Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission

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Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission
           YOUTH & ADULT


Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission
                                            O n the Cover: Grecielly Moraes Nascimento , 20, had an unusual boss in Aracaju, Brazil. He led
                                                           her to the Adventist Church and then asked her to be his wife. Story, Page 26.
                                            PERU                                               18 Adopting Two Boys | May 25
                                              4 Bible-Carrying City Folk | April 6
                                            PARAGUAY                                           20 New Year’s Wish | June 1
                                              6 Scared to Plant | April 13                     22 Fast Answer to Two Prayers | June 8
                                              8 No Peace in Meditation | April 20
                                                                                               24 Marxist to Adventist | June 15
                                            URUGUAY                                            26 Unforgettable Proposal | June 22
                                             10 Why Was I Born? | April 27                     28 Thirteenth Sabbath: Tired
                                             12 Longing for God | May 4                        		Missionaries | June 29
                                             14 On Fire for Jesus | May 11                     35 Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects
                                            ARGENTINA                                          35 Leader’s Resources
                                             16 Born to Be a Missionary | May 18               36 Map

                                              = stories of special interest to teens

                                                              Yo u r O f f e r i n g s a t W o r k
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                                  Three years ago, part of the Thirteenth Sabbath
                                                Offering funded a floating church (pictured with
                                                volunteers wearing green shirts, left, and baptismal
                                                candidates in gray robes) on the Amazon River in                     © 2019 General Conference of
                                                                                                               Seventh-day Adventists ® • All rights reserved
                                                Brazil. Read a mission story about the boat church                     12501 Old Columbia Pike,
                                                                                                                     Silver Spring, MD 20904-6601
                                                on page 28.                                                      1-800-648-5824 • AdventistMission.org

Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission
D e a r S a b b a t h S c h o o l L e a d e r,        Andrew McChesney

  This quarter we feature the South           goal of this community
American Division, which oversees the         center is to plant a new church in Cusco.
Seventh-day Adventist Church’s work              To prepare for this quarter, I
in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,         interviewed people who live in the four
Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Peru     cities that will receive the Thirteenth
and Uruguay, with adjacent islands in the     Sabbath funds, as well as people blessed
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.                  by the division’s previous Thirteenth
  The region is home to 340 million people,   Sabbath Offering three years ago. You
including 2.48 million Adventists. That’s a   can find their stories on the pages of this
ratio of one Adventist for 137 people.        publication and the Children’s Mission
  This quarter’s four Thirteenth Sabbath      magazine. After hearing their stories, I’m
projects are “centers of influence,” places   sure that you will join be in declaring that
used by Seventh-day Adventist church          Jesus indeed is coming soon!
members to connect with the local
community. Three of the centers of            Special Features
influence in Brazil and Peru are on the          If you want to make your Sabbath
premises of new Adventist churches. The       School class come alive in a special
fourth center of influence is a community     way, visit our Facebook page at the link:
center offering English-language classes,     facebook.com/missionquarterlies. Every
music lessons, and other activities to        week, we post additional materials to go
children and teens in Cusco, Peru. The        with each mission story.
                                                 This quarterly contains just a sample of
                                              the latest mission stories from the South
                                              American Division. For more stories, visit
                                              bit.ly/sad-archive, which will take you to
 Opportunities                                all the division stories. At this link, you
     The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering          can also search by country and theme.
     this quarter will help:                     You also can download the PDF version
  Plant a church and health-focused          of the Children’s Mission magazine at
   community center in Aruana, Brazil         bit.ly/childrenmission, and Mission
  Acquire property for a church and          Spotlight videos at bit.ly/missionspotlight.
   community center in Salvador, Brazil       A printable mission bank image can be
                                              downloaded at bit.ly/bank-coloring-page.
  Open a youth-focused community
   center with English-language school in        If you have found especially effective

   Cusco, Peru                                ways to share mission stories, please let me
  Establish a church and medical center in
                                              know at mcchesneya@gc.adventist.org.
   Pucallpa, Peru                                Thank you for encouraging others to be
                                              mission minded!
Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission
Bible-Carrying City Folk
                                                                                           PERU | April 6
                                                                                           A l e j a n d r o Q q u e r a r, 5 2

                                                                                           meetings, and the program organizers
                                                                                           opened a church for them. Alejandro and
                                                                                           his friends attended the Sunday worship
                                                                                           services whenever they could get away
                                                                                           from farm work.
                                                                                              The four church leaders saw the great
                                                                                           spiritual interest of the villagers and
                                                                                           resolved to present each with a Bible. So,
                                                                                           they made the 60-minute bus trip to the
                                                                                           nearest city, Cusco, and scoured the city
                                                                                           for Bibles. But no success.

                                               lejandro entered the first grade at
                                               the age of 18.
                                                   people might think that he
                                                                                              Despairing, the four leaders were
                                                                                           walking down one of Cusco’s cobblestoned
                                                                                           streets one morning when they noticed a
                                            started school late, but all 18-year-olds      stream of people, each carrying a Bible,
                                            in his village, Ccacaccollo, began first       entering a building. Thinking that the
                                            grade at that time in the 1980s. Villagers     building might be a bookstore with a
                                            thought it was more important for their        large supply of Bibles, the leaders followed
                                            children to work on the farm than to get       them in. It was a Seventh-day Adventist
                                            an education.                                  church, and the people were going to
                                               A classmate brought a radio to              Sabbath School.
                                            school, and Alejandro listened                    The leaders stayed for Sabbath School
                                            attentively to a religious program about       and the divine worship service. They
                                            the world’s last days. He was scared. He       were invited to lunch and then studied
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            wanted to know more.                           the Bible with church members in the
                                               His wish was fulfilled a short time later   afternoon. The men were thrilled with
                                            when the evangelical producers of the          what they learned. They turned to one
                                            radio program organized nightly meetings       another and said, “We only knew half of
                                            in the school’s gymnasium. As he listened      the end-time message. These people know
                                            to the preacher speak about Jesus’ soon        the whole story.”
                                            coming, his heart filled with joy.                The men decided on the spot to become
                                               Other villagers also enjoyed the            Adventists. They asked the pastor for
Mission - AdventistMission.org - 2019 QUARTER 2 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION - Adventist Mission
Commandment to keep the seventh-day

