Volume XLIX No. 6 June 2021 - Tarheel BMW CCA
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TARHEEL CHAPTER BMW CCA PO BOX 30203 CHARLOTTE, NC 28230 • http://tarheelbmwcca.org TARHEEL BMW CCA CHAPTER OFFICERS AREA COORDINATORS FINE PRINT ASHEVILLE AREA WRITTEN & PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTRIBUTIONS to PRESIDENT Christopher Joyner the FOOTNOTES are welcome and encouraged. Please send a Paul Dunlevy Arden, NC self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your discs or 6424 Littlewood Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284 C: (828) 398-0325 photographs returned. mrbimmer@fastmail.com EDITORIAL DEADLINE is the 1st day of each month (336) 996-3149 pauldunlevy@icloud.com prior to the publication month, i.e. February 1 for the March CAPE FEAR AREA issue. The Editor reserves the right to edit for length and appropri- VICE PRESIDENT Alan Greene (910)228-5037 H (910)512-5652 M ateness. Articles and classified advertisements may be mailed, April Curtis (no text) cagreene48@gmail.com or emailed to the Editor’s attention. 1200 Mt Vernon Church Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 The FOOTNOTES currently reaches over 2,900+ people (919) 847-7542 acurtis995@gmail.com Matt Sarkela matt.sarkela@gmail.com throughout North Carolina, the USA and Europe. Advertising Rates: SECRETARY CHARLOTTE QUEEN CITY AREAS Display Ads: Full page $90, one-half page $55, and Karen Seymour-Blood Chris Webber (Area I) one-quarter page $28. All rates quoted are per issue. Discounts (704) 782-4672 C: (704) 906-8876 for contracts paid in advance: 15% off – 12-month contract, 10% secretary@tarheelbmwcca.org christopher.b.webber@gmail.com off – 6-month contract, and 5% off – 3-month contract. All adver- Kyle Lombardi (Area II) tising must be coordinated/approved by Paul Hoecke 919/967- TREASURER 704-280-9123 2069. Rates are for ads run consecutively and all ads must be Andy Barbee clt2thbmwcca@gmail.com paid in advance. Ad copy must be submitted camera ready. All (704) 701-2294 Taylor Ward (Area II) 336)250-3102 copy which must be altered or prepared for publication will result thbmwtreasurer@gmail.com tward430@yahoo.com in the advertiser paying standard commercial rates for any work deemed necessary by the Editor. EDITOR Such A Deal advertising is free to all Tarheel Chapter DOWNEAST/I-95 AREA Bob Blood members. Ads submitted must not be longer than 40 words, not Alex Kordis (704) 782-4672 including name and telephone number. Ads submitted which are Greenville, NC newsletter@tarheelbmwcca.org (757) 818-0888 longer will be edited to suit our space limitations. Ads will run for alexkordis@tarheelbmwcca.org three months only. Commercial advertising is not accepted in the MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN such a deal section. Jonathan Strine HURRICANE REGION Non-Members can advertise in this section for a flat fee (919) 670-1280 membership@tarheelbmwcca.org Position Open of $5 per issue (checks sent to Club P.O. Box). The same 40-word limitation plus name and telephone number applies. ACTIVITIES CHAIRMAN NORTHERN MOUNTAIN AREA We appreciate the support of our advertisers, and while Brenda Dunlevy John Cochrane their ads’ presence in the FOOTNOTES does not necessarily 6424 Littlewood Road, Kernersville, NC 27284 PO Box 741 imply endorsement or approval by the TARHEEL CHAPTER, (336) 996-3149 bedunlevy@icloud.com Valle Crucis, NC 28691 we do encourage our members to consider our advertisers for the (865) 250-4727 products and services they offer. CUSTODIAN JGCochrane1968@gmail.com The Tarheel BMW List provides a casual, online forum Danny Staley for chapter members to discuss BMWs and BMW CCA events 596 Rest home road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 ROANOKE AREA and related topics of interest to local members. (336) 973-3404 adstaley@wilkes.net Scott Donaldson To begin getting the Tarheel BMW List, send an e-mail Blacksburg, VA to tarheelbmw-subscribe@topica.com (make sure you send the HPDE CHAIRMAN roanoke.tarheel.bmwcca@gmail.com email from the email address that you want to receive the list mes- Tom Tice sages), or contact list administrator Frank Massaro at fmarch@ 3711 Crosstimbers Dr. Greensboro, NC 27410 SANDHILLS AREA mindspring.com for assistance. (336) 207-4127 teticem3@gmail.com Danny Miller The TARHEEL CHAPTER, BMW CCA, INC. (hereinafter Fayetteville, NC referred to as the “Club”) is a non-profit North Carolina corpora- MEMBER-AT-LARGE (301) 325-9726 tion. The Club is in no way or manner connected with Bayerische Bud Boren mperformancelife@gmail.com Motoren Werke A. G. or BMW of North America, Inc. The Club’s mailing address is PO Box 30203 Charlotte, NC 28230. The P. O. Box 39403, Greensboro, NC 27438 TRIAD AREAS TARHEEL FOOTNOTES is published by the Club on the first (336) 691-1699, (336) 691-1698 Fax Winston-Salem - Marc Schatell of each month or on the first postal business day thereafter. This Winston-Salem, NC publication and all its contents shall remain the property of the BOARD EX-OFFICIO MEMBER & marc@tarheelbmwcca.org Club, and all information provided therein is provided by and ADVERTISING COORDINATOR for the members of the Club. Officially recognized chapters of Paul Hoecke, Sr. Greensboro - Fraser Dick BMW CCA and BMW ACA are granted permission to reprint or 1513 Arboretum Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Summerfield, NC excerpt any material in the TARHEEL FOOTNOTES. The Club (919) 967-2069 hph.freude@gmail.com (336) 202-1423 assumes no liability for any of the information contained herein. fraserdick14@gmail.com Unless otherwise noted, none of this information bears the status CHANGE OF ADDRESS? © factory approvedTM. The ideas, opinions, and suggestions Roundel, BMW CCA, Inc. TRIANGLE AREA expressed in regards to technical matters are those of the authors, 640 South Main Street, Suite 210 Robert McIsaac and no authentication is implied. MODIFICATIONS UNDER- Greenville, SC 29601 Clayton, NC TAKEN WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD MIGHT VOID THE (919) 880-8012 WARRANTY. raleigh.bmwcca.activities@gmail.com
