Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan

Page created by Kent Mccoy
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Cook Shire Council
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Our mission is to understand our communities?needs and provide consistent
service to enable them to flourish in a safe, sustainable manner.
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Building sustainable communities with respect for our unique natural
environment, celebrating our diverse cultures and sharing our pride in Cape
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Cook Shire Values and Principles

     Cook Shire Council promotes, encourages, rewards and actively believes in:

       Providing a safe workplace
       Adopting honest and progressive systems of accountability and reporting
       Working with our communities and stakeholders to plan define, achieve and
       celebrate common short and long-term goals;
       Actively sharing responsibility for improving sustainable, service provision for all
       Ensuring equal opportunity for all employees, potential employees, employees
       pursuing promotion and cross-skilling, and persons and organisations seeking to
       work with Council through the provision of services, works and consultancy
       Encouraging and rewarding innovation demonstrated in operational and strategic
       service provision.
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Cook Shire Council 2020/ 2021 Operational Plan
Cook Shire Council is required to strategically plan for
the long-term future of Cook Shire. Council?s long-term     Within Council's 2017-2022 Corporate Plan, eight
strategic direction is captured in Council's 2017-2022      themes are highlighted as key to sustainability and
Corporate Plan. The Corporate Plan guides Council           growth for the Shire's economy, social well-being,
decision-making, policy and longer-term development.        environmental care and management and
                                                            governance. These themes have been established in
The Corporate Plan is a critical part of Council?s          consultation with the community and other
corporate governance and contributes to financial           stakeholders and are detailed in Council's
sustainability, transparency, accountable decision-making   2012-2021 Community Plan:
and the responsible management of Cook Shire Council.        - Environmental Well-being
                                                             - Active, Creative and Connected
The following priorities are identified in the 2017-2022     - Safe, Healthy and Inclusive
Corporate Plan and provide the structure for Council's       - Identity and Integrity
Operational Plan:                                            - Infrastructure, Transport and Services
                                                             - Economic Well-being
        COMMUNITY                                            - Leadership and Governance
                                                             - Primary Industry
                                               Corporate Planning
Cook Shire Council's Operational Plan


Wh ilst it is Cor por at e Plan t h at gives st r u ct u r e t o Cou n cil?s lon g-t er m ser vice pr ovision , an n u al cor por at e goals
ar e det ailed in Cou n cil?s year ly Oper at ion al Plan an d t h e pr ovision of f u n ds t o m eet t h ese goals ar e allocat ed in
t h e An n u al Bu dget . Cou n cil?s an n u al per f or m an ce is m at ch ed t o it s Oper at ion al Plan an d An n u al Bu dget an d
su ccessively bu ilds on t h e pr eviou s year ?s w or k s en su r in g Cou n cil?s lon ger -t er m st r at egic pr ior it ies, as
iden t if ied in it s Cor por at e Plan , ar e m et .
Key St rat egic Priorit y 1. Communit y

       A sense of common purpose, w hilst retaining local
           diversity, w ith the goals and aspirations of
          individual communities reflected in localised
                      strategy and planning.

           1. Develop com m u n it y specif ic st r at egy t h at r ef lect s t h e goals an d aspir at ion s of
              in dividu al com m u n it ies (COM 1).
           2. Develop an d bu ild on com m u n it y en gagem en t m easu r es t o en cou r age
              in clu siven ess an d par t n er sh ips w it h in com m u n it ies (COM 2).
           3. En cou r age t h e bu ildin g of st r on g par t n er sh ips w it h com m u n it y, pr ivat e sect or
              an d Gover n m en t so as t o bu ild com m u n it y capacit y an d develop st r at egies t o
              en cou r age an d su ppor t leader sh ip an d self -r espon sibilit y in t h e com m u n it y (COM
           4. En cou r age vibr an t an d act ive com m u n it y par t icipat ion in ar t s, cu lt u r e an d n at u r al
              h er it age act ivit ies t o en r ich lif est yles an d en cou r age t ou r ism (COM 4).
           5. En cou r age agr icu lt u r e/ aqu acu lt u r e an d ot h er pr im ar y in du st r y in t h e Sh ir e t o
              cr eat e em ploym en t an d bu sin ess oppor t u n it ies (COM 5).
Key St rat egic Priorit y 1. Communit y
 A sense of common purpose, whilst ret aining local diversit y, wit h t he goals and aspirat ions of individual communit ies
 reflect ed in localised st rat egy and planning.

