SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy

Page created by Daniel Parsons
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
Important dates and notes
   • A reminder -INSET DAY- Monday June 28th. No children in school.
   • Last day of Term: Wednesday 21st July.
   • Creative Arts Week begins Monday 5 th July- See below for more detail.
   • As the children have missed out on so many opportunities during school closure, we have arranged for
       them to have some sports taster sessions. Little Musketeers (Fencing) will be in school on the week
       beginning Monday 12th July. Children in Years R to Year 6 will have the opportunity for this taster
   • School reports will be published at the end of the Summer term. The children have made great progress
       despite COVID 19 and we look forward to sharing these with you. Towards the end of this term,
       transition work will happen to support your child’s move to their new class ready for September.
   • Please ensure your child has a sun hat/ cap and is wearing sun cream on hot days. They should also have
       plenty of water to drink.
   • Following government guidance we will be keeping the children in their Year Group Bubbles and will be
       keeping to our social distancing and hand washing regime. We ask that all parents still wear their masks
       when on school premises. Thank you.
   • Remember if you have any pastoral concerns contact the school office who will pass your message to the
       Pastoral Team.

News from Around the School

Virtual School Trips.
During these very strange times, we are determined to offer our children as many opportunities as possible.
Therefore, every class will be having a virtual school trip. Some of these have already taken place. Read on to
find out more.

Year 3
Before half term, Year 3 were very lucky to have a virtual session with
a Geologist, who is currently studying a PhD in Palaeontology in Canada.
He is a former Richard de Clare student, who studied Geology at
University, before starting his journey to Canada.

In class, Year 3 had looked at different types of fossils and rocks,
which linked to their science topic at the time. They looked at many photos of real-life discoveries and talked
about Mary Anning. Our virtual visitor discussed the fossilisation process and places to go to find fossils (if
you're lucky!)

We had the opportunity for a Q&A session too, which the children also enjoyed. They were able to ask about
several things like dinosaurs, fossilised creatures and the areas where they can be found.

We thoroughly enjoyed this virtual trip and are still talking about and asking questions even now!
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
Year 4
                                  Earlier this term, 4A engaged in a virtual tour of Longleat Safari Park. They
                                  identified adaptations of the animals to their natural habitats. The class used
                                  the animals that were shown to create a food chain. They discussed the impact
                                  of humans on the environments of those animals and ways that they could
                                  prevent further loss of habitats. The children found it was interesting and
                                  informative and would look forward to visiting for real one day.

Year 6

Year 6 have been producing some amazing writing inspired by what they have been through in the last year. This
is one piece written by Layla.

Like a tree, we all grew together and never gave up in the year of fear and fright. We walked together,
soldiers in the war. We felt the fire through our lungs. We stood in the light of the sun and showed
the whole world who we are on the inside. Brave, smart, powerful people who fought Covid

Returning from this war against Covid 19, we were brave and smart people. The story of our life is
one that will never be forgotten. It was hard and tough. But still we fought this Covid together and
helped one another in the war. Like soldiers we marched on and on and hoped that we would return
to our families.

Amazed by our bravery, we shared the challenges when lock down started. Even though we couldn’t
see our friends and families we found ways to make contact and still had fun. As quick as a cheetah,
we got used to these wild and wacky ways and soon things went back to normal for us.

Surely, some said. Perhaps, some said. It’s not likely. With hope, this Covid would soon go
away. But that was a lie and still to this day people hope Covid will go away or let us run away from

Healthily, we walk on to ring the bell of Covid freedom. Where we all hope to see the sea of freedom
in the light of the sun’s healthy glow.

So, when the time of 2021 is over, we all hope life will be normal and happy and healthy. To all that
read this in 2021, please stay safe and be happy.


In Reception we had a ‘virtual school trip’ and went to the RAF museum. We had
to help Teddy find his medal that he had lost somewhere in the museum. We
looked on the aeroplanes, cars, helicopters and boats! Luckily, we found it with a
little help from Teddy's friends!!! Then we had to learn how to salute, how to
march and we pretended we were in the Red Arrows and all flew around the
carpet in unison! We all had a great time and hope one day we can visit the
museum in person!
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
Some Reception children attend art club on a Thursday lunch time. They have a wonderful time
               painting pictures and creating lots of different work! Last week, children made their own hot air
               balloons by cutting out shapes and attaching a basket. They even drew a picture of themselves
               to put in the basket and pretended they were on a hot air balloon ride!!

Class Dojo

Class Dojo continues to be successful across the school. The children love receiving Dojos in the class and the
‘Dojo Champion Winner’ presentation is the highlight of the week in many classes.

