Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000

Page created by Kenneth Cross
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
April 2021
                                                                                               Issue 129

Mairangi Bay
relax • revive • retail

                                                                                CO PIES TO

                                               Emirates Team
                                                New Zealand!

The official magazine of the Mairangi Bay Business Association
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Message from the Business Association                                                   To submit a news item please contact:
                                                                                                                      Community News:
                                             These community events have been                          Terry Holt • Phone: 021 042 8232
                                             proudly organised by the Business                      Email:
                                             Association and supported by the                                    Village News Magazine
                                                                                                    Editorial & Advertising enquiries:
                                             Hibiscus and Bays local Board.
                                                                                                       Terry Holt • Phone: 021 042 8232
                                                It is one of our goals to reach out to
                                             as many people in our community as
                                                                                                      Paul Hailes • Phone: 021 217 3628
                                             we can to inform, and this magazine is                 Email:
                                             one of the vehicles we use along with                   Gary Covich • Design and Production
                                             Facebook and our website. We are                         Jane Warwick • Contributing writer
   What a wonderful occasion with            proud that the magazine is now able to                    Additional photos by
Emirates Team NZ again retaining             reach more readers, with this being                                  Mairangi Bay Business
the America’s Cup and an amazing             the 3rd edition with 10000 copies                                 Association Coordinator:
spectacle right here on the waters of        which and can also be read                                                 Joanne Martin •
the Waitemata, providing some great          online. If you missed your                          Email:
                                                                                                         Mairangi Bay Village Website:
viewing from the ‘Bays’ and, of course,      copy, you can always pick
                                                                                                                             Terry Holt •
out on the water. Being able to enjoy the    one up at one of the stands
waters of our harbour and beaches is         around the Village.
                                                                                                                  Mairangi Bay Business
very special, and over the past few weeks,      We value the input from our                                           Association Chair:
the Business Association has hosted          readers. Please do get in touch                         Chris Harrop • Phone: 021 464 548
the ‘Summer Sound Waves’ on our              if you have a community story
magnificent beach here in Mairangi Bay.      you wish to share.                             Cover photo: Charlotte Handley and Greta Hutton.
                                                                                                  Photo by Bao Dingqiang, club photographer
We thank everyone who has attended              We urge everyone to continue
and their families who have been             maintaining their vigilance with
entertained by our musician and clown/
magician at these events, along with the
                                             the Covid requirements and keep
                                             scanning the QR code at all businesses
                                                                                                    Coming Events
kid’s face-painting and ice cream vendor     and help keep us all safe and thank you                      ANZAC Day
bringing so many more smiles to the          in advance for that.                                            25 April
community as we head into Autumn.                                                                      ANZAC Day Holiday
   It is great to see members of our local     Chris Harrop                                                  26 April
Surf Life Saving club watching over us         Chair                                                    School Holidays
all as well as hosting the sausage sizzle.     For the Mairangi Bay Business Association                 17 April – 2 May

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Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
We will remember
them, we will                                                                          COURTESY
remember them                                                                          OF ROTARY
More than 30,000 New
Zealanders have died fighting to                                                    Q1. Which virtual assistant was
keep Aotearoa safe and free.                                                            re-introduced in 2013 with the
                                                                                        option for a male voice?
                                                                                    Q2. Which company, founded by
  Today we come together, our nation                                                    British mogul Sir Richard Branson,
of 5 million, to fight another battle, this                                             conducts suborbital flights in its
time, an enemy that we cant see. Our                                                    Spaceship Two space plane?
heroes today are a little different but                                             Q3. How many pixels in a megapixel?
equally important as we try to fend off
                                                                                    Q4. Which kind of nerves in the
COVID-19 and keep our country safe
                                                                                        human body are called cervical,
and free. Both then and now, the men                                                    thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and
and women of the frontline believe in                                                   coccygeal?
this country.                                 Wars are full of horrendous
  And that is why we should never forget.     events and the Battle of              Q5. Which planet is known as “the
                                              Flanders was particularly so with         jewel in the solar system”?
  We should remember always the
blood that has spilled in all conflicts.      tens of thousands of casualties.      Q6. At sea level, at which temperature
Although most of those battlefields may       No wonder the area was grey               Celsius does pure water freeze?
seem far away, both in miles and in           and haunted. But, through             Q7. What is magma called when it
memory, recent events have shown that         the battle-scarred ground wee             reaches the earth’s surface?
those miles can close up oh so quickly,       shoots began to appear, which
                                                                                    Q8. What pop star, known for
and we must continue to treasure and          grew into poppies. These were
                                                                                        being swift on his feet, took an
guard these small islands at the bottom       the first things to grow in the           ownership stake in MySpace in
of the world.                                 wasteland. Poppies now stand for          2011?
  So, gather up the kids and take them        remembrance and the hope of a
                                                                                    Q9. Which well-known All Black
to one of the many Dawn Parades               peaceful future. Poppy Day is on
                                                                                        recently retired from all rugby?
being held. They’re not too young to be       April 17 in New Zealand. There is
told, and as they will grow up among          ongoing discussion about whether      Q10. What is the main port and
‘new’ New Zealanders, including the           you should wear your poppy on              settlement on the Chatham
grandchildren of those who were once          the left or the right, but what IS         Islands?
the enemy, it is imperative that they learn   undisputed is that poppies should
as soon as possible that we are all just      be close to your heart.                                   Answers on page 23
brothers and sisters under the skin.

                                              Excellence in Physiotherapy care in
                                                 Mairangi Bay for over 20 years.
                                              Skilled, "hands-on" management of
                                                     musculo-skeletal injuries

                                               Monday - Friday 7:30am - 7.30pm
                                                       Ph 478 3098

                                                      404 Beach Road
                                                    Mairangi Bay, Auckland

                                                                                                  Mairangi Bay Village News 3
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Artist’s impression of the main
                                                                                                 library can provide the community.”
                                                                     entrance and library area      He says that plans have been put in
                                                                                                 place to reduce the impact on the East
                                                                                                 Coast Bays community as much as
                                                                                                    “We are opening a temporary library
                                                                                                 services area in the East Coast Bays
                                                                                                 Community Centre to help people
                                                                                                 still access services that the library
                                                                                                 normally offers.”
                                                                                                    Book lovers will be able to pick up
                                                                                                 requests and return books at the
                                                                                                 temporary library in the community
                                                                                                 centre across the village green from the
                                                                                                 library building. Also available will be
                                                                                                 public computers, printing services and
                                                                                                 free WiFi. Most programmes and events
LIBRARY CLOSES FOR                                                                               the library normally runs will also be
                                                                                                 provided from the temporary location.
MAJOR UPGRADE                                                                                       But it won’t end there according
                                                                                                 to Darryl. “We have organised the
AND REFURBISHMENT                                                                                mobile library to be onsite on Tuesdays,
                                                                                                 Wednesdays and Saturdays for
  East Coast Bays Library is one of           children’s collections; and both upgrading         bibliophiles of all ages to come and
the busiest across Tāmaki Makaurau            the existing public toilet facilities and          peruse their book options”.
with more than 1.5 million visits in          increasing the number of public toilets.              Book lovers can also borrow eBooks,
the last five years. All the foot traffic       In addition, a new dedicated space for           eAudiobooks and eMagazines from the
has meant the library is now in need          community programmes and events will be            comfort of their own home. These will
of maintenance so it can keep serving         constructed within the building.                   support and enhance everything that is
the community well.                             Auckland Council’s Head of Community             being offered in our temporary location
  The library closed on Friday                Libraries for Central, North and West,             during our normal opening hours.
12 March 2021 for the planned                 Darryl Soljan says with the library needing
maintenance and refurbishment,                to close for maintenance, it was the perfect
expected to take up to five months. A         time to do some refurbishment as well.
temporary library will open at the East         “We wanted to ensure we didn’t just
Coast Bays Community Centre, 2 Glen           focus on maintenance but to make sure
Road, Browns Bay.                             the library was future-proofed to reduce
  Key areas of work include a                 the impact on those who love to visit
reconfiguration of the main entrance          the library.”
areas to enhance your experience in             “The need to close for maintenance
                                                                                                                         Artist’s impression of
the library; improving and expanding          means we can refurbish and include new                          the new event and meeting space
space for both the fiction and                areas that are going to enhance what the

