Page created by Jorge Roberts
            A N N W O M E R B E N J A M I N , M AY O R

     SPRING 2019

w w w. a u r o r a o h . c o m / p a r k s • 3 3 0 . 5 6 2 . 4 3 3 3
Table of Contents
                                       Preschool & Youth..............................................................................1-2
                                       Summer Camps.................................................................................3-6
                                       Exercise/Yoga.................................................................................. 9-10
       Walker Building                 Special Interest...................................................................................11
    129 West Pioneer Trail             Seniors........................................................................................... 13-16
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
    Main: (330) 562-4333
     Fax: (330) 995-9154                                         SPRING / SUMMER
      Department Contacts                                     • COMMUNITY EVENTS •
         Laura Holman
            Director                 May 17         12th Annual Aurora Youth Track Meet @AHS Stadium 6pm-8pm
        (330) 562-4333                              Ages 2-12, Events include 50m, 100m, 200m, 4 x 100 relay, 800m, field
     holmanl@auroraoh.com                           events and other track and field events
          Cyndi Allen                May 18         Spring Perennial Swap and Plant Sale @ Moebius Nature Center
    Administrative Assistant                        SALE begins 11am-2pm and may include small trees, perennials, annuals
        (330) 995-9150
                                                    and vegetables. SWAP starts promptly at noon arrive early and have plants
                                                    labeled by 11:45am. Bring a plant and take a plant swap, will end at 1pm.
          Bill Fellenstein           May 27         Memorial Day Parade begins @ Veterans Memorial at 9:30am
        Parks Coordinator
                                                    Parade then follows route on 306 to route 43 then to the cemetery.
                                     June 5         Summer Concert Series @ Veterans Memorial 6:30-8:30p
           Nick Miller                              Chardon Polka Band, Free event, bring the whole family
  Field & Grounds Coordinator
     millern@auroraoh.com            June 8         Fishing Derby @ Sunny Lake Park 9am-11am fishing competition, 11am-
                                                    12pm awards and refreshments. All ages, see city of Aurora website for
       Christine Twarek                             additional information.
Community Education Coordinator
       (330) 995-9152                June 19        Summer Concert Series @ Veterans Memorial 6:30-8:30p
    twarekc@auroraoh.com                            Band TBD, Free event, bring the whole family
          Ed Poremba                 June 21        Go Skateboarding Day @ Kiwanis Moore Park 1-3p
       Sports Coordinator                           Event sponsored by Martini Skate and Snow, contests, giveaways open to all
        (330) 995-9153                              ages and all skill levels.
                                     July 3         Drive In Movie - Details to follow
        Colleen Martin
      Senior Coordinator             July 4         Independence Day 5k Fun Run and 1 Mile @ Bicentennial Park Gazebo
       (330) 995-9148                               7am registration, 8am 1 mile, 8:30am
                                     July 4         Independence Day Parade from Barrington Town Square to Kiwanis Moore
         Tina Gerber                                Park begins at 11:00am
 Community Events Coordinator
       (330) 995-9149                July 4         Independence Day Festival @ Kiwanis Moore Park 12p-3p
                                     July 4         Post Road - Modern Country band to perform 7:30pm-9:30pm @ Kiwanis
          Ben Askren                                Moore Park Pavilion (approximate time)
        (330) 760-3971               July 4         Independence Day Fireworks @ Aurora W. Pioneer Trail Ball Fields
    askrenb@auroraoh.com                            Approximately 9:45pm
                                     July 17        Summer Concert Series @ Veterans Memorial Park 6:30-8:30pm Band TBD,
  Looking to become more                            Free event, bring the whole family
 connected or informed with
       Parks & Rec?                  July 31        Summer Concert Series @ Veterans Memorial Park 6:30-8:30pm Band TBD,
                                                    Free event, bring the whole family
       Like us on Facebook
                                     August 6       National Night Out and Truck and Tractor Night - Explore Life Flight, Trucks,
       Follow us on Twitter                         Fire Trucks and Tractors. Meet Aurora Police, Firefighters, Service and Parks
                                                    Staff! Food, games and inflatables
Learn to Rollerskate: Parent/Child                                 After School Art

                                                                                                                                      PRESCHOOL & YOUTH PROGRAMS
(Ages 2 - 5)                                                       (Grades 1 - 5)
Kids and their parents will have fun while learning to skate!      Does your child enjoy drawing or creating things? Could
The first five weeks will be instructional and the sixth week      you use an extra hour of quality fun activities for your child
students will have a fun time skating, with a chance to show       after school at their school? Join our art class! Projects are
their family and friends what they’ve learned. Students can        designed to teach art concepts or introduce famous artists,
use inline or roller skates.                                       explore art media, encourage creativity and often incorporate
Instructor: Allison Kindlesparker, Pro Skater                      other disciplines like science and social studies. We have a
                                                                   lot of fun learning! Class size limited register asap!
6 Classes         Wednesdays
                                                                   Instructor: Mrs. June Lucal, licensed visual art Educator
#2019.003         Apr. 10 – May 15      1:30 - 2:15 p.m.
                                                                   Grades 1 - 2     Wednesdays            3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $58
                                                                   #2019.063        May 1 – 15
Location: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink,
            7151 South Main St., Chagrin Falls                     Fee: $34 (includes supplies)
                                                                   Location: Craddock School

                                                                   Grades 3 - 5    Fridays               3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Beginner Inline and Roller Skating                                 #2019.064       May 10 – 24
(Grades K - 5)                                                     Fee: $34 (includes supplies)
Kids will have fun while learning to skate! The first five weeks   Location: Leighton Science Lab
will be instructional and the sixth week students will have
a fun time skating, with a chance to show their family and
friends what they’ve learned. Students can use inline or roller
Instructor: Allison Kindlesparker, Pro Skater                      Mad Science
6 Classes         Wednesdays
#2019.006         Apr. 10 – May 15      4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
                                                                   From Magic and Movies to Electrons
Fee: $58
                                                                   & Energy!
Location: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink
                                                                   (Grades K - 5)
           7151 South Main St., Chagrin Falls                      Ever wonder how movie effects are made? How about the
                                                                   science (yes, science!) behind a magician’s tricks? Find
                                                                   out the answers to both plus explore static and electrical
                                                                   energy including a very hair-raising experience. Last but not
Beginning Taekwondo                                                least, learn how your nose helps you taste and explore the
(Pre-K - 4)                                                        chemistry of your food!
This program is designed to introduce children to the sport of     Class topics include:
Taekwondo. Taekwondo is defensive martial arts from Korea          Current Events – Light up light bulbs and make bells ring as
that focuses on discipline, concentration, respect, balance        you explore the world of circuits and electricity.
and coordination. Students should expect to have fun while
learning basic kicking and punching techniques as well as          Kitchen Chemistry – Is it a carbohydrate or a protein? Use
beginning self-defense.                                            chemistry to find out what’s inside the foods you eat.
The session will run for 6 weeks with students attending 2         Movie Effects – Discover the behind the scenes secrets of
classes (of their choice) per week. Instructor: Grand Master       how special effects in movies are created!
Kwon, World Champion and U.S. National Team Coach 6                Science of Magic - Unlock the secrets of the science behind
classes                                                            magic tricks just like Houdini!
6 Weeks                                                            Tantalizing Taste – The nose knows! Develop a taste for
#2019.088       Mon. – Fri.          May 6 - June 15               science in this flavorful class.
                Mon., Wed. Fri.      5 - 5:45 p.m.                 Watts Up? – The sparks will fly as we explore static electricity
                Tues., Thurs.        6 - 6:45 p.m.                 with our Van de Graff generator.
                Or                                                 Leighton:        Tuesdays
                Mon. – Fri.          7 - 7:45 p.m.                 #2019.104        Apr. 9 –May 14       3:35 - 4:35 p.m.
Fee: $99 includes free uniform                                     Craddock:        Wednesdays
Location: World Champion Taekwondo, 306 Aurora                     #2019-105        Apr. 10 – May 15     3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Commons                                                            Miller:          Thursdays
                                                                   #2019-106        Apr. 11 – May 16     3:40 - 4:40 p.m.
                                                                   Fee: $94

