Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa

Page created by Norma Maldonado
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Spiritus                                                                         April 2019

                 COHS Youth Communion Bread Baking Workshop on February 23rd,
                    led by Judy Bartholomew. Emily B., Jakob F., and Dorian S.

Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
The Rev. Kathryn Andonian, Rector                                    WORSHIP
The Rev. Johnine Byrer, Deacon                                       Regular Sunday Worship Hours
Ms. Sue Ellen Echard, Director of Music                              September 9, 2018 - June 9, 2019
Ms. Dawn Hunsdorfer, Communications Coordinator                      Holy Eucharist at 8:00 AM (spoken)
Ms. Karen Work, Administrative Coordinator                           Holy Eucharist at 10:15 AM (with music)
Mrs. Angela Shelly, Coordinator of Children's, Youth, and            Child Care is available in the Nursery
Family Ministries and Choral Assistant
Seth Trumbore, Assistant Musician
Mr. Barry Norris, Verger                                          OFFICE HOURS
Mr. Ken Patrick and Mrs. Tina Michener, Vergers                   Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Ms. Megan Sloss, Nursery Staff                                    Friday and Sunday - by appointment only
Mr. Steve Thacker, Sexton
Spiritus is an online magazine in glorious technicolor and with interactive elements! Wherever you see blue text
that is underlined, simply click on the text and it will either open up an email so you can send an email to that
person, or take you to the website that is mentioned.
Spiritus is an extension of the material found on the COHS website, but contains longer stories and articles to
enhance your understanding of life at Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville. For anyone viewing this as a print
magazine, please go to www.churchoftheholyspirit.us/spiritus/ to view the interactive edition.
Spiritus is the monthly magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, PA. If you wish to reproduce an article,
please first email Dawn Hunsdorfer. All content © 2019 Church of the Holy Spirit.
Please submit Spiritus articles via this link: https://goo.gl/forms/bsAfz8rjwFotTbdj2

RECTOR'S CORNER                                                  PASTORAL CARE
3. Rector's Corner                                               15. With God's Help ...
4. Deacon's Voice
                                                                 MUSIC AT COHS
WORSHIP                                                          15. Concert - Ben Andrews, Marimba
5. Lenten Dinner, Discussion, and Devotions
5-7. Holy Week Services                                          ARTS AND SPIRITUALITY
7. Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation                     16. Contemplative Photography Quiet Day

IMAGINING THE FUTURE                                             IN MEMORIAM
8. Feasibility Report Update                                     16. Stella Faust Folk

VESTRY                                                           AROUND THE CHURCH
8-9. Meet our New Members!                                       17. Newcomers, Easter Flower Memorials, Treasure Chest
                                                                 Trailer Pick-Up Days, Crafters Wanted For Fair Day
FINANCE                                                          18. Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Dinner Buffet, COHS
9. Stewardship Update                                            Annual Fair Day and Pie Festival (poster page 23)
CHILDREN, YOUTH,                                                 IN THANKFULNESS
AND FAMILY MINISTRIES                                            18. Seaman's Church Institute Clothing Drive - Thank you
9-10. Youth updates for April, May and June
11. GFS Candy Sale Fundraiser (order form page 22), Calling
                                                                 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS
                                                                 19. Spring Fling Work Day
All Graduates

ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION                                        COHS PHOTO ROUND-UP
                                                                 20. Communion Bread Baking Workshop, Bowling with the
12. Adult Forum, COHS Centering Prayer, Al-Anon Meeting,
Bible Study and Discussion & Brown Bag Lunch
                                                                 21. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Ash Wednesday
13. Spiritual Friends Meditation Group, Men's Spiritual Growth
Group, First Friday Adult Faith Forum, New Testament Study
Continues                                                        ONGOING EVENTS & LINKS
                                                                 20. Links for COHS information & Weekly Events
14. Quotes for Lenten Inspiration and Reflection

Many thanks to all of our photographers who submitted photos.
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
    Jesus did not come to change the mind of God about humanity. It didn’t need changing: God has organ-
    ically, inherently loved what God created from the moment God created. Jesus came to change the
    mind of humanity about God. This sets everything on an utterly positive foundation…God is Love.
    Rather than being sinners in the hands of an angry God, we are inherently and forever loved by God,
    no matter what we do or don’t do. (Richard Rohr*)
    “It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” (Rainier Maria Rilke**)
                                                        Every year, I share the story of my first experience of Holy
                                                        Week in the Episcopal Church. It changed my life. It was
                                                        as if I had found what I had searched for, yearned for, yet
                                                        had already known throughout my whole life. My prayer is
                                                        that you will allow your life to be changed in this holy and
                                                        mysterious experience of Christian faith.
                                                        “Come and see”, he said. We couldn’t say “no.” My hus-
                                                        band, young daughter, and I were new members of a
                                                        vibrant, warm and active Episcopal parish and the rector
                                                        had personally invited us to attend all the services of Holy
                                                        Week. Yes, he knew that it would not be easy for us to
                                                        “give up” so much of our already busy week for church.
                                                        But, he assured us, if we would enter Holy Week with
                                                        open ears and hearts we would hear the stories of our
                                                        faith as if for the first time. He told us we would experi-
                                                        ence in a new way the passion, pain and new life of the
                                                        most holy week in the Christian year. He promised that
                                                        God would speak to us in new ways. “Come and see.”
Well, we couldn’t say “no.”
So, rather reluctantly we said “yes.” And, much to our surprise, as we made the journey from “Hosanna” to
“Crucify him,” from “It is finished” to “He is risen”, God did speak to us in new ways that both affirmed and
changed our lives forever.
Holy Week is the time and place when we, the Christian community, gather to remember the most import-
ant parts of our shared lives with one another - and with God. These are the stories that shape our lives and
make us who we are. Holy Week is a place where time stands still, so that we can hear, see, taste, touch, and
smell the sense of holiness that surrounds us in the recounting of our sacred history.
During Holy Week, we remember that in Jesus, God fully experienced human life and entered death itself,
staggered under its weight and shared its grief. We remember that Jesus truly died - and, then, God undid
the power of death - once and for all. We remember Jesus’ promise that we share in his resurrection. In Holy
Week, we are assured that we have been given a new life in the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. And, we are
sent into the world to share the living presence of Jesus Christ with the world.
So, I invite you to “come and see” the services of Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday,
the Great Vigil of Easter and Easter Day. Yes, I know that it will not be easy for any of us to “give up” so much
of our already busy week for church. But, if we enter Holy Week with open ears and hearts, we will hear the
stories of our faith as if for the first time. We will experience in a new way the passion, pain and new life of
the most holy week in the Christian year. God will speak to us in new ways that will change our lives.
Come and see!
Submitted by The Very Rev. Kathryn Andonian
* https://cac.org/incarnation-instead-atonement-2017-05-31/
** https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/rainer_maria_rilke_147755

Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
DEACON’S VOICE                                            according to Jesus’ teachings in the gospel (Luke 6:
REVOLUTIONARY TEACHINGS                                   27-38) is living the promises we proclaim as part of
                                    Did Jesus get your    our Baptismal Covenant.
                                    attention like He got We declare we will proclaim by word and example
                                    mine? Jesus wants us the Good News of God in Christ. Everything we say
                                    to love our enemies,  and do matters, not only for our well-being, but for
                                    do good to those      all those who we meet in our daily lives. This includes
                                    who hate us, bless    forgiveness of self and other; forgiveness transforms
                                    those who curse us,   us. When we harbor a grudge against another, it only
                                    pray for those who    eats away at us. The other person is not even aware
                                    abuse us. Let’s add   of our hurt.
                                    turning the other     We declare we will seek and serve Christ in all per-
                                    cheek, giving to      sons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. Everyone is
                                    everyone who begs     our neighbor: an enemy, the unlovable, the poor,
                                    from us, lending,     the forgotten, the least, and the lost. Everyone is
                                    expecting nothing in our neighbor. We must be more aware of the people
return, being non-judgmental, and forgiving others.       that surround our daily lives. Maybe we can say a
A long, challenging list, with which we each may          prayer for them. Maybe we can ask them if they need
struggle! Jesus promises that when we demonstrate         help. Maybe we can just listen. Above all we must do
these empathetic and compassionate behaviors, our         something … respond with compassionate empathy.
reward will be great because our God is merciful to       When we open ourselves up to new possibilities of
all His children.                                         being Christ to another human being, it does won-
Circumstances in the lives of Jesus’ followers then       ders for our soul. We receive more than we ever give.
and the circumstances of our lives now have not           At the service of Holy Baptism with words found
changed over the years. Jesus’ words were as revolu- in The Book of Common Prayer, we declare we will
tionary then as they are today. Our society’s culture     strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of
encourages us to be winners not losers, takers not        every human being (https://bcponline.org/Baptism/
givers, guarded not loving. So when we decide to live holybaptism.html ). We each are beloved children
a life centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ, we      of God created in God’s likeness. Each of our life’s
are boldly proclaiming a new way of living.               stories are different; some lives are more traumat-
Gregory Knox Jones, a Presbyterian minister says,         ic and troubling. This fact must not influence our
“Empathy is when you feel what someone else feels. respect for another human being whose life touches
It is seeing the world from the perspective of anoth-     ours. We might not always agree with another’s life
er. It is grasping as fully as possible what someone      choices, but we can respect their decisions. We can
else experiences”*. Jesus shows empathy and com-          only control ourselves. Everyone deserves our respect
passion for those who come to Him seeking healing         no matter who they are. Everyone has something to
of body, mind and soul. Jesus wants us to do likewise. offer.
It may be a challenge because we, for instance, might We can only accomplish all these behaviors with
not know what it feels like to be beaten up, accused      God’s guidance and support. Our reward as God’s
of something we did not do, or abused mentally or         children lies not in what we do ourselves, but rather
physically. Nevertheless, we can listen with an open      what God does through us and with us. God’s over-
heart and hear what the person is saying and possibly whelming grace and guidance can lead us to always
receive a glimpse of what they are feeling. By our        do our best no matter the circumstances. May each
mere presence, the dynamics of the situation might        day of our lives reflect the revolutionary teachings of
be transformed into something new. A perceived            Jesus, the Christ!
enemy may become a friend. Reaching out with com- I remain faithfully,
passionate empathy may open closed doors. We’ll           Your Deacon
never know unless we try.
                                                          Submitted by Deacon Johnine Byrer
So how do we show compassionate empathy for our
family, our coworkers, members of our faith com-           * “Empathy” (Luke 6:27-38) sermon preached by Gregory
munity, or the general public when we get hurt or         Knox  Jones on 11/11/2012 at Westminster Presbyterian Church,
                                                          Wilmington, DE, http://www.wpc.org/uploads/sermons/pdf/
abused or taken advantage of? For me, the only way
I can resolve the world’s demands and live my life

Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
WORSHIP                                                        insights, and practical ways to deepen your spiritual
LENTEN DINNER, DISCUSSION, AND                                 walk.
                                                               * See an Invitation from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at
DEVOTIONS                                                      www.episcopalchurch.org/way-of-love and other resources
The Way of Lent is the Way of Love*                            www.episcopalchurch.org/life-transformed.
When: Thursdays in Lent: April 4 and 11
Time:      6:00 PM Potluck begins
                                                               HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT CHURCH OF
           6:30 PM Discussion begins                           THE HOLY SPIRIT
           8:00 PM Compline                                    SUNDAY, APRIL 14 - SUNDAY, APRIL 21
Where: Parish Hall                                             (Child care is available in the nursery at all services
Childcare will be provided.                                    except for the Easter Vigil.)
                                    The journey                Palm Sunday - with procession of the Palms and an
                                    through Lent into          interpretive reading of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
                                    Easter is a journey        Sunday, April 14
                                    with Jesus. We are         8 and 10:15 AM
                                    baptized into his          Maundy Thursday
                                    life, self-giving,         Thursday, April 18
                                    and death; then,           7:30 PM
                                    we rise in hope to         A service with Footwashing, Meditative Holy Com-
                                    life transformed.          munion, Stripping of the Altar and Prayers.
                                    This Lent, we will
                                    walk with Epis-            Good Friday
                                    copal churches             Friday, April 19
                                    around the coun-           7:30 PM
try as we explore Jesus’ Way of Love and the expe-             With prayers, an interpretive sung presentation of
rience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect          the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and meditation
anew on the loving actions of God as recounted                 at the Cross. Please bring a small cross that you may
in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk           hold during the sermon.
through the depths of salvation history into the full-         Easter Vigil
ness of redemption.                                            Saturday, April 20
These weekly gatherings will tie the Easter Vigil              7:30 PM
readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love.            With the lighting of the Paschal fire and candle, in-
Drawing on the ancient practice of setting aside Lent          terpretive readings of Scripture, Baptism and renewal
as a period of study and preparation for living as a           of Baptismal Vows and Holy Communion.
Christian disciple (known as the catechumenate),               Easter Sunday
we will reflect on salvation history; walk toward the          Sunday, April 21
empty tomb; and embrace the transforming reality               8 AM and 10:15 AM
of love, life, and liberation:                                 Joyful celebration with choirs, handbells, brass and
TURN:           Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ                   Holy Communion; an Easter Egg Hunt for children
                (Romans 6:3-11)                                follows the 10:15 AM service the annual Easter dinner
PRAY:           Israel’s Deliverance at the Red Sea            potluck begins at 1 PM.
                (Exodus 14:10-15:1)
LEARN:          Learn Wisdom and Live
                (Proverbs 8:1-8, 19-21; 9:4b-6)
BLESS:          A New Heart and a New Spirit
                (Ezekiel 36:24-28)
REST:          The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
WORSHIP: The Gathering of God’s People
                 (Zephaniah 3:12-20)
GO:             The Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12)
Join us for thought-provoking conversations, new

Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Holy Week:
                                The Center and Foundation of the Christian Year
                                    …And we shall never be as once we were,
                                     This life will never be what once it was!
                                                Delmore Schwartz
                                    Excerpt from the poem Starlight Like Intuition
                       Pierced the Twelve by Delmore Schwartz in Selected Poems (1938 – 1958):
                                        Summer Knowledge, page 240 (1967).
Holy Week began in fourth-century Jerusalem during an era of interest in early Christian traditions, the
building of new churches in the Holy Land and the influx of pilgrims to Jerusalem for the Easter Vigil. Services
were gradually added, beginning with the two-part Palm Sunday service followed by Maundy Thursday, Good
Friday, the Great Vigil of Easter and the services on Easter Day. During Holy Week we celebrate the drama of
salvation and enter into the mystery of dying and rising again with Jesus Christ.
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
The liturgy of Palm Sunday is in two parts. The first part celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem
at the beginning of the week of his Passion. We hear the gospel account of that event and the priest gives
thanks over the palm branches which we carry outside and back to the church. During the procession we
joyfully sing “Hosanna in the highest” as we enact the event which led directly to Good Friday.
The second part of the service changes from triumph to tragedy as we focus on the suffering and death of Je-
sus. The account of the Lord’s Passion is interpreted, so that we may have a fuller sense of sharing with Jesus
Christ in his redemptive acts of dying and rising for our salvation.
Maundy Thursday
The Maundy Thursday Eucharist celebrates Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and the institution of the sac-
rament of Holy Communion. Jesus gathered with his disciples at Passover, yet the normal joy of the evening
was muted by betrayal, the failure of his friends to understand what he was doing, and his own fear of what
was to come. At his farewell dinner, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet to illustrate the love and ministry which
is central in the life to which he calls us: self-giving love to the point of dying for one’s friends. Jesus defined
his work as a servant among us and gave the commandment (the Medieval English word for commandment
is maundy) that we, like him, must serve others. At the conclusion of the service, we “strip the altar” leaving
it bare and empty for the Good Friday liturgy. Many people spend additional time in mediation by walking on
the labyrinth.
Good Friday
On Good Friday, we hear John’s account in Holy Scripture of Jesus’ trial, suffering, and death. Then we en-
gage in intercessory prayers for the church and for the world. We complete our prayers before a cross, where
we praise Christ for the love which he demonstrated on the cross. You may come forward and stand, kneel
or sit at the cross for a time of prayer or silent reflection. At the end of the liturgy, the church is left in si-
lence and darkness, as we prepare for the final act, which begins at the Great Vigil on Saturday night. It is as
though the church has died and now waits silently to be resurrected out of the baptismal font at the Great
Vigil of Easter. Many people spend additional time in mediation by walking on the labyrinth.
The Great Vigil of Easter
We gather in the darkness of the night on which Jesus rose from the dead. This service is unlike any other
service in the year. It is the Christian Passover feast, in which we celebrate the Passover of Jesus from death
into life and our own pass-over from death into life in Holy Baptism. The service has four parts:
The Service of Light
We gather to kindle a fire to drive away the darkness, and from the new fire a large candle is lighted, called
the paschal candle. From this candle, the people light their own small candles, and the church is filled with
the light of Christ. Then the cantor sings the ancient hymn known as the Exsultet, which praises God for this
night in which the ancient people of Israel were delivered from Egypt at the Red Sea, in which Christ rose

Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
from the dead, and in which we are baptized into his          This article was adapted from multiple sources including: The
death and resurrection.                                       Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the
                                                              Church Year by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incor-
The Vigil                                                     porated, New York, 1998; Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great
We then settle down and read a number of passag-              Fifty Days by Leonel L. Mitchell, Cowley Publications, Boston,
es from the Old Testament which cover the major               1996; and A Triduum Sourcebook I compiled by Joan Halmo and
events of salvation history. After each reading we            Frank Henderson, Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago, 1996.
sing a psalm or hymn and stand for a prayer which             CONFIRMATION, RECEPTION AND
relates the reading to our salvation and our Baptism.         REAFFIRMATION AT THE BISHOP’S
The Celebration of Holy Baptism                               VISIT ON MAY 12
By reminding us of our sacred story, the readings             On Sunday, May 12, retired Suffragan Bishop
have reaffirmed our identity as the people of God,            and current Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of
the Body of Christ. Now we bring others into the              Pennsylvania Rodney Michel will visit Church of
Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism. It           the Holy Spirit. He will preside and preach at both
is in the rising of the newly baptized from the waters        services; he will also preside over the sacrament of
of Baptism that the Resurrection of Christ is re-             Confirmation and the Episcopal actions of Reception
newed in our midst.                                           and Reaffirmation for any person who wishes to
Holy Eucharist                                                make a formal commitment to be a member of the
This is the Eucharist of the year - the one of which          Episcopal Church.
all our other Eucharists are repetitions. In sign and         We have a large group of teenagers who are
Sacrament, holy story and song, the dying and                 preparing for Confirmation, which is a mature
rising of Jesus in the midst of the people is once            affirmation of faith and a part of their pilgrimage
again enacted. Sharing in the holy gifts of the bread         journey. Thank you to the Rev. Carolyn Huff for
and wine, we find ourselves made one with Christ              leading Confirmation preparation for this lively
and rejoice in this foretaste of the glory of God’s           group!
kingdom. We leave rejoicing, “Thanks be to God.               While Confirmation or Reception are not required
Alleluia. Alleluia.”                                          for membership and participation in the parish life
Easter Day and Eastertide                                     of Church of the Holy Spirit, it is required by the
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full         Canons of the Episcopal Church for those who
moon after the Spring (Vernal) Equinox. This is               wish to serve as a member of the Vestry, Member
why Easter is a “moveable feast,” one that falls on           of the Endowment Committee, Diocesan/Deanery
different dates from year-to-year. On the morning             delegate, or a member of a Diocesan Committee;
of Easter Day, we celebrate the Resurrection of               or to be licensed as a Eucharistic Minister (Chalice
Jesus Christ with joyful music, prayers and a festal          Bearer) or Eucharistic Visitor. In recent years, many
Eucharist.                                                    members of COHS who come from various Christian
On this day, we begin Eastertide, which is the oldest         denominations have chosen to deepen their ties and
part of the Church Year. It comes from the fifty-day          commitment to the Episcopal Church in this way.
period in the Jewish calendar, which began with               Baptized persons who have previously received
Passover and concluded with Pentecost (the Greek              confirmation would be Received by the bishop with
term for “fiftieth day”). The Lord’s death and resur-         the words, “We recognize you as a member of the
rection took place at Passover, and its completion            one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we
- the empowering of the apostles by the Holy Spirit           receive you into the fellowship of this Communion.”
- took place on Pentecost. These are the church’s             Baptized persons who are from denominational
original feast days, which in very early times were           traditions that do not have Confirmation would be
both moved to the Sundays following the Jewish fes-           Confirmed, which is a sacrament through which
tivals, because of the early church’s intense reverence       individuals also “receive strength from the Holy
for the first day of the week as the Lord’s Day, the          Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a
Day of Resurrection. Then, as now, every Sunday is            bishop.” Both Confirmation and Reception are rooted
considered to be a celebration of the rising of Christ        in the baptismal covenant and include a commitment
and of the coming of the Holy Spirit - a repetition of        on the part of the congregation to support these
Easter and Pentecost.                                         individuals in their life in Christ.
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
In addition, individuals who have already been                    afford with what we raise, and then consider
Confirmed or Received may choose to Reaffirm                      future phases, while 30% indicated they were
their faith commitment at this time; this may be                  comfortable with a mortgage. This will help the
particularly meaningful for people who have returned              Vestry and Vision Team make better decisions for
to church following a lengthy absence or who wish                 the future of the church.
to share a public affirmation of faith with family or         •   Most significantly one portion of the survey cov-
friends who are being Confirmed or Received.                      ered how much money members of the church
If you are interested in learning more about                      might give to the capital campaign. Nearly 90%
Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation, please                  of those who completed the survey responded
contact Rev. Kathy at your earliest convenience.                  with an amount. Making estimates at the lowest
                                                                  amounts of the ranges, we found that we can
Submitted by The Very Rev. Kathryn Andonian                       raise at least $1-1.2 million. This is a wonderful
                                                                  testament to the strength and support of the
IMAGINING THE FUTURE                                              congregation.
FOLLOWING THE SPIRIT TOGETHER                                 The Vestry and Building Vision Team will be working
THE FEASIBILITY REPORT SHOWS GOOD                             with this information to begin a Capital Campaign
NEWS FOR COHS!                                                and will work with our architect to refine the plans
                                                              for Phase 1. Thank you for participating in this survey
                        Our capital campaign consul-          and thank you for supporting and being a part of this
                        tant, Kirby Smith Associates,         next step in our life as a church community together.
                        recently shared the results of
                        the January Feasibility Report        If you have any questions, please contact Eric Hunt,
                        with the Building Vision Team         Chair, Visioning Committee and Capital Campaign
                        and the Vestry as we contin-          Committee.
                        ue to take steps forward to           Submitted by Eric Hunt
                        resolve our lack-of-space and
parking challenges. This has been a time for us to do         VESTRY
some introspection and learn more about ourselves             INTRODUCING OUR NEW VESTRY
through the outside view of our consultant. As we             MEMBERS!
look around at the many ministries at COHS, at the            At our Annual Parish Meeting on February 24, 2019,
depth and vibrancy of the worship and activities that         the following individuals were voted in as new Mem-
go on throughout the week, we see visible signs of            bers-at-Large:
our call to serve Jesus Christ in action every day.           Mark Johnson and his wife Becky have been
Nearly 70% of our congregation completed the                                               members of COHS
survey, a great response rate for a church of our size!                                    since 2007 when
In some churches as few as 20% of the congregation                                         they moved into the
complete a survey.                                                                         area. Mark works for
                                                                                           FMC Corporation in
The survey showed...
                                                                                           Philadelphia and travels
• Over 95% of the congregation agreed that the
                                                                                           to their production
   plans to expand our space and parking would
                                                                                           facilities around the
   benefit the church and congregation, with anoth-
                                                                                           world to ensure they
   er 4% unsure. Kirby Smith has found that projects
                                                                                           meet all environmental,
   can be successful as long as 2/3 of the congrega-
                                                                                           health and safety
   tion agree; we are well above that!
                                                                                           requirements. He and
• When asked about being able to financially
                                                                                           Becky enjoy outdoor
   support a Capital Campaign, 97% indicated they
                                                                                           activities, visiting
   would support a campaign in some way. Here
                                                                                           family in Texas and
   too, Kirby Smith looks for at least 2/3 of the
                                                                                           looking after their
   congregation to be supportive for a project to be
                                                              four dogs at home. Mark is one of the Ministers of
                                                              the Liturgy and helps with some of the Outreach
• 70% told us we should build whatever we can
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
activities at COHS. He looks forward to the              positively to both – we continued to be blessed by
opportunity to become more involved in the Church        the energy and enthusiasm. As of March 11, 2019,
that has become an important part of their lives.        148 of our pledge families have pledged $423,128!
Urs Schwabe and his wife Karin have been a member We are so grateful for the robust response this year;
                                         of COHS for     this is the closest we have ever been to our budget
                                         17 years along requirements! To meet our operating budget needs,
                                         with their      we need over $9,000 per week in revenue; we are
                                         three children, shy approximately $500 per week at this point.
                                         Danielle,       As you can see, getting more families to actively
                                         Nicholas        pledge support is critical to meeting our stewardship
                                         and Camille.    mission.
                                         He works in     We continue to add parishioners to automated
                                         information     giving. As of the beginning of 2019, nearly 40% are
                                         technology for pledging and giving this way which helps flatten
                                         a Philadelphia- the giving pattern curve out during the year; many
                                         based HVAC/ thanks for this stabilizing trend. Also, our mobile
                                         facilities      phone application from Push Pay, InSpiritu - our
management company. Urs enjoys spending time             own cell phone application - continues to gain in
with his family, traveling, golfing, and cycling. He     popularity. This app provides participants a church
has been involved in many church activities. This        calendar, events notifications, bible readings, and an
includes serving as an usher, a greeter, a volunteer     additional way of giving electronically through their
for various youth programs/fundraisers for the youth cell phones to the general fund or to specific giving
pilgrimage, other church fundraisers (e.g., Fair Day     options. You can get the app from Apple iTunes or
& Pie Festival and Fall Pork Barbecue), plus the Fall    Google Play.
and Spring cleanup days. Urs loves the sense of          If you have not pledged yet for this year, please con-
community at Church of the Holy Spirit and is so         sider an increase. If you have never pledged, please
thankful their children have been able to grow up in     join our growing family of generous givers and make
this wonderful parish.                                   a pledge to support your church. Thank you all from
We would also like to recognize and thank Fran              the Stewardship and Finance teams for your contin-
Gautreau (Member-at-Large) and Jane Griffith                ued financial commitment and generous giving to
(Christian Education) for their contributions to the        Church of the Holy Spirit.
Vestry and congregation of Church of the Holy Spir-         Submitted by Kirk P. Walters
it. They have just completed their 3-year terms.            Stewardship Chair
Submitted by Chris Detweiler
Rector’s Warden                                             CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILY
FINANCE                                                     UPDATES
STEWARDSHIP UPDATE                                          IN APRIL:
GROWTH                                                      06 – Pilgrim’s Community Stream Cleanup Day
Our operational budget at Church of the Holy Spirit         14 - Family Sunday School Footwashing Service
is both a gift from God and a gift to God and is            21 - Easter Egg Hunt following 10:15 AM service
inspired by our congregation’s understanding of who         27 - Dinner Church/Garden Party
we are called to be, and what we are called to do. It       28 - Pilgrim Potluck Dinner
is the foundation of our ministries. Our 2019 Stew-         IN MAY:
ardship campaign has a theme which aligns with our          04 - Spring Children’s, Youth, & Family Picnic (tenta-
upcoming capital campaign: Community in Concert             tive date)
– Giving for Growth. This emphasizes that growth            12 - Confirmation
from an operational standpoint and capital stand-           18 - Fair Day & Pie Festival, Youth Leaders Plenary
point is synergistic – it goes hand in hand.                19 - Dinner Church
Our congregation so far has responded very                  26 - Family Sunday School
Spiritus April 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
IN JUNE:                                                     together to follow the recipe we use at Holy Spirit
02 - Final day of Sunday School                              for Communion bread. Judy showed the kids how to
09 - Recognition of Teachers & Graduates                     do the various techniques required for bread baking,
                                                             explained the concept of rising dough, and helped
Shrove Tuesday/Ashes to Go was a wonderful suc-              them prepare and bake bread together. We had
cess! The youth at COHS and many of their parents            several youth claim to be "professionals" - and they
ran a fruitful fundraiser serving pancakes and other         definitely proved themselves! The bread baked at the
breakfast items to our COHS community members                workshop was then used the following day during
and friends to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, and Rev.            Eucharist when COHS hosted the monthly Diocesan
Kathy gave abbreviated but meaningful lessons on             Youth Dinner Church. There, 30 youth from across
Ash Wednesday following dinner. Many of our youth            the Diocese broke the bread baked by our COHS
and families were able to get their Ash and blessing         youth together.
a day before Lent began, which was convenient and
creative! Many thanks to all who were involved in our        The Diocesan Youth Dinner Church for the month
Shrove Tuesday fundraiser and Ashes to Go lessons,           of March was hosted at Grace Epiphany Episcopal
especially our lead organizer, Karin Schwabe!                Church in Mt. Airy. Several of our COHS youth in
                                                             grades 6-12 attended and participated in dinner,
Several of our older youth had the fun and exciting          discussion, and Eucharist with their peers from
opportunity to go bowling with the Bishop on March           across the Diocese. To support our youth in attend-
9, 2019. Bishop Gutierrez joined the Diocesan youth          ing Diocesan events, or to get your youth involved in
at Wynnewood Lanes for bowling, pizza, and fellow-           attending Diocesan youth events, visit www.diopay-
ship. Fun was had by all!                                    outh.org or contact Angee Shelly. Youth are always
Confirmation classes continue through April and              invited to bring a friend to Dinner Church. We are
May leading up to May 12, when the Rt. Rev. Rodney           looking forward to implementing Bishop Curry’s Way
Michel will visit COHS and assist with Confirming            of Love program into Dinner Church events starting
our youth who have spent the Spring season                   next Fall! The April Dinner Church event will be April
preparing for their Confirmation! The dates for the          27 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Germantown.
remaining Pilgrim Confirmation classes, led by Rev.          The Pilgrims class, our youth grades 8-11, will be
Carolyn Huff, are April 28 and May 12. Any youth             confirmed in May this year. They have been given the
who are unable to attend a confirmation class should         charge to join a ministry at COHS to further sub-
contact their teachers, Maili and Rick, and Rev.             merge themselves into being members of the Church
Carolyn Huff, to arrange for a make-up lesson.               of the Holy Spirit community. We found that many
On February 23, many of our youth grades 6-11                of the youth are interested in joining the bread bak-
attended a bread baking workshop led by Judy                 ing ministry at Holy Spirit. We are truly blessed with
Bartholomew at COHS. The youth were invited                  youth of many talents as well as adults who believe
to spend an afternoon at COHS learning how to                in the youth of COHS!
bake communion bread as the people in our bread              Join us for God’s Children Sing! All children ages
baking ministry at Holy Spirit do every month. The           2-5 and their parents are invited to sing, dance, and
youth split into several teams of three and worked           make music in the end room of Annex 2 with our fun
                                                             and loving teachers, Miss Emily, Miss Karen, and Miss
                                                             Carol, during the regular 9 AM Sunday School hour!
                                                             Get ready to sing songs about God’s world, hear
                                                             stories of the bible, play musical instruments, dance
                                                             to folk music, and more! This class is a fun way for
                                                             our youngest youth friends and their families to be
                                                             introduced to our youth program at COHS and get
                                                             Submitted by Angee Shelly
                                                             Children’s, Youth, & Family Ministries Coordinator,
                                                             Valley Forge Deanery Youth Representative

