Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association

Page created by Edna Hopkins
Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
Newsletter of the St Louis Triumph Owners Association           Vol 19, Issue 5   May 2017

Forest Park Victory!               1
                                                         See pg 5
Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association

16-18 Jun 17—15th Kastner Cup, Blackhawk Farms
    Raceway, South Beloit, IL. In association with VSCDA’s
    Blackhawk Classic; see pg 3.                                    20 May 17—Cars & Coffee. Westport Plaza off I-270, 8-
                                                                       10:30 AM.
20 Jun 17—SLTOA Monthly meeting, details/location
    TBA.                                                            20 May 17—Annual JAGSL Veteran’s Home Show, at
                                                                       the Missouri Veteran’s Home, 10600 Lewis & Clark Blvd,
Jun 17—SLTOA overnight drive to Hannibal, MO. In                       St Louis. Starts at 8:30 AM, followed by a driving tour of
    development, stay tuned for details.                               historic Alton and lunch. Monitor and the
                                                                       online Growl.
21-24 Jun 17—Triumph Register of America Nation-
    al Meet, Columbus, IN. Events include a tour of the Indi-       21 May 17— St Louis Region SCCA Autocross No. 2,
    anapolis 500 Speedway Museum. Additional info at                   Gateway Motorsports Park. Info at, email ton-
                                                                    25 May 17—MG Club of St Louis monthly RUBCO break-
                                                                       fast, 9:30 AM at JJ Restaurant, 1215 S Duchesne, St
16-20 Aug 17—VTR 2017, Princeton, NJ, “Every Battle                    Charles. Please RSVP to
    Has a Triumph.” Hosted by the New Jersey Triumph As-
                                                                    25 May 17—Gateway Healey Association monthly RUMP
    sociation and Delaware Valley Triumphs, convention
                                                                       lunch. Tentative, monitor the GHA web page at http://
    headquarters at the Weston Princeton at Forrestal Vil-
    lage, 201 Village Blvd, Princeton. Info at
    about or email                                27 May 17—Gateway Cars & Coffee, at Gateway Classic
21-24 Sept 17—Triumphest 2017, Flagstaff, Arizona, at                  Cars, 1237 Central Park Dr, O’Fallon, IL, 9 AM-12 noon,
                                                                       pastries and coffee provided by Dunkin’ Donuts. For infor-
    the Little America. Hosted by Desert Centre TRA, plan-
                                                                       mation      call     (618)589-9952      or    call     up
    ning underway, info at or contact Bo
    Shaw (760)977-6612.

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
2-3 Jun 17—British National Meet, in Blytheville, AR. For              11 Jun 17—St Louis Region SCCA As Time Goes By
     more information, contact Event Chairman Barry Harrison,             Rally. Do-it-yourself introduction (with some help) to or (870)780-5871. Web page at                 classic Time-Speed-Distance Rallying. Meet at the City                                         Hall Parking Lot, 208 S Rapp Ave, Columbia, IL, registra-
                                                                           tion 12 noon-12:45, rally school 12:45-1:15 PM, first car
4 Jun 17—Annual St Louis European Auto Show, Taub-                         departs at 1:30 PM. $10 entry fee, bring a car, driver,
     man Prestige Outlets, 17057 N Outer 40 Rd (north side of I-           navigator, clipboard, calculator, watch or clock, pencils/
     64/US 40 in the Valley), 11 AM-2 PM. Online registration at           pens. For info contact Rallymaster Jim Heine, Rallymas-                ter, or (314)922-6120.
                                                                       11 Jun 17—BSCC Autocross No. 3. Family Arena,
4 Jun 17—Champagne British Car Festival, in Blooming-                      show around 9:30 AM, six runs for $35. Contact Racer
     ton. Featured marque is the DeLorean, info at www.cbcf-
                                                                           Steve at for info or to get on the
                                                                           emailing list.
9-10 Jun 17—Tulips By Night I/Tulips By Night II Monte
                                                                       17 Jun 17—Annual Hazelwood Baptist Car Show ,
    Carlo-style rally, presented by the St Louis Region                    6161 Howdershell Rd. For vehicles 30 years and older,
   SCCA. Friday night/9 June start point: Wild Country, 17                 food, beverages and music all day, display your car for
   Gateway Drive, Collinsville; Saturday night/10 June start
                                                                           free, People’s Choice Award. Car owners sign in be-
   point: City Hall parking lot, 208 S Rapp Ave, Columbia.
                                                                           tween 8 AM and 1 PM, Info (314)731-2244 or call up
   Registration for each event 7-7:45 PM, drivers meeting 7:45   , pre-registration highly en-
   PM, first19
                  departs 8:012017
                               PM. Entry fee $20 per rally, early
   registration available online at,
   have your credit card handy. You need a driver, navigator,          18 Jun 17—Annual Father’s Day Car Show, Museum
   car, clipboard, calculator, pencils and paper, a flashlight or          of Transportation, 2933 Barrett Station Rd, 11 AM-3:30
   other in-car device to read route instructions and a happy              PM, sponsored by the Horseless Carriage Club of Mis-
   inclination to take an evening drive. Info at        souri.
   or call (314)922-6120.
                                                                       18 Jun 17— St Louis Region SCCA Autocross No. 3,
11 Jun 17—JAGSL drive to Crown Valley Winery and                           Gateway Motorsports Park. Info at
   Crown Valley Tiger Sanctuary in Ste Genevieve. Meet
     at St Louis BreadCo at Tesson Ferry/MO Hwy 21 and Ken-            9 Jul 17—BSCC Autocross No. 4. Family Arena, show
     nerly, 9:30 AM departure. Cost for tiger tour and wine tast-          around 9:30 AM, six runs for $35. Contact Racer Steve
     ing is $20, please RSVP to Thomas Loew at big-                        at for info or to get on the emailing NLT 5 June.                                         list.

