LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Trump in Asia
                                                         Will populism return?
                                                         Inside Kim Jong Un’s world

MCI(P) 096/08/2017    December 2017 – January 2018

                     Cyber Security

                     LURKS                           Are we prepared for the risks arising
                                                            from increased connectivity,
                                                             when “smart” devices could
                                                                     be used against us?
LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Smarter devices,
bigger threats
Dear Readers,

        ay to day, our devices seem to be getting smarter, but also more
        vulnerable to breaches and attacks. Danger lurks when and
        where we least expect it, exposing consumers, companies and
countries to the global threat of cybercrime.
   Our Senior Technology Correspondent Irene Tham takes a hard look
at the phenomenon and the attempts to regulate this sector.
   We also review United States President Donald Trump’s recent visit
to Asia that took him to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the
Philippines, with reports from our US Bureau Chief Nirmal Ghosh and
our bureaus. The full report can be found on
Meanwhile, our contributor Joseph Chinyong Liow shares his view on
the ramifications of Mr Trump’s visit on US-Asia ties, in his article.
  Major changes in China and Japan make for compulsory reading for
anyone interested in Asia. Our China Bureau Chief Goh Sui Noi and
Associate Editor Ravi Velloor give their takes on developments in the
two countries in this issue.
  Looking ahead, we can expect several significant elections up in 2018
and 2019. Our writers give you a heads-up on these.
   And, with North Korea continuing to hog the headlines, our
Associate Editor Rahul Pathak takes you on an inside trip into
Pyongyang to experience day-to-day life in the country. You can also
view videos filmed while he was there recently, on our website.
  Finally, to help you plan some much-deserved time off to recharge
next year, our writers offer some insider tips on where to head off to
over the many long weekends in 2018.
  Enjoy, and thank you for reading The Straits Times Asia Report.

Best regards

Warren Fernandez
The Straits Times
& SPH’s English, Malay and Tamil Media Group

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Trump in Asia
                                                          Will populism return?
                                                          Inside Kim Jong Un’s world

 MCI(P) 096/08/2017    December 2017 – January 2018

                      Cyber Security

                      LURKS                           Are we prepared for the risks arising
                                                             from increased connectivity,
                                                              when “smart” devices could
                                                                      be used against us?

                                                                                               3     When smart devices turn into ‘zombies’

                                                                                              6      Protecting data. Protecting profitability
Asia Report
December 2017 – January 2018
                                                                                              8      Trump’s transactional ties with Asia
Warren Fernandez
Editor-in-Chief, The Straits                                                                  10     Is US engagement back on track in East Asia?
Times & SPH’s English, Malay
and Tamil Media (EMTM) Group                                                                  13     Xi’s strong grip on power causes uncertainty
Sumiko Tan
Managing Editor, EMTM &
Executive Editor,
                                                                                              15     All eyes on...
The Straits Times
Tan Ooi Boon                                                                                  16     How will Asia take to a ‘normal’ Japan?
Senior Vice-President
(Business Development), EMTM                                                                  18     2018: Populism returns?
Paul Jacob
Associate Editor,
The Straits Times
                                                                                              20     Free trade believers must hold fast &
                                                                                                     What China’s new era might hold
Eugene Leow
Head, Digital Strategy, EMTM
                                                                                              21     China and India should now join the TPP
Irene Ngoo
Vice-President (Editorial
Projects Unit) EMTM                                                                           23     A new dawn for Asia-Pacific trade
Shefali Rekhi
Asia News Network Editor,                                                                     24     The disruptor wins it all
The Straits Times &
Editor, ST Asia Report
                                                                                              26     Lessons from the men who made America great
Copy Desk
Jack Hee                                                                                      28     ‘Never underestimate the power of a shoe’
Chief Sub-editor,
The Straits Times                                                                             31     Inside the ‘other’ Korea
Peter Williams
                                                                                              34     Will Japan’s creative appeal last?
Head, Visual, EMTM &
Art Editor, The Straits Times                                                                 36     Nine short getaway ideas for nine long weekends in 2018
Anil Kumar
Graphic Artist
Chng Choon Hiong
Cover photo illustration

Editorial research
Kirstin Yip

Eric Ng
Head, Circulation Marketing
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LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Cover Story

               Irene Tham
Senior Technology Correspondent

When smart
devices turn
into ‘zombies’
Cyber criminals
are turning to the
Internet of Things
to wreak havoc on

        t could have been a scene out of
        a zombie-apocalypse movie: On
        Oct 21, 2016, a piece of malware
        Mirai crept into hundreds of
        thousands of traffic cameras and
used them to bring about the largest
Internet disruption of its kind in history.   Report predicted that these “smart”
   The victim: the servers of Dyn, a          appliances and devices will reach
company that controls a chunk of the          15.7 billion in 2018, exceeding the
Internet’s domain name system. Access         total number of mobile phones and
to websites, including The New York           computers, which are estimated to be
Times, Spotify, Twitter, The Guardian,        10.4 billion combined.
Netflix, Reddit and CNN, was cut off,            PwC Singapore’s Asia-Pacific cyber
while Dyn’s servers remained under            and financial crime leader Vincent Loy                            ST ILLUSTRATION: MIEL
attack for about 24 hours.                    said: “As the prevalence of the Internet
   The Mirai-controlled traffic cameras       of Things increases, the ability to use
turned into an army of “zombies” that         these equipment as a weapon increases.”      based on data it gathered in the first six
repeatedly overwhelmed Dyn’s systems             The problem is that there is no           months of this year.
with Internet traffic in what was a           regulation on how IoT devices should            For instance, the Asia-Pacific ac-
distributed denial of service attack.         be secured, for instance, by encryption      counted for more than 35 per cent of
   The attack confirmed longstanding          technologies. Device makers are also not     all ransomware detections, while the
fears that “smart” devices, also known as     required by law to update their firmware     Europe, Middle East and Africa region
the Internet of Things (IoT), are a rising    regularly with the latest security patches   came in a far second at 25 per cent.
destructive force to be reckoned with.        or to alert consumers of such patches.          Trend Micro said this is because
The disruptions are widely attributed to      But this could change as lawmakers           the Asia-Pacific had a large number
be the first IoT security breach.             play catch-up with technological             of unpatched systems through which
   Welcome to the new digital age,            advancements, said experts.                  malware could enter a corporate
where increasingly connected everyday                                                      network and wreck havoc.
appliances like a refrigerator, Wi-Fi
router and Web camera can become a
                                              FINANCIAL                                       For instance, financial losses from
                                                                                           the global spread of the WannaCry
threat to civilisation.                       MOTIVATION                                   ransomware in May that disrupted
   In its 2017 annual Internet Security          While IoT devices belong to the new       hospitals and factories globally was
Threat Report, cyber security solutions       frontiers of cyber attacks, traditional      estimated to be US$4 billion (S$5.4
firm Symantec estimated that an average       desktops and servers were still the most     billion), according to cyber risk
IoT device was attacked once every            attacked platforms.                          modelling firm Cyence.
two minutes when the spread of Mirai             Cyber security software firm Trend           Most hackers are financially motivat-
peaked at the end of last year.               Micro said the Asia-Pacific was most         ed. In the case of the WannaCry ransom-
   The Dyn attack could just be the           vulnerable to ransomware and malware         ware, hackers demanded US$300 in Bit-
beginning. A 2016 Ericsson Mobility           infection and online transaction attacks     coin to unlock a company’s computers.