ON THE COVER: 2021 BMW CCA Charlotte Area Spring Moutain Drive: The Charlotte area BMW CCA organized our first group drive of 2021, held on April 17th. Dave Hurwitz did an excellent job planning the route and organizing the drive. We met early morning at an HT Fuel Center on the north side of Charlotte. Given the size of our group we split into two run groups for better logistics of parking areas and lunch stops. Dave and his wife led the first group. Kyle Lombardi led our second group out 15 minutes later. We took some nice backroads out to Lincolnton, NC to our first stop to regroup at Mutzies Burgers and Fries. We then headed over to Old 18 and had a great run through the twisties up to our second stop at Mull Elementary School. Our third stop was Loves Travel Stop in Marion for (continued on page 8) MEMBERSHIP CORNER This month, we’d like to give a warm Tarheel wel- ties, and welcome the opportunity to get to know come to 26 new and returning members and as- you better at some of these events. We encourage sociate members. This brings our total chapter you to contact your Area Coordinator to find out membership to 2866! Our membership is the life- about local dinner meetings and other ways to get blood of the Club. Without your participation, there involved in YOUR club. Come join us, you’ll have a would be no Club. We offer a wide variety of activi- great time! Darryl Allen Henrico VA Joshua Uhlman Lake Wylie SC Daniel Brichacek Cary NC Munan Xu Raleigh NC Mike Brown Greensboro NC Tucker Daniel Greensboro NC Elizabeth Goldberg Cary NC Alex Gorupic Hickory NC Peter Hammonds Durham NC Jason Holt Davidson NC David Isenhour Salisbury NC Jeremy Jones Greensboro NC Matthew Lewis Louisburg NC Wei Lin Hickory NC BMW Car Club Yijie Ma Raleigh NC of America Larry McCachern Harrisburg NC Tarheel Chapter Caleb Osborn Durham NC Samantha Oster Raleigh NC Richard Promin Chesterfield VA Darryl Pullings Lowell NC Robert Sager New Bern NC Alex Santalucia New Hill NC Doug Schoonmaker Raleigh NC Robin Scott Clover SC Sarah Summer Winston Salem NC Brian Sypher Chapel Hill NC
PAUL HOECKE Notes from the road Pioneers Anyone who reads the weekly online edition As far as I’m concerned, Bertha was The Au- of BimmerLife must have seen the recent an- tomotive Pioneer, hands down. Yes, she was the nouncements about the BMW CCA Ladies’ Pro- wife of Carl Benz of Mercedes-Benz fame; but she gram Committee. Their mission is “to encourage was also his business partner, having contributed more active participation in the club by its women her dowry to his enterprise before the two were members.” And with that in mind, they have been married. (By 1880s German law, she could do so reaching out to all women club members, inviting as a single woman though not as his wife.) But them to share ideas and suggestions for attaining she really hit her stride as an innovator when, in this objective August 1888, she and her two teenage sons took Well, it’s about time, I say! Carl’s Motorwagen Model III on a road trip. She As I see it, the Committee’s initiative is spot thereby became not only the first woman but on for many reasons. The biggest one, I believe, the very first human being to drive an internal is that it’s a reminder to all of us, especially our combustion-powered vehicle over a significant female membership, that women have been a distance! You may be familiar with her exploit, driving force within the BMW CCA – and most cer- but I’ll relate its highlights anyway, just in case tainly the Tarheel Chapter – since the club’s be- you’re not. ginnings. Having more women members emulate Ostensibly on a trip to visit her mother, Ber- their pioneering sisters’ example will enrich their tha’s real objective was marketing – promoting personal club experience no end; and their con- the capabilities of the Motorwagen to the public, tributions are bound to strengthen and invigorate which apparently was not one of Carl’s fortes. the club as a whole. However, the 106-kilometer drive also led to a Of course, this isn’t exactly news, but it bears series of automotive firsts and inventions. With repeating. After all, women have played a vital no fuel tank and only a few liters of fuel in the role throughout automotive history, not just in carburetor [sic], Bertha ‘refueled’ by stopping at modern times but since the dawn of the motoring a pharmacy, the only place one could get the re- age. Despite being denied the right to drive until quired petroleum product at the time. (That made the early 1900s, women made significant (though this chemist the first gas station in the world!) often barely acknowledged) contributions during She also demonstrated her technical smarts, Hack those early decades when the first horseless car- Mechanic-style, during the trip, unplugging a fuel riages were taking baby steps toward becoming line with a hat pin; using her garter to insulate the the automobiles we enjoy driving today. fuel line; and, when the Wagen’s wooden brakes All of which gives me the perfect excuse to began to fail, devising the first ever brake pads take a moment and indulge in one of my favorite by having a cobbler nail leather patches onto the pastimes: Dive into some ancient history to illus- brakes. trate what I’m talking about – starting with Bertha What’s more, upon returning home, still driv- Benz, of course. ing the Motorwagen, she told Carl to make several 2 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
improvements – yes, leather brake pads; and re- One could easily come across many more routing the fuel line; but also adding a third gear stories about how women contributed, in big because the Motorwagen’s original two couldn’t and little ways, to the world of automobiles in handle hills. (Bertha’s two boys had needed to its early days. It’s all out there, if you look for it. get out and push every time the indomitable trio (I’ve always enjoyed hearing tales about my wife’s faced a serious upward incline in the road.) To great-aunt Annabelle, who liked to drop in on kin- Carl’s credit, he took Bertha at her word. The rest, folk and friends in Marysville, Ohio – behind the as they say, is history. wheel of her 1910 Baker Electric.) I think it’s pretty Bertha’s initiative was soon duplicated by inspiring stuff in itself, but I don’t want to dwell women on this side of the Atlantic. I’ll start with on ancient history alone. So, let me fast-forward Mary Anderson, who patented the first effec- to modern times and return to the main reason tive windshield wiper device around the turn of for today’s column: The key role women have the 20th century. (She sketched her design after played (and continue to play) in the long, suc- watching the driver of the streetcar she was riding cessful history of the Tarheel Chapter. in struggle with a primitive system which tended To name each and every one of these women to expose passengers to whatever weather it was volunteers would take more space here than our supposed to keep out.) editor would be happy with. So, the best I can do Then there was Alice Huyler Ramsey who, in for now is cite those who have worked hard – in 1909, at age 22, drove an open-top 4-cylinder, 30 leadership positions and key supporting roles on hp Maxwell DA, coast-to-coast, from New York to the Board – to keep this chapter on track from the San Francisco, in fifty-nine days. She was the first 1970s until the present. woman to accomplish this, on the heels of sixteen To wit, four women have served as Tarheel men. During the 3,800-mile trek (only 152 of that Chapter presidents