                            www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
                             (Grades 1 - 5)
                             Through yoga we facilitate a fun and engaging atmosphere
                             for young girls to not only understand the physical needs
                             of their body, but to also receive crucial emotional and
                             mentally focused training. This program provides benefits in                                freedom
                             every aspect of development and promotes establishing a                                   greyhound
                             collective of young girls who learn they can do anything when                                 rescue
                             they work together. We encourage a fun and healthy lifestyle
                             through activities that create a team of unstoppable young                                 of Aurora
                             women! (visit www.R2Cprograms for more info)
                             Grades 1 - 2     Fridays                                                         FREEDOM RUN 5K
                             #2019.096        Apr. 12 – May 17      3:15 - 4:45 p.m.                        & 1.75 Mi. MUTT STRUT
                             Fee: $95                                                                    Sponsored by Aurora Veterinary Clinic
                             Location: Craddock Elementary School                                         Saturday June 1 - Reg. 7:30am
                                                                                                            Both races start at 8:30am
                             Grades 3 - 5   Wednesdays                                                  Race Location: SUNNY LAKE PARK
                             #2019.096      Apr. 10 – May 15   3:30 - 5:00 p.m.                           $20 pre-reg. (www.active.com)
                             Fee: $95                                                                             $25 day of race
                                                                                                                $25 virtual runners*
                             Location: Leighton Elementary School                                       Leashed dogs welcome/both races
                                                                                                 Must register by 5/15/19 to guarantee t-shirt size
                                                                                                          Pup-packs/participating dogs
                                                                                                    PANCAKES IN THE PARK
                                                                                                    KIWANIS-MOORE PARK
                                                                                                                  35 W. Pioneer Trail
                                                                                                           Sundays (56/23, 7/14, 8/11)
                                                                                                         Donation: $6 adults; $4 kids 3-10 yrs.
                                                                                                                 2 yrs. & under free!
                                                                                                              Families/Dogs welcome!
                                                                                             *For more information to adopt or foster a greyhound:
                                                                                                   Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora
                                                                                                    From track, to house, to loving home.....
                                                                                                          PO. Box 912, Aurora, OH 44202
                                                                                                                   Like us on Facebook

                                                                     City of Aurora Administration
                                  Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin                        Law Department                     Planning, Zoning & Building
                                        330-995-9126                            Dean DePiero, Director                         Division
                                    mayor@auroraoh.com                             330-995-9160                        Denise Januska, Director
                                                                               depierod@auroraoh.com                        330-562-9564
                                  Economic & Entrepreneurial
                                         Development                             Parks and Recreation
                                      Jack Burge, Director                      Laura Holman, Director                    Police Department
                                        330-995-8867                                330-562-4333                           Brian Byard, Chief
                                     burgej@auroraoh.com                        holmanl@auroraoh.com                        330-562-8181
                                      Finance Department                       Personnel/Chief of Staff
                                       Tim Clymer, Director                    Karen Aldredge, Director                   Service Department
                                         330-995-9106                               330-562-6390                          Harry Stark, Director
                                     clymert@auroraoh.com                      aldredgek@auroraoh.com                        330-995-9116
                                        Fire Department
                                       David Barnes, Chief
                                                         Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
Try Sewing! Make PJ Pants                                          Dare to Draw

