Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP - European ...

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Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP - European ...
Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Think Tank des EP

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                     Schlagwortliste "Telekonferenz"

                              18 Ergebnisse

                     Erstellungsdatum : 16-06-2022
Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 26 February 2021
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 03-03-2021
                         ANGHEL Suzana Elena
                         Auswärtige Angelegenheiten | Demokratie | Sicherheit und Verteidigung
                         die Demokratische Republik Kongo | die Russische Föderation | die Vereinigte Staaten | Europäischer Rat |
                         Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Italien | NATO | Oppositionsführer | politischer Gefangener | Südliche
                         Nachbarschaft | Telekonferenz | transatlantische Beziehungen
      Zusammenfassung On 26 February 2021, EU leaders met for a second videoconference session to discuss security and defence and the
                         southern neighbourhood. They reaffirmed their commitment to implement the 2019-2024 Strategic Agenda by
                         increasing the EU's ability to act autonomously and strengthening its resilience by taking 'more responsibility for its
                         security'. They also expressed their wish to deepen the transatlantic bond with the US and through NATO. In line with
                         past meetings dedicated to security and defence, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, joined the EU
                         leaders to discuss EU-NATO cooperation.
         Auf einen Blick EN

Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 25 February 2021
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 26-02-2021
                         DRACHENBERG Ralf
                         Coronavirus | Demokratie | Öffentliche Gesundheit
                         Binnengrenze der EU | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | freier Personenverkehr | G20 |
                         Grenzkontrolle | grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit | Impfstoff | Impfung | Telekonferenz |
      Zusammenfassung For the tenth time since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis, the European Council met by video-conference,
                         however this time in two separate sessions. The first, on 25 February, dealing with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic
                         and ways of increasing the EU’s health resilience, is covered in this paper, while the second, the following morning,
                         addressed security and defence as well as the southern neighbourhood, and is covered by a separate paper.
                         Regarding the pandemic, EU leaders called for acceleration in the authorisation, production and distribution of
                         vaccines, reiterated their solidarity with third countries, and acknowledged that non-essential travel still needed to be
                         restricted while ensuring the unhindered flow of goods and services within the single market. To strengthen the EU’s
                         resilience to future health emergencies, EU leaders will seek to improve coordination to ensure better prevention,
                         preparedness and response. However, further EU integration in health policy was excluded, with the conclusions
                         stressing that these actions should be carried out ‘in line with the Union competences under the Treaties’. EU leaders
                         also called on the Commission to draw up a report on the lessons learned from this crisis, to take forward the work on
                         the European health union, and underlined the need for a global approach, including an international treaty on
         Auf einen Blick EN

Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 19 November 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       BACIAN Izabela Cristina | DRACHENBERG Ralf
                       Coronavirus | Haushalt
                       Arbeitsweise der Organe | Austritt aus der EU | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | das Vereinigte Königreich | Epidemie |
                       Europäischer Rat | Förderkriterium | Impfstoff | Mehrjähriger Finanzrahmen | Rechtsstaat | Telekonferenz | Terrorismus
      Zusammenfassung Initially planned to discuss only the EU response to the coronavirus pandemic, recent developments required EU
                       leaders to dedicate attention to other issues during the European Council video-conference meeting of 19 November
                       2020. In this context, they addressed notably the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), specifically the rule-of-
                       law conditionality linked to the MFF, and the fight against terrorism. While the vast majority of Member States agree
                       with the compromise reached between negotiators from the Council and the European Parliament on the issue of rule-
                       of-law conditionality, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia are currently not able to support it. The President of the European
                       Council, Charles Michel, indicated that discussions to find an acceptable solution for all would continue. The exchange
                       of information on the coronavirus pandemic focused in particular on the development of vaccines, ensuring that they
                       would be available and affordable to all EU citizens, and on the coordination of the exit from the second-wave
                       restrictions. The European Council agreed once more to further strengthen coordination of action against the
                       coronavirus pandemic.
              Briefing EN

