2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival

2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
Act Ev
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     Event Guide
   14th - 30th August

2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
Pershore Operatic Dramatic Society (PODS)
are an amateur society that rehearse and perform
musical productions at Number 8 Arts Centre in
Pershore. We are looking for people to help backstage
with our productions.
If you’re handy with a toolbox, paintbrush, sewing
machine or computer software and can you help us in
one or more of these areas then we would love to hear
from you! Email us on
   ✔ Designing and constructing sets
   ✔ Sewing, sourcing and organizing costume
   ✔ Stage crew
   ✔ Helping to put up and take down sets (get in/
     get out)
   ✔ Sourcing, making and managing props
   ✔ Front of house during shows and making
     rehearsal refreshments.
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
Hello, and welcome to the 2021 Worcester Festival
brochure. It has been a hugely challenging eighteen months,
and although we managed to deliver a Festival last year,
it was mainly virtual with just a few live events. This year,
thankfully, most of them are live, although we still have some
virtual as we found that our audience and participants joined
in from as far away as Australia!

There are a huge number of varied events in the 2021
Festival, 708 at time of this brochure going to press, but still
coming in. The vast majority of them are free, and family
friendly, and we hope that you will all take advantage of this
and come to as much as possible.

A big thank you to all the organisations who have supported
us by entering events, particularly Worcester
Cathedral who are the hosts of our exciting new
initiative, The Pear Tree Project in collaboration
with the Worcester Food Bank (see page 6 for more
detail.) We are gradually emerging from very difficult
times. The Worcester Festival is genuinely a ‘people’s
festival’ – some come on people, come and take part
in lots of activities and really enjoy your Festival!

Chris Jaeger MBE
Festival Director

                                 Event Symbols Key

    Exhibition   Live Music    Horticultural   Performance    Workshop      Family    Community

    Historical   Talk/Spoken     Food &         Get Active   Competition     Get         Digital
                    Word          Drink                                    Creative

Please note that all events are subject to the COVID guidelines at the time and as a result may be
subject to change or cancelation.

                                                    www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 3
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
Booking Information
                         For events that require pre-booking or payment please visit the Worcester
                         Festival website for the link to purchase tickets. Booking fees may apply.
                         Tickets may also be available on the door of the relevant venue
                         immediately before the start of the event, but we recommend booking
                         ahead where possible to ensure your place.
                         Some events are free and require no pre-booking, simply turn up on the day.
                         Some free events require pre-booking due to limited place numbers, be sure
                         to check the event guide or website for details about a particular event.
                         Access for people with disabilities – Many events in the Festival have access
                         for people with disabilities, but it is not always possible – for example in
                         very ancient buildings. Please contact the event organiser or location to
                         check accessibility information for an event.
                         Please note that occasionally event details may be changed, and on rare
                         occasions events may be cancelled.
                         Please see www.worcesterfestival.co.uk for the most
                         up-to-date information.                                                                                                                           e1
                                                                                                                                                            11   16:10 Pag
                                                                                                                                               t 1 18/05/20

Sponsors and Funders

                                                                                          FUN FOR ALL
                                                                                             E FAMILY
We are extremely grateful to our funders and sponsors:
Worcester City Council                The Fitton Trust                                    THSimon
Crowngate Shopping                    Ratcliff Foundation                         Geraghty
Centre                                Richard Cadbury Trust                       Professor Judith Elkin
Richards Sandy                        The Eric W Vincent Trust                    Steve Clews for the
Partnership                                                                       Welshpool & Llanfair
                                      Councillor Tony Miller                      Light Railway
Worcester News
                                      Councillor Bob Banks

  Make a donation anytime you like on our JustGiving
  page to help support the Worcester Festival!
                                                                                                              6-29 August 20the events at
                                                                                                                           t all
                                                                                                              Find out abou terfestival.co.uk

The Worcester                                           The Worcester
                                                                                                                             905 611427
                                                                                                               Box Office 01

Festival Team:                                          Festival Board of
Chris Jaeger – Festival Director
Liz Grand – Festival Administrator
                                                        Chris Jaeger – Chair
Hannah Burton – Marketing Manager
                                                        Professor Judith Elkin – Vice Chair
Ashley Dashwood – Operations Manager                    The Very Reverend Peter Atkinson
With a special big thank you to our fabulous            Councillor Marc Bayliss
volunteers and planning committee.
                                                        Councillor Jabba Riaz
A big thank you to the team at Gambit Nash for
their hard work and endless support!                    Guy Salter
Special thanks to Ysabel Steggles for creating of the
fantastic front cover.                                  Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
                                                        information contained in this brochure, the publishers and promoters shall
A big thank you to Urban Prints for production          not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions. Worcester Festival Ltd acts
of our Worcester Festival T-shirt for staff and         as a co-ordinator for events promoted by a variety of organisations. It cannot
volunteers.                                             be held responsible for any of the events promoted by third parties.

4 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
6-29 August 20the events at
             t all          Feeling competitive? Or just fancy some
Find out abou terfestival.co.uk
 Box Office 01 905 611427   Festival fun? Enter one of our fabulous
                            competitions below! Closing date for
                            entries into these competitions is the
                            3rd of September at 12 noon, good luck!

Percy Colouring Competition                          Answer the questions as you go and when            will win a peacock cuddly toy and a bottle of
Worcester Festival Website                           you have finished you can 1) Hand it in at the     Prosecco. By entering, you automatically give us
Free                                                 Tourist Information Office (if open) OR 2)         permission to display entries on The Worcester
SPONSORED BY                                         Email it to marketing@worcesterfestival.co.uk.     Festival’s website and social media.
                                                     The first three, all correct entries drawn out
                                                     of the hat will win a bottle of Prosecco and a     Cress Heads
                                                     peacock cuddly toy.                                Worcester Festival
                                                     Crowngate Percy Trail Worcester                    Free
Oh no – Percy’s all washed out and                   Festival Website                                   Cress is fun and super quick to grow. You
he needs you to colour him back in!                  Free                                               don’t need compost as it can be grown on
Download a colour-me-in Percy from www.              SPONSORED BY                                       any moist porous surface.
worcesterfestival.co.uk or grab one from                                                                To take part, grow your cress anywhere you
the Tourist Information Centre and go as                                                                like the idea is to make the cress look like hair
wild as you like putting him back to his full                                                           to make a character. Your container needs
technicolour glory! Crayons, paint, feathers,                                                           to be able to hold cotton wool or something
sparkles…anything goes! Then take a snap of          Percy’s all over the shop! Throughout the          similar that can retain water.
your work of art and email it to marketing@          Festival, find Percy the Peacock’s cheeky          Egg shells are a great container because you
worcesterfestival.co.uk or drop it in to the         face in 20 shops in Crowngate to be in with        can draw faces on them, but you can use
Tourist Information Centre. The entries              a chance of winning a peacock cuddly toy           absolutely anything from small balls, mugs, or
will be judged in two different categories,          and a bottle of Prosecco! Even better – it’s       even old shoes (please make sure they are
under 9s and 9–15-year olds. The winners             completely free to enter! Download your            old!). The only limit is imagination.
will receive a peacock cuddly toy and some           form from www.worcesterfestival.co.uk              1. Find your container. This must be able to
sweeties. Happy colouring! By entering, you          or pop to the Tourist Information Centre              hold something that can retain moisture.
automatically give us permission to display          and when you have finished you can 1)              2. Your container should then be packed with
entries on The Worcester Festival’s website and      Hand it in at the Tourist Information Office          something that holds water for example
social media. Personal information such as child’s   (if open) OR 2) Email it to marketing@                cotton wool or kitchen roll
full name and age will be redacted from entries.     worcesterfestival.co.uk.                           3. Moisten the packing and sprinkle some
                                                                                                           cress seeds on it. Just enough so you can
Family Prize Quiz Trail                              Worcester Festival Wildlife                           still see what they are resting on.
Worcester Festival Website                           Photography Competition                            4. Cover over with paper (if you’re using
Free                                                 Worcester Festival Website                            eggshells, covering over with the egg box
SPONSORED BY                                         Free                                                  lid is ideal).
                                                     SPONSORED BY                                       5. Check them daily and give then a light
                                                                                                           water (about a teaspoon just to keep them
                                                     Take a photo in and around Worcester                  moist)
                                                     during the Festival and email it to marketing@     6. In about two to three days they should
Download your form from www.                         worcesterfestival.co.uk with your name,               germinate (start to grow). Now is the time
worcesterfestival.co.uk or pop to the                address and phone number.                             to uncover them.
Tourist Information Centre and follow the            Simple as that! There is a £25 first prize and     7. Keep them moist and they will grow a
instructions to be taken on a tour around            two runner-up prizes of a bottle of Prosecco          great head of hair.
Worcester. The walk starts and finishes at           and a peacock cuddly toy. Good Luck!               Now the fun part! Decorate your head! You
the Guildhall. The walk is just a little more        The photograph must be taken between               can make it a member of your family, a pet,
than a mile.                                         the 14th and 30th August. You cannot be a          a self-portrait, a famous person or a person
                                                     professional photographer. By entering, you        from history, anything you want.
                                                     automatically give us permission for your          Send us a picture of your cress head to
                                                     photograph(s) to be displayed on The Worcester     marketing@worcesterfestival.co.uk with an
                                                     Festival website and social media. The photo       explanation (if needed).
                                                     must be of a wild bird, animal or insect, not      There will be three prizes available, best cress
                                                     a pet or domestic animal. You can enter a          head, most inventive cress head and the cress
                                                     maximum of two photographs.                        head grown in the biggest container.
                                                     Make Your Own
                                                     Festival Bunting
                                                     Worcester Festival Website
                                                     A fantastic, downloadable activity for the
                                                     whole family to enjoy! Simply go to www.
                                                     worcesterfestival.co.uk and download the
                                                     bunting template along with instructions on
                                                     how to create some stunning decorations
                                                     for your home. We want as many people
                                                     as possible to decorate their windows,
                                                     mantlepieces and gardens with our bunting
                                                     and spread lots of Festival cheer! Once you
                                                     have decorated your home, take a photo and
                                                     send it to marketing@worcesterfestival.co.uk.
                                                     All entries will go into a draw. The first prize
                                                     winner will receive £25 and two runners-up               Cress Heads

