Services Guide. Financial - Money made simple - Entourage Finance

Page created by Wade Manning
Services Guide. Financial - Money made simple - Entourage Finance
Services Guide.

Money made simple.
Wealth Market Pty Ltd
Level 26, 135 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000
AFSL No. 482898 | ABN 56 128 350 112
P 1800 011 471
E                             FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020
Services Guide. Financial - Money made simple - Entourage Finance
Welcome to Wealth Market.

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) will help you    Contents.
make an informed decision about whether the
financial services provided by Wealth Market         Financial Freedom ........................................... 3
and your adviser are right for you. Please read
it carefully and let your adviser know if you        Advice Services ................................................ 4
have any questions.                                  Financial Advice ............................................... 5
This guide explains who we are, what we can offer    Working With Us .............................................. 6
you, and how we work. It also clearly explains our   How We Are Paid .............................................. 7
fees, commissions and referral payments.
                                                     Who We Are Associated With .......................... 9
We have an Australian Financial Services License
(AFSL) issued by the Australian Securities &         Privacy Info ...................................................... 10
Investment Commission (ASIC), which authorises       How to Contact Us .......................................... 11
us to provide you with personal financial advice.
Our license number is 482898.                        Terms in this FSG
                                                     ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ – refer to Wealth Market.
Wealth Market and your financial adviser are         ‘adviser’ – refers to persons or entities authorised
covered by professional indemnity insurance          to provide advice under Wealth Market’s Australian
as required by law.                                  Financial Services Licence.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                                                  2
Services Guide. Financial - Money made simple - Entourage Finance
Financial freedom.
We can help you plan for that.

                 PROTECT                  MANAGE                   GROW                     DREAM

Whatever your goals in life, a Wealth Market financial
adviser can help you with a plan to get you there. They
                                                            Types of Advice
are experts in creating a plan for your future and doing    During your interactions with us you may receive
the legwork for you. We can help you protect, manage        several types of financial advice. Your adviser will
and grow your money.                                        help you choose the most suitable type of advice
                                                            for your needs.
Wealth Market is owned by one of Australia’s leading
family businesses — the White Family Group, featuring
iconic brands such as Ray White and Loan Market.            Personal Advice (Comprehensive)
                                                            We consider your personal situation and get to know
As an Aussie company that is proudly home-grown,
                                                            your individual needs and goals before we make
family owned and led, we know a thing or two about
                                                            a recommendation to you. We may also do so for
taking care of each other, as only families can. Honesty,
                                                            a range of issues that you need advice on, in which
integrity and ethics are part of who we are, and we put
                                                            case we would provide you with comprehensive
your best interests first, always.
                                                            personal advice that takes into account your needs
Our financial advisers are supported by a team of           and circumstances.
experienced specialists in the areas of research,
technical strategies and compliance. Together we
provide you with quality advice that is tailored to
                                                            Personal Advice (Limited)
your personal circumstances.                                We may give you advice for a single need – for
                                                            example – taking out enough life insurance to cover
Take control. Protect the ones you love. Manage the         your mortgage, which is often referred to as limited
everyday. Achieve your dreams.                              personal advice.
At Wealth Market, we make money simple.
                                                            General Advice
                                                            Sometimes you may only want general information
                                                            about a product or service that you are looking to
                                                            purchase. When we provide you with general advice
                                                            we do not take into account your personal
                                                            circumstances and do not make an assessment
                                                            about whether or not the product or service suits
                                                            your needs.

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Services Guide. Financial - Money made simple - Entourage Finance

Money. We can help you                                Financial products
protect, manage and grow it.                          We can advise you on these types
                                                      of financial products:
We provide holistic or one-off financial advice
depending on your needs. We also offer                   Basic and non-basic Deposit and
ongoing services to keep you on track to                 Payment Products
achieve your goals.
                                                         Government Debentures, Stocks or Bonds
                                                         Investment Life Insurance Products
   We can help with:                                     Life Risk Insurance Products
       Personal protection portfolio advice
                                                         Managed Investment Schemes
       Budgeting, cash flow and savings
                                                         Investor Directed Portfolio Services
       Debt management
       Superannuation                                    Retirement Savings Accounts

       Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)                   Retirement Income Streams
       Investment Advice                                 Securities (eg, shares)
       Retirement planning                               Superannuation, including Self Managed
       Downsizing                                        Superannuation Funds (SMSF)
       Aged care                                         Standard Margin Lending Facility
       Estate planning
       Business risk protection                       We’ll help you decide which ones you need and
                                                      recommend the right products for you. We can
                                                      also help you to apply for, change or close any
                                                      of these products.
Tax advice
As a Registered Tax Financial Adviser with the
Tax Practitioners Board, we are qualified to advise
you about the tax implications relating to our
recommendations. Our registration number with
the TPB is 25543876. For comprehensive tax advice,
or tax agent services you should consult
a registered tax agent.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                            4
Financial advice.
We make it personal.