for a cumulative total of ten on paved roads), she changed tires eleven times, years during our club’s forty-seven-year history: cleaned spark plugs and fixed a broken brake ped- al, without any help. (None of her three women companions knew anything about cars.) Other women pioneers followed: Florence Lawrence, a Hollywood actress who in 1914 in- vented a mechanical turn signaling device, and later also devised a ‘STOP’ sign that popped up CHARLOTTE on the rear bumper when the driver stepped on STORAGE | D.I.Y. GARAGE the brake. (She never patented her ideas, hence never received the recognition and financial re- Need a safe place to store your weekend car, track car, motorcycle or trailer? Tired of wards she deserved.) And Dr. June McCarroll, a u-store units where work and access are California physician who, in 1917, came up with limited or prohibited? Have a restoration or the brilliant idea of painting lines on roadways build project but don’t have the space? so as to separate opposing traffic lanes. (She hit e3 Charlotte is a membership-based club on this idea after almost getting killed by a truck that provides 24/7 secure access to while she was driving her Model T.) Her proposal shop equipment and DIY work areas as to the Riverside County Board went nowhere, so well as space to relax and socialize with she personally hand-painted a line down the mid- like-minded enthusiasts. dle of what is Indio Boulevard today! (Notably, California followed suit seven years later, when it Located Near CLT Airport Off I-85 in Charlotte became the first state to require center lines on Contact Us for a Facility Tour info@e3charlotte.com | www.e3charlotte.com all paved roads.)
Linda Williamson (1979); Willie Caldwell (1983- 84); Holly Edwards (1997-98); and JoElla John (2009-2014). Similarly, the roster of our VPs in- cludes Burke Jensen (1987-88), JoElla John (1999- 2006, prior to her stint as president), and April Curtis (2007- present day). Others have done a tremendous job, over the years, in other Board positions – as Secretary: Heather Scheerer (1998- 2000 and again 2002-2008) and Karen Seymour (2009 to now); as FOOTNOTES Editor: Karen Staf- ford (1997-2002); and, of course, Brenda Dunlevy as Activities Chair (2010- present). These examples alone ought to be a huge incentive for more of our female members to contribute their talents – organizational abili- ties, business experience, manual skills and what have you – to running and strengthening our club alongside their male counterparts. Speaking as a car guy and a long-time club member, I wouldn’t have it any other way. 0OF4UPQ4IPQQJOH 4FSWJDF1BSUT1FSGPSNBODF3FCVJMEJOH3FTUPSBUJPO5SBDL1SFQ XXXLPSNBOBVUPXPSLTDPN 4 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
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CLUB RACING REPORT BY PAUL HOECKE Tough Choices Mark Start of CR Summer Schedule Hey there, fellow club racing aficionados! races. Meanwhile, though, here’s what we know, With last month’s hiatus in East Coast racing so far, about these two events. behind us, we can expect a significant uptick in The race at NJMP, on its 2.25-mile, 12-turn the number of local hot shoes taking to the track Thunderbolt course, is billed as a North American this month. The reason: Two races on the BMW Challenge event, and if the past is any indication, CCA Club Racing (CR) calendar, scheduled at cir- it will consist entirely of sprints (probably three or cuits popular with our homegrown racing crowd, four). This is bound to have great appeal for many at New Jersey Motorsports Park (NJMP) and Roe- local hot speed demons, including some of the bling Road. fastest South (as well as North) Atlantic Region Early registrations for these events indicate racers. And, sure enough, early registrations show that both will include racers who have been bat- C-Mod racer Charles Harding, Tarheel Chapter’s tling each other, tooth and nail, for championship current speed king, facing off with his perennial ri- points since last season. In other words, we’re val, Virginian Todd Brown. We predict that the two looking at what may be the start of a long, hot will put on quite a show! summer – competition-wise. However, there is a The Roebling Road race is a regular CR event caveat here. and will feature the usual Peachtree Chapter Coincidentally (or not?), these two events are three-race format: Two sprints with an endurance also competing with one another, sort of. Namely, race somewhere in between. Based on early regis- the NJMP race is scheduled to run on two week- trations, it too is likely to see a sizable local con- days (June 7- 8), just before the Roebling Road tingent take to the track – including another pair race, which is set for the June 11-13 weekend. of long-standing competitors: local KP pilot Chris While these dates do not overlap, they are too Lindner, battling his nemesis, Georgian Dave Har- close together for most racers, including local hot rison. shoes, to take part in both events. It means we Moving on to next month’s schedule, we won’t know until race day which members of our see two races that Tarheel racers are likely to be homegrown racing crowd (and how many) choose drawn to, one at the Pittsburgh International Race to take part in each event. Complex (in conjunction with the Vintage Grand Of course, the New Jersey race is already Prix event), the other the G. Atkinson Memorial underway or about to start as you read this. But race at Summit Point. And yep; both events will since we are filing this report several weeks ear- run on the same July 16-18 weekend! It tells us lier, you’ll have to wait until next month to see that deciding which event to sign up for will be how all that shook out – including results of both another tough choice for local racers. 6 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
