Page created by Kathryn Norman

2017 – 2021
September 2016
AFAC Limited
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Copyright © 2016 Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council

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Strategic Directions
For fire and emergency services in Australia and New Zealand
2017 – 2021

 The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), as the Australian and New
 Zealand National Council of fire and emergency services, together with states and territories and
 the Australian and New Zealand Governments is shaping the future of emergency management.
 Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2014–2016
 (referred to as the ‘Strategic Directions’) was first endorsed in 2013 by the Australia-New Zealand
 Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC) and the then Standing Council on Police and
 Emergency Management (SCPEM). The five priorities articulated in the Strategic Directions have
 been broadly adopted across AFAC.

 The ‘Strategic Directions’ document identifies priorities at the national level for fire and emergency
 services. It creates a shared vision and a joint commitment to enhanced community resilience.
 It informs, clarifies the intent and identifies the actions required across AFAC agencies, engaging
 High-Level Officials and Ministers. The expectation within the AFAC National Council is that what
 is addressed in the Strategic Directions, would be considered in the development of each agency’s
 strategic plan.

 The Law, Crime and Community Safety Council (LCCSC) consists of all Australian and New Zealand
 Ministers who have responsibility for law, policing and emergency services. AFAC reports to LCCSC
 through ANZEMC on achievements against the Strategic Directions. The Strategic Directions for
 Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017–2021 was endorsed by ANZEMC
 and LCCSC in 2016.
 More than ever, the emergency management sector is providing integrated support before,
 during and after emergencies and disasters, with an increasing need for clarity of strategic intent,
 articulated in a single, national document. With the responsibility for fire and emergency services
 resting with states and territories, this Strategic Directions provides that. It reflects both what is
 being done and the directions we are heading, transitioning from traditional fire and emergency
 delivery to emergency management professionals integrated with, not simply working for, our

 Our Vision
 Integrated fire and emergency management supporting resilient communities.

                                                     Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021   1
Existing national arrangements

                              Crisis arrangements                                                     Standing arrangements

                 National Security Committee of Cabinet
                                                                                                   Council of Australian Governments
                 Domestic External Security Committee
                             (New Zealand)

                       Crisis Coordination Centre
                                (Australia)                                                           Law, Crime and Community
                   National Crisis Management Centre                                                        Safety Council
                              (New Zealand)

                         State/Territory (Australia)
                                                                                                   Australia-New Zealand Emergency
                     National/Regional (New Zealand)
                                                                                                       Management Committee
                            Crisis Management

                                                                 Australasian Fire and Emergency
                                                                Service Authorities Council (AFAC)1

                                                                                                                   Exchange of letters
                                                                 Commissioners and Chief Officers
                                                                  Strategic Committee (CCOSC)2

                                                              Fire and emergency service agencies
                                                                   (Australia and New Zealand)

           1 The Australian and New Zealand National Council for fire and emergency services.
           2 CCOSC coordinates the contributions to interstate and overseas deployments and involves both Australia and New Zealand.

2   Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021
National Principles
For fire and emergency services

The following principles are fundamental to the work of fire and emergency services. They
enhance understanding across all agencies, contributing to safer and more resilient communities.

  Primacy of life
  Primacy of life and the reduction of harm and suffering is the major motivation for fire and emergency
  services. Any loss of life from emergencies and disasters is deeply felt withing the fire and emergency
  services community. Minimising loss is reliant on:
  • working with communities to encourage shared responsibility and promote disaster reslience
  • a highly skilled and proficient workforce with appropriate equipment and support
  • planning and exercising to maintain the highest possible competencies
  • effective incident management employing the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System

  Trust and confidence
  Fire and emergency services depend on a high level of trust not only within crews, teams, units and
  brigades, but also with key stakeholders such as other emergency services, local government and
  communities. Maintaining trust and confidence of those they serve is a key success measure for fire and
  emergency services. This trust and confidence requires:
  • shared community information and a common operating picture before, during and after incidents
  • individual and team behaviour of the highest standard
  • common understanding and awareness of community risk and expectations
  • reliable and professional advice and service delivery.

  Interoperability through partnerships
  Most emergency incidents generate a response from a variety of agencies. Interoperability is
  fundamental to emergency service delivery: all agencies, all hazards, all of the time. This requires
  open communication, sharing of information, approaches and philosophies, as well as interoperable
  equipment, procedures and a clear understanding of command and control. Interoperability through
  partnerships requires:
  • commitment across government, industry and communities, planning for interagency response with a
    willingness to train and exercise together
  • seamless operations and the application of AIIMS during incident management
  • adopting common industry positions, standards and protocols
  • sharing ideas, successes, lessons and resources.

  As publicly funded services, fire and emergency services must be accountable to communities,
  governments and their stakeholders. Accountability builds confidence and requires:
  • responding to community concerns
  • maximising efficiencies and cost reductions
  • appropriate reporting and corporate governance
  • minimising duplication across services.

