Existing Conditions Analysis - Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm Strategy and Streetscape Master Plan
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Existing Conditions Analysis City of Vaughan May 26, 2020 DTAH TMIG REM AW Hooker Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm Strategy and Streetscape Master Plan
2 Caldari Rd. Jane St. Bass Pro Mills Dr. Rutherford Rd. Vaughan Mills Mall Edgeley Blvd. Highw Fis ay 40 hermans W 0 ay Weston Rd Study Area
Study Process 1 2 3 4 Background, Design Guidelines Public Realm Implementation & Review & Analysis Framework and Phasing Strategy Streetscape Plan Report Mar 2020 to June 2020 June 2020 to Jul 2020 Jul 2020 to Jan 2021 Jan 2021 to Mar 2021 Project Purpose and Public Realm and Public Realm Prepare Draft Report Schedule Streetscape Vision Framework and Guiding Principles Streetscape Master Plan Background, Draft Design Guidelines Public Realm Framework Local Advisory Review & Analysis and Streetscape Plan Committee & Report Public Meeting Project Management Stakeholder Meeting Stakeholder Meeting Are Implementation and e W ere Meeting + TAC Meeting & Public Meeting & Public Meeting Phasing Strategy H Final Report Design Review Panel + Design Review Panel + Council Working Session TAC Meeting TAC Meeting TAC Meeting 3
Master Plan Objectives and Goals »» Build upon and complement the »» Improve connectivity to adjacent Vaughn Mills Centre Secondary Plan. neighbourhood and destinations outside of the study area. »» Direct and guide future design, implementation and maintenance of a »» Improve the comfort and experience of comfortable, convenient, safe and high- those traveling by foot and by bike. Highlight quality public realm. the importance of a pedestrian and bicycle- friendly Vaughan Mills Centre. »» Establish a coherent design approach for all public realm projects within the Vaughan »» Establish a restrained and timeless Mills Centre Secondary Plan area. palette of materials and street furniture, that is robust, with low maintenance, easily »» Provide a Public Realm Framework that repaired/replaced, vandal resistant and enables the centre to be appreciated as considers life-cycle cost. a totality while reinforcing the unique character of distinct neighbourhoods, streets and spaces. 4
What is the Public Realm? Spaces Between the Buildings + Opportunities for Interaction = Sense of Place 5
Policy Context High Level Broad Policy Increased Detail Vaughan Streetscape City of Provincial Regional City of Mills Centre and Public Vaughan Policy Policy Vaughan Secondary Realm Implementation Plan Master Plan Tools Broad policy directing Broad policy directing Vaughan’s Vision for District-wide built form, Refined public realm Following from growth within the growth within the region growth and change to the landuse, public realm and and streetscape Public Realm and province year 2031 transportation vision recommendations Streetscape Study Local Corridors (Jane Street and guidelines recommendations “Reduce automobile and Rutherford Road) One of five Primary Centres. The Plan moves towards dependency through have the potential for the goal of creating a - Parks, open spaces Possible mixed-use, intensive and mixed-use Vaughan Vision 2020; Green healthy and unique and trails Implementations transit-supportive, and land development Directions Vaughan; Official complete community - Streetscapes Tools: pedestrian friendly supported by public transit Plan (under review); TMP; environment that provides - Active transportation - Site plan review development.” (Growth services. 2019 Pedestrian and Bicycle a mix of uses, promotes facilities - Street Standards Plan) Master Plan Update and the diversity, encourages - Priority projects - Other? Context Sensitive Approach Integrated Urban Water walkability and - Operations and Provincial Policy to Streets; Pedestrian and Master Plan (IUWMP). accessibility, and builds maintenance costing Statement and A Place to Cycling Master Plan; community identity. Grow: Growth Plan for the Transportation Master Plan Bass Pro Mills Extension EA Greater Golden (TMP); Official Plan and the is currently underway. Functional Servicing Horseshoe. 10 Year Capital Plan. Strategy Reports (FSSR) required: opportunity to integrate SWM with public realm and streetscape. 6