                                                      We have been operating in
                                                    Mairangi Bay for over 30 years
                                                     servicing the accounting and
                                                    taxation requirements of small
 Gr                                                 and medium sized businesses
           tS                                          on the North Shore and
              wim                                           wider Auckland
                       Fun Times                      First Floor, Green Gables Mall
  Join our World Class Programme                        Mairangi Bay, 09 477 6260
   6d Ascension Pl, Mairangi Bay • 478-6153        •

4 Mairangi Bay Village News
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
                                    ALEXIS POPPELBAUM      Personal viewpoints of two of your
                                           Hibiscus & Bays Local Board Members

Huntly Rd Reserve Bridge being             Council’s 10-year budget: what does
renewed                                    it mean for you and our community?
  The pedestrian bridge at the end of        Last month, Auckland Council was
Huntly Road in Campbells Bay will be       asking for feedback on its Long-Term
renewed. This links a walk through to      Plan (LTP) 2021-2031. The LTP sets out
Possum’s Ladder and View Road. The         the activities, services and investments
aim is to have it completed by the end     they’re planning for the next decade
of the 2021 financial year.                and how they will be paid for. Some key
                                           proposals included:
New work on show from Arts award           • $31 billion capital investment
finalists                                    programme
  Finalists from the 2019 6th Hibiscus     • Increase borrowing, selling surplus
and Bays Art Awards will have their          assets, continue with savings activity,
new work exhibited at the Mairangi           and a one-off 5% rate increase in
Arts Centre (MAC) this month. As part        2021/22 (drops back to 3.5% following
of their prize, the finalists were given     that)
                                                                                           With Local Board member Janet Fitzgerald and
this opportunity to exhibit their work     • Water-quality targeted rate extension            Councillor Shane Henderson at the Waiake
at MAC. Unfortunately, due to Covid19,       and increase                                   music event, talking with locals about the LTP
this couldn’t occur in 2020 as planned.    • Investment of $150M to fund the
The works from the finalists (including      Climate Plan to tackle greenhouse         the opportunity to provide input. If you
Torbay local Fiona Newton) will be on        gases                                     missed the chance to give feedback
show from 1 – 27 April with the official                                               but want to share your thoughts with
opening event Saturday 10 April, 12pm.       You can find more information at          us, please email us at julia.parfitt@
See for more In May, the and alexis.
information.                               Hibiscus and Bays Local Board will have

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6 Mairangi Bay Village News
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Kennedy Park
   Petanque Club
  Celebrates Vive La
   France Festival
Kennedy Park Petanque Club (KPPC),        ball (cochonnet or jack), while standing    recognition if they want
                                          in a circle. The game is normally played    to put the time and
with its obvious French connection,
                                          on gravel, broken shells or hard dirt.      energy into the sport.
had a prominent presence at the
                                          Playing petanque provides social              The club is based at Kennedy Park,
recent Vive La France Festival held
                                          stimulation, friendly fun, exhilarating     Castor Bay and members play on
in Milford.
                                          challenge and intense competition,          Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00pm to
  Club Captain Roger Brown was on         depending on the level you want to play.    3:00pm and Sundays 10:00am to
hand, assisted by club members through    The game can be played by any age           12:00pm. New members are welcome
the day, to welcome members of the        group, and you don’t have to be fast, fit   and the Club has boules available for use.
public and encourage them to give it a    or strong. It is gender neutral and can
                                                                                      For more Information contact:
go. Petanque is a target sport, where     be played all year round. Individuals       Roger Brown, Club Captain
participants throw metal balls (boules)   can choose to play purely for social        Phone 022 353 7606,
as close as possible to a small wooden    fun, or can go on to achieve National       email

      Full skin checks, management and advice
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      After hours appointments available

   With everyone leading such busy lives these days, we believe in doing as much as
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   We also offer after hours appointments, including Saturday mornings, so you can           
   book in when it's convenient for you.
                                                                                                       027 646 9934

   Start the year off with a skin check from Dr Spencer Craft at BSCC.
                                                                                                      585 Beach Road,
   Book yours today.                                                                                  Rothesay Bay

                                                                                                        Mairangi Bay Village News 7
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Enhancing lives
one spine at a time
Katie Putt is one of the                     She spent lockdown back on her
                                           Torbay home turf, but now she has
Village’s newest inhabitants               set up both home and workspace in
but she is not new to the                  Mairangi Bay, accompanied by her
Shore. She grew up in                      partner, Joe, an electrician. Katie loves
                                           her new local beach and the village
Torbay, is a Long Bay College              atmosphere. She says Mairangi Bay
graduate, and is now the new               has an awesome vibe and her goal is
                                           now to help all families in the local                                          Katie Putt
chiropractor at 4/420 Beach
                                           community focus on health and learn
Road, just up the hill towards             the benefits of chiropractic care.            telephone consultation, free of charge,
Murrays Bay.                                 “Many clients come post-injury or           to see if she will be able to help further
                                           with pain that may be stress-related.         through in person consultation.
  After graduating from Chiropractic       Posture has become a bigger problem
College in Auckland, Katie was off to      lately with so many people working
do her OE and spent five years in the      from home without the right set-up,
UK. Her position as a locum gave her       and who are often working longer
an excellent opportunity to discover       hours with less breaks”.
Britain as she worked the length and         Getting your spine checked is Katie’s
                                                                                         Ignite Chiropractic
breadth of the country, arriving back      advice, like you do for your general health   Ph 0204 017 2441
in New Zealand just before COVID-19        at the GP or your teeth at the dentist.
reared its ugly head.                        Katie is happy to provide a brief 

                       Brand new suites designed
 shared spaces
                       for dementia care
                       Aria Bay’s new care centre has a limited number of elegant care suites exclusively for residents
                       with dementia. These fully-furnished suites are designed to make living with memory loss
                       easier and safer, while shared areas encourage interaction and enjoyment. A highlight is how
                       the dining/lounge area flows out into a beautiful garden
                       with a choice of sunny and shady spots for sitting.

                       Call Sharon on 0800 20 22 20
                       or visit

8 Mairangi Bay Village News
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
Bayleys Mairangi Bay

  66a Cliff Road, Torbay             843 Beach Road, Browns Bay       
  Tara Menzies 021 720 307 & Ailsa McArthur 027 298 4000 FOR SALE   Gillian Watson 021 110 9595 & Brendon Webster 021 704 817 FOR SALE

  50a Penzance Rd, Mairangi Bay      3/76 Shakespeare Rd, Milford    
  Peter Christoffersen 021 220 8681                     FOR SALE    Sam Yeung 021 392 288                                 FOR SALE

Boundary lines are indicative only

                                     Your Property Specialists

Bayleys Mairangi Bay
P 09 477 0200 | F 09 477 0202
396 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630
Mairangi Bay - Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand! - NOW 10,000
The team

It was a terrible shock to El Greco owners, Kostas and Sarah Grigorakis
when a customer rang to ask if they knew the restaurant was on fire.
It was a terrible shock to their customers, too, as the Campbells Bay
restaurant has fast become an institution down along The Esplanade.

