Liberty Ridge Ledger - Liberty Ridge Senior Living

Page created by Wallace Hines
Liberty Ridge Ledger - Liberty Ridge Senior Living
Liberty Ridge Ledger
                                  L i b e r ty R i d g e Se n i o r L i v i n g C o m m u n i ty   January 2022

Welcome Sadie Criswell
 Liberty Ridge welcomes        Alcott.                              enjoyed 46 years to-
 Sadie Criswell.               Sadie has her Masters                gether.
 Sadie grew up in Powell       Degree in Accounting                 Sadie is the proud
 County. She is the            from U.K.                            mother of two children,
 youngest child of a large     Sadie met her hus-                   Mike Wayne(deceased)
 blended family.               band, Gary (Cris) while              and Tracy, and two
                               visiting a friend. There             grandchildren.
 Sadie was a straight A        was a knock at the                   Sadie loves crossword
 student. She contributes      neighbors door that                  puzzles, meeting new
 her excellent grades to       Sadie mistakenly                     friends and her kitty,
 her love of reading. Her      thought was the door of              Flower.
 sibling always knew they      the friend. Sadie, real-
 could find her with her       izing her mistake invit-
 nose in a book some-          ed the gentleman in to
 where. Her favorite           wait. The couple were
 author is Louisa May          an instant match and

Welcome Juanita Devine
Juanita was born here in     Jimmy eventually won                 Jimmy two years ago.
Lexington along with her     her over and the young               They celebrated 74 years
five siblings. She is a      couple were married 6                of marriage.
graduate of Lafayette        months later.                        Juanita moved here from
High School. Juanita also
                             Jimmy was career military            El Paso, TX. She will
attended U.K.
                             which meant the young                forever be a Dallas Cow-
While volunteering as a      couple lived in many                 boys football fan and a
candy stripper at Good       places, their favorite and           U.K. basketball fan.
Samaritan Hospital, she      longest station was in Ja-           Juanita is passionate
encountered a young          pan.                                 about gardening and real-
man visiting his grandfa-                                         ly misses it. She also
                             Juanita and Jimmy have
ther The mans name was                                            loves jigsaw puzzles and
                             four children, two boys
James (Jimmy). Jimmy                                              playing bridge.
                             and two girls.
was instantly smitten,
Juanita , not so much.       Juanita lost her beloved
Liberty Ridge Ledger - Liberty Ridge Senior Living
Page 2                                                                                            Liberty Ridge Ledger

                                  Winter Bash Blast
                                            And Cocoa Bar
                                     Join us for some winter play!
                                  Thursday, January 13th at 2:30p.m.
                       There will be games, prizes, and some goodies to munch.

                            Movie Matinee Outing
           Time and movie to be determined in week prior
                             Tickets are discounted to $5 on Tuesdays, so sign up today!
         Although the time is yet to be determined my goal is to look for show times between 12:30-2:00p.m.
                                              Tuesday, January 25
                                         (Be sure to sign up for this event)

     An Ear Transportation                                            Chair Volleyball/
       If you think you may be interest in                              Balloonball
    transportation options for shopping and                    We have had such a great time with chair
         appointments, please join us on                      volleyball that we have decided to continue.
     Tuesday, January 18th at 2:30p.m.                       This month we are going to try playing with a
                                                               balloon! Come join in the fun. It is a great
  In addition to transportation, An Ear can                           workout with lots of laughs!
 also provide companionship, technology les-
  sons, serve as a family advocate and more.                     Thursday, January 20th at 3:30p.m.
Page 3
Upcoming Events
•   Music Duo, Becky and Joanah,           •   The Price is Right game with             •   Sing along with pianist, Millie
    entertain, Sunday, January 8 at            Jackie & Larry. Monday,                      Hamilton, Thursday, January
    2:30p.m.                                   January 10th and Thursday,                   27 at 2:30p.m.
                                               January 27th at 6:15p.m.
•   Aetna is hosting bingo on Tues-                                                     •   Guitarist and vocalist, Ralph
    day, January 4th and 18th at           •   Ladies lunch outing at                       Curtis, performs Sunday Janu-
    10:45a.m.                                  Chuy’s. Monday, January 10th                 ary 30 at 2:30p.m.
                                               at 11:15a.m.
•   Book Share gathering in the
    Community Room.                        •   Men’s breakfast at Bob Evans.
    Monday, January 10th at                    Thursday, January 20 at
    3:00p.m.                                   8:30a.m.
•   Garden Home Dinner January             •   Lee Patrick, alto saxophone and
    17th at 6:30p.m.                           Loren Tice, piano. Tuesday,
                                               January 11 at 2:30p.m.

Saturday Matinee Movies
All movies are shown in our                hysterically funny and emotionally sig-      unexpected visit from his daughter-in-
                                           nificant ways.                               law, Jean (Jennifer Lopez), and grand-
Community Room.                                                                         daughter, Griff (Becca Gardner). Einar
Feel free to bring your own                January 15                                   holds a grudge against Jean because he
snacks however popcorn will                                                             feels she's responsible for his son's acci-
                                           “Just Getting Started” Duke                  dental death, but he reluctantly lets her
be available.                              Diver is living the high life as the free-   stay at the farm when he learns that
                                           wheeling manager of a luxurious resort       she's trapped in a violent relationship.
January 1                                  in Palm Springs, Calif. He soon faces        Over time, they grow closer and try to
                                           competition from Leo, a former mili-         heal their emotional wounds.
“This Is Where I Leave                     tary man who likes the same woman
You” When their father passes away,        that Duke is interested in. When             January 29
four grown, world-weary siblings return    Diver's past suddenly catches up with
to their childhood home and are re-        him, he must put aside his differences       “All Saints” Michael Spurlock de-
quested -- with an admonition -- to stay   and reluctantly team up with Leo to          cides to trade in his corporate sales
there together for a week, along with      stop whoever is trying to kill him.          career to become a pastor. Unfortu-
their free-speaking mother (Jane Fon-                                                   nately, his first assignment is to close a
da) and a collection of spouses, exes      January 22                                   country church and sell the prime
and might-have-beens. As the brothers                                                   piece of land where it sits. He soon has
and sisters re-examine their shared        “An Unfinished Life” Einar                   a change of heart when the church
history and the status of each tattered    (Robert Redford), a recovering alco-         starts to welcome refugees from Bur-
relationship among those who know          holic rancher who lives with his loyal       ma. Spurlock now finds himself work-
and love them best, they reconnect in      pal Mitch (Morgan Freeman), gets an          ing with the refugees to turn the land
                                                                                        into a working farm to pay the church's
Note Worthy                                                                             bills.

♦   Chair Volleyball is back!                  All are encouraged to attend.                seen. Please note; you may be
    January 20th at 3:30p.m.                                                                asked to come earlier then your
                                           ♦   The podiatrist, Dr. Ann Farrer
                                                                                            appointment time or you may
♦   There will be a resident meeting           will be visiting on Monday, Jan-
                                                                                            have to wait for up to 15 minutes.
    on Monday, January 31st at                 uary 31st. Please sign up for an
                                                                                            Thank you for your patience.
    2:30p.m.                                   appointment if you wish to be
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