                                                                                                                                     SUMMER CAMPS
(Ages 9 & up)                                                      (Ages 9 - 16)
Here’s your chance to learn (or brush up on) how to use            Do you like to draw? Want some tips and practice for
a sewing machine by making a pair of pajama pants for              improving? Come try a variety of fun, creative drawing
yourself or someone you care about! It’s fun and rewarding         lessons and exercises which will give young artists new
to have a finished product to show for all your effort, too! If    ways of seeing and opportunities to practice, all guided by
there is time left over, students may make another small           a licensed art teacher. Two to four drawings/projects are
project with scraps, like doll PJ pants, a pillow, or a simple     planned for each day, and supplies are provided. The goal is
stuffed animal. Since Home Economics is not part of the            improvement, and the various skill levels of students will be
public school curriculum any more, this is a great opportunity     accommodated. Just bring an open mind!
to gain some practical skills. Class sizes are kept small                          Monday – Friday
for closer guidance. Please bring your own sewing machine
in good working order or rent one from the instructor for          #2019.095       Aug. 5 - 9           8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
$15. You also need to bring your own prewashed flannel or          Fee: $110 (includes supplies)
cotton fabric (1 to 2-3/4 yards, depending on size), matching      Location: Aurora High School
thread, elastic and basic sewing tools (contact the instructor     Please bring a water bottle and your own snack if you want
for details when you sign up.) The pattern will be provided.       one.
Recommended for age 9 and up (grown-ups welcome, too.)
Sign up soon while space is available!
(please register by Friday, July 26 at 3 p.m.)
                 Monday & Tuesday                                  Arts & Crafts Camp
#2019.090        July 29 & 30           12:30 - 3:30 p.m.          (Ages 7 - 12)
Fee: $59 (NEW LOW PRICE!)                                          Just want a few hours a day of unstructured “making stuff”?
                                                                   During this week of summer fun, kids will have opportunities
Location: Aurora High School                                       to create lots of typical camp arts and crafts like sun prints,
If student is also taking the Sew Much Fun! (Basic) class in       weaving, polymer clay creations, Perler beads, friendship
the morning, he/she is welcome to bring a lunch for the time       bracelets, jewelry-making, tie dye, shaving cream marbling,
between classes.                                                   duck tape projects, non-traditional painting, open-ended
                                                                   3-D art and more, guided by an experienced and licensed
Try Sewing! Make American Girl Doll                                art teacher! Creativity and problem-solving is encouraged
                                                                   and actually expected since kids will have some individual
Clothes                                                            freedom to focus or browse open centers according to their
(Ages 9 & up)                                                      interests for the majority of the time. Add a little music
Here’s your chance to learn (or brush up on) how to use            and supervised socializing...it’s a fun and relaxing way to
a sewing machine by making clothes for an 18” doll!                spend a morning or afternoon (or both!) Most projects will
Depending on skill level, we will make a few items of              be different from session to session (only the most popular
custom-made clothing. This is a great opportunity to learn         ones will repeat). Kids are welcome to bring their own water
how clothing is constructed, too. You will need to bring your      bottle and snack(s) each day. Also, please dress for the
own sewing machine in good working order or rent one from          weather since we may go outside.
the instructor for $25. Please also bring sewing scissors,                          Monday – Friday       June 17 – 21
white thread, bobbins that fit your machine, straight pins and     (please register by Friday, June 14 at 3pm)
a seam ripper if possible. You may bring your own fabric,          #2019.082        Full Day              8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
but patterns and colorful scrap material will be available         #2019.083        Half Day AM           8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
to use. Class size is kept small for closer guidance and is
recommended for age 9 and up (grown-ups welcome, too).             #2019.084        Half Day PM           12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Sign up soon while space is available!                             5 Classes        Mon. – Fri.           June 24 – 28
(please register by Monday, July 29 at 3pm)                        (please register by Friday, June 21 at 3pm)
                 Wednesday – Friday                                #2019.085        Full Day              8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
#2019.094        July 31, Aug. 1 & 2 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.             #2019.086        Half Day AM           8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $99 (NEW LOW PRICE!)                                          #2019.087        Half Day PM           12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Location: Aurora High School                                       Fee: $110 Half Day (includes supplies)
Please bring a water bottle and your own snack.                         $220 Full Day (includes supplies)
                                                                          please briing your own lunch
                                                                   Location: Aurora High School
Let’s Get Messy!
(Ages 4 - 6)
Discover art through children’s literature! For ages 4 to
6, kids can have fun doing art activities based on quality
children’s books. Taught by a local licensed art teacher with
a passion for books, projects will promote creativity, basic art
concepts and fine motor skills.
Saturdays, 10:30-11:15 am at the Walker Building
Two 3 Week Sessions                   Saturdays
#2019.065       June 8, 15 & 22       10:30 - 11:15 a.m.
#2019.066       June 29, July 6 & 13 10:30 - 11:15 a.m.
Fee: $29 (includes supplies)
Location: Walker Building                                                                                                                  3
                            www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
SUMMER CAMPS   Sew Much Fun! (Basic)                                                Mad Science® Flight Academy
               (Ages 9 - 17)                                                        (Ages 6 - 12)
               Kids will have Sew Much Fun making projects on their                 Calling all pilots! As a Mad Science flight cadet in training,
               sewing machine and by hand! We will make relatively simple           you will discover how airplanes fly. Test your airplane’s
               projects using basic sewing machine skills and then try              performance in a wind tunnel. Build your own kite, stunt
               hand-stitched projects as well. Students will come home              plane and model rocket. Ride the air on a Hovercraft.
               with a sampling of useful and decorative items throughout            Discover how hot air balloons, blimps and parachutes work.
               the week, which may include: pillows, pillowcases, bags              The Milky Way - Take a trip into the galaxy! Discover the
               (drawstring and tote), stuffed animals, soft sculpture, cross-       universe as you build your own planisphere to take home
               stitch, pincushions, scrunchies, and more! Most projects             with you. Make your own sundial as you discover what the
               will appeal to anyone interested in sewing, so boys are just         universe has to do with telling time.
               as welcome as girls! This class is recommended for ages
                                                                                    The “Wright” Stuff - Learn all about the amazing Wright
               9 to 17. Students who have taken previous sewing classes
                                                                                    brothers as you build your own rubber band powered plane.
               are more than welcome to join us to review and perfect their
                                                                                    Experiment with other flying devices. Discover that everything
               skills with variations of past projects.
                                                                                    that flies doesn’t have wings.
               If possible, please bring a sewing machine in good working
                                                                                    Newton’s Loco-Motion - Fasten your seatbelt for a day of
               order plus sewing scissors, bobbins and white thread.
                                                                                    motion! Learn how magicians can pull the tablecloth out from
               Though it is highly recommended that students bring a
                                                                                    under dishes! Use an inertia stick to better understand just
               machine, those without one may share with a friend if there
                                                                                    how stubborn inertia can be.
               is time and permission. Two sewing machines are each
               available for rental for $40 (first come, first served). Fabric is   3, 2, 1 Blast Off - Our aspiring rocket scientists master
               provided unless you have something from home you prefer to           the model rocket safety code and are cleared for launch!
               use. Space is limited, so sign up soon!                              Campers use stomp rockets, water rockets and engine
                                                                                    powered rockets to explore the physics of flight. Leave camp
                                 Monday – Friday
                                                                                    with your own rocket.
               #2019.091         July 22 – 26          8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                    Up, Up, and Away - Design, build and fly your own kite using
               (please register by Friday, July 19 at 3pm)                          ancient flying machines as your guide. Discover why kites
               #2019.092         July 29 – Aug. 2      8:30 - 11:30 a.m.            have tails. Have a radical resistance race with your fellow
               (please register by Friday, July 26 at 3pm)                          campers.
               Fee: $110 (includes supplies) Please bring a water bottle and                          Monday – Friday
               your own snack if you want.                                          #2019.100         July 29 – Aug. 2      9 a.m - 3 p.m.
               Location: Aurora High School                                         (please register by Friday, July 19 at 3pm)
                                                                                    Fee: $250
                                                                                    Location: Aurora High School
               Sew Much Fun! (Advanced)
               (Ages 9 - 17)
               Kids will have Sew Much Fun making projects on their                  Aurora Safety Town
               sewing machine and by hand! We will make relatively simple            WHO: Safety Town is for children entering kindergarten in the
               projects using basic sewing machine skills and then try               Fall.
               hand-stitched projects as well. Students will come home               WHAT: Safety Town is a program that teaches youngsters
               with a sampling of useful and decorative items throughout             how to be safe at home, school, and play. The children are
               the week, which may include: pillows, pillowcases, bags               instructed on pedestrian safety, school bus safety, fire safety,
               (drawstring and tote), stuffed animals, soft sculpture, cross-        seat belt safety, animal safety and caring for pets, water safety
               stitch, pincushions, scrunchies, and more! Most projects              rules, drug and poison safety rules, dealing with strangers,
               will appeal to anyone interested in sewing, so boys are just          gun safety and personal body safety. Activities include a ride
               as welcome as girls! This class is recommended for ages               on a school bus. The children also ride on “Safety Town” while
               9 to 17. Students who have taken previous sewing classes              learning rules of the road and pedestrian safety. To highlight
               are more than welcome to join us to review and perfect their          the week, there is a graduation ceremony on the last day.
               skills with variations of past projects.                              WHERE: Leighton Elementary School
               If possible, please bring a sewing machine in good working            WHEN: All sessions are Monday thru Thursday for three hours
               order plus sewing scissors, bobbins and white thread.                 each day.
               Though it is highly recommended that students bring a                 Session #1       July 8 - 11          5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
               machine, those without one may share with a friend if there           Session #2       July 15 - 18         12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
               is time and permission. Two sewing machines are each
               available for rental for $40 (first come, first served). Fabric is    Session #3       July 22 - 25         9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
               provided unless you have something from home you prefer to            Session #4       July 29 - Aug.1      9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
               use. Space is limited, so sign up soon!                               REGISTRATION: Forms are available at the police department,
                                 Monday – Friday                                     kindergarten registration and online at www.auroraoh.com.
               #2019.093         July 22 – 26          12:30 - 3:30 p.m.             Number of children per session is limited. Deadline for
                                                                                     applications is Friday, May 3, 2019. Confirmations will be sent
               (please register by Friday, July 19 at 3pm)
                                                                                     out in June.
               (If student is also taking the (Basic) Sew Much Fun! class in         There is no fee for Aurora Residents.Non-residents must
               the morning, he/she is welcome to bring a lunch for the time          contact Officer Yendriga to see if space is available. There is a
               between classes.)                                                     fee of $25.00. Checks made out to: Aurora Safety Town
               Fee: $110 (includes supplies) Please bring a water bottle and         QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please contact Officer
               your own snack.                                                       Vickie Yendriga, Aurora Police Dept. 330-562-8181 or Email:
               Location: Aurora High School                                          yendrigav@auroraoh.com
                                             Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
Mad Science® Red-Hot Robots                                      Crayola® Artist’s Passport
(Ages 7 - 12)                                                    Travel the World through Art!
Join Mad Science and our Radical Robots for a scientific         (Ages 7 - 12)
journey through circuitry and sensors. Explore several
                                                                 Embark on an around-the-world cultural adventure – explore
different types of robots….robots that follow lines and
                                                                 far-off places and learn about the people who live there,
sounds, robotic arms like the ones you see in the big
                                                                 from the Americas to Polynesia, from the cosmopolitan to
factories on TV (well, smaller than that, but you get the
                                                                 the countryside. Make different masterpieces each day such
picture). You will even play tag with robots that you control!
                                                                 as drums, masks, canvases, prints, buses, and more! Bring
Complete the camp by building your own robot to take home!
                                                                 the unique creations home and build a globally-inspired art
This camp has a $30.00 robot supply fee. (Payable to Mad
                                                                 gallery. Campers receive a passport with geotag stickers and
Science the first day of camp)
                                                                 world map. Some of the locations they will “visit” will include:
Robot Concepts - Roll your way into robot science. Experiment
                                                                    • Aboriginal Dot Art (Australia)
with different robot designs as you learn what makes a robot
work. Invent your own robot designs using recycled materials.       • Animal Sculptures (Mexico)
Robot Basics - Discover the world of robots as we investigate       • Block Printing (Europe)
the differences between humans and their robotic                    • Imperial Jeweled Eggs (Russia)
counterparts. What makes a robot work will be explored              • Mud Art (Africa)
during hands-on activities and discussions.
                                                                    • Rattle Drum (China)
Robot Building - Each day some time will be spent perfecting
a real working robot that we will finish and take home on           • Tiki Masks (Polynesia)
Friday. We will be using our fine motor skills and we require       • Truck Art (Pakistan)
that campers at least be entering the second grade so they                        Monday – Friday
do not become frustrated with construction.                      #2019.102        July 15 – 19        9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Red Hot Robots - Hands-on activities will include fun time       Fee: $250
with our robots. We will play games and experiment with
                                                                 Location: Aurora High School
super cool robots that follow sound commands, track a line,
even robotic arms that can transfer items from one place to
Robotic Science - Campers will learn how robots use infrared
and other sensors to discover the environment they are           British Soccer Summer Camp
placed in. Working in groups we will explore how robots work     (Ages 3 - 14)
and how they can make our lives easier.                          Monday – Friday June 17 – 21
                 Monday – Friday                                 Tiny Tikes (Ages 3 - 5)             8 - 9 a.m.
#2019.100        July 8 –12            9 a.m - 3 p.m.            Fee: $108
Fee: $250                                                        Half Day (Ages 6 - 14)              9 a.m - 12 p.m.
Robot Supply Fee: $30 (Payable to Mad Science on first day       Fee: $146
of camp)                                                         Bonus Saturday morning clinics available on goalkeeping and
Location: Aurora High School                                     goal scoring for week-long campers for $39. Each camper will
                                                                 receive a FREE Soccer Camp T-Shirt.
                                                                 Register at challengersports.com

