2021 Summer Day Camp Parent Manual - Welcome to Summer Day Camp! - City of Longmont

Page created by Marc Dennis
2021 Summer Day Camp Parent Manual - Welcome to Summer Day Camp! - City of Longmont
Longmont Summer Day Camp • Tween LOCO • SCOPE:Teen Camp

                                   2021 Summer Day Camp
                                                      Parent Manual

                                                         elcome to Summer Day Camp!
                                                         Longmont Recreation & Golf
                                                         Services invites you to read
                                                through this Parent Manual to learn
                                                about our program and how your child
                                                will have a safe summer full of fun,
                                                learning, and exploration. We are
                                                licensed with the State of Colorado
                                                to ensure a high quality day camp

Recreation & Golf Services
Director of Community Services • Karen Roney
Recreation Manager • Jeff Friesner
Recreation Area Supervisor • Ben Wagner
Recreation Coordinator • Kristen Rudisill
Summer Day Camp Director • Ronnie Maynes

Important Dates:
• Due at Registration:
  -Complete ePact forms 7 days prior at start
  -Payment: in full, half payment, or auto
  		        pay with form

• April 15: Last day for reduced reg fee;
		          Enrollment packets due
• May 1: Complete ePact forms online
• May 25: Parent’s Night In Person Mtg:
           6pm for all families

• June 1: Summer Day PreCamp 2021 starts
• June 7: Summer Day 2021 starts                Web Information
• July 5: No Camp. Enjoy your July 4th!
• August 6: Summer Day Camp 2021 ends           Tax Information

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2021 Summer Day Camp Parent Manual - Welcome to Summer Day Camp! - City of Longmont
Eligibility for Participation:                           Children with Special Needs:
Longmont Summer Day Camp is for children                 Summer Day Camp celebrates diversity and
ages 5-10 years. A child must have completed             maintains a continuum of options to meet the needs
Kindergarten. Tween LOCO is for ages 11-13.              of all the individuals in the camp. The Day Camp
Daily and weekly activities include team building,       program does not discriminate on the basis of race,
arts & crafts, gym and outdoor sports and games,         color, national origin, sex, or disability. The day camp
swimming, large group field trips, and nature            program is dedicated to supporting the Americans
exploration. There is at least one leader for every 15   with Disabilities Act. If your child requires special
children in attendance.                                  accommodations for participation, call 303-651-8404.
                                                         Additional forms may be required; space is limited.

 Hours of Operation
                                                         Late pick-up fee assessed at 5:31pm (4:01pm for
Longmont Summer Day Camp • 5-10 yrs                      Tween LOCO/Teen campers). $10-$30. See page 3.
Monday through Friday, 7am – 5:30pm
• June 1-4- Pre Camp for ages 5-13                       Payment Options
• June 7-Aug 6 - daily maximum 120
                                                         • Full payment at time of registration.
Daily Fee: $42.50 resident/ $53 non-resident
                                                         • Installment Bill Auto Pay Program: $5 (non-
Tween LOCO Summer Camp • 11-13 yrs                       refundable) is collected at time of enrollment for each
Monday through Friday, 9am - 4pm                         day. The balance due is charged on a bi-monthly
• June 7-Aug 6 - daily maximum is 45                     basis beginning May 15 on the 1st and 15th of the
Daily Fee: $44 resident/ $55 non-resident
                                                         month: pre-camp billed on May 15; June 1-15 billed
                                                         on June 1; June 16-30 billed on June 15; etc. Catch
Fees & Options
                                                         up billing for installments added after the regular 1st
Early Registration Fee through April 15:                 or 15th will be billed weekly on Fridays.
$45 per resident family/ $56.25 per non-res family       • AutoPay agreement form must be completed at
Registration fee increases $25 after April 15.           the time of camp registration. Any two declined
While the registration fee is assessed per family,
each child in the household attending camp must          payments results in all fees immediately due.
individually register. Campers must be registered        • CCAP payments: Bldr and Weld Counties
prior to being able to select days. Receipt of a         accepted. Requires electronic sign-in/out.
completed registration packet is required no fewer       • Custom payment plans: Contact Suellen Dabney,
than 7 days PRIOR to camper attendance.                  303-774-4827, suellen.dabney@longmontcolorado.
Daily Fee: Enroll in the specific days that are          gov to discuss options.
needed. Note: you are charged for dates
enrolled, even if camper does not attend.                SCOPE: Teen Camp
Enrollment is accepted on a space available basis up     Summer Camp for teens, 13-17, with special needs.
until 4pm the day prior - i.e. must register by 4pm
                                                         Monday thru Thursday, 9am-12:30pm, June 7-July 30
on Monday in order to attend Tuesday camp. Any
late/day-of registration will incur an additional $15    Daily Fee: $26 resident/ $32 non-resident
service fee collected at time of registration.           Includes any field trips and all activities.

St Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Ave

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2021 Summer Day Camp Parent Manual - Welcome to Summer Day Camp! - City of Longmont
Small Group Field Trips
Longmont Summer Day Camp: Throughout the summer, small
group field trip opportunities may be made available to campers for an
additional fee, generally $20 or less. Small group field trips will generally
involve less than 15 campers, are a half-day in length and will include
transportation and activity fees.
Tween LOCO Summer Camp: All campers are involved in daily walking
field trips. Downtown locations (library, Crackpots, Dance Dimensions,
etc) and Sunset Pool are common destinations. Fees associated with daily
trips are included within the daily fee - (duplicate options may incur fees).

 Arrival/Dismissal of Campers
The structured camp hours are 9am-4pm. Please
note the designated drop off and pick-up times:
Day                Drop Off           Pick Up
                   Times              Times
Monday &           7-9am &
Wednesday          11:30am-           4-5:30pm
through Friday     12:30pm
Tuesday            7-9am &            1-3pm@Sunset
                   11am-12pm          4-5:30pm@MB

Friday             7-9 am & pre-      10a-12pm@SP
                   arranged*          4-5:30pm@MB
Field Trip         7-9 am & pre-
                   arranged**         4-5:30pm@MB
*Note: Pre-arranged 12-1pm off-site drop off is an option most days
**Note: Time of Pick up may vary. Most field trips return to camp at 4pm.
We will post our estimate time of arrival for each outing.

Planned or Scheduled Late Arrivals can be arranged with a written notice
to camp at least one day prior to the foreseen late arrival. In those
situations, Camp Staff will either wait for the late arriving camper or
schedule with that parent/guardian an alternate arrival destination if it is
on a field trip day.

Late Pick-up
Day Camp hours are 7am-5:30pm. Tween LOCO/SCOPE Teen Camp hours
are 9am-4pm. Late pick up is stressful on both staff and children. Camp
ends promptly at 6pm; Tween LOCO/ SCOPE Camp at 4pm. Camp staff
put in a full day of fun but exhausting work, and campers become anxious
about being last at camp, so please arrive in a timely manner.

A late fee of $10 for the first late pick up, $20 for the 2nd late pick up,
and $30 for the 3rd or more late pick up will be strictly enforced after
6pm/4pm. Parents are asked to call if running a few minutes late. This
however does not excuse you from the late fee. Late fees are payable
upon pick-up at the front desk and must be paid prior to student return to
NOTE: After attempting to contact parents and emergency contacts, if no
one is reached, law enforcement will be contacted after 15 minutes.

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Campers Who Become Ill /
Accidents/ Emergency

