Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP

Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP
Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP

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                     Schlagwortliste "Arbeitsrecht"

                              76 Ergebnisse

                     Erstellungsdatum : 05-06-2022
Improving the working conditions of platform workers
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       KISS Monika
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | auf Online-Plattformen tätiger Arbeitnehmer | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU |
                       digitaler Wandel | Personal | Selbstständige | soziale Sicherheit | Vorschlag (EU)
      Zusammenfassung Platform work is an umbrella concept covering a heterogeneous group of economic activities completed through a
                       digital platform. As platform workers' rights are not enshrined in EU labour law, this increasingly leads to problems
                       related to various aspects of their work (working conditions, healthcare, unemployment, pensions) and human
                       development (education, training, recognition of skills). To remedy this situation, the European Commission has
                       submitted a proposal for a directive aimed at improving the working conditions of platform workers, clarifying their
                       employment status and supporting the sustainable growth of digital labour platforms in the EU. First edition. The 'EU
                       Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
              Briefing EN

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar: Turning the spotlight on workers’ rights
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       IMMENKAMP Beatrix
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Internationale Arbeitsorganisation | Katar | Menschenrechte | Mindestlohn |
                       Sklaverei | Sponsoring | Sportveranstaltung | Sportverband | Wanderarbeitnehmer
      Zusammenfassung Enormous natural gas resources have turned Qatar into one of the world's richest countries. The 11 610 km2 nation
                       currently has the fourth highest GDP per capita in the world. The absolute monarchy's estimated 340 000-350 000
                       citizens benefit from free education, free healthcare, virtually guaranteed – and well paid – employment, and pay
                       almost no taxes. However, the great majority of the emirate’s nearly 3 million inhabitants live in very different
                       conditions. Qatar has the highest ratio of migrants in the world: 85 % of its population are migrants and 94 % of its
                       workforce comes from abroad, mostly from south Asia and Africa. In contrast to the small percentage of expatriates
                       from the West and other Gulf States, Asian and African migrants live and work in harsh conditions. Around 1 million
                       are employed in construction, and 100 000 are domestic workers. In December 2010, FIFA, world football's governing
                       body, granted Qatar the right to host the 2022 World Cup, which is scheduled to take place from 21 November to 18
                       December. Expanding on an existing development programme enshrined in the Qatar National Vision 2030, the
                       country embarked on an extensive building programme to prepare for the World Cup, involving an estimated 1 million
                       migrant workers. However, these preparations placed the spotlight on Qatar’s poor treatment of migrant workers. In
                       response to international pressure, Qatar has introduced important legal changes to improve the situation of these
                       workers, which the EU has welcomed. However, according to human rights organisations, the country needs to take
                       further steps to stop abuses. Of particular concern is the kafala sponsorship system, which is widely used throughout
                       the six Gulf Cooperation Council States and gives disproportionate power to employers, leading to widespread abuse
                       of migrant workers’ rights. Even though Qatar has started to dismantle the kafala system, important elements remain in
                       place. Moreover, ensuring compliance with more favourable labour laws remains a challenge. Since 2008, the
                       European Parliament has adopted four resolutions addressing the situation of migrant workers in Qatar; it has called
                       on Qatar to end the 'deplorable situation' of migrant workers and prevent preparations for the 2022 World Cup from
                       being 'overshadowed by allegations of forced labour'.
              Briefing EN

05-06-2022                                     Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                         1
Improving the working conditions of platform workers: Pre-legislative synthesis of national, regional and
local positions on the European Commission's initiative
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       KISS Monika | RITTELMEYER Yann-Sven
                       Beschäftigung | Sozialpolitik | Verkehr
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | auf Online-Plattformen tätiger Arbeitnehmer | Beschäftigungspolitik
                       der EU | Personal | Selbstständige | soziale Sicherheit
      Zusammenfassung This Briefing forms part of an EPRS series which offers a synthesis of the pre-legislative state-of-play and advance
                       consultation on a range of key European Commission priorities during the latter’s five-year term in office. It seeks to
                       summarise the state of affairs in the relevant policy field, examine how existing policy is working on the ground, and
                       identify best practice and ideas for the future on the part of governmental organisations at all levels of European
                       system of multilevel governance. An EPRS analysis of the positions of partner governmental organisations at EU,
                       national, regional and local levels suggests that they would like the following main considerations to be reflected in the
                       discussion on the working conditions of platform workers: The employment status of platform workers has to be
                       clarified. The binary system (employed or self-employed) is challenged by the specific characteristics of platform work
                       and bogus self-employment. To give some examples, Ireland classifies workers on the basis of a series of tests, while
                       Portugal enacts a legal presumption that transport sector platform workers are employees. Platform workers have the
                       right to be correctly informed. This can be facilitated by transparency, designated advisory services, information
                       campaigns and communication channels among workers. Platforms must protect privacy, share information and data
                       with relevant (local) authorities, while artificial intelligence-based algorithms should be controlled by a human
                       approach. Local and regional authorities are witnessing the negative social consequences of the limited rights of
                       platform workers. Social measures should cover the specific needs of these workers in relation to sickness, accident,
                       unemployment, protection at work and pension benefits. More investment should be made in skills development and
                       relevant training for platform workers. Transferability and certification of competences would, for example, support
                       career development. The asymmetry between national legislation and issues faced locally and regionally can be
                       mitigated by complementary EU action and strong cooperation between the levels of governance. The role of cities in
                       particular should be acknowledged. Negotiation frameworks and charters, for example, can help all levels share good
                       practices and learn about the impact of the measures taken.
              Briefing EN

