Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...

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Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Respect. Prevent. Respond.
Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education
sector: working with diversity and intersectionality
13–14 February 2020 | Deakin Downtown

                                                        Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Welcome from Deakin University’s Vice-Chancellor   3

Message from the Conference Director               3

Day 1 – Thursday 13 February                       4

Day 2 – Friday 14 February                         5

Keynote and plenary speakers                       6

Speakers, presenters and panellists                9

Conference details                                 10
Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Welcome from Deakin University’s
Our highest priority should be the wellbeing and safety of
our students, staff and the many visitors we welcome to our
campuses every day.

There is no greater responsibility for any institution than to      working passionately to prevent and respond to sexual assault
support the members of its community and provide a                  and sexual harassment in tertiary education institutions.
safe environment.                                                   Crucially, we are seeing how institutions are working ever more
                                                                    closely with students in a joint effort to prevent, eliminate and
Overwhelmingly, our campuses are safe places. However, the          respond to sexual harm.
Respect.Prevent.Respond Conference – now in its second
year – is an important opportunity to share ideas and initiatives   The theme for the 2020 conference is ‘Working with diversity
and build on what has been learned from Change the Course:          and intersectionality’. We hope this theme will further inspire
National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at          the great work being done, and that it will act as a timely
Australian Universities.                                            reminder for us to continue supporting those from a diverse
                                                                    range of backgrounds. I encourage you to build on your
We must ensure that all who use our grounds and facilities          understandings by learning more about the interconnected
know that sexual harassment is unacceptable behaviour and           nature of race, gender, sexuality and culture, and how this may
sexual assault is criminal behaviour, and that both actions have    help in supporting victims/survivors of harm, and the further
severe consequences. The higher education sector in Australia       steps we can take to foster more respectful and safe campuses.
must continue to address the underlying causes of sexual harm
and gender-based violence – this includes promoting and             Welcome to Deakin and thank you for your efforts on this
modelling gender equality and equity in the workplace.              important matter. I look forward to seeing the conference
It is pleasing to see that since the inaugural conference last
year, many practitioners, researchers and academics have            Professor Iain Martin
continued their efforts in collaboration, sharing ideas and         Vice-Chancellor, Deakin University

Message from the
Conference Director
Deakin University is delighted to welcome delegates to the
second Respect. Prevent. Respond Conference.

We’re all here because we share a common goal: to ensure            Events like these require considerable organisation, and I wish
that the higher education sector provides a safe and supportive     to thank Professor Lisa Hanna, Dean of Students at Deakin
environment for everyone. Over the next two days, we’ll             University, for her leadership in co-chairing the Conference
hear from industry experts as we share ideas, broaden our           Reference Group as Professor Ann Taket transitions into
understanding and create opportunities for sector-wide              retirement. I thank Professor Taket for her continuous support
collaboration on responding to and preventing instances of          and tireless work in preventing gender-based violence,
sexual harm in the university, TAFE and VET environments.           discrimination against the LGBTIQ+ community and sexual
                                                                    harm. We wish her all the best in her retirement.
I’m pleased to say that this year we have given the conference
more of a student focus – student representatives comprised         Your attendance here today is valued. I look forward to listening
one-third of our reference group, and we also introduced a          and learning over the next two days as we unite to continue the
two-tier ticketing system to make the event more accessible for     fight to eliminate behaviour that causes sexual harm.
students. Other improvements on last year included offering
help with drafting conference abstracts, to ensure that we hear     John Devereaux
from many diverse voices.                                           Executive Director, Division of Student Life, Deakin University

Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Day 1 – Thursday 13 February

    8.30am    Registration
    8.45am    Welcome: Professor Lisa Hanna, Conference Reference Group Chair and Dean of Students, Deakin University
    9am       Conference opening: Kean Selway, Chief Operating Officer, Deakin University
              Keynote: Dr Lorraine Sheridan, Curtin University and Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
              Stalking and harassment on campus: The need for a heterogeneous approach
    10am      Keynote: Tracey Gaudry, Respect Victoria
    10.45am   Morning tea

