Page created by Linda Christensen
Kieran Kennedy, Principal            13 Bethune Street ~ Long Sault, ON ~ KOC 1P0              613-534-2415

WELCOME TO MAY!                          BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE                END OF DAY DISMISSAL

                                         Thank you to everyone for your
                                         generous support throughout the
                                         year, for the UCDSB Champions
                                         for Kids Charity. The final amount
                                         of funds raised from Best Seat in
May Is Get Caught Reading Month          the House tickets will be
History has provided us with             announced at the May assembly.
writers of every type, and books         We will not be selling Best Seat in
ranging from simple poetry to            the House tickets for the May
philosophy and complex scientific        assembly.                             Safe dismissal of your
concepts. With so much exciting                                                child/children is an important
content in the world to read, it’s        NO SCHOOL                            priority. Phone calls during the
amazing there aren’t more people                                               day, to change end of day
                                                               There will      arrangements, allow room for
getting caught reading every day.
                                                               be no school    error. An agenda note is the best
In 1999 it was decided that there
                                                               on Monday,      method of communication for end
needed to be a celebration of
                                                               May 20,         of day arrangements.
reading and the authors that
                                                               2019 for the
produce the works we love to lose
                                                               Victoria Day    EQAO
ourselves in. So, it was that the
Association of American
Publishers, the AAP,
                                         KINDERGARTEN MOM’S TEA
supported www.getcaughtreading
.com in dedicating an entire
month to being caught with your                                                Grade 3 and grade 6 final
nose in a book.
                                                                               preparations are under way for
RECOGNITION ASSEMBLY                                                           EQAO testing which will take place
                                                                               May 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30.
                                                                               Please ensure your child is not
                                                                               absent during any of these dates.
                                         All Kindergarten moms are invited
                                                                               Teachers will be sending home
                                         to LSPS on Thursday, May 9th,
                                         from 12:45-1:30pm, for a special      more information about the test
The May recognition assembly will
                                         Mother's Day Tea. Should you not      early in May. Parents who wish to
be held on May 30.
Primary 10:30-11:00                      be able to attend, one guest is       see samples of the test
Junior 11:15-11:45                       invited to take your place that       themselves, can visit
                                         day! Hope to see you there!           www.eqao.com.
Long Sault Public School News                          May 2019                                        Page 2

EOHU CORNER                            Teaching Your Child to Ride a Bike:   LSPS ANNUAL BAKE SALE

It’s Time to Go Biking!                Most children are ready to start
                                       biking between the ages of three
Now that spring is here, it’s time     and a half and four and a half.
to go biking! Besides being a fun      When you take them out to
activity that can be enjoyed by the    practice, choose a smooth, flat
whole family, biking is a great way    location away from traffic. Have
to fit some exercise into your daily   your child start pedaling and
routine, especially if you use it to   follow them with your hands
commute to work!                       underneath their armpits. Once
                                       they’re pedaling and balancing
Choose the Right Child’s Bike:
                                       themselves, the key is to have        The 2019 annual school bake sale
                                       them practice it on their own until   will be May 25, in the front yard of
                                       they gain confidence.                 the school. If you are donating
                                                                             baked goods, you could start
                                       For more information about            baking early and freeze them.
                                       choosing the right-sized bike and
                                       teaching your kids the basics of      More information will be going
                                       pedaling, check out:                  home regarding the bake sale, this
                                                                             year we are having a contest with
                                       www.activeforlife.com/how-to-teach-   categories to win, for bragging
Your children may have outgrown
                                       kids-to-pedal-their-bikes-properly.   rights! Watch for a flyer in your
their old bicycle over the winter.
Before you go shopping for a new                                             child’s agenda with all the details!
one, measure your child’s height
                                       SCHOOL COUNCIL UPDATE
                                                                             This is a great event and we hope
and inseam. These measurements         The next School Council meeting       to have increased sales this year.
will help you choose a bike with       will take place May 14 at 6:00 pm.    If you are able to volunteer,
the right-sized frame for your                                               please send an email to:
child.                                                                       paula.mcdermid@gmail.com.

