BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

Page created by Victoria Cunningham
BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg
WINTER 2018 / 2019

Sought-after personalities –
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Network for digital supply chains
BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

FACTS                                                               TITLE PICTURE
                                                                    Markus Prophet,
Students                                                            Deputy Division
at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences:              6585   Manager for Con­
                                                                    sultation, Law and IT
in the Faculty of Business (incl. IWI and MVM):              1672   at the Chamber
                                                                    of Handicrafts for
                                                                    Swabia and alumnus
of which:                                                           of the Faculty of
BA Business Administration (BW)                               582   Business
BA International Management (IM)                              478                           Dear students,
BEng International Management and Engineering (IWI)           299                           prospective students,
MA International Business and Finance (IBF)                    60                           alumni, friends, sponsors
MA Human Resource Management (PMG)                             68                           and partners of our Faculty
MA Marketing/Sales/Media (MVM)                                162                           of Business,
MA Tax and Accounting (MSR)                                    51
Certificate Process Developer in Logistics                      8                                                                                                                             Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht, Dean

Advanced modules
in BA Business Administration in WS 2018/19
•   Change Management                                                                       With the heading “Massively overestimated”, form of vocational courses, online study pro­         grammes. The Dean of the Lagos Business
•   Controlling                                                                             the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper on 11/12 grammes and the training institutes of large           School in Nigeria presented an interesting
•   Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Management                                  August 2018 asked the question: “Business       companies are playing an increasingly im­         approach. She required her colleagues to
•   Product Marketing and Sales Communication                                               administration is the most popular study        portant role. In this context, a trend towards    dedicate at least 10% of the time in each
•   Auditing and Accounting                                                                 programme at German universities. Never­        so-called “stacked credentials” can be ob­        module to dealing with subject-related ques­
                                                                                            theless, in their professional lives the gra­   served: the accumulation of many educational      tions of ethics, sustainability and philosophy.
                                                                                            duates frequently compete with candidates       units – education experts speak of “learning      This is a very progressive approach which is
                                                                                            from outside the field who learn about          nuggets” – makes it clear that the slogan         certainly worth considering for all universi­
Advanced modules in                                                                         business administration within the company “lifelong learning” is now a reality. In addi­         ties of applied sciences.
BA International Management in WS 2018/19                                                   along the way. Is the qualification unneces­    tion, we need to recognise that the accumu­
•   International Marketing and Communication Management                                    sary?”.                                         lation of such small educational units may        Our alumni demonstrate to me again and
•   European Business Studies                                                                                                               not only supplement a several-year Bachelor       again that creativity is not only a question
•   Supply Chain Management                                                                 For the dean of a Faculty of Business, these    or Master study programme but may even            of education, but also of personality. Very
•   Human Resource Management                                                               are of course harsh allegations. Are we offer   replace it in some cases in the future.           recently, I was in contact with Alexander
                                                                                            ing a study programme that is in high de­
                                                                                            mand among applicants but is largely use­       In this context, a representative of the inter­   Okl, who obtained a Diplom qualification in
                                                                                            less? Or, to phrase it a better way: How does   national accreditation agency AMBA posed          Business Administration in summer 2010.
Advanced modules                                                                            a Faculty of Business at a state university of  the question of why our Bachelor and Master       After a number of very intense years profes­
in BEng International Management and                                                        applied sciences need to be set up today in     qualifications are valid indefinitely, despite    sionally, he took some time out and went
Engineering in WS 2018/19                                                                   order to give its graduates something that      the clear fact that study contents rapidly be­    backpacking on a year-long world tour.
• Operations Management                                                                     provides them with a competitive edge in        come outdated. On the surface, the demand         He documented his experiences on his blog
• Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Management                                    the labour market and that will be sought af­   for an expiry date for study courses seems        ( and, after his re­
                                                                                            ter in business and society also in the future? absurd. On the other hand, holding certain        turn, compiled them into a novel: “Asking
                                                                                                                                            professional titles is not only associated with   One Question – A Novel about Traveling
                                                                                            A conference with the title “Shaping the        passing examinations on a one-off basis, but      the World & Finding Meaning and Happi­
International exchange programmes                                                           Business School of the Future”, which took      requires regular further training in relevant     ness”.
Students from foreign partner universities:                    45                           place in June at the Frankfurt School of        areas. Against this background, it is not un­
(incoming)                                                                                  Finance and Management, addressed this          conceivable that, in the foreseeable future,      I would like to sincerely thank you for your
Students at foreign partner universities:                      95                           question. Experts from the fields of business   our study programmes may need to be               solidarity with our faculty. Our advertising
(outgoing)                                                                                  and science discussed what the future USPs      renewed at specific intervals by providing        customers deserve special thanks for their
                                                                                            of our graduates in their professional lives    proof of up-to-date knowledge in the given        kind support.
                                                                                            should be and how a future-oriented educa­      field. This could provide us with an oppor­
Status: 4 October 2018                                                                      tional offering can meet the requirements       tunity to ask our graduates to return to their
                                                                                            of students and employers in the long term.     alma mater not only for alumni meetups
                                                                                                                                            or meetings related to specific fields, such as   Yours,
                                                                                            During these discussions, it became appar­      the HR Day and the HSA_Ops discussions,
                                                                                            ent that challenges exist not only in relation  but also in the context of our own further        Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht, Dean
                                                                                            to technical contents. The educational          training offerings for seminars or certificate
                                                                                            demands of young people have already            courses lasting one or more days.
                                                                                            changed significantly. In addition to state
                                                                                            and private third-level institutions offering   In the future, creativity, as well as ethical
                                                                                            full-time or part-time study courses over       and philosophical issues, should play a great­
                                                                                            a number of years, sometimes also in the        er role in business administration study pro­

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg
PEOPLE | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019                                                                                                                      NEWS | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019

FAREWELL: PROF. DR. HANS HERRLER ENTERS RETIREMENT                                                             OBITUARIES                                      MOUNTAINS R4 BIKING & HIKING

                                                    over-emphasised and demonstrates that
                                                    Prof. Herrler was always especially dedicated
                                                    to the students. Prof. Dr. Coenenberg and
                                                    Prof. Dr. Kafadar, who told a number of
                                                    anecdotes relating to his work from the
                                                    perspective of the Taxation and Accounting
                                                    expert group, made a particular effort to
                                                    look dashing at the celebration, both wear­
                                                    ing a waistcoat – in memoriam, so to speak.                Pirmin Stadelmann       Elisabeth Scheurer