                                                      Choice of workshop streams
                  Stream 1 in Wadawurrung 1                  Stream 2 in Wadawurrung 2                Stream 3 in Gunditjmara 1
                  Chair: Professor Lisa Hanna                 Chair: Professor Beth Crisp           Chair: Professor Amanda Keddie
              Tarn Felton and Dr Melanie Beres,          Dr Bianca Klettke and Elizabeth         Sue Webeck and Dr Luby Simson,
              University of Otago                        Clancy, Deakin University               Australian National University
    11am      Students as change-makers: Building        Sexting behaviour as technology-        ANU Sexual Violence Prevention
              a community approach to sexual             facilitated sexual violence             Strategy 2019–2026 within the IDEA
              violence support                                                                   Governance Framework.
              Aria Sunga, Naomi Smith, Andie             Jacinta Masters and Kesh Sharma,        Michelle Nunn and Jayne McCartney,
              Moore and Dr Patrick Tidmarsh,             Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC)        The University of Newcastle Australia
              University of Melbourne Student            Active online bystanding: Engaging      #NoRoomFor: Supporting a safe
    11.35am   Union                                      men to act when they see violence       and respectful community at The
              Transforming culture and practice          against women online                    University of Newcastle
              around sexual harm: How far have we
              Michelle Lampis, The University of         Natalie Russell, VicHealth,             Lil Kennedy, La Trobe University
              Newcastle and Deanna McCall, Full          Behavioural Insights Team and           and Annabelle Romano, La Trobe
              Stop Foundation                            Dr Celia Scott, The University of       University Student Union
    12.10pm                                              Melbourne
              Showcase of the Sex, Safety and                                                    Implementing the ‘Be a Better
              Respect Workshop                           Active bystanding against sexism and    Human’ campaign at La Trobe
                                                         sexual harassment                       University
    12.45pm                                                    Stream panel discussion

    1pm       Lunch
              Keynote: Sally Goldner AM, Transgender Victoria
              Beyond the binaries: increasing safety on campus
    2.45pm    Theatre-based education program: Being Frank and moderated post-performance panel discussion
    3.30pm    Afternoon tea
    3.45pm    Joshua McFarlane and Tegan Whitten, Deakin University Student Association
    4.30pm    End of Day 1: Professor Lisa Hanna

Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Day 2 – Friday 14 February

8.30am    Registration
          Welcome to Day 2: John Devereaux, Conference Director and Executive Director, Division of Student Life,
          Deakin University
          Keynote: Professor Amanda Keddie, Deakin University
          Engaging boys and men in gender justice work: Working with emotional intensities
          Keynote: Sharna Bremner, End Rape on Campus Australia
10am      Standing with survivors, not in front of them: The importance of institutional responses to sexual violence in
          higher education
10.45am   Morning tea

                                                    Choice of workshop streams
               Stream 1 – Wadawurrung 1                   Stream 2 – Wadawurrung 2                     Stream 3 – Gunditjmara 1
               Chair: Professor Lisa Hanna                  Chair: Dr Annabel Chan                          Chair: Ryan Hsu
          Kate Lowsby and Professor Ann              Briony Leonard, Shelley Odewahn             Dr Amie O’Shea, Deakin University
          Taket, Deakin University                   and Rob Cumings, Southern Cross             Nothing about us without us:
          Preventing sexual harm in the              University                                  Peer education in sexual lives and
          tertiary education sector: A               A mile in my stilettos: Finding             respectful relationships for people
11am      qualitative evaluation of Deakin           synergies in a human rights                 with intellectual disability
          University’s Bystander Training            framework to address unequal
                                                     power relationships across diverse
                                                     cohorts by the application of critical
                                                     self-reflection, experiential learning
                                                     and empathy response development
          Sharon Lockwood, University of             Dr Elli Darwinkel and Leesa Hooker,         Catharine Pruscino and Megan Cassidy,
          South Australia                            La Trobe University and Fiona               University of Technology, Sydney
          What could you do? Engaging                Marshall, Monash University                 Does consent matter to everybody?
          students in conversations about            Implementing and evaluating the             The UTS experience of mandatory
          ethical bystander approaches               EAAA program in Australia                   consent matters training as part of
                                                                                                 the Respect. Now. Always. initiative
          Renee Heckman and Delarm Ansari,           Professor Tony Foley, Australian            Dr Emma Heard, University of
          Monash University                          National University                         Queensland
          Donut Stand By, Step Up: Raising           Pilot restorative approach to               Exploring a public health approach to
12.10pm   awareness through peer-led active          preventing and responding to sexual         developing a strategic framework for
          bystander action                           assault and sexual harassment in the        sexual assault and sexual harassment
                                                     university residences                       response and prevention in a tertiary
                                                                                                 education context
12.45pm                                                     Stream panel discussion

1pm       Lunch
          Keynote: Dr Renee Hamilton, Universities Australia and Joanna Brislane, Our Watch
          Creating a new normal: Working to change the structures and cultures that drive violence against women
          Keynote: Vincent Wilson, Deakin Residential Services
          Respect on Res: Embedding positive culture in on-campus communities
3.30pm    Afternoon tea
          Panel discussion: John Devereaux, Conference Director and Executive Director, Division of Student Life, Deakin University
          12 months on
4.30pm    Conference closing: John Devereaux

Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Keynote and plenary speakers

    Dr Lorraine Sheridan
    President, Asia Pacific Association of Threat
    Assessment Professionals, forensic psychologist
    and Associate Professor, Curtin University

    Dr Lorraine Sheridan is a chartered forensic psychologist and         frequently trains professionals involved in investigating and
    international expert on stalking and harassment. She’s the current    managing stalking and other crimes. Lorraine also advises on
    President of the Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment        policy and has advised a number of governments.
    Professionals and a founding member of the European Association
                                                                          A police-accredited offender profiler who compiles psychological
    of Threat Assessment Professionals.
                                                                          reports on offenders, Lorraine consults widely for public
    Lorraine completed Europe’s first PhD on stalking and has so far      organisations and global corporations in managing a variety of
    published four books and more than 50 papers on the subject.          problem behaviours.
    Her research takes an applied, interventionist angle, and she

    Sharna Bremner
    Founder and Co-Director,
    End Rape on Campus (EROC) Australia Ltd

    Sharna Bremner is Founder and Co-Director of End Rape on              Agency against an Australian university (for failing to adhere to the
    Campus (EROC) Australia, a volunteer-run organisation that works      Higher Education Standards Framework) and securing law reform
    to end sexual violence at Australian universities and residential     in Tasmania to allow survivors to share their stories publicly.
    colleges by directly supporting survivors and their communities,
                                                                          EROC’s work has been recognised with several awards, including
    through education, and by advocating for policy reform at the
                                                                          the 2017 Edna Ryan Education Award and the 2018 HESTA
    campus, state and national levels.
                                                                          Social Impact Award. EROC was also a finalist in the Community
    Since 2016, EROC has achieved a number of positive outcomes           Organisation category at the 2017 Australian Human
    for student-survivors, including launching a national database of     Rights Awards.
    relevant university policies, procedures and support services at
                                                                          Sharna is a graduate of the University of Adelaide and has worked
    each of Australia’s 39 universities, filing the first-known federal
                                                                          in international higher education since 2010.
    complaint with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards

    Dr Renee Hamilton
    Policy Director of Safety and
    Wellbeing, Universities Australia

    Dr Renee Hamilton leads the Australian university sector’s            Renee has worked in social policy agencies and the community
    Respect. Now. Always. initiative, which aims to prevent sexual        sector on gender equality issues, including the National Plan
    violence and improve support for those affected by it. She            to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children. With a
    manages University Australia’s partnership with Our Watch and         background in psychology, she has supported victims of family
    the Victorian Government to develop a whole-of-institution model      violence, young women with serious mental health disorders and
    to prevent violence against women.                                    wards of the state.

Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Tracey Gaudry
CEO, Respect Victoria

A senior executive, non-executive director, former professional         Tracey is a director and immediate past Vice-President of the
cyclist and dual Olympian, Tracey Gaudry has held leadership roles      Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the world governing body for
in corporate, community and for-purpose organisations for more          the sport of cycling. Her portfolios include Chair of the Women’s
than 20 years. She’s championed improved outcomes for local,            Commission and membership to the Commission of Continental
state, national and global communities with a focus on inclusion,       Presidents, where she has been instrumental in driving global
diversity and gender equality.                                          reform, particularly in governance, advocacy, grassroots
                                                                        development and gender equity.
As the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of Respect Victoria, Tracey
is responsible for leading the organisation to realise its mission to   Prior to her roles in community and sports administration, Tracey
prevent all forms of family violence and violence against women         was a senior executive in the professional services sector. She
by challenging the harmful systems and behaviours that lead to          holds degrees in commerce and science, and a masters degree
violence. Prior to joining Respect Victoria in August 2018, her         in management.
executive roles included CEO of Hawthorn Football Club and CEO
of the Amy Gillett Foundation.

Joanna Brislane
Manager of Practice Systems,
Our Watch

Jo Brislane is the Manager of Practice Systems at Our Watch,            Jo has led work on implementing respectful relationships
Australia’s national foundation to prevent violence against women       education in schools, as well as development of the Workplace
and their children. Having worked in this field in Australia and        Equality and Respect standards and tools. She currently manages
the Pacific for over 10 years, she is currently leading Our Watch’s     a team of staff at Our Watch responsible for prevention initiatives
partnership with Universities Australia to develop a whole-of-          in schools, workplaces, sports and TAFEs.
institution model to prevent violence against women.

