2021 OEA RA STANDING RULES - Oregon ...

Page created by Angel Sutton
                                      Approved March 16, 2021

Board of Directors forwards the Proposed 2021                     Resolutions and Legislative Ob-
OEA RA Standing Rules with a Do Pass                              jectives as well as proposed new
Recommendation.                                                   business items shall be made by
                                                                  the maker of the motion by the
Rule 1. The President of the Association or                       Thursday prior to the Representa-
        the President's designee shall preside                    tive Assembly and be accompa-
        at the meetings of the Representative                     nied by a 175-word or less state-
        Assembly (RA).                                            ment of rationale. In addition,
Rule 2. The Assembly shall have an official                       each of the proposed amend-
        Parliamentarian to advise the presid-                     ments and new business items
        ing officer and to help delegates who                     shall be accompanied by the
        wish to submit motions. Parliamen-                        name and UniServ Council of the
        tary questions raised on the floor                        maker.
        must be directed to the presiding of-                 b. All motions which encumber the
        ficer. The presiding officer rules on                    Association with expenditures
        all procedural questions. Delegates                      shall include an estimate of the
        wishing to challenge a ruling may do                     expenditures which shall be pro-
        so. The decision will then be made                       vided by the Executive Director
        by a majority of the delegates.                          or his/her designee and presented
Rule 3. The Credentials Committee shall re-                      to the delegates. If adopted, Rep-
        port the number of delegates and al-                     resentative Assembly actions
        ternates registered.                                     which encumber the Association
                                                                 with expenses shall be imple-
Rule 4. Alternate delegate names are due at
                                                                 mented by the OEA Pro-
       least 48 hours in advance of any
                                                                 gram/Budget Committee and the
       scheduled business session.
                                                                 Board of Directors.
          For the purpose of candidate voting,
                                                    Rule 7.      Bylaws/Policies:
          those delegates credentialed at
          12:00PM Friday, April 16 will re-                   a. Proposed amendments to the By-
          ceive both an electronic ballot for                    laws will be considered only if
          OEA officers and a mail ballot for                     they are submitted sixty days prior
          NEA officers.                                          to the Representative Assembly
                                                                 and in accordance with the By-
          Late registrants shall be seated at the
          beginning of any session of the OEA
          Representative Assembly.                            b. The Bylaws committee collects
                                                                 and edits proposed Bylaws and
Rule 5. Delegates shall log in using the link
                                                                 Policy changes but may not make
        provided and their unique delegate
                                                                 any substantive alterations. It also
        ID. Delegates may not share the
                                                                 presents proposed amendments to
        Representative Assembly link or ID
                                                                 the Assembly for voting. A two-
        with any other individual.
                                                                 thirds affirmative vote is required
                                                                 to adopt any proposed Bylaw’s
Rule 6.                                                          amendment.
          a. All amendments to OEA Bylaws,
             Policies, Standing Rules,
2021 OEA RA Handbook, ACTION ITEMS, Proposed Standing Rules                                   Page 54
Policy changes are enacted by ma-                      make a motion on that Resolution
          jority vote. Goals are part of Pol-                    on the RA floor.
          icy.                                                e. After all debate, a vote will be
Rule 8. Resolutions:                                             taken to approve the entire list of
                                                                 Resolutions, including any
       a. Each year, the Resolutions Com-
          mittee shall review OEA’s Reso-
          lutions and propose any changes           Rule 9. New Business:
          that would more clearly state                       A New Business Item submitted by
          OEA’s positions on critical issues                  any delegate in writing will be dis-
          facing education employees. The                     tributed by the start of regional Cau-
          proposed changes will be pro-
                                                              cuses. All New Business Items must
          vided to delegates in advance of                    be submitted prior to April 10th,
          RA.                                                 2021; amendments may be submitted
       b. Delegates who wish to make                          by the maker no later than April 15th,
          changes or additions to the Reso-                   2021. The New Business item shall
          lutions must submit their ideas, in                 also include a statement of rationale
          writing, to the Committee. This                     and will be distributed with the name
          may be done in advance of the                       and board district number of mover
          RA or at any time before the end                    included.
          of the Resolutions Committee                        For the purposes of the 2021 OEA
          hearing(s). After the hearing(s),                   Representative Assembly, no second
          the Committee shall meet to con-
                                                              will be necessary.
          sider proposals they have re-
          ceived. If the Committee decides                    A minimum of 90 minutes will be
          to make any further changes, it                     scheduled Saturday morning for dis-
          will provide copies of the changes                  cussion and action on New Business
          to the delegates.                                   Items that have been distributed to
                                                              the delegation. The Chair may set
       c. The Resolutions Committee shall                     aside any NBI that would be im-
          present the Resolutions (as                         pacted by a Bylaws or Policy
          changed by the Committee) to the
                                                              Amendment that has been duly sub-
          RA and make a motion for ap-                        mitted and not acted on by the RA
          proval. Delegates may request to                    prior to this time.
          pull individual Resolutions, to
          which changes have been pro-                        Process:
          posed, to be considered sepa-                       • Any member who has an idea for
          rately. Resolutions not pulled                         a New Business Item (NBI) may
          will be voted on as a block.                           speak to it at the New Business
                                                                 Item Hearing prior to the Repre-
       d. Debate, and secondary amend-
                                                                 sentative Assembly (RA).
          ments will be allowed only on the
                                                              • Only a delegate, however, may
          Resolutions for which changes are
                                                                 move it on the floor of the RA.
          proposed by the Committee or by
          delegates in a timely manner.                       • Before submitting an NBI, the
          Any delegate who proposes an                           author should check to ensure it
          amendment to a Resolution, in a                        is not in conflict with OEA’s
          timely manner, to the Resolutions                      guiding documents (Bylaws, Pol-
          Committee will be allowed to                           icies, Resolutions)