                                                    Prof. Dr. Hans Herrler who, in addition to                 The Faculty of Business is mourning its
                                                    spending more time with his family, wants                  former colleague Elisabeth Scheurer and its
                                                    to apply himself more to his hobbies hunting               student Pirmin Stadelmann. The University
                                                    and forestry, was presented with a contribu­               will honour their memory.
                                                    tion to a new chainsaw as a farewell gift.
                                                    A children’s chainsaw – with noises and a                  Elisabeth Scheurer died on 23 April 2018
                                                    moving chain – was added to the gift as                    at the age of 66. In the last years of her
Prof. Dr. Hans Herrler                              a symbolic gesture. It was clearly not easy                work at the Augsburg University of Applied
                                                    for Prof. Dr. Hans Herrler to say goodbye.                 Sciences, she was employed as administrative
                                                    He promised to support the Faculty also in                 assistant in the office of the dean of the
A veteran is entering retirement: Prof. Dr.         the future with teaching assignments.                      Faculty of Business at the previous location
Hans Herrler was a Professor of Tax Law                                                                        at Schillstraße 100 until summer 2011.          Under this slogan, 23 students and alumni met with Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schönfelder at Großvenediger mountain for a sporty end to the semester.
at the Faculty of Business for 28 years. Be­                                                                   She entered retirement shortly before the
fore this, he had already held 100 lectures at                                                                 big move into the W building.
the former Business Administration faculty
at Schillstraße as an adjunct lecturer. This                                                                   After an almost two-year illness, Pirmin        NETDISC: NETWORK FOR DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAINS
means that, at the time of entering semi-                                                                      Stadelmann passed away in Augsburg on
retirement, Prof. Herrler was the longest-                                                                     7 July 2018 at the age of 24. He started his    “Augsburg is a supply chain region”: this is              the field of logistics in global supply chains             bundles in these fields will be developed for
serving educator at the Faculty by some                                                                        Bachelor programme in International Man­         how the logistics region of Bavarian-­Swabia             and make it fit for the future. For this                   the regional economy and offered as transfer
margin.                                                                                                        agement in winter semester 2014 and pur­         between Augsburg and Neu-­Ulm is charac­                 purpose, solution bundles are developed                    services in the coming years. Practical ex­
                                                                                                               sued the programme with great dedication         terised by logistics experts. This statement             for efficient business processes and new                   change is explicitly sought in the project.
Farewell was bid to Prof. Herrler as he                                                                        until he fell ill. In summer 2016, he won the    is based on the fact that, according to freight          data-based business models based on the                    During the kick­off event on 26 July 2018,
entered retirement during a pleasant cele­                                                                     MasterCup in Wackersdorf with three fellow       statistics, flows of goods into the region               secure and traceable storage and analysis                  the path for research activities in the coming
bration with colleagues and staff on 23 July                                                                   students, the second stage of a Bavaria-wide     have a higher tonnage but a lower value than             of data along the value creation chains.                   years was therefore laid out. The fields of
2018. In his speech, the Dean, Prof. Dr.            Prof. Dr. Hans Herrler accepts the “new chainsaw“ from     Entrepreneurship and Management compe­           flows of goods out of the region. This is a                                                                         activity that the participating companies
Michael Feucht, emphasised the high esteem          his colleagues Prof. Dr. Alexandra Coenenberg and          tition. He optimistically took up his studies    clear indication that goods are refined by               Cooperation between the research groups                    see in the areas of “Digitalisation of supply
                                                    Prof. Dr. Kalina Kafadar and the Dean, Prof. Dr. Michael
in which Prof. Herrler was always held by           Feucht.                                                    again last winter semester. Sadly, he ulti­      production companies in the region and                   HSA_ ops and HSA_innos should now be                       chain processes”, “Digital business process­
his colleagues, but especially also by the                                                                     mately lost his battle with the illness.         then transported on for consumption or fur­              intensified at the Augsburg University of                  es” and “IT security in supply chains” or in
students. In light of the fact that not all busi­                                                                                                               ther processing. This position of the region             Applied Sciences. These groups perform ac­                 the intersections between these areas were
ness students are particularly enthusiastic                                                                                                                     in global supply chains is based on outstand­            tivities relating to IT security and logistics             particularly interesting. These topics were
about the subject of tax, this cannot be                                                                                                                        ing logistics of the regional companies.                 as well as digital value creation networks and             discussed together in order to draw up the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         business models.                                           framework for action of NetDiSC.
                                                                                                                                                               The aim of the NetDiSC research project
                                                                                                                                                               is to further develop the excellent starting              Together with the Institute for Technology                 The NetDiSC project was sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                               position of the Bavarian-Swabia region in                 and Knowledge Transfer (ITW), solution                     the Bavarian State Ministry of Education,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cultural Affairs and Science through the
BACK HOME: DR. HARTMANN                             in 2014 and was also a member of the                                                                                                                                                                                            programme for promoting applied research
RETURNS TO THE USA                                  Faculty Council for a time. In addition, he                                                                                                                                                                                     and development at universities for applied
                                                    supported the Faculty in making contacts                                                                                                                                                                                        sciences. The project duration of NetDiSC
 Dr. Michael Hartmann supported the                 in the United States.                                                                                                                                                                                                           is 48 months, from January 2018 until
 Faculty in teaching and self-administration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 2021.
 for almost seven years. His classes – from         Dr. Hartmann received a job offer as
“Fundamentals in Business” in the first             Associate Professor at Holy Cross College                                                                                                                                                                                       Prof. Dr. Michael Krupp (michael.krupp@
 semester in International Management,              in Notre Dame, Indiana, USA starting                                                                                                                                                                                            hs­ or Marjan Isakovic (marjan.
 to “Strategic Management” and “Cross               on 1 September 2018. He will establish                                                                                                                                                                                          isakovic@hs­ are available as
 Cultural Management”, all the way to               a new Business School there together with                                                                                                                                                                                       contact partners if you are interested in the
“Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”          his colleagues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NetDiSC research activities.
 in the MA International Business and Fi­
 nance were very popular with the students.         However, Dr. Hartmann has promised to                                                                                                                                                                                           Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard
 Dr. Hartmann also supported the Faculty in         maintain close contact with Augsburg in                                                                                                                                                                                         and Dr. Waibel
 its strategic further development. He made         the future also and to return to the Faculty
 very important contributions to restructur­        as a guest professor in the second half of
 ing the Bachelor programmes Business Ad­           summer semester 2019.
 ministration and International Management                                                                     Dr. Michael Hartmann                            The participants in the kick-off event.

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg
NEWS | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019                                                                                                                      PRACTICE | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019

                                                                              SPORTY: PARTICIPATION                                PERSONALWIRTSCHAFTSPREIS                         PATRIZIA AG: GENERAL MEETING LIVE
                           PUBLICATION                                        IN M-NET COMPANY RUN                                 2018: PROF. DR. ERIKA REGNET
                           BUSINESS                                           AUGSBURG                                             ON THE JURY

                           Georg Erdmann, Michael Krupp

                                                                                                                                   Again this year, innovative and future-
                                                            Pearson,                                                               oriented HR projects were awarded prizes.
                                                                                                                                   Large numbers of applications were received
                                                                                                                                   for the following six categories: Training,
                           The textbook “Betriebswirtschaftslehre”                                                                 Recruiting, Talent Management, Company
                           (Business Administration) was published                                                                 Health Management, HR Organisation and
                           in April. This is a reference book that                                                                 Leadership.
                           will accompany Bachelor students
                           throughout their studies and describes                                                                  Like in the previous years, Prof. Dr. Erika
                           corporate reality in addition to providing                                                              Regnet was a member of the jury, which
                           the academic basics. It is intended to                                                                  determined the winning concept for each
                           be both accompanying reading over an                                                                    category. In the final round on 10 September
                           entire study programme and a business                                                                   2018 in Cologne, the overall winner of the
                           administration reference work in profes­                                                                German “Personalwirtschaftspreis” (HR
                           sional life after graduation. It was written                                                            prize) from all six categories was selected
                           by a team of professors with extensive                                                                  live on location by the specialist audience.
                           practical experience in their respective           The PROFis from the Faculty of Business and the      REWE Dortmund claimed victory this time.
                           fields.                                            Running_Gags from ZSI (bottom) as well as the team
                                                                              of the research group for optimized value creation
                                                                              HSA_ ops (top) successfully took part in the M-net                                                    PATRIZIA Immobilien AG invited the students of the Tax and Accounting Master programme in the context of the Economic Law lecture by Prof. Dr. Micha Bloching to take part
                                                                              company run Augsburg. Congratulations!               Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet                    in its general meeting in Augsburg in order to “study stock corporation law in practice”.