   But Kostas and Sarah are tenacious         they received after the fire. “We have                                         Soutzoukakia
and passionate and once the fire crew         been so very humbled by the support
                                                                                            El Greco
had packed up and gone, they quickly          from the community,” says Sarah, “as
                                                                                            1 The Esplanade, Campbells Bay
got into action, with help from their loyal   well as from our staff. We are so lucky to    Phone 09 475 5772
customer base. The expected two-month         have their backing.”                
rebuild and refit dragged out for seven         Then, of course, there was COVID,
months, and could have been longer            but Sarah and Kostas took this time to
if Kostas had not had the foresight to
just get on with purchasing what they
                                              reflect on the business and work out
                                              how they were going to adjust.
would need for the project in advance.          Kostas was taught to create                      El Greco’s devastating fire was
It was a trying time but during those         traditional Greek dishes by his mother,         caused by the spontaneous ignition
months Sarah and Kostas fulfilled their       which set him off on his career as a            of cleaning cloths that had been
commitment to providing fresh and             chef and restaurant owner. Sarah,               washed and dried but left in the
authentic Mediterranean fare by buying a      too, had a background in hospitality            bag that they had been returned
food truck, the smart black ‘El Greco Box’.   and also marketing so when they met             from the commercial laundry in.
   Parked in front of the rebuild and also    in Greece, they were a good match.              The clean items, folded firmly
taking to the road to places such as the      Sarah gathered up her brood and                 together, retain the heat of the
Mairangi Bay Food & Wine Festival and         returned to New Zealand 13 years ago,           dryer. This causes oxidation that
the Murrays Bay Birdman competition,          and now with their three children at            can’t be removed as there is no
the couple are grateful that this wee         Westlake schools, a brand-new face on           air flow, so the heat eventually
extension of their restaurant has             El Greco Greek and Italian Eatery, it’s all     combusts. There have been many
allowed them to repay the kindnesses          ‘kouzoulada’ – look it up.                      instances of this phenomenon,
                                                                                              especially in places like restaurants,
                                                                                              hospitals, day and aged care
                                                                                              centres, where there is a large
                                                                                              amount of hot clean laundry. When
                                                                                              you take items from the dryer,
                                                                                              spread them into small piles to
                                                                                              allow fresh air to cool them or
                                                                                              leave them in an open mesh basket
                                                                                              instead of a bag or box where the
                                                                                              air cannot flow and cool.
 Baked feta                                    Basil and pesto tortellini

10 Mairangi Bay Village News
April . .in the Garden
              Your April Checklist
Autumn is an excellent time               shade. Perfect for any hedge or as a
for planting trees, shrubs,               beautiful feature plant in the backyard.
hedging, and lawns, not to                FLOWERS & PERENNIALS
mention a whole range of                  Instant Colour
flowers and veggies.
                                          Pansies, Polyanthus, Primroses, Poppies!
Plant now                                 All our cooler flowering annuals are now
VEGETABLES                                in-store and are looking lovely as ever.
Continue to stagger your winter           PERENNIALS
veggies. There is still time to get       Fill the garden with Autumn and winter
Carrot and Celery seedlings in, as        colour by planting Chrysanthemums,
well as Lettuce, Bok Choy, Cabbage,       Cyclamen, and stunning Rain Lilies.
Cauliflower, Broccoli, Leek, and          Spring bulbs can be planted now.
Silverbeet.                               TEND
FRUIT                                     Vegetables                                  is looking a bit shabby, use Weed
Feijoas                                   Prepare veggie beds by weeding,             ‘n’ Feed to eliminate those generic
Plant two different feijoas on the        forking, and lightly digging in Kings       broadleaf weeds.
same property for better cross-           Organic Compost, Sheep Pellets and          Flowers
pollination, ensuring you have a          Nature’s Organic Fertiliser to improve      Continue to deadhead and weed
huge crop next year!                      soil structure and reintroduce lost         your flower patches, and reapply
Kiwiapples                                nutrients. Protect beds from carrot rust    mulch where needed.
Produced from a New Zealand               fly with bug netting and lay down Quash     Harvest
nursery, kiwiapples are dwarf plants      Slug and Snail Pellets.                     Harvest the last of your chillies,
that grow to around 1.5m and can          Fruit Trees                                 capsicum, sweetcorn, pumpkins,
be grown in large pots. They are          If you haven’t already, feed your fruit     squash and melons. Pick pears,
available in a variety of sizes, making   trees now before it gets cold. Use Kings    rhubarb stalks, limes, lettuce and
them ideal for kid’s lunches!             Citrus and Fruit Tree Fertiliser or Sheep   kale leaves, and dig up potatoes,
TREES & SHRUBS                            Pellets. Compost any unwanted or spent      radish, onions, leeks, and turnips.
Camellias                                 fruit, and throw away any infected fruit.
                                                                                      Looking for more help or expert garden
Coming into full bloom this month         Lawns                                       advice? Come instore to talk to our
are the sun-loving sasanqua               April is the best month to sow a lawn       friendly staff, or give us a call on
camellias that can also withstand         or repair your patchy yard. If your lawn    0800 PLANTS for general inquiries.

                                          Speak to your local

            Garden Experts
                Visit your local Kings Plant Barn for a huge range of top quality plants,
                         plus expert advice to help bring your garden ideas to life!

                                                                                                                            Friendship Club
                                                                                                                           of East Coast Bays
                                                                                                                           We welcome potential new
LEARN                                                                                   MOBILE
                                                                                                                       members to join us at Mairangi Bay
                                                                                                                       Presbyterian Church Hall, Penzance
TO                                                                                      LIBRARY                         Road, on the 1st Wednesday of the
                                                                                                                       month from 10:00am to 12:00 Noon

                                                                                  Every Thursday, 09:30 to
                                                                                 10:30, Corner Hasting and              Enjoy morning tea, good speakers
                                                                                 Beach Roads, Mairangi Bay             and other small group activities from
                                                                                                                            our 100 plus membership.