GIRLS’ FRIENDLY SOCIETY (GFS)                                   How do you place and pick up your order?
                              THE POPULAR GFS                   • Complete the GFS Easter Candy order form by
                              SPRING EASTER                       the April 7 deadline (copies and envelopes are
                              CANDY SALE IS BACK!                 available in the Narthex).
                              Are you looking for               • Include advance payment - cash or check made
                              delicious and distinctive           out to COHS (write “GFS Easter Candy Sale” on
                              Easter candies? The                 the memo line).
                              Girls’ Friendly Society           • Place the form and payment in an envelope in
                              can help! The girls will            Amy Newman’s COHS mail box #145.
                              be making a variety               • Pick up your order after the 10:15 AM church ser-
                              of handmade candies                 vice on April 14 (Palm Sunday).
                              that are attractive,              This major Spring fundraising event supports COHS
                              mouthwatering, and                GFS Branch activities. Please encourage your friends
reasonably priced:                                              and family to support the worthy causes of GFS.
•    Large Easter egg – choice of milk, dark, or white          Thank you!
     chocolate                                                  Submitted by Amy Newman, GFS Branch Advisor
•    Other eggs: peanut butter or coconut cream
                                                                610-764-9518, amy_newman18@yahoo.com
•    Easter bunny - choice of milk, dark, or white
     chocolate – large or small                                 The Girls’ Friendly Society is a parish-based, “international, not-
•    Other Easter bunnies - choice of milk, dark, or            for-profit organization for girls and women… aimed at develop-
     white chocolate: Stand up bunny with a jelly               ing the whole person through a program of worship, service to
•     bean filled egg or jelly bean bunny                       others, study, and recreation designed to empower girls and to
•    Lollipops – a choice of milk, dark, or white choco-        help them grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritual-
     late - in the shape of a cross or a chick.                 ly” (Source: gfspa.org).

