Environmental Factors and Puberty Timing: Expert Panel Research Needs - American ...

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Environmental Factors and Puberty Timing: Expert Panel Research Needs - American ...

Environmental Factors and Puberty Timing: Expert
Panel Research Needs
Germaine M. Buck Louis, PhDa, L. Earl Gray, Jr, PhDb, Michele Marcus, PhD, MPHc, Sergio R. Ojeda, DVMd, Ora H. Pescovitz, MDe,
Selma Feldman Witchel, MDf, Wolfgang Sippell, MD, PhDg, David H. Abbott, PhDh, Ana Soto, MDi, Rochelle W. Tyl, PhDj,
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhDk, Niels E. Skakkebaek, MD, DMScl, Shanna H. Swan, PhDm, Mari S. Golub, PhDn, Martin Wabitsch, MD, PhDo,
Jorma Toppari, MD, PhDp, Susan Y. Euling, PhDq

aEpidemiology Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; bEndocrinology Branch, National

Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina; cDepartment of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia; dDivision of Neuroscience, Oregon National Primate Research
Center-Oregon Health and Sciences University, Beaverton, Oregon; eDepartment of Pediatrics and Cellular and Integrative Physiology, Riley Hospital for Children, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana; fDivision of Endocrinology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; gDivision of Endocrinology,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany; hDepartment of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; iDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; jCenter for Life Sciences and
Toxicology, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; kCHU Sart-Tilman, University of Liege, Belgium; lUniversity Department of Growth and Reproduction,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; mDepartment of Family & Community Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; nOffice of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California; oDepartment of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University of Ulm, Ulm,
Germany; pDepartments of Physiology and Pediatrics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; qNational Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and
Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

Serono Symposia International convened an expert panel to review the impact of
environmental influences on the regulation of pubertal onset and progression while
identifying critical data gaps and future research priorities. An expert panel reviewed                                         www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/
the literature on endocrine-disrupting chemicals, body size, and puberty. The panel
concluded that available experimental animal and human data support a possible                                                  doi:10.1542/peds.1813E
role of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and body size in relation to alterations in                                              The views expressed in this article are
                                                                                                                                those of the authors and do not necessarily
pubertal onset and progression in boys and girls. Critical data gaps prioritized for                                            reflect the views or policies of the US
future research initiatives include (1) etiologic research that focus on environmen-                                            Environmental Protection Agency. Mention
tally relevant levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and body size in relation to                                            of trade names of commercial products
normal puberty as well as its variants, (2) exposure assessment of relevant endo-                                               does not constitute endorsement or
                                                                                                                                recommendation for use.
crine-disrupting chemicals during critical windows of human development, and (3)                                                Drs Buck Louis, Gray, and Marcus
basic research to identify the primary signal(s) for the onset of gonadotropin-                                                 contributed equally to this work.
releasing hormone– dependent/central puberty and gonadotropin-releasing hor-                                                    Key Words
mone–independent/peripheral puberty. Prospective studies of couples who are plan-                                               human puberty, puberty timing, breast
                                                                                                                                development, menarche, pubic hair
ning pregnancies or pregnant women are needed to capture the continuum of                                                       development, genital development,
exposures at critical windows while assessing a spectrum of pubertal markers as                                                 endocrine disruptors, body fat
outcomes. Coupled with comparative species studies, such research may provide                                                   Accepted for publication Sep 5, 2007
insight regarding the causal ordering of events that underlie pubertal onset and                                                Address correspondence to Germaine M. Buck
progression and their role in the pathway of adult-onset disease.                                                               Louis, PhD, Epidemiology Branch, Division of
                                                                                                                                Epidemiology, Statistics and Prevention
                                                                                                                                Research, National Institute of Child Health
                                                                                                                                and Human Development, 6100 Executive
                                                                                                                                Blvd, Room 7B03, Rockville, MD 20852. E-mail:

I   N LIGHT OF an increasing body of evidence supporting environmental influences on
   pubertal onset and progression in contemporary birth cohorts, an expert panel met
during and after the Serono Symposia International’s “The Role of Environmental
                                                                                              PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
                                                                                              Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2008 by the
                                                                                              American Academy of Pediatrics
Factors on the Onset and Progression of Puberty” to identify research priorities for
delineating the impact of environmental influences on children’s pubertal experi-
ences. An expert review of available animal, clinical, and epidemiologic data was undertaken and synthesized for
identifying critical data gaps that are relevant for prioritizing a multidisciplinary research agenda. For purposes of this
article, the environment is defined as the sum of all external conditions that affect life, development, and survival of
an organism (www.epa.gov/ocepaterms/eterms.html). By extension, an environmental factor is defined as a non-

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Regulation of human puberty onset and progression via
the HPG and the HPA axes. The key regulatory changes
that occur for the initiation and progression of puberty in
boys and girls are shown. The HPG activation requires sig-
naling from the central nervous system (CNS) to the hy-
pothalamus. The hypothalamus releases GnRH, which in
turn stimulates the production of LH and FSH from the
pituitary. LH and FSH activate the gonad to produce sex
hormones, which in turn initiates pubertal changes in
many of the target organs. The HPA activation requires
signaling from the CNS to the hypothalamus. The hypo-
thalamus releases adrenocorticotropin releasing hor-
mone (CRH) that in turn stimulates the production of ad-
renocortical tropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary.
ACTH activates the adrenal cortex to produce andro-
stenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) that in
turn initiates armpit hair, pubic hair, and skin changes.
Androgen action is also considered to be part of the initi-
ation of armpit and pubic hair development. Positive (⫹)
and negative (⫺) indicate stimulatory and inhibitory sig-
nals and “⫹/⫺” in the CNS indicates a combination of
excitatory and inhibitory neuronal signals.

