Page created by Alvin Gordon
                         Student Handbook

                               Our Vision:
  From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures.
                              Our Mission:
       To ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels

                    400 Pennsylvania Avenue
                    Savannah, Georgia 31404
                  (912) 395-2535 – Main Office
                      (912) 201-7585 – Fax
The Savannah-Chatham County Board of Public Education does not discriminate in educational programs,
         activities or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

                                      M. Ann Levett, Ed.D.
                                    Superintendent of Schools
                          Savannah-Chatham County Public School System

               WELCOME TO
               HIGH SCHOOL
                                Home of the Cobras

                            This book belongs to:



        City/Zip Code



                   *Some information printed in this handbook is subject to change.
                                This document was printed in July 2019.
           Parent newsletters and memorandums will reflect any changes or new information.

Table of Contents
Introduction & Welcome                              4
Regular Bell & Lunch Schedule                       5
School Nutrition Program/Cafeteria                  6
Acceptable Use Policy                               7
Accountability for Board Of Education Property      7
Athletics                                           8
Student Attendance                                  8
Excessive Unexcused/Unverified Absences & Tardies   12
Student Sign-In Procedures                          13
Student Sign-Out Procedures                         13
Changes in Student Transportation                   13
Contact Information/Written Changes                 13
Illness/Other Emergencies                           14
Medications                                         14
Lost & Found                                        14
Loitering on School Campus                          14
Forgotten Items/Miscellaneous Items                 14
Student Driving/Parking Permits                     15
Student Dress Code (Mandatory)                      15
Book Bags                                           18
Student Discipline                                  18
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports        18
Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment and Bullying   19
Violence                                            20
Prohibited Items                                    20
Property Searches                                   21
Random Administrative Inspections                   21
Definition of Consequences                          21
Restricted Areas                                    22
Selling of Items on Campus/Fundraising              22
School Buses                                        22
Student ID Cards                                    23
Telephones                                          23
Visitors                                            23
PTSA – Parent Teacher Student Association           24
Instructional Information                           25
Extension Campus (University) Information           34
Appendix                                            38

Savannah Early College High School is a unique high school option that allows
students to enroll in an honors curriculum, while they simultaneously pursue college
credit in their junior and senior years. Students have the opportunity to earn up to a year
and a half of college credit from Savannah State University, making them highly
qualified college applicants with transferable credit upon graduation.

Savannah Early College High School was started in part by a grant from the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation. The program is a part of a small school’s initiative that
targets populations of students considered to be underrepresented on the nation’s college
campuses. Over 80% of Savannah Early College High School students are considered
underrepresented based on the grant indicators of first generation to attend college,
minority, single parent household, or low socio-economic status. Our current enrollment
is approximately 280 students, with 130 expected to participate in the Dual-Enrollment
Program at Savannah State University. Individual academic advisement helps students
select college coursework that best supports students’ long term postsecondary goals.

Please visit our website for frequent updated information:

Welcome Message
Congratulations for being accepted to and enrolling in Savannah Early College High
School! A safe and orderly school environment is essential to the social and academic
success of our students. The policies, procedures, and general information included in
this handbook are intended to promote such an environment at Savannah Early College
High School. It is important that you read and periodically review the information found
in this handbook.

Positive home-school relationships typically increase a student’s level of performance.
We ask for cooperation from all members of our school community in observing school
policies and procedures as outlined, because at Savannah Early College High School
accountability for student learning is everyone’s business!

Working together, we are confident that we will provide the best possible high school
experience for all of our students and continue to uphold our motto: Learners Today!
Leaders Tomorrow! We are looking forward to taking this journey with you!


Mrs. Caroline Gordon-Jelks, Ed.S., Principal &
The Esteemed Faculty and Staff of Savannah Early College High School

                Savannah Early College High School
                  Regular Bell and Lunch Schedule

        Time                                   Activity
Start          End
7:00           7:20         Arrival/Morning Duty Stations/Breakfast Served

7:20           7:30       Students Move to 1st Block - Teachers @ Doors—
                       Morning announcements (Students are tardy after 7:30 am)

7:30           9:00                           1st Block

9:00           9:05    Change Class/Tardy Bell for 2nd Block -Teachers @ Doors

9:05           10:25                          2nd Block

10:25          10:55              ******Early College Lunch*****

10:55          11:00    Change Class/Tardy Bell for ADV/IF Teachers @ Doors

11:00          11:40        ADVISEMENT/INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS

11:40          11:45   Change Class /Tardy Bell for 3rd Block-Teachers @ Doors

11:45          1:05                           3rd Block

1:05           1:10    Change Class/Tardy Bell for 4th Block-Teachers @ Doors

1:10           2:30                           4th Block

2:30           2:40              Dismissal/After-School Duty Stations

2:40                               Scheduled After School Tutorials

School Nutrition Program/Cafeteria
Savannah Early College uses the cafeteria facilities at Savannah High School. The school
cafeteria offers well-balanced, nutritional meals at a reasonable cost. Students who
choose to bring lunch from home may do so. Students are required to demonstrate
exemplary behavior at all times. Students are expected to respect all school personnel and
peers. Disruptions in the cafeteria or elsewhere will result in disciplinary action
according to district/school policy.

Trays and/or food from the cafeteria are not to be carried-out out of the cafeteria without
prior approval from the Principal. Students are required to clean-up their trash from
breakfast and lunch. Savannah Early College students attend lunch as a group. Therefore,
students are escorted in an orderly manner to the Savannah High School cafeteria.