2021 OEA RA Handbook, ACTION ITEMS, Proposed Standing Rules                                   Page 55
•   Concepts for amendments to                    changes, in writing, to the chairperson
           NBIs must be made by the maker                of the Legislative Advisory Council no
           prior to the NBI being introduced             later than the conclusion of the hear-
           on the floor. Amendments dur-                 ing(s).
           ing electronic platform floor de-          c. After the chairperson of the Legislative
           bate will not be allowed.                     Advisory Council makes a motion to
       •   Each NBI must be written on an                approve the proposed Legislative Ob-
           electronic motion form, include               jectives, motions to amend will be ac-
           the name of the, and include both             cepted only if they have been properly
           the action to be accomplished                 submitted by the close of the hear-
           through the NBI and a rationale.              ing(s).
           Additionally, the author must
           also provide an estimate of the          Rule 11. The following rules shall govern all
           cost of the action.                               floor debate:
       •   The language of the NBI should               a. Each speaker shall be limited to 1 mi-
           be clear and focused. It should                 nute for discussion on any topic, ex-
           include the action, the timeline,               cept that the maker of a motion shall
           and specify who will be responsi-               have 2 minutes to present their mo-
           ble for completing it.                          tion, and may not speak again until all
       •   Once the NBI is written on the                  others who wish to speak on the same
           motion form, it should be submit-               motion have been heard. A delegate
           ted via electronic means.                       wishing to speak shall not proceed
       •   All NBIs will be reviewed by                    until they have submitted a request to
           leaders and/or staff; the author                be in the queue, are recognized by the
           will be notified once the review                chair, gives their name and name of
           is completed to clarify any points              local, and is directed to proceed.
           in the NBI.                                 b. A delegate who has been granted the
       •   Reviewers will inform the maker                privilege of the floor may not yield
           if they believe the NBI may be                 any part of their time to another dele-
           ruled out of order. The maker has              gate.
           the opportunity to rewrite the
           item or withdraw it prior to the            c. A delegate speaking to a motion be-
           final submission                               fore the house may not move to close
       •   All NBIs must be submitted by                  debate. A motion to close debate
           the close of the New Business                  shall apply only to the motion cur-
           Item Hearing.                                  rently before the house.
       •   These NBIs will be distributed to           d. Votes on motions shall be by elec-
           delegates during their regional                tronic ballot following debate in each
           caucus meetings                                session.
Rule 10. Legislative Objectives:                       e. OEA Board Directors shall be Ex-Of-
 a. The proposed Legislative Objectives                   ficio members of the Representative
    will be provided to delegates and a                   Assembly without voting rights un-
    hearing will be held.                                 less they are also duly elected dele-
                                                          gates; Directors have all other privi-
 b. Delegates may propose additions or                    leges of the Assembly including the
    changes to the Proposed Legislative                   rights to make motions and take part
    Objectives by submitting their                        in floor debate.