genetic factor; however, for purposes of brevity and                                during childhood. Puberty is marked by the reactivation
consistent with the weight of evidence regarding envi-                              of the HPG axis manifested by an increase in frequency
ronmental influences on puberty, this review focuses on                             and amplitude of gonadotropin releasing hormone
endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and body size in                              (GnRH) pulses in the hypothalamus, leading to a rise in
relation to puberty timing. An in-depth discussion of the                           pulsatile secretion of the gonadotropins LH and FSH
literature cited in this article is beyond the scope of this                        from the anterior pituitary. Gonadotropin release stim-
article, but key study aspects are summarized in accom-                             ulates the gonads. In girls, such maturation of reproduc-
panying tables.                                                                     tive neuroendocrine function eventually leads to the
                                                                                    onset of ovulatory menstrual cycles. Appropriate gonad-
REGULATION OF NORMAL PUBERTY ONSET AND                                              otropin regulation of ovarian function results in ovarian
PROGRESSION IN HUMANS AND ANIMALS                                                   follicle secretion of ovarian androgens from theca cells
Puberty is the period of transition from childhood to                               and estradiol from granulosa cells before ovulation and
adolescence and is marked by the development of sec-                                secretion of progesterone from the corpus luteum and
ondary sexual characteristics, accelerated growth, be-                              estradiol after ovulation. In boys, LH initiates the secre-
havioral changes, and eventual attainment of reproduc-                              tion of androgens (testosterone and androstenedione)
tive capacity. Available approaches for the assessment of                           from the testicular Leydig cells. Such onset of gonadal
pubertal onset and progression have recently been re-                               endocrine function is termed gonadarche. The initial
viewed,1 including the use of Tanner stages2,3 for female                           molecular triggers of puberty onset remain unknown,
breast and pubic hair development and male gonadal                                  although genetic and environmental factors are sus-
and pubic hair development. Menarche is also an impor-                              pected.
tant marker used for assessing puberty in girls. Biochemical                           Puberty is also associated with an independent phys-
markers for female puberty onset and progression include                            iologic event, adrenarche, or adrenal activation, that
assaying elevations in reproductive hormones (eg, lutein-                           typically occurs between 6 and 8 years of age in both
izing hormone [LH], follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH],                             genders. Adrenarche leads to pubarche, the secondary
17␤-estradiol, inhibin A and B) before the onset of physical                        sexual changes including pubic hair development, acne,
signs (eg, Tanner breast development stage 2). Other mat-                           and body odor. Adrenarche is marked by increased 17␣-
urational markers, such as bone age determinations (radio-                          hydroxylase (17,20 lyase) activity of the P450c17 en-
graph of left wrist) and ultrasonographic assessment of                             zyme and increased cytochrome b activity resulting in
ovarian and uterine volume, can be used.                                            increased dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandros-
    Puberty changes occur as a consequence of the acti-                             terone sulfate, and androstenedione production. These
vation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis                             initial hormonal increases rise over time, resulting in a
and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The                                  cumulative dosage of androgens. Adrenarche is a strictly
HPG axis is under the control of both inhibitory and                                primate phenomenon.4 Although little information is
stimulatory mechanisms, as illustrated in Fig 1. In the                             available, there is some evidence that adrenarche occurs
human, the HPG is active in the midfetal, neonatal, and                             before puberty in chimpanzees and during the neonatal
early infancy periods but becomes relatively quiescent                              period in rhesus macaques and baboons.5

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Recently, much has been learned about the central              been identified, gene(s) upstream that provide the initial
mechanisms underlying the initiation of mammalian pu-             trigger of puberty timing remain largely unknown. The
berty. Rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans have                integrated use of genomics and proteomics using trans-
been and remain the main species used to study the basic          genic rodent models, nonhuman primates, and humans
components and regulatory hierarchies that control the            with alterations in the onset of puberty is beginning to
process of puberty. Traditionally assessed pubertal onset         uncover some of the common evolutionary conserved
end points in rodents include the age of male preputial           molecular components that are used by the neuroendo-
separation (PPS), an androgen-mediated event, and, in             crine brain to control GnRH secretion and, in turn, the
females, the age of female vaginal opening (VO), an               initiation of puberty in both rodents and higher pri-
estrogen-mediated event. Age at first estrus is an end            mates.20–23 An example is the homeodomain gene TTF1,
point used to assess completion of the pubertal process in        a transcription factor that was recently shown to be
females because it occurs the day after the first preovu-         involved in the neuroendocrine control of both primate
latory surge of gonadotropins.6 Some studies have as-             and rodent puberty.24 In addition, recent findings sug-
sessed the age of breast cell differentiation events in the       gest that structural remodeling of GnRH neurons may
mouse and rat.7,8 Estrogen-mediated pubertal events               play a key role in the onset of puberty.25
that occur in nonhuman female primates include men-                   Although the initiating trigger(s) for pubertal onset is
arche, sex skin swelling and reddening, and nipple                unknown for rodents, nonhuman primates and humans,
growth.9,10 Epiphyseal closure and cessation of long bone         earlier molecular markers have been identified, such as
growth also have been assessed.11 In male monkeys,                the newly described kisspeptin-GPR54 regulatory sys-
increases in testicular volume indicate onset of male             tem. Humans who carry mutations of the GPR54 recep-
puberty and reflect both gonadotropin- and testoster-             tor22,23 and mice that lack this receptor23,26 each fail to
one-mediated events.12 Measurement of changes in tes-             reach puberty, indicative that activation of this signaling
ticular size seems to be a reliable, noninvasive procedure        complex is essential for pubertal onset. Peptides that are
to detect the initiation of puberty in both human and             produced by peripheral tissues, such as leptin and insu-
nonhuman primates.13                                              lin-like growth factor 1, seem to be more important in
   In addition to differences in the time frame, progres-         maintaining pubertal progression rather than in its ini-
sion, and phenotypic landmarks of puberty,14 there is a           tiation despite that insulin-like growth factor 1 has been
fundamental difference in the neuroendocrine process              reported to accelerate pubertal initiation in rodents and
that controls the initiation of puberty in rodents versus         monkeys (reviewed by Ojeda and Terasawa18).
primates. In rodents and sheep,15 GnRH secretion is                   Understanding the mechanisms underlying the initi-
maintained at low levels during juvenile development              ation, progression, and regulation of normal human pu-
by strong steroid inhibitory control, whereas a similar           berty is essential for assessing the effect(s) of EDCs on
reduction in GnRH secretion is achieved in primates               human development. With limited empirical popula-
(including humans) by central mechanisms that operate             tion-based data, it is important to consider other sources
independent of gonadal regulatory inputs.16,17 Thus, data         of data, such as those that arise from clinical populations.
indicate that the peripubertal regulation of the GnRH-            Although external validity may be limited from these
releasing system is a more centrally controlled process in        data sources, useful information about potential cause is
primates than in rodents that exhibit “gonadal” control           possible.
of GnRH secretion. Despite this operational difference,
the pubertal activation of GnRH release in rodents and
                                                                  CLUES FROM CLINICAL RESEARCH THAT SUPPORT
primates is initiated and regulated by similar excitatory
                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES
and inhibitory pathways, providing input to GnRH neu-
                                                                  A number of clinical conditions offer clues regarding the
rons (reviewed by Ojeda and Terasawa18 and Ojeda and
                                                                  influence on environmental factors, such as nutrition
Skinner6). These inputs include both trans-synaptic and
                                                                  and body size, on puberty. In fact, a recent clinical report
glia-to-neuron communication pathways. As neuronal
                                                                  attributed topical application of lavender and tea tree oils
networks that use excitatory amino acids and the newly
                                                                  to gynecomastia in prepubescent boys on the basis of in
discovered kisspeptin peptide for neurotransmission or
                                                                  vitro evidence supporting their weak estrogenic and
neuromodulation become activated, there is a concom-
                                                                  anti-androgenic activities.27 A brief overview of environ-
itant reduction in the activity of those neurons using the
                                                                  mental influences follows in relation to precocious pu-
inhibitory neurotransmitters ␥ amino butyric acid and
                                                                  berty, delayed puberty, and polycystic ovary syndrome
opioid peptides for transsynaptic communication. In ad-
dition to this neuron-to-neuron flow of information,
several trophic molecules have been identified as com-
ponents of the cell– cell signaling process used by glial         Precocious Puberty
cells to regulate GnRH secretion. Prominent among                 Precocious and delayed puberty in humans can have a
these regulatory systems is a signaling complex that uses         genetic and/or environmental cause. Precocious puberty
epidermal growth factor–like ligands and members of               is defined herein as the development of secondary sex-
the epidermal growth factor receptor family for glia-to-          ual characteristics before 8 years of age in girls and boys.
neuron communication (reviewed by Ojeda et al19). Al-             Precocious puberty can be classified into “central,” or go-
though some gene products that are involved in glia and           nadotropin-dependent, precocious puberty; “peripheral,”
neuronal communication to regulate puberty onset have             or gonadotropin-independent, precocious puberty; or

