Page created by Hector Acosta

                                                                                                 The 75th Anniversary Committee
                                                                                                 would like everyone to Save the Date
                                                                                                 for these events in 2022:

                                                                                                 Trivia Night
                                                                                                 Sat, March 12th, St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth

                                                                                                 Golf Tournament
                                                                                                 Fri, April 1st, Aberdeen Golf Club, Eureka

      MALL REDEVELOPMENT APPROVED                                                                Concert and Movie Night
 The Board of Aldermen unanimously               cial uses to the east and west.                 Sat, May 14th, Whitecliff Park
voted at a November BOA meeting to ap-            At the same time, on the residential side,
prove the preliminary development plan at        McBride Homes is set to offer three diffe-      Bowling Night at Crestwood Bowl
the former mall site, currently known as         rent model series within their 81 homes,        June, Crestwood Bowl
“Crestwood Crossing.”                            including 34 Bayside Homes, 31 Bellisimo
 This is the first major development plan        Homes, and 16 Oakwood Homes.                    Glow Bingo
to be approved by the Board at the One            At the outskirts of the residential deve-      August, TBD
Crestwood Plaza site since the old mall was      lopment portion, one note of interest is
enclosed in the late 1980s.                      the pedestrian bridge and pathway which         Rogers and Nienhaus Concert
 The developers of the site – D3 Commer-         will be installed over Gravois Creek to         Sat, September 24th, Sappington House
cial Real Estate Group, the development          connect “Crestwood Crossing” to Grant’s
arm of Dierbergs, and McBride Homes –            Trail, which is just on the other side of the   Beautification Committee Planting
are proposing to develop the site into a ho-     Industrial Park.                                Fall TBD, Crestwood Park
rizontal mixed-use development which will         Phases II and III of the development will
include several retail shops, a grocery store,   include multiple out buildings including va-    75th Celebration Day
multiple restaurants, green spaces, and 81       rious retail and restaurant spaces that are     Sat, October 15th, Throughout City
single family homes.                             yet to have been submitted to the City.         The main event of the 75th Anniver-
 With the preliminary development plan            Within phase II will also be a 12,000 sq.      sary will feature a Pumpkin Pie 5K at
having been approved, the developers have        foot public plaza with a water feature in-      Whitecliff Park, a parade down Watson,
until August 2022 to submit their final de-      cluded in the western portion of the deve-      ‘A Taste of Crestwood,’ and fireworks.
velopment plans, although that will likely       lopment, closest to the Watson Road-Sap-
be done earlier in 2022.                         pington Road intersection.                      Dates and times are subject to change.
 Phase I of the commercial development            While construction timelines always have       For more information, please visit
portion will include the approximately           unknown variables, the developer hopes for additional
72,000 sq. foot Dierbergs main building          to have phase I of the project completed        events and details, and to join the 75th
with more than 23,000 sq. feet of commer-        within 24 months.                               Anniversary Mailing List.

