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         COMPLIMENTARY   |   APRIL 2021

      M A G A Z I N E
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                                                                                                         MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 3
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editor’s note & content

                                                                                                                                              APRIL 2021

                                                                                                          COMPLIMENTARY   |   APRIL 2021

                                                                                                                                              This Earth Day month we devote this
 I have been an environmental advocate                                                                                                        issue to Mother Earth and all of her
 since about the fourth grade when I                                                                  M A G A Z I N E                         gifts. In many ways this tree symbol-
 first learned about climate change and                                                                                                       izes the tree of life, and we hope that
 global warming – and consequently                                                                                                            our readers will help do their part this
 had nightmares that kept me up for                                                                                                           month – and beyond. Happy Earth
 many nights thereafter. Due to my pas-                                                                                                       Day!
 sion for all things environment-related,
 it wasn’t a hard leap for me three years                                                                                                     Cover photo by
 ago when I decided to devote our April                                                                                                       Lazlo Gyorsok
 issue to the environment. It was a nat-
 ural fit, after all, April 22 is Earth Day!
 Well, now it is three years later, and this
 is our third April issue that is devoted
 to the Earth. And I have to say, I feel
 more and more passionate every year
 after our team digs into the various en-
 vironmental issues and solutions that
 are to be found in our region, and be-
 yond. I’m so proud to have this media
 outlet and to be able to spread infor-
 mation about things that matter, like
 the environment.
     You’ll find articles in this issue that
 tackle the gamut of environment-relat-        CONTENTS
 ed topics. The one thing that I hope all
 of our readers take away from reading         6|       AN ACTOR’S ACTOR… A COP’S COP                                                      31 |   MILLERTON CELEBRATES EARTH DAY
 this issue is that they feel more pas-                 artist profile
 sionately about the environment and                                                                                                       33 | REST IN TREES
 they make better choices for the Earth        9|       FRIENDLY FACES                                                                          green living extends to dying
 in their every day lives. Yes, there are
 certainly some things that are out of         11 |     ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM                                                              37 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF COMPOST
 our control, but just imagine if every                 SOLVERS
 single one of us made a choice about                   entrepreneur feature                                                               39 | CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS
 the things that we can control. Things
 such as using reusable plastic bags           15 |     CARROT CAKE                                                                        43 | EDUCATION IN SUSTAINABILITY
 when we go grocery shopping. Not us-                   baking                                                                                  COME TO THE FORE AT ARC 38
 ing the little plastic bags at the grocery
 store to put your fruits and vegetables       17 |     COULD CLIMATE CHANGE                                                               47 | BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE
 into. Not using single-use plastic water               BE GOOD?
 bottles, but instead using reusable and                real estate                                                                        49 | HOW TO FEEL MORE CONNECTED
 refillable water bottles. Composting                                                                                                           IN YOUR LIFE
 food scraps from our kitchens. Recy-          21 |     THE ECO-FRIENDLY MOVE
 cling all of our paper, plastic, batteries,                                                                                               53 | BUSINESS SNAPSHOTS
 and anything else that we use that can        23 | PRESERVATION, PROTECTION                                                                    sanctuary power yoga
 (and should) be recycled.                          & PROFUNDITY                                                                                great mountain forest
     Imagine if every single one of us                                                                                                          housatonic valley association
 took these small steps? Add up all of         27 | THE GROUND WE WALK ON:                                                                      relief chiropractic & wellness
 our households and OH-MY-GOD look                  conservation connecting history
 at the huge impact that we could all               & culture                                                                              54 | MONTHLY ADVICE COLUMNS
 have – together!
     Just imagine it! Envision it. And then
 manifest it into your life.                   PUBLISHER, EDITOR, ADVERTISING, WRITING, PHOTOGRAPHY, & OTHER DUTIES
     That is how things happen – how           Thorunn Kristjansdottir publisher, editor-in-chief, and designer.
 change happens. And we all owe it to          Ashley Kristjansson & Griffin Cooper directors of advertising.
                                               Contributing writers: Betsy Maury | CB Wismar | Christine Bates | Lisa LaMonica |
 the Earth and to our children and chil-
                                               Dominique De Vito | Griffin Cooper | Ian Strever | John Torsiello | Joseph Montebello |
 dren’s children to take steps to help re-     Mary B. O’Neill | Olivia Valentine & Caroline Markonic | Regina Molaro
 verse the damage that has been done           Assistant proof-reader: Pom Shillingford. Photographers: Lazlo Gyorsok & Olivia Valentine.
 to our planet thus far. It is your respon-
 sibility, and it is my responsibility. And    ADVERTISING
 it is time that we all step up and own        Ashley Kristjansson & Griffin Cooper call 518 592 1135 or email
 up to our responsibilities and take ac-
 tion. I know it is a monumental under-        CONTACT
                                               Office 52 Main Street, Millerton, NY 12546 • Mailing address PO Box 165, Ancramdale, NY 12503
 taking, but one step at a time! Together
                                               Phone 518 592 1135 • Email • Website
 our many little steps will add up to one
 large movement. So help be a part of          PRINT, LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, & INSURANCE
 the solution, and this Earth Day say          Printed by Snyder Printer, Inc. • Legally represented by Davis & Trotta Law Offices
 “yes” to making all the difference!           Accounting services by Pattison, Koskey, Howe & Bucci CPAS • Insured by Kneller Insurance Agency
                                               Main Street Magazine is a monthly publication, coming out on or around the 1st of the month. It is published by Main Street Magazine, LLC. Main Street Magazine is
 		        – Thorunn Kristjansdottir           not responsible for advertising errors whereas all ads receive final approval by the advertiser. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content and claims that are
                                               made in their ads. Main Street Magazine reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. The entire contents of Main Street Magazine are copyrighted and may
                                               not be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved. The views expressed in the articles herein reflect the author(s) opinions and are not necessarily the views
                                               of the publisher/editor.

