March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality

Page created by Dan Owens
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
                          U.C.W. Irish Stew Luncheon
                                  Friday, March 15
                              11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
                       Hamiota Community Centre
           Take-Out Meals are available. Cost: $10.00
                                          Gwenda Skayman Retiring

     Gwenda, Hamiota will miss your welcoming and helpful presence at the MASC ag-
     riculture office and we wish you all the very best in your well-deserved retirement.

     Everyone is invited to a “Come and Go” reception on March 21 at 1:30 p.m. at the
     Hamiota Agriculture Office to thank Gwenda for her many years of service to the
     farming community and to wish her well in her retirement.

     Hamiota is a farming community with agriculture one of its main industries. With
     Gwenda’s retirement Hamiota Economic Development is concerned that her job
     might not be a priority for the government to advertise and fill. When a communi-
     ty the size of ours loses a job we can all agree it is a concern. Therefore HEDC is
     asking farmers to write letters focusing on how they have benefited from the ser-
     vice provided by this position and why they feel it is important for it to be main-
     tained in Hamiota. Please drop letters off at the Municipal Office: attention Nancy
     Smith and we will see that they are forwarded to the right department.

        Hamiota Acquires a New Business!
Hamiota Economic Development welcomes a new busi-
ness; Strachan Roofing & Construction. Joel Strachan has
had years of experience in the construction field! Joel and
his wife Michael live on the farm where Joel grew up on
south/west of Hamiota. Give Joel a call for your next home
renovation or any construction need. Best Wishes!
To reach Joel ~ Phone: 204.721.0349
                                                        204.721.0349 or
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
March 2019
                  Pictured left is artist Jennifer Copet from
                  Miniota and her mother Laurie with pal-
                  liative care volunteers Airdrie Knight
                  and Pat Greenaway. The Hamiota Pallia-
                  tive care committee visited with Jen-
                  nifer's father David, over the course of
                  several months last year and the family
                  wanted to donate something to the hos-
                  pital in his memory. They have donated
                  a lovely painting and it has been hung in
                  the palliative care room in the hospital.
                  Thanks Jennifer!!

                 Hamiota is ordering t-shirts and we
                                                                 The Lions Club congratulates Dave Robertson
                 thought we would give the same oppor-
                                                                 on winning the latest Chase the Ace jackpot. On
                 tunity to the rest of the community to
                                                                 Feb. 22nd Dave drew the ace of spades from the
                 purchase. If you are interested, come
                                                                 deck of 28 cards, winning $2014.00. The next
                 down to the Municipal Office for sizing. T-
                                                                 series has started already and the jackpot is
                 shirts are $20.00 and we have men, wom-
                                                                 building. The Hamiota Hotel is now family
                 en, and youth sizes. Pre-payment is re-
                                                                 friendly until 9pm, so if you can’t find a
                 quired at time of ordering.
                                                                 babysitter, bring the kids with you.

                                                                 The Lions Club thanks all the people that filled
                                                                 out the community survey. Hopefully this will
                                                                 help the club to refocus and move forward.