                       CONGRATULATIONS: SELF-MEDICATION PRIZE                                                                      AWARD: EXPERT CONSULTANT                         MOLA DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE:                                  Augsburg University of Applied Sciences                   with a joint constitution. The development
                       FOR PROF. DR. GERHARD RIEGL                                                                                 FOR INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW                        INAUGURAL MEETING                                         and the Fraunhofer workgroup for supply                   circle is expected to begin at the end of au­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              chain services SCS, which will incorporate                tumn 2018.
                       The patient researcher and health analyst              As a Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of                                                         The shortage of skilled workers in logistics              their shared expertise from the previous
                       Prof. Dr. Gerhard Riegl received the                   Business at Augsburg University of Applied                                                            and the difficulties in obtaining new staff for           research project “MoLa – Motivation in the                Participation in the two-year MoLa develop­
                       tra­ditional “Selbstmedikationspreis 2018“.            Sciences and with the Institute for Manage­                                                           the warehouse make retaining existing staff               warehouse”. In the research project, the                  ment circle is subject to a fee. The number
                       He was awarded this self-medication prize              ment in the Health Service, which he found­                                                           in the company especially important. But                  scientists confirmed the link between the                 of participants in the event is limited. If you
                       for his patient-oriented services relating to          ed and leads, Riegl has been researching,                                                             how can company owners or warehouse su­                   motivation of workers and the warehouse                   are interested, please send an e­mail to
                       pharmaceuticals and self-medication. The               publishing and lecturing for 40 years. His                                                            perintendents motivate their skilled workers              performance. Together with logistics service              Prof. Dr. Michael Krupp (michael.krupp@
                       award is presented by the German medicine              aim is to improve the quality of human in­                                                            and managers in the warehouse in a targeted               providers and wholesalers, motivation meas­               hs­ or Marjan Isakovic (marjan.
                       manufacturers’ association Bundesverband               teraction in the health system and to increase                                                        manner while improving the performance of                 ures tailored to warehouses were devised.                 isakovic@hs­
                       der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. (B.A.H.).             efficiency. In the course of digitalisation,                                                          their warehouse? In the MoLa development                  Another finding is that workers at the opera­
                                                                              patients are increasingly well-informed and                                                           circle “Motivated and powerful in the ware­               tive level in the warehouse area generally                Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard
Photo: Gerhard Riegl

                                                                              wish to become experts in their own healthy                                                           house”, participating companies will put                  enjoy their work. Frustration actually occurs             and Dr. Waibel
                                                                              lives. For all healing professions, this makes       At the beginning of the year, the Chamber        their warehouse performance as well as the                as a result of poor conditions and deficits in
                                                                              it necessary to adapt to partner-like interac­       of Tax Advisors awarded the title “Expert        motivation and health of their employees to               staff leadership at the operative level. Man­
                                                                              tion with patients. The patient management           consultant for international tax law” to Prof.   the test over the next two years and will in­             agement staff therefore have a key role to play.
                                                                              4.0 propagated by Prof. Riegl identifies the         Dr. Jörg Hoffmann for outstanding theo­          troduce and revise suitable motivation meas­
                                                                              self-expertise of patients, on the one hand,         retical and practical knowledge in this field.   ures. The companies will be facilitated and               On 29 June 2018, interested companies took
                                                                              and promotes treatment adherence and                 Only around 1,200 of 84,000 tax advisors in      supported in these methods by three re­                   part in the inaugural meeting of the MoLa
                                                                              holistic supply of medicine with self-medica­        Germany currently hold this title. Congratu­     search partners: the Chair of Work and                    development circle. In this meeting, the par­
                                                                              tion and prescription drugs, on the other            lations!                                         Organisation Psychology at the Friedrich-                 ticipants were asked about their needs in re­
                                                                              hand.                                                                                                 Alexander- University in Erlangen-Nurem-                  lation to motivation of warehouse personnel,
                       Prof. Dr. Gerhard Riegl: Pioneer of patient-oriented                                                        Information: Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann             berg FAU PiA, the research group for                      the concept of the MoLa development circle
                       research in health management.                         Information: Prof. Dr. Riegl                                                                          optimised value creation HSA_ops at the                   was introduced, and the circle was concluded

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Martin Troschke
                       THE LION’S LECTURE HALL 2018                                  Daniel Kempf (PD Ventures) and Stephan            recording of accident circumstances.              EXCURSION TO SORTIMO
                                                                                     Batteiger (Peerigon) evaluate the business
                       It was that time again on 29 June: Students                   ideas and give the students interested in          The university professor and experienced         With a visit to Sortimo, the future industrial
                       at the Augsburg University of Applied                         starting their own businesses tips on imple­       founder Martin Plöckl provided the idea for      engineers of the Augsburg University of
                       Sciences presented their promising start-up                   menting their ideas.                              “The Lion’s Lecture Hall”. The event repre­       Applied Sciences got to know a growing
                       ideas to a top-class jury during “The Lion’s                                                                     sents the highlight and final examination of     company in the region and an interesting
                       Lecture Hall”. As always, the best and most                   On this day, five groups presented their ide­      his “Start­up Thinking” seminar, in which        potential employer. This globally active
                       innovative idea wins! Based on the successful                 as, which were very diverse this year: An app      students are made more aware of the topic        company, with headquarters in Zusmarshausen
                       format “The Lion’s Den” on the TV chan­                       to automatically record the circumstances of       of founding a company and receive the nec­       in Swabia, focuses on transport systems and
                       nel VOX, the students each have 15 minutes                    an accident, a combination of a sleeping bag       essary know-how.                                 interior work of commercial vehicles. The
                       to demonstrate their entrepreneurial spirit.                  and self-inflatable sleeping mat, porridge in                                                       company employs about 1,300 people and
                       University professor Martin Plöckl has as­                    a glass and a kit for a frozen smoothie. Both     Information: Martin Plöckl                        leads the markets it operates in as hidden
                       sembled a top-class “lion jury” made up of                    the business idea and the presentation are                                                          champion. On an invitation from alumnus
                       prominent and experienced founders and in­                    evaluated. Simon Paesler, Jan Uhrig, and                                                            Christian Neher, the group of students were
                       vestors: Georg Achterling (Cancom), Gero                      Steffen Schmid won the first prize, an iPad,                                                        familiarised with the success story of the
                       Gode (Daily­Deal), Alex Jaeg (Robin Zug),                     with their app “Crashmate” for automatic                                                            company by HR manager Martin Troschke
                                                                                                                                                                                         and head of key account management
Photo: Martin Plöckl

                                                                                                                                                                                         Monika Schluff.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Information: Prof. Dr. habil. Kellner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Christian Neher and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kellner (left) with the group of students.