MAINstreet - Main Street Magazine
MAINstreet - Main Street Magazine
artist profile


An Actor’s Actor … A Cop’s Cop
                      By CB Wismar     There’s an intriguing phenomenon           In fact, he started out in the boxing     on a network “soap opera.” The pay
       that occurs when actor Robert Clo-         ring. Growing up, there was a gym         for being part of the background
                                       hessy walks into a room full of strang-    across the street from the family home    wasn’t great, but one day he got a call
                                       ers, strolls by shoppers in the local      in the Bronx.                             saying he had been cast as a “U-5.”
                                       market, stands idly pumping gas into          In those days, a “gym” was not a       The term meant his character had
                                       his car or waits on the train platform,    mirror-walled, light-bathed collec-       under five lines, but it was a speak-
                                       ready to board Metro North. Double         tion of elegant designer machines and     ing role and the pay for a day’s work
                                       takes. Whispered “I know that guy…”        squealing spin classes. The gym had       jumped an additional $80. But, he
                                       to those nearby. Or, the self-fulfilling   some punching bags, a ratty locker        was at work and the television studio
                                       pronouncement–“He’s somebody…”             room, and a boxing ring as the central    was way up town. He had to get off of
                                           Of course they know him. He’s an       feature. By the time he was 17, Clo-      his shift, catch a bus north, and keep
                                       actor with over 140 film, television,      hessy had over 40 bouts to his credit     his fingers crossed that he’d arrive in
                                       and live stage credits listed on his vo-   and found himself in Madison Square       time.
                                       luminous resume. Every Friday night,       Garden competing in The Golden                Not every door opens into op-
                                       he’s Lt. Sid Gormley on the CBS            Glove, the amateur platform that has      portunity, and this one slammed right
                                       mega-hit Blue Bloods, often sitting        produced many an Olympic boxer            in Bob’s face … twice. He bolted from
                                       across the desk from Tom Selleck’s         and celebrated professional.              the restaurant, missed the bus, then
                                       Commissioner Frank Reagan as part             It was an injury that ended his        headed on foot the 2 miles north,
                                       of the inner circle.                       boxing career however, so at the ripe     running all the way. By the time he
                                           But Clohessy has been many other       old age of 17, he needed to change di-    arrived at the set, it was too late. The
                                       characters. For five seasons, he was       rection. “I was never a great student,”   role was assigned to someone else.
                                       Officer Sean Murphy on the HBO             Bob admits, so when high school was       Dejected, he made his way home to
                                       powerhouse, Oz. For five seasons he        behind him, he enrolled in the local      the place he shared with several house
                                       was Alderman Jim Neary on Board-           community college and almost by           mates in Hoboken, NJ. When he
                                       walk Empire, the HBO series that got       accident came face-to-face with his       arrived, there was a message on the
                                       Bob his Screen Actors Guild Award          future.                                   answering machine. He’d been fired
                                       for Outstanding Performance by an             “I walked into an acting class – and   from the restaurant job for leaving too
                                       Ensemble in a Drama Series. “I used        it was fun,” he admits with a smile.      early.
                                       to walk around the set saying ‘dead        Out-going by nature, the concept              “But, you keep going,” he can of-
                                       man walking,’ because my character         of performance was not daunting.          fer, philosophically from the distance
                                       was having an affair with Steve Bus-       Community college led to enrolling in     of history. For Clohessy, the drive to
                                       cemi’s character’s wife. They kept me      the Conservatory program at SUNY          make it as an actor dictated that he try
                                       around… and I was finally killed off       Purchase and starting to get serious      every avenue, pursue every opportu-
                                       in the final episode.” [Spoiler alert!]    about acting.                             nity.
                                           And, way back in 1986, there was
                                       Hill Street Blues which numbered in        Life as a hyphenate                       Home to Hartford to Hollywood
                                       its last season cast, Officer Patrick   There is a term of art in film, televi-      Stage work, especially outside of
                                       Flaherty.                               sion, and the theater. A “Hyphenate.”        Broadway, has never paid well. If
                                           But, we digress. How Robert         For those at the top of their game,          you’re considered an amateur – not a
                                       Clohessy got from a childhood in the    the hyphen comes between actor and           member of a guild or union – that is
                                       Bronx to a walk-on audition for Hill    director … or writer and producer.           even more the case. A blind audition
                                       Street Blues on a Hollywood film lot is For those trying to make it in a bru-        for a stage role came through, how-
                                       a story in itself.                      tally competitive industry, the hyphen       ever, and Bob was off to the Hartford
                                                                               often comes between actor and waiter         Stage to appear in a play starring
                                       Boxing to Box Office                    … or writer and dog walker.                  Blythe Danner.
                                       Clohessy’s father was a cop … so the        Bob Clohessy was a hyphenate in             The path to membership in Actors
                                       natural migration to those roles in     New York early in his career. He paid        Equity Association involves many
                                       film and on television was not a reach. the bills by working in a New York           hours and many roles, but Bob
                                       He didn’t start out that way, however. restaurant and appeared as an “extra”         Clohessy seemed to be a natural. His

