2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps

Page created by Lynn Jones
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
the building
blocks of life
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
Along the Biscayne Canal in the pristine
         community of Miami Shores you will find
         Miami Country Day School,
         a PK3-12th grade college preparatory school. But before
         there was a school, there was a camp. Our founders
         knew that learning could not end with the academic
         year. They recognized how summertime provided a
         chance to build on the important lessons of the school
         year in a fun, relaxed environment.

         More than 90 years after the founding of the summer
         camp that started it all, the school’s advanced 23-acre
         campus — equipped with 24-hour security, a weather
         alert system, and two full-time registered nurses —
         continues to offer premier summer programming
         in South Florida. With a diverse range of offerings to
         choose from in 2021, you are bound to build your best
         summer yet.

         601 Northeast 107th Street, Miami, FL 33161

2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
RIGHT here!
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
Visit us at mcdscamps.com to begin your
application. Keep in mind that every camper
                                                     Sage Dining Services provides a well-balanced,
must be fully registered and paid before they
                                                     hot lunch menu sure to make even the pickiest
can attend camp.
                                                     of eaters happy all summer. This summer,
Registration for each session closes at
                                                     all lunches will be individually packed and
midnight on the Saturday prior to its
                                                     prepared for our campers to enjoy while
commencement, provided there is still space.
                                                     maintaining social distance.

                                                     INCLEMENT WEATHER
All families must submit an ‘Authorization           We keep the campers under cover if there is
for Administration of Prescription and               lightning within a three-mile radius. If this
Non-Prescription Medication’ form to our             occurs during arrival or dismissal, parents will
school nurse prior to beginning of camp.             be required to wait in their cars until the threat
The form is available online and will be             subsides. A text/email will be sent to all parents
distributed during our Parent and Camper             in the event of inclement weather
Meet and Greet.                                      during pick-up.

REFUND POLICY                                        PARENT AND CAMPER
Refunds are available under certain                  MEET AND GREET
circumstances. Please visit our website or refer     All Summer Program camp families and
to the parent handbook for our full refund           guardians are invited to our Virtual Parent and
policy.                                              Camper Meet and Greet on Thursday, June 10,
                                                     2021 at 6:00pm.
                                                     We will talk about important information and
Miami Country Day prides itself on putting           you will be able to “meet” with your camp
the safety and security of our campers and           directors and staff. We hope you will
staff first. Due to Covid restrictions no parents/   be able to join!
visitors will be permitted on campus during
camp hours. All parents are to remain in their
cars during drop off and pickup.
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
Only thing
than the
people here –
the sun
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
At our most popular summer program at                       Camp Dates: June 14 – August 6
Miami Country Day School, campers benefit
from a variety of activities, as well as special            Hours: 9am - 3:30pm
events based on the week’s theme. Every                     Camp Cost:
campers’ day is tailored with age-appropriate               1 week 		                      $450
activities to ensure maximum safety and the                 2 - 4 weeks               $425/week
best possible enrichment experience.                        5 - 6 weeks		             $415/week
Campers travel with their cabin friends to                  7 - 8 weeks		             $405/week
different activities, including canoeing,                   Lunch Included:
go-karting, arts and crafts, science, cooking,              Yes and two daily snacks
drama, sports, martial arts, music, hip hop,
                                                            Swim: Dependent on schedule
yoga, DJ-ing, and more! Rest time is built-in
for our youngest campers.                                   Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
                                                            Lower School Turnaround,
Our caring, hands-on staff lead activities
                                                            107th Street
from camp classics to new favorites to create
an unforgettable summer for every camper.                   Director Information:
                                                            Ian McNamara

Theme Weeks                        Daily Variety                      Swim
June 14 - June 18                  Should Read: We strive to give     Our swim program is what sepa-
    Fiesta De Campamento           each camper a full experience.     rates us from the rest. With Covid
June 21 - June 25                  Every day is different. Each day   restrictions in place and to ensure
    Tokyo Drift                    lets campers enjoy a multitude     the safety of every child we have
June 28 - July 2                   of activities.                     had to adjust the program. We will
    Coming to America                                                 endeavor to ensure that campers
July 5 - July 9                                                       still recieve a fair amount of swim
    Tomorrowland                                                      time, Schedule and Weather per-
July 12 - July 16                                                     mitting. If your camper cannot
    Lastochka Summer Festival                                         swim, and should our protocols
July 19 - July 23                                                     allow by the summer, our life-
    Pizza, Mare, Mandolino                                            guard- certified instructors will
July 26 - July 30                                                     teach them to swim during their
    India’s Festival of Colors                                        scheduled pool time while ensur-
August 2 - August 6                                                   ing social distancing protocols are
    Carnaval do Rio                                                   followed
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
this is so much
more than
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps
The Counselor in Training program is open
to students who have a passion for camp
and want to become tomorrow’s leaders.
Our CIT program is continually revamped
each year to include more exciting activities
and learning experiences including weekly
team building, and educational enrichment
programs. Friday Funday, and theme weeks are
all still included in this program.