                                                                                               P E R U
 Stor y Tips                                  Sabbath. He became an Adventist.
                                                 Alejandro, who was now 19, soon
   Pronounce Alejandro as:                   dropped out of school to work full-time on
                                              the farm. He also began to tell anyone who
   Pronounce the name of Alejandro’s         would listen that Jesus is coming soon.
    village, Ccacaccollo, as: kaka-KOLO
                                                 His love for Jesus has brought
   Find photos for this story at the link:   extraordinary results. Alejandro, a
                                              simple man of short stature and limited
   Know that Alejandro, like many            education, has planted six churches over
    villagers in Peru, only speaks Quechua
    (pronounced: KETCH-wa). To interview
                                              the past 30 years. He planted the first
    him, Adventist Mission needed two         church in 1985, shortly after his baptism,
    interpreters: one to interpret from       and has planted a new church every three
    Quechua to Spanish, and another to        to five years since. Sometimes he walks
    interpret from Spanish to English
                                              five hours to reach one of his church
   Share that the Cusco church with the      plants. More than 800 people have been
    Bible-carrying members has been a big     baptized through his influence.
    support to Alejandro, providing food,
    money, and religious materials for his
                                                 Alejandro, now 52, praises God for the
    outreach efforts                          results but says real credit belongs to the
                                              faithful Adventists who carried their Bibles
   Watch a video of Alejandro at the link:
                                              to church in Cusco one Sabbath morning.
                                                 “I think that it’s important that we always
                                              have a Bible in our hands when we go to
                                              church because other people can see then
                                              that we are Christians,” he said. “If the
help explaining the full Bible truth to the   Seventh-day Adventists in Cusco hadn’t
people back in the village. Two church        been carrying Bibles that day, my village
members accompanied the men to the            may have never found the true church.”
village and preached in their church the         His village, which has 500 inhabitants,
next day, on Sunday.                          is largely Adventist today. Its church has
   Alejandro missed the worship service       300 baptized members. 
because he was working on the farm.
But his friends told him not to bother          Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth
going to church the next Sunday.              Sabbath Offering will help open a Cusco
The church had become Seventh-day             community center that will offering
Adventist and its next worship services       English classes, music lessons, and other
would be on Saturday.                         activities to children and young people.
   Alejandro went on Saturday to              The goal of the community center is to

find out what had happened. He was            plant a new church in the area. Thank
convicted with the new truths that he         you for your mission offering.
heard, including God’s instructions in the
Garden of Eden and through the Fourth         By Andrew McChesney

PARAGUAY | April 13

                                                                                           to Plant
                                                                                           Hugo Sanz, 64

                                            H   ugo Sanz was scared when the pastor
                                                asked him to plant a church in an
                                            unreached neighborhood in Paraguay’s
                                                                                           “But with the help of another people, we
                                                                                           did it. We came here, saw the need, and
                                                                                           started working.”
                                            capital, Asunción.                                The first steps were small. Hugo rented
                                               The silver-haired insurance director at     a building, a “center of influence,” and
                                            Asunción Adventist Hospital had worked         organized seminars such as healthy cooking
                                            for 20 years with fellow church members        classes and stop-smoking courses with help
                                            at the Central Seventh-day Adventist           from fellow church members from the
                                            Church, the city’s largest church with         hospital. He and other church members
                                            about 300 members. But he had never            befriended people in the neighborhood.
                                            worked with people outside the church.            Word began to spread about the new
                                               “I was afraid,” he said. “I didn’t feel     community center. A church member
                                            capable to run a church alone.”                created a Facebook page and posted
                                               Hugo spoke with his wife, who had some      photos. Radio Nuevo Tiempo, the local
                                            experience with people of other faiths after   affiliate of the Adventist Church’s Hope
                                            working with the Adventist Development         Channel radio, provided advertising.
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            and Relief Agency. She agreed to help.            After a year, in 2015, the center of
                                               Hugo prayed for several weeks and felt      influence began to hold regular Saturday
                                            a growing sense of guilt as he realized that   meetings called “One Day Away From
                                            the site of the proposed church in the         the World.”
                                            Nueva Sajonia neighborhood was located            “This is one day when people can forget
                                            only two blocks from his home. He agreed       their stress and focus on the Bible,” Hugo
                                            to oversee the church-planting effort.         said. “We sang and studied the Bible
                                               “I started this out of guilt,” he said.     together, and people who had attended
prosper in all things and be in health, just
 Stor y Tips                                 as your soul prospers.” Another favorite
                                             is Philippians 4:7, which says, “And
 Pronounce Asunción as:                     the peace of God, which surpasses all
                                             understanding, will guard your hearts and

                                                                                              PA R AG UAY
 Pronounce Nueva Sajonia as:                minds through Christ Jesus.”
  nyo-va sa-KHON-ia                             A series of overnight burglaries
 Watch a video of Hugo at the link:         disrupted work at the community center
  bit.ly/Hugo-Sanz                           in 2016. Four times thieves broke the glass
 Find photos for this story at the link:    windows and stole electronics, chairs,
  bit.ly/fb-mq                               and tables. The seminars were moved to
                                             Hugo’s home.
 Mission Post                                   That same year, the Adventist world
                                             church collected a Thirteenth Sabbath
 Paraguay has 61 churches, 95
  companies, and 12,519 members. In a        Offering to help the community center
  population of 31,838,000, one in 544       grow into a church. With the money, the
  people is an Adventist.                    local Adventist Church purchased the
 The first Adventist worker to visit        community center site, expanded and
  Paraguay was Lionel Brooking, a            updated its facilities, and improved security.
  colporteur, who sold books in the             The new Nueva Sajonia Seventh-day
  Gran Chaco of Paraguay in 1892. In         Adventist Church and community center
  August 1900, E.W. Snyder and his
  wife arrived from the United States.
                                             opened in 2018 with its own pastor. Hugo
  Adventist canvassers had reported          remains a lay leader — and he said he
  that a German at Colonia Nacional          couldn’t be happier.
  (National Colony), Paraguay, had              “I worked for the Adventist Church for
  accepted Adventist teachings through
                                             20 years, but the few years here have been
  reading a German paper sent to him by
  his brother in Uruguay.                    the happiest in my life because I have
                                             worked with people in the world,” said
                                             Hugo, 64. “Before, I worked for people
                                             already in church. But now I’m not just
                                             talking but also doing, and showing God’s
our health seminars realized that we are     love in a new way. I feel like I’m fulfilling
                                             the mission that God has for my life.”
healthy because of the Bible. They started
praying to God.”
                                               Thank you for your Thirteenth
  While studying the Bible, community
                                             Sabbath Offering in first quarter 2016
members expressed surprise about the
                                             that helped plant Nueva Sajonia
practical health advice on its pages. They
                                             Seventh-day Adventist Church in
learned that good health can be found
                                             Asunción, Paraguay. Thank you for your

through a proper diet and also through       mission offerings that support mission
prayer, peace, and Jesus. One of their       work around the world. 
favorite Bible verses is 3 John 2, which
says, “Beloved, I pray that you may          By Andrew McChesney
No Peace in Meditation
                                                                                        PARAGUAY | April 20
                                                                                        Gustavo Javier Caballero, 40

                                                                                        back on his life. His parents, who belonged
                                                                                        to another Christian denomination,
                                                                                        enrolled him in a Seventh-day
                                                                                        Adventist school at the age of 12 at the
                                                                                        recommendation of a neighbor. He showed
                                                                                        little interest in the school’s Bible classes,
                                                                                        and neighborhood friends introduced him
                                                                                        to alcohol and drugs during his senior year.
                                                                                           Gustavo used marijuana, alcohol,
                                                                                        and cocaine on weekends to ease his
                                                                                        worries. But then he started to suffer
                                                                                        constant headaches and nausea. He