   Get ready to meet your                                      Provide clear strategies and alternatives for the
                                                               advice you are seeking
financial adviser.
                                                               Recommend financial products (where suitable)
Your adviser will ask you to bring some information
and documents with you to the first meeting to help            Show you how these strategies and products
us get a better understanding of your current financial        will meet your goals
position.                                                      Inform you of any fees payable and any commission
                                                               that Wealth Market or your adviser will receive.
  We listen and learn
about you.                                                      We put your plan in place.
                                                            Once you’ve discussed and reviewed your adviser’s
Your adviser will introduce you to the financial services
                                                            recommendations, we’ll ask for your approval to
we offer and provide you with this Financial Services
                                                            implement your plan, and to sign an Authority to
Guide (FSG). They’ll ask questions to make sure that
                                                            Proceed. Your adviser will explain the process and
we have enough information to provide financial
                                                            help you with any paperwork. Where appropriate your
advice that meets your needs.
                                                            adviser will provide you with any Product Disclosure
Your adviser will:                                          information about product features, benefits,
                                                            conditions and costs.
    Review your current financial position and needs
                                                            In future, any additional financial advice may come
    Discuss and identify your personal and                  with a new Statement of Advice, or if your financial
    financial goals                                         situation and goals haven’t changed significantly,
                                                            you may receive a Record of Advice. You can obtain
    Explain the scope of the advice you need                a copy of your Record of Advice by asking your financial
    Provide you with Client Services Agreement 		           planner or contacting Wealth Market directly.
    setting out the scope, terms, fees and charges
    for us to prepare your financial plan. If you 			         Keep on track with
    decide to proceed with our services, you will need
    to sign this agreement before we can start work.        ongoing services.
                                                            Annual services packages are available to help keep
     We research and analyse.                               you on track to achieve your goals. You will need to
                                                            sign an Annual Services Agreement which sets out the
Your adviser will research your current situation and       terms of this relationship, including the services you
existing financial products to tailor your financial plan   are entitled to, when those services will be delivered
to your personal situation and ensure it addresses all      and the fees you will be charged. At the end of each
the goals in scope for the financial plan.                  service year, you will need to sign a new Annual
                                                            Services Agreement to maintain the services of your
     Your financial plan is ready!                          adviser for a further 12 months.

Your adviser will present you with a written financial      Some clients may be on ongoing service agreements
plan, called a Statement of Advice. The plan will:          that continue beyond 12 months in duration. If this
                                                            is the case we will provide you with a Fee Disclosure
    Set out your needs and goals, our financial 		          Statement that outlines the fees you paid, the services
    advice and the reasons why we made these 		             you were entitled to and the services you received over
    recommendations                                         the past 12 months.

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Working with us.
Just some things to know.

                               Giving your adviser instructions
                               You can usually instruct your adviser by phone, letter, email or fax.
                               Sometimes your adviser will need written instructions from you.
                               They’ll let you know when this is the case.

                               Disclosing information
                               We ask for information so that we can provide you with suitable advice
                               to meet your needs. You don’t have to give us the information we ask
                               for. But, if you don’t we may not be able to give you our advice and
                               other services outlined in this Financial Services Guide. If your adviser
                               thinks that’s the case, they may decline to give you advice.

                               Verifying your identity
                               The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act
                               2006 requires your adviser to verify your identity before arranging any
                               financial products or services.

                               Where no advice is provided
                               In some instances you can instruct us to apply for, change or close
                               a financial product on your behalf, without our advice. In this case,
                               you’ll receive a “no advice” confirmation.

                               Compensation arrangements
                               Wealth Market has in place Professional Indemnity Insurance for all it’s
                               authorised representatives. Our policy satisfies the requirements for
                               client compensation set out as per section 912B of the Corporations
                               Act. Our policy covers claims in relation to the conduct of our current
                               representatives as well as those who are no longer with Wealth Market
                               (but were at the time of the relevant conduct).

