LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

Page created by Jeffery Curtis
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

    Click on your YMCA to view its Summer Camp programs.

        Citrus County YMCA School Age Programs

         Citrus Memorial Health Foundation YMCA

                     Clearwater YMCA

                Greater Palm Harbor YMCA

                 Hernando County YMCA

       Hernando County YMCA School Age Programs

                James P. Gills Family YMCA

                   North Pinellas YMCA

       Pinellas County YMCA School Age Programs

                     Ridgecrest YMCA


                     YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

                     2021 Summer Camp programs run 9am-4pm, Mondays-Fridays, June 7-August 6.
              Early and late supervision is available starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge!
     COST: $95/week | LOCATION: TBD, visit our website to see if these are updated. Week 9 will be held at the Citrus Y!

  Camp Henderson, Revere and                                THEMES
  Rousseau                                                  Campers will participate in themed activities each week! Full
  We’re inviting campers to have fun, form                  descriptions of what campers can expect to do each week are
  friendships, find new talents and gain                    listed on our website.
  confidence as they learn through our Y core                   Week 1 (6/7-11):       Week of Welcome
  values and great role models. The possibilities
  are endless with our emphasis on health                       Week 2 (6/14-18):      Medieval Times
  & wellness along with indoor and outdoor                      Week 3 (6/21-25):      Space Encounters
  activities!                                                   Week 4 (6/28-7/2): Everyday Heroes
  Ages: 5-12; this program is for campers
  that have completed kindergarten through                      Week 5 (7/5-9):        Lost City of Atlantis
  those that are entering 5th grade                             Week 6 (7/12-16):       Florida Adventures
  Camp Henderson EPIC, Revere EPIC                              Week 7 (7/19-23):      Shark Week!
  and Rousseau EPIC                                             Week 8 (7/26-30):      Next Top Chef
  Encouraging People to Impact their Community                  Week 9 (8/2-6):        Color Wars
  (E.P.I.C.) Our teen camp creates an exciting
  atmosphere for all. Teens will participate in
  activities that focus on health & wellness,
  participate in community service projects, and
                                                                           Register now at
  learn new & creative skills to use in their future.                 ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp
  Ages: 12-14; this program is for campers
  that will be entering the 6th-8th grade

4127 W. Norvell Bryant Hwy., Lecanto, FL 34461 | P 352 500 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

  MEMBER COST | $85/week                                          NON-MEMBER COST | $125/week
  ($20 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $65/wk)    ($35 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $90/wk)

  *Mandatory Parent Orientation on May 26th at 6pm                                               BECOME A MEMBER & SAVE!

  Sports, Arts and S.T.E.A.M. Camp                               Session 1 | Soccer and Swim Camp | June 7- June 11
  Ages: 5-14                                                     Campers will enjoy a morning of soccer followed by swim time.
  Days: Mon-Fri, Jun 7 - Aug 6                                   Session 2 | S.T.E.A.M. Camp | June 14- June 18
  Time: 9am-4pm. Early and late supervision                      Campers will participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art
  is available starting at 6:30am and ending at                  and Math activities.
  6pm at no extra charge! Extended care includes                 Session 3 | Flag Football Camp | June 21- June 25
  traditional camp activities such as arts and crafts,           Campers will learn the fundamentals of Flag Football. Participants
  team-building, outdoor sports, and games.                      will be split into groups according to age/ability.
  Our Sports Camps are instructional programs that               Session 4 | Arts & Crafts Camp | June 28- July 2
  emphasize the fundamentals of different sports for             We will paint, make slime, swim & so much more! Dress for a mess!
  campers. Separated by age and skill level, they will
                                                                 Session 5 | Team Sports Camp | July 5- July 9
  master the game through skills, drills and scrimmages.         Campers will participate in team sports such as football, volleyball,
  During S.T.E.A.M. Camp, our campers will                       kickball and more!
  focus on one of the different areas of Science,
                                                                 Session 6 | Rec Sports Camp | July 12- July 16
  Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math each
                                                                 Campers will play frisbee, kickball, whiffle ball and other backyard
  day for a week of education and imagination.                   games!
  Our Arts & Crafts Camp gives campers a chance to
  creatively express themselves through organized                Session 7 | Soccer and Swim Camp | July 19- July 23
                                                                 See ‘Session 1’ description!
  craft activities while developing lasting friendships.
                                                                 Session 8 | S.T.E.A.M. Camp | July 26- July 30
                                                                 See ‘Session 2’ description!
               Register now at                                   Session 9 | August 2- August 6
          ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp                              This week will be hosted by our School Age Programs!