                                            T    he spiritual guide led Gustavo into
                                                 a room to communicate with dead
                                            people in Paraguay’s capital, Asunción.
                                                                                        went to a psychologist for help, and she
                                                                                        recommended Eastern meditation.
                                                                                           Gustavo found the spiritual guide at an
                                               “They will give some answers that you    Eastern temple and learned meditation
                                            need,” the spiritual guide said.            and yoga. To meditate, he repeated a
                                               Gustavo desperately wanted answers.      phrase from a dead Indian language again
                                            He struggled to sleep at night and was      and again. This was supposed to relax
                                            meditating twice a day — an hour in the     him and connect him to a peaceful place
                                            morning and an hour in the evening — to     where his mind went blank.
                                            cope with stress. The meditation offered       Life seemed to improve for a while.
                                            peace for a while, but then the stress      But then he began to hear voices and see
                                            returned a hundredfold.                     apparitions during the meditation-induced
                                               With the spiritual guide, he heard       trances. “I was going crazy,” Gustavo said.
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            distorted voices, yelling, in the room.     “I needed someone to help me.”
                                            He saw people walking around and               He sought help from the spiritual guide,
                                            disappearing. They resembled demons.        who frightened him by taking him to meet
                                               Seeing his fright, the spiritual guide   supposedly dead people.
                                            said, “Don’t worry. They won’t hurt you.       It was then that Gustavo remembered
                                            They will only examine your mind and        studying the Bible at the Adventist
                                            your feelings.”                             school. He contacted an Adventist pastor
                                               After the experience, Gustavo looked     and an Adventist mental health worker
and decided to try it. He found that the
 Stor y Tips                                     technique mirrored Eastern meditation
                                                 but, instead of repeating the phrase in the
   Pronounce Asunción as: ah-soon-SYAWN         dead Indian language, he repeated words
   Pronounce Nueva Sajonia as: nyo-va           from the Bible. The results shocked him.

                                                                                                PA R AG UAY
    sa-KHON-ia                                      “I lost control of my mind, and it went
   Watch a video of Gustavo at the link:        blank like before,” he said. “I felt an
    bit.ly/Gustavo-Caballero                     energy surging through my body, and I
                                                 heard voices telling me what to do.”
   Find photos for this story at the link:
                                                    Gustavo was frozen, unable to move,
                                                 until he came out of the trance.
                                                    Afterward, several old friends told
 Fa s t Fa c t s                                 Gustavo that voices had instructed them
   Paraguay’s literacy rate is higher than      during their own meditations that day to
    that of the United States. Paraguay’s        invite him to meditate like before.
    citizens age 15 and older read and write        Gustavo resolved never to meditate that
    at a 94 percent literacy rate, compared to
    86 percent for the U.S.
                                                 way again. Instead, he said, he chooses to
                                                 “read the Bible and meditate on His word,
                                                 not doing Eastern-style meditation. That
                                                 is a dangerous place. God is not guiding
for help. They prayed with him and               that kind of meditation.”
                                                    He also is convinced that yoga is a tool
advised him to give up meditating, yoga,
                                                 of the devil.
and drugs. Gustavo started attending
                                                    “With yoga, you feel good, and you don’t
church every Sabbath.
                                                 need to read the Bible or have Jesus in your
   Meditation and yoga proved easy to stop,
                                                 life,” he said. “You think that spirits are
but the drug use was more difficult. As
                                                 working within you and that is enough.”
Gustavo struggled, he prayed and found
                                                    Today, Gustavo is 40 and works as
help in the Bible. On sleepless nights, he
                                                 a literature evangelist and massage
claimed Isaiah 26:3, which says, “You will
                                                 therapist. He also is an active participant
keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is
                                                 of a community center attached to Nueva
stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”
                                                 Sajonia Seventh-day Adventist Church, a
He also claimed Philippians 4:13, which
                                                 2016 Thirteenth Sabbath project.
promises, “I can do all things through
                                                    He tells people in the neighborhood that
Christ who strengthens me.”
                                                 drugs and meditation aren’t the answer.
   Gustavo gave his heart to Jesus and was          “Getting high and meditating feels good
baptized at the age of 34. “I was looking        for a while, but then you feel worse,” he
for a cure, for someone to help me feel          said. “The only solution is Christ. Only

better,” he said. “In church, I found out        when you pray do you feel better — and
that I’m God’s son. I was freed by His life.”    have real peace.” 
   After baptism, he found a video
presentation about “Christian meditation”        By Andrew McChesney

URUGUAY | April 27

                                                                                           Why Was
                                                                                           I Born?
                                                                                           Graciela Musetti, 52

                                                                                           cemetery and, as she mourned at her older
                                                                                           daughter’s grave, Graciela darted between
                                                                                           the tombstones. The little girl took
                                                                                           flowers from graves with large bouquets
                                                                                           and placed them on empty graves.
                                                                                              At home, Mother introduced Graciela
                                                                                           to visitors by saying, “God took one
                                            AShewoman stood at the bus stop in
                                               Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo.
                                                 had money in her purse for a
                                                                                           daughter away from me and gave me this
                                                                                           one instead.” Then she told the story
                                            special purpose, and she was waiting for       about the bus stop, treating it lightly, like
                                            the bus.                                       a joke. “Graciela wasn’t supposed to be
                                               Suddenly, she began to tremble. She felt    born,” she said, smiling.
                                            something move inside her.                        Graciela felt guilty and insecure. She
                                               The bus arrived and stopped, but she        felt like she had replaced a sister who
                                            turned away. Instead, she crossed the          was the light of the house. Several years
                                            street to a bakery and used some of the        passed, and her parents divorced. Graciela
                                            money to buy cookies.                          had a son at the age of 15. Then her eldest
                                               At home, her husband met her at the door.   brother died of a heart attack. The death
                                               “Back so soon?” he asked.                   devastated Mother, and for several months
                                               “Yes, I decided not to do it,” she said.    Graciela accompanied her to the cemetery
                                               Several months later, Graciela Musetti      to visit his grave.
                                            was born.                                         A few more years passed, and Graciela’s
                                               Graciela’s mother, Maria, never allowed     only remaining sibling, another older
                                                                                           brother, was struck dead by a car as he
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            her daughter to forget that day.
                                                                                           rode his bicycle. Graciela didn’t have the
                                            Unusual Childhood                              heart to tell her mother. She felt like the
                                               Graciela grew up playing among              sole survivor of a major tragedy.
                                            tombstones.                                       Mother grew old, and Graciela cared for
                                               When she was 18 months old, her             her until she died. In her last years, Mother
                                            18-year-old sister died in a tragic factory    was bedridden after suffering a stroke.
                                            fire that killed about 20 people. Every           One day, Graciela stumbled across
                                            day, Mother took Graciela to the               Nuevo Tiempo radio, the local affiliate
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s
Hope radio. Listening to a program, she        Stor y Tips
was drawn to the pastor’s voice, which she
found peaceful and calming.                    Pronounce Graciela as: gras-EE-yela
   At the same time, she listened to a         Pronounce Montevideo as:
pastor on another radio station who             Mon-teh-vi-DAY-oh
attacked Adventist Church cofounder            Watch a video of Graciela at the link:
Ellen White much of the time. His anger         bit.ly/Graciela-Musetti
caught Graciela’s attention, and she           Find photos for this story at the link:
decided that she wanted to read an Ellen        bit.ly/fb-mq
White book. But where to find one?
   Graciela visited libraries and              Mission Post
bookstores, but nobody had any books.

