GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop

Page created by Ronnie Jensen
GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
2019              GERMAN
                       Language Learning Resources
European Schoolbooks



                                      Adult Education
GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
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GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
                                                                                                         014652 Kater Kamillo kommt in die Schule
 Picture books                                                                                            It's Kamillo's first day of school and he's
                                                                                                          worried. What if he doesn't make any new
   In this series you will find a fantastic selec-
                                                                                                          friends? Just in case, he decides to bring
tion of some of our bestselling German pic-
                                                                                                          along his pet mouse and hides him in his
ture books for use in primary schools at KS2.
                                                                                                          lunch box. Kamillo starts learning all his im-
Other suitable books are available in different
                                                                                                          portant cat lessons. But when his pet mouse
sections of our online catalogue, but here
                                                                                                          escapes and the cats do what cats do (they
are some of the current favourites. We have
                                                                                                          chase mice!), Kamillo is worried again. Maybe
included a mixture of translated and original
                                                                                                          now he'll lose all his friends, old and new! Just
literature, which introduces a wide range of
                                                     016193 Frau Hoppes erster Schultag £13.75            in time, the teacher takes charge and teaches
everyday vocabulary relevant to the world of
                                                      The first day back at school doesn;t start well     everyone an important new lesson - maybe
young children. Every title is filled with fun,
                                                      for Frau Hoppe - she oversleeps, sets off in        Cat School is going to be ok after all!
from colourful illustrations to rhyming text.
                                                      her nightdress and when the children arrive
The use of story books is a very enjoyable and                                                           014738 Das kleine Ich bin ich             £15.50
                                                      she feels intimidated. Can teachers be as
educational way of introducing modern foreign                                                             A small creature is walking through the mead-
                                                      frightened about going back to school as the
languages into the Primary classroom, be it as                                                            ow. He feels related to all the animals but
the main focus for lessons or as supplemen-                                                               none are exactly like him. He isn't a horse or
tary material for schemes of work or activity        142853 Freunde                            £17.95     a cow or a bird or a hippo and he begins to
books. If you are looking for something specif-       A story as old as the world: we feel better         doubt himself until he realises - I'm not just
ic that you cannot find, please do get in touch.      together - without knowing why we squabble,         anybody - I'm me!
                                                      fight, we make up and become best friends
                                                                                                         011578 Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt           £16.50
                                                      again. Using colourful illustrations the author
Bestselling translated                                sketches monsters and entertains us with their

titles                                                funny and endearing attitudes and feelings.        206382 Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt
                                                     014626 Die Geschichte vom Elefanten...
334628 Barbapapas Reise                £10.95                                                             The Very Hungry Caterpillar in German.
 The search in London, India and outer-space
                                                      The story of an elephant who hasn't slept
 for Barbamama.
                                                      because a bat was munching food all night
143529 Da kommt der Wolf!              £12.75         above his bed and a resulting chain of
 Oh no - the wolf is coming! And he's getting         encounters that lead to a mouse scaring the
 closer and closer - how can we get away from         elephant. A funny story told using repeated
 him? Tip the book this way? Shake the book?          phrases.
 Read to the end to find out!
                                                     014623 Die Geschichte vom Nilpferd...£14.95
014809 Du hast angefangen! Nein du! £6.35             The story of a hippopotamus who sings loudly
 Two monsters live on either side of a moun-          when taking a bath upsetting the other ani-
 tain. Sometimes they talk through the hole in        mals as he does so but when they decide to
 the mountain, but they never see each other.         stop him the lion appears and he has other         014793 Pipikack                            £12.95
 One evening, they get into a silly argument          ideas what to do. A funny story told using re-      This large, colourful and fun story tells us
 about whether day is departing or night is           peated phrases.                                     about the little rabbit that only ever says two
 arriving, which escalates into a rock throwing                                                           words: "Pipí Kack"...until he meets up with the
                                                     297866 Der Grüffelo                        £14.95
 fight, which eventually destroys the mountain,                                                           big bad wolf!
                                                      The Gruffalo: The classic tale of the friendly
 and enables the monsters to see each other's
                                                      orange-eyed monster.                               101162 Riese Rick macht sich schick £6.90
 point of view and live together as friends.
                                                     119549 Heute bin ich                      £15.50     Rick wished he wasn't the scruffiest giant in
012051 Du und ich, kleiner Bär           £12.95                                                           town. So when he sees a new shop selling
                                                      Today I am feeling.... A book with beautiful
 Little Bear wants to play but Big Bear has too                                                           giant-sized clothes, he decides it's time for a
                                                      illustrations depicting a range of feelings.
 much to do so they start doing the chores                                                                new look: smart trousers, smart shirt, stripy
 together.                                           107662 Hilfe, dieses Buch hat meinen Hund            tie, shiny shoes. Now he's the smartest giant
                                                              gefressen!                       £13.75     in town ...until he bumps into some animals
014885 Elmar                               £14.50     Bella is walking her dog when he suddenly
 Elmer the colourful patchwork elephant has                                                               who desperately need his help - and his
                                                      disappears. Is it possible the book has eaten       clothes!
 been a nursery favourite since this first book       him? The fire brigade and police come to help
 was published in 1989. A modern classic,             her but they all suffer the same fate - only you   014335 Der rote Ballon                  £8.25
 this picture book is known to millions, and          the reader can help rescue them all...              Pip and Rosy have fun with a red balloon.
 continues to be the strongest seller of the
                                                                                                         128745 Der Stockmann                        £9.50
 whole series, having sold over 2 million copies
                                                                                                          "Stick Man lives in the family tree, with his
 around the world. The subtle message is that
                                                                                                          Stick Lady Love and their stick children three".
 it is OK to be different; Elmer is different to
                                                                                                          But it's dangerous being a Stick Man. A dog
 the other elephants: he is multicoloured, and
                                                                                                          wants to play with him, a swan builds her nest
 he doesn't like being different. But he discov-
                                                                                                          with him, he even ends up on a fire! Will he
 ers that uniqueness does not change who he
                                                                                                          ever get back to the family tree?
 is in the eyes of his friends.

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
012017 Ein Tiger kommt zum Tee           £14.50     014625 Wo ist Mami?                        £9.50
 "The Tiger who came to Tea" in German. The          Can Butterfly help Little Monkey find his
 classic story of Sophie and her extraordinary       mum? Yes, but only after a lot of trial and
 tea-time guest. The doorbell rings just as So-      error as Butterfly misunderstands Monkey's
 phie and her mummy are sitting down to tea.         descriptions and leads him to all kinds of un-
 Who could it possibly be? What they certainly       suitable animals.
 don't expect to see at the door is a big furry,
                                                    014410 Zogg                              £15.95
 stripy tiger!
                                                     Zogg is the keenest dragon in school. He's
0128740Superwurm                           £10.75    also the most accident-prone. Luckily, a mys-
 When Superwurm is kidnapped by the wicked           terious little girl always comes by and patches   353241 He Duda                           £12.95
 wizard and his sinister servant, it is up to his    up his bumps and bruises. But will she be able     He Duda does not know what he is, where he
 animal friends to save him.                         to help him with his toughest test: capturing a    lives, what he should eat or why he has such
                                                     princess?                                          big feet but there is always an answer to be
                                                                                                        found. A great book looking at identity.
                                                    014395 Zogg und die Retter der Lüfte £14.95
                                                     The sequel to the bestselling Zogg. Meet the      303367 Ich                            £11.50
                                                     Flying Doctors and, of course, their trusty        A bear who attaches great importance to
                                                     'air ambulance', Zogg the dragon, as they          appearances and enjoys the small things in
                                                     fly around the country, tending to a sunburnt      life.
                                                     mermaid, a distressed unicorn, and even a         014954 Ich komm dich holen!                £23.75
                                                     sneezy lion.                                       After wreaking havoc on the planets of its own
                                                                                                        galaxy, a hungry monster sets off in its space-