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Cover Story

           Many sectors in the Asia-Pacific could                                                                  The attacks on the universities follow
         have been hit. But thanks to an accidental                                                             the discovery in February this year of
         move by a 22-year-old researcher in                                                                    the theft of the personal data of 850
         Britain, identified as “MalwareTech”,                                                                  national servicemen and Ministry of
         WannaCry’s spread was halted.                                                                          Defence (Mindef) staff – said to be a
                                                                                                                “carefully planned” attack that exploited
         STATE-SPONSORED                                                                                        a vulnerability in a Mindef server.
         ATTACKS                                                                                                CYBER SECURITY
            An increasing number of sophisticated
         hacking groups are state-sponsored.                                                                    LEGISLATION
            The most high-profile attack last year                                                                 Amid global fear of spying and cyber
         was committed against the Democratic                                                                   espionage, many countries are stepping
         Party in the run-up to the United States                                                               up their defences.
         presidential election.                                                                                    For instance, China’s far-reaching cyber
            Last December, the US Central                                                                       security law took effect on June 1 this
         Intelligence Agency discovered that                                                                    year. Failure to comply may carry fines
         Russian hackers were able to break                                                                     of up to 1 million yuan (S$204,000) and
         into the Gmail account of top-ranking                                                                  criminal charges.
         Democrat John Podesta and access some                                                                     The law aims to protect Chinese data
         60,000 e-mails, presumably to help Mr                    PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: CHNG CHOON HIONG          – particularly information on Chinese cit-
         Donald Trump in the election.
            The same hackers are known to                    The hackers were using a roundabout
         have been active for a number of years,             way of stealing government-related
         engaging in targeted espionage in the US            information – NTU and NUS are involved              The cyberthreat in Asia
         and Europe.                                         in government-linked projects for the
            In another example, cyber attacks                defence, foreign affairs and transport              • Recent research revealed that the
         on Ukraine’s power grid in 2015 cut off             sectors.                                                Asean digital economy is expected to
         power to an area about 20 times the size               The hackers had been executing                       grow to about US$200 billion (S$270
         of Singapore in the depth of winter.                malware or codes stealthily for some                    billion) over the next 10 years, with
            Singapore was not spared. In April this          time – a technique known as advanced                    e-commerce accounting for US$88
         year, it was discovered that hackers had                                                                    billion, raising the need to significantly
                                                             persistent threats, a device employed by
                                                                                                                     improve cyber security.
         broken into the networks of the National            well-resourced entities such as political
         University of Singapore (NUS) and                   activists and governments. These hackers            •   Ransomware attacks have been
         Nanyang Technological University (NTU).                                                                     soaring, and the number of such
                                                             typically infiltrate networks via phishing.
                                                                                                                     incidents increased by 50 per cent
                                                                                                                     last year.
Different types of cyber attacks                                                                                 •   Two-thirds of Asia-Pacific organisations
                                                                                                                     have increased cyber security budgets
                                                                                                                     from the last financial year, with up to
Cybercrime worldwide cost $400 billion in 2015 and is forecast to reach $2 trillion in 2019                          74 per cent allocating sizeable budgets
                                                                                                                     (5 to 15 per cent of total IT spend) to
                        Data on                                                                                      cyber security.
                        the way to
                        a website                                                                                •   In financial year 2016-17, 52 per cent
                                                                  WEBSITE                     SERVER                 of organisations in the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                                                     reported a cyber security breach. And
                                                                                                                     of them, 30 per cent have reported
                                                                                                                     financial losses of over US$100,000
    Personal                         DNS: Domain                                                                     from those breaches.
    Computer                         Name System
                                                                                                                 •   Delaying cyber security measures
                                                                                                                     could cost businesses to lose US$3
                                                                                                                     trillion by 2020. The median time
                                                                                                                     between a breach and its discovery
                                                                                                                     in Asia was 520 days, three times
“Malicious                                                                                                           the global average, according to
software” such as                               Distributed Denial of                                                research by Mandiant, an American
ransomware,                                     Service: A network of                                                cybersecurity firm.
designed to                                     computers overload a
damage or control                                                                                                •   Asia was also 80 per cent more likely
                                                server with data,                                                    to be targeted by hackers than other
a computer system                               shutting it down
                                                                                                                     parts of the world. It said an average
                                                                                                                     of 3.7GB in data had been stolen in
PHISHING                         MAN-IN-THE-                  CROSS-SITE               SQL INJECTION                 each attack, which could be tens of
Fake official e-mails            MIDDLE ATTACKS               SCRIPTING                ATTACK                        thousands of documents. However, the
(bank, Paypal) link to           Hackers insert               Injects malicious code   Corrupts data to make         bulk of the incidents were not made
fake websites, where             themselves between           into a website which     a server divulge data,
victims log in, giving up        your computer and            targets the visitor’s    such as credit-card           public because the region lacks breach
their passwords                  the Web server               browser                  numbers, usernames            disclosure laws.
                                         Sources: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, SYMANTEC STRAITS TIMES GRAPHICS
                                                                                                                  SOURCES: SINGAPORE MINISTRY OF
                                                                                                                  COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION WEBSITE,
                                                                                                                  PALO ALTO NETWORKS, VERIZON, KPM,
 4                                                                                                                MANDIANT, BBC
LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Cover Story

