Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
The Faculty of Homeopathy Newsletter                             August 2018

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy
medicines ‘ban’ dismissed
       he British Homeopathic                                                              although it did contain the case for
       Association (BHA) has failed in                                                     homeopathy as put by scientists,
       its legal challenge to get NHS                                                      doctors and patients, it is preposterous
England’s decision to stop funding                                                         to think the public were going to read
homeopathic medicines overturned.                                                          a complex report of over 275 pages
     Last year, NHS England                                                                to help inform their response to the
recommended doctors should                                                                 consultation.”
no longer prescribe a number of                                                                  She added: “It appears NHS England
treatments, including homeopathy, that                                                     can fail to engage with patients
it said provided little value. The BHA                                                     properly on removing services and get
believed it had identified serious flaws                                                   away with it. That is not good enough,
in the way the health commissioning                                                        for it is important to remember that the
authority consulted the public on this                                                     real losers in this case are the patients
issue and sought a judicial review. The                                                    who are now being refused a treatment
Faculty of Homeopathy supported the                                                        on which they have come to depend.”
BHA’s legal challenge and was named in                                                           The media has been reporting that
court papers as an interested party.                                                       as a result of NHS England’s decision
     The case was heard by the                                                             and the BHA’s failed legal challenge
Honourable Mr Justice Supperstone at           BHA chair, Margaret Wyllie                  Clinical Commissioning Groups
the Royal Courts of Justice. The charity’s                                                 (CCGs) will ban GPs from prescribing
main claims against NHS England were         genuinely engage with the public on           homeopathic medicines. However, the
that the consultation misrepresented         important decisions about healthcare          Faculty understands that this is not the
homeopathy and therefore was unfair;         provision.”                                   case, as CCGs cannot prevent GPs from
and a report used in the consultation to          Although 18 medicines were under         prescribing any medicine unless it has
inform the public was so complicated         review the only negative statement in         agreement from the practice lead.
it would deter rather than encourage         NHS England’s press release promoting               In the coming weeks GPs may
people to respond.                           its public consultation was about             receive a form from their CCG’s
     Although the judge found there          homeopathy.                                   Medicines Management Team. They
were sufficient grounds for a judicial            “The statement was so prejudicial        will be seeking support on a number
review, after four days of lengthy legal     it was widely reported in the media           of issues including ceasing to prescribe
arguments he dismissed the claims.           that the decision to deny patients            homeopathic medicines, along with
     Margaret Wyllie, BHA chair, said        homeopathic medicines had already             other treatments covered in the 2017
the case highlighted how health              been taken. How the judge failed to           NHS England consultation. But unless
bosses were unfairly manipulating            recognise that this was a deliberate          the form is signed by the practice
the consultation process and making          attempt by NHS England to unfairly            lead any recommendation from NHS
decisions about healthcare services          influence the public is astonishing,” said    England or the CCG is unenforceable.
without genuine patient engagement.          Mrs Wyllie.                                         Members seeking further
     “That NHS England attracted fewer            “The only information about              information on this matter should
than 3,000 responses from patients to        homeopathy that NHS England                   contact the Faculty’s NHS Primary
a national consultation that ran for         provided was an outdated report that          Care representative Dr Gabriella Day at
three months highlights its failure to       was critical of the therapy. And    
Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed

       he High Court’s rejection                                                                  for the new membership categories,
                                                      Greg White
       of the British Homeopathic                                                                 which are Affiliate of the Faculty of
       Association’s legal challenge to                                                           Homeopathy (AFHom) and Diplomate
the 2017 NHS England consultation,                                                                of the Faculty of Homeopathy
which recommended GPs end the                                                                     (DFHom).
routine prescribing of homeopathy, is                                                                 Affiliate membership is open to
a serious blow to all who want to see                                                             doctors and/or members of registered
patient access maintained and medical                                                             UK health professions who do not
homeopathy thrive.                                                                                hold a licence to practice from the
    As an organisation of healthcare                                                              GMC or equivalent body, but whose
professionals, with some members still                                                            qualifications are registerable and wish
working within the health service, we                                                             to join the Faculty’s membership. The
have to be concerned that the High                                                                new DFHom category is for healthcare
Court’s decision may jeopardise the                                                               professionals who hold qualifications
future of remaining services in England                                                           recognised in the jurisdiction where
and limit the clinical freedom of                                                                 they practice, but which are not
members working in general practice.                                                              registrable in the UK.
The likelihood is that detractors                                                                     Squaring the circle of our modest
will now resume pressure on the                                                                   resources and international ambitions
Department of Health (DH) to blacklist                     The long-term future of any            was a key element discussed at the
homeopathy, just as they unsuccessfully              registering body relies on its ability       recent Faculty strategy day. Council
tried to do back in October 2015. The                to recruit new members, and with             colleagues met in London in June
Good Thinking Society has already                    healthcare professionals being               to reaffirm our core commitment
picked up on the Faculty’s guidance to               denied the opportunity to practise           to patients and our stewardship of
GP colleagues that they may choose                   homeopathy within the NHS, we                homeopathy through the recruitment
to ignore NHS England and are calling                have in recent years faced problems          of future generations of practitioners.
for the DH to add homeopathic                        attracting students to our training          The success of Congress in Liverpool
products to the NHS blacklist for exactly            courses. Recruitment of new members          this coming October will be in part
this reason. There is also the risk of a             to our ranks could now become even           due to the presence of colleagues
domino-effect from the judge’s ruling                more problematic. After all, if clinicians   from as far afield as Japan, Australia,
that could negatively influence events               cannot prescribe, why train? There are,      India, Pakistan, South Africa, the United
in Scotland.                                         of course, a number of answers to that       States, Canada and elsewhere. The
    All this poses a direct threat to the            question and the situation is actually far   Faculty’s international and national
continuation of training of healthcare               from all doom and gloom.                     representatives are sure to be busy
professionals in homeopathy. While not                     To a certain extent one can argue      hosting our guests and identifying
diminishing the impact of the High                   that the NHS’s withdrawal from               teaching and research partnership
Court’s ruling, the Faculty has been                 homeopathy matters little to UK              opportunities around the world.
taking steps to adapt to a future should             patients, given that the medicines               Undeniably, homeopathy is facing
NHS homeopathy no longer be available.               are low-cost and widely available            a challenging period but there are
                                                     over the counter. Many users can             opportunities for it to survive and
                                                     afford to pay for consultations. Many        thrive. As an organisation we remain
                                                     Faculty members are already in               committed to supporting our members
                                                     successful private practice. Perhaps,        within the NHS in their efforts to
                                                     most important of all, the Faculty’s         practise according to their skills and
 Editor: John Burry                                  international standing provides it with      experience, while at the same time we
 Consultant Editor: Greg White                       a clear competitive edge. The Faculty is     are planning for a future when, sadly,
 Faculty of Homeopathy                               the leading homeopathic organisation         that may no longer be possible.
 CAN Mezzanine , 49-51 East Road                     in the world, and despite the challenges         Next year the Faculty of
 London, N1 6AH Tel: 020 3640 5903                   faced in the UK and Europe there are         Homeopathy celebrates its 175th
 E:                   still many parts of the world where          anniversary. Members can expect to
 W:                      homeopathy is long established and           hear more about our preparations
                                                     growing. Reaching out to healthcare          to mark this important milestone in
 All the material in this publication is copyright
 and may not be reproduced without permission.
                                                     professionals globally is the key reason     our history in the coming months.
 The publishers do not necessarily identify with     the Faculty has already moved to adjust      Throughout our long history we have
 or hold themselves responsible for contributors’,
 correspondents’ or advertisers’ opinions.
                                                     membership eligibility criteria, and has     survived many turbulent periods – and
                                                     developed a waiting list of potential        we are going to survive this one too.
 Design, print and mail fulfilment by HMCA           members. The Faculty’s Responsible
 Services Ltd
 Tel: 01423 866985                                   Officer, Dr David Owen, has been asked
 Email:                         to head up information, advice and           Greg White
                                                     guidance in terms of quality assurance       Chief Executive