                                   3 DAY HOM   LIDAY                                                                           Contact: Cheryl Brant,
              S AND
LIFE JACKETLIED                    PRMO GRA MDA    ES                                                                          Membership Secretary,
            P                         -2.50PM EACH
                                                    Y                                                                            Phone 09 479 4853
BOA T S SU P                         9A
                                                                                                                            or Michael Smart, President,
NO PREVIOCUES                               COUSERSSSIOENS
                                   9 WEE-K6 HO                                                                                      09 476 7452
 REQUIRED                                       K COURSE
                S 8-13                9 WEE          SUNDAYS
 JUNIORS AGE                         WEDNESD AYS ANDIO NS
                                         3 HOUR SESS
 ADULT LEA   RN TO SAIL                                                                                                     Pupuke
                            N AND SerIG N UP                                                                            Friendship Club
                                Contact: mbsc
                                              .man                                                                We invite new memb
                                                                                                                                        ers to come along
  HTTPS://M                                                                                                         to Pupuke Golf Club,
                                                                                                                                          East Coast Rd,
                                                                                                                  Mairangi bay from 10:
                                                                                                                                         00am until 12:00
                                                                                                                     noon on the first Mo
                                                                                                                                          nday of most
                                                                                                                            months of the year.
                                                                                                                    Our committee arrang
                                                                          MURRAYS BAY                             interesting speaker lun
                                                                                                                                           es activities,
                                                                          SAILING CLUB                             trips out. We would we
                                                                                                                                           ches and day
                       BAY                                                                                                                  lcome male
              MAIRANGI LUB
                                                                                                                       singles and married cou
                                                                         Beach Road, Murrays                                                    ples.
                                                                                               Bay                If you are interested,
                                                                          https://murraysbay.or                                          please contact
                                                                           Phone: 0274321321                            Ngaire Muller: 09 478
                               ate Terrace,                                                                                                    5515
                11-13 Ramsg                                             mbsc.manager@gma                                 email
                         i Ba y                                                                                                  z
                              8 6033
                Phone 09 47                  b/7131/

                                                                          re                                               S HIBISCUS
                                                          h e N o rth Sho                                             C O A ST:
                                                        T           raphic
                                                          Photog ty
                                                                                                             First Tu
                                                                                                                  esday of ever
                                                                                                                                 y month from
                                                               Socie and fourth
                                                                                                                      at Commun                 10:00am
             NGI BA
                                                                                                                 214 Hibiscus      ity House,

   M A I R A                                                      on the s
                                                                              econd                                            Coast Hwy, O
                                                                                      th at the           Heartbeats Ta                      rewa
                                                       ... Meets ay of each mon lub,
    TENNIaSce, Mairangi Bay
                                                                                                                        kapuna: Firs
                                                                                                          month from                  t Thursday of
                                                         Wedn  e s d             Bridg C
                                                                                      e                               10:00am, Mar                   every
                                                                      ast Bays ays Bay.                    Gibbons Rd,                y Thomas Ce
                                                            East Co                                                     Takapuna (b                 ntre, 3
         te Terr                                                         ve, M rr
                                                                                u                                                    ehind the Li
                           329                                Lyons A                   l Salon o
                                                                                                     f                                            brary)
                09 479 4                                              Nationa
                                                                                                                Contact: Tren
       Phone:            nnisc                                       h S h o re          n tr ie s o n                        t Lash (Conve
        airang ib a y te                                  The Nort hy opens for e                                    Mobile: 022
                                                                                                                                  06 06 199
  www.m                                                               p
                                                           Photogra the 1st June.
                                                                                                                 Email: trentla
                                                                                   orephoto                                        s/4760994931
                                                                 ta  ry @ northsh                                                                  55288/

360 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay
Ph 478 5328,
Mairangi Bay

                    EDY MEMORIA
                                   L PARK:
                                                                                                                                                               relax • revive • retail
                             of the month 11  Sunday
                      e every second                               the background
 Guided tours ar                         vo lu nteers explain
 – 2:00 pm  . M  ilia ry  hi sto  ria n
                                       rial displays di
                                                          sc  us sin g guns and
                                                                                                   We are a vi
                                                                                                                         PE   TANQUE
                       wi  th  pi  cto
     the featur    es                                     use to y. da                                         brant, mainl
                                       ouflage still in                                            players and              y retired m
                defensive cam                                           torches to                              offer free co            ixed group
                                                   s all have good                                to new play                 ac
                                                                                                              ers. Our grou hing and can supply
                                                                                                                                                       of Petanque
                            wever, the guide
     Bring a torch, ho                           ne  sa fe!                                       - 3:00 Tues                p meet and                  free
                                                                                                                                           practice from balls
                                 keep everyo                               ots are                            days and Th
                                                      winter, gumbo                                Sundays. Yo             ursdays an                       1:00pm
             t we   at he  r, es  pecially during             bu  t we   ca n look after                        u can play th           d 10 :00am – 1:00
      In we                                             els ,                                                                  e sport at an                 pm on
                             all ow  ed in the tunn                                                 from local,
                                                                                                                regional, na                 y
  advisable. No
                    do  gs
                                                u go through.                                                                tional and in level in our club
                           them while yo                                 coin donation
                                                                                                         John F.Kenn
                                                                                                                      edy Memor            te rn at ional levels
                                          is re qu ired and a gold                                                                 ial Park - Ca                 .
                       el of   fit ne ss                               in g upkeep.                                Contact: Ro                   stor Bay
   A moderate lev                                 wards the ongo                                                                 ger Brown
         ul d  be   ap pr  eciated to go to                           se  en quire.
                                                                                                                 022 353 7606
                                                                                                                                or 09 479 51
      wo                                          available, plea                                            roger.brow                       85
                              tours are also                                                                              n.builder@
        Private group                                              an  –                                                     
                                             Crews – Chairm
                       Contact: John
                                   26 53   wi ng et    
                       09 410                             .s.owen@gmai
                ris   Ow   en   - 09  479 5290 Chris
         or Ch
                                                                                                                                       V lleyball
                                                                               PLAY BRIDGE AT
                                                                                                                                      Harbour Volleyball
           I COMBINE
                     D                                                        EAST COAST BAYS                                                      Mairangi Bay
    MAIRANG BUS                                                                 BRIDGE CLUB
                                                                                                                                 Ramsgate Terrace,
         PRO                                                                                                                      www.harbourvolle
                                          of the
                        h Tuesday                                        Exercise your mind, meet
     Meet the 4t              to   12   no   on                                                     new friends,
                                                                       learn bridge: sign up for less
        month 10am                              nzance
                                                                                                      ons in 2021.
                               H  al l1 0    Pe                              Contact Helene: 027 296
                 n Church                         al club                                              3365
 Presbyteria                         e a   so  ci
                  i Bay. We ar                       tings,
  Rd Mairang                              ly  m  ee                                                       nz
                                                                                                                                  Mairangi &
                      enjoy month
               s to                                   e have                                                                                 Cas
                                                                                                                                   Presbyteria tor Bays
 for re tir ee                                rs . W
                               t speake
              a and gues                       in Mairangi
morning te                     m   or  ni ng                                                                                                  n Church
                 fé coffee                                 d
a monthly ca                           museums an
                     to gardens,                          le.                                                                              11 Hastings Ro
  Bay. Outings st within the near loca                                                                                           (Vehicle Acce            ad.
                 tere                                    and                                                                                   ss 8-10 Penzan
  places of in                        ls are social                                                                                                           ce Road)
                  Ten Pin bow                    banter.
  Fortnightly                      fr ie nd  ly                                                                                                    sbyterian.or
                       to have
     always fun                             rs to join th
              co m   e  new membe                     ub.
                                                                                                                                           Mainly Mus
   We wel                   ndship     of   ou  r  Cl                                                                           For pre-scho
                                                                                                                                              olers and thei
         fun and frie                           476 7445                                                                      Meets at 10:0                    r carer’s.
                            ident David                                                                                                     0am on Friday
                 t:  Pr  es                                                                                                                                  ’s during the
                                                                                               VING CLUB
      Contac                     @xtra     .c o.  nz                                                                                school term,
                                                                                                                                                    all welcome.
                                                                          SURF LIFESA
                pdironside                 479 7432                                                                              Contact: Ange
                           y Ra  ew  yn                                                                                                          l Joseph-Mat
             Secretar                                                                        et, Mairangi
                                                                                                          Bay                                                     apo
                                                            Sidmouth Stre
                                                                                                                                        on: 022 486 54
                 hurray412@                           44                                                                                                  09
                    e M   em  be  rship 410 85                                      Phone: 09 47
                                                                                                  9 47 17
             Mik                       er@gmail.c
                                                         om                                                  z
                              y. fr az                                                                            Girls Brigad
          campbel       ls ba                                                   www.mairang                                  For girls 5 ye
                                                                                                                                            ars of age an
                                                                                                                            Meets 6:30pm                  d upwards.
                                                                                                                                             to 8:00pm on
                                                                                                                                    during the sc           a Tuesday
                                                                                                                            Contact Kay            hool term.
                                                                                                                                           Barbour on:
                                                                                                                                                        09 478 7603
                                                xt Rotary
                           Milford Rotary & Ne ore [NRG]                                                                             DEEs Social
                           Generation No rt h Sh                                                                          For those livin           Group:
                                                                                                                                          g at home with
                               – Information Even
                                                                                                                           Meets from 10                   dementia.
                                                                                                                                            :00am to 2:00
                                                                                                                                  Thursday all             pm on a
                                               Clive Menkin                                                               Contact: Tang          year round
                                                      ership Chair 2020/21                                                               i Joseph on: 02
                                Milford Rotary – Memb                                                                                                    2 657 3223
                                            Phone: 021 530 962