If your child is exhibiting any sign
or symptoms of illness, please be
considerate of others by keeping
your child at home.
                                        Identifying Where Children
Consult a physician to determine        Are At All Times                              In the case of a lost child, the
if your child’s symptoms are            Basic schedules of activities will be         following procedures will take place.
contagious and when he/she              available at the parents’ meeting and         • Director/Assistant Director
should return.                          in each weekly newsletter, which will              checks block schedule book to
                                        be e-mailed or available at the check-             find child’s last activity, location
If a child should become ill or         in/out table on Fridays. Changes are               and counselor assigned.
get injured during the day camp         given out as they occur.                      • Locate assigned child’s
program, the parents/guardians                                                             counselor and verify child’s
will be notified.                       Staff Procedures for accounting                    attendance status, and check
                                        for children:                                      parents sign in/out book.
Ill campers will be separated           Counselors are assigned to specific           • Notify front desk and
from the other campers and will         campers and campers use the buddy                  supervisory staff to help check
be offered a blanket and cot to         system or some other system of role                building (i.e., bathrooms and
lie on.                                 call during the day and for all activities.        surrounding block areas, front
                                        (Depending on the activity.)                       office, etc.)
If a child is injured, first aid will   • 7-9 am: parents sign children in.           • Call parents and notify of
be administered and if deemed                Campers choice-free time.                     missing child.
necessary, 911 will be called.          • 9am-4pm: attendance taken                   • Director and parent meeting at
The parent/guardian will be                  immediately before and after each             the St Vrain Memorial Building
called and notified of the injury.           60-90 min block by base group                 or facility child was last seen.
Staff will let the parent/guardian           leaders.                                 • If child is missing more than
know if their child needs to be         • 4-5:30pm: Children are in the                    fifteen minutes, the police will
picked up or was transported                 gym, Aspen Room or outside                    be called and joint missing
by emergency vehicle to the                  doing various activities and will be          persons report filed.
hospital.                                    signed out by parents.
                                                                                      Inclement/Severe Weather
 Minor scrapes and bumps will be        During Field Trips, including weekly          Under most circumstances the
reported to the parent/guardian         trips to pools and small group field trips,   day camp program will operate
when they arrive to pickup their        the leaders and staff will be wearing         regardless of weather. Staff will
child.                                  turquoise blue “Daycamp Staff” hats           use discretion regarding outdoor
In any event in which the parent/       and visors for enhanced visibility.           activities in excessively hot or cold
guardian cannot be reached,                                                           weather and during periods of low
the emergency contact will be           Missing Children                              air quality (i.e. smoke advisories).
notified.                               In the event that a child is missing, the     Modifications in daily schedule can
                                        entire group shall remain where they          include additional gym time and/
 Parents must report to the             are until the child has been found. A         or the inclusion of quiet indoor
Director any exposure to                second roll call and head count is            activities including but not limited to
communicable illnesses outside          done at this time and the missing             the viewing of a movie.
of the camp. The child will then        child identified. In aquatic facilities,
be excluded from camp for the           the aquatic staff will be immediately         Tornado/Severe Weather
period of time prescribed by            notified of the missing child and their       Drills: Fire and Tornado drills are
the child’s physician or the local      last known whereabouts, if known.             held once a month to familiarize staff
health department.                      If after 10 minutes the lost child has        and children of the procedures to
                                        not been found, initiate an all-staff         follow in the event of an emergency.
All injuries and illnesses will be      search of affected facility (i.e. if at the   All Fire/Tornado drills are recorded
documented by staff.                    Memorial Building, all available staff on     and include the staff and children
                                        site – not just day camp staff – would        present, the date, time, and the
                                        assist with search).                          duration of the drill. Copies of
                                                                                      records are filed with the Director.

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of interest (Longmont Recreation Center, Centennial Pool, etc).
In cases of tornado warning:            Small group field trips may require shuttling or walking to and
1.     Campers are evacuated to         from local areas of interest. Additionally, Tween LOCO campers
designated tornado safety zones in      will walk daily to nearby parks, the Longmont Public Library,
the Memorial Building: locker rooms,    Longmont Theatre Company, Crackpots, and other nearby
rest rooms, gym and/or wellness         venues (within 1.5 mile radius) at the director’s discretion.
room hallway. Attendance is taken
once safely in a tornado safety zone.   Transportation of Campers
2. Children may be picked up by         The St Vrain Memorial Building will have the itinerary for the day.
their parents.                          If you need to get in touch with your child, call the front desk at
3. Once day camp staff receives an      303-651-8404 and they will contact a Director at the campsite or
all-clear signal from the Recreation    on the field trip. All City vans/buses have seat belts and booster
Supervisor, children will return to     seats are available.
regular scheduled activities.
                                        Safety When Riding in a Vehicle
                                        Please review the following with your child:
                                        1. Stay seated at all times.
                                        2. Keep seat belt fastened.
Natural Disasters                       3. Follow the direction of the driver.
All day camp staff members are
                                        4. Talk to your neighbor quietly.
trained in the established safety
                                        5. Keep your hands to yourself and DO NOT THROW ANYTHING
procedures. Drills are held three
                                        ON OR FROM THE BUS OR VAN.
times in the summer to familiarize
                                        6. No eating or drinking in the bus or van. Keep all food and
staff and children on procedures to
                                        drink containers closed in the bus at all times (including candy
follow in the event of an emergency
                                        and gum).
such as fire, tornado, or severe
                                        7. Do not leave personal belongings or trash in the bus or van
weather. The following steps will
                                        (unless otherwise directed).
take place in such a situation:
                                        8. Keep hands, arms, head and personal belongings, etc. inside
• Specific procedures for
                                        the van/bus.
responding to the crisis will occur.
                                        9. In case of emergency, follow leaders’ instructions and listen
• The Recreation Supervisor will be
                                        quietly so everyone can understand what to do.
immediately notified.
                                        10. All camp attendance will be taken prior to departure. Silence
• Campers will be directed to safe
                                        is mandatory during this procedure to ensure campers’ safety.
location (such as the gym for
                                        A cell phone will be available for emergencies.
• Emergency transportation will
be provided as needed (bus vs.
walking).                               Camper Helmet Use:
                                        Campers are required to wear a helmet while participating in the
                                        riding of rollerblades, bicycles, scooters, or skateboards if it is a
Camper Transportation                   day camp activity. Those campers who do not have a helmet will
Off Site                                participate in an alternative activity.
The enrollment packet includes a
permission form to take campers
                                        Policy for Television and Video Viewing
off site. Alternative activities
                                        G and PG rated (No PG-13) movies are provided by Longmont
for campers who do not have
                                        Summer Day camp for viewing on occasion; generally
permission to leave camp does not
                                        during HOT, HOT days, rainy days, or poor air quality days.
                                        Information regarding movie title and its rating are available
                                        from the directors. Television viewing is not incorporated into
On Tuesdays and Fridays, campers
                                        the day camp activities. Permission to watch videos is including
will walk from the Memorial Building
                                        within the enrollment packet.
to Sunset Pool. On Thursdays, day
campers may walk or be shuttled in
Longmont vans/short buses to and
from local parks or other local areas