Students are NOT permitted to leave campus during lunch and are NOT released early for
lunch. All students must have their ID visible at all times, and all students must remain
in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period. Students are not allowed in any other area
of Savannah Early College/Savannah High School during lunch. Delivery of restaurant
food or other commercial or competitive food items at lunch or for lunch is NOT

               SCCPSS School Nutrition Program Meal Prices
                          (As of July 2019 – may be subject to change.)

                      ALL STUDENTS SERVED AT NO CHARGE
             Adults                              $2.00
                                  LUNCH (Grades 9-12)
           Reduced                               $0.40
             Paid                                $2.50
            Adults                               $3.50

                              For More Information:
       Ms. Onetha Bonaparte, Ed.S, SCCPSS School Nutrition Program Director,
                                   (912) 395-5548

Acceptable Use Policy
Access to the Internet is available through computers in the media center, classrooms,
labs, and other classroom mobile devices. Access to information on the Internet is
intended for appropriate education and research activities in support of class assignments
and projects.

Parents/guardians have the option to deny their students access to online technology
resources. To deny access to services, please complete the Parental Request to Deny
Access to Online Technology Resources found in the appendix, sign and date it, and
return the form to your student’s school.

Accountability for Board of Education Property
When textbooks, library media materials, and equipment are issued to students, the return
of these materials to the school for further use shall be the sole responsibility of the
student and his/her parents/guardians. When materials or equipment are not returned to
the school in usable condition, it is the responsibility of the student and his/her
parents/guardians to reimburse the Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education for
the cost of replacement or repairs.

Students who owe for lost or damaged textbooks, library media materials, and/or
equipment shall have their report cards withheld by the school administration. Another
textbook of the same subject area will not be issued until the school system has been
compensated; however, textbooks in the same subject area may be made available for use
in the classroom.

Additional library media materials and equipment shall not be checked-out to the student
until the school system has been compensated. Students may continue to use the learning
resources within the confines of the library media center.

Students who are promoted to another school and have not compensated the school
system for materials will have a record of their obligations forwarded to the receiving
school. Students who transfer within or out of the Savannah-Chatham County School
System and have failed to compensate the Board of Education for lost or damaged
textbooks, library media materials, and/or equipment shall have their report cards and
transcripts delayed until their financial obligations are settled.

At the time of withdrawal from a Savannah-Chatham County school, the
Principal/designee shall check to see if the transfer and withdrawal form indicates that all
records have been cleared. If compensation is due, the transfer and withdrawal form,
report card, and transcript shall be retained by the school until payment is made.

Students shall not be eligible to participate in graduation exercises and other related
activities of the Savannah-Chatham County School System if debts related to lost or
damaged textbooks, library materials or equipment, or dues remain unpaid.

Savannah Early College High School students interested in athletic sports should contact
the Athletic Director. Students may participate in: Cross-Country, Tennis, Swimming,
and Golf. The Athletic Director will advise students of GHSA sub-varsity and varsity
participation requirements. Students who remain enrolled as program students from
other Chatham County Highs Schools that are interested in athletic participation should
see the assigned school official at their home school. Any student participating in
athletics must be academically eligible and meet all GHSAA rules.

Weekly Student Eligibility for Athletic Practice/Competition: Savannah Early College
teachers will be provided a weekly eligibility list of student athletes each week. All teachers will
return eligibility list to the school administration. Students that are failing in two courses will be
ineligible to practice or compete in athletic events. Students must attend appropriate tutorials if
available or be located at a study table provided by their coach during practice. Students must
remediate failing averages to regain athletic eligibility.

Student Attendance
(Please refer to SCCPSS BOE Policy JBA)

Truant: Any child subject to compulsory attendance who during the school calendar year
has more than ten (10) days of unexcused absences is considered truant. Absences due to
out-of-school suspension are not considered unexcused and do not apply to truancy

Tardy: A student is tardy when he/she arrives at school or at class after the designated
start time or tardy bell. Repeated or habitual tardiness is an undesirable personal habit
and is also disruptive of the orderly instructional process; therefore, school officials will
take corrective actions.

Excused tardy: A tardy is excused when events which cause the tardiness are physically
out of the student's control such as: a motor vehicle accident, unexpected road closure,
power outage, late bus or bus did not come at all.

Excused absences: Absences are excused for personal illness, serious illness or death of
a student's immediate family member, observance of religious holidays, active duty
military family leave, orders of governmental agencies, conditions rendering attendance
impossible or hazardous to student health or safety, or participation in approved school

Unexcused absences: The following examples, even with parental consent, are
considered unexcused absences: truancies; working; missing the bus; oversleeping;
shopping; car failure; getting senior pictures taken; keeping personal appointments;
errands for parents; college visits unless excused prior to absence; home obligations
unless excused prior to absence.

Prolonged absence due to illness or injury: Homebound/hospital instruction can be
provided for students who have a chronic illness or who need to be absent from school
for ten or more consecutive days due to a long term illness or injury. Parent application
and physician certification of this need are required.
Documentation for excused absences: Any student absence that is to be classified as
excused minimally requires a signed note of explanation from a parent or guardian for
documentation. Only five days of absence per school year will be excused with a
handwritten/typed signed note from a parent/guardian. School officials may require
additional documentation/proof at any time for the purpose of validating that an absence
is an excused absence. Any absence beyond five days for the year requires the
submission of a physician's or hospital statement, court subpoena, order of a
governmental agency, or a funeral notice/obituary to be deemed an excused absence.
Attendance waiver: High school students who have eight (8) or more absences in a
semester or have four (4) absences in a block schedule or traditional schedule class in a
semester may request an attendance waiver provided they have (a) made up missed work
and are passing the affected class(es), and (b) presented the appropriate required
documentation for said absences. The same waiver opportunity is open for students in
grades K-8 who have more than fifteen (15) absences (excused or unexcused) in a year
and are passing the affected subjects/classes. The request that waivers be granted for
academic credit or promotion must include appropriate required documentation to the site
based attendance committee. This committee may grant or deny the waiver, after review
of the application and documentation.