                                                                 Lion Elgin Rogers

                                                                Hats off to the organizers and helpers of
                                                                the Breakfast Club. The kids always
                                                                looked like they were having fun and
                                                                GREAT to see the rink in use. Your
                                                                dedication to hockey and our youth is
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
Proud Dixon Moment. 3 Generations of Dixons ~
Jan, Phil, Mel and Reece Dixon. Reece is a 6’2”
                                                                              Hamiota United Church
setter for the Brandon University Bobcats who won
the Canada West Championship on Friday, March
                                                     Shrove Tuesday, March 5th as I write this the Easter season is here. Lent, how
                                                     do you celebrate? Giving up something that you like to eat or doing something
8th at the Healthy Living Centre in Brandon. 1700
                                                     for someone like shoveling snow or lets hope running water as we enjoy the
fans packed in the gymnasium to cheer on the         heat in the sun.
hometown favourites. Coach, Grant Wilson, felt the   Join us on Sunday mornings for worship at the Hamiota United Church at 10:00.
energy and emotion in the gym was electric.          We offer a Sunday School program for ages 2-12.
Congratulations!                                     Easter Sunday is April 21st. We are offering Communion and Baptism that day.
                                                     We hope to see you across the table.
                                                     If interested in Baptism contact Rosalie Beamish 204-764-2108 or Karen
                                                     Mathison 204-764-2562 as soon as possible.
                                                     Mark Sunday March 31st on your calendar as we welcome Rev John and Heather
                                                     Lea who visited Cuba in January with the United Theological College, part of
                                                     Montreal School of Theology. They will lead the morning worship service as
                                                     they explain their part in the tour of global awareness studies for the UTC stu-
                                                     dents. They were able to bring in gifts of medical supplies desperately needed
                                                     and meet with one of the United Church's M&S partners in that country. Our
                                                     local thrift shop and private donors gave funds to help with the purchase of the
                                                     medical supplies that were packed to meet the health needs of the Cuban peo-
                                                     ple. After the service we will have a pot luck lunch to visit with them. Remem-
                                                     ber 10:00 Sunday March 31st.
                                                     Confirmation, joining the Hamiota United Church, classes to begin soon. If inter-
                                                     ested please contact Karen Mathison 204-764-2562, Confirmation is not just for
                                                     teenagers but it is for all ages, adults included. Please contact ASAP.
                                                            Contact Czarina Conde 204-412-0502 for booking of Chumah Hall.