izens or relating to national security
– from foreign spying by requiring
them to be kept on domestic serv-
                                           Major cyber attacks
ers. Firms may need to undergo a                                                        WannaCry attack
security review before moving data                                                         This year, the world was struck by a worm and
out of China.                                                                           ransomware program known as WannaCry, which broke
   In July 2015, Germany also passed                                                    out in May and hit 150 countries, locking up hundreds of
legislation ordering that over 2,000                                                    thousands of computers. Factories, hospitals, shops and
                                                                                        schools were among those affected. The United States,
essential service providers – includ-
                                                                                        Britain, Russia, China and Taiwan were among the hardest
ing those in transport, healthcare                                                      hit, according to experts.
and telecom – implement new min-                                                           Qihoo, a Chinese Internet security company, said the
imum security standards and notify                                                      attack infected close to 30,000 organisations in China,
the German authorities of suspected                                                     with 4,000 being educational institutions. Taiwan was put
cyber attacks on their systems. Com-                                                    on high alert after reportedly being one of the top targets.
panies that failed to implement secu-
rity measures by July this year face
fines of up to €100,000 (S$160,000).                                                              HBO hack
   The new rules also oblige telcos                                                                  In August, cable company
                                                                                                  HBO was the target of a massive
to store customer call and Internet                                                               breach. Among the information
traffic data for up to six months to                                                              stolen were plot lines of
help with investigations following a                                                              popular TV series Game Of
cyber attack, potentially violating                                                               Thrones, unaired episodes of
privacy rights.                                                                                   Curb Your Enthusiasm and
   Singapore’s newly proposed Cy-                                                                 sensitive internal documents,
                                           NotPetya attack                                        including actors’ personal
bersecurity Bill bears similar wide            NotPetya struck in June, locking up Windows        information. The hackers
powers. Firms must surrender any in-       devices globally, including at multibillion-dollar     claimed to have swiped 1.5
formation requested when the Cyber         companies like FedEx, Cadbury and Merck.               terabytes of information in
Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore         Danish shipping giant AP Moller-Maersk, which          total, demanding a ransom of
investigates a suspected cyber attack,     operates one of Mumbai’s Jawaharlal Nehru Port         US$6 million (S$8.1 million).
with the proposed Bill taking prec-        Trust’s three terminals, also had its operations       Personal details of Game Of
                                           there ceased due to the attack.                        Thrones stars were leaked as
edence over bank and privacy rules
                                               NotPetya is known as a “wiper”, with the aim       part of the back and forth demands.
that prohibit data sharing.                of causing massive irreversible destruction of data.      Not long after, hacker group OurMine, which
   Among other things, the Bill aims       Petya, of which NotPetya is a twisted version,         has a history of compromising high-profile sites
to blur the line between cyberthreats      had also affected computers last year, but that        and Twitter accounts, hijacked HBO’s main
to the public sector and the private       had been as ransomware, where money had been           Twitter account, along with those of several
sector by plugging security gaps in        demanded for the return of stolen data. Ukraine,       HBO shows.
critical information infrastructure,       the US, China and India were among the worst
                                           affected, along with Russia, Britain and Japan.
such as those used to run banking,         Some software researchers allege that Russian
telecoms, transport, healthcare and        hackers were behind the attack, as Ukraine was         Bangladesh bank theft
energy essential services. Whether         the first and worst-hit country.                           One of the largest-known bank thefts in
they are private- or public-sector or-                                                            history to date, the February 2016 Bangladesh
ganisations, they must report attacks                                                             central bank theft, will go down in history for
and breaches within hours – recog-         Malaysian data breach                                  not being even worse than it could have been.
                                              The Malaysian authorities are in the midst              Over US$100 million was compromised in the
nising that cyber criminals do not                                                                theft, and could have risen to US$1 billion if the
                                           of investigating one of the largest customer
respect such boundaries.                   data leaks in Asia involving 46 million mobile         hackers had not made a crucial spelling mistake
   Explaining why Singapore needs          phone users. According to a police chief, they         in one of the transfers. The Bangladesh bank
such a Bill, CSA chief executive           were most recently investigating an IP address         says it has recovered some of the money and
David Koh had said: “The current           in Oman, which they traced the leak to.                is trying to recover more from the Philippines.
legislation, the Computer Misuse              The data breach had taken place in 2014,
                                                           where at one point, the person-
and Cybersecurity Act, focuses                                 al details of tens of millions
more on cybercrime. As the (threat)                               of Malaysians were put          Philippine government website hack
landscape evolves, it is better to have                            online. Malaysia’s to-            In July last year, at least 68 government
an omnibus Bill that oversees the                                    tal population is 32         websites were subjected to attacks, including
cyber security of (essential services)                                million. Information        attempts of hacking and defacement, slowdowns
                                                                      compromised included        and distributed denial of service.
as a whole.”                                                         mobile phone num-               According to The Philippine Star, initial
   Convinced that Singapore should                                  bers, identification card     investigation supposedly pointed to an entity
not have it any other way, lawyer                                 numbers and SIM card            operating in the Netherlands. Cyber security
Gilbert Leong, a senior partner at                              data. It is also possible that    firm FireEye claims that the hackers are linked
                                                             the breach could have taken          to Vietnam’s government, likely targeting the
Dentons Rodyk & Davidson, said:            place during a data transfer and could have
“The far-reaching Bill is justifiable in                                                          Philippines to gather information related to the
                                           been a situation that crooked employees took
the light of the potential damage from                                                            South China Sea dispute.
                                           advantage of, according to the Inspector-Gener-
state-sponsored cyber espionage.”          al of Police in Malaysia.                                                               — KIRSTIN YIP

                                           PHOTOS: REUTERS, BLOOMBERG, HBO

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Cover Story

    Protecting data.
    Protecting profitability
    Prevention is better than cure in
    cyber security
    Irwan Pang                                      A police investigator commented
                                                 that the bank was vulnerable because
                                                                                                  Thirdly, keep in mind that cyberse-
                                                                                               curity is everyone’s responsibility, not
                                                 it lacked a firewall and used cheap,          just the IT department’s.

                                                 second-hand equipment.                           Conversations among different busi-
                 t the turn of this millenni-       The loss of millions of dollars could      ness units let you better identify critical
                 um,big cybersecurity threats    have been prevented if the bank had           vulnerabilities, understand end-user be-
                 were easily minimised as        invested in sophisticated equipment.          haviour, plan for an efficient and robust
                 information      technology        Such losses go beyond the money            cybersecurity strategy and get the sup-
    (IT) had an iron grip on user access to      to loss of customers, difficulty in           port needed to roll out business-wide
    applications and data.                       acquiring customers, decline in profits       security initiatives to ensure that you
       Today’s landscape is different. The re-   and investor confidence.                      retain your customers’ trust.
    cent WannaCry ransomware attack had             A cavalier attitude towards cyber-
    a huge impact, from British healthcare       security can ruin a company. It is no
                                                                                               The writer is director, application
    systems and French carmakers to Russian      longer the question of whether cyber-
                                                                                               security, Asia-Pacific, at F5 Networks. 
    banks, and Singapore companies, too.         security should be part of a holistic
       Singapore is charging forward in          growth strategy; it is now a matter of
    defence, with the recent draft of the        how to invest.
    Cyber Security Bill, which aims to              First, prioritise what you need to
    improve cyber resilience.                    protect. In a mobile applications-de-
       Such moves may lead one to think          pendent environment, identify all apps
    that cybersecurity has become a top          in your network, whether deployed
    priority for all organisations but this is   by IT or those installed by employees,
    not the case.                                and monitor those that might be risks.
       Accenture reports that, in Singapore,        Second, security assessment must be
    only 35 per cent of cybersecurity strate-    the first thought, and not an afterthought.
    gies focus on protecting customer data,      Having a strategic IT programme will
    compared to the global average of 49         not only protect your data but also
    per cent.                                    enhance your customers’ expe-
       This is despite the country facing more   rience and their confidence
    than 130 targeted cyberattacks per year,     in your brand.
    higher than the global average of 106.
       A survey found that 91 per cent
    of Singapore firms sought specialist
    guidance in cybersecurity but 75 per
    cent did not have dedicated IT budgets
    and planning processes.
       Global consulting group Oliver Wy-
    man has reported that cybercrime is
    becoming a greater risk when doing
    businesses in the Asia-Pacific as com-
    pared to North America and Europe.
       In Singapore, PwC said that 43 per
    cent of companies here were affected
    by cybercrime in 2016, compared to
    just 15 per cent in 2014.
       In 2016, unknown hackers stole more
    than US$100 million from Bangladesh
    Bank by breaching the computer
                                                                          ST ILLUSTRATION: MANNY FRANCISCO

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times
Cover Story

Building better defences against cyber attacks

Jean-Claude Broido                                                                                In order to address some of these