Ages: Rising 7th and 8th Grade
Camp Dates: June 14 – August 6
Hours: 9am - 3:30pm
Camp Cost:
1 Week         		      $275
2 - 4 weeks 		    $255/week
5 - 6 weeks 		    $245/week
7 - 8 weeks 		    $235/week
Lunch Included:
Yes and daily snacks
Swim: Dependent on schedule
Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
Lower school turnaround, 107th Street
Director Information:
Ian McNamara
2021 Miami Country Day Summer Camps

                                                    COMBO CAMP
Can’t decide between Day Camp or our full-day
Specialty Camps? Now you don’t have to! Try
one of our amazing NEW Combo Camps. You
get the best of both worlds with a morning of
Specialty Camp and an afternoon of fun-filled
Day Camp activities. Plus, you don’t have to miss
out on camp classics like the Morning Blast Off!,
Friday Funday, theme weeks and camp shows.
Choose the perfect Combo Camp option for you
and feel free to switch up week after week. See
offerings below.

Camp Dates: June 14 – August 6
Hours: 9am - 3:30pm
Camp Cost:
$450 per Week
Lunch Included:
Yes and two daily snacks
Swim: Dependent on schedule
Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
Lower school turnaround, 107th Street
Director Information:
Ian McNamara

            WEEK 1                              WEEK 2                               WEEK 3                                WEEK 4                              WEEK 5
           June 14 - 18                         June 21 - 25                      June 28 - July 2                          July 5 - 9                         July 12 - 16

        Makers Club                          Science Wiz                           Claymation                           Robocoding                         Nature Watch

Makers Club is an engineering        Science Wiz is built upon inquiry,   Science Wiz is built upon inquiry,   This program gives students a        Environmental science comes
program designed to inspire          experimentation, and play! In        experimentation, and play! In        hands-on introduction to the         alive with Nature Watch activity
kids to pursue futures in science    each course, students will dive      each course, students will dive      fundamentals of both coding          kits! Each activity is centered
& technology.                        deep into a variety of topics.       deep into a variety of topics.       and robotics,                        around a hands-on projects.

    All About Aviation                     World of Magic                     Faboulous Fashion                    All About Aviation                     World of Magic

Do you love flying machines-         Welcome to the World of Magic        Have you ever wanted to create       Do you love flying machines-         Welcome to the World of Magic
airplanes, gliders, helicopters,     where every child is a star! New     your own wardrobe? This              airplanes, gliders, helicopters,     where every child is a star! New
slingshots? Learn important          to the world of magic?               semester you will have your          slingshots? Learn important          to the world of magic?
principles of aviation and the                                            chance!                              principles of aviation and the
science of flight is in this STEM                                                                              science of flight is in this STEM
program.                                                                                                       program.

       Crayola Design                    CRAYOLA ANIMAL                            Art Around                          Art in Nature                      Crayola Design
           World                            KINGDOM                                 the world                                                                 World

                                     This session is a walk through       This session is a walk through                                            This session will include projects
This session will include projects                                                                             Children will learn about famous
                                     the animal kingdom. Children         the animal kingdom. Children                                              that aim to encourage children
that aim to encourage children                                                                                 artists like Van Gogh and Britto,
                                     will create their own animal         will create their own animal                                              to use their imagination to bring
to use their imagination to bring                                                                              while they use Crayola media to
                                     models as they learn more about      models as they learn more about                                           different designs to life
different designs to life                                                                                      recreate their famed art pieces.
                                     them and their habitats.             them and their habitats.

 Soap Candle and Bath                 Soap Candle and Bath                 Soap Candle and Bath                                                          Soap Candle and
        Bombs                                Bombs                                Bombs                                                                    Bath Bombs

Enjoy some good, clean fun           Enjoy some good, clean fun           Enjoy some good, clean fun                                                Enjoy some good, clean fun
and join the Soap, Candle, and       and join the Soap, Candle, and       and join the Soap, Candle, and                                            and join the Soap, Candle, and
Bath Bomb Making. And each           Bath Bomb Making. And each           Bath Bomb Making. And each                                                Bath Bomb Making. And each
creation will be available to        creation will be available to        creation will be available to                                             creation will be available to
take home once your child has        take home once your child has        take home once your child has                                             take home once your child has
completed it!                        completed it!                        completed it!                                                             completed it!