         COM 1   Develop communit y specific st rat egy t hat reflect s t he goals and aspirat ions of individual communit ies.

                 Develop and build on communit y engagement measures t o encourage inclusiveness and part nerships wit hin
         COM 2
                 communit ies.

                 Encourage t he building of st rong part nerships wit h communit y, privat e sect or and Government so as t o build
         COM 3   communit y capacit y and develop st rat egies t o encourage and support leadership and self-responsibilit y in t he
                 communit y.

                 Encourage vibrant and act ive communit y part icipat ion in art s, cult ure and nat ural herit age act ivit ies t o enrich
        COM 4
                 lifest yles and encourage t ourism

                 Encourage agricult ure/aquacult ure and ot her primary indust ry in t he Shire t o creat e employment and business
         COM 5
                 opport unit ies.

   St rat egic
                                        Project                                   Success Measure                        Responsibilit y
   Object ive

         COM 1   Develop a Community Plan                                 Community Plan developed and          Executive Leadership Team
                                                                          adopted by Council

         COM 1   Develop cycling plans for three communities to           Plans developed and adopted by        Community, Innovation &
                 encourage an active and healthy lifestyle                Council                               Economy

         COM 1   Responsible Community Facility Management                Management Agreements for             Organisational Business Services
                                                                          PCYC and Nature?s Pow erhouse
A sense of common purpose, whilst ret aining local diversit y, wit h t he goals and aspirat ions of individual communit ies
reflect ed in localised st rat egy and planning.

 St rat egic
                                    Project                            Success Measure                    Responsibilit y
 Object ive

     COM 2     Reconciliation Action Plan                       RAP and Implementation Plan       Community, Innovation &
                                                                adopted by Council                Economy

     COM 2     Youth Council                                    Terms of Reference developed      Community, Innovation &
                                                                and adopted by Council            Economy

     COM 2     Flagpoles                                        Installation of tw o additional   Executive Leadership Team
                                                                flag poles at Council's main

     COM 3     Conduct a half-day Volunteer Conference to       Volunteer Conference and          Community, Innovation &
               encourage the development of the volunteers in   Sign-On Day delivered             Economy
               community and inspire the next generation of

     COM 3     Event Centre Precinct Master Plan                Master Plan developed and         Organisational Business
                                                                adopted by Council                Services

     COM 3     Aged Care Facility Development                   Finalisation of land tenure       Organisational Business
                                                                Expression of Interest
                                                                developed for use of site

     COM 4     Regional Arts Development Fund Program           Delivery of the 2020-21           Community, Innovation &
                                                                Regional Arts Development         Economy
                                                                Fund Program

     COM 4     First 5 Forever Literacy Program                 Delivery of the 2020-21 First 5   Community, Innovation &
                                                                Forever Literacy Program          Economy

     COM 4     Listing of Reconciliation Rocks on National      Support provided as required.     Community, Innovation &
               Heritage Register                                Report to Council on progress     Economy
                                                                tow ards listing
Key St rat egic Priorit y 2. Environment

      Respect for the unique natural environment of the
       Cape, its history and the provision of sustainable,
         safe access for the enjoyment of the Cape?s
                    communities and visitors.
         1. M ain t ain a pr oact ive r espon se t o pu blic h ealt h an d saf et y m at t er s (ENV 1).
         2. Disast er m an agem en t f acilit ies an d ser vices m an age r isk an d exposu r e t o t h e
            adver se im pact s of bot h n at u r al an d m an -m ade disast er s (ENV 2).
         3. Appr opr iat e con sider at ion is given t o plan n in g an d developm en t con t r ols, design
            gu idelin es, t r adit ion al ow n er sh ip an d su st ain able developm en t pr in ciples w h en
            m ak in g plan n in g decision s. (ENV 3)
         4. Developm en t st r at egies t o en su r e a coor din at ed appr oach t o t h e m an agem en t an d
            con t r ol of pest s, w eeds an d f er al an im als an d ot h er biosecu r it y t h r eat s (ENV 4).
         5. Develop an d im plem en t st r at egies t o en su r e a coor din at ed appr oach an d
            com plian t f ocu s t o w ast e m an agem en t .Develop coh esive vision an d aspir at ion s f or
            t h e f u t u r e of t h e Gr eat Bar r ier Reef t oget h er w it h aw ar en ess, sk ills, k n ow ledge
            an d capacit ies (ENV 6).
Respect for t he unique nat ural environment of t he Cape, it s hist ory and t he provision of sust ainable, safe access for t he
enjoyment of t he Cape?s communit ies and visit ors.

