Southern African Law Teachers Conference 2020 - University ...

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Southern African Law Teachers Conference 2020 - University ...
Southern African Law Teachers Conference 2020                                                       Skukuza, Kruger National Park
                                A conference of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa      20 – 24 January 2020

    ‘Law, Nature and Sustainable Development' #SALTC2020

    “Ihloka liyakhohlwa kodwa isihlahla asikhohlwa”
    (an axe forgets but the tree doesn’t forget) – Ndebele proverb
    “Isihlahla asinyelelwa”
    (a tree is not defecated upon) – Zulu proverb
    “Inkomo kayisengwa ngokwehlisa”
    (do not continuously milk a cow until there is nothing to milk) – Ndebele proverb
                                                                                            AND COMPANY (PT Y) LTD
    “Aiva madziva ava mazambuko”
    (what used to be rivers are now crossings) – Shona proverb
Monday 20 January 2020
    14:00 – 17:00   Check in: Reception – Skukuza Rest Camp
                    Registration: Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    19:00 – Till late LexisNexis Cocktail Function: Next to the Sabie River (Directions to be provided during registration)

    Tuesday 21 January 2020
    07:00 – 09:00   Breakfast: Cattle Baron Restaurant
    08:00 – 09:00   Council Meeting: Ingwe Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    09:00 – 10:00   Opening Ceremony: Ndlopfu Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                    Prof Letlhokwa Mpedi (Chair) – Executive Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg
                    Prof Puseletso Letete – President, Society for Law Teachers of Southern Africa
                    Prof Saurabh Sinha – Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Internationalisation, University of Johannesburg
                    Judge Boissie Mbha – Judge of Appeal at the Supreme Court of Appeal, South Africa
    10:00 – 11:00   Plenary Session 1: Ndlopfu Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                    Sustainable development, human impact and the regulation of pollution and waste management
                    Dr Jennifer Hall (Chair) – University of Johannesburg
                    Prof Michael Kidd – University of KwaZulu-Natal
                    Prof Tumai Murombo – University of the Witwatersrand
    11:00 – 11:30   Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre

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11:30 – 13:00          Parallel Session 1

       Parallel                                                                                    Law and                    Environmental law
                             Customary law                       Criminal law                                                                                  Constitutional law
       Session 1                                                                             technological change              & Sustainability

         Venue                   Ndlopfu                             Ingwe                            Ndau                        Mhelembe                             Nari

      11:30 – 11:50   Reconciling the                    From Paws (trained dogs) to      Sustainability of academics    Achieving SDG 6:                 Transformative
                      irreconcilable?                    Paws (artificial intelligence)   in South Africa                The Southern African             constitutionalism, fairness
                      Patrilineality in the age of       – All in the fight against the   Judith Geldenhuys              Development Community            and administrative law
                      constitutionalism                  poaching of our wildlife         University of South Africa     (SADC) region and water          reform in South Africa
                      Raymond Msaule                     Dawie de Villiers                                               governance – a legal             Vuyo Peach
                      University of Limpopo              University of Johannesburg                                      perspective                      University of South Africa
                                                                                                                         Germarié Viljoen &
                                                                                                                         Bronwen Qumbu
                                                                                                                         North-West University

      11:50 – 12:10   Sengadi v Tsambo 2019 (4)          The role of the criminal         Addressing cyber bullying as   From Rio to Paris: The           Once bitten twice shy? Not
                      SA 50 (GP) and the                 justice system in the fight      a form of cyber harassment     evolution of the principle of    the Constitutional Court
                      requirements for validity          against the crime of rhino       in South Africa                ‘common but differentiated       Raymond Msaule
                      of customary marriages:            poaching and other related       Sershiv Reddy                  responsibilities’ within the     University of Limpopo
                      Muddying the waters?               offences – a critical analysis   University of Johannesburg     climate change regime.
                      Siyambonga Heleba                  Annette van der Merwe                                           Sikhulile Ngcobo
                      University of Johannesburg         University of Limpopo                                           University of Johannesburg