   Don’t forget Easter
   is almost here!
    We still have gorgeous books and cards to
    treat your loved ones at Easter.

                                                                                                 Nadja has
                                                                                                 a few tips:
                                                                                                 • When getting onto the property
                                                                                                   ladder, don’t be too fussy about
                                                                                                   which house you buy – just buy
                                                                                                   a house; get your foot onto that
                                                                                                   ladder rung.
                                                                                                 • Be pre-approved by the bank
                                                                                                   or a lending house. Nowadays,
 Nadja and Meegan
                                                                                                   banks are taking a long time
                                                                                                   (often over 14 working days) to
Real estating is not a sedentary                 However, most – sometimes all – of                give approval and during that
                                              the seven days that make up a week,                  period your desired house could
job. Agents need to be in
                                              will find Nadja behind her desk, either              well have been snapped up by
two places at once, juggle                    physically or virtually, making the                  another buyer.
numerous clients with ever-                   residential sales that have earned her             • Make an effort to really view
changing needs, always have a                 Top Salesperson, or #1 Salesperson                   homes, the photos may not attract
welcoming smile, keep several                 awards over and over again. She and                  you so much, however once you
                                              her team – Rhonda Whitchurch, Logan
steps ahead of the opposition                                                                      view, many features become
                                              McLaughlan and PA, Meegan Court –                    apparent that the photos or video
and manage an accurate and                    have also won many Top Team awards.                  were not able to fully showcase.
enticing portfolio.                              Nadja has been in the Barfoot &
                                                                                                 • Don’t take what you see on-line as
                                              Thompson office in Mairangi Bay for 22
                                                                                                   fixed. There are often too many
  So it is both impressive and admirable      years and has seen the market evolve
                                                                                                   variables between what is quoted
that Barfoot and Thompson’s Nadja             from the days of face-to-face personal
                                                                                                   and what is a ‘true’ price, taking
Court does all that yet still finds time to   relationships with clients to the more
                                                                                                   in payment of other fees that can
fund raise for a children’s foundation,       aloof relationships of the digital world.
                                                                                                   occur. Comparative sales of like
Raising Hope, and cook up a storm in          Once the office had a revolving door of
                                                                                                   houses in a like market tell a more
the kitchen providing meals for Plunket       clients, but now the majority of work
                                                                                                   accurate story.
Cooking , another non-profit that             is done via email and other on-line
provides free meals to families during        interactions.                                      • Most of all, develop a relationship
those first few weeks after a new baby           What hasn’t changed is what Kiwis                 with your agent. Become more
arrives, when the logistics of coming         want, and that is a home to call their               than an email to them and that
to grips with a first child or fitting the    own. Most buyers – especially first-time             way they will know you and your
existing children around another, can be      buyers – have a list of at least ten things          needs better and perhaps even
daunting and stressful.                       that they believe to be non-negotiable,              be able to offer properties to you
  And sometimes, just sometimes,              says Nadja, and are soon disappointed                before they go on the general
Nadja also gets to ski, cycle, play tennis,   that in the real world this list is not likely       market.
hike and visit her getaway on Great           to be fulfilled. And often, the house that
Barrier Island. She recently completed        captures their hearts and becomes their
                                                                                               Nadja Court
the Alps to Ocean cycle event and has         home, has few – sometimes none – of              386 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay
taken up playing Masters hockey again         the attributes the buyer once thought            Phone 09 478 9089
after a four-year hiatus.                     were essential.                        

14 Mairangi Bay Village News
April~Mairangi Arts Centre 30th Birthday Celebration!
Art Classes
April School Holiday Art Programme
Mairangi Arts Centre’s April school                                                   Seeking Trust
holiday art programme offers a fantastic
selection of classes for budding young                                                Board Volunteers
artists aged five plus. Learn how                                                     Do you have a passion for art and
to make a clay garden snail, create                                                   would enjoy contributing your skills
handmade paper, craft a fabric wall                                                   in a voluntary capacity to help steer
hanging to name just a few options. The                                               our vibrant community arts centre?
programme runs from 10:00am-3:00pm                                                    Mairangi Arts Centre is a charitable trust
making it ideal for working parents.                                                  currently looking for enthusiastic people
                                                                                      to become part of our Trust Board team.
Term Two Art Classes                                                                  The board meets monthly on Tuesday
Bookings are open for Mairangi Arts         Cath ~ Autumn is Awesome
                                                                                      evenings to oversee the governance
Centre’s Term Two Art Programme.                                                      and overall strategic plan of our centre
Challenge yourself by learning some new    problem-solving skills and generally
                                                                                      and to act in an advisory capacity to
skills and at the same time experience     help with maintaining work/life balance.
                                                                                      the centre’s operational team. Previous
the many benefits of art. Being creative   Check out the centre’s extensive art
                                                                                      board members have been from
is known to relieve stress, encourage      programme for a range of classes that
                                                                                      backgrounds such as arts and culture,
                                           cater for adults, teenagers and children
                                                                                      business, education, health and legal
                                           as young as five years old.
                                                                                      sectors. We are particularly keen to
                                                                                      hear from anyone with an accounting
                                           Exhibitions                                background. If you or someone you
                                           Main & Hewson Galleries The Finalists      know is interested in becoming a trustee
                                           (1-274 April)                              we would love to hear from you. Please
                                           This exhibition features new works by      email with
                                           finalists from the 2019 6th Hibiscus       your name and contact details so a
                                           and Bays Art Awards, Tracey Coakley,       member of the board can contact you.
                                           Fiona Newton and Darlene Te Young.
                                           Also featured in the Hewson Gallery are    Mairangi Arts Centre
                                                                                      20 Hastings Rd, Mairangi Bay,
                                           new works by finalists from the 2019
                                                                                      Phone: 09 478 2237
                                           Artrageous Secondary School Exhibition     Hours: 9.30am-4pm Mon-Fri,
                                           including participating artists Latamai    10.00am-2.00pm Sat/Sun
          Estel ~ Flying Boats
                                           Katoa and others.                