Referral to school social worker: If a student has excessive unexplained absences,
school officials who have exhausted all of their efforts may make a referral to the school
social worker. The social worker, using home visits and/or assistance from community
resources, will attempt to document and/or alleviate the problem with the student and the
family. When deemed necessary for the welfare of the child, the school social worker,
observing all due process rights of the parent and child and working in cooperation with
the procedural requirements of the court having jurisdiction, shall prepare the case for
juvenile or state court action. School personnel having direct knowledge of a pupil's
truancy will be expected to supply evidence and testimony if the case is taken to court.
Possible penalties for truancy: The following penalties may be applied if a student is
determined to be truant: Conference with student and/or parent, detention before or after
school or on Saturday, loss of parking permit, suspension from school, loss of an
instructional permit or driver's license or ineligibility for or delay in applying for the
permit or license, referral to the school counselor or social worker, possible charges filed
in juvenile court if student is under sixteen (16) years of age, possible charges against
parent in state court or withdrawal from school if student is sixteen (16) years of age or
older. Court penalties may include fines, community service, mandated counseling or
mental health treatment, probation or incarceration.

Effective January 1, 1998, the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (OCGA 40-
5-22a.1) requires that local schools must certify whether or not a student’s attendance
pattern and discipline record will allow him/her to have a Georgia Driver’s permit or
license. Savannah Early College has been provided copies of this law and the procedures
to be followed when reporting to the Department of Public Safety. This law is applicable
to students between the ages of 15 and 17.

Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA): A student's instructional permit or
driver's license may be denied, suspended or revoked if the student:

     (A) Has dropped out of school without graduating and has remained out of school for ten
     consecutive school days;
     (B) Has more than ten school days of unexcused absences in any semester or combination of
     two consecutive quarters; or
     (C) Has been suspended from school for:
       (1) Threatening, striking or causing bodily harm to a teacher or other school
       (2) Possession or sale of drugs or alcohol on school property;
       (3) Possession or use of a weapon on school property;
       (4) Any sexual offense prohibited under Chapter 6 of Title 16; or
       (5) Causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring
       another person, including another student. OCGA 40-5-22 (a.1)(1) and (2)

Approved Absences: To receive an excuse prior to an anticipated involuntary absence
(i.e. one that is not excused by state law), the Principal must be notified in writing by the
parent or guardian well in advance of the absence in order to receive an excuse prior
to the anticipated absence.

Students are expected to attend and be on-time to every scheduled class. If a student is on
campus, but not in class or homeroom during the appropriate time, he/she will be
considered skipping. Students may NOT leave campus during their lunch period to obtain
commercial food. Any student leaving campus during the school day must have both
school and parent authorization through the Office of the Information Specialist.

Any student arriving after 7:30 a.m. is tardy and missing valuable instructional time. All
students are expected to arrive to school on-time and to stay for the duration of their
school day.

Teachers use every possible minute of every school day to provide learning experiences.
Please make all appointments for after school, on Saturday, or during the school
breaks as noted on the SCCPSS School Calendar. If it is necessary for a student to
leave school before the end of the school day, the parent/guardian with whom the student
lives must send a WRITTEN request to the Principal.
The following guidelines must be followed:
 Early pick-up must occur before dismissal begins – 2:15 p.m. Parents arriving
    after 2:15 p.m. will be asked to wait in the parent pick-up area until dismissal.
 All parents/guardians must sign-out their child in the office. Parents may NOT go
    directly to classrooms.

   Students will not be released to friends of the family, relatives, etc., unless written
    documentation is provided to the school by the parents or legal guardians. Students
    cannot be released to anyone under the age of 18.
   No phone requests for early release will be accepted, unless in an emergency.
    Parents/guardians must speak with the Principal, in the event of an emergency.

Excessive tardiness and/or early dismissals may result in a referral to the school social
worker for investigation as to cause.

A student who is absent from school for more than one-half the school day may not
participate in any extracurricular activity on the day of the absence. Participation includes
practices. Extracurricular activities include all clubs and athletic competitions (band and
cheerleading). A student must attend two classes in order to be eligible for extracurricular
activities. A student absent from school on Friday may not participate in any
extracurricular activity during the weekend.

A teacher must permit a student to make-up work missed during absences for any of the
following reasons: Participation in school-sponsored activities such as field trips or other
designated events, Personal illness, Medical requirements, Family illness, Death of a
family member, Observance of a religious holiday, Orders of government agencies,
Hazardous conditions, and Suspension. Any assignments or projects given prior to
days of absence are due immediately upon the first day a student returns.

A teacher will automatically give a zero on any homework, test, or final course examination
that a student misses for any reason and will average that score into the student’s grade for
the nine weeks and/or semester.

A teacher will permit a student to complete make-up work within five (5) school days
after the student returns to school, provided the absence is approved for make-up
work. If it is the fourth marking period, a teacher must permit a student to complete
make-up work by the end of the teacher's post-planning days, provided the absence is
approved for make-up work.

Teacher discretion may be used to extend the make-up time in extenuating circumstances.
It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to make-up
and complete missed assignments and/or tests. Make-up work must not interfere with
regular instructional time.