                                                                                              U R U G UAY
   One day, her adult son visited a shoe       Uruguay has 59 churches and 50
                                                companies. There are 7,890 members in
store and noticed a book lying on the
                                                Uruguay’s population of 3,457,000, or
chair. He glanced through it and brought        one Adventist for every 438 Uruguayans.
it to his mother. “Look, Mother, this is
something that you will like,” he said.        The first Adventist in Uruguay was Mrs.
                                                Juan Rivoir, who came to Uruguay with
A Book From God                                 her husband in 1890 and who, four years
                                                before her arrival, had listened to sermons
  Graciela took the book into her hands         by Ellen White in Piedmont, Italy.
and read the title, “The Great Hope.”
Underneath, she saw the author’s name,
Ellen White. She began to tremble.              “Since the moment that I was in my
  “This is the Lord acting in my life!” she   mother’s womb, the Lord was working
exclaimed. “He has sent me this book!”        with me,” said Graciela, 52. “If my mother
  From that moment, Graciela had no           had had the abortion, who would have
doubts about Ellen White — even before        taken care of her? Who would take care of
she read the book. “God used the book to      my father, who is now 94 and bedridden?
call me to His way,” Graciela said.             “God is always in control of
  She telephoned Nuevo Tiempo for             everything,” she said. “I don’t know what
more information, and the radio station       He saw in me, but He saved me. I hope to
sent an Adventist church member, Miguel       make more disciples for Him.”
Amaro Speranza, to give Bible studies.
  Soon Graciela was baptized into La Teja        Thank you for your 2016 Thirteenth
Seventh-day Adventist Church, a church        Sabbath Offering that helped La Teja
funded by a 2016 Thirteenth Sabbath           Seventh-day Adventist Church move
Offering. Today, she is an active church      from a small, rented house into its own
member, giving Bible studies and helping      church building and community center.

people in her neighborhood. Through her       Thank you for your mission offerings that
influence, four people have been baptized.    help lead people like Graciela to Christ. 
  Graciela wondered much of her life why
she was born. Now she has the answer.         By Andrew McChesney

Longing for God
                                                                                        URUGUAY | May 4
                                                                                        M a r i a Ce c i l i a F r e i r e , 6 0

                                                                                        But she stopped going to church. With
                                                                                        three children to raise, she needed to
                                                                                        work. Unable to find a cooking job
                                                                                        with Saturdays off, she stopped keeping
                                                                                        the Sabbath.
                                                                                          Years passed, and her children grew up
                                                                                        and got married. But Cecilia remained
                                                                                        bitter about the divorce. Her bitterness
                                                                                        grew when her mother died.

                                                                                        Moving Home
                                                                                           Then Cecilia moved to Uruguay’s
                                                                                        capital, Montevideo, to live with her

                                            Cecilia was devastated when her
                                             husband left.
                                                                                        eldest daughter, son-in-law, and three
                                                                                        grandchildren. She began to think about
                                               She was 30, fighting uterine cancer,     God and wished that an Adventist church
                                            and suffering dreadful pain. She wondered   was located in her neighborhood.
                                            whether her husband had gotten a divorce       Somehow, she started listening to
                                            because she, doubled over in pain, hadn’t   Nuevo Tiempo radio, the local affiliate of
                                            allowed him to touch her for months.        the Adventist Church’s Hope radio.
                                               But her mother had other ideas. She         “I can’t explain how I started listening
                                            blamed the divorce on her daughter’s        to the radio,” she said. “It was just
                                            decision to join the Seventh-day            something from God that I found the
                                            Adventist Church. Cecilia had been          radio station.”
                                            baptized several years earlier during a        One day while listening, she heard that
                                            Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic          an Adventist church would open just 13
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            campaign in her hometown, Mercedes,         blocks from her home. She walked into
                                            in Uruguay. After being baptized, Cecilia   the Goes Seventh-day Adventist Church
                                            stopped going to parties and drinking       on Jan. 1, 2017, shortly after it officially
                                            alcohol with her husband.                   opened. She wanted to start the new year
                                               “You lost your husband because of the    with God. She also wanted to be baptized
                                            church,” her mother said.                   immediately, but the pastor advised her to
                                               Fortunately, Cecilia had a successful    refresh her knowledge of the Bible. She
                                            operation and her cancer was removed.       was baptized five months later, on May 18.
“From that day on, I am very happy,”
Cecilia said. “God has changed my life.           Stor y Tips
He has taken me away from a life of pain
and bitterness.”                                   Pronounce Montevideo as:
  She knew that God was removing her
bitterness when she started to smile. Even         Pronounce Goes, a two-syllable word, as:
the church members have noticed and say,
“You are very smiley!”                             Watch a video of Cecila speaking
  She replies, “I’m very happy!”                    beside the baptismal pool where she was
                                                    baptized at Goes Seventh-day Adventist
Praying for Family                                  Church. The link: bit.ly/Cecilia-Freire
   After returning to church, Cecilia              Find photos for this story at the link:
started praying for her daughter and son-           bit.ly/fb-mq

                                                                                                 U R U G UAY
in-law to accept Jesus. As she prayed,
she noticed that a church member, a               Fa s t Fa c t s
Brazilian missionary, spoke fluent English.
Her son-in-law, an architect who spoke             The Guaraní word “Uruguay” means
                                                    “river of the painted birds.”
no English, was looking for a language
teacher because he wanted to move                  The national dish of Uruguay is a
abroad to work. With the permission of              sandwich called Chivito. It is made
the Brazilian missionary, Cecilia told her          with thinly sliced steak (churrasco),
                                                    mozzarella, tomatoes, mayonnaise, olives,
son-in-law that she had found an English-           and hard-boiled eggs, and is served in a
language teacher at church.                         bun. It is often eaten with french fries.
   “This way I brought him into contact            Uruguay has a literacy rate of 98.1
with the church,” Cecilia said. “He became          percent for adults, thanks to the
friends with the pastor and others in               provision of free, compulsory education.
church and got involved in the church.”             In 2009, it became the first nation in the
   Her daughter proved more difficult to            world to provide every school child with
                                                    free wireless Internet and a laptop.
reach. Every time Cecilia mentioned God,
the daughter complained, “You’re trying            Uruguay is the only country in South
to get me into that church again!”                  America where tap water is safe to drink.
   Finally, Cecilia told her daughter, “It is      Around 95 percent of the electricity
not that. It’s just that after I die, I want us     is generated from renewable resources,
to meet again when I open my eyes.”                 mainly from wind farms.
   The words touched the daughter’s heart.
She and her husband are taking Bible
studies in preparation for baptism.               Offering to acquire a church building in
   “God has done wonderful things in my           Montevideo, Uruguay. Thank you for your
life,” Cecilia said.                              faithfulness with mission offerings, which