                                                                              “Styling hair, shaping confidenc
                                                                                                      so do w
                                                                       Because when you feel good...
                                                                                              stockists of...

website        th eh aird re sse         | 358 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay | Ph: 478 8508

                                                                                                        Mairangi Bay Village News 15
     Can someone                           charge the outgoing tenant any costs
                                           as they would get another letting fee
   please explain the                      from the incoming tenant.
   law of unintended                          The outgoing tenant got what they
                                           wanted, to be released, a new tenant
  consequences to this                     got what they wanted, their new
      government?                          home, and the landlord continued to
                                           have their property rented. Everybody
   They hold themselves out as the         satisfied.
champions of the underdog, in                 Now, PPM’s are reluctant to allow
this case as they see it – tenants,        a tenant to break a fixed term as this
but yet again they have done more          incurs an additional letting fee for the
harm than good. Two of their more          landlord through no fault of theirs.                                      MIke Pinkney
significant changes are 1) having          Worse yet, the government has ruled
landlords, not tenants, pay letting fees   that the letting agent cannot recover
and 2) removing landlords rights to        most of the costs to them and the            tenancy and those that have done
terminate periodic tenancies except        landlord.                                    so have a problem. Unless there is
where the property is being sold, to          The net result is that from a sensible    an extenuating reason, landlords
be used as a family home or to have        arrangement where everyone got what          do not get rid of good tenants. The
a major upgrade. In most situations        they wanted, we now get angry tenants        aim of PPM’s is to keep a property
with decent investment properties,         and almost inevitable disagreements.         occupied and rented. What does the
it would be virtually impossible to           The other issue is that the               government not understand about
get around these provisions. In other      government has ruled that at the end         this? The Tribunal can deal with the few
words, good tenants with periodic          of a fixed term tenancy a further term       troublesome landlords (and tenants)
tenancies can remain in the property       can only be entered into if the tenant       while the rest of us continue to work
for life if they wish.                     agrees, otherwise the tenancy reverts        in the best interests of our landlords
   So why have these backfired on          to a periodic one, where potentially         and tenants without arbitrary rules
tenants. Most professional property        the tenant only can terminate it. This       and regulations that do not achieve the
managers (PPM) only give fixed term        is because of the very limited grounds       intended outcome.
tenancies in order to give security        for terminating periodic tenancies. The
to both tenants and landlords. If a        result is that landlords will give tenants   For more information go to
tenant wanted to break the term            two options, 1) sign a new fixed term or or call a
                                                                                        professional property manager.
for some reason, the PPM would             2) vacate the property.                      Mike Pinkney 021-78-3030
allow them to do so on finding a              We cannot think of any reason why
replacement tenant. Most PPM’s don’t       a landlord would grant a periodic            Beach Road, Mairangi Bay

16 Mairangi Bay Village News
Caring  for the community, 24/7
            the community,  24/7
          $39 after hours* medical visits for over 65's and CSC holders
       $39 afterMon-Fri,
        *5pm-8am hours*        medical
                         all weekend          holidaysfor over 65's and CSC holders
                                     & publicvisits
      *5pm-8am Mon-Fri, all weekend & public holidays
         2 convenient locations
       2 convenient  locations
             Smales Farm  (24 hours)
           Smales  Farm(8am-8pm)
             Northcross  (24 hours)
              Northcross (8am-8pm)
   February marked 25 years since Shorecare Northcross opened their doors to
   serve the greater East Coast Bays area.
February marked 25 years since Shorecare Northcross opened their doors to
   Initially opening due to population growth, the clinic has experienced growth
serve theafter
   year     greater
               year.East Coast Bays area.
Initially opening due to population growth, the clinic has experienced growth
      after year.
          board of directors and management team of Shorecare would like to say a
   huge thanks to the community for their support over the years, but in particular
      2020,of  directors
             which       and
                    was an     management
                            extremely        teamyear
                                      challenging    of Shorecare  would
                                                         for Shorecare, andlike
                                                                             in to say a
huge  thanks to
    particular    the community for their support over the years, but in particular
in 2020, which was an extremely challenging year for Shorecare, and in
    The next
particular    big celebration for Shorecare will be in 2023, when they are celebrating
   50 years since first opening as a provider of after hours care in Takapuna.
The next big celebration for Shorecare will be in 2023, when they are celebrating
50 years since first opening as a provider of after hours care in Takapuna.

          0800 SHORECARE                 

      0800 SHORECARE                    
                                                                                     Correct disposal of seeds, seed pods, seed
                                                                                   heads and roots greatly reduces the risk that
                                                                                   the pest plant will spread to other areas after
    LIBRARY OPEN DAY                                                               removal. The bin is for the following pest
                                                                                   plant parts only and need to be securely tied
    Restore Hibiscus & Bays (restorehb) now has a pest                             inside a plastic bag:
    plant disposal bin outside their tool library at 712 Beach                     •   MOTH PLANT – Seeds, pods, roots
                                                                                   •   ARISTIDA GRASS – Seeds
    Road, Browns Bay. The bin is for communities to use to
                                                                                   •   WILD GINGER – Seed heads
    dispose of certain parts of some pest plants that pose                         •   CAPE IVY – Seeds only
    the greatest threat to our indigenous bush.                                    •   WOOLLY NIGHTSHADE – Seed heads,
                                                                                       flower heads
                                                                                   •   JAPANESE HONEYSUCKLE – Roots, and
                                                                                       stems if seeds present
                                                                                   •   CLIMBING ASPARAGUS – Roots, or whole
                                                                                       plant if seeds present
                                                                                   •   MADEIRA VINE – Aerial nodules, seeds,
                                                                                       seed pods, roots
                                                                                   •   ARUM LILY – Seed heads only
                                                                                   •   BONESEED – Seed heads only
                                                                                   •   BANANA PASSIONFRUIT – Roots and seed
                                                                                       pods only
                                                                                   •   AGAPANTHUS – Flowers, seed heads
                                                                                   •   COTONEASTER – Seeds
                                                                                     For other pest plant species, please get in
                                                                                   touch with restore to advise on pest plant
                                                                                   disposal options for your site/project. Parts
                                                                                   of some pest plants, such as tradescantia,
                                                                                   can instead be composted in a black pest
                                                                                   plant bag, available from our tool library.
                                                                                     For more information and guidance on
                                                                                   controlling pest plants and predators, visit
                                                                                   our website or pop by at our Community
                                                                                   Tool Library Open Day!
                                                                                   Saturday 8 May, 9:00 – 11:00am
                                                                                   712 Beach Road, Browns Bay
    Restorehb staff and volunteers at a local                                      Borrow tools and resources for your
    community event to talk to local residents                                     community conservation project
                                                 The new pest plant disposal bin
    about predator and weed control                                      

    Book Review
    “The Four Winds” by Kristin Hannah
    Texas, 1934, Elsa Martinelli had finally found            will their experience challenge every
    the life she’d yearned for; a family, a home              ounce of strength they possess?
    and a livelihood on a farm on the Great Plains.           From the overriding love of a mother
    But when drought threatens all she and her                for her children , to the value of
    community hold dear, Elsa’s world is shattered            female friendship and the ability to
    to the winds. Fearful of the future, when Elsa            love again - against all odds, Elsa’s
    wakes to find her husband has fled, she is                incredible journey is a story of
    forced to make the most agonising decision of             survival, hope and what we do for
    her life : fight for the land she loves , or take her     the ones we love.
    children west to California in search of a better         Highly recommended and available now
    life. Will it be the land of milk and honey? Or           from Malcolm’s Takenote Mairangi Bay