Once you’ve found a bike that                                                TRACK AND FIELD
looks like a proper fit, have your
child sit on it. Your child’s feet
should be able to touch the floor,
and their knee should be slightly
bent when resting on the pedal.
However, make sure the seat isn’t
                                       On the last day of school,
too low as that would make it
                                       Thursday, June 27, 2019 School
difficult for your child to pedal.
                                       Council will be providing a hot dog
Your child should also be able to                                             Track and Field will be held at St.
                                       lunch free of charge for all
easily reach the handlebar and                                                Lawrence Secondary School, in
                                       students! A special thank you to
pull on the brake levers.                                                     Cornwall on June 19th, with a
                                       our School Council for going
                                       above and beyond!                      rain date of June 20th.
Long Sault Public School News                       May 2019                                             Page 3


                                                                              Junior and Senior Kindergarten
                                                                              Registration is on-going at Longue
                                                                              Sault Public School. You can
                                                                              register online www.ucdsb.on.ca .
                                                                              To fully complete the registration
                                      With the nicer weather finally on       process, you are required to come
                                      its way, more students are              into the school with your child’s
                                      starting to wear flip flops, sandals,   proof of birth (ie. birth certificate
SPEC OPS members will be having       or other seasonal footwear.             or passport) and proof of address
a year-end celebration activity day   While flip flops etc. are nice to       (ie. utility bill, purchase/lease
on May 13, as a way of saying         wear this time of year, they can        agreement – a driver’s license is
thanks for their devotion to their    cause injury while in participating     not an acceptable document as
wellness, character development,      in gym or running outside.              per Ministry guidelines).
leadership skills acquisition, and
commitment.                           Please ensure that your child(ren)
The SPEC OPS final term will          bring their running shoes to
conclude on Friday, May 17 at         school for their gym time and
12:00 with a SPEC OPS                 outdoor recess. Students must
Recognition Assembly’. Invites will   have appropriate shoes for gym.
be going to all applicable families
this week.                            Thank you for your cooperation!

                                                                              COLOUR TEAM NEWS
            KA, KB, KC – June 13
            Cooper Marsh

1A, 2A & 2B – June 7
Cooper Marsh & Picnic

3A & 3B – May 14
Upper Canada Village (Pioneers)
                                                                              Due to preparations for EQAO, we
4A & 5A – June 10                     Our Kindergarten Open House is          will not be having an organized
Upper Canada Village (Medieval)       scheduled for May 30th at 5:30          colour team event in May,
                                      pm. This will give incoming             however students are encouraged
6A & 6B – June 17                     kindergarten students and their         to wear their team colour to
Canadian History Museum               parents, an opportunity to see the      school on May 17.
Aboriginal Experiences                classroom environment, ask
                                      questions and take a short bus          Our final colour team event will be
All 6C core students will be          ride around the neighbourhood.          on June 6 (rain date TBD). This will
attending their appropriate grade                                             be an outdoor event.
level, year end trip.
Long Sault Public School News                         May 2019                                            Page 4


Kernel Kids held a very successful                                              Bring the kids and join us for the
popcorn fundraiser for the year,                                                2019 Bike-A-Thon Plus
reaching $5000 raised for the                                                   fundraiser in support of the
Canadian Cancer Society!! A                                                     Children’s Treatment Centre at
representative from the Cancer                                                  St. Lawrence College on
Society was present at the April       Students will be selling Jumbo Mr.       Saturday, May 25, 7:30 am.
Recognition Assembly to receive        Freezies on Friday’s for $2 or a half
the incredible donation! A huge        jumbo for $1. All proceeds will go
thank you to all our families who      to the Wounded Warriors of
supported this initiative              Canada.
throughout the school year!
                                       One of the many programs offered         FREE pancake breakfast from
                                       to First Responders, Veterans and        7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
                                       their families by WWC, is the PTSD       FREE hot dogs and hamburgers
                                       Service Dog Program.                     from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