                                                                                                     CRESTWOOD NEWSLETTER | 1
NEWS BLURBS                                  JOSEPH SAPPINGTON HOUSE MOVING
BACK TO NATURE STL GRANT                       The Board of Aldermen recently voted
  The City of Crestwood was recently        to approve the Sappington House Founda-
awarded the Back to Nature STL Grant        tion’s request to disassemble and move the
from the Missouri Department of Con-        1816 Joseph Sappington Log House to the
servation. It is a three year grant, with   Sappington House Complex, a City park.
a total award of $75,000, which will be        The Complex, located at 1015 S. Sap-
used in Crestwood Park.                     pington Road, is the current site of the
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 75TH                  Thomas Sappington House Museum, The             dation’s goal is to be ready to serve the
  The 75th Anniversary Committee is         Barn restaurant, the Library of Americana,      public by November 2023.
looking for volunteers to support up-       and Loft Gift Shop.                                According to the Sappington House
coming events including the trivia night       Under the approved relocation agree-         Foundation, the log house will be used to
in March and golf tournament in April.      ment, the City will reimburse $100,000 of       provide needed interior space for expand-
Bring a friend and meet new people all      the moving cost and $25,000 toward utility      ed educational programming, exhibits and
while helping your City celebrate this      relocation, pending the successful comple-      events/meetings. Other uses will include
milestone anniversary! Please contact       tion of Phase I and II by November 30, 2022.    the new full length porch for performances            In Phase I of the project, the Joseph Sap-   and a catering kitchen and ADA-compliant
for more information!                       pington House, a traditional log house, will    restrooms for various events.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE SURVEY                   be disassembled and moved off-site this fall,      Thus far, the Foundation has raised
  The Crestwood Public Works Board          while the grounds are prepped for Phase II.     $125,000 separately from the City’s con-
has requested input from the community         In Phase II, the House will be reassem-      tribution. However, they are asking for res-
as to commercial vehicles on residential    bled on a concrete foundation with a full       idents and businesses to add their support
properties.To complete the                  basement, while a new restroom and kitch-       and donate. The “Save Joe” campaign will
survey, visit the City web-                 enette are added to the rear of the build-      raise the remaining $200,000 to restore and
site or use the afflixed QR                 ing. Phase II is scheduled to be completed      repurpose the log house in Sappington Park.
Code, by December 31.                       by November 2022.                                  Join the “Save Joe” campaign by mailing
STUDENT ELECTION JUDGES                        Phase III will include finishing work in-    a contribution to the Sappington House
  The St. Louis County Board of Elec-       cluding any additional HVAC, plumbing,          Foundation, or donating to the GoFundMe
tions is accepting applications for high    and interior or exterior needs. The foun-       campaign at
school students who are interested in
the High School Student Election Judge
Program. To qualify, students must be at
                                                         CHRISTMAS IN CRESTWOOD
least 15 but under 18 years of age, and         Christmas in Crestwood 2021, which
be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.         kicked off on November 12, the City of
   Applications must be received by          Crestwood’s birthday, will feature Photos
March 11 for students to work in the         with Santa on December 11 and three
April 5, 2022 General Municipal Election.    contests that run through December 31.
Interested students can apply at www.           These contests include the Student or contact         Essay (for grades K-12), the Where’s
Jim McHugh of the Board of Elections         Santa Photographic Scavenger Hunt and
at (314) 615-1858 or by email at high-       Shop Crestwood for the Holidays.              The big event of the season is on Sat-
USA FLAG DROPBOX                             urday, December 4, when Santa Comes
  The City of Crestwood would like to        to Crestwood! The 6.5-mile Santa Car            Christmas in Crestwood Radio will be
remind everyone in the community that        Cruise will travel through all four wards,      available commercial-free, 24/7 at www.
there is still a flag dropbox up at the      followed by the Goody Bag Food Drive  
Government Center, near the Fire De-         and will be capped off by Fireworks, spon-         Visit
partment, for any flags that need to be      sored by Tom Streib and Streib Company.         for any updates and all the details on the
properly retired.                               Additionally, from December 1-31,            contests and activities.

EVENTS AND PROGRAMS                                                           ‘A SPIRITED HOLIDAY PAST’ AT
                                                                                           HISTORIC SAPPINGTON HOUSE
                                                                                             Dec 4, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (all ages)
  DAY TRIP TO QUAINT                            NOON YEAR’S EVE                                  $5/adults, $1/children under 12
 COUNTRY CHURCHES                              FRI, DEC 31 10:30 A.M. - NOON
   FRI, DEC 17, 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.          $6/residents and $8/non-residents                   Historic Sappington House
  $65/per person; reservations required          Whitecliff Community Center                Sappington House will be decorated for
  *Bus leaves from Community Center                        Ages 5-12                       the holidays, in the same style of the early
                All Ages                                                                   1800s. The event will feature a fun skit and
  To Apple Creek churches we go! By          Noon Year’s Eve...3...2...1! Happy Noon         a Regency-era dancing permforance by
  motorcoach, join the tour of country       Year! Join us for a New Year celebration       Dance Discovery (from 11-1). For more
  churches adorned in Christmas finery,      on Dec. 31 at the Crestwood Community           information, visit
  sponsored by Historic Sappington           Center. Kids will enjoy playtime, arts and            CANDY CANE HUNT
  House. Enjoy a home-style meal and         crafts, snacks and a balloon drop at noon     Dec 10, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (ages 2-8)
  shop for handmade crafts, wine, and fine    with noise makers and confetti galore!        Dec 11, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (ages 5-8)
  meats. Reservations are required by                                                        Dec 20, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM (ages 5-8)
  December 14. Trip is weather permitting.   For more information on this program                $10/residents, $12/non-residents
  Departure will be from the Community       or any recreation programing, please                         Whitecliff Park
            Center at 9:00 a.m.              contact the Parks Dept at 314-729-4860.         Rudolph and his friends are up to their
                                                                                           usual reindeer games and hid Santa’s candy
                                                                                           canes in Whitecliff Park! We need your help
 REGISTER ONLINE: WWW.CITYOFCRESTWOOD.ORG/REGISTRATION                                     to find them for Santa! December 20th will
                                                                                              be a special Glow in the Dark edition.

