LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...

Page created by Sandra Hawkins
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...

Supporting communities to make a difference
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...

CONTENTS                                     PURPOSE

Introduction                          p.03   The purpose of the Love Solihull Strategy is to :
Programme aims                        p.04       Recognise what has worked well already
                                                 Identify areas of development and growth
Love Solihull - the enabler           p.05
                                                 Establish a plan to deliver the programme over the next three years
What have we focused on?              p.06
Working in partnership                p.08   The Strategy sits in Environmental Services, under Managed Growth
The Solihull Council Plan 2018-2020   p.09   Directorate and contributes to priorities and key programmes identified
                                             in the ‘Solihull Council Plan 2018-2020’
Love Solihull objectives 2018-2023    p.10
Action plan 2018-2023                 p.11
How will we measure success?          p.13
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


        Councillor Alison Rolf                              Councillor Tony Dicicco
        Stronger Communities and Partnerships               Environment and Housing Portfolio
                                                            The Love Solihull team provide individuals with
        Solihull Borough is well known for the large        opportunities to build a sense of ownership for
        number of green spaces and parks that it has.       their local area. The team do this by bringing
        Love Solihull promotes great opportunities for      together people from different communities
        all of us to get together to make our borough       within the borough which allows them to
        cleaner, greener, and safer.                        network; meet new friends; and tackle social
        Love Solihull encourages individuals to use,        isolation. By local people working together this
        enjoy, and look after our green belt areas. I was   provides a common sense of purpose and
        very impressed at the large number of keen          fosters a sense of community pride.
        participants who took part in the GB Spring         Community pride and a sense of ownership
        Clean event this year. These included ‘Friends      can also have a really positive effect against
        of’ & Community groups; schools; and                anti- social behaviour.
        residents who borrowed Love Solihull                The Love Solihull team are keen to reach out
        equipment to clean-up & litter pick their local     and engage with people from lots of different
        areas. All of these projects were supported &       backgrounds within the borough in order to
        co-ordinated by the Love Solihull team.             encourage them to get involved in caring for
                                                            their local area.

                                                            The team are beginning to reach out to lots of
                                                            communities within the borough and are
                                                            encouraging them to get involved in caring for
                                                            their local area which is already starting to
                                                            have lots of positive effects in Solihull.
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


   Provide individuals, no matter their background, with the
    opportunity to contribute to improving their community

   Make the work of communities more recognised, visible and

   Co-ordinate the Council’s resources that support community
    action through a joined up cross council approach to service

   Identify the best ways to mobilise energy, talents, and passions
    of people to make a real difference to local priorities

   Encourage and inspire residents, businesses, partners, and
    community organisations to get involved with Love Solihull

   Focus on measuring results through community impact

   Provide and demonstrate the knowledge, values, attitudes, skills,
    and behaviours that help people to make informed and
    responsible decisions

                                       2018 GB Spring Clean Hockley Heath
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


The Love Solihull programme is all about enabling local                     When the campaign was established in 2014 the focus was on
communities to be able to play an active role in helping to make            promoting action to enhance the environment of Solihull through
our borough a great place to live, work, and be active.                     community engagement and public education targeting
                                                                            community needs, using best practice, and setting clear outcomes
It is about inspiring everyone to think about where we live and
                                                                            and measures to gauge progress.
find ways to transform and make our neighbourhoods places that
we can be proud of both now, and in the future.                             Now in 2018 the aim is to use the experiences and knowledge
                                                                            acquired over the last four years to create a wider network of
Through positive engagement Love Solihull facilitates partnership
                                                                            support that can drive community change. At a time of challenge
working among local communities and businesses, creating a
                                                                            it is vital that our communities work in partnership with support
network of stakeholders that can support each other in making a
                                                                            and empowerment to make a difference in whatever way they can.
sustainable difference.

Love Solihull feeds into the Council’s Vision for 2020 of creating “a
place where everyone has an equal chance to be healthier,
happier, safer, and prosperous”.

                                 2018 GB Spring Clean at Babb’s Mill Park
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


Following a full review of the Keep Britain Tidy membership in
December 2013, the Strategic Environment Contract board
agreed there was no longer any value in continuing the Keep
Britain Tidy membership.

In its place Love Solihull launched with media and press publicity
on 1st April 2014, branded with a focus on working with
communities to improve the environment.