4127 W. Norvell Bryant Hwy., Lecanto, FL 34461 | P 352 500 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

MEMBER COST | $135/week                                                   NON-MEMBER COST | $180/week
($20 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $115/wk)             ($35 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $145/wk)
*Teen Intern Camp priced differently. See camp description for pricing.                               BECOME A MEMBER & SAVE!
*Free Lunch Program: pending approval

                2021 Summer Camp programs take place Mondays-Friday, June 14th-August 6th.*
                  Each week has a different theme! Visit the resigration page for weekly descriptions.
                                                                                 *Camp COAST JR and Middle do not begin until June 21.

 Adventure Camp Junior (Ages 5-6) &                                       Camp COAST JR (Ages 5-10)
 Adventure Camp Senior (Ages 7-9)                                         The purpose of this camp is to provide children with
 This exciting camp will include a variety of activities,                 autism and developmental disabilities a day camp
 hands-on projects, swimming twice/week, in-house field                   experience that will allow them to feel comfortable in a
 trips and so much more! We strive to make the summer                     safe, fun and nurturing environment. Your child will be in
 a fun learning experience where campers will make                        camp with a maximum of 20 other children. All campers
 friends among diverse groups, practice creativity & self                 will have a one-on-one assigned teen aid. Campers will
 expression and build self-confidence.                                    have an opportunity to interact with other day camps at
 *Campers must have completed kindergarten                                the Y. Activities include swimming twice a week, in house
 TIMES: 9am-4pm | Early & later supervision is available                  field trips, sensory games and more designed especially
 starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge                  for Camp COAST participants.
 MANDATORY PARENT ORIENTATION: June 3 at 6:30pm                           *Campers must have completed kindergarten and be potty
                                                                          TIMES: 8am-3pm
                                                                          MANDATORY PARENT ORIENTATION: June 10 at 6:30pm
               Register now at

1005 S Highland Ave., Clearwtaer, FL 33756 | P 727 461 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast
Camp COAST Middle (Ages 11-16)                                 Teen Intern Camp (Ages 13-17)
The purpose of this camp is to provide children with           The Y believes teens need a place to grow and mature.
autism and developmental disabilities a day camp               During this program, campers will learn leadership/job
experience that will allow them to feel comfortable in         skills, build self confidence, and build lifelong friendships
a safe, fun and nurturing environment. Campers will            while working with children ages 5-12. Participants can
develop character through group activities and games,          also work with our Camp COAST campers, giving them
socialize among diverse groups and express creativity.         the chance to be introduced to the autistic community
This camp teams up with Impact Camp, giving both groups        and help make a child’s disability a capability. Interns are
of campers a chance to learn and have fun together. This       required to attend all sessions.
program includes in-house field trips, swimming twiTIMES:      *All prospective interns must complete and submit the
8am-4pm                                                        Teen Intern Application, found below under the MORE
MANDATORY PARENT ORIENTATION: June 3 at 6:30pm                 INFORMATION section online. Once the review is
*All prospective Camp Coast Middle and Jr campers must         complete, parents and teens will receive more information
complete and submit the Camp COAST Intake Information,         including how to register.
including Parent Application Form and Teacher Form.            TIMES: 6:30am-6pm
Links may be found below under the MORE INFORMATION            MANDATORY PARENT ORIENTATION DATE: Thursday,
section online. Once the review is complete, parents will      April 1 at 6:30pm
receive more information including how to register.            TEEN INTERN TRAINING DATES:
                                                               • April 1 at 6:30pm
IMPACT Camp (Ages 10-13)                                       • April 8 from 6:15-8:30pm
This program brings traditional campers and those with         • May 1 from 9am-3pm
neurodiversity together for an amazing summer learning         • May 2 from 9am-3pm
experience. Campers will build character and confidence,       • May 13 from 6:15-8:30pm
learn respect and responsibility and develop meaningful        • June 5 from 9am-3pm
friendships. Participants will also get to go on in house      • June 6 from 9am-3pm
field trips and swim twice/week.                               • TBD: Blast Off Training
TIMES: 8am-4pm | Early & later supervision is available        COST (COVERS ENTIRE SUMMER): $180 for Members,
starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge        $240 for Non-members

                                                               Financial Assistance Available
                                                               No one is turned away from the Y. We offer a Financial
                                                               Assistance Program which is a sliding fee scale
                                                               designed to fit each individual’s financial situation.
                                                               Visit our website to apply for assistance today!