      CORNER                                    On November 9, the Board of Aldermen
  The Crestwood Department of Fire           approved a recommendation from the
Services would like to remind everyone       Crestwood Redistricting Committee as to
that with the temperatures dropping, fam-    the redistricting of each Aldermanic Ward.
ilies should use extreme caution with all       According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the
alternative heating devices.                 City’s official population grew to 12,406.
  Space heaters, for example, account for    The Redistricting Committee was tasked
about one-third of all home heating fires    with drawing new district lines to equal
and nearly 80 percent of home heating        out the population of each Ward, without
fire deaths annually.                        a standard deviation of not more than 10%
  Here are a few safety tips for those       between the largest and smallest districts.   with State law and City Ordinances. Due to
home heating needs:                             To balance out population changes and      changes in State laws this year, these filing
  • Keep a three-foot safety zone around     to help draw smoother lines, the Commit-      dates are significantly different, than in the
any heating equipment, including anything    tee identified multiple areas of potential    previous years. Most notably, the deadlines
flammable as well as any children.           change. For more information on the Re-       will not last into January as in years past.
  • Remember to turn off any portable        districting Committee’s work, please visit       The first date for filing these completed
heating devices when leaving the room or                      forms with the City Clerk or her designee is
going to bed.                                    Election Filing Period Changes            Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 8:00 a.m.The
  • Do not plug a space heater into a pow-      On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, voters of the   final date for filing these completed forms
er strip. They must be plugged directly      City will elect four aldermen, one from       with the City Clerk or her designee is Tues-
into the outlet.                             each of the four wards to serve until April   day, December 28 2021, before 5:00 p.m.
  • Do not overload extension cords/out-     2025. Under the City’s Charter, the term         Please note: the Government Center Of-
lets and do not place them under a rug.      for the Office of Alderman is three years,    fices will be closed for a half day on De-
  • Always buy a heating unit with a tip-    unless filling a vacancy.                     cember 24, 2021 and all day on Monday,
over safety switch.                             The filing period is set in accordance     December 27, 2021.

                                                                                                 CRESTWOOD NEWSLETTER | 3
                                                                                                                      U.S. Postage:
1 Detjen Drive                                                                                                             PAID
Crestwood, MO 63126                                                                                                   St. Louis, MO
                                                                                                                      Permit # 495

     UPCOMING                                     CONTACT INFORMATION
*Due to COVID-19, all upcoming
                                           GOVERNMENT CENTER
                                                                       COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                                                                                  WARD 2:
                                                                                                             Justin Charboneau
meetings and events will be evaluated on     Fax: 314-729-4794
a case-by-case basis. Please check the                                                                          Mary Stadter
City website at www.cityofcrestwood.             POLICE                                        
   org for updates and cancellations.         Non Emergency:
                                               314-729-4800                    MAYOR                              WARD 3:
     CITY OFFICES CLOSED                                                     Grant Mabie                          Greg Hall
     Half Day DEC 24 (at noon)                     FIRE                     314-729-4710         
           All Day DEC 27                     Non Emergency:                Scott Shipley
     Half Day DEC 31 (at noon)                 314-729-4742                                     
            All Day JAN 3                                             BOARD OF ALDERMEN
           All Day JAN 17                   MUNICIPAL COURT                 WARD 1:                                WARD 4:
                                              314-729-4776              Richard Breeding                         John Sebben
    BOARD OF ALDERMEN                                       
        MEETINGS                              PUBLIC WORKS                  Jesse Morrison                     Tony Kennedy
     7 P.M. DEC 14; JAN 11, 25                 314-729-4720 

 CHRISTMAS IN CRESTWOOD:                                          CITYOFCRESTWOOD.ORG
                                              CityofCrestwood |     CrestwoodParksandRec |            TheCrestwoodPoliceDepartment
            3 P.M. DEC 4

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