16-06-2022                                       Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                             1
Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 29 October 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       ANGHEL Suzana Elena
                       Coronavirus | Öffentliche Gesundheit
                       China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | die Türkei | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | Frankreich | grenzüberschreitende
                       Zusammenarbeit | Impfstoff | medizinische Diagnose | Offshore-Bohrung | Telekonferenz | Terrorismus
      Zusammenfassung On 29 October 2020, the Heads of State or Government met by video-conference to exchange information and
                       coordinate efforts to defeat the pandemic, placing testing, tracing and vaccines at the centre of their strategy. EU
                       leaders stressed the urgency of ensuring mutual recognition of rapid tests so as to enable the free movement of
                       persons and to maintain open borders within the EU, as this is key to preserve a functional internal market. They
                       condemned recent terrorist attacks in France and have also discussed the tense situation in the Eastern
              Briefing EN

Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 19 August 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 25-08-2020
                         DRACHENBERG Ralf
                         Belarus | Demokratie | die Türkei | Mali | Offshore-Bohrung | politische Krise | Präsidentschaftswahl | Rechtsstaat |
                         staatliche Gewalt | Staatsstreich | Telekonferenz | Wahlbetrug
      Zusammenfassung The European Council video-conference meeting of 19 August 2020 was called by the President of the European
                         Council, Charles Michel, due to the increasingly worrying situation in Belarus after the recent national elections. As
                         Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, summarised, the European Council decided to convey
                         three clear messages from the meeting: i) the EU stands with the Belarussian people; ii) the EU will place sanctions on
                         all those responsible for violence, repression and the falsification of election results; and iii) the EU is ready to
                         accompany the peaceful democratic transition of power in Belarus. While mainly focusing on Belarus, the Heads of
                         State or Government also discussed two further issues during the video-conference meeting. First, as regards the
                         tense situation in the eastern Mediterranean as a result of increasingly hostile Turkish activity, the European Council
                         expressed its full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus, recalling and reaffirming its previous conclusions on the illegal
                         drilling activities, and called for de-escalation. Second, on the situation in Mali, EU leaders expressed their deep
                         concern over the events in the country, which have a destabilising impact on the entire region and on the fight against
                         terrorism, and called for an immediate release of prisoners and restoration of the rule of law.
         Auf einen Blick EN

The EU budget and coronavirus [What Think Tanks are thinking]
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       CESLUK-GRAJEWSKI Marcin
                       Coronavirus | Haushalt
                       China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | eigene Mittel | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | konjunkturelle Erholung | Mehrjähriger
                       Finanzrahmen | Telekonferenz | Think Tank
      Zusammenfassung European Union leaders and institutions are now discussing plans to provide a major boost to the European economy
                       to help it recover from the coronavirus crisis. They are doing so in the context of the new long-term EU budget, which
                       would see the total ‘own resources’ ceiling for the Union more or less doubled. On 19 June 2020, the members of the
                       European Council exchanged views by video-conference on the European Commission’s linked proposals, tabled on
                       27 May, for (i) a new ‘Next Generation EU’ recovery fund, and (ii) an updated Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)
                       for the next seven-year financing period, from 2021 to 2027, in which the recovery fund would be embedded. The
                       European Council will discuss these proposals again (in person) on 17-18 July in Brussels. In this context, think
                       tankers and policy analysts have been debating the proposals and assessing their potential effectiveness. This note
                       offers links to recent commentaries and reports from international think tanks on coronavirus and related issues. Earlier
                       publications on financing the fight against the coronavirus can be found in a previous item in this series, published by
                       EPRS on 8 June.
              Briefing EN

16-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                        2
Outcome of EU-China video-summit of 22 June 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 30-06-2020
                         ANGHEL Suzana Elena
                         Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
                         China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Desinformation | Epidemie | Gipfeltreffen | Hongkong | Informationssicherheit |
                         internationaler Handel | Klimaveränderung | Menschenrechte | Telekonferenz
      Zusammenfassung On 22 June 2020, the EU and China held their 22nd summit by videoconference. It was the occasion for the EU and
                         Chinese leadership to touch upon a wide range of dimensions of the both strategic and challenging bilateral
                         relationship. Topics included trade, climate change, international peace and security, Hong Kong and human rights as
                         well as the response to the coronavirus outbreak. Yet, no joint statement was adopted as further progress would
                         require ‘reciprocity and trust’. China is for the EU both a partner committed to multilateralism, on which it nevertheless
                         pursues in its own path, and a competitor, using assertively different economic and trade tools such as state subsidies
                         or foreign direct investments to gain market share.
         Auf einen Blick EN