                                                                             www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 5
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
                         Special Events
 6-29 August 20the events at
 Find look
      out aboutout
                   stival.co.uk running every day throughout the Festival!
               905 611427
 Box Office 01
Percy the Peacock                                 Worcester Festival
Out and About in                                  Pear Tree Project
Worcester!                                        Worcester Festival Website/
Free                                              Worcester Cathedral
Look out for Percy the Peacock every day          Free
of the Festival out and about on his travels,        SPONSORED BY
especially at weekends. Percy absolutely loves    Steve Clews in support
posing for photographs, so be sure to have          of The Welshpool &                                    Shakespeare
your picture taken with him, whatever your         Llanfair Light Railway                                 NOT at the
age, and share your favourite #percypics with                                                             Cathedral
us on Facebook and Twitter! He’ll be giving                                                               (Recycled)           SPONSORED BY
out flags and posing for photos in the city                                                               Worcester Steve Clews in support
centre, weather permitting. (Peacocks don’t                                                               Festival           of The Welshpool &
like the rain!)                                                                                           Website           Llanfair Light Railway
                                                  This exciting new project is all about spreading        When we were unable to stage Shakespeare
                                                  the message of community, charity and the               at the Cathedral last year due to the
                                                  environment, raising awareness of these                 pandemic, we asked several actors to try
                                                  important issues and how they may affect                their hand at some of the Bard’s famous
                                                  people.                                                 works in the comfort of their own home.
                                                  The project is made up of 2 elements, a leaf            Pop on to the Worcester Festival website to
                                                  or a pear that we want as many people as                watch them all!
                                                  possible to create to decorate a giant tree
                                                  in Worcester Cathedral for the duration of              Tales of Percy the Peacock
                                                  the Festival.                                           Worcester Festival Website
                                                  To get involved print off the leaf template             Actor Jonathan Darby reads Tales of Percy
                                                  from the Worcester Festival website and fill            the Peacock by Chris Jaeger. Hear the story
                                                  the leaf with what community and charity                of Percy’s life, from his birth on Brownsea
                                                  mean to you. You can write a poem, draw a               Island in Poole Harbour to becoming the
                                                  picture, or even write a letter to someone to           star of the Worcester Festival! There are 6
                                                  thank them for their help. You can also create          chapters available to watch throughout the
                                                  a pear out of recycled household materials.             Festival on the Worcester Festival website,
                                                  Anything goes, old milk bottles, tin foil, wool         they are guaranteed to make the whole
                                                  anything that you can find lying about the              family smile.
                                                  house that you don’t need anymore. (Please
                                                  do not use perishable items).                           How to Paint a Masterpiece
                                                  When you have finished one or both of your              in Three Stages with David
                                                  creations bring them along to Worcester                 Birtwhistle
                                                  Cathedral and pop them on the tree and look             Worcester Festival Website
                                                  at all the other wonderful creations that have          Free
                                                  been added!                                             Three videos of local superstar artist David
                                                                                                          Birtwhistle showing you how to create your
                                                  This project is in association with The                 very own masterpiece!
                                                  Worcester Foodbank, when you drop off
                                                  your leaf or pear to the Cathedral, please              Merlo Merlo’s Mini Magic
                                                  consider bringing along a donation to help this         & Puppet Show
                                                  wonderful charity.                                      Worcester Festival Website
                                                                                                          Rediscover Merlo Merlo’s magical show from
                                                                                                          2020’s Worcester Festival, with disappearing
                                                                                                          magical balls, unpredictable mops and an
                                                                                                          excitable magical assistant who just happens
                                                                                                          to be a dog! Wiggle your fingers, shout the
                                                                                                          magic words and join Merlo Merlo and his
                                                                                                          mischievous sidekick, Doug, to help ensure
                                                                                                          the magic happens!

                                                                                     David Birtwhis
                                                              a Ma  sterpiece with
                                                 How to Paint

                                                  Percy Says…
                                                  Worcester Festival Website
                                                  SPONSORED BY

                                                  Percy the Peacock has got some intriguing
                                                  historical and geographical facts about
                                                  Worcester for you, there are 17 in total.
                                                  What will you learn about this historic City?