                                                  YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

MEMBER COST | $135/week                                         NON-MEMBER COST | $180/week
($20 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $115/wk)   ($35 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $145/wk)
*Mandatory Parent Orientation on May 26 6:30-8pm or May 29th 10-11am
                                                                                                BECOME A MEMBER & SAVE!

               2021 Summer Camp programs run 9am-4pm, Mondays-Fridays, June 14-August 6*
           Early and late supervision is available starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge!*
                                                                     *Dates differ for Jr Lifeguard Camp. See description for dates.
Adventure Camp                                                    Jr Lifeguard Camp
Memories made in summer last forever! Campers will                Campers will learn about being a professional lifeguard,
experience a new adventure every week, exploring themes           gain a wide variety of skills and knowledge and learn how
through activities that challenge them to try new things          to be safe in, on and around various water environments.
while having FUN! They’ll also build relationships, swim          They will also gain familiarity with First Aid and CPR,
daily (weather permitting), participate in indoor & outdoor       water rescue techniques, the importance of keeping
activities and grow confidence & self esteem.                     physically fit and more. This valuable experience builds
KinderCamp: Ages 5-6 (Campers must have completed                 self-confidence and helps students prepare for future
kindergarten)                                                     employment as professional lifeguards. Participants will
Adventure Camp Jr: Ages 7-9                                       assist in the aquatic department and are an essential part
Adventure Camp Sr: Ages 10-12                                     of our ability to ensure excellence - not only in member
                                                                  experience - but also safety. We take our responsibility
Counselor in Training (C.I.T.)                                    to provide a quality program seriously and expect our
The C.I.T. program offers teens the opportunity to develop        participants to understand the commitment they are
leadership and program skills that will hopefully prepare         making when registering for this program.
them for a counselor position in the future. This program’s       Ages: 11-15
focus is on small group dynamics, communication skills,           Dates: July 26-August 6
teamwork and values clarification. C.I.T.s help to organize
games and activities with campers and assist the                                  Register now at
counselors with daily responsibilities.                                      ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp
Ages: 13-15