                                                  help prepare people like Cecilia and her
  Cecilia, 60, belongs to Goes Seventh-           family for Christ’s soon return. 
day Adventist Church, which received
part of a 2016 Thirteenth Sabbath                 By Andrew McChesney

URUGUAY | May 11

                                                                                         On Fire
                                                                                         for Jesus
                                                                                         Mi g u e l A m a r o S p e r a n z a , 6 9

                                                                                           The problem was solved when
                                                                                         Adventists around the world helped La
                                                                                         Teja Seventh-day Adventist Church
                                                                                         purchase its own building and lifestyle
                                                                                         center through a Thirteenth Sabbath
                                                                                         Offering in 2016.
                                                                                           Miguel is thrilled about the new
                                                                                         opportunities now available to the church.
                                                        69 and bursting with energy.
                                                            ago, Miguel accepted an
                                                                                           “Our plan is to serve the people in the
                                                                                         neighborhood, including the homeless,”
                                            invitation from a friend, Yraldino “Dino”
                                                                                         he said in an interview in the church’s
                                            Fernandez, to lead Bible studies in Dino’s
                                                                                         kitchen, where healthy cooking classes
                                            home in the impoverished La Teja district
                                                                                         are held. “Many impoverished people live
                                            of Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo.
                                                                                         around here.”
                                               Miguel and Dino also gave Bible studies
                                            at people’s homes in the district, a place   Story Two
                                            where the Seventh-day Adventist Church          This wasn’t Miguel’s first time to win
                                            had no church building.                      souls for Christ. He and a group of church
                                               After a year, the Bible-study             members from El Prado Seventh-day
                                            participants were invited to a Daniel and    Adventist Church used to travel regularly
                                            Revelation evangelistic series. Sixteen      to a squatter settlement comprised largely
                                            people were baptized.                        of crude cardboard-box shelters in a
                                               “Following the meetings, we decided to    dangerous part of Montevideo.
                                            plant a church,” Miguel said.                   “Five of us gave 25 Bible studies every
                                               Miguel, several other church members,     Sabbath,” Miguel said. “We also brought
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            and the 16 new members rented a house        food. We tried to reach the people and
                                            and worshipped there every Sabbath.          provide for their needs.”
                                               Church attendance grew as church             Church members provided ongoing
                                            members reached out to the neighborhood      assistance to 47 adults and 90 children.
                                            with food and clothing. The rented space     They also constructed a house where
                                            grew cramped, and church members looked      people could find shelter from rising
                                            for ways to expand the church building       floodwater during the rainy season.
                                            and their impact on the community.              People from the settlement started going
to the Adventist church. Some arrived by
horse and cart.                                   Stor y Tips
  “As a result of the work, we had 21
baptisms,” Miguel said.                             Pronounce Montevideo as:
Story Three                                         Watch a video of Miguel speaking in
   Miguel worked 27 years with the                   the sanctuary of La Teja Seventh-day
Adventist Development and Relief                     Adventist Church at the link:
Agency in Uruguay, and one of his fondest            bit.ly/Miguel-Speranza
memories is of Walter, a homeless man               Find photos for this story at the link:
with diabetes and no legs who showed up              bit.ly/fb-mq
at an ADRA center in Montevideo.
   Walter had no food and no place to go,         Mission Post

                                                                                               U R U G UAY
and Miguel became acquainted with him
and, at his request, gave Bible studies.            The first Seventh-day Adventist school
                                                     in Uruguay was organized in 1908, in
   One day as Miguel was preparing a                 Nueva Helvecia colony in the home
Sabbath sermon while cooking, Walter                 of Julio Ernst, with Otto Heydeker
asked, “What will you preach about?”                 as teacher. Uruguay Academy, now
   Miguel explained that the inspiration             Uruguay Adventist Academy (Instituto
for the sermon came from a picture posted            Adventista del Uruguay) situated at
                                                     Progreso, was founded in 1944.
on his refrigerator door. The picture
showed a child fishing food out of the
garbage and posed the question, “What            “I used to have friends who drank and
are you complaining about?”                      danced with me. But now they complain
   Opening his Bible, Miguel read Luke           about their problems, and I say, ‘What
9:13, where Jesus told His disciples, “You       are you complaining about? Look at me. I
give them something to eat.” Jesus gave          have diabetes and no legs.’”
the command shortly before the miracle of           Months later, Walter gave his heart to
the loaves and fish.                             Jesus. Coming out of the baptismal waters,
   Miguel returned to his cooking, and           he shouted, “Thank you, Jesus!”
Walter busily wrote on a piece of paper.            Miguel still hears Walter’s triumphant
After a while, Walter handed the paper to        shout today. A month and a half after the
Miguel. “If this is useful, I give this to you   baptism, Walter passed away. “I hope to
for the sermon,” he said.                        see him again when our heavenly Father
   Miguel read the message during the            comes to take us home,” Miguel said.
sermon. The church members wept.                 “I hope to reunite with him and with
   Walter had written as if Jesus were           all those whom God has given us the
writing to people. The message said, “You        opportunity to share the gospel.”
are complaining, but look: Around you

live people who are homeless, without              Thank you for your 2016 Thirteenth
food, and without clothing. You have a           Sabbath Offering for La Teja church. 
place to rest, food, and clothing.”
   Walter then wrote about himself,              By Andrew McChesney
Born to Be a Missionary
                                                                                                            ARGENTINA | May 18
                                                                                                            Marcelo Fernandez
                                            photo: Pixabay