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combined. Examples of genetic forms of peripheral pre-              the National Institutes of Health definition to include 2
cocious puberty are McCune Albright syndrome in girls               of 3 of the following: (1) clinical or biochemical evidence
and testotoxicosis (or familial male precocious puberty)            of hyperandrogenism; (2) intermittent or absent men-
in boys.                                                            strual cycles; and (3) polycystic ovary morphology as
   Premature thelarche and premature adrenarche may                 visualized by ultrasound.
be regarded as partial forms of precocious puberty, in                  Puberty timing is altered in some girls with PCOS,
which the full spectrum of pubertal changes is absent               dependent, in part, on androgen secretion/exposure and
and only specific changes occur.28 Premature thelarche is           nutritional status. Premature pubarche has been re-
usually slowly progressing or even self-limiting but can            ported among some but not all girls with PCOS and is
occasionally transform into overt central precocious pu-            believed to arise from increased adrenal androgen secre-
berty. Although not precocious puberty, per se, prema-              tion secondary to premature adrenal pubertal matura-
ture breast development and gynecomastia after expo-                tion in the absence of other known causes (eg, CAH,
sure to estrogen-containing products have been reported             androgen-secreting tumors, Cushing syndrome). Andro-
in girls and boys, respectively, with reversal on cessation         gen concentrations are elevated for chronologic age but
of the exposure.29–33                                               appropriate for the stage of pubic hair development.
                                                                    Skeletal maturation may be normal or slightly advanced.
                                                                    The presence of insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia,
Pubertal Delay
                                                                    dyslipidemia, exaggerated GnRH-stimulated ovarian
Delayed puberty, defined as the absence of breast devel-
                                                                    thecal cell androgen secretion in the early stages of pu-
opment by 13 years of age in girls or testicular volume
                                                                    berty, and subsequent development of hyperandrogenic
⬍4 mL by 14 years of age in boys, can occur as a result
                                                                    chronic anovulation during the later stages of puberty
of primary hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction or pri-
                                                                    suggest that premature pubarche is related to the devel-
mary gonadal failure. The most common cause of pu-
                                                                    opment of PCOS.36 In addition, the age at menarche is
bertal delay is constitutional, representing a transient
                                                                    typically ⬃6 months earlier in girls with PCOS than in
delay in sexual development that is a variant of normal.
                                                                    unaffected girls.37
Permanent hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may occur
                                                                        The relation between PCOS and adult-onset diseases
as an isolated hypothalamic-pituitary deficiency (eg,
                                                                    is now recognized. For example, girls and women with
Kallman’s with or without cleft lip and/or palate) and
                                                                    PCOS are at increased risk for developing impaired glu-
may be associated with a variety of molecular genetic
                                                                    cose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes in comparison
defects. All are congenital anomalies that are associated
                                                                    with unaffected women; however, the clinical manifes-
with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies, not just
                                                                    tations of hyperandrogenemia (anovulation, hirsutism,
those that affect puberty onset. Not all cases of delayed
                                                                    acne, and androgenic alopecia) differentiate PCOS from
puberty have a known genetic cause, such as those that
                                                                    type 2 diabetes and obesity. Obese adolescent girls with
arise from head trauma or infection. Primary gonadal
                                                                    PCOS have greater insulin resistance than obese girls
failure is associated with hypergonadotropism and is
                                                                    without PCOS.38 In PCOS, IGT, and type 2 diabetes,
caused by numerous congenital or acquired disorders
                                                                    impaired metabolic activity leads to suppression of insu-
with a genetic (eg, gonadal dysgenesis, Klinefelter syn-
                                                                    lin-mediated glucose uptake and lipolysis, leading to
drome, molecular genetic defects of the steroidogenic
                                                                    compensatory hyperinsulinemia.
pathway, galactosemia) or environmental cause (eg, go-
                                                                        Potential mechanisms underlying PCOS include (1)
nadotoxic chemotherapy [alkylating chemotherapy im-
                                                                    early origins or in utero programming stemming from
pairs spermatogenesis but rarely affects Leydig cell func-
                                                                    exposures during critical windows of development,39
tion], radiotherapy, surgery). Autoimmune disorders
                                                                    (2) LH hypersecretion, (3) primary ovarian abnormal-
can cause delayed puberty through 2 different mecha-
                                                                    ity, (4) dysregulation of fat metabolism and adipogen-
nisms: hypogonadotropic hypogonadism as a result of
                                                                    esis, and/or (5) dysregulation of the inflammatory
hypophysitis or primary gonadal failure as a result of
                                                                    axis. Data arising from girls who present clinically
autoimmune gonadal destruction.
                                                                    with CAH40 and nonhuman female primates that are
                                                                    exposed in utero to androgens39,41,42 are suggestive of
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome                                           prenatal programming of gonadotropin secretory dy-
PCOS is a common heterogeneous disorder that affects                namics and PCOS. Women with CAH and PCOS have
5% to 10% of reproductive-aged women. Insulin resis-                accelerated episodic release of LH and increased hy-
tance/hyperinsulinemia occurs in 50% to 60% of PCOS-                pothalamic release of GnRH.40
affected women compared with a prevalence of 10% to                     The persistence of the hyperandrogenic phenotype in
25% in the general population. Criteria for diagnosing              cultured theca cells derived from women with PCOS
PCOS vary and were defined by the 1990 National In-                 suggests the possibility of a primary ovarian abnormality
stitutes of Health–National Institute of Child Health and           in PCOS43 possibly with an in utero origin.44 Investiga-
Human Development conference as including chronic                   tion into the mechanism(s) responsible for insulin resis-
anovulation and hyperandrogenism (including acne,                   tance in type 2 diabetes has suggested that abnormalities
hirsutism, and male pattern baldness) after exclusion of            in fatty acid uptake and use lead to increased plasma free
other disorders, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia             fatty acid concentrations followed by ectopic fat storage
(CAH), hypercortisolism, and hyperprolactinemia.34 The              in skeletal muscle and liver; this aberrant fat storage
more recent “Rotterdam criteria” for PCOS35 expanded                (lipotoxicity) alters insulin signaling, insulin metabo-