                               Refer your family and friends
                               We love receiving referrals from our clients. If what we are about to do
                               for you may be of interest to your family, friends or colleagues do not
                               hesitate to share our details. The best compliment you can give your
                               adviser is to refer them a client.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                               6
How we are paid.
Your investment in your future.

Advice fees                                                  Specialist services
We have an open and honest fee structure for the             We charge for additional services, such as Aged Care
advice and services we provide.                              or Self Managed Superannuation Fund advice at an
                                                             hourly rate between $275 and $660 (incl. GST). Your
The total fee for advice depends on the time it takes to     adviser will quote, discuss and agree these fees with
create a financial strategy tailored to your situation.      you before starting any work. You may request further
The complexity of your situation, the amount of research     detail regarding the services, fees and how they have
required and the strategies you may need will all impact     been determined from your adviser.
the time it takes to develop and deliver your advice.
Our standard hourly rate is between $275 and $660
(incl. GST). Your financial adviser will inform you of the
                                                             Commissions on life insurance
applicable hourly rate and seek your formal consent          We may be paid initial and ongoing commissions for
prior to commencing work.                                    the life insurance advice and products our advisers
                                                             recommend. These commissions, which are paid by
For most people, the fee for advice is between               the insurance company, are included in the product’s
$1,650pa and $11,000pa (incl. GST). Your fees will           fees and premiums and are not an additional cost to
be calculated according to your advice needs and             you. These commissions operate to reduce the cost of
will vary depending on your personal circumstances.          insurance advice fees you would otherwise need to pay
In rare circumsances it may be higher than this if your      us for the time and work involved to deliver your advice.
situation is very complex. We always inform you of your
fees before your proceed to the next step and the fees       Initial commissions payable can be up to 66% (incl.
become payable.                                              GST) of your initial annual policy premium and up to
                                                             31% (incl. GST) of your ongoing annual premium for
If you are seeking financial advice related to
insurances only, advice fees may not be applicable.          ongoing commissions. We will always tell you about these
Advice fees may be invoiced to you personally or in          commissions in your Statement of Advice (SOA).
some cases you may chose to pay them directly from           Commissions paid directly to us by insurers make advice
your existing or recommended product.                        more affordable for customers. But if you prefer, we can
                                                             reduce the initial commissions payable to zero and you
Annual Service fees                                          can pay advice fees directly to us. This may make the
                                                             advice more expensive initially, but it could also reduce
Fees for our annual service packages range between           your annual premiums in the long term. Your adviser
$2,640pa to $6,600pa (incl. GST).                            will explain these trade-offs and help you decide which
You can choose to pay these fees monthly, quarterly          option is best for you.
or annually. Fees may be higher or lower than this,
                                                             Any commissions paid will align with the Federal
depending on your personal circumstances. Your fees
                                                             Government’s industry reform recommendations
will be calculated according to your advice needs and
will vary depending on your personal situation.              introduced under the Life Insurance Framework, and
                                                             Corporations Amendment Life Insurance Remuneration
Annual Service fees may be invoiced to you personally        Arrangements Act.
or in some cases you may choose to pay them directly
from your existing or recommended product.                   Wealth Market does not receive any additional
                                                             revenue from insurers linked to the volume of
All fees will be agreed to between yourself                  business placed with them. All insurance companies pay
and your financial adviser before you proceed                the same level of commissions which means our advice
with the agreement.                                          is not influenced by how much we receive.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                                         7
How we are paid.
Your investment in your future.