            GREATER PALM HARBOR YMCA 1600 16th St., Palm Harbor, FL 34683 | P 727 787 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast
Weekly Themes
Every week at summer camp at the Y has a different theme so campers can keep
learning and playing new things. There is also a Wacky Wednesday and Fun Friday
                                                                                            WHAT TO BRING
                                                                                            Lunch and 2 snacks. Campers will need
every week where campers are encouraged to dress up to match the week’s                     a non-perishable lunch each day. There
theme; these can be viewed online when you go to register. Our Jr. Lifeguard
                                                                                            is no refrigerator or microwave available.
Campers do not participate in weekly themes.
                                                                                            Please pack your camper two snacks and
Week 1 | DISNEY WEEK | 6/14-6/18                                                            water or 100% fruit juice. Due to hot
We’ll be doing activities from all of your favorite Disney movies- going under the          weather and the possibility of dehydration,
sea with Ariel and Sebastian, fighting off crime with the Incredibles, cooking up           please avoid sending soft drinks.
some yummy dishes with Ratatouille, play with the Toy Story heroes, and more!               Water Bottle. A labeled bottle for hot days.
Week 2 | WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE | 6/21-6/25                                                  Appropriate clothing. Dress to get
Lions and tigers and snakes! Oh my! Join us as we explore animal sounds, build              messy. No sandals or open-toed shoes;
animal masks and have a roaring good time!                                                  tennis shoes and socks must be worn.
Week 3 | UNDER THE SEA/HAWAIIAN HULLABALOO WEEK | 6/28-7/2                                  Campers shouldn’t wear good clothes.
Get ready for water balloon tosses, water relays, exploding volcanoes, camper-              Camp is held indoors & out. A raincoat
made boat races, a Hawaiian Luau dance & more!                                              or poncho will be needed on rainy days.
                                                                                            Athletic apparel and clean gym shoes
Week 4 | SUPERHERO WEEK | 7/5-7/9                                                           may be required for sports camps.
Meet real life superheroes and show them our appreciation for keeping us safe.
Then take the superhero challenge- campers will dress up as a hero and use their            Swimsuit and towel. Campers should
powers to save the Y against villains by competing in retroactive water balloons, a         pack a swim suit, towel and a plastic bag
three-legged mutant race and more.                                                          for their wet swimsuit every day in a
                                                                                            backpack clearly labeled with their name.
We’ll celebrate our country, land & culture by saluting the flag and paying tribute         Sunscreens. Please remember how sunny
to our military & first responders. We’ll also host a Talent Show, make a giant             our Florida summers are. We strongly
chalk map of the U.S., have a pie throwing contest, tie dye, throw glitter fireworks        encourage you to apply sunscreen to your
& more!                                                                                     child prior to camp. We also recommend
                                                                                            you send sunscreen to camp with your
Week 6 | CAMP OLYMPICS WEEK | 7/19-7/23                                                     child. Please make sure it is labeled
Divide into teams and compete in twisted sports games like Balloon Baseball,                with their name. We also encourage you
Monkey Soccer, Noodle Monster, Slip ‘n Slide Kickball, and Water Balloon Volleyball.        to send a shirt that they can swim in,
Create team flags and compete in the Color Wars (Bring a shirt to tie dye).                 especially if he/she is prone to burn.
Week 7 | MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: PRANK WARS WEEK | 7/26-7/30                                    Great attitude. Campers need to be
Your mission if you choose to accept it - decipher codes, analyze fingerprints,             prepared to have an active day outdoors.
scavenger hunt for clues, solve mazes/obstacle courses, Minute to Win it games,             A good night’s sleep and breakfast are
relay/food challenges and support your team on the Survivor Challenge Game Day.             essential for a healthy camper. Swimming,
                                                                                            sports, games, songs, arts & crafts and
Week 8 | BACK INTO THE FUTURE WEEK | 8/2-8/6                                                much more will be offered during a regular
Calling all time travelers! We are looking for a great collection from the 50s, 60s, 70s,   camp day. Our goal is to keep everyone
80s, 90s, and even 2000s as well as futuristic friends. Come as flappers, hippies,          active and engaged throughout the day.
past historical figures or even your parents to prepare for a blast from the past!

LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

 MEMBER COST | $100/week                                            NON-MEMBER COST | $180/week
 ($20 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $80/wk)       ($35 non-refundable, non-transferable down payment + $145/wk)
 *Mandatory Parent Orientation on June 3 from 6:30-7:30pm
                                                                                                     BECOME A MEMBER & SAVE!

 Adventure Camp                                                 Session 1 | Slide Into Summer | 6/21-6/25
                                                                This carnival-crazed week will be full of fun, team building, icebreakers
 Ages: 5-12                                                     & more! Each day will have a new theme!
 Days: Mon-Fri, Jun 21 - Aug 12
                                                                Session 2 | Burning off S.T.E.A.M. | 6/28-7/2
 Time: 8am-4pm. Early & late supervision is available           Explore your architectural, engineering and science potential along
 starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra               with creativity through a variety of challenges.
                                                                Session 3 | Summer Safari Week | 7/5-7/9
 We ask that you bring: a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen,           Campers will spend the week exploring and learning about animals
 refillable water bottle                                        galore- we will even have a visit from some!
 Summer Adventure Camp is a place for new                       Session 4 | Water Nation Week | 7/12-7/16
 experiences, skill-building, a sense of community              Stay cool with this week of water fights & balloons!
 and friendship. Youth will engage in creative play,            Session 5 | Color Explosion Week | 7/19-7/23
 sports and more in order to stay engaged socially              Tap into your inner artist and let your creativity flow with projects and
 and academically. Each week features a unique theme            a COLOR WARS!
 with: fun-filled activities to engage brains, exploration
                                                                Session 6 | Super Hero Week | 7/26-7/30
 rotations to encourage trying new things, physical
                                                                It’s a bird, it’s a plane- it’s a superhero! Campers will test their super
 activity and games to keep bodies active. Campers              powers and learn about everyday heroes like nurses, teachers,
 will develop friendships and interact with others while        firefighters and more.
 following physical distancing and safety protocols.
                                                                Session 7 | Master Chef Week | 8/2-8/6
 Campers are divided into age-appropriate groups with
                                                                Put your cooking skills to the test! Local Restaurant and/or Chef Visit
 activities matching the interests and needs of each group.
                                                                Session 8 | Mystery, Maps & Riddles: Secret Agent Week | 8/9-8/12
                                                                There is a double agent at camp this week- become a detective and
              Register now at                                   unveil the mystery! There will be scavenger hunts, hidden codes and
         ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp                              riddles to find and capture the double agent.