6 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
Special Events                                                   the even
                                                                                                                              6-29 August 20
                                                                                                                                                      ts at
                        to look out for… running every day throughout the
                                                                            out about all stival.co.uk
                                                                             worcesterfe                                       www.
                                                                                                                                             905 611427
                                                                                                                               Box Office 01
Play Tennis in                                     Focal Pointe Dance
Cripplegate                                        School proudly present
Park and Gheluvelt Park                            Alice in Zoomland
Free - Eligibility Criteria Apply                  Online
Courts are available in Cripplegate:               Free – Donations Welcomed
Monday – Friday 5pm – 7pm                          Alice in Zoomland is a Panto Style
Monday – 1pm – 2pm                                 Production performed by Focal Pointe
Tuesday – 2pm – 3pm                                Dance School Musical Theatre Students (ages
Wednesday – 1pm – 2pm                              4 - 16). Loosely based on Wonderland, this
Saturday – 10am – 1pm & 4pm – 6pm                  story has a 2020 twist! Meet the characters
Sunday – 10am – 12pm                               of Zoomland - will Alice ever return
                                                   home; will Izzy Cycle be frozen forever
Courts are available in Gheluvelt:                 & will Dormouse Durham be sent to jail?
Monday – 2pm – 3pm & 3pm – 4pm                     Donations welcome (via link) when you
Tuesday – 9am – 10am                               watch online to raise funds for Child Brain
Thursday 2pm – 3pm                                 Injury Trust. www.focalpointedanceschool.
Saturday 5pm – 6pm                                 com
To access these courts, you must register and
prove that you are eligible by being in one of     St. Peter’s Heritage
the following categories:                          Trail 2021
Advance 25                                         Download the map from the QR
• In receipt of State Pension, or Full-Time        code or search St Peter’s Festival               Worcester’s Big Parade
   Student.                                        on Facebook                                      – Art Trail
• Under 25’s on the following: Modern              Free                                             City of Worcester – Suggested
   Apprenticeships, NVQ Training Schemes                                                            starting point St. Andrew’s Spire,
   and Life Skills Training.                                                                        Deansway
OR                                                                                                  Free
Advance 50                                                                                          Something BIG is happening in Worcester
• Claiming Carer’s Allowance, Child Tax                                                             this summer!
   Credit, Council Tax Benefit (not discount                                                        Worcester’s Big Parade is a mass participation
   schemes), Employment & Support                                                                   public event brightening up city streets and
   Allowance, Foster Carers and Children,                                                           public spaces this summer, brought to you by
   Housing Benefit, Income Support,                                                                 St Richard’s Hospice and Wild in Art.
   Jobseekers Allowance, Pension Guaranteed                                                         Worcester’s Big Parade welcomes 30 large
   Credits, Working Tax Credit.                                                                     elephants decorated by artists and 36 cute
To register email worcestertennis@                                                                  calves – carefully crafted by schools and
freedom-leisure.co.uk with proof of eligibility.   A leisurely two-hour stroll encompassing         community groups – into the city for eight
You will then be sent a link to correspond         15 key location points, which reference the      weeks, offering you the chance to embrace
with your membership and from there you            people and places which have shaped St           your inner explorer and discover ele-shaped
can book free courts (on the days shown            Peter’s Parish, from the early 1600’s to the     masterpieces in a fun and free art event!
above) or can use the pay and play courts          present day.                                     Our mammoth friends can be found within
available at a reduced price (Advance 25                                                            one-mile of the city centre, with intrepid
- £5.25 per court per hour. Advance 50 -           The trial follows established Parish Pedways     adventurers able to finish the trail in around
£3.50 per court per hour)                          including, parks, play areas, picnic spots and   four hours. However, for those who like to
                                                   pubs.                                            take it slow the route can easily be broken
                                                   At each key point, the physical route is         down into smaller chunks. The route takes in
                                                   signposted with QR codes for more detailed       some of the city’s best loved locations – but
                                                   information.                                     also encourages you to get out, discovering
                                                                                                    exciting facts and new places around
                                                                        Worcester’s Big Parade      Pick up ele-fantastic official Parade
                                                                                                    Merchandise from our pop-up shop on
                                                                                                    Broad Street, Worcester, open Mon-Sun
                                                                                                    10am-4pm for the duration of the trail!
                                                                                                    Read all the latest news on www.
                                                                                                    worcestersbigparade.co.uk or find us
                                                                                                    on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
                                                                                                    There is a trail map in the centre of the
                                                                                                    brochure for you to start your journey!

                                                                                                                  St. Peter’s Herita
                                                                                                                                    ge Trail

                                                                           www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 7
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
 6-29 August 20the events at
                            Events                                            August 14th