                           www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
SUMMER CAMPS   Tennis Camps Summer 2019                                         Jump Start Sports
               Tennis Coordinator - Walter Oden, USPTA (Elite Professional)     (Children entering grades 1 - 6. Children entering
               Net Generation – We are proud to be a USTA’s Net                 Kindergarten may attend half days. Children entering
               Generation certified coaching program. The goal of Net           grade7 and 8 may apply for Jump Start Sports Leader-
               Generation is to inspire a new generation of tennis players,
               parents and providers (coaches and those that organize           ship Program)
               tennis events). Net Generation is focused on empowerment,        Aurora Sports Camps
               unity and play, with an emphasis on learning through play        All Camps Held at Craddock Elementary School, 105 Hurd Rd.
               and building character on and off the court – not just through   Hours:
               drills and competition.
                                                                                • Full Day: 9 am - 3:00 pm
                         Tuesday - Friday
                                                                                • Half Day: 9 am - noon
               A.        May 28 - May 31
                                                                                • Extended Day: 7:30 – 9 am and/or 3 - 6 pm
               B.        June 3 - 6
                                                                                Camp Schedule and Descriptions
               C.        June 10 - 13
                                                                                June 24 - June 28, Aurora College Days Sports Camp:
               D.        June 17 - 20                                           Campers “enroll” in the college of their choice and have
               E.        June 24 - 27                                           a blast competing in a variety of sports for their “alma
               F.        July 1 - 5 (no class 7/4)                              mater”. Sports offered this week include basketball, soccer,
               G.        July 8 - 11                                            lacrosse, flag football, street hockey and more! We will
               H.        July 15 - 18                                           feature a different sport each day and will play fun, low-key
                                                                                games for school pride! The children will also learn fun facts
               I.        July 22 - 25                                           about their chosen college, and will make school T-shirts
               J.        July 29 - 31 (3 class week)                            and pennants to wear and display at “Graduation” (parents
               Location: Kenston tennis courts                                  welcome to attend).
                                                                                July 1 - July 3 (no camp on 7/4 or 7/5), Aurora All American
                                                                                Sports Camp: Have some fun learning about our country and
               Short Stuff Tennis                                               celebrating the 4th! We will focus on truly American games,
               (Ages 5 - 7 years)                                               including Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Basketball and more!
                                                                                We will also have a cool patriotic crafts project.
               Short Stuff Tennis is your son and daughter’s destination for
               a fun start to the game of tennis. Movement, balance and         July 8 - July 12, Aurora Ultimate Warrior Camp: J oin us at
               other athletic developments skills are emphasized. These         the Ultimate Warrior Camp for fitness, fun and “Survivor”
               skills are easily transferred to other sports as well. We tend   type team challenges! Age-appropriate and safe activities
               to use RED BALLS and FOAM BALLS for this level.                  specifically designed to challenge, inspire, and excite.
                                                                                Games and tasks this week include obstacle courses, relays,
               Morning Sessions, 9:00 - 9:45am                                  tug-of-war, and many other fun activities designed to teach
               Afternoon sessions, 12:00 - 12:45pm                              cooperation and teamwork while also developing self-esteem.
               Fee: $45 per session                                             July 15 - July 19, Aurora Sports Around the World Camp:
                                                                                Campers engage in an exciting week of camp by learning
                                                                                about different sports that are played all over the world.
               Future Tennis Stars                                              Children will be exposed to the culture and history of each
               (Ages 8 - 12 years)                                              sport as well as play a variety of games and tournaments
               This is the perfect foundation for your grade and middle         applicable to each sport. Sports will include Rugby, Team
               school athlete. We segregate by age and ability while we         Handball, Cricket, Badminton, Soccer, Gaga, Netball, and
               teach advanced tennis foundation. This level helps kids to       Gaelic Football! Campers will also decorate their own
               visualize their future high school career! We use a variety      boomerang to take home.
               of balls to teach advanced technique more effectively. That      July 22 - July 26, Aurora Sticks and Stones Lacrosse and
               includes the ORANGE, GREEN and YELLOW Balls. Our camps           Floor Hockey Camp: Boys and Girls in grades 1-6 will learn to
               are famous for their games!                                      play two of the fastest growing sports in the United States!
               Morning Sessions, 9:45 - 11:00 a.m.                              Lacrosse and hockey are action packed and lots of fun.
               Afternoon sessions, 12:45 - 2:00 p.m.                            Players learn the fundamentals of both sports and play in
                                                                                fun competition throughout the week, Plastic sticks and soft
               Fee: $75 per session                                             balls/pucks will be provided.
                                                                                July 29 - August 2, Aurora Color Games Sports Camp: A great
               Teen Tennis                                                      “old school” camp concept has come to Aurora! Campers are
                                                                                divided into teams (colors) and play a wide variety of sports
               (Ages 13 years and up)                                           and camp games, competing in their age/gender group
               We envision this program to be for those players 13 years        for “Color Pride”. This fun format enables children to learn
               or older with varying levels of experience. This program has     and benefit from the positive aspects of competition, while
               a storied history. Many varsity level tennis players have        working with a team toward a common goal. Camp games
               gotten their last “push” before their season in this class.      offered include Team Dodge Ball, Capture the Flag, British
               Our curriculum focuses on skills needed to succeed on a          Bulldog and more. Sports included are football, basketball,
               high school or middle school team. These skills include          soccer, hockey, volleyball, lacrosse, and more! Campers will
               consistency, movement, balance and doubles foundation.           also make team bandanas to wear throughout the week. Get
               Morning Sessions, 11:00am - 12:30 p.m.                           ready for a week of fun and physical activity!
               Afternoon sessions, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
               Fee: $90 per session

