North Devon Homes Customer Involvement Strategy 2019 to 2021
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Putting customers at the heart of what we do Contents 1 Putting customers at the heart of what we do 2 What we want to achieve 3 Embedding co-creation and co-design Robert Stronge Martyn Gimber Dawn Ash 4 What does this look like Chair of the NDH Board Chief Executive Customer and Chair of C90 5 Our digital offer “This strategy enhances “I passionately believe our longstanding that customers should “This strategy puts 6 Our community offer commitment of be at the heart of customers right at the 7 How will we inform you that we have listened engagement with everything we do and heart of NDH and gives customers and is vital in by working together them a real voice in 8 How will we measure this joint working (service standard) helping us shape the we can create a shaping the future of 9 How can customers get involved organisation to meet better business that their homes and the the needs, views and keeps us focussed services provided. aspirations of those who on what matters and Customers will feel live in our homes today keeps us accountable empowered to be and tomorrow. No-one to our community” involved in the decisions else is better placed that affect their to have a view on our everyday lives and the homes and services communities that they than the community we live in.” work with.” This Community Involvement Strategy sets out how North Devon Homes will involve customers throughout the design and implementation of our services with a shift from simply consulting, to actually co-creating solutions together. By working together with our customers to co-design the future we will; • Embrace modern technology and a more open culture so that we can • Share information better and empower customers to have a voice • Communicate back to customers the difference and influence they are making • Create opportunities for customers to actively generate ideas, discussions and make suggestions then together decide together what happens next.
Embedding co-creation and co-design What this means Why? • Customers working with us in a • Customer Engagement supports meaningful way that allows an our strategic corporate plan and exchange of opinions and ideas. corporate values. • Customers feeling that their • Customers having a voice, being views, experiences and ideas are listened to and having a genuine being listened to in designing and say in how their homes and reviewing services in their homes services are managed is important and neighbourhoods. to us. • Customers being empowered • We want our customers to have and having the confidence to regional and national influence make informed decisions and within Local Authority, County suggestions knowing we will and Government policy making implement them and if we cant tell decisions and shared best practice them why and/or when we might within our sector. be able to do so in the future. • We want to share with customers What we want to achieve how their voice and influence is We are proud of the way customers have helped co-design this strategy alongside staff, We’ll do this by making a real difference in shaping directors and board members creating fantastic opportunities for our organisation to be • Ensuring meaningful customer the services we provide to you. at the cutting edge of Customer Engagement. involvement at every level of our organisation. Customer Engagement will support our corporate objectives and in doing so we will use • Getting the right balance of staff our customers voice to influence sector wide issues and policies. and customers within our formal engagement panels. This strategy is about rethinking and modernising customer/community involvement with • Ensuring customers have the right a fresh approach, tools and techniques to develop new ways for customers to be heard. tools, information, knowledge and understanding to make informed Patsy Chapple Sarah Freeman Through investment in new technologies and our IT infrastructure we will be able to opinions. Customer and Customer and offer more online options to overcome barriers such as travel and lack of time. • Providing relevant training for Tenant2Tenant Advisor Fresh Ideas Member engaged customers both internally “Becoming involved “Fresh Ideas give NDH and externally with opportunities with NDH as a customers a voice to We recognise one size does not fit all. Within this strategy we set out how customer which they know they volunteer 10 years ago engagement can be accessible to all, enjoyable and opportunities for customers to build for customers to network within will be listened to in has changed my life. confidence or gain skills for future employment opportunities. the sector with other engaged Being involved as a great depth, expressing ideas from wording or customers e.g. TPAS* networking T2T advisor helping designing a new layout events, on-line forums and customers resolve Through this meaningful and positive customer engagement we aim to end social of customer letters or their concerns or brochures. It is always housing stereotypes and stigma and build stronger communities. e-learning all customers can supporting them to be varied, interesting and access. able to move into a rewarding sharing our • Celebrating customer led smaller more views and ideas as manageable home is a group and making innovation within sector award friends in the process.” very rewarding.” schemes and sharing best practice. *All customers can access TPAS through our NDH membership, see our website for link
