LSee & Do Invercargill (/invercargill) - Wetu Content Central

Page created by Janice Murray
LSee & Do Invercargill (/invercargill) - Wetu Content Central
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                                                                                Trips &
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 Fiordland       Island         Catlins      Invercargill         Explore
                                                                                (/stories/trip-       On
 (/fiordland)    (/stewart-     (/the-       (/invercargill)      (/explore)
                                                                                ideas-                (/event
                 island)        catlins)


    Invercargill (/invercargill)

          Accommodation                        See & Do                Food & Drink               Plan
          (/invercargill/accommodation)        (/invercargill/see-     (/invercargill/food-       (/plan)
                                               do)                     drink)

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          do&status=See &

See & Do

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                                                                                              Photo Great SOuth

As the capital of Southland, Invercargill boasts a massive range of activities and attractions,
providing visitors of any kind with plenty to see and do.
LSee & Do Invercargill (/invercargill) - Wetu Content Central
The highlight of Invercargill’s crown is no doubt its various world-class vintage motor vehicle
displays, including Bill Richardson Transport World and Classic Motorcycle Mecca. Home to
Burt Munro (, a Southland
speeding legends you will find plenty of memorabilia and displays around town as well as the
annual Burt Munro Challenge. (
challenge)For those who love history, the city is also home to many historical buildings and an
interesting heritage trail. Invercargill also boasts an abundance of special natural spaces, from
parks and gardens, to scenic bushes and reserves, an estuary, rivers, and a drivable beach, as
well as the unique Sandy Point Domain (/invercargill/natural-attraction/sandy-point-domain).

Go-karting, tenpin bowling, paintball, horse trekking, playing sports at the ILT Stadium
Southland (/invercargill/sport-recreation/ilt-stadium-southland), swimming at Splash Palace
(/invercargill/swimming-diving/splash-palace), catching the latest movie at Reading Cinemas
Invercargill, taking a guided tour of a boutique food and beverage producer, or operating heavy
machinery at Dig This (/invercargill/outdoor-activities/dig-this-invercargill) – these are just
some of the exciting opportunities in Invercargill!

Things To See & Do In Invercargill
 Filter                                   Reset Filters (/invercargill/see-do)

                                                                                            Showing 1 - 9 of 85

      Queens Park                                   (/invercargill/o                   Oreti Beach
                                                                                  
     (/invercargill/p                               activities/dig-                   (/invercargill/n
     gardens/queen                                      this-                         attraction/oreti
         park)                                       invercargill)                        beach)
             Parks & Gardens                           Outdoor Activities              Natural Attraction

           Invercargill                              Invercargill                   Otatara
          A magnificent public park                  Operate bulldozers,             A coastal playground just
          in the heart of Invercargill,              excavators, mini                minutes from
          sprawling across 80                        excavators and skid             Invercargill. The beach is
          hectares of beautifully                    steers in a giant gravel pit    a wonderland for families
LSee & Do Invercargill (/invercargill) - Wetu Content Central
kept gardens, wildlife                   at New Zealand's first                  to adrenaline junkies and
     habitats, and sports                     heavy equipment                         everybody in-between.
     areas.                             vities/dig-this-invercargill)
                                              playground.                       ral-attraction/oreti-beach)                                    
=-46.4052466,168.3537099)                tion=-46.413737,168.385794)             2747784,168.22990894318)

     (/invercargill/s                          heritage/e                             (/invercargill/a
                                                                                
     recreation/sit-                          hayes-sons-                              richardson-
      zero-fees-                              motorworks-                               transport-
      velodrome)                               collection)                                world)
       Sport & Recreation                       Culture & Heritage                              Activities

      Invercargill                            Invercargill                           Invercargill
      New Zealand's first indoor             Burt Munro's legendary,                  If you're looking for things
      cycling velodrome, this                original 1920 Indian Scout               to do in Invercargill then
      250m international                     forms the centerpiece of                 you can't miss Bill
      standard track can be                  a unique classic motoring                Richardson Transport
      used by beginners                      display housed amongst                   World. With literally
      through to experts of any              a hardware store.
                                         -hayes-sons-motorworks-                     hundreds of motor
 /sit-zero-fees-velodrome)                               collection)                 vehicles and petrol
                                                                                 chardson-transport-world)       
                                                                                      pumps on display there is                       
                                                                                      a lot to take in.            
on=-46.406956,168.3811463)               =-46.4080258,168.3469796)                =-46.4093383,168.3795981)

   (/invercargill/a                         (/invercargill/c                        (/invercargill/in
                                                                                
   helicopters/stew                         heritage/classic                        activities/solve
      island-                                motorcycle-                               it-and-
      flights)                                  mecca)                                 escape)
     Airlines & Helicopters                     Culture & Heritage                       Indoor Activities

      Invercargill                            Invercargill                           Invercargill
     View the wonder of                       Classic Motorcycle Mecca                 Escape Room. find clues,
     Stewart Island with a                    is New Zealand's                         crack codes, solve
     comfortable 15 minutes                   premiere motorcycle                      puzzles and open locks to
     flight from Invercargill,                museum. We have the                      ultimately solve the
     taking you to the heart of               largest display of classic               mission and make an
     New Zealand's ecological            ritage/classic-motorcycle-
                                              motorcycles in the                      escape before 60
     playground.                             country with amecca)
                                                             collection          vities/solve-it-and-escape)
                                                                                       minutes is up!         
                                              ranging from 1902 - 2007.
           l     /      /di /?                     l      /      /di /?                   l       /        /di /?   
LSee & Do Invercargill (/invercargill) - Wetu Content Central                           
  n=-46.4154886,168.3221149)                          n=-46.4132445,168.3491087)                 =-46.4078608,168.3469608)

   1 (?page=0#content)                2 (?page=1#content)                  3 (?page=2#content)           4 (?page=3#content)
                                              …        ›     » (?page=9#content)


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