364295 Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen
                                                    Authentic German                                    ship for a pretty blue planet called Earth. One
                                                                                                        little boy, who is particularly scared of mon-
        wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopt                Titles                                              sters, is singled out for a visit...
        gemacht...                       £15.50
                                                    113867 4, 5 und?                         £15.50    016513 Kamfu mir helfen?                   £17.95
 The story of a little mole who puts his head
                                                     The pictures in this book are hiding animals       "Kamfu mir helfen?" Elephant has a swollen
 above ground to see if the sun is shining when
                                                     that look or do something different to the oth-    and broken nose which leaves him with a
 something lands on his head - it is round and
                                                     ers on the same page. Can you find them?           speech defect. "Kamfu mir helfen?" he asks
 brown and looks a bit like a sausage - and he
                                                                                                        the animals who try their best but it is fly who
 wants to know who did it!                          107657 Die Brücke                         £15.75    comes up with an idea...
                                                     A story about teamwork and problem solving.
012117 Von Kopf bis Fuß                  £9.25
                                                     There is a bridge over the river; too narrow      356778 Der Katzentatzentanz                £5.25
 I am a gorilla and beat my chest - can you? I
                                                     for two to walk side by side. When Bear and        "Guck, die Katze tanzt allein, tanzt und tanzt
 am a sealion and clap my hands - can you? Of
                                                     Giant meet in the middle of the bridge neither     auf einem Bein." Who can dance with the cat?
 course the children can!
                                                     wants to let the other pass but after a few at-    Hedgehog is too prickly, dog and hamster
301195 Weisst du eigentlich, wie lieb ich dich       tempts they find a solution.                       aren't suitable either. Finally cat chooses a
       hab?                            £10.75                                                           partner and the two cats dance away together.
 Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBrat-           014649 Die Geschichte vom Löwen, der nicht
                                                             schwimmen konnte                 £15.95   014020 Keinohrhase und Zweiohrküken
                                                     This is the story of a lion who can't swim, he                                             £13.50
306727 Wir gehen auf Bärenjagd       £15.50          isn't worried though because swimming isn't        Keinohrhase can do everything the other
 The well-loved "We're Going on a Bear Hunt"         something lions do - until one day the lioness     hares can but nobody wants to be his friend
 in German.                                          need his help...                                   because he doesn't have ears. One day he
                                                                                                        finds an egg. Who does it belong to? May-
360839 Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen £18.95
                                                                                                        be there is a friend for him inside? Then he
 "Where The Wild Things Are" in German. One
                                                                                                        makes a surprising discovery...
 night Max puts on his wolf suit and makes
 mischief of one kind and another, so his                                                              014618 Die Königin der Farben            £7.55
 mother calls him "Wild Thing" and sends him                                                            In the style of a poem Queen Malwida sum-
 to bed without his supper. That night a forest                                                         mons her subjects blue, red and yellow. This
 begins to grow in Max's room and an ocean                                                              book shows what the colours personalities are
 rushes by with a boat to take Max to the place                                                         like and how they interact with each other.
 where the wild things are...
                                                                                                       334635 Kurz nach sechs kommt die Echs
                                                    016499 Guten Morgen, Gute Nacht           £7.50
                                                     There are seven days in a week and every
                                                                                                        An imaginative book about dreams and reality.
                                                     morning the baby animals are woken with a
                                                     rhyme and every evening put to bed with a         014066 Olli, der Osterhase               £4.35
                                                     rhyme. Each in their own way. Ideal for read-      The Easter Eggs haven't been decorated! Will
                                                     ing aloud.                                         Olli be able to paint them all in time?

                                                    014068 Der Hase mit der roten Nase £5.75           337995 Das Orchester zieht sich an       £8.15
                                                     Once there was a hare with a red nose and a        It's early evening as 105 people get ready to
                                                     blue ear. Even the fox did not recognise him       go to work. They have showers, brush their
                                                     and this made the hare happy...                    hair, put on their make up and get dressed in
                                                                                                        white shirts and black trousers or dresses and
                                                                                                        set off with cases of various shapes and sizes
                                                                                                        to the city centre where they meet with their
                                                                                                        instruments on the stage at the concert hall.

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
                                                     012696 Weiß weiß Bescheid                 £10.50
                                                      A bright book of colours full of surprises with
                                                      a happy ending.
                                                     101533 Zitronengelb und Feuerrot         £14.95
                                                      Colour and language have a lot to do with
                                                      each other so we say things like brick red
                                                      and pea green, sea blue and cornflower blue
                                                      but the shades of colours are not the same.
                                                      Sabine Lohf has combined 50 words and 50
                                                      shades of colour to show the vast array of
                                                      colours there are and how they can describe          010084 Arthur und Anton/Arthur and Anthony
353240 Räuberkinder                        £8.95      so many things around us. Each double page                                                  £21.95
 Räuberkinder are naughty, ill-mannered and           shows a picture and its description.                 010080 Bär Flo geht zum Friseur/Bear Flo
 not afraid of anything but they have great fun                                                                   goes to the hairdresser         £13.95
 and always stick together. Isn't there a Räu-                                                             010082 Das Allerwichtigste/The most
 berkind inside all of us?                           Picture Book pack for                                        important thing                 £22.50
                                                                                                           010106 Das sind wir - Von Kopf bis Fuß / Here
014335 Der rote Ballon                  £8.25        Primary Schools                                              we are - From Head to Toe        £8.55
 Pip and Rosy have fun with a red balloon.                                                                 010093 Der Farbenverdreher / The
                                                       A selection of picture books ideal for the                 Colourspinner - Book & CD £20.75
148802 So weit oben                      £16.50      school library. The pack contains: Kleine Raupe       010086 Der Regenbogenfisch entdeckt die
 A bear is standing looking up at a cake in an       Nimmersatt; Schreimutter; Du und ich, kleiner                Tiefsee                         £20.75
 upstairs window - out of reach. He is joined by     Bär; Weiß weiß Bescheid; Du hast angefangen!          010030 Kleiner Eisbär - Lars bring uns nach
 a pig, a dog, a hare, a chicken and a frog - will   Nein du!; Der Grüffelo; Ich; Wir gehen auf Bären-            Hause/Little Polar Bear         £17.75
 anybody get to eat the cake?                        jagd; Sehr berühmt; Barbapapas Reise.                 010127 Lukas und Lili / Luke and Lily £22.95
014966 Meine erste Weihnachtsgeschichte                                                                    010037 Pia kommt in die Schule / Pia's
                                                     019895		                                £111.00
                                        £5.90                                                                     starting school                 £12.95
                                                                                                           010079 Rund um mein Haus/All around my
 The Christmas Story for young readers.
011824 Schreimutter                      £13.95
                                                     German Picture Book                                          house                            £8.55
                                                                                                           010108 Schlaf gut, kleiner Regenbogenfisch! /
 "Heute Morgen hat meine Mutter so                   Topics Pack                                                  Sleep Tight Little Rainbow Fish
 geschrien, das ich auseinander geflogen bin".                                                                                                    £20.75
 The tale of what happened to a little penguin         A selection of German picture books that            010078 So bunt ist meine Welt/My world is
 when its mother was angry!                          cover basic vocabulary topics: colours,                      so colourful                     £8.55
                                                     aninals, clothes, numbers, parts of the body,         010041 Was ziehen wir heute an? / What shall
014069 Das schwarze Huhn               £15.50        telling the time and transport. The pack con-                we wear today?                   £8.55
 The white hens make fun of the black hen            tains: Die kleine Eins; Wie der Tiger zãhlen lernt;   010087 Wer ruft denn da? - Buch & CD
 because she looks different and lays oddly                                                                                                       £16.50
                                                     Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt; Von Kopf bis Fuß;
 shaped eggs. The Easter Bunny is the only                                                                 010040 Wie fühlst du dich heute? / How do
                                                     Ohren, Nase, Bauch, das hab ich auch!; Das
 one who likes her star and heart shaped eggs                                                                     you feel today?                 £20.75
                                                     kleine Blau und das kleine Gelb; Weiß weiß
                                                                                                           010049 Alis Nase/Ali's nose            £22.50
 - so much that he gives them to the King.           Bescheid; Seine eigene Farbe; Die Königin der
                                                                                                           010029 Arthur und Anton: Die Flaschenpost /
                                                     Farben; Wo ist Mami?; Spinne, Spaß und Spiele;
324733 Sehr berühmt                  £10.50                                                                       Message in a Bottle             £21.95
                                                     Schwuppdiwupp, kleine graue Maus!; Riese Rick
 A boy's preparation to become a champion                                                                  010120 Beim Kinderarzt / At the Doctor's
                                                     macht sich schick; Zitronengelb und Feuerrot;
 footballer.                                                                                                                                       £8.55
                                                     Auto Wimmelbuch; Das Orchester zieht sich an;
                                                                                                           010045 Das kleine Wunder/The Little Wunder
014053 Seine eigene Farbe                £15.95      Eins Zwei Drei Tier.
 A very simple book about the colours of differ-     018900		                                £156.00       010198 Heule Eule / Howl Owl           £20.95
 ent animals, and the ability of chameleons to                                                             010065 Kleiner Eisbär - Wohin fährst du Lars?
 change colour depending on where they are,                                                                       / Little Polar Bear, where are you
 even if they wish they had a colour of their
                                                      bilingual books                                             going Lars?                     £20.95
                                                                                                           010103 Max fährt mit/Max goes for a ride
148774 Unser Apfelbaum                 £15.75        Ages 5-7
 Our wonderful apple tree in Spring, Summer,                                                               010066 Nur Mut, Kurt/Be brave,          £12.95
 Autumn and Winter - a magical story for any-                                                              010138 Pia sucht eine Freundin / Pia finds a
 one who loves apples and apple trees.               bi:libri                                                     friend                           £11.95
                                                                                                           010134 Rück mal ein Stück! Move over
012052 Wasser ist Nass                   £15.95        A series of bilingual and multilingual titles              please!                          £10.50
 In this book that celebrates mothers, a child       for pre-primary and primary age children. The         010124 Steffi Staune im Schnee / Stephanie
 describes why his mum is great. Each page           books cater for the needs of children who start              Stunned in the snow - Book & CD
 has just one or two lines of text which is          learning another language at an early age or                                                  £20.95
 explained by the accompanying illustration.         who grow up with more than one language at            010101 Was besonderes / Something special
                                                     home. They are designed to be child-friendly                                                  £20.75
                                                     and linguistically stimulating with a variety         010092 1, 2, 3 im Kindergarten / 1, 2, 3 in
                                                                                                                  Kindergarten                      £8.55
                                                     of different illustrations and cover a range of
                                                                                                           010081 Der Kater Karl und der Punktehund/
                                                     themes such as a child's everyday world, ani-
                                                                                                                  Carter Cat and Dotted Dog        £17.95
                                                     mals, friendship, tolerance and understanding.        010100 Rund um das Jahr/All through the
                                                                                                                  year                              £8.55
                                                                                                           010133 Auf dem Bauernhof / On the farm

