Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO

Page created by Alicia West
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO
OCT. 20 | 10 a.m. –1 p.m.

Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO

                               t’s been an exciting, impactful two years for Michigan’s labor movement
                               and for the state labor federation since our last convention. Every day the
                               stakes have gotten higher for working people in Michigan, and every day
                              we have risen to meet that challenge.
                              The COVID-19 pandemic presented incredible challenges for labor over
                              the last year and a half, in our election activities and in all other aspects of
                              our organization. Through it all we persevered, earned some hard-fought
                              election victories, and built power towards a sustainable future for the labor
                              We held our pro-labor majorities on the university boards and on the State
                              Board of Education. We re-elected several vulnerable incumbents to the
                              State House, flipped two seats, and retained our 7-7 split in the Congressional
                              delegation. We flipped the Michigan Supreme Court, securing control of two
                              branches of state government. We re-elected Senator Gary Peters. And in the
                              best news of all, we beat Donald Trump and elected President Joe Biden.
                              We’ve accomplished a lot, but our work is not done. This year we are preparing
                              for even greater successes.
                              That’s why, in accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of our Constitution,
                              we’re excited to announce our 2021 Biennial Michigan AFL-CIO
                              Legislative Convention that will meet virtually on Wednesday, Oct. 20
                              at 10 a.m. Delegates to this convention will adopt resolutions which will
                              define the Michigan labor movement’s policy platform to continue to
                              build power for Michigan’s working families.
                              The Michigan AFL-CIO Legislative Convention will also hold our first,
                              virtual Solidarity Summit Oct. 23 - 25. Held virtually over three days, the
                              Solidarity Summit™ is a policy conference that will welcome allies and
                              partner organizations to join us in exploring public policies and initiatives
                              that allow us to plan the future of Michigan’s labor movement and build
                              power for working families.
                              Our three days of programming will include educational panels, breakout
                              sessions, and speeches from elected officials and labor union leaders,
                              as well as honor those who have fought and won for our movement.
                              Credentialed delegates for our Legislative Convention will also receive
                              free registration for the Solidarity SummitTM.
                              Please register for our Legislative Convention using the information
                              enclosed, and let’s get to work building back better.

                              RON BIEBER
                              P R E S I D E N T | M I C H I G A N A F L- C I O
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO
                     2021 CONVENTION

             october 20                    10 a.m.–1 p.m.
             D A T E                       T I M E

             V E N U E

             delegate information
               Each union is apportioned a certain number
               of delegates, per MICHIGAN AFL-CIO’s
               Constitution, Section 4-2.1. Delegates will
               represent their affiliate unions during voting at
               the Legislative Convention on Oct 20, at 10 a.m.
               Each qualifying local union can review their
               delegate and alternate counts in the
               attached eligible delegate report.

           sign up
               $35 per delegate or guest
               Register on or before SEPT. 20, 2021.
               Checks payable to MIchigan AFL-CIO

           solidarity summit                            TM

              Delegates and alternates registering for
              the Legislative Convention will also receive
              complimentary registration to the 3-Day Solidarity
              SummitTM, which will be held Oct. 23-25. More on
              the SummitTM is available at miaflcio.org/summit.

             C U S T O M       B O X
              Delegates and Alternates will
              receive exclusive Michigan AFL-CIO
              merchandise including a lanyard |
              water bottle | shirt | and more at the
              Solidarity Summit™ in March.

              MI AFL-CIO Advocates membership and membership
              pin at the Solidarity Summit™ in March.

                  STEPHANIE BROWN
                      michigan afl-cio      QUESTIONS?
(517) 487-5966 | sbrown@miaflcio.org
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO

    Resolutions and constitutional amendments may be presented on any subject
    proper for consideration by the Michigan State AFL-CIO.

    Resolutions may be sent by an affiliate or by any regularly elected delegate.

    follow these steps for submitting resolutions and amendments:

    The top right corner should state that     3 SUBJECT
                                                    Each resolution shall deal with
    the resolution is “Introduced by [Full          only one (1) subject.
    name and Address of Organization]”.

                                               4 SUBMISSION
    Resolutions and amendments
    must be submitted as follows:
                                                    Resolutions should be submitted
                                                    electronically to:

       Clearly typewritten


                                               5 DEADLINE
                                                    Resolutions and amendments
                                                    must be received no later than
       8½ x 11 inch (PDF)                           Sept. 20 | 2021.