                                                                     but later. As you pray the answers you need and the direction
                                                                     you need to take is made clearer. And last of all, more than
                                                                     praying to get something from God, prayer results in a greater
A moment for families with Pastor Orland                             awareness of His presence and His love. I encourage you to call
You can never take prayer out of schools. As long as there will      out to the Lord today in prayer.
be math tests, you can rest assured that there will be students      Till next time, have a great month and see you Sunday!
praying!                                                             Pastor Orland
This month I am starting a new sermon series on prayer from          The Cornerstone Family Calendar
John 17. Jesus invites us to pray all kinds of ways. When teach-     Junior Youth- Monday right after school.
ing your children about prayer here a few things you can keep in     Power Tool Time Boys Club- The Farm Edition- something new
mind. You can pray aloud or silently. Prayers can be written or      for 2019. Do your chores, build your Farm!
verbal. Many people journal their prayers daily. Praying can be      Youth on Friday Night- 7 PM meet at the church.
in words or songs or spiritual songs sung in the Spirit. They can    Sunday Morning- 9:15 AM- 10 AM- Foundations of Apologetics.
be short or long. They can be public or private. You can pray in     Sunday Celebration Service 10:30 AM.
a group or all alone. The best way to teach your children about      Young Adults- ages 18 to 30 something give or take a few
prayer is to pray with them. Prayer can be deeply personal and       years… Small Group Bible Study and potluck at Ruth and Vern’s.
conversational. When you pray remember to pray to Your Fa-           Every third Sunday evening at 6 PM. Next one is March 17.
ther in Heaven and Jesus taught us that we can ask In His Name.      Youth Leader Certification Course- (semester 1) Contact Pastor
So what are some of the things that we can expect from praying       Orland for anyone wishing to obtain a certificate in youth minis-
to the Lord? We can expect heaven on earth. Jesus prayed; ‘Thy       try. This is a PAOC nationally recognized course in youth leader-
Kingdom come’. Prayer improves things and we can experience          ship ministry training.
a greater measure of peace and security in our homes, schools
and communities. Secondly prayer results in a deeper relation-       Don’t Miss a special presentation on March 31 at 10:30 AM
ship with our heavenly father. When we receive Christ as our         Carl Teichrib- Author of Game of Gods- and a prolific researcher
Saviour by faith and trust in Him, Jesus calls us His brothers and   on global trends will be speaking at Cornerstone Family Worship
sisters and the Creator of the universe calls us His children.       Centre Sunday March 31 in the morning at 10:30 AM and even-
When we pray, we are communicating with God and our rela-            ing at 7 PM. Carl will be speaking on the Oneness movement,
tionship deepens. As well when you pray, you can expect              globalization and the changing culture of western civilization.
things to change; you can expect answers to prayer! But as our       For more up to date info and any changes check out our
                                                                     web site at or follow us on Face
heavenly Father is a good Father, sometimes His answers are
yes, sometimes they are no and sometimes the answer is yes           Book and Instagram.                                          3
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
What’s Happening at the Arts Centre?!                                 be finishing it off in grand style with Irish Stew.
       We know we have some talented young art-                       The concerts have been wonderful and a big
ists and musicians out there who are really dedi-                     thank you to George Rogers , Cyril and Janice
cated to improving their skills, so we are excited                    Maxwell for all their organizing. They have been
to offer “Art Academy Days” for three days this                       a great fund-raiser for the art centre and we re-
spring break!                                                         ally appreciate all of the talented musicians who
       Sessions will run March 26, 27 and 28 from                     have come from near and far to volunteer their
10:30 – noon and from 12:30 – 2 p.m. in the after-                    time and talents. How lucky we are to have such
noon. Students that wish to stay for both sessions                    talent in the area! Once again, donation at the
in a day should bring a bag lunch to eat at noon.                     door and rush seats only!
Cost per day per student will be $10. There are                              Our last Painting pARTy! of the season will
age categories for the various sessions and limits                    be held Tuesday, April 16, with instructor Elaine
on the number of participants, so check with the                      Rawlings. It is a beautiful little 9x12 canvas of a
office for a schedule or on our website at:                           Moonlit Tree, so if you’ve been intending to come for the details. We                        all season this will be your last chance until fall!
our pleased to announce our instructor line-up                        Cost is $35 which includes all your food and drink.
for this year’s academy: Junior Art (ages 6-8                         Must pre-register with the arts council by phone
years) Art with Erica Lowe; Intermediate Music                        or email. Our maximum for this will be 32 partic-
(Grades 4-7) with ukulele instructor Ross                             ipants.
Mathison in the morning and Group Singing with                               We are rounding out our class schedule
Sheena Blanchard in the afternoon; and Senior                         with: Afternoon Watercolours with Elaine
Art (ages 12 years & up) with Mary Lowe                               (March 20, 27,April3, 10) $40 for four classes;
(drawing and clay) in the mornings and Copper                         Evening Watercolours with Elaine (March 21,
Tooling in the afternoons with Judy Perkins. It’s                     28April 4, April 11) $40 for four; Clay Sculpting
going to be a fantastic three days, so register ear-                  with Mary Lowe – April 18, 7-9 p.m. ($20); Mosa-
ly so you don’t miss out!                                             ics with Alisa Holmes – April 25- 7-9 p.m. ($15);
                                     For all of you                   and Fabric Painting with Joan , May 2, 7-9 p.m.
                              who have been enjoy-                    ($10).
                              ing our monthly con-                           Our Exhibition for the month of March is a
                              certs please join us                    beautiful combination of styles and media by lo-
                              for “An Irish After-                    cal artist Ruth Stewart, so drop in and have a
                              noon” - the final con-                  look, and coming up in April is photographs by
                              cert of this series this                Brandon Sun photographer Tim Smith. Tim has
                              year! It will be held                   achieved international success with his series of
                              Sunday, March 31,                       Hutterite photographs whose exclusive rights
                              from 2-4 p.m. at the                    were purchased by the New York Times and can
                              Heritage Arts Centre                    be seen online, so we are really looking forward
                              with guests David                       to what show he will bring for his April exhibi-
                              Caldwell, Kenton,                       tion!
                              and accordion player                           As we head into the spring and summer,
                              Jim Black, Souris.                      please let us know if you have ideas or would like
                              Some of our favorite                    to help with the Street Markets, and remember
                              local performers will                   the Summer Teas at the Old Bank will be starting
                              be rounding out the                     Thursday, June 6!
                              concert which we’ll
 Hello Community Members,