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop

                                                    Ages 8-10                                          Paul, Lisa & Co.

 Courses                                            Die Deutschprofis                                     Paul, Lisa & Co. is a fun and easy way for
                                                                                                       pupils to reach level A1 of the CEFRL in 3
                                                      Inspired by the well-known Das neue              levels. Paul, Lisa & Co. Starter provides an

 Classroom                                          Deutschmobil series, Die Deutschprofis is a
                                                    colourful and lively course that presents
                                                                                                       easy-does-it introduction to the German lan-
                                                                                                       guage - smooth and gentle with no reference
 courses                                            exciting topics matching childrens’ interests
                                                    and enables a fast-track learning process.
                                                                                                       to grammar rules - and prepares learners for
                                                                                                       the next stage of the course - Paul, Lisa & Co.
                                                    Deutschprofis Felix, Maja, Leo and his dog         . A1.1 & A1.2. Levels A1.1 & A1.2 introduce
                                                    lead pupils through the book and help them         grammar rules in a way that suits very young
Ages 5-7                                            discover German. The coursebook contains 12        learners. Children who already have some
                                                    chapters. Each chapter begins with an intro-       knowledge of German can start immediately
                                                    ductory page to get pupils in the mood for the     with Paul, Lisa & Co. A1.1. Relating the adven-
                                                    topic followed by creative activities, games,      tures of the four friends Paul, Lisa, Julia and
                                                    projects, literary and cultural texts. The         Alex helps to teach language in a relevant con-
                                                    accompanying audio material and grammar            text and in an entertaining way. Topics such
                                                    clips (grammar is presented in animated clips      as a birthday, animals, hobbies or holidays
                                                    using example sentences) are available to          provide great potential and together with the
                                                    download for free from the internet. The work-     personal histories of the protagonists, create
                                                    book offers intensive grammar and vocabulary       an emotional link with young learners. The
                                                    training, differentiated exercises, and an Ich-    broad range of practice material in the course
                                                    Buch that builds into a pupil portfolio. Two       supports a holistic and task-based approach
                                                    revision sections are included and there are 6     to teaching. In the coursebook the children
                                                    additional online exercises available for each     create their own portfolio at the end of each
Bruno und ich                                       chapter. The teachers guide contains extra         lesson. In the workbook they are able to re-
CORNELSEN                                           cultural information, ideas for games, photoco-    peat and consolidate their learning objectives
                                                    piable worksheets, transcripts for the listening   through a wide choice of practice material
  Bruno und ich is aimed at pupils between the      texts and an answer key.                           through exercises that involve colouring,
ages of six and eight who are learning German
                                                    A1                                                 solving puzzles, cutting and glueing to make
as their first foreign language. The textbook
                                                    013400 Kursbuch A1 + Audios und Clips              learning even more fun. The accompanying au-
is adapted to children's abilities and needs:
                                                           online                       £18.95         dio-CDs contain all the listening texts from the
A colourful, attractive layout, varied and          013401 Übungsbuch A1                £14.95         books. The digital version of the coursebook
child-orientated tasks, emotionally appealing       013421 Lehrerhandbuch A1            £12.50         contains interactive exercises for use with an
topics and a gentle linguistic progression          013403 Wörterheft A1                 £9.55         interactive whiteboard.
make lessons a lot of fun and encourages            013416 Testheft A1 + MP3 Audio Online
all pupils to participate. The focus is on the                                           £7.65         A1.1
                                                    013402 Medienpaket A1 (2 Audio-CDs) 		             017515   Kursbuch - Starter             £8.75
playful learning of language: through rhymes,
                                                                                        £17.75+        017517   Arbeitsbuch - Starter          £8.75
poems, songs and learning games. Accompa-
                                                    013422 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A1 USB-         017518   Audio-CDs Starter (2)         £24.95+
nied by bear Bruno, children subconsciously                                                            017512   Kursbuch A1.1                  £8.75
                                                           Stick                        £24.95+
practise linguistic structures, learn correct                                                          017513   Arbeitsbuch A1.1               £8.75
pronunciation and expand their listening com-       A2                                                 017514   CD A1.1                      NYP
prehension. The student books are divided           013424 Kursbuch A2 mit Audios und Clips            017510   Interaktives Kursbuch für Whiteboard
into twelve chapters, each with five sections:             online                       £18.95                  und Beamer - DVD-Rom          £19.95+
                                                    013420 Übungsbuch A2                £14.95
pictures introduce new linguistic structures
                                                    013445 Lehrerhandbuch A2            £12.95
and are followed by hands-on activities such
                                                    013437 Wörterheft A2                 £9.75
as role-playing games and a song per chap-          013452 Testheft A2 mit Audios Online £7.95
ter. Afterwards, the language that has been         013436 Medienpaket A2 (2 Audio-CDs)
learned is consolidated with listening compre-                                          £19.95+
hension tasks. In the final task of the chapter,    B1
"The Bruno Project", different groups or class-     013404 Kursbuch B1 mit Audios und Clips
es work together. The book concludes with a                online                      £19.95
large illustrated glossary. The audio material is   013419 Übungsbuch B1               £16.50
available to download or on an Audio-CD. The        013441 Lehrerhandbuch B1           £13.50
teachers' book is available online on the pub-      013407 Wörterheft B1                £9.95
lisher's website.                                   013418 Testheft B1                  £9.20
                                                    013461 Medienpaket B1 (2 Audio-CDs)
017560 Schülerbuch 1 mit Audios online
017563 Arbeitsheft 1 mit Audio-CDs   £8.95
017564 Audio-CD 1                    £5.80+
Near beginners
017565 Schülerbuch 2 mit Audios online
017566 Arbeitsheft 2 mit Audio-CD    NYP
017568 Audio-CD 2                    £4.90+