HERNANDO COUNTY YMCA 1300 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 | P 352 688 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast

   Day Camp                                                           Camp Extraordinary
   Campers will discover a summer full of fun and                     Dates: Weeks 1-7, June 21-August 6
   adventure! School is out for the summer, but that                  Cost: $100/week
   doesn’t mean your child cannot participate in fun                  Location: TBD, visit our website for updates!
   and educational activities! This is the time when                  Mandatory Parent Orientation: June 9, 6:30-7:30pm
   new friendships are formed, talents are found and
   confidence is gained. With an emphasis on health and               Wilderness Camp
   wellness, along with indoor and outdoor activities, the            Wilderness Camp offers a variety of activities and
   possibilities are endless! FREE breakfast and lunch                allows campers to progress from beginner skills to
   provided. Each week has a different theme and set of               more advanced skills. All camp activities are supervised
   activities. See back for details!                                  in a fun and safe environment. Activities include bug
   Ages: 5-12 (Campers must have completed                            hunts, nature walks, frisbee, kite flying, dancing, crafts,
   Kindergarten)                                                      drama, daily swimming, painting, sports, and much
   Times: The camp day will run from 8am-4pm. Early and               more!
   late supervision is available starting at 6:30am and               Dates: Weeks 6-7, July 26-August 6
   ending at 6pm at no extra charge!                                  Cost: $125/week
                                                                      Location: Sand Hill Scout Reservation
   Camp Caper & Camp Rewind                                                       11210 Cortez Blvd.
   Dates: Weeks 1-5, June 21-July 23                                              Brooksville FL 34613
   Cost: $100/week                                                    Mandatory Parent Orientation: Date & time TBD
   Locations: TBD, visit our website for updates!
   Mandatory Parent Orientation: June 9, 6:30-7:30pm

                             Register now at ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp

1300 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 | P 352 688 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
LOCATIONS - YMCA of the Suncoast
Each week has a different theme and set of activities           WEEK 4: Science Gone Wild | July 12-16
so campers can stay entertained and continue having             1) Various STEM Projects
FUN! Camp Caper & Camp Rewind will be held weeks 1-5            2) Dress Up like a Scientist Day
only. Camp Extraordinary will be held weeks 1-7. Camp           3) Out door structure group activities and limited free play
Wilderness will be held weeks 6-7 only.                         4) Team Building Activities around Science
WEEK 1: Rockin’ into Summer | June 21-25                        Mad Scientist Activities
1) Creative Art                                                 WEEK 5: Summer Olympic Games | July 19-23
2) Outdoor stricture group activities and limited free play     Each day will consist of learning different cultures
3) Music Day                                                    throughout the World and experience different Olympic
4) Dress up Rock Star Day                                       activities
Swimming Thursdays                                              Park/Swimming Thursday
WEEK 2: Yabba Dabba Do | June 28-July 2                         WEEK 6: Tacky Tourist Week | July 26-30
1) Dino Creative Art                                            Dress up as a tourist every day this week (change it up
2) Outdoor structure group activities and limited free play     each day) visiting a different country each day of the
3) Dress up Day in Prehistoric Gear                             week.
Swimming Thursdays                                              WEEK 7: Scavenger Hunt Week! | August 2-6
WEEK 3: Disco Dayz | July 5-9                                   Each day will be a different scavenger hunt for each
1) Disco Days Creative Art                                      group to compete against each other. A new map each
2) Dress Up like the 70’s Day                                   day and goal to achieve!
3) Outdoor structure group activities and limited free play
4) Lip Sync 70’s music.
Locomo Skating/Swimming Thursday

