Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School

Page created by Deborah Franklin
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
The                                                                             PVPV/Rawlings
                                                                               610 A1A North, Ponte

                                                                              Vedra Beach, FL 32082
                                                                              Rawlings (904) 547-8570
                                                                                PVPV (904) 547-3820

        February 2021

                          Letter From the Principal
Sea Turtle Families,
         Last week we marked a significant milestone as a school and community because we ended the
first semester and began the second one. We are over half-way through the year! In many ways, the
last few months have felt a bit like Groundhog Day, which we celebrate tomorrow. Every day, we’ve
been following the same strict safety protocols that have been in place from the beginning. We check
every mask in the morning, wash our hands, maintain social distancing when possible and utilize desk
barriers in class when 6 feet is not possible. Everyone’s commitment to these daily procedures has
enabled us to have an amazing first half of the year with countless achievements worth celebrating. I
cannot thank our students, our teachers, our staff members, our families, and our community members
enough for all doing your part so our students can come to school every day to learn. The realization
that all our stakeholders have made sacrifices for our students makes the daily grind of our safety
protocol so well worth it for me. Everyone is working harder to make this happen for our kids. . . and
that is what makes our school and community so awesome.
         Speaking of awesome, our PTO has gone above and beyond this year to provide for our school in
creative ways due to the limitations on parent visitors to our campus. Our virtual and socially distanced
Turtle Trot was a resounding success and planning is now underway for our Lazzara Virtual Spring Fair
which will include raffle baskets and virtual silent auctions. We are always looking for donations from
national and local businesses, so if you’re interested, please let PTO know! In addition, we are looking
for parents who really want to volunteer here at school and help provide valuable experiences for our
students and teachers. While we know the safety protocols have severely limited the volunteer
opportunities to our parents, the PTO and I are already preparing for the post-pandemic era where we
can return to normalcy. Please email wodehouse9779@gmail.com to let her know you’re ready to join
our amazing squad of volunteers in whatever capacity you feel comfortable with. Thank you so much in
advance for your commitment to our school.
         Finally, our School Advisory Council (SAC) survey is open and I’m hoping you’ll take a few minutes
of your time to fill it out. The SAC survey is great way for me and our team here at PVPV Rawlings to
improve our service to our community. Please click here to fill out the short survey.

Dr. Gates
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements
by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central
role in U.S. history. This month, our students will be learning
about these contributions from our morning announcements
and their classroom teachers.
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
11th Spring Pictures
        15th Presidents’ Day- No School
        25th Kid of Character- Caring

              Rawlings phone calls, emails, notes, etc.-
             Rawlings Receptionist Mel Intemann 547-
             8570 Melissa.Intemann@stjohns.k12.fl.us

                PV phone calls, emails, notes, etc.-
             PV Receptionist Anne Rubocki 547-3820
                          Lost & Found:
If your child has lost something, they may look in our Lost &
Found on the Cafeteria stage at either school. Items not picked
up will be donated at the end of the school year.
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
**Please be sure to provide your child with a refillable
water bottle daily. Due to covid, the fountains are
only for bottle filling. Thank you for your help!**

                         From the Clinic:
Both the PV and Rawlings clinics need donations of elastic-waist
bottoms (leggings, shorts, sweats) for boys and girls, as well as
new packages of underwear.

                            School Hours
                                                    Don’t Forget!
8:00 – Doors Open                                   Early Release is
8:15 – First Bell: Students report to class         1:45 every
8:20 – Morning Announcements                        Wednesday
8:25 – Tardy Bell

After 8:25 - Please park your car and walk your child into the
office and sign them in.

                    Dismissal Reminders:
              Transportation Changes & Early Pickups:

Please arrange transportation changes and early pickups before 2:00
(1:00 on Wed). Please notify the front office if you have transportation
changes for your child. This makes dismissal much smoother in the
afternoon if we know where students are supposed to be. We appreciate
your cooperation in this matter.

PVPV (904) 547-3820                    Rawlings (904) 547-8570
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
There are many ways to donate!
You can go online to the PTO website and click the “Donate to Raffle Baskets Here”
(http://pvpvrawlingspto.membershiptoolkit.com) or you can send in cash or check made out to PVPV/Rawlings
PTO and turn in to your teacher in the attached envelope.
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
These students have read all 15 Sunshine State
            Readers Award books!
William Bowden     Carson Malzacher
Rylan Wolford      Joseph Mitchell
Madison Ritchie    Rue Andeer
William Lampley    Gavin Caffrey
Natalie Penedo     Violet Graves
Jack McCabe        Lauren Scott
Tenley Busch       Lily Sanfilippo
Sydney Phillips    Michael Orr
Gavin Garrow       Harper Heath
Lorelei Garrow     Asher Rammage
Graham Kingston    James Joyner
Kate Berquist      Joe Rubocki
Lola Roache        Sam Tardif
Wali Bajwa         Makena Williams
Landon Rusnak