                                                                                               challenges, IBM Security is training a
                      hen the recent Wan-                                                      new generation of cognitive systems to
                      naCry ransomware                                                         understand, reason and learn about con-
                      attack hit the global                                                    stantly evolving security threats.
                                                                                                  These IBM systems are built with se-
                      headlines, thousands
                                                                                               curity instincts and expertise into new
                      of security practi-
                                                                           ST ILLUSTRATION     defences that analyse research reports,
tioners around the world flocked to threat
                                                                                               web text, threat data and other securi-
intelligence feeds to help streamline their
                                                                                               ty-relevant structured and unstructured
                                                – across an organisation’s data, applica-      data – just like security professionals do
    While the security community learnt                                                        every day – but at a scale never seen
many valuable lessons from this attack,         tions, mobile, IOT and endpoint devices.
                                                   Non-integrated, point-product secu-         before.
it is impossible to say that a strike of this                                                     This is the essence of what IBM calls
magnitude will not happen again.                rity solutions are insufficient, which is
                                                                                               cognitive security (also referred to as
    As WannaCry demonstrated, the               a concern when we consider that many
                                                                                               machine learning or AI in the industry).
cost of ransomware goes far beyond the          organisations can use up to 50 security
                                                                                                  Lastly, from a collaboration perspec-
ransom fee demanded to get access to            products from as many as 80 vendors.
                                                                                               tive, IBM has taken a lead in driving
your files – it brings down businesses             It takes constant monitoring and
                                                                                               collaboration between the private and
and in some cases even threatens lives.         maximum use of data to find attacks
                                                                                               public sectors, enterprises and security
    According to a Ransomware Damage            and abnormal behaviour before damage
                                                                                               vendors. No single organisation can effec-
Report by Cybersecurity Ventures, it            is done. But the world produces over
                                                                                               tively stop the spread of malware across
is predicted that global ransomware             2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day,
                                                                                               industries, nations and individuals, and
damage costs will exceed US$5 billion           and 80 per cent of it is unstructured.
                                                                                               by sharing threat information and new
(S$6.79 billion) in 2017, up from US$325        This means it’s expressed in natural
                                                                                               tools, organisations can proactively hunt
                                                language – spoken, written or visual –
million in 2015.                                                                               for, and stop, attacks before they ever
                                                that a human can easily understand but
    The 21st century organised crime of                                                        take hold.
                                                traditional security systems can’t.
cybercrime is a reality today, with 80                                                            As humans, we sense and respond to
                                                   The reality is that there are thousands
per cent of cyberattacks driven by highly                                                      situations using a lifetime of experience
                                                of security blogs posted every day with
organised crime rings in which data, tools                                                     and learning. When an organisation’s
                                                detailed threat intelligence.
and expertise are widely shared. Juniper                                                       security systems can do the same,
                                                   It’s impossible for a security analyst to
Research estimates that cybercrime will                                                        it arms its security professionals
                                                know everything that’s in them, and tra-
cost the global economy more than US$2                                                         with the collective knowledge and
                                                ditional security is unable to analyse and
trillion by 2019 and that it represents                                                        instinct to respond to threats with
                                                apply this insight the way an analyst can.
what could be the greatest threat to every                                                     greater confidence at scale and speed.
                                                   This is why the most challenging
company in the world.                                                                          A cognitive business out-thinks and
                                                security problems require people to
    Given the rate, pace and sophistication                                                    outpaces threats with security systems
                                                make sound decisions about what to
of attacks, the days of using “moat &                                                          that can understand, reason and learn.
                                                act on and what is a false alarm. In fact,
firewall” security are no longer enough.        the best security professionals build their
    Like a human immune system, today’s         body of knowledge every day through            The writer is vice-president, IBM Security
cybersecurity defences need to find the         experience, talking with colleagues,           for the Asia-Pacific.
attacks that will eventually breach a pe-       attending conferences and staying up-          The articles in this section are excerpts of
rimeter, quarantine and remediate them          to-date on research.                           those published in The Business Times. 

LURKS DANGER Cyber Security - The Straits Times

          Nirmal Ghosh
                   US Bureau Chief

    Trump’s transactional
    ties with Asia

                                                                                                                  ST ILLUSTRATION: MIEL

    Asian leaders rolled                        on him, and opportunities to present
                                                his messages strongly.”
                                                                                              or to rival “the Chinese exercise of soft
                                                                                              power through financing and construc-
    out the red carpet for                         However, she added: “He should not         tion of infrastructure in the region”.
    the US President on                         mistake the flattery of his Asian hosts          Ms Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for
                                                with acquiescence, deference or even          Asia and the director of the China Power
    his first trip to Asia,                     respect.”                                     Project at CSIS, said Mr Trump mostly
    but expected more.                             The decision of the 11 remaining sig-      stuck to the script, and the messages
                                                natories of the Trans-Pacific Partnership     in South Korea were particularly well

                                                (TPP) to pursue a new version of the          received.
                  nited States President        trade pact without the US was a harbin-          She added that Mr Trump’s perfor-
                  Donald Trump’s first Asia     ger of an era of regional free trade ar-      mance was “weakest” at the Asia-Pa-
                  trip gets a passing grade,    chitecture without the US, analysts said.     cific Economic Cooperation (Apec)
                  but he was outshone by        The US pulled out of the TPP in January.      summit in Danang, Vietnam. “Trump
                  Chinese President Xi Jin-        “Other countries are moving on and         doesn’t have a credible economic pol-
    ping, US-based Asia analysts said.          sending a message that the US will not        icy. Countries in the TPP who don’t
       Mr Trump exceeded expectations           derail the efforts that they believe are      already have a bilateral free trade
    but “only because those expectations        in their interest,” Ms Hayden said.           agreement with the US appear not to
    were so low”, said Ms Shannon Hayden,          McLarty Associates managing director       want one,” she said.
    associate director of the South-east Asia   James Keith – a former US ambassador             Mr Xi’s embrace of globalisation, and
    Programme at the Centre for Strategic       to Malaysia who also served in China –        his “community of common destinies”,
    and International Studies (CSIS) in         said Mr Trump had strengthened US’ al-        resonated more than Mr Trump’s
    Washington.                                 liances in North-east Asia with this visit.   “America First”, she added.
       She said: “In his mind, he probably         But he added that Mr Trump looked to
    thinks the trip went very well – much       have ceded leadership on the economic
    pomp and pageantry, lots of attention       front, offering little to succeed the TPP                      


JAPAN                                                                  SOUTH KOREA
Friends yes, but partners?                                             Toned-down rhetoric