                                                   YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST

Y camp is a fun and happy place to enjoy the summer! Campers
will participate in sports and specialty activities aligned with
the weekly themes. They will also make friends, build self
confidence, grow in self reliance and develop conflict resolution
& listening skills. FREE swimming lessons will be provided to
campers who may need a little extra help. We’ll also have:
opening & closing assemblies, camp songs, fun games, arts &
crafts and so much more! The camp day runs from 9am-4pm.
Early and late supervision is available starting at 6:30am
and ending at 6pm at no extra charge. Mandatory Parent
Orientation; dates listed on website when you register!
*See back of flyer for weekly themes.
Lynx KinderCamp
Ages: 5-6; campers must be entering kindergarten in the fall
and turn 5 prior to the first day of camp
Member Cost: $150 weekly ($20 non-refundable,
non-transferable down payment + $130/week)
Non-member Cost: $190 weekly ($35 non-refundable,
non-transferable down payment + $155/week)
Lynx Day Camp
Ages: 6-12; Campers must have completed kindergarten and be
entering 1st grade. They must turn 6 prior to first day of camp.
Member Cost: $135 weekly ($20 non-refundable,
non-transferable down payment + $115/week)
Non-member Cost: $180 weekly ($35 non-refundable,
non-transferable down payment + $145/week)

 8411 Photonics Dr., Trinity, FL 34655 | P 727 3796225 ymcasuncoast.org
Session 1 | TIME TRAVELER | 6/1-4
During this week we will explore what it would be like to actually be living during: Ice Age Dino Days! The Renaissance Period! Those
Western Times! The Oldies (50s, 60s, and 70s)! Travel to the FUTURE! Wacky Wednesday Theme: Decades Day
Session 2 | SPACE IS THE PLACE | 6/7-11
Campers will have a blast designing their own rockets and launching them! Youth will gain an understanding of our universe while we
enjoy building our very own solar system. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Astronauts VS. Aliens
Session 3 | EXCITING ENGINEERING | 6/14-18
Campers will get a charge out of this camp exploring the different fields of engineering by building model roller coasters, robots,
bridges, rafts to test and understand buoyancy, and more. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Mathletes VS. Athletes
Session 4 | AWESOME ART | 6/21-25
Campers will work in a variety of mixed media such as watercolor, clay, pencil and collage, all culminating in an art show at the end of the
week. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Tie Dye Day
Session 5 | RED, WHITE & BLUE | 6/28-7/2
You have enlisted in the most patriotic week EVER! Camp is all about the diverse cultures that make up our country! They will learn
how to lasso like in the wild west and dance like a true Hawaiian! Wacky Wednesday Theme: America Day
This week encourages campers to use their imagination and relive moments from movies like Toy Story and Frozen and books like
Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Hobbit. We’ll have activities and adventures based on the stories. Take a potions class, become a toy
soldier, build a star cruiser, have a snowball fight, or save middle earth! Wacky Wednesday Theme: Favorite Halloween Costume
Session 7 | SUPER SLOPPY SCIENCE | 7/12-16
Campers explore the amazing world of science as they find out why matter matters. They’ll experiment with volcanoes, manipulate
liquids into semi-solids oobleck, make ice cream and more. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Pirates and Princesses
Session 8 | TRIBE WARS | 7/19-23
A week where our entire camp, campers and staff, celebrate our YMCA character values by wearing one of the corresponding colors.
Games, activities, and skits will be part of this weeklong competition. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Tribe Color Day
Session 9 | YMCA SUMMER OLYMPICS | 7/26-30
Join us as we bring children from all corners of the greater Suncoast area for the annual YMCA Games! Prepare to run, skip and laugh
your way through the various games and challenges at the end of the week field day. Wacky Wednesday Theme: Favorite Sports Team
Session 10 | SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS | 8/2-6
Come relive all the best moments of specialty camp in one week! Campers will vote on their favorite activities from the summer and we
will pack this week with the most popular projects from their summer. Wacky Wednesday Theme: PJ Day