                                               RYAN SEBOLT
                               director of government affairs
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO


SECTION 4-1.1. | PREEMINENCE. The convention shall            SECTION 4-2.1. | DELEGATE APPORTIONMENT.
be the supreme governing body of this organization            Affiliated local unions in good standing shall be entitled
and except as otherwise provided in this Constitution,        to representation and votes in conventions of the
its decisions shall be by majority vote. The Michigan         Michigan AFL-CIO based upon the average per capita tax
AFL-CIO shall hold conventions not less than once every       paid over a period beginning four (4) full months prior
two years.                                                    to one convention and terminating four (4) full months
                                                              prior to the next convention. The average membership
SECTION 4-1.2. | CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION.                   of a local union affiliated for as much as three (3) months
The constitutional convention of this body shall be held      of that period but less than all of it shall be computed
every four (4) years. The constitutional convention shall     from the month of affiliation and shall be determined
be held on a date during the nine (9) month period            by dividing the total per capita tax paid for all months
commencing with the month of January and in a city            affiliated by the number of months affiliated or by the
designated by the General Board. The constitutional           number of months in the prescribed period, whichever is
convention of this body shall be in the odd numbered          greater. The schedule of representation for local unions
years preceding a presidential election year.                 shall be as follows: one (1) delegate for the first two
                                                              hundred (200) members or less; and one (1) additional
SECTION 4-1.3 | LEGISLATIVE CONVENTION. A                     delegate for the next three hundred (300) members or
legislative convention shall be held every two (2)            major fraction thereof; and one (1) additional delegate
years in the alternate odd-numbered years. Business           for each additional eight hundred (800) members or
at the legislative convention shall consist of defining       major fraction thereof. Organizations other than local
legislative goals and strategies to further the objectives    unions, Constituency groups and the ARA, shall be
and purposes of this organization.                            entitled to one (1) delegate and one (1) vote. Locals
                                                              which have been affiliated for less than three (3)
                                                              months of the base period in which representation to
convention may be called by direction of a regular
                                                              the convention is computed or which have affiliated
convention, by order of a two- thirds (2/3) vote of all
                                                              after such period, shall be entitled to one (1) delegate
members of the General Board, or upon request of
                                                              and one (1) vote. Newly organized local unions shall be
affiliated organizations representing a majority of the
                                                              entitled to one (1) delegate with one (1) vote provided
total membership of this organization as evidenced            they paid one (1) month’s per capita tax at least fifteen
by the records of the Secretary-Treasurer to the last         (15) days prior to the convening date of the convention.
convention. Representation to special conventions shall       Locals which are not in good standing, that is, three (3)
be on the same basis and subject to like qualifications       months in arrears as of the date fifteen (15) days prior to
and procedures governing regular conventions. A               the convention, shall not be entitled to any delegate or
special convention shall be clothed with like authority       votes. All delegates shall be selected by the organization
and power as regular conventions and its decisions shall      they are to represent in a manner prescribed by the
be equally binding. Special conventions shall be limited      Constitutions of their respective organizations. A state
solely, however, to the subject or subjects specifically      chapter chartered by AFL-CIO constituency groups or
indicated in the call for such special convention.            allied retiree organizations shall be entitled to one (1)
                                                              delegate and one (1) vote. No AFL-CIO constituency
SECTION 4-1.5. | CALL TO CONVENTION. Ninety (90)              group, or allied retiree organization, or its delegate, may
days prior to the convening of a convention, the officers     be present for or have voice or vote in any meeting or
shall issue the call for the convention and shall furnish     proceeding concerning the endorsement of a political
all local unions, local central bodies, state councils, the   candidate or other partisan political activity concerning
Alliance for Retired Americans, and state chapters of         public elective office, nor may any AFL-CIO constituency
national AFL-CIO constituency groups with credential          group, or its delegate, be present for or have a voice
forms for regular and alternate delegates, which must         or vote in any meeting or decision of the Michigan
be attested as required by the forms.                         Committee on Political Education.
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO
MICHIGAN STATE AFL-CIO CONSTITUTION | A R T I C L E I V — C O N V E N T I O N S                                   CONT’D

