather sexual abuse prevention         The Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland is seeking
training that encourages children/youth to disclose abuse, neglect or any      donations of baby supplies, especially baby food and formula
troubling information to a safe adult, particularly their parent(s).           (especially Enfamil). Also needed are diapers in size 5 and 6 and
      Visit to learn more about our current   receiving blankets. Call 773-794-1313 for delivery instructions.
programs including:
Praesidium's Called to Protect                                                 Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry has cancelled all programs until
VIRTUS Teaching Touching Safety
                                                                               March 13-14, 2021 due to the virus situation. Grieving individuals
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s Kids Smartz
RCL Benziger's Family Life Program
                                                                               are invited to visit
Child Lures Prevention                                                         groups for virtual grief support and prayer.
Please Pray and Remember
Mass Intentions                                                                  Our Sick                    Our U.S. Military
Monday, August 17 — Weekday                                                      Adam, Elisabeth             Lt. Col. Michael Alfaro, USAF
                                                                                 Avery, June                 AB Archam, USAF
8:00 a.m. Intention of Social Concerns Ministry
                                                                                 Ballog, Chad                Brad Balazs, USAF
Tuesday, August 18 — Weekday                                                     Ballog, Fred                Andrew J. Bannon, USN
8:00 a.m. Paul Enderle                                                           Bello, Alfonso              CPL.Matthew S. Bascom, USMC
                                                                                 Bergamin, Donald            PFC Richard Bouras, Army
Wednesday, August 19 — Weekday                                                   Bloodworth, Mary            Christopher Burdulinski
                                                                                 Bottari, Joseph             Joseph Burdulinski
8:00 a.m. Chrissie Carsello                                                                                  Brian Chad Crowe, Navy
                                                                                 Brauweiler, Carl
                                                                                 DeMali, Joe                 Capt. Kimberly White Fix, Army
Thursday, August 20 — St. Bernard, Abbot & Doctor of the Church                  DePaul, Frank               Capt. Bobby Fix, Army
8:00 a.m. Therese Hogan req Catherine T. Hogan                                   Diamond, Kenneth            Capt. Joey Fix, Army
                                                                                 Dieden, Gene III            Capt. Max Flanagan, Army
Friday, August 21 — St. Pius X, Pope                                             DiViesti, Anthony           1st Lt. Minhee Flanagan, Army
8:00 a.m. Shirley Wodzien req Steiger Family                                     Doherty, Mary               Capt. Anthony Friel, USMC
                                                                                 Ehlert, Trudie              Lt. Col. Shawn J. Gaffney
                                                                                 Frazier, Bob                AIC Matthew P. Gaffney
Saturday, August 22 —The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
                                                                                 Gawron, Alex                Jesus Gonzalez, Army
9:00 a.m. Kay Sheehy req Catherine Hogan                                                                     Ail Michael Gonzalez, USAF
                                                                                 Gawron, Patricia
                                                                                 Heyman, Gina                Erik Haj, USAF
Vigil— Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                                      Heyman, Rhianna             MSgt. Patrick Hilty, USMC
5:00 p.m. Mary Larkin req Shirley Girardi                                        Heyman, Roxanne             Capt. Conrad Joseph Jakubow, Army
                                                                                 Hinchliffe, Thomas          Staff Sgt. Mark Keough, USAF
Sunday, August 23 — Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                     Justin King, USAF
                                                                                 Hope, Cindy Coklan
 9:00 a.m. Karen Garver req Tom & Carole Ahern                                   Hogan, Catherine            Captain Joseph “Patrick” Malone
           Neal Clark req John & Sandy Solari                                    Hogan, Joseph               CPO Joseph Manning, USN
11:00 a.m. Harriet Preston req Tom & Madelyn Gawne                               Keenan, Clarmarie           J. Brendan Monaghan, Army
           John Christopher, Sr. req. Sweeney Family                             Kelly, Pauline              Col. Frederick W. Mooney, USAPFC
           Sandra Burns req Blindauer Family                                     Kolberg, Carol              Thomas Myers, Army
 7:00 p.m. Josephine Calabrese req Mike Favia & Family                           Kozel, Ryan                 Christopher Nava, Army
                                                                                 Jackson, Debbie             Matthew Nicolau, Navy
                                                                                 Kristyn, Carol              Jack Pegler, Army
                                                                                 Kristyn, Lee                PFC Seth D. Perkins, USMC
                                                                                 Lazaro, Rita                A1C Andrew T. Perkins, USAF
                      Elijah Christofer Rodriguez, child of                      Marks, Mary                 Kevin Reyes, Sgt., Army