The Pittsburgh event has a lot pulling for which ought to attract any local racers who prefer it: The scenic, 19-turn, 2.8-mile PIRC circuit; the sprints to long races. historic Vintage races; and all the colorful hoopla That’s about it for CR’s summer schedule, surrounding this annual Allegheny Chapter affair. for the time being. We’ll catch up with any other, (On top of that, did you know that all entry fees later-scheduled races (including results) as well go to a charity, which makes them tax-deductible as those set for the fall months, in upcoming re- donations?) But Summit Point has much to of- ports. fer as well. Though shorter (2.0 miles) than PIRC, As far as the local pro racing scene goes, with fewer (10) turns, some of those turns – like those of you who follow BimmerWorld Rac- the 180-degree loop at T1, and the Carousel, a ing (BWR) may recall that the team ended their high sphincter-factor, right-hand sweeper (des- participation in IMSA’s Michelin Pilot Challenge ignated T6 and T7) – can get ‘exciting’ at high series after the Daytona race this past January speeds. Plus, the front straight is almost two- in order to fully engage in the SRO GT4 America thirds of a mile long! In short, it’s not an easy competition series. You also may have read here choice. In the end, it may be something else, such that BWR team principal James Clay is fielding as hauling distance from home base, that will de- three BMW M4 GT4s in this series: Two – the termine which event local track warriors choose to No.34 car driven by Bill Auberlen and James Walk- sign up for. er, and the No.36 car with Clay and Nick Galante August, on the other hand, presents no such at the wheel – in the Pro-Am class; and one – the dilemmas, at least not so far. At press time, there #94 car piloted by Chandler Hull and Jon Miller – is just one race on the CR calendar, at NJMP’s in the Silver class. So far, two of the six currently Lightning circuit. It’s a shorter track (1.9 miles, scheduled races have taken place – at Sonoma in 10 turns) than Thunderbolt, yet perhaps faster, early March and Circuit of the Americas (COTA) TARHEEL CHAPTER 2020 Please check with event organizers as to the status of events. Jun 5 Bimmers Tossing Clay, Seagrove NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Jun 25-27 Tarheel Summer HPDS VIR, Alton VA Phil Antoine Details and Registration on MotorsportReg Jul 10 Sliding to Saxapahaw, Saxapahaw NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Aug 14 Hundred Dollar Hamburger, Carthage NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Sep 11 “Flying” to Louisburg, Louisburg NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Sep 16-18 *At the Vintage, Hot Springs NC Scott Sturdy http://www.atthevintage.com Oct 7-10 Beach Bimmers 2021, Atlantic Beach NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Oct 22-24 Tarheel Fall HPDS VIR, Alton VA Phil Antoine Details and Registration on MotorsportReg Oct 30-31 ///M Day at Performance Center, Greer SC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Nov 6 Bimmers Puttering to Pinehurst, Pinehurst NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Dec 4 Danville Tank Museum, Danville NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com * Not a Tarheel BMW CCA sponsored event
in Austin at the end of April. (A seventh race, at Hull and Miller won in Silver, while in Pro-Am, Mosport last month, was cancelled for pandemic- Auberlen / Walker finished fourth overall, and the related reasons.) Clay / Galante duo also finished in the money. (All The Sonoma race did not show BWR in their three were forced to retire during Round 2, along best light; all three entries finished back in the with several other entries, when bad weather hit pack in the event’s two rounds. However, they did the track.) Their next race date is the second significantly better in Round 1 of the Austin race: weekend this month, at VIR. So, stay tuned. ON THE COVER: folks to top off before our run up the mountains. speed limit, even on the straight sections. One We took 226A, part of the Diamondback loop, up of the locations on the route, Dot’s Dario wasn’t the mountain and through the village of Little open for the season, so we headed through Switzerland before arriving at our lunch stop, Marion and back to Old 18. After another good DT’s Blue Ridge Java in Spruce Pine, NC. They run through the twisties, we caught up to the serve delicious sandwiches along with espresso first group for our last stop of the day at Redbone and coffee drinks. The first group left from lunch Willy’s. This is an old timey country store that and we gathered up the second group to leave has been around since 1827. They had a little bit shortly thereafter. Traffic in the small town made of everything country, including delicious home- it challenging to stay together but we were soon made ice cream. After occasional rain sprinkles all on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a scenic relax- and overcast weather most of the day, the weather ing part of the drive. After a stop at an overlook, finally cleared to become a pleasant spring after- we headed over to route 80 for the trip down the noon. But it was now time for folks to say their mountain back to Marion. Like déjà vu on previ- goodbyes as we all headed home. It was a great ous trips, we encountered our slowest traffic on day enjoyed by all. ~ Richard Daugherty route 80, following someone refusing to go the 8 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
R EJ U V I NAT E . T R A NSFOR M . PROT EC T. Discover Your Personal Mechanic Steve Wood 30+ Years of Experience CERTIFICATION/TRAINING: Degree in Auto Repair from Forsyth Technical Com- munity College, factory trained in Porsche and Audi SPECIALTY: BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, 1 5 + Y E A RS O F P R O F E S S I O NA L E X P E R I E N C E . Volvo and Mercedes-Benz Paint Correction. Ceramic Coating. Detailing. PERSONAL: Married, 3 Children, Grand- Enthusiast Owned & Operated. BMW CCA Members father of 4 bespokedetailingnc.com 919.410.7315 5316 W. Market Street • Greensboro, NC 27409 @bespokedetailingnc www.foraccents.com • swood@foraccents.com T - (336) 294-2137 • F - (336) 852-6795 One Stop Collision Repair Center HYD. JACK OPERATED TIRE LIFT Over 50 Years Combined Experience “Patent pending” Email: classictirelift@gmail.com All Makes & Models Welcome All Insurance Companies Accepted “”FINALLY A DEVICE TO REMOVE AND RE- Frame Work & PDR Available INSTALL HEAVY WIDE TIRES ON BMW AND CLASSIC CARS”” Lift vehicle wheel 2” off ground Owner Scott McDuffie – Member Since 1989 with a floor jack, roll tire lift under tire, no more back 3510 E. Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC 27405 strain, wheel or car damage. Unit is collapsible, light in weight, requires minimal storage space, makes (336) 375-4516 tire changing effortless, fits in vehicle trunk, 4 roller bearings for tire rotation & positioning. $299.00 + shipping & tax in PA. Web site: www.classictirelift. com