                                             Feet of Fire                     Feet of Fire Dance                       Feet of Fire                         Feet of Fire
                                             Dance Camp                             Camp                               Dance Camp                           Dance Camp

                                     Learn dance and its various          Learn dance and its various          Learn dance and its various          Learn dance and its various
                                     forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or      forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or      forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or      forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or
                                     even the traditional dance styles.   even the traditional dance styles.   even the traditional dance styles.   even the traditional dance styles
 5                           WEEK 6                                            WEEK 7                                                        WEEK 8
16                          July 19 - 23                                      July 26 - 30                                                  August 2 - 6

                                                                            CAD Camp:
atch                    Virtual Reality                      A Community Treehouse in The Making.                           Video Production: 1, 2, 3 Action!

nce comes        Students will develop games                                                                        Lights, camera, action!, it has never been easier to learn
                                                      Breathe life into creativity with the help of CAD
atch activity    and experiences in virtual reality                                                                 the art of filmmaking.
                                                      (Computer-Aided Design), a cutting-edge software
 centered        with CoSpaces software.              utilized in industries ranging from woodworking to
projects.                                             aerospace engineering!

Magic                 Fabulous Fashion                                        All About                                                 World of Magic
                            Fun                                               Aviation

rld of Magic     Have you ever wanted to create       Do you love flying machines- airplanes, gliders,              Welcome to the World of Magic where every child is a star!
a star! New      your own wardrobe? This              helicopters, slingshots? Learn important principles of        New to the world of magic?
c?               semester you will have your          aviation and the science of flight is in this STEM program.

esign                  Crayola Animal                                     Art Around the                                                 Art in Nature
d                         Kingdom                                              world

ude projects     This session is a walk through
ge children      the animal kingdom. Children         Children will travel around the world and experience
                                                                                                                    Children will learn about famous artists like Van Gogh
tion to bring    will create their own animal         different cultures while recreating their unique artworks.
                                                                                                                    and Britto, while they use Crayola media to recreate their
life             models as they learn more about                                                                    famed art pieces. .
                 them and their habitats.

le and                Soap Candle and                                    Soap Candle and
mbs                     Bath Bombs                                         Bath Bombs

 ean fun         Enjoy some good, clean fun           Enjoy some good, clean fun and join the Soap, Candle, and
 andle, and      and join the Soap, Candle, and       Bath Bomb Making. And each creation will be available to
  And each       Bath Bomb Making. And each           take home once your child has completed it!
 able to         creation will be available to take
ur child has     home once your child has
                 completed it!

Fire                     Feet of Fire                                      Feet of Fire
amp                      Dance Camp                                        Dance Camp

 various         Learn dance and its various          Learn dance and its various forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or
 salsa, or       forms, be it hip hop, salsa, or      even the traditional dance styles.
 dance styles.   even the traditional dance styles.
on and
off the
Miami Country Day School’s Basketball Camp
offers boys and girls the chance to learn the
game of basketball in a fun, challenging
setting. We aim to build a solid foundation
of skills that will benefit players of all levels.

Ages: 5 – 18
Camp Dates: June 7 – August 13
Hours: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Camp Cost:
Weekly            $250
Lunch Included: Yes
Swim: Yes
Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
Center for the Arts, 109th street
Director Information:
Ochiel Swaby
one touch
and you
know this
one’s a
Simple Soccer Camp
Simple Soccer Camp, led by FACA Hall
of Fame Coach Jeff Watson, is designed
to help players develop their full potential
by providing them with a sound foundation
of soccer skills. Simple Soccer embraces
training in all aspects of soccer, starting
with personal skills and techniques. We aim to
build a solid foundation of skills that will benefit
players of all levels.

