LOFOTEN DOCS 2018 Documentary Talent Film Camp - Date: July 5th to July 19th Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt ...

Page created by Emily Bowman
LOFOTEN DOCS 2018 Documentary Talent Film Camp - Date: July 5th to July 19th Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt ...
Documentary Talent Film Camp

Date: July 5th to July 19th
Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt
Filmveksthuset Tvibit, Tromsø
LOFOTEN DOCS 2018 Documentary Talent Film Camp - Date: July 5th to July 19th Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt ...
The Lofoten Islands is an archipelago       and the environment (social and
in the northern part of Norway. Placed      natural), to discover what keeps them
well above the arctic circle, the islands   in a place, or makes them want to
stretch westward out into the frigid        leave.
north Atlantic. With its dramatic           The result will be at least 4 short
landscape and rich history within the       documentaries, made by an
fishing industry, the area has come to      international team of young film
the attention of both tourists and          talents, paired with local assistants
artists alike - especially in the summer    and/or film makers. The participants
months, when the midnight sun gives         will deliver notes of reflection on their
this part of the world it's unique 24-      stay, and record a short, personal
hour daylight. The area is otherwise        deliberation about their experience in
sparsely populated, with small fishing      the area. The films should contribute
villages experiencing stagnation due to     to give a sense of place, both for the
centralization and industrialization of     audience and filmmakers, leading to
the fisheries. How does this affect the     reflections around the theme "place vs
environment for those who lives, and        person" in a globalized world.
grows up here? How does this affect
newcomers? We would like to                 Workshops:
challenge young film talents to explore     The Lofoten Docs workshop is aimed
the social environment in Lofoten from      at young talents that wants to explore
this perspective of "change", and find      the genre of short docs. Cooperation
stories that resonate in thematic           between nationalities and networking
examples such as history vs                 activities will be central elements
present/future, young vs old, local vs      during the stay in Lofoten.
global. The aim is to have participants
explore the bonds between humans

LOFOTEN DOCS 2018 Documentary Talent Film Camp - Date: July 5th to July 19th Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt ...

05.07.18: Arrival Kabelvåg (Staying at Lofoten Vandrerhjem Kabelvåg)
06.07.18 - 09.07.18: Workshop, research, idea development and an open seminar.
10.07.18 - 13.07.18: research and production
14.07.18 - 17.07.18: editing
18.07.18 - 19.07.18: wrap-up and departure

Part 1: Idea development, 4 days           Part 3: Editing, 4 days.

Focus will be inspiration, discussions     Here the participants will edit their
and idea development, as well as           films. Workshopleader Anniken Hoel
researching Lofoten, and getting to        will take them through and mentor
know the area and each other. Daily        them during the editing, helping them
workshops, coupled with discussions        to form their stories.
and research trips. Teams and ideas
are formed. We will also require that      Part 4: Evaluation and reflections on
the participants do some research on       the stay: before departure from
Lofoten and the area in advance.           Lofoten.

Hans Eirik Voktor will be having an        Workshop leaders:
inspirational workshop the first day,      The workshop leader Hans Eirik Voktor
sharing from his own experience,           will be with the talents for the first
seeing what's trending in short docs       week, he will run the day-to-day follow
around the web, and exploring the          up and discussion-groups with the
horizon of possibilities in the Lofoten    participants. Voktor work as a teacher
Docs film camp.                            at the university in Stavanger, where
                                           he teaches: Audiovisual storytelling,
                                           narrative techniques and dramaturgy,
                                           documentary theory, television
                                           production, and storytelling in
                                           documentary production.

                                           The editing workshop will be led by
                                           Anniken Hoel. Hoel is a Norwegian
                                           writer, director and camerawoman.
                                           She studied film in Denmark and at
Part 2: Production, 4 days.                FAMU (the Film Academy in Prague),
                                           and since 2003 she shot and directed
The teams have decided on ideas and        documentaries in the Middle East,
start planning and filming material for    India, USA and Europe. She divides
their projects. Morning gatherings with    her time between Berlin and her
talks and discussions about their          hometown Tromsø, where she runs
projects.                                  her production company
                                           Manifestofilm. CAUSE OF DEATH:
                                           UNKNOWN took 11 years to finish,
                                           and it´s her feature debut.

LOFOTEN DOCS 2018 Documentary Talent Film Camp - Date: July 5th to July 19th Project manager: Tonje Ness Meinhardt ...
Stian Andreassen and Tonje Ness           Kulturkontakt Nord, North Norway Film
Meinhardt from The Tvibit Youth Film      Center, Nordland Art – and Film
Center will also be there to coordinate   school, Tvibit Youth Film Center and
and help with technical questions and     Screen Talent Europe.
Further information:                      We got several partners in this located
12 participants, 4 groups (director,      in Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
cinematographer and editor). We           Germany, Faroe Islands, Northern
mainly want participants from our         Ireland, Ireland and France, through
partners, the Nordic Countries,18         Screen Talent Europe (STE) and
years old and above, and with a           Nordland Kunst- og Filmfagskole.
driver’s license. Then they will have
more freedom to drive around and          Open Seminar:
discover a larger and more varied         There will be an open seminar during
parts of Lofoten.                         the first week of Lofoten Docs. An
                                          exact date is to be announced.
Lofoten Docs will be promoted in local    Facilitator, Tvibit Youth Film Center:
and regional press. The finished films    Based in Tromsø, Norway, Tvibit
may be shown at international festivals   Youth Film Centre (TYFC) is a
and will thereafter, after agreement      knowledge and resource center for
with the filmmakers, be posted online     young film talents in Northern Norway.
at STE’s website and at Tvibit Youth      Working with a broad range of
Film Center website.                      activities on different levels, TYFC
                                          aims to recruit and develop film talents
Budget and financing:                     across a sparsely populated region
The budget is 445.400 Norwegian           roughly 3 times the size of Denmark.
Kroner, (€45.720,32), financed by

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