Professor Amanda Keddie
Chair of Education,
Deakin University

As a Research Professor at Deakin University, Amanda Keddie             Her latest books are Supporting and Educating Young Muslim
examines the processes and conditions that can affect the               Women: Stories from Australia and the UK (2017) and Autonomy,
pursuit of social justice in education institutions and community       Accountability and Social Justice: Stories of English Schooling
organisations. Amanda’s qualitative research has largely been           (2019). Her recent Fulbright Senior Scholarship focused on
based within the Australian and English schooling contexts, with a      exploring new educative approaches to supporting gender justice
particular focus on gender and cultural diversity.                      within schools and NGOs, with a particular focus on engaging boys
                                                                        and men in feminist work.

Joshua McFarlane
Welfare Officer, Deakin
University Student Association

Josh is a second-year mature-age arts student. He currently majors      Society in Burwood and Treasurer of the Deakin Geelong
in politics and public relations, and hopes to one day fulfil his       Queer Collective.
dream of being a lobbyist. He is the secretary of the Deakin Pride
                                                                        Josh is also passionate about workers’ rights and currently works
Queer Society in Burwood, Treasurer of the Deakin Volunteer
                                                                        in the trade union movement.
Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Sally Goldner AM
    Educator and Treasurer,
    Transgender Victoria

    Sally Goldner has been involved in Victoria’s queer communities        and noted in The Age’s Top 100 most creative and influential
    for 20 years. Her experience includes Transgender Victoria             people in Melbourne in 2011. She spent two weeks in
    (currently Educator and Treasurer), presenter of 3CR’s Out of the      St Petersburg Russia as a juror for the Side-By-Side LGBT Film
    Pan, co-facilitator of TransFamily and Treasurer of Bisexual           Festival in November 2015 and was awarded the Order of Australia
    Alliance Victoria.                                                     Medal in 2019.

    Sally is the focus of the autobiographical documentary Sally’s Story   Sally’s accomplishments include contributing to the achievement
    and a life member of Seahorse Club of Victoria, Zoe Belle Gender       of Victorian (2000) and Australian law (2013) protecting trans and
    Collective, Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby and Polyvic.        gender-diverse people from discrimination, and ongoing education
                                                                           and speaking. She’s also an educator, speaker, MC and occasional
    Prior to her induction into the Victorian Women’s Honour Roll          performer (all in contrast to her original accountancy training).
    in 2016 (the first trans and first-known bi woman to receive the       Watch this space for more to come!
    honour), Sally was awarded LGBTI Victorian of the Year in 2015

    Vincent Wilson
    CEO, Deakin Residential Services

    Vincent Wilson is a CEO, director and industry leader. As the          Vincent is also a recent past President of the Asia–Pacific Student
    Chief Executive Officer of Deakin Residential Services (DRS), he’s     Accommodation Association (APSAA) and has served on the
    responsible for the overall operational and strategic leadership       2019 faculty for the Global Housing Training Institute, one of the
    of a subsidiary of Deakin University, with the primary purpose of      signature professional development opportunities for student
    sustainably developing and managing outstanding and market-            housing professionals worldwide. With over 10 years exposure to
    leading student accommodation premises, services and support           senior leadership roles in the hospitality, student accommodation
    for Deakin students.                                                   and university sectors, he is a strategic thinker with experience
                                                                           across all areas of business operations.

    Tegan Whitten
    Vice-President, Deakin University
    Student Association (DUSA)

    Tegan is the Geelong Accessibility and Services Representative         As a student with a disability, Tegan knows all too well the barriers
    and is currently undertaking a Bachelor of Health Sciences with        that exist for those trying to complete their higher education. She
    majors in psychology and environmental health. She is President        is a strong advocate at Deakin for better accessibility and equity
    of the Geelong Deakin University Biomed Society (DUBS) and             for all students.
    Engagement Officer of the Geelong Labor Club.

Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Speakers, presenters and panellists