                                                                                                                                                                                         CAREER PATHS PROJECT                             managers were almost celebrities, meaning                    the large international corporations in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          that it is very easy to trace their life journey,            Munich. Other than that, they are just as
                                                                                                                                                                                         Which career path do the Bachelor and            finding suitable data material for the other                 likely as their fellow students in the market­
                                                                                                                                                                                         Master graduates of the Augsburg University      groups was more difficult in some cases and                  ing field to remain in the greater Augsburg/
                                                                                                                                                                                         of Applied Sciences take? What does the          also more time-consuming.                                    Munich region.
                                                                                                                                                                                         typical CV of a member of the board of
                                                                                                                                                                                         management of a DAX/MDAX corporation             First, the CVs of a total of 181 former stu­                 Among HR managers, the gender balance
                                                                                                                                                                                         look like? How does the career path of male      dents who specialised in marketing at the                     is dramatically different: three quarters of
                                                                                                                                                                                         and female top managers differ? What char­       Augsburg University of Applied Sciences                      the positions here are held by men. Different
                                                                                                                                                                                         acterises the career development of a HR         were examined. This specialisation is equally                managers in the HR department in German
                       Martin Plöckl (left) together with the students during the final of “The Lion’s Lecture Hall”                                                                     manager? What characteristics do personnel       popular among men and women and in the                       companies and their CVs were examined
                                                                                                                                                                                         in the HR or marketing department have?          study programmes International Manage­                       during this analysis. This target group pri­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ment (IM) and Business Administration (BW).                  marily studied business administration or
                       SOCIAL COURT: PRACTICAL                                       SOCIAL SKILLS: ADJUNCT                            PSD BANK: NEW CUSTOMER                            These and many other questions were an­                                                                       law at a university and is characterised by
                       LEGAL EXCURSION                                               LECTURER MEETING                                  ACQUISITION                                       swered by the “Career paths” project group       It is notable that IM students with the spe­                 rigorous career development. Over 80%
                                                                                                                                                                                         in summer semester 2018.                         cialisation marketing very rarely go abroad.                 of HR managers have spent their entire pro­
                       In summer semester 2018 in the context of                     At the start of July, a meeting with the ad­      The PSD Bank Munich is a private custom­                                                           Although the female graduates finish their                   fessional life in this field. On average, they
                       their lecture on social insurance law with                    junct lecturers in the field of social skills –   er bank for the region Swabia, Upper and          After dividing up the respective teams and       studies more quickly, the men find a job fast­               changed jobs three times. Men were pro­
                       Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke, the students in the                    rhetoric/presentation, communication psy­         Lower Bavaria with currently around 84,000        defining the criteria to be checked, data        er. Almost one third also have a relationship                moted to their first management position
                       Tax and Accounting Master received the ex­                    chology, management behaviour and ethics          private customers. In the context of the          analysis could begin. The data entered by        to their first employer already through in­                  after an average of eight years, women after
                       traordinary opportunity to go to the Social                   – took place at the Augsburg University of        Marketing, Sales and Media Master, the two        the parties concerned themselves in social       ternships, working student positions or their                an average of ten years.
                       Court in Munich to participate in a hearing                   Applied Sciences. Prof. Dr. Mahena Stief          students Lisa Kegele and Veronika Stich           media, such as Facebook, XING or LinkedIn,       thesis.
                       in which cases relating to social insurance                   provided information on current develop­          developed a concept for customer acquisi­         was analysed.                                                                                                 On 28 June 2018, it was finally time: After
                       obligation are handled. The special aspect of                 ments at the University, digital learning pos­    tion for the PSDBank Munich as an in-depth                                                         Specialisations in the field of human resourc­               many hours of work, the result could be
                       this was that their professor was also the                    sibilities and the training offers of the DIZ     Master project.                                   For the category of top managers, the            es are mainly very popular with women. 78%                   presented. The audience was made up of
                       judge. Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke has been a judge                 Bavaria.                                                                                            company websites, the business report and        of the studied group are female. After gradu­                students and professors of the Augsburg
                       in the 12th Chamber of the Munich Social                                                                        Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manfred        Wikipedia could also be used. While these        ation, the former students are often drawn to                University of Applied Sciences as well as
                       Court for many years. This meant that the                     Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet                     Uhl and Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Kellner, the                                                                                                                     some representatives from the practical
                       students also had the opportunity during the                                                                    Master students produced an excellent project                                                                                                                   realm.
                       hearing to pose questions to the judge her­                                                                     which covered and analysed all relevant topic
                       self, the honorary judges and the associate                                                                     areas such as surrounding area, customer con­                                                                                                                   Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet Presentation of
                       judges. They were very well prepared: In a                                                                      tact points and tonality and adapted them to                                                                                                                    results at
                       so-called “moot court”, a simulated court                                                                       the business model of the regional direct bank.                                                                                                                 Result report under
                       hearing, the students had already taken on                                                                      The identification of target customers, in par­                                                                                                                 Wirtschaft/Personalmanagement.html
                       the role of lawyer and taken part in passion­                                                                   ticular, received a lot of attention. The pres­                                                                                                                 (in German)
                       ate discussions about anonymised court files                                                                    entation to selected management staff at the
                       in the context of the lecture.                                                                                  PSD Bank in Augsburg took place in mid-July.
                                                                                                                                       This project can be considered an example of
                       Information: Prof. Dr. Wicke                                                                                    the intensive cooperation of the Faculty of
                                                                                                                                       Business with the PSD Bank Munich.

                                                                                                                                       Information: Prof. Dr. habil. Kellner             The project team before the final presentation