                                                                                     Maximum Road Trip!
                                                                          2017 Kastner Cup Race
                                                                                        In association with the
                                                                         Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association
                                                                                Blackhawk Classic XXV
                                                                                     Blackhawk Farms Raceway
                                                                                          South Beloit, IL
                                                                                          16-18 June 2017
                                          Photo: Classic Motorsports
    SLTOA’s sending a contingent, will convoy up Thursday in association with members of the Jaguar Association
     of Greater St Louis who are heading up to support Phil Taxman and his ‘64 E-Type FHC racer.
    Meet location/departure time TBA
    Camp at the racetrack or stay at the “official” SLTOA motel, The Garden Hotel & Conference Center, 200 Dear-
     born Ave, South Beloit 61080 (815)525-3600
    Weekend will include vintage racing—including the Vintage Vee Series, Trans Am B-Sedan race and Sprite-
     Midget Race Series—plus the Kastner Cup race for Triumphs. Expect opportunities to get on the track for a
     couple of laps, BBQ and other activities. Return on Sunday.
    To join the procession north, get information and for latest planning updates, contact Steve Moore,, Ed Kaizer at or Mark Morgan at
       On Facebook at

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
My Thoughts                                     Meeting Notes—18 April 2017
                                                  Something of a light turnout for April’s meeting at Llewelyn’s in Webster Groves,
                                                with 22 members participating and three Triumphs in the parking lot out back (ah, but
                                                the weather was perfect for arriving in a British convertible). Still, those gathered
                                                immediately started ordering chow while engaging in the usual small talk (for exam-
                                                ple, “Does the manager know that when the piper arrives, we’ll have to close the
                                                doors?”; “You’ve gotta realize, you’re dealing with the GSA;” and “If you can get your
                        By Steve Moore          mouth open wide enough to eat that sandwich, I want a picture”).
Congratulations to all of you who braved          The meeting commenced promptly at 1900 with raucous applause for the club’s
the weather and brought your car to the         victory at the 8th annual Triumph-MG Challenge at Forest Park and equally raucous
Easter Car Show, in Forest Park. It was-        phhfffftts for MG owners…delivered with a measure of class and grace, naturally.
n’t the best of weather in the beginning,       Yeah, a bit stormy at the start of the event, but in the end the club reclaimed the trav-
but it turned out to be a very nice day.        eling trophy.
   As you know we have an annual com-              Following a couple of quick True Karl Schmitt stories, el Presidente por Vida Steve
petition between our club and the MG            introduced Bill McAlester, owner of 1959 TR3A. Bill was one of SLTOA’s earliest
club, for which club has the most cars at       members, had noticed announcement of the upcoming 35 th anniversary proceedings
the car show. The past two years went           (“Damn, has it been that long?”) and decided to rejoin the group. We also had a pro-
to the MG club, which is a little disap-        spective member in attendance, Bob Rhodes, currently restoring a ’76 TR6. Back
pointing, however this year we were vic-        during the 1970s-1980s, Bob owned a shop in Hollywood, Florida, which specialized
torious, in spite of the weather condi-         in LBCs; he’s now retired locally and has a house with a four car garage (question
tions.                                          from the floor: “When it gets colder, could you give us your address?”).
  As tradition would have it, we need to          Le President de Vice SLP provided an update on the 35th anniversary celebration,
come up with a winning slogan to have           which will include a drive to the party venue, a photo booth, 80s music and a group/