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
NEWS                                                                                  simile • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Veterinary homeopathy is
debated in parliament
The Royal College of Veterinary                                                       importance of scientific trials, he went
Surgeons’ (RCVS) policy on                                                            on to say that in recent decades there
complementary medicines that                                                          has been a tendency in science to
effectively bans vets from using                                                      neglect the basic skills of observation
homeopathy as a first line of treatment                                               and instead just resort to narrow
has been debated in parliament.                                                       statistics, which can sometimes miss
    The issue was raised by homeopathy’s                                              things that are important.
stalwart supporter in Westminster                                                          Then in what appeared to be a
David Tredinnick MP, who opened the                                                   criticism of the RCVS, Mr Eustice said it
debate by informing the House that                                                    was not the royal college’s role to make
the three main points of contention                                                   decisions on veterinary medicines or
were the guidelines issued by the                                                     treatments. He went on to confirm
RCVS that complementary medicine             George Eustice MP, Minister for          that although homeopathic medicines
should only be used in conjunction           Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
                                                                                      are not assessed for efficacy, they are
with conventional medicine; the                                                       tested for quality and safety. “Their use
RCVS’s assertion that there is a lack of   to the situation in Germany, where         is therefore lawful,” he said.
evidence supporting the effectiveness      the Ministry of Food and Agriculture            Nevertheless, he stated that in talks
of complementary medicine and              has stated it “… supports the use of       between the RCVS and DEFRA it is his
therefore its use could endanger           homeopathic remedies and the free          department’s understanding that the
animal welfare; and the lack of            choice of therapy for veterinarians”. On   RCVS is not banning vets from using
consultation by the RCVS before it         the question of the scientific evidence    of homeopathy, but it should only be
formulated its new policy.                 he informed the House that 41% of          used to complement conventional
    Mr Tredinnick dismissed the RCVS’s     trials were positive, which was almost     treatments.
animal welfare claims by repeating an      the same as the figure for conventional         Mr Tredinnick said the minister’s
earlier statement from the Department      medicine (44%).                            attendance during the debate and his
for the Environment, Food and Rural             Finally, Mr Tredinnick quoted         department’s conversations with the
Affairs (DEFRA) that it had no evidence    the Prime Minister who in response         RCVS indicates the “deep concern” in
that homeopathic vets present a risk to    to his own question on whether             DEFRA about this issue. He called on
animal health.                             homeopathic vets should be allowed         the RCVS to take note of the views
    An intervention by Jim Shannon         to decide on how they treat animals,       expressed in parliament and of the
MP (DUP Spokesperson for Health)           said “… those who are professionally       public demonstrations in support
raised the concern about the overuse       able to make these judgements are left     of homeopathic vets, and engage
of antibiotics in animals and suggested    to make them”.                             with representatives of the British
that “anything that can prevent the             “We should mark the Prime             Association of Homeopathic Veterinary
introduction of antibiotics can only be    Minister’s words,” Mr Tredinnick           Surgeons to come up with a solution
a good thing and must be given full        concluded, “and agree that properly        that is acceptable to everyone.
consideration”. In reply, Mr Tredinnick    regulated homeopathic vets should be
said the use of homeopathy has             free to make up their own minds.”
                                                Responding at length to the
been one of the most successful
ways of reducing the dependence of         debate, George Eustice MP, Minster
                                                                                              A date for your
antibiotics in farming.                    for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,                diary in 2019
    Addressing the placebo argument        first said he didn’t have any strong
                                                                                                 The Faculty of
frequently cited by opponents of           convictions one way or the other
                                                                                            Homeopathy’s Annual
homeopathy, Mr Tredinnick said             on this issue, but recognised the
                                                                                                General Meeting
in relation to livestock farming           consensus among the veterinary
                                                                                         will take place in London on
“… Buttercup and Daisy do not              profession is one of scepticism.
understand the double blind placebo-       Mr Eustice did, however, refer to            Thursday 21 March 2019
controlled trials”. He then said that      conversations he has had with
farmers would not waste money on           homeopathic vets in his Cornwall                  The venue will be
something that does not work.              constituency who have told him they           announced nearer the time.
    Mr Tredinnick also highlighted         have seen positive results for a number
                                                                                          All members are welcome.
how the RCVS is out of step with other     of conditions.
countries on this matter by referring           Although acknowledging the