Legal migration policy and law
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       FERNANDES MEENAKSHI | NAVARRA Cecilia
                       Europäischer Mehrwert | Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts
                       Anerkennung der Zeugnisse | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | ausländischer Staatsangehöriger | Beschäftigungspolitik der
                       EU | EU-Migrationspolitik | Gleichbehandlung | illegale Zuwanderung | Integration der Zuwanderer |
                       Wanderarbeitnehmer | Wanderung aus beruflichen Gründen
      Zusammenfassung This European added value assessment (EAVA) has been written with the aim of providing support to the ongoing
                       work on a European Parliament legislative-initiative report on legal migration policy and law (2020/2255(INI)). The
                       assessment reviews the key issues concerning legal migration in the status quo (with a focus on labour migration) and
                       discusses the reasons why the EU should take action. It then explores a selection of possible EU actions, that include
                       recognising migrants' qualifications, facilitating access to employment of migrants already in the EU, developing new
                       avenues for legal migration to the EU, tackling discrimination and promoting migrants' rights. The assessment finds
                       that all policy options could generate substantial benefits for workers and spillover benefits for the EU economy.
                       Moreover, as these policy options are complementary, they could be implemented together in order to enhance the
                       added value of EU action.
                Studie EN
              Multimedia Empowering migrants into the EU labour market

05-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                             2
Revision of the EU Blue Card Directive
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       LECERF Marie
                       Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts
                       Arbeitserlaubnis | Arbeitsrecht | ausländischer Staatsangehöriger | Binnengrenze der EU | Brain Drain | Drittland | EU-
                       Migrationspolitik | Facharbeiter | internationale Beziehungen | Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte | parlamentarische
                       Abstimmung | Wanderarbeitnehmer | Wanderung aus beruflichen Gründen | Wirkungsstudie
      Zusammenfassung Attracting highly qualified immigrants to Europe has been one of the EU's key priorities for several years. However, up
                       until now the EU has not been as successful as other OECD countries. This demand for workers is expected to
                       increase due to the increasing shortage of certain skills and the aging of the EU's population. The proposed directive,
                       which would replace the 2009 Blue Card Directive, increases the attractiveness of the EU highly skilled migration
                       scheme by expanding its scope, lowering criteria for admission or expanding the rights of beneficiaries. On 15 June
                       2017, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) adopted its report, and voted to open
                       interinstitutional negotiations. After the Council agreed its mandate, trilogue meetings started in September 2017, but
                       little progress was made before the end of the 2014-2019 parliamentary term. In October 2019, Parliament decided to
                       resume work on the file in the context of ‘unfinished business’ to be carried over to the new legislature. The European
                       Commission’s ‘New Pact on Migration and Asylum’, presented on 23 September 2020, stressed the need to finalise
                       the negotiations. On 17 May 2021, the Parliament and the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council finally reached an
                       interim agreement on the revision of the directive. On 21 May, Member States’ ambassadors, in the Committee of
                       Permanent Representatives, endorsed the agreement. And on 3 June, the LIBE committee also endorsed the
                       agreement reached with the Council. Parliament is expected to vote on adopting the agreed text during the September
                       2021 plenary session. Third edition of a briefing originally drafted by Martina Prpic. The 'EU Legislation in Progress'
                       briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
              Briefing EN

Research for TRAN - Committee: Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Part II:
Transport workers
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 03-06-2021
                         DEBYSER Ariane | LECARTE Jacques | PERNICE Davide
            Externe AutorORIGINAL STUDY PANTEIA: Maria RODRIGUES, Tharsis TEOH, Carolina RAMOS, Ljubica KNEZEVIC Università
                         degli Studi Roma Tre: Edoardo MARCUCCI, Giacomo LOZZI, Valerio GATTA POLIS: Giacomo LOZZI, Ivo CRÉ
          Politikbereich Coronavirus | Tourismus | Verkehr
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Beförderungspersonal | Binnengrenze der EU | Coronavirus-Erkrankung |
                         Epidemie | Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer | gemeinsame Transportpolitik | Grenzkontrolle | Lebensbedingungen
      Zusammenfassung This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an
                         overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU transport workers and their working conditions, as
                         well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.
         Auf einen Blick EN

Adequate minimum wages
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       TUOMINEN ULLA-MARI
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | Lebensbedingungen | Lebensstandard |
                       Lohnfestsetzung | Mindestlohn | Tarifverhandlung | Tarifvertrag | Wirkungsstudie
      Zusammenfassung This briefing finds that the European Commission's impact assessment (IA), which accompanies the directive proposal
                       on adequate minimum wages, is based on sound data and presents a sufficiently broad range of policy options. It
                       would have been useful if the measures concerning collective bargaining and adequacy of minimum wages had been
                       explained more thoroughly in relation to the chosen legal basis. The problem description would have benefited of using
                       more information from the extensive annexes. It would have clarified the text if the IA had provided the comparative
                       analysis and selection of the preferred option separately for both minimum wage setting systems (collective
                       agreements and legal provisions).
              Briefing EN

The Proposed Minimum Wage Directive
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 24-11-2020
                         KONLE-SEIDL REGINA ANNA
                         Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | Lebensbedingungen | Lohnfestsetzung |
                         Mindestlohn | Tarifverhandlung | Tarifvertrag | Vorschlag (EU) | wirtschaftliche Integration
      Zusammenfassung Following a two-stage consultation of social partners launched in February 2020, on 28 October, the European
                         Commission published its proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union.
         Auf einen Blick EN

05-06-2022                                     Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                       3
Europäisches Netzwerk der öffentlichen Arbeitsverwaltungen
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 05-11-2020
                         KISS Monika
                         Arbeitslosigkeit | Arbeitsrecht | Arbeitsvermittlungsstelle | Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit | Beschäftigungsbeihilfe |
                         Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | EU-Wachstumsstrategie | EURES | Zugang zur Beschäftigung | öffentliche Dienststelle
      Zusammenfassung Die öffentlichen Arbeitsverwaltungen sind die wichtigsten Einrichtungen, die beschäftigungspolitische Maßnahmen zur
                         Erleichterung der Integration von Arbeitsuchenden in den Arbeitsmarkt durchführen. Die Kommission hat
                         vorgeschlagen, das europäische Netzwerk dieser Verwaltungen zu erweitern und zu verbessern, indem es unter
                         anderem mit anderen Akteuren auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zusammenarbeitet und sich an die Herausforderungen der
                         Digitalisierung, an die technischen Entwicklungen in der Arbeitswelt und an den demografischen Wandel anpasst. Es
                         wird erwartet, dass das Europäische Parlament auf der ersten Plenartagung im November in erster Lesung über den in
                         Trilogverhandlungen mit dem Rat ausgehandelten Text abstimmt.
         Auf einen Blick ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

