Page created by Willie Shelton
MASS SCHEDULES                                                  SACRAMENTS & PRAYER
Daily Mass Monday & Tuesday | 8:00am                            Baptism
Daily Mass Wednesday - Friday | 8:00am & 12:05pm                English | Second Saturday of each month 10:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass | 5:00pm                                    Español | Cuarto Sábado de cada mes 10:00am
Sunday Masses | 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm                         Confession
Misa en Español | 1:30pm                                        Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
*Nursery is not available during the 9:30am & 11:30am Masses    Saturday | 3:00pm – 5:00 pm (In Grace Hall)
BAPTISMAL CLASSES                                               Contact Fr. Ryan or Fr. Saenz six months in
English | First Saturday of each month 9:00am-12:00pm           advance of desired wedding date.
[Please call church office to register]                         Anointing of the Sick
Español | Segundo Sábado de cada mes 9:00am-12:00pm             Contact the parish office
[Porfavor llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrarse]
                                                                Eucharistic Adoration
HELP WITH ANNULMENTS                                            Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
English | Jack Rader | iyaayas03 @
Español | Zulma Diaz |                    BISHOP LOUIS REICHER
                                                                C A T H O L I C S C H O O L (PK3-12TH)
THE PARISH                                                      Lower School Campus | 254.754.2041
Parish Office Hours:                                            High School Campus | 254.752.8349
M–Th 9:00am – 5:00pm | Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm         

Pastor: Fr. Ryan Higdon |
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Fernando Saenz |   Blake Evans |
Deacon: Richard Menchaca |               Principal
                                                                Rob Whitworth |

       2001 North 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website:
Sunday | Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4,12-15/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33

Monday| Dn 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62/Jn 8:1-11

Tuesday | Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3,16-21/Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday | Dn 3:14-20,91-92,95/Dn 3:52-56/Jn 8:31-42

Thursday | Is 7:10-14;8:10/Ps 40:7-11/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38

Friday | Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-7/Jn 10:31-42                           FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK
Saturday| Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10-13/Jn 11:45-56                             In last week’s note, I discussed the first letter in the ARRR
                                                               acronym for prayer - Acknowledge. It is vital that when we go to
PARISH STAFF                                                   prayer, we first acknowledge to ourselves and God what we’re
                                                               honestly thinking, feeling, and desiring. If we don’t then we’re
                                                               maybe hiding or pretending, both of which are not helpful. The
Office Administrator: Jennifer Varga
                                                               second letter and the first “R” stems from that first step and stands
                                                               for “Relate.” Prayer cannot be introspection alone, otherwise, it
Director of Finance: Kari Klaskin                              becomes a narcissistic self-absorption. The second habit of prayer                                           is to honestly relate to God what we’re feeling, thinking, or desir-
                                                               ing. To be blunt, this means simply telling God all about it, to talk
Spanish Ministry: Adriana Menchu-Johnson                       to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This may seem odd since God                                        already knows but it’s important. Imagine a Father who loves his
                                                               son, an avid baseball player, but recently missed a pivotal game
Director of Religious Education: Zulma Diaz                    during which his son truly was the MVP. The father already knows                                          from social media that his son was the hero of the game but he
                                                               still desires to hear from him first hand. He wants to see and hear
Director of Youth Ministry: Alyssa Trutter                     the son’s joy and, in sharing the story, the son is affording the                                  opportunity of seeing and hearing the father’s delight in him.
                                                               Relating the game to the Father is to experience the Father’s love.
MASS INTENTIONS                                                We are no different. Our hearts long to tell Our Father what they
                                                               are carrying and feeling. This is an important part of prayer.
Saturday| March 20, 2021
5:00pm Martin Lopez
                                                                                                                    Fr. Ryan
Sunday| March 21, 2021                                         VOCATION MINISTRY
9:30am A.C. & Margaret Haberl
11:30am Andrew Alvarez                                         Fifth Sunday of Lent...
1:30pm Gil Gonzales                                            To be God’s servant, we must follow Jesus. Do you desire to
5:00pm Parish                                                  see where Jesus lives? Serve the poor and marginalized.
                                                               (John 12:20-33). If you think God is calling you to be a priest,
Monday| March 22, 2021                                         brother, or sister, contact the Vocation Office at
8:00am All Souls                                               512.949.2430 or

Tuesday| March 23, 2021                                        STEWARDSHIP
8:00am Monica Wright                                           Collection Report for March 14, 2020
                                                               Pew Offering…………$9,685.01
Wednesday| March 24, 2021
                                                               Electronic Giving………$5,961.34
8:00am Katie Filer
12:05pm Harry Tichavsky                                        Electronic Giving is encouraged
                                                               E-giving is the safe and a highly preferred way for many to
Thursday| March 25, 2021                                       give to St. Louis Catholic Church. You can signup for e-giving
8:00am Rosie Berger                                            on the church website:
12:05pm All Souls
                                                               ST.LOUIS PASTORAL COUNCIL
Friday| March 26, 2021                                         The pastoral council meets monthly as an advisory group to
8:00am Sophie Kubala                                           our pastor. For questions or concerns please contact:
12:05pm Karie Kuehler                                          Tayla Nicholas at Thank You!