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed

Senator challenges controversial Australian CAM research
Research used by the Australian                                                              journal Advances in Integrative Medicine.
government to justify its decision to                                                        Senator Griff has asked if the Health
cut the Private Health Insurance rebate                                                      Department is intending to respond to
for complementary therapies is being                                                         these criticisms.
challenged by senator Stirling Griff.                                                             The NHMRC’s review of homeopathy
    Most Australians with private health                                                     has been mired in controversy since it
insurance currently receive a rebate from                                                    was published in 2015. As it was funded
the Australian government to help cover                                                      by the tax-payer the review is being
the cost of their premiums. But from                                                         investigated by the Commonwealth
April 2019 the rebate will no longer be                                                      Ombudsman following complaints of
available for a range of natural treatments                                                  serious scientific procedural flaws and
including aromatherapy, herbal medicine                                                      bias. The senator wants to know if the
and homeopathy. The government’s                                                             results of the review in homeopathy
decision follows a review of natural
                                                                                             conducted by the NHMRC were adopted
therapies which concluded there is no
                                                                                             by the Health Department in its broader
clear evidence demonstrating the efficacy
                                                                                             review of complementary therapies.
of such treatments.
                                                  Senator Stirling Griff                          He has also asked the Therapeutic
    The senator’s intervention mirrors
                                                                                             Goods Administration, the regulatory
growing public concern that natural
                                               controversial review of homeopathy.           body for health products in Australia,
therapies are being targeted to undermine
their popularity with patients and                 The 2016 Natural Therapies Review         a series of questions covering its
consumers. Supporters of complementary         examined 17 of the most popular               proposals to change the regulation
therapies believe the review and other         forms of complementary therapies and          of low risk products, which could see
studies on which the government                concluded they lacked evidence of clinical    complementary medicines removed from
is basing its decision were designed           effectiveness. Among the questions            the Australian Register of Therapeutic
to deliver a predetermined negative            Senator Griff has asked the Health            Goods and therefore no longer regulated
outcome.                                       Department is how clinical effectiveness      as medicinal products.
    Senator Griff is seeking answers from      was defined for the purposes for the               According to the industry body
the Federal Health Department about the        review?                                       Complementary Medicine Australia,
integrity of its review of natural therapies       Following publication, the                8.52-million Australians (70% of the
and from the National Health and Medical       methodology used for the review               population) are regular users of
Research Council (NHMRC) in relation to its    attracted wide-ranging criticisms from the    complementary therapies.

Campaign calls for NHMRC to release suppressed report
Faculty members are being urged to             the NHMRC conducted its homeopathy           given to this evaluation,” he said.
support a campaign to force Australia’s        review, the most alarming being they         “Overall, a lot of excellent work has
leading medical research body to               actually carried out two reviews and         gone into this review and the results are
publish a report that many believe             only published the second.                   presented in a systematic, unbiased and
could show there is reliable evidence              The first report was never disclosed     convincing manner.”
supporting homeopathy as an effective          to the public, and knowledge of its               But despite repeated FOI requests,
treatment for some medical conditions.         existence only came to light through         the NHMRC continues to refuse to
    In March 2015, the Australian              Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.       release the first review.
National Health and Medical Research           The NHMRC says an earlier review was              As the NHMRC and the work it
Council (NHMRC) published a review             rejected because it was “poor quality”;
                                                                                            does is funded by Australian taxpayers,
of the research in homeopathy that             this is despite it being undertaken by a
                                                                                            the Commonwealth Ombudsman is
concluded “…there are no health                reputable scientist who is the author of
                                                                                            investigating allegations of scientific
conditions for which there is reliable         the NHMRC’s own guidelines on how to
                                                                                            misconduct, procedural breaches,
evidence that homeopathy is effective”.        conduct evidence reviews.
    The review’s negative findings were            Further FOI requests revealed            bias and conflict of interest in relation
widely reported around the world as            that Professor Fred Mendelsohn – a           to its homeopathy review. In the
conclusive evidence that homeopathy            member of the NHMRC’s expert                 meantime, supporters of homeopathy
doesn’t work for any medical condition.        committee overseeing the review              around the globe are being asked to
However, an investigation by the               process – considered the missing             sign a petition to get the NHMRC to
Australian Homeopathic Association             report to be of high quality.                release the first report to the public.
and the Homeopathy Research                        “I am impressed by the rigour,           To support the campaign visit
Institute found serious flaws in the way       thoroughness and systematic approach

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
NEWS                                                                                    simile • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Faculty journal Don’t miss out on the 2018
increases its   Congress – book today
Impact Factor
For the second year running there
has been an increase in the number
of times articles published in the
Faculty of Homeopathy’s journal
Homeopathy have been cited in
articles in other peer-reviewed
publications. The figure known as
the Impact Factor (IF) has risen from
1.16 to 1.524, which represents a 52%
increase in the number of citations.
     An IF is used to determine the
impact a particular journal has
in a given field of research and is
therefore widely used as a measure
of quality. The latest IF assessment for
                                              Liverpool waterfront
Homeopathy covers citations during
2017 for articles published in the
previous two years (2015 and 2016).        While Britain swelters in an unusually hot   from this clinical field will be Peter
     Dr Peter Fisher, Homeopathy’s         summer, many Faculty members have            Gregory, Geoff Johnson and Chris Day.
editor-in-chief, said: “Naturally the      already made plans for the autumn by              Those who attend the Faculty
editorial team is delighted by this        booking their place at the 2018 Faculty      Congress often return as they find it
                                           of Homeopathy Congress.                      such a rewarding experience both
news. This success is due to the
                                                Registrations have been brisk for the   professionally and socially.
quality and international nature
                                           biennial congress, with this year’s theme         Dr Ekaterina Mishanina said: “I’m
of research and other content we
                                           “Homeopathy: connecting our global           going to congress to spend time with
publish. So I thank all those who have
                                           community” reflecting the international      likeminded people and share the
contributed such high quality papers,      line-up of speakers and bookings from        experience of homeopathic practice. I’m
maintaining the journal’s position as      delegates who will be travelling to the      looking forward to presenting for the
the world’s foremost publication in        three-day event from abroad.                 first time and to the presentation by Dr
the scholarly study of homeopathy.              Greg White, Faculty chief executive,    Frei, as I’ve been using polarity analysis
I would particularly like to thank         said: “We are delighted that international   with good success for the last two years.”
our senior deputy editor, Dr Robert        registrations continue to increase and            Nurse Karen Hooton said: “Where
Mathie for all his hard work.”             look forward to welcoming delegates          else do you get to see so many national
     First published in 1911 as            from as far afield as Brazil, Japan and      and international speakers offering
the British Homoeopathic                   South Africa.”                               exciting new ideas in homeopathic
Journal, Homeopathy is the only                 Whether travelling from near or         practice. It’s a chance to expand your
homeopathic journal indexed by             far, delegates will hear presentations       knowledge during the day, as well as
Medline, with over 100,000 full-text       covering all the medical disciplines         meet old friends and make new ones at
downloads per year. In January 2018,       from an impressive programme of              the social events in the evening.”
publishing responsibilities for the        international speakers, including Dr              She added: “Being with people
                                           Heiner Frei (Switzerland), Dr Spiros         who ‘get’ what you do and why you
quarterly journal moved to Thieme,
                                           Kivellos (Greece), Dr Ronald D Whitmont      do it creates such a buzz, the renewed
an award-winning medical and
                                           (America), Dr Annette Sneevliet (The         energy for homeopathy lasts long after
science publisher.
                                           Netherlands) and Dr Raj K Manchanda          everyone has gone back to their own
     Greg White, Faculty chief
                                           (India).                                     practices. So why wouldn’t you be
executive, said: “Moving to a new               The programme also features many        there?”
publisher can be difficult, but the        leading homeopaths from the UK:                   The 2018 Faculty of Homeopathy
decision we took last year is certainly    Dr Peter Fisher, Dr Elizabeth Thompson,      Congress takes place from 11 to 14
paying dividends. I would therefore        Dr Bob Leckridge, Dr Jonathan Hardy          October at Liverpool’s Crowne Plaza
like to thank everyone at Thieme           and Dr Julie Geraghty, to name just a        hotel. Tickets are selling fast, so for more
for the part they are playing in the       few. Veterinary homeopathy is also well      information and to book your place visit
journal’s continued success.”              represented and among the speakers 