The scope of EU labour law: Who is (not) covered by key directives?
  Art der Veröffentlichung   Eingehende Analyse
           Kalenderdatum     26-10-2020
            Politikbereich   Beschäftigung | Binnenmarkt und Zollunion | Sozialpolitik | Vertrags-, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht
           Schlagwortliste   Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | EU-Recht
       Zusammenfassung       This in-depth analysis examines the current EU labour law instruments for workers’ protection and highlights existing
                             gaps in coverage which may require further action. It analyses a selection of directives in order to determine how non-
                             standard workers are often excluded from their scope of application, and the extent to which newer instruments
                             account for a broader variety of employment relationships.
                             This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies for the
                             committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).
     Eingehende Analyse EN

A new directive on work-life balance
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       MILOTAY Nora
                       Annahme von Rechtsvorschriften durch das EP und den Rat | Beschäftigung | Sozialpolitik
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | Eingliederung in den Arbeitsprozess |
                       Erziehungsurlaub | Gleichbehandlung | Gleichheit von Mann und Frau | gleitende Arbeitszeit | sexuelle Diskriminierung
                       | Urlaub aus sozialen Gründen | Vorschlag (EU)
      Zusammenfassung Despite significant progress for some social groups in the area of work-life balance, there has been a general trend of
                       decline since 2011, and progress amongst Member States has been uneven. This proposed directive (complemented
                       with non-legislative measures) should lead to the repeal of the existing Framework Agreement on Parental Leave,
                       made binding by Council Directive 2010/18/EU (the Parental Leave Directive). The new directive contains proposals
                       for paternity, parental and carers' leave. Stakeholders have been divided over the level of ambition of the proposed
                       measures. Trilogue negotiations started in September 2018, and a provisional agreement among the three institutions
                       was reached after the sixth trilogue meeting, in January 2019. The provisional agreement is less ambitious than the
                       original Commission proposal and the Parliament’s position, which had, in some ways, gone further than the
                       Commission. The text was approved by the Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee in February voted
                       in plenary in April and adopted by the Council in June 2019. Member States have to transpose most of its provisions
                       into national law by August 2022. Fourth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages
                       throughout the legislative procedure.
              Briefing EN
              Multimedia A new directive on work-life balance

EU and ILO: Shaping the Future of Work
  Art der Veröffentlichung
           Kalenderdatum 12-06-2019
            Externe AutorF. Pastore, S. Gausas, I. Styczynska et al.
                         Beschäftigung | Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Globale Ordnungspolitik
                         | Sozialpolitik
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | EU-Strategie | europäische Sozialpolitik | Internationales Arbeitsamt
      Zusammenfassung This Report reviews the main results of some 60 years of collaboration between the European Union (EU) and the
                         International Labour Office (ILO) and coincides with the 100th anniversary of the ILO. Started in 1958, EU-ILO
                         collaboration has intensified over recent years, covering an ever-greater range of issues to address the future of work
                         and the challenges it poses to the sustainability of decent work and social protection.
                         This document was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
                Studie EN

05-06-2022                                         Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                             4
'Everything but Arms': The case of Cambodia
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 15-04-2019
                         RUSSELL Martin
                         Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Binnenmarkt und Zollunion | Internationaler Handel | Menschenrechte
                         allgemeine Präferenzen | Arbeitsrecht | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Internationale Arbeitsorganisation
                         | internationale Rolle der Union | Kambodscha | Menschenrechte | politische Opposition | Repression
      Zusammenfassung Cambodia is one of nearly 50 developing countries that enjoy duty-free access to EU markets under the Everything but
                         Arms scheme. In response to the country's deteriorating human rights situation, the EU is now considering whether to
                         withdraw trade preferences.
         Auf einen Blick EN

India: taking stock of Modi's five years
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       D'AMBROGIO Enrico
                       Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
                       Arbeit von Jugendlichen | Arbeitsrecht | Außenpolitik | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Hinduismus |
                       Indien | Korruption | Menschenrechte | nationale Wahl | Rechtsstaat | Redefreiheit | Wirtschaftsreform
      Zusammenfassung From 11 April to 18 May 2019, 900 million Indians are invited to take part in the world's biggest democratic event: the
                       election of the 543 members of the Lok Sabha (lower chamber). Voting will be held across the country in seven phases
                       and the result will be declared on 23 May. In 2014 the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) obtained the
                       absolute majority in India's Lok Sabha, and Narendra Modi became prime minister. Enjoying a strong and undisputed
                       mandate, Modi has generated expectations of unleashing the country's economic potential and has adopted many
                       flagship initiatives in a bid to change the country. In the last five years, India has overtaken China as the fastest
                       growing economy, becoming the world's sixth biggest economy and a space power. Doing business in the country has
                       become easier. Poverty has been reduced. The government succeeded in introducing major fiscal unification reform
                       and a new law on bankruptcy. It failed, however to create the necessary stock of jobs for young people or to promote
                       long-awaited labour reforms. The situation for farmers has worsened, and an overnight demonetisation hindered
                       progress among small businesses and rural communities, while failing to bring real advances in the fight against
                       corruption. State banks hold large stocks of bad loans and the government has increased pressure on the central bank
                       and on its independence. Hindu nationalism and religious intolerance, pressure on freedom of expression, possible
                       state intrusion into privacy, citizenship issues and other topics have been matters for concern in the area of human
                       rights, although the country remains a robust democracy governed by the rule of law. Modi has increased the country's
                       presence in the global arena, although the framework of India's relations with the major powers has not changed.
                       Following two summits in 2016 and 2017, the EU and India have embarked on a road towards cooperation on non-
                       trade issues. Trade has meanwhile stagnated and little progress has been made in negotiations on a trade and
                       investment agreement.
              Briefing EN