D                                                                      B
         uring his visit to Japan,                                            efore the visit of US
         US President Donald                                                  President        Donald
         Trump flaunted his                                                   Trump, there were fears
close friendship with Prime                                            that he would threaten to rain
Minister Shinzo Abe, who                                               down fire and fury once more
lavished him with caps                                                 on North Korea.
emblazoned with “Donald and                                               But in South Korea, the
Shinzo, Make Alliance Even                                             unpredictable Mr Trump was
Greater” and a wagyu dinner.                                           praised instead for a “very
    They bonded over golf and                                          presidential” speech in the Korean Parliament, which rallied global
exchanged fist bumps.                                                  support in addressing North Korea’s nuclear issue. He was also
    Much has been made                                                 lauded for showing sincerity in reaffirming American commitment
about the meeting and both                                             to South Korea’s defence and issuing a firm warning to the North.
countries came away confident in their security alliance over issues      He had also refrained from dialling up pressure on Seoul to
such as North Korea and the Indo-Pacific. However, moments in their    reduce the trade deficit with the US or to take on more of the
joint press conference gave critics some pause, as these betrayed      defence cost-sharing burden.
the leaders’ divergent views on a variety of issues.                      Mr Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae In agreed on
    On dealing with North Korea, for instance, Mr Trump urged          the need for South Korea to strengthen its own defence against
Japan to buy more US weaponry that will allow it to “shoot down        the North, and for South Korea to buy more military equipment
North Korean missiles from the sky”. On his part, Mr Abe said any      from the US. Still, some critics said Mr Trump fell short of offering
interception will be “closely coordinated with the US”.                a concrete solution to the nuclear stalemate.
    While Japan has stressed that it is an equal partner with the      — Chang May Choon
US in their bilateral alliance, critics wonder if Mr Trump instead
regards Japan as subservient to the US. The US leader implied in a
put-down that the Japanese economy is second fiddle to the US’,
and even interjected during a question meant for Mr Abe about          CHINA
Japan’s national security.                                             Constructive approach to ties

    “The Japanese people are thriving, your cities are vibrant and
you’ve built one of the world’s most powerful economies. I don’t              hinese media were
know if it’s as good as ours,” said Mr Trump. Then turning to Mr              mostly positive about
Abe, he added: “I think not, okay? And we’re going to try to keep             US President Donald
it that way. But you’ll be second.”                                    Trump’s visit to Beijing, saying
— Walter Sim                                                           his and Chinese President Xi
                                                                       Jinping’s constructive approach
                                                                       to handling bilateral relations
                                                                       made for smoother ties ahead.
                                                                           Mr Trump’s three-day visit
                                                                       had infused some warmth into the difficult relationship between
THE PHILIPPINES                                                        the world’s two most powerful nations.
Mending ties, but at a cost                                                China gave its important visitor not just a red carpet welcome,

                                                                       which included tea at the Forbidden City, but also more than US$250
           r Trump has mended                                          billion (S$340 billion) in commercial deals that Mr Trump said was
           the United States’                                          a “very, very good start” towards reducing the massive trade deficit
           ties with long-time                                         the US has with China. The deficit hit US$347 billion last year.
ally the Philippines, but it has
                                                                       — Goh Sui Noi
come at the expense of the
US’ standing as a champion
of human rights.
    Despite pressure from                                              VIETNAM
rights groups for him to take
                                                                       Doubt over offer of help

a tough line on the thousands
killed by police and vigilantes                                                   r Trump raised eye-
in Philippine President Rodrigo                                                   brows when he told
Duterte’s bloody war on drugs,                                                    his Vietnamese coun-
Mr Trump instead settled for mutual flattery.                          terpart Tran Dai Quang he could
    He spoke of his “great relationship” with Mr Duterte, who          mediate in the South China Sea
responded by serenading him with a Filipino love song at a gala        dispute.
dinner.                                                                   But the offer, made on Nov
    Mr Duterte has come under intense international criticism for      12 during Mr Trump’s state visit
his drugs war, which has led to the police killing more than 3,900     to Hanoi, was largely dismissed
suspects since he took office last year.                               by analysts and politely set
    What Mr Trump brought with him to Manila was his push for          aside by regional observers. Hanoi-based analyst Ha Hoang Hop
fair trade. He reiterated the message he sent during last week’s       called it a “spontaneous” comment.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Danang, Vietnam,              Analysts also noted that there were no surprises in the joint
“that it’s high time the US practise reciprocity”.                     statement Vietnam and the US issued. Both sides pledged to deepen
    There was, however, no clear assurance from Mr Trump that          trade and investment, as well as defence cooperation and people-
South-east Asia remains central to US foreign policy.                  to-people ties.
— Raul Dancel                                                          — Tan Hui Yee                                PHOTOS: REUTERS, AFP

By Invitation

        Joseph Chinyong Liow

     Is US engagement back
     on track in East Asia?
     Trump’s recent Asia
     visit suggests new
     momentum in
     US-Asia ties.

                  hat American presidential
                  visits to East Asia always
                  assume special significance
                  hardly needs to be said.
                  After all, the US has played
     the role of linchpin of regional peace
     and prosperity since the end of the
     Second World War. Even so, seldom
     has an American presidential trip to the
     region prompted as much anticipation
     and apprehension as Mr Donald Trump’s
     recently-concluded 12-day tour: his first
     as president, and his longest overseas
     trip thus far.
        Right up to the eve of his trip, many
     were still lamenting the absence of         accords, cozying up to the Saudi regime,
     a coherent strategy of engagement           alienating European allies and engaging
     that weaved together the tapestry           in petulant name-calling with North                   ST ILLUSTRATION: MANNY FRANCISCO

     of American strategic, economic,            Korea’s Mr Kim Jong Un.
     diplomatic and political interests in           So, against this pattern of apparent          What probably also escapes attention
     East Asia. Others fretted about more        dysfunction, what did Mr Trump’s first         is the fact that this trip caps a year
     prosaic concerns, such as the President’s   foray into the region accomplish? At           of extensive engagement with Asia.
     sudden tweets and tendency to veer          first glance, perhaps not much, since he       Consider a comparison of the number
     off-script. Anxiety over these portents     failed to extract concrete commitments         of visits senior Obama and Trump
     were rendered more acute by the             from China to intensify pressure on            administration officials (president, vice-
     distractions of controversies bedevilling   North Korea and was very much an               president, secretaries of state, defence,
     his administration.                         isolated bystander as regional leaders         and commerce, US trade representative,
        Among most of the mainstream             pressed ahead on free trade talks in           and national security adviser) made to
     American media, one strand of opinion       Danang and Manila. Nevertheless, I             East Asia in their first year of office.
     continues to prevail: whether it is         would suggest that despite this, the trip      Between January and November 2009,
     healthcare, tax reform, or migration        – and Mr Trump’s conduct – provided            the first year of the Obama presidency,
     policy, Mr Trump is simply incapable        hopeful signs that there is some method        a total of seven visits were made. In
     of doing anything right. Murmurs of         to the apparent madness, at least as far       comparison, 12 visits to the region
     dissent within his own party continue to    as East Asia is concerned. For starters,       (excluding India) have been made by
     smart, and investigations over possible     adjusting his schedule at the behest of his    Trump administration office holders
     Russian interference in the presidential    advisers so as to participate in the East      since January this year.
     election, a matter which reared its head    Asia Summit – after expressing intent             In keeping with the President’s
     on the sidelines of November 11’s Asia-     to skip the meeting – suggests he may          penchant for personalising bilateral
     Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec)         actually listen to those around him,           relationships, considerable attention was
     meeting and that hangs like the sword       a character trait his detractors would         understandably given to rapport with
     of Damocles over his administration,        doubtless be quick to deny. We should          his counterparts. Mr Trump is known to
     continue to gather pace.                    further recognise that this is the longest     have developed good personal chemistry
        Not unlike criticisms of his domestic    that an American president has spent           with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo
     policies, much has been made of Mr          in Asia since George W. Bush haplessly         Abe and, intriguingly, also his Chinese
     Trump’s missteps in foreign policy as       passed out and vomited on his Japanese         counterpart, Mr Xi Jinping. It is clear
     well. The President has been taken to       host during an exhausting tour of Asia         that he sets great store by these personal
     task for reneging on the Paris climate      in 1992.                                       relationships, even if, especially in the