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed

Dr John English 1934 – 2018
One of the Faculty’s longest-standing         children anxious to avoid taking drugs         “I am grateful to John for inspiring
members has died. Dr John English             wherever possible.                         me and so many others by his passion
joined the organisation in 1966 and at            “As well as showing how homeopathy     for homeopathy; for his generosity
the time of his death had maintained          could be integrated into NHS general       in sharing what he knew; and
his membership for over half a century.       practice, John also taught me              encouraging so many to find and
He was an early pioneer in integrative        Autogenic Training (AT) – an eight-        follow our own medical healing path
medicine as well as a dedicated and           week course in deep relaxation and         through life. His energy, enthusiasm and
gifted teacher of homeopathy.                 stress management – which I found          pioneering spirit will be greatly missed.”
     After graduating in medicine in          invaluable, and I still use and teach AT       Two former Faculty presidents also
1957 he did his national service in the       to this day.                               have fond memories of Dr English.
Royal Army Medical Corps. Returning to            “Many doctors practising                   Dr Sara Eames said: “John was an
civilian life he set up in general practice   homeopathy today passed through            early and very important inspiration
and as a GP became interested in              John’s GP practice and were                for me in my homeopathic career.
how he could use complementary                encouraged by his determined stance        When I first became interested in
medicine alongside his conventional           on homeopathy and alternative              homeopathy I attended his weekend
medical skills, introducing a range of        methods for health and healing.            teaching sessions at his GP practice
therapies including homeopathy to             Many were inspired to follow in his        near Hillingdon and it was probably
his clinical repertoire. In recognition of    pioneering wake and set up their own       thanks to his teaching that I decided
this innovative approach to treating          centres. He was one of the few doctors     to study homeopathy full time.
patients he was awarded a Fellowship          to attempt to spread the knowledge         Later, when I became involved in
of the Royal College of General               and use of homeopathy within the           education at the former Royal London
Practitioners.                                Royal College of General Practitioners.    Homeopathic Hospital, John continued
     In 1998, Dr English was made a           Today, sadly, that tide seems to have      to teach on the fast track course
Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy           completely turned.                         for a number of years. A minority of
for his long commitment to teaching.              “I later joined with a number of       students found his teaching style too
Even at the age of 80 he was still            other doctors and vets in setting up       challenging, while others found his
eager to pass on his knowledge to             the Homeopathic Physicians Teaching        dramatic rendition of the different
students of the healing art, publishing       Group (HPTG), a three-year modular         constitutional types extremely helpful.
a collection of his homeopathic poems         course in homeopathy for doctors, vets     I know that John devoted untold hours
under the title of Enjoy Learning             and nurses in Oxfordshire. John joined     to developing his teaching methods
Homeopathy.                                   us and his innovative teaching style       and he certainly played a major role in
     He taught homeopathy for over            soon became legendary. Whatever            inspiring a number of current Faculty
40 years, including as a lecturer at          our bewildered GP students may             members. I will always be grateful to
what was then the Royal London                have privately thought, they certainly     him for his inspiration and devotion to
Homeopathic Hospital (RLHH). Several          never forgot his provocative talks         homeopathy.”
Faculty members have fond memories            and unconventional methods! He                 Dr Helen Beaumont remembers
of Dr English’s unique and inventive          remained with HPTG for ten years.          Dr English as “a committed and
teaching style, including Dr Alice Greene.    However, working in a ‘team structure’     passionate teacher of homeopathy
     “I knew John for 36 years and            never came easily to John who always       with a great skill in combining his
remember him with affection,” she said.       remained a great individualist and         general practice and homeopathic
“He was one of my first homeopathic           sadly in the end disagreements led to      knowledge. He taught with flair and
teachers at the RLHH. I recall the drugs      a parting of our ways. Nevertheless,       enthusiasm; his poems and vignettes
bill at his NHS Hillingdon GP practice        John continued to go wherever he was       of certain homeopathic medicines will
being the lowest in the area owing to         invited and share his own inimitable       always stay in my mind.”
the prescribing of homeopathy, and the        teaching methods, right up until his           The Faculty’s thoughts are with
surgery attracted many mothers with           final illness.                             John’s wife, Wendy, and all his family.

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Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
NEWS                                                                                    simile • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

We are GDPR compliant

The General Data Protection                 personal data of its members and has       received an e-mail seeking confirmation
Regulation (GDPR) came into effect          ensured it is fully compliant with the     that they wish to continue receiving
on 25 May 2018. The new legislation         new legislation. We never pass on          electronic communications from the
is designed to protect the personal         members’ personal data to third parties    Faculty of Homeopathy. Any member
information of individuals across the       without the permission of individual       who in future decides they no longer
EU and also addresses the export of         members and would never sell this          wish to receive e-mails from the
personal data outside the EU.               information to a commercial or any         Faculty can unsubscribe and their
    The Faculty has always taken            other organisation.                        e-mail address will be removed from
very seriously its duty to protect the          All members should by now have         our lists.