printed on the brass plaque that will be        member photo session in the clubhouse parking lot. Stephen reminded everyone to
attached to the trophy. So think about          bring their wives and significant others (preferably not at the same time) and
something appropriate, but not too ex-          puhleeze RSVP; only $15 per person, checks to treasurer Andy and oh by the way,
treme that we can have engraved on the          Kenrick’s Meats was doing the catering (rsp from the floor: “OOOOOH, AAAAH”).
plaque. Again thank you for you effort, it      The Veep also advised Chilly the SLTOA bear would be at the party. He apologized
was worth it.                                   for the bear’s non-appearance at February’s Polar Bear Run; apparently Chilly was
                                                out in San Diego with Steve playing golf.
   The drive to Hannibal, with an over-
night stay is planned for the last weekend        Concerning upcoming events, the group received the gouge on the MG Club of St
in June, Saturday the 24th and 25th. We         Louis’ upcoming/annual Missouri Endurance Run, hopefully no flambéed Morris Gar-
are finalizing the drive’s activities for the   ages products at this year’s drive. Karl Schmitt received rave reviews for his recent
trip as well as the overnight accommoda-        weeknight pop-up drive/dinner. As for the upcoming Kastner Cup at Blackhawk
tions. If you are interested in going on        Farms, communications continued with the Jaguar Association of Greater St Louis
this overnight drive, please let me know        over a possible group drive north to the track. As of meeting time, Prez Steve, Jim
via e-mail or telephone                         Dooley, Yr Fthfl Ed and Creig Houghtaling planned to attend the weekend event.
                - Steve                           Rich Etz announced the Pierce- Arrow Society would hold its annual convention 6-
                  (314) 249-7401                10 June at the Sheraton Westport; no, they most definitely aren’t LBCs but they are
                neat cars. As an aside, someone mentioned the Studebaker Drivers Club held their
                                                annual confab in St Louis two years ago. Finally, 6Pack’s holding this year’s TRials
                                                in Indiana; SLTOA will continue to study sponsoring the 2019 event in the Gateway
                                                  Next, a pronouncement by Treasurer Andy: “We have money.” More applause/
                                                relief…He stated a club balance of $2485.89 with only one major expenditure, the
                                                club’s payment of the
                                                $250 event insurance
                                                fee. Andy also tacked
                                                on another prospective
                                                event for the Triumph
           Welcome                              and MG clubs at the
                                                Richmond       Heights
       Returning Member!                        Menard’s (1700 S Han-
                                                ley), on 7 October,
            Bill McAlster                       which could provide an
                                                opportunity to partici-
             1959 TR3A                          pate in a community
               Ballwin                          activity. More info to
                                                  Prez   Steve     then
SLTOA Blog: News, commentary,                   opened the floor to up-
                                                dates on vehicular pro-
opinion and seasoned             immaturity.                                                                                                  (Continued on page 18)

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
8th Annual Triumph-MG Challenge—16 April 2017
  To set the proper tone for this year’s Forest Park Concours d’Elegance, one probably could’ve cued-up Wagner’s “Ride of the
Valkyries.” During the run-up to the event, the 56th iteration hosted by the Horseless Carriage club of Missouri, the weather
guessers consistently forecast a high threat of rain and thunderstorms for Easter Sunday.
 They were right. The skies opened up as the LBCs and other cars and their owners arrived, elevating the prospect of a total
wash-out of the proceedings.

Despite the early bad weather, the Concours judges arrived in good       Watching for the next arrival (Photo by Darren Frazier)
order, ready to take charge (artwork by Jose Luis Muñoz Luque).