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
                                                    Wo ist Paula?
                                                    Endt, E/Ritz-Udry, N/Schiffer, A-K and others
                                                      Wo is Paula? is a 4 level course for absolute
                                                    beginners. The course has a gentle progres-
                                                    sion and is designed to encourage learners
                                                    to participate in class. Topics and situations
                                                    that appeal to youngsters are the basis of the
                                                    course and ignite childrens’ natural desire
                                                    to discover for themselves. The books have
                                                    full-colour illustrations throughout and include   Ages 11-14
                                                    regular speaking skills exercises. Comparis-

Prima - los geht's                                  ions between German and childrens’ native
                                                    language are highlighted and video-clips help
                                                                                                       Beste Freunde
CORNELSEN                                           with recall and development of speaking skills.    HUEBER
  Prima - los geht's is for children who are        Entertaining reading texts and child friendly        Young people find learning easiest when they
learning German as their first or second foreign    culture pages round off the coursebooks. The       work together and can learn from each other
language. The series provides suitable content      accompanying workbooks offer additional            which is the reason why Beste Freunde uses
for this age group in a modern, child-friendly      exercises to revise the coursebook material        a group of students to lead learners through
layout and enables playful learning of Ger-         and self-evaluation pages. Klett Augmented is      the German language, following events in their
man in a variety of lessons. Five friends and a     available for Wo ist Paula? With the Klett Aug-    daily lives using authentic, relevant language.
dog lead learners through the textbook with         mented App audio files, videos or links can be     Beste Freunde is a modular course with three
rhymes, games, regional studies, songs and          scanned, played or saved on a smartphone or        units in each coursebook containing three
motivational tasks.                                 tablet.                                            short chapters of 4 pages. Additional pages
  Prima - los geht's takes pupils to CEFR level     A1.1                                               covering German culture, grammar, project
A1 in 3 volumes. The student books contain          017403 Kursbuch 1                   £10.75         work and revision are included at the end of
                                                    017406 Arbeitsbuch 1 mit CD-Rom (MP3-              each module. The workbook offers a wide and
eight clearly structured units. These cover
                                                           Audios)                       £7.80         extensive range of exercises that are closely
about 4 lessons each and offer insights into
                                                    017407 Kursbuch 2                   £10.75         linked to the activities in the coursebook with
the lives of children in the German-speak-          017413 Arbeitsbuch 2 mit CD-Rom (MP3-
ing countries. Playful tasks build children's                                                          particular attention given to grammar and writ-
                                                           Audios)                       £7.80
communication skills, and numerous songs                                                               ten work. Partnerseiten give students roleplays
                                                    017421 Lehrerhandbuch 1 & 2 + Lehrwerk
reinforce newly learned structures. Comic                                                              to practise together and extra pages at the
                                                           digital                      £24.50
strips develop reading skills easily and in small   017402 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket auf USB-        end of each module include revision and
steps and phonetics tasks ensure a clear, cor-             Stick                        £24.95+        extension activities on each theme. The CD-
rect pronunciation right from the start. Finally                                                       Rom included with the coursebook contains
there are motivating mini-projects in which the                                                        interactive grammar, vocabulary and pronunci-
                                                    017410 Kursbuch 3                   £10.75
children can develop and present their work         017415 Arbeitsbuch 3 mit CD-Rom      £7.80         ation exercises and some karaoke.
together in a linguistically orientated way. The    017418 Kursbuch 4                   £10.75         A1.1
accompanying listening material is available as     017422 Arbeitsbuch 4 mit CD-Rom      £7.80         011680 Kursbuch A1.1                  £9.20
an audio download.                                  017434 Lehrerhandbuch 3 & 4 mit Audio-CDs          011681 Arbeitsbuch A1.1 mit CD-Rom £9.20
                                                           (4) und Video-DVD            £24.50         011683 Lehrerhandbuch A1.1           £11.95
  The workbooks with audio downloads reflect        017490 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket 3 & 4           011688 Glossar A1.1 Deutsch-Englisch £5.35
the structure of the student books. For each                auf USB-Stick               £29.95+        011719 Ferienheft A1.1                £5.30
unit there are extensive exercises which cor-                                                          011682 Audio CD A1.1 (1)             £14.95+
respond with the same section in the student                                                           011686 DVD A1                        £24.95+
books and the vocabulary introduced in the                                                             011691 Interaktives Kursbuch für Whiteboard
student books is summarised clearly in the                                                                    und Beamer DVD-Rom A1.1 £19.95+
workbooks.                                                                                             011720 Leseheft - Geheimnis im Hotel £5.30
  Videos to accompany the books are also
                                                                                                       011684 Kursbuch A1.2                  £9.20
available to download. The teachers' books                                                             011685 Arbeitsbuch A1.2 mit CD-Rom £9.20
contain tips and suggestions for lesson plans                                                          011695 Lehrerhandbuch A1.2           £11.95
and the audio-CD for the students books. The                                                           011689 Glossar A1.2 Deutsch-Englisch £5.35
dogital teachers' book includes multimedia                                                             011692 Audio-CD A1.2                 £14.95+
resources such as lesson plans, photocopiable                                                          011694 Interaktives Kursbuch A1.2 für
worksheets and an answer key.                                                                                 Whiteboard und Beamer DVD-Rom
                                                                                                       011712 Testtrainer A1                £15.50+
011000 Schulerbuch 1 mit Audios online
                                    £13.50                                                             A2.1
011003 Arbeitsbuch 1 mit Audio-CD und                                                                  011696 Kursbuch A2.1                  £9.20
       Stickerbogen                 £10.50                                                             011697 Arbeitsbuch A2.1 mit CD-Rom £9.20
011015 Handreichungen für den Unterricht                                                               011693 Lehrerhandbuch A2.1           £11.95
       mit Kopiervorlagen und Audio-CD                                                                 011690 Glossar A2.1 Deutsch-Englisch
                                    £20.95                                                                                                   £5.35
                                                                                                       011698 Audio-CD A2.1                 £14.95+
                                                                                                       011699 Interaktives Kursbuch A2.1 für
                                                                                                              Whiteboard und Beamer DVD-Rom