EU-China relations: Taking stock after the 2020 EU-China Summit
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       GRIEGER Gisela
                       Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
                       China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Desinformation | Epidemie | Geopolitik | Gipfeltreffen | multilaterale Beziehungen |
                       politische Propaganda | Telekonferenz
      Zusammenfassung The 22nd EU-China Summit, originally scheduled for March 2020, was postponed owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.
                       While other summits were simply cancelled or postponed indefinitely, the EU and China decided to hold the summit by
                       video-link, on 22 June 2020. This decision testifies to the importance both sides attach to taking their complex
                       relationship forward in difficult times. The 2020 summit offered the opportunity to take stock of progress made on past
                       commitments and to re-calibrate EU-China relations, against the backdrop of the wide-ranging fallout from the
                       coronavirus pandemic, growing United States-China strategic rivalry, rapid geopolitical power shifts and the erosion of
                       multilateralism. Looking at EU-China relations through the lens of the 2019 EU-China strategic outlook, China is seen
                       as being at once a partner for cooperation and negotiation, an economic competitor and a systemic rival. China has
                       been a cooperation and negotiating partner for the EU in several fields where interests have converged. Nonetheless,
                       the different norms and values underlying the EU and Chinese political and economic systems have made cooperation
                       challenging. Shared objectives do not necessarily lead to the same approaches to pursuing them. Economic
                       competition has become fiercer in China, in the EU and in third markets. As the Chinese leadership shows growing
                       assertiveness in disseminating alternative models of governance – at international, regional and bilateral levels, China
                       is also acting as a systemic rival, on an increasing number of issues. The coronavirus pandemic has amplified pre-
                       existing political and economic challenges in EU-China relations. It has exposed the EU's over-reliance on China for
                       the supply of strategic goods and also China's confrontational 'Wolf Warrior diplomacy', which has involved the use of
                       a wide range of tools, including disinformation campaigns, political influence and economic coercion, in an attempt to
                       alter narratives critical of China's management of the crisis. It has also clearly demonstrated the need for a 'more
                       robust' EU policy on China.
              Briefing EN

Outcome of the European Council video-conference of 19 June 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       DRACHENBERG Ralf
                       Austritt aus der EU | China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | das Vereinigte Königreich | die Ukraine | Epidemie |
                       Europäischer Rat | Finanzierung des EU-Haushalts | konjunkturelle Erholung | Mehrjähriger Finanzrahmen |
      Zusammenfassung At their video-conference meeting on Friday 19 June, EU Heads of State or Government focussed essentially on the
                       revised proposal for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), together with the coronavirus Recovery
                       Plan for the European economy. As announced, this exchange of views was effectively a ‘stepping-stone’ in an on-
                       going discussion, and as expected, no final agreement was reached during this video-conference. Nevertheless, EU
                       leaders used this first opportunity to jointly discuss and clarify their positions on the European Commission’s new
                       proposals. While consensus is emerging on certain issues, differences in views remain substantial, notably on the
                       overall size of the EU budget, the use of rebates, the balance between loans and grants, and the allocation criteria for
                       funding. Aware of the need to provide funding to a severely affected European economy as soon as possible, the
                       European Council will convene again around the middle of July – this time for an in-person meeting – to attempt to
                       reach a political agreement. Those discussions will be based on concrete proposals which the President of the
                       European Council, Charles Michel, will submit ahead of that meeting. In addition to this central topic, EU Heads of
                       State or Government were briefed on the state of play in the negotiations on the future EU-UK partnership, on the EU’s
                       economic situation and on the implementation of the Minsk agreements.
              Briefing EN

16-06-2022                                       Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                              3
Outlook for the European Council video-conference of 19 June 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       DRACHENBERG Ralf
                       Demokratie | Haushalt
                       China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | die Russische Föderation | die Türkei | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | Finanzierung
                       des EU-Haushalts | konjunkturelle Erholung | Mehrjähriger Finanzrahmen | Offshore-Bohrung | restriktive Maßnahme
                       der EU | Telekonferenz
      Zusammenfassung The European Council meeting on 19 June, to be held by video-conference, will be almost exclusively dedicated to the
                       next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the proposed new EU recovery fund, dubbed ‘Next Generation EU’.
                       The two European Commission proposals are now to be considered as one package for the purpose of negotiation,
                       since the recovery fund is in effect embedded within the revamped EU long-term budget. This has increased the
                       pressure on Member States to reach a political agreement on the MFF, but also multiplied the issues of disagreement
                       among the EU leaders. In addition to the MFF-specific issues, on which divergences could not be overcome at the
                       special European Council meeting in February 2020 – namely the overall size of the EU budget, the use of rebates and
                       the funding allocation per policy area – the proposal for the recovery fund raises sensitive new questions, notably on
                       the balance between loans and grants, the allocation criteria for funding and the modalities for repayment.
              Briefing EN

