Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC

Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
Team Up, Launch
The Industrial
Hotel LLC
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
And while Barna runs multiple                Minnesota and started work in
Recent reports peg the Tiny Homes           the past year. This perfect storm prices     businesses, including several in             construction while in High School and
market at a compound annual growth          many new home buyers out of the              technology, his interest in real estate      continued while completing an
rate (CAGR) of over 4% through 2025.        market. In contrast, depending on the        and renovation remains a key part of his     undergraduate degree at St. Cloud State
There are a number of factors behind        materials used, location, and other          professional life. His real estate and       University. Wyatt has owned and
growing interest in tiny homes. Rapid       factors, the cost of a tiny house can be a   home renovation activities are               operated businesses in and around
growth in housing prices and rents in       fraction of the cost of a normal             subsumed under KDevelopers, LLC, a           Colorado Springs for a number of years.
many metropolitan areas have propelled      construction build.                          company he founded. Since moving to          As his fiancée is from Fremont County,
unprecedented homeless rates. Most                                                       Fremont County in 2015, Barna has been       he decided to relocate from Minnesota
recently, the sudden economic                                                            actively involved in various real estate     to Florence in early 2019. “People joke
downturn in certain sectors—an                                                           and construction undertakings—one            with me about wearing shorts when
outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic—                                                        being the full renovation of five 1950s to   everyone else is wearing coats,” he
pushed some individuals and families                                                     1970s vintage mobile homes (The              relates. “for me, it is a walk in the park.”
into bankruptcy and loss of housing.                                                     Rosedale Vintage Mobile Home Park),
                                                                                         which he restored using recycled             I figured it out, and it turned
                                                                                         materials and lists on Airbnb as a           out that I was actually really
Tiny homes are seen as a partial solution                                                Superhost and VRBO Premier Partner.          good at it.”
for the problem. There simply isn’t                                                      When the housing market recently
sufficient housing inventory on the                                                      changed, Barna switched them over to
                                                                                                                                      Wyatt and Barna first met in 2014 at the
market today, with prices up as much as                                                  long-term rentals.
                                                                                                                                      Cañon City Hot Air Balloon Festival
50% in certain markets over the past
                                                                                                                                      where the two of them had separate
four years. The cost of new construction
                                                                                                                                      booths selling merchandise. “I
continues to spiral upwards, with                                                        Wyatt Reed grew up in northern               remember walking around the booth
lumber prices up more than 500% over
                                                                                                                                      area to check out other vendors and saw
                                                                                                                                      Barna’s booth for Salvage Antique
Fremont County                                                                                                                        Vintage Etc.,” Wyatt recalls. “He had all