Gender equality and trade
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 31-01-2019
                         ZAMFIR Ionel
                         Gleichstellungsfragen, Gleichheit und Vielfalt | Internationaler Handel
                         allgemeine Präferenzen | Arbeitsrecht | dauerhafte Entwicklung | Frauenarbeit | Gleichheit des Arbeitsentgelts |
                         Gleichheit von Mann und Frau | Handelsabkommen (EU) | Lage der Frauen | Liberalisierung des Handels |
                         Menschenrechte | Rechte der Frau | sexuelle Diskriminierung
      Zusammenfassung Trade liberalisation has a gender-differentiated impact inside and outside Europe. The EU, which is committed to
                         promoting gender equality in all policies, has established specific mechanisms in its trade policy to enforce women's
                         labour and human rights, and monitor the gender impact of its trade preferences. The European Parliament supports
                         this policy and asked for it to be reinforced. This is an update of an ‘at a glance’ note from March 2018.
         Auf einen Blick EN

05-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                          5
Posting of Workers Directive
  Art der Veröffentlichung
           Kalenderdatum 25-07-2018
                         KISS Monika
                         Annahme von Rechtsvorschriften durch das EP und den Rat | Beschäftigung | Binnenmarkt und Zollunion |
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsentgelt | Arbeitsrecht | Ausarbeitung des EU-Rechts | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU |
                         Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte | Richtlinie EG | Sozialdumping | Zeitarbeit
      Zusammenfassung Posting of workers plays an important role in the internal market, particularly in the cross-border provision of services.
                         While the number of posted workers continues to increase significantly, problems such as unfair practices and unequal
                         remuneration persist. In addition, the correct balance between the freedom to provide cross-border services and the
                         social rights of workers is needed, and moreover, needs to be adapted to today's labour market situation. The targeted
                         revision of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) proposed by the Commission intended to bring changes in
                         three main areas: the remuneration of posted workers (making it equal to that of local workers, even when
                         subcontracting), more coherent rules on temporary agency workers, as well as long-term posting. The agreement
                         reached in trilogue negotiations states that long-term posting (with labour law provisions of the host country to be
                         applied) starts after 12 months (with a possible extension of six months). The overall amount of remuneration received
                         by a posted worker must meet the level of remuneration in the host Member State (without the reimbursement of the
                         worker's expenses) which must be published on a single national website. Host Member States can accord to posted
                         workers the coverage of representative collective agreements in all sectors, and they must protect them against
                         fraudulent posting. The Parliament approved the text on 29 May 2018, the act was adopted by the Council on 21 June
                         2018 and the final act was signed on 28 June 2018. Member States have until 30 July 2020 to transpose the measures
                         of the directive and apply them in their national law. Sixth edition. The ‘EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings are
                         updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

Human rights in Thailand
  Art der Veröffentlichung Auf einen Blick
          Kalenderdatum  04-07-2018
               Verfasser RUSSELL Martin
          SchlagwortlisteArbeitsrecht | Gleichheit von Mann und Frau | Handelsabkommen (EU) | Menschenrechte | Menschenrechtsbewegung
                         | politischer Gefangener | Recht des Einzelnen | Redefreiheit | Strafrecht | Thailand | Unabhängigkeit der Justiz |
      Zusammenfassung Thailand is one of several south-east Asian countries where the human rights situation has recently deteriorated.
                         Following a military coup in May 2014, the junta clamped down on political dissent. In 2017 a new constitution restored
                         some of the rights taken away in 2014, but the timing of elections remains uncertain and the military is likely to
                         maintain political influence even after handing over power to a civilian government. Other long-standing concerns
                         include abuses of migrant workers' labour rights and restrictions on freedom of expression.
         Auf einen Blick EN

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - March 2018
  Art der Veröffentlichung Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 12-03-2018
            Politikbereich Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Beschäftigung | Demokratie in der EU, institutionelle und parlamentarische Rechte |
                           Finanz- und Bankenangelegenheiten | Haushalt | Haushaltskontrolle | Internationaler Handel | Kultur | Menschenrechte
                           | Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts | Öffentliche Gesundheit
           Schlagwortliste Arbeitsrecht | Auslandsinvestition | Datenschutz | Digitalisierung | freier Personenverkehr | Haushaltsplan der EU |
                           Jugendschutz | junger Mensch | persönliche Daten | Schengener Abkommen
       Zusammenfassung The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments,
                           including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
           Auf einen Blick EN

De jure versus de facto labour rights in China
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 20-06-2017
                         GRIEGER Gisela
                         Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Beschäftigung
                         Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik | China | Freiheit des
                         gewerkschaftlichen Zusammenschlusses | internationaler Wettbewerb | internationales Arbeitsrecht | internationales
                         Recht/innerstaatliches Recht | Tarifverhandlung | Wirtschaftsreform | Zugang zur Rechtspflege
      Zusammenfassung For China, striking the right balance between using its abundant, cheap workforce as a competitive advantage and
                         protecting labour rights has been a major challenge. Although China has developed a considerable body of law
                         governing labour relations, there is still a huge gap between the labour rights on the statute books and those enjoyed
                         by workers in practice. Over-riding economic interests to attract foreign investors and to boost economic growth have
                         seriously undermined effective labour rights enforcement. China's vanishing demographic dividend may require a new
         Auf einen Blick EN