MAINstreet - Main Street Magazine
artist profile

talent and drive eventually led him all    A chance encounter, a lifetime           Catherine. “I was moving to a house                 Above, L-R: In
                                                                                                                                        character as Officer
the way to Broadway for Twelve Angry       union                                    I’d never seen. Really strange,” he                 Patrick Flaherty on
Men. All of this in the midst of his       Clohessy couldn’t stay in a hotel for    muses. “And, here we are.”                          Hill Street Blues.
                                                                                                                                        Clohessy as Lt.
burgeoning television career.              long, so cast as a recurring character                                                       Sid Gormley with
   Even when challenged by a dev-          … likely to be in all 22+ episodes of    One P(olice) P(laza)                                Abigail Hawk (Det.
astatingly long nude scene on stage        a standard prime time series … he        Television pilots, feature films, stage             Abigail Baker) on
                                                                                                                                        Blue Bloods. Below,
in the Hartford Stage production of        needed a place to stay. At the time,     productions, sustaining parts in popu-              left: Clohessy at
Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de        Bob was represented by a talent agent    lar series … the fruits of Clohessy’s               the moment when
                                                                                                                                        Boardwalk Empire
Lune, Clohessy immersed himself in         who also had on his roster a young       prodigious talent and his laser-focused             won at the SAG
his art and garnered immensely posi-       woman who had been acting and            work ethic have brought him to today                Awards. Photos
                                                                                                                                        courtesy of Robert
tive reviews.                              modeling in Los Angeles, but wanted      and to Blue Bloods.                                 Clohessy.
   It was his on stage presence in         to move back East. She had a place to        “I was originally cast for one show
his first Hartford stage performance       rent.                                    to be Danny’s (Donnie Walberg) boss
that attracted the attention of Bruce         Robert Clohessy, meet Catherine       in the precinct. We got along really
Paltrow, Blythe Danner’s husband.          Erhardt.                                 well on set and, before long, I was
He suggested a trip to Los Angeles to         Married months later, Catherine       part of the regular cast.”
audition for a new series pilot. Off to    and Robert called Los Angeles home           When Clohessy’s character moved
LA was young Clohessy, only to be          until 1998, when the allure of living    from the precinct to the inner circle
turned down after his audition. But,       back in the northeast had Catherine      of the commissioner’s office, he was
this time, the door did not slam in his    come back for a brief skiing vacation.   introduced as “a cop’s cop.” Family
face. In fact, it opened on the studio     “We talked on the phone one night,       ties run deep, and Robert Clohessy
lot and led across the street to another   and she told me she had bought a         has been able to channel that depth of
casting session … this one for a recur-    house,” recalls Robert. Packing up       family experience into a character that
ring slot on Hill Street Blues. Meet       their two sons and their belongings,     is flourishing in the show’s eleventh
Officer Patrick Flaherty.                  Robert headed cross country to join      season.
                                                                                        So, the next time you see Robert
                                                                                    Clohessy at the local market, you’ll
                                                                                    be able to slide right past the “Who is
                                                                                    that guy?” to “Hey, Bob. How’re you
                                                                                        We guarantee he’ll be pleasant.
                                                                                    After all, he’s a very good actor. •

                                                                                    Are you an artist and interested in being
                                                                                    featured in Main Street Magazine? Send
                                                                                    a brief bio, artist’s statement, and a link
                                                                                    to your work through the arts form on our
                                                                                    “arts” page on our website.

                                                                                                                                  MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 7
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MAINstreet - Main Street Magazine
friendly faces

friendly faces: meet our neighbors, visitors and friends

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy for the past six years,        Caring for her community in a time of need is the             Crystal Snyder, office administrative assistant at Elyse
James Frederick (pictured here with his wife Lauren)           driving force behind Ashley Corkin’s work at Sharon           Harney Real Estate, enjoys being able to help agents with
says he loves helping his patients (of all ages) restore a     Hospital. As part of the emergency department team, the       their daily tasks and make sure the office runs smoothly.
desired level of mobility and healthy movement habits.         six-year registered nurse enjoys the camaraderie in what      “I love working closely with each agent,” she says. “They
Outside of work James enjoys nature photography, hik-          is often a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. “I have     all have their own style and there is so much to be
ing, spending quality time with his family, and soccer.        been with this team for three years, and no day is the        learned from them all.” Crystal likes watching her son
“Having grown up in this area and recently purchased           same,” she said. From Falls Village, CT, she and her hus-     Evan participate in athletics, and she enjoys riding mo-
a home, we are trying to take advantage of solar credits       band, daughter, and family dog look forward to future         torcycles around the Hudson Valley region while soaking
and renewable energy incentives to reduce our carbon           camping trips in Vermont for a change of scenery. “We’re      in the amazing views with her fiancé. “What I love
and electrical footprint,” he says. “I think now, more         excited to discover new areas once public safety guidance     most about this area is the beautiful fall foliage, friendly
than ever, we should all try to relish what the natural        allows us to do so.” Some of her favorite outdoor adven-      neighbors, and access to the Harlem Valley Rail Trail in
world has to offer in all its forms and strive to strike a     tures include leaf-peeping, fishing and ATV riding, which     Millerton,” she says. “There is a culture of protecting and
balance between use and replenishment because I believe        she says is a joy as seasons transition. “Being outside is    maintaining the beautiful resources that we have in the
whatever is good for our planet is ultimately good for all     an essential part of physical and emotional wellbeing. I      area – when we hike, walk, or bicycle we pick up trash to
of us.”                                                        encourage everyone to spend time outside each day,” she       help maintain the trails to preserve the beautiful area in
                                                               added.                                                        which we live.”