Page 5
Storing &                     your child. If the proper     camp time by staff, we       and only if there is a
Administering                 paperwork has not been        must have the following on   signed parent / guardian
Camper’s Medication           completed, parents will       file before administering    and physician waiver on
                              be notified and asked to      the medication:              file. Confidentiality of the
Please notify the Day         return to our premises to     1) written authorization     child will be maintained at
Camp Director if during       administer medication.        from the health care         all times. All medications
camp your child will need                                   provider                     will be kept in a locked
any type of medication,       Parents should check with     2) parent written            box away from children.
prescription or over-the-     their health care provider    authorization                All     procedures        for
counter, or if they require   to see if a dosage schedule   3) and unexpired             storing & administering
special medical attention     can be arranged that does     medication in the original   children’s medicines and
due to allergies.             not involve the hours the     labeled container.           delegation of medication
                              child is at camp.                                          administration     are     in
Parents need to meet                                        Only the Day Camp            compliance with Section
with the camp director in     In the event that a           Directors or Personal Care   12-38-132, C.R.S., of
advance to set up a Heath     medication does need to       attendants are authorized    the “Nurse Practice Act.”
Care Plan specific to         be administered during        to administer medication,

Discipline                                      Policies to ensure all children have an enjoyable summer
To maintain a positive environment and          experience. Please take time to share this information with your
ensure that all campers are demonstrating       child. Depending on the severity of the incident, inappropriate
behaviors that are safe, respectful, and        actions may result in the removal of the child from the day’s
responsible while attending camp, the           activities or the remainder of the program without a refund of
Longmont Summer Day Camp utilizes               tuition.
Restorative Justice Practices – the same           1.    Children are to show respect to staff and other children
tools utilized in Longmont area schools.        through actions or words. If disrespect happens, the child will be
                                                informed immediately that this behavior is not acceptable and
Restorative Justice Practices are an            will not be tolerated.
approach to help campers examine their             2.    Abusive language, mishandling of equipment, defacing of
actions to gain a better understanding          property, and theft are not acceptable behaviors.
of how they may have impacted those                3.    Children will not be allowed to be physically or verbally
around them, understand the harm they           abusive to other children.
have caused, understand what actions               4.    Over the counter, illegal drugs or unauthorized
they could have done differently, and           prescription drugs, tobacco, and or alcohol are not permitted at
create a positive solution to correct the       Day Camp. If it is discovered that a child is in possession of any
situation. During this process our campers      of the previously mentioned items, it will result in an immediate
will be able to resolve conflicts by working    removal of the child from camp.
collaboratively with those involved, take          5.    Any weapon (toy guns or knives, pocket knives,
responsibility for their own actions, prevent   firearms, lighters, etc.) of any nature found in the possession
further harm, and restore relationships.        of a child will be permanently confiscated and the child will be
                                                immediately removed from camp.
                                                   6.    Appropriate dress is required. Clothing or materials
                                                affiliated with a gang will not be permitted at camp. Campers
                                                will be asked to leave camp and return with appropriate dress.
                                                Continual violations may result in the removal of the child from
                                                camp. Tennis shoes, or other sturdy shoes, which encase the
                                                entire foot, are required at all times, except while at Sunset Pool
                                                or other water facilities.
                                                   7.    Children will be required to follow camp rules as well as
                                                rules posted at individual sites we visit.
                                                   8.    Each child will help clean up after every activity.
                                                   9.    Each child will follow all instructions given by staff.

