Make the most of your Marketing Institute Membership in 2020
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The Marketing Institute of Ireland is a vibrant and focussed professional body, with a clear mission and programme. With almost the entire leadership layer of our profession nationally now among our members, we look forward into 2020 as a Tom Trainor year of further development and growth. Jenny Bishop, Learning Rachel Bowers, Marie-Therese Campbell, Chief Executive, Solutions Manager Events Executive Media & Events Manager The Marketing Institute This brochure aims to bring together the various strands of our extensive activity programme, which is designed and delivered by our small but highly committed professional staff team. On behalf of all of us, I thank you for your support of our work, and we look forward to meeting you during the course of the year ahead. Aoife Doran, Monica Hallinan, Mike Hollingsworth, Events Executive Events Executive Membership Systems Executive WHAT’S NEW AT THE MARKETING INSTITUTE We’ve been listening to your feedback and have been working hard to respond to our members’ requirements. With more member-only online resources, new training series, and access to more event content, you have all the tools and inspiration needed to grow in your marketing career! Rose Ellen Kavanagh, Mary Kennedy, Cecilia McLernon, Corporate Membership Executive Financial Administrator Partnership Co-ordinator NEW WEBSITE AND MEMBER PORTAL As part of our rolling programme of enhancements, we were delighted to launch our new website and member portal. This is intended to provide you with a superior online experience, and help you make the most of your membership online. Visit or sign in to the portal at MARKETER PATHWAYS – COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK As part of our Marketer Pathways framework, we recently launched a toolkit detailing how to work through the framework with the objective Gaëlle Robert, Marketing Aiofe Moreton, Gráinne Phelan, of creating a personalised development plan. Communications Executive Learning Co-ordinator Financial Administrator 01
MEMBERSHIP NOT A MEMBER YET? HERE ARE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO MAKE THE THERE ARE FOUR ROUTES TO MEMBERSHIP OF MOST OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP THE PROFESSIONAL BODY: Marketing Institute Membership is an investment in your career. We want 1D The Qualifications Route: You need an approved marketing or to make sure you make the most of your investment. Here are 6 easy business degree, together with at least 2 years’ professional tips that will help you to start growing both your brand and your career. experience in Marketing; Members of The Marketing Institute gain access to ongoing marketing trends and best practice through events, courses, masterclasses and workshops. 2D The Experience Route: You need to demonstrate a minimum of 5 years’ professional experience at management level in marketing. Online Marketing Library Advance your knowledge of how others solve their marketing challenges by logging into our new member-only Online Marketing 3D Join by Exam (for students): Do you hold an approved degree or Library. This database gives you access to reports, research and post-graduate qualification in Marketing or Business? If so, you may articles from over 2000 Business and Marketing titles including Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Marketing Week. be eligible for the Qualified Marketer Exam. Successful candidates will become full members of The Marketing Institute and will gain Join 2,500+ other marketers complimentary membership for the first year. The Marketing Institute is Ireland’s largest marketing community. At our peer-to-peer learning events you can meet and learn from marketers in various sectors. See our activity calendar 4D Team Membership: Our Corporate Partnership offering provides on pages 6-7. membership benefits to whole marketing teams. You’ll find more information on the next page. Events presentations and videos Receive exclusive member content in our monthly Observer Newsletter, including presentations and videos from past events. HOW TO JOIN? Short courses, workshops and postgrads Keep your marketing skills current by attending one of our many Join online at or get in touch courses. Our learning & development syllabus is constantly with Rose. Full membership costs €230 adapted in response to the needs of the profession and all annually, plus a once-off join fee of €32. programmes are aligned against our competency framework. Learn and connect at 30+ events Rose Ellen Kavanagh Stay connected to what’s happening in Marketing by learning Membership Executive from world class marketers sharing their experience at our Email: Rose Ellen Kavanagh, events. Telephone: 01-216 0158 Membership Executive Member Directory, MMII Designation, Job Postings See your marketing professionalism recognised by using the designatory letters MMII after your name, and be listed on our online directory of members. 02 The Marketing Institute Making the most of your Membership 03
CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP NOT A CORPORATE PARTNER YET? WITH A CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP YOUR If your marketing team has 5 or more members, a Corporate Partnership might be for you. Because it is a bundle of memberships, associateships, MARKETING TEAM GAINS THE TOOLS IT training credits and event passes, it works well for teams who use more NEEDS TO DEVELOP AND SUCCEED. than one Marketing Institute service. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your HOW TO JOIN? Corporate Partnership: Get in touch with Cecilia McLernon to discuss which plan is best suited to your organisation and schedule an Ensure that all your team members introductory meeting. have their MII sign-in details Cecilia McLernon Corporate Partnership Co-ordinator Email: Encourage your team to attend DMX Dublin Telephone: 01-216 0156 and the monthly Marketing Breakfast Cecilia McLernon, Or visit Corporate Partnership partnership/for more information. Co-ordinator Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletters Use your training credits for any of our courses, excluding all CMO Masterclasses Prompt your team to log in to our new online marketing library Avail of our many blended learning opportunities through courses and events Looking for a new team member? Use your free job postings on 04 The Marketing Institute Making the most of your Membership 05
M I IM I I THE MARKETING INSTITUTE A C T I V IACTIVITIES T I E S C AAL Ec N D iAt Re2 0C1a9l e- n2d0a2r 02 0 2 0 MMIIII A C T I V I T I E SACcA LvEitN ti ivD t iCALENDAR e sAiR C s2 a2020 l0e 1n 9d a- r22002200 F eFbE SFSEeEP BR UAT RY S EbPP TT OM MarM CaRCH A OC O T CrTT NAO p rV L A p r APRI NO N OV V M a y JM AN a y MAY J u n e FJ E unBe J U NE J u l y M J uAl yR J U LY 07 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 49 4 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 39 3 8:30am-5:30pm 8:30am-5:30pm 20-24 20-24 JJ 7:30am-9:30am AA NN 7:30am-9:30am 5 27 5 9am-5pm FF EE B B 9AM-5PM 5-6 4 5-6 -10.30am 7.45am MA M AR R 7.45am -10.30am 2 6:15pm-9:15pm 17 9Delivering Your Consumer 9am-5pm 6 6:15pm-9:15pm 9AM-5PM 7:45am-5pm 2 5 07 CMO CMO Increasing Masterclass: Masterclass: Increasing Delivering 9am-5pmYour Consumer An 99 An 44 07 6:15pm-9:15pm 6:15pm-9:15pm Executive Diploma In 07 99 How 9am-5pm To 9 13 Write 9 A Creative 17 17 AIM Awards: 9am-5pm 9am-5pm AIM Awards: Judging66 Judging 6:15pm-9:15pm Mintel Mintel 6:15pm-9:15pm Trends 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FOR MORE MORE 295 INFO. 01 295 2355 2355 MarketingSeries: Marketing Breakfast Breakfast Series: 6:15pm-9:15pm TU Dublin Academically TBC Creating Creating Better Better Business Business with with 9am-5pm 28 Qualified Marketer Exam EVENT EVENT DATES DATES ARE ARE SUBJECT TO SUBJECT TO MSc Management & 6:15pm-9:15pm 6:15pm-9:15pm TUDublin TU Dublin Accredited Academically Series Academically TBC MCCP TBC MCCP 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 28 28 QualifiedMarketer Qualified MarketerExam Exam CHANGE. CHANGE. MScManagement MSc Management& & B2B Digital Marketing with AccreditedSeries Accredited Series Marketing VISIT VISIT MII.IE FOR MII.IEINFO. MORE FOR MORE INFO. B2BLewis B2B Colin DigitalMarketing Digital Marketingwith with Marketing 12Marketing Months Flagship Events CMO Series 6:15pm-9:15pm Colin Colin Full 30 Lewis DayLewis TU Dublin Academically TU Dublin Academically 12Months 12 Months 6:15pm-9:15pm 30 FlagshipEvents Flagship Events CMOSeries CMO Series QualifiedExam Qualified Marketer Marketer Exam FullDay Full Day Accredited Series Accredited Series 6:15pm-9:15pm Executive Executive Diploma Diploma in Strategic in Strategic Professional Development TBC Digital Marketing Partnered Events 6:15pm-9:15pm Executive Diploma in 6:15pm-9:15pm TBC Digital Marketing TBC Professional Professional Workshop Development Development Series 13 weeks 13 weeks PartneredEvents Partnered Events Flagship Flagship Events Events CMO SeriesCMO Series Executive Executive Finance Diplomain Diploma in for Marketers WorkshopSeries Workshop Series Finance forMarketers Marketers Marketing Fundamentals 12Finance Weeks for MarketingFundamentals Fundamentals Marketing Breakfast Series Professional Professional DevelopmentDevelopment Marketing Series Partnered Events Marketing Breakfast Series Partnered Events 12Weeks 12 Weeks 8:30am-5:30pm31-3 8:30am-5:30pm 31-3 MarketingWorkshop BreakfastSeries Series Workshop Series Series Series AIM AIM Awards: Awards: Judging Judging Marketing Fundamentals Marketing Fundamentals MarketingSeries Marketing Breakfast Breakfast Series Series Series 06 The Marketing Institute Making the most of your Membership 07
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT THE MARKETING INSTITUTE LEARNING Here at the Marketing Institute we & DEVELOPMENT CREDENTIALS are passionate about learning and proud of our status as market leader OUR KNOWLEDGE in professional marketing training. The Marketing Institute has been offering learning, Ongoing learning and development is development and education programmes for over key to keeping your skills current, key 50 years to the marketing profession in Ireland to progressing your career, and key to helping you achieve your personal NETWORKING Jenny Bishop, potential in the fast-moving landscape Learning Solutions Learning can happen through relationships made of Ireland’s marketing profession. Manager with other course attendees and our programmes offer another way in which to build and grow your professional network OUR LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT RANGE OF COURSES PROGRAMMES We offer a range of courses to appeal to all levels and requirements, everything from half-day workshops to our 16 month MSc in Digital Marketing & Analytics in Our competency framework ‘Marketer Pathways’, has been designed conjunction with TU Dublin to help marketing professionals and their employers to understand and together assess the capabilities required for both current and desired roles. INDUSTRY KNOW-HOW We work with the best in class experts across the The framework is a flexible and dynamic tool focused on marketing, marketing profession, within Ireland utilising Irish business and people competencies. It provides a structured approach and international trainers to professional development which is critical for identifying competency gaps, supporting ongoing professional