After working in direct care for 48 years, Marilyn Flood       About two years ago Laurie Kerr, her spouse Alice, and        Kyle Cruzen and his wife Melinda, along with working
Nichols has recently taken some time to herself in order       their dachshund were lucky enough to find a lovely house      as registered nurses, have been operating a small regenera-
to watch her grandson grow into a young man. “He’s             in Millerton, NY. After a few months Laurie says she in-      tive agriculture farm called Berkshire Worms in Lanes-
outgrown me now,” she says. “So I watch my grand-dog           nocently started volunteering to help with some sustain-      borough, MA, for the past year and a half. “We create
as well.” Growing up in Millerton, NY, Marilyn has             able design projects for the Village as well as the Town of   compost and grow microgreens,” says Kyle. “I absolutely
taken advantage of the many gardening opportunities            North East. Suddenly, today, she finds herself running for    love being able to build a business that makes a posi-
rural life has provided. “I’ve been a seed saver my entire     the Village Board. “I’m an architect who has focused on       tive impact in Berkshire County.” Kyle and Melinda are
life,” she says. “I have a pollinator garden and love or-      low carbon, green building policies and strategies for the    dedicated to improving the environment with a focus on
ganic mulch as well. I try my best to keep those heirloom      last twenty years,” Laurie says. “It’s fascinating work and   carbon sequestration through regenerative soil building,
seeds going!” Marilyn’s foremost passion lies within her       optimistic, too, insofar as I think we really can achieve     composting, and vermiculture (composting with worms).
skills as an acrylic painter. “I’m beginning to teach myself   carbon neutral buildings.” Outside of her community           “We strive to educate our community on our soil build-
how to work oil paints as well,” she says. “Visitors to        efforts, Laurie says she loves to go bicycling and hiking,    ing practices through education at local farmers markets
Millerton can see my frameable art cards at The Dig on         especially now that she is surrounded by the unparalleled     throughout the summer,” Kyle says. “Worm bins are one
Main Street.”                                                  beauty of this area.                                          of the easiest ways to improve our environment. They
                                                                                                                             make the best fertilizer and inoculant for your garden,
                                                                                                                             there is no smell, and it can easily be done under your
                                                                                                                             sink or in your basement!”

                                                                                                                                                           MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 9
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Environmental problem solvers
By Christine Bates

For Main Street’s environmental issue,       this requires assessment and spill clean
we interviewed Daniel Rukakoski, head        up. There are even some very old
of Environmental Consulting for re-          transformers still in service that are
gional engineering firm Tighe & Bond.        filled with MODF containing PCB’s.
The multi-disciplinary firm is known         Our site assessment and remediation
for its expertise in engineering, design,    group also performs Phase I Environ-
and environmental consulting. In this        mental Assessments required by banks
interview we discover what these special-    for lending or owners completing due
ized consultants do and why environ-         diligence on a property purchase. The
mental consulting might be a career to       team assesses the site and state and
consider (but not if you don’t like being    local records for contamination issues.
outdoors).                                   This is what Massachusetts and New
                                             York call “recognized environmental
What do environmental                        conditions” and Connecticut refers
consultants do?                              to as “areas of concern.” If these are
Environmental consulting assign-             identified, a Phase 2 investigation is
ments are very diverse and differ            recommended which may include
from engineering specialties like civil,     sampling of soil, groundwater and/or
water/wastewater, and mechanical             soil vapors. We also develop cleanup
engineering. Our full-time staff in the      plans or remediation systems when
Environment Business Line of about           significant contamination is found.
85 professionals handles all sorts of            Our Wetland and Ecological             time in various locations, we hold 45             Photos in this article
clients and projects.                                                                                                                     depict Tighe & Bond
                                             experts focus on activities in areas       to 50 on-call contracts to help clients           employees at work
   Site Assessment and Remediation           subject to federal, state, and local       keep on top of changes and annual                 in the field. The bot-
includes the investigation and cleanup                                                                                                    tom photo on the
                                             wetlands jurisdiction. We identify         reporting requirements. We work for               next page depicts
of contaminated soil, groundwater            jurisdictional wetland boundaries and      hospitals, schools, universities, utility         one of the more
and hazardous vapors from the soil           assess permitting requirements for         companies, and manufacturers to                   interesting projects
                                                                                                                                          undertaken by the
subsurface. For example, when an             projects that fall within wetlands or      comply with various state and federal             firm in Holyoke, MA.
electrical transformer falls off a utility   buffer zones, which can vary by state      regulatory requirements.                          All photos courtesy
pole as a result of a storm event or                                                                                                      of Tighe & Bond.
                                             and community. We physically flag             Asbestos, lead paint, and PCB’s
vehicular accident, it often ruptures        the boundaries and advise the client if    are just part of what our Hazard-
and can leak mineral oil dielectric          permitting is required. We also exam-      ous Building Assessment consulting
fluid (MODF). While it usually leaks         ine rare and endangered species maps       practice addresses. If a building needs
onto the pavement, alternatively it          and provide consultation. Right now,       to be renovated or demolished this
can get into the ground/groundwater,         we are working with an owner who           team identifies hazardous materials,
surface water or storm water system;         wants to remove a dam that could           determines disposal requirements, and
                                             impact an endangered turtle. Tighe         oversees removal to ensure the site
                                             & Bond developed a protection plan         remains in compliance. Most of the
                                             so the turtles are not harmed during       waste goes to permitted landfills out
                                             construction. We also perform annual       of state, such as in Michigan or New
                                             wetland monitoring at various sites,       Hampshire, into capped landfills.
                                             including around municipal drinking           Lastly, our consultants dealing with
                                             water wells.                               Industrial Waste Treatment develop
                                                 Consultants also help clients with     cleaning processes so byproducts from
                                             Regulatory Compliance, ranging             pharmaceutical, hospital, or industrial
                                             from air quality, hazardous materials      companies can be discharged safely to
                                             management, tank compliance, and           wastewater treatment plants.
                                             industrial storm water protection.
                                             Tighe & Bond employees understand                      Continued on next page …
                                             what the processes are in a particular
                                             industry and the required compli-
                                             ance with various regulations. Since
                                             regulations are changing all of the