Hillsborough Beats Blues Spring in North Carolina is a glorious time. On the plus side, by the time everyone was Other than the wafting pollen for a few weeks, lined up and ready to sortie, we had an amazing the season is just about perfect for all sorts of 28 cars and 46 people in the mix. The cabin fever outdoor extracurricular activities. In our case, was strong in this group apparently, as was the that generally means Bimmer Stick Time. The two driving energy. Armed with driving instructions, things together can be a potent antidote to the maps and scavenger hunt clues, we streaked off COVID-19 Blues so into the great wide many have been open. Well, wide grappling with open might be a while we wait for stretch, as we had the vaccines to to navigate out of work their scien- Raleigh first. Ap- tific magic. parently, at one For our red light, we were planned adventure three wide as cars to Hillsborough, a jockeyed for the central state town correct line to exe- that dates back to cute the sweeping Colonial times, we uphill right hander were blessed with onto the short ex- a true “Chamber panse of Interstate of Commerce” day. needed to break Bright sun, high the bonds of sub- clouds, low humid- urbia. Keeping the ity and temps hovering the low 60’s. Perfect for hammer down is critical in these circumstances, stirring gear boxes and river trail hiking, in equal of course. measure. After a blessedly short hop on the super-slab, For the rally point, Sean Beach opened up the we were onto the undulating byways between Leith BMW show room and coffee bar, making a Durham and the Virginia border, where the el- great place for us to kick tires and tell tall tales. evation changes and camber shifts can be both Of note, the dealership had both a new M3 and dramatic and unexpectedly exciting. At one point M4 on hand. The grills are, well, pretty massive in my navigator again pondered the age-old ques- comparison to anything built after 1950. On the tion of why BMW puts passenger OMG straps in other hand, to be completely fair, they look better the 4 door cars, but not those with only two. It in person than they do in photos. I am confident did seem odd ... although it might have required that our F87 M2 will never lose her preferred spot a third hand to use today, given the need to keep in our “hanger”, but it clearly could have been track of the route sheets, capture answers to clues worse. and provide guidance on upcoming snap changes 10 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
in direction. It was noted on a particularly quick bit that seemed to double as a shock / damper test, that the M2 ride should not be characterized as “luxurious”. Indeed. Although I am pretty sure the nickel, we drove over was buffalo side up! After ample opportunity to clear the Bimmer’s throat, and some solid heal-and-toe practice, we crested the hill above the ‘boro, and de-escalated things nicely so we could burble our way into town. We had correctly deduced that the Orange County Board of Elections would not be using their parking lot on this day, making the perfect “gear down” place to let the Bimmers rest and cool. In a field nearby, we found a squad of Welsh fusiliers practicing their marching and drumming very carefully you can hear the reverberation of V8 skills for an upcoming reenactment. They offered thunder still echoing through the trees. Ironically, to keep their muskets shouldered so we could get the old track was featured in the current edition off a series of digital shots, which was brilliant. of Our State magazine, which confirmed the virtue Then it was time to eat! of our mission to find all the cool stuff hiding in plain sight! After all that walking along the Eno River Trail, of course, we were hungry again. That meant a saunter across town to visit the local creamery which makes simply amazing custard. While hang- ing out there a small herd of puppies wandered past. Apparently “pup cups” of ice cream are a big deal in Hillsborough. Barks all around! With the afternoon waning, it was finally time to saddle up the Bimmers and spur them east- ward. This gave us a chance to reverse a charge back through Stagville and Buttner, then around Falls Lake, and into North Raleigh. Bimmers of all ages love to get out and frolic on these wonderful country roads that invite careful exploration of the best lines through complex corners. The local restaurants were well prepared for As we got into The Triangle region, each in outside, pandemic safe, dining. Everything was turn did some wing waggling as they peeled off better than everything else. Then, stuffed with for home. We made a beeline for home from good eats, we headed off to find the monument there, all on country roads, whereupon it was an to the Native American burial grounds as well opportune time for giving our M2 the spa treat- as the walking trail around an old dirt racetrack ment. Something special about communing with the NASCAR used from 1948-68. The track was the car after a day of big adventures. Now she is reclaimed by Mother Nature half a century ago ready for a new adventure to begin. So many plac- but is now a quiet place contemplation and won- es to see, so little time! -Robert McIsaac der about what once was. A pair of 1950s stock car racers still grace the pit area and if you listen
Averasboro, Revisited No matter how much planning goes into just got here” ... time to dig in. During that battle, a Bimmer adventure, there’s a certain amount the Marines earned their nickname “Devil Dogs”. of luck required to have things come together. It’s a great story and to have a pint in this special The route, the sites, the traffic, and the weather place seemed an ideal stop on our way. all play a role in defining the final “experience”. By the time we rolled, we had 18 cars and 30 Fortunately for us in NC’s Triangle, we were of the Bimmer faithful. In addition to a pair of blessed with two thumbs up on all counts for E36 M3’s, we had a pair of E46’s, we had a 335is, a our adventure to Averasboro on May 8th. With number of X’ers, an M240 and a group of convert- perfect weather ibles from across that was cool, the lineup. Fun to sunny, and dry, we see so many cars met at Wendell’s doing a parade Farmhouse Cafe lap to get out of for pre-flight tire the parking lot kicking and coffee and on the road. sipping ahead of Long distance the navi-guesser’s award clearly went meeting. The one to Mary Marshall thing we needed who joined us to be clear on was from Charlotte! that our route in- She had a 4:30 cluded a section wake up call to be of road the DOT able to join us in had decided to Wendell. Impres- pave on our Sat- sive dedication, to urday. A delay was be sure. implied by this news. Setting out on spectacular country roads, Still, no worries. For our Mother’s Day week- we had a chance to do some apex chasing with end mission, we were headed toward a pair of remarkably little traffic to contend with. As things sites that were really appropriate as we look for- got more rural, the road names became better. At ward to Memorial Day. Averasboro itself is the site one point we had to bank hard and grab a lower of a Civil War battlefield that represents hallowed cog to properly sprint onto Devil’s Racetrack ground that saw fierce fighting in the final weeks Road. Not completely sure where that came from, of the conflict. Beautiful countryside today, it but not hard to imagine a ‘40 Ford tanker with a helps preserve memories from a terrible time. We worked Flat Head V8 delivering a load of White were also going to visit a microbrewery in Lilling- Lightning while avoiding the eyes of John Law. ton that is owned by a retired USMC couple, who We didn’t have contraband to deliver, but it nice named it for the First World War battle in France’s to let the M3 clear her throat a bit on the winding Belleau Wood. When the Marines arrived fresh off stretches that mixed beautifully banked “S” turns the boat from America, they apparently encoun- with straits seeming designed to encourage heel tered other Allied units retreating. Ordered to fall and toe shifting. back, the Marine commander replied “Hell, we And then we hit Drag Race Road. Clearly the 12 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