                                           Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
Driver Education                                                 Girl Power Mentors & Yoga Teacher

Driver Education is sponsored by the Aurora Parks and            Training - R2C Yoga
Recreation Department and contracted through National            (Grades 6-12)
Drivers Training School. Participants will need to register
with the Aurora Parks and Recreation office with payment or      What if your daughter could graduate High School with an
mail in registration and must call 440-248 8552 (NDTS) to        RYT-200 nationally recognized yoga teacher certification?
schedule the in-car instruction.                                 What if during post-secondary schooling she could hold a job
                                                                 that reduced stress, required a low time commitment, and
Instructor: National Driver Training School                      could earn money to support her college career? Through
6 Classes		                                                      our Girl Power Mentors & Yoga Teacher Training program
M, W             Apr. 8 – 29           4:45 - 9 p.m.             we start enrolling girls as mentors, and begin the yoga
M, W             May 6 – 22            4:45 - 9 p.m.             teacher training process. What if she doesn’t want an RYT-
                                                                 200 certification? No problem! She can still have fun and
M, T, W          June 3 – 12           9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
                                                                 learn lifelong skills that will teach her how to form healthy
M, T, Th         July 8 – 18           9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.        connections with friends & family, mind & body, and create
M, T, Th         July 29 – Aug. 8      9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.        the foundation for growth as a mature young woman. (Visit
Fee: $348                                                        www.R2Cprograms.com for more info)
Location: Aurora High School Rm. 208                                              Wednesdays
                                                                 2019.098         Apr. 10 – May 15       3:30 - 5 p.m.
                                                                 Fee: $75
                                                                 Location: Leighton Elementary School
Your Success is the Goal! Be Better                                               Fridays
Prepared for School and Life!                                    2019.099       Apr. 12 – May 17 3:15 - 4:45 p.m.
(8th Grade – Seniors)                                            Fee: $75
This seminar goes beyond how to study for tests, writing         Location: Craddock Elementary School
papers, and finding enough money to finish a degree without
huge debts!
Based on my professional experiences working with hundreds
of first-year college students, I have designed this dynamic,
motivational, jam-packed 90-minute seminar specifically
for students who are committed to reaching higher levels
of success as they prepare for college. This face-to-face
seminar will provide students with a well-crafted synergistic
                                                                           COME RIDE WITH US
approach on: Time-Management, Goal Setting, Success
Strategies, Motivation, Dealing with Stress, Self-Awareness,
Personal Accountability and Leadership. All participants
will have access to the Educational Advising & Consulting
YouTube channel and website for further knowledge and
practical experiences that will further prepare them for their
1 Class
Instructor: Steven M. Walters, M.Ed.
#2019.012                                                                  Details at chagrinvalleyfarms.com
Fee: $40 per student (Parents and guardians of students are
welcome to attend as a free +1).                                           Chagrin Valley Farms is Northeast
                                                                           Ohio’s leading equestrian center. We
All seminars are by appointment and will take place at the
Walker Building in Aurora.                                                 offer something for every horse lover…
                                                                           • Vacation and summer day camps
                                                                             (ages 4 to teen)
                                                                           • Riding lessons (children to adults)
                                                                           • Horse shows (beginner through
                                                                           • Horse boarding

                                                                                         Chagrin Valley Farms
                                                                                         9250 Washington Street
                                                                                         Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

                           www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
SPORTS   Spring Boys/Girls Recreation                                     Volleyball Instructional Skills Clinic
         Basketball League                                                (Ages 6 - 10)
         (Boys Grades 4 - 12, Girls Grades 4 - 8)                         Instructor: Wanda Hoffman
         Teams will play two weekday evening games per week for           Participants will focus on VB skill development (serve, pass,
         six weeks (12 games total). Games will be officiated by          set, hit). Program is taught in a fun, relaxed environment
         licensed officials and follow current OSHAA rules including a    appropriate for new, young players. Volley-lite volleyballs and
         maximum of 2 school varsity players per team.                    lower nets utilized. Each week the session will consist of
         Registration deadline: Friday, March 15                          warm-up, drills and games.
         4th - 5th grade                                                  6 Sessions       Wednesdays
         6th – 8th grade                                                                   April 10 – May 15           6 - 7 p.m.
         9th – 12th grade                                                 Fee: $50 Residents, $60 Non-residents
                          Tuesdays & Thursdays         6 - 9 p.m.         Location: Harmon Middle School
                          April 2 – May 9
         Fee: $60 residents, $70 non-residents, includes team T-shirt
                                                                          Aurora Youth Running Club
         Location: Harmon/Leighton Schools
                                                                          (Grades 3 - 5)
                                                                          Aurora Parks and Recreation will be partnering with Dash
         PreK Soccer Program                                              Sports Training to continue The Leighton Youth Running
         Aurora Parks and Recreation and Weyn Soccer Group have           Club this fall. Students will meet at the Leighton Football
         teamed up to offer a new PreK Spring soccer program. The         Field every Monday and Thursday at 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. to
         soccer program is a city-sponsored program designed for          participate in activities set for that day.
         boys and girls ages 3 &4 years of age. Players will learn the    Sign up by April 1, 2019 so you have your running shirt on
         fundamentals of the game and compete in games within their       day one.
         own league. Teams will be formed, team jerseys distributed       The program starts Tuesday April 16, 2019 and ends
         and a coach assigned to each team for the duration of the        Thursday May 9, 2019
         program.                                                         Your Running Club participation also enrolls you (optional) in
         Early Registration deadline: Friday, April 12, 2019              the Youth Track Meet on May 17, 2019
         ($20 additional fee added after)                                 Tuesdays & Thursdays            3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
         Sundays          April 28 – June 10         12 - 1:15 p.m.       Fee: Cost $65
         Fee: $75 residents, $85 non-residents
         Equipment: Soccer cleats are strongly recommended (rubber
         cleats only) and shorts and/or sweats should be worn in          Spring Recreation Soccer Leagues
         addition to the team shirt (provided by the program). Shin       (Grades K - 8)
         guards must be worn in the program!                              Aurora Parks and Recreation Spring Soccer program is a
         Aurora Field Hotline: (330) 655-6410. Know Before You Go!        city-sponsored program designed for boys and girls ages 5 -
                                                                          14 years of age. Players of all sizes, skill levels and athletic
                                                                          abilities are welcome.
         Girls Recreational Softball                                      Leagues:
         (Ages 6 - 14)                                                    Co-ed - Kindergarten (5 & 6 year olds)
         Aurora Parks and Recreation the Aurora Raptors have                             Boys*                 Girls*
         partnered together to offer a recreational softball league for                1st – 2nd             1st – 2nd
         girls. Players of all skill levels and abilities are welcome.                  3rd – 5th            3rd – 5th
         Leagues:                                                                       6th – 8th            6th - 8th
         Instructional: Grades 1 & 2                                      *Divisions may be consolidated based on registration.
         Minors: Grades 3 - 5                                             Players are permitted to play in an age group higher than
         Majors: Grades 6 - 8                                             their age but not lower.
         Leagues will play with Kenston and Solon teams home and          Early Registration deadline: Friday, March 15
         away.                                                            ($20 additional fee added after)
         Fee: $65 Residents, $75 non-residents                            Practices begin the week of April 8
         Early registration deadline: Friday April 26                     Saturday Games April 27 – June 16
         ($20 fee added after early registration deadline)                                    (no games Memorial weekend)
         Practices begin the week of May 13                               Practices begin the week of April 9
         Tuesdays & Thursdays June 4 – May 13                             Fee: $65 residents, $75 non-residents
         (Saturdays rain make-ups) June 4 – July 13                       All of our coaches are volunteers. They are the backbone
         (no games played 4th of July weekend)                            of the program. If you are interested in coaching, please
                                                                          fill out a volunteer coach form. Each team must have a
                                                                          volunteer coach who is 21-years old or older and will attend
                                                                          every game. (Background check is required once per year to
                                                                          Equipment: Soccer cleats are strongly recommended (rubber
                                                                          cleats only) and shorts and/or sweats should be worn in
                                                                          addition to the team shirt (provided by the program). Shin
                                                                          guards must be worn in all leagues!
8                                                                         Aurora Field Hotline: (330) 655-6410. Know Before You Go!
                                     Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
Yoga and Qigong: The Gentle Workout                               Yoga for Runners at