                                                                                                                                    MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 11

What kind of training and                 ing firm. We have 12 offices across
background is important for               the Northeast, reaching nearly every
this kind of job?                         state in New England plus an office in
We look for diverse backgrounds           Rhinebeck, NY. We are strategically
when hiring candidates – not neces-       expanding our reach and services to
sarily engineering degrees. Employees     best serve our clients.
have studied geology, hydrology, en-         Our leadership team is very focused
vironmental science, natural resources    on the needs and best interests of our
management, biology, ecology, regula-     employees. To facilitate ownership
tory policy, and chemistry, as well       transition back in 1998, we became
as engineering. We confront a host        an employee-owned firm by forming
of complex problems in our work,          an ESOP. The ESOP owns a portion
which makes diversity of experience       of the company, with the remainder
important. It’s helpful when entry-       also privately held through direct
level candidates have had some sort of    stock ownership. The ESOP provides
work experience, like an internship, in   us the opportunity to reward all
the field.                                employees, provided they meet the
   Environmental consulting is not        eligibility criteria each year, for their
for everyone. It’s great to be outside    performance and long-term employ-
in beautiful weather, but it can be       ment with the company. Since we are         Probably the decommissioning and           Are there new environmental
demanding when you need to shovel         all owners there is a strong work ethic,    site clean-up of a coal-fired power        dangers?
snow to take a water sample, walk         and we celebrate our successes.             plant in Holyoke, MA, and replacing        The big concern right now is PFAS
through wetlands in 95-degree heat,          Training and mentorship is a big         it with solar (see photo below).           – short for “per-and polyfuoroal-
or deal with ticks and pricker bushes.    part of our culture. We have created           One of the biggest challenges           kyl substances” – that are found in
You either like it or you don’t! That’s   courses in project management, busi-        occurred at the time of Hurricane          firefighting foam, nonstick pans,
why internships are so important.         ness writing, leadership and geo-           Irene, which caused massive damage         waterproof jackets, packaging and
   The percentage of women at Tighe       environmental sampling. We strive to        to regional infrastructure. We had to      even waterproof mascara, shampoo
& Bond and in the engineering             be the best in the industry.                work quickly to design and permit          and shaving cream. Standards are
industry in general has been rising.         There is also a strong commitment        washed out bridges, breeched dams,         being developed in several states for
At Tighe & Bond, 34% of our staff is      to our communities, and we recognize        and exposed sewers. All of this had        acceptable levels for this new host
female, which is just slightly lower at   and reward employees who volunteer          to be completed while working with         of compounds, which are linked to
29% female specifically in our Envi-      and give back through our Make A            regulators. We all really cared about      cancer and thyroid disease, weakened
ronment Business Line.                    Difference program. Not only does           the impact on people, and it was very      childhood immunity and other health
                                          this program encourage volunteerism,        rewarding to get everything back up        problems. It’s the next emerging
How big is Tighe & Bond?                  but it also allows our firm to support      and running.                               contaminant, similar to asbestos and
What’s its culture like?                                                                                                         PCBs of the last century.
                                          causes our employees care about.
There are about 430 people in the                                                     What is your own background?
company, which was founded over        What was the most interest-                    I’ve been at Tighe & Bond for 15           What are your plans for the
a 100 years ago, and we are a highly   ing project your team has been                 years and prior to that worked for         environmental practice going
regarded, mid-sized regional engineer- involved in?                                   a national environmental consult-          forward?
                                                                                      ing firm with over 2,000 people. I         I’d like to see us expanding our ability
                                                                                      travelled a lot and had little access to   to provide environmental consulting
                                                                                      senior management. At Tighe & Bond         services geographically throughout the
                                                                                      I don’t spend nights in hotels and can     Northeast, possibly through acquisi-
                                                                                      talk to the CEO anytime. We all have       tion, in the next five years. •
                                                                                      an open-door policy.
                                                                                                                                 To learn more about Tighe & Bond, visit
                                                                                      What are the most surprising
                                                                                      things environmental consul-
                                                                                      tants discover?
                                                                                      It’s amazing the amount of urban fill,
                                                                                      ash, and unsuitable materials that
                                                                                      were historically used to spur develop-
                                                                                      ment, especially along the coast. You
                                                                                      collect a subsurface soil sample and
                                                                                      find material that shouldn’t be there.

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By Olivia Valentine &
Caroline Markonic
                                             Carrot cake

We’d like to welcome our new bakers,
the mother-daughter team of Olivia Val-
entine (who is also one of our awesome
photographers) and her daughter Caro-
line Markonic. We’re so excited for them
to take over this baking column from
Jessie. Jessie will continue to contribute
from time-to-time so don’t fret! But in
the coming months Olivia and Caroline
are going to share exciting recipes, while
having lots of fun creating some mouth-
watering desserts! We hope you enjoy.