    If yes, we would like to hear from you! Graduates will be recognized in church on Sunday, June 9 and in
    the July issue of Spiritus with a short description and photo. Please email the following information to
    Karin Schwabe by Wednesday, May 29.
    High school: (Your name) graduated from (school name) and will be attending (name of college or line
    of work) majoring in (insert if known). Optional: Add 2-3 more sentences with information the graduate
    would like to share with the community.
    College: (Your name) graduated from (school name) with a major in (field) and plans to (line of work or
    continue education). Optional: Add 2-3 more sentences with other information the graduate would like
    to share with the community.
    Photos: Casual pictures. NOTE: If you plan to use the yearbook picture, know that either the school or
    the photographer owns the copyright to it. To comply with copyright law, you will need to obtain writ-
    ten permission, identify the photographer and/or studio, and forward it along with the photo (see year-
    Thank you!
    Submitted by Karin Schwabe

ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION                                     Frankhouser, a Certified Centering Prayer Presenter.
ADULT FORUM                                                   Questions or to sign up, please contact Eric @ 267-
When: Sunday mornings                                         261-3512 or frankgen6@gmail.com.
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM                                         Submitted by Eric Frankhouser
Where: Parish Hall                                            AL-ANON
APRIL                                                         When: Fridays
07 Reclaiming Jesus During Holy Week: The Very                Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Rev. Kathy Andonian                                           Where: COHS Meeting Room
Holy Week is the most sacred week of the year
for Christians. It is our center and foundation with
beautiful worship that invites us into a journey of
discovery and experiences that may be life-and-faith-
changing. Come and learn about the history, tradi-
tions, and contemporary experience of Holy Week
and the ways you may participate and be spiritually   If you have, or have had, a family member, friend,
transformed.                                          fellow workers, or anyone close to you whose drink-
14 No Adult Forum – Palm Sunday                       ing or drug use is affecting or troubling you, Al-Anon
                                                      Family Group, Path to Peace, meets every Friday, 10
21 No Adult Forum – Easter                            - 11 AM. Come in the front door. Al-Anon is a 12-step
28 “A History of Christianity: The First Three Thou- program for people affected by someone else’s drink-
sand Years” by Diarmaid MacCulloch                    ing or drug use and gives hope even if the drinker
In this Adult Forum we continue viewing the next      still drinks or the addict still uses. We find we are not
installment from the DVD: “A History of Christianity: alone. As we work the steps together, our focus on
The First Three Thousand Years” by Diarmaid Mac-      the addiction loses its power to take over our minds
Culloch.                                              and our lives. We learn how to regain a healthier,
                                                      wiser, more serene life. Al-Anon shows us a Path to
Submitted by Barb Broadbent                           Peace.
WEEKLY/BI-WEEKLY GROUPS                                       Your questions are welcome. Contact: Judy Morice,
COHS CENTERING PRAYER GROUP                                   jemorice@gmail.com, call or text 267-733-7431.
When: Wednesdays
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 PM                                          Submitted by Judy Morice
Where: Eric Frankhouser’s home                                BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION AND BROWN
You are invited to the COHS Centering Prayer                  BAG LUNCH
Group! Centering Prayer is called many things, such           When: Second and Fourth of Tues. Every Month
as The Prayer of Listening; The Quiet Prayer; Con-            Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM
templative Prayer; The Prayer of Relationship; The            Where: COHS Parish Hall
Healing Prayer, among others. Are you interested in                                    Brown Bag Bible
Centering Prayer? Are you practicing Center Prayer?                                    Study meets on the
If you don't have any idea what Centering Prayer is,                                   second and fourth
do you want to find out? Then join us as we explore                                    Tuesdays of each
a centuries old method, rooted in Christian tradition,                                 month. Gatherings
of deepening our relationship with God, both in our                                    provide the opportu-
prayer life and into our everyday life!                                                nity to explore and
We gather weekly on Wednesdays, from 4:00 - 5:30                                       discuss the appointed
PM. Our gatherings include Centering Prayer ses-                                       Scripture readings for
sions, as well as videos related to Centering Prayer,                                  the upcoming Sunday
and lively discussion. Participation is not a weekly                                   services.
commitment; come as you are able. The only pre-
requisite is a desire to explore or share Centering           Submitted by Jan Boggess
Prayer in community. We gather at the home of Eric

MONTHLY GROUPS                                                 discuss our latest readings, and explore whatever else
SPIRITUAL FRIENDS MEDITATION GROUP                             comes our way. Come join us! Contact Eric (frank-
(MONDAYS)                                                      gen6@gmail.com, 267-261-3512) for more information
When: Monday, April 1                                          or to RSVP.
Time: 7:00 PM                                                  Submitted by Eric Frankhouser
Where: Hobie Simms’ Cottage
                                                               FIRST FRIDAY ADULT FAITH FORUM (FRIDAYS)
All are welcome to attend! No previous experience is
                                                               Interview with Eckhart Tolle
necessary. Leave refreshed and relaxed.
                                                               When: Friday, April 5
Meetings begin with listening to Gregorian Chants to           Time: 6:00 PM potluck dinner
“let go” and focus our intention on God’s presence,                         6:30 PM Interview
followed by listening to a guided meditation, periods                       7:20 PM Discussion
of silent reflection, and sharing as The Spirit leads.         Where: Parish Hall
Meetings usually occur on the first Monday of the                                                        Eckhart Tolle, the
month at 7 PM. However, when holidays occur on                                                           author of “the
the first Monday, meetings are moved to the second                                                       Power of Now”
week. For questions, contact Hobie Simms at hobart-                                                      and “The New
simms@hotmail.com.                                                                                       Earth”, in a recent
Submitted by Hobart Simms                                                                                interview discuss-
                                                                                                         es concepts in his
                                                                                                         books including the
                                                                                                         egoic mind, individ-
When: Thursday, April 4
                                                                                                         ual and collective
Time: 7:00 PM
                                                                                                         consciousness as
Where: Eric Frankhouser’s home
                                                                                                         they relate to the
Once a month, men of all ages gather to share our
                                                                                                         recent political
journeys and explore ways to grow ever deeper in                Photo source: https://binged.it/2QQhJsd divide in our nation.
our relationship with God as found in community,
                                                                                                        He believes that the
personally, and through any aspect of our lives. We
                                                               division resulting from the 2016 election has provided
do this by reflecting on and sharing any part of our
                                                               a challenge of higher consciousness and the taming
lives that has our attention, from the sorrowful to
                                                               of the Ego whose primal nature is to construct “an
the joyful, the exciting to the peaceful, the simple to
                                                               enemy” or view people who are different as a threat
the magnificent. This sharing is often done through
                                                               and “the other”. (See http://www.miltonssecret.
story-telling of our journey, as well as through book
                                                               com/about-eckhart-tolle/.) Join us to hear Eckhart
and related study, and how the topics are pertinent
                                                               Tolle provide his encouraging insights.
to our life and therefore to our relationship with
God. Our next gathering will be Thursday, April 4,             Submitted by Hobart Simms
7PM at the home of Eric Frankhouser, where we will