Yoga and Qigong (Chee-gung) are two disciplines that              EssentialZen Yoga Studio
integrate physical postures, breathing techniques, and            Learn about yoga as it relates to runners.
focused awareness in order to help you become more                We will work through specific poses to
balanced emotionally, physically, and spiritually, so you have    lengthen muscles and ligaments in the legs
the energy you need to cope with every part of your life.         and strengthen the feet and core, as well as
Some of the proven benefits of this type of gentle workout        breathing techniques to help increase lung capacity. You’ll
are improved upper and lower body strength; improved quality      leave with confidence on bringing yoga or breath work into
of movement.                                                      your training as well as a handout to keep you on track.
This series is appropriate for all ages and abilities. Bring a    1 Class          Saturday
yoga mat, blanket and a pillow.                                   #2019.078        April 13             12:30 - 2 p.m.
Instructor: Bob Sinclair, R.Y.T. (Yoga Alliance), Reiki Master/   Fee: $20 per person
Practitioner, Energy Healer, Experienced Qigong and
Meditation Practitioner since 1998. Contact Bob if you            Location: EssentialZen Yoga Studio/ 330 East Garfield Road/
have any questions, or to schedule an appointment for a           Aurora Ohio
Personalized Healing Session. rjsinbalance@windstream.net         More information: www.essentialzen.net
6 Classes        Thursdays
#2019.080        May 2 – June 6         7 - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $60                                                          Dance Mixx by Jazzercise
Location: Walker Building                                         Burn up to 600 calories in this fun, powerfully effective 60
                                                                  minute total body workout. Entire class may be done either
                                                                  high or low impact. Jazzercise combines dance-based cardio
                                                                  with strength training and stretching to sculpt, tone and
                                                                  lengthen muscles for maximum fat burn. Choreographed
                                                                  to today’s hottest music, Jazzercise is a fusion of dance,
Just Meditation                                                   resistance training, Pilates, yoga and kickboxing. Dance
Meditation is a specific technique for resting the mind and       yourself fit and change the shape of your body today!
attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different      Instructors: Joan Tomko, Wendy Walter & Associates,
from the normal waking state. In meditation you are fully         Certified Jazzercise Instructors
awake and alert, but your mind is not focused on the external
                                                                  Mondays          5:40 p.m.
world or the events taking place around you. Your mind is
clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused.                             Wednesdays       5:40 p.m.
Our seated practice involves de-stressing the body and mind       Thursdays        5:40 p.m.
through gentle stretches and focused breathing. The style         Fee: $45/month EFT, unlimited classes. Day pass:
of meditation we will practice is gentle and effortless, and is   $12. Other pass options available. Start anytime; class
designed to keep us fully grounded in the body, breath, and       registration is continuous. Register at first class.
mind.                                                             Location: Walker Building, 129 W. Pioneer Trail
Meditating in a group setting such as this enables you to         Aurora Jazzercise members are also welcome to attend
go  into a deeper state of peaceful relaxation than is usually    classes in Hudson, Stow and Macedonia for a total of 24
possible when meditating on your own.                             classes available each week.
Bring a blanket and a pillow (no mat necessary!)                  For more information go to www.jazzercise.com or contact
6 Classes        Wednesdays                                       Joan Tomko at 216-337-2207 or jazzaurora@windstream.net.
#2019.079        May 1 – June 5        7 - 8:15 p.m.
Fee: $60
Location: Walker Building

                            www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
EXERCISE/YOGA   STEP to Fit                                                       Self-Help Acupressure
                Are you looking for a simple, fun and effective fitness           JIN SHIN JYUTSU®
                program? Then look no further, STEP to Fit will deliver a
                                                                                  Empower yourself with easy to use, chemical free
                challenge to your brain, your feet and to your heart thus
                                                                                  acupressure techniques and change your body’s response to
                producing results!
                                                                                  everyday stress!
                Step Training gives you an excellent cardio workout that is
                                                                                  Join us for this three part series to learn these simple
                efficient and safe. Strength exercises are integrated through
                                                                                  “hands on”, self-care methods that will improve your overall
                out the cardio, maximizing your calorie burn during and even
                                                                                  health. This is the beautiful art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an
                after your workout. A stability ball is added to enhance your
                                                                                  ancient Japanese form of gentle touch therapy. You can
                flexibility and to challenge your core muscles. Fresh music
                                                                                  relieve discomforts such as headaches, anxiety, back
                that makes you want to move keeps you energized and
                                                                                  problems and digestive issues, just to name a few!
                pushing to the very end. All this in one fun and friendly class
                making you want to return for more!                               Learn how to locate and use the 26 “energy locks” to bring
                                                                                  a natural balance to your body’s energies to promote health
                Please come & check us out – the 1st class is
                                                                                  and well-being. Written material is provided with each class
                                                                                  for follow-up and practice at home.
                Our classes run continuously and your registration can be
                completed with the instructor at your first class. Questions?     Instructor: Sandy Wiebusch, Licensed Massage Therapist
                Please call instructor 440-364-6125                               and Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self-Help Instructor with over
                                                                                  20 years of experience.
                Instructor: Sharon Tebbano, ACE, AEA and AFAA certified
                                                                                  For any specific questions regarding the classes, please call
                instructor and personal trainer
                                                                                  or text Sandy at 440--279--8620
                Mondays           7 - 8 p.m.
                                                                                  Week I
                Wednesdays        7 - 8 p.m.
                                                                                  You will learn two 15-minute daily routines to calm your
                Saturdays         9 - 10 a.m.                                     nervous system and strengthen your immune system.
                Fee: Unlimited - $45/month                                        Through your own gentle touch you will learn to activate the
                Drop In Fee: - $8/class                                           smooth movement of energy in your body.
                Instructor provides all equipment                                                  Saturday
                Location: Walker Building                                         #2019.069        April 6                10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                                  Week II
                                                                                  Learn the location, meaning and use of the 26 specific areas
                                                                                  on the body called, “Safety Energy Locks.” Begin to connect
                                                                                  specific areas to easily and quickly move through blocked
                                                                                  areas in your own body.
                                                                                  #2019.070        April 13               10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                                  Week III
                                                                                  Learn special “flows” to alleviate discomforts in the body
                                                                                  such as headaches, backaches, arthritis, etc. Practice eight
                                                                                  powerful finger postures or Mudras to create unity between
                                                                                   body and mind.
                                                                                  #2019.071        April 27               10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                                  Fee: $32 per class or $90 for all three classes - Each
                                                                                  participant will also receive a 15% discount for an hour long
                                                                                  private Jin Shin Jyutsu session with Sandy!
                                                                                  Location: Walker Building