05-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                           6
Labour rights in Export Processing Zones with a focus on GSP+ beneficiary countries
  Art der Veröffentlichung
           Kalenderdatum 15-06-2017
            Externe AutorBenjamin RICHARDSON, James HARRISON and Liam CAMPLING
                         Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Internationaler Handel |
                         Menschenrechte | Umsetzung und Durchführung von Rechtsvorschriften
         Schlagwortliste allgemeine Präferenzen | Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | Bekleidungsindustrie | die Mongolei | die Philippinen |
                         Fischereiwesen | Freiheit des gewerkschaftlichen Zusammenschlusses | gemeinsame Handelspolitik | Gender
                         Mainstreaming | industrielle Freizone | internationale Rolle der Union | internationales Arbeitsrecht | Pakistan | soziale
                         Verantwortung von Unternehmen | Sozialklausel | Sri Lanka | Tarifverhandlung
      Zusammenfassung The European Union’s GSP+ scheme provides trade concessions to beneficiary countries and obliges them to ratify
                         and effectively implement key international conventions on human rights and labour rights. The sectoral gains of GSP+
                         have thus far been concentrated on exports of apparel, textiles and processed fish. Such sectors are often located in
                         Export Processing Zones (EPZs) where the governance of labour rights may differ from the rest of the country and fall
                         below international legal standards. This study examines the apparel sectors of Pakistan, Mongolia and Sri Lanka and
                         the processed fish sector of the Philippines. The importance of EPZs to exports under the GSP+ varies by country and
                         sector. Only in Pakistan are EPZs legally exempt from rights relating to freedom of association and collective
                         bargaining. But restrictions on these and other rights in practice remain widespread, and are not confined to EPZs.
                         Efforts to promote labour rights through the GSP+ should focus on key export sectors benefitting from the scheme and
                         consider EPZs
                         alongside other sites of the supply chain where exploited workers are based.
                Studie EN

Understanding social dumping in the European Union
  Art der Veröffentlichung Briefing
           Kalenderdatum 21-03-2017
                 Verfasser KISS Monika
          Politikbereich Beschäftigung | Binnenmarkt und Zollunion | Sozialpolitik
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitsrecht | Besitzstand der Gemeinschaft | freier Dienstleistungsverkehr | Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer |
                          Mitgliedstaat der EU | Sozialdumping
      Zusammenfassung Although a recurring term in discussions related to working mobility, wages and the social security of workers, social
                          dumping has neither a generally accepted definition, nor easily definable limits. It is rather a set of practices on an
                          international, national or inter-corporate level, aimed at gaining an advantage over competitors, which could have
                          important negative consequences on economic processes and workers’ social security. Examples include actions
                          taken by actors from 'low wage' Member States to gain market advantage over actors from Member States with higher
                          pay and social standards; multinational companies from 'high wage' countries searching for ways to avoid legal
                          constraints by employing subcontractors from low-wage countries; and companies engaging cheaper and more
                          vulnerable temporary and agency workers, or relocating production to lower wage and less regulated locations. Social
                          dumping takes different forms in different sectors. Suppressing social dumping is a component of different regulations
                          on working mobility, undeclared work, and the status of transport workers. However, as the legislative competence of
                          the European Union is limited in the labour law domain, soft law and social dialogue are also used to tackle the
                          phenomenon. Several cases before the Court of Justice of the EU (such as the Viking and the Laval cases) show that
                          the applicable EU rules can only be effective if adequate implementation and enforcement by the Member States is
                          guaranteed. In September 2016, the European Parliament adopted an own-initiative resolution on social dumping,
                          calling for a number of actions to reinforce controls, close regulatory gaps, revise working conditions and promote
                          social convergence.
                 Briefing EN

Trade and sustainable development chapters in CETA
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       BINDER Krisztina | PUCCIO Laura
                       Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Internationaler Handel | Wirtschaft und Währung
                       allternative Verfahren zur Streitbeilegung | Arbeitsrecht | Auslandsinvestition | dauerhafte Entwicklung |
                       Freihandelsabkommen | Internationale Arbeitsorganisation | internationale Handelschiedsgerichtsbarkeit |
                       internationaler Handel | Kanada | Menschenrechte | Ratifizierung eines Abkommens | Vorsorgeprinzip |
      Zusammenfassung The EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), signed in October 2016, is currently at the
                       ratification stage. This agreement, concluded between like-minded trade partners, represents the new generation of
                       EU free trade agreements (FTAs), and contains chapters covering sustainable development. The inclusion by the EU
                       of sustainable development chapters in FTAs concluded with its partners plays a role in ensuring that trade and
                       investment liberalisation does not lead to a deterioration in environmental and labour conditions. In keeping with this
                       trade policy practice, developed over the years, trade-related sustainability provisions, including labour and
                       environmental considerations, are grouped in three chapters (Chapters 22 to 24) within CETA. CETA has only partially
                       exceeded the dialogue-only approach contained in earlier EU trade agreements and has maintained the exclusion of
                       trade and sustainable development (TSD) chapters from the scope of the state-to-state dispute settlement (SSDS)
                       procedure. It also maintains an ad hoc two-stage dispute resolution mechanism already found in the EU-South Korea
                       FTA. However, this mechanism does not include sanctions and focuses on mutually agreed solutions to problems. This
                       choice by the EU is due to the still strongly cooperative nature of the TSD chapters. On CETA please refer also to the
                       'International Agreements in Progress' briefing on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada
                       by Wilhelm Schöllmann.
              Briefing EN