Ages: 5 - 17
Camp Dates: June 14 – August 6
Hours: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Camp Cost:
Weekly            $250
Lunch Included: Yes
Swim: Yes
Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
Center for the Arts, 109th street
Director Information:
Jeff Watson
2-week courses 9:30-11:30 am – half day or full day
(with day camp) available. All course curriculum devel-
oped and taught by MCDS LS faculty
Math SK
• Recognizing Numbers and Counting
• Explore Addition and Subtraction
• Identify and Describe Basic Shapes
English Language Arts
• Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
• Phonics and Word Recognition
• Printing Upper and Lowercase Letters

Math 1st Grade
• Develop Understanding of Addition and Subtraction
• Linear Measurement and Measuring Lengths
• Whole Number Relationships and Place Value
English Language Arts
• Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling, Verb Tense
• Phonics and Analysis Skills for Reading Fluency
• Writing Narratives/Opinion/Information Using Sequence

Math 2nd Grade
• Fluency with Addition and Subtraction Within 100, Multi-digit Numbers
• Counting and Number Relationships in Fives, Tens, and Multiples
• Standard Units of Measure
English Language Arts
• Identifying Key Details In a Text
• Simple/Compound Sentences, Linking Words, and Story Structure
• Adjectives, Adverbs, Irregular Nouns and Verbs

Math 3rd Grade
• Represent and Solve Multiplication and Division
• Explore Fractions as Numbers
• Develop Intervals of Time, Mass, Volume Measurements
English Language Arts
• Reading, Writing, and Oral Fluency
• Determine Meaning Through Context Clues
• Figurative Language

Math 4th Grade
• Multiplication and Division of Larger Numbers
• Understanding Fractional Equivalency
• Word Problems Using Money, Time, and Basic Geometry
English Language Arts
• Relative Pronouns and Adverbs
• Points of View, Compare and Contrast
• Write Using Sensory Details, Sequence, Punctuation for Effect

Math 5th Grade
• Order of Operations
• Using Decimals and Fractions
• Geometry Measurements
English Language Arts
• Logical Topic Development Using Concrete Details, Quotations, Definitions
• Utilize Information from Multiple Sources
• Punctuation for Meaning, Complex Grammar, Verb Tense

                                                                               ACADEMIC CAMP
For 12th graders only. Preparing for the college essay to use during the
application process. The students’ college essay is their opportunity to
reveal their best qualities and to show an admission committee what
makes them stand out from other applicants. We work with our students
to help them with this important piece of their application.

Ages: Rising 12th graders
Dates: Session I June 7 – June 11
       Session II June 14 – June 18
Time: TBD
Cost: $395/session
Lunch: No
Swim: No
Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
Lower School Turnaround, 107th street

Our academic tutors are professional educators who customize their
approach to each student, facilitating understanding and maximizing
academic success. All tutors have five or more years of professional
tutoring experience.

Tutoring Hours: Weekdays: 8:30am – 6:30pm
		                Weekends: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Evening and weekend tutoring sessions are available by
appointment.Please call/text Valerie Bosman at 305-297-2955
for details.

One of our most requested activities is ESOL or English Second Language.
ESL program is coursework designed to help students who are looking to
learn English as their second, third, or in some cases, fourth language. Our
teachers are bilingual and are there to help students to develop their:

• speaking,• writing,
• reading, and
• listening skills
the true
a camp!
RISING STARS ACTING                                Ages: Rising 5th through 9th graders
                                                   Camp Dates:
                                                   June 7 – June 18
Little people have BIG dreams too and we
                                                   Hours: 9:00am – 3:00pm
are committed in providing an artistic
environment to nurture, educate, encourage,        Camp Cost: $850
and expand their imagination in the world of       Lunch Included: Yes
                                                   Swim: No
Students in grades 5-8 can sign up for this
                                                   Pick-Up/Drop Off Location:
summer theatrical workshop which will be
                                                   Center for the Arts, 109th street
held in-person at Miami Country Day School.
No previous experience is necessary.               Director Information:
                                                   Laura Rizzo
Auditions: A Virtual Flipgrid Audition tape
must be received by each student by Friday,
June 4th at 3:00 pm. The Flipgrid code and
audition instruction is given to the student
once they register. All students whom
audition are cast in the show!