                 t all                                 Climbing Wall                                           everyone to take a moment to contemplate what
Find out abou terfestival.co.uk                        10am – 4pm                                              we have been through and to think about loved
               905 611427                              Cathedral Square                                        ones. Families are also invited to take part in the
 Box Office 01
                14th                                   Free
                                                       SPONSORED BY
                                                                                                               Leaves of the Trees paper leaves activity in the
                                                                                                               Deans Chapel.
Street & Cheer Dance Workshop
(for ages 6-12 years)                                  Ever fancied your chances of climbing Mount             Pilgrimage to Worcester
9.25am – 9.55am                                        Everest? Well, this might be your starting point – a    Cathedral – by foot or bike
Medway Community Centre , WR5 1LJ                      chance to have a go at one of the fastest-growing       10am – 5pm (Cathedral opening
£3.25                                                  sports, rock-climbing. Totally safe, assisted and       hours)
Cheer & Street Fusion Dance class incorporates         watched over by qualified experts.                      Worcester Cathedral (from various
two styles which includes gymnastic moves,                                                                     starting places)
coordination, timing, strength, and flexibility        Left-Hander’s Day                                       Free
training. Students will learn fun routines covering    10am – 4pm                                              Pilgrimage offers a great opportunity for walking
a wide range of steps and techniques.                  Aunty Ems Tea and Toy Emporium                          or cycling through Worcestershire’s beautiful
This is a unique style only offered at All Sorts.      Free                                                    countryside. Finish up at Worcester Cathedral
Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts      Celebrate being left-handed! Come and try/              where you will be able get an English Cathedral
offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn       buy left-handed products such as scissors, can          passport card stamped, have a nice cup of tea,
performance skills and boost their confidence.         openers, cork screws, pencils, pens, rulers,            browse the shop with lots of great memorabilia,
To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or        pencil sharpeners, left hand writing skills books,      and see exciting things which are going on during
call 01905 402998                                      writewellmats and two brand new handwriting             the Worcester Festival including a major reflective
                                                       products. To see the whole range visit www.             exhibition and the Pear Tree Project – and of
Mini All Sorts Workshop                                leftshoponline.co.uk. If you want handwriting           course visit the King John tomb. You can also
(for ages 3-6 years)                                   help for you/your child, please book a time slot        get mileage towards the Santiago Pilgrimage
10am – 10.30am                                         in advance on 07747605017 or email info@                Experience.
Medway Community Centre, WR5 1LJ                       leftshoponline.co.uk.                                   Full details of the journeys, from Malvern,
£3.25                                                                                                          Droitwich, Pershore, Evesham and beyond can be
Mini All Sorts is the perfect start to your All        Tudor Rat Trail                                         found on www.britishpilgrimage.org
Sorts journey. This is a fun-based class building      10am – 4pm
on confidence. Students will learn fun dance           Tudor House Museum                                      Summer of Fun with Paint
techniques, Party dances, Fun Pop and Musical          £2 per trail, Entry to Tudor House                      Your Own Pottery at the
Theatre songs.                                         Museum – Free                                           Museum of Royal Worcester
Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts      See you if you can spot the mischievous rat hiding      10am – 5pm
offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn       in various rooms of the Tudor House Museum,             Museum of Royal Worcester
performance skills and boost their confidence.         a fun activity to prompt engagement with the            £15
To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or call   building! No pre-booking required.                      Unleash your creativity in our NEW Paint your
01905 402998                                                                                                   own Pottery Studio!
                                                       Poppy’s Farm                                            Book a table for groups of up to six, then pick
Snoezey Charity Art Auction                            10am – 4.30pm                                           a pot for you and your family to decorate: from
and Exhibition                                         St. Peter’s Garden Centre, WR5 2NY                      woodland creatures to wild animals, plates to mugs
10am – 3pm                                             Free                                                    to dog bowls, there are plenty of fun designs to
Worcester Snoezlen                                     A relaxing space where adults and children can          choose from! The Museum will then glaze and fire
Viewing Free – Silent Auction                          enjoy an adventure into wildlife and nature.            your finished items, ready to be picked up within
Exhibition of artwork created by Worcester             You can expect to see: An informative nature            7-10 days. Try out your artistic skills, come rain
Snoezelen members and other local artists. Silent      walk, goats, chickens, and hopefully in the future      or shine! Includes FREE entry to the Museum for
auction of work on display. View and bid to win        pigs & sheep, A takeaway café: Poppy’s Café, picnic     your group.
an original piece of artwork!                          benches around the site, ideas to encourage             Tickets can be purchased from: museum-of-royal-
All proceeds from this event supports our work         wildlife to your own garden, Oliver’s allotment,        worcester.arttickets.org.uk or by phoning: 01905
with Worcester Snoezelen artists who have              free Kids Activity Packs, a yurt for classes and/or     21247
disabilities & additional needs.                       enjoying luxury picnics / afternoon tea. Enjoy today,
Worcester Snoezelen CIO is a registered charity        enhance tomorrow.                                       The Buzz Inflatable
(no. 1188079) offering multi-sensory therapy                                                                   Adventure Park
and inclusive arts for people with disabilities and    Botanical Treasures:                                    10am – 6pm
additional needs. www.worcestersnoezelen.org.uk        Inspiration from Nature                                 The Buzz, Worcester, WR5 1DS
                                                       in Porcelain and on Paper Exhibition                    10% off when you quote WorcsFest21
Worcester’s Big Parade –                               and Summer Programme                                    Our inflatable adventure is suitable for all ages
Miniature Painting Workshop                            10am – 5pm                                              with many areas to explore with your best
10am – 3.30pm                                          Museum of Royal Worcester                               bouncing buddy! We can cater for families, adults
Museum of Royal Worcester                              £6.50 (Concessions £5.50)                               or children, and parties too.
£15 – Inc. 1 ½ hour session 1                          Visit our NEW Botanical Treasures exhibition,           Explore our range of revolutionary equipment
miniature ceramic elephant and                         a collaboration between the Museum of Royal             and attempt to beat our best bouncer around our
painting materials                                     Worcester and the Gloucestershire Society for           time trial course. We have areas to explore solo
Feeling inspired by the arrival of the memory of       Botanical Illustration.                                 and places to pair up with your pals, taking them
elephants in Worcester? This is your opportunity       Beautiful artworks created by the GSBI’s                on in 1-2-1 challenges or teaming up to be the
to let your imagination loose and unleash your         talented members will be displayed alongside            biggest bee in the hive!
creative side, by painting your very own miniature     the Museum’s stunning collection of porcelain           To book phone: 01905 382742 or visit www.
ceramic elephant to take home as a lasting             and original archives, celebrating the beautiful        thebuzzworcester.co.uk
memento of Worcester’s Big Parade.                     flowers and fruits on Worcester porcelain
                   Proceeds from the miniature         and the life of former Royal Worcester artist
                   painting workshops will support     Stuart Lafford. Pre-booking is required, please
                   St Richard’s Hospice’s care. As     visit museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.
                   an independent charity – with       uk/?t=1623492341775 to book.
                   just 20% of its income funded
                   by the NHS – St Richard’s is        The Leaves of the Trees Exhibition
                   grateful for the support of, and    10am – 5pm
                   donations from the community        Worcester Cathedral
                   to enable it to continue its        Free
                   services.                           An installation of 5,000 steel ‘Hope’ leaves,
                   To book a place visit www.          as a reflective memorial to the effects of the
                   strichards.org.uk/event/            pandemic. The installation is designed to honour
                   wbp-miniatures                      those who have lost their lives, but also to allow
                                                                                                                                                      Left-Hander’s Day
8 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
August 14th                      Events                                              6-29 August 20
                                                                                                                                                                          ts at
                                                                                                                                                                    the even
                                                         Full Peal of Bells for the                             Musical Theatre Workshop          d out about allrfestival.co.uk
                                                         Festival Opening                                       (for ages 11-14 years)Fin       ww  w.worceste
                                                         11am – 12pm noon                                       11.40am – 12.10pm                                         27
                                                                                                                                                           e 01905 6114
                                                                                                                                                Box OfficWR5
                                                         Worcester Cathedral                                    Medway Community Centre,                         1LJ
                                                         Free                                                   £3.25
                                                         The Cathedral’s magnificent bells will ring            Advanced Musical Theatre Class focuses on
                                                         out over the city to mark the opening of the           building singing vocals, different styles of dance,
                                                         Festival. A team of 12 bellringers will perform        terminology & performance techniques to a higher
                                                         without stopping for four hours, ringing over          level. Students work on routines which include
                                                         5,000 changes. Church bells are the biggest and        all three elements. Dance, Drama & Singing to
                    Life Stories Exhibition              loudest musical instruments and Worcester’s            popular and current films and musicals.
                                                         peal, the fifth heaviest, is regarded as one of the    Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts
                                                         finest peals in the world. Weather permitting,         offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn
                                                         the tower will be open and you can watch the           performance skills and boost their confidence.
Indoor Climbing                                          ringers perform via a television link. It’s quite      To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or call
10am – 6pm                                               an experience being on the tower roof with             01905 402998
Redpoint, Worcester, WR5 1DS                             14 tonnes of bell metal swinging a few metres
10% off when you quote WorcsFest21                       below your feet. The biggest ringing bell at the       Worcester Ukulele Club
Redpoint Worcester pride themselves on                   Cathedral weighs 48 cwt or 2,444kg!                    11.45am
professional qualified, friendly staff members,                                                                 Outside the Guildhall
who are always taking that extra step to ensure          Turn up for a Socially                                 Free
you take away an experience that you will never          Distanced Tour of the Cathedral                        With over 150 songs in their repertoire the
forget. Whatever you’re looking to book on to,           11am – 12pm                                            Worcester Ukulele Club are guaranteed to
or even if you’re looking to come by for a social        Worcester Cathedral                                    have you singing and dancing along. The perfect
climb, you’re sure to enjoy your time here at            £7 per person                                          summer entertainment!
Redpoint Worcester. We provide private family            An historic tour of Worcester Cathedral, led
tasters, kids clubs and adult climbing courses.          by one of our experienced Cathedral Guides;            Snoezey Fest
To book phone: 01905 350346 or visit www.                using sanitised headset equipment to allow for         12 noon – 7pm
redpointworcester.co.uk                                  social distancing. Tickets are available from the      Worcester Snoezelen
                                                         Cathedral website (www.worcestercathedral.             Free
Worcester Life Stories                                   co.uk) in advance or the Cathedral Welcome Desk        Multi-sensory festival with performances
Exhibition                                               on the day.                                            showcasing the creative talent of people with
10.30am – 4.30pm                                                                                                disabilities and additional needs. Music - including
Worcester City Art Gallery and                           Funky Faces Face Painting                              our ever-popular Rock School, Dance with Cat,
Museum                                                   11am – 3pm                                             soundbites and stories with signed interpretation.
Free                                                     The Pod, Crowngate Shopping                            Art and sensory workshops and spaces.
In this stunning exhibition Titanic: Honour &            Centre – Friary Walk                                   Worcester Snoezelen centre open for guided
Glory, see unique artefacts from one of the              Free                                                   tours.
largest collections of rare Titanic and White            SPONSORED BY                                           All ages and abilities welcome.
Star Line artefacts in the world, in addition to                                                                Worcester Snoezelen CIO is a registered charity
magnificent props and costumes from the 1997                                                                    (no. 1188079) offering multi-sensory therapy and
James Cameron film, Titanic. Discover the story                                                                 inclusive arts for people who have a disability or
of Titanic through real artefacts and personal                                                                  additional need. www.worcestersnoezelen.org.uk
stories, experience the grandeur of transatlantic        Funky Faces has a range of fabulous designs!
travel and step back into the gilded age as you          Choose from butterflies, flowers, super heroes         Drama Workshop
view awe-inspiring examples of the ship’s luxurious      and more, or ask for something bespoke. Children       (for ages 11-14 years)
interior fittings.                                       of all ages are welcome to have their faces painted    12.15pm – 12.45pm
A national touring Titanic and White Star Line           for free, although the recommended minimum             Medway Community Centre, WR5 1LJ
exhibition.                                              age is 2½ years.                                       £3.25
                                                         There is absolutely no upper age limit, so everyone    Advanced Drama Class works on Stage, Theatre &
Musical Theatre Workshop                                 can join in the fun!                                   Drama terminology with fun performance pieces
(for ages 6-10 years)                                                                                           to a higher level Including , monologues, short
10.35am – 11.05am                                        Sauce City Jazz Band                                   plays and developing own performance material.
Medway Community Centre, WR5 1LJ                         11.10am                                                Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts
£3.25                                                    Outside the Guildhall                                  offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn
This fun class is a great way to start your Musical      Free                                                   performance skills and boost their confidence.
Theatre journey with All Sorts. Building a child’s          SPONSORED BY                                        To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or call
confidence through learning fun singing skills to        Steve Clews in support                                 01905 402998
popular children’s films & musicals and incorporate        of The Welshpool &
dance, movement & drama skills.                           Llanfair Light Railway                                Sauce City Jazz Band
Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts                                                               1pm
offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn         Enjoy the traditional ‘Dixieland’ sounds of this       Outside the Guildhall
performance skills and boost their confidence.           incredible jazz band, guaranteed to get the party      Free
To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or call     started and kick off the first day of the Worcester       SPONSORED BY
01905 402998                                             Festival in style!                                     Steve Clews in support
                                                                                                                  of The Welshpool &
                             The Mayor                                                                           Llanfair Light Railway
                             Opens the                   Drama Workshop
                             Festival                    (for ages 7-10 years)                                  Enjoy the traditional ‘Dixieland’ sounds of this
                             11am                        11.10am – 11.35am                                      incredible jazz band, guaranteed to get the party
                            Outside the                  Medway Community Centre, WR5 1LJ                       started and kick off the first day of the Worcester
                            Guildhall                    £3.25                                                  Festival in style!
                            Free                         This fun class works on building confidence, skills
                            Come along and meet          and working together as a team. Students work on       Worcester Ukulele Club
                            Worcester’s first citizen    scripts from popular children’s plays & books.         1.45pm
                            as they officially open      Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts      Outside the Guildhall
                           this year’s Worcester         offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn       Free
                           Festival and you’ll be        performance skills and boost their confidence.         With over 150 songs in their repertoire the
                           just in time to catch the     To book a place visit www.allsortsofpa.co.uk or call   Worcester Ukulele Club are guaranteed to
                          fantastic Sauce City Jazz      01905 402998                                           have you singing and dancing along. The perfect
                          Band straight after!                                                                  summer entertainment!