Victory for patient choice in Australia
News that the federal government in Australia is allowing        a more holistic approach to their healthcare.
pharmacies to continue selling complementary medicines               Federal health minister Greg Hunt delivered the
has been heralded as an important victory in protecting          government’s response at the Australian Pharmacy
patient choice in healthcare.                                    Professional Conference in May. Following the announcement,
     In June last year, a report by a national advisory body     Petrina Reichman of Your Health Your Choice said consumers
recommended all natural medicines and treatments,                were relieved their concerns had been listened to and the
including homeopathy, should be banned from pharmacies           minister had decided to keep natural medicines on pharmacy
or have restrictions placed on their sale.                       shelves.
     A report by Australia’s Productivity Commission concluded       “Two in three Australians use some form of complementary
that complementary medicines “should be held in a separate       medicine and the people who use it will tell you it is effective
area within the pharmacy” to avoid consumers mistaking           for them and their families,” she said.
them as having the same evidence base and efficacy as                “The World Health Organisation supports natural medicine
conventional medicines. The report was even more scathing        as an important part of the healthcare system and there is a
in its view of homeopathy, suggesting the availability of        growing body of good quality clinical research studies around
homeopathic remedies in pharmacies afforded them a               the world to show efficacy and effectiveness.”
legitimacy they didn’t deserve.                                      Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA) conducts
     However, the recommendations were met with fierce           regular audits of the country’s natural medicines sector.
opposition, orchestrated by the campaign group Your Health       According to CMA’s latest full audit in 2016 the Australian
Your Choice. Almost 80,000 people signed a petition calling      industry has seen sales double to A$4.7 billion in just over
on the government to protect the individual’s right to choose    three years.

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed

NHS Grampian increases homeopathy spending
A row has erupted following news that a Scottish health board
increased its spending on homeopathic prescriptions in the last
financial year. The amount NHS Grampian spent on homeopathy
rose by 9% from £177,072 in the previous year to £193,533 in
     But the news has drawn criticism from Tom Mason MSP for
North-east Scotland: “At a time when some patients are being
denied some treatment because of cost, I understand the
public’s concern at money spent on homeopathy.
     “The head of NHS England described it as ‘at best a placebo’
and at worst a misuse of public funds. Health boards in Fife, Forth
Valley and Lanarkshire don’t spend any public money on this kind
of treatment.”
     However, a spokesperson for NHS Grampian defended the
expenditure on homeopathy.
     “We have a clinical and ethical responsibility to consider all         Tom Mason MSP criticised NHS spending on homeopathy
treatments available to NHS patients to ensure they offer safe,
evidence based, effective and person-centred care,” she said.                 She said: “The amount of money spent on homeopathy is a
     “We also have a responsibility to use NHS resources carefully       tiny fraction of the health board’s budget but of enormous value
and balance our priorities across the population as well as              to the patients who are benefiting from the treatment, many of
individuals, and a legal responsibility to deliver services within our   whom are elderly, have chronic health conditions or suffer adverse
fixed financial budget. Homeopathy can be considered in this             reactions from conventional medicines.
arena and we remain connected with the wider debate on its                    “Without conducting a cost/patient-benefit analysis for any
role within the NHS, whilst regularly reviewing our local support        replacement treatments how can politicians or anyone else
for such services within NHS Grampian.”                                  know if homeopathy is good value or not? At a time when there
     Margaret Wyllie, chair of the British Homeopathic Association,      is growing concern about the overprescribing of antibiotics and
highlighted how homeopathy was benefiting patients in                    other drugs, the Scottish government should be investigating
Grampian and called for the Scottish government to investigate           how homeopathy and other complementary therapies can be
how complementary therapies can actually save the NHS money.             used to help reduce the NHS’s spiralling drugs bill.”

CIC nursing team up for prestigious award
The nursing team at the NHS Glasgow               person-centred model that considers           by using HeartMath-type techniques,”
Centre for Integrative Care (CIC) has             the complex interactions of biological,       she explains. “The group sessions help to
been shortlisted in the Nursing Times             psychological and social factors in           breakdown feelings of isolation, while the
Awards for its work managing long-term            understanding health, illness, and            teaching of new breathing techniques
conditions. The prestigious annual awards         healthcare delivery.                          makes patients feel more relaxed and
celebrate the very best in nursing and                 Following an assessment at the           promotes restorative sleep.
the CIC team is being recognised for its          CIC’s out-patient clinic, patients are             “All these subtle changes combine to
Holistic Day Service Model project that           given the opportunity to join a three-        enable patients to feel more in control of
supports patients in the self-management          day programme led by a clinical nurse         their health and care, empowering them
of chronic conditions.                            specialist that offers gentle body
                                                                                                to live more fulfilling lives.”
    On hearing of the team’s nomination           and stress awareness classes, illness
                                                                                                     The nursing team comprises two
the CIC’s clinical lead, Dr Jacqueline            management classes, individual therapy
                                                                                                full-time and one part-time clinical nurse
Mardon, said: “This is wonderful news             sessions, facilitated peer support and one-
                                                                                                specialists who work closely with doctors,
and well-deserved recognition for the             to-one support.
                                                                                                a physiotherapist and a complementary
nursing team’s excellent work in this field            Dr Mardon says patients who have
of healthcare.”                                   taken part in the project have reported       therapist to provide ongoing integrative
    Patients using the innovative service         feeling better about themselves, have a       care from conventional medicine to
are aged between 20 and 80 and typically          greater sense of confidence and more          homeopathy and other complementary
suffer from several long-term conditions,         motivation to make the small changes that     therapies.
including diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue    improves their quality of life and well-           The winners of the Nursing Times
syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis,       being.                                        Awards will be announced at a ceremony
functional neurological conditions,                    “These changes can be dietary or         taking place on 31 October 2018 at the
depression and anxiety.                           lifestyle, such as walking the dog or         Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane,
    The Holistic Day Service adopts a             learning to change negative thoughts          London.