                                                               Still, local car enthusiasts including members of SLTOA and the
                                                           MG Club of St Louis persisted. Jesse Lowe had his orange TR7 on
                                                           the lot early, followed by Yr Fthfl Ed in the High-Speed Doorstop
                                                           (’80 TR8). Then the First Family (club President Steve Moore, Ma-
                                                           ria and Notes Chief Photographer John) arrived, bringing donuts
                                                           and, thankfully, plenty of coffee. Heavy weather gear was donned
                                                           and they maintained their posts, welcoming others as they arrived
                                                           for the soggy festivities.
                                                             Overall, we’re not sure how many looked at the early threatening
                                                           skies and decided to leave their LBC in the garage. In the end,
                                                           thanks to the efforts of event organizer Prez Steve and the mem-
                                                           bership, enough Triumph owners laughed in the face of the ele-
DF                                                         ments and put a winning number of cars on the field, thus reclaim-
                                                           ing the traveling British Leyland Participation Trophy.
                                                             SLTOA went into the concours with 26 Triumphs signed up, plus
                                                           the two Morgans of Mike and Sonja Poropat and a Jaguar XJ-S (!);
                                                           a total of 21 actually went on display. The total number of Morris
                                                           Garages products, emplaced by our esteemed colleagues with the
                                                           MG Club of St Louis? 19. The trophy, signifying victory in the an-
                                                           nual Triumph-MG Challenge, went to SLTOA; the win marked the
                                                           club’s fourth in eight years of competition and the first in three
                                                             Fortunately, as the day progressed, the clouds passed, the sun
                                                           came out and everything dried out. According to HCCMO, about
                                                           400 vehicles made the field this year; the Chevrolet Camaro served
                                                           as the featured model, in recognition of the pony car’s 50th anniver-
                                                           sary. Appropriately, the first Camaro to show was a 1967 Z28; by
                                                           early afternoon, there was a pretty good lineup of the Chevrolets.
                                                             As per usual at this event, several other vehicles stood out, scat-
                                                           tered between the club parking and the individual vehicles. They
                                                           included a Moon, Gardner, two (count ‘em, two!) Crossleys, plus a
                                                           particular rarity: an immaculate 1953 Kaiser Darrin. Elsewhere on
                                                           the lot, in full gull-wing glory, a ’74 Bricklin SV-1 and DeLorean
                                                           DMC-12 sat side-by-side.
                                                              Above and beyond SLTOA’s retrieval of the trophy, all in all the
                                                           day turned out pretty well, with good crowds. Many of the at-
                                                           tendees spent a good amount of time talking True Triumph Tales

                                      Photo by John Moore                                                       (Continued on page 6)

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
Challenge (continued from page 5)
with club members, taking photos and generally enjoying the opportunities presented by
the Concours. As always, we extend our thanks to the HCCMO for putting on a good
   And for our friends over at the MG Club: see you next year.

                                                                                         MG Club of St Louis Chairman Bob
                                                                                         Bentzinger offers congratulations to
                                                                                         SLTOA President Steve Moore.


Two Moons: a 1925 Series A and 1924 Touring.   Bricklin SV-1 and DeLorean DMC-12              Car Dog, one each...

More concerning the upcoming SLTOA 35th Anniversary Party…                           Mike Peters, “Mother Goose & Grimm”

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
Works In Progress Completed!
  Congrats to Chris and Kathy Kresser on finishing their 1955 TR3; the restoration took just about six years. Also, Mike Poropat
recently wrapped up the repairs to Sonja’s ‘68 Morgan +4.
  Nice work, eh?