After report cards have been sent, when a student completes a make-up homework
assignment, test, or examination, the teacher will report the score, and the school
Information Specialist will update the student's transcript and report card upon signed
approval by the Principal.

Excessive Unexcused/Unverified Absences &
Unexcused/Unverified Tardies - Procedures and
A written excuse is required from every student in order to re-enter school after an
absence. Students must submit their excuse to the Information Specialist upon their
return. The Information Specialist will determine whether or not the absence is excused
or unexcused, and give the student an Admit Slip indicating this information.

*Note – Per Board Policy only 5 days of absence per school year will be excused with
a handwritten parent note.

Excessive Unexcused/Unverified Absences Consequences
 1. Phone Notification via Automated Callout
 2. Mandatory Student Conference with the SECHS Attendance Committee
 3. Early Warning Notice (3 Day Letter) sent home with student/mailed to parent
 4. After-School or Saturday Detention - 3 hours
 5. Social Worker Referral

Students who are consistently absent from school are in violation of their Family
Contract and may be placed on an attendance-related Academic/Behavior Contract or
withdrawn from enrollment.

Attendance Waivers
The Savannah Chatham County Board of Education Policy regarding student attendance
clearly states the following:

“Students who are absent from school more than the allowable number of days as
described below may be eligible for an attendance waiver if the following conditions are
met. These students must (a) have made up missed work and be passing the affected
class(es), (b) submit the required documentation for said absences, and (c) submit an
attendance waiver request form. All documentation will be reviewed by the attendance
committee who will submit a recommendation after review to the principal for final

Students in grades 9-12 who accumulate more than four (4) absences (excused and/or
unexcused) in a semester long block (approximately 80 days) scheduled course must
request an attendance waiver.”

SECHS will send home attendance letters and waivers at the end of each semester.
Attendance matters must be cleared with the SECHS Attendance Committee before
students may receive enrollment verification letters, and attend school-related functions,
including but not limited to school dances, prom, senior week activities, field trips, and
partner-sponsored field trips.

Excessive Unexcused/Unverified Tardy Consequences
   1. After the 3rd unexcused tardy, a Parent/Student Conference with the Attendance
       Committee will be mandatory.
   2. After-School or Saturday Detention - 3 hours
   3. Social Worker Referral

Student Sign-In Procedures
Any student arriving at school after 7:30 a.m. is considered tardy to school. Students
must be SEATED in their homeroom or first period class BEFORE the bell rings.
Parents/guardians MUST accompany late students to the main office and sign-in
their students. Students failing to sign-in at the Main Office will be considered
skipping. If a student is signing-in/out due to a doctor’s appointment, a note from that
doctor’s office may be requested.

Student Sign-Out Procedures
Any student leaving the school campus during the school day must follow all established
sign-out procedures in the Main Office. Students will be called to the main office when
the parent/guardian arrives. State or government identification is required of any
person signing-out a student. Students will only be signed-out to authorized emergency
contacts or other persons designated in writing by the parent/guardian.

Changes in Student Transportation
School officials expect that parents/guardians will establish a consistent method of
student transportation. Any changes in student transportation, pick-up time, or other
matters related to dismissal of a student must be requested the day BEFORE the specific
date of the request. A student must bring a note from a parent/guardian which must
include the daytime telephone number of the parent/guardian to the Office of the
Information Specialist where the authenticity of the note will be verified before the
change is approved.

Daily changes are NOT taken over the phone (except in extreme emergencies). The
parent/guardian must speak with the Principal, in the event of an emergency.

Contact Information/Written Changes
Main office staff must have up-to-date telephone numbers where parents/guardians can
be reached if an emergency occurs with students during the school day. It is the
parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep the school informed of whom to contact in case
of an emergency. Alternate telephone numbers and names of relatives, close friends, etc.
are also needed, in case parents/guardians cannot be reached. If a family does not have a
phone, the phone number of someone who can immediately contact the parent/guardian,
if the need arises, will suffice.

Illness/Other Emergencies
Savannah Early College students receive student health services through the infirmary at
Savannah High School. If/when a student becomes ill at school, the parent/guardian will
be called by the School Nurse.

Savannah Early College High School employees may NOT administer any medication to
a student. Parents must complete the appropriate required forms when requesting
that the Savannah High School nurse dispenses medication to their child. The forms
may be obtained from the School Nurse. All medications (if required during school
hours) and forms shall be registered and filed in the infirmary. Students MAY NOT carry
medications (prescribed or over the counter) with them at school nor are they allowed to
share medications. Per SCCPSS BOE policy JGCD, there are certain state-identified
allowable self-administered medicines. The policy outlines the guidelines for these

Lost & Found
The “Lost & Found” bin is located near the school uniform closet. Students should check
in this area for items lost. Textbooks will be given to the course department chairperson
when found. Student must check with the teacher for textbooks. As much as possible,
personal items should be marked inconspicuously (ex. inside sleeve). The adage, “Finders
keepers, losers weepers” is not accepted as a reason for any person to be in possession of
items that do not belong to him/her. Students are encouraged to handle all items that they
find as they would want their misplaced property handled by reporting the found items to
main office personnel or administration. At the end of each semester, items in “Lost &
Found” will be donated to a local charity/non-profit organization.

Loitering on School Campus
Students are not allowed to enter the school premises or grounds during before-school
hours, after-school hours, evening hours, or weekends, except to attend school-sponsored
activities (as posted on the school calendar) for which there is assigned adult supervision.
If a student is not participating in any extracurricular activity, he/she must leave
campus by 2:40 p.m. (this includes students who are designated as car riders).
Students and non-students will be charged with trespassing on school property when it is
determined that legitimate school business does not warrant their presence on school

Suspended students may not attend nor participate in any school activities on or off
school system property for the length of suspension.