C   arrot cake can be hit or miss, it
seems people either love it or hate
it. This cake, however, might just
be capable of winning over even the
pickiest of eaters! Unlike some other
carrot cakes we’ve tried, this cake
doesn’t rely on its icing for flavor. The    Ingredients:                            ing powder, and cinnamon. Add the         if you want to decorate and pipe with
cake could be eaten completely naked         1 1/4 cups vegetable oil                flour mixture to the sugar mixture and    icing. We have made this with just
or half naked and still be a winner. As      2 cups granulated sugar                 combine. Stir in the carrots, coconut,    icing on the top and middle, leaving
self-proclaimed carrot cake connois-         3 eggs                                  nuts (which are optional, we use wal-     the sides bare. It’s all about personal
seurs, having eaten carrot cakes from        2 cups all-purpose flour                nuts), pineapple, and vanilla.            preference here.
restaurants, bakeries, friends, and          1 tsp baking soda                          Pour into two 9-inch cake pans,           Refrigerate for an hour before serv-
family, this tops them all. If you aren’t    1 1/2 tsp baking powder                 parchment lined and lightly greased.      ing for best results.
a big fan of carrot cake, try this one       1/2 tsp salt                            Bake for 35-40 minutes in middle
anyway and we might just be able to          1 tsp cinnamon                          rack until toothpick comes out clean.     Alternatives:
change your mind.                            2 cups grated carrots                   Let cakes cool for 10 minutes, then       Bake for 25-30 minutes in three
    Beyond the sheer joy of baking,          1 cup shredded sweetened coconut        remove from the pans and place onto       8-inch pans for a 3 layered cake.
baking with the family is a great way        1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts,        a cooling rack and let cool completely.   Bake for 35-40 minutes in a 9x13-
to get away from the every-day hustle          toasted for additional flavor         Chilling them in the fridge for a few     inch pan/dish for easy assembly and
and bustle as well as devices that we          (optional)                            minutes helps the crumbs stay in          slicing. •
are all so glued to these days. We           1 cup Dole crushed pineapple not        place when frosting.
                                               drained (in 100% juice not syrup)                                                   To see more step-by-step photos as well as
had many laughs and helping hands
                                                                                                                               videos from Olivia and Carcoline’s Sunday baking
decorating this cake on a cold, Sunday       1 tsp vanilla                           For the frosting:
                                                                                                                               extravaganza to create this carrot cake, please
morning.                                                                             Beat the butter and cream cheese until    go to our website at
                                             Cream cheese frosting:                  fluffy. Add in the vanilla and pow-       oliviacaroline-monthly-recipe/
                                             1/2 cup butter softened                 dered sugar and beat until smooth.            Olivia and Caroline are enthusiastic foodies
                                                                                                                               and bakers who are constantly in the kitchen, as
                                             8 oz cream cheese softened                 Place the cake topside down onto a     well as explorers who create their own adventures
                                             1 tsp vanilla                           cake plate or stand.                      in our area. Follow Olivia on Instagram to see her
                                             2-3 cups powdered sugar depending          Apply a generous dollop of frosting    many creations at @oliviawvalentine.
                                               on your preferred sweetness           and spread. Gently place the second
                                                                                     cake on top and continue frosting.
                                             Instructions:                           You may need to double the frosting
                                             Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Shred
                                                Beat the oil, sugar, and eggs in a
                                             large mixing bowl. In a smaller bowl,
                                             combine the flour, baking soda, bak-

                                                                                                                                              MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 15
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real estate

Could climate change be good?
By Christine Bates

Researching the impact of climate                                                   tures of 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit annu-
change on real estate values in our area                                            ally and declining air quality. We can
seemed like a great idea with a clear                                               expect more heat-related and respira-
answer. There’s no doubt that rising                                                tory illnesses as well as a longer allergy
temperatures and extreme weather                                                    season with plants producing pollen
events will increasingly impact human                                               earlier and longer. More extreme
life on Earth, from the historic fires in                                           weather will stress local infrastructure,
California and Australia to snow in                                                 institutions, and the energy grid.
Houston. But locally, where, what, how
and when will climate change affect real                                            Climate change impact on
estate values and our lives?                                                        real estate unclear
                                                                                    Looking at the longer term, the
Climate change has arrived                                                          specific impact of climate change on
According to National Oceanic                                                       real estate values is interwoven with
& Atmospheric Administration                                                        many other factors that affect price.
(NOAA), 2020 ranks as the second                                                    How else to explain exploding prices
hottest year for the planet, knocking                                               in Miami already endangered by
2019 into third place. In the North-                                                rising sea levels, or the doubling of                                                                                                   Photo: contributor ValeryBoyarsky