Natural Heritage Context »» The Study Area is King Vaughan Road centered between n Road Road e d Pine Valley Driv et Highway 400 et Jane Street nue Weston Roa Highway 27 Keele Street Dufferin Stre Bathurst Stre Albion Vaugha Cold Creek Kipling Ave two significant Kirby Road Kirby Road Natural Heritage Road Huntington Areas and their associated water Teston Road Teston Road Nashville Road tributaries: Black Core Features Enhancement Areas Creek and the Major Mackenzie Drive West Major Mackenzie Drive West Built-Up Valley Lands West Don River. Greenbelt Plan Area1 Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area1 Isli ng ton Rutherford Road Rutherford Road Minister’s Decision on ORMCP Designation Deferred A ven ue Municipal Boundary Langstaff Road Langstaff Road Highway 400 e Highway 27 Jane Street d Pine Valley Driv et Weston Roa et nue et Bathurst Stre Highway 50 Dufferin Stre Yonge Stre Kipling Ave Highway 7 Highway 7 Centre Street Highway 407 Highway 427 Steeles Avenue West Steeles Avenue West 7
Historic Evolution Pre-Settlement & Concessions The Mall & Recent Connection to Water and Farmland Suburban Expansion Development 8
Development Jane and Rutherford Conceptual Landscape Master Plan 6 5 Vaughan, Ontario 5 5 June 2019 4 1 2 3 7 8 Private Capitol Jane Street RLDC RLDC 3 2 4 EVELOPMENT PROJECTS Ba Fishermans Way ss Pr oM ills Vaughan Mills Neighbourhood Park (Kirkor MBTW) Charisma Phase 2 Solmar 9
Secondary Plan Land Use Vision Rutherford Rd. Caldari Rd. Highw Weston Rd ay 40 0 Jane St. Blvd. Edgeley Bass Pro Mills Dr. 10
Parks and Open Spaces 11
Existing Conditions »» Lack of formal public places within the Study Area. »» Public realm scaled to the automobile. »» Lack of trail system. »» Barriers to movement: Highway 400, wide streets and parking lots. »» Little sense of connection or awareness with the West Don River Natural Heritage Area and Black Creek- ‘Back-lands.’ 12
Bluescape Water Courses Impermeable vs Permeable Surfaces WEST SIDE EAST SIDE (+/-20%) (+/-80%) (95%) (5%) Imperm. Perm. Perm. Imperm. 13
Secondary Plan: Public Parks and Open Spaces »» 7ha of new parkland in a Comdel Park Komura Road Park West Do n range of types of spaces R Julliard iver Park (parks, squares, etc.) Jane St. »» Parkland acquisition: 5% gross land for Rutherford Rd. residential areas and Highwa 2% for commercial and Fishermens Way y 400 employment areas. »» The mall site is a gap. »» Public Parks and Open Spaces supplementated with POP’s. 1 »» Planned projects: Vaughan Weston Rd Bass Pro Mills Dr. Mills Neighbourhood Park (1) Caldari Rd Edg ley e . Blvd Project Boundary . SW Pond Neighbourhood Park Urban Square Project Boundary Greenway Public Open Space Neighbourhood Park Green Buffer Area Urban Square Black Creek Greenway Greenway Public Open Space Existing Open Space 14 Green Buffer Area Natural Feature
Privately Owned Public Open Space (POPS) »» Privately owned publicly- Atrium Pedestrian accessible open space Connection (POPS) located and designed to complement the public park system. Atrium at 101 Second Street, San Fransisco Woodward redevelopment, Vancouver Park Landscape Setback Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Urban Design Guidelines 18 Yorkville, a park on top of parking Gerling Ring, Cologne Germany (Image Credits: Fosters + Partners) 15
Examples of POPS Planned for Vaughan Mills Centre Solmar RLDC POPS: Under Review / Approved POPS: Future phase 16
Public Art (Vaughan City-Wide Public Art Program) »» Gateways West Do n R Jane St. »» Existing and Proposed iver Parks + Open Spaces Julliard Dr. Sweetriver »» Key Destinations (i.e. Blvd. Rutherford Rd. Transit Hub, Shopping Centre etc.) Highwa »» Premium Streetscapes 400 y (Rutherford + Jane) »» Important Intersections (Jane + Rutherford) Fishe rmen s Wa y »» View Termini Caldari Rd »» Infrastructure (400 bridge . crossing/bus terminal) Weston Rd Bass Pro Mills Dr. Edgeley B Rom Creek Black ino Dr lvd. Public Art Enhanced Streetscapes 17