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lism, and pancreatic ␤-cell insulin secretion, leading to           some natural products such as isoflavonoids, flavonoids,
the development of insulin resistance with compensa-                stilbenes, lignans, equol, and phytoestrogens (eg,
tory hyperinsulinemia. Oxidative stress may also con-               genistein, daidzein, coumestrol, 8-prenylnaringenin,
tribute to the development of insulin resistance. Activa-           resveratrol). Gestational and lactational maternal oral
tion of the NF-␬B/I␬B-␣/IKK-␤ pathway, a major                      exposure to dosages as low as 25 mg/kg per day me-
pathway for inflammatory processes, by free fatty acid              thoxychlor resulted in an earlier age of VO and first
provides a potential link among coronary artery disease,            estrus in the female rat.51 This was found to be pseudo-
type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and PCOS.45 Familial           precocious rather than true precocious puberty because
clustering of IGT, type 2 diabetes, and PCOS suggests a             VO was accelerated but the onset of estrous cyclicity was
role for genetic determinants of this metabolic pheno-              not affected. Similarly, prenatal subcutaneous injections
type or in utero events such as decrements in fetal                 of BPA,52,53 genistein,53 resveratrol,53 zearalenone,53 or
growth as measured by reduced birth size.46 The hetero-             DES53 accelerated VO in mice. Although prenatal oral
geneity of PCOS may account for the lack of candidate               exposure to BPA did not significantly accelerate the age
genes identified to date.47                                         at VO or first estrus in either the rat or mouse, prenatal
                                                                    oral treatment of mice with BPA significantly reduced
                                                                    the number of days between VO and first vaginal es-
                                                                    trus.54 When female rats were exposed after weaning
Consistent with our definition, environmental factors
                                                                    throughout puberty to xenoestrogens like methoxy-
are defined to include both EDCs and body shape and
                                                                    chlor51 or 17 beta estradiol,56 early puberty onset was
adiposity. Consistent with the focus of the workshop,
                                                                    induced as measured by age at VO in the female rat.55 In
this review focuses on single chemicals by mode of ac-
                                                                    addition, prenatal BPA exposure resulted in altered mat-
tion. A more comprehensive review describing the tox-
                                                                    uration of the mammary gland at puberty and increased
icology of puberty in rodents is found elsewhere.48,49
                                                                    sensitivity to endogenous estrogens.7
Last, this review urges caution in assessing an individual
                                                                        Androgen receptor (AR) antagonists (also called an-
pubertal marker given the highly interrelated and time-
                                                                    drogen antagonists) compete with natural hormones
dependent nature of pubertal onset and progression as
                                                                    testosterone and dihydrotestosterone for binding to the
orchestrated by gonadal hormones under the control of
                                                                    AR. Thus, a decrease in binding between the natural
gonadotropins. In the presence of exogenous endocrine-
                                                                    ligand and receptor occurs, which in turn inhibits AR-
active agents, pubertal markers can be independently
                                                                    dependent gene expression in vivo. AR antagonist ex-
induced or blocked so that they are not necessarily in
                                                                    posure in vivo can induce malformations in male repro-
synchrony with centrally regulated pubertal maturation.
                                                                    ductive tract and delay puberty in the male rat. AR
For example, peripubertal exposure to the gonadotropin
                                                                    antagonists include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides,
agonist Lupron and the estrogenic agent diethylstilbestrol
                                                                    toxic chemicals, and combustion byproducts. HPTE has
both delayed menarche in monkeys, but other markers of
                                                                    also been shown to act as an AR antagonist.57 Peripuber-
puberty were delayed or accelerated depending on the
                                                                    tal exposure to the AR antagonists methoxychlor or
agent.9,50 Therefore, the relative timing of all puberty-onset
                                                                    vinclozolin led to a delayed puberty in males as mea-
markers is the most informative, which argues for a com-
                                                                    sured by the age of PPS in the rat.51,58
plete pubertal assessment and related deviations in lieu of
                                                                        Conversely, AR agonists (also called androgen ago-
extreme categorization such as precocious puberty.
                                                                    nists) compete with the endogenous hormones testos-
                                                                    terone and dihydrotestosterone for AR, leading to an
Animal Studies                                                      increase in AR-DNA binding in vitro and AR-dependent
A summary of selected examples of single environmen-                gene expression in vivo. Such environmental androgen
tal chemicals whose exposure at specific dosages may                contaminants induce malformations in the female repro-
lead to puberty-timing alterations is presented in Table            ductive tract59,60; accelerate male puberty in the rat61; and
1. This table is organized by mode of action (MOA).                 have been associated with the masculinization of female
Estrogen receptor (ER) agonists (also called estrogen               fish in the United States, Sweden, and New Zealand.62
agonists or estrogens) and ER antagonists compete with                  Other receptors, including orphan receptors, are the
the endogenous estrogen hormones estradiol and es-                  targets of certain environmental agents. The environ-
trone for binding to the classical ER. Such agonists and            mental chemical 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
antagonists bind to the ER and activate or repress, re-             (TCDD) has 1 of the best-characterized MOAs, binding
spectively, transcription of ER-dependent genes and                 to the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor that in turn ini-
thereby enhance or diminish estrogenic activity in vivo             tiates Ah-dependent gene expression changes. Even low
(eg, induce uterine weight increase/decrease, accelerate/           dosages of TCDD in utero can lead to gene expression
delay puberty). After in utero exposure to a potent es-             changes and malformations in the reproductive tract in
trogen agonist, gross reproductive malformations may                rodents.63–67 Ah receptor ligands other than TCDD include
result in female rats, presumably by altering the devel-            other polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and some polychlo-
opment of reproductive organs that are responsive to                rinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers,
estrogen action. Examples of estrogen agonists that are             and pesticide contaminants as well as the pesticide metho-
present as environmental contaminants include 2,2-                  prene, a juvenile hormone agonist. Exposure to TCDD in
bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (HPTE), a                utero caused delayed puberty in male and female rats as
metabolite of the pesticide chemical methoxychlor, and              measured by an older age at acquisition of PPS and VO,