05-06-2022                                       Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                            7
Die neue Hochqualifizierten-Richtlinie der EU
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       EISELE Katharina
                       Ex-ante-Folgenabschätzung | Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts
                       Arbeitserlaubnis | Arbeitsrecht | ausländischer Staatsangehöriger | Binnengrenze der EU | Brain Drain | Drittland | EU-
                       Migrationspolitik | Facharbeiter | internationale Beziehungen | Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte | Wanderarbeitnehmer |
                       Wanderung aus beruflichen Gründen | Wirkungsstudie
      Zusammenfassung Die Folgenabschätzung legt die Notwendigkeit von Maßnahmen zur Überarbeitung der aktuellen Hochqualifizierten-
                       Richtlinie überzeugend dar. Die FA wird durch solide und umfassende Untersuchungen (in Form von 16 Anhängen)
                       und externem Fachwissen untermauert sowie von ausgedehnten Konsultationen unter Berücksichtigung
                       internationaler Einwanderungssysteme, die darauf abzielen, beruflich qualifizierte Fachkräfte anzuwerben. Obwohl
                       nicht alle vorgestellten Optionen umsetzbar erscheinen, unternimmt die Kommission einen echten Versuch, Lösungen
                       für das Problem zu ermitteln. Die begrenzten Daten, über die die Kommission transparent ist, deuten darauf hin, dass
                       es möglicherweise von Vorteil wäre, die in der FA verwendeten quantitativen Nachweise, vor allem in Bezug auf die
                       wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen, weiter zu untersuchen. Schließlich wäre es nützlich gewesen, wenn in der FA eine
                       Verknüpfung zur externen FA-Studie bereitgestellt worden wäre, mit der die FA der Kommission untermauert wird.
              Briefing DE, EN, FR

Turkey: Labour Market Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees
  Art der Veröffentlichung   Studie
           Kalenderdatum     15-09-2016
            Externe Autor    Ahmet İçduygu
            Politikbereich   Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Beschäftigung | Entwicklung und humanitäre Hilfe | Vorausplanung
           Schlagwortliste   Arbeitserlaubnis | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | ausländischer Staatsangehöriger | berufliche Bildung | Bildungspolitik |
                             die Türkei | Flüchtling | Integration der Zuwanderer
      Zusammenfassung This Policy Department A note produced at request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee provides a review
                       of integration policies at the national level. It identifies the challenges and opportunities that both immigrants and local
                       communities face. Various aspects of the Labour Market Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees are elaborated
                       by the presentation of legal framework and practices from Turkey.
                       The note depicts that Turkey has taken significant steps on the regulations which aim to create an attractive economic
                       environment and to facilitate the application process of work permissions for foreigners as part of integration policies.
                       Furthermore, social integration policies are rather weak and started to develop since the recent immigration flow from
                       Syria. Even though there have been improvements in the integration policies, policy makers should focus on the
                       implementation of more stable and long term policies and practices.
                Studie EN

Posting of Workers Directive – Current Situation and Challenges
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 18-07-2016
                         SCHMID-DRÜNER Marion
                         Beschäftigung | Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Sozialpolitik |
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitnehmer (EU) | Arbeitnehmer im Auslandsdienst | Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsrecht | freier
                         Dienstleistungsverkehr | Lohnpolitik | Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte | Richtlinie EG | soziale Sicherheit | Vorschlag (EU)
      Zusammenfassung This note, prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, summarises the
                         background on the discussion of the posting of workers phenomenon, and introduces the focus and the key findings of
                         the recent study "Posting of Workers Directive – Current Situation and Challenges". It then lists the key
                         recommendations of the study to give the interested audience a quick overview on the main findings of the study.
         Auf einen Blick EN

Precarious Employment in Europe (Volume 1: Patterns, Trends and Policy Strategies ; Volume 2: Country
Case Studies)
  Art der Veröffentlichung
            Externe Autor
                       Andrea Broughton et al.
                       Beschäftigung | Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Vorausplanung
                       Arbeitsrecht | atypische Beschäftigung | Beschäftigungssicherheit | Hilfsarbeiter | Mitgliedstaat der EU | neue
                       Beschäftigungsform | selbstständige Tätigkeit | Sozialhilfe | Statistik der EU | Teilzeitarbeit | Vollzeitarbeit | Zeitarbeit
      Zusammenfassung This Policy Department A study examines precarious employment, its patterns, trends and policy strategies in Europe.
                       It explores the risk of precariousness of different types of contract, using information from EU data analysis and
                       literature review, as well as case studies of eight EU Member States.
                       It finds that there are a range and degrees of risks of precariousness associated with all types of contract, based on
                       key indicators of precariousness.
                Studie EN
                Anlage 1 EN

05-06-2022                                         Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                               8
Posting of Workers Directive – Current Situation and Challenges
  Art der Veröffentlichung Studie
           Kalenderdatum 30-06-2016
            Externe Autor Eckhard Voss (Wilke Maack GmbH, Hamburg, Getmany), Michele Faioli (Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy) and
                            Jean-Philippe Lhernould (University of Poitiers, France)
            Politikbereich Beschäftigung | Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Sozialpolitik |
                            Umsetzung und Durchführung von Rechtsvorschriften | Vorausplanung
           Schlagwortliste Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | freier Dienstleistungsverkehr | Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer |
                            Lohnkosten | Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte | Richtlinie EG | Sozialdumping | Unternehmen für Zeitarbeit |
                            Unternehmensethik | Vorschlag (EU) | Wirkungsstudie | wirtschaftliche Auswirkung | Zeitarbeit
       Zusammenfassung This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy at the
                            request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides an overview of the Posting of Workers Directive,
                            focussing on the current situation and major patterns regarding the posting of workers in the EU, major problems and
                            challenges, and how these patterns have translated political, as well as jurisdictive, debates and proposals to improve
                            the regulation of this specific form of employment and service provision. With the Commission’s view on the proposal
                            published on 8 March 2016, to revise the Directive, the study aims to provide the EMPL Committee with an
                            assessment of the proposal in light of both the key challenges addressed and the previous resolutions and requests
                            made by the European Parliament.
                     Studie EN