ARTFUL ANTICS                                     Ages: 5+
Unleash your child’s imagination this summer      Camp Dates:
and get ready for a week of messy fun! Art        June 7 - July 11
camp provides children with a wonderful           June 28 - July 2
introduction to several forms of visual art and
different mediums. All materials provided.        Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm

Artful antics camp may include finger             Camp Cost: $212.50
painting, shape robots texture art, Kandinsky     Lunch Included: Yes
circle studiers Picasso, Pollack, outdoor
splatter painting and so much more.               Swim: No
Note: Campers will have splash day and            Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
outdoor fun (weather permitting). Additional      Center for the Arts, 109th Street
information on splash days will be given the
                                                  Director Information:
first day of camp.
                                                  Joanne Mundy
SUMMER ART CAMP                                   Ages: Rising 5th through 9th graders
(ART LAB)                                         Camp Dates:
                                                  June 7 – June 11

                                                                                         SPECIALTY CAMPS
Join us as we take a creative journey through
                                                  June 14 – June 18
creative adventures in drawing, painting,
                                                  July 19 - July 23
paper and mixed media. Your young artist will
get to explore, create and make lots of messy,    Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
colorful fun!                                     Camp Cost: $212.50
Our one week-week camp will help your kids        Lunch Included: Yes
to have fun creating numerous art projects
                                                  Swim: No
and exploring their creative sides. Students
will experience creating their own artist Home,   Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
paint Picasso Pants, explore a modern Mona        Center for the Arts, 109th Street
Lisa portrait and create a mixed media Frida      Director Information:
Kahlo or Diego Rivera self-portraits just to      Joanne Mundy
name a few fun projects. Note: Art projects for   summercamp@miamicountryday.org
each class will vary from week to week.

MAGICAL UNICORN,                                  Ages: 5+
MERMAID, DRAGON &                                 Camp Dates:
PIRATE WEEK                                       June 14 – June 18
                                                  July 26 – July 30
Join us for a week of whimsy and wonder.
Explore the world of Mermaids, Dragons,           Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Unicorns & Pirates. Campers will use their cre-   Camp Cost: $212.50
ativity and imagination to make awesome art
                                                  Lunch Included: Yes
projects, play themed games, build cardboard
boats as we prepare for a great magical week.     Swim: No

We will make Unicorn Snot (slime), Magical        Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
Unicorn Slime and Fire Dragon Slime. Get          Center for the Arts, 109th Street
ready to walk the plank! And don’t forget to      Director Information:
visit our Unicorn/Mermaid Salon.                  Joanne Mundy
Note: Campers will have splash day (weather       summercamp@miamicountryday.org
permitting). Additional information on splash
days will be given the first day of camp.

AMERIAN GIRL DOLL CAMP                            Ages: 5+

Pack your American Girl Doll or any other well-   Camp Dates:
loved 18-inch doll and come on over to this fun   June 21 – June 25
filled doll camp.                                 July 19 – July 23

Camp activities will include Wacky Wednes-        Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
day, Twin day, Movie/Pajama day, dress up day,    Camp Cost: $212.50
constructing a business for your doll and all
                                                  Lunch Included: Yes
her new friends and much more! The week
ends with a strut down the runway to show off     Swim: No
you and your doll friend.                         Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
Note: Please mark all doll belongings prior to    Center for the Arts, 109th Street
camp. We are not responsible for lost items.      Director Information:
                                                  Joanne Mundy
SUMMER SEWING CAMP                                  Ages: 7+

This boutique style camp is an excellent way        Camp Dates:
                                                    July 5 - July 9

                                                                                        SPECIALTY CAMPS
to empower your child with a useful skill
which will build confidence and self-esteem.        July 26 - July 30
Campers will learn basic design and sewing          Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
skills making fun projects in the process.
                                                    Camp Cost: $212.50
Projects are fun and useful. From hand sewing
to machine sewing your child will have fun          Lunch Included: Yes
sewing the day away!                                Swim: No
Note: There will be a $25 fee added to your         Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
registration for supplies.                          Center for the Arts, 109th Street
                                                    Director Information:
                                                    Joanne Mundy

PRINCESS & SUPERHERO                                Ages: 5+
CAMP!                                               Camp Dates:
                                                    July 5 – July 9
Campers will create their very own show
                                                    August 2 – July 6
and demonstrate their inner Princess and
Superhero powers live on stage!                     Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Our Superheroes in Training will experience a       Camp Cost: $212.50
highly active camp-day guided by the greatest       Lunch Included: Yes
lessons that classic superheroes have to offer.
                                                    Swim: No
So whether your child gazes up, up, up into the
sky or builds hideouts this is the perfect camp     Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
for them.                                           Center for the Arts, 109th Street
From Superheroes to Princesses your child will      Director Information:
be sure to enjoy this camp. Children will have      Joanne Mundy
fun in art, music, voice, dance, acting, singing,   summercamp@miamicountryday.org
story time and creative play. Let’s not forget
about dressing up as your favorite Disney or
Superhero character. Children will have indoor
play time & splash day (sprinklers and scooter
car wash).