Forgotten Items/Miscellaneous Items
At Savannah Early College High School, instructional time is maximized and protected.
Any actions that cause interruptions to instruction and student/teacher time on task are

discouraged; therefore, deliveries will be made and messages will be relayed to students
only in emergency situations. Forgotten lunches, assignments, etc. may be left with
main office personnel, and students may check BETWEEN classes for these items.
Delivery of restaurant food or other commercial or competitive food items at lunch
or for lunch is NOT allowed.

Student Driving/Parking Permits
Students who intend to drive to school must provide a valid driver's license, vehicle
registration, proof of insurance and a $20.00 fee to the Administrative Secretary or
Principal to obtain a Savannah Early College High School parking permit. Students who
drive must arrive to and depart from school according to the published school bell

Only students who are dual-enrolled FULL-TIME on the extension campus (University
campus) will be permitted to drive to the University during the school day, provided the
appropriate transportation authorization forms are signed by the parents/guardians.

Careless/reckless driving or using your vehicle to violate school rules will result in the
immediate revocation of driving privileges.

Students may be dropped-off for arrival or picked-up for dismissal at the Elgin Street
entrance only. The bus ramp is for unloading and for loading of school busses only.
Please adhere to this procedure for safety reasons.

Students are not allowed to leave campus without authorization. Only students who have
signed out through the Office of the Information Specialist are authorized to leave
campus. Students returning to the school must sign-in through the Office of the
Information Specialist.

Student Dress Code (Mandatory)
Tops: Solid White or Solid Burgundy – NO INSIGNIA, NO LOGO
Bottoms: Solid Khaki or Solid Black (Standard Cotton Twill) - NO LYCRA, NO
Savannah Early College High School complies with the Savannah-Chatham County
School System’s standards and regulations for appropriate student dress. These standards
and regulations are outlined in SCCPSS BOE Policy JCDB and are required for all
students. Appropriate dress, neatness, and cleanliness are expected of all students.
Savannah Early College High School students MUST be dressed in the approved school
uniform each school day. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that students
come to school dressed and groomed appropriately. If a student is not dressed in the
approved school uniform, the student will be allowed to secure appropriate items from
the school uniform closet and/or the parent/guardian will be called to deliver the
appropriate attire to the school for the student.

The Principal may establish “non-uniform” days at her discretion. Parents/guardians will
be notified of “non-uniform” days through newsletters/parent notices. Appropriate dress
for these days will be consistent with the school district “Acceptable Dress for Non-
Uniform Days” dress code.

Unacceptable clothing:
Cut-offs, tank tops, muscle shirts, exposed midriffs, halter tops, dresses and blouses with
thin (spaghetti) straps, baggy pants, cargo pants, “net”/see-through or sheer garments and
dresses, pants, or skirts with high splits; skirt lengths or the split of the skirt must fall
below the fingertips when the arms hang naturally to one’s side, and low-cut (plunging
“v”) blouses or shirts are not allowed; spandex shorts or tights may not be worn as
outerwear; shirts wrapped around the neck and/or with one sleeve in/out are not allowed.

The wearing of clothing, insignia, symbols, or adornments worn or carried on or about a
student, which may promote the use of a controlled substance (including, but not limited
to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco), is unacceptable. In addition, the wearing of clothing that
may be interpreted as (but not limited to) abusive, discriminatory, vulgar, violence-
oriented, or insulting is not acceptable. Jewelry, as it may fit the above-mentioned
description(s), is included.

Unacceptable Outerwear:
Blankets and towels are not considered outerwear. Students may not have towels
wrapped around their heads, necks, shoulders, or hanging from their pockets. Belts must
be worn buckled, all straps are to be worn over the shoulder and fastened, and pants are
to be worn with the waist of the pants at the natural waist of one’s body. Hats, caps, and
other headwear (bandanas, athletic headbands, and scarves) are appropriate for
outside wear only and are NOT ALLOWED inside of the building. Hats may NOT
be carried to classes. Hats must be placed in one’s book bag at the beginning of
each day and may NOT be worn in the building at any time - including after school
or at extracurricular events that are conducted indoors. Sunglasses may not be worn
either over the eyes or propped on the top of the head while in the building. These items
must be removed as one enters the building and placed in the book bag for the duration of
the school day.

Students must wear shoes at all times while on campus. All shoes must be enclosed and
fastened/tied properly. SLIPPERS of any kind are UNACCEPTABLE (i.e. slippers
with tie-up shoe strings). SHOWER or “THONG-STYLE” SHOES (generally referred to
as “FLIP-FLOPS”) are UNACCEPTABLE. Crocs® or “croc-style” shoes are

Students who elect to wear braids must have their hair fully braided before coming to
school. When a student is not appropriately groomed for school, he/she will be asked to
take the necessary corrective action before attending class. Inappropriate items will be

confiscated and returned to parents/guardians at administration’s convenience or to
students at the end of the semester.

Body tattoos and body piercing (other than earrings) are unacceptable. These
“accessories” have proven to be disruptive to the learning environment and often may
present health concerns in school settings.

Students should consult faculty members who are on-duty before school, if they
have any questions about the appropriateness of any article of clothing.

Parents or guardians may request an exemption from a mandatory school uniform
program for medical, religious, or other justifiable reasons. A request for an exemption
must be made within 10 operational days of the beginning of the school year. (Note: The
term "operational days" is defined as days that schools are in session.) Medical
exemption requests must be signed by a medical doctor.