local folks had something in mind when they laid ber too! No worries since we had plenty of veter- out the grid around the farms. Lots of planting ans flying with us. done on those farms now, waiting for Mother Na- After the museum tour, we saddled up the ture to work her magic. Bimmers for a blast over to Belleau Wood. Great The curator for the Averasboro Museum was chance there to tell more stories, recount experi- sitting outside when ences from the day, and we showed up. They are enjoy local brews. Some- more accustomed to a thing there for everyone car or two rolling in ... to like, including fresh not 18 in a group! Pan- coffee. Appropriately we demic restrictions meant commandeered the park- we had to stagger build- ing lot of a local law of- ing tours. No worries fice. Someone came run- of course. We came to ning to meet us ... but the eat and grabbed all the only issue was he wanted available picnic tables. to swap BMW stories. His Since the museum was E46 needs to get out and just opening as we ar- play and he was excited rived, the flags were not up yet … which gave the to see so many of us in one place! curator a chance to let one of our youngest group All too soon, it was time to hit the road for members raise the colors for day. This was an- home. With a blip of the throttle, it was off for other special, but unplanned, moment. another hour of oil stirring and apex hunting to A great time was had by all as we ate and get back to the hanger. A brilliant ending to ev- shared stories about emerging from COVID-19 ery drive is the post-mission cleaning and coffee lockdown. Our museum host was a Viet Nam and drinking. Great roads, terrific friends and perfect Gulf War vet who provided a terrific overview of weather made for a Day to Remember. Now time the site. I explained we were with the BMW club, to plan for our next day of searching for cool stuff but he heard “VFW” and shared that he’s a mem- hiding in plain sight! -Robert McIsaac Darin Kwasniewski and Michael Tubbs from Asheville area cool the brakes at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) near Rosman, NC. We took a side trip from our favorite Bimmer road, got a quick tour of the museum, and snapped a photo at this astronomical research and educational facility. Thanks PARI, we will be back some day.
BMW Car Club of America Tarheel Chapter 14 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
Riding With The King! An Early Spring Cruise to the Richard Petty Museum • What: A spirited, family friendly, adventure to Central NC’s storied town of Randleman to see The King of stock car racing’s museum. An epic tour of NC and NASCAR history, followed by a terrific lunch and a cold brew in Asheboro. The museum is located at 309 Branson Mill Rd, Randleman, NC • When: Depart on Saturday, March 5th, 2022 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee at 9:00am! • Where: Departure from Leith BMW, 5603 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC • Objective: A fun and enjoyable family outing that promises terrific roads … and some iconic Italian eats. Lunch will be at Positano, 130 C, S Church St, Asheboro, NC. Then a hop to Four Saints Brewing, 218 S Fayetteville St, Asheboro. • Duration: Figure 6-7 hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012 Morehead Planetarium and Science Center! Star Gazing and Fine Dining in Mid-Winter! • What: While winter’s “blast” may be upon us in January, that makes for a terrific opportunity to fire up the Bimmers, cruise on over to UNC / Chapel Hill and scope out an amazing gift in our midst … the Morehead Planetarium. Beam us up, Scotty! • When: Depart on Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee at 9:00am! • Where: Departure from Leith BMW, 5603 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC • Objective: A fun and enjoyable family outing that promises nice roads, a mind- expanding adventure and terrific food. Chapel Hill has a great downtown to wander about, historic sites … and lunch at the Top of The Hill Restaurant and Brewery (100 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514). • Duration: Figure 5-8 hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012.
Bimmers Puttering To Pinehurst Scrambling Through The Sandhills in Fall • What: A chance to get out and stretch the BMWs legs on an adventure to the bucolic town of Pinehurst. Famous for shopping, golfing and great walk-abouts, it also home to some fine dining and cool microbreweries. Saddling up the Bimmers is a great way to roll toward winter. • When: Depart on Saturday, November 6th, 2021 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee and breakfast. • Where: Departure from the Starbucks at 180 Cabela Drive, Garner, NC 27529. • Objective: Terrific downtown tour of the iconic golf resort and cute town central to the Sandhills Region. Terrific opportunity to grab some grub and a cold ‘n frost one at the Pinehurst Brewing Company … https://www.pinehurstbrewing.com/kitchen-1 • Duration: Figure 6+ hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012. Wonderful Wilmington - 2022 New Years Celebration at the Carolina Coast • What: An adventure filled ride to a crown jewel on the North Carolina coast, the Port City of Wilmington. This is a family friendly event that the inner child in all of us can enjoy!!! We’ll do this to start the New Year. Also a chance to see the USS North Carolina, a surviving memorial to all the sacrifices made in World War II. • When: Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 10am. Coffee and tire kicking at 9am. • Where: Departure from the Starbucks parking lot at the White Oak Shopping Center in Garner. Feel free to come any time after 9 for tire kickin', story tellin' and coffee. Address for Starbucks is 180 Cabela Drive Garner, NC 27529 • Who: Rob McIsaac is organizing the event from The Triangle. • Objective: A great lunch at the German Cafe in the old Cotton Exchange on the Wilmington waterfront. From there, many attractions await including the USS North Carolina, the Seaboard Railroad Museum and a water taxi tour of the area. • Duration: Figure 2 hours of driving each way. If we roll at 10, expect to be home between 6 and 7pm. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012.