18 Mairangi Bay Village News
When Trena Barry was a child                     and Trish Cornthwaite – will be offering
                                                 their loyal and valued customers 15%
she was enchanted by the                         off storewide as part of Spoilt’s Ten Plus
window displays of Smith &                       One birthday celebration.
Caughey’s on Auckland’s Queen                       Spoilt is a place where the customer
                                                 is, quite literally, spoilt for choice.
Street and it was this delight that
                                                 Tableware, jewellery, clothing, shoes,
was a major drawcard into her                    furniture, art, ornaments, cosmetics,
career in the world of retail.                   confectionery, trinkets and more, Spoilt
                                                 is a treasure chest. And if you cannot –
  Her subsequent employment at                   for some unfathomable reason – find
the now-defunct DIC department                   what you want, the team will do their
store in Takapuna only reinforced her            best to source it.
admiration of attractive window displays            The decade plus one in Mairangi Bay is                                   Janelle Tremlett
as well as introduce her to the world            a group effort, insists Trena. If it wasn’t                                 and Trena Barry
of beautiful objects, and she decided            for her loyal and supportive staff and
that one day she would open her own              equally loyal and supportive customers        window displays. And then he confessed
store with enchanting windows and                things would be very different. Her           that for 30 years he had been the
lovely goods, only her stock would be            mission statement from the very start         window dresser for Smith & Caughey.
affordable to all.                               was ‘affordable luxury’. She tries very       Trena could not have had a better, more
  And this is what Trena has done,               hard to source lovely goods at attractive     tear-jerking compliment – here was the
opening Spoilt in the far corner of North        prices, and the past eleven years is          man who had inspired her since she
Plaza 11 years ago this April. There             proof that she has succeeded. And if she      was a child, the reason for her career,
was going to be a 10-Year celebration            needed further affirmation, there is this:    complimenting her on her window. If
in 2020, but along came COVID so that            Trena often noticed an elderly, rather        that isn’t proof of success, what is?
didn’t happen. Therefore, the grand              shy gentleman peruse her window and           Spoilt
occasion is this year and on 7 April             one day, when she finally got him to talk,    North Plaza, 408 Beach Rd, Mairangi Bay
Trena and her crew – Janelle Tremlett            he told her how much he enjoyed her           Phone 09 479 9955

                        2.50ct G/SI2
             Solitaire ring, set in18k white gold.
          Wedding ring not included - Price on application

    If you have an occasion approaching,
       plan something truly special from
       Diamond Studio in Mairangi Bay.
       Call Mark on 2168492 or 0212118545

   DIAMOND                                   STUDIO
     • D ESIGNERS OF F I N E JE WE L L E RY S I N C E 1981 •

                                                                                                                Mairangi Bay Village News 19
A beautiful Sunday afternoon at
Mairangi Bay Beach was the perfect
setting for the Summer Sound Waves
events. There were plenty of people out
and about enjoying the entertainment
from musician Tim Prier as well as the
wandering clown and face painters. Our
furry friends were having so much fun
in and out of water, providing plenty of
action for those watching. The Mairangi
Bay Surf Club was out patrolling the
beach, hitting the waves and providing
some very yummy sausages on the
BBQ. And if that wasn’t enough, there
was ice cream; beautiful ice cream,
is there anything better on a sunny
Sunday afternoon?

Summer Sound Waves was put on by the
Mairangi Bay Business Association with
support from the Hibiscus and Bays local
Board, Barfoot & Thompson Mairangi Bay
and ASB Constellation Drive

     Buying your first home will
   bring out all sort of emotions –
 excitement, joy, relief and possibly
 anxiousness as your first mortgage
        payment comes out.
   There is also usually a huge            Just email
learning curve as you navigate your      and mention this article to receive a free,
way through the process – finding        no obligation copy.
your ‘dream’ first home, getting the       In the brochure, we cover off:
right lending and arranging the right    • What type of insurance might you need                                    Derek Blank
insurance protection. Sometimes            depending on your situation
for many, getting the right insurance                                                  Adviser disclosure available at www.
                                         • Why you might consider insurance   This article does not
protection in place is pushed to
                                           when you’re fit and healthy                 constitute personal financial advice and no
the bottom of the pile while other                                                     action should be taken without speaking with a
priorities are acted on. At Horizon      • Which insurer might provide you with        suitably qualified Financial Adviser.
Financial Advice, we have developed        the best value
                                                                                       Derek Blank – Financial Adviser & Director
a digital brochure which gives first     • Other things to consider at this            0800 FINANCIAL (0800 346 262)
home buyers some things to think           important stage (like setting up your
                                           KiwiSaver correctly)                        021 487 977
about regarding your new home
purchase and ensuring you have the         If you want to have a chat about your
right insurance protection in place so   insurance or broader financial plan – feel
you can continue to pay the mortgage     free to call us on 0800 346 262 – I’ll even
should the worst happen.                 bring the coffee.

20 Mairangi Bay Village News
font: Ana
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                                                                                                                                                                                            font: Anada black
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bay Busi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M a       ness Asso
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        i r a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Hibis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              N g
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                                                                                                                                                                              New D s
                                                                                                                                                                             March es
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Live m
                                                                                                                                                                                   7,                                            Tim Pr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               usic from
                                                                                                                                                                             4:00pm 14, 21, 28                                            ier an
                                                                                                                                                                                    – 6:00                                       Chris           d
                                                                                                                                                                                           pm                                           from al
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the W            bie an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       olve             d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kids en s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               face pa rtainment,
                                                                                                                                                                            Maira                                                       in
                                                                                                                                                                                   ng                                         sausag ting, and
                                                                                                                                                                           Beach i Bay                                        ByO pi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       e sizz
                                                                                                                                                                                    and                                              cn
                                                                                                                                                                           Surf C                                           takeaw ic or grab
                                                                                                                                                                                  lub                                       eaterie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ay fro
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    s in M              m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           www.m                airang any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       i Bay
                                                                                                                                               Mairangi                                                                                         age
                                                                                                                                               relax • revive
                                                                                                                                                                • retail
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to supp

                                                                                                              Please phone Shane on
                                                                                                                        027 510 6521
                                                                                                                for pricing details and
                                                                                                                      viewing options.

1/275 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay                8 View Road, Campbells Bay                              16 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill
Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home (master    Large family home, beautifully presented and            3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus art room/office, large
with ensuite)                                      what a spot!                                            rumpus area and hobby room or possible 4th bedroom

SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL!                             POTENTIAL!                                              & RARE
584 Beach Road, Rothesay Bay                       7&9 Carlisle Road, Browns Bay                           14B Keldale Place, Forrest Hill
Ideal for families or investors that are looking   Elevated + expansive views over browns bay = explore    HUGE 2 bedroom home (approx. 100m2 floor area)
for a property with future upside                  the possibilities. Over 2000m2 (more or less) of land   Beautifully renovated throughout

                                                                                          LOOKING TO SELL? TXT YOUR NAME TO 027 510 6521

                                                                                                                                                 Mairangi Bay Village News 21
Reciepe from Bruce Martin, Montrose Café, Bistro and Bar.
1 Montrose Terrace, Mairangi Bay 09 478 9610 Dine in an Takeaway available.
Tuesday – Sunday 8am – 10pm.