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
VIEW POINT                                                                                 simile • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Notes from a

                                                                                                                                              Photo: Khakimullin Aleksandr/
small practice
In the latest article in                      career of a 26-year-old woman with
                                              apparent premature menopause – hot
                                                                                           consultation skills to medical students.
                                                                                           Many of my patients value me because
her series Dr Margaret                        flushes and amennorrhoea – following         of this medical knowledge and I
Reid shares her                               chemotherapy. She menstruated 28
                                              days after taking Sepia and now has
                                                                                           deliberately demonstrate it. I try to
                                                                                           share conventional medical knowledge
approach to running a                         children. I presented it as an example       and make an effort to examine patients
                                              of how even a first-year could do            when appropriate. I have fair academic
successful practice.                          remarkable healing. From that patient’s      knowledge (and envy those with more)

   find myself in the position of having      perspective, I was a very good               and enjoy CPD learning with peers.
   run a homeopathic practice for             homeopath, indeed.                                My learning is predominantly led
   about 20 years, despite still feeling           I have long wondered how we             by the needs of the patients I see. I
a “junior”. With this series, it has been     judge ourselves and each other. Which        have managed cases for over 20 years
my intention to share this experience,        of us is the most successful? One could      and have learned much from this, such
encourage other homeopaths and to             do exuberant marketing, charge high          as not to take on a new patient with
stimulate discussion in the Faculty about     fees to huge numbers of patients,            eczema just before I go on holiday,
getting on with doing homeopathy.             prescribe one remedy and never see           for its quite common for eczema
I have felt sad at times to see some          any of them again. That could be             patients to react strongly (sometimes
colleagues year after year attending          considered successful and might pay for      alarmingly) to our remedies. When I
Congress and seminars but never quite         a glamorous lifestyle! Personally, I am in   prescribe for this condition, I inform the
making the leap to work as a homeopathic      awe of our teachers who have beautiful       patients there may be a reaction and
physician. Homeopathy needs you (and          cases, demonstrating the use of new or       guarantee to be available for advice and
I suspect you need homeopathy).               unusual remedies with long follow-ups.       support during the first weeks.
      We are all impressed by our             That is success of another sort, which I          I teach medical students who have
esteemed teachers who present                 definitely admire.                           self-selected to look into alternative
cases and Materia medica learning so               I am coming to the conclusion           medicine. I run my practice with the
beautifully. But this can have negative       that good homeopathic doctors                intention of making people feel as
effects, leaving some students                have different attributes that we all        comfortable as possible. In doing this I
questioning their own knowledge               possess to varying degrees. We each          have reflected my own experiences as
and ability in contrast to the teacher’s      use those we possess in the best             a patient. For example, I used to consult
far superior erudition and experience.        possible way, leading to very different      a very old homeopath in Edinburgh.
I remember once, in Italy, a student          styles of practice. I’ve drawn up a          I’d drive up from Newcastle to see him,
suggesting to Dr Massimo Mangialavori         list of attributes and you may like to       but always had to stop off before the
that he must have a really successful         consider which you have and in what          consultation as I never learned where
practice given all his knowledge.             proportion?                                  his toilet was! So I now show each new
Massimo laughed at this and joked about                                                    patient the cloakroom at their first visit.
the height of his pile of uncured cases!      1. Academic homeopathic knowledge                 So, finally, I just wanted to suggest
Of course, he presents the cured cases        2. Consultation skills, especially the       that we all have different skills to
because that is how he learns the                use of empathy                            include in our practice and we should
remedy, extracts its themes and can           3. Homeopathic experience and                choose to value them, because I’m
therefore teach it to his students. But          management of cases                       sure our patients do. As homeopaths
sometimes I would love to hear him and        4. Medical knowledge and experience          all we can do is practise with integrity,
other teachers talk about their “failures”.   5. Skills at administration/business         nurturing our individual skill-mix and
      Probably we all wish we knew            6. Using your practice as a learning         then our practices will be “successful”.
more Materia medica and had more                 and teaching tool                              For more information about
therapeutic strategies to use with our        7. Enjoyment                                 my practice and how I present it to
patients, but it is important not to be                                                    potential patients, please visit
paralysed by feelings of inadequacy.          Applying my own criteria to myself, I
At the Faculty’s Edinburgh Congress           am an experienced GP of many years
I presented a case from early in my           with natural empathy who teaches             Dr Margaret Reid

Legal challenge to NHS homeopathy medicines 'ban' dismissed
CASE STUDY                                                                                 simile • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy


                                                                                                                                              Photo: ricochet64/
Dr Stephen Caulfield                           and radiotherapy for her cancer,
                                               brittle asthma, hypothyroidism, fluid
                                                                                           5mg at night (had been on for
                                                                                           years), Amitriptyline, Amiloride,
is a speciality doctor                         retention, multifocal MRI abnormalities     Fluoxetine 40mg daily, Dicycloverine,
                                               of uncertain cause, previous pseudo-        Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a
at the NHS Centre                              seizures, sleep apnoea syndrome,            day, Desloratadine, Gabapentin 600mg
for Integrative Care,                          chronic generalised pain affecting          three times a day, Levothyroxine Sodium,
                                               muscles and joints, discoid lupus           Prednisolone 20mg daily, Salbutamol
Glasgow.                                       of skin, renal impairment, anaemia          inhaler and nebulisers when required,

      his is both a simple and                 of chronic disease, diabetes                Morphine sulphate continus 20mg
      complicated case, but perhaps            mellitus and previous pulmonary             twice a day, Sevredol 10mg as required
      they all are. The remedy in              thromboembolism.                            and Azathioprine for her discoid lupus.
question appears to have done good                  She also has pseudo-Cushing’s
work and therefore worthy, I think, to         syndrome due to long-term steroid
inform you about. At only ten months           use for her asthma and discoid lupus,       KG is a former Marie Curie nurse who
the follow up is still relatively short and,   recurrent chest infections, post-           worked previously in the community
as always, time will tell.                     traumatic stress disorder related to        and then on night-shift at a hospice
    The case is of KG, a 60-year-old           childhood sexual abuse, poor mobility       before medical retirement over 13 years
woman who has been attending the               with falls, depression, marital problems,   ago. She lives with her husband who is
NHS Centre for Integrative Care in             previous alcohol excess, osteoporosis,      supportive. However the couple have
Glasgow for many years. She has had            irritable bowel syndrome, recurrent         had quite a stormy relationship at times
several admissions over a number               vomiting, hypertension and obesity.         and she admits she can be “huffy”.
of years to our former ward to try                                                         She has one adult son from a previous
                                               Medication with selected doses, at
to help her with her chronic poor                                                          relationship but they are estranged.
                                               time of remedy given
health arising from multiple medical                                                           She has a very plethoric skin
conditions.                                    Seretide 250 Evohaler, Doublebase           appearance with a fierce gaze. She has
                                               gel, Warfarin, Metformin,                   longstanding partial alopecia. She is
Past medical history                           Bendroflumethiazide, Lansoprazole,          overweight with puffy peripheries and
Left breast cancer 2014, left arm              Montelukast, Potassium Chloride             central obesity. She walks with the aid
lymphoedema following surgery                  MR, Prochlorperazine, Diazepam              of a walking stick.