                         Christofer Rodriguez & Judith Perdomo                   Miller, Jack                Bryan G. Rupprecht, Jr., USAF
                                                                                 Miller, Janet               Stephen Specht, Army
                                                                                 Murphy, Carolyn             Major George Steinfels, USMC
                                                                                 Placzyk, Robert             1st Lt. Samuel Steinfels, USMC
                                                                                 Richie, Amy                 LTJG Marci Steinfels, USN
                                                                                 Sanderlin, Jill             LCPL Lawrence Sulk, USMC
                                                                                 Seaman, Mary                Sgt. Brian Sweeney, USAC
Rose for Life                                                                    Smith, Michael              Elizabeth Sweeney, USAC
A MSW Respect Life Ministry Activity                                             Sullivan, Betty             Lt. Alex Tidei, USN
                                                                                 Sveinsson, Jim              Capt. Nicholas Vottero, Army
This week’s Rose for Life at Mary’s shrine is donated Susan                      Szydlowski, Brian           Matthew Walsh, USMC
& Ron James in loving memory of Susan’s mother, Mildred                          Unitis, Dan                 Steven Wilhelm, Navy
Pifke on the anniversary of her birthday.                                        Waden, George               2-2504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
                                                                                 Weisher, Steve              Nick Wiltsie, 2nd Lt Army Ranger
This week’s Rose for Life at St. Joseph’s shrine is donated in                   Winrow, Alita
celebration of the ordination of Andy Matijevic as a                             Winrow, Andrew
transitional deacon.                                                             Wright, Marie

To honor Mary, our parish patroness and St. Joseph, Protector of the Holy                      Our Beloved Dead
Family, single long-stemmed roses will be placed at both shrines each
week before the weekend liturgies. The roses symbolize the Church’s
respect for life at all stages and the hope that abortion will soon be a thing              Dolores Bucko, mother of Christine
of the past. Each week, two roses are dedicated to loved ones by families
or members of our parish. If you wish to donate a rose, please call Becky                   Helen Goc, mother of Ann Jankiewicz
Roller at 847-825-1353. A donation of $5 is requested per rose.
                                                                                            For all victims of COVID-19
                 Please do not remove vases from the altar.
                 Many dates still available for 2020
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               Rick Glorioso
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512001 Mary Seat of Wisdom Church (C)                                                                                                                                                      For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
VIA GALANTE                 Jimmy Magic’s                                                                    DR. MONIKA PENKSA-ROSSI
CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC.          Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning                                                      Chiropractic Physician - Acupuncturist
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                                     (Across the Street From                                  741 Devon
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                                         Elm, Realtors                                                                          847.692.7467 fax
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     847.917.3188                                                                                                      Family Medical Care
             741 Devon Avenue                                                                                           6322 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago, IL
                                                                      Victor Grandinetti, DDS • Parishioner                 Charmaine Hennes, MD
           Park Ridge, IL 60068                                                847.824.3536                                 Debora Grandinetti, MD
                                                                      685 Graceland Ave., Des Plaines, IL                        Parishioners

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512001 Mary Seat of Wisdom Church (B)                                                           For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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                                           847-698-2200                                                                               Fax (847) 692-7467    Cell (847) 971-7297
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                                                         PATRICK & SONS PLUMBING & SEWERS         One on One Therapy
                                                                                                   by a Doctor of PT
                                                             • Sewer Rodding & Drains • Repairs   Sara Koveleski Kraut, DPT
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                                                                      • Basement Flooding                                               847.827.9060
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                                                                                                             Providing services from: Cumberland Chapels
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512001 Mary Seat of Wisdom Church (A)                                                                                                    For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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