                                                                                FREE bottled water compliments
Additional funds raised by the sale                                             of Labrador Water, Cristill Rock
of popcorn, and our coins for a                                                 Water, 104.5 fresh RADIO and
cure & critters will be going to the                                            Boom 101.9
OPSCA. A representative from the                                                The MacCulloch Dancers will be
SD&G OSPCA will be presented                                                    performing at 11:00 a.m.
with this donation at our June
recognition assembly.                                                           Everyone is welcome to attend,
                                       Since 2012, Wounded Warriors             and there are multiple prizes
                                       Canada (WWC) has made                    and incentives for fundraising,
                                       significant investments, as a            including a laser light show
                                       leading funder of PTSD Service           dance! Help us support the
                                       Dogs. The preliminary results of         Children's Treatment Centre.
                                       the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)        The money raised stays in our
                                       funded efficacy study has                region and goes directly to the
                                       reinforced and provided early            Children's Treatment Centre.
                                       clinical evidence which we know to       A flyer with all of the details, as
                                       be imperially true: Properly trained     well as pledge forms, will be
                                       PTSD Service Dogs can and do             going home Friday, May 3.
                                       change and save lives.
Long Sault Public School News                          May 2019                                            Page 5

ALLERGY AWARENESS                       MENTAL HEALTH WEEK                           SUPPORT STAFF
                                                                                    APPRECIATION DAY
                                                                                                    May 8th is Support
                                                                                                    Staff Appreciation
                                        May 6 - 10, 2019 is Mental Health
                                                                                                    Day. We would like
                                        Week. Let’s #GetLoud about what
                                                                                                    to say a HUGE
                                        Mental Health really is.
 May is Food Allergy Awareness                                                                      thank you, to our
                                        Mental health is a state of well-        incredible support staff, for
 Month, a nationally recognized
                                        being, and we all have it. We might      everything they do on a daily basis!
 event by the Government of
                                        have a mental illness, and we might      We are very fortunate to have such a
 Canada. Food allergy is a public
                                        not. Either way, we can all feel well.   caring and giving ECE’s (Mrs. Daye,
 health concern and is one of the
                                        We can all have good mental              Mrs. Vandeglind & Mrs. Lefevbre),
 leading causes of anaphylaxis,
                                        health. It is about having a sense of    EAs (Mrs. McGillivray & Mr. Rens),
 the most severe type of allergic
                                        purpose, strong relationships,           Custodial Staff (Mr. Jim & Ms.
                                        feeling connected to our                 Stacey), Financial Assistant (Mrs.
 In Canada, approximately               communities, knowing who we are,         MacIntosh) and Learning Commons
 500,000 children have food             coping with stress and enjoying life.    Informationist (Mrs. Hickman).
 allergy, and 1-in-2 Canadians          And it’s never too early or too late     Thank you for all you do!
 know someone with a food               to get there. But it’s not just about
 allergy. Chances are this includes     what you do for yourself, by
 members of your school                 yourself—everyone needs healthy
 community.                             and supportive places to work, live
                                        and learn.
 Free Webinars for children with
 allergies:                             Check out the tips on the next page,
                                        for simple things you can easily do,
 https://foodallergycanada.ca/our-      to improve your mental health.
 What parents need to know
 about managing children’s
 https://foodallergycanada.ca/our-                                                 PACK SPARE CLOTHING
 impact-advocacy-and-                                                                  FOR SCHOOL!
                                                                                    Students get wet and
 webinars/                                                                       muddy at recess time with
                                                                                 our messy spring weather.
                                                                                  Please keeps a change of
                                                                                 clothing in their backpack
                                                                                   to prevent phone calls
                                                                                    home during the day!
Long Sault Public School News                                  May 2019                              Page 6