Food Landscapes GROWING PROCESSING Niagara Falls Exchange Cultural Hub & Farmers’ Market (Niagara) DISTRIBUTION FOOD LOSS & RECOVERY EDUCATION & CONNECTION Lafayette Greens (Detroit) Eastdale Collegiate (Toronto) 18
Streets 19
Streets Existing Conditions »» Large and irregular blocks, West Do n designed for auto-oriented R iver office and commercial uses, but not for pedestrians and Julliard Dr. Sweetriver Jane St. Blvd. cyclists. Rutherford Rd. »» Limited network of streets Highw and pedestrian/cycling ay 400 connections. »» Safety and comfort issues associated with informal Fishe pedestrian and cycling rmen s Wa y Caldari Rd connections through parking. »» Limited Highway 400 Bass Pro Mills Dr. . Weston Rd Edgeley B Rom crossing points. Black Cre ek ino Dr »» Bass Pro Mills Drive EA is lvd. Project Boundary currently underway and Arterial Road Rutherford Road widening Project Boundary Collector Road Mall Driveway (Jane to Westburne) is Arterial Road Transit Hub planned. Collector Road Existing Open Space 20 Mall Driveway Natural Feature
Secondary Plan: Streets West Do n R iver Min. 8.0m 15.0-17.0m 5 Right-of- 22.0m 23.0-26.0m Way Widths Julliard Dr. Jane St. Sweetriver 28.0-30.0m Rutherford Rd. Blvd. Highwa y 400 Public Lane Mews Local Street 5 Street Minor Collector Arterial / Major Collector Types Fishe rmen s Wa y Caldari Rd 21.0m pavement, 45.0m ROW 26.0m pavement, 43.0m ROW . cycle lane Bass Pro Mills Dr. Project Boundary Edgeley B Weston Rd Rom 14.0m pavement, 30.0m ROW 6 Standard Black Cre ek Arterial Streets ino Dr 15.0m pavement, 26.0m ROW cycle lane Street Cross Major Collectors lvd. on-street parking Project Boundary Minor Collectors 12.0m pavement, 23.0m ROW Sections Arterial Streets Potential Future Collector Streets on-street parking 11.0m pavement, 22.0m ROW Major Collectors Local Streets on-street parking Project Boundary Minor Collectors Potential Connections Arterial Streets Potential Future Collector Streets Potential Future Ramp Configuratio Major Collectors Local Streets Minor Collectors Potential Connections 21 Potential Future Collector Streets Potential Future Ramp Configuration
Secondary Plan: Cycling and Pedestrian Connections »» Fine grain connected West Do n network of pedestrian and R iver cycle connections (on/off Vellorewoods Blvd. street). Julliard Dr. Sweetriver Jane St. Blvd. »» A new accessible linkage Rutherford Rd. across Highway 400 through Highw a series of connected parks ay 400 and trails. Fishe rmen s Wa y Caldari Rd . Weston Rd Bass Pro Mills Dr. Edgeley B Rom Cre ek Black ino Dr lvd. Project Boundary Dedicated On-Street Biking Multi-Use Pathway Landscaped Mid-Block Pedestrian Connections 22
Secondary Plan: Transit »» Rapid transit and transit West Do n priority planned along the R Jane St. iver Arterials with a network of Vellorewoods Blvd. internal transit connections. Julliard Dr. Sweetriver Blvd. »» Opportunity for a public Rutherford Rd. realm focal point associated Highw with the future transit ay 400 hub/MTSA at Jane St and Rutherford Road. m 500 Fishe rmen s Wa y Caldari Rd m 800 . Weston Rd Bass Pro Mills Dr. Edgeley B Rom Cre ek Project Boundary Black ino Dr Potential Future Rapid Transit lvd. Project Boundary Potential Future YRT Potential Future Rapid Transit Transit Priority (HOV Lanes) Potential Future YRT Conceptual Subway Alignment Project Boundary Transit Priority (HOV Lanes) Potential Future Subway Entrances & Platform Potential Future Rapid Transit Conceptual Subway Alignment Potential Future Transit Stops Potential Future YRT Potential Future Subway Entrances & Platforms Potential Future Transit Hub Area Transit Priority (HOV Lanes) Potential Future Transit Stops 23 Conceptual Subway Alignment Potential Future Transit Hub Area
Sample Cross Sections (Secondary Plan) Arterial: Jane Street (45m ROW) Local Street (22m ROW) Regional / Widenings: Jane Street 36 to 45m Rutherford Road 36 to 43m Weston Road 36 to 43m * Cross sections to be reviewed in phase 2 24