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TABLE 1 Examples of Published Studies of Chemical Exposures With Puberty-Timing Effects in Animals
           MOA                         Chemical                 Species,              Treatment Interval                          Effects (at Dosages)                   Reference(s)
ER agonist                       E2                        Rat, female            Peripubertal                       Early VO (2 and 4 mg/kg per d)                Marty et al56 (1999)
ER agonist                       DES                       Rhesus monkey,         Peripubertal                       Early sex skin swelling and reddening;        Golub et al50 (2003)
                                                             female                                                     delayed nipple growth; completely
                                                                                                                        suppressed menarche; increased serum
                                                                                                                        estrogen activity (0.5 mg/kg per d)
ER agonist                       BPA                       Mice, female           In utero                           Increased lateral branching at 3 mo (25       Munoz de Toro124 (2005)
                                                                                                                        and 250 ng/kg per d)
ER agonist                       BPA                       Mice, female           In utero                           Pregnancy stage–like mammary gland            Markey et al7 (2001)
                                                                                                                        differentiation (25 and 250 ng/kg) at
                                                                                                                        PND 10, 1 mo, 6 mo
ER agonist                       BPA                       Mice, female           In utero                           Reduced interval between VO and first          Howdeshell et al54
                                                                                                                        vaginal estrus (dose)                        (1999)
ER agonist and AR                Methoxychlor              Rat, female and        Peripubertal                       Female: early VO and first estrus (25, 50,     Gray et al51 (1989)
   antagonist                                                male                                                       100, 200 mg/kg per d); VO was
                                                                                                                        accelerated, but first estrus was not; F1
                                                                                                                        exposed in utero and lactation but not
                                                                                                                        directly; VO acceleration noted
                                                                                                                        Male: delayed PPS (100 and 200 mg/kg
                                                                                                                        per d)
ER agonist and AR                Methoxychlor              Rhesus monkey,         Peripubertal                       Early sex skin swelling and reddening;        Golub et al50 (2003)
   antagonist                                                female                                                     delayed nipple growth and menarche;
                                                                                                                        increased serum estrogen activity (25 or
                                                                                                                        50 mg/kg per d)
AR antagonist                    Vinclozolin               Rat, male              Peripubertal                       Delayed PPS (30 and 100 mg/kg per d)          Monosson et al58 (1999)
AR antagonist                    p,p⬘-DDE                  Rat, male              Peripubertal (PND 22–55)           Delayed PPS at 100 mg/kg per d                Ashby and Lefevre118
AR antagonist                    p,p⬘-DDE                  Rat, male              Peripubertal (PND 22–55)           Delayed PPS at 30 and 100 mg/kg per d         Kelce et al116 (1995)
Ah agonist                       TCDD                      Rat, female            in utero                           Delayed VO and decreased/incomplete           Gray and Ostby66 (1995);
                                                                                                                       mammary epithelial differentiation             Gray et al64 (1997);
                                                                                                                       (0.8–1.0 ␮g/kg per d)                          Fenton et al8 (2002)
Aromatase inhibitor              Fadrozole                 Rat, female            Peripubertal                       Delayed VO (0.6, 1.2, and 6.0 mg/kg per d)    Marty et al56 (1999)
Steroidogenesis inhibitor        Ketoconazole              Rat, female            Peripubertal                       Delayed VO (100 mg/kg per d)                  Marty et al56 (1999)
Steroidogenesis inhibitor        Prochloraz                Rat, male              Peripubertal                       Delayed PPS (125 mg/kg per d)                 Blystone et al73 (2007)
CNS-HPG; reduces LH              Atrazine                  Rat, male              Peripubertal                       Delayed PPS (12.5, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg/      Stoker et al48,68 (2000)
   and prolactin                                                                                                       kg per d)
CNS-HPG; reduces LH              Atrazine                  Rat, female            Peripubertal                       Delayed VO (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg per d)      Laws et al69 (2000)
   and prolactin
GnRH agonist                     Leuprolide acetate        Rhesus monkey,         Prepubertal                        Blocked menarche; delayed body growth         Golub et al9 (1997)
                                                             female                                                     (weight and height); decreased muscle
                                                                                                                        mass; increased serum IGF-1 (0.75 mg/
                                                                                                                        kg per month)
E2 indicates 17␤ -estradiol; DES, diethylstilbestrol; CNS, central nervous system; PND, postnatal day; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor 1.

respectively,64–67 and a delayed or incomplete differentia-                                            tricular preoptic area at 22 to 24 days of age (prepuber-
tion of mammary epithelium.8                                                                           tal), an important brain region that regulates estrous
    Some environmental chemicals affect puberty via                                                    cyclicity and estrogen-positive feedback.71
MOAs that are involved in the central nervous system/                                                      Chemicals that inhibit the synthesis of endogenous
HPG axis, altering brain, hypothalamic, and/or pituitary                                               hormones (eg, testosterone, 17␤-estradiol, adrenal ste-
function via direct interactions with the central nervous                                              roids) typically do so by competitively inhibiting the
system neuroendocrine function. These include the pes-                                                 activity of ⱖ1 P450 steroidogenic enzymes. The predom-
ticides thiram, molinate, metam sodium, chlordime-                                                     inant effects are mediated through the steroidogenic
form, amitraz, triazoles, dichloroacetic acid, atrazine,                                               enzymes cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme, steroid
propazine, simazine, methanol, and linuron. Prepubertal                                                17,20 lyase, and aromatase (which converts androgens
exposure to atrazine causes delayed puberty in the male                                                to estrogens). Some affect estrogen synthesis preferen-
and the female, as evidenced by an older age at acqui-                                                 tially over testosterone or adrenal hormones, and others
sition of PPS68 and VO,69 respectively. The modes of                                                   affect adrenal and liver function. Examples of environ-
action for atrazine’s reproductive effects include puberty                                             mental and pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors include
timing and a reduction in circulating LH and prolactin.70                                              conazole and imadazole fungicides (eg, prochloraz, fe-
Perinatal exposure of mice to BPA results in a decrease of                                             narimol, ketoconazole, fadrozole). Peripubertal expo-
tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in the rostral periven-                                                   sure to the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole at dosages as

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low as 0.6 mg/kg per day led to a delayed VO in female             pubic hair development compared with unexposed girls or
rats.56 Peripubertal exposure to 100 mg/kg per day of the          girls who were not breastfed. There was no association
steroidogenesis inhibitor ketoconazole also led to a de-           found with Tanner stage of breast development.
layed VO.56 The MOA of prochloraz is the inhibition of                 Various studies have evaluated pubertal development
aromatase72 and 17,20 lyase73,74 apparently directly in-           among children who were exposed to DDT and its pri-
hibiting steroidogenesis of estrogens and androgens. Pro-          mary metabolite DDE. Two studies specifically assessed
chloraz also delays puberty in male rats.73 The MOA of             developmental exposure (in utero and/or postnatal via
the fungicide chemical ketoconazole is inhibition of side-         lactation) within a cohort. Gladen et al97 conducted a
chain cleavage enzyme (SCC), progesterone, and adre-               prospective cohort study of boys and girls who resided in
nal steroid synthesis. The MOA of many phthalate es-               North Carolina in relation to DDE concentrations that
ters, including diethylhexyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate,         were previously measured in the mothers’ serum, cord
and benzyl butyl phthalate, is to inhibit fetal testis Leydig      serum, and the placenta (averaged for in utero expo-
cell steroidogenesis and insl3 synthesis, leading to male          sure). Concentrations in breast milk also were deter-
developmental and reproductive system malformations                mined (lactational exposure). Puberty-timing measures,
(eg, retained nipples, reduced or absent reproductive or-          Tanner stages (boys and girls), and menarche were as-
gans, undescended testes, hypospadias, delayed PPS) with           sessed by annual questionnaires. For boys, no associa-
in utero exposure and delays in puberty with peripubertal          tion was observed for either in utero or lactational DDE
exposure.75 Administration of phthalates during puberty to         exposure. Among girls, there was no association with
marmosets induced ovarian and uterine alterations in fe-           age at menarche; however, there was a suggestion of an
males and reduced peripubertal testosterone levels in              association of higher in utero or lactational exposure and
males76; however, the effect on androgen levels was not            earlier breast and pubic hair development that was not
significant because of the extreme variability in this mea-        statistically significant. Vasiliu et al98 also evaluated in
sure in this species.                                              utero exposure to DDT/DDE that was estimated using a
                                                                   decay model based on maternal measurements among
Human Studies                                                      daughters of a Michigan angler cohort. The authors ob-
Many human studies have shown a positive relation
                                                                   served a significantly earlier menarche among girls with
between body fat, primarily measured by BMI or skin-
                                                                   an increased in utero exposure. Specifically, menarche
fold thickness, and onset of puberty, as determined by
                                                                   was 1 year earlier for every 15-␮g/L increase in in utero
the onset of the growth spurt, breast development, or
                                                                   exposure. No association was seen with breastfeeding
menarche.77–84 Similar findings are observed in boys as
                                                                   and age at menarche.
measured by growth spurt or genital and pubic hair mat-
                                                                       Several additional studies evaluated DDT/DDE expo-
uration.81,85–87 Body size measures also have been associ-
                                                                   sure in childhood using various designs. Krstevska-Kon-
ated with early puberty,82,86,88 as have dietary and physical
                                                                   stantinova et al99 measured DDE concentration among
activity exposures and pubertal timing.79,89–94 Environmen-
tal exposure to persistent halogenated organic chemicals           girls who were born in Belgium compared with those
such as PCBs, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane/dichlorodi-          who were foreign-born. The foreign-born girls had sig-
phenyldichloroethylene (DDT/DDE), and brominated                   nificantly higher levels of DDE that were correlated with
flame retardants have been associated with pubertal alter-         age at immigration and time since immigration than
ations, as have dioxin, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), en-               native-born girls. Other migratory effects have been seen
dosulfan, and heavy metals, but to a lesser extent (Table 2).      in other populations.100 They also estimated the inci-
   The first study to report that timing of puberty was            dence of precocious puberty among native Belgium girls
associated with developmental exposure to persistent               and foreign adopted girls from vital records and adoption
organic pollutants was conducted among a cohort of                 registries and found the rate of precocious puberty to be
individuals who were exposed to brominated flame re-               80 times higher than that for native-born Belgium girls.
tardants.95 An industrial accident resulted in the contam-         Although suggestive, this preliminary study was limited
ination of cattle feed with polybrominated biphenyls and           in size and scope, especially with regard to other differ-
widespread human exposure through consumption of                   ences unaccounted for between the 2 groups of children.
meat and dairy products. Daughters of women who                    Ouyang et al101 studied newly married female textile
consumed contaminated farm products were inter-                    workers in China by measuring serum DDT/DDE con-
viewed or completed a self-administered mailed ques-               centration. Women were asked to recall age at men-
tionnaire. Age at menarche and Tanner stages (for those            arche. A significant dose-response relation was found
who were younger than 18 years) were assessed. Ma-                 between serum DDT/DDE concentrations and earlier
ternal serum levels of polybrominated biphenyl at the              menarche. A 10 ng/g increase in exposure was associ-
time of conception were estimated from a decay model               ated with 0.2 years earlier onset of menarche. Because
using serum concentrations that were measured before               exposure occurred after pubertal development was com-
and/or after the pregnancy.96 Girls who were exposed in            plete, the causal order of exposure-puberty cannot be
utero to high concentrations (ⱖ7 ppb) and who were                 established because pubertal development may have af-
breastfed reported menarche 1 full year earlier than unex-         fected the metabolism/distribution of DDT or other be-
posed girls (⬍1 ppb, the limit of detection) or girls who          haviors that influenced DDT exposure. Denham et al102
were exposed in utero but not breastfed. Breastfed girls           conducted a cross-sectional study among girls who were
with high in utero exposure also reported more advanced            aged 10 to 17 years and resided in the Mohawk Nation