 My name is Anthony Michael VERO I am a new constable
 with the Royal Canadian Mounted police posted in Hamio-
 ta, Manitoba. I am originally from Montreal, Quebec. Ever
 since I can remember, I always wanted to become a
                                                              Cst. Braden Colwell is 26 years
 Mountie. I truly enjoy being engaged in the community        old and grew up in Oakbank,
 and interacting with people on a day to day basis. I want-   MB. Cst. Colwell enjoys staying
 ed to become a police officer to be there for people in      active and is an avid golfer dur-
                                                              ing the summer months.
 their time of need and to make the community I patrol in
                                                              Hamiota is Cst. Colwell's first
 safer for everyone. I enjoy the outdoors and playing sport   post as he graduated from the
 during the summer. For everyone reading, I hope to cross     RCMP Academy, Depot Divi-
 your paths during community events and hopefully make        sion in October 2018. Cst. Col-
                                                              well's father was a member of
 a change for the better in the community you reside in.      the RCMP for 32 years, retiring
 Have a wonderful day. Yours Truly,                           in 2014. Cst. Colwell is excited
                                                              to be starting his career in the
 4                         Cst. VERO
                       Hamiota RCMP-GRC
                                                              Yellowhead area.
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
March 2019              5
Congratulation to my son Joel on the opening of his business,
                                                                                         Hamiota Donor's Choice
Strachan Roofing and Construction. Best of luck in your new en-
                                                                                          annual canvass will run
deavour. Love, Mom
                                                                                             March 15 - April 15, 2019.
Thanks to everyone that came to the Brain-
storming Evening. The evening proved to be                                      If you would like to make a donation and have not been
successful because of your attendance. We can                                   canvassed previously or would like to help with the canvass
move forward with lots of great ideas and                                       please call Heather Feschuk (204) 764-2056 or Debbie
positive direction.                                                             Johns (204)764-0461. Canvassers can pick up their enve-
                                                                                lopes at the Hamiota Municipal Office. We appreciate the
                         99th Birthday                                          work our canvassers do each year and all the donations we
                                                                                receive. All money collected goes directly to the charities
                          Wishes are going
                                                                                you select.
                          out to Ruby
                          Mathison! Ruby’s
                          Birthday was on
                          March 1st and she
                                                                                           A Jack & Jill Wedding Shower
                          got to celebrate                                                 is being held in honour of Kyle
                          with family and                                                  Skayman & Danika Taylor on
                          friends by her side.                                             Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 at
                                                                                           2:00 p.m. in Chumah Hall. They
                                                                                           are    registered at the Hamio-
                                                                                           ta Home Hardware; Stokes in
                                                                                           Brandon; Bed, Bath & Beyond
                                                                                           and Hudson Bay Home in
                                                                                                    Everyone Welcome!

                                                 THANK YOU
                                                  We feel so overwhelmed with gratitude and appreci-
                                                 ation for you, Hamiota! Thank you to everyone who
                                                 contributed to, and attended our wedding social and
                                                 shower in January. We had a wonderful time and will
                                                 never forget your generosity.
                                                  Ever since moving to Hamiota in 2015, we have been
                                                 blown away by your kindness and community spirit.
                                                 We often say that we have become better people
Join us at 2:00 on Saturday, April 27th          while living here! Thank you for welcoming us to your
at Hamiota Chumah Hall for a bridal              activities, clubs, committees, sports and events. We
shower in honour of Jillian Hawkins,             treasure our time spent in this town, and it will al-
bride elect of Taylor Madsen. Delivery           ways be a place we consider “home”.
address will be given shortly after 2:00.
The couple is registered at Hamiota              We’ll be back to visit!
Home Hardware, Stokes, and online at
                                                 Jenny & Kris
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
6        March 2019                                                         An Oldie BUT a Goodie....Thanks
Hamiota Leader- Beginning in April, the Leader will not
                                                                               Allan and Linda Mathison
be in your mailbox. The goal is to reduce paper copies
which will reduce cost and waste. Nancy will still deliv-
er Leaders to Birch, Lilac, and Park. There will be copies
delivered to the Hamiota Co-op, TJ’s, and Hamiota Su-
per Thrifty where you can pick up your copy if you pre-
fer paper copy. The Leader will still be free of charge.
We hope some people will choose to read it online on
the Hamiota website at The Leader can
be viewed easily on our website. With that being said if
you prefer to have a copy in your hand then please do
so by grabbing one from a business location and if           TOP LEFT ..Uncle Joe Kirk, Ted Green, Harold Pollock, Garth Stra- a tree!                                           chan, Buck Mathison, Harvey Pollock, Bob Wilson, Wilf Skayman, ?,
                                                             Harvey Houck, ? Davis FRONT Gladwyn Scott, Glen Woods, Nellie
...                                              Woods, Goalie Delmar McConnell, Glen Sheardown, Doug Pollock