Since the launch the following key actions have taken place:-

Environmental education:
    Increased public awareness about environmental issues
    Worked with schools to educate pupils about a range of
     environmental issues
    Highlighted and supported community involvement with
     national campaigns
    Encouraged and supported community groups wanting to
     take ownership of their local areas

Promoting the benefits of community engagement:
   Promoted community led activities and measured
   Encouraged businesses to become role models in their

                                                                     Image top: Winner of the Our Blue Planet School competition
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


                                         Enhanced accessibility and diversity:
                                            Ensured all people living within Solihull have an
                                             opportunity to become involved in Love Solihull

                                         Improved the experiences of those involved in environmental
                                              Improving management practice
                                              Increasing the number and quality of environmental
                                              Increased input by residents and businesses through
                                               discussion, consultation and communication
                                              Increased long standing, meaningful commitments from
                                               key local businesses

                                         Supported and strengthened the infrastructure:
                                            Supported funding bids and donations
                                            Promoted training opportunities
                                            Worked with colleagues to identify activities and
                                             community groups
                                            Delivered the strategy in an effective, accountable way
                                            Holding regular stakeholder meetings
                                            Collating, evaluating and acting on feedback

                                         The achievements in these areas have meant that Love
                                         Solihull is now in a position of maturity to expand its scope,
                                         providing increased support and opportunities for our

Image top: Wharf Tavern, Hockley Heath
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


Chris Dunster                                                                   Sophie Lock
Founder of Talking Rubbish in Solihull and Literary Litter Pickers:             Berkswell Parish Council, GB Spring Clean co-ordinator:

           Love Solihull works for us because it enables us to function.                  Litter picks in Berkswell and Balsall Common welcomed
           One example is the provision of the green litter bags which                    significantly increased volunteer numbers this March. Thanks
           was a huge step forward for us.                                                to good local communications and increased use of social
                                                                                          media, word of the litter picks had well and truly spread and it
           It empowered us to be able to litter pick anytime we want and                  was great to see so many litter fighters turn out on Saturday 4
           to leave them by any public bin. I see Love Solihull as a                      March.
           facilitator and as a Council Tax payer I feel it gives great value
           for money.                                                                     Supported by Love Solihull, both parish councils, The
                                                                                          Berkswell Society and sponsored by The Bear pub, 96
           It’s basically facilitating local residents giving their time for              volunteers at the annual two-site clean-up ‘reported for duty’,
           free and making a big difference. It’s also about changing the                 collected their kit and successfully cleared over 80 large sacks
           public’s perception about what’s the Council’s responsibility                  of litter that had been thoughtlessly discarded in hedgerows,
           and what’s all of our responsibility.                                          lanes, ditches, footpaths, parks, pavements and front gardens.

                                                                                          Parish councillors and residents pitched in together, including
Becky Knight                                                                              our MP Caroline Spelman who turned out to help in Balsall
Corporate volunteer leader at local business Enzen:                                       Common.

           It was great to be a part of this project, making a difference to              Littering is on the increase so it is so vital that we join forces
           our local community. Enzen values Corporate Social                             to keep litter levels down and send the message that littering
           Responsibility and encourages all of their staff to take part,                 is completely unacceptable, anywhere. Litter encourages more
           recognising the value that staff gain from engaging in                         litter, so clearing it does help keep levels down. Together, we
           community projects.                                                            make a positive difference to our local environment.
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


 Council Priorities contributed to by Love Solihull:

 Planning and delivery for Solihull’s Low Carbon Future
 Solihull’s growth agenda presents huge opportunities for
 residents and visitors. However, we must ensure that the
 potential negative impacts are minimised and
 opportunities for delivering sustainable growth are
 maximised. The Green Prospectus promotes a more
 coordinated approach to capitalising on new markets for
 green technologies, goods and services and supporting
 Solihull’s transition to a low carbon, sustainable economy.

 Key Programme: The Green Prospectus

 Managing demand and expectation for public services
 This priority is about enabling communities to be more self
 reliant as well as preventing & reducing the need for
                                                                 Other key points taken from the Solihull Council Plan 2018-
 complex services through targeted help. We will do this by      2020 that have particular relevance to the Love Solihull
 working with the voluntary and community sector to              Programme are:
 enable community based support for those who need it
                                                                     The need for the role of the council to become an enabler
 and by developing how we work with partners and                      and influencer
 residents in local areas. We will also make digital access to
                                                                     The high importance of Partnership working, especially
 services easier.
                                                                      with the voluntary and community sector (VCS).
 Key Programme: Creating conditions for communities to
LOVE SOLIHULL STRATEGY 2018 2021 - Supporting communities to make a difference - 2021 Supporting ...