                                                      Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021   3

Supporting resilient
communities through risk
 The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2011 highlights the collective
 responsibility of all sectors of society including governments, business,
 communities and individuals. Fire and emergency services are well aware
 of the inherent disaster risks and the need to provide advice, education and
 information to society to mitigate those risks.

 Once policy, planning decisions, construction options, compliance requirements
 and individual choice have all been made, AFAC agencies need to focus on risk
 reduction and preparedness, while remaining responsible for response to any
 residual risk, should an emergency still occur. During disasters when the available
 emergency service response is overwhelmed, it will be the effectiveness of risk
 reduction measures and individual, household and community resilience which
 will determine the community impact and ability to not only bounce back, but
 progress forward.

 Fire and emergency services will contribute to resilient communities through:
 •• Adopting a whole of community approach:           •• Supporting volunteerism: through both
    delivering not only community centred                structured and spontaneous volunteering.
    engagement, but recognising the diverse nature
    of communities that need to be considered,        •• Striving to be part of the community fabric:
    engaged and supported.                               through local involvement in community
                                                         activities and contributing to the development
 •• Indentifying risks: detecting hazards for local      of social capital and self-reliance.
    communities and informing those communities
    in practical ways.                                •• Promoting and, where legislated, inspecting
                                                         mitigation measures: to maximise the benefits
 •• Engaging with at risk elements of the                of existing standards and policies, minimising
    community: seeking to support their identified       exposures to potential emergency incidents.
                                                      •• Awareness and promotion of the impact of
 •• Providing disaster education and support:            Climate Change: on the increasing frequency
    to local community members and schools,              and intensity of emergencies and natural
    noting the role of children in influencing the       disasters.
    preparedness and behaviours of families.
                                                      •• Focussing on strategic risk assessments: across
                                                         landscapes, communities and assets, both public
                                                         estate and privately owned.

                                                      •• Practising environmental sustainability: through
                                                         eco-friendly operational procedures to maintain
                                                         ecosystem health such as fuel reduction burning.

                                                      Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021   5

                Providing trusted response
                and facilitating the transition
                to relief and recovery
                    When individuals dial 000/111/132500, they are experiencing a major crisis
                    and are seeking support, reassurance and practical help in a hurry. They need
                    to know that fire and emergency services are responding as swiftly as they can.
                    During a major disaster, that response will not be to individual households; it is
                    likely to focus on strategic priorities. Regardless of the outcome, the response
                    needs to be trusted by the community and a service that can be relied upon.

                    Fire and emergency services will reliably respond when required by:
                    •• Developing and maintaining an Australasian                                  •• Developing Emergency Medical Response: to
                       Capability Statement and Roadmap: to inform                                    supplement ambulance response and maximise
                       and advise on existing and future operational                                  fire and emergency service availability and skills.
                       capability across jurisdictions.
                                                                                                   •• Planning and practising their response: to
                    •• Being trained, organised, equipped and ready:                                  ensure that it is professional, rapid and effective
                       Their readiness is a primary output to the                                     regardless of paid, part-time or volunteer
                       community.                                                                     engagement.

                    •• Organising inter-jurisdictional support through                             •• Maintaining accurate response records:
                       the CCOSC3: to focus effort and resources in a                                 encouraging agencies to improve on outcomes
                       coordinated manner across states and territories                               (including mitigation and incident management)
                       and when needed, internationally.                                              as well as service delivery outputs (such as
                                                                                                      response times).
                    •• Establishing a national resource sharing
                       capability: to coordinate resource deployments                              •• Introducing the use of AIIMS into state
                       across states and territories and overseas.                                    legislation: to reinforce the incident
                                                                                                      management doctrine into emergency
                    •• Advocating for a dedicated Public Sector                                       management practice and promote its use in the
                       Mobile Broadband: to provide the best possible                                 private sector.
                       capability for fire and emergency services.

                    Fire and emergency services as the lead combat agency during the response will:
                    •• Remain engaged with communities: working                                    •• Support other sector leaders: as they take
                       with them to transition into relief and recovery.                              responsibility for relief and recovery.

                    •• Provide integrated emergency management
                       and operational support: at incident, regional
                       and state level to ensure integrated transition to
                       relief and recovery from the commencement of
                       the response.

                    3 Commissioners and Chief Officers Strategic Committee

6   Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021

The source of credible and
timely information
 Concurrently with response, fire and emergency services are also committed to
 providing credible and timely information to enable individuals and communities
 to make appropriate, informed and timely decisions. Local response by
 emergency services is not always possible, particularly during natural disasters
 when multiple responses are required. Regardless, fire and emergency services
 are committed to keeping the community well informed before, during and after
 emergency events.

 This needs to be matched by individuals and communities who are engaged,
 informed and responsive to advice. Ideally they are also prepared, but
 practice indicates this is often not the case. Communication is a partnership of
 transmission and reception and emergency management requires this to occur
 concurrently between communities and emergency managers.