A written request for an exemption must be submitted to the school Principal using the
Application for Exemption Form that can be obtained from the school. The request must
be completed truthfully and correctly and signed by a physician if the request is for
medical reasons.

The school Principal or his/her designee must meet with the parents or guardians within
five (5) operational days. The Principal will discuss the school uniform policy and verify
the accuracy of the information on the Exemption Form. The parents or guardians will be
notified in writing of the outcome of the conference within three operational days. The
Principal will note the finding to grant or deny the request on the application, sign off on
the application, and forward a copy to the superintendent or his/her designee.
The superintendent or his/her designee will affirm or deny the Principal's decision. If the
parent or guardian does not agree with the decision, they have a right to appeal to the
Board within five (5) operational days.

Exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

No student will be considered non compliant for the following reasons:
 An exemption has been established or is being appealed.
 The Principal has established "non-uniform" day.
 A student is on campus outside of normal school hours.
 A student wears a button, armband, or other accouterment to exercise a
   constitutionally- protected right to freedom of expression. Buttons, armbands or other
   accouterment that signifies or is related to gangs, gang membership, or gang activity,
   or is disruptive to school safety and discipline, are prohibited.
 A student wears the uniform of a nationally-recognized youth organization such as
   the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts on regular meeting days.

Book Bags
Students may only bring see-through clear or mesh book bags to school. All other
types of book bags are prohibited. Sport bags, gym bags, large purses, travel bags, and
other bags used to transport books and other personal items are not permitted at school.
Students may only use clear or mesh book bags to transport class materials between

All prohibited book bags, or bags/purses as previously noted, either being carried on-
campus or taken inside classrooms will be confiscated and returned to the parent or to the
student at the end of the school day. Neither administrators nor teachers will be
responsible for confiscated book bags or bags/purses that are lost or stolen.

Student Discipline
Students are expected to be positively and actively involved in their high school
experience, continuing the tradition of school-spirit and excellence. Savannah Early
College High School relies on joint efforts from students, parents, community members,
faculty, staff, and administrators to create an atmosphere that promotes and sustains
optimal academic performance and social development.

Students are expected to exercise trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness, caring,
and good citizenship at all times while attending or representing Savannah Early College.
Suspension or expulsion may result from failure to comply with the regulations as stated
in the SCCPSS Student Code of Conduct. The SCCPSS Student/Parent Handbook for
Success, SCCPSS Student Code of Conduct, school bus rules, and the SECHS
Student/Parent Information Handbook are issued to each student during the first days
of school . Students sign for these materials and are expected to read and follow the all
guidelines, policies, and procedures. School personnel will discuss this information with
students both at the beginning of the school year and periodically throughout the school
year. However, students are also expected to discuss school/district expectations with
their parents. When all stakeholders meet school/district expectations, school functions
in a safe, orderly, effective, and efficient manner. The rights of the individual Savannah
Early College student will be protected at all times. Any student whose behavior
interferes with the safe and orderly operation of school will be subject to the appropriate
disciplinary actions and consequences. A general meeting is held with each grade at the
beginning of the school year to discuss specific school rules and district policies and
procedures related to acceptable student conduct.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, data-driven
framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety

and support improved academic outcomes. More than 19,000 U.S. schools are
implementing PBIS and saving countless instructional hours otherwise lost to discipline.
The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or
feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a
climate of greater productivity, safety and learning. PBIS schools apply a multi-tiered
approach to prevention, using disciplinary data and principles of behavior analysis to
develop school-wide, targeted and individualized interventions and supports to improve
school climate for all students. (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavior
Interventions & Supports, 2009)

Using proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate
student behaviors, Savannah Early College High School personnel will maintain a
positive school environment and help all students reach their full academic and
social potential.

Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment and
All charges of sexual misconduct and/or harassment will be investigated, documented,
and filed in the student's discipline folder. If additional action is needed, the charge will
be referred to Campus Police for appropriate action and also copied to the appropriate
Central Office Administrator.

Harassment shall include but not be limited to the following:
   1. Unwelcomed sexual advances
   2. Request for sexual favors
   3. Request for unsolicited physical contact
   4. Verbal conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive
   5. Writing sexually explicit notes or graffiti about another student
   6. Obtaining or attempting to obtain property or sexual favors through the use of
       force, menace or fear
   7. Acts initiated by a student against the chastity, common decency, and morals of
       another accompanied by threats, fears or danger
   8. Intentionally or knowingly causing physical contact with another in an offensive
       or provocative manner
   9. Intentionally or knowingly threatening another with imminent physical or
       psychological injury
   10. Inappropriate touching, rubbing or grabbing of others
   11. As defined pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Bullying: means any willful attempt or threat to inflict mental or physical injury on
another person accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so, or any written,
oral or electronically transmitted display of actions as such would give the victim
reason to fear or expect immediate emotional or physical harm. All charges of bullying
will be investigated, documented, and placed in the student's discipline file.

First offense: If the Principal determines that a student has committed the offense of
bullying, the Principal will assign the appropriate Level II consequence(s), hold a
conference with the parent explaining the offense, review Board Policy JD Rule 6, and
explain the consequence(s) related to the bullying in the Student Code of Conduct. This
conference will be documented and a copy placed in the student's permanent file.

Second offense: If the Principal determines that a student has committed a second
offense of Bullying, the Principal will assign the appropriate Level II and/or Level III
consequences and implement the Student Support Process (Student Code of Conduct
Procedure 8). The Principal will notify the parent in writing that a third offense of
bullying will result in a request being made for long-term suspension from regular school
and placement in an alternative program.