Photos by Chris Kresser and Mike Poropat

 SLTOA 35th: Rules for Collecting Triumphs
  One of the benefits of club membership is the incredible                much less trouble you will have if you talk about “Scarlet Spit”
amount of guidance, recommendations and advisories provid-                rather than “CC4-12345.”
ed by fellow Triumph/LBC owners. For example, see the fol-
                                                                          Rule 4: Early in your collecting, buy a Triumph you don ’t
lowing, which appeared in the September 1994 edition of Ex-
                                                                          want. Then sell it as quickly as you can. Don’t worry about
haust Notes during Larry Snyder’s tenure as editor. The ad-
                                                                          making any money on the transaction, the main thing is to buy
vice remains relevant…and any resemblance to particular
                                                                          a Triumph and get rid of it. Then you can say, “Yes my sweet,
members of SLTOA is purely coincidental.
                                                                          I do have six Triumphs in the garage while our car is out in the
                                                                          weather. That doesn’t mean I will always have six Triumphs.
                                                                          Remember the one I got rid of? I’m thinking of selling another
Rules for Collecting Triumphs
                                                                          one any day now, so we can put our car in the garage.” If you
By Rob and Bob Wiley                                                      have a friend who collects Triumphs, make arrangements for
                                                                          him to drop off a Triumph now and again. That way you can
                                       This article was first writ-
                                                                          say, if anyone asks, you bought it. Then have him haul it off
                                    ten in regard to antique
                                                                          again and say you sold it. With this system you establish your
                                    tractors by Robert Welch
                                                                          reputation for moderation.
                                    who lives out in Nebraska.
                                    However, the similarity be-           Rule 5: Pay for your Triumphs with cashier’s checks or
                                    tween collecting tractors             postal money orders or cash, which leaves far less evidence
                                    and Triumphs was too good             than checks drawn on the family account. Once you have got-
                                    to miss so we borrowed his            ten possession of another Triumph and paid for it, eat the
                                    rules and changed a few               stubs, carbon copies and receipts immediately. Such things
                                    words!                                have a way of becoming an embarrassment later, take it from
                                    Rule 1: Collect only one
                                    model of Triumph, nothing             Rule 6: Now and then buy a wreck for “parts,” even if you
                                    but Spitfires or early TRs,           don’t need parts. In fact, you might consider hauling a wreck
                                    for example. When all your            or two on the same trailer or truck, whenever you haul home a
                                    Triumphs are the same                 good Triumph. This is called “liability averaging.” If your signif-
                                    color and shape, it’s harder          icant other says something about having enough money for yet
                                    if not impossible for anyone          another Triumph, but not enough for the new refrigerator, point
                                    to figure out how many Tri-           indignantly to the Triumphs on the trailer: the beautiful one,
umphs you actually have.                                                  solid and in running condition for which you paid $1,500 and
                                                                          the rusted hulks which you got for $50 each. Then huff,
Rule 2: Never line up your Triumphs, ever! Nothing dis-
                                                                          “Snookums, I got those for a little more than $500.00 each and
tresses a difficult spouse more than seeing 2 old Triumphs
                                                                          the one in back is easily worth $2,000. That’s a tidy profit of
lined up, looking for all the world like a pile of burning hundred
                                                                          $400.” Doesn’t that make you sound like an investment wiz-
dollar bills. Scatter the Triumphs around, a couple behind the
garage, one or two in the garage, another beside the garage,
another beside the garage, maybe a couple at a friend’s                   Rule 7: When things get critical, consider dragging home a
house, so that it is not possible for anyone (if you know who I           Triumph without transmission or real wheels. If there’s a com-
mean) to see more than two or three from any one perspec-                 plaint you say, “Triumph? What Triumph? That’s not a Tri-
tive. Your hobby will be less “irritating” that way.                      umph! That’ s only a front end, not even close to a Triumph.”
                                                                          Then a couple of weeks later bring home a rear end minus the
Rule 3: For pretty much the same reason, don’t number
                                                                          radiator, engine and front wheels. “Triumph? What Triumph?
your Triumphs, give them names. You’d be surprised how                                                                  (Continued on page 18)

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
Report From Scotland
                 In a recent email swap between our Scottish                  6.   Ranger Rover Mk1, 1970-1966 (“…Land Rover re-
               correspondent Andrew Milne and Craig Ingra-                         cently decided to refurbish a bunch of the original cars
               ham, Andrew noted the publication of a poll by                      to sell for £135,000, which is £133,000 more than they
               London’s Daily Mail which rated the best British                    cost some 47 years ago”).
               cars of all time. He wrote,
                                                                              7.   Ford GT40, 1964-1969 (“…the endurance machine…
                Craig – Just received this from number 2 son.                      was originally created by a crack team of British engi-
    50 top cars built in UK when Britain was "Great." Note
    the Triumphs Herald and Stag made it as did the Austin                         neers…”).
    7, the first car I ever owned. Interesting to see that the                8.   Caterham/Lotus 7, 1957-present (“It’s a testament to
    GT40 and AC Cobra are classed as British built and                             how good a car is when you see it’s been on sale for
    designed                                            –                          60 years”)
                                                                              9.   Ford Escort Mk1, 1967-1975 (“…it’s fondly remem-
  According to the article (Rob Hull, “What is the best British car                bered for being one of the original Fast Fords”)
of all time?”, 20 April 2017), “…a panel of motor industry big-
wigs named their top 50.” The group including the leadership of               10. Lotus Elise, 1996-2001 (“…the Elise defined the brand
Aston Martin, BMW and McLaren; the top 10 came in as fol-                         as a forward thinker”)
                                                                             The two Triumphs on
     1. Mini, 1959-2000 (“There was never any doubting, was
                                                                          the list are the Stag at
          there?”)                                                        number 34 and Herald at
     2.   Jaguar E-Type, 1961-1975 (“Get one today and it’s               50 (for the record, the
          destined to be worth a small fortune”)                          MGB landed at number
                                                                          28, immediately ahead of
     3.   Land Rover Series/Defender, 1948-2016 (“…once the               the Austin-Healey 3000).
          ultimate utilitarian vehicle”)                                  You can call up the origi-
     4.   Aston Martin DB5, 1963-1965 (“…one of the most ach-             nal    article at  http://
          ingly good looking cars ever created”)                

     5.   McLaren F1, 1992-1998 (“The McLaren F1 set stand-                                            Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Andrew
                                                                                                       review Royal Air Force Buccaneer
          ards that were previously unseen…”)
                                                                                                       S.2Bs of No. 237 Operational Conver-
                                                                                                       sion Unit at RAF Honington, Suffolk,
                                                                                                       in 1979.