      12:10 – 12:30   Goodbye, ‘official’ and ‘living’   Controlling ivory trade          Digital content and the        The impact of s24G as            A lack of interpretive and/
                      customary law                      through WTO law: is CITES        online consumer: Quo Vadis?    a corrective measure in          or institutional restraint? An
                      Anthony Diala                      really an impediment?            Sylvia Papadopoulos            accordance with sustainable      analysis of United Democratic
                      University of the                  Lonias Ndlovu                    University of Pretoria         development                      Movement v Speaker of the
                      Western Cape                       University of Venda                                             Nazreen Ismail                   National Assembly 2017 5 SA
                                                                                                                         University of Johannesburg       300 (CC)
                                                                                                                                                          Bradley Slade
                                                                                                                                                          Stellenbosch University

      12:30 – 12:50   The legal Protection of            The sustainable place of         The role of robo-advisors in   Public interest litigation as    –
                      African Traditional Medicine       punishment in the fight for      the South African insurance    an instrument to advance
                      in South Africa: The road to       nature conservation              industry: Is South Africa      environmental justice and
                      parallel and equal existence       Stefan Terblanche                ready?                         sustainability in South Africa
                      of Allopathic health care          University of South Africa       Samantha Huneberg              Kesolofetse Lefenya
                      system and African tradition                                        University of Johannesburg     North-West University
                      health care system
                      Mokgadi Mokgokong
                      University of Limpopo

13:00 – 14:00        Lunch: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    14:00 – 15:30        Parallel Session 2

        Parallel                                           Criminal law &                                              Environmental law
                            Mercantile law                                               Legal education                                                  Human rights law
       Session 2                                          Law of evidence                                               & Sustainability

        Venue                  Ndlopfu                         Ingwe                           Ndau                        Mhelembe                                       Nari

     14:00 – 14:20   Intellectual property          Are disruptive protests        Sustainability of South        Assessing South Africa’s        Criminalisation of
                     foresight rather than          compatible with peaceful       African law clinics in a       implementation of               poverty and the forgotten
                     hindsight for supply chain     protests? A criminal law       technology driven world        sustainable development         Populations-Threats to
                     sustainability – A concept     perspective                    Gökşen Effendi                 goal 15: Lessons from the       sustainable environmental
                     paper for growth               Khulekani Khumalo              University of Johannesburg     First Voluntary Review          sanitation in Zambia
                     Lewis Victor Kaplan            University of KwaZulu-Natal                                   Report 2019                     Chipo Mushota Nkhata
                     Durban University of                                                                         Chante Jade Baatjes;            University of Zambia
                     Technology                                                                                   Tanya Wagenaar &
                                                                                                                  Joanna Botha
                                                                                                                  Nelson Mandela University

     14:20 – 14:40   The effectiveness of           Easing access to justice for   Are matric results an          Flooding, the environmental     The right to education
                     academic patents versus        child sexual abuse survivors   indication of success at       right and sustainable           threatened: A look at the
                     transformative licensing and   Joshua Kumwenda                university?                    development                     Komape case
                     commercialising                University of South Africa     Ninette Crous                  Jennifer Hall                   Thobile Nsimbini
                     Ophrey Shibambu                                               North-West University          University of Johannesburg      University of Limpopo
                     University of Venda

     14:40 – 15:00   Intellectual property          Efficacy of government         The significance of The        The protection and              Providing basic sanitation to
                     awareness in rural             strategies in the prevention   Independent Institute of       sustainable management          rural schools in South Africa:
                     communities: A case            and control of organised       Education (Pty) Ltd v The      of soils in Africa: Legal       A realisable constitutional
                     of Thohoyandou and             crime in Limpopo province      KwaZulu-Natal Law Society      prospects, challenges and       right or an elusive dream?
                     Malamulele within Vhembe       Kholofelo Mothibi              and Others (KZP) (unreported   opportunities for sustainable   Thobile Nsimbini
                     District in the Limpopo        University of Venda            case no. 9090/18) – whereto    development                     University of Limpopo
                     province, South Africa                                        from here?                     Oliver Ruppel
                     Ophrey Shibambu &                                             Fiona Kaplan                   Stellenbosch University
                     Percy Sithuga                                                 Varsity College
                     University of Venda

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15:00 – 15:20   Unlocking the potential of         New thinking on “food          Male and female law            The relationship between    Should the natural sex-ratio
                     Islamic finance towards            fraud”: The legal test to      students’ pre-entry            legal education and         be legally maintained?
                     meeting sustainable                apply when faced with the      expectations of first year     sustainable development:    Thoughts on non-therapeutic
                     development goals                  issue of finding “horse in     university studies: Is there   lessons from the            preimplantation sex
                     Naeema Gabru                       your wors”                     gender parity?                 jurisprudence of business   selection
                     North-West University              Murray Zimbler                 Conrad Potberg &               law on the relationship     Donrich Thaldar
                                                        Varsity College                Suberthra Pather               between persons and their   University of KwaZulu-Natal
                                                                                       University of the              environment
                                                                                       Western Cape                   Charmika Samaradiwakera-
                                                                                                                      University of the