2021 OEA RA Handbook, ACTION ITEMS, Proposed Standing Rules                                Page 56
f. On any motion, debate shall alternate                   questions. Questions will be lim-
      between pro and con as follows:                         ited to 1 minute, answers will be
                                                              limited to 3 minutes. In the event
      In the event no speaker wishes to be
                                                              there is only one candidate, ques-
      recognized in opposition to the first
                                                              tion time will be limited to 10
      speaker, debate shall be closed except
                                                              minutes. If a recognized delegate
      as follows.
                                                              begins a question, and the time al-
      If after the maker of the motion has                    lotted for questions expires during
      been allowed to speak in favor of the                   the question or answer(s), time will
      motion, no speaker wishes to speak in                   be extended accordingly so that
      opposition to the motion, one addi-                     both the question and answer(s)
      tional speaker in favor will be al-                     may be completed as prescribed
      lowed.                                                  above.
      After this, if there are still no speakers          d. Each candidate for State Vice Pres-
      wishing to speak in opposition, debate                 ident is allowed 5 minutes to ad-
      will be closed.                                        dress the delegates. Delegates
      If, however, after two delegates speak                 shall have 20 minutes to ask ques-
      in favor, there is a speaker in opposi-                tions of State Vice Presidential
      tion, debate will then continue, alter-                candidates. Each question shall be
      nating between pro and con.                            answered by all candidates and
                                                             candidates shall rotate the order in
  g. A delegate who is unable to speak to                    which they answer questions.
     the assembly due to a disability may                    Questions will be limited to 1 mi-
     have someone speak for them.                            nute, answers will be limited to 3
Rule 12. Candidate election procedures:                      minutes. In the event there is only
                                                             one candidate, question time will
      a. A member is considered nominated                    be limited to 10 minutes. If a rec-
         upon receipt of completed nomina-                   ognized delegate begins a question,
         tion forms, or upon nomination                      and the time allotted for questions
         from the floor.                                     expires during the question or an-
      b. For each office the president or                    swer(s), time will be extended ac-
         their designee will announce the                    cordingly so that both the question
         names of members who have been                      and answer(s) may be completed as
         duly nominated as candidates and                    prescribed above.
         will allow additional candidates to              e. Each candidate for Regional Vice
         be nominated from the floor. No                     President will be allowed 5
         nominating speeches or statements                   minutes to address the delegates.
         will be allowed. (Nominations do                    Question and answer time will not
         not require a second.)                              be provided for Regional Vice
      c. Each candidate for President is al-                 Presidential candidates as a part of
         lowed 5 minutes to address the del-                 the regular session agenda.
         egates. Delegates shall have 20                  f. Each candidate for NEA Director
         minutes to ask questions of Presi-                  will be allowed 5 minutes to ad-
         dential candidates. Each question                   dress the delegates. Question and
         shall be answered by all candidates                 answer time will not be provided
         and candidates shall rotate the or-
         der in which they answer

2021 OEA RA Handbook, ACTION ITEMS, Proposed Standing Rules                                Page 57
for NEA Director candidates as a                     approval of the OEA president be-
         part of the regular session agenda.                  cause delegates are expected to at-
                                                              tend all RA business sessions and
      g. Each candidate for Racial Equity
                                                              to attend hearings and their re-
         Board Director, ESP Director and
                                                              gional caucus.
         ESP Proportional At-Large Direc-
         tor will be allowed 3 minutes to ad-       Rule 19. Minutes of the OEA RA will be
         dress the delegates. Question and                   posted on the OEA member web-
         answer time will not be provided.                   site within 30 days of the adjourn-
                                                             ment of the Representative Assem-
Rule 13. Candidate Campaigning
      a. No campaign material may be dis-
                                                    Rule 20. The OEA Board of Directors is
         tributed or posted in any hearing.
                                                             empowered to approve proposed
      b. Regional caucuses may establish                     changes to these OEA RA Rules.
         their own rules about campaigning                   The (changed) Rules will be avail-
         during their caucus but must treat                  able at Pre RA Meetings (PRAMs)
         all candidates equally.                             and will be subject to approval by
      c. Campaigns may not cause disrup-                     the RA.
         tion to the business of the RA.            Rule 21. No non-member educator of the
Rule 14. Notices for announcement to the                     year will speak at the RA.
         Assembly shall be in writing, sub-
         mitted by the person under whose
         authority the announcement is is-
         sued and shall be submitted to the
Rule 15. Items that have already been
         adopted for action by the Assem-
         bly, if resubmitted, shall be listed
         as "previously adopted items" and
         shall be readopted, unless amended
         or deleted.
Rule 16. The rules governing the Assembly
         which are not stated explicitly
         above shall be the rules contained
         in the current edition of ROB-
Rule 17. When a chairperson is not a dele-
         gate, he or she may not make mo-
         tions on behalf of his/her commit-
         tee or council and shall appoint an-
         other delegate to do so.
Rule 18. Meetings in conflict with the RA,
         hearings or regional caucuses, may
         not be scheduled without the

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