When: Tuesdays, April 2 and April 9
Time: 6:00 PM potluck dinner
Where: Church of the Holy Spirit
Bible scholars!!! The Study of the New Testament continues. All are welcome
to attend. Join us at 7:00 PM on Tuesday nights.
The series will conclude on April 9. For questions, contact Rev. Marge Dean at
Submitted by Rev. Marge Dean                                                                     Permission granted by
                                                                                              Universal Church Directories

FEATURE                                                     Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: “The most beautiful people
QUOTES FOR LENTEN INSPIRATION                               we have known are those who have known defeat,
AND REFLECTION                                              known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and
As Rev. Kathy said earlier in this issue, we use the        have found their way out of those depths” (www.
time of Lent “to study and prepare for living as a          brainyquote.com/search_results?q=suffering).
Christian disciple”. The quotes below may be sup-           Michelle Obama: “You may not always have a com-
portive as we reflect on the quality and direction          fortable life and you will not always be able to solve
of our lives, how we can learn to more effectively          all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever
respond to the challenges encountered, and inspire          underestimate the importance you can have because
us to embrace God more fully going forward. “For            history has shown us that courage can be contagious
I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,        and hope can take on a life of its own” (www.brainy-
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans            quote.com/search_results?q=hope).
to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 New           Max Lucado: “A season of suffering is a small assign-
International Version*).                                    ment when compared with the reward. Rather than
Jesus Christ: “Do not let our hearts be troubled.           begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And
Trust in God; trust also in me.”                            most of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God” (www.
“I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; search,     brainyquote.com/search_results?q=suffering).
and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened       Reinhold Niebuhr: “God grant me the serenity to
for you.”                                                   accept the things I cannot change, the courage to
“For God so loved the World that he gave his only           change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the
Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish         difference.”
but have eternal life.”                                     “Forgiveness is the final form of love.” (www.brainy-
“And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end        quote.com/authors/reinhold_niebuhr)
of time.”                                                   Norman Vincent Peale: “Change your thoughts and
(www.brainyquote.com/authors/jesus_christ)                  you change the world” (www.brainyquote.com/top-
St. Francis of Assisi: “Start by doing what’s neces-
sary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are         “Four things for success: work and pray, think and
doing the impossible.”                                      believe” (www.brainyquote.com/authors/norman_
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where
there is hatred, let me sow love.”                          Raier Maria Rilke: “This is the miracle that happens
                                                            every time to those who really love: the more they
“For it is in giving that we receive.”                      give, the more they possess” (www.brainyquote.
(www.brainyquote.com/authors/francis_of_assisi)             com/authors/rainer_maria_rilke).
Helen Keller: “The best and most beautiful things           Dietrich Bonhoeffer: “Gratitude changes the pangs
in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they          of memory into a tranquil joy.”
must be felt with the heart” (www.brainyquote.              “The essence of optimism is that it takes no account
com/topics/inspirational).                                  of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full   vitality and hope where others have resigned; it en-
of the overcoming of it” (www.brainyquote.com/              ables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future
search_results?q=suffering).                                for himself and not abandon it to his enemy.”
Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget         (www.brainyquote.com/search_results?q=bonhof-
what you said, people will forget what you did, but         fer).
people will never forget how you made them feel”            Buddha: “What we think, we become” (www.brainy-
(www.brainyquote.com/authors/maya_angelou).                 quote.com/authors/buddha).
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to    Submitted by Louise Beebe
thrive; and do so with some passion, some compas-
                                                         * www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremi-
sion, some humor, and some style” (www.brainy-
spirational).                                        14
PASTORAL CARE                                                   variation of the Reiki principles, inserting “with God’s
WITH GOD’S HELP …                                               help.”
                                      When asked to             1. Just for today, with God’s help, I will not be angry.
                                      write an article             Note, for this one I also add, “Just for today, with
                                      about my prayer              God’s help, I will not anger anyone.
                                      practices, I was          2. Just for today, with God’s help, I will not worry.
                                      somewhat con-             3. Just for today, with God’s help, I will be grateful.
                                      cerned because            4. Just for today, with God’s help, I will work hard
                                      I do not feel                and honestly.
                                      that I have a             5. Just for today, with God’s help, I will be kind to
                                      regular/special              every living thing. Amen. *
                                      prayer practice.          I may have to repeat these five principles multiple
                                      As with most              times throughout the day. They help me to live life
                                      people, I find            one day at a time, while providing care for myself
                                      myself praying            and those I meet.
                                      at various times
                                      throughout the            Submitted by Tori Greenover
                                      day.                      *www.spiritteaching.com/reiki%20healing.html
                                       Growing up in            MUSIC AT COHS
a Roman Catholic family, my parents taught me to
                                                                CONCERT – BEN ANDREWS, MARIMBA
pray using the formal prayers - The Lord’s prayer,
                                                                When: Saturday, April 27
Prayer to my Guardian Angel, etc. They also encour-
                                                                Time: 7:00 PM
aged me to talk to God using my own words. Thus,
                                                                Where: COHS
praying spontaneously comes easy for me. It is like
                                                                Free will offering and reception to follow.
Jesus and I are sitting on a bench on a sunny day
having a nice (and at times, not so nice) conversation.
Yes, having a conversation, speaking and listening. It
is the listening part that seems to be the hardest.
So, how and for what do I pray? My prayers are very
simple. They include asking for guidance, for healing
and for help for those in need (including myself).
Mostly, my prayers are those of gratitude. My favor-
ite places for praying during the day are while walk-
ing on the beach, in a park, and while driving alone.
Over the last several years, my experience of God
and God’s loving compassion has really expanded. I
believe that God’s Divine DNA resides in everyone
and everything. This is due in part to practicing Reiki,
a hands-on healing method, meditation, and other
spiritual and healing methodologies.                                          Source: BenAndrewsMusic.com