     15:20 – 15:40   Transferring of independent        Crime, policing and indirect   Writing seminar: a personal    Sustainable development     The sustainability of child-
                     guarantees                         discrimination in light of     approach                       Law and quest for law       headed households
                     Charl Hugo                         Social Justice Coalition and   Irene Broekhuijse              properly so-called          Ronelle Prinsloo
                     University of Johannesburg         Others v Minister of Police    University of Johannesburg     Dejo Olowu                  Vaal University of
                                                        and Others                                                    Walter Sisulu University    Technology
                                                        Delano Cole van der Linde
                                                        North-West University

     15:40 – 16:00   The utility of ‘piercing of the    Witnesses giving evidence by   Legal education and social     Sustainable management of   Widening Retirement Fund
                     corporate law’ for public          way of video conferencing      change – challenges and        forests in Africa:          Coverage through the
                     policy considerations in           link ups with the court –      possibilities                  Rethinking intellectual     Contemplated South African
                     tackling illicit financial flows   local and abroad               Hilary Sommerlad               property rights and local   National Social Security Fund
                     in Africa                          Nicci Whitear-Nel              University of Leeds            stakeholders engagement     Clement Marumoagae
                     Tshepo Mongalo                     University of KwaZulu-Natal    Pete Sanderson                 Caroline Joelle Nwabueze    University of the
                     University of the                                                 University of Huddersfield     Bern Universität            Witwatersrand
                     Benjamin Kujinga
                     University of Johannesburg

    16:00 – 16:30         Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    19:00 – Till late Oxford University Press Dinner: Cattle Baron Restaurant

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Wednesday 22 January 2020
    07:00 – 08:30          Breakfast: Cattle Baron Restaurant
    08:30 – 10:00          SLTSA Annual General Meeting
    10:00 – 11:00          Plenary Session 2: Ndlopfu Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                           Exploring the relationship between environmental law and animals:
                           Should we move beyond sustainable use?
                           Prof David Bilchitz (Chair) – University of Johannesburg
                           Prof Jim May – University of Pretoria
                           Ms Melanie Murcott – University of Pretoria
                           Mr Tokyo Ndlela – Independent Advisor
    11:00 – 11:30          Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    11:30 – 13:00          Parallel Session 3
        Parallel                                                                   Environmental law           The law and non-human
                             Jurisprudence             Mercantile law                                                                                  Property law
       Session 3                                                                    & Sustainability                   animals

         Venue                   Ndlopfu                    Ingwe                         Ndau                       Mhelembe                                    Nari

      11:30 – 11:50   In defence of the         Achieving sustainable         Five tough choices policy      The enclosure and capture   Sustainable property – does
                      “Pretoria Crits”          development in South Africa   makers face in overcoming      of wild animals, an         ownership in land heal or
                      Emile Zitzke              through good tax policies     South Africa’s energy crisis   infringement of the right   hurt the environment?
                      University of the         Fareed Moossa                 Dunia Zongwe                   to freedom of culture and   Benjamin Davy
                      Witwatersrand             University of the             Walter Sisulu University       religion                    Technische Universität
                                                Western Cape                                                 Ngwako Raboshakga           Dortmund
                                                                                                             North-West University

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11:50 – 12:10   Two steps forward, one step     OECD BEPS Action 1              State liability for non-         Emotional support animals:    Oproep van verband vir
                      back: An appraisal of the       as it pertains to tax           compliance with                  Fur-ever changing the         vreemde skuld
                      development and promotion       administration and tax          constitutional and statutory     concept of emotional          Jean Sonnekus
                      of feminism by the South        policy: Tax challenges of       environmental duties in          distress damages in loss of   Universiteit van
                      African legal framework         digitalisation of the economy   South Africa?                    companion pet cases           Johannesburg
                      Leoni van der Merwe             on tax administrations in       Rolien Roos                      Debra Burke
                      University of Johannesburg      selected SADC countries         North-West University            Western Carolina University
                                                      Puseletso Letete
                                                      University of South Africa