  The first week of May, Yr Fthfl Ed was out in the Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA vicinity
for a history conference (go figure).
   On Monday, 1 May, while on the drive down to Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast for a
visit with one of the daughters and three of the grandnippers, I passed through the town of
Lafayette, on OR 99W (old US 99). And what LBC organization is just south of Lafa-
yette? British Parts Northwest, well worth a stop and quick tour.
  Greg Sherick (who owns a TR8) and his staff provided a friendly greeting and Greg
gave me the quick tour of the facilities; no surprise, every building stacked to the ceiling
with LBC parts, pallets of parts coming in and other pallets heading out.
  Quite an operation and a truly friendly group of people. If you find yourself heading
southwest out of Portland some time, by all means drop by and say hello.

  Second (right), Commonwealth Classics, purveyor of LBC restorations and repairs, is
adjacent to Vancouver Barracks/Fort Vancouver National Historic Site off I-5 on the north
side of the Columbia. Quite a shop, including three Triumphs (only TRs seen on the trip)
and a bunch of other vehicles. The address is 1613 E 4th Street, Vancouver, WA 98661.

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
BSCC Autocross No. 2
                                          Summary: Outstanding weather and
          Slow Roller                     another excellent course design by the
                                          Boeing Sports Car Club gang.           This
         Racing Team                      month’s layout featured a lot of straights
           Results –                      and the Slow Roller battle pretty much
                                          came down to the two big bore cars. Still,
          7 May 2017
                                          great fun for all participants PLUS a guest
    Family Arena, St Charles              appearance by President Emeritus Jesse.

                                                                                                           Standings (Total Events: 2)
Driver            Car                            Class            Overall               Indexed Time
                                                                   Finish                                  1 – Maneke               18
Houghtaling       Corvette C4                  BS                    42nd                   45.300             Houghtaling          18
Maneke            Corvette C6                  AS                    45th                   45.613         3 – Moore                14
Moore             TR6                          FS-Prepared           51st                   49.324         4 – Fox                  10
Morgan            TR8                          HS                    52nd                   50.122         5– A Paur                 7
                                                                                                              Morgan                 7

                                                                         Photo by Darren Frazier                     Photo by Darren Frazier

SCCA Majors Racing
  In other racing news, over 22-
23 April, the St Louis and
Southern Illinois Regions of the
Sports Car Club of America
(SCCA) hosted the “Luau in the
Lou” Majors and IT races at
Gateway Motorsports Park (aka
“Circuit of St Louis”). Happy to
say, two Triumphs took part in
the festivities.
                                   Sargis and his Spitfire at the far left. Photos by Darren Frazier.
  Steve Sargis, Frankfort, Illi-
nois, driving a Grand Touring-                                             Morey Doyle of Indianapolis, finished 11th in Saturday’s E
Light class Triumph Spitfire, finished first both days in the com-       Production race driving his TR8 and finished the weekend with
bined E-Production/F Prod/GTL races. He’s built quite a rec-             a 10th place finish on Sunday. Mark Weber of St Louis (Miata)
ord over the past 20 years, winning the SCCA’s national cham-            and Rick Sisk of Washington (Porsche 944) also competed;
pionship six times in three different production classes (F, G           Jesse Prather of Topeka, Kansas took the EP class in Satur-
and H).      The GT cars feature tube frame chassis; local/              day’s run (34, third overall) with Bill Miller of Weston, Missouri,
regional drivers who competed in the class included Peter Ze-            gaining the honors (47, also third overall) on Sunday.
kert of Maryland Heights and Brad Lewis, St Louis, both in Nis-

Morey Doyle in the TR8.                       Trailing Aaron Kelley, GTL MG Midget             Whoops...