In the evening, I give thanks for all I experienced
                                                                “Ben Andrews is an award-winning drummer, per-
throughout the day, for the lessons learned and to
                                                                cussionist, and educator based in Nashville, Ten-
be learned, and asking for forgiveness for any mis-
                                                                nessee. He started playing drums at age 10, and has
takes I made. My morning prayers consist of giving
                                                                since played in chamber groups and bands around
thanks for my spouse, Rona, and my family. I also
                                                                the world. He’s shared the stage with artists such
give thanks for the gifts that the Divine provides to
                                                                as Chubby Checker, Matt Maher, Rachael Lampa,
us that we need to survive and to serve others - for
                                                                David Dunn, Kyle Kupecky, Will Stoltz, Michael Bur-
the sun, the air, rain/snow, trees, plants and flow-
                                                                ritt, Chris Deviney, and others. In 2014, he won the
ers, minerals, etc., for those who grow the food and
                                                                Wilmington Store Finals for Guitar Center’s “Drum-
craft what we use - and for our leaders. I also say a
Off.” In the classical realm, he’s won multiple concer-        that’s fully attentive. As we become more open to
to competitions, including the National Collegiate             appreciating the beauty that is all around us, we also
Solo Competition hosted by the United States Army              become more aware of the Creator’s presence here
Band. Ben has also served as principal percussionist           with us, at work in our lives.
and principal timpanist with the Nashville Philhar-            This quiet day led by The Rev. Catherine D. Kerr will
monic Orchestra. He graduated as the Presser Schol-            offer time for taking pictures, reflecting on them, and
ar (equivalent to valedictorian) from West Chester             sharing them with the group. We’ll be free to roam
University in December 2014 with degrees in Music              both inside and around the grounds of Church of the
Education and Percussion Performance.”                         Holy Spirit in Harleysville.
You can read the full excerpt at Ben’s website at              No particular photographic skill is required to partic-
benandrewsmusic.com. Click here (benandrewsmu-                 ipate. Bring the equipment you feel comfortable us-
sic.com/video) to watch a performance with the U.S.            ing. A camera and laptop are good if you have them,
Army Band. Photo source BenAndrewsMusic.com.                   but a cell phone camera is also fine. This isn’t an art
Submitted by Sue Ellen Echard                                  class, but rather an exercise in seeing the world with
                                                               open eyes and an open heart. Artists who feel more
ARTS AND SPIRITUALITY                                          comfortable working in another medium are also
CONTEMPLATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY                                      welcome to participate. Bring your sketchbook, wa-
QUIET DAY –                                                    tercolors, or whatever art supplies you prefer.
MAKING PICTURES AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE                        Rev. Cathy, who never leaves home without a cam-
Mark Your Calendar!                                            era, is a writer, a spiritual director, and retired rector
Date: Saturday, June 15                                        of Good Shepherd Church in Hilltown. Her photog-
Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM                                       raphy has been included at a number of art shows
Where: COHS                                                    near her home in New Hope.
Bring your own lunch; drinks will be provided.
                                                               Please contact Ruth Konrad if you have any ques-
Contemplative photography - making pictures as a               tions after the 10:15 AM service or email at papermill-
spiritual practice - isn’t about learning to take good         farm@gmail.com.
photos, but rather about learning to see in a way
                                                               Submitted by Ruth Konrad and The Rev. Cathy Kerr

IN MEMORIAM                                                                                        and twice monthly
STELLA FAUST FOLK                                                                                  Brown Bag Bible
       “Depart, O Christian soul, out of this world;                                               Study.
 In the Name of God the Father Almighty who created                                                She was a deeply
                           you;                                                                    spiritual, outspoken,
     In the Name of Jesus Christ who redeemed you;                                                 curious, empathetic,
   In the Name of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you.                                              and energetic person
            May your rest be this day in peace,                                                    who loved music
   and your dwelling place in the Paradise of God.*”                                               (and traveled as a
Sadly, and very unexpectedly, Stella passed into glory                                             “roadie” to Bristol,
on the evening of Sunday, March 10 with family at                                                  England with the
her side. Her Memorial Service was held on Saturday,                                               choir), traveling with
March 16 with special music sung by the choir and                                                  friends, asking ques-
attended by many friends and family.                                                               tions, and spending
                                                                                                   time with her church
Stella was a long-time foundational part of the                                                    family, her sons and
COHS community who served in various capacities                      Permission granted by         their families. Stella
over the years, including Clerk of the Vestry. She                Universal Church Directories   especially loved to
was an active participant in the Education for Min-                                              dance!
istry (EfM) program since its inception - and loved            She will be missed very much.
it so much she continued in EfM after graduating               * Book of Common Prayer, 1979, #464, A Commendation (bcp-
two years ago. Stella frequently attended the EN-              online.org/PastoralOffices/death.html)
CORE and First Friday Adult Faith Forum programs
AROUND THE CHURCH                                               EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS
                                    COHS welcomes
                                    Terry (from Kane,
                                    PA) and Joyce (from
                                    Astoria, OR). They
                                    met in Eugene,
                                    Oregon where he
                                    served on the facul-
                                    ty of the University
                                    of Oregon and she
                                    worked at US Na-
                                    tional Bank. They
                                    have three children,
                                    six grandchildren,
                                    and two great
                                    grandchildren. They
                                    are both “congeni-
tal Lutherans” - their son is a Lutheran minister in St.        Please consider donating Easter flowers as a memo-
Louis, Missouri - but they chose St. Peter’s Episcopal          rial of thanksgiving to help beautify the sanctuary
Church when they retired to Lewes, Delaware in                  during the Easter season. After Easter we will plant
2001. In 2017, they moved to the Souderton Menno-               the bulbs and plants on the church property so that
nite Home to be near daughter Julie and her husband             their beauty can be enjoyed for years to come. How-
Bill who live near Green Lane. Upon moving, they                ever, if you would like to take a plant home with you
followed their Rector’s recommendation to attend                or give it to a shut-in, you are welcome to do so.
Church of the Holy Spirit in Harleysville.                      The suggested donation is $25. You may fill out a
So here they are and we’re really happy for them to             form on-line or use the paper forms available in the
be here!                                                        Narthex. Forms should be into the office by April 7.
Submitted by Kathy Clipp                                        Submitted by Lynn Bingaman

When: Sundays April 7, April 28, and May 12
Time: 8 AM – 12 noon
Where: COHS Parking Lot
The Fair Day and Pie Festival is scheduled for Saturday, May 18.
The O’Connells will have their trailer at church to pick up your
gently used flea market donations on the above four dates.
Clothing and furniture are excluded. Thank you for supporting
the Treasure Chest!
Submitted by Cindy O’Connell
Registration is open for Crafters and Vendors for the Annual
COHS Fair Day and Pie Festival to be held Saturday, May 18 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Click here to read
about the event and register!!
Submitted by Cindy O’Connell

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