Entrepreneurs Meet and Form                                                                                                           of this funky merchandise, including a
                                                                                                                                      hubcap clock.” The two of them struck
Business Partnership                                                                                                                  up a conversation and a friendship
                                                                                                                                      formed that eventually led to a business
Fremont County entrepreneurs,               completing his degree, he decided to                                                      partnership. “Our first joint effort was a
Barna Kasa and Wyatt Reed, both             buy a house and completely remodel it.                                                    pop-up retail store in Colorado Springs
developed an early interest in home         “I had no money, no skills, no tools,                                                     in 2015,” Wyatt says. “It was a big
construction and renovation early           nothing,” he jokes. “But I figured it out,                                                success, and we’ve worked on various
in their lives. Barna launched a            and it turned out that I was actually                                                     joint business initiatives since.”
career in technology when                   really good at it.”
attending Ohio State University as a
computer science major. Yet, while
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
Idea for Tiny Container House                                                              Building with Virtually 100%
Takes Form                                                                                 Refurbished Materials
The concept of tiny houses and their          materials and household items. Barna         In addition to the smaller lot where         “Recycling materials lowers our cost and
ability to address the housing shortage       had purchased an empty lot in Florence       Wyatt placed his shipping container,         gives us a unique differentiator that is
and affordability dates back a number of      years ago and told Wyatt to drop the         Barna also had acquired a larger one—        environmentally friendly,” Barna
years for Wyatt and Barna. Wyatt’s            shipping container he was using there.       also in Florence. The two of them also       explains. “We’re even harvesting
brother introduced him to shipping            With the container on the property and       had extensive renovation experience in       material for the trim,” Wyatt adds.
container housing several years ago. For      Wyatt now living in Fremont County, the      construction areas that would aid them       “Barna will give me a stack of old
Barna, his interest in tiny homes was         two of them concluded that the time          in designing and building out a tiny         barnwood, and I’ll turn them into trim
spurred by his work restoring vintage         had come for them to bring their ideas       house prototype. Barna’s salvage             for the windows. About the only thing in
mobile homes. “I was so intrigued with        regarding tiny houses to fruition. “When     business in Florence—Salvage Antique         them that wasn’t refurbished are the
them that I attended several seminars         we build on top of containers, we get        Vintage Etc.—could provide them with         toilets.” With construction materials
on them,” Wyatt relates. “But the             storage underneath and a super-              most of the material needed to               adding tens of thousands of dollars to
                                              efficient living quarters above it,” Wyatt   construct the tiny house prototype. In       many new homes and making it cost-
                                              says.                                        particular, Barna made a decision in         prohibitive to remodel existing homes,
“When we build on top of
                                                                                           2020 to acquire special plastics recycling   the approach of Wyatt and Barna is
containers, we get storage
                                                                                           equipment to create unique items like        advantageous; outside of higher
underneath and a super-                                                                    light switch cover plates and                shipping container costs, they are not
                                              At about the same time, Wyatt
efficient living quarters                                                                  commercial-grade tile.                       impacted by construction material
                                              submitted his idea of a tiny container
above it.”                                                                                                                              inflation.
                                              house into a “Shark Tank” like
                                              competition sponsored by the Fremont
approach they were taking lacked              Economic Development Corporation             Proving Out the Idea in a Four
viability in my opinion, as they were still   and vetted by several Colorado-based
too expensive and did not include             venture fund leaders. A total of 13 new      Unit Prototype
individual bathrooms—namely,                  business ideas were pitched during the
residents in the tiny housing                 B2B Fall Roundup Bull Session—one of         After working with the city planner and      building all four containers. They plan to
development would need to share a             which was Wyatt’s Fire Age Design Tiny       a local planning consultant in early 2020,   add one more to the lot within the next
common rest room. The existing tiny           Home concept. “I had two minutes and         Wyatt and Barna concluded that they          year. It took about nine months to build
house designs lacked storage as well.”        no props to present my idea,” he             should zone the two locations as hotel       the infrastructure—septic tank and
                                              remembers. He won third prize and            properties and branded them with the         utilities. Occupancy permits were
                                              $2,500 for his time.”                        name The Industrial. They purchased          secured for the first two units in March,
When Wyatt moved to Fremont County,                                                        the remaining three containers planned       and the other two were permitted in
he needed a place to store his work                                                        for the smaller lot on South Union and       June. Wyatt is currently using unit 4
                                                                                           commenced work on designing and              while it is under construction, and unit 1
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
is listed on Airbnb and associated                 notes that they have plans to create a                            Getting their four tiny houses on the               about subcontracting their services,”
    Airbnb Experiences. Units 2 and 3 are              completely off-grid capable shipping                              first property and listing them on                  Wyatt adds.
    currently under construction, which                container home, that can ship all-                                Airbnb was just the start for Wyatt and
    Wyatt and Barna hope to have listed on             inclusive (using the container with all                           Barna. “We can start building tiny
    Airbnb later this summer.                          additional parts included to hookup)                              houses on the second, much larger
                                                       through his own company, Fire Age                                 property in Florence and renting them
                                                       Design, LLC. “These homes will have                               out,” Barna notes. “We anticipate that
                                                       their own solar panel supply, waste and                           we can get 20 to 30 units placed on it.”
    In addition to all of their planning work
                                                       supply water tanks, basically everything                          Wyatt and Barna also plan to begin
    with the city and build out of the units,
                                                       from footers to finish nails, all in the box.                     building out tiny houses for shipment to
    Wyatt and Barna launched a podcast
                                                       Our final goal is to create a fully modular                       other locations. For scale of operations,
    show in late 2020 dubbed “It’s Not a Tiny
                                                       design that requires as little                                    they expect to subcontract welding and
    House.” The difference shows a focus on
                                                       infrastructure work as possible,” Wyatt                           other construction work to local
    Wyatt’s and Barna’s journey to create
                                                       says.                                                             professionals in Florence and Fremont
    their own affordable tiny house project
                                                                                                                         County. Plus, as the container houses
    in Florence and blueprint elements
                                                       “When we build on top of                                          can be preconfigured on site, they can
    others across the country can follow
                                                                                                                         be loaded onto trucks and delivered
    who want to follow suit.                           containers, we get storage
                                                                                                                         virtually anywhere in the country.
                                                       underneath and a super-
                                                                                                                         “We’ve already had discussions with a
                                                       efficient living quarters                                         Florence-based trucking company
    While the tiny homes in The Industrial             above it.”
    currently are on grid tied power, Wyatt