                                                                                     www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 9
2021 Event Guide 14th - 30th August - Worcester Festival
 6-29 August 20the events at
                             Events                                          August 15th
              t all                                   Saturday is a black-tie evening, tickets include the     own Pottery Studio!
 Find out abou terfestival.co.uk                      pre-show reception and post show meal. Sunday’s          Book a table for groups of up to six, then pick
             01 905 611427                            include a reception and the chance to picnic in the      a pot for you and your family to decorate: from
  Box Office                                          grounds of the historic Bretforton Grange.               woodland creatures to wild animals, plates to
                                                      All minors must be accompanied by an adult.              mugs to dog bowls, there are plenty of fun
                                                      In the event of government imposed social                designs to choose from! The Museum will then
                                                      distancing, it will not be possible to hold this event   glaze and fire your finished items, ready to be
                                                      and full refunds will be given.                          picked up within 7-10 days. Try out your artistic
                                                      Book your tickets from: www.theatrebarn.org /            skills, come rain or shine! Includes FREE entry to
                                                      By Post: Theatrebarn, Bretforton Grange, Main            the Museum for your group.
                                                      St, Bretforton WR11 7JH / Telephone: 01386               Tickets can be purchased from:
                                                      577117                                                   museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.uk or
                                                                                                               by phoning: 01905 21247

                                                      Sunday                                                   Botanical Treasures:
                                                                                                               Inspiration from Nature in
                                                      15th August                                              Porcelain and on Paper Exhibition
                                                                                                               and Summer Programme
                                         ming Arts                                                             10am – 4pm
                      All Sorts of Perfor             Worcester Festival 2K Fun Run/Walk
                                                      & 5K Race                                                Museum of Royal Worcester
                                                      SPONSORED BY Judith Elkin
                                                                                                               £6.50 (Concessions £5.50)
                                                      9am start for 5K, 9.45am start for 2K                    Visit our NEW Botanical Treasures exhibition,
All Sorts of Performing Arts                                                                                   a collaboration between the Museum of Royal
Showcase                                              Diglis Playing Field
                                                      Fun Run (2K) – Free, 5K £6 / £4 if                       Worcester and the Gloucestershire Society for
2pm – 3pm                                                                                                      Botanical Illustration.
Medway Community Centre, WR5 1LJ                      affiliated
                                                      All participants will get a medal. Fancy dress is        Beautiful artworks created by the GSBI’s
£6                                                                                                             talented members will be displayed alongside the
All Sorts of Performing Arts Students will be         voluntary for both races - there are three prizes
                                                      for the best fancy dress .                               Museum’s stunning collection of porcelain and
performing a variety of Drama monologues/ Short                                                                original archives, celebrating the beautiful flowers
Plays, Dance and Musical Theatre Showcase pieces.     In the 5K, there will be prizes for the first three
                                                      home.                                                    and fruits on Worcester porcelain and the life of
Established in 2014, All Sorts of Performing Arts                                                              former Royal Worcester artist Stuart Lafford.
offer children from 0-18 years a chance to learn      Pre-booking strongly advised. Entry on day only
                                                      if maximum entry not achieved.                           Pre-booking is required, please visit
performance skills and boost their confidence.                                                                 museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.
They current offer classes in the following areas     Parking is limited, please car share or walk to the
                                                      venue if possible. There will be toilets available.      uk/?t=1623492341775 to book.
Cheer Dance, Freestyle Dance, Drama, Street
Dance & Hip Hop, Contemporary/Lyrical, Fun            Registration opens July 10th. To register, go to
                                                      www.entrycentral.com/worcesterfestivalrun                The Worcester Show
Ballet, Adult Dance Fitness Dance Fusion, Pop                                                                  10am – 5pm
Choir & Mini All Sorts meaning there is something                                                              Worcester Racecourse, Pitchcroft
for everyone!                                         Poppy’s Farm
                                                      10am – 3.30pm                                            Free
                                                      St. Peter’s Garden Centre, WR5 2NY                       An annual community event with live music,
Sauce City Jazz Band                                                                                           a vibrant market street, community stalls, and
2.30pm                                                Free
                                                      A relaxing space where adults and children can           plenty of food and refreshment stalls including a
Outside the Guildhall                                                                                          beer tent. Children will love the Kids zone with
Free                                                  enjoy an adventure into wildlife and nature.
                                                      You can expect to see: An informative nature             activities such as bungee trampolines, inflatable
                                                      walk, goats, chickens, and hopefully in the              slide and bouncy castles. The Sports Zone will
Steve Clews in support
                                                      future pigs & sheep, A takeaway café: Poppy’s            offer plenty of activities for all ages too. Two
  of The Welshpool &                                                                                           large marquees host over 120 competitive
 Llanfair Light Railway                               Café, picnic benches around the site, ideas to
                                                      encourage wildlife to your own garden, Oliver’s          classes, ranging from growing giant vegetables to
                                                      allotment, free Kids Activity Packs, a yurt for          displaying flowers and floral decorations, creating
Enjoy the traditional ‘Dixieland’ sounds of this                                                               handicrafts, photography, baking and modeling.
incredible jazz band, guaranteed to get the party     classes and/or enjoying luxury picnics / afternoon
                                                      tea. Enjoy today, enhance tomorrow.                      Local vets, MacArthur, Barstow and Gibbs are
started and kick off the first day of the Worcester                                                            running a fun dog show, with the waggiest tail,
Festival in style!                                                                                             best puppy and much more! You can register
                                                      Worcester’s Big Parade –
                                                      Miniature Painting Workshop                              your dog on the day for a small charge, proceeds
Turn up for a Socially                                                                                         to Jordan Bear Charity.
Distanced Tour of the Cathedral                       10am – 3.30pm
2.30pm – 3.30pm                                       Museum of Royal Worcester
                                                      £15 – Inc. 1 ½ hour session 1                            The Buzz Inflatable
Worcester Cathedral                                                                                            Adventure Park
£7 per person                                         miniature ceramic elephant and
                                                      painting materials                                       10am – 6pm
An historic tour of Worcester Cathedral, led                                                                   The Buzz, Worcester, WR5 1DS
by one of our experienced Cathedral Guides;           Feeling inspired by the arrival of the memory of
                                                      elephants in Worcester? This is your opportunity         10% off when you quote WorcsFest21
using sanitised headset equipment to allow for                                                                 Our inflatable adventure is suitable for all ages
social distancing. Tickets are available from the     to let your imagination loose and unleash your
                                                      creative side, by painting your very own miniature       with many areas to explore with your best
Cathedral website (www.worcestercathedral.                                                                     bouncing buddy! We can cater for families, adults
co.uk) in advance or the Cathedral Welcome Desk       ceramic elephant to take home as a lasting
                                                      memento of Worcester’s Big Parade.                       or children, and parties too.
on the day.                                                                                                    Explore our range of revolutionary equipment
                                                      Proceeds from the miniature painting workshops
                                                      will support St Richard’s Hospice’s care. As an          and attempt to beat our best bouncer around
Charlie & Stan                                                                                                 our time trial course. We have areas to explore
5.45pm – 10.30pm                                      independent charity – with just 20% of its income
                                                      funded by the NHS – St Richard’s is grateful                        solo and places to pair up with your
Theatrebarn, Bretforton Grange,
WR11 7JH                                              for the support of, and donations from the
£90 (includes pre- show reception                     community to enable it to continue its services.
                                                      To book a place visit www.strichards.org.uk/                                               The Worcester Show
and post show meal) Concessions £25
(under 16’s on Sunday only)                           event/wbp-miniatures
In 1910, the unknown Charlie Chaplin and Stan
Laurel sailed to New York as part of Fred Karno’s     Summer of Fun with Paint
famous music hall troupe. On the voyage, they         Your Own Pottery at the
shared a cabin, comedy routines and laughter. By      Museum of Royal Worcester
the end of the journey they had drifted apart...      10am – 4pm
yet they would both go on to become the biggest       Museum of Royal Worcester
stars of the age.                                     £15
                                                      Unleash your creativity in our NEW Paint your