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TABLE 2 Human Studies That Assessed Associations Between Environmental Chemical Exposures and Puberty Timing
   Chemical Exposure         Population (Sample Size)                  Study Design                            Findings                        Reference
Brominated flame             US, Michigan girls aged 5–24,    CS/C; assessment of Tanner stages     Earlier menarche and pubic hair      Blanck et al95 (2000)
   retardant (estimated       accidental in utero and/or       in female offspring; recalled age      development among girls
   maternal serum PBB at      lactational exposure (327)       at menarche in postmenarchal           highly exposed in utero and
   conception)                                                 offspring                              breastfed; no association
                                                                                                      with breast development
DDE (maternal blood, cord   US, North Carolina boys and      C; assessed menarche, Tanner          Boys: no association; girls:         Gladen et al97 (2000)
  blood, and placenta         girls (594)                       stages by annual questionnaire        suggestion of earlier breast
  averaged; breast milk)                                                                              and pubic hair development
                                                                                                      with high transplacental and
                                                                                                      with high lactational
DDE (serum)                 Girls with precocious puberty:   CS; serum DDE compared                Foreign-born girls with              Krstevska-Konstantinova
                               foreign-born girls (26);        between foreign-born and               precocious puberty had               et al99 (2001)
                               Belgium girls (15)              Belgium girls; all had                 significantly higher DDE
                                                               precocious puberty                     concentration than native
                                                                                                      Belgium girls with
                                                                                                      precocious puberty.
DDE (estimated maternal     US, Michigan daughters of        C; recalled age at menarche           Higher DDE associated with           Vasiliu et al98 (2004)
  serum DDE at                women who consumed                                                      earlier menarche.
  conception)                 Great Lakes fish (151)
DDT/DDE (serum in           Chinese female textile           CS; recalled age at menarche          Higher DDT/DDE associated            Ouyang et al101 (2005)
  adulthood)                  workers, newly married                                                 with earlier menarche
DDE (serum)                 US/Canada Mohawk Nation,         CS; menarche (yes/no)                 No association                       Denham et al102 (2005)
                              girls 10–17 (138)
Dioxin-like activity        17-y-old Belgium boys (78)       CS; assessment of Tanner stage by     Boys: no association; girls: girls   Den Hond et al106 (2002)
  (serum; CALUX)              and girls (120) from             examination (boys and girls),         with high exposure were less
                              polluted and nonpolluted         testicular volume (boys),             likely to have reached the
                              areas                            recalled age at menarche (girls).     highest stage of breast
                                                                                                     development; no association
                                                                                                     with pubic hair development
                                                                                                     or age at menarche.
Dioxin (serum)              Seveso, Italy, women             C; recalled age at menarche           No association; suggestion of        Warner et al108 (2004)
                               exposed postnatally and                                               earlier menarche among girls
                               prepuberty to dioxin                                                  exposed before the age of 5
                               industrial accident (282)
Endosulfan                  India, boys aged 10–17 in        C/CS; Tanner stage by physical        Exposed boys were less mature        Saiyed et al111 (2003)
                               exposed (117) and               examination; serum hormones           and had lower testosterone
                               unexposed (90) areas            and endosulfan levels for 70          and higher LH than
                                                               exposed, 45 unexposed.                unexposed boys
HCB (serum)                 US/Canada Mohawk Nation,         CS; menarche (yes/no)                 No association                       Denham et al102 (2005)
                              girls 10–17 (138)
Lead (serum)                US 8- to 16-y-old girls          CS, assessed age at menarche and      Later pubic hair and breast          Selevan et al112 (2003)
                              NHANES III (2186)                Tanner stages; analyses                development associated
                                                               stratified by ethnic groups             with higher lead among
                                                                                                      blacks and Mexican
                                                                                                      Americans, suggested
                                                                                                      association among non-
                                                                                                      Hispanic whites; later
                                                                                                      menarche associated with
                                                                                                      higher lead among blacks,
                                                                                                      suggested association
                                                                                                      among Mexican Americans
                                                                                                      and non-Hispanic whites
Lead (serum)                US 8- to 16-y-old girls          CS, assessed age at menarche and      Later menarche and pubic hair        Wu et al113 (2003)
                              NHANES III (1706)                Tanner stages                          development with higher
                                                                                                      lead exposure; no association
                                                                                                      with breast development
Lead (serum)                US/Canada Mohawk Nation,         CS; menarche (yes/no)                 Exposure to lead associated          Denham et al102 (2005)
                              girls 10–17 (138)                                                       with lower likelihood of