                                       Register now at ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp

                      YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST

Camp Osprey                           SESSION 1 | Beach Break | June 14- June 18
Ages: 5-6, 7-8 & 9-11                 We are kicking off the summer surf’s up style! Bring your towel and/or surfing skills. Get ready
                                      for water balloon tosses, water relays, sand castle contests, and more! You don’t want to miss out
Days: Mon-Fri,
                                      catching some rays and chilling with your surfing pals!
Jun 14 - Aug 6
Time: 9am-4pm. Early                  SESSION 2 | LEGO Week | June 21- June 25
and late supervision                  Are you a “MASTER BUILDER?” Join us for a LEGO-themed adventure-filled week! We’ll be doing
is available starting at              games, contests, “Master Builder” workshops, playtime and more, so bring your skills!
6:30am and ending at                  SESSION 3 | Color Wars | June 28- July 2
6pm at no extra charge!               Red, white, and blue! What color best fits you? Campers will divide into teams and complete
Location: Lutheran Church             throughout the week in challenges/twisted sports games like Balloon Baseball, Monkey Soccer,
of the Resurrection                   Noodle Monster, Water Balloon Volleyball and a Color Wars! Campers will also color team flags!
1555 Windmill Pointe Rd.              SESSION 4 | S.T.E.A.M. | July 5-July 9
Palm Harbor, FL 34685                 Let’s get messy with S.T.E.A.M.- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! Find your
Camp Osprey campers have              passion and have TONS of fun!
the opportunity to find new           SESSION 5 | Survivor Mode | July 12-July 16
talents, try new activities,          Who can survive all the team fun and games? What games do you like to compete in? When
gain independence, and                will you get eliminated? How will you face the “Tribal Council?” Where will you find the hidden
make lasting friendships              immunity idols? Join us this week with friendly fun competition!
and memories. Campers
                                      SESSION 6 | Creepy Crawly | July 19-July 23
will participate in activities        Find out what’s in your backyard with bugs and your favorite outdoor activities! Learn the aspects
focused on building skills,           of invertebrates with your friends that include nature activities, crafts, and sweet treats!
promoting belonging and
achievement, and creating             SESSION 7 | Jaws | July 26-July 30
lasting friendships. Weekly           Do you love the ocean? Are you afraid what’s under the sea? Get to know what’s under the water
themed activities allow               and how cool sea animals really are including SHARKS! Make a splash this week as we celebrate
campers to create arts,               the ocean with water activities, ocean animal crafts, and games.
crafts, explore science               SESSION 8 | Jedi Space Training | August 2-August 6
and technology, swim                  It isn’t easy to become a Jedi! Campers will be trained to develop their minds, bodies, and hearts.
and so much more!                     Will you become the most powerful Jedi? Is the force within you?

4550 Village Center Dr., Palm Harbor, FL 34685 | P 727 772 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
Mandatory parent orientation: Choose Wednesday, June 9th at 6pm or Saturday, June 12th at 9am.

What to Bring
LUNCH AND 2 SNACKS: Campers will need a non-perishable lunch each
day. There is no refrigerator or microwave available. Please provide your       Members
camper with two snacks and water or 100% fruit juice. Due to hot weather        $135 weekly
and the possibility of dehydration, please avoid sending soft drinks.           $20 non refundable, non-transferable
                                                                                down payment + $115/week
WATER BOTTLE: A labeled water bottle for hot summer days.
APPROPRIATE CLOTHING: Dress to get messy. No sandals                            Non-members
or open-toed shoes. Tennis shoes and socks must be worn.                        $180 weekly
Campers should NOT wear good clothes. Camp is held indoors                      $35 non refundable, non-transferable
and out. A raincoat or poncho will be needed on rainy days.                     down payment + $145/week

SWIMSUIT AND TOWEL: Campers should pack a swimsuit,
towel and a plastic bag for their wet swimsuit every day
in a backpack clearly labeled with their name.
SUNSCREENS: Please remember how sunny our Florida summers are. We
strongly encourage you to apply sunscreen to your child prior to coming to
camp. We also recommend you send sunscreen to camp with your child. Please
make sure it is labeled with your child’s name. We also encourage you to send
a shirt that your child can swim in, especially if he/she is prone to burn.
GREAT ATTITUDE: Campers need to be prepared to have an active
day outdoors. A good night’s sleep and breakfast are essential for
a healthy camper. Swimming, sports, games, songs, arts & crafts
and much more will be offered during a regular camp day. Our goal
is to keep everyone active and engaged throughout the day.

                                Register now at ymcasuncoast.org/letscamp

                                                YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST

                               2021 Summer Camp programs run 9am-4pm, Mondays-Fridays.
                Early and late supervision is available starting at 6:30am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge!