“IF I RAN THE CIRCUS”                               Ages: 5+
DR. SEUSS                                           Camp Dates:
                                                    July 12 – July 16
Step right up to the greatest camp on earth.
Come join us at The Circus McGurkus.                Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
We will juggle, walk the tight rope, become         Camp Cost: $212.50
funny clowns, jump through the ring of fire         Lunch Included: Yes
and so much more. Campers will create their
                                                    Swim: No
very own miniature circus acts and perform
live on stage. The performers will then play        Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
exciting carnival games and collect tickets to      Center for the Arts, 109th Street
turn in for fabulous carnival prizes. Open play,    Director Information:
arts, crafts, singing, dancing and karaoke.         Joanne Mundy
PROJECT RUNWAY FASHION                              Ages: 6+
CHALLENGE: JUNK TO FUNK                             Camp Dates:
                                                    July 12 - 16

                                                                                        SPECIALTY CAMPS
We will provide your camper with a week-long
adventure in creative summer camp activities!       Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Campers will work with a big pile of recycled       Camp Cost: $212.50
junk materials and transform everyday
                                                    Lunch Included: Yes
materials into extravagant fashion accessories,
wearable fashion and dumpster Runway                Swim: No
Couture. Supplies will be provided. Inspiration     Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
will be provided by the discovery of creative       Center for the Arts, 109th Street
re-use. Your camper will create a garment that
will hit the runway in a family fashion show at
                                                    Director Information:
the end of the camp week session.
                                                    Joanne Mundy
Are you ready for your Project Runway
Fashion Challenge?

HARRY POTTER                                        Ages: 7+

Ever wanted to experience the wonder of             Camp Dates:
Hogwarts, the deliciousness of butter beer, or      August 2 – August 6
the excitement of magic classes? This “week         Hours: 8:30am – 5:30pm
in the Wizarding World” will provide all those
                                                    Camp Cost: $212.50
fun activities like house sorting, Patronus
classes and more. If your child is a Harry Potter   Lunch Included: Yes
Fan, this week will be an incredible chance         Swim: No
to indulge his/her love for one of the most
                                                    Pick-Up/Drop Off Location
iconic stories of this generation. We encourage
                                                    Center for the Arts, 109th Street
dressing up every day in your
Harry Potter attire.                                Director Information:
                                                    Joanne Mundy

                                                                                               AND THERE’S MORE!
                                        WHO CAN HANDLE
                                        AN EXTRA DOSE
                                        OF FUN...

PLAYHOUSE90                                      tation to and from our campus on an air
PlayHouse90 provides families with extra         conditioned, seatbelt and security camera
flexibility, while giving our campers extra      equipped bus.
time with their camp friends. Playhouse90
is less structured to provide campers with       TRANSPORTATION PRICING:
the relaxation time they need before another     $60 per week
full day at our camps. Activities vary and are
selected by the camper.                          TRANSPORTATION MEETING LOCATIONS

DATES AND TIMES                                  BUS 1: AVENTURA

JUNE 7 - AUGUST 13, 2021                         Pick-Up Time:
                                                 Between 7:50am and 8:10am
Afternoons ONLY: 3:00pm - 6:00pm                 Drop Off Time:
                                                 Between 4:25pm and 4:35pm
                                                 BUS 2: HIGHLAND LAKES & AVENTURA LAKES
$15 per afternoon                                Pick-Up Time Highland Lakes:
                                                 Between 7:45am and 7:55am
                                                 Drop Off Time Highland Lakes:
$60 for afternoon care all week
                                                 Between 4:25pm and 4:35pm
COMPLIMENTARY SIBLING CARE                       Pick-Up Time Aventura Lakes:
For families with campers registered for         Between 8:05am and 8:15am
camps with 3:00pm and 4:00pm/5:30pm              Drop Off Time Aventura Lakes:
dismissal times, Playhouse90 offers a sibling    Between 4:45pm and 4:55pm
service so all campers are able to be            BUS 3: PINETREE PARK ON MIAMI BEACH
picked up at the later release time and          Pick-Up Time:
location completely free of charge.              Between 8:00am and 8:15am
TRANSPORTATION                                   Drop Off Time:
The fun lasts longer with our transportation     Between 4:30pm and 4:45pm
service! Our weekly bus fee includes transpor-   Please note that only registered bus
                                                 campers will be able to board the bus and
                                                 campers will only be released to authorized
                                                 individuals with ID.
get ready to
         make memories
         this summer!

601 Northeast 107th Street
Miami, FL 33161

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