                                             Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
Basics of Essential Oils                                         Travel Affordably With Joe
Have you heard the buzz about essential oils and wondered        “The Coupon Guy”
what it’s all about? Wellness Advocate and Essential Oil
                                                                 You really can vacation affordably without breaking the bank!
Educator, Jessica Workman will demonstrate the basics of
                                                                 Discover how to find the best prices for cruises, car rentals,
essential oils, including what they are and the incredible
                                                                 hotels, Disneyworld, flights, local attractions, and much
health and well-being benefits. Learn how they work, what
                                                                 more. We will cover the best on-line sites that offer savings
to use and how to use them. There will be a selection
                                                                 for the traveler and find the best deals on meals and drinks.
of oils available for purchase, if you wish, following the
                                                                 Learn how to travel extensively, not expensively!
class. For questions call Jessica at 330-256-5746 or email
essentialoilbuzz@yahoo.com. Check out her website: www.          Instructor: Joe Daugirdas
mydoterra.com/jessicaworkman1                                    1 Class          Monday
1 Class                                                          #2019.082        May 13                 7 – 9 p.m.
Instructor: Jessica Workman, Wellness Advocate                   Fee: $15
Each class is on Tuesdays from 1 - 8:30 p.m.                     Location: Walker Building
#2019.072        Apr. 2
#2019.073        Apr. 16
#2019.074        May 7
#2019.075         May 21                                         Learn Guitar
#2019.076        June 4                                          Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but
#2019.077        June 18                                         just didn’t have the opportunity or time? Well, now is the
Fee: $5                                                          time! Beginning students will learn chords, strumming, a bit
Location: Walker Building                                        of finger picking, reading music as well as proper form using
                                                                 minimum movement principle. With a small class size the
                                                                 instructor will be able to help each student learn at their own
                                                                 pace in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.
Stress Away with Japanese                                        Instructor: Paul Moskun, professional guitarist
Acupressure                                                      6 classes        Thursdays
Experience the gentle touch of Japanese acupressure---Jin        #2019.015        Mar. 21 – May 2       7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
Shin Jyutsu. You will relax on a massage table, fully clothed,   Fee: $95
while a licensed therapist connects specific areas (“energy
                                                                 Location: Leighton School Music Room
locks”) on your body. As your circulation improves and
your tension “melts” away, you may well feel healthier with
renewed energy as your body finds its own inner harmony and
Therapist: Sandy Wiebusch, L.M.T., has studied and
practiced Jin Shin Jyutsu since 1998.
To schedule your hour long private session call Sandy at:        Painting with Acrylics
440-279-8620                                                     Has learning to paint been a goal or dream, or have
1 session                                                        you taken a one night paint class and would like to
#2019.013                                                        learn more? This program is designed for the beginner
Fee: $75                                                         and intermediate level painter. Instructor and artist,
                                                                 Jay Paktinat will guide you step by step as you learn
Location: Walker Building                                        to create expression on canvas with the fundamentals
                                                                 of color mixing, composition and value. Students
                                                                 will start by painting simple still life, landscape or
                                                                 seascape, then move on to more complex compositions.
                                                                 Don’t think you’re an artist? This class will change your
Cutting the Cord                                                 mind!
The cost of Cable TV keeps going up and up, and while            Instructor: Jay Paktinat, Jay has been painting nearly his
many of us would love to cut the cord, the alternatives seem     entire life. His own work reflects various artistic styles
confusing. Discover how to get free TV, including using an       including, Realism, Impressionistic and Abstract. Through his
easy-to-intall antenna or free streaming video services. Find    passion for art and teaching, Jay has found joy and peace
out your options for streaming video devices, including Roku,    in his life that is reflective in his approach to instruction. Jay
Apple TV, Google Chromecast, or Amazon Fire TV Stick and         truly believes that everyone has the potential to become an
what shows you can access with them, including live TV and       artist!
sports. Find out which of the many streaming video services      4 Classes          Tuesdays
from Hulu, Sling, Netflix, to Playstation Vue and many more      #2019.067          Apr. 16 – May 7        7 – 8:30 p.m.
are best for you. Make sense of all the confusion of switching   #2019.068          May 21 – June 11 7 – 8:30 p.m.
from cable to another service and the technical parameters
needed to do so. Find out how much you can save!                 Fee: $159 (includes all supplies)
Instructor: Joe Daugirdas, Joe the Coupon Guy                    Location: Walker Building
1 Class          Tuesday
#2019.081        May 7                  7 - 9 p.m.
Fee: $15
Location: Walker Building
                           www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
     Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
  Pre-registration is required for all trips. Your ticket/seat is not guaranteed until payment is made. Trips depart from
        the parking lot at City Hall. Please arrive 15 minutes before the posted departure time on your receipt.
                     Non-Residents pay $1 more per trip. Trip information is subject to change.

           Mild: May require some leisurely walking. There may be minimal steps or uneven surfaces and some standing.
             Moderate: May require moderate walking and extended standing. There may be steps or uneven surfaces.
        Strenuous: May require extended periods of walking and standing. There may be numerous steps or uneven terrain.

       Monday, March 18                             Thursday, March 28                               Tuesday, April 16
      Lunch Bunch @ London                      Hanna Theatre - Taming of the                  Lunch Bunch @ Dutch Country
    Pickle Works in Brecksville                            Shrew                                 Restaurant in Middlefield
          11 a.m. - 3 p.m.                             9 a.m. - 3 p.m.                               11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
               (Mild)                                      (Mild)                                         (Mild)
        Fee: $2 (Lunch OYO)                         Fee: $29 (Lunch OYO)                                 Fee: $2