ST. 2001
    LOUISNorth 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website:
             CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                          Waco, Texas
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                SPANISH MINISTRY
Financial Peace University                                             DESDE EL ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR
Financial Peace University is a class to help us apply the wisdom
of the scriptures and best practices for our finances. The classes                 En la nota de la semana pasada, hablé de la primera letra del
are Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the JPII Building. Please email Mike         acrónimo RRRR de oración: Reconocimiento. Es vital que cuando
Millerick at if you have any questions.        vayamos a orar, primero reconozcamos ante nosotros mismos y ante
                                                                       Dios lo que estamos pensando, sintiendo y deseando honestamente. Si
Wednesday Night Bible Study                                            no lo hacemos, tal vez estemos escondiéndonos o fingiendo, lo cual no
The Ascension Press Bible Study, "Jesus, the Way, the Truth and        es útil. La segunda letra es "R" provienen de ese primer paso y son las
the Life" will meet Wednesdays from 5:30-7:15 in the JPII              siglas de "Relacionar". La oración no puede ser solo introspección, de lo
Building. Please contact Diane Schlecte at or         contrario, se convierte solo en como egoísmo. El segundo hábito de la
254-776-4241. Thank you!                                               oración es relacionar honestamente con Dios lo que sentimos,
                                                                       pensamos o deseamos. Para ser franco, esto significa simplemente
Easter Flower Fund                                                     contárselo a Dios, hablar con el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Esto
Please consider helping to adorn our sanctuary for Easter              puede parecer extraño porque Dios ya lo sabe, pero es importante.
Sunday, donations are now being accepted. Please make checks           Imagínese un padre que ama a su hijo, un jugador de béisbol, pero que
payable to St. Louis Church with “Easter Flower Fund” in the           recientemente se perdió un juego fundamental durante el cual su hijo
                                                                       realmente fue el Jugador Más Valioso. El padre ya sabe por las redes
memo. Thank you, your donations are greatly appreciated!
                                                                       sociales que su hijo era el héroe del juego, pero aún desea saberlo de la
                                                                       boca de su propio hijo. Quiere ver y escuchar la alegría del hijo y, al
NOTES OF SPECIAL INTEREST                                              compartir la historia, el hijo le brinda la oportunidad de ver y escuchar la
Stations of the Cross                                                  alegría del padre en él. Relacionar el juego con el Padre es experimentar
Please join our parish for Stations of the Cross each Friday during    el amor del Padre. No somos diferentes. Nuestros corazones anhelan
Lent at 5:30pm. Thank You!                                             decirle a Nuestro Padre lo que están cargando y sintiendo. Ésta es una
                                                                       parte importante de la oración.
Adoration During Lent                                                                                                     Fr. Ryan
St. Louis Parish will have Adoration and Confessions on
Wednesdays and Thursdays during Lent from 5:00 - 7:00pm.
Confessions During Lent
                                                                       NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD
                                                                       Estaciones de la Cruz
During Lent St. Louis will be offering confessions everyday except
                                                                       Únase a nuestra parroquia para el Vía Crucis cada viernes
Sunday! Mondays and Tuesdays at 8:30-9:00am after the 8:00am
                                                                       durante la Cuaresma a las 5:30 pm.
Mass, Fridays at 11:30-11:50am before the 12:05pm Mass, and
Wednesday & Thursday from 5:00-7:00pm.                                 Adoración durante la Cuaresma
                                                                       La Parroquia de St. Louis tendrá Adoración y Confesiones los
Holy Week Schedule
                                                                       miércoles y jueves durante la Cuaresma de 5:00-7:00 pm.
Holy Thursday, April 1st: Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00pm
Good Friday, April 2nd: Passion of the Lord 7:00pm                     Confesiones durante la Cuaresma
Holy Saturday, April 3rd: Easter Vigil 8:30pm                          Durante la Cuaresma, St. Louis ofrecerá confesiones los lunes y
Easter Sunday, April 4th: Mass Times 9:30am, 11:30am, and              martes de 8:30-9:00 am después de la misa de las 8:00 am y los
1:30pm(Spanish)                                                        viernes de 11:30-11:50 am antes de la misa de las 12:05 pm.
There will be No 5:00pm Mass.
                                                                       FORMACION DE LA FE 7-12 GRADOS
FAITH FORMATION 7TH-12TH GRADE                                         Rally Juvenil ARISE
ARISE Youth Rally                                                      Únase a nosotros para ARISE, un evento de todo el día para
Join us for ARISE, an exciting all day event for middle school and     jóvenes, el sábado 10 de abril. ARISE estará lleno de actividades
high school youth, on Saturday, April 10th. ARISE will be filled       que no olvidará, como construir y lanzar cohetes, lanzar un farol
with activities you won't forget, including building and setting off   y Futbol en Burbujas. Tendremos momentos comunidad, así
rockets, 9 square in the air, a lantern launch and BUBBLE              como sesiones durante el día para ayudarnos a crecer en nuestra
SOCCER! We will have times of community building, as well as           fe. El costo es de $ 60 por joven, que incluye 2 comidas, una
sessions throughout the day to help us grow in our faith. The          camiseta y todas las actividades del día. ¡Invita a tus amigos! ¡No
cost is $60 per youth, which includes 2 meals, a shirt, and all the    querrás perdertelo! - Para más información, visite
day's activities. Be sure to invite your friends to come too! - For
more information, visit
                                                                       Entrega de paquetes
Packet Turn In                                                         Solo un recordatorio para los estudiantes de secundaria y
Just a reminder to middle school and high school students              preparatoria que participan en la formación de fe: asegúrese de
participating in faith formation - please make sure you have your      entregar sus paquetes del domingo porque así es como recibe su
Sunday packets turned in because this is how you receive your          crédito de asistencia. Este crédito de asistencia cuenta para sus
attendance credit. This attendance credit counts towards your          requisitos de confirmación.
confirmation requirements.

ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                                             Waco, Texas
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