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
A2.2                                                 A1                                                   The workbook contains partner exercises,
011700   Kursbuch A2.2                  £9.20        012170 Kursbuch A1 mit Audios und Videos           pronunciation exercises, online exercises and
011701   Arbeitsbuch A2.2 mit CD-Rom £9.20                  online                       £16.50         a glossary at the end of each chapter.
011705   Lehrerhandbuch A2.2           £11.95        012171 Übungsbuch A1 mit Audios online
011706   Glossar A2.2 Deutsch - Englisch		                                               £14.75           All the audio and video material is available
                                        £5.35        012173 Lehrerhandbuch A1            £14.75         online as a free download or via the Klett-Aug-
011703   Audio-CD A2.2                 £14.95+       012175 Testheft A1 mit Audios online £9.70         mented App. The teacher's book includes pho-
011707   Interaktives Kursbuch A2.2 für              012172 Audio-CDs (2) + DVD A1       £14.95+        tocopy masters for CLIL tasks and comes with
         Whiteboard und Beamer DVD-Rom               012207 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A1 auf          a DVD and 4 audio-CDS for the course.
                                       £19.95+              USB-Stick                    £29.95+
011716   Testtrainer A2                £15.50+       A2                                                 011830 Kursbuch A1 mit Audios und Videos
011723   DVD A2                        £24.95+       012182 Kursbuch A2 mit Audios und Videos                  online                      £19.50
011687   Leseheft A2 Blauer Mond        £5.60               online                       £16.50         011831 Übungsbuch A1 mit Audios online
                                                     012181 Übungsbuch A2 mit Audios online                                                £15.50
011702 Kursbuch B1.1                  £9.20
011715 Arbeitsbuch B1.1 mit Audio-CD
                                                     012185 Lehrerhandbuch A2            £14.75
                                                     012184 Testheft A2 mit Audios online £9.70         Logisch! neu
                                      £9.20                                                             KLETT
                                                     012183 Medienpaket A2 - Audio-CDs (2) +
011713 Lehrerhandbuch B1.1           £11.95
                                                            DVD                          £14.95+          A revised edition of the popular course
011704 Audio-CD B1.1                 £14.95+
                                                     012208 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A2 auf          Logisch! the updated version features a new,
011707 Interaktives Kursbuch B1.1 für
                                                            USB-Stick                    £29.95+
       Whiteboard und Beamer DVD-Rom                                                                    modern layout with lots of new photos. There
                                     £19.95+         B1                                                 is more focus on group activities for vocab-
                                                     012209 Kursbuch B1 mit Audios und Videos           ulary work and a page of written vocabulary
                                                            online                       £16.50         exercises in each chapter. This is a clearly
011708   Kursbuch B1.2                  £9.20
                                                     012216 Übungsbuch B1 mit Audios online
011709   Arbeitsbuch B1.2 mit CD        £9.20                                                           structured three level course for teenage learn-
011717   Lehrerhandbuch B1.2           £11.95                                                           ers of German. Its dialogues and written texts
                                                     012220 Lehrerhandbuch B1            £14.75
011711   Audio-CD B1.2                 £14.95+                                                          focus on topics and experiences of concern
                                                     012221 Testheft B1 mit Audios online £9.70
011710   Interaktives Kursbuch B1.2 für                                                                 to young people. Each task in the coursebook
                                                     012199 Medienpaket B1 - Audio-CDs (2) +
         Whiteboard und Beamer         £19.95+                                                          has a corresponding exercise in the accom-
                                                            DVD                          £14.95+
                                                     012222 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket B1 auf          panying workbook. Pronunciation training and
                                                            USB-Stick                    £29.95+        grammar points are closely linked together
                                                                                                        and all the grammar needed to complete the
                                                     		                                                 exercises is summarised in tables alongside
                                                     Klasse                                             the questions. A summary of the topic covered
                                                     KLETT                                              is given at the end of each chapter and a full
                                                                                                        vocabulary list is included in the workbook.
                                                      Klasse! stands for communicative and
                                                     action-oriented teaching, focusing on creativity   A1
                                                     and consistent learner involvement.                010217 Kursbuch A1		               £16.50
                                                                                                        010218 Arbeitsbuch A1              £13.75
                                                       Exercises for multilingualism and, from A2,      010224 Lehrerhandbuch A1 mit Video-DVD
                                                     for language teaching build on the knowledge                                          £19.50
                                                     of the learners and show a close connection to     010225 Intensivtrainer A1          £10.75
                                                     the real application of languge and CLIL tasks     010227 Testheft A1 mit Audio-CD    £17.50
                                                     make it possible to combine German content         010228 Unterrichtspaket A1 DVD-Rom mit
Deutsch echt einfach                                 with other subjects.
                                                                                                               interaktiven Tafelbildern   £37.75+
Motta, G                                                                                                A2
KLETT                                                  Relevant themes and funny comics moti-
                                                                                                        010217 Kursbuch A2		               £16.50
                                                     vate students to speak and act. Videos show        010218 Arbeitsbuch A2              £13.75
  Deutsch echt einfach is a clearly set out,         scenes and stories from the everyday life of       010309 Lehrerhandbuch A2 mit Video-DVD
simple course to get pupils started in German.       young people in Germany, teaching cultural                                            £19.50
Short chapters and real-life situations that         studies and practising comprehsnsion.              010310 Intensivtrainer A2          £10.75
use typical, everyday language help pupils                                                              010319 Testheft A2 mit Audio-CD    £17.50
engage in spontaneous, natural interactions.           Humorous clips on speech and authentic
                                                                                                        010324 Unterrichtspaket A2 DVD-Rom mit
The main characters in the course are a group        communication make speech comprehensible                  interaktiven Tafelbildern   £37.75+
of teenagers who students can relate to, and         and integrate youth language, gestures and fa-
their activities are followed in a series of video   cial expressions. Grammar clips help students
                                                                                                        010215 Kursbuch B1 mit Audios zum
clips illustrating the topics in the book. There     to understand new structures. An additional
                                                                                                               Download                    £19.50
is a focus on pronunciation, vocabulary and          section on geography in the plateau chapters       010205 Arbeitsbuch B1 mit Audios zum
grammar throughout the course with plenty of         gives a more in-depth insight into Germany                Download                    £16.50
exercises to reinforce the language learned. A       and its people.                                    010265 Lehrerhandbuch B1           £25.50
grammar revision section, vocabulary list and                                                           010341 Intensivtrainer B1          £11.75
                                                      In the section Free choice, learners can
                                                                                                        010311 Testheft B1 mit 2 Audio-CDs £19.50
cultural page are included at the end of each        choose their own tasks - depending on diffi-
chapter. Zwischenstopps provide intensive            culty, skill, or interest.
skills training exercises on every topic. The
                                                      The coursebook and workbook both contain
audio and video clips for the coursebooks and
                                                     12 chapters; the coursebook offers gentle
workbooks are available to download online
                                                     progression with activity-oreinted tasks and
using a link in the books.
                                                     projects and summaries of vocabulary, speech,
                                                     grammar and self-evaluation sections.

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
                                                   Planet Plus
                                                     Planet plus is the revised edition of the clas-
                                                   sic course. The course has new content to
                                                   offer, short units and a modern design with a
                                                   host of photos that will appeal to teenagers.
                                                   At the same time the familiar language pro-
                                                   gression and easy-to-understand structure of
                                                   the course are retained. Planet Plus consists
                                                   of two separate half-length books per level
                                                   with each book containing four modules, each        Prima plus
                                                   with three short units dividing the substance of
                                                   the course into more manageable portions in           Prima plus is an updated edition of Prima.