Outcome of the Zagreb EU-Western Balkans video-summit of 6 May 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung   Briefing
           Kalenderdatum     11-05-2020
                 Verfasser   ANGHEL Suzana Elena
            Politikbereich   Demokratie | Demokratie in der EU, institutionelle und parlamentarische Rechte
           Schlagwortliste   China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Demokratie | Epidemie | Erweiterung der Europäischen Union | Korruption |
                             Rechtsstaat | Telekonferenz | Westlicher Balkan
      Zusammenfassung The EU-Western Balkans Summit, which normally would have been held in Zagreb, took place by video-conference on
                       Wednesday 6 May 2020. The focus was on a joint response to the crisis and on the common commitment to support
                       the political, economic and social transformation of the region. The EU and Western Balkan leaders adopted the
                       Zagreb Declaration, confirming the region’s ‘European perspective’, albeit without mentioning enlargement as a
              Briefing EN

Outlook for the European Council video-conference of 23 April 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       DRACHENBERG Ralf
                       Demokratie | Haushalt | Wirtschaft und Währung | Öffentliche Gesundheit
                       China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | grüne Wirtschaft | konjunkturelle Erholung | Libyen |
                       Mehrjähriger Finanzrahmen | multilaterale Beziehungen | Telekonferenz | wirtschaftspolitische Steuerung (EU)
      Zusammenfassung The European Council video-conference meeting on 23 April 2020 is expected to shift EU leaders’ attention away from
                       immediate and short-term priorities, such as limiting the spread of the coronavirus, to a longer-term strategic approach
                       focused on a recovery strategy for the European Union, and the financing thereof. The recovery strategy could be
                       based on four pillars: 1) the internal market, including the Green Deal, the digital agenda and the EU’s strategic
                       autonomy; 2) an investment strategy, to be included in the next seven-year EU budget and reflected in the work
                       programme of the European Investment Bank; 3) a global recovery strategy reinforcing the external responsibility of
                       the EU and promoting multilateralism; and 4) strengthening resilience and governance for a stronger EU after the
                       crisis. As the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the seven years from 2021 to 2027, which has yet to be
                       agreed, touches upon all four pillars of the recovery strategy, EU leaders will engage in a strategic discussion on the
                       MFF during their video-conference.
              Briefing EN

Western Balkans on the European Council agenda: Overview of discussions since the Lisbon Treaty
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       ANGHEL Suzana Elena
                       Demokratie | Demokratie in der EU, institutionelle und parlamentarische Rechte
                       Erweiterung der Europäischen Union | Europäischer Rat | Migrationspolitik | Telekonferenz | Terrorismus | Vertrag von
                       Lissabon | Westlicher Balkan
      Zusammenfassung The European Council to endorse the 24 March 2020 Council political agreement on the opening of negotiations with
                       Albania and North Macedonia.
              Briefing EN

16-06-2022                                        Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                         4
Outcome of the video-conference call of EU Heads of State or Government on 17 March 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                       DRACHENBERG Ralf
                       Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts
                       Außengrenze der EU | Binnengrenze der EU | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Epidemie | Europäischer Rat | freier
                       Personenverkehr | medizinische Forschung | medizintechnische Ausrüstung | Rückkehrbeihilfe | sozioökonomische
                       Verhältnisse | Telekonferenz | Volksgesundheit
      Zusammenfassung On 17 March, the members of the European Council held a video-conference concerning the measures taken to fight
                       the COVID-19 outbreak. European leaders felt the need for a coordinated approach, as individual They followed up on
                       the four lines of action to contain the spread of the disease agreed at their video-meeting on 10 March, and discussed
                       more in depth the EU’s external and internal border management.
              Briefing EN