development and in the BLENDED LEARNING recruitment of talent. We believe a blended learning approach is the We recently launched a toolkit detailing how to work through the frame- most beneficial, and our offering reflects this belief. work with the objective of creating a personalised development plan. Attending our courses in conjunction with our programme of events brings invaluable knowledge, All of our learning and development programmes align with the expertise and insights competencies within the framework, making clear to learners which ones are relevant to those development plans. ACCREDITATION We apply a pracademic approach to all of our courses, It can be downloaded at: combining the rigour of academia with the knowledge and experience from industry practitioners. Our Contact our learning team at educational programmes are awarded by TU Dublin, a member of the European University Association’ 08 The Marketing Institute Making the most of your Membership 09
EVENTS DMX DUBLIN (05.03.2020) CMO SUMMIT (18.09.2020) DMX Dublin is Ireland’s must-attend marketing The CMO Summit is an exclusive, invitation-only event for conference, featuring over 30+ international and senior Members of the Marketing Institute. This event features local speakers, with 800+ marketing professionals engaging keynotes from speakers who will address the attributes, in attendance for a full day of sharing, learning responsibilities and core skills most important to being a leader in and networking. DMX Dublin features specialist the fields of marketing and business today. Your thinking will be streams of real-life case studies from successful challenged on what is required to be a CMO, how to drive growth global and local brands, and state-of-the-art digital and devising a strategy that delivers success for your business. technologies that are transforming marketing. The format of the day is hugely interactive with lots of networking. DMX Dublin is the marketing PARTNER EVENTS conference of the year not to be missed! The Marketing Institute also collaborates with other organisations throughout the year to run a series of partnered events open to both members and non-members. These events focus on topical issues, THE ALL IRELAND MARKETING trends, news, and current challenges facing marketers in Ireland and AWARDS (21.05.2020) internationally. They leverage specialist perspectives of organisations The All Ireland Marketing Awards platform is the such as Mintel, Edelman, Onside, MediaCom, Alternatives, IAPI, nation’s premier means of recognising the success National Dairy Council, Dataconversion, Dentsu Aegis Network, of Irish marketing professionals and acknowledging SquareDot and Zahra Media Group. their major contribution to the Irish economy. These “Oscars” for marketing performance are Contact our events team at centred on the strategic value of marketing as a driver of business success, and they highlight excellence and best practice in the profession. THE MARKETING BREAKFAST SERIES The Marketing Breakfast is a series of morning events in Dublin exploring marketing themes and practices in a wide range of different areas and sectors. The series is geared towards marketing professionals working or involved in strategy, planning, branding, communications, PR, advertising or management. These events enable attendees to network and keep up to date on current trends. The 2020 Marketing Breakfast is delivered in partnership with MCCP. 10 The Marketing Institute Making the most of your Membership 11
MARKETING RESOURCES AND INSIGHTS Member-only Online Marketing Library by EBSCO We recently introduced our library of marketing resources which includes full text marketing journals, magazines, reports and research papers, with titles including Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fortune and Journal of Marketing. It also provides access to a global company information database. Mintel Trends Keep up to date with the latest consumer trends with reports and articles from Mintel, the world’s leading market intelligence agency. EMC: the European Marketing Confederation The Marketing Institute of Ireland maintains close links with other marketing bodies through the European Marketing Confederation, and we share regular academic articles and papers from around Europe with our members. The Consumer Market Monitor The Consumer Market Monitor is published by the Marketing Institute of Ireland in collaboration with UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. Widely relied upon by many businesses in their ABOUT THE MARKETING INSTITUTE planning process, the CMM is designed to track key indicators of confidence and activity in the The Marketing Institute is the professional body for Ireland’s Irish consumer market as a resource for marketing marketing people. We exist “to enable marketers to build professionals and the wider business community. great brands and great careers”. We do this by sharing best practice, insights and expert content, building the community The Salary, Market Insights and Sentiment Survey of marketers, and aiding marketers in career progression. The Marketing, Digital & Data Salary and Market The three themes of content, community and career underpin Insights survey is created in collaboration with all Institute activities. Alternatives. This survey aims to benchmark salaries in the The Marketing Institute also owns and operates the All Ireland Marketing, Digital & Data sectors but also to identify Marketing Awards, the CMO Summit, and DMX Dublin, Ireland’s sentiment within this community. largest marketing conference. 12
The Marketing Institute of Ireland South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 E659, Ireland
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