                                                                                                 HOUSE AND GARDEN
                                                                                                 FENCE BROTHERS - FREE QUOTES –
                                                                                                 For all your fencing needs. Fences, decks,
                                                                                                 gates, automation, steel or timber. Phone
                                                                                                 Greg 0800 336 232 or 021 605 552
                                                                                                 GARDEN BAGS AND BINS - prompt
                                                                                                 and professional service competitively
                                                                                                 priced. Call John 09 473 8955 or
                                                                                                 021 745 992
                                                                                                 MOVE WITH MURPHY LTD -
                                                                                                 56 Forge Rd Silverdale Ph 09 4211024
                                                                                                 STUMP GRINDING - root and bamboo
                                                                                                 grinding. No job too big or small. Prompt
                                                                                                 and professional service. Free quotes.
                                                                                                 Call John 09 473 8955 or 021 745992
                                                                                                 SBA BROWNS BAY – impressive local
                                                                                                 small business accounting and tax service.
                                                                                                 Friendly, open-door convenience. Contact

                                                                                                 Craig Bright on 478-0202 or

                                                                                                 If you would like to place a
                                                                                                 classified advert contact Terry at
Makes 4 servings                                Step 4: Add this mix to the fish, mix            Cost is $1.00 per word
                                                through well.
•    500gm Fresh white fish
•    500ml Coconut cream                        Step 5: Cover place in the fridge for
•    1 small red onion                          30mins,
•    4x Limes
                                                In this time the fish will start changing
•    100ml Lime juice
                                                colour turning white, I like my fish only
•    Small bunch coriander
                                                lightly marinated
•    2x red fresh chilli
•    ½ t Ground cumin                           If you wish you can leave the fish longer.
•    Salt to taste
                                                Step 6: Now add the coconut cream,
                                                thinly sliced red onion, chopped
Step 1: Slice fish in 5mm strips watching
                                                coriander and season to taste and place
for any bones or scales
                                                back in the fridge
Step 2: Zest the limes, squeeze juice
                                                I like to eat my Ceviche the same day I
place in a bowl
                                                make it, as the lime juice keeps cooking
Step 3: Add the extra lime juice, cumin         the fish and will make it firmer in texture
and thinly sliced chilli                        the next day, but perfectly fine to eat

    Solutions and Results

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22 Mairangi Bay Village News
                                                                                                                                         Mairangi Bay
                                                                                                                                           relax • revive • retail

EAT & DRINK                                             GIFTS & JEWELLERY                                CLOTHING ALTERATIONS
BAKERY                                                  Captivate Interiors                478 9997      Seamz to Sew                        479 7281
Mairangi Bay Bakery                     479 1610        Diamond Studio                 021 211 8545
Pukeko’s Food Store                     478 6984        Opportunity Shop                   476 6176      DENTIST
                                                        Petal Maison                       218 6187      Mairangi Bay Dental                 478 8800
CAFÉS & RESTAURANTS                                     Spoilt                             479 9955
Bay Cafe                                479 7708        Takenote                           478 5328      DOCTORS
Cinnamon Club                           281 0146        Unichem Pharmacy                   478 8909      Mairangi Bay Medical Services       479 5027
El Greco                                475 5772
Kúmaoni Indian Cuisine                  215 8464        SCHOOL UNIFORMS & SHOES                          GRAPHIC DESIGN & PUBLISHING
La Spiaggia                             475 5643        Janbells                478 3450                 Tourism Media Group   021 042 8232
Mairangi Bay Japanese                   476 9977
Mangiamo Cafe                           479 9091        HEALTH & BEAUTY                                  INTERIOR DESIGN
Montrose Café, Bistro and Bar           478 9610        BEAUTY                                           Captivate Interiors                 478 9997
November Café                           475 6526        About Face                         479 4147
Papermoon Café and Bar                  479 8872        FaceTime Clinic                    476 7058      PETROL STATION
Pattaya Thai Restaurant                 479 5297        Perfectly Polished                 475 5581      Z Mairangi Bay                      478 2563
Rhythm Cafe                             478 9683        Under Your Skin                    475 5854
Taksim Turkish Kitchen and Bar          478 4080        Unichem                            478 8909      PET SHOP
                                                                                                         Furry Friends                   021 283 8779
DAIRY                                                   HAIR
Mairangi Bay Dairy & Lotto              478 6976        All About You Hair                478 7997       PLUMBING
                                                        Cutting Edge                      479 1149       Alpha Plumbing                      478 9059
FISHMONGER                                              Farrah Perriam                    479 9995
Mairangi Bay Fisheries                  479 4517        Hair Boutique                     478 7084       PHARMACY
                                                        Hair @ Surreal                    478 0400       Unichem                             478 8909
FRUIT & VEGETABLES                                      House of Hair & Beauty         0274 593 715
Vegeland                                478 7572        The Hair Dresser                  478 8508       PHYSIOTHERAPY
                                                                                                         Mairangi Bay Physio                 478 3098
SUPERMARKET                                             PHARMACY
Countdown Supermarket                   255 2392        Unichem                            478 8909      PODIATRY
                                                                                                         Comfy Feet Podiatry                 478 2624
TAKEAWAYS                                               YOGA
Burger Wisconsin                        479 1894        Yoga Sanctuary                     479 3888      REAL ESTATE
Hiroba Sushi                            478 3163                                                         Barfoot and Thompson                478 9089
Mairangi Bay Fisheries                  479 4517        SERVICES                                         Bayleys                             477 0200
Sun Island Takeaway                     478 9727        ACCOUNTANT                                       Central Realty                      478 3030
                                                        MacKinlay Dennison & Associates Ltd 477 6260     Harcourts                           478 6049
Mairangi Bay Fine Wines                 478 6328        ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES                           PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
                                                        Shore Architectural                478 4839      Pinkneys            477 2499
FASHION                                                 BOOKSHOP, POST SHOP                              TECHNOLOGY - MOBILE APPS
Be Mae’s Shoes                        021 688 799       & STATIONERS                                     Appworx NZ         022 088 7928
Hartleys                                476 9410        Malcolm’s Takenote                 478 5328
Sarah’s Boutique                        476 9192                                                         TRAVEL AGENTS
Sole Sisters                            479 6798        CAR MAINTENANCE                                  Flight Centre                       476 4650
                                                        Mairangi Bay Workshop              478 9114      YOU Travel                          478 7665

                                                        CHIROPRACTOR                                     WEBSITES
                                                        Ignite Chiropractic           020 4017 2441      Tourism Media Group             021 042 8232
Additional images by
                                                                                                         360 Commerce                        476 5090

Quiz Answers                                                                        10,000 copies to locals!
                                                                                    This magazine is delivered to 10,000
A1. The virtual assistant in 2013 with an option of a male voice was Siri.
                                                                                    homes and businesses in the Mairangi
A2. The company British mogul Sir Richard Branson founded for suborbital
                                                                                    Bay area. Advertising starts from as
      flights was Virgin Galactica.
                                                                                    little as $75 + GST. Think of all those
A3. The number of pixels in a megapixel is 1 million.
                                                                                    people who could be reading your
A4 The numerous nerves in the human body are spinal.
                                                                                    advert right now.
A5. The jewel of the solar system is Saturn with its many beautiful rings.
                                                                                    Contact Terry at:
A6. At sea level pure water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
A7. Magma when it reaches the earth’s surface is called lava – flowing at a
                                                                                    and we’ll send you a Rate Card or
      cool 1200-2000 degrees Fahrenheit.
                                                                                    drop one off to your business.
A8. The pop star who took an ownership stake in My Space in 2011 was
      Justin Timberlake.                                                  
A9. The well-known All Black who retired in February was Dan Carter.
A10. The main port and settlement on the Chatham Islands is Waitangi.
                                                                                    The official magazine of the Mairangi Bay Business Association
may need toi shuffle
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