      12:10 – 12:30   Critical race technology and    Insurance claims, fairness      Public Procurement and           Sustainable development:      Re-assessing the notion of
                      technological colonisation:     and the new Policyholder        sustainable development: An      an elephant-human dignity     ownership in a constitutional
                      A legal perspective on the      Protection Rules                African perspective              dimension                     system
                      fourth industrial revolution    Daleen Millard                  Sope Williams-Elegbe             Niel Lubbe                    Priviledge Dhliwayo
                      Maropeng Mpya                   University of Johannesburg      Stellenbosch University          North-West University &       University of Limpopo
                      University of KwaZulu-Natal                                                                      SM Ferreira

      12:30 – 12:50   Making the best of existing     Global Justice: The history     Public Interest Litigation as    A bird in the hand is worth   Protecting quasi-
                      systems to decolonize legal     and intended outcome of         an Instrument to Advance         two in the bush: The legal    possession of rights with
                      knowledge: A human rights       the 2019 HCCH Convention        Environmental Justice and        protection of endangered      the mandament van spolie:
                      perspective                     on the Recognition and          Sustainability in South Africa   vultures in South Africa.     has Bon Quelle finally been
                      Emma Charlene Lubaale           Enforcement of Foreign          Kesolofetse Lefenya              Adriaan Anderson &            overruled? Eskom Holdings
                      University of Venda             Judgments in Civil or           North-West University            Anelia Dodd                   SOC Limited v Masinda
                                                      Commercial Matters                                               University of Limpopo         (1225/2018) [2019] ZASCA 98
                                                      Ray de Villiers                                                                                (18 June 2019)
                                                      Stellenbosch University                                                                        Ernst Marais
                                                                                                                                                     University of Johannesburg

      12:50 – 13:10   The critical analysis of the    Sustainable Management of       Addressing the effects of        –                             –
                      role of SMMEs sector in         Forests in Africa:              failure to implement surface
                      Africa: the function of legal   Rethinking Intellectual         restoration measures upon
                      practitioners in enhancing      Property Rights and Local       termination of mining
                      corporate governance in         Stakeholders Engagement         operations
                      these                           Caroline Joelle Nwabueze        Tshepo Mongalo
                      Motlatsi Molefe                 Enugu State University of       University of the
                      Attorneys Fidelity Fund         Science and Technology          Witwatersrand

    13:10 – 14:00            Lunch: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre

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14:00 – 15:00          Plenary Session 3: Ndlopfu Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                           Labour Law and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
                           Dr Elmarie Fourie (Chair) – University of Johannesburg
                           Prof Letlhokwa Mpedi – University of Johannesburg
                           Prof Stefan van Eck – University of Pretoria
                           Prof Evance Kalula – International Labour Organisation
                           Prof Monray Botha - University of Pretoria
    15:00 – 15:30          Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    19:00 – Till late      UJ Faculty of Law Dinner: Cattle Baron Restaurant

    Thursday 23 January 2020
    07:00 – 09:00         Breakfast: Cattle Baron Restaurant
    09:00 – 10:00         Plenary Session 4: Ndlopfu Venue – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                          Protected areas and their external pressures, implications for management,
                          with a case study on the Kruger National Park
                          Prof Hennie Strydom (Chair) – University of Johannesburg
                          Prof Nick King – Independent Consultant
    10:00 – 11:00         Special Sessions

           Venue           Mhelembe                                            Ingwe

       Special Sessions    The path from legal academia to the bench           Planning your academic career and applying for an NRF rating

                           Judge Annali Basson                                 Kathleen van der Linde
        10:00 – 11:00
                           Judiciary                                           University of Johannesburg

    11:00 – 11:20         Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
                                                                                                                             AND COMPANY (PT Y) LTD
11:20 – 13:00          Parallel Session 4

        Parallel                                                                              Environmental law                  Labour law &
                            International law                Mercantile law                                                                                       Human rights law
       Session 4                                                                               & Sustainability               Social Security Law

         Venue                   Ndlopfu                          Ingwe                              Ndau                          Mhelembe                             Nari