By Invitation

case of Mr Xi, their countries remain         top of the administration’s Asia agenda       their Tokyo meeting to launch several
deeply at odds on a range of issues.          for some time.                                infrastructure investment initiatives
   During Mr Trump’s “state visit                 Although Mr Trump also offered to         aimed at providing much-needed
plus” to Beijing, bilateral differences       mediate the South China Sea disputes, it      alternative financing for regional states
were kept at a prudent remove as he           is not likely to be taken up. Meanwhile,      starved of options and pulled slowly
spoke effusively of Mr Xi, calling him        the administration has expressed its          but surely into the Chinese orbit. How
“a very special man”. Rather than in-         intention to press for the lifting of         all this squares with a “free and open”
veigh against China for “raping” the          the sequestration cap for defence so          Indo-Pacific then, will be something that
American economy as he did on the             as to free up resources to support this       will continue to exercise the region.
campaign trail, Mr Trump instead shifted      enhanced military presence.                       Another potentially significant strate-
blame for the more than US$350 billion            If security commitments appear            gic takeaway from the trip was the Trump
(S$476 billion) trade deficit with China      unequivocal, other measures paint             administration’s revival of the Quadrilat-
to his predecessors in the White House.       a more ambiguous picture, and will            eral Dialogue comprising the US, Japan,
In return, Mr Xi proclaimed that bilat-       prompt concern. In contrast to the            India and Australia, which met at the level
eral ties were at “a new historic starting    evident meeting of minds on a security        of senior officials on the sidelines of the
point”, a view echoed enthusiastically        agenda, Mr Trump struck a discordant          Asean summits in Manila.
in the Chinese press and social media.        note at Apec when he rehearsed his                When originally mooted by Japan
Whether it was diplomatic sangfroid           protectionist proclivities on free trade      in 2007, it was understandably viewed
or an expression of genuine rapport,          even as the 11 remaining signatories of       with suspicion from Beijing for its
the fact is that both leaders acquitted       the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed to       obliquely anti-China slant. The current
themselves well despite the very real         move ahead on a new iteration of the          iteration of the “Quad” is likely to
danger that discussions could have easily     initiative, sans American participation.      elicit a similar response from a China
been derailed.                                                                              considerably more influential, powerful
                                                 So, against this pattern                   and ambitious than it was a decade ago,
A NEW ASIA                                       of apparent dysfunction,                   even if this meeting convened only at
                                                 what did Mr Trump’s
POLICY?                                          first foray into the region
                                                                                            senior officials’ level. Should the “Quad”
                                                                                            succeed, it might also pose a diplomatic
   Progress was also made on the                 accomplish? At first glance,               problem for Asean, for while some
crafting of a strategic edifice around                                                      member states may quietly welcome it,
                                                 perhaps not much, since he
which Asia policy will be shaped.                                                           the fact that it is being pursued parallel
                                                 failed to extract concrete
Thus far, the administration has yet to                                                     to existing Asean-led institutions raises
complete its national security strategy
                                                 commitments from China to
                                                                                            the larger question of Asean’s centrality
within 150 days of assuming office, as           intensify pressure on North                in the regional security architecture.
mandated by Congress. Following an               Korea and was very much an                     A final issue bears reflection. The
initial announcement by Secretary of             isolated bystander as regional             outcome of Mr Trump’s Asia trip hints
State Rex Tillerson on the occasion of his       leaders pressed ahead on free              at an emerging picture of a US pushback
own trip to India last month, Mr Trump           trade talks in Danang and                  against growing Chinese assertiveness
articulated a presumptive strategy for           Manila. Nevertheless, I would              in the region in both the security and
Asia predicated on the concept of a              suggest that despite this, the             economic arenas, although in the
“free and open Indo-Pacific”, which will         trip – and Mr Trump’s conduct              latter instance, it is doing so without
likely displace Barack Obama’s “Pivot            – provided hopeful signs that              multilateral mechanisms. Whether or
to Asia” – in form if not in substance – in      there is some method to the                not this effort will succeed is, of course,
Washington’s policy narrative.                   apparent madness, at least as              a different matter. But, taken together
   A curious, if somewhat familiar,              far as East Asia is concerned.             with other issues, it does indicate that
choice of nomenclature for an Asia                                                          the Trump administration is aware it is in
policy since it omits mention of “Asia”,      This mood even crept into the Da Nang         the American interest to remain active
the pronouncement was somewhat                Declaration, which included references        in, and attentive to, the region.
short on details. But early indicators        to “importance of non-discriminatory,             Much has been made of Asia policy
are clear that enhanced engagement on         reciprocal and mutually advantageous          drift and disconnect in the first year of
the security front will be key.               trade and investment frameworks,”             the embattled Trump presidency. To be
   Seized by North Korea’s nuclear            “unfair trade practices” and “unfair          sure, there is still much to be done, and
and missile development programme,            trade subsidies”.                             indeed, American foreign policy-making
previous statements made on the                  That the Trump administration will         under Mr Trump might still remain
campaign trail hinting that the US            continue to pursue a mercantilist ap-         unorthodox, even erratic. But even the
would reconsider its commitments to           proach to trade with little appetite for      harshest critic must admit that his Asia
the security of East Asian allies now         economic multilateralism, there should        trip could have gone much worse. All
sound like a thing of the dim and             be no doubt. Lest we think this is a view     things being equal, Mr Trump’s extended
distant past. Instead, American military      unique to him, the President has assem-       tour of East Asia has offered up the
activities have been ramped up, not           bled a team of senior trade officials who     prospect of a new momentum to US
only on the Korean peninsula but also         not only share his protectionist instincts,   engagement in the region.
in the South China Sea, with a stronger       but are also working ceaselessly to trans-
naval presence and greater frequency          late them into policy.
of freedom of navigation operations.             Yet, cognizant of the potential game-
                                                                                            The writer is dean and professor of
Both these issues featured prominently        changing effect of China’s ambitious          comparative and international politics at
in Mr Trump’s discussions throughout his      Belt and Road Initiative, Mr Trump and        the S. Rajaratnam School of International
Asia trip, and are likely to stay at the      Mr Abe also sought the opportunity of         Studies, Nanyang Technological University. 

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Regional Watch

       Goh Sui Noi
        China Bureau Chief

Xi’s strong
grip on
power causes
How China will
fare with power
centralised in one
man’s hands is up
for debate among
country watchers.