Non-monetary benefits                                     Remuneration
From time to time, Wealth Market financial advisers       Your adviser owns their own Wealth Market franchise.
may receive non-monetary benefits from product            They are not employed by Wealth Market, but run
providers, up to the value of $300. This may include      their own businesses. Wealth Market issues them with
things like gift vouchers, hampers and entertainment      a corporate and/or individual authority to provide
(eg. lunches, dinners, tickets to theatre or sports       advice under the Wealth Market AFSL. Wealth Market
events). These benefits are recorded in an Alternative    initially receives all adviser fees (initial and ongoing)
Forms of Remuneration Register where their value is       and commission payments (initial and ongoing) on
between $100 and $300.                                    behalf of the authorised representatives and their
                                                          franchises. These payments, less any applicable fees
Financial advisers may also benefit from free training    and expenses, are then distributed to the franchises.
courses or seminars funded by a product provider,         Each franchise pays Wealth Market a fee per adviser,
or from free software that supports the adviser in        per month not exceeding $2000 plus a share of any
providing financial product advice. These are also        revenue received of between 5% – 10%. The remaining
recorded in the Alternative Forms of Remuneration         revenue is then received by the franchises who
Register which you can review at any time by              also need to meet business expenses such as office
contacting us on 1800 011 471.                            costs, staff costs, professional indemnity insurance
                                                          premiums and any other costs involved in running
Referral payments                                         their franchises.
If a third party, like a mortgage broker or real estate   Please note that if the owner of the Wealth Market
agent, refers you to us, we may pay them a referral       franchise also owns a Loan Market franchise, any
fee. This may range from 0% to 20% of any initial         revenue they earn may contribute to a reduction
and ongoing revenue we receive. It does not add to        in the license cost to the franchise owner,
your costs. Any referral fees will be detailed in your    depending on the overall revenue earned by the
Statement of Advice (SOA).                                business. The Loan Market license cost is $550 per
                                                          business, per month plus between 5% to 10% of any
If you need a service that we don’t offer, your adviser   revenue earned.
may refer you to other professional service providers
where we may receive a referral fee. Wealth Market        The total revenue earned by an adviser can contribute
and your adviser does not receive any referral fees for   to a reduction in the percentage based Wealth
referrals within the White Family Group.                  market and Loan Market licensee cost to a minimum
                                                          of 5%. We will disclose any fees payable by you, or
                                                          any commissions paid to us by a third party, in your
                                                          Statement of Advice.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                                      8
Who we are associated with.

Group structure                                             Product provider relationships
Wealth Market is part of the White Family Group of          To help our advisers identify quality products that
companies, which includes Loan Market and Ray White.        best meet your needs, we have a regularly updated
                                                            Approved Product List based on extensive research.
The Group provides a wide range of services, including      We believe it gives you access to best of breed
but not limited to mortgage broking services, real          investment, superannuation and insurance product
estate agency services, financial advice services and       providers in the market place. Wealth Market is not
general insurance services.                                 owned by or affiliated with the product providers.
    Loan Market Group Pty Ltd (ACN 105 221 967)             We choose these providers based solely on their
                                                            merits and suitability to meet our clients’ needs.
    Loan Market Pty Ltd (ACN 105 230 019)
                                                            Although the Approved Product List streamlines the
    The Concierge™ businesses operating through 		          product selection process, your adviser is responsible
    REVA Insurance Pty Ltd (ACN 105 230 046)                for conducting their own research into the most
                                                            suitable products for you, based on your personal and
    Ray White (Real Estate) Partnership ABN 21 464 		       financial circumstances. Where such a product is not
    496 649 - comprising Minglecliff (QLD) Pty Ltd and 		   on our Approved Product List, your adviser can have
    Tupman Pty Ltd                                          this product considered for approval.
     ay White (Real Estate) Pty Ltd (ACN 010 005 473)      Wealth Market may enter into commercial
    Ray White (Queensland) Pty Ltd (as agent                arrangements with a number of platform and product
    for The Ray White (Real Estate) Partnership in          providers. These commercial arrangements may
    Queensland) (ACN 054 743 510)                           involve us receiving permissible payments. Such
                                                            arrangements are funded by the platform and product
    Ray White (New South Wales) Pty Ltd (as agent for 		    providers and do not affect any of the platform or
    The Ray White (Real Estate) Partnership in New 		       product fees you pay.
    South Wales and the ACT) (ACN 054 813 660)
                                                            Wealth Market provides regular training on technical
    Ray White (Victoria) Pty Ltd (as agent for The 		       strategies and products to ensure our financial
    Ray White (Real Estate) Partnership in Victoria         advisers are at the forefront of the latest information
    and Tasmania) (ACN 054 890 587)                         that supports the advice they provide to clients.
                                                            This training is delivered at events like Professional
    Ray White (Western Australia) Pty Ltd (as agent 		      Development Days, arranged by Wealth Market
    for The Ray White (Real Estate) Partnership in 		       but often funded from payments in the form of
    Western Australia) (ACN 063 321 684)                    sponsorship from product providers.
    Fasselton Pty Ltd (as agent for The Ray White 		        These payments are permissable by law and are only
    (Real Estate) Partnership in South Australian           used to pay for events where at least 80% of the event
    and the Northern Territory) (ACN 056 909 141)           is dedicated to the training and development of our
                                                            financial advisers. The payment from each provider
                                                            does not exceed $6,000 per annum and each product
                                                            provider makes an equal contribution which means
                                                            the advice of our financial advisers is not influenced
                                                            by these payments.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                                          9
Privacy info.
We respect your privacy.