Maximal                                            which the short stories in the modules form the
                                                   familiar framework. To accompany the course-
                                                                                                       The student books contain seven short, clearly
                                                                                                       segmented units on topics that students find
KLETT                                                                                                  motivating. The course is based on spoken
                                                   book from level A1 onwards entertaining film
  Maximal is a 3 level course for pupils aged      material is now available - two films per book      language, interactive working formats
from 11 for levels A1 to B1 of the CEFR. The       that follow exactly the content and progression     designed to help students methodically
course uses typical everyday situations and        of the coursebook. A new feature of the             improve their communication skills, key skills
language and combines traditional course-          design is the presentation of learning objec-       and pronunciation. The workbooks have a
books with online interactive learning. Jan,       tives in an extra column. Students are able to      parallel structure; for each exercise in the text-
Lena, Anton and Alicia lead learners through       see what is expected of them in each lesson         book there is a corresponding one in the work-
all the units in the coursebooks and intro-        and independent learning is encouraged.             book. The accompanying DVD-Roms contain
duce pupils to authentic German language as        Whenever new content is practised, previ-           listening texts as well as complementary inter-
spoken by teenagers. The common everyday           ously encountered material is revised at the        active exercises for vocabulary, grammar and
events are designed to encourage pupils to         same time consolidating the whole syllabus.         reading comprehension.
speak German. Amusing video clips that             The new magazine pages at the end of the            A1.1
depict the lives of the coursebook characters      coursebook will make classroom teaching             013130 Schülerbuch A1.1            £13.50
are included throughout for listening compre-      more interesting with games, cultural back-         013131 Arbeitsbuch A1.1 + CD-Rom £11.75
hension. For written skills there are a variety    gound material and suggestions for teaching.        013132 Handreichungen für den Unterricht
of exercises based on different types of texts     The separate workbook now also has a new                   A1.1                        £14.75
such as emails, Apps and social media. Gram-       full-colour design and forms a perfectly            013133 Audio-CD zum Schülerbuch A1.1
mar tables, self-evaluation tests and an alpha-    integrated extension to the writing, listening,                                          £5.60+
betical vocabulary list are also included.         reading and self-discovery grammar practice         A1.2
                                                   offered by the course. Mini tests in the form       013134 Schülerbuch A1.2            £13.50
  The workbooks contain a range of exercises
                                                   of interactive exercises enable pupils to easily    013138 Arbeitsbuch A1.2 + CD-Rom £11.75
to practice all the key skills together with ad-                                                       013139 Handreichungen für den Unterricht
                                                   test their level of knowledge for themselves.
ditional vocabulary, exam preparation training                                                                A1.2                        £14.75
                                                   The teachers’ book contains tips and sugges-
and projects to complete. The workbook with                                                            013140 Audio-CD zum Schülerbuch A1.2
                                                   tions on how to get the most from the course,
the LMS-code gives access to an interactive                                                                                                 £5.60+
                                                   an answer key to all the exercises and tran-        013142 Testheft mit Audio CD A1    £16.50
version of the coursebook and workbook with
                                                   scripts of the listening texts.                     013141 Video-DVD A1                £26.95+
online activities, videos and animated clips.
                                                   A1.1                                                A2.1
  The teachers' book comes with 2 CDs
                                                   012055   Kursbuch A1.1               £9.20          013148 Schülerbuch A2.1            £14.75
accompanying the coursebook and 1 CD that          012056   Arbeitsbuch A1.1 mit CD-Rom £9.20          013155 Arbeitsbuch + CD-Rom A2.1 £11.75
accompanies the workbook, transcripts of the       012186   Glossar Englisch A1.1       £5.35          013135 Handreichungen für den Unterricht
listening texts, an answer key and offers tips     012057   Audio-CDs zum Kurs- und                           A2.1                        £14.75
for lesson planning.                                        Arbeitsbuch A1.1           £27.95+         013157 Audio-CD zum Schülerbuch A2.1
 Klett Augmented is available for Maximal.         A1.2                                                                                     £5.60+
With the Klett Augmented App audio files, vid-     012058 Kursbuch A1.2                     £9.20      A2.2
eos or links can be scanned, played or saved       012164 Arbeitsbuch A1.2                  £9.20      013158 Schülerbuch A2.2            £13.50
on a smartphone or tablet.                         012187 Glossar Englisch A1.2             £5.35      013147 Arbeitsbuch A2.2 + CD-Rom £11.75
                                                   012165 Audio-CDs zum Kurs- und                      013176 Handreichungen für den Unterrich
A1                                                        Arbeitsbuch A1.2                 £27.95+            A2.2                        £14.75
011800 Kursbuch A1 mit Audios     £18.50           012234 DVD A1                           £25.95+     013191 Audio-CD zum Schülerbuch A2.2
011801 Arbeitsbuch A1 mit Audios  £15.75           A2.1                                                                                     £5.60+
011803 Arbeitsbuch A1 mit LMS-Code für             012071 Kursbuch A1.2                     £9.20      013163 Testheft mit Audio CD A2    £16.95
       das interaktive Kurs- und                   012190 Arbeitsbuch A2.1                  £9.20      013183 Video-DVD A2                £26.95+
       Übungsbuch                 £23.50           012218 Glossar Englisch A2.1             £5.35
011804 Lehrerhandbuch A1 mit CD-Rom und            012188 Audio-CDs zum Kurs- und                      B1
       3 Audio-CDs                £29.95                  Arbeitsbuch A2.1                 £27.95+     013174 Schülerbuch B1              £21.50
011805 DVD zum Kursbuch A1        £19.95+
                                                   A2.2                                                013175 Arbeitsbuch B1 + CD-Rom     £15.75
                                                   012219 Kursbuch A2.2                     £9.20      013186 Handreichungen für den Unterricht
                                                   012061 Arbeitsbuch A2.2                  £9.20             B1                          £22.50
                                                   012233 Glossar Englisch A2.2             £5.35      013196 Testheft B1 mit Audio-CD    £17.50
                                                   012194 Audio-CDs zum Kurs- und                      013177 Audio-CDs zum Schülerbuch B1
                                                          Arbeitsbuch A2.2                 £27.95+                                        £10.95+
                                                   012236 DVD A2                           £25.95+     013171 DVD B1                      £13.95+

GERMAN 2019 - The European Bookshop

                                                      Ages 15 - 16
                                                                                                          Mit Uns
                                                                                                            Mit uns is a course for advanced learners of
                                                      Aspekte Junior                                      German, working on their previous knowledge
                                                      KLETT                                               of the language and systematically developing
                                                                                                          it further.
                                                        Aspekte Junior is a German course for stu-
                                                      dents aged 15+ covering levels B1 plus to C1          The course is very clearly divided up into
                                                      of the CEFR. Based on the proven modular            modules: the topics in each module are pre-
                                                      structure of Aspekte neu the course uses            sented by personable teenagers who create
                                                      real-life scenarios approriate for the target       a personal and emotional rapport with young
                                                      group for learning. Listening and reading texts     students. A wide choice of authentic reading
                                                      are authentic and varied. Authentic film mate-      and listening texts take account of teenage
                                                      rial on DVD with matching tasks in the course       interests and train their reading and listening
                                                      book forms the basis for discussions and the        strategies, and encourage learners to form
                                                      practice of listening skills. Each level contains   their own opinions and gain new insights.
                                                      10 regional studies; portraits of people, com-        From the very beginning Mit uns puts the
                                                      panies or organisations, a collection of useful     productive skills of speaking and writing at
                                                      expressions and grammar overview. Digital           the forefront of the language learning pro-
Wir neu                                               versions of the books with interactive white-       cess. Authentic writing stimuli and a variety of
                                                      board presentations are also available.             projects promote oral and written powers of
                                                       Additional material eg. tests, worksheets,         expression. A great deal of emphasis is placed
  Wir teaches young people to communicate
                                                      glossaries, online exercises, and portfolios are    on transparent and comprehensible exercises
on topics relevant to their lives and develop
                                                      available on the publishers website.                and tasks that encourage language production
a broad understanding of the language. This
                                                                                                          - in both independent as well as cooperative
new edition has a combined coursebook and                Klett Augmented is available for Aspekte
                                                                                                          forms of learning.
workbook with a new layout and new, updated           Junior. With the Klett Augmented App audio
photos and illustrations. The books follow a          files, videos or links can be scanned, played or      Part and parcel of work with texts in Mit uns
modular structure and the layout is clear and         saved on a smartphone or tablet.                    is the presentation of grammar structures in
colourful to hold pupils’ interest and encour-        B1                                                  the coursebook that can then be discovered,
age them to participate through games and             012210 Kursbuch B1 plus + Audios zum                revised and extended in the workbook where
songs. New material is introduced in small                      Download                      £21.75      students are required to formulate the rule
                                                      012211 Übungsbuch B1 plus + Audios zum              themselves independently. In conjunction
recurring steps with exercises for all four skills.
                                                                Download                      £17.50
Grammar is introduced throughout the sec-                                                                 with the coursebook the vocabulary work
                                                      012213 Lehrerhandbuch B1                £18.50
tions for pupils to formulate rules themselves                                                            included in the workbook helps to extend the
                                                      012212 Medienpaket B1 plus (3 Audio-CDs +
with special exercises to apply the grammar                     Video-DVD)                    £26.95+     young learners' vocabulary and give them the
they have learned. Each module concludes              012215 Lehrwerk digital B1 plus mit                 necessary strategies required for their own
with revision exercises, a grammar summary                      interaktiven Tafelbildern     £38.95+     independent vocabulary acquisition. Specific
and a test for pupils to check their progress.                                                            writing practice materials in the workbook aim
A split level edition of the course is also avail-    012223 Kursbuch B2 + Audios zum Download            to prepare young learners for the DSD 1 & 2,
able.                                                                                   £21.50            Goethe-Zertifikat B1, B2 & C1 and Prüfungen
A1                                                    012224 Übungsbuch B2 + Audios zum                   des ÖSD exams and at the same time to
013250 Lehrbuch A1 + CD              £18.50                  Download                   £19.50            improve their own writing skills. The accompa-
013251 Arbeitsbuch A1                £15.50           012225 Medienpaket B2 (4 Audio-CDs +                nying audio-CDs contain all the listening texts
013362 Lehrerhandbuch A1             £17.50                  Video-DVD)                 £31.95+           from the coursebook and the listening texts
013253 Wir plus neu A1 Trainingsheft mit                                                                  from the pronunciation training programme in
       Audio-CD                       £9.70                                                               the workbook.
013252 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A1 auf
       DVD-Rom                       £19.95+
                                                                                                          012506 Kursbuch B1+               £18.50
A2                                                                                                        012507 Arbeitsbuch B1+            £15.95
013254 Lehrbuch A2 + CD              £18.50                                                               012508 Audio-CDs zum Kursbuch B1+ (2) +
013255 Arbeitsbuch A2                £15.50                                                                      Audio-CD zum Arbeitsbuch B1+ (1)
013371 Lehrerhandbuch A2             £17.50                                                                                                 £17.95+
013258 Wir plus neu A2 Trainingsheft mit
       Audio-CD                       £9.65
                                                                                                          012509 Kursbuch B2    £18.50
013256 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A2 auf
                                                                                                          012510 Arbeitsbuch B2 £16.95
       DVD-Rom                       £19.95+