                                                                                                                  ST ILLUSTRATION: MIEL

             resident Xi Jinping amassed    expedite reform to reach the goal of            1980s; each time it has adopted measures
             immense power at the           national rejuvenation.                          that are sometimes regressive but have
             recent national congress          Professor Yang Dali of Chicago Uni-          ultimately kept the economy growing.
             of the Chinese Communist       versity pointed out that, five years ago,          Mr Xi is not likely to face undue
             Party (CCP), and has vowed     at the end of the administration of for-        resistance if his administration can keep
to use it to make China great again.        mer president Hu Jintao, “there was a           the economy humming along while
   However, the path to realising this      craving among the Chinese for stronger          making sure to spread the wealth and
dream of national rejuvenation – after      leadership”.                                    provide social security for the people.
more than a century of humiliation from        Mr Hu’s emphasis on collective leader-          He already has considerable popular
the 1840 Opium War – is unlikely to         ship and consensus building led to relative     support for his anti-corruption drive and
be smooth.                                  political inaction that had critics calling     policies to alleviate poverty and fight
   China’s future, say some analysts,       his two five-year terms “the lost decade”.      environmental pollution, said Prof Yang.
is fraught with uncertainties not least        At the same time, the CCP is a party            Mr Xi has also put in place many
because of the concentration of power       of nearly 90 million members from               technocrats to help achieve his goals,
in one man’s hands.                         multiple generations and a diversity of         he added.
   In recent history, China suffered        backgrounds with a lot of corruption in            However some, like Chinese historian
greatly under the excesses of Mao           the official ranks.                             Zhang Lifan, are worried about a leader
Zedong in his later years; but it also         “Mr Xi and some of his colleagues saw        with so much power.
benefited much from Deng Xiaoping’s         that this tremendous diversity within the          Any mistake Mr Xi makes, he said,
bold push for reforms.                      party was not good for cohesion, for the        may cascade down the party ranks as
   Both were powerful, visionary leaders,   integrity of the party, in the pursuit of       no one would dare to cast doubt on any
and Mr Xi is now considered as being in     his mission,” said Prof Yang.                   decision he makes.
their league.                                  He thought that Mr Xi had over-                 Mr Zhang noted that, at the 19th party
   How China will fare under yet            corrected in his endeavour to make              congress, Mr Xi had also broken with an
another powerful leader is at the heart     the party more disciplined and more             unwritten norm in failing to name any
of this debate.                             dedicated to its mission.                       potential successor to the top decision-
   Some have argued that centralised           “It feels very regressive to others          making body, the Politburo Standing
power is needed to turn China into a        especially when information flows are           Committee (PSC).
“modern socialist country” that is “pros-   shut down, Internet censorship is stepped          This, he said, leads to the danger of
perous, strong, democratic, culturally      up, crackdowns on dissent are enhanced          a power vacuum should the top leader
advanced, harmonious and beautiful”.        and so on,” he said.                            fall ill or a situation arise in which he is
   Concentrated power, noted China             “If you are a liberal, this is a challeng-   unable to lead.
watcher Robert Lawrence Kuhn, is            ing moment,” he added.                             “In such a situation under the CCP
needed to maintain unity and manage            Still, he noted, China’s leadership has      system, a power struggle could arise,”
the CCP more strictly in order to           adapted well to every major crisis since the    he warned.

Regional Watch

           In other words, the lack of a succes-                      While Mr Wang has written that                           training competent and professional
        sion plan spells instability.                              concentration of power is needed for                        officials. He also called for stronger
           Beyond these worries, Mr Xi’s                           reforms to happen, he has also said that                    public participation and rule of law in
        ambitions could also face resistance.                      a democratic system is necessary for a                      social governance.
           “Real resistance” is likely to come                     country to be modernised.                                      Elsewhere, he has spoken about the
        from China’s vast bureaucracy, wrote                          “Without a highly democratic                             need to build new think-tanks that can
        Professor Pei Minxin of Claremont                          political system, it is difficult to establish              promote “scientific and democratic
        McKenna College.                                           oneself as a modernised, strong country                     decision-making” and “modernisation
           He noted that China’s lower and                         among the advanced people of the                            of the country’s governing system and
        middle officials care more about                           world,” he wrote.                                           ability”.
        raising their privilege and wealth than                       While not advocating democracy as                           Some are optimistic about the
        promoting ideological goals.                               the West knows it, he was suggesting                        prospects for political reform.
           Mr Xi has dismantled the system                         democratic institutions.                                       Political commentator Wu Jiaxiang
        of sharing power and spoils among                             “Wang’s notion of democracy, though                      believes Mr Xi will allow for a multi-
        elite cliques and eliminated the lavish                    never explicitly defined, appears to be                     party system and popular elections,
        bribes and perks that underwrote                           one of substantive rather than procedural                   when conditions are right.
        the extravagant lifestyles of these                        democracy,” wrote China watcher Joseph                         He noted that, in his report to the
        bureaucrats through his anti-corruption                    Fewsmith in his book, China Since                           congress, Mr Xi has spoken about
        and austerity drives.                                      Tiananmen: The Politics Of Transition.                      giving more decision-making power
           While these bureaucrats may not dis-                       “Wang seemed more interested in                          to governments at the provincial level
        play their unhappiness openly, “they will                  building a stable and efficient govern-                     and below.
        do what Chinese bureaucrats have done                      ment that could make good decisions                            It is hard to see what Mr Wu envisages
        for thousands of years: passively resist                   based on widespread consultation – what                     happening given that what is taking
        edicts from the top”, wrote Prof Pei.                      might be called ‘elite democracy’ – than                    place now is tighter control of the media
           In the long term, controls need to be                   democracy per se.                                           and civil society, and harsher crackdown
        eased if China is to avoid a backlash,                        “For instance, Wang called for                           on dissent.
        some analysts have said.                                   better policy research and brain trusts,                       But if political reforms do take place,
           There are signs of the possibility of                   powerful and effective administrative                       Mr Xi will have proven that he has taken
        political change.                                          organs, effective propaganda to win the                     over the mantle of his reformer father,
           Among the five newly-promoted                           trust of the people and better feedback,”                   Mr Xi Zhongxun, as many had hoped
        members of the apical seven-member                         wrote Professor Fewsmith.                                   he would when he first came to power
        PSC is Mr Wang Huning, a political                            Some of these were called for by                         in 2012.
        theorist who has served two other                          Mr Xi in his report to the 19th party
        leaders of the CCP before Mr Xi: Mr                        congress, including strengthening the
        Jiang Zemin and Mr Hu.                                     governing capacity of the CCP and                                                   

                                     The seven men who rule China
                                     China’s Communist Party unveiled a new line-up for its top decision-making body,
                                     the Politburo Standing Committee. Here are the seven members, in order of party hierarchy.