Limits on exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       SCHOLZ Nicole
                       Annahme von Rechtsvorschriften durch das EP und den Rat | Beschäftigung | Öffentliche Gesundheit
                       Arbeitsrecht | Ausarbeitung des EU-Rechts | Berufskrankheit | chemisches Erzeugnis | Gesundheitsschutz am
                       Arbeitsplatz | krebserzeugender Stoff | Sicherheitsnorm | Wirkungsstudie
      Zusammenfassung The European Commission proposes to amend Directive 2004/37/EC by expanding its scope and by including and/or
                       revising occupational limit exposure values for a number of cancer-causing chemical agents in the light of new
                       scientific data. According to the Commission, this would improve workers' health protection, increase the effectiveness
                       of the EU framework and promote clarity for economic operators. The initiative would proceed in two steps, with the
                       current proposal and another to follow later in the year. Broad discussions with scientists and the social partners fed
                       into the proposal, and it has received a broad welcome from stakeholders. Trade unions nonetheless regret that
                       certain substances are not included, and some on the employers' side oppose the limit value for respirable crystalline
                       silica. The legislative process is in its initial stages, with the EMPL Committee to consider the proposal in the coming
                       A more recent edition of this document is available. Find it by searching by the document title at this address:
              Briefing EN

Gefährdung durch Karzinogene und Mutagene bei der Arbeit
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       REMAC Milan
                       Anwendung des EU-Rechts | Arbeitsrecht | Berufskrankheit | Berufssterblichkeit | Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz |
                       Giftstoff | Krankheitsvorbeugung | krebserzeugender Stoff | Vorschlag (EU)
      Zusammenfassung Trotz umfassender EU-Rechtsvorschriften werden nicht notwendigerweise alle Stoffe, die das Risiko arbeitsbedingter
                       Krebserkrankungen erhöhen können, durch die bestehenden Rechtsakte berücksichtigt. In zahlreichen Studien wird
                       auf den kontinuierlichen Anstieg von Krebserkrankungen hingewiesen, die auf die Arbeitsbedingungen zurückzuführen
                       sind und einen besseren Schutz von Arbeitnehmern erfordern. Obwohl die Richtlinie 2007/34 den wichtigsten
                       Rechtsakt darstellt, im Rahmen dessen die Standards für den Schutz von Arbeitnehmern vor arbeitsbedingten
                       Krebserkrankungen festgelegt werden, wird in zahlreichen Studien und seitens Interessenträgern eine Erweiterung des
                       Anwendungsbereichs der Richtlinie um chemische Stoffe, die ursprünglich nicht durch die Richtlinie reguliert wurden,
                       gefordert, um somit die Exposition von Arbeitnehmern gegenüber diesen Stoffen zu reduzieren. Außerdem wurde die
                       Kommission mehrfach vom Parlament aufgefordert, die bestehenden Rechtsvorschriften über die Prävention
                       arbeitsbedingter Krebserkrankungen zu ändern und den Schutz von Arbeitnehmern vor arbeitsbedingten
                       Erkrankungen, einschließlich Krebs, zu erhöhen.
              Briefing DE, EN, FR

05-06-2022                                       Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                          9
EYE 2016 – Smart workplace: Relativity of space and time
  Art der Veröffentlichung   Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum     28-04-2016
                 Verfasser   WIDUTO Agnieszka
            Politikbereich   Beschäftigung
           Schlagwortliste   Arbeitsrecht | Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie | Familie-Beruf | Fernarbeit | gleitende Arbeitszeit
       Zusammenfassung       Digital technologies and new labour market demands are transforming the workplace. Smart work organisation
                             solutions include flexible arrangements in working time, the location where work is done and the manner in which tasks
                             are performed. Such workplace innovations entail both advantages and risks. The EU can legislate and issue
                             recommendations in some areas related to working conditions, such as minimum standards of employment. This note
                             has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place in Strasbourg in May 2016. Please click here for the full
                             publication in PDF format
          Auf einen Blick EN

EYE 2016 – Sharing economy: They come in like a wrecking ball
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 28-04-2016
                         VALANT Jana
                         Wirtschaft und Währung
                         Arbeitsrecht | Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie | Leasingunternehmen | neue Beschäftigungsform |
                         Tauschhandel | tertiärer Sektor | Verbraucherschutz | Wettbewerbsbeschränkung | wirtschaftliche Auswirkung |
                         Wirtschaftspolitik | wissensbasierte Wirtschaft
      Zusammenfassung The sharing economy (also referred to as the collaborative economy, peer-to-peer economy or collaborative
                         consumption), is based on the sharing of human and physical resources like creation, production, distribution, trade
                         and consumption of goods and services. For consumers, it stresses the shift from ownership towards accessibility. The
                         sharing economy seems to be bringing about an alternative business model to the traditional corporate one. It is taking
                         advantage of new technologies, by using internet platforms as well as information and communications technology
                         applications, and leveraging communities or crowds to rent, share, swap, barter, trade, or sell access to products or
                         services. This note has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place in Strasbourg in May 2016. Please
                         click here for the full publication in PDF format
         Auf einen Blick EN

TTIP and Jobs
  Art der Veröffentlichung
           Kalenderdatum 15-04-2016
            Externe AutorGabriel Felbermayr (Ludwig Maximilian's University Munich) and ifo Institute Leibniz Institute for Economic Research
                         Beschäftigung | Bewertung von Rechtsvorschriften und politischen Maßnahmen in der Praxis | Internationaler Handel |
         Schlagwortliste Arbeitslosigkeit | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | Beschäftigungspolitik der EU | Beschäftigungsstruktur | die Vereinigte
                         Staaten | Extra-EU-Handel | Freihandelsabkommen | Handelsabkommen (EU) | wirtschaftliche Auswirkung
      Zusammenfassung TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) could lead to substantial reallocation of jobs between and
                         within industries, however the overall employment effects are uncertain .This Policy Department A study provides the
                         Employment and Social Affairs Committee with an analytical review of literature and calculations of the potential
                         employment impact of TTIP with a view to sectors affected. It provides a snapshot of EU and US trade and labour
                         markets, compares methodologies and results of ex-ante assessments and also uses information from relevant ex-
                         post evaluations of other trade agreements.
                Studie EN