If you have any questions about your personal                  Financial consultants, accountants, lawyers
information or wish to access our full privacy policy          and advisers
please contact us at,
on 1800 011 471 or at                    Any industry body, tribunal, court or otherwise
                                                               in connection with any complaint regarding our
The information you provide                                    An organisation that assists WM to identify,
will be held by us.                                            prevent or investigate fraud, unlawful activity
                                                               or misconduct
    We collect your personal information as required
    or authorised by law for the purpose of providing 		       Any person where we are required by law to do so
    financial advice and products to you.
                                                               Any of our associates, related entities
    We collect your personal and sensitive information         or contractors
    from you or where you consent, via information
    sourced from (our related bodies corporate) and            Your referees, such as your employer, to verify
    from third parties (eg. your employer, your 		             information you have provided
    superannuation fund, your financier, your insurer,
    your accountant or solicitor) or where we are              Any person considering acquiring an interest
    required to or authorised by or under an                   in our business or assets
    Australian law, or a court/tribunal order.                 Any organisation providing online verification
                                                               of your identity
     Your consent is required for collection of
     sensitive information (eg. health information)            Any person or organisation for any authorised
     unless the collection is required or authorised by        purpose with your express consent.
     or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal
     order or otherwise permitted in limited situations        If you do not provide the information we may
     as prescribed under the Privacy Act.                      not be able to provide our services to you.
     We may use the personal and sensitive                     Do we disclose your personal information to
     information you provide us to deliver the financial       anyone outside Australia? We may disclose
     services we are authorised to provide under our           personal information to our related bodies
     Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) which        corporate and third party suppliers and service
     includes providing personal financial product             providers located overseas for some of the
     advice and dealing in financial products.                 purposes listed. Your personal information may
                                                               be stored in the cloud in an overseas country.
     We may use the personal and sensitive
     information you provide us for the marketing             In the event that a disclosure is made in that
     and/or promotion of other services to you.               overseas country, the information will not be
     You have the option to opt out of this at any time.      protected by the Australian Privacy Principles.
                                                              In any event, by providing your details, you consent
     We may exchange personal information with                to your information being disclosed in this manner.
     the following types of entities, some of which may
     be located overseas:
                                                           Access correction and complaints
     Our employees, related bodies corporate,
     contractors or service providers for the purposes     You may gain access to the personal information
     of operation of our website or our business,          that we hold about you by contacting us. Our privacy
     fulfilling requests by you, and to otherwise          policy contains information about how you may
     provide products and services to you                  access or seek correction of the information we
                                                           hold about you, how we manage that information
    Entities who provide financial products to you         and our complaints process.

FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                                                                      10
We’re here to help.
Don’t hesitate to reach out.

  What to do if you’re not happy
  with our services.
       Please contact your adviser if you have a complaint
       about our services and provide as much information
       as you can. We may need to contact you for further
       details. Once we have enough information we will
       resolve your complaint within five business days.

       If you are not happy with the proposed resolution,
       you may request that our complaints officer reviews
       your complaint and our proposed resolutions.
       The complaints officer may contact you for more
       information. The complaints officer will then come
       back to you with their decision.

  Wealth Market contact details
  P: 1800 011 471 (Sydney time)
  Wealth Market, GPO Box 5200, Sydney NSW 2000

       We will attempt to resolve your complaint efficiently
       and fairly. If you are not fully satisfied with our
       response, or if you have not received a response
       within 45 days, you can have your complaint reviewed
       by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority
       (AFCA). Our member number with AFCA is 38211.

  Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
  P: 1800 931 678 (free of charge)
  GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

  How to contact us.
  Wealth Market Pty Ltd
  P: 1800 011 471 (Sydney time) |
  Level 26, 135 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  Australian Financial Services License Number 482898
  Australian Business Number (ABN) 56 128 350 112
FSG Version 9.0 — 10.02.2020                                   11
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