013269 Lehrbuch B1 + Audio-CD        £18.50
013265 Arbeitsbuch B1                £15.50
013264 Wir plus neu Trainingsheft B1 mit
       Audio-CD                       £9.70
013383 Lehrerhandbuch B1             £17.75
013277 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket B1 auf
       DVD-Rom                       £19.95+

                                                   Campus Deutsch
                                                     Campus Deutsch is designed for students
                                                   who are about to start a degree course at a
                                                   German-speaking university. The material
                                                   enables students to cope with the language
                                                   and methodology encountered during the first
                                                   two terms of their studies. The volumes teach
                                                   cultural techniques and methodological skills
                                                   for successful studies over and above actual
Adolescent/Adult                                   language skills while ensuring that the texts,
                                                   tasks and practice materials taken from both
                                                   science and the humanities do not demand
Aspekte neu                                        any specialist knowledge of other subjects.
                                                   012227 Hören und Mitschreiben - Buch +
   Aspekte neu is an intermediate course which            MP3-CD                       £18.50           DaF leicht
builds on students’ previous knowledge to          012229 Präsentieren und Diskutieren Buch +           KLETT
take them to an advanced level of language                CD-Rom                       £18.50+
                                                                                                          DaF leicht is a six level course that covers
learning over the 3 levels. This new edition of    012228 Lesen                        £15.95
                                                                                                        levels A1-B1 of the CEFR. The course uses a
                                                   012230 Schreiben                    £15.95
Aspekte contains attractive introduction pages                                                          modern, magazine-style layout with an original
for each chapter, updated modules and new                                                               approach to cultural themes. Each chapter
film clips to support each topic. The course
follows a modular structure with Lernzielkas-
                                                   DaF kompakt neu                                      begins with a photo and question to introduce
                                                   KLETT                                                the topic and an outline of the communica-
ten at the start of every chapter indicating                                                            tive aims that will be covered. Information for
the aims of the chapter. Each chapter also           DaF Kompakt neu is a beginners course for          the students is written in red and appears at
includes a Porträt adding a cultural side to the   students who want to reach level B1 of the           the start of each chapter and at the top of
language learning and the accompanying DVD         Commom European Framework of Reference               each page. Texts are in the form of easy to
contains film clips on each topic to support       for Languages quickly and is particulary aimed       understand, short dialogues using authentic
comprehension. The workbook revises and            at students who need to learn German for             language and offer an up-to-date picture of
strengthens the coursebook material with           their studies or work. Each unit is complete in      the German-speaking world. Grammar is pre-
more in depth exercises and self-evaluation        itself and prepares for real, everyday situations    sented in context and all new structures are
sections so students can keep track of their       and communication. There are 30 units in the         highlighted in yellow throughout.
progess. The coursebook concludes with a           course: 8 for level A1, 10 for level A2 and 12 for
comprehensive Redemittel section and a clear-      level B1. Each unit contains three double page
                                                                                                        013051 Kurs-und Übungsbuch A1.1 mit
ly laid out summary of the most relevant gram-     spreads on the theme plus one double page
                                                                                                               DVD-Rom                      £16.50
mar points encountered through the book.           summary of the vocabulary, expressions and           013053 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1.2 mit
                                                   grammar covered. The course covers aspects                  DVD-Rom                      £16.50
012100 Lehrbuch B1 plus mit DVD     £25.95         of life in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and         013069 Grammatik-Clips A1           £10.95+
012101 Lehrbuch B1 plus             £22.95         Liechtenstein and invites intercultural compari-     013054 Lehrerhandbuch A1            £21.75
012102 Arbeitsbuch B1 plus mit Audio-CD            sons between the countries. Specimen papers          013056 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A1 auf
                                    £16.50         for the Goethe-Zertifikat A1 & A2 Start Deutsch             DVD-Rom                      £17.95+
012105 Lehrerhandreichungen B1 plus mit            and ÖSD-Zertifikat B1 exams are included in          013052 Medienpaket A1 - CDs (4) + DVD
       Medien-DVD-Rom               £36.95         the workbook sections. A single volume edi-                                              £17.95+
012103 Intensivtrainer B1 plus      £12.95         tion is also available.                              A2
012104 Audio-CDs zum Kursbuch B1 plus (2)                                                               013058 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2.1 mit
                                    £19.75+        A1
                                                                                                               DVD-Rom                      £16.50
012176 Grammatik B1 plus bis C1     £13.95         013526 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1 + MP3-CD
                                                                                                        013086 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2.2 mit
B2                                                                                                             DVD-Rom                      £16.50
                                                   013520 Intensivtrainer A1 - Wortschatz und
012106 Lehrbuch B2 mit DVD         £27.95                                                               013071 Grammatik-Clips A2           £10.95+
                                                          Grammatik                     £14.95
012107 Lehrbuch B2                 £21.75                                                               013076 Lehrerhandbuch A2            £21.75
                                                   013521 Vokabeltrainer A1 mit CD-Rom
012127 Arbeitsbuch B2 mit Audio-CD £16.50                                                               013075 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A2 auf
012144 Lehrerhandbuch B2 mit DVD-Rom                                                                           DVD-Rom                      £17.95+
                                   £36.95          A2                                                   013084 Medienpaket A2 CDs (4) + DVD
012143 Intensivtrainer B2          £13.95          013527 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2 mit MP3-                                                  £17.95+
012109 Audio-CDs zum Lehrbuch B2 (2) 		                   CD                            £19.75          B1
                                   £19.95+         013522 Intensivtrainer A2 - Wortschatz und           013087 Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1.1 mit
                                                          Grammatik                     £14.95                 DVD-Rom                      £16.50
                                                   B1                                                   013091 Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1.2 mit
012147 Lehrbuch C1 mit DVD         £26.95
                                                   013528 Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1 mit MP3-                     DVD-Rom                      £16.50
012157 Lehrbuch C1                 £21.75
                                                          CD                         £20.75             013077 Grammatik-Clips B1           £10.95+
012158 Arbeitsbuch C1 + Audio-CD £18.50
                                                   013523 Intensivtrainer B1         £16.50             013074 Lehrerhandbuch B1            £21.75
012133 Lehrerhandbuch C1 mit DVD-Rom
                                                                                                        013081 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket B1 auf
                                                                                                               DVD-Rom                      £17.95+
012169 Intensivtrainer A1 mit
                                                                                                        013071 Medienpaket B1 CDs (4) + DVD-Rom
       Prüfungsvorberitung DSH und
       TestDaF                     £12.95
012148 Audio-CDs zum Lehrbuch C1 (3)