Urban Grain Vaughan Mills Centre - Today Vaughan Mills Centre - Secondary Plan Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Yonge & Dundas, Toronto Streets (10) Streets (45) Streets (56) Streets (112) Intersections (17) Intersections (89) Intersections (68) Intersections (197) Blocks Connectivity Quality 25
Mid-block Pedestrian and Cycling Connections 26
Three Dimensions of Street Design Street for Street as Street as green movement destinations infrastructure Link Place Ecology Design Objective: Design Objective: Design Objective: Move people Spend time Improved ecosystem 27
Green Infrastructure Opportunities Enhanced Grass Swales Bioswales Passive Irrigation R.O.W. Edge Drainage Increased Urban Tree Canopy Permeable Parking lots Open Pit Planters 28
Changing Travel Patterns Autonomous Urbanism Micro-Mobility for First-Mile/ Opportunities (NACTO) Last-Mile Solutions 29
Character Areas 30
Character Areas West Do n R iver Jane St. Rutherford Rd. Highway Landscape Rutherford Road Area Jane Street Corridor Highwa Fishermens Way Business District y 400 Vaughan Mills Mall Bass Pro Mills Weston Rd Bass Pro Mills Dr. Caldari Rd. Creek Black Edg el e y Blvd . 31
Rutherford Road Area Land Use + Character Higher density mixed use neighbourhood along Rutherford Road with low-rise residential uses along internal ring road. Urban Main street focus along Rutherford Road. Commercial gateway node at Highway and Rutherford Road. Fine grain pedestrian/cycle friendly internal streets linking with internal neighbourhood parks. 32
Jane Street Corridor Land Use + Character Higher density mixed-use neighbourhood. Urban Main Street focus along Jane Street and Rutherford Road. Fine grain pedestrian/cycle friendly internal streets linking with neighbourhood parks. Transit hub gateway focal point in the public realm. Strong green character and connectivity with the West Don Natural Heritage Area. 33
Bass Pro Mills Land Use + Character Mid-rise neighbourhood focused around a new school or other community facility. Area south of Bass Pro is outside of the intensification area and will reamin employment. Gateway urban square knitting together a commercial node along Highway, residential mixed use are and employment area. Dedicated on-street cycle infrastructure connecting with Fishermans Way Crossing (multi-use pathway over Highway). Bass Pro Mills Drive Green Street (Secondary Plan). 34
Highway Highway Landscape Landscape Land Use + Character Greening and increased urban tree canopy to provide to greenway edges, buffer Highway 400 and a green to HIghway landscape stitch to the Secondary Plan area. New north/south active transportation linkages within greenways. Northern Green Gateway at Rutherford Road Crossing a significant landscape feature with public art. Fishermans Way Crossing: Opportunity for landmark bridge. 35 41
Business Park: Black Creek Revitalization Land Use + Character Unique mixed-use employment district that is vibrant, walkable, bikeable and active. Focused around the Black Creek Common - revitalized Black Creek as a central storm water management + public realm focal point. Contains sub-character areas based on location and ground floor uses. I.e. blocks facing Weston Road and Rutherford Road vs. blocks backing onto Highway 400 or around Black Creek. 36
Storm Water Management + Public Place (Edgeley Park and Pond Precedent) 37
Urban Plazas at Corners + Apertures 38
Vaughan Mills Mall Land Use + Character Super regional mall with short and long term public realm opportunities. Short term: pedestrian pathways, mews, and sidewalks to ensure safe and comfortable pedestrian and cycle movement to/through the Vaughan Mills Mall parking area and cycling facilities and accessible bike parking along ring road. Long term: incremental transformation of the mall into a walkable more compact urban neighbourhood. 39
Reimagining the Mall »» Evolution of similar malls into more compact, connected and walkable places with lively animated public spaces. Shops at Don Mills (Toronto) Square One, Mississauga Shops at Don Mills (Toronto) Shoppers World (Brampton) 40
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