What does this look like? Our digital offer 2019 to 2021 Improving the customer experience through Digital embracing new technology and systems that improve communication and access to services This is a strategic governance group made up of customers, board members and staff that meet C90 Group every 90 days to co-create service delivery and inform the board on customers opinions and Marc Rostock suggestions Director of Neighbourhoods A group of customers who help shape key areas of “We have worked hard Scrutiny the business by taking a deep dive approach into to create C90 as a place Panel services then offering suggesting for improvement Digital engagement cannot replace all the social media, on-line chat so we can the customer voices can be heard, listened functions that face-to-face customer led reach out to customers who do not Focus groups open to all customers to review a to and responded engagement can bring and many of our normally engage with us. Fresh Ideas range of communications and policies to ensure to. We are engaging Group they are written in customer friendly way customers value face-to-face engagement. • Opportunities for customers to access customers in key decisions at the right online e-learning to increase confidence, Door-to-door surveys gathering information and stage and improving Our digital offer will form part of a blended knowledge and skills effective in Local also having conversations with customers on what our accountability and Community Engagement offer that will customer engagement. Conversations they would like to improve in their neighbourhood quality as a result. We complement our governance structure and • Online customer forums using social are stronger, better A research technique to capture the emotional and more informed as corporate plan as outlined in this strategy. media technology for example impact of the journey by asking a customer to a result our customer Facebook groups. Journey views being heard.” talk through or show how they use a service and As part of our digital strategy to improve • Developing remote attendance to join Mapping how it made them feel offering solutions and the customer experience we will develop meetings such as Skype. suggestions for improvement. a wide range of communication options • Social media avenues for customers to Customer to customer interaction to help gain a for our customers. This will include the provide online feedback. Tenant 2 better understanding of different perspectives development of a Customer Portal (on-line • Text messaging “quickie surveys”. Tenant held by others and to support customers. customer accounts) to enable customers Annual event for all customers and families to to contact us 24/7 at times which are Customers will be able to access online Summer convenient for differing working patterns customer information through our website, attend, meet NDH staff, have fun and provide Fayre feedback in an informal setting and lifestyles. for example: Michelle Rigler • Information leaflets designed for Older and younger generations coming together Generations Customer and Scrutiny Customers are at the heart of this digital customers by customers in a variety of events and settings sharing Panel Chair Together learning, experience and breaking down isolation shift being involved in design, testing and • Customer designed easy to read “The close partnership implementing throughout 2019/2020. policies that layout what customers can A unique youth offer for young people to access, between NDH and the Scrutiny Panel allows expect from our service delivery health and wellbeing support, educational support Young NDH us to look in depth at Customer Portals will enable direct • Self help videos that explain how to do and to provide a wide range of activities all year round various aspects of the reporting of repairs, neighbourhood issues, simple repairs business and this has led instant access to rent accounts and a • Online newsletters Consultation Multiple channels and approaches so that people to changes which have had a positive impact speedier communication system. • Online forms and are given the opportunity to participate in ways that work for them. for all customers. Feedback Our recommendations Through our improved digital technology Customers will be offered training and service review Community walk-about with staff, customers we will offer many new ways for customers opportunities in using and understanding reports feed into NDH Community and partner agencies gathering ideas and local at a strategic and to engage with us including: our new digital offer in partnership with Walks solutions to encourage a sense of working governance level” together to build great places to live. • Online consultation using a variety of Positive People (a Lottery funded project platforms for example: emailing, texting, until 2022 managed by Cosmic and Pluss).
Our community offer How we will measure Our Community Offer is inclusive of all our this joint working customers from the age of six in our Junior Youth Clubs right through to our oldest Our promise to customers*: residents across North Devon. • C90 will meet every 90 days, meetings will have formal minutes, outcomes We will take ‘local conversations’ and road and impact that will be published on shows to your neighbourhoods and homes our website to demonstrate Customer to gather your opinions. Some of the topics Involvement at a governance level in we might seek your opinion on will have our decision making process. customers to access training to become • Our Scrutiny panel will meet monthly been suggested by customers working in self employed or gain the skills required to and have formal minutes, reviews, our Scrutiny and C90 environments when undertake paid employment. by customers and report this back to they wish to seek a wider view on a subject outcomes and impact that will be customers through our website, social or service; often these same customers will reported in our newsletters and Annual We will work with partners to provide media and newsletters. join us at these events. Report to Tenants (“Your Local digital training in community centres and • We will review (and be accountable), Standard”). cafes across North Devon. in partnership with customers, our We will host community based events • Fresh Ideas group will meet at least 16 satisfaction/dissatisfaction levels for bringing together our younger and older times a year, outcomes and impact will We will listen to your ideas for community the services we provide every 90 days. generations so that older people feel be reported in our newsletters and on projects and where we can seek partners • We will work with customers to review they are at the heart of their communities our website. and external funding to help make them and update all our local offers (service especially when they are living alone. • We will collect 1,000 customer points happen e.g neighbourhood tidy-up days. standards) and be accountable on how of view a year reporting back to we are doing against these targets. We will support community events such customers how these influenced our We will continue working with