Page 6
Camper Problem Solving Steps                                 Handling of Camper’s Belongings and Money
1. Verbal warning                                            Ultimately, the campers are responsible for any
2. Verbal warning and 5 minutes of time-out or loss          personal belongings they may bring to camp. We
of time with privileges (swimming, game time, etc.)          do require extensive labeling of all their belongings
3. Verbal warning – out for the rest of the activity         (swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, lunch box, water bottles,
and a conference with Director.                              etc.), as a preventive measure for tracking personal
4. Child-to-parent phone call                                belongings. We ask that they keep everything in a
5. Loss of privileges (swimming, field trips, etc.)          labeled backpack.      Campers are NOT to bring
6. Parent, child meeting with Supervisor / Director          IPods, cell phones, hand held game systems,
7. Child is permanently removed from camp with no            game trading cards, etc. The City of Longmont and
refund                                                       the Day Camp staff will not be responsible if these
                                                             items are lost, taken by another camper or broken.
Request for Camper Removal and Appeals                       When the campers are away from their designated
The removal of a camper from the program is a last           home base, their belongings are all kept together at
resort after following the appropriate disciplinary          one location and at the designated check-in spot. We
route for the situation at hand.                             keep a “Lost and Found” box at the camp base, where
Before a camper is removed, the Recreation Supervisor        we put all recovered items. If you wish to send money
will discuss the current situation with the Recreation       with your child, the child is solely responsible for it.
Manager. With the Recreation Manager’s approval,
the Recreation Supervisor will then inform the parent/       Sunscreen
guardian by phone that their child is dismissed from         Please apply sunscreen to your child daily before drop
our program. Additionally, the Recreation Supervisor         off and send sunscreen with your child for later re-
will follow-up the call with a letter stating what actions   application. Day camp staff regularly announce to the
have been taken and why. A copy will be sent to the          campers to apply sunscreen. Sunscreen application is
Recreation Manager.                                          done with a peer buddy system. The day camp staff
                                                             do not routinely applying sunscreen to the children. If
Cancellation Policy/Withdrawing From Camp                    your child needs additional help applying sunscreen
Cancellations more than 10 days in advance of enrolled       while at camp, leaders will - in a public place- assist in
dates are subject to a $1 cancellation fee per day per       ensuring they are getting appropriate coverage. Back
child, $5 if 9-3 days in advance. No refunds are given       up sunscreen is available - please provide your own.
for cancellations with less than 3 days notice with the
exception of using “get out of camp free” dates: for         Due to spray sunscreens providing inconsistent sun
every 10 days registered, camers have 1 “get out             protection when administered in a day camp setting,
of camp free” pass for a full day refund with notice         lotion sunscreens are recommended. For campers
given proactively. Transfers from one date to another        who are young or of fair-complexion, we recommend
are not available: each day is considered individually.      supplementing sunscreen with a SPF swim shirt when
Cancellations can be done online, one day at at time.        swimming and wearing a hat while outdoors.

                                                             Camper Meals and Snacks
                                                             If campers are staying all day at camp, parents
                                                             must send a morning snack, a nutritional lunch,
                                                             beverage and an afternoon snack. All containers
                                                             need to be clearly marked with the camper’s name.
                                                             Please do NOT send perishable food items, such
                                                             as mayonnaise products, or items that need to be
                                                             warmed, such as soup, as we will not be able to
                                                             accommodate needs in this area.