                                                                                                               Then my wife, Elisa, learned that she
                                                                                                            was pregnant.
                                                                                                               Elisa, who has a sense of humor, set up
                                                                                                            a hidden camera to record my reaction as
                                                                                                            she broke the news over breakfast.
                                                                                                               She gave me a small box, which at first
                                                                                                            I thought was empty. But then I saw a
                                                                                                            pregnancy test inside. I took it out and
                                                                                                            saw that it was positive.
                                                                                                               A confusing mixture of shock and
                                                                                                            happiness overwhelmed me. The video
                                                                                                            recording shows that I froze. I didn’t
                                                                                                            even hug my wife. I only stared at the
                                                                                                            pregnancy test in my hand.
                                                             M      y wife and I prayed for a child for
                                                                    14 years.
                                                                “If it is Your will, let us have our own
                                                                                                               My mind was racing. “Why now, God?”
                                                                                                            I thought. “This is the weirdest timing
                                                             children or help us to adopt,” we prayed.      ever. Now the government authorities will
                                                                After a series of tests, our physician      say ‘no.’ The church leaders in the closed
                                                             declared that our chances of having            country will say ‘no.’ The South American
                                                             children were slim. It also became clear       Division will say ‘no.’ A child will be too
                                                             that it would be difficult to adopt children   expensive and disrupt our work.”
                                                             in our home country, Argentina.                God’s Perfect Timing
                                                                Then an opportunity arose to work for          But God’s timing is perfect.
                                                             God in a closed country far away, and we          Nobody objected to my wife’s
                                                             thought, “Maybe God wants us to adopt a        pregnancy. Even the government
                                                             child in another country.”                     authorities, in reply to a worried query,
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                                                All the pieces fell into place. The         said, “No problem. We love children.”
                                                             Seventh-day Adventist Church’s South              Our son, Ezekiel, was born three months
                                                             American Division, whose territory             after we arrived in the closed country. He
                                                             includes Argentina, said “yes” to our          has opened at least 80 percent of the doors
                                                             desire to move abroad for five years. The      to help us be good witnesses for God.
                                                             church leaders in the closed country              We quickly learned that the local
                                                             said “yes,” and the relevant government        people love children. And if you are a
                                                             authorities also said “yes.”                   foreigner, it’s even better. People will
stop you everywhere to take a photo.
Grandparents, carrying around their               Stor y Tips
grandchildren, will reach out to you to
                                                    Names have been changed in the
know more and to share parenting tips.               story to protect the family’s work in a
   We have more opportunities to                     sensitive region. For that reason, no
sow seeds than we ever could have                    video is available this week
imagined. Wherever we go, people                    Find a photo for this story at the link:
gather around Ezekiel.                               bit.ly/fb-mq
   Through our son, we have befriended
people in our apartment building, at              Mission Post
supermarkets, and in parks. We invite our
                                                    Argentina has 606 churches and 438
new friends to birthday parties and other            companies. There are 116,391 church
celebrations in our home. Many parents               members — one for every 381 people in
want their children to interact more with            the country.
our son, so they ask whether they can               The first Adventists in Argentina were
come to our son’s Sabbath School class.              four families who came to Diamante,
One married couple in our building has               Entre Rios Province, from Tampa in
a same-aged daughter, and they visit us              the U.S. state of Kansas in early 1890.
                                                     These were German farmers who
often. We have presented their girl with             had been colonists in Russia and had

                                                                                                     A R G E N T I N A
an English-language children’s Bible.                become Adventists while living in the
   The way that we treat our child is having         United States.
a bigger impact than we ever dreamed. God           In July 1896, the first Adventist camp
gave us a well-behaved son. People see that          meeting in Argentina was held in
we hug him and how happy he is. They see             Crespo, Entre Rios; 150 people attended.
God’s love even better.
Surprise No. 2
   An amazing thing happened just as                Our witness speaks louder than our
we were rejoicing over Ezekiel’s powerful        words. I think God wants us to be living
ability to witness. My wife got pregnant         witnesses, and He is giving us a chance to
again, and then she gave birth to a girl.        experience this in a deeper way.
   For the local people, having a son and           God is using my son to fulfill Matthew
a daughter is wonderful. Random people           24:14 and pave the way for the Second
stop us on the street to explain again and       Coming. I think Ezekiel already has more
again that the combination of having a           stars in his crown than my wife or me.
boy and a girl is perfection. We smile,             I feel so blessed that God shows us
thank them, and point to God as the              sinners that His plans are always better.
perfect picture of perfection.                   The Lord says in Isaiah 55:8, “For My
   What a witness!                               thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are

   Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this        your ways My ways.”
gospel of the kingdom will be preached in           God’s plans are perfect. 
all the world as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come.”                     By Marcelo Fernandez, as told to Andrew McChesney

Adopting Two Boys
                                                                                           ARGENTINA | May 25
                                                                                           Juan and Juanita

                                                                                           daily would be too much to expect.
                                                                                           Remembering that they had an extra room
                                                                                           at home, they took the small boys back to
                                                                                           the hospital compound. They invited the
                                                                                           brothers to stay for the 10 days needed to
                                                                                           complete the treatment.
                                                                                              As the boys’ health improved, Juan and
                                                                                           Juanita learned that they had no father.
                                                                                           Their mother was working far away and
                                                                                           could not send for them. Juan and Juanita
                                            C    hildren kept knocking on the door
                                                 of Juan and Juanita’s house on the
                                            compound of the Seventh-day Adventist
                                                                                           decided to keep caring for the two boys.
                                                                                              The couple helped the boys with
                                                                                           their basic needs, enrolled them in the
                                            hospital in Africa.                            Adventist school, and took them to
                                               Juan and Juanita, married medical           Sabbath School.
                                            volunteers from Argentina doing a one-            During family worship, the boys heard
                                            year mission term, were living on a small      stories from the Bible, and they especially
                                            stipend, but they gladly shared rice and       identified with miracles such as how God’s
                                            other simple foods from their kitchen.         people were led out of slavery in Exodus.
                                               Then it struck Juan and Juanita. Some          Despite their young age, the boys even
                                            of the children weren’t hungry at all and      took the initiative to help with chores. One
                                            seemed to have other challenges, perhaps       morning Juanita woke up to find the 5-year-
                                            emotional needs.                               old in the kitchen, standing on the tips of
                                               “We asked ourselves if we were really       his toes at the sink, washing dishes.
                                            helping them,” Juan said.                         “He smiled at my wife and said he knew
                                               Determined to understand the children       we were tired and just wanted to help out
                                            better, Juan and Juanita visited the village   to let us rest a bit longer,” Juan said.
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            of a teenager who did odd jobs for them.          Time passed, and Juan and Juanita
                                            The teen’s own home astonished them. He        longed to meet the boys’ mother. They
                                            had two little brothers, ages 3 and 5, who     thought that she must be very loving and
                                            lived alone. Moreover, it was winter, and      honorable to have such noble sons.
                                            the boys were ill.                                When the couple’s one-year term with
                                               The teen wasn’t home for much of the        Adventist Volunteer Services ended, they
                                            day, and the couple decided that asking        made arrangements for the boys to live
                                            him to give medicine to his little brothers    with local friends.
“It was a beautiful moment because we
 Stor y Tips                                   felt that a chapter in our lives had closed,”
                                               Juan said. “We pray that the Lord will
   Adventist Mission is not disclosing the
    real identities of Juan and Juanita, or    water the seeds that have been sown.”
    the country where this story took place,      The African experience changed the
    because the couple are career medical      hearts of Juan and Juanita. They noticed
    missionaries who work in sensitive         that Ellen White wasn’t only a prolific
    parts of the world. They asked that
    their names not be published to avoid
                                               author with prophetic insights. She also
    hindering future work. For that reason,    had a living faith, practicing what she
    no video is available this week            preached by caring for needy children in
   Find a picture that Juan drew for this
                                               her own home.
    story on the opposite page and at the         “For me this was revolutionary,” Juan said.
    link: bit.ly/fb-mq                         “Many times you see missionaries working in
                                               the community, but how often do they bring
                                               the mission work to their homes?”
                                                  Missionaries who do this can entertain
   After a while, Juan and Juanita returned    unseen angels, Juan said, pointing to a
for a new mission term and learned that        favorite passage in Ellen White’s “Desire
the teenage brother had died. His mother       of Ages,” page 639: “As you open your