Research for CULT Committee - Virtual formats versus physical mobility - Concomitant expertise for INI
  Art der Veröffentlichung
            Externe Autor
                      Bert-Jan Buiskool; Marye Hudepohl
                      Austausch im Bildungswesen | digitale Technologie | EU-Programm | nachhaltige Mobilität | schulische Mobilität |
                      Telekonferenz | Zusammenarbeit im Bildungswesen
      Zusammenfassung This short briefing paper is part of the study into effective measures to ‘green’ the Erasmus+, Creative Europe and
                      European Solidarity Corps programmes, which aims to provide input for the CULT Committee own-initiative report (“INI
                      report”) on effective measures to “green” the CULT programmes.
                  Briefing EN

Outcome of the video-conference call of EU Heads of State or Government on10 March 2020
  Art der Veröffentlichung
                         Auf einen Blick
           Kalenderdatum 13-03-2020
                         BACIAN Izabela Cristina
                         Umwelt | Wirtschaft und Währung | Öffentliche Gesundheit
                         China | Coronavirus-Erkrankung | Epidemie | Impfstoff | kleine und mittlere Unternehmen | medizinische Forschung |
                         medizintechnische Ausrüstung | staatliche Beihilfe | Stabilitätspakt | Telekonferenz | wirtschaftliche Auswirkung |
      Zusammenfassung Given the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak and the potential EU-wide ramifications,
                         Heads of State or Government of the 27 EU Member States welcomed the initiative to hold a special meeting by video-
                         conference on 10 March 2020. European Council President Charles Michel expressed his sympathy for all those
                         citizens affected by the disease and, in particular, for Italy, the country most affected so far. The Member States
                         discussed the COVID-19 outbreak and agreed on four lines of action to contain the spread of the disease. The
                         President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Central Bank, Christine
                         Lagarde, the President of the Eurogroup, Mario Centeno, and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
                         and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, also took part in the discussion.
         Auf einen Blick EN

What Are the Issues Relating to Digitalisation in Company Law?
  Art der VeröffentlichungEingehende Analyse
           Kalenderdatum  15-06-2016
            Externe Autor Vanessa Knapp (OBE)
            PolitikbereichAnnahme von Rechtsvorschriften durch das EP und den Rat | Binnenmarkt und Zollunion | Internationales Privatrecht
                          und justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen | Vertrags-, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht | Völkerrecht
          Schlagwortliste Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie | Datenschutz | digitale Archivierung | digitale Technologie | elektronische
                          Post | elektronische Verwaltung | Gesellschafterschutz | Gesellschaftsgründung | Gesellschaftsrecht | Telekonferenz |
                          Unternehmensführung | Verwaltungsrat
      Zusammenfassung The Note sets out areas where digitalisation could bring benefits in the company law area, looking at issues such as
                          online formation of companies, electronic filing of documents, safeguards for information, information sharing by
                          business registries, digital communication between a company and its shareholders including relating to general
                          meetings, a company's email address and URL, electronic company records, and digital signature of contracts and
                          execution of documents.
     Eingehende Analyse EN

16-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                           5
Forum on Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters : Debate with National Parliaments (2 December 2008)
Session II - e-justice : a Tool for Citizens, Practitioners and Business
  Art der Veröffentlichung Studie
           Kalenderdatum 14-11-2008
            Externe Autor Carlos Manuel Gonçalves de Melo Marinho (Judge, Contact Point of the European Judicial Network in Civil and
                            Commercial Matters and of the IberRede, Lisbon, Portugal) ; Philippe Delarbre (Director of the National Criminal
                            Records Bureau, Nantes, France) ; Marc van Opijnen (Senior Adviser Legal Informatics, Department for Internet
                            Applications of the Dutch Council for the Judiciary, Utrecht, Netherland)
            Politikbereich Demokratie in der EU, institutionelle und parlamentarische Rechte | Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts
           Schlagwortliste Datenbasis | elektronische Verwaltung | Informatikanwendung | Informationsaustausch | justizielle Zusammenarbeit
                            der EU in Zivilsachen | justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen (EU) | persönliche Daten | Strafregister |
                     Studie EN, FR

16-06-2022                                      Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2022 - EP                                                           6
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