SECTION 4-2.2. | ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be                SECTION 4-3.5 | DECISIONS. Questions may be
eligible to serve as a delegate to the Michigan AFL-            decided by division or show of hands, but a call of the
CIO convention unless he or she is a member of a local          roll may be demanded by thirty percent (30%) of the
union affiliated with the Michigan AFL-CIO. No delegate         delegates present. Upon such roll call each delegate
shall be seated to represent more than one national or          representing local unions shall be entitled to cast one
international union.                                            (1) vote for every member whom he or she represents.
                                                                Each organization other than local unions shall be
SECTION 4-2.3. | ALTERNATES. Each affiliated                    entitled to one (1) vote.
organization may designate one (1) alternate delegate
for each regular delegate to which it is entitled. The          SECTION 4-3.6 | APPEALS. A protest of the election of
alternate delegate shall become a regular delegate              an officer of a state central body at a convention may be
representing the organization in case a regular delegate        made to the President of the National AFL-CIO within 30
is unable to serve by registration with the Credentials         days. If the President upholds a protest, in determining
Committee as a regular delegate.                                the appropriate remedy they may direct that the
                                                                election be rerun or a new election be conducted, and
SECTION 4-2.4 | GUESTS. Executive Officers, Executive           they may decide the manner of conduct of any such
Council members, General Board members and up to                election. The President may direct such other remedies
three (3) staff of Michigan AFL-CIO affiliates who are not      as may be appropriate.
delegates to the convention, but who are registered and
have paid required fees, shall have a voice but no vote in      SECTION 4-4.1 | MEMBERSHIP. The following regular
the convention, providing that they shall be subject to         convention committees of not more than twenty (20)
convention rules on speaking, and shall be seated in an         members each, shall be selected by the President from
area separate from credentialed convention delegates.           the credentialed delegates: Credentials Committee;
                                                                Constitution Committee, Committee on Rules; and
SECTION 4-3.1 | VOTING APPORTIONMENT. The                       Resolutions Committee. The President shall have
votes of an organization shall be divided among the             authority to appoint sergeants at arms and such
delegates from that organization in such manner that            other committees as shall be deemed appropriate in
each delegate shall be given an equal number of votes           the President’s discretion to carry on the work of the
so as to apportion as many votes of the organization            convention.
as possible, without fractional votes, except that to
facilitate the calling of the roll, one delegate may be         SECTION 4-4.2 | CREDENTIALING. No credentials shall
designated to cast all of the votes of the delegates            be accepted later than fifteen (15) days prior to the date
representing the local union, provided that if any              for convening of the convention, if the delegate is to be
delegate shall challenge the correctness of the votes           considered for appointment to convention committees.
cast, the individual delegates of that local union shall        The other copy of the credentials shall be presented to
be polled. No other proxy voting shall be permitted.            the Credentials Committee by the delegates at the time
Leftover votes shall be discarded. In no case shall             of registration. The Credentials Committee shall accept
fractional votes be allowed.                                    duly certified credentials, which to them appear to be
of any listed delegate who fails to register shall be           SECTION 4-4.3 | REPORT. The apportionment of votes
apportioned among the registered delegates from the             of each organization shall be included in the report of the
organization, if any, in the manner prescribed in this          Credentials Committee and shall not be changed except
section.                                                        upon a further report of the Credentials Committee.

SECTION 4-3.3 | TRANSFERABILITY. A delegate who                 SECTION 4-4.4 | RESOLUTIONS. Resolutions for
has been seated and then leaves the convention may              consideration of the convention may be submitted by an
transfer their votes to another delegate or delegates           affiliated organization or by a duly accredited delegate
representing the same local union, provided there is no         and shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer at least
alternate present at the convention, by certifying such         fifteen (15) days prior to the date for convening of the
transfer of votes to the Credentials Committee.                 convention and the secretary shall cause copies to be
                                                                prepared for the convenience of the committees, except
SECTION 4-3.4 - QUORUM. A quorum for the                        such resolutions as may be initiated by the convention
transaction of the business of the convention shall             committees or the Executive Council or General Board.
consist of twenty five percent (25%) of the delegates           Disposition of additional resolutions shall be governed
seated. A roll call shall be ordered by the presiding officer   by the rules adopted by the convention.
on any pending question upon request of at least thirty
percent (30%) of the delegates present.
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO
Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO Legislative convention - miaflcio.org/convention - Michigan AFL-CIO
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