      11:20 – 11:40   The slow death of the           Prescription of Consumer           Stabilising Good Governance     The liability and legal            Defining the content of
                      International Criminal Court    Debt: The Impact of the            of SDGs in SADC: A              consequences for social            extraterritorial human rights
                      Retselisitsoe Phooko            National Credit Act                normative intervention          media-related misconduct in        obligations towards African
                      University of Johannesburg      Michelle Kelly-Louw &              Jentley Lenong                  the South African workplace        climate migrants
                                                      Philip Stoop                       University of Johannesburg      Howard Chitimira                   Michelle Barnard
                                                      University of South Africa                                         North-West University              North-West University

      11:40 – 12:00   An argument for an African      Mare Liberum in a new age          The spatial overregulation of   Is the employer obliged            The treatment of Islamic
                      Union framework on              of Imperialism? Analysing          sensitivity: an unintegrated    to provide safe working            marriages in South African
                      individual criminal liability   the role of the International      system of protection            environment to non-striking        family law – out of line
                      for environmental damage        Tribunal of Law for the Sea        Louis Snyman                    employees and replacement          with sustainable family
                      during armed conflict           Gideon Rossouw                     University of the               workers during a violent strike?   development?
                      Swikani Ncube                   North-West University              Witwatersrand                   Mlungisi Tenza                     Brigitte Clark
                      University of Johannesburg                                                                         University of KwaZulu-Natal        University of KwaZulu-Natal

     12:00 – 12:20    Obstacles to the prosecution    Demand guarantees in the           Commercial ecotourism           Disgruntled and veering            Medico-legal implications
                      of international crimes         construction industry: recent      in Ghana: The need for a        off the course: SAPS now           of imprisonment in post-
                      Mispa Roux                      developments in the law            coherent legal approach         (SANDF & nurses before)            democratic South Africa
                      University of Johannesburg      relating to the fraud exception    Edwin Coleman                   Porsche Makama &                   Anathi Phela
                                                      to the independence principle      University of Johannesburg      Lesley Kubjana                     Nelson Mandela University
                                                      Cayle Lupton                                                       University of South Africa
                                                      University of Johannesburg

      12:20 – 12:40   International law’s extimate:   An analysis of the SADC Pro-       Supervision of doctoral         The legislative possibilities      Perils and promises of
                      apartheid, colonialism and      tocol on Wildlife Conservation     level research in               and challenges relating to         precision medicine in South
                      South Africa’s international    and Law Enforcement as a           environmental law               the private possession and         Africa: A case for equitable
                      legal academy                   tool to facilitate harmonisation   Willemien du Plessis &          use of cannabis in South           access to health care
                      Christopher Carl Gevers         of business laws in the region:    Anél du Plessis                 Africa                             services
                      University of KwaZulu-Natal     the case of KAZA TFCA              North-West University           Kgomotso Mokoena                   Ntokozo Steven Nkonzo
                                                      Amos Saurombe                                                      University of Johannesburg         Mnyandu
                                                      University of South Africa                                                                            University of KwaZulu-Natal

     12:40 – 13:00    Perpetuity, of concern to the   Contemporary sea carriage          When Less Is More:              Hearsay evidence:                  Attaining Sustainable
                      international community?        requires evolving law, is          Relaxing Building Codes to      admissibility, probative value     development through direct
                      A doctrinal study of the        South Africa falling behind?       Accommodate Eco-Friendly        and procedure                      democracy and soft power:
                      inclusion of environmental      Chloe Johannes                     Alternatives to Traditional     Nicci Whitear-Nel                  An African perspective
                      crimes in the Rome Statute      University of Johannesburg         Home Ownership                  University of KwaZulu-Natal        Anzanilufuno Munyai

                      Ron van Diermen                                                    Petronell Kruger                                                   University of Johannesburg
                      Varsity College                                                    Varsity College
13:00 – 14:00   Lunch: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    14:00 – 14:30   Judging session for First Time Presenter Finalists
    14:30 – 15:30   Juta’s Prize Ceremony and Closing Ceremony
                    Chair: Prof Managay Reddi – University of KwaZulu-Natal, RSA
                    Presentation by Prof Muna Ndulo – Cornell University, USA
                    Law and Development: Reflections of a Fellow Traveler
    15:30 – 16:00   Tea: Foyer – Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre
    17:00 – 18:00   Juta’s Game Drive: Departs from SANParks Reception Area
    18:00 – 21:00   Juta’s Bush Braai (Weather permitting)

    Friday 24 January 2020
    07:00 – 09:00   Breakfast: Cattle Baron Restaurant
    09:00           Departures

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