Third offense: Upon finding that a student has committed the offense of bullying for
the third time in a school year, the Principal shall make a request to the Administrator of
the Student Hearing Office for the long-term suspension of the student to an alternative
setting (O.C.G.A. 20-2-751.4). Documentation of the Student Support Process with a
copy of the behavior correction plan and data showing efforts to modify the bullying
behavior must be included with the disciplinary request and placed in the student's
permanent file.

Students are advised to seek the assistance of an adult faculty/staff member, if they are
threatened or experiencing conflict. Bullying will NOT be tolerated at Savannah Early
College High School.

Students who are found guilty of acts of physical violence (e.g. fighting, hitting, kicking,
and pushing) will be suspended from school for up to 10 days. Physical violence and
hostility have no place at Savannah Early College High School or any school events.
Students are strongly advised to rely on the administration, counselors, teachers, and
parents to help them resolve conflict before resorting to physical or violent measures.
Students are advised to keep their hands and bodies to themselves rather than risk inciting
others. Self-defense is not accepted as a viable excuse for fighting at school or school

Prohibited Items
In order to provide a learning environment that is free from distraction and interruptions,
prohibited items include but are not limited to: drink containers such as “squeeze bottles”
or glass containers, cards, toys, dolls, stuffed animals, blankets, cameras, buttons, and
camcorders of any type. Also, athletic equipment such as footballs, bats, gloves, and
basketballs should be left at home. The school furnishes any athletic equipment that is
needed for physical education classes. Restriction of these items is extended to school
buses. Prohibited items will be confiscated, if a student has them on-campus during the

school day. Confiscated items will be returned to parents at the administrator’s
convenience or to students at the end of the semester.

Property Searches
Under the Safe School Climate/Zero Tolerance Policy in the Savannah-Chatham County
Public Schools, site administrators may conduct searches of school property such as
lockers, desks, and other property assigned to students. Students and their personal
possessions may be searched if site administrators have reasonable grounds to believe
that students have in their possession any items or materials that are forbidden by School
Board policy and/or procedure, school rules and regulations, or state or federal laws.
Additionally, site administrators may conduct searches for any items or materials which
may pose a danger to either students or other school personnel or which may be used to
cause disruption of any educational process. Searches include periodic school-wide
searches conducted in agreement with local law enforcement agencies.

Random Administrative Inspections
As part of an initiative to enhance the overall safety of our schools, the Superintendent
has mandated the development of a random inspection procedure which will be
conducted three times per week and will be conducted using each site’s staff members
with no outside resources. Inspections will be conducted by personnel trained in the safe
use of a magnetometer and safe methods of handling and storing items located during an
inspection. A minimum of two staff members will be trained to minimize the impact on
the site’s educational mission, keeping staff members in their usual assignments and
duties as much as possible.

Searches can be conducted on individual persons, possessions, lockers, or vehicles parked on
school grounds. Searches are conducted for safety or health reasons. In addition, searches are
conducted when the staff has reasonable cause to believe that a student has committed a
violation of the disciplinary policy or the criminal statutes, or the student has in his/her
possession or in his/her personal belongings, including his/her vehicle, evidence that the
student has committed a violation of the disciplinary policy or criminal statutes. Periodic
searches during the school year may be conducted by school administration and/or state or
local police, including the use of the police canine corps trained to sniff out drugs and/or

Definition of Consequences
   Detention with Teachers: A student may be assigned detention by a teacher for
   Level 1 (minor) school rule violations (i.e. refusal to follow directions etc.). The
   student will be given one day's written notice before detention must be served.
   Failure to serve a detention with teachers may result in the student having his
   detention time doubled and a referral to administration, as applicable.

Out of School Suspension (OSS):
   Assignment to out of school suspension is a strategy used to remove students from the
   typical school environment for a designated period of time in an effort to modify
   students’ inappropriate behaviors. Students may be assigned OSS for accrued
   multiple minor infractions or infractions that are more serious in nature.

Restricted Areas
During school hours, from arrival time until departure time, students are expected to
remain on school property. Students must neither go behind the school nor be across the
street or in any of the surrounding areas of the school without permission of appropriate
school personnel. All school/district rules and regulations are in effect in all designated
areas. All students are expected to stay out of parked cars on campus during the school
day. Areas on school property without adult supervision are “off-limits” to students,
whether the area is inside or outside. Students who do not comply with the “Restricted
Areas” protocol will be subject to disciplinary action per the SCCPSS Student Code of
Conduct and will be placed on a Behavior Contract for violation of the school’s behavior

Selling of Items on Campus/Fundraising
Students are NOT allowed to sell any items on the school campus at any time without
written permission from the Principal. All school organizations (including booster clubs)
must submit a FUNDRAISING REQUEST FORM to the Principal BEFORE ordering
items for fundraising. These forms are available in the main office. Items sold by
students without the Principal’s permission will be confiscated and not returned.
Religious, civic, and private enterprise or athletic groups may NOT have their fundraising
activities transacted on the school campus. Items sold by groups without the Principal’s
permission will be confiscated and not returned.
The distribution of flyers that are unrelated to BOE business and/or Savannah
Early College High School events is prohibited.

School Buses
Riding a school bus is a privilege and not a right. Proper behavior is expected while
loading, riding, and unloading. The school bus is considered an extension of the
classroom and all school/district rules apply while a student is being transported.
Students will be removed from all school system buses for a period of time, if their
inappropriate behaviors interfere with the safety of others and the orderly operation of the
school bus.