Bimmers Soaring With Eagles Cape Fear Raptor Center, German Café and More! • What: A great drive, a visit to an impressive raptor center, a tour of the German Café in Wilmington! All of this and a chance to kick tires with friends too. Bimmers and Raptors, soaring again. • When: Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 10am. Coffee and tire kicking at 9am. • Where: Departure from the Starbucks parking lot at the White Oak Shopping Center in Garner. Feel free to come any time after 9 for tire kickin', story tellin' and coffee. Address for Starbucks is 180 Cabela Drive Garner, NC 27529 • Who: Rob McIsaac and Pete Osta are organizing the event from The Triangle. • Objective: A great lunch at the German Cafe in the old Cotton Exchange on the Wilmington waterfront.. • Duration: Figure 2.5 hours of driving each way. If we roll at 10, expect to be home between 6 and 7pm. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012. Bimmers Setting Sail Southport, Here We Come! • What: A post-pandemic weekend adventure away down at the epic, historic, town of Southport. A relaxed getaway, with a chance to cruise the downtown explore the ferry to Bald Head Island, walk the waterfront and / or stretch your feet on sandy beaches. So much to do, so little time! • When: Depart on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee and breakfast with Chef Patrick. • Where: Departure from Farmhouse Café, 320 Vintage Point Ln, Wendell, NC 27591. • Objective: Terrific tour “down the shore”, with some fine food and great sighseeing. Many hotels and B&B options including The Robert Ruark Inn (https://robertruarkinn.com/) and a Hampton Inn.. • Duration: A long weekend, leaving on Friday morning … home on Sunday afternoon. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012.
LOCAL SCENE ASHEVILLE AREA DINNER Date: Last Tuesday each month DOWNEAST AREA BREAKFAST (Greenville, Wilson Time: 6:30 pm Rocky Mt) Date: Where: Different Location Each Month Time: Where: All BMW marques are welcome (cars, motorcycles, Email Alex Kordis for information at alexkordis@tar- Mini, Rolls, etc.). heelbmwcca.org Contact Chris Joyner at mrbimmer@fastmail.com for HURRICANE REGION AREA (New Bern, Jackson- more information. ville, Morehead City) CAPE FEAR AREA Date: 3rd Wednesday each month Email Alex Kordis for information at alexkordis@tar- Time: 6:30 pm heelbmwcca.org Where: The Joyce in Brunswick Forest NORTHERN MOUNTAIN AREA DINNER 1174 Turlington Ave #101 Date: 2nd Wednesday each month Leland Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: Booneshine Brewery Email Matt Sarkela for information at matt.sarke- 465 Industrial Park Drive la@gmail.com or Alan Greene at cagreene48@ Boone, NC 28607 gmail.com 828-278-8006 CHARLOTTE AREA I DINNER Cost: Only what you eat and drink. Date: 3rd Thursday each month Contacts: John Cochrane (jgcochrane1968@gmail. Time: 7 p.m. com) or Mike Langley (michaelrlangley@aol.com) Where: WaldhornRestaurant 12101Lancaster Hwy (Old Hwy 521) A fun gathering of BMW friends for a discussion of Pineville,NC all things car related. (Locatednear Carolina Place Mall) (704) 540-7047 ROANOKE AREA Date: 2nd Tuesday each month We’re still hanging out at the Waldhorn Restau- Time: 6:00 p.m. rant on the third Thursday of each month. Con- Where: tact Chris Webber at (704) 906-8876 or e-mail at christopher.b.webber@gmail.com to RSVP. Please To be announcd each month by email. join us (great German food and beer). See you there! Contact Scott Donaldson at roanoke.tarheel.bmw- cca@gmail.com for more information. CHARLOTTE AREA II Date: 1st Thursday each month SANDHILLS AREA Time: 6:30 p.m. Date: 4th Wednesday each month Where: The Speedway Club at Time: 7:p.m. Charlotte Motor Speedway Where: ScrubOaks 5555 Parkway S., 6th Fl, Concord NC 5780 Ramsey St #108 Please email Kyle Lombardi at clt2thbmwcca@ Fayetteville, NC 28311 gmail.com or Taylor Ward at tward430@yahoo. com for more information. ScrubOaks is a contemporary american restaurant 18 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
that also offers a great sports bar setting. Many reg- ulars frequent the Kings Grant golf club and stop by Joyner’s EST. 1993 afterward for a meal. Wednesdays offer half off wine An Independent BMW Specialist (bottle and glass) Contact Danny Miller for more information mperfor- * Early and late model BMW’s mancelife@gmail.com (Call for motorcycle maintenance) TRIAD AREA WEST DINNER (Winston-Salem) * Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or Date: 2nd Tuesday each month Time: 6:00 p.m. Drinks, 7:00 p.m. Dinner BMW Original parts Where: Sixty Six Grill and Taphouse 3440 Frontis Street * Many years of experience exclusively with Winston-Salem 27103 BMW repairs, maintenance, and modifi- Please contact Marc Schatell for more information at cations and race prep (Club events) marc@tarheelbmwcca.org * Latest Diagnostic Equipment TRIAD AREA EAST DINNER (Greensboro) Chris Joyner, Owner/Technician Please contact Fraser Dick for more information at 76 South Market Street fraserdick14@gmail.com Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 398-0325 mrbimmer@fastmail.com TRIANGLE AREA DINNER (RALEIGH) Hours: 9:00 – 6:00 Monday through Friday Date: 3rd Tuesday each month Time: 6:00 p.m. Tire Kickin’, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Where: Farmhouse Cafe 320 Vintage Point Lane Wendell, NC 27591 Please contact Robert McIsaac for more information at raleigh.bmwcca.activities@gmail.com TRIANGLE AREA DINNER (CHAPEL HILL) The Triangle’s Choice For Auto NONE SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME Body Locally Owned Family Operated BMW Car Club of America Community Focused Tarheel Chapter Serving The Triangle For 30 Years Kenny Hawkins Automotive 605 Germantown Road Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 851-0242