young people • We will run 96 weekly locally based as coffee mornings, Christmas lunches, service design. and young communities providing youth youth clubs a year. summer BBQ’s, Summer Fayre and carry • We will carry out a minimum of four clubs, informal learning and support on • We track the impact of our work using a out ‘light touch’ or ‘quickie surveys’ to local conversations each year visiting a pathway to employment and where we Transformative Evaluation Framework. gather your opinions as well as providing different communities to ensure a wide can provide Apprenticeship opportunities • We will measure our impact with families customers with an opportunity to join in range of customers have opportunities within NDH. and interventions with young people. and have some fun and get to know our to have their voice heard. Team NDH staff. • We will consult with 80 customers every We will work with families and young 90 days across different geographical people offering support and where can, areas. We will run community based consultation access other services to help. • We will hold six community based events out in the community inviting everyone to come along and share consultation events a year e.g. journey opinions, offer suggestions and tell us how mapping. they feel about specific elements of our • We will hold 12 community events a year and a Summer Fayre event. Dr Debbie Hay service offer. NDH Board Member • We will work with external partners “I am passionate that customer involvement We will support and equip our customer led to enhance our engagement offer to makes a difference to people’s lives and is at and designed Tenant 2 Tenant offer which customers and will report on these the heart of the business. By measuring our North Devon Homes are members of ‘Tpas’ all provides a one to one support service of our customers can register for free with opportunities every 90 days. activities and learning from working together them online to access forums and information • We will collect ‘Value for Money’ data on with customers we can remain focussed on to help customers. We will also help to what works and make a real difference.” recruit more customers to this group. We the number of service changes made®ion will support partnership working to assist =&stockBand=&search=north+devon *‘Our promise to customers’ is our Customer Engagement Local Offer
How we will inform you How can customers that we have listened get involved? It is important to us that we tell customers All of our customers will have an equal Customer how their voice, suggestions for opportunity to become involved regardless improvements and ideas have influenced “Going out with Staff to help do surveys out of their situation our business objectives. in the community provides customers with opportunities to talk to other customers and Being involved bears no cost to our share their thoughts, feelings and ideas about It is also important that we tell customers their neighbourhoods and homes” customers who attend meetings and why we have sometimes not been able to other activities (for example: conferences, undertake their suggestions and why not. training events). We will cover expenses Tracey Hearn Customer Scrutiny Panel for travel and/or provide transport and As well as using our digital communication other reasonable costs to encourage “On scrutiny I can be a voice for the platforms (e.g. social media and our everyone to get involved. customers, already we have made changes to website) we will publish how customers secure tenancies for their family homes. Being a volunteer I have made so many good have shaped, influenced and provided Getting involved makes a difference. friends, gained confidence and learnt new points of view on how we can improve our skills while giving back to the community to service within our Newsletter “Home News” There many ways to become involved make it better.” and our “Your Local Standard”. in the activities outlined in this strategy; information on events will be posted on our C90 Group: Facebook pages, website, online forums, C90 stands for ‘Customer 90 days’. This newsletters and displayed in communal formal group is made up from a range of What does C90 do? areas. people from across the business and the • It makes sure that what we have community who are customers, managers, Our “I want to get involved form” will be Tell us what you think, promised customers in this strategy share your ideas staff members, board members, Directors is being delivered. available through our new digital offer so and our Chief Executive. • The group monitors and checks the all customers can express an interest in Help us build the attending events. future you want quality over all of the services we The Chair of our C90 group is a customer provide to our customers over the and all members work side by side on an previous 90 days. Where customers have told us they would equal basis to help deliver the vision of • It links customers points of view like to take part in “quickie surveys” we the company “working together to create directly into our board. will contact them through their preferred communities where people want to live”. • The group develop new policies type of communication e.g. texting, emails, and changes to the way services telephone. Through our training opportunities are delivered with customers being This leaflet explains how customers can get involved in helping to design and review the services we provide now and in the future and work with young people we will at the heart of these changes and We will develop new ways of ommunication through our community involvement activities boost our ability to attract talent into improvement decisions. with customers including “live chat” and the organisation. We will share these virtual meetings. successes with customers and celebrate For more information visit our website our young apprentice scheme and for the “Tell us what you think, share Lin Hannam customers achievements. Customer and C90 Member your ideas” leaflet “It is great to know that our ideas are listened to and that we have feedback from the board on the value of our work.”
Want to get involved? Just call our Community Involvement Team: 01271 313384 or email: North Devon Homes Westacott Road, Whiddon Valley, Barnstaple, EX32 8TA 01271 312500
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