Linie 1                                                                                                 B1
                                                                                                        011468 Kursbuch B1 mit DVD-Rom £18.95
                                                                                                        011469 Arbeitsbuch B1 mit 2 Audio-CDs
  Linie 1 is a course for complete beginners                                                                                                 £18.95
who want to learn German for both every-                                                                011532 Lehrerhandbuch B1 (Paket
day and business use. The course material                                                                      Lehrerhandbuch B1.1 & B1.2) £32.50
                                                                                                        011531 Audio-CDs (3) & DVD-Rom zum
is presented in easy to learn units with the
                                                                                                               Kursbuch B1                   £29.95+
coursebook and workbook sections for each
                                                                                                        011527 Vokabeltaschenbuch B1          £9.20
chapter presented together. After the topic and                                                         011538 Testtrainer B1 mit Audio-CD £18.95
vocabulary have been introduced, the section                                                            011537 Digitales Unterrichtspaket B1 DVD-
ends with Und Sie? exercises for students to                                                                   Rom                           £49.75+
practise what they have learnt in relation to
themselves. Vorhang auf presents scenari-            Menschen                                           Motive
oes for learners to revise their new language        HUEBER
structures in a fun way based on everyday               This course for beginners uses the theory
situations. Grammar and orthographic rules           that feelings and stories about other people         You can achieve an objective much more
are integrated into the units. The Intensivtrainer   are what encourages learners to actively           quickly by concentrating and dealing with it
provides additional exercises for those who          engage in their language learning from the         systematically. Motive follows this principle
want further practice. The teachers’ book            beginning. Each book contains 24 chapters.         with a clearly structured course that allows
offers ideas for using Linie 1 in lessons, pho-      Material is introduced in a story telling form     students to learn things quickly by a process
tocopiable worksheets and tips on using the          - with a scene-setting situation and listening     of discovery, cognition and association. Each
supplementary materials and new media. The           text, accompanied by a picture dictionary to       chapter in the course has clearly constructed
digital version of the teachers’ book contains       illustrate new vocabulary. Various forms are       units covering the basic syllabus for levels A1
the same material in a format for use with an        then used to expand on the subject in question     to B1. The initial page of each lesson reacti-
interactive whiteboard. All the audio and video      including song, movement exercises, games          vates students’ previous knowledge and picks
clips for the book are contained on the accom-       and film excerpts to ensure that all types of      up on what they have already learnt. Three
panying DVD-Rom.                                     learners are accounted for when practising         double-page spreads follow presenting in turn
                                                     new vocabulary, structures and phrases.            a reading text, a listening text or a topic of
                                                     Each chapter closes with writing practice and      cultural interest as a vehicle for new language.
010230 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1 mit DVD-
       ROM                          £25.95           speaking exercises or a mini-project to round      At the end of each lesson there is a short
010232 Intensivtrainer A1           £10.95           off the topic. Four additional chapters offer      summary of the relevant grammar and speech
010235 Lehrerhandbuch A1            £17.50           supplementary resources including magazine         functions. The workbooks contain extensive
010233 CDs A1 zum Kurs- und Übungsbuch               style pages with supplementary reading texts;      exercise material as well as special writing
       (4)                          £15.95+                                                             practice which can be completed at home or
                                                     activities to accompany the film clips on the
010236 Testheft A1 mit Audio-CD     £18.50                                                              in the classroom. Vocabulary and grammar are
                                                     course DVD; Projekt Landeskunde and songs.
010237 Vokabeltrainer A1 + CD-Rom £10.95                                                                dealt with in a systematic way enabling stu-
010234 DVD-Video A1                 £20.95+          The learner DVD-Rom offers extra exercises
                                                     to expand and revise class work and activities     dents to learn quickly. From the very
010238 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A1 auf
                                                     for self-study. All the audio and video material   beginning, longer reading and listening texts
       DVD-Rom                      £38.95+
                                                     can be downloaded via an app to smartphone         on interesting topics and stories combine skills
A2                                                                                                      training with vocabulary and grammar acquisi-
010231 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2 mit DVD-              or tablet.
                                                                                                        tion. This creates a network of knowledge that
       Rom                          £25.95           A1
                                                     011483 Kursbuch A1 mit DVD-Rom £18.95              lasts and quickly increases. The accompany-
010246 Lehrerhandbuch A2            £17.50
010239 CDs A2 zum Kurs- und Übungsbuch               011485 Arbeitsbuch A1 mit Audio-CDs (2)		          ing CDs contain all the listening texts from the
       (4)                          £15.95+                                               £18.95        coursebooks. A single volume edition is also
010298 Testheft A2 mit Audio-CD     £18.50           011489 Lehrerhandbuch A1 (Paket                    available.
010244 Intensivtrainer A2           £10.95                  Lehrerhandbuch A1.1 & A1.2) £32.50          A1
010301 Vokabeltrainer A2 mit CD-Rom		                011492 Audio-CDs (3) & DVD zum Kursbuch            017501 Kursbuch A1 Lektion 1-8      £11.75
                                    £10.95                  A1                            £29.95+       017503 Arbeitsbuch A1 Lektion 1-8 mit MP3
010247 DVD-Video A2                 £20.95+          011491 Berufstrainer A1 mit Audio-CD		                    Audio-CD                       £9.95
010323 Komplettes Unterrichtspaket A2 auf                                                 £11.50        017504 Audio CDs A1 (2) Lektion 1-8 £21.95+
       DVD-Rom                      £38.95+          011495 Testtrainer A1 mit Audio-CD £18.95
                                                     011519 Intensivtrainer A1            £11.50        A2
B1                                                                                                      017505 Kursbuch A2 Lektion 9-18     £11.75
                                                     011515 Vokabeltaschenbuch A1          £9.20
010312 Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1 mit DVD-                                                                 017506 Arbeitsbuch A2 Lektion 9-18 mit MP3
                                                     011481 Digitales Unterrichtspaket A1 DVD-
       ROM                          £25.95                                                                     CD                            £9.95
                                                            Rom                           £49.75+
010317 Lehrerhandbuch B1            £17.50                                                              017507 Audio-CDs A2 (2) zum Kursbuch
010318 Intensivtrainer B1           £10.95           A2
                                                                                                               Lektion 9-18                 £21.95+
010315 CDs zum Kurs-und Übungsbuch B1                011466 Kursbuch A2 mit DVD-Rom £18.95
                                                     011467 Arbeitsbuch A2 mit 2 Audio-CDs		            B1
       (4)                          £15.95+
                                                                                          £18.95        017508 Kursbuch B1 Lektion 19-30 £12.95
010326 Testheft B1 mit Audio-CD     £18.50
                                                     011521 Lehrerhandbuch A2 (Paket                    017511 Arbeitsbuch B1 Lektion 19-30 mit
010346 DVD-Video B1                 £15.95+
                                                            Lehrerhandbuch A2.1 & A2.2 £32.50                  MP3 Audio-CD                 £10.75
010344 Komplettes Untterichtspaket B1 auf
                                                     011494 Audio-CDs (2) & DVD-Rom zum                 017509 Audio CDs B1 zum Kursbuch £21.95+
       DVD-Rom                      £38.95+
                                                            Kursbuch A2                   £29.95+
B2                                                   011520 Vokabeltaschenbuch A2          £9.20
010330 Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1+/B2 mit               011529 Berufstrainer A2 mit Audio-CD
       Audios und Videos          £27.50                                                  £11.50
010329 Lehrerhandbuch B1+/B2 + Audio-CDs             011496 Testtrainer A2 mit Audio-CD £18.95
       (4) + DVD mit Videotrainer £34.50             011530 Digitales Unterrichtspaket A2 DVD-
010320 Intensivtrainer B2.1        £7.95                    Rom                           £49.75+

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