 Drawing on the Solihull Council Plan 2018-2020 Love Solihull’s priorities and objectives have been identified which will
 act as the steer for the programme over the next three years:

     Objective 1: Influencing public attitude and behaviours         Objective 3: Facilitating the community network

         Priorities:                                                 Priorities:
          Targeted marketing and promotion                               Maximising business engagement
          Targeted interventions                                         Increasing community ownership

     Objective 2: Education that supports empowerment within         Objective 4: Strengthening the infrastructure
     Priorities:                                                          Co-ordinating community resources
          Collaboration with schools
          Training and skill development

 Contribution to the Council Priorities

 Planning and delivery for Solihull’s Low Carbon Future:
 Increased education and engagement on environmental issues will allow communities to make informed decisions and actions that
 contribute to a low carbon future.

 Managing demand and expectation for public services:
 Enabling communities to take ownership of their local areas through building networks, and improving the accessibility of available

ACTION PLAN 2018-2021

  Objective                 Priority                           Activities                                 Key features
  Influencing public        Targeted marketing and promotion   Up to date digital platforms providing     Continued use of Twitter, Love Solihull
  attitude and behaviour                                       information on Love Solihull and           website and Stay Connected newsletters
                                                               supported projects
                                                               High profile community focused             Campaign examples: GB Spring Clean, Love
                                                               campaigns highlighted contributing to      Food Hate Waste, #LetItGrow
                                                               behaviour change
                            Targeted interventions             Best practice promoted within the          Community led activities demonstrating
                                                               community leading to increased             active participation and ownership of the
                                                               engagement                                 Public Realm
                                                               Partners providing targeted intervention   Youth intervention programming resulting in
                                                               programming supporting priority groups     crime reduction

  Education that supports   Collaboration with schools         Schools across the borough engaged to      Increase availability of resources and support
  empowerment within                                           support education of young people on       to enable community based learning for
  communities                                                  community issues                           young people in schools

                                                               Support practical opportunities for        Identify and facilitate opportunities for
                                                               schools to play an active role in their    schools to outreach with local partners and
                                                               communities                                support local projects
                            Training and skill development     Work with partners to identify and         Skills review to be carried out and work with
                                                               promote training opportunities for skill   partners to co-ordinate training and
                                                               development and education                  educational programming

                                                               Support a pathway to employment            Working with partners to identify
                                                               through community links                    employment opportunities that can support
                                                                                                          priority groups into employment

ACTION PLAN 2018-2021 continued

  Objective           Priority                         Activities                                 Key features
  Facilitating the    Maximising business engagement   Identifying opportunities to link          Facilitate engagement between partners to
  community network                                    businesses with communities and creating   achieve shared community goals
                                                       sustainable partnerships

                                                       Supporting businesses with community       Through networks promote opportunities
                                                       focused initiatives                        delivered by businesses including funding,
                                                                                                  skill and training opportunities

                      Increasing community ownership   Facilitating the development of            Annual Celebration event to develop into
                                                       community support networks for shared      Love Solihull forum
  Strengthening the   Co-ordinating community          Assisting communities in self-financing    Identifying and promoting sources of funding
  infrastructure      resources                        their activities                           supporting applications.

                                                       Providing clear guidance to support the    Continue to provide up to date resources that
                                                       development of sustainable groups          support community development

                                                       Allocating council resources to support    Exploring opportunities for Love Solihull
                                                       community growth                           funding pot that communities can apply to
                                                                                                  for projects in line with council priorities


  The initial three years of the strategy will be measured against set targets that will focus on increased participation, investment
  and educational opportunities.

                                                                              Year 1:           Year 2:           Year 3
               Key Measures                    Description
                                                                            2018-2019         2019-2020         2020-2021

            Partner                Number of partner groups
                                                                                 30                50                80
            engagement             engaging in Love Solihull activities

                                Amount of financial and non-
            Business investment financial donations from                       £4000             £6000             £8000

                                   Number of children actively
            Education in
                                   participating in Love Solihull               200               400               600
                                   projects and workshops

            Training and skill     Number of attendees on education
                                                                                 20                30                40
            development            and training programming

   The reporting process for these measures will be through:
       Quarterly updates consisting of case studies and KPI progress
       Quarterly updates for the Green Prospectus, identified as a key programme in the Solihull Council Plan 2018-2020
       Annual reviews of the Love Solihull Strategy

To find out more about recent projects we have supported
              please visit our Twitter page:

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