         ENV 1   Maint ain a proact ive response t o public healt h and safet y mat t ers.

        ENV 2    Disast er management facilit ies and services manage risk and exposure t o t he adverse impact s of bot h nat ural and
                 man-made disast ers.

        ENV 3    Appropriat e considerat ion is given t o planning and development cont rols, design guidelines, t radit ional ownership
                 and sust ainable development principles when making planning decisions.

        ENV 4    Development st rat egies t o ensure a coordinat ed approach t o t he management and cont rol of pest s, weeds and feral
                 animals and ot her biosecurit y t hreat s.

        ENV 5    Develop and implement st rat egies t o ensure a coordinat ed approach and compliancy focus t o wast e management .

        ENV 6    Develop cohesive vision and aspirat ions for t he fut ure of t he Great Barrier Reef t oget her wit h awareness, skills,
                 knowledge and capacit ies.

  St rat egic                           Project                                  Success Measure                      Responsibilit y
  Object ive

         ENV 1   Refurbish Backw ash Dams - Annan Water                   3 Backw ash Dams Refurbished       Infrastructure Services
                 Treatment Plant

         ENV 1   Healthy Dogs Healthy Community Program                   Delivery of the Queensland         Organisational Business Services
                                                                          Health funded Healthy Dogs,
                                                                          Healthy Community Program in
                                                                          Coen and Laura

         ENV 2   Disaster Management Plan Review                          Disaster Management Plan and       Chief Executive Officer
                                                                          all sub plans review ed and
                                                                          adopted by LDMG.
                                                                          Implementation of Fire
                                                                          Management Plan
Key St rat egic Priorit y 2. Environment
 Respect for t he unique nat ural environment of t he Cape, it s hist ory and t he provision of sust ainable, safe access for t he
 enjoyment of t he Cape?s communit ies and visit ors.

  St rat egic
                                      Project                             Success Measure                     Responsibilit y
  Object ive

       ENV 2    Get Ready Queensland Disaster Preparedness         Delivery of 2020-21 Get Ready      Community, Innovation &
                Program                                            Queensland Disaster                Economy
                                                                   Preparedness Program

       ENV 2    Community Development Officer (Recovery)           Development of Community           Community, Innovation &
                                                                   Recovery Plans for Cook,           Economy
                                                                   Douglas and Wujal Wujal

       ENV 2    Coastal Hazard Adaptation Program (QCoast 2100)    Complete Phases 4 - 7              Organisational Business Services

       ENV 3    Solar Pow er on Council Facilities                 Options paper presented to         Organisational Business Services
                                                                   Council Workshop

       ENV 3    Making Water Work                                  Advocacy for funding of the        Community, Economy &
                                                                   Making Water Work Business         Innovation
                                                                   Case and, if successful,
                                                                   completion of a detailed project

       ENV 5    Illegal Dumping Hotspot Program                    Begin data collection to           Infrastructure Services
                                                                   establish illegal dumping
                                                                   baseline data
Key St rat egic Priorit y 2. Environment
 Respect for t he unique nat ural environment of t he Cape, it s hist ory and t he provision of sust ainable, safe access for t he
 enjoyment of t he Cape?s communit ies and visit ors.

  St rat egic
                                      Project                             Success Measure                     Responsibilit y
  Object ive

       ENV 5    Regional Recycling Transport Assistance            Improve the financial viability    Infrastructure Services
                                                                   of recycling of e-w aste,
                                                                   cardboard and tyres

       ENV 3    Market Stalls and Roadside Vending Review          Options paper presented to         Organisational Business Services
                                                                   Council w orkshop

       ENV 4    Noxious Weed Survey                                Survey a minimum of 1,500km        Organisational Business Services
                                                                   of Cook Shire road netw ork
                                                                   w ith a focus on gamba grass,
                                                                   grader and thatch grass