Starting the day off fresh - It’s a brand-new day. Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with cool outdoor air as you start your
day. Repeat this at lunch and when you arrive home… keeping in perspective that we can make a conscious choice to
slow down and just breathe throughout our day.
Focusing on the positives - Write down 3 things that went well today. What was your role in it? Do this before you go to
sleep and reflect on the good things of today. Being grateful can enhance your mental well-being.
Getting outdoors - Play with your kids, your pet, your friends or you family. Take a moment to just play, move unwind. As
far as your mental health is concerned, there is no such thing as too much play!
Seeing the bigger picture - What is meaningful to you? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Jot down
one thing you can do today to make that difference. Volunteer? Check on your neighbor who lives alone? Get involved in
a community organization whose mission you support. Choose something and go for it.
Treating yourself - Enjoy something you usually deny yourself. Really experience the taste, smell and texture. Be mindful
of all your senses as you enjoy this treat! Now share some with a colleague or friend with a little note saying, “Enjoy, you
deserve it!”
Embracing culture - Reflect on your heritage. What part of your cultural roots do you celebrate? Is it specific traditions or
celebrations, foods, faith or spirituality? Embrace your uniqueness and your history as a valuable part of who you are.
You may want to do an exchange with someone who celebrates a different culture.
Being active - Head out to a local park or activity centre. Take your friends or meet new ones there. Bring along your
frisbee, balls and your favourite snacks. Did you know being active and connecting with others has real health benefits,
including for your mental health?
Using your personal resources - What or who has helped you through difficult times in the past? Make a list. Now, add
things you do for your yourself! Keep this list for the next time you might need it. We all have difficulties from time to
time but knowing what helps us can make a difference in how quickly we get through it.
Learning - Go online. You can learn how to do just about anything on Youtube. Or got out in the world and take that
course you’ve meant to try.
Finding meaning - Want to get in touch with a sense of your purpose? What excites you? What do you feel passionate
about? How can you get more involved in what is important to you? Think about this throughout your day.
Enjoying yourself - Spend ONE hour today doing what YOU want… what was that like? How do you feel now? Taking time
to re-energize allows you to continue to be your best in other areas of your life.
Connecting - Call a friend or someone you like and arrange to meet. Spending time with people can actually boost our
immune system and our mental health!
Disconnecting - Really? Yes, to stay connected you need to disconnect. Turn away from your screens. Turn off all
electronics for one hour today (cell phones, television, computer, video games). Do something that you haven’t done in a
while – read a book, write in a journal, play an old-fashioned board game, or visit a friend. Enjoy this time without any
A moment just to rest - Give yourself a moment to just close your eyes and let go of your thoughts. This might lead to a
few minutes – or more – of mindfulness meditation. (Check online for instructions!) This is time for you and only you.
Time out to breathe - Take 3 minutes to focus on your breathing. Get comfortable in your chair (legs uncrossed, arms
relaxed by your side). Inhale slowly through your nose (or mouth), count one, two, three; completely fill your lungs. Hold
your breath – pause, then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this process for a few minutes and focus on how relaxed
you are.
Nature - Take a walk in a natural setting and take in the sights and sounds, perhaps the bird songs, the squirrels scurrying,
footprints on the ground, or the texture of the tree bark. Re-connect with the natural world around you!
Long Sault Public School News                   May 2019          Page 7

                          3A & 3B Year End Trip - May 14

                          Spec Ops Year End Trip - May 13

                          Spec Ops Recognition - May 17

                        Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL - May 20

                              EQAO - May 22 – May 30

                           PD Day (NO SCHOOL) - May 31

                        May Recognition Assembly - May 30

                           CTC Bike-A-Thon Plus - May 25

                             Annual Bake Sale - May 25

                          Ottawa Kids Marathon - May 26

                         1A, 2A & 2B Year End Trip - June 7

                          4A & 5A Year End Trip – June 10

                        KA, KB, & KC Year End Trip – June 13

                       Track and Field - June 19 (20 rain date)

                          6A & 6B Year End Trip - June 17

                                SK Graduation - June 25

                           Grade 6 Graduation - June 26

                     Last Day of School & Hot Dog Day - June 27
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