SUCH A DEAL Footnotes classified ads are Email List Join us online: The model, but in excellent shape. free to members in good “list” provides a casual, online $40. Email wrightjeffrey@hot- standing of the BMW CCA. forum for chapter members to mail.com. Charlotte. Nonmembers can also place discuss BMW’s and BMW CCA advertisements here for $5.00 events and related topics of in- per month (see inside front terest to local members. Basi- cover). Please enclose all cally it’s a sort of electronic dis- necessary information with your advertisement. Unless cussion board, almost anything you tell us otherwise, your ad is free game, as long as it has will appear here for three (3) some connection to BMW’s (no consecutive issues. Classified matter how remote the connec- advertisements can be emailed tion might be). to the Editor’s attention at To join the list surf on out to: newsletter@tarheelbmwcca. http://www.topica.com/lists/tar- org. heelbmw/ Info on how to sub- scribe or unsubscribe can be found on this page. If you want BMW PARTS FOR SALE: a shortcut to subscribe- simply send an email to tarheelbmw- X3 Load Bars PN subscribe@topica.com. (make 82710148824 fits X3 2003- sure you send the email from 2010 with the OEM roof bars. the email address that you Good condition. $80. Email want to receive the list mes- wrightjeffrey@hotmail.com. sages!!) Charlotte. THE 02 GROUP A special in- X3 OEM floor mats for E83 terest group for 2002 owners Black. Front & rear 4 piece in NC. For more information set. Very good condition. $20. about the group and how to Email wrightjeffrey@hotmail. join, check out our website: com. Charlotte. www.the02group.org MISCELLANEOUS: The Z-Series Car Club of America (ZSCCA) is a na- Heavy Duty Roof Basket tional special interest group of Generic, fits virtually any style BMWCCA dedicated to the en- load bars. 35W x 40L. Excel- joyment of all Z-Series BMW’s. lent condition. $40. Email Several local groups are ac- wrightjeffrey@hotmail.com. tive in VA and NC. Find us on Charlotte. Facebook, or at zscca.org Tarheel Chapter BMW CCA Thule Roof Carrier Bag Older 20 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
Bimmers “Flying” To Louisburg A Jetport, a Picnic, and a Botanical Garden! • What: The Triangle North Executive Jetport is a gem of a place east of Raleigh that includes airplanes, a skydiving school, wide-open spaces for a picnic, and is a few gear shift changes away a loverly botanical garden at Louisburg College. A great day for friends, adventure and thoughtful reflection. • When: Depart on Saturday, September 11th, 2021 at 10:00am. Come early for breakfast and/or coffee at 9:00am! • Where: Departure from Farmhouse Café, 320 Vintage Point Ln, Wendell, NC 27591. Driver’s Meeting will be at 9:45. • Objective: A wandering tour of beautiful countryside as late summer works her way through North Carolina. Lunch as a picnic at the airport … bring your own for this one, or pick something up in town. • Duration: Figure 6-8 hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012. Bimmers Rolling to Danville Tank Museum! Tankers Racing Toward Winter in South Side Virginia … • What: While winter’s “blast” may be on our mind in early December, we can still make it to Danville to visit the iconic Tank Museum just North of the Border. Tanks, Bimmers and great dining make a great combo for our final driving adventure of 2020. • When: Depart on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee at 9:00am! • Where: Departure from Leith BMW, 5603 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC • Objective: A fun and enjoyable family outing that promises nice roads, a tour of fascinating American military hardware and terrific food. Danville has a great downtown to wander about, historic sites … and lunch at the Golden Leaf Bistro (215 Craghead St, Danville, VA). • Duration: Figure 5-8 hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012.
END GAME Photo by Robert McIsaac Future Bimmer driver enjoying the Mothers Day weekend ride! WANTED: Footnotes classifieds... Your photos and sto- ries. Ads are free to members in good standing of the BMW CCA. Got a tale to tell about your Non-members can also place advertisements here for $5.00 Bimmer, photos you want per month. Please enclose all necessary information with to share with your fellow your advertisement. Footnotes readers, or just a suggestion? Unless you tell us otherwise, your ad will appear here for Email your submissions to three (3) consecutive issues. newsletter@tarheelbmwcca. Classified advertisements can be org. emailed to the Editor’s attention at: Come on, you can do it... newsletter@tarheelbmwcca.org We would love to hear from you! 22 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
Bimmers Tossing Clay!!! Country Roads, Take Me Home to Seagrove • What: A delightful cruise to The Pottery Capital of Central NC, Seagrove. This will be a chance to visit the artisans, shop for amazing art, have a great lunch … and explore more of NC’s byways. And yes, there could be fruitcake at Southern Supreme in Bear Creek. • When: Depart on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 at 10:00am. Come early for coffee at 9:00am! • Where: Departure from Leith BMW, 5603 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27616 • Objective: A fun and enjoyable family outing the promises terrific roads and food … and a starting tour at the NC Pottery Center, 233 East Avenue, Seagrove, NC. Lunch as a picnic at the visitor’s center or at the Seagrove Family Restaurant, 8702 Old US Hwy 220, Seagrove, NC, depending on the pandemic. • Duration: Figure 5-6 hours including driving. • Contact Information: For details, connect with Rob McIsaac at Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com or 919-880-8012.
TARHEEL CHAPTER BMW CCA, Inc. www.tarheelbmwcca.org PO Box 30203 Charlotte, NC 28230 Tarheel Fall HPDS VIR - Alton VA October 22-24, 2021
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