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

BANK SUPERVISION: VISIT TO                                  In the building, the group were greeted in                  KONRAD KLEINER GMBH & CO. KG:                           HUMAN RESOURCES DIDACTICAL WORKING GROUP
THE ECB                                                     a very friendly way by a host who led them                  GOODS RECEIVING OPTIMISATION
                                                            through the bank’s own visitor centre after                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14 colleagues from seven different Bavarian
On the initiative of Prof. Dr. Anton Frantzke,              a very interesting talk about the European                  In summer semester 2018, goods receiving                                                                                                                                                                                          universities of applied sciences accepted the
students of the “Financial Supervision and                  banking union. The speaker, an employee                     at the Konrad Kleiner GmbH & Co. KG                                                                                                                                                                                               invitation to Kempten to attend the didacti­
Regulation” module with Prof. Dr. Michael                   from the “Sanctions” department, explained                  company in Mindelheim was analysed and                                                                                                                                                                                            cal working group of the DIZ Bavaria. This
Feucht in the International Business and                    in a very insightful manner why even a                      optimised by students of the Augsburg Uni­                                                                                                                                                                                        year’s meeting focused on eLearning. On the
Finance Master programme as well as a for­                  largely harmonised European regulatory                      versity of Applied Sciences. “Lean process                                                                                                                                                                                        first evening, the professors took the oppor­
eign guest student received the opportunity                 framework continuously leads to contradic­                  design is the aim of all companies. The con­                                                                                                                                                                                      tunity to take part in the opening of the
to visit the power centre of the Euro, the                  tory measures in his daily work. The partici­               crete design and implementation of expedi­                                                                                                                                                                                        Institute for Digital Teaching Forms at the
European Central Bank in Frankfurt. The                     pants were positively surprised that the ma­                ent measures often gets lost among opera­                                                                                                                                                                                         Kempten University of Applied Sciences.
students were astonished by the security                    terial they had learned during the semester                 tive business”, says Lisa Kimmich, research                                                                                                                                                                                       The event was organised by the professors
measures: Solid concrete barriers in front                  really can be applied in practice and that                  assistant at the Augsburg University of                                                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Katrin Winkler (Kempten University
of the building that cannot be broken down                  their qualification is sought-after also at the             Applied Sciences and jointly responsible for                                                                                                                                                                                      of Applied Sciences) and Dr. Erika Regnet
with vehicles. And, in the building, everyone               ECB.                                                        the student project “Optimisation of goods                                                                                                                                                                                        (Augsburg University of Applied Sciences).
is checked at least as intensively as at the                                                                            receiving processes”. An example of this is
airport – including backpack inspection and                 Information: Prof. Dr. Feucht                               Konrad Kleiner GmbH, which recognised                                                                                                                                                                                             Information: Prof Dr. Regnet
metal detectors.                                                                                                        the importance of optimum flows of goods                The Bavarian HR professors at the Kempten University of Applied Sciences.
                                                                                                                        and sees a need for action particularly in the
                                                                                                                        handling of receiving goods at the company.
                                                                                                                        Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Michael
                                                                                                                                                                                CONTINUING EDUCATION | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019
                                                                                                                        Krupp, the students first analysed the exist­
                                                                                                                        ing informational and physical goods receiv­
                                                                                                                        ing processes at the company in order to
                                                                                                                        visualise the situation on location. Following                                                                                                                                  In-house seminars                                 Target group: Specialist and management
                                                                                                                        this, process images were developed in order                                                                                                                                    The range of in-house training courses            staff from sales, marketing and product
                                                                                                                        to illustrate the current state of the receiving                                                                                                                                comprises seminars on all business                management as well as project and
The students with professors Dr. Anton Frantzke and Dr. Michael Feucht in front of the ECB Tower.                       goods situation and illustrate relationships                                                                                                                                    administration and legal topics. These are        department leaders for research and
                                                                                                                        between the individual process levels. The                                                                                                                                      individually planned and conducted in             development
                                                                                                                        first irregularities resulted from this and                                                                                                                                     cooperation with the customers – also in
EVERY YEAR: SEMINAR WITH ASSOCIATES                                                                                     were prioritised and worked out in consul­                                                                                                                                      English. Overview of topics (in German)           Controlling
                                                                                                                        tation with the company. This process had                                                                                                                                       under              The next certificate course in Controlling
For the twelfth time, students of the Faculty               This year, speakers were the IBF Master                     the aim of identifying areas of activity and                                                                                                                                    Inhouse-Firmenseminare.html.                      is scheduled to start in March 2019. It
of Business were guests at the Hotel am                     graduate Rafael Glas from KPMG, Dr.                         developing measures that the company can                   Sought-after personalities keep learning                                                                                                                               comprises a total of 14 seminar days.
Badersee in Grainau. Dean Prof. Dr. Michael                 Alexander Büchel, member of the board of                    use for itself. The results of the ambitious               throughout their lives. Many employers in                                                                            Seminars                                          Target group: Specialist and manage­
Feucht, Prof. Wolfgang Hauke, Dean of                       the Cooperative Association of Bavaria, Dr.                 and highly dedicated project were presented                the region are concerned with securing                                                                               Compact individual seminars on current            ment staff from all company departments
the Faculty of Business at the Kempten                      Wolfgang Seel, member of the board at the                   in the company on 20 June 2018 and provid­                 and retaining specialist staff. The Faculty                                                                          issues are very suitable for obtaining new        who want to improve or refresh their
University of Applied Sciences, and Werner                  VR Bank Neu­Ulm and Erika Henger, Co­                       ed to the satisfied contact partners.                      of Business provides support for vocatio­                                                                            know-how and quick updates in the event           know-how in the area of controlling
Schartel from the Cooperative Association                   operative Association of Bavaria, Goods and                                                                            nal training after graduation in a number                                                                            of changes. These seminars take place             and company control due to increased
of Bavaria had once again planned a chal­                   Services Department. In addition to very                    Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard                 of ways.                                                                                                             at the Technologiecentrum Westbayern              responsibility within the company.
lenging and entertaining two-day programme                  interesting talks, the evening discussions at               and Dr. Waibel                                                                                                                                                                  (Technology Centre West Bavaria, TCW),
for selected students and the accompanying                  the Seestüberl restaurant and the wonderful                                                                                                                                                                                                 the university-at-institute in Nördlingen.        Information and registration under
professors Dr. Anton Frantzke and Dr.                       accommodation in the hotel of course also                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Tobias Peylo, as well as Rainer Schaid-                     contributed to a memorable experience.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Current seminars:
nagel, Vice-President of the Cooperative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                •• 8/9 November Employment law for
Association of Bavaria.                                     Information: Prof. Dr. Feucht                                                                                                                                                                                                                  supervisors (RA Armin Holnaicher)              Contact partner in Augsburg:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        •• 20 November Workshop on retaining              Prof. Dr. Erika Regnet, coordinator for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           specialist staff: Keeping and retaining        continuing education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           specialist and management staff (Prof.         Faculty of Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Erika Regnet)                              Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          An der Hochschule 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Course information (in German) under              86161 Augsburg, Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tel. +49 (0)821 5586-2921

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Certificate courses                               Contact partner in Nördlingen:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Part-time, compact certificate courses have       Manuela Jenewein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a modular structure and can be booked flexi­      Weiterbildungszentrum Donau-Ries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bly. They extend over a year. It is possible      Technologie Centrum Westbayern GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to obtain a university certificate in addition.   Emil-Eigner-Str. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          86720 Nördlingen, Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Start: Oktober 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                              Laufzeit: Oktober 2018 bis Juli 2019                              Technologie Centrum Westbayern GmbH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Product management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Emil-Eigner-Straße 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tel. +49 (0)9081 5586-151
                                                                                                                                                                                              Module auch einzeln buchbar!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                86720 Nördlingen
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grundlagenkompetenz „Produktmanagement“
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Instrumentekompetenz für Absatz- und                          Weiterbildungszentrum Donau-Ries
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Technologie- und Innovationskompetenz                         Tel. 09081 8055-100,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        119/20 November “Tool competence for    
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rechtliche Kompetenz, inhaltliche Schnittstellenkompetenz     Telefax 09081 8055-151
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quantitative Kompetenz                              ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Projektmanagementkompetenz                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Persönliche Kompetenz
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Konzeptionskompetenz für das Produktlebenszyklus-Management   1. Auflage 2018,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        marketing and corporate communication”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Änderungen vorbehalten
                                                                                                                                                                                              Abschlusszertifikat der Hochschule Augsburg                       Titelbild © Yuri Arcurs -

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hauke, Werner Schartel, Prof. Dr. Tobias Peylo, Prof. Dr. Anton Frantzke, Dr. Alexander Büchel, Rainer Schaidnagel, Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht, Erika Henger                                                                                                                           (Prof. Dr. Manfred Uhl).
and Dr. Wolfgang Seel (from left to right)

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg
COMPETENCE | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019                                                                                                                                                                  GUESTS | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2018 / 2019

                                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Matthias Leo
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ROADS TO SUCCESS:                                                                                                                     goals and capabilities and “recognise your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo: Mahbuba Maqsoodi
  LAW EXPERT GROUP                                                                                                                                                                                             DR. MAHBUBA MAQSOODI                                                                                                                  own limits” as it is not possible to “carry two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     watermelons in one hand”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The women’s office at the University
                                                                                                                                                                                                               organises presentations and discussions                                                                                               The next lecture in the “Roads to Success”
                                                                                                                                                                                                               with interesting women several times a year.                                                                                          series will take place on 6 November 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                               On 10 April 2018, the University welcomed                                                                                             at 18:00 in room J1.19. Christa Weigl-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr. Mahbuba Maqsoodi who described                                                                                                    Schneider is the speaker at this lecture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               her long regional and personal path in her                                                                                            She is a lawyer and feminist and works for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               book “Der Tropfen weiß nichts vom Meer”                                                                                               number of voluntary projects. For example,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (“The Drop Knows Nothing About the Sea”).                                                                                             she is the vice-chairwoman of “Der Paritä­
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Afghanistan, the Russian Academy of Arts,                                                                                             tische in Bayern” (“Parity in Bavaria”) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               asylum, and working as a self-employed art­                                                                                           spokesperson of the “Parité in den Parla­
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ist in Germany are some of the topics she                                                                                             menten” (“Parity in the Parliaments”) action
                                                                                                                                                                                                               writes about.                                                                                                                         group.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dr. Maqsoodi’s positive attitude and energy                                                                                                  You can participate in these events free of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        impressed the audience. Her values and                                                                                                       charge and male students are, of course, also
                                                                                                                                                                                                        principles are reflected in her life journey:                                                                                                welcome. We would ask you to register by
                                                                                                                                                                                                       “Work and never give up”, even if the cir­                                                                                                    sending an e-mail to frauen@hs­
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cumstances are still difficult and there are                 „Wie heißt deine Angst?“ („What is the name of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                        setbacks. You should also be aware of your                   fear?“) by Dr. Maqsoodi.                                                        Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet

                                                                                                                                                                                                               GIRL POWER

                                                                                                                                                                                                               On 25 June 2018, six women came to Augs­              Applied Sciences as an employer, and out­
                                                                                                                                                                                                               burg as part of a several-day girl power trip.        lined the measures and progress made to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               During her presentation entitled “A valued            attract and keep female employees. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                               colleague, but dispensable manager”, Prof.            University was just one stop on their trip.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr. Erika Regnet discussed obstacles in the           They also visited Fujitsu Technology Solu­
                                                                                                                                                                                                               workplace and society. During the subse­              tions for a discussion with Vera Schneevoigt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               quent discussion, effective and less effective        who is Senior Vice President and also re­
                                                                                                                                                                                                               approaches in companies were identified.              cently selected as one of the “25 women who
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Legal requirements, anonymised applica­               are revolutionising our economy”. Further
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Maunz, Prof. Dr. Micha Bloching and Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke (from left to right)                                                                                                             tions, quotas, compulsory targets with in­            stops along the way were the archdiocese
                                                                                                                                                                                                               centives and penalties, and the use of the            of Munich where they listened to a talk held
                                                                                                                                                                                                               logib procedure for monitoring pay trans­             by the equal opportunities officer, Katharina
                                                                                                                                                                                                               parency were deemed particularly effective            Dötsch, and the Bavarian parliament where
Which study programmes include                                 his supervisory board activity to use in his    a judge in Munich. Seven years later, she                                                       measures. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Coenenberg,             they attended a presentation held by Dr.
law?                                                           practice-oriented teaching.                     moved from general courts to social courts.                                                     women’s representative at the Faculty and             Simone Strohmayr of the SPD.
The Law expert group is present in all Bach­                                                                   Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke is an expert in Euro­                                                     deputy women’s representative of the Uni­
elor and Master study programmes at the                        Prof. Dr. Felicitas Maunz was employed in a     pean, social and business administration law.                                                   versity spoke about Augsburg University of            Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet                                                   Girl power at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty. In addition, Prof. Dr. Micha Bloch­                   large international law firm for many years     Her research specialisations include legal
ing and Prof. Dr. Felicitas Maunz chair the                    before moving to the legal department of        tech start-ups as well as start-ups and digi­
examination boards for the Bachelor pro­                       ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG. After four years       talisation in the social benefits field.
grammes Business Administration and Inter­                     working in one of the largest media compa­                                                                                                      INDIA: MARKET ENVIRONMENT                             as part of their sales lecture. Andrea                                          SALES: THE MAGICAL TRIANGLE
national Management. Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke                     nies in Europe, she successfully set up her     Are there practical projects for                                                                FACTORS                                               Rössler, speaker on intercultural compe­                                        OF CUSTOMER SERVICE
is a member of the examination board for                       own law firm. She has been a Professor of       students?                                                                                                                                             tence and expert on India, was invited
the Master programme Tax and Accounting.                       Law at the Faculty of Business since 2013.      The range of practical projects is very varied:                                                 Students of the Business Administration               by Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Kellner to hold                                       Sales is an exciting field. Business Adminis­
                                                               Her specialisations include competitive,        It extends from excursions to the European                                                      Bachelor programme enjoyed a very special             a highly impressive presentation on the sub­                                    tration students realised this during an
Which professors teach the subject                             trade mark, data protection and media law.      institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg and                                                     guest presentation with impressive pictures           continent of India. She focused on market                                       interesting presentation held by Alexander
of law and what professional experi-                           Prof. Dr. Felicitas Maunz also teaches the      to the German parliament or the German                                                                                                                environment factors and their relevance for                                     F. Sragner, longstanding chairman of
                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Andrea Rössler

ence do they have? Is there special                            subject “Basics of self-organisation for stu­   Federal Labour Court, to visits to different                                                                                                          international business operations, and spoke                                    the board of directors at Vodafone Kabel­
expertise?                                                     dents”, which is intended to make things        media companies such as Sky and UFA, all                                                                                                              about natural conditions, various religions,                                    deutschland Kundenservice GmbH. He
Prof. Dr. Micha Bloching has been a profes­                    easier for students starting their studies.     the way to participating in general meetings,                                                                                                         history, the position of the woman, child                                       spoke about the magical triangle of customer
sor at the Augsburg University of Applied                                                                      such as the Patrizia Immobilien AG general                                                                                                            labour and the recent economic boom in                                          service – the tense relationship between
Sciences since 2004. Before this, he worked                    Prof. Dr. Julia Wicke came to the Augsburg      meeting this semester. A project on digital                                                                                                           India. She also gave a vivid account of the                                     costs, customer satisfaction and sales in call
as a lawyer and tax advisor in Munich for                      University of Applied Sciences in 2013. Be­     start-ups in the social benefits field is also                                                                                                        importance of the family, hierarchical struc­                                   centres. In particular, he highlighted factors
many years, most recently at a large interna­                  fore taking on a teaching position, she was     offered.                                                                                                                                              tures and different concepts of time, which                                     that can ensure high-quality customer
tional law firm. At the Faculty of Business,                   public prosecutor at the Juvenile Criminal                                                                                                                                                            often lead to conflicts between Indians and                                     service.
he teaches German and international private                    Court in Munich. She gained additional pro­                                                                                                                                                           Europeans.
commercial law and employment law. Prof.                       fessional experience as administrative lawyer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Information: Prof. Dr. habil. Kellner
Dr. Micha Bloching can put his many years                      at the Zentrum Bayern für Familie und                                                                                                                                                                 Information: Prof. Dr. habil. Kellner
of experience from consulting practice for                     Soziales (Bavarian Centre for Family and                                                                                                        Andrea Rössler, speaker on intercultural competence
corporate and insolvency law as well as from                   Social Matters). In 2003, she was appointed

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

                        PERFORMANCE ON A FRIDAY                            of questions on this topic. Mader, senior          of contracts, all procedures must be firmly in    16TH AUGSBURG HR DAY:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Ulrike Tielemann
                        MORNING                                            advisor for Compensation & Benefits at the         place and transparent for all parties involved.   PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT AND TALENT MANAGEMENT
                                                                           entire ADAC group spoke about his wide
                                                                           range of experience during his career. As a        The students also focused on certain topics       The Augsburg HR day is a well-established        attention spans. Whether it is web-based
Photo: Christof Mader