ern Hemisphere it was the hottest                                                   home prices in ski resorts like Vail and
year on record, 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit                                              Aspen despite predictions of less and                                          school tax rates continue to rise, mak-     risk with a score of 30 followed by
above the 20th century average. In                                                  less snow?                                                                     ing the cost of owning a home even          New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
the Northeast, annual precipitation                                                    Factors other than climate change                                           more expensive?                             Connecticut placed ninth and New
has increased by 3.3 inches over the                                                will also affect our regional real estate                                         Currently New York is experienc-         York, despite the danger from flood-
last 100 years, and the number of 2+                                                market in the future. Will New York                                            ing the flight of the super wealthy         ing in New York City and on Long
inch rain events in 48 hours has risen                                              City remain the economic engine                                                from the city for low tax states like       Island, was in the middle of the pack.
67% since the 1950s. These heavy                                                    that fuels the housing market within                                           Wyoming and Florida. With rapidly           With a score of 308, Florida would
rains create localized flash flooding,                                              a hundred mile radius? Could our                                               rising government deficits and in-          be most affected by climate change. A
stream bank erosion, and storm dam-                                                 local economy become stronger and                                              creased federal spending, will interest     break-out of these statistics is available
age. At the same time precipitation                                                 add attractive jobs or will gradual                                            rates and inflation return? Will there      at
patterns are changing with less rainfall                                            population declines continue? What                                             be foreclosures after the COVID             change-statistics/.
predicted for summers, leading to the                                               will mass migration from inundated                                             mortgage moratorium expires? Will
seasonal droughts we’ve experienced                                                 coastal areas mean? Will mortgage                                              prices decline after the COVID threat       Winners and losers
recently.                                                                           interest rates remain low? Will zoning                                         decreases? Will our region remain at-   Weather has always been farmers’
   By 2035 the Climate Reality Project                                              changes permit more new housing                                                                                        biggest threat. For them the effects of
                                                                                                                                                                   tractive to buyers despite its relatively
estimates that New England overall                                                  construction and increase available                                            expensive cost of living and harsh      climate change have already arrived
will  seeBates
 Christine increasing average tempera-                                              supply? Will       income, property and
                                                                                              Office: (212) 924-1980
                                                                                                                                                                   winters – even if they become a little  for better or worse. “To be honest,
William Pitt Sotheby's Int'l                                                                               Fax: (860) 435-9222
                                                                                                                                                                   warmer and shorter? Over the short-     we’re clinging to the life raft,” said
                                                                                                                                                                   to-medium term many of these other      fruit farmer Elizabeth Ryan of Breezy
  Median Sales Price
                                                                    Litchfield County                                                                              issues will outweigh the impact of      Hill Orchard, about climate change.
                                                                                                                                                                   climate change.                         “It’s hard to pivot fast enough.“
                                                                                                                                                                                                              In a region that historically has had
                                                                                                                                                                   The Northeast will be less              stable temperature and weather, last
                                                                                                                                                                   affected by climate change              year’s seven days of frost while apple
  $280K                                                                                                                                                            The good news is that, relatively       trees were in bloom, followed by a
                                                                                                                                                                   speaking, the Northeast is less vulner- summer drought, created huge losses
                                                                                                                                                                   able to climate change than the rest    for perennial crop farmers. High tem-
                                                                                                                                                                   of the country. Climate Central, a      peratures caused pigment damage and
                                                                                                                                                                   group of scientists and researchers,    turned apples brown or pink instead
                                                                                                                                                                   recently put together a climate change of red. Increased pests, disease and
                                                                                                                                                                   risk index by state based on five major
                                                                                                                                                                   categories: extreme heat, drought,                   Continued on next page …
                                                                                                                                                                   wildfire, coastal flooding, and inland
      1-2003 1-2004 1-2005 1-2006 1-2007 1-2008 1-2009 1-2010 1-2011 1-2012 1-2013 1-2014 1-2015 1-2016 1-2017 1-2018 1-2019 1-2020 1-2021
                                                                                                                                                                   flooding. Vermont had the lowest
                                                                                                              Litchfield County: Single Family
                                                                                          Each data point is six months of activity. Data is from March 9, 2021.
                                          MLS Data | All data from SmartMLS. InfoSparks © 2021 ShowingTime.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 17
real estate

weed pressure added to these farmers’
   For crop farmers in the Hudson
Valley and Taconics, climate change
has brought a longer growing season.
In the 30 years that Keith Stewart,
organic farmer and author, has been
growing vegetables, the season has
increased by three weeks. That means
increased volumes of high-value,
tender crops like tomatoes and basil in
the summer, and an extended harvest
for hardier crops like broccoli, kale,
and cabbage. The longer, warmer sea-
sons have also meant more lucrative         soybean yields but reduce corn yields,  sidering how to protect their homes        ity index; risk for extreme events
farmers’ markets.                           New York’s most important crop. The     from more rain, less rain, higher          like wildfires, hurricanes, rainfall,
   Adaptation to combat the effects of      same is true for other high value crops temperatures, and violent storms.          blizzards and wind storms; height
climate change on agriculture is ex-        like apples, cabbages, and potatoes.       After the prolonged power outages       above sea level; and food security.
pensive, slow, and uncertain. Farmers       All are vulnerable to heat-induced      in October 2020, droves of Con-            The least affected regions in the US
are diversifying their crops and loca-      crop damage and losses. Higher          necticut residents ordered backup          are around the Great Lakes, and yes,
tions as the temperature zones shift.       temperatures also lead to lower milk    generators and are now waiting for         the inland regions of the Northeast.
Hardiness zones are moving north in         production and beef output, which       electricians to install them. Once con-    Some states and communities already
the US at 13 miles per decade. Or-          together account for half of New York   sidered a nice improvement, standby        have acknowledged the inevitability of
chards can be replanted with hardier        State’s farm revenue. Faced with crop   generators have become a necessity         climate change and have begun taking
varieties – although the outcome is         losses, many farmers have no choice     for some buyers. Anticipating hotter       action to mitigate and adapt to cli-
never certain. Large wind machines          and are reluctantly giving up and sell- summers, both renters and buyers de-       mate change. It is important that we
costing around $10,000 each can             ing their land to real estate developersmand central air conditioning. Buyers      all realize the adaptations required by
protect fruit trees from killing frosts     endangering our region’s agricultural   favor houses with forced air heating       the evolution of climatic changes and
– up to a point. Hail netting, already      heritage and impacting tourism and      to make conversion to a heat pump          anticipate threats to mitigate Mother
used in Italy and the Netherlands, can      recreation.                             and central AC easier. Increasingly,       Nature’s inevitable surprises.
shelter crops during storms. Vineyards                                              smart buyers are factoring in the cost
are considering installing drip irriga-     Climate smart features will             of utilities and asking questions about    Prices not affected by climate
tion to combat droughts. More food          affect home values                      insulation, solar panels, and even         change – yet
is being grown in high tunnel green         The recent devastation in Texas re-     geothermal systems as climate change       Real estate prices in the Northeast
houses to control the environment,          minds us of everyone’s vulnerability to is expected to increase energy costs.      have been fairly stable over time with
but energy costs are high.                  extreme weather, which will become         Our region already has high water       spikes and dips in home prices that
   Cornell University College of Agri-      increasingly destructive everywhere.    tables and drainage, a pretty dull item    are driven by dramatic events (see
culture and Life Sciences and the EPA       While interior New England is not di- on any inspection list, has become           chart above). There was a spike in our
predict that warmer temperatures and        rectly impacted by rising sea levels or more important. A wet basement or          region during the real estate bubble
a longer growing season will increase       fires, homeowners and buyers are con- a soggy yard during spring showing           of 2004 to 2008 and a fall after (see
                                                                                    season is not a plus if you’re trying to   median price previous page). We are
                                                                                    sell your house. With the redrawing        now experiencing a demand-driven
                                                                                    of flood zones and increasing cost of      run-up in prices because of Covid
                                                                                    flood insurance, selling by a rising       refugees from New York who can
                                                                                    creek is more difficult. Drought and       work remotely. Nationally there are
                                                                                    very heavy rains can also impact even      50% fewer houses for sale than last
                                                                                    houses with their own wells. Longer        year. Homeowners are reluctant to sell
                                                                                    term, scientists are also concerned        now because there’s no place to go.
                                                                                    about contamination of water supplies      Listing prices on average have risen by
                                                                                    and collapse of basic infrastructure,      over 15% compared to last year and
                                                                                    which will affect whole towns and          much more in certain communities.
                                                                                    villages.                                  It’s officially a seller’s market every-
                                                                                                                               where – at least at the moment. •
                                                                                       Climate change is a long run risk
                                                                                                                               Christine Bates is a registered real estate agent
                                                                                       Scientists have attempted to forecast   with William Pitt Sotheby’s International Real
                                                                                       which regions will be most impacted     Estate in New York and Connecticut. She has
                                                                                       by climate change by analyzing access   written monthly for Main Street Magazine since
                                                                                       to clean freshwater; heat and humid-    its very first issue.
Above: Normally filled with brown trout Webutuck Creek looked like a walking trail
during the summer drought of 2016. Photo by Peter Greenough.