                                         Wyatt moves back to Fremont County and
                                          begins working on mobile home park unit                   Units 2 and 3 shipping containers
                                                                                                                                               Set 4 shipping containers in place
                                                                                                               purchased                                                                         Listed unit 1 on Airbnb and
Barna and Wyatt open pop-up store         5 and restoring Victorian in Florence. Unit                                                        and ran infrastructure, water, septic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      associated Airbnb
   in Colorado Springs together                 4 shipping container purchased.                                                                and power (as property lacked all)

                           February 2016                                           February 2020                                  Last Half of 2020                           March 2021

                                                          May 2019                                            Spring 2020                              November 2020                                     June 2021
        November 2015

                                                                                                                           Set 4 shipping containers in place
                                                                        Planning consultant and city planner            and ran infrastructure, water, septic,
                       First shipping container                                                                                                                          Acquired certificates for
                                                                          conclude hotel does not require a                and power (as property lacked all)
                     purchased and placed on S.                                                                                                                         occupancy for units 1 and 4
                                                                                    zoning change
                        Union lot in Florence
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
Adding Up the Efficiencies of                                                           Even with the spike in container prices
                                                                                        in the past year, Wyatt and Barna
Scale and Cost                                                                          believe they can deliver a 40-foot tiny
                                                                                        house at a cost of $48,000. “If we add an
                                                                                        upstairs to the unit, the price increases
In contrast to a normal house that can       create a one-weekend training course
                                                                                        to $56,000—but so does the square
take months and months to build,             where we give them hands-on training.”
                                                                                        footage of the space,” Barna observes.
Wyatt and Barna expect to shrink this to     He also has put together training videos
                                                                                        “This is dramatically less than other tiny
less than 30 days for their tiny houses.     that will be hosted as part of the Off-
                                                                                        homes on the market, where you’re
“Customers will have the option of a         Grid Academy. And while they are
                                                                                        often looking at $100,000 once
white glove approach—from design to          currently giving free tours of the tiny
                                                                                        everything is added.” Wyatt and Barna
actual delivery and set up,” Barna says.     houses, Wyatt and Barna plan to begin
                                                                                        are also playing with the concept of
“We will even do the plumbing and            charging for them in the near future.
                                                                                        trying a design for a 20-foot container.
electrical hookups when it is delivered      “Living in a tiny house is not for
                                                                                        “Shrinking the cost even further creates
on location. As nearly all of the house is   everyone,” Barna notes. “What we really
                                                                                        an even more compelling affordability
completely configured in Florence, very      want is for buyers to spend at least two
                                                                                        case—which we believe could be used
little needs to be done once it arrives on   days living in one before they make a
                                                                                        to house people experiencing
location.”                                   purchase. This will give them a feel for
                                             what it is like.”

“We’re also planning to give them the                                                   Building, Selling, and Shipping
choice to build it themselves—either in      Being made of steel, the tiny container
Florence or upon delivery to the location    houses are very quiet—blocking off         Tiny House Across the Country
where they want it placed,” Wyatt            outside noise. The Corten Steel from
observes. “For those wanting to do the       which they are made has a way of           Now that they have their initial             “We want to be building,
construction themselves, we plan to          scabbing itself. “They are also highly     prototype designs behind them, Wyatt         selling, and shipping our
                                             energy efficient,” Wyatt says. “We spray   and Barna are very excited about the
                                                                                                                                     container houses all over
                                             foam insulation to create vapor barrier.   future of The Industrial, LLC. Wyatt sums
                                                                                                                                     the country in a couple
                                             Our HVAC technician who added the          up, “We want to be building, selling, and
                                             heating and cooling units to our four      shipping our tiny houses all over the
                                                                                                                                     years—and The Industrial
                                             tiny houses told us that he has never      country in a couple years—and The            lays the groundwork to do
                                             seen anything capable of producing         Industrial lays the groundwork to do so.     so. We believe in the value
                                             their level of efficiency.”                We believe in the value our tiny             our tiny container house
                                                                                        container house design brings to the         design brings to the table,
                                                                                        table, and that they address a very real     and that they address a very
                                                                                        problem.”                                    real problem.”
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
About Fremont Economic Development Corporation (FEDC):
Fremont Economic Development Corporation is a professional economic
development organization focused directly on business attraction, retention and
expansion in Fremont County, Colorado. With an established and growing
network of business, academic and governmental partners, we directly assist
companies with competitive locations or expansion projects by connecting them
with the right people, the appropriate resources and the most meaningful and
relevant information.

FEDC directly manages or assists in supporting multiple sector partnerships
across the Upper Arkansas region of Colorado, serving Fremont, Custer, Chaffee,
and Lake Counties.
Serial Entrepreneurs Team Up, Launch The Industrial Hotel LLC
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