 Fire and emergency services will provide credible and timely information by:
 •• Informing communities: by maximising available      •• Maintaining the best available predictive
    technology, including data and provision to            models: to provide the best available advice
    mobile devices, to rapidly advise and update the       based on the existing information.
                                                        •• Actively sharing information within and
 •• Committing to nationally-agreed warnings               between agencies: creating a Common
    frameworks: to provide consistency for                 Operating Picture at incident, regional and state
    individuals and communities across jurisdictions.      level.

 •• Gathering information to generate intelligence:     •• Focussing on the provision of information and
    from a wide range of sources including the             warnings as an operational capability: and
    incident ground, aerial operations, the media,         acknowledging that this output is as important
    social media and all available sources.                as operational response.

                                                        Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021   7

                Effective governance and
                resource management
                    Fire and emergency services have an Australasian workforce of 288,000.
                    Consisting of 254,000 registered volunteers, 34,000 paid staff in career roles
                    (across fire services and parks and wildlife) and 6,000 retained or part time
                    staff. Across the broader emergency management sector, the number exceeds
                    500,000. This unrivalled capacity, that is organised, trained and ultimately
                    provides the nation with a substantial surge capacity, is provided with the benefit
                    of substantial volunteer contributions. Governance and resource management of
                    this significant resource needs to be contemporary, adaptable and accountable.

                    Fire and emergency services will maintain effective governance and resource
                    management by:

                    •• Meeting legislative, policy and reporting                                   •• Maintaining a focus on workforce and
                       requirements: of Boards, Governments and                                       community safety: to minimise WHS risks and
                       Ministers.                                                                     community impact.

                    •• Leading and managing: our most valuable                                     •• Professionalising the standing of our
                       resource, our people; paid, part-time and                                      workforce: through the adoption of national
                       volunteer workforces.                                                          standards through emergency management
                                                                                                      professionalisation which assists effective
                    •• Developing diverse and inclusive workplaces:                                   performance improvement and learning.
                       reflecting communities and free of
                       discrimination and harassment.                                              •• Capturing the appropriate data: to identify
                                                                                                      trends and ensure the best informed decision-
                    •• Protecting and supporting our people’s                                         making.
                       wellness: many of whom are exposed to trauma
                       and mental illness.                                                         •• Delivering value: by reviewing practices and
                                                                                                      services and promoting business acumen in our
                    •• Supporting presumptive legislation: for                                        leaders and managers.
                       prescribed cancer exposures.
                                                                                                   •• Pursuing opportunities for collaborative
                    •• Determining agency achievement: through                                        purchasing: to maximise efficiencies and cost
                       agreed measures and outputs.                                                   benefits.

8   Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021

Informed by knowledge and
 With the creation of AIDR4 in 2015 knowledge and information on emergency
 management and disaster resilience has the opportunity to be centred in one
 Institute supported and partnered by Emergency Management Australia, AFAC,
 Australian Red Cross and the Bushfire and Natural Hazard Cooperative Research

 Research can reinforce current practice, explore and challenge new approaches,
 as well as providing evidence and options to do things better and differently.
 It systematically generates an increase in the stock of knowledge through pure
 and applied research. Research informs fire and emergency practices and
 presents the opportunity to improve industry performance, and shape industry
 culture. The Bushfire and Natural Hazard Cooperative Research Centre and other
 research providers assist in delivering this outcome.

 Fire and emergency services will be informed by knowledge and research through:

 •• Ensuring research outcomes benefit                 •• Completing the National Burning Project:
    communities: through access to information,           the most comprehensive synthesis of land
    knowledge, education and advice.                      management and prescribed burning knowledge
                                                          and practice ever collected.
 •• Reviewing and measuring performance: to
    improve community safety outcomes and              •• Optimising predictive service capabilities
    strengthen disaster resilience.                       nationally: providing the best advice and
                                                          warnings for hazards.
 •• Emergency management and disaster resilience
    knowledge and information: being collected,        •• Maximising research utilisation at agency
    stored and shared through sector based                level: through an ongoing commitment to being
    knowledge sharing capabilities such as, the AIDR      informed of research outcomes, exploring
    ‘Body of Knowledge’.                                  opportunities, trialling options and adopting
                                                          improved practice.
 •• Contributing to a sector-based national
    research capability: that is end-user focussed,    •• Evidence-based decision-making by: drawing
    cooperatively funded and industry supported.          on available data, information and research to
                                                          heighten consistency and rigour with emergency
 •• Focussing on industry required research:              risk assessments.
    meeting industry identified priorities that
    support operational missions and delivery of       •• Becoming data driven: to identify trends and
    AFAC agencies within local communities.               respond to developments as soon as they
                                                          become evident.

 4 Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
                                                       Strategic Directions for Fire and Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand 2017 -2021   9
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