Students must ride their assigned buses and are prohibited from going to destinations
other than their assigned stops. If a student wishes to go to another student’s home or get
off at another stop, the parent/guardian must provide a written request (with contact
numbers included) to the Office of the Information Specialist on the day BEFORE the

specific date of the request for authentication. The student is responsible for giving the
authenticated note to the bus driver. Students who are not regular bus students are not
permitted to ride the bus.

Student ID Cards
ALL students are given one free ID picture card at the high school level. The student
must carry this card at all times. Students’ ID cards must be highly visible during
school and at all school activities. This ID card is used to: (1) sign-in and sign-out of
school, (2) check-out materials from the Media Center, (3) attend dances, athletic games,
and other school functions, (4) participate in the free or reduced school lunch program,
and (5) serve many other miscellaneous uses.

Office telephones cannot be made readily accessible for student use, as there are a
limited number of lines in the offices. A student will not be called to the main office phone
during instructional time unless a parent calls with a specifically stated emergency. Cell
phones must be turned-off and stored in book bags during the school day. PLEASE NOTE:
Cell phone use is permitted in the classroom with the expressed permission of the
teacher and for educational purposes only.

Students will not be dismissed from class to use the telephone. In case of an emergency, a
student must obtain permission from his/her teacher to use the classroom telephone.

CELL PHONES: Savannah Early College High School adheres to the school district’s
policy regarding electronic devices, including the use of cell phones on campus.


Savannah Early College High School extends a courteous welcome to all adult visitors
who have a legitimate reason to visit the campus. Under no circumstances will visitors
be allowed to infringe on the students’ or teachers’ instructional time. All
parents/guardians and visitors must report to the main office for permission to visit
in the school. Visitors will receive a pass to wear, indicating that main office staff has
cleared you. This regulation is necessary for the protection of our students and for the
prevention of unauthorized persons wandering through our school.

Note: Classroom visits and observations are not parent-teacher conference times. If a
parent/guardian requests a conference, an appointment should be made for a time when
the teacher is not instructing. Conferences may be held before school, after school, and
during teacher planning time, as scheduled.

Social visits from visitors during the school day will not be allowed. Visitors on campus
are not admitted during the lunch block, unless the visitor is a parent/guardian
visiting for lunch in the designated family lunch area and has been cleared by main
office staff.
Parents/guardians needing to contact their students are requested to go to the main office
for assistance. Students from another school and other visitors are not allowed to visit or
attend classes with enrolled students. The Principal must approve exceptions on a case-
by-case basis.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to make unannounced classroom visits. Please notify
school administration or a main office staff member of your desire to observe in a

All students who are on campus must either be counted present in their first class or must
sign-in through the Office of the Information Specialist; otherwise students are
trespassing. Students who sign-out of school but do not sign-in upon same-day return to
campus are trespassing. Appearance on campus while suspended is trespassing. Anyone
on campus who is not an authorized visitor is trespassing. Any person on campus
after the conclusion of the instructional day and school sponsored activities is trespassing.
Appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action will be taken for trespassing. The school day
ends at 2:30p.m. at Savannah Early College High School, and all students must leave the
campus immediately unless they are part of a supervised, school-sponsored activity.

PTSA – Parent Teacher Student Association
Savannah Early College High School encourages all stakeholders to join and support the
school. PTSA meetings are held monthly at 6:00PM. Membership is $6.00 per person

Choice Program Expectations
Savannah Early College High School students are expected to maintain an 80 or better
overall GPA in all core courses (and a grade of C or better in all college courses) and to
follow the school district’s policies regarding standards of conduct and attendance.

   Meet the minimum sub-scores on the college placement exams
   Complete and pass all courses with a minimum course average of 80 (and a grade of
     C or better in all college courses)
   Adhere to the school district’s and program’s attendance & discipline policies

Savannah Early College High School students are expected to maintain good academic,
behavior, financial, and/or attendance related standing. Students who are not in
compliance with the district’s and school’s academic, behavior, financial, and/or attendance
requirements may be prohibited from participating in extracurricular activities, ceremonies,
and other related special school activities. Savannah Early College High School personnel
will offer rigorous instruction, varied supports, and targeted assistance, as students diligently
work to meet and exceed their specialty program expectations.

Evaluation of Students
GMAS End of Course (EOC) Assessments: GMAS EOC Assessments are required to
assess instruction and student achievement in the areas of 9th Grade Literature and
Composition, American Literature and Composition, GSE Algebra I, GSE Geometry,
Physical Science, Biology, U.S. History, and Economics.

NEXT-GEN/ACCUPLACER: Savannah Early College High School, in conjunction
with the University partner, offers students the opportunity to take the ACCUPLACER to
become eligible to participate in the Dual-Enrollment Program their junior and senior
years of high school. The NEXT-GEN/ACCUPLACER is a suite of computer-adaptive
tests that assesses reading, writing, math, and computer skills. The NEXT-
GEN/ACCUPLACER tests use a multiple-choice format, and there’s no time limit on the
tests. If a student does not pass the required section(s) on the NEXT-
GEN/ACCUPLACER (or SAT/ACT), the student may be dismissed from Savannah
Early College High School or the student’s schedule may be adjusted to an alternative
plan of study.

PSAT and College Entrance Exams: The PSAT/NMSQT is offered each October for
college-bound students in grades 9-11. Information how to register for the SAT-I:
Reasoning, SAT-subject tests, and American College Tests (ACT) are available in the
Counseling Office. SAT/ACT online study programs are accessible in the Counseling Office
and computer lab.
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