       ENV 5    Recycling Options Paper                            Options paper presented to         Infrastructure Services
                                                                   Council w orkshop

       ENV 6    Great Barrier Reef Management                      Stakeholders                       Executive Leadership Team
                                                                   identified.Workshop w ith
                                                                   stakeholders to identify terms
                                                                   of reference and priority issues
Key St rat egic Priorit y 3. Economy

    Locality specific economic grow th, understanding and
       development of potential for primary industries,
     including agriculture and aquaculture opportunities,
  appropriate to each community and the Shire as a w hole.
         1. Com pile an econ om ic gr ow t h st r at egic plan an d or ien t Cou n cil?s or gan izat ion t o
            f acilit at e econ om ic gr ow t h (ECO 1).
         2. In par t n er sh ip w it h local bu sin ess, in du st r y gr ou ps, econ om ic an d r egion al
            developm en t or gan isat ion s an d n eigh bou r in g local gover n m en t s, con t in u e t o
            develop st r at egies t o assist , st r en gt h en , develop an d pr om ot e exist in g an d n ew
            bu sin esses an d in du st r ies (ECO 2).
         3. Un der t ak e t h e m an agem en t of Cou n cil?s asset s in accor dan ce w it h sou n d pr act ice
            t o en su r e in f r ast r u ct u r e n et w or k s ar e m ain t ain ed, r en ew an d u pgr aded t o
            m axim ize lon g-t er m ben ef it t o all (ECO 3).
         4. Develop an d pr ogr ess par t n er sh ips t o h elp com m on f acilit ies an d ser vices
            f ost er in g r egion al econ om ic gr ow t h an d pr ovidin g f or jobs t h r ou gh con st r u ct ion
            an d lon g ?t er m em ploym en t by act ively su ppor t in g an d w or k in g on as
            appr opr iat e, pr ior it ised an d as f u n din g r esou r ces becom e available (ECO 4).
Key St rat egic Priorit y 3. Economy
Localit y specific economic growt h, underst anding and development of pot ent ial for primary indust ries, including
agricult ure and aquacult ure opport unit ies, appropriat e t o each communit y and t he Shire as a whole.

          ECO 1   Compile an economic growt h st rat egic plan and orient Council?s organizat ion t o facilit at e economic growt h.

                  In part nership wit h local business, indust ry groups, economic and regional development organisat ions and
         ECO 2    neighbouring local government s, cont inue t o develop st rat egies t o assist , st rengt hen, develop and promot e exist ing
                  and new businesses and indust ries.

                  Undert ake t he management of Council?s asset s in accordance wit h sound pract ice t o ensure infrast ruct ure net works
         ECO 3
                  are maint ained, renew and upgraded t o maximize long-t erm benefit t o all.

                  Develop and progress part nerships t o help common facilit ies and services fost ering regional economic growt h and
         ECO 4    providing for jobs t hrough const ruct ion and long ?t erm employment by act ively support ing and working on as
                  appropriat e, priorit ised and as funding resources become available.

  St rat egic                                                                   Success Measure                        Responsibilit y
  Object ive

                                                                         Completion of civil w orks
         ECO 2    Housing Land Release Project                           Advocate for external                Executive Leadership Team
                                                                         investment in Cook Shire

         ECO 2    Establishment of a Regional Business Advocacy          Completion of a feasibility study    Community, Innovation &
                  Group for Cook, Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal              into the establishment of a          Economy
                  Council areas                                          regional economic development
                                                                         and tourism body using a
                                                                         cluster-based model
Key St rat egic Priorit y 3. Economy
Localit y specific economic growt h, underst anding and development of pot ent ial for primary indust ries, including
agricult ure and aquacult ure opport unit ies, appropriat e t o each communit y and t he Shire as a whole.