Follow Your Passion
Mrs. Facey’s Grade 8 ELA classes were given the chance to select an area of study for their unit.
Hockey- A Passion Can Lead to a Career
The students who selected hockey are learning that if playing hockey doesn’t work out as a career, there are many pathways
they can follow that will lead them to interesting careers that will continue to fuel their passion for hockey.
First, the students were involved in a video call with Mr. Lindsey Gullett, who is the Manager of Events Presentation for the Ed-
monton Oilers. The group was amazed at just how much detail he puts into writing a game day script.
Next, the students had an opportunity to have a face to face conversations with both Mr. Troy Leslie, who coaches the Virden Oil
Caps, and Mr. Chad Facey, who coaches the AAA Midget Yellowhead Chiefs. Each coach spent an hour sharing their experiences
and answering the student’s questions.                                                                                    Finally,
the students have been learning about the important academic and personal skills these jobs require. They are comparing these
skills with the ones they have and ones they need to develop. In order to practice these skills, they are being exposed to a variety
of activities such as creating a game day script and designing and running a hockey practice. Through these activities, they are
developing skills such as writing open ended questions, using both written and spoken communication, researching and note tak-
ing and working in groups. Students are working hard and are learning so many important qualities.
Making a Difference in the World
The other class of Grade 8 students have been researching about people who have made a difference in the world. Hannah Tay-
lor, was born in Winnipeg, MB and at age 5, she and her mom were driving when she saw a man eating out of a dumpster. For
almost a year, she thought of the man that she had seen and just couldn’t let go of the image. One night her mom said, “Hannah,
maybe if you do something about it, your heart won’t be so sad.” The next day, she and her grade 1 teacher had a lunch meeting
to see what they could do to help. She started by making ladybug jars out of baby food jars. She used black and red paint, a black
pipe cleaner, and a note that said, “Help the Homeless”. Her and her family went to visit soup kitchens and she made friends
with a lot of people. She started “The Ladybug Foundation” (LF) in 2004 because ladybugs symbolize luck.
On January 22, the group had a video call with Hannah Taylor. One of the questions the class asked was, “What important skills
do you have that helped you through your life experiences?” “Being empathetic,” is the most important skills that you should
have when it comes to having a foundation like Hannah's and even though there will be people that will doubt you, you have to
keep going. We read on the LF website that she speaks to large numbers of people about her cause, even though that is beyond
her comfort zone. She wants to get her message out to as many people as possible. On Feb. 7, all HCI students were asked to
wear red and black to raise awareness about homelessness. The group sold hot chocolate for $2.00 and made Ladybug jars to
collect donations at the school and around Hamiota. In March, they have been selling wristbands, pencils and Ladybug scarves
that Hannah sent out to the students to raise even more funds. Another exciting event taking place for the Make a Difference
group is learning how to make part of the plastic bags mats to help people in need. We are excited to have Mrs. Chantal DeBin
coming in to work with the students on Monday, March 11.They are busy designing their own projects to make a difference in
other people’s lives.
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
March 2019             7
March             Exhibition Beautiful comb. of styles & media by local artist Ruth Stewart
15           Irish Stew Lunch                                                    11:30a.m.-1:00p.m.      Hamiota Community Centre
15,16, Mixed Curling Bonspiel                                                    ALL WEEKEND             Hamiota & District Sports
17                                                                                                       Complex
20           Diabetes Clinic                                                     8a.m - 10a.m.           Hamiota District Health Centre

21,22, Drama Production- Presenting: “There’s a Burglar in my Bed”               7:30p.m.                Hamiota Community Centre
23     Tickets on sale now at Andrew Agencies.
23           Coffee with Council                                                 10:00 a.m. -12:00       Heritage Arts Centre