                                                                           mechanical engineer, which is quite exotic in      during the discussion: How does health            platform for discussing new developments         training or micro-learning, emotional stimu­
                                                                           the field of human resources, he has worked        affect employee performance? Should the           and networking with HR experts from the          li are essential. Karsten Mehrtens and Dr.
                                                                           in many areas of the automobile industry.          medical condition of employees already            region.                                          Kohn used examples to demonstrate how
                                                                           For example, he worked on the introduction         be taken into consideration in personnel                                                           competences can be developed using auto­
                                                                           of the Single Status Pay Agreement (ERA)           planning? How do managers influence the           This year, the 16th HR day held on 25 July       matic learning path calculations based on
                                                                           for over 15,000 employees, employer brand­         performance of their employees? Discus­           2018, was based on the topic of “Personnel       test results. The learning nuggets that are
                                                                           ing and the establishment of company-wide          sions based on these questions highlighted        Development and Talent Management”.              then used are usually media recordings of
                                                                           remunerations systems.                             once again that workplace issues such as cost     Prof. Dr. Erika Regnet launched the event        15 to 20 minutes that may also incorporate
                                                                                                                              pressure and ethical issues are also person­      with facts, figures and data highlighting that   playful elements.
                                                                           He reported on the cooperation with works          nel-related topics.                               40 percent of the employees interviewed are
                                                                           councils and trade unions, and outlined                                                              not satisfied with talent management in their    Following this, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH was
                                                                           knowledge that cannot be imparted through          At the end of the day, performance manage­        companies and every second employee does         used as an example of a systematic process        Karsten Mehrtens at the 16th Augsburg HR Day
                                                                           theory alone. When discussing the legal reg­       ment is a balancing act: How do you reward        not receive further training. This represents    for talent management. It is all about discov­
                                                                           ulations, the students realised the complexity     employees without the idea that rewards           a significant difference compared with Scan­     ering, nurturing and retaining high poten­        semester. Prof. Dr. Sarah Hatfield was the
                                                                           of the field they will work in if they pursue a    for achievements are unnegotiable? What           dinavian countries, which are far more ad­       tials. The speaker was Christian Stelzmüller,     moderator for the afternoon.
                                                                           career in personnel management. The figure         degree of distance do you need from an            vanced in this area. The cultural background     head of Personnel Development and Train­
                                                                           70,000 - the number of collective agreements       employee for successful evaluation? What          of the various offerings should also be criti­   ing at the Dillingen site. The guest speaker      The 17th HR day is planned for 2 February
                                                                           in Germany - demonstrated how vast the             is the best way to combine quantitative and       cally reviewed.                                  shared his initial experience with the partici­   2019 on the topic of “Personnel Marketing
                                                                           field of remuneration is. And we haven’t           qualitative indicators? It will never be possi­                                                    pants in relation to the self-marketing of        as an Opportunity to Ensure Skilled Work­
                                                                           even mentioned the employees not covered           ble to find the perfect balance, which is why     Presentations on new forms of learning           employees in the form of add-ons in digital       ers”. National and international strategies
                                                                           by collective agreements.                          negotiations and discussions on remunera­         such as “The Future of Learning in an            personnel files. Employees could even apply       and measures, either new or already tried-
                                                                                                                              tion models will always be necessary. But as      Age of Digitalisation” by Prof. Dr. Katrin       for a comprehensive, two-day, competence          and-tested, will be collected, presented and
                        Christof Mader                                     The topics of how individual performance-          Christof Mader has shown us: The tasks of a       Winkler (Kempten University of Applied           development workshop by submitting pitch          discussed.
                                                                           related payments or collective profit-sharing      personnel expert cannot be set in stone and       Sciences) and “Nuggets of Learning as a          videos showing why they are the right ones
                                                                           will shape the future, and how the require­        may often vary greatly. And it is even possi­     Component of the Digitalisation of Educa­        for the next step.                                Information: Profs. Dr. Hatfield and Dr. Regnet
                                                                           ments for performance and achieving goals          ble to work productively and make new find­       tion” by Karsten Mehrtens (Munich) and
                        What variable compensation models exist,           have changed over the years gave the stu­          ings on a Friday.                                 Dr. Werner Kohn, managing director of            Workplaces are also affected by the ageing
                        how can they be introduced in a way that           dents an insight into the past and future of                                                         VIWIS GmbH, were also on the agenda.             of society. Skilled workers and management
                        is beneficial to both the employee and the         personnel work in the field of performance.                                                                                                           staff have specific expectations and ideas for
                        employer, and which models actually result         One thing is certain: Only when manage­                                                              Prof. Winkler noted that at the moment,          their future careers. This is why Prof. Dr.
                        in improved employee performance? On               ment and HR staff have a relationship of           Infos: Prof. Dr. Hatfield                         technologies are driving forward new ways        Erika Regnet finished off by outlining the
                        the morning of 22 June, Christof Mader,            trust can developed systems actually work.                                                           of learning and the challenge is to arouse       first key findings from the “Best Agers”
                        guest lecturer in the Performance Manage­          When push comes to shove, in the case of                                                             interest among the participants using suita­     study that she carried out in cooperation
                        ment advanced course, answered a number            activity shortfalls, warnings or termination                                                         ble content and to meet the needs of shorter     with borisgloger consulting in the summer

                        AGILITY IN THE SEMINAR ROOM                        This happens, for example, if agility is seen as                                                                                                                                                        At the end of her visit, the students were
                                                                           being the same as spontaneity and if individu­                                                                                                                                                          shown a clip from Siemens, Bosch and
                        The ‘Agile Methods’ seminar took place in          al team members are removed from projects                                                                                                                                                               Daimler. These companies have recently
                        the summer semester for the first time and         on short notice, which leads to a lack of pro­                                                                                                                                                          experimented with the new “working out
                        was led by Wolfram von Bremen and Prof.            ductivity and is contrary to the actual goals                                                                                                                                                           loud” agile method. This method is applied
                        Dr. Sarah Hatfield. With a topic like this, you    of agile work methods. The belief that teams                                                                                                                                                            for one hour at a time in addition to pro­
                        expect certain work methods during the semi­       should organise themselves in an agile man­                                                                                                                                                             cessing time over a period of 12 weeks. This
                        nar itself. Quite a lot of time was devoted to     ner is also a widespread misunderstanding.                                                                                                                                                              method could also be considered for small,
                        experiencing agile methods such as sprint          Teams work well if clear rules and roles have                                                                                                                                                           cross-functional teams at KUKA. We’re
                        simulations, time boxing and design thinking       been outlined and are adhered to.                                                                                                                                                                       excited to find out how it works.
                        exercises first hand. On the last of the four
                        dates, Susanne Köpf, an agile coach at             The students took the opportunity to ask the                                                                                                                                                            Information: Prof. Dr. Hatfield
                        KUKA AG was a guest lecturer. She spoke            speaker about how agile work methods are
                        about her personal and practical experiences       used at KUKA and to find out how the com­
                        and gave the students an insight into her          pany deals with difficulties that may arise
                        main task of promoting an agile mindset            when trying to achieve an agile corporate cul­
                        within the company.                                ture. It became very clear that working with
                                                                           agile methods is a continuous process and
                        Staying with this topic, two students held a       requires constant reminding and fine tuning
                        presentation about agile anti-patterns on the      to achieve the desired results. Susanne Köpf
                        same day. They spoke about the consequences        gave further insights into how she always
                        of focusing too much on individual agile prin­     encourages this during management training
                        ciples and, therefore, neglecting other aspects.   courses.