Forest Park Victory! - St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
Rules for Collecting (Continued from page 7)
That’s no Triumph, that’s only a rear end, not even close to a            Best of Craigslist
Triumph!” However, don’t try this more than once every couple
of years!
Rule 8: Have a dealer or friend call you now and then whey
you’re not at home and tell your spouse, “Bob told me to keep
an eye on the Triumph going at the auction Saturday but it sold
for $5,000, and I know there’s no way a financially cautious
and responsible guy like Bob would pay that much, so I didn’t
even make a bid on it for him.” Not only will this make you look
real good, but the next time you buy a Triumph say something
like, “Luvi-bear, this beauty only cost me $1,000, which means
we are $4,000 ahead of where we’d have been if I’d gotten this
one before. If I keep saving money like this, we’ll be able to
afford to go on that Caribbean cruise next winter.” If you say it
fast enough, it might work!
Rule 9: If your mate insults your work calling it
“rustoration,” laugh a lighthearted laugh, making it clear that
Triumphs are not to you what shoes were
to Imelda Marcos.
Rule 10: If your situation worsens to
the point where your mate asks, “Who do
you love more, me or your Triumphs?”,                                 49 2000 Roadster—Unique resto mod, 1949 Triumph Tour-
whatever you do, don’t ask for time to                                ing Roadster with rumble seat and second tilt up rear wind-
think it over!                                                        shield. All aluminum body except front fenders, very light, will
                                                                      be fast! Partially finished and has a small lock Ford and 5spd
                                                                      installed. Easy to change to your desired power output and
                                                                      includes a $1,100 custom built new radiator for the car. I have
                                                                      all the original body parts so no searching for parts. Just build
                                                                      it the way you want it. This will make a great resto mod worth
Minutes (Continued from page 4)                                       big dollars at a great price, only $6,950. In Joplin, email sw9nk
                                                             (Craigslist) (1705)
jects. Chris and Kathy Kresser’s 1955 TR3 is complete, follow-
ing five to six years of restoration. Chris commented, “It’s
been a challenge but it should be a good car.” Iggy’s TR6 isn’t           St Louis Triumph Owners Association
finished yet, but Johnny Williams did complete the engine re-
build. Mike Poropat finished the repairs to Sonja’s ’68 Morgan
+4; he added they decided not to attend the Forest Park show
due to the weather, but hoped everyone enjoyed the boat
show.                                                                       Proud member club, St Louis Sports Car Council
  Concerning membership, only eight of last year’s members                      
declined to renew and were dropped from the SLTOA roster.
That put the club at 89 members total, not counting spouses/
family members.
  The club continues to push for at least one driving event per
month, generally under the guise of the Retired Old Geezers
(ROG…as distinguished from GHA’s RUMP and MGCStL’s
RUBCO). Watch for web page and email alerts of events as
well as more information on a possible/probable club over-
nighter to Hannibal in late June. The president also formally
asked Ed Kaizer to set up the now annual fall drive, possibly
with a slightly different route this year. Ed agreed.
  The last item of business concerned club apparel sales and
availability. In talks with MG Club Chairman Bob Benzinger,
we have a lead on a trophy shop which produces plastic name-
tags (Andy: “They’re not that expensive and they look really
nice”). Club ball caps are still available and the t-shirt shop is
still taking orders.
  The meeting concluded at 1933.

               SLTOA’s on Facebook!