     8-12      Introduction to Social Media Workshop-Facebook, Instagram,                            Hamiota Centennial Library
               Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest
     12,13, High School Musical                                                     12th-7p.m.       Hamiota Collegiate
     14                                                                             13th-7p.m.
                                                                                    14th- 2p.m.
     13        Hudson Auction Sale                                                                   Hamiota & District Sports Complex

     20        Hamiota Trade Show                                                   10a.m.-4p.m. Hamiota & District Sports Complex
     24        Hamiota Cancer Support Group                                         11 a.m.          J & D Chinese Restaurant

     26        Hospital Auxiliary Florence Nightingale Luncheon                     11 a.m.-1p.m. Hall

     28        Barn Dance                                                           4p.m.-7p.m.      Hamiota & District Sports Complex

                                                                                 HAMIOTA TRADE SHOW
                                                                                       Saturday, April 20
                                                                               HAMIOTA AND DISTRICT SPORTS COMPLEX
                                                                                       Curling Entrance - North Side
                                                                                              200 MAPLE AVE.
                                                                                              10:00 AM- 4:00 PM
                                                                            Guest Admission is by silver collection with proceeds
                                                                             going to the Hamiota Community Foundation. We
February meeting for the Hamiota 4-H Fun Club ~On February 14th, the                      invite everyone to come,
Hamiota 4-H Fun Club met at the MASC office in Hamiota. The Club                   BROWSE and ENJOY a GREAT DAY!
made plans for their communications evening held on February 28th.            We will see you at the TRADE SHOW in Hamiota!
We also discussed a visit to Birch Lodge personal care home on March
5th. A club family fun day was also discussed and will be held on March         Check out giftware, clothing,
28th. Various upcoming events were reviewed to see if anyone was in-
terested, such as curling bonspiels, the calf and pig scramble and the 4-        vehicles, furniture and so
H food challenge. The next meeting for the Hamiota 4-H Fun Club will
                                                                                       MUCH MORE!
be held on March 14th. Sophie Kalinowich, Club Reporter
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
Female Bantam Rural A
                       Provincials were a HUGE success
                       in Hamiota from March 1-3. Pho-
                       tos taken at the Opening Ceremo-
                       nies Mayor Larry Oakden - Extend-
                       ed a Warm Welcome
                       Eleanor Muir - Hockey Canada’s
                       Ambassador- speech & dropped                                                         Hamiota Collegiate
                       the puck for the ceremonial
                                                                                                            April 12 -7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                            April 13 - 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                            April 14 - 2:00 p.m.
                                                                                                            $13.00 Adults

   Come and have COFFEE WITH COUNCIL
            Saturday, March 23, 2019
             10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
                  At the Heritage Arts Centre
                        43 Maple Avenue
            Any ideas, concerns, inquiries, or
             if you just want to chat, please
          come and join us for coffee!
The Hamiota Collegiate Youth in
Philanthropy is once again
accepting applications from             Feb. 10, 2019
organizations looking for grant
money to support projects that
benefit youth. Please contact
Hamiota Collegiate to obtain an
application form or for more

The Hamiota Huskies Hockey team have had a fantastic season this year. They placed first in the West Division with a record of
22 wins and 2 losses which tied them with Killarney, the East Division winners. The first round of League Playoffs consisted of a
best of 3 games with Rivers with the Huskies winning 2 straight (4-3 and 6-1). Round 2, another best of 3, will begin in Hamiota on
Thursday, Feb. 28 against the Major Pratt Trojans from Russell at 8:15 pm. Game 2 will be in Russell on Monday, Mar 4 at 8:15
In the Provincial Qualifier Games held February 15 & 16, the Huskies earned a berth in the AA Provincials to be held in Cartwright
on March 7-9, with wins over Boissevain (4-3) and Major Pratt (7-1).
On February 10 the Hamiota Huskies, dressed in pink jerseys, played their final league home game against Rivers in the Huskies
Fight Cancer game. Along with the gate proceeds, an online jersey auction, progressive 50-50 and raffle table raised $11,523.50
for the Hamiota & District Heath Centre Cancer Care Unit. On Saturday Hamiota had travelled to Rivers for a game raising
funds for the same cause.
March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality March 2019 - Hamiota Municipality
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