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                                                                                             Source: SmartMLS, CC & DC MLS, MHMLS and Klemm Private Sales 1/1/93 – 3/11/21


                                                                                                                                                                                                   MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 19
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The eco-friendly move
By Lisa LaMonica

Anyone who has bought and sold            that had seen better days. There are
real estate – or just moved recently      always people in need, especially
– can attest to how stressful it can      during the holidays, and you may
be. There are ample planning tips         have just what they need.
out there to help make it go more            Humane societies can always use
smoothly. If you’re interested in         leftover bedding, blankets, sheets,
reducing your carbon footprint, be        drop cloths as long as they are clean
better towards the planet, and have       – then these things won’t wind up
an easier time moving then this           in the trash. Local contractors and
article is for you. Through my ex-        painters that you may know could
perience of buying, renovating, and       use old shower curtains as drop
selling several houses, I’ve learned to   cloths. On moving day, I’ve put
streamline the process.                   them on the porch for someone
                                          to pick up while the moving truck
Your trash could be another               loads.
man’s treasure                                                                                                             Photo: contributor millann

Firstly, when you’ve decided to put       Downsizing party!
your house on the market, that is         Downsizing parties are a new trend        Skyland, NC, 28776, or Wildlife
the time you start looking at your        made easier thanks to social media.       Wands, P.O. Box 1586, Southwick,
possessions: how much you have            These are sort of like an indoor          MA, 01077.
to pack and what is really needed         garage sale where you post your
to carry over into your next living       event and date on social media sites      Recycle, upcycle, donate
space whether it’s a house, condo,        like Facebook, and either invite          One week before you move,
or apartment. Two to three months         specific people that you know or          unwanted refrigerator items can
before actually moving you can            just the community in general. It’s       go outside for compost, wash out
start purging, especially if you are      a great way to offer things for free      containers and recycle those. Every-
downsizing. Clothes, coffee mugs,         or for sale in a short time, such as      one has a junk drawer, and many of
books… these are all things that          one day or a whole weekend, one           those items too can just go in the
shouldn’t end up in a dumpster            to two months before you plan to          recycle bin or if clean and usable,
but rather donated to libraries,          move. It’s rain or shine too since it’s   left in place and maybe usable by
Goodwill, Salvation Army, Restore/        inside your home, and people can          the next occupant (not to say that
Habitat For Humanity stores,              take a look-through the house at the      you should leave your trash for the
churches, local community centers,        items that you no longer want/need.       next tenant).
and some of these organizations will      There’s also the perk of no setup or         If you have board games or de-
even come to your house to take           break-down of tables, etc. that you’d     cent unused art supplies you could
larger items that you’re giving away.     have with an outdoor yard sale.           donate them to a senior center
Firehouses also will take household          Electronics that you don’t want        nearby that would be happy to take
goods since many hold community           to take with you should not wind          them. And if you come into com-
dinners and can always use extra          up in the trash. Places like Coarc        munication with the people buying
items.                                    in Philmont, NY, have collections         your home, it pays to ask if they’d
   You can also create an opportu-        for recycling them. Old makeup            like anything that you don’t want or
nity to help those less fortunate by      can even be repurposed. Instead of        are willing to leave behind.
advertising your items on Facebook,       throwing away your mascara wands,            Nothing goes to waste with the
whether for free or at a low price,       clean just the wand with dishwasher       right planning and time. Trying
for anything you’re not taking with       soap, place them in a Ziploc bag,         not to get too attached to material
you. When I sold my last house, it        and mail them to a Wildlife Refuge        things can be hard when moving.
gave me much joy to be able to help       that accept donations. These little       Of course moving itself stirs up
people who could not afford new           wands are able to be upcycled to          memories. But knowing you are
furniture. There were people who          clean away oil, larvae, fly eggs,         lightening your load while helping
came to my home and collected a           mites, infections, mud, and other         someone in need and helping the
futon, a mattress, and that recliner      contaminants from wildlife. Pick          environment makes it easier. •
                                          your refuge and to mail to: Ap-
                                          palachian Wild, P.O. Box 1211,

                                                                                                                            MAIN STREET MAGAZINE 21
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