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg

LOGISTICS EXPERTS                                                       tres of the Bavarian Employers’ Association                ded in the large-scale research project on      ALUMNI MEETING: GOOD SPIRITS DESPITE TORRENTIAL RAIN                                                              FURTHER EDUCATION “LOGIS­
OF THE FUTURE                                                           in Nuremberg and the SCS project group                    “Transparency in Production Processes”                                                                                                                             TICS PROCESS DEVELOPER”
                                                                        from the Fraunhofer Institute all collabo­                 (TRiP). Renowned companies and various          The third alumni meeting of the Faculty                     wards. Following a sunny start, the barbeque
“We want to bring a breath of fresh air into                            rated with the HSA_ops of Augsburg Uni­                    research institutes from the region are         of Business took place on 8 June 2018. 60                   in the courtyard between the W and M                   The part-time certificate degree programme
 logistics” say Lisa Kimmich and Philipp                                versity of Applied Sciences as part of the                 working on this project to fully exploit the    graduates and a few professors met for a                    buildings had to be called off due to torren­         “Logistics Process Developer” began once
 Gruber from the Research Group for                                     LogiPICs project.                                          unlocked potential of digitalisation. Sensor    champagne reception in front of the Patrizia                tial rain and the guests had to move to the            again this semester. This one-year further ed­
 Optimised Value Creation – HSA_ops.                                                                                               and process data is gathered and evaluated      auditorium on the ground floor of the W                     canteen. But this didn’t stop the guests from          ucation course is aimed at ambitious logistics
                                                                        Philipp Gruber is also a member of the                     in a structured manner. By applying various     building. Following a short welcome from                    reminiscing until late in the evening. Save            specialists with practical experience and aims
Kimmich is in her third semester of the                                 HSA_ops research group. His research                       algorithms, patterns should be identified       the dean, Prof. Dr. Hariet Köstner present­                 the date: The next alumni meeting will take            to provide the students with in-depth knowl­
Master of Applied Research at Augsburg                                  focuses on the digitalisation of production                that allow the prediction of errors, which      ed the results of this year’s graduate survey.              place on 7 June 2019.                                  edge of process management and optimisa­
University of Applied Sciences and is also                              and logistics processes. His topic is embed­               in turn prevents machine downtime. The          This gave the participants plenty to talk                                                                          tion. This course focuses on a combination of
working as a research assistant at HSA_ops.                                                                                        structuring and evaluation of data is funda­    about during the relaxed get-together after­                Information. Prof. Dr. Feucht                          theory with practical examples and exercises
To counteract the labour shortage in the                                                                                           mental to the development of digital busi­                                                                                                                         allowing the participants to apply the content
                                                  Photo: Matthias Leo

logistics sector, she is analysing the integra­                                                                                    ness models. Classic products are equipped                                                                                                                         learned during their day-to-day work. In ad­
tion of employees in the logistics sector                                                                                          with additional services and linked using                                                                                                                          dition to university professors, experienced
in her studies. In the LogiPICs research                                                                                           new, digital business models. The addition­                                                                                                                        experts from various areas of logistics have
project, she is contributing to the develop­                                                                                       al service offerings represent new sources                                                                                                                         been employed as adjunct lecturers for this
ment of a universal visual language which                                                                                          of income for the companies that produce                                                                                                                           course. The classes to be attended in person
aims to quickly and effectively train people                                                                                       them. Customers would also have the op­                                                                                                                            are spread out over two semesters and mainly
with language barriers in logistics processes.                                                                                     portunity to reduce high investment costs                                                                                                                          take place on evenings or weekends to cater
In addition to refugees and non-EU citi­                                                                                           using performance-oriented payment models.                                                                                                                         for those in employment.
zens, people who are functionally illiterate
are also part of the target group. These are                                                                                      Curious? You can find further information                                                                                                                           The degree programme, which is in its second
people who have difficulties understanding                                                                                        about the research projects and the Master                                                                                                                          year now, has recorded a significant increase
complex matters although they can read                                                                                            of Applied Research at: www.hs­                                                                                                                         in the number of participants. The director
and write. Companies from the logistics                                                                                           zukunft #HSAzukunft.                                                                                                                                                of studies, Prof. Dr. Florian Waibel says that
sector, the Training and Development Cen­                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             he is “delighted that this course is gaining in
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lively discussions during the third alumni meeting of the Faculty                                                  popularity”. According to Prof. Waibel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “There is definitely a gap between theory and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      practice in logistics, especially in the area of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      process management. This degree pro­
HSA_OPS: TWO PHD STUDENTS AND ONE GRAPHIC DESIGNER                                                                                As part of the TRiP research project, he         PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT:                                       and century project. Personnel, the structure          gramme aims to bridge this gap and provides
IN THE TEAM                                                                                                                       is also analysing agile methods of software      REUNION                                                     of research and teaching to be kicked off in           the students with the required specialist and
                                                                                                                                  development, prospective analysis of mass                                                                    2019, the planned model degree programme,              method knowledge.” The participants in the
Since the middle of 2017, three new re­                                 Philipp Gruber studied Business Adminis­                  data in production and the development of        The XING alumni group “Alumni and                           finances, building work and patients’ needs            first year, who started the course in the winter
search assistants have been supporting                                  tration at the HSA and specialised in Logis­              digital business models.                         Friends of Personnel Management at Augs­                    all have to be coordinated and balanced dur­           semester of 2018 and are now almost finished,
the Research Group for Optimised Value                                  tics & Supply Chain Management and Inter­                                                                  burg University of Applied Sciences” already                ing the day-to-day running of the hospital.            also praised this concept. “In the workplace,
Creation, expanding its service portfolio.                              national Management Studies, as well as                   Marjan Isakovic also studied Business            has 111 members.                                                                                                   we can only benefit from the content taught
                                                                        Sustainable Management & Global Supply                    Administration and specialised in Change &                                                                   In addition to the topic of change and                 here”, says Markus Lutz, managing director
Alexandra Kornacher studied Communica­                                  Chains while studying at The Hague Uni­                   Human Resource Management. On comple­            The personnel experts met up again on 16                    organisation, visiting the 57-metres high              of Eduard Lutz Schrauben­Werkzeug GmbH
tion Design at Augsburg University of Ap­                               versity of Applied Sciences. He then com­                 tion of his studies, he was employed as a        May 2018 following a presentation held at                   helicopter landing pad on the roof of the              and also a participant in the first year of this
plied Sciences. During this time, she special­                          pleted a Master of Applied Research special­              personnel officer in the area of strategic       the Augsburg hospital organised by Ruth                     hospital with a view of construction projects          course.
ised in information design and enhanced                                 ising in Production and Logistics. Digital                personnel development before deciding to         Hintersberger. Dr. Renate Linné, unit                       in the surrounding area was a particular
her knowledge by doing an internship in                                 concepts to optimise production and logis­                return to Augsburg University of Applied         manager at the university hospital, gave a                  highlight.                                            The programme always starts in the winter
the infographics department at the Kircher­                             tics processes paying particular attention                Sciences to do a Master of Applied Research      first-hand account of the status and current                                                                      semester and the deadline for applications is
Burkhardt agency. On completion of this                                 to data-driven process optimisation based                 specialising in “The Human Factor in Digi­       developments in the Augsburg lighthouse                     Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet                         30 June.
programme, she decided to do a Masters                                  on ERP data is at the core of his research.               talisation”. His research focuses on the inte­
in Information Design at the University of                                                                                        gration of humans into digitalised logistics
Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt                                                                                             and production processes. His projects
where she studied the topic of “Intercultural                                                                                     include “MoLa – Increasing Motivation
Communication” in great depth from a                                                                                              of Specialised and Auxiliary Staff in the
design point of view. Her job in the area of                                                                                      Warehouse“ and “LogiPICs – Logistic Pro­
refugee relief at the Youth Welfare Centre                                                                                        cesses in Visual Language“. He also plans to
of Upper Bavaria was also used for research                                                                                       conduct research on employees in a volatile
purposes. Since finishing her studies, she is                                                                                     environment. In addition, his doctoral thesis
also working as a freelance information de­                                                                                       deals with “The Effect of Agile Principles on
signer for MAN Truck&Bus and the Max                                                                                              Employee Satisfaction in Warehouses”.
Planck Institute. As project manager for
graphic design in the “LogiPICs” project,                                                                                         Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard                                                                                                                         Benjamin Reichart, programme coordinator (left),
she is currently working on the design of                                                                                         and Dr. Waibel                                                                                                                                                     and Prof. Dr. Florian Waibel, programme director (right),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     provide information about this programme.
a visual language for warehouse workers.
She specialises in information design, inter­                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
cultural design and service design.

                                                                        Philipp Gruber, Alexandra Kornacher and Marjan Isakovic                                                                                                                        Hospital helicopter landing pad with a view
                                                                        (from left to right)

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BUSINESS Network for digital supply chains - WINTER 2018 / 2019 - Hochschule Augsburg
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