                                                                                                A R G E N T I N A
had taken away her young sons.                 door to Christ’s needy and suffering ones,
   Juan tracked down the mother and            you are welcoming unseen angels. You
visited her and her sons.                      invite the companionship of heavenly
   “It was a blessing to find them,” Juan      beings. They bring a sacred atmosphere
said. “She is a lovely person. We spent        of joy and peace. They come with praises
time with her. The boys were shy because       upon their lips, and an answering strain
we hadn’t seen them for some time.”            is heard in heaven. Every deed of mercy
   When their second mission term ended,       makes music there. The Father from His
the couple decided to visit the reunited       throne numbers the unselfish workers
family one last time. Juan spent about a       among His most precious treasures.”
week with them, building a friendship             Juan — who was 30 when he and
with the mother as he helped her with          Juanita helped the boys and is now 34 —
legal paperwork and other practical issues.    appealed to Adventists to be vulnerable
Juanita had to work during the week but        and to practice the gospel by bringing the
                                               mission work to their homes and, by God’s
joined them on the weekend.
                                               grace, reaching people’s hearts.
   Together, the couple presented the family
                                                  “This was a heart-changing
with a box of children’s Bible books with
                                               experience for me,” said Juan, who
beautiful illustrations, a Bible for each
                                               grew up as a missionary kid. “I felt like I
family member in their native language, and
                                               turned into a missionary in the mission

Ellen White’s “The Great Controversy.”         field. I was no longer a missionary kid,
Under a tree, they led a special Sabbath       but a missionary myself.”
School class and church service for the
community, and then said goodbye.              By Andrew McChesney

New Year’s Wish
                                                                                          BRAZIL | June 1
                                                                                          Beatriz de Jesus Santana, 23

                                                                                           feel so well. She was exhausted after the
                                                                                           holiday weekend.
                                                                                              Her boss, Ana Christina,
                                                                                           sympathetically sat down beside her and
                                                                                           pulled out her cell phone. On it, she played
                                                                                           a three-minute video.
                                                                                              Beatriz watched with interest as she
                                                                                           saw a pastor speak about Jesus. The pastor
                                                                                           didn’t speak like her friends.
                                                                                              The next morning, Beatriz received
                                                                                           another three-minute video from Ana
                                                                                           Christina via WhatsApp on her cell
                                                                                           phone. Another short video arrived the

                                            Y    oung people raised glasses of wine as     following day. Beatriz watched each video
                                                 they made wishes to God at a New          and was amazed by the pastor’s peaceful
                                            Year’s Eve party on a sandy beach on           demeanor. She lived with her divorced
                                            Brazil’s Itaparica Island.                     father, who drank heavily, and the two
                                               “God, I want a year filled with blessings,” often quarreled. The arguments were a
                                            said one.                                      main reason that Beatriz had begun to
                                               “I want to get rich,” said another.         party and drink.
                                               “I want to find love,” chimed in a third.      After several days, Beatriz googled the
                                               Beatriz de Jesus Santana listened as        pastor’s name. She learned that the pastor,
                                            her friends spoke on the Aratuba Beach,        Ivan Saraiva, hosted the Portuguese-
                                            a popular hangout located an hour by           language “It Is Written” television program
                                            ferry from her home in Salvador, a city        on Novo Tempo television, the Brazilian
                                            of 3 million people. She wondered how          affiliate of the Seventh-day Adventist
                                            drinking and partying was improving her        Church’s Hope Channel.
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            life. Then she spoke.                             Beatriz began watching the “It Is
                                               “I don’t want to ask God for anything,”     Written” broadcasts, and she followed
                                            she said. “I just want to thank God for        along in her Bible to verify that the pastor
                                            everything that has happened this year.        spoke the truth. She was astonished when
                                            I got a university scholarship and a good      she heard about the Ten Commandments
                                            internship at an engineering company. So       and the seventh-day Sabbath.
                                            many good things have happened.”                  After three weeks of studying the Bible
                                               The next Monday at work, Beatriz didn’t with the television program, Beatriz asked
She also was surprised about how she
 Stor y Tips                                    was treated, and she wondered, “Why
                                                do those people care so much about me?
  Watch a video of Beatriz at the link:
                                                They don’t know me, but they tell me,
                                                ‘Have a great day!’ They want to know
  Find photos for this story at the link:      about my knowledge of the Bible and
                                                how I am studying it. They care about me
 Mission Post                                   before they know who I really am.”
                                                   Two young people at the church
  Brazil has 9,006 churches and 8,813          — Amanda and Vitor — gave Bible
   companies. With 1,666,125 members,           studies to Beatriz every Sabbath. Finally,
   that’s one member for every 125 people
   in Brazil.                                   Beatriz gave her heart to Jesus and was
                                                baptized in a swimming pool in the yard
  In 1939, Adventist medical work was
   established in Brazil, with the foundation
                                                of the house church. Ana Christina wept
   of Boa Vista Clinic (Good View Clinic)       with joy at the sight.
   under the direction of Dr. Antonio              Today, Beatriz is praying for her father,
   Alves de Miranda. In 1942 the clinic         mother, and older brother to accept Jesus.
   was replaced by Casa de Saude Liberdade
   (Sao Paulo Adventist Hospital), under
                                                Her brother is already studying the Bible
   the direction of Dr. Galdino Nunes           with “It Is Written.”
   Vieira, a university teacher who left           “I didn’t used to believe in miracles,”
   his job to dedicate himself to medical       Beatriz said. “I thought miracles were
   missionary work.                             impossible. But God has performed a true
                                                miracle in my life. I had an emptiness that
God to forgive her for her past life. She       partying and drinking could not fill. It was
opened her heart to God and, for the first      an emptiness that was just the right size
time, believed that He was listening when       for Jesus to fill.”
she prayed.                                        Beatriz celebrated last New Year’s Eve at

                                                                                               B R A Z I L
   Beatriz searched for a church to             the home of her fiancé, an Adventist man,
attend. A friend invited her to a Sunday        and his family. They drank unfermented
church, but she remembered the fourth           grape juice and praised God for His
commandment about the seventh-day               blessings. “I want to grow closer to God,”
Sabbath and wondered why her friend’s           Beatriz said. “I want the love for God in
church didn’t obey the Bible.                   my heart to never end.”
   Ana Christina saw Beatriz’s new
                                                   Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth
relationship with God and invited her to
                                                Sabbath Offering will help the Sharing
the Sharing Jesus house church, where
                                                Jesus house church move from rented
dozens of people gather in small groups
                                                premises to a larger building, where it
to study the Bible on Sabbaths and other
                                                also will offer healthy cooking classes

days of the week.
                                                and health seminars. Thank you for your
   Beatriz immediately fell in love with the    mission offering. 
house church. “I was hugged, and I felt
welcomed,” she said. “I felt peace.”            By Andrew McChesney
Fast Answer to Two Prayers
                                                                                           BRAZIL | June 8
                                                                                           Gilberto Ferreira da Silva, 68