Mentals                                     been having supportive telephone           she was “delighted”. She was having
                                            consultations with her as she lives        problems with swelling on the left side
KG is prone to bouts of anger and dips
                                            twenty five miles from our centre.         of her face and neck, which had been
in her mood. She can have passive-type
                                                                                       investigated and thought to be due
suicidal thoughts. She has a strong
                                                                                       to discoid lupus plaques in this area.
fear of snakes but over the years I
                                                                                       Otherwise she was much the same. The
have known her this has ameliorated.
                                                                                       outreach nursing team from the local
This may be due to the several snake
                                                                                       hospice had started to visit.
homeopathic remedies she has tried
during this time. She has always had        She had a recurrent                        Roused from slumber
psychic-type ability. She states that
when somebody known to her dies,
                                            nightmare a few                            Considering her extremely poor health
                                                                                       status her use of the word “delighted”
she knows that she will see them            years ago of waking                        sounded incongruous. For the past 18
afterwards at some point. She gives an
example that a few weeks after a man
                                            up in her bed next                         months I had heard during our phone
                                                                                       calls only further deterioration and her
died, she saw him sitting on a bench        to a decomposing                           slide towards death seemed inevitable.
at a retail park. These occurrences have                                               I had started to steel myself when I
happened so often, especially with her      corpse. This was at a                      phoned, half expecting her husband to
previous work as a Marie Curie nurse,
that she is not scared or surprised by
                                            time when she was                          inform me that she had died. It was as
                                                                                       if a circle had been completed with the
them. It can be years after the death       especially struggling                      former Marie Curie community nurse
that she will see the person.
                                            with issues related to                     now being visited by the outreach
Dreams                                                                                 Hospice team.
                                            previous childhood                              The word “delighted” jarred with
She had a recurrent nightmare a few
years ago of waking up in her bed           sexual abuse. In the                       me. I did not associate this word with
                                                                                       her. It slapped me in the face and woke
next to a decomposing corpse. This
was at a time when she was especially
                                            months before she was                      me up.
struggling with issues related to           prescribed the remedy                      One word repertorisation
previous childhood sexual abuse. In
the months before she was prescribed        she said she had a few                     Now, in general, I’m not an advocate
                                                                                       of one word repertorisations. I had
the remedy she said she had a few           horrendous dreams.                         previously analysed KG’s case in all
horrendous dreams. The worst one was                                                   the ways I am familiar with – using
of the Devil. It took place in a cemetery   The worst one was of                       this method and that method – but
and there was a type of ceremony or
ritual going on. The Devil was dressed
                                            the Devil.                                 nothing had borne fruit. Basically this
                                                                                       case has told me there’s no right or
up in a ceremonial outfit with an                                                      wrong way to get to a helpful remedy.
ornamental headpiece. All the people in                                                    I simply put the word “delighted”
the dream were worshipping him. She                                                    in my homeopathic software which
thinks it involved a sacrifice of some                                                 uses the Complete Repertory 2018. No
type. She was present in the dream but      Health deterioration                       rubrics matched. I shortened the word
she can’t remember in what context.         Unfortunately, despite our best efforts    search to “delight” and 15 rubrics were
She says the dream was all about death.     her health had gradually deteriorated      revealed. Six of these rubrics showed
At the time she had this dream she says     and she had become practically             the name of the plant remedy Stillingia
she had been admitted to Intensive          housebound. Her mobility had               sylvatica, otherwise known as Queen’s
Care with a severe chest infection and      worsened and she required a manual         delight. A penny dropped.
had almost died.                            wheelchair, which her husband pushed       Michelin man
Homeopathy                                  on the seldom occasions she left her
                                            house. She had recurrent hospital          Throughout the years that I had known
She was tried on many remedies              admissions for infections of her skin,     her she had a habit of saying she felt
over the years which included snake         urine and chest. She said for four         like the “Michelin man” with her obese
remedies as previously mentioned,           of these admissions between June           body shape, puffy limbs and often
the insect remedies Apis and Vespa,         2016 and June 2017 she had been in         bloated abdomen. She said she felt as if
and a few plant remedies such as            intensive care and it had been touch       she had a spare tire around her midriff.
Euphorbium officinarum. She only ever       and go whether she would survive.          She had often struggled to get up on
had partial results. In fact I had given                                               to her feet if lying on the bed during
up trying to find a good remedy for         Telephone follow-up                        her previous inpatient admissions and
her after so many attempts over several     13 June 2017                               tended to roll herself towards the side
years. For the past 18 months or so         She said she’d got a humidifier and this   of the bed. I had always wondered
before the current remedy I had simply      was helping her breathing. She said        about her repeated description of

CASE STUDY                                                                               simile
                                                                                                • August
                                                                                                   • May 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Stillingia sylvatica