St rat egic
                                    Project                            Success Measure                     Responsibilit y
Object ive

    ECO 2     Support for Agricultural sector                   Advocacy for funding of the        Community, Innovation &
                                                                Local Food Futures Business        Economy
                                                                Case and, if successful,
                                                                completion of a detailed
                                                                project plan

    ECO 2     2021 Festival preparation, planning and event     Delivery of the Festival in 2021   Community, Innovation &
              organisation                                                                         Economy

    ECO 2     Promotion of the Cook Shire Buy Local Campaign    Completion of a report             Community, Innovation &
                                                                detailing the outcomes of the      Economy

    ECO 3     Asset Management - Service Level Agreement        Service Level Agreement            Infrastructure Services
                                                                presented to Council with the
                                                                proposed 2021/2022 Budget
                                                                for adoption

    ECO 4     Cooktown Marina Feasibility Study                 Desktop review of previous         Organisational Business Services
                                                                studies completed and
                                                                presented to Council
Key St rat egic Priorit y 4. Governance

            Accountable, responsible and appropriate
     governance and management, reflected in responsible
      long-term financial sustainability and clear strategic
     direction built around core local government business
                and affordable levels of service.
           1. Develop an ach ievable lon g-t er m f in an cial, r esou r ce an d in f r ast r u ct u r e plan t o
              en su r e on goin g capacit y t o f u n d oper at ion s an d capit al w or k s pr ogr am s t h at
              u n der pin Cou n cil?s lon g-t er m st r at egy t o ach ieve f in an cial su st ain abilit y (GOV 1).
           2. Pr epar e M an agem en t st r at egies t o u n der pin asset su st ain abilit y (GOV 2).
           3. Develop a clear com m u n icat ion plan t o in f or m t h e w or k f or ce, com m u n it y an d
              elect ed m em ber s in or der t o ach ieve gr eat er u n der st an din g of Cou n cil?s decision
              m ak in g pr ocesses, policies, legislat ion an d com plian ce r equ ir em en t s (GOV 3).
           4. Wor k m an agem en t syst em s an d pr ocedu r es ar e r eview ed an d adju st ed t o su ppor t
              im pr oved or gan izat ion ser vice pr ovision , com plian ce an d ef f icien cy (GOV 4).
           5. Or gan isat ion al st r u ct u r e an d r esou r cin g is per iodically r eview ed in accor dan ce
              w it h pr ior it ized ser vice levels (GOV 5).
Key St rat egic Priorit y 4. Governance
 Account able, responsible and appropriat e governance and management , reflect ed in responsible long-t erm financial
 sust ainabilit y and clear st rat egic direct ion built around core local government business and affordable levels of service.

                Develop an achievable long-t erm financial, resource and infrast ruct ure plan t o ensure ongoing capacit y t o fund
          GOV 1 operat ions and capit al works programs t hat underpin Council?s long-t erm st rat egy t o achieve financial
                sust ainabilit y.

         GOV 2    Prepare Management st rat egies t o underpin asset sust ainabilit y

                  Develop a clear communicat ion plan t o inform t he workforce, communit y and elect ed members in order t o achieve
         GOV 3
                  great er underst anding of Council?s decision making processes, policies, legislat ion and compliance requirement s.

                  Work management syst ems and procedures are reviewed and adjust ed t o support improved organizat ion service
         GOV 4
                  provision, compliance and efficiency.

         GOV 5    Organisat ional st ruct ure and resourcing is periodically reviewed in accordance wit h priorit ized service levels.

   St rat egic
                                 Project                                 Success Measure                             Responsibilit y
   Object ive

         GOV 4    Audit and Risk Compliance                Internal Audit Targets Achieved                   Organisational Business Services

         GOV 4    Innovation Think Tank and                Adoption of Terms of Reference and                Executive Leadership Team
                  Innovation Awards                        appointment of Think Tank members.
                                                           Completion of an Innovation Awards
                                                           Feasibility Study and development of Award

         GOV 4    Information and Communication            Information and Communication                     Organisational Business Services
                  Technology Strategy                      Technology Strategy completed
Operat ional Plan Delivery and Risk Management

       As part of the delivery of Cook Shire Council's Operational Plan, Council must also manage long and short term risk
       associated w ith each project. Active project based risk management enables Council to ensure projects are successfully
       completed and delivered to budget. Cook Shire Council manages project risk through an ongoing process w hereby
       risks are evaluated at each stage of the relevant project and risk management and mitigation strategies are put into
       place that evolve as the project progresses tow ard completion. Risks are assessed against their potential impact to the
       project, Council and the community.
Cook Shire Council Operational Plan 2020/2021
For more information contact Cook Shire Councils Organisational Business Services Directorate
P: +617 4069 5444
E: Mail@Cook.Qld.Gov.Au
W: Www.Cook.Qld.Gov.Au
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