•   Delarm Ansari, Training Officer, Respectful Communities, Monash University
•   Dr Melanie Beres, Academic Director, Te Whare Tāwharau, University of Otago
•   Joanna Brislane, Manager, Practice Systems, Our Watch
•   Sharna Bremner, Founder and Co-Director, End Rape on Campus Australia
•   Laura Burzacott, Being Frank actor, Deakin University
•   Megan Cassidy, Senior Advisor, Student Complaints, University of Technology, Sydney
•   Dr Annabel Chan, Director, Right in the Head
•   Elizabeth Clancy, Research Fellow, Deakin University
•   Rob Cumings, Equity Coordinator, Southern Cross University
•   Dr Elli Darwinkel, Manager, Speak Up, La Trobe University
•   John Devereaux, Executive Director, Division of Student Life, Deakin University
•   Andrew Eklund, Transgender Victoria
•   Tarn Felton, Support Manager, Te Whare Tāwharau, University of Otago
•   Professor Tony Foley, Pro Vice-Chancellor (University Experience), Australian National University
•   Tracey Gaudry, Chief Executive Officer, Respect Victoria
•   Sally Goldner AM, Transgender Victoria
•   Dr Renee Hamilton, Policy Director of Safety and Wellbeing, Universities Australia
•   Professor Lisa Hanna, Dean of Students, Deakin University
•   Dr Emma Heard, Coordinator, Sexual Assault Response and Prevention, University of Queensland
•   Renee Heckman, Senior Respectful Communities Trainer, Monash University
•   Dr Leesa Hooker, Senior Lecturer, Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University
•   Professor Amanda Keddie, Chair of Education, Deakin University
•   Lil Kennedy, Senior Project Coordinator, Health and Wellbeing Initiatives, La Trobe University
•   Dr Bianca Klettke, Lecturer, Deakin University
•   Michelle Lampis, Counsellor and Health Promotions Officer, The University of Newcastle Australia
•   Briony Leonard, Student Safety Support and Wellbeing Coordinator, Southern Cross University
•   Sharon Lockwood, Counsellor and Training Coordinator (Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault), University of South Australia
•   Kate Lowsby, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
•   Fiona Marshall, Manager, Respectful Communities, Monash University
•   Jacinta Masters, Manager, Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC)
•   Deanna McCall, Counsellor, The University of Newcastle Australia
•   Jayne McCartney, Student Communication Coordinator, The University of Newcastle Australia
•   Joshua McFarlane, Burwood Queer Representative, Deakin University Student Union
•   Andie Moore, Queer Officer, University of Melbourne Student Union
•   Michelle Nunn, Manager, Safe and Respectful Communities, The University of Newcastle Australia
•   Shelley Odewahn, Project Coordinator and Disability Advisor, Southern Cross University
•   Dr Amie O’Shea, Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
•   Catharine Pruscino, Program Manager, Respect. Now. Always. Program, University of Technology Sydney
•   Annabelle Romano, President, La Trobe University Student Union
•   Natalie Russell, Principal Program Officer, Mental Wellbeing, VicHealth
•   Dr Celia Scott, Policy and Strategy Advisor, The University of Melbourne
•   Kean Selway, Chief Operating Officer, Deakin University
•   Kesh Sharma, CEO, hUmen
•   Dr Luby Simson, Executive Officer, Pro Vice-Chancellor (University Experience), Australian National University
•   Naomi Smith, Women’s Officer, University of Melbourne Student Union
•   Dr Lorraine Sheridan, Associate Professor, Curtin University and President of Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
•   Aria Sunga, Women’s Officer, University of Melbourne Student Union
•   Professor Ann Taket, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
•   Dr Patrick Tidmarsh, Sexual Harm Response Coordinator, University of Melbourne Student Union
•   Sue Webeck, Respectful Relationships Unit Manager, Australian National University
•   Tegan Whitten, Geelong Accessibility and Services Representative, Deakin University Student Union
•   Vincent Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, Deakin Residential Services
Respect. Prevent. Respond. Conference - Sexual harm prevention and response in the tertiary education sector: working with diversity and ...
Conference details

     Conference Director:
     John Devereaux, Executive Director, Division of Student Life, Deakin University

     Conference Manager:
     Ryan Hsu, Program Manager, Sexual Harm Prevention, Deakin University

     Conference Coordinator:
     Sarah Miocic, Senior Program and Events Coordinator, Division of Student Life, Deakin University

     Conference Communication Team:
     Megan Smith, Team Leader, Communications, Division of Student Life, Deakin University
     Bronwyn Duhigg, Communications Officer, Division of Student Life, Deakin University
     Liz De Been, Communications Officer, Division of Student Life, Deakin University

     Chair, Conference Reference Group:
     Professor Ann Taket, Deakin University
     Professor Lisa Hanna, Dean of Students, Deakin University

     Conference Reference Group Members:
     Tegan Whitten, Deakin University Student Union
     Joshua McFarlane, Deakin University Student Union
     Maryam Hasanova, Deakin University Student Union
     Professor Amanda Keddie, Deakin University
     Professor Beth Crisp, Deakin University
     Dr Ann Stephens, Respect Victoria

     Conference brought to you by Deakin University Division of Student Life in partnership
     with the Office of Dean of Students and Faculty of Health.

Deakin University
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
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