Quinn Faircloth    Kemin Zhang
Anna Graves        Abby Kaltman
Raquel Hill        Whit Clark
Connie Bowden      Jasper Graham
Emily McLaughlin   Arinan Guru
Lila Gregory       Zack Hanburry
Raquel Hill        Kate Hurford
Dhruv Patel        Ben Kartzmark
Lillian Ritchie    Reece Kenning
Reece Kenning      Gemma Laaser
Jasper Graham      Jaxie Zarcyznski
Gemma Laaser       Mr. Edeker
Ms. Garcia
Maggie Black
Ms. Grzybek
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
Hello families! Our school is proud to partner with the
American Heart Association with KIDS HEART
CHALLENGE. Over the next few weeks, our students
(grades 3-5), will be having fun learning about their
hearts with the Heart Heroes while raising money to
help fund lifesaving research. Our school goal is to
raise as much as we can, and in addition to helping the
American Heart Association, our school can earn FREE
equipment!! This is a great program to help students
learn about their hearts, the importance of exercise,
and how they can make a difference for kids with
"special hearts". Students will be able to sign up and
raise money online by visiting
heart.org/kidsheartchallenge. Students will be getting
much more information during their PE classes!!

Coach Harden
Physical Education
PVPV/Rawlings Elementary
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
BEACH CLEAN UP DAY: February 20th
Early Act Club Service Learning Project
Dear Sea Turtle Family,
   Please join Early Act Club and Beaches Go Green, in partnership with
Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach, for a beach and community clean-up at
Micklers Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Atlantic Beach. Our mission is to
unite the global community, raise awareness, and implement true change
to achieve our final goal – a clean and healthy planet.
Date: February 20th
Time: (Saturday) 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Mickler Beach 4265 Mickler Rd.
  Hoping to see all of our Sea Turtle students, families, and staff at this
event! Thank you for being a World Changer!
Letter From the Principal - PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School
Valentine Grams on Sale
           Dear Sea Turtle Parents,
                  Our Early Act Club will be creating and
    selling Valentine Grams for a service learning project.
    These are special telegrams sent to your children,
    teachers, staff, etc. at our school. Each will cost $1.00
    and will include a lollipop. Sales will end the 9th of
    February, Tuesday afternoon.
                  Remember to send a Valentine Gram to your
    child for recognition for hard work at home or school or
    just because you want to brighten his or her day! Send
    one to your child’s teacher for a special thought, a
    resource teacher, or even send one to Dr. Gates, Mrs.
    Whaley, or Mrs. Hillier for their dedication to your child!
    Let your child send grams to friends, teachers, etc. of his
    or her choice!
                  Thank you for your continued interest and
    enthusiasm in your child’s education and school. If you
    would like to send Valentine Grams, please fill out the
    enclosed sheet. Attach your money and send back to
    your child’s teacher.

                                           Sincerely yours,
                              Early Act Club & Mrs. Brim
To: ____________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ____________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ____________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ____________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

To: ___________________________________________________Grade_____Teacher: ____________________

From: _____________________________________________

                      __________Valentine Grams @ $1.00 each= _______Money Enclosed
Blessings in a Backpack

If you receive free or reduced lunch, you may qualify for a weekend food supplement
program known as Blessings-in-a-Backpack. This food staple snack bag is given out
weekly throughout the school year. The bag is typically sent home in your child’s
backpack on Friday afternoons.
If you would like to participate or need further information about Blessings in a
Backpack, please contact your building’s counselor, Stacey O’Brien (PV) or Christy
Thacker (Rawlings).
To apply for free or reduced lunch, visit the St. Johns County website at
www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/food/free/. You may also contact the cafeteria manager, Jessica
Peto at 547-8576, for questions related to the application process.
Deputy Watson’s Car Line Reminders:
                                    Deputy Watson would like to remind
                                    everyone of some very important
                                    information regarding school pick up and
                                    drop off. Please follow all signs and arrows in
                                    the parking lot. When instructed, please pull
                                    up to the designated area to pick up your
                                    child. To assist in buckling seatbelts at PV,
                                    you may pull into a parking spot on your way
                                    out, but please do not hold up the car line.

                      Car Line is a No-Phone-Zone
 Florida law prohibits using a handheld “wireless communication device” while operating a
 vehicle in any school zone, school crossing, or work zone. The definition of a wireless
 communication device is broad and includes cellphones, tablets, laptops, and similar devices.

Battle of the Books is an exciting reading competition for 3rd, 4th
  & 5th grade students that uses current Sunshine State Young
  Reader Award books. Each school in SJCSD will select a team of 5
  students to represent their school at the district battle on March
  11, 2021. Due to Covid restrictions, this will be a virtual
  In order to try out for our school team, students must read a
  minimum of 10 current SSYRA books by January 4, 2021.
  More information can be found on the media center web site:
               Community Partners
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