herself as the Michelin man. She would       I had blindly entered the realm of the      affected left hand. I wondered if this
often describe tightness in her chest        Syphilitic miasm without realising it –     infection was consistent with Hering’s
from her asthma and a tightness in her       the miasm of lost causes and death. The     Law and her vital force was producing
lymphoedema-affected left arm. This          word “delighted” had bathed her case        a fire, to burn her internal rubbish, at a
had led me a couple of years earlier         in light.                                   peripheral site. I asked her to continue
to give her the cancer miasm remedy                                                      on the same dose.
according to Sankaran from the               Prescription
Euphorbiaceae/rubber plant family:                                                       Over five months later, telephone
                                             I recommended Stillingia sylvatica 30c,
Euphorbium officinarum.                                                                  follow-up 09 April 2018
                                             one pill daily. I thought she needed a
     The sensation according to              lower potency with frequent repetition      The first thing she says is: “I couldn’t
Sankaran for this family is: “Tied           to try to stimulate her slumbering vital    wait for you to phone”.
and untied. Bound and unbound.               force in the face of her multiple medical       She then goes on to report: “I’ve
Hidebound.” Unfortunately this remedy        conditions and low energy state.            now lost seven stones in weight despite
failed to make a great deal of difference.                                               eating thousands of calories a day. I’ve
     When previously describing the          Telephone follow-up
                                                                                         went from a dress size 24 to a size 16.
different sensations of tightness in her     30 October 2017
                                                                                         I was at a funeral the other day and
body I had thought it was consistent         She said the reaction had started slowly,   my trousers for the funeral were four
with an inflated tense rubber tyre, and      then reported: “For the past five weeks     sizes smaller but they are still too big.
hence why I had been interested in her       I have felt even better than I did before   The knock-on effect on the rest of my
repeated use of the Michelin man simile.     I had health problems. My breathing         health has been amazing. My mobility
Stillingia sylvatica                         is normal. The pain is under control.       and breathing are better. I’m in the
This is the syphilis miasm remedy from       My mobility is perfect. Without doing       best place I’ve been for a long time. I’m
the Euphorbiaceae or rubber plant            anything I’ve lost over four stones in      getting out and about and living life to
family according to Sankaran’s Schema.       weight. I can’t believe it. There is no     the full. I have been through shit in the
Here I was thinking she was at death’s       mark of lupus on my skin.”                  last few years. I was at death’s door four
door. I had given up, thinking her case          The only problem she informed           times. I’m now happy. I’ve cut down
was hopeless. I had adopted a palliative     me of was that she was on her third         on loads of medication. I’ve hardly any
care approach to her and she was now         course of antibiotics for an infection of   pain. I stopped the remedy three weeks
accepting this from the local hospice.       one of the fingers of her lymphedema-       ago as I don’t think I need it any longer.”


     Apart from taking the remedy             genito-urinary organs, throat (pharynx,         Interestingly, the phrase KG used, “I
she had not started any other                 larynx, and trachea), mouth, head, and      have been through shit in the last few
new treatments which could have               bones.                                      years” is supported by the one remedy
contributed to the improvement in             It is especially known for the bone pains   rubric about sewage given above.
her health. She informed me she had           of syphilis:                                My own resignation and sense of
stopped her long-term Diazepam at                                                         helplessness in trying to solve her case
night. She had halved her Morphine            • Generalities; pain; bones; syphilis, in   is understood by studying some of the
sulphate continus to 10mg twice a day.        • Generalities; pain; bones; night;         mind rubrics of this remedy:
     One down point was that a few              syphilis, in
weeks earlier she had slipped when                                                        • Mind; dreams; tunnels, of; end,
using a commode while her husband             It is therefore understandable why            without
                                              Sankaran places this remedy in the
was in the bathroom and her right arm                                                     • Mind; fear; disease, of; incurable, of
had been badly cut on a wicker box.           syphilitic miasm.
The injured arm had required a plastic
                                                                                          • Mind; sadness; future, about
surgery review and it was felt she would
need skin grafting. However, after                                                           This syphilitic state, which on
initial dressings the plastic surgeon had                                                 reflection had been transferred on to
been amazed at how well the arm was
healing. They removed surface necrotic
                                              However, after initial                      me in my dealing with her, is a reminder
                                                                                          to be aware of the effect our patients
tissue and told her that underneath           dressings the plastic                       are having on us as we truly are often
there had been “perfect healing” and                                                      mirroring their state as we grapple with
skin grafting was no longer required.         surgeon had been                            their case.
Stillingia sylvatica – botanical              amazed at how well                               Indeed, it could be proposed that
Information                                                                               Stillingia has a particularly strong
                                              the arm was healing.                        reflecting quality. It is also known as
Natural Order: Euphorbiaceae or Rubber
Plant Family. Common names include            They removed surface                        Silver leaf. Although the moon is not
                                                                                          found in any of its rubrics, we find
Queen’s delight, Queen’s root, Silver         necrotic tissue and told                    mind rubrics relating to water and
leaf, Yaw root and Cockup hat.
     Found in the USA and growing in          her that underneath                         wolves:
sandy soils from Maryland to the Gulf                                                     • Mind; dreams; water
of Mexico, this plant was named in
                                              there had been
                                                                                          • Mind; dreams; water; lakes, of
honour of Dr Benjamin Stillingfleet. It       ‘perfect healing’ and
is a perennial herb. Its stem if broken                                                   • Mind; dreams; water; rivers
gives out an acrid milky sap. It grows to     skin grafting was no                        • Mind; dreams; wolves
a height of two to four feet and flowers      longer required.                            • Mind; dreams; wolves; werewolves
from April to July. The flowers are
yellow, on a terminal spike.                                                                  It is interesting that one of KG’s
Stillingia sylvatica – Materia                                                            most troublesome conditions is discoid
medica                                                                                    lupus, with lupus being Latin for wolf.
                                                                                          It was for this condition that she had
It is a relatively large remedy containing    Materia medica discussion
                                                                                          been mainly taking suppressive daily
2,084 rubrics in the Complete Repertory       The hopeless and despairing state           steroids. It could be postulated that
2018.                                         associated with the syphilitic miasm is     a deep part of her being has been
      It’s abbreviation in the repertory      supported by a number of interesting        finding expression through her life-long
is “Still”. The best traditional resource     mind rubrics for this remedy:               psychic abilities and more recently
for Stillingia is A Dictionary of Practical
                                              • Mind; dreams; attacked, of being:         showing itself by marking her skin
Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke.
                                                                                          through lupus. This may also help
He writes of its characteristics:             • Mind; dreams; blackmail, of:
                                                                                          explain her supernatural dream about
      Still has long been a popular remedy
                                              • Mind; dreams; darkness:                   the Devil.
for syphilis in the southern states of
U S. T Y Simons introduced it into            • Mind; dreams; dogs; attacked by:          Conclusion
professional medicine, and Hale to            • Mind; dreams; lost, being                 I hope this case has shone some light
                                              • Mind; dreams; lost, being; mazes, in:     on the remedy Stillingia sylvatica.
      H R Frost, A B Nichols, J M
                                                                                          Follow-up continues, but for KG it
Cunningham, and others proved it,             • Mind; dreams; sewage; struggling          appears to have started a transformative
chewing the root or taking the tincture.        through:
                                                                                          process and it has reminded me of the
One prover chewed the bark. The
                                              • Mind; dreams; streets are blind alleys    power of homeopathy.
proving shows an action closely parallel
with that of syphilis, attacking the          • Mind; dreams; tunnels, of; end, without   Dr Stephen Caulfield

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