Page 7
Director Protocol to Address Day                         Step 5- If a camper violates policies that does not
Camp Concerns                                            comply with the summer Day Camp safety standards or
When negative camp behaviors or situations that          expectations, families will be notified to for immediate
arise during day camp the Directors set up a process     pick-up. In this event, the camper may be either asked to
to properly investigate and mediate concerns.            be removed for the day with the possibility of a suspension/
This investigation is held by the Directing team         expulsion from day camp.
and allows the situation to be explained or viewed
through different lenses and perspectives. This          When and How Parents Are Notified of
process also allows the directing team to collect        Incidents, Accidents, Situations at Camp
the necessary information to properly address the        Once a Director or Program Supervisor has had the
situation and effectively communicate the correct        opportunity to investigate any situation, families will
information to all partiesinvolved.                      be notified either by telephone, in-person (during pick-
                                                         up), email supplemented with on-site notifications, or
Step 1- The Directing team will listen to the camper     through communication slips that will be located next to
or family concerns and determine subsequent              the camper’s sign-in/sign-out sheet. Below are examples
steps to better support the camper or family in          that Day Camp identify as responsible ways to properly
this matter. Never will a concern brought to our         communicate situations that occur at camp, with the
attention by disregarded.                                families directly involved.

Step 2- After listening to the concerns addressed,       Telephone Call
the directing team will investigate by talking           • Missing lunch		      • Forgotten swimsuit/towel
with any leaders or camper(s) that may have              • Physical altercation • Suspensions 		        • Illness
information or was involved in this matter or            • Camper has lice (parents of camper with active lice)
reviewing video footage to capture the incident
                                                         In-Person During Pick-Up
                                                         • Repeated negative behaviors
Step 3- After investigating, the Directing team will
                                                         • Repeated inappropriate language
determine if the situation was in compliance
                                                         • Curious campers       • Minor altercations
with Longmont Summer Day Camp policies and
                                                         • Follow-ups		          • Destruction of property
practices or if it was a violation. Once identified,
                                                         • Report of Restorative Conversations that took place
consequences are issued based on the Day Camp
                                                         • Lice at camp
policy handbook. As each situation is unique in its
element, each situation will be handled on a case
                                                         Communication Slip
by case basis and the directing team reserves the
                                                         • Skinned knees         • Minor camper altercations
right to issue the appropriate consequences that
                                                         • Lost personal items • Needs more sunscreen
align with day camp policies.
                                                         • Inappropriate language
                                                         • Cell phone use while at camp
Step 4- All families who have campers involved
                                                         • Camper discrepancies
(participant or bystander), will be notified of
                                                         • Sharing food/personal belongings
the situation that took place at camp. This
communication may come in different forms.               Email supplemented with on-site notification
                                                         • Weekly schedules
If the Directing team views this as a major              • Camp notification of lice
situation, a phone call to the families involved         • Individual emails regarding financial matters, i.e.
will be notified directly. If the Directing team feels   reminders for updating credit card expiration dates, etc.
it was a minor situation, in person notification
will be used during camper pick-up or through a
communication slip that is placed on the campers
/out sheet.
Drinking Water                                             Campers swimming at Sunset Pool will walk the
Drinking water will be freely available to all campers     mile to and from the Pool each Tuesday and Friday.
and staff, but please send a labeled, refillable water     Leaders will be at the front and end of the line with
bottle each day. If you wish to send money with your       additional leaders scattered throughout the line
child, the child is solely responsible for it.             providing additional supervision and traffic control at
                                                           intersections. Campers may not be picked up during
Dress Code                                                 the walk to or from Sunset Pool.
Dress children appropriately according to weather,
planned activities and in comfortable clothing. Campers    Day Camp Leaders will be positioned throughout
MUST wear their camp shirt on field trips. Rental          the Pool facility to provide camper supervision. They
shirts are available for a $5 charge. Tennis shoes, or     are readily identifiable via their distinctive “Day
other sturdy shoes, which encase the entire foot, are      Camp Staff” hats and visors. At Sunset Pool, one
required at all times except while at the swimming pool.   leader will be stationed under the tree in the grass
Clothing or materials with inappropriate language or       with non-swimming campers. One leader is stationed
pictures or affiliated with a gang will not be permitted   near the bath-house. The SCOPE Leaders are
at camp. Proper swimsuit with extra sun protection         stationed with their charges near the shallow end of
clothing is also recommended for swim days.                the pool. All other leaders are either circling the pool
                                                           keeping an eye on camper behaviors or are in the
Tue/Fri Swimming Pool Policy                               water interacting with campers.
Parents have the choice to have their camper swim
at either Sunset Pool or Roosevelt Activity Pool on        Learning to swim is an important safety skill. Longmont
regular swim days. Roosevelt Activity Pool is located      Recreation Services offers weekday morning/
on the same block as the St Vrain Memorial Building        afternoon/evening and weekend classes year-round
and is a pool geared for youth ages 8 and under            for individuals ages 6 month through seniors. All
with a maximum depth of 2’8”. Swim lessons will            campers are strongly encouraged to take swimming
be available to youth who swim at Roosevelt Activity       lessons and successfully master Level Four swimming
Pool on Tuesday afternoons at no additional charge. A      skills. For more information on Learn-to-Swim classes,
daily minimum of 10 campers is needed for Roosevelt        please contact Centennial Pool at 303-651-8406 or
Pool.                                                      visit www.LongmontColorado.gov/rec online.