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TABLE 2 Continued
   Chemical Exposure                  Population (Sample Size)                           Study Design                                    Findings                              Reference
Mercury (serum)                     US/Canada Mohawk Nation,                 CS; menarche (yes/no)                         Suggestion of earlier menarche              Denham et al102 (2005)
                                      girls 10–17 (138)                                                                      with mercury exposure
Mirex (serum)                       US/Canada Mohawk Nation,                 CS; menarche (yes/no)                         No association                              Denham et al102 (2005)
                                      girls 10–17 (138)
PCBs (serum)                        US/Canada Mohawk Nation,                 CS; menarche (yes/no)                         4 potentially estrogenic PCB                Denham et al102 (2005)
                                      girls 10–17 (138)                                                                       congeners (52, 70, 101⫹90,
                                                                                                                              and 187) significantly
                                                                                                                              associated with a greater
                                                                                                                              probability of having
                                                                                                                              reached menarche
PCBs (maternal blood,               US, North Carolina boys and              C; assessed menarche, Tanner                  Boys: no association; girls:                Gladen et al97 (2000)
  cord blood, and                     girls (594)                               stages by annual questionnaire                suggestion of earlier breast
  placenta averaged;                                                                                                          and pubic hair development
  breast milk)                                                                                                                with high transplacental,
                                                                                                                              suggestion of earlier pubic
                                                                                                                              hair development with
                                                                                                                              lactational exposure
PCBs (maternal serum)               US, Michigan girls aged 5–24             CS; assessment of Tanner stages;              No association                              Blanck et al95 (2000)
                                      (256)                                    recall of age at menarche in
                                                                               postmenarchal girls
PCBs (cord blood)                   Faroe Islands boys (175)                 C/CS; genital anomalies at birth,             No significant associations;                 Mol et al103 (2002)
                                                                               examination at age 14 for                     suggestion of higher
                                                                               Tanner stage, testicular size,                testosterone with higher PCB
                                                                               spermaturia, and serum                        exposure
PCBs (serum; congeners              17-y-old Belgium boys (78)               CS; assessment of Tanner stage by             Boys: high exposure to PCB 138              Den Hond et al106 (2002)
  138, 153, and 180)                  and girls (120) from                     examination and testicular                    less likely to have reached
                                      polluted and nonpolluted                 volume                                        highest stage of genital
                                      areas                                                                                  development, high PCB 153
                                                                                                                             less likely to have reached
                                                                                                                             highest stage of pubic hair;
                                                                                                                             girls: no associations
PCBs/PCDFs                          Taiwan, girls aged 13–19                 C; recalled age at menarche,                  No association with age at                  Yang et al104 (2005)
                                       exposed to contaminated                  menstrual cycle characteristics,             menarche; exposed girls
                                       oil (Yucheng) in utero (27)              serum hormones                               reported shorter cycle length
                                       and controls (21)                                                                     and more irregular cycles,
                                                                                                                             exposed girls had higher
                                                                                                                             levels of estradiol and FSH
PCBs/PCDFs                          Taiwan, boys (mean age:                  C/CS; Tanner stages by exam,                  No association with Tanner                  Hsu et al105 (2005)
                                       12.3) exposed to                        testicular size, serum hormones               stage or testicular size; some
                                       contaminated oil                                                                      differences in hormone
                                       (Yucheng) in utero (61)                                                               levels in boys ⱖ13 years
                                       and controls (60)
PCBs (estimated maternal            US, Michigan daughters of                C; recalled age at menarche                   No association                              Vasiliu et al98 (2004)
  serum PCBs at                        women who consumed
  conception)                          Great Lakes fish (151)
PCBs (serum congeners)              US/Canada Mohawk Nation,                 CS; menarche (yes/no)                         Exposure to estrogenic                      Denham et al102 (2005)
                                       girls 10–17 (138)                                                                     congeners (52, 70, 90, 101,
                                                                                                                             187, geometric mean)
                                                                                                                             associated with greater
                                                                                                                             likelihood of menarche; no
                                                                                                                             association with other
                                                                                                                             congener groups
Phthalates (serum)                  Puerto Rico (41 PT cases, 35             Case control                                  Serum phthalate (primarily                  Colon et al109 (2000)
                                      controls)                                                                              DEHP) significantly higher in
                                                                                                                             cases than controls
CS, cross-sectional study; C, cohort study; CS/C cross-sectional assessment within a cohort; CALUX, chemically activated luciferase gene expression; PBB, polybrominated biphenyl; NHANES III, Third
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PCDFs, polychlorinated dibenzo-furans; PT, premature thelarche.

along the United States/Canadian border to assess serum                                             sure and menarche despite the authors’ assumption that
concentrations and self-reported menarchal status (yes/                                             current serum concentrations were indicative of in utero
no). No association was observed between DDT expo-                                                  and lactational exposures, given the long-standing con-