10 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
August 16th                    Events                                              6-29 August 20
                                                                 Cripplegate Park                            Summer of Fun with Find out about all the events           k
                                                                 Pop-up Café                                 Paint Your Own Pottery             atworcesterfestival.co.u
                                                                 1pm – 4pm                                   the Museum of Royalww           Worcester 01 90 5 61 14 27
                                                                 Cripplegate Park                            10am – 5pm                     Box Office
                                                                 Park entry free – Food and                  Museum of Royal Worcester
                                                                 drink individually priced                   £15
                                                                 Pop over to Cripplegate park today          Unleash your creativity in our NEW Paint your
                                                                  and enjoy an alfresco snack, with the      own Pottery Studio!
                                                                  café serving hot and cold drinks, ice      Book a table for groups of up to six, then pick
                                                                  creams and cakes it is the perfect         a pot for you and your family to decorate: from
                                                                  Sunday treat!                              woodland creatures to wild animals, plates to
                                                                  This event is in associate with Friends    mugs to dog bowls, there are plenty of fun
                                                                  of Cripplegate Park, Take Pride in         designs to choose from! The Museum will then
                                                                   Worcester, and Worcester City             glaze and fire your finished items, ready to be
                                                                   Council.                                  picked up within 7-10 days. Try out your artistic
                                                                                                             skills, come rain or shine! Includes FREE entry
                                                                      Charlie & Stan                         to the Museum for your group. Tickets can be
                                                                      1pm – 5pm                              purchased from: museum-of-royal-worcester.
                                                                      Theatrebarn, Bretforton                arttickets.org.uk or by phoning: 01905 21247
                                                                      WR11 7JH                               Pilgrimage to Worcester
                                                                      £35 / Concessions £25                  Cathedral – by foot or bike
                                                                       In 1910, the unknown Charlie          10am – 5pm (Cathedral opening
                                                                       Chaplin and Stan Laurel sailed        hours)
                                                                       to New York as part of Fred           Worcester Cathedral (from various
                                                            Karno’s famous music hall troupe. On the         starting places)
pals, taking them on in 1-2-1 challenges or            voyage, they shared a cabin, comedy routines          Free
teaming up to be the biggest bee in the hive!          and laughter. By the end of the journey they          Pilgrimage offers a great opportunity for walking
To book phone: 01905 382742 or visit www.              had drifted apart...yet they would both go on to      or cycling through Worcestershire’s beautiful
thebuzzworcester.co.uk                                 become the biggest stars of the age.                  countryside. Finish up at Worcester Cathedral
                                                       Saturday is a black-tie evening, tickets include      where you will be able get an English Cathedral
Indoor Climbing                                        the pre-show reception and post show meal.            passport card stamped, have a nice cup of tea,
10am – 6pm                                             Sunday’s include a reception and the chance to        browse the shop with lots of great memorabilia,
Redpoint, Worcester, WR5 1DS                           picnic in the grounds of the historic Bretforton      and see exciting things which are going on
10% off when you quote WorcsFest21                     Grange.                                               during the Worcester Festival including a major
Redpoint Worcester pride themselves on                 All minors must be accompanied by an adult.           reflective exhibition and the Pear Tree Project –
professional qualified, friendly staff members,        In the event of government imposed social             and of course visit the King John tomb. You can
who are always taking that extra step to ensure        distancing, it will not be possible to hold this      also get mileage towards the Santiago Pilgrimage
you take away an experience that you will never        event and full refunds will be given.                 Experience.
forget. Whatever you’re looking to book on to,         Book your tickets from: www.theatrebarn.org /         Full details of the journeys, from Malvern,
or even if you’re looking to come by for a social      By Post: Theatrebarn, Bretforton Grange, Main         Droitwich, Pershore, Evesham and beyond can
climb, you’re sure to enjoy your time here at          St, Bretforton WR11 7JH / Telephone: 01386            be found on www.britishpilgrimage.org
Redpoint Worcester. We provide private family          577117
tasters, kids clubs and adult climbing courses.                                                              Botanical Treasures:
To book phone: 01905 350346 or visit www.                                                                    Inspiration from Nature in
redpointworcester.co.uk                                Monday                                                Porcelain and on Paper Exhibition
                                                                                                             and Summer Programme
The Leaves of the Trees Exhibition
1pm – 3pm                                              16th August                                           10am – 5pm
                                                                                                             Museum of Royal Worcester
Worcester Cathedral                                    Poppy’s Farm                                          £6.50 (Concessions £5.50)
Free                                                   10am – 4.30pm                                         Visit our NEW Botanical Treasures exhibition,
An installation of 5,000 steel ‘Hope’ leaves,          St. Peter’s Garden Centre,                            a collaboration between the Museum of Royal
as a reflective memorial to the effects of the         WR5 2NY                                               Worcester and the Gloucestershire Society for
pandemic. The installation is designed to honour       Free                                                  Botanical Illustration.
those who have lost their lives, but also to allow     A relaxing space where adults and children can        Beautiful artworks created by the GSBI’s
everyone to take a moment to contemplate               enjoy an adventure into wildlife and nature.          talented members will be displayed alongside the
what we have been through and to think about           You can expect to see: An informative nature          Museum’s stunning collection of porcelain and
loved ones. Families are also invited to take part     walk, goats, chickens, and hopefully in the           original archives, celebrating the beautiful flowers
in the Leaves of the Trees paper leaves activity in    future pigs & sheep, A takeaway café: Poppy’s         and fruits on Worcester porcelain and the life of
the Deans Chapel.                                      Café, picnic benches around the site, ideas to        former Royal Worcester artist Stuart Lafford.
                                                       encourage wildlife to your own garden, Oliver’s       Pre-booking is required, please visit
Pilgrimage to Worcester                                allotment, free Kids Activity Packs, a yurt for       museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.
Cathedral – by foot or bike                            classes and/or enjoying luxury picnics / afternoon    uk/?t=1623492341775 to book.
1pm – 3pm (Cathedral opening hours)                    tea. Enjoy today, enhance tomorrow.
Worcester Cathedral (from various                                                                            The Buzz Inflatable
starting places)                                       The Leaves of the Trees                               Adventure Park
Free                                                   Exhibition                                            10am – 5pm
Pilgrimage offers a great opportunity for walking      10am – 5pm                                            The Buzz, Worcester, WR5 1DS
or cycling through Worcestershire’s beautiful          Worcester Cathedral                                   10% off when you quote WorcsFest21
countryside. Finish up at Worcester Cathedral          Free                                                  Our inflatable adventure is suitable for all ages
where you will be able get an English Cathedral        An installation of 5,000 steel ‘Hope’ leaves,         with many areas to explore with your best
passport card stamped, have a nice cup of tea,         as a reflective memorial to the effects of the        bouncing buddy! We can cater for families, adults
browse the shop with lots of great memorabilia,        pandemic. The installation is designed to honour      or children, and parties too.
and see exciting things which are going on during      those who have lost their lives, but also to allow    Explore our range of revolutionary equipment
the Worcester Festival including a major reflective    everyone to take a moment to contemplate              and attempt to beat our best bouncer around
exhibition and the Pear Tree Project – and of          what we have been through and to think about          our time trial course. We have areas to explore
course visit the King John tomb. You can also          loved ones. Families are also invited to take part    solo and places to pair up with your pals, taking
get mileage towards the Santiago Pilgrimage            in the Leaves of the Trees paper leaves activity in   them on in 1-2-1 challenges or teaming up to be
Experience.Full details of the journeys, from          the Deans Chapel.                                     the biggest bee in the hive!
Malvern, Droitwich, Pershore, Evesham and                                                                    To book phone: 01905 382742 or visit www.
beyond can be found on www.britishpilgrimage.org                                                             thebuzzworcester.co.uk