SLTOA Classifieds
                                                                                                      79 Spitfire 1500—New interi-
                                                                                                    or, convertible top, tires, Holley
                                                                                                    electric fuel pump. Has custom
                                                                                                    front bumper, roll pan rear, cus-
                                                                                                    tom bodywork; I have the origi-
                                                                                                    nal bumpers, luggage rack, etc
                                                                     in case you want to put the car back to original. $5900 OBO, in
                                                                     Lebanon, MO, call Mike (417)3225929 (Craigslist) (1705)
                                                                     80 Spitfire 1500—Fun project, restored, new $3000 paint
                                                                     job, no rust. Too many new parts to list, manual transmission
                                                                     with overdrive, 52,253 miles. Have $9300 invested but would
                                                                     like to sell before winter, needs someone who enjoys tinkering
                                                                     with cars and wants a winter project. $7300, call Mike Charman
                                                                     (618)918-0249, cash only, no trades, in Centralia (1611).
                                                                     For Sale—Tonneau for TR4/TR4A, NOS, not used since its
80 TR8—Don Huber’s Wedge, low mileage, original car.                 purchase in 1980, heavy duty construction, ready to use. $250,
Acquired by Don in February 2000, only 18,987 miles. One of          call Tom (314)422-7149 (1705)
the finest if not the finest Wedges in the club; an identical TR8    For Sale—Triumph parts, including 1961-1967 Herald LR
recently sold at the Barrett-Jackson auction in Flagstaff, Ari-      quarter panel, NOS, genuine StanPart No. 902318; NOS 1962-
zona, for $15,400. Let’s keep Don’s car local, $14,000 nego-         1967 Spitfire front bumper; NOS 1962-1967 Spitfire hood, off-
tiable. For more info or to see the car, contact Creig Hough-        center nose, sticker on but unreadable; NOS 1963-1970 Spit-
taling at (314)401-7817 or email (1702)             fire RF fender, part No. 903089; NOS TR4 hood, part No.
                                                                     903178; TR4 trunk lid, used; plus Karman Ghia, VW, Mer-
                               62 TR3—In Florissant, good            cedes, Ford and Datsun parts. Call Monti between 8:30-4:30
                                                                     Eastern at (631)423-8151 or write to 1959 New York Ave, Hun-
                               driver, needs to go to a good
                                                                     tington, NY 11746 (1705)
                               home!    Asking $15,000, for
                               more details contact David            For Sale—Original steel disc wheel and tire off a 1971 TR6
                               Bentley        at          bent-      (spare tire), asking $200 OBO. Contact Darold Johnson (314)
                     , call (314)      835-8522 or at for more information
                               991-2502 or check out his Face-       and additional photos (1705).
                               book page (1705).
                                                                                                For Sale—TR4/4A tonneau, NOS,
74 Spitfire 1500—New tires, wire wheels, carpet, recently                                       never used since purchase in 1980.
reupholstered, new convertible top. Always garaged, selling                                     Heavy duty construction, $250. Call
as part of an estate sale, 70,955 miles. Asking $7000, in Mar-                                  Tom at (314)422-7149 (1705)
shall, MO, call Tracy (660)815-0661 (Craigslist) (1705)
                                                                                                For   Sale—Triumph parts: NOS
                      76 Spitfire 1500—W/hardtop, tonneau                                      1961-1967 Herald left rear quarter
                      cover; new brakes, brake lines, clutch,                                  panel; NOS 1962-1967 Spitfire front
                      engine rebuilt and has a Weber carb,                                     bumper; NOS 1962-1967 Spitfire
                      new tires. $4200, in Festus, Call Tom                                    hood (off-center nose, sticker on but
                      (636)524-9787 (Craigslist) (1704)              unreadable); NOS 1963-1970 Spitfire right front fender; NOS
                                                                     TR4 hood; TR trunk lid, used; plus VW, Mercedes and Datsun
                      76 Spitfire 1500—New paint, tires,
                                                                     parts and others. Call Monti 8:30 AM-4:30 PM eastern, (631)
                      other new parts; nice little car, runs and
                                                                     423-8151 or write him at 1959 New York Ave, Huntington, NY
                              drives good, shows 79K miles.
                                                                     11746 (1705)
                              In Decatur, IL, $3300, call Steve
                              (217)853-0803           (Craigslist)   For Sale—TR6 parts, for sale or giveaway, includes a differ-
                              (1705)                                 ential, transmission and doors. Call Dennis at 440-9074 if in-
                                                                     terested (1705)
                              79 TR7—5sp, air conditioning
                              (serviced Jul 16), very good con-      For Sale—Back on the market: four TR8 wheels suitable for
                              dition, runs great, have owned         use on a TR7 or Spitfire, three have usable rubber and one
                              for 10 years. In Kimberling City       might serve you well at the drag strip or for inadvertent skid/
                              (Lake of the Ozarks, west of           loss of control training. $150 OBO, contact Mark Morgan (314)
                              Branson), $5250, email sb3jm-          607-1507 or (1705)
                              (Craigslist) (1704)                    For Sale—Wide variety of TR3/4 used OEM parts, primarily
                                                                     from the completion of my TR3B in 1968. Call/email for the
                              79 Spitfire 1500—Has over-             entire four page list, specifics and questions. Larry Brown (618)
                                drive, Nardi steering wheel, no      971-0056 or (1312)
                                other details given. In central
Illinois, call August (217)730-1434 (Craigslist) (1705)

Next Meeting:
          21 May 2017

      SLTOA 35th
     Anniversary Party!
    Hickory Ridge Clubhouse
    100 S Willow Grove Court
            St Peters

10 AM start time at the Lewis & Clark
Boathouse for a scenic drive, then to
the clubhouse for a buffet meal, story
  telling, SLTOA artifacts, 80s music
              and other fun

And Finally...
   ...for your listening pleasure at
         the gala SLTOA 35th
    Anniversary party, 80s music
              selected by
      JP Martini, former bassist/
    vocalist for The Young Stags,
     Norfolk, VA’s most famous
   unknown punk/New Wave band!

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