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cern regarding consumption of contaminated fish                      were compared with 35 control girls with regard to
among this population.                                               serum pesticides and phthalate esters. Significantly
   Five studies evaluated developmental PCB exposures                higher phthalate levels were found among the girls with
in relation to pubertal development. Gladen et al97 re-              thelarche than comparison girls. The authors concluded
ported no relation between in utero or lactational PCB               that the findings were suggestive of a possible associa-
exposure and age at menarche among girls. Higher lac-                tion between exposures and premature breast develop-
tational exposure was associated with earlier Tanner                 ment in girls. Interpretation of these findings may be
staging in boys and girls, although the results did not              limited by residual confounding and concerns about the
achieve statistical significance. Mol et al103 established a         analytical method of measuring the phthalate parent
prospective cohort study of boys in the Faroe Islands,               compound instead of the metabolites.110 Saiyed et al111
where PCB levels are known to be relatively high. PCB                found that boys who were exposed to endosulfan in
levels were measured in cord serum and tissue. Boys                  India were less mature and had lower testosterone and
were examined at 14 years of age for Tanner staging,                 higher LH than unexposed boys.
testicular size, spermaturia (sperm in urine), and serum                Three cross-sectional published articles assessed the
hormones. No statistically significant associations were             relation between lead exposure and pubertal measures
found between PCB concentrations and measures of                     using either the Third National Health and Nutrition
pubertal development. A suggestion of a positive associ-             Examination Survey112,113 or the Mohawk Nation
ation between testosterone and PCB exposure was re-                  Study.102 In the Third National Health and Nutrition
ported. Two cohort studies previously described95,98 also            Examination Survey analyses, blood lead levels were
evaluated in utero exposure to PCBs among daughters of               analyzed in relation to age at onset for Tanner stage 2 for
women who were exposed. Neither study found an as-                   breast and pubic hair and menarche among US girls aged
sociation between PCB exposure and age at menarche.                  8 to 18 years.113 Selevan et al112 estimated odds ratios for
Last, Yang et al104 and Hsu et al105 described no pubertal           lead levels in relation to progression of puberty (stages
developmental differences among boys or girls with and               2–5) among girls. Combined, these studies suggested an
without exposure to PCB- and polychlorinated dibenzo-                inverse relation between blood lead levels and the onset
furan– contaminated cooking oil.                                     and progression of puberty in girls, especially for sub-
   Two cross-sectional studies of PCB exposure have                  groups within the population. An association also was
been conducted. Den Hond et al106 measured PCB con-                  found between higher blood lead level and delayed
geners in a sample of boys and girls who were aged 17                menarche, but this association was statistically signifi-
years and recruited from 1 of 2 exposed areas in Belgium:            cant only for black girls. The cross-sectional analysis
residence near a lead smelter or waste incinerator or a              among Mohawk nation girls also found later puberty
referent rural area. Puberty timing was measured using the           among girls with higher lead exposures than girls with
Tanner staging as a part of a physical examination. Odds             lower exposure.
ratios were estimated for PCB concentration and odds for
being in a puberty stage that indicated that puberty was not         Cross-species Concordance of Pubertal Timing Effects
yet complete (ie, lower than stage 5). Exposed boys had              Most chemicals have not been consistently studied in
completed pubertal development later, because odds ratios            both animals and humans, with a few notable excep-
for higher PCB exposures (for both specific congeners and            tions. Even when such research is available for a partic-
total PCBs) were associated with stage ⬍5 for genital and            ular chemical, interpretation is exceedingly challenging
pubic hair development. Because this study evaluated 17-             given issues pertaining to dosage and timing of exposure
year-olds, it is not clear whether puberty began later or the        and limited measurement of other relevant covariates.
peripubertal duration was longer. No pubertal delays were            When such data are available (eg, TCDD, lead, DDE,
seen in girls with PCB exposure. Among Akwesasne Mo-                 PCBs, estrogens), similar findings tend to be observed
hawk Nation Girls, exposure to a group of 4 potentially              across species. For example, pharmaceutical estrogens
estrogenic PCB congeners (52, 70, 101 ⫹ 90, and 187) was             (eg, diethylstilbestrol, ethinyl estradiol) are the best ex-
associated with a significantly greater likelihood of having         amples of accelerated female breast development in hu-
reached menarche.102                                                 mans, but the effect tends to be reversible and isolated
   Two studies assessed childhood exposure to dioxins                from other pubertal effects.29,30–33 This is similar to the
and puberty. Den Hond et al106 measured dioxin-like                  effects of estrogen exposure in the female rat56 and the
activity with the chemically activated luciferase gene               monkey, which cause pseudoprecocious or dysregulated
expression assay107 and reported an association with                 puberty markers.50 In male humans, pharmaceutical
Tanner stage ⬍5 breast development; however, pubic                   agents that are used to halt early puberty also cause
hair stage in boys and girls and genital stage in boys was           similar effects in male rats. In the rat, in utero TCDD
not significantly associated with dioxin-like activity.              exposure resulted in delayed puberty as measured by a
Warner et al108 examined pubertal development among                  late age of VO and a delayed or incomplete differentia-
girls who were exposed postnatally or during childhood               tion of mammary epithelium.8 Similarly, Den Hond et
to dioxin in Seveso, Italy. TCDD was not associated with             al106 reported an association between high dioxin blood
age of menarche (self-reported at interview). None of                levels and later completion of breast development. This
the women was exposed prenatally.                                    cross-species concordance may indicate that the Ah recep-
   Colon et al109 studied phthalate esters exposure and              tor agonism is active across species. For developmental lead
premature thelarche. Forty-one girls with thelarche                  exposure, animal and human studies both show a delay in

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TABLE 3 Research Recommendations for Focusing on Environmental Influences on Puberty
                       Priority Research Questions                      Recommended Studies                      Recommended Species
                  Etiologic Research
                     1. Are environmental levels of EDCs    Prospective epidemiologic research inclusive of    Humans
                        affecting onset and progression        existing cohort currently being followed (eg,
                        of puberty and aberrant                Seveso, Yucheng, Yusho, PBB, DES
                        pubertal development such as           grandchildren) or newly designed
                        delayed or precocious puberty          epidemiologic research capturing
                        in children?                           environmentally relevant exposures (single
                                                               chemical and mixtures)
                                                               Cross-sectional studies for monitoring
                                                               population changes particularly across
                                                               geographic areas and inclusive of high-risk
                                                               subgroups of the population
                     2. Do body shape and adiposity         Prospective epidemiologic research inclusive of    Humans
                        affect onset and progression of        existing cohort currently being followed
                        puberty and aberrant pubertal          (eg, Seveso, Yucheng, Yusho, PBB, DES
                        development such as delayed or         grandchildren) or newly designed
                        precocious puberty in children?        epidemiologic research capturing
                                                               environmentally relevant exposures (single
                                                               chemical and mixtures)
                                                               Cross-sectional studies for monitoring
                                                               population changes particularly across
                                                               geographic areas and inclusive of high-risk
                                                               subgroups of the population
                  Critical windows of exposure
                     3. What are the critical windows,      Prospective research comprising couples            Humans and nonhuman
                        ranging from periconception            attempting pregnancy to capture parentally        primates
                        through adolescence, for human         mediated exposures from periconception
                        pubertal development in                window to prospective pregnancy cohorts
                        relation to environmental              Research focusing on the early origins of
                        exposures?                             human health and disease
                     4. What is the primary signal(s) for   Genomics and proteomic studies using               Nonhuman primates and
                        the onset of GnRH-dependent           nonhuman primates and humans with                  humans
                        (central) puberty?                    alterations in the onset of puberty
                     5. What is the primary signal(s) for   Genomic and proteomic studies using                Rodents
                        the onset of GnRH-independent         transgenic rodent model.
                        (peripheral) puberty?
                     6. What is the molecular basis for     Identifying the similarities and differences in    Rodents, nonhuman primates
                        sexual dimorphism in puberty           molecules involved from puberty initiation
                        onset and progression?                 to final outcome (described in 4 and 5) in
                                                               males and females
                     7. How is the tempo of puberty         Environmental exposure and puberty-timing          Rodents, nonhuman primates,
                        progression including the              studies that measure ⬎1 puberty-timing            humans
                        temporal relationship among            end point/outcome.
                        the different markers regulated?

pubertal development,112–115 suggesting a similar mecha-                           ture of compounds to which humans are exposed. Much
nism for rodents and humans. P,p⬘-DDE exposure in “for-                            of the data are derived from cross-sectional studies,
eign-born” girls was associated with earlier puberty relative                      which are unable to establish the causal ordering of
to native-born Belgians99 and, possibly, increasing DDE in                         environment in relation to puberty. To this end, timing
utero exposure with earlier puberty in girls97,98; however,                        and dose at critical windows of human development
no animal studies of DDE exposure and female puberty                               have not been purposefully assessed. Other relevant co-
timing were identified, limiting additional interpretation of                      variates such as lifestyle, genetic determinants, and
the human data. In male rats, peripubertal DDE exposure                            other xenobiotics in the chemical mixture have not been
delays PPS,116–118 although no relation to lower exposures                         well studied, if at all, in the context of EDCs.
was found in boys after in utero DDE exposure.97
   The weight of animal and human data, although sug-                              RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS
gestive, remains inconclusive for establishing a causal                            The panel was asked to make research recommendations
relation between EDCs and human pubertal distur-                                   that are responsive to critical data gaps regarding pur-
bances. As reviewed, much of the available literature                              ported environmental factors that may adversely affect
focuses on a single chemical or class, ignoring the mix-                           puberty, to prioritize research initiatives including meth-

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