                                                                              www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 11
  6-29 August 20the events at
                              Events                                         August 16th
         our tCaabthe t all
                   oudra l             k               Glory, see unique artefacts from one of the             worcestercathedral.co.uk) in advance or the
WoFin                  terfestival.co.u                largest collections of rare Titanic and White           Cathedral Welcome Desk on the day.
  www.worces                    14 27                  Star Line artefacts in the world, in addition to
                    01 90  5 61
   Box Office                                          magnificent props and costumes from the 1997            Summer Multi-Sport
                                                       James Cameron film, Titanic. Discover the story         Activities for Kids
                                                       of Titanic through real artefacts and personal          1.30pm
                                                       stories, experience the grandeur of transatlantic       Venues to be Confirmed
                                                       travel and step back into the gilded age as             Free
                                                       you view awe-inspiring examples of the ship’s           Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities team are
                                                       luxurious interior fittings.                            providing completely FREE multi sports activities
                                                       A national touring Titanic and White Star Line          across Worcester city this August!
                                                       exhibition.                                             Suitable for children aged 3-18 years.
                                                                                                               Multi sports activities will include cricket,
                                                       Turn up for a Socially                                  tennis, football and much more! Visit www.
                                                       Distanced Tour of the Cathedral                         freedom-leisure.co.uk/activecommworcs
                                                       11am – 12pm                                             for the full timetable and booking info.
                                                       Worcester Cathedral
                                                       £7 per person                                           Turn up for a Socially
                                                       An historic tour of Worcester Cathedral, led            Distanced Tour of the Cathedral
                                                       by one of our experienced Cathedral Guides;             2.30pm – 3.30pm
 Snoezey Charity Art Auction                           using sanitised headset equipment to allow for          Worcester Cathedral
 and Exhibition                                        social distancing. Tickets are available from the       £7 per person
 10am – 6pm                                            Cathedral website (www.worcestercathedral.              An historic tour of Worcester Cathedral, led
 Worcester Snoezlen                                    co.uk) in advance or the Cathedral Welcome              by one of our experienced Cathedral Guides;
 Viewing Free – Silent Auction                         Desk on the day.                                        using sanitised headset equipment to allow for
 Exhibition of artwork created by Worcester                                                                    social distancing. Tickets are available from the
 Snoezelen members and other local artists.            Blue Plaque Walks                                       Cathedral website (www.worcestercathedral.
 Silent auction of work on display. View and bid       11am – 12.30pm                                          co.uk) in advance or the Cathedral Welcome
 to win an original piece of artwork!                  Meet outside The Guildhall                              Desk on the day.
 All proceeds from this event supports our work        Free
 with Worcester Snoezelen artists who have             Have you ever stopped to look at a Blue Plaque?
 disabilities & additional needs.                      Come with us and discover the many and varied
 Worcester Snoezelen CIO is a registered charity       achievements which have earned our famous and
 (no. 1188079) offering multi-sensory therapy          historic Citizens a Blue Plaque.
 and inclusive arts for people with disabilities and   A leisurely stroll visiting some of the 34 Plaques in
 additional needs. www.worcestersnoezelen.org.uk       Worcester City centre, recording the lives of our
                                                       most worthy Citizens.
 Indoor Climbing
 10am – 10pm                                           Worcester Cathedral Family
 Redpoint, Worcester, WR5 1DS                          Activities
 10% off when you quote WorcsFest21                    11am – 3pm
 Redpoint Worcester pride themselves on                Worcester Cathedral
 professional qualified, friendly staff members,       Free – Donations Welcomed
 who are always taking that extra step to ensure       Engage with the 400th anniversary of the City of
 you take away an experience that you will never       Worcester Charter and discover your Cathedral’s
 forget. Whatever you’re looking to book on to,        connections to Worcester’s story with craft,
                                                       games and fun activities for families and all ages.                                   Summer Multi-Sport
 or even if you’re looking to come by for a social                                                                                             Activities for Kids
 climb, you’re sure to enjoy your time here at         Turn up on the day.
 Redpoint Worcester. We provide private family
 tasters, kids clubs and adult climbing courses.       Summer Multi-Sport
 To book phone: 01905 350346 or visit www.             Activities for Kids                                     Summer Multi-Sport
 redpointworcester.co.uk                               11.30am                                                 Activities for Kids
                                                       Venues to be Confirmed                                  3.30pm
 Battle of Worcester Walk                              Free                                                    Venues to be Confirmed
 10.30am – 11.30am                                     Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities team are           Free
 Starts at The Guildhall                               providing completely FREE multi sports activities       Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities team are
 Free - Donations Welcomed                             across Worcester city this August!                      providing completely FREE multi sports activities
                                                       Suitable for children aged 3-18 years.                  across Worcester city this August!
                                                       Multi sports activities will include cricket,           Suitable for children aged 3-18 years.
  Steve Clews in support                               tennis, football and much more! Visit www.              Multi sports activities will include cricket,
    of The Welshpool &                                 freedom-leisure.co.uk/activecommworcs                   tennis, football and much more! Visit www.
   Llanfair Light Railway                              for the full timetable and booking info.                freedom-leisure.co.uk/activecommworcs
                                                                                                               for the full timetable and booking info.
 Join our Guide as they take you on a fascinating      Cathedral Grounds and
                                                       Garden Tour
 and remarkable tour of one of England’s most
 historic cities. Learn about the last battle of the   1pm – 2pm
                                                       Worcester Cathedral
                                                                                                               17th August
 English Civil War and see some of the key sites
 associated with the battle and learn things you       £10 per person
 never knew about the Faithful City.                   Come and discover some of the history of this
 The tour starts outside the Guildhall and finishes    historic Cathedral setting and learn about the          Cripplegate Park Litter Pick
 at the Commandery. For the most up to date            splendour of this beautiful outdoor space. Hear         10am
 information regarding the walks please check          about some of the rare trees and enjoy seeing           Cripplegate Park
 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk                           behind the scenes into some of the gardens not          Free
                                                       often open to the public. This socially distanced       Join the Friends of Cripplegate Park on a litter
 Worcester Life Stories                                tour is delivered by one of our excellent outdoor       pick around the park to help keep it tidy and
 Exhibition                                            Cathedral Guides using sanitised headset                help the environment. Tea and coffee will be
 10.30am – 4.30pm                                      equipment. The tour takes you across uneven             provided after the litter pick (Covid restrictions
 Worcester City Art                                    surfaces and up and down steps and is therefore         permitting). All PPE and litter picking equipment
 Gallery and Museum                                    not suitable for anyone who is disabled or has          will be provided. No booking is required just turn
 Free                                                  difficulty walking. Flat shoes are advised. Tickets     up and lend a hand.
 In this stunning exhibition Titanic: Honour &         are available from the Cathedral website(www.