 Day Camps                                                          Camp Muskogee
 Your adventure awaits! We’ll have indoor and outdoor fun,          Camp Muskogee is the Adventure of a LIFETIME! Muskogee
 creating memories that will last forever. New friendships          offers all campers a true day camp experience located on
 will be forged, talents will be found and confidence gained        53 acres of reserved land with a private lake - perfect for
 through positive role modeling, mentoring, instruction             canoeing & fishing. To escape the heat, campers have the
 and fun. Our camps create adventures to ensure the best            opportunity to swim in a private zero entry pool. Campers
 summer experience for each camper.                                 will experience archery, sling-shots, outdoor cooking and
 Ages: 5-12; campers must have completed kindergarten               light backpacking. There is never a dull moment at Camp
 Cost: $125/week                                                    Muskogee!
 Camp Circle Y                                                      Ages: 7-14; campers must have completed 1st grade
 Location: This program will be held in South Pinellas              Dates: 6/21-8/6
 County; exact location is TBD                                      Cost: $145/week
 Dates: 6/14-8/6                                                    Location: Camp Soule
 Camp Typhoon
 Location: This program will be held in North Pinellas
 County; exact location is TBD
 Dates: 6/14-8/6
 Camp Tuskegee
 Location: This program will be held at the Greater
 Ridgecrest YMCA
 Dates: 6/14-8/6
 Camp Kaleidoscope
 Location: James P. Gills YMCA Youth Activity Center
 Dates: 6/1-8/6

2469 Enterprise Rd., Clearwater, FL 33763 | P 727 467 9622 ymcasuncoast.org
Pre K Summer Camps
 With so many demands on today’s families, and the increased
 focus on early brain development, families need all the support
 they can get to nurture the potential of youth. That’s why child
 care and early learning programs at the Y focus on holistically
 nurturing child development by providing a safe and healthy
 place to learn foundational skills to develop healthy, trusting
 relationships and build self-reliance through the Y values
 of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Our program
 includes physical education in conjunction with an enriching
 curriculum providing hands-on learning through art, music and
 movement, dramatic play, sensory tables, language and literacy,
 outdoor play and group time.
 *Children must have updated copies of immunization and
 Physical records
 Ages: 3-5; campers must be potty trained
 Cost: $145/week
 Dates: 6/14-8/6
 Camp Timber Pups
 Location: This program will be held in South Pinellas County;
 exact location is TBD
 Camp Lil Waves
 Location: This program will be held in North Pinellas County;
 exact location is TBD

         Click HERE to register for Pinellas & Pasco YMCA School Age Programs Summer Camp!

                                                 YMCA OF THE SUNCOAST

                 2021 Summer Camp programs run 9am-4pm, Mondays-Fridays, June 14-August 6th.
                Early and late supervision is available starting at 7am and ending at 6pm at no extra charge!

  Y Life Teen Camp                                                                         Week 1 | June 14-18
  Y Life Teen Camp is all about character building, challenging yourself,                  Your Time to Shine
  and making lasting friendships whether on an adventure trip or learning                  Week 2 | June 21-25
  a new skill or trait. From these new experiences, campers discover in                    All Team Pros - Sports Palooza
  themselves newfound confidence and strength. They learn how to trust in
                                                                                           Week 3 | June 28-July 2
  themselves, and each other, as they work together to explore, problem-                   Amazing Chef
  solving and achieve common goals. An empowering experience for all!
                                                                                           Week 4 | July 5-9
  Ages: 11-14 | Campers must have completed 5th grade                                      Team Avengers
  and be 11 years old by the first day of camp
                                                                                           Week 5 | July 12-16
  Mandatory Parent Evaluation: Thursday, May 27 at 6:30pm                                  Wack-o-Warriors
  Cost: Costs are a weekly fee                                                             Week 6 | July 19-23
  Members: Weeks 1-7 cost $35 (Total $45). Week 8 costs $55 (Total $65).                   Artistic Crafters
  Non-Members: Weeks 1-7 cost $70 (Total $80). Week 8 costs $90 (Total $100).
                                                                                           Week 7 | July 26-30
                                                                                           Red Carpet Stars
          Click HERE to register for Greater                                               Week 8 | August 2-6
                                                                                           Good Times
          Ridgecrest YMCA Summer Camp!

1801 119th St N., Largo, FL 33778 | P 727 559 0500 ymcasuncoast.org
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