The Future of Work: Digitalisation in the US Labour Market
  Art der Veröffentlichung
            Externe Autor
                       Daphné Valsamis and An De Coen, Valentijn Vanoeteren (IDEA Consult)
                       Beschäftigung | Forschungspolitik | Industrie | Sozialpolitik | Vorausplanung
                       Arbeitsbedingungen | Arbeitsentgelt | Arbeitsmarkt | Arbeitsrecht | Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie |
                       Bildungssystem | die Vereinigte Staaten | Digitale Kompetenz | soziale Sicherheit | Unternehmensbeihilfe |
                       wirtschaftliche Auswirkung
      Zusammenfassung This set of briefings, commissioned by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
                       (EMPL), provides background information on the US labour and social security systems compared to European
                       practice, and cover the effect of digitalisation on job creation and job losses in the US; the skills required for the jobs of
                       the future; and changing working conditions in the US and particularly in Silicon Valley.
              Briefing EN

05-06-2022                                        Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                          10
EU Trade Relations with Latin America: Results and Challenges in Implementing the EU-Colombia/Peru
Trade Agreement
  Art der Veröffentlichung
            Externe Autor
                       Dr Maria J Garcia
                       Internationaler Handel
                       Arbeitsrecht | Ausfuhr (EU) | dauerhafte Entwicklung | Einfuhr (EU) | gemeinsame Handelspolitik | Handelsabkommen
                       (EU) | Handelsbeziehungen | Handelsbilanz | Handelsstatistik | Kolumbien | Marktzugang | Menschenrechte | Peru |
                       tropische Frucht | Welthandelsorganisation | wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit
      Zusammenfassung The Trade Agreement between the EU and Peru and Colombia has been provisionally implemented since the middle
                       of 2013. However, based on limited secondary data available to date on its effects, this report shows that trade profiles
                       have not been substantially altered. EU exports to Latin America are dominated by pharmaceuticals, machinery and
                       vehicles, and have experienced very slight increases. Colombian exports to the EU have benefitted more than
                       Peruvian exports from improved access, but oil and minerals remain the top exports. Fruit, vegetables, flowers and
                       above all sugar cane and confectionaries have been the greatest beneficiaries of the tariff eliminations and reductions.
                       Despite this lack of substantial change, the institutional arrangements and sub-committees created by the Agreement
                       have been implemented. Civil society has also been involved in meetings of the Trade and Sustainability sub-
                       committee, but resource and capacity constraints preclude smaller organisations from full participation in the process.
                       Sadly, reports of the human rights situation in Colombia, in particular the plight of trade unionists, continue to be
                       negative. Although the Government has made progress in legislative terms, the full implementation of measures at the
                       local level remains incomplete and challenging.
                Studie EN

The Employment Equality Directive: European Implementation Assessment
  Art der Veröffentlichung Studie
           Kalenderdatum 05-02-2016
              Verfasser TYMOWSKI Jan Mikolaj
          Politikbereich Beschäftigung | Umsetzung und Durchführung von Rechtsvorschriften
         Schlagwortliste Anwendung des EU-Rechts | Arbeitsrecht | Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung | Diskriminierung
                         aufgrund des Alters | Diskriminierung aufgrund von Behinderung | Gleichbehandlung | religiöse Diskriminierung |
                         Richtlinie EG | Zugang zur Beschäftigung | Zugang zur Rechtspflege
      Zusammenfassung The adoption of the Employment Equality Directive in 2000 extended the protection against discrimination provided
                         under EU law. By explicitly obliging the Member States to prohibit discrimination in employment on the grounds of
                         religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orientation, the general principles set out in the Treaties became more
                         effective, and some minimum standards are now common throughout Europe. At the same time, specific exceptions
                         with regard to all or only some of those grounds permit the continuation of certain measures that were already in place
                         in most countries, which has led to different national practices, especially with regard to age. Additional provisions on
                         horizontal issues such as access to justice and sanctions, dissemination of information and necessary dialogue, left
                         the details to be established by Member States according to their laws and customs. This analysis builds on the
                         available documents and expertise in order to facilitate the debate on the implementation of the Employment Equality
                         Directive to date and on how best to follow it up.
                  Studie EN
              Multimedia The Employment Equality Directive – European Implementation Assessment

The Cost of Non-Europe in the Sharing Economy: Economic, Social and Legal Challenges and
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       GOUDIN Pierre
                       Binnenmarkt und Zollunion | Europäischer Mehrwert
                       Anwendung des EU-Rechts | Arbeitsrecht | Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie | Binnenmarkt | Elektronischer
                       Handel | freier Dienstleistungsverkehr | Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse | neue Beschäftigungsform | soziale Auswirkungen |
                       soziale Sicherheit | Steuererhebung | Transportmarkt | Wettbewerbsbeschränkung | Wirkungsstudie
      Zusammenfassung This 'Cost of Non-Europe' study examines the current economic, social and legal state of play regarding the sharing
                       economy in the European Union, and identifies the cost of the lack of further European action in this field. The
                       assessment of existing EU and national legislation confirms that there are still significant implementation gaps and
                       areas of poor economic performance. The subsequent examination of areas where it was believed that an economic
                       potential exists highlighted that substantial barriers remain, hindering the achievement of the goals set out in the
                       existing legislation. Moreover, some issues are not or are insufficiently addressed (e.g. status of workers employed by
                       sharing economy service providers). Consequently, more European action would be necessary to achieve the full
                       economic potential of the sharing economy. In doing so, policy-makers should seek to ensure an adequate balance
                       between creative freedom for business and the necessary regulatory protection. This research estimates the potential
                       economic gain linked with a better use of capacities (otherwise under-used) as a result of the sharing economy is
                       €572 billion in annual consumption across the EU-28. This figure should nevertheless be considered with caution;
                       substantial barriers prevent the full benefits from being realised, and could reduce the value of potential increased use
                       to up to €18 billion in the shorter-term and up to €134 billion in the medium and longer term, depending on the scale of
                       regulatory obstacles.
                Studie EN

05-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                         11
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