                                                                                           pleaded with God to teach him the Bible
                                                                                           and to reveal His true church.
                                                                                              “God answered that prayer more quickly
                                                                                           than any other prayer in my life,” Gilberto
                                                                                           said later.
                                                                                              Without knowing it, Gilberto had
                                                                                           prayed on the seventh-day Sabbath. Dec.
                                                                                           31 fell on a Saturday that year. The next
                                                                                           day, Jan. 1, was a Sunday.
                                                                                              On Monday, the first workday of the
                                                                                           year, Gilberto received a phone call from
                                                                                           the bank where he used to work. The
                                                                                           bank director wanted him to come in to
                                                                                           sign a new contract on some investments
                                            G    ilberto never had any interest in
                                                 joining a church, and he couldn’t
                                            understand why he suddenly was
                                                                                           that he owned.
                                                                                              At the bank, Gilberto saw a former
                                            overcome with a desire to read the Bible.      co-worker sitting near the bank director’s
                                               Unable to resist the urge, the retired      desk and abruptly remembered that the
                                            Brazilian bank manager began to study the      man was a Christian. He went over to the
                                            Bible on his own.                              man, Alvaro, after signing the contract.
                                               Gilberto was amazed by what he read.           “Alvaro, do you know where I can study
                                            But parts of the Bible confused him, and       the Bible?” Gilberto asked. He quickly
                                            he anxiously pondered their meaning. He        added, “But don’t introduce me to a pastor.
                                            wished that someone would explain the          Don’t try to convert me. I just want to
                                            Bible to him.                                  study the Bible.”
                                               On New Year’s Eve, he decided to skip          Alvaro was a Seventh-day Adventist,
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            the family tradition of watching fireworks     but Gilberto didn’t know that.
                                            from the street in Salvador, a coastal city       “You can study the Bible in Cabula,”
                                            of 3 million people in Brazil.                 Alvaro said, referring to the city district
                                               “Watch the fireworks without me,” he        where he attended an Adventist church.
                                            told his wife and three teenage children. “I      “That’s so far away,” Gilberto said. “The
                                            won’t go with you this time.”                  traffic is terrible.”
                                               Gilberto had a plan. He wanted to pray.        Alvaro thought for a moment. “I know
                                               After his family left the house, he         just the place,” he said. “People just study
“Mom, I’m going to be baptized into my
 Stor y Tips                                  sister’s church,” he said.
                                                 Ten minutes after the telephone
   Pronounce Gilberto as: zhu-BER-tu
                                              conversation ended, Gilberto’s mother
   Watch a video of Gilberto at the link:    called back.
    bit.ly/Gilberto-Silva                        “Why can’t we be baptized together?”
   Find photos for this story at the link:   she said.
    bit.ly/fb-mq                                 “Are you prepared for baptism?”
                                              Gilberto asked.
 Fa s t Fa c t                                   “Every day, my daughter gives me
                                              Bible lessons,” she said. “I can’t lose this
   Brazil is the only country in South       opportunity to go into the water with you.”
    America that speaks Portuguese.
                                                 She was baptized at the age of 84.
                                              Gilberto was 56.
                                                 Today, Gilberto is 68 and a co-leader of
the Bible there. It’s not a church.”
                                              the Sharing Jesus house church. Part of
   The next day, on Tuesday, Alvaro
                                              this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
took Gilberto to the Sharing Jesus house
                                              will help the house church move from
church, where people meet in small groups
to sing and study the Bible. Gilberto,        rented premises into a larger building,
however, felt uncomfortable going             where it will also offer healthy cooking
somewhere he knew no one, so he asked a       classes and health seminars.
family friend, Regina, to come along. His        Gilberto said he marvels at how
wife refused to go.                           God answered his New Year’s prayer to
   Gilberto was fascinated by the Bible       understand the Bible and know God’s true
study and asked Regina to join him at the     church by leading him to the Adventist
next meeting.                                 house church in just three days.
   “Fine, I’ll go with you,” she replied.        “How did I come to this church?”

                                                                                             B R A Z I L
“But I won’t join the church.”                he said in an interview at the house
   Regina accompanied Gilberto to every       church. “It was the love of God. But what
meeting, and she often wore a swimsuit        prompted me to stay was the welcoming
under her clothing so she could swim at       and loving environment that I found.”
the beach afterward.                             He added: “I think this church has
   Gilberto was baptized at the end of        broken the prejudices of many people.
the year, on Dec. 31, 2006. Regina was        I came from the world, and we have
baptized the next year.                       baptized people just like me — physicians,
   “Guess who was baptized with me,”          dentists, and lawyers — who normally
Gilberto said with a twinkle in his eye.      wouldn’t go to church. We welcome
“My mother.”                                  people who don’t want to go to church

   Shortly before his baptism, he             and, once they are baptized, they almost
announced the news to his mother, who         never leave the church.” 
lived in the Brazilian countryside with his
sister, Odete, an Adventist.                  By Andrew McChesney
BRAZIL | June 15

                                                                                            Marxist to
                                                                                            Ma r i a P a l m e i r a , 7 0

                                                                                            Santana, and his wife, Leoni. Pastor Luis
                                                                                            had attended a wedding in the United
                                                                                            States and stopped in Montreal for eight
                                                                                            days to see Maria before flying home. He
                                                                                            and Maria had attended the same church
                                                                                            as young adults.
                                                                                               Pastor Luis and his wife visited Maria

                                            Marita was baptized at the age of 12
                                             in Brazil.
                                                                                            every day. They spoke about the Bible and
                                                                                            Jesus’ love for her. They invited her to
                                               But she left the church as a young adult,    return to Christ. Maria listened politely but
                                            and 38 years passed before she could cast       was unmoved.
                                            aside her faith in Marxism to become a             Two years later, she returned to Brazil to
                                            powerhouse for God in her community.            teach as a university professor. Pastor Luis’
                                               “The ideals of Marxism replaced the          wife called her every week for three years to
                                            ideals of Christ in my life,” said Maria,       invite her to attend a Bible study group.
                                            known to friends as Marita.                     Maria always found an excuse not to go.
                                               Raised by a Seventh-day Adventist               One day, Maria noticed while preparing
                                            mother, Maria taught a Sabbath School           for a class that Marx wrote his first
                                            class and served as her church’s youth          manuscript in 1844. She remembered
                                            director while in her teens. But she stopped    that her mother had said the Adventist
                                            going to church at the age of 22 after a        movement began in 1844, and she
                                            prominent church member said something          wondered whether the devil might have
                                            that offended her. Maria immersed herself       introduced Marxism to counteract the
                                            into sociology studies and embraced             Adventist message. She compared Marxism
Adventist Mission South American Division

                                            German philosopher and sociologist Karl         with Adventism. She saw that Marx taught
                                            Marx’s teachings on human rights.               that people could change the world through
                                               Twenty-five years passed. Maria married,     their own power, while Adventists believed
                                            had a son, and was widowed. She moved to        that people needed Christ to change.
                                            Montreal, Canada, to pursue post-doctoral          A short time later, Maria announced to
                                            studies at Université du Québec à Montréal.     her graduate sociology class, “I now believe
                                               While there, she received a surprise visit   that Jesus was a great revolutionary leader,
                                            from an old friend, Brazilian pastor Luis       but He wasn’t the Son of God.”
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