       Tuesday, March 19                               Monday, April 1                             Wednesday, April 17
   Packard Music Hall - Benise:                 Indian Museum of Lake County                    Lake County Tour with Guide
            Fuego!                            At the Indian Museum you will discover            We will take a ride and see Lake
       5:30 - 10:30 p.m.                     archaeological sites and material related           County’s most historical sites.
             (Mild)                           to the history and antiquities of Native                   9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
            Fee: $27                          Americans of Lake County, the State of                       (Moderate)
                                                      Ohio and North America.                               Fee: TBD
     Wednesday, March 20                                9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
    Trinity Cathedral Brown Bag                            (Moderate)                                 Friday, April 19
               Concert                                 Fee: $13 (Lunch OYO)                            Old Cleveland Trip
  Movie Memories: From Crooners to                                                          We will visit Dunham Tavern, the oldest
 Heartthrobs – JR Fralick will transport
                                                     Wednesday, April 3                       building in Cleveland, 5th Avenue
 you back to movie heaven with songs           Palace Theatre – Phantom of the              Arcade, the Arcade Building and have
  near and dear to everyone. Bring a                        Opera                               lunch at Heinen’s downtown.
     lunch or purchase one there.                       5:45 - 11 p.m.                                  9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
           11 a.m. - 2 p.m.                                 (Mild)                                        (Moderate)
                (Mild)                                     Fee: $71                                   Fee: $20 (Lunch OYO)
               Fee: $10
                                                       Thursday, April 4                           Wednesday, April 24
        Friday, March 22                             Perkin Stone Mansion                             Hollywood Casino
Cleveland Orchestra - Heldenleben            We will have a guided tour of the former               8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
         9 a.m. - 1 p.m.                     home of Colonel Simon Perkins Jr, one                       (Moderate)
              (Mild)                           of Ohio’s finest and most treasured                         Fee: $10
             Fee: $36                        examples of Greek Revival architecture.
                                                         10 a.m. - 3 p.m.                           Thursday, April 25
     Wednesday, March 27                                   (Moderate)                          Palace Theatre - A Bronx Tale
  National Museum of Psychology                        Fee: $20 (Lunch OYO)                           5:45 - 11 p.m.
  Part of the University of Akron, this                                                                   (Mild)
   museum invites you to explore the                    Friday, April 12                                 Fee: $54
  history of understanding the human                       Hower House
    experience. Highlights include            This elegant home is filled with unique                 Friday, April 26
    interactive exhibits on memory,           treasures and furnishings collected by          Cleveland Orchestra - Scriabin 4
  intelligence, and personality; home          the Hower Family during their travels
movies of Sigmund Freud; the stimulator        around the world. We will eat first at
                                                                                                      9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
shock generator from Stanley Milgram’s        Family Restaurant; tour will be at 1:00.                     (Mild)
obedience studies and artifacts from the               10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                Fee: $36
      Stanford Prison Experiment.                          (Moderate)
  We will eat lunch first then go to the               Fee: $15 (Lunch OYO)
                                                                                                     Tuesday, April 30
                museum.                                                                      Packard Music Hall - Louis Prima,
       10:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.                                                                     Jr. and the Witnesses
            (Moderate)                                                                               5:30 - 10:30 p.m.
        Fee: $15 (Lunch OYO)                                                                               (Mild)
                                                                                                          Fee: $27

        Trip and event flyers are placed on the bulletin board weekly. Please stop by the Walker Building to check the bulletin
                                     board on a regular basis so you don’t miss out on popular trips!

                            www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333

                            Bingo                                   Walking Video                      Blood Pressure Screenings
                  Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.                          (High Impact Aerobics)                    2nd Tuesday of the month
          Donuts sponsored by Home Instead/Aurora               Monday – Friday at 8 a.m.                   from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
          Manor the 1st week, Anna Maria/Family            No charge or pre-registration required            Sponsored by Family Tree
          Tree 2nd week, The Avenue at Aurora the
          3rd week, Brightstar the 4th week, and          Arthritis Foundation Exercise                 Pamper Yourself with a
          Independence Village the 5th week. Six
          games will be played.
                                                               Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. &                Manicure and/or Pedicure
                                                                Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.                       (Spa Services by Sherry)
                                                      This hour class will improve mobility              March 28, April 25 & May 29
                                                      and muscle strength while decreasing           Mini Manicures: $14 • Manicures: $20
                      Podiatrist Visit                stiffness and fatigue.  Each class includes    Pedicures: $35 • Toenail Clips: $25
                  Dr. Lara Poduska, D.P.M             stretching, balance work, cardio, and                Sign up at the Walker Building
                     Complete Nail Care               strengthening exercises which can be
                       March 19 & 26                  performed standing or sitting, with or
          Call Dr. Poduska’s office at (216) 662-0027 without light weights.
                                                                                                              Rummy, Canasta,
          to set an appt.                              Fee: $2 each class payable to Fitness                   Dominoes, etc.
          FEE: Bring Medicare or insurance card for          Professional, Janet Kennedy                    Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.
                    the doctor to file claim.                                                                (Bring a Sack Lunch)
                                                                          Tai Chi                    You don’t have to know all the games! They
                        Gentle Yoga                         Thursdays from 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.          are easy to learn and fun to play.
                    Fridays 10 - 11 a.m.                  Tai Chi involves a series of movements             No pre-registration needed
          Would you like to sleep better at night,        performed in a slow, focused manner. It
          have improved energy, mood, and mental          is low impact and puts minimal stress on                Penny Poker
          clarity? Most poses done in a chair or          muscles and joints.                        Tuesday & Thursday at 12:00 p.m.
          standing and you work at your own                   Fee: $5 per class payable to Vicki     You don’t have to know the games. Bring
          comfort level.                                      Osborne RYT200, Certified Tai Chi      pennies and nickels and have some fun!
                Fee: $35/6 classes, payable to                         Instructor KSU                      No pre-registration is needed
                  instructor Victoria Osborne
                                                                   Massage with                        Calling All Euchre Players:
                     Chair Volleyball                             Susan Lund, EMP                            Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
                  Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.                     One Hour full body massage -$50
                  at the Walker Building                  Pre-register by calling (330) 995-9148        Dulcimer Players Needed
          This is a great way to get a little exercise,       or stop in the Walker Building.        Thursdays from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
          meet new people, and have lots of fun!                      April 8 & 22                   You don’t have to read music to learn the
          A schedule of dates, times, and places                  9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.              art of playing dulcimer.
          we will play as well as who will visit and                                                          No pre-registration required
          compete with us is posted at the Walker          Mah Jong Free Lessons and
                                                                    Games                                         Bunco/LCR
                  Glucose Screening                       Beginners: Wednesday at 1:00 pm                    Mondays at 2:00 p.m.
                4th Tuesday of the month                  Experienced players are welcome            Bunco is a friendly dice game that involves
                      10 - 11 a.m.                           to play Wednesday & Friday              100% luck and no skill!  The game is simple
                                                                from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.                to learn… there are no decisions to be
          Provided by American House Senior Care                                                     made, just pure luck & loads of fun.
                                                                                                     Bring quarters for the popular dice game
                      Walking Video                                                                  Left Right Center. Bring friends, make new
          (Walk and Firm Low Impact Aerobics)                                                        friends.
          Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 9 a.m.
           No charge or pre-registration required

                                         Office: (330) 562-4333 • www.auroraoh.com/parks
                                               UPCOMING SOCIAL EVENTS

  Birthday Potluck Luncheon                         Aging in place…on a budget!                            Aurora Top Chef
           Monday, March 25                                    Tuesday, April 9                               Friday, May 3
Main course will be provided by Grande             Anderson Center for Accessible Living will   Heartland of Twinsburg and Maplewood of
Village.  You will bring a side dish to share.     be talking about accessibility basics in     Twinsburg will be sponsoring this fun event.
We will play Bingo after lunch if you              every area of your home. They will focus     They will bring pizza; you bring your best
would like to stay.                                on solutions that help increase safety and   recipe, main dish, side dish, appetizer, or
             12 - 2 p.m.                           efficiency.                                  dessert, which you prepare at home. We
   No Charge – Register by March 11                              2 - 3 p.m.                     will have “Celebrity” judges that will pick
                                                        No Charge – Register by April 2         the winning dish. The winner will then
       Keep Seniors Moving                                                                      move on to compete with other the winners
           Monday, April 8                                       Spring Fling                   at area senior centers.  You must register
      Sponsored by Home Instead                           Wednesday, April 10                   for this.  In order to participate, you have to
            10 - 11 a.m.                            Sponsored by Gardens @ Liberty Park         bring your “best” dish.
     No Charge – Register by April 1                            12 - 2 p.m.                                   12 - 1:30 p.m.
                                                        Fee: $2 – Register by April 3

                                           City of Aurora Transportation Program
   Transportation is provided for Aurora seniors who are at least 65 years of age and adults with disabilities.  Transportation is
   available for medical appointments (except following a surgical procedure), routine errands, and senior events at the Walker
   Building.  For more information or questions, please contact 330-995-8795.

                                 www.auroraoh.com/parks • Office: (330) 562-4333
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