All campers are tested for swimming ability. Please        Visitors / Volunteer Policy
                                notify us if you           Visitors are always welcome at Day Camp. We require
                                do not want your           that all visitors check in with the Camp Director and
                                child swimming in          sign-in and sign-out on our visitor sheet when they
                                water deeper than          arrive and before leaving. Parents may visit the camp
                                shoulder height            any time. Persons unknown to staff will be required
                                at Sunset Pool             to show identification. All volunteers must complete
                                despite his/her            a City of Longmont Volunteer Application and
                                swimming ability.          undergo a background check. If you are interested in
                                These campers              volunteering, please contact the Day Camp Director.
                                will be assigned to
                                the shallow end of         Filing a Complaint
                                Sunset Pool with           We want to hear from you if you have questions or
                                a leader for all           concerns about your child’s care. We will make every
                                swim days for the          effort to resolve any issues or concerns. If you suspect
                                summer.                    licensing violations at this or any other licensed child
                                                           care center, you have the right to report your concerns
                                                           to the Colorado Office of Child Care Services at 1575
                                                           Sherman Street, Denver, CO or call (303) 866-5958.
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, you should seek         Summer Day Camp Manual
assistance from the Boulder County Department of                  Table of Contents
Human Services at 303-678-6000.
                                                                                                         Page 1
                                                             Important Phone Numbers
Reporting of Child Abuse
                                                                Day Camp Phone Numbers
As a child care facility, each staff member is required to      Supervisor Phone Numbers
read and sign a statement clearly defining child abuse          Facility Phone Numbers
and neglect pursuant to state law and outlining the staff    Website Information		          Tax Information
member’s personal responsibility to report all incidents     Recreation Services Key Staff
                                                             Important Dates
of child abuse or neglect according to state law.
                                                                                                         Page 2
Staff members are required to report any suspicions          Philosophy
                                                             Eligibility for Participation
and/or camper reports of abuse/neglect. The Longmont
                                                             Children with Special Needs
Summer Day Camp hands over the actual investigation          Hours of Operation		           Fees & Options
to the Longmont Police Department, with whom they            Payment Options
have a close partnership. Any situation of abuse/            Special Needs Teen & Young Adult Camp
neglect substantiated by their investigation will then be                                                Page 3
                                                             Small Group Field Trips
forwarded by them to Boulder County Social Services.
                                                             Arrival/Dismissal of Campers
                                                             Drop-off & Pick-up Times
Should you suspect child abuse at our or any other
                                                             Check-in & Check-out procedures
facility, a report of suspected child abuse must be made     Late pick-up
to the county department of social services in the county    					                                       Page 4
in which the child resides or the local law enforcement      Campers who become ill/accidents/emergency
agency in the county in which the incident is believed to    Identifying Where Children Are at All Times
                                                             Inclement Weather
have occurred.
                                                             					                                       Page 5
  Boulder County Social Services                             Natural Disasters        Camper Transportation
		       phone number: 303-678-6000.                         Vehicle Safety		         Camper Helmet Use
  Longmont Police Department                                 Policy for TV and Video viewing
                                                                                                         Page 6
                                                             Storing & Administering Camper’s Medication
                                                             Behavioral Policies for Campers
                                                                                                         Page 7
                                                             Camper Problem Solving Steps
                                                             Requests for Camper Removal and Appeals
                                                             Cancellation Policy/Withdrawing from Camp
                                                             Handling Camper Belongings & Money
                                                             Sunscreen       Camper Meals and Snacks

                                                                                                       Page 8
                                                             Protocol for Addressing Camp Concerns
                                                             When & How Parents are Notified

                                                                                                        Page 9
                                                             Camper Dress Code
                                                             Pool Swimming Policy
                                                             Visitors/Volunteer Policy
                                                             Filing a Complaint

                                                             					                                     Page 10
                                                             Reporting of Child Abuse

Page 10
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