12 www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
August 17th                     Events                                               6-29 August 20
                                                                                                              Battle of Worcester Walk               the events
Poppy’s Farm                                           £5.50 (family version £13)                                                     out about all             k
10am – 4.30pm                                          Become a time traveller this summer and                10.30am – 11.30am Find w.worcesterfestival.co.u
St. Peter’s Garden Centre, WR5 2NY                     experience different eras at The Commandery.                                ww
                                                                                                              Starts at The Guildhall                    14 27
                                                                                                                                              01 90 5 61
Free                                                   From Tuesday 17th to Sunday 22nd August                                     Box Office
                                                                                                              Free - Donations Welcomed
A relaxing space where adults and children can         engineer baffling Victorian inventions, from
enjoy an adventure into wildlife and nature.           cup phones to Morse Code and from Tuesday                 SPONSORED BY
You can expect to see: An informative nature           24th to Sunday 29th August step into a print           Steve Clews in support
walk, goats, chickens, and hopefully in the            workshop and get inky with rollers and stamps.           of The Welshpool &
future pigs & sheep, A takeaway café: Poppy’s                                                                  Llanfair Light Railway
Café, picnic benches around the site, ideas to         Botanical Treasures:
encourage wildlife to your own garden, Oliver’s        Inspiration from Nature                                Join our Guide as they take you on a fascinating
allotment, free Kids Activity Packs, a yurt for        in Porcelain and on Paper                              and remarkable tour of one of England’s most
classes and/or enjoying luxury picnics / afternoon     Exhibition and Summer Programme                        historic cities. Learn about the last battle of the
tea. Enjoy today, enhance tomorrow.                    10am – 5pm                                             English Civil War and see some of the key sites
                                                       Museum of Royal Worcester                              associated with the battle and learn things you
The Leaves of the Trees                                £6.50 (Concessions £5.50)                              never knew about the Faithful City.
Exhibition                                             Visit our NEW Botanical Treasures exhibition,          The tour starts outside the Guildhall and finishes
10am – 5pm                                             a collaboration between the Museum of Royal            at the Commandery. For the most up to date
Worcester Cathedral                                    Worcester and the Gloucestershire Society for          information regarding the walks please check
Free                                                   Botanical Illustration.                                www.worcesterfestival.co.uk
An installation of 5,000 steel ‘Hope’ leaves,          Beautiful artworks created by the GSBI’s
as a reflective memorial to the effects of the         talented members will be displayed alongside the       Worcester Life Stories
pandemic. The installation is designed to honour       Museum’s stunning collection of porcelain and          Exhibition
those who have lost their lives, but also to allow     original archives, celebrating the beautiful flowers   10.30am – 4.30pm
everyone to take a moment to contemplate what          and fruits on Worcester porcelain and the life of      Worcester City Art Gallery and
we have been through and to think about loved          former Royal Worcester artist Stuart Lafford.          Museum
ones. Families are also invited to take part in the    Pre-booking is required, please visit                  Free
Leaves of the Trees paper leaves activity in the       museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.              In this stunning exhibition Titanic: Honour &
Deans Chapel.                                          uk/?t=1623492341775 to book.                           Glory, see unique artefacts from one of the
                                                                                                              largest collections of rare Titanic and White
Summer of Fun with                                     Snoezey Charity Art Auction                            Star Line artefacts in the world, in addition
Paint Your Own Pottery at the                          and Exhibition                                         to magnificent props and costumes from the
Museum of Royal Worcester                              10am – 6pm                                             1997 James Cameron film, Titanic. Discover
10am – 5pm                                             Worcester Snoezlen                                     the story of Titanic through real artefacts and
Museum of Royal Worcester                              Viewing Free – Silent Auction                          personal stories, experience the grandeur of
£15                                                    Exhibition of artwork created by Worcester             transatlantic travel and step back into the gilded
Unleash your creativity in our NEW Paint your          Snoezelen members and other local artists.             age as you view awe-inspiring examples of the
own Pottery Studio!                                    Silent auction of work on display. View and bid        ship’s luxurious interior fittings. A national touring
Book a table for groups of up to six, then pick        to win an original piece of artwork!                   Titanic and White Star Line exhibition.
a pot for you and your family to decorate: from        All proceeds from this event supports our work
woodland creatures to wild animals, plates to          with Worcester Snoezelen artists who have              Turn up for a Socially
mugs to dog bowls, there are plenty of fun             disabilities & additional needs.                       Distanced Tour of the Cathedral
designs to choose from! The Museum will then           Worcester Snoezelen CIO is a registered charity        11am – 12pm
glaze and fire your finished items, ready to be        (no. 1188079) offering multi-sensory therapy           Worcester Cathedral
picked up within 7-10 days. Try out your artistic      and inclusive arts for people with disabilities        £7 per person
skills, come rain or shine! Includes FREE entry to     and additional needs. www.worcestersnoezelen.          An historic tour of Worcester Cathedral, led
the Museum for your group.                             org.uk                                                 by one of our experienced Cathedral Guides;
Tickets can be purchased from:                                                                                using sanitised headset equipment to allow for
museum-of-royal-worcester.arttickets.org.uk or         The Buzz Inflatable                                    social distancing. Tickets are available from the
by phoning: 01905 21247                                Adventure Park                                         Cathedral website (www.worcestercathedral.
                                                       10am – 8pm                                             co.uk) in advance or the Cathedral Welcome
Pilgrimage to Worcester                                The Buzz, Worcester, WR5 1DS                           Desk on the day.
Cathedral – by foot or bike                            10% off when you quote WorcsFest21
10am – 5pm (Cathedral opening                          Our inflatable adventure is suitable for all ages
hours)                                                 with many areas to explore with your best                Indoor Climbing
Worcester Cathedral (from various                      bouncing buddy! We can cater for families, adults
starting places)                                       or children, and parties too.
Free                                                   Explore our range of revolutionary equipment
Pilgrimage offers a great opportunity for walking      and attempt to beat our best bouncer around
or cycling through Worcestershire’s beautiful          our time trial course. We have areas to explore
countryside. Finish up at Worcester Cathedral          solo and places to pair up with your pals, taking
where you will be able get an English Cathedral        them on in 1-2-1 challenges or teaming up to be
passport card stamped, have a nice cup of tea,         the biggest bee in the hive!
browse the shop with lots of great memorabilia,        To book phone: 01905 382742 or visit www.
and see exciting things which are going on             thebuzzworcester.co.uk
during the Worcester Festival including a major
reflective exhibition and the Pear Tree Project –      Indoor Climbing
and of course visit the King John tomb. You can        10am – 10pm                                            Worcester Festival Colouring
also get mileage towards the Santiago Pilgrimage       Redpoint, Worcester, WR5 1DS                           with Jane & Bernice
Experience.                                            10% off when you quote WorcsFest21                     11am – 12.30pm
Full details of the journeys, from Malvern,            Redpoint Worcester pride themselves on                 The Pod, Crowngate Shopping Centre
Droitwich, Pershore, Evesham and beyond can            professional qualified, friendly staff members,        Free
be found on www.britishpilgrimage.org                  who are always taking that extra step to ensure        Come and enjoy this free event in The
                                                       you take away an experience that you will never        Pod, Crowngate (just by the escalators
Time Travelling Summer Fun                             forget. Whatever you’re looking to book on to,         opposite Iceland.). Colouring is a
10am – 5pm                                             or even if you’re looking to come by for a social      relaxing, laid-back activity in which all
The Commandery, Sidbury                                climb, you’re sure to enjoy your time here at          the family can participate and enjoy. All
Entry to Commandery Adults -                           Redpoint Worcester. We provide private family          materials will be provided, just turn up
£7.50, Children aged 5-16 - £3.50,                     tasters, kids clubs and adult climbing courses.        and have fun. Stay for 10 minutes or an
Children U5 – Free, Family Ticket                      To book phone: 01905 350346 or visit www.              hour, whatever suits you. Come and be
£20, Worcester Residents annual pass                   redpointworcester.co.uk                                part of the Festival.

                                                                              www.worcesterfestival.co.uk 13
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