                                       LI KEQIANG, 62            LI ZHANSHU, 67             WANG YANG, 62           WANG HUNING, 62           ZHAO LEJI, 60                HAN ZHENG, 63
                                       • Like Mr Xi, Mr Li was   • Ranked No. 3 in the      • Mr Wang, like Mr Li • The director of the       • In 2000, he became         • Widely seen as a
                                       first promoted to the     Chinese leadership         Keqiang, hails from     Policy Research           Qinghai governor at the      member of the
                                       PSC at the 17th party     hierarchy, Mr Li is        the Communist Youth     Office, a think-tank of   age of 42, making him the    Shanghai faction led
PRESIDENT XI JINPING, 64               congress in 2007.         tipped to head the         League faction, also    the party’s Central       youngest governor in the     by former president
• Mr Xi became the top leader in       • Five years later, Mr    National People’s          known as tuanpai.       Committee, is a close     country at the time. His     Jiang Zemin, Mr Han
the Chinese Communist Party            Xi succeeded              Congress, China’s          • Seen as a             aide who is often         promotion to Qinghai party   was Mr Xi’s deputy
(CCP) hierarchy in late 2012.          President Hu Jintao       Parliament.                significant figure      seen beside Mr Xi         boss three years later       when the latter
Beginning his second five-year         and Mr Li succeeded       • His friendship with      familiar with foreign   during important          made him the country’s       served a brief stint
term as the party chief on Oct         Premier Wen Jiabao.       Mr Xi goes back to         policy, he headed the   meetings and              youngest provincial party    as Shanghai party
25, he has amassed enough                                                                                           overseas trips.           secretary, at age 45.        boss in 2007.
authority to be considered the         • His key portfolios      the 1980s.                 Chinese delegation at
                                                                                                                    • The former dean of      • Elected head of the        • The Shanghai party
most powerful Chinese leader           include economic          • As director of the       the first US-China
                                                                                            Comprehensive           Fudan University Law      party’s top anti-graft       chief is likely to be
since Deng Xiaoping.                   management and            CCP Central
                                       finance. But Mr Li,       Committee’s General        Economic Dialogue       School is also the        agency, the Central          the first executive
• In a break with party norms,         has had his power         Office, Mr Li is Mr Xi’s   in July.                brains behind Mr Xi’s     Committee for Discipline     vice-premier, who will
he did not name potential              reduced with the          chief of staff and                                 “Chinese Dream”           Inspection, Mr Zhao will     be the point man for
successors to the Politburo            setting up of             often accompanies                                  campaign.                 ensure that Mr Xi’s          the Joint Council for
Standing Committee (PSC),              high-level steering       him on foreign trips.                                                        anti-graft campaign is       Bilateral Cooperation,
fanning speculation that he is         committees headed                                                                                      carried out more             the highest-level
planning for a third term in 2022.     by Mr Xi.                                                                                              extensively, as well as      forum between China
                                                                                                                                              help to institutionalise     and Singapore.
                                                                                                                                              party supervision.

Regional Watch

All eyes on...
                                                                                           under Mr Xi that his political career rose
                                                                                              He is Mr Xi’s top foreign policy aide,
                                                                                           a constant companion on overseas tours
                                                                                           and part of his inner circle.With his pro-
                                                                                           motion to the PSC, Mr Wang is likely to
                                              WANG HUNING, 62                              take over the portfolio of retired prop-
        Lim Yan                               • Ranks No. 5 in                             aganda chief Liu Yunshan, and become
          Liang                               PSC.                                         secretary of the CCP Secretariat.
                                                                                              In Mr Wang’s early writings are
China Correspondent                           • Principal                                  treatises calling for the party to focus
                                              Communist                                    on high-level corruption.

Brains behind                                 Party theorist
                                              and law
                                                                                              He is also an advocate of a strong
                                                                                           central authority - for economic and

the ‘China                                    professor.
                                              • Key architect
                                                                                           social stability - over democracy and
                                                                                           individual liberty.

Dream’                                        behind Mr                                       His ideas have influenced Mr Xi, said
                                                                                           Beijing-based analyst Jude Blanchette of

                                              Hu Jintao’s Scientific Outlook on
                                              Development, Mr Jiang Zemin’s                research group Conference Board.
            or decades, Mr Wang Huning        Three Represents and Mr Xi’s own                “We see a consistent theme: Clawing
            worked his magic quietly          “China Dream”.                               power back to Beijing (and) cadres
            behind the scenes as an                                                        throughout the country now pay homage
                                                                     PHOTO: BLOOMBERG
            adviser to three top Chinese                                                   to the ‘core’ of the party’s Central
            leaders.                         experience in regional party leadership       Committee, Xi Jinping,” he wrote.
   The political theorist is said to have    positions.                                       Professor Steve Tsang of the School
played a key role in coming up with             He has served mainly as head of the        of Oriental and African Studies said Mr
Mr Hu Jintao’s Scientific Outlook on         Central Policy Research Office, a party       Wang is “someone Xi can rely on to
Development and Mr Jiang Zemin’s             think-tank.                                   provide ideological leadership on his
Three Represents – the duo’s signature          “He may be the most academic Polit-        behalf”.
political ideologies.                        buro Standing Committee member in the            He said:“With no power base of his
   He is also behind President Xi            party’s history,” said East Asian Institute   own, he is totally dependent on Xi for
Jinping’s “China Dream” concept, of a        analyst Chen Gang, noting that the CCP        his power and office, so Xi can rely on
rejuvenated and powerful China.              usually prefers PSC members to have           him despite Wang having served Hu and
   The spotlight is now on the 62-year-      experience in the cities and provinces.       Jiang.”
old, who has risen to the apical Politburo      Mr Wang, a former law dean at
Standing Committee of the Chinese            Shanghai’s Fudan University was plucked
Communist Party (CCP) without                from academia by Mr Jiang. But it was                     

                                                                                           the current fourth-ranking vice-premier
                                              LIU HE, 65                                   Ma Kai to oversee economic issues.
  Chong Koh                                   • Chief                                          Mr Liu has been a key driver of
       Ping                                   economic
                                                                                           supply-side reforms such as reducing
                                                                                           overcapacity in steel and coal, and excess
China Correspondent
                                              promoted to                                  housing stock.
                                              25-member                                        He was believed to have spoken

Economic                                      Politburo.
                                              • Seen as
                                                                                           on behalf of Mr Xi in an article in the
                                                                                           party-run People’s Daily in May last year,

adviser who’s                                 forerunner to                                criticising government officials for delays
                                              become a state                               in carrying out supply-side reforms.

‘crucial’ to Xi                               councillor or vice-premier given his             Mr Liu cited former Singapore prime
                                              role as mastermind behind major
                                                                                           minister Lee Kuan Yew in an article
                                                                                           published in 2008. He wrote that Mr Lee

                                              economic and financial policies.
                                                                                           had told him China’s greatest challenge
           ixty-five-year-old Liu He and                                PHOTO: REUTERS
                                                                                           was urbanisation, when they met at the
           Chinese President Xi Jinping         The Harvard-educated Mr Liu is             Davos Forum in 1993. “Lee Kuan Yew
           grew up in the same Beijing       director of the Office of the Central         is right,” he added.
           neighbourhood.                    Leading Group on Financial and                    Hong Kong’s South China Morning
              The Chinese leader, who is     Economic Affairs, a role he took on in        Post has reported that Mr Liu could
a year younger, had introduced his chief     2013. He was made a member of the             replace Mr Wang Huning as party
economic adviser as “very important” to      Central Committee in 2012.                    theorist, after the latter was promoted
him, when former US national security           This group is personally overseen by       to the Politburo Standing Committee.
adviser Thomas Donilon visited Beijing       Mr Xi, and serves as a command centre             “If Liu takes over Wang’s old job, he
in 2013, reported The Wall Street Journal.   for the country’s macroeconomic policy.       will provide ideological justifications
   Mr Liu has now been promoted to              Analysts say Mr Liu’s promotion            for whatever Xi intends to say,” said
the powerful 25-person Politburo and is      signals a continuity in current policies      Professor Steve Tsang of the School
seen as a future state councillor or vice-   for the next five years.                      of Oriental and African Studies at the
premier, given his role as the mastermind       Peking University economics professor      University of London.
behind major economic and financial          Cao Heping told The Straits Times that
policies.                                    Mr Liu is most likely to take over from                      

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