                     We now have 286 parents joined to the app. There are updates on Dojo every Friday from
                     the teachers letting you know what the children have learnt and what they will be learning
                     the following week. Teachers also post who has won the Head Teacher’s Award and the
                     Dojo Champion.

                     We have received positive feedback from parents about Dojo and the use of photos is
                     giving parents a valuable insight into school life.

Remember to look on our school website for additional news items and information about what the children are
learning in our ‘Curriculum Overview Documents’

P.E. News

We are really excited to be returning to competitions this half term and have been set a PE
championship challenge by a pupil in Year 6.
Every class will be completing one activity per week and a representative from each class will be
recording results. Dojos are being awarded for individual performances as well as whole class dojo
rewards at the end of the competition.
Get you kits on and let’s enjoy some competition fun again!

After School Clubs

At Richard De Clare this year, we have run a Multi Sports Club every day after school for years 2,3,4,5 and 6.
This allows children to get an extra hour of physical activity each week in a safe environment- this helps to
keep them healthy both physically and mentally.
During these sessions, the children have been able to try out a variety of new sports and play fun individual and
team games including: badminton, football, new age kurling, tennis, dodgeball, benchball, boccia, basketball and a
mixture of warm up games. All of these activities, help the children to learn new skills whilst also developing
existing ones. These skills include: passing, dribbling, throwing, catching, communication, positioning, teamwork
and different shot techniques.
Contact the school office if your child wishes to attend.

                     Year 1 have again, been extremely successful, holding on to their title as KS1 Reading
                     Champions. They will keep the trophy for another half term - Well done!

                     In KS2, Year 6 battled hard to become Reading Champions this half term!
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
Reading Week (14th-18th June)

The whole school took part in Reading week. Everyone had the chance to visit the
library, become a librarian and spend lots of time listening to stories. The children
carried out work on authors and wrote book reviews. We all took part in DEAR-
whatever we might have been doing- We all Dropped Everything And READ!

Reading Planet

Children can continue to use our virtual library and login in to Reading Planet. Reading Planet follows our school
banded books offering a variety and breadth to the children’s reading experience.

Here is the information to enable you to log in successfully

Username: firstname.SURNAME

Password: RdC01

First time signing in enter centre code 200657

We encourage reading regularly at home. Reading the child’s school reading book is one way of doing this.
Reading Planet offers another way that the children can access books at home.

Attendance Awards

These are now being given out weekly to the class that has achieved the highest attendance that week. So far
Year 2 and Nursery have won the award. The children love receiving their class certificate from Ms Riddleston.
All children look forward to the weekly Power Point presentation to see whether they have improved their
previous week’s position.

Just a reminder, if your child is ill, please remember to contact the office daily.

Upcoming Events- Creative Arts week

During the week of the 5th July the children will be taking part in a range of activities linked to the creative

Art - Each class is timetabled for a sculpting workshop with a visiting artist.
Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 will learn how to create individual metal
‘bashings’ (their own simple design embossed onto a metal disc). Y4, Y5, Y6
will collectively sculpt a series of pieces connected with the theme picture.

P.E. - Each class will take part in their own ‘mini sports challenge’ with Mr
Regan. They will compete against their class peers. There will be stickers and
certificates for all.

Dance -Nursery, EYFS and KS1 children will join a ‘Pop up Country dance session’ with Mrs Keough. KS2 children
will have a dance session with Mrs Smith.
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
Music - Weather permitting, Mr Ribbits will deliver his timetabled lessons outside. In order to offer the
children the opportunity of performing to an audience, year group partner classes will be invited for the final
part of the lesson to watch each other perform.

Year 4 will play their ukuleles to share the skills they have learnt this term.

Year 6 will take part in a workshop with a visiting specialist music teacher to compose a school song – this will
be their legacy to the school.

And finally....... a ‘Mystery Minstrel’ will appear at some point during the week at lunch or break time to wow the
children with his hitherto secret musical talent!

This sounds like a thrilling week for ALL! Thanks go to Mrs Jones for organising it. Pictures will follow on the
website and Class Dojo.

Farewell Mrs Green

We say goodbye to Mrs Green this term as she is leaving for pastures new. She has been at the school for 15
years and her contribution to school life has been invaluable. She has supported the children in the classroom
as an LSA and has spent many lunch times ensuring that they run smoothly.

                                         Thank you for your continuing support.

                                         